• Published 14th Mar 2012
  • 27,054 Views, 1,295 Comments

Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

  • ...

23) Wished Away

The Everfree forest was a quiet place. Still during the day, the only sounds disturbing the serene silence of it being the occasional chipper of a bird or shuffling of leaves in the breeze. Tense and eerie during the night, when predators come out. Everything and every being was quiet then; sleeping, hiding... or hunting.

This night though, the forest was awakened. The creepers were trembling in their homes and the birds hid in the high tops of the trees, wondering where the sounds were coming from. Wondering what brought such an unsettling feeling into their home.

A single timberwolf scout put its ears up and listened, confused and lost by the strange, unfamiliar cries of fury and anger cracking through the night. The sounds of tree bark being scratched, torn, destroyed. For an animal whose skin was mostly covered in timber, it wasn't a pleasant noise.

It slowly sneaked around the trees, following the sound. Soon, it came upon traces of destruction, much more violent than the animal expected. Most of the trees were still cracking sickeningly, threatening to fall down any second. The timberwolf eyed the darkness, observing the path of destruction the creature left behind... then continued on its way.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It wasn't long after his furious rampage in the Everfree that the Spirit settled down a bit. To use magic in this or aby moment after would now be, in a way, a sign of weak will. He wanted to burn the whole forest down but the face of a purple mare kept appearing before him, telling him in a few simple words exactly what he gathered from their last conversation:

You're better than this.

His voyage of thought took him all the way to the White Tail forest; being far away from Ponyville, yet in a familiar and acceptable surrounding, it was one of the rare places he enjoyed being alone in.

There was a feeling of anger and disappointment, with both himself and those around him. Then there was slight satisfaction, in a way. Betrayal and guilt, too many things at once he wasn't used to. The fact he felt disgusted by his own powers and what they could do angered him immensely. Since when was he the one to wonder just how powerful he was and just what kind of things he could do if he only wanted to? Such... horrible things.

Almost all of the colorful leaves had fallen from the trees, being replaced by icicles. One of the freezing drops from icicles fell on Discord's nose. The innocent drop toyed with his temper and he quickly relieved himself of the anger by slashing an innocent nearby tree, leaving three long, deeps marks of his lion talons.

"An impressive display of your physical power; a truthful exhibition of your brutal personality as well."

Discord was seriously ready to send whoever was bothering him flying to the Moon. He turned around. The mare didn't look familiar at all but the extravagant cloak and hat gave her away - he heard many stories of 'great and powerful' magician from Twilight.

"Give me one good reason not to turn you into similarly disturbed tree." Discord purred evilly. The Unicorn cocked her head.

"If my sources are not deceiving me, you are Discord, the Spirit of Chaos who is at the moment residing in the library of my nemesis, Twilight Sparkle." She replied, ignoring his previous demand; there was a rather specific note of elegance and self centered pride in her voice. No wonder nopony in Ponyville liked her. She reeked of her own ego.

"Well done, well done," Discord clapped slowly, his face giving away his boredom, "you certainly did your research."

"'It is but the main story in most current papers."


"I'll take my chance and ask, what are you doing here, Spirit of Chaos?" Trixie asked. "Should you not be learning of Harmony? It would delight me to hear that Twilight Sparkle failed in a task of such importance."

"Oh, she succeeded, alright." The Spirit said nearly playfully. "It's exactly why I'm venting here."

Realization spread over her face but she said nothing, perhaps not expecting it. Discord measured her up. "You're the 'great and powerful Trixie', am I right?"

The mention of her not so truthful title still made her hold her head up high, which he didn't expect. If anything, he expected a more humbling appearance. But then she added:

"It's appreciated but, just Trixie is fine." She assured him, still with that proud, confident tone.

He waited and got nothing more. "That's this? No bragging on about what a powerful magician you are? No display of your colorful little powers and tricks?" He followed up each of his questions with a childish magic trick. "No story of the Ursa Major banishment? After all the gossip I heard, I expected to be held by you for the next few sunsets.

With every question, Trixie's face turned a bit more red. "I see you're informed of my life story as well as I am informed of yours." Trixie said. "Thank goodness mine isn't all over the newspaper, though; having been publicly ashamed in only one town is quite too much."

"Informed of my life? You?" He paused. "Anyone? I doubt it."

"You'd be surprised."

She is quite bold for a failed magic user.

"Well, what are you doing here; came back for some more humiliation?" Discord taunted, giving her a hearty mocking laughter. Trixie glared at him.

"Oh, no no no, I am just passing through, Spirit - though I can promise you I will return to this wretched little place someday. On the other note, I could ask the same; seeing as you so successfully 'escaped' the grasp of Twilight Sparkle, you must be in possession of some abilities we all didn't know are still in you."

It was so easy to confide in a stranger. Before he knew it, he very briefly retold her the gist of the situation he was in. For a moment, she seemed to be taken aback.

"Well, should've expected that out of a draconequus. It surprises me however that I have yet to see anything upside down or inside out." She paused, now bitterly adding. "Like my magic skill, for once."

He hiccuped with contained laughter. "Now, now, come on dear; surely your powers amount up to some level you can be proud of." He assured playfully. But the mare shook her head.

"Not really." Trixie admitted, suddenly feeling just as prompted as he did to share her bad experience. She sighed. "Ever since the run in with Twilight Sparkle, I've been thinking... Magic must not be what my Cutie Mark is standing for. Some Unicorn I turned out to be."

"How does the fact you're a Unicorn have anything to do with your magic? As far as you're concerned, you could get into petriculture!"

"You do not understand - I have a reputation to uphold!"

"Yes, you can say that again."

The unusual due sit in the forest, pouring their heart out to each other and it was already dark. The entire situation was unusual but unbeknownst to them, did wonders to their mood.

She suddenly spoke: "You're a creature of mismatched proportions and a rare species at that; your kind is associated with mystery, danger, and even evil in more than a single story or legend."

"Why, you're making me blush." Discord feigned embarrassment. Trixie ignored the remark as she continued.

"And you seemed to have been the perfect description of those things during your first break out - even the Princesses don't seem to know much of you or your powers. You can only be stopped by the Elements of Harmony and your troublesome antics are already being retold in some newer books.

"Are we getting somewhere with this, or are you just trying to get on my good side?" Discord playfully asked.

"Indeed," Trixie nodded, "if I were to judge by my sources, as well as the newspapers articles, you are much more of a darling creature then you let us know." She smiled a bit mockingly.

"I am not a 'darling' creature." Discord spat. "If you really wish for a proof, I can easily provide one." His talons lightened up with a powerful burst of energy, easily felt around them, so as to try and make a point.

"And that's exactly my point." Trixie said, rolling her eyes. "Your incredible power provides us with many of faces you desire to show, Spirit. With great power come limitless possibilities; both to create and change things around you... and to change yourself. Whether for better or worse, you can always decide, change your opinion and decide again. All you are and all you do... everything is literally in your hands. Nothing any no pony to stop you." Her words made the Spirit fall silent, the magical light slowly going away. "I may not know your initial reasons for the mayhem you love to cause so much but the facts stand firm; you're putting on quite a show with it all-"

"Just when did you become such a wise-cracker?" Discord interrupted, not only annoyed but clearly uncomfortable with Trixie's surprising ability to hit nail on the head.

Trixie didn't respond right away. Her head hung down; she seemed to be embarrassed. "Despite our many, many obvious differences, you and I share a rather similar story; however vastly different it may appear at first." She paused. " I merely seek deserved acknowledgment. I was and still am convinced that my magic could measure up to the ability of Alicorns themselves, should I only keep trying. I only went from that assumption, I am still going from there, and the rest... The rest is history. Twilight Sparkle changed something in my, though time will tell if it was for better or for worse. I'd say her actions changed something inside of that old, chaotic draconequues heart of yours, too; at least judging by the fact you have yet to use your chaotic powers on me."

Discord opened his mouth, probably wanting to retort or think of a clever comeback, but he found himself without an idea for saying something sounding just as wise-cracking. She grinned.

"It's alright," Trixie teased; her tone however, was sincere, "I know change is hard. I guess I'll leave you alone. I have much business to attend to, anyway. Spells aren't going to learn themselves."

"And revenges aren't going to plot themselves."


"Oh, just a prediction. Safe travels, Great and Powerful."

With those words and with a nod of her head, Trixie trotted off her way, though not before the draconequues shouted after her.

"Since you're so full of them, any advice on what should I do?

"Didn't I tell you already?" He heard her cackling in the distance. "Whatever you wish for."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Night had fallen.

Twilight Sparkle was once again on the balcony, staring into the same spot in the sky the Spirit had disappeared in yesterday. She was thinking. Wondering what he was up to at that moment.

At the same time, Discord was hiding out in some wilderness he failed to recognize. Being away from familiarity felt more comforting than he thought it would. He was thinking. Wondering what was Twilight Sparkle up to at that moment.

He couldn't have done anything terrible so far. He probably just left for good. And if he ever does come back I doubt he'll...

She probably assumes I'm my good old self again. If only. Not a worry in the world. Though dear Twilight Sparkle really did show me a good time while I was incapacitated. It wasn't the best but it was fun. Lovely of her, how she gave me a chance.

Will he ever realize the fear in me? Could I ever explain my reasons for keeping it hidden?

But would she ever understand my chaotic needs? Could I ever use them for anything good? Could I ever live free and unconcerned with such an incredible power just a click of the fingers away? Could everypony else?

If he comes back, I swear I'll do my best to- to- oh, I don't even know what I would do anymore! To be the best friend I can be? I don't even know if he's ever appreciated it anymore. Too cheesy, he'd say.

Goodness, I almost allowed myself to get cheesy.When was the last time I got cheesy before I met that mare? I cannot recall. She'd probably break her mind over trying to help me remember, though. I miss that silly little unicorn.

I really miss him around... I wish I had a bit more time. Just a bit more time to say I'm sorry.

I should've asked her for assistance.

I wish I could tell him how much he means to me.

I wish I didn't feel so weird.

In the end, I guess I really, really started to...

Seriously though, I feel awfully wei-- hey, what the---?!

The branch Discord was lying atop of was suddenly empty, the draconequues unwillingly disappearing with a silent 'pop'.

Back in Ponyville, in a certain library, Twilight Sparkle barely had any time to wonder why did her body feel tingly before she disappeared into the air with the similar sound effect.

The library was silent. As well as the forest Discord resided in moments ago. Nopony knew the two had, for the time being, disappeared from the world. And nopony knew of the struggles the mare and the draconequues were about to go through.