• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,055 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

14) Cat 'n the Hat

"Twilight? Twilight my dear, where have you gotten to? I have an emergency!"

Twilight heard a familiar voice but, still being half asleep, couldn't quite pinpoint whom it belonged to. The dream was heavy on her eyes, not allowing her to open them. But a sudden shriek of pain coming from the draconequues woke her up in an instant; she jumped right out of the bed in panic, took a moment to regain her composure and looked around wildly. Discord was wailing, swirling through the air, hitting the ceiling and the walls with a heavy thud. His apparently painful flight finally ended once he smashed into one of the bookshelves, much to Twilight's horror.

"My books!" She shrieked as she trotted down the stairs, sleep completely forgotten, in process almost knocking over Spike, who just like her tried to get down to see what was causing all the racket.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine! You don't have to worry about me, save the books!" Twilight heard Discord yelling sarcastically as he got out of the huge pile of her literature, apparently struggling with something. To her surprise, a few feet away from him stood Rarity, gasping, wincing and yelling out something incoherent.

"Help! Oh, for the love of Chaos, help!"

"Stop it, you ruffian! You'll hurt her!" Rarity bellowed but Discord kept squirming and wrestling with whomever was bothering him.

"Hurt whom?!" Twilight questioned in fear, wondering what did Discord do to anger anypony. Finally, as she focused her mind on magic, she used it to separate Discord from... "Opal?!"

"Oh, my little baby!"

"I'm going to smite that little furry-"

"Discord, no!" Twilight warned, using her magical shield to stop Discord from launching at Rarity's cat - Opal didn't seem terrified by the angry, raging Spirit as she hissed, trying to probe the shield with her short, sharp claws.

"Opal! Down darling!" Rarity said sternly, her words not affecting the cats' behavior at all. Once the agitated Spirit settled down a bit and Rarity dragged her cat from him, Twilight lowered the shield. They still eyed each other dangerously.

"Rarity, you needed me?" Twilight asked, finally realizing it was Rarity's voice that called for her before.

"And why did you have to bring Opal?" Spike added, eyeing the ferocious cat with a careful stare.

"Actually, Opal is the exact reason why I came to visit you." Rarity said as she petted her beloved fuzzball. Opal was finally calm but was still hissing at the Spirit quietly, who returned with an angry gaze. "Twilight, dear, I'm glad to see you're back on your hooves but I have a fashion emergency - you need to watch Opal for me! Just until the evening! I have to go out of town for a little bit!"

"What? Me? Why don't you ask Fluttershy? I mean, it would probably be fine but Fluttershy is much more suitable for this."

"Fluttershy is coming with me, darling! I begged her to wear a few of my designs for a fashion show just this one more time; my regular model is ill." Rarity explained, a pleading look in her eyes."And I don't have anypony else to ask! The only available pony aside from you is Rainbow Dash but... well, you seem like you'd know what to do better." She grinned a bit sheepishly, not wanting to give Rainbow a bad reputation. Twilight gave her a reassuring smile.

"It is not a problem at all. It might even be fun!"

"What?!" Spike and Discord spoke in unison, both of them not angry nor upset as much as terrified of the notion of an afternoon with Opal. Rarity ignored their reaction as she gratefully threw herself around Twilight's neck.

"Oh, thank you, thank you dear! I promise, I will make it up to you all. I have to run now; our carriage is about to leave. Here's a list of some basic things you should know but don't worry, my Opal is easy to handle. Have fun!" She cheerfully greeted before closing the doors of the library and galloping away.

"Well, I guess this would be a good opportunity to broaden my research on behavior of domesticated felines!" Twilight grinned.

Unsurprisingly, she got no smiles in return.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Twilight, dear? I need to speak to you." Discord tried about half an hours later, sounding as meek as he never did, as Twilight studied her encyclopedia, looking up an entry on felines.

"If it is about Opal having to leave the library, no you don't." She briefly answered.

"... No, I actually do." Discord retorted.

Twilight sighed and raised her eyes from the chapter on anatomy of a cat's ear. "Discord, what is wrong? Opal has been so peaceful and nice so far! Look at her, she's just resting in front of the fireplace!"

"She is watching me." Discord whispered as if he was talking about something incredibly confidential. Twilight eyed the cat. Opal was seemingly sleeping.

"What are you talking about, she's taking a nap."

"She is not. That cat... that cat is a calculating, cunning thing. She is not to be trusted."

At this point, Twilight was believing the Spirit was pulling her leg, trying to dramatize things for entertainment and she started giggling softly which the Spirit misinterpreted.

"Not funny!" The Spirit hissed into her ear. "It's a conspiracy! That cat is on to me... I can smell it."

"Oh, you're being so silly!" Twilight openly laughed. "Opal may be a little demanding but she is a good pet. If she causes any trouble I'll do something about it but until then be a good Spirit of Chaos and just calm down already!" Her tone was clearly saying that was the end of discussion as she got back to her research, deciding she was going to dedicate her day to writing a few reports. In short, she wanted nothing to do with Discord's antics that day - she missed her books and her work.

Discord grumbled at his failure as he once more again over at Opal - who was now staring right back at him. With a terrified gasp, he climbed the second floor and hid behind the wooden stair railing, watching the seemingly calm cat from there. Her gaze was still on him; there was some emotion in her eyes he couldn't quite place but it was nothing positive. Everything she held in those eyes was once in his, when he sought to rule Equestria with an iron fist...

"How can she not notice it?!" Discord grumbled to himself, wondering if it was because of the gender that the mares didn't see that need for world domination lurking in Opal's sharp eyes.

"You can see it too, right?" He heard a quiet voice. Turning his head slightly, he saw Spike a few feet away from him, hiding behind a plant and observing Opal in the same manner. His eyes looked calm, experienced, like he went through this ordeal many times before. "That bloodthirsty stare." Spike continued, his voice unusually cold and solemn. Discord slowly nodded in response.

"We have to do something about that cat." Discord whispered. Spike gazed at the Spirit, almost feeling sorry for him..

"It will be dangerous, you know. Opal is not just any cat. She is..." He never finished his thought, not exactly knowing how to express himself; but Discord seemed to understand.

"We have no choice. If we don't do something... she will." They both gave the cat a dangerous, threatening stare. Opal seemed to frown as she quietly hissed, showing all of her teeth. It attracted Twilight's attention for a couple of moments but by the time the purple mare checked on the cat, she pretended she was asleep once again. Shrugging, Twilight returned to her research. The cat grinned evilly at the two hiding.

"I knew it." Discord managed, his eyes burning with growing determination.

"So what do we do?" Spike questioned. Discord stood up. No hiding, not anymore. Spike followed his action - their sudden change of attitude made Opal tense up.

"We attack." Discord dangerously said, observing the unsuspecting mare, who was likely to be the victim of the raging war between good and evil, life and death... The Hellish forces of Opals' claws against two lone soldiers of (Dis)Harmony.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Discord slithered between the vases, picture frames and other smaller things that took up space on the shelf above the fireplace. He had no idea why didn't he try transforming into other animals for so long - it was quite amusing to observe the world from this perspective. As a picture frame nearly fell on him, he remembered why - he was a quite vulnerable in such forms.

"Hey Twilight," he heard Spike talking, distracting the mare's attention, "what are you up to?"

"Oh, just finishing up a few reports - I have to double check them all, I want to make sure I didn't miss a thing." Discord turned around the large vase full of flowers, nearly gagging. As a lizard, the overpowering smell of flowers felt nearly nauseating.

"Oh, let me help you then!"

"Spike, you hate double checking." The mare retorted. Discord finally reached his goal on the corner of the shelf. The white ball of fur was right below him.

"Still, I want to be of help!"

"Oh well, if you really want to, you can help me with this one..."

The Spirit waited, eyes on the cat and waiting for the signal. Finally, Spike slowly, carefully turned around and after a few seconds of searching for now quite tiny form of Discord and meeting his glance, gave him a reassuring nod.

Taking a deep breath, Discord jumped down, straight on Opal's fur and strongly bounced off her to the floor.

The cat jumped up in the air, span around wildly until she located the small animal that ran across the wooden floor at great speed. Her hunter instinct kicking in, the great chase began.

Twilight didn't notice anything as Spike surprisingly had oh so many things to say about her research as well to point out the numerous mistakes she somehow managed to miss during her last grammar check. The little dragons' heart beat faster when Opal darted after Discord having her sadistic fun with him. Then Discord climbed the wall, slithered out one of the windows and swiftly crawled out, Opal following him. He sighed a breath of relief, wondering how exactly will Discord make Opal behave. If they did anything to her here in the library, Twilight would freak out.

A minute passes before the Spirit reappeared, his original form back and a satisfied smirk on his face. He gave Spike a conspiring wink, and Spike returned it.

"Spike? Are you even listening to me?"


".. You know what Spike, I'm fine doing this by myself, you seem a bit out of it." Twilight deadpanned.

"Oh... alright." Spike left Twilight alone to correct the mistakes he inserted on purpose and met the Spirit in the bedroom. "Where is she?" He asked quietly. The Spirit merely snickered at first.

"She is right here." He replied with a whisper and opened his hand. There on his palm, a tiny white cat the size of a bottle cap looked at them with a murderous stare.

"She manages to look terrifying even when she's so tiny." Spike noticed.

"Appearances, appearances. She will bother us no more. This time, there is no way she could OW!" Discord suddenly yelped, Opal digging her tiny sharp teeth into his claw. Led by instinct, he shook his hand off and the cat flew through the air and swiftly landed on her feet right on the railing of the stairs. Both the Spirit and little dragon stared, their jaws dropped.

Having no idea how he managed to feel anything remotely painful from the likes of a tiny cat, Discord hissed in anger. He had made a horrible mistake of underestimating the little abomination and for that, his pride had to pay. But he was set on repaying the feline.

They tried to catch her but she was too small and much too fast; Opal ran down the railing quickly, with speed Discord didn't predict. She was heading straight for the librarian.

"She mustn't find out!" Spike squeaked and they both launched after the cat, Discord in process turning into a small bird. Spike tried to grab the cat again but she simply bounced off his scaly fingers. Discord in his feathery form caught her for a moment but Opals continuous scratching and biting quickly made him let go and return to his original form. Opal made a fatal jump aiming for Twilight, and everything seemed to have gone slow.

If they didn't do something in the next few seconds, it would be over. Twilight would see the shrunken cat... and then they'd have to face the wrath of the librarian.

Not having a choice, Discord desperately clicked his fingers, returning Opal to her regular size. The cat was slightly surprised with the change as she fell right onto Twilight's head, drawing a surprised shout from her.

"Ah! What the...?" She looked up to see Opal. The cat gave her the most fake and adorable face she could produce in such a short amount of time but Twilight didn't seem to have noticed anything out of order as she nuzzled the cat. "Aww, you must be so lonely, right Opal?" She asked. The cat purred sweetly in response, making her smile. The two defeated warriors gritted their teeth. "I'm really sorry, but I have much work to do... Spike!"

The sound of his own name made Spike's blood run cold. He swallowed hard before descending the stairs, Discord saluting him as he did.

"Yeah?" He asked, his voice on the edge of quivering.

"Would you please play with Opal a bit? She is bored and I just don't have the time!"

Taking her reluctantly in his hands, he had the honour of watching her sweet expression turning into a grin of pure malice.


"Thank you." Twilight smiled at him before going back to her research.

The dragon and the cat sat on the floor, Spike realizing he'd have to imitate some sort of game to occupy the cat with that would satisfy Twilight yet wouldn't have to mean his inevitable meeting with pain. Just as he was wondering whatever should he do, the cat suddenly scratched his arm harshly, his dragon scales for whatever lovecraftian reason not protecting him entirely from the seething pain.

"Here, kitty kitty..." Spike tried to pet her; in return, Opal launched at him and tackled him to the floor and hissing into his face as her claws pulled at the more sensitive skin on his belly. For the first time ever, as he wondered if it was possible for the cat to slice his skin open, Spike was afraid.

"Oh, that's so sweet!" Twilight, who thanks to Opal's quickly fixed face of a playful pet got the wrong impression they were playing, gave Spike a grateful look.

Spike never wanted to cry so badly.

Discord decided it was time to get serious. Still with the lack of his powers, he wrecked his brains trying to think of something, knowing he couldn't do anything like simply change her personality upside down... right?

... Maybe he could try? There was no other choice, really.

Sneakily, he approached the cat and in a swift motion put a talon finger on top of cat's head. He was surprised to feel the magical energy running through his finger as he managed to cast a powerful spell with no difficulty - however, he felt a need for a few... 'magical words'.

"Soft kitty, warm kitty,
little ball of fur~
happy kitty, sleepy kitty,
purr, purr, purr~"

Opal's complete body color turned from white to soft pink and she suddenly stopped hissing, nuzzling against Spike instead and licking his face affectionately.

"Wow, how...?" There was little space for questions in the suddenly delighted mind of the little dragon. Discord shrugged, not being entirely sure how did he manage to do that, himself. Maybe Celestia was a bit more generous with her gift when she gave him his powers back?

... Then he realized he did just make Opal nice, so...

"I guess Celestia only allowed me to make things fine and dandy." He mumbled, annoyed.

Spike wasn't paying much attention, as he now actually had a pleasant time with Opal as they ran up to the bedroom to play; even Discord joined him, conjuring a few funny looking pet toys.

Twilight was done with her research before the sun set, feeling tired but satisfied. Unfortunately for Discord, both him and Spike forgot about Opal and her color change once they stopped playing and have left the cat alone to wander around; the purple mare wasn't the one to miss obvious details. With a distinctive cough, she called for both of them to come down to the library.

"What happened to Opal?" She asked strictly. Discord and Spike exchanged the looks of guilt before Discord managed, pointing at the little dragon:

"He did it."

He earned two deadpanned looks for that.

"Spike, go and prepare us dinner." The mare coldly said and the little dragon wasn't going to wait a moment before retreating into the kitchen. Discord cleared his throat.

"You know, you'd think that little guy would get tired of his role as a perpetual meal-maker in this story just for the sake of the two of us being able to lead a more or less private conversation."

"You won't confuse me with your strange tales this time, Discord."

Drats. If breaking the fourth wall didn't work as a distraction, he didn't know what in the world would.

"Opal hates being scratched on the tummy." Twilight finally said, as she did just that. Discord mumbled something incoherent.


"Maybe she dropped into a can of paint?" He tried, drawing the words.

"She doesn't smell like paint."

"She might've blushed!" The Spirit decided, giving her a playful smile that didn't seem to be taken well.

"That is impossible."

"... Well I dunno, then."

Being met with the most patronizing and warning glare he finally gave up. The draconequues dragged over to her and placed a finger on Opal, returning her the old fur color and her natural aggressive state. Opal swiftly escaped from Twilight's gently grasp and placed herself on the couch, practicing her claws on it. "I just gave her a little change in attitude is all." He finally admitted. Twilight gasped and Discord imediatelly started to justify his actions. "She was very hard to deal with!"

"Well that is not how one deals with problems, Discord." Twilight sternly said. "You can't deal with problems by magically making them disappear."

"Apparently I can!" Discord noticed with a smirk. "And I had no idea, really! Celly must've really taken a liking to me when she was so generous."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's the reason." Twilight replied sarcastically, trying her best to hide the fact that the reason of her anger wasn't the little spell they put on the fact but the fact Discord was becoming aware of his abilities and he was doing it at an increasingly fast pace. "I don't want you to do this kind of thing anymore, Discord."

"Why not? It makes lives easier!"

"You did the same to me and my friends in the labyrinth." Twilight reminded. Discord was petrified for a moment, before replying:

"Oh come on, Twilight Sparkle, this is different! I turned her nice! She was cuddly and a cute, fluffy little delight to be around!"

"... So if I were for whatever reason in a bad mood, you'd go as far as to magic me into feeling better for your own needs?" Twilight finally asked. Discord was very much prepared to reply that was exactly the sort of scenario he would be a part of... only to realize it wouldn't.

"... Oh." Was all he finally had to say, caught of guard by how own thoughts. Twilight victoriously smirked however, believing her message had in fact gotten to him.

"That's what I thought. So, no more pony-changing magic?" She offered a hoof to seal the deal. Reluctantly, still wondering what was going on with him, Discord accepted it.


"That's a good draconequues!" Twilight said proudly as she patted his paw, which he pulled away from her swiftly.

"Stop patronizing me, it is positively horrifying." Discord shuddered. The unicorn shrugged.

"I don't know, I think it is kind of fun."

Before Spirit could reply, there was a knock on the door that was followed by the impatient entrance.

"Hello my darlings!" Rarity loudly greeted as she trotted in, wearing a warm, fancy purple coat and a slightly over the top hat. Fluttershy followed, still in her clothes she wore on the fashion show - a winter set in the colour of soft pink.

Spike rushed over to greet her enthusiastically, offering to take their coat too, which Rarity delightfully accepted, while Fluttershy shyly said there was no need. Twilight trotted over to the fashionista with Opal on her side.

"Welcome back, Rarity, Fluttershy! How was the fashion show?"

"Oh it was simply marvelous!" Rarity started, the excitement still sparkling in her blue eyes. "You should've seen Fluttershy, everypony were gasping as she ever so shyly and humbly walked down that podium!"

"It was... um, well, it was nice this time." Fluttershy quietly said, a meek smile on her face.

Rarity felt the need to explain: "I made sure nopony bothered her after we were done with the show, so she could socialize and mingle without being pestered. We were having a wonderful time in the end."

"Well, I'm glad to see you both had fun despite your differences." Twilight confirmed, at the same time glancing knowingly at Discord; he threw his arms into the air, defeated, annoyed and silent.

"Oh, right - I have something for you all!" Rarity happily said, digging through one of her bags. "I say, Canterlot seems more beautiful every time I visit - they have the most interesting things in their shops, so I couldn't resist but to find you all a little something!"

"Oh Rarity, that's so nice of you, thanks!" Twilight replied as she watched her digging through her luggage - judging by Rarity's excitement, she most likely brought them clothes. But to her surprise, the first thing that flew from Rarity's bag to Twilight was...

"A book?" Twilight gasped, looking at the royally blue book with a silver trim in surprise.

"Why, yes; we all know well just how much you love books, so what else would be a better present!" Rarity smiled and went on to explain the book that was titled 'The Gown of your Dreams comes from the Trees'. "You see, they are all awfully indulged in fashion there, so I couldn't really bring you just any book that you haven't already most likely read but I think you'll like this one! It is on how exactly the fabric is made. My, when I went through it, even I was surprised by some of the things - to think such wonderful, elegant fabric comes from something so wild and untamed."

Twilight opened the book randomly; judging from her growing smile, Rarity choose well. "Hey, this does look interesting! I've been looking for light read before sleep. Thank you, Rarity!" Rarity let out a relieved breath.

"Spikey-Wikey~," she called playfully, "time for your present now!"

Spike blushed almost instantly. "M-me? Aww, shucks, Rarity, you didn't have to, yanno..."

"Nonsense! I would never forget my sweet little dragon!" With those words, Rarity once more went through her luggage and handed the dragon a big, heart shaped gem, much like the one he once gave her once before, only of radiant, green color. It was heavy in Spike's hands.

"An... an emerald!" Spike stated in disbelief. "And... wow, this one is so well kept! This must cost a fortune!"

Rarity laughed softly. "Nothing is too much for my friend. and this one is all yours!"

"Wow, Rarity, I-- Thank you, thank you so much!" He eagerly rushed over to give her a hug, which she gladly returned. Somewhere in the back, Discord pretended to throw up.

"Now, don't think I forgot about you!" Rarity suddenly said to him. Discord looked around to see who was she talking to, until he realized all of the eyes were upon him.

"Me?" He asked in disbelief, his face contorting. Even Twilight felt surprised a bit but then again, who was she kidding? Element of Generosity in action!

"Alright now, we may not know each other well and you may have almost murdered my cat this morning-"

"It was the other way around."

"-but who am I to deny a shopping spree fever! Besides, you are our friend, now!" Discord twitched upon hearing those words, much to Twilight's wonder but he remained silent and waited for whatever unneeded thing she was going to give him. "You are quite a demanding soul though - having been able to get yourself whatever you wish, in the end I had no idea what should I give you." Rarity admitted. "So, I just went with my lady instinct; something told me you would like something like this." With those words she pulled out a hat.

But not just any hat. It was a top hat. (dun-dun-DUUUN)

It was much taller than any hat Twilight had ever seen, of bright crimson color and had a golden ribbon of silk tied around it but the probably best part was the fact it was utterly covered in glitter. Underneath the warm lights of the library, it sparkled immensely at the tiniest nudge.

"I've made it a bit bigger, so it would suit you better." Rarity couldn't help but to try and justify the reason for it's size. Twilight frowned.

"Wait... you made it?"

"Well of course! Hats of that measurements are hardly sold anywhere close by, my dear."

Discord took the hat in his hands, his face expressionless. Rarity bit her lip.

"It is alright if you don't like it! I mean, I'd understand, since you could probably make one yourself. I just thought- you know, that it would be nice if you had a piece of fancy clothing, just in case an occasion pops up! It also, well, it matches your eyes." She tried with a smile.

Discord was quiet as he studied his present. "This hat..." He slowly started. Then he put it on his head and with the seriousness Twilight didn't know he was capable of, uttered: "This is the best hat ever."

"Oh!" Rarity let but a relieved laugh, a soft shade of pink covering her cheeks, showing just how happy she was. Spike didn't look nearly as satisfied with the situation. "Well," she started with a stutter, obviously confused by the compliment, "I best be on my way! We have friends to visit! Later, darlings!" Taking Opal and Fluttershy with her, Rarity swiftly left the library, barely giving Spike the time to say 'bye'. Silence ensued as Discord checked himself out in a mirror.

"This hat is positively stunning." Discord stated again, tilting the hat. "I must say, I am pleasantly surprised. She doesn't seem like the type to give thoughtful gifts."

"That just means you haven't met her as well as you think." The unicorn said wisely. "I'm glad you like it, though. Rarity was pretty happy she choose well."

"You ponies get happy about the dumbest of things." Discord mocked but it was undeniable that he was heavily flattered by the gesture. Neither him nor the unicorn could take the smiles off their faces until Spike finally decided to speak up, not being able to resist addressing the obvious.

"Oh come on! You could easily conjure one up yourself!"

"Spike!" Twilight started, about to lecture the little dragon but Discord beat her to it as he chuckled.

"My dear dragon boy, you fail to see the importance of what just happened."

"Oh?" Spike inquired, crossing his arms.

"Clearly," Discord cleared his throat, "dear Rarity was fond of me enough to give me a hat in colors she knows I would both like and will suit me. And a top hat is obviously her try to get me one step closer to what is known as 'courtesy' - because as we all know, top hats are one true sign of a proper Sir in addition to being just incredibly awesome. Rarity probably knew how much I love 'awesome'. I appreciate both her efforts and kindness greatly."

Twilight was positively glowing as Discord analyzed Rarity's gift, not being able to believe her ears. It was nearly like listening to Celestia, understanding and caring, sharing her wisdom of magic and frie-

"Indeed, Miss Rarity obviously fancies me~!" He sang, drawing a loud 'what?!' from Spike and promptly making Twilight's deadpanning face fall into her hoof. Discord started summoning little birds and making flowers grow under his feet as he pranced around.

"No way! Rarity would never--!" Spike stared, only to be interrupted by Discord's singing as he started waltzing around the room, grabbing Twilight in the progress to spin her around. She let out a squeak and in the similar pitch of voice tried to demand to be put down but the Spirit wasn't listening.

"She glanced this way, I thought I saw
and when we touched she didn't shudder at my paw~
No it can't be, I'll just ignore,
but then she's never looked at me that way before~"

To anyone who wasn't Discord, Twilight or Spike at that moment, it would nearly look as if Discord were tormenting them both but a part of Twilight that got used to the Spirits' presence, miraculously, rebelliously went against her and she found herself enjoying the whole thing - the revelation which, to be fair, she didn't like one bit.

"Stop it! That'll so never happen!" Spike bellowed, nearly panicking. "Twilight, say something!"

The Spirit paused in his prancing steps to look at the unicorn and gave her a meaningful look. About a month ago, when she didn't know Discord like she did now, Twilight would have no idea what he wanted. But she knew now; she was supposed to play along with the joke. Of course, she would refuse as she wouldn't have it in her heart to do this to Spike--

"I'm sure you two are going to make a wonderful couple." She found herself saying instead, both impressed by her own courage and mentally chastising herself. That line was the last straw for everyone; Discord went into hysterics, Twilight let a few hesitant giggles escašpe her and Spike realized they were just pranking him. He let out a sigh of relief.

"You two are horrible." He managed shakily, looking semi serious as he continued: "If anyone should make a couple, it should be you two, you are both horrible, evil pranksters."

"You insult me, dragon boy - Twilight Sparkle here has a long way before she becomes as evil of a prankster as I am."

"I think I prefer with my current title of 'egghead', thank you very much." Twilight retorted.

"And in the true spirit of your eggheadedness, you remain as boring as usual, so congrats! You're living the dream!"

For a moment, they all fell silent, looking back on the interesting day they had.

"... So, should I ask her out on a date?"


The draconequues and the unicorn snickered.