• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,039 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...

Helping Others

Applejack stretched easily as she walked out of Unicornia with the rest of the group. "So, anyone care to tell me what I've signed myself up for? Figure I can be more of a help if I know what I'm doing."

Fluttershy smiled softly. "Well, Spike's friend Pipsqueak is in trouble because he's being blamed for a theft performed by Scootaloo, the Thief Queen. We're going to track her down, bring her back to Ponyville, and thus clear Pipsqueak's name."

The orange mare grinned widely. "So it's a brigand hunt, eh? Sounds like fun." She flexed her arms a bit.

Rarity turned back to the two mares. "Excuse me you two, but I was wondering if...either of you might consider a change of wardrobe?"

Fluttershy's ears fell. "Do you...not like my clothes?"

"Yeah!" Applejack countered pugnaciously. "What's wrong with our outfits?"

"Well, there's not much of it, for one thing," the white unicorn pointed it out. "Both of you are practically naked?"

"And what's wrong with that?" AJ countered. "Nothing wrong with a mare unafraid to show a little coat."

"No arguments there," Rarity replied calmly. "But you both are showing rather a lot..."

"I'm comfy," the earth pony affirmed. "I'm sure Fluttershy's too. That's the end of it."

"Umm...Applejack's right," Fluttershy whimpered, not liking having a confrontation over something so insignificant.

Rarity sighed in defeat. "Alright, I suppose you have a point."

AJ threw her arm companionably around Rarity's shoulders. "Sides," she whispered, "gives us better chances at giving our little hero the hint, know what I'm saying?"

Fluttershy meeped and blushed brightly. Rarity's cheeks gained a slight pink tinge. "I'm sure I have no idea what you're-"

"You can't honestly tell me you don't like being 'Spikey-Wikey's fair lady when he plays knight in shining armor," AJ interrupted. She then leaned in. "Also, I saw those bodice rippers in your bag, and I recognized that first one. It's about a fair princess and her knight protector-"

"I'm certain I have no idea what you're talking about!" Rarity snapped, quickening her pace to get ahead of the more down to earth mare, who laughed uproariously. Her laughter was also joined by Rainbow's, who shared a fist bump with AJ..

Spike chuckled as he heard the girls getting along well. At least there weren't any lingering hard feelings over how AJ joined the group. He figured if anyone would be giving AJ a hard time, it would be Rarity or Fluttershy, seeing as those two seemed to be the most possessive of him. Not having anything much to say to everyone, he pulled out his map to consult.

A nearby explosion shook his concentration, and he looked up just in time to evade a hail of rotten flesh chunks. "Zombies?" he asked Luna and Pinkie, who were taking point.

"Zombies," Luna replied.

"Zombies!" Pinkie crowed happily.

Spike chuckled again. "Well, at least we're all having fun on this trip." With Fluttershy along, the only monsters that approached the party - besides the mindless undead - ran right up to her to chatter before giving a present or running off. And given the undead weakness to fire and, as Pinkie put it, "Sploding!" putting Pinkie and Luna on point meant no real battles had to be fought. He once more examined his map. "The next major settlement is Caponitan, and that's the last settlement on the continent. If we don't find any clues there, I don't know where we'll go from there."

Rainbow flew up and gently nudged his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll find her. Or at least a way to clear your friend's name."

Spike smiled. "Thanks Rainbow."

Several more miles of such companionable travel later, they reached the port town of Caponitan. The first thing they noticed, however, was that the town was empty. "Where is everypony?" AJ asked, confused. "Shouldn't a port town at least have, you know, a dock worker or something? Or at least a boat?"

Luna pointed. "There's someone over by the well." The group walked over.

The mare was walking back and forth, wringing her hands. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear," she kept mumbling to herself.

Spike stepped forward. "Excuse me, Miss, but where is everyone?"

"That idiot colt of mine thought he should go play in the well, and got lost," the mare replied, leaning on the well to look down into it. "Everyone else has gone to look for him, but no one's returned." She began to pace, now getting angry. "If my husband doesn't show his face with my boy soon, then I'm going to go down there and show him I know more spelunking than what he thinks he does in the bedroom!"

As most of the party blushed at that, Luna coughed uncomfortably. "We shall go into the depths and see what is keeping everyone."

The mare smiled. "Thank you. If you see my son, tell him he's so grounded when he comes back up. And if you see my husband, tell him he's sofaed."

Luna nodded. "We shall convey your messages."

Spike moved forward, leading the way down into the well. As soon as he reached the bottom of the ladder, he was caught off guard as a large, white creature leaped at him. He raised his sword to defend himself as Fluttershy screamed in terror.

A blast of magic hit the creature in the side, sending it flying against the wall to burst into white paste. "Are you alright, everyone?" a voice called.

Spike turned, and saw a large red dragon in priestly armor, his claws still glowing from magic discharge. He stood about two feet taller than Spike himself. "Yeah," Spike said calmly. "Caught him just in time, umm..."

The dragon bowed. "I am Sir Garble, Holy Knight of the Church of St. OZ, from Ozrai. I was here spreading the Holy Word when I heard of a child in danger. I thought to aid him, but I cannot handle the entire swarm of these creatures on my own. Have you perhaps come to aid me?"

"The colts mother sent us down. My name's Spike."

Garble nodded. "A pleasure to meet you, Spike." He shuddered. "That mare up there is quite a monster when she gets riled. Let us save her child before she comes down after him. This way." He turned, quickly leading the group deeper into the cave system under the well.

Luna walked by Spike as they followed. "Are you sure we can trust him?" she asked.

"Until he gives us reason not to, I'd rather trust him," Spike pointed out. Luna only nodded in response.

Another creature pounced Garble as they passed through into another cavern. "I've got this!" he yelled as he pushed up with his legs, flipping the creature off him. "Keep going! Find the kid and save him!"

Spike nodded. "Good luck!" he shouted as he led the others away from the fight.

After a time, they reached a very large cavern half full of water, with various rock platforms scattered around. A dark brown stallion ran back and forth in a tizzy. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear..." he worried. "How am I going to get to my son? I can't swim!"

Spike looked across the water. On a distant platform, a dark brown colt sat there, dripping and shaking out his propeller beanie. Spike looked up at the stallion. "Your wife says you're sofaed," he said calmly.

The stallion looked down at Spike, looking rather crushed. "Dammit...but can you please help me get Button?"

"I'll have him in ten seconds flat!" Rainbow said happily, quickly flying over the water to the platform in question.

"This game reeks," the colt complained. "I want to go home!"

"Your Mom says you're grounded as soon as you come up," Rainbow commented drily as she lifted the colt, ready to flap back to the 'shore'.

The colt paled. "Maybe I'll stay down here a little longer."

Right at that moment, a massive white creature that looked a bit like a far too large termite queen broached the surface of the water, roaring.


Spike paled. "Luna! Your strongest lightning spell into the water, now!"

Nodding, Luna gathered massive quantities of mystic electricity between her hands and horn before hurling it into the underground lake. The creature reared back in shock and pain as it was electrocuted, giving Rainbow time to fly back with the colt.

"AJ, I need a good sized rock, one that will fit into Pinkie's cannon! Luna, once AJ has the rock, energize it with your strongest explosion spell. Pinkie, once the rock's energized, load it into the cannon and fire it at that thing where the thorax meets the abdomen!"

AJ ran to the wall of the cavern, managing to smash out a good sized boulder. Rarity came to help, shaping it to the right size with her magic. Luna then applied her spell before helping Fluttershy and Pinkie load it into the cannon. As the creature roared, Pinkie pulled the string.

The makeshift cannon round blasted out, striking the creature right on target. However, the combined efforts gave the round more explosive capacity then predicted. The ensuing explosion tore the creature completely in half, shredding most of the upper body and leaving a huge chunk of the abdomen vaporized. The two pieces sank into the water, very dead, before dissolving into nothingness.

Luna grinned widely. "You never cease to amaze, Spike," she whispered, gripping his shoulder.

"Hoo-wee!" Applejack shouted, pulling off her Stetson to wipe her forehead. "Now that's what I call a show stopper!"

"Wowee Zowee!" Pinkie shouted happily. She started to say more, but then froze. Her ears flopped, her flank twitched, and her hips shimmied.

Luna blinked. "I presume that is not a new form of courtship I am unaware of?"

Rainbow shook her head. "That's the Pinkie Sense. Pinkie can predict some things before they happen, though it can take a bit for her to make sense of the signals sometimes."

Luna smiled. "Ah! It has been some time since we encountered a pony whose magic lent itself to prophecy. Is her foresight long or short-"

"We gotta get out of here!" Pinkie shouted. "The water's coming back!" Grabbing Fluttershy, Button, and the stallion, she dashed out.

"...short term, I see," Luna commented drily as they raced out.

They met up with Garble. "I see you've saved the-" His eyes widened as he saw the onrushing water. Racing past them, he raised a barrier to hold the water back. "I can't hold this long," he grunted. "Get everyone out!"

Luna ran to his side, raising her hands. "With my strength, the barrier should last longer." She poured her magic into the wall of light, making it shine brighter. "Husband your strength and let me take a share of the burden."

Spike nodded. "The rest of us are on evac duty. Search the entire system and get-"

"Caves empty!" a voice said from nearby. A Diamond Dog stuck his head out of a nearby wall. "Pack gets water from here when on long hunt. Water gone, so investigate. Find creepy creatures, and creepier ones hugging pony faces. Smash face huggers, ponies fine. All out. Come this way, we get you all out dry after sealing tunnel."

Spike blinked, then smiled. "Alright! Come on, the Diamond Dogs will get us out!"

The group made their way into the tunnel, Luna and Garble angling the barrier so that the water rushed by harmlessly while the dogs expertly sealed the entrance. "Thanks fellas," AJ said in relief, petting the nearest Diamond Dog on his head. "We owe you one."

The dog shook his head, though he obviously enjoyed being petted. "We still owe much much. We help any way we can."

Another dog spoke up. "Scout saw Thief Queen take boat to other continent. Say something about ancient weapon in Canterlot."

"Canterlot?" Rarity squealed, starry-eyed. "I've always wanted to go there!"

"Looks like we shall be going," Luna admitted, looking a little unwell.

After a bit, the Diamond Dogs led them all back to the surface and into Caponitan once more. Garble smiled gently at Spike. "I must thank you and your friends for your assistance. I would not have been able to save the child and the others alone."

Spike smiled. "Happy to help. We couldn't turn our backs on anyone in need."

"I still feel I should reward you somehow." Garble tapped his chin in thought, then smiled. "I know! I shall grant you the blessing of St. OZ, gifting you the power of magic." He leaned over Spike, his hands glowing.

Spike backed up a bit. "Uhh...will it hurt?"

"No," Garble replied. "It will merely unlock spells that fit your character, allowing you to gain new spells based on your nature." He placed his hands on either side of Spike's head.

Spike felt warm energy flowing into his body, as something inside his mind seemed to unlock. He also felt something trying to anchor itself in his mind, but something inside him blocked it.

Spike learned Scan!

Spike learned Cure 1!

Spike can now learn healing and tactical magic!

Garble smiled as he pulled his hands away. "And there we have it. Quite unique magic." He then bowed. "May St. OZ watch over you." With that, he turned and left.

Luna watched as he walked into the setting sun. "Who is this St. Oz? I do not believe I have heard of him."

"Let's get to the inn," Rarity said, taking Luna's hand, "and I'll explain what I can.

Once everyone was checked in at the inn - four rooms in total, with Luna and Rarity taking one, AJ and Pinkie taking another, Rainbow and Shy taking the third, and Spike left with the fourth - Spike let everyone know he'd be out around town for a while. Unlocking magic inside him had left his brain fuzzy, and he felt the need to clear his head.

Once outside the inn as the moon began to rise, however, he heard a voice call out to him. "Hey there, handsome."

He turned and gaped. Standing under a torch set up for night safety was a unicorn mare. Her coat was somewhere between yellow and orange, leaning more towards yellow. Her mane and tail were red with golden yellow stripes. Her eyes were a brilliant green, shining as she smiled predatorily at him. Every inch and curve of her body just screamed sensuality and lust, helped along by the fact she was garbed in only a black thong bikini and sarong. Her flame cutie mark was plainly visible on her hip, just under where she rested her hand.

Spike swallowed convulsively. "Are...are you talking to me?"

"Who else would I be talking to?" she asked seductively. "Not tired?" She stretched casually, thrusting out her chest as she did.

"Got a lot of nervous energy," Spike admitted, his cheeks turning red. "What about you?"

She smiled widely. "Well, I need a big, strong man to help me with something back at my place." She lowered her head, looking seductively at him through her lashes. "What do you say? Think you could lend me a hand?" Walking up, she ran a finger down the center of his chest. "I'll make it worth your while."

Spike stepped back, stammering a bit. "I'd be happy to help. You don't need to do anything for me."

The mare bent over, smiling happily. "Well aren't you such a sweetheart." She took his hand. "This way. My place is just out of town." She gently tugged him along after her towards a large cottage to the north.

"So what will I be helping with?" Spike asked curiously.

"Don't worry so much about it," the mare replied heatedly as she led him in the door.

Inside, an ancient green earth pony mare was rocking back and forth in a rocking chair, clutching a staff. She let out a loud snore.

The unicorn smiled at Spike. "Past her bedtime," she said by way of explanation. She then turned and shouted, "Yo, Granny! I brought someone!"

The elderly mare shot awake. "Huzzah? Whozat? Sunset? You finally got someone?" The mare got to her hooves. "So you know what's up here, right?" she asked Spike.

"Umm...not exactly," Spike admitted.

Granny rounded on the unicorn. "Sunset Shimmer! Did you just flirt him over here again?"

Sunset shrugged. "Yes, I did! You see how desperate you get after nearly 12 hours of not getting any volunteers to be a 'guinea pig'. I even shed most of my clothes in the hope someone might do anything for a scantily clad mare."

"Wait, guinea pig?" Spike asked in confusion, backing up.

Granny glowered at Sunset. "Explain it to him."

Sunset sighed. "Yes, Granny Smith." She turned to Spike. "It's no big deal, really," she said, pressing up against him. "We're experimenting with combining," she whispered seductively. "Two people becoming one. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

"Sunset!" Granny Smith snapped. Groaning, she turned to Spike. "Sunset Shimmer is the shaman of fire. Through an ancient ritual, she can merge herself into a being from another tribe, gifting them with her power. We just want to test make sure the ritual works!"

Spike blinked. "Oh. ...uh..."

"Just get your patootie into the center of that circle there afore I wallop it with my cane!"

"Right!" Spike raced into the middle circle. Sunset stood on the smaller circle to his left, winking at him and blowing him a kiss.

Granny Smith rolled her eyes and raised her cane. She started murmuring something, and Spike felt energy gathering around her. Light shot up around Sunset, setting her sarong to fluttering, giving him an unhindered view of her shapely flank before her entire body turned into light. That light then shone down onto him, and he felt a fire burning inside him as something immense erupted from within.

When Spike came to, the cottage was destroyed, the land around it for several yards was scorched black, and Granny Smith was whacking him with her cane. "Why didn't you say you were of the dragon clans!" she snapped. "Your power's too strong for shamans!"

Spike blinked up, struggling not to complain about his dragon blood being obvious. After all, Luna apparently didn't see it until he breathed fire. "...I didn't know it would be a problem," he said at last.

"Welp, we did bring out the dragon power inside you. So it was a partial success." The ancient mare leaned on her cane. "Now, since you did destroy our home in the process, get us a new one!"

"It doesn't need to be much," Sunset added soothingly, kneeling beside him. "Smooth wooden floors, nice windows, a hot bath, a stocked kitchen, somewhere to perform combination experiments...and a warm bed with silk or cotton sheets for performing other sorts of experiments." She gave Spike another wink.

Spike sat up, managing to smile. "Pretty sure I know the perfect place. Come on, we'll head back to Caponitan and I'll ask Luna to warp you to Dutchcolt. Pinkie can tell you which house you should use."

"You're so kind," Sunset said happily.

Granny Smith snorted. "I'll wait at town edge till she's ready to send us off."

Nodding, Spike led them back to town and towards the inn...where he found all the mares waiting for him. "And where have you been, Spikey...Wikey?" Rarity asked, her voice fading as she saw the scantily clad mare with him. The rest of the mares were silent.

"Uhh...helping someone in need?" Spike replied, scratching the back of his head as he glanced around, taking in the environment.

Applejack seemed to be smirking understandingly, while Pinkie was struggling not to laugh about something. Luna had her eyebrow raised curiously, while Rainbow was glowering angrily. Rarity was pouting, and Fluttershy looked to be on the verge of tears.

Sunset stepped in. "I know those looks. I'm not a hooker, I'm a shaman. And all I did was bring out his inner dragon."

Luna nodded understandingly. The rest looked shocked. "You're a dragon?" they all said in shock.

Spike blinked. "...what?"

Spike learned DragonFire!
Spike learned DragonFrost!
Spike learned DragonBolt!

Author's Note:

Battle Data:


Magic - Spike has gained the ability to use magic. In addition to white magic and tactical magic - Scan lets him know an enemy's health, magic power, level, and elemental weaknesses and resistances - Spike has gained the ability to tap his Dragon blood for strong blasts. These spells are quite draining.

DragonFire turns his scales red as he releases a massive gout of flame that strikes a single target, which is far stronger than his normal fire breath spell.
DragonFrost turns his scales a pale blue as he releases a blast of bitter cold that strikes a single target.
DragonBolt turns his scales a dark blue as he releases a blast of lightning that strikes a single target.