• Published 14th Mar 2012
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Learning ABCs - Adorable, Bothersome, Chaotic - Isopod

Twilight unwillingly starts seeing something more that just chaos in a certain Draconequus.

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16) Lesson Generosity

For the most part, it didn't take long for the Spirit to get better. Though he grew to be physically just as in fine shape as before, almost every time he tried to cast a powerful spell that demanded actual effort - specifically the transporting one - he would get a strong, pounding headache. Twilight tried to tell him it was quite normal and that it would take some time before he could cast the stronger spells painlessly but it still didn't make the headache nor the disability to goof around with magic any more acceptable and he stubbornly decided to spend his time testing which spell he could cast without being subjected to pain.

Twilight, on the other hand, figured it would be best to indulge in any kind of work she could find so as to stop thinking about whatever newly discovered feeling fluttered in her gut whenever he talked to her. She found the whole ordeal of having a crush entirely bothersome, and decided some good old hard research would be the thing she needed to get her stupid mushy thoughts out of her head.

It wasn't so easy, because Discord felt particularly clingy that day and wouldn't leave her alone, listing off all the things they could indulge in together.

"But I haven't done anything with you in such a long time!" The Spirit complained when she finally cut his ramblings off and told him she had work to do. "I figured Celestia's little protege wouldn't take me under her wing if she didn't know how to take care of me and my unique needs!"

"That's very funny Discord but this research is importnat to me and I can't spend another minute putting it off."

He glimpsed at her papers and manage to catch a couple words before she snatched the research away. "Different types of fabrics on the Magical Cape of Wizarding Ponies? This has to be a joke, right?"

"I just thought I might add something to what I read about in the book Rarity gave me."

Raising at her one of her bushy eyebrows, he suddenly snatched the reasearch away, "Hey, give it back!," pulled on Spike's tail, "OW!," and sent the paper into the incidental flames of the little dragon, sending the barely started research straight into Celestia's quarters.

The mare groaned. "Great. Now I have to write to Celestia and explained what happened. Thank you so very much."

"Anytime. Now that THAT's been dealt with, entertain me!"

"Did you not notice that whenever you're bored, you demand from me to entertain you?"

Discord blinked. "That is what you're here for, isn't it?"

"To Tartarus with you, Discord."

"Fine then! I shall seek for entertainment elsewhere. It is obvious you're not feeling up the the challenge of entertaining his chaotic majesty." With those words, and barely avoiding a magical projectile shot his way, he left the agitated unicorn alone in the library, wondering what could have possibly caused her to act so uncharacteristically mean - it was truly delightful!

It took him only a small amount of time to decide on his activities for the day - pranking anypony that came into his sight was basically the closest he could have possibly come to producing the sort of chaos he enjoyed. Be it putting fake snakes in their bags, sticking a note with mocking messages on their flanks or simply turning their food into rubber, he spent some time coming up with new things until his antics brought him in front of the elementary school. He rarely passed nearby. He remembered Twilight telling him he should not interrupt the young minds at work, for they learn the best while they are small. Come to think of it, it sounded almost like she thought Discord had nothing valuable to teach! Truly bold, that mare.

Figuring he might as well try and prove her wrong, Discord decided today was the day when he would not listen to her nonsense and sneakily approached one of the opened windows, peeking in. Inside, the pony he recalled as Cheerilee was teaching with her usual vigor and smile and wondered how she would react to him appearing in there. Deciding he was hiding for long enough and surprisingly curious about what a class in her school looked like, he figured, since he could transport himself magically, he would come in the old fashioned way - through the window.

Diamond Tiara happened to be the first to notice the huge draconequues slithering in and she gasped the most surprised gasp a pony of her pitch could, alarming the entirety of the rest of the class. To his surprised, nopony screamed nor seemed instantly frightened for their life - it was then that he recalled he had a sort of a soft spot for young ponies who didn't understand the potential danger he could represent and as such, didn't immediately judge him.

The only grown mare in the room, though obviously shocked, gathered her wits pretty quickly and greeted him.

"Good morning, Mr Discord!" She said, with the tone that clearly ordered the class to greet him. Most of them did so, with exception of few that were still too shocked to do so.

"Good day, class." Discord politely greeted back, then addressed Cheerilee, bowing slightly as he did. "I couldn't help but become intrigued by what you do here. You wouldn't mind terribly if I observe your skillful teaching from the back of the class, would you Miss Cheerilee?"

Though clearly suspicious, Cheerilee seemed to have other things on mind as she suddenly brightened up and addressed the fillies before her. "What do you say, children? Should we show Mr Discord here what do we do in school?" The answer came in form of cheering. Ever since that day on the snow, most of the children quickly got attached to Discord's image of a crazy but fun uncle. Still, he was pleasantly surprised to see so many small ponies watching him with a glint of excitement in their eyes.

"Very well then - as long as you don't disrupt the class, you may stay. In fact, we're about to have Arts class, so if you wish you can participate. It could be fun!"

"Why, thank you!" In his excitement, the Spirit forgot about the low ceiling and his head met it with a loud thump. His small "ow" was followed by a roar of laughter. Only one of Cheerilee's stern looks was enough for class to fall silent, but snickering was still audible.

"Do forgive them, they are still so young - they need to learn not to laugh at other pony's misfortune." She raised her voice a bit to make the lesson clear.

After a moment of inner battle, he finally said: "Well you know me, I appreciate a good misfortune when I see one." Not everybody laughed - mostly because they didn't know how to react on his self-referencing - but otherwise, his words didn't seem to alarm anyone. Hoping to break the remnants of tension in the room, he decided on the way to entertain and both fit in, and with one click of his fingers turned into a small, child-like version of himself, only slightly taller than an average filly. His eyes and whole face went round, his arms and legs much stubbier and his elongated body gone, instead the size and shape of a bowling pin. Despite his mismatching looks, he actually looked presentable and his transformation was followed by many "ooh's" and "aww's".

"Much better." He spoke, his voice just as child like. Once he settled himself in the back in one of the empty benches, still rubbing his head, Cheerilee continued her lesson.

"Alright, I hope you all brought everything needed for today's art class - the winter is nearing and with it the cold weather. So today, we'll be trying to make something out of the materials you brought - hats!"

"What do I need to make a hat for? I have like dozens of them at home." Diamond Tiara piped.

Now, now, Tiara, you mustn't think like that!" Cheerilee warned. "Sometimes, having skills you don't momentarily need can come in handy later in life. Now everypony, gather around the 'teamwork desk'!"

Tiara didn't say anything, instead letting out an annoyed sigh as everypony gathered around a big, round table holding various supplies they were all allowed to use, helping each other in process. Discord was swiftly invited by the Crusaders to join them, so he placed himself in between a small orange Pegasus whose name he vaguely recalled as Scootaroo and a white Unicorn whose name he didn't remember. It was something melodious and cute but he didn't remember much else. He did recognize Apple Bloom though - her distinct accent and tomato red mane was hard to forget.

"Maybe making hats is our special talent." Apple Bloom tried but Scootaloo arched an eyebrow.

"If my special talent is making hats, then I might as well stay a blank flank." She deadpanned. Her comment drew a wise laughter from filly-Discord. Well, as wise as it could sound with his now childish voice.

"Oh, Scootaroo--"

"It's Scootaloo."

"Right, do forgive me. Oh Scootaloo, you underestimate the power of a good hat. Just a few days ago, I got the most magnificent top hat as a present. It had glitter, even!"

"That does sound... cool, I guess but we're not making fancy hats," Sweetie Belle started to explain, "we're making winter caps and things to keep our ears warm. See?" She pointed her hoof at the big pile of colorful materials on the teamwork desk, much of which looked like wool. "We have to connect some of this materials and make caps. Then, we can gift them to someone."

"Gift them? Why would you want to do that?" Discord questioned. "I'd rather make one for myself."

Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow, at the same time confused and struggling to produce an answer. "Well, because it's nice and kind! Because the one you'll give it to will be happy! Because other pony's happiness is just as important to us as our own happiness!" She finally managed, a smile on her face as she successfully dealt with the question. Discord frowned for a moment and suddenly gasped.

"Wait, I remember now - you're Rarity's little sister!"

"Sweetie Belle, in case you forgot." She smiled. "And yes, I am."

"That explains everything." Discord snickered, but didn't say anything else - of course the sister of Element of Generosity would speak that way. Deciding he'd still rather make something that would fit his own childlike head, he followed other fillies' example and searched through the pile of cloths and materials for something he might use. Then he came across a piece that was thick and warm in the colour of dark, heavy blue. The colour of night. It reminded him of a certain Unicorn who loved starry nights.

Then, we can gift them to someone. Sweetie Belle's melodious voice echoed once more in his mind. He imagined giving Twilight a winter cap he himself created. A cute smile upon her face, the delighted spark in her eyes, the grateful hug and her voice, stuttering, filled with surprise, thanking him...

"What are you grining about?"

"Nothing. This just seems fun. Let's make some caps, then!"

Him and crusaders eagerly got busy - Discord swiftly picked a few other materials he knew would come in handy. Sweetie Belle, being a sister of a fashionista, was expected to have some experience with making clothing but she was as clumsy as anyone else. With her magic, she carefully tried to sew two pieces together and wasn't doing such a bad job after all. Scootaloo tried using the special cloth glue but she put way too much of it - it ended up looking like a pile of discarded stickers. Apple Bloom took the task of helping Discord with his creation.

On the other side of the table though, the atmosphere was a bit more frustrated. "This is so boring." Diamond Tiara spitefully said, watching carefully that her words do not reach Cheerilee, who was grading some tests on her desk. "I could be at my home right now, preparing an awesome party or checking out the jewelry shop."

"I know, right?" Silver Spoon replied automatically but with barely any enthusiasm - she, in fact, seemed to be interested in creating something but as always went along with her friend's statements.

Discord smirked. "She's bored, eh? I could fix that."

Apple Bloom looked over at him, then at Diamond Tiara. As much as she wanted to see her pranked, she knew Cheerilee wouldn't be happy with that.

"Don't do anything silly, Discord. Miss Cheerilee will punish us."

"Don't worry, I got it all planned out."

Beneath the table, Discord cast his magic. Just as Diamond Tiara threw one of the piece of cloths back to the pile, it returned to her much like a boomerang and slapped her right across her face, stuck over her left eye - and it remained there. Not noticing the strange behavior of the cloth, Tiara tried to remove it; only to realize, with a quite the terror visible in her right eye, that is was glued to her.

"What the hay?!" She shrieked, attracting Cheerilee's attention.

"Tiara! Watch that mouth of yours!"

"Miss Cheerilee, somepony put glue on this and stuck it on my eye!"

"You did it yourself." Scootaloo couldn't help throwing in. "Don't blame your clumsiness on others, sheesh." Her remark drew a soft laugh from everypony as they observed Tiara; she did her best to try and take of the piece of clothing that made her look like a pirate, even though Silver Spoon tried to tell her it wasn't a good idea.

"Shut up! UGH, if I could just---" She pulled a stronger on the piece of cloth and it finally came of - taking her eyelashes with it. Tiara screamed and her cheeks flushed when everypony laughed.

"Stop it, all of you! Diamond Tiara, it is no emergency. Your eyelashes will grow back."

"Well how long will it take?!" She replied hysterically, as if her life were on the line. Cheerilee sighed.

"I don't know, I--"

"About two months, if you're lucky." Discord offered, a teasing grin on his face. Diamond Tiara looked at him, shocked, then suddenly frowned.

"YOU! It was you, wasn't it!? You did this to me!" She yelled, pointing her hoof at him.

Everypony blinked, glancing from Tiara to Discord and back.

"I didn't do anything!" Discord lied immediately, the most innocent expression on his face.

Everypony, except for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon it would seem, saw that something strange DID happen before. The fillies knew better than to lie - Apple Bloom especially, her sister being the very Element of Honesty. However, they couldn't help but indulge in this one moment where Diamond Tiara got what she deserved, for a change. They quietly went along with what the Spirit had said and looked with feigned confusion at Tiara.

"Now now, Diamond Tiara, accidents happen." Cheerilee assured her. "We can do nothing about it now - and as Discord said, it will grow back. Calm down and continue your work, alright?"

On verge of furious tears, Diamond Tiara fell silent as everypony got back to their crafting.

"We shouldn't have done that..." Apple Bloom said quietly, though she didn't entirely mean it, as she had enjoyed the prank. Scootaloo rolled her eyes as she spoke.

"She got what she deserves this once. This is Discord we're talking about, remember? Let's not give him bad reputation since he's doing so well." She finished with a mischievous smile, bumping Discord friendly on the shoulder.

"Why, you're a very smart filly, Scootaloo." Discord noticed as he got back to making the cap. "And besides... her eyelashes will be back by the morning. I just wanted to give her a temporary scare."

Visibly in better mood, Applebloom got back to work. The rest of the class passed relatively calmly, with Discord, aside from the cap he made, making two hoof puppets to entertain the fillies - it was more of a success than he'd expected. Even Diamond Tiara seemed to have cracked a smile or two.

"Alright my little ponies, that would be all for today!" Cheerilee announced. "I'll see you tomorrow - don't forget your essays about the Winter Wrap-up!"

The fillies rushed out of the school, happily stretching their hooves in the school yard. Discord, who found the Crusaders to be quite a delightful little bunch, followed them outside as they participated in an excited chat about the caps they made.

"Mine is not really somethin'." Apple Bloom remarked, looking at the hat she tried to make out of straw, since caps didn't work out for her - it was a bit clumsy, but it was the right size and firm. Discord took it from her and put it on his head.

"Hmm... It protects nicely from the sun. I approve"

"Ya think so? Really?"

"Hats are serious business, my dear."

"Yeah, right," Sweetie Belle interjected, "so, what are you going to do with the cap you made, Discord?

"I dunno." He replied a bit incoherently. "I'll see."

"Yeah well, forget about the hats now," Scootaloo quickly said, changing the subject - she didn't want to talk about the failure of a hat she made. It fell apart the moment she picked it up. "We're going to the Cutie Mark Crusaders Club! Wanna come?"

Discored pondered over his answer, as his eyes fell upon the winter cap he made. "How about you go ahead and I'll join you later - I have something to do."

"Oh, alright. See ya then, Discord!"

"Hopefully you come to school again!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Don't annoy Twilight too much!" Applebloom ended jokingly, before the three fillies made their way to the apple farm.

Discord slowly flew up and toward the library, messing with the cap in his hands. It was of that midnight color, with strikes of dark violet and clumsily made white stars. It wasn't his best work but he did what he could without magic. Just conjuring one would be too easy, as Sweetie Belle had said. Besides, he had to admit, making one was pretty fun.

He entered the library still lost in thoughts when Twilight's voice reached him. "Discord? Is that you? You're so tiny and-- just-- wow!" The unicorn exclaimed, looking at him with a spark in her eyes. Her bad mood seemed to be gone, thankfully.

"Huh?" Hiding the cap behind his back, Discord realized he never brought himself back to his normal size. "Oh. I was in the school on one of Miss Cheerilee's classes." He explained. "So I thought this would be fitting. Hold on, I'll repair it--"

"No, no!" Twilight stopped his hand from clicking. "Stay this way for a while, please!" She pleaded sweetly. Discord raised an eyebrow.

"What? Why?" He asked in disbelief.

"You're so... cute!"

Discord practically snarled at her genuine joy. If there was one thing he didn't want to be, it was cute. Cute was for ponies, not for the Lords of Chaos. Not for draconequues' that wielded powerful magic. Seriously, for such an amazing being, he participated in way too many cute things lately. "More the reason for me to change back!" He replied angrily.

"At least I want to look you over a bit! You know, for science! Please?"

"Fine, just so you stop bothering me."

Twilight nodded, looking at him delightfully. "So, you were at school? Did you learn anything?" Twilight laughed when Discord gave her an unsatisfied look. "I'm just kidding. So what did you do?"

Discord shrugged. "I came just in time for Arts class."

"Oh, that's nice - I bet you had a fun time then, you sure a the more creative of a bunch." Twilight replied as she turned to her shelves and went searching through her books absent mindedly.

"It was rather enjoyable, I have to admit." For whatever reason, he found it hard to give her the stupid cap but he wasn't the type to give up. Finally though, he took a deep breath, needing it for whatever reason and tapped her on the back.

"I have something for you." His silly childish voice was definitely not what he needed at that moment and he fully regretted staying in that form. Twilight turned to him, a few specks of dust in her mane and surprise in her eyes.

"For me?" She repeated, not sure if she heard well. With a sigh, Discord slowly offered her the winter cap.

"We were making winter caps." He explained, doing his best to avoid her gaze. He couldn't believe it was happening but gifting seemed incredibly hard. He wouldn't even do it if he knew it was going to be this embarrassing. "So I made you one, I suppose."

Twilight carefully studied the handicraft in her hooves. Discord found himself worried about whether she's going to like it or not. Of course she'll like it! Was what he told himself before but now he regretted ever doing this.

Then he was suddenly drawn into a bone crushing hug and his snout ended up in her mane. He instantly wanted to struggle out of it but... it was strange. Good but strange. He was never hugged by anyone bigger then himself, so he never quite felt just how comfortable a hug could be. How welcoming. He felt like he could just sink into her hooves forever.

...He hated himself for noticing it, but her mane carried a faint scent of fresh, new parchment and some flowery odour that mostly likely came from a shampoo or soap.

"Discord, I love it!" Twilight finally spoke, breaking the silence that embarrassed him so much.

"Y-you do?" He asked, hardly believing her words, his voice muffled by her hair.

Twilight stood away from him and he saw everything he hoped he would see in her face and more; it made him much, much more happier than he expected. She was obviously excited about it as she studied its patterns.

"Of course I do! It is of my favorite colors! And it has stars on it - it looks just like the night sky! Why..." she paused, before looking at him again, "If I didn't know better, I'd say Rarity had made it, its colors are even similar to my dress! Only she would never make something sporty and practical like this. Thank you, Discord." She thanked him again, trying it out. It fit pretty well on her head though it did fall a bit towards her eyes...

Again with the cute! The Spirit of Disharmony couldn't take it anymore. In two clicks of his fingers, he regained his original size and then transported, disappearing without a trace. Twilight looked around, expecting to see him nearby, but he obviously went out.

"I guess his migraines passed!" She concluded cheerfully, carefully taking off her new cap and taking it to her closet.

At the same time, Discord was hiding in the top of the tree library was in, his head pounding like he had been hit by a huge hammer, dying of embarrassment and praying to whatever divine entities that she didn't notice just how much her words meant to him.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Thanks a bunch to Spiritto, an amazing artist who was kind enough to sketch the hug scene for me - you can check out the sketch here. Please visit her on deviantArt and give her a word of support, she definitely deserves it. :)
Her account and/or drawing is no more! Here' a reupload.