• Published 14th Oct 2013
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Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...

The Resistance

As the group headed once more towards the lower levels of the palace, Spike turned to Rarity. "Is what you were yelling at Sweetie true?" he asked. "Were you going to...sacrifice everything you were to become the Qi-lin?"

Rarity lowered her head. "Yes...that was my plan. I had thought that it would have been the best way to aid our quest. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make."

"And a really stupid choice!" Scootaloo pointed out. "I mean seriously, Pinkie can launch us through the sky with her cannon, right? All we'd need is some way to ensure a soft landing! Or we could have tried scaling the cliff! Or any number of other options. Like Pip said, it's not worth sacrificing anyone." She hugged Sweetie Belle. "We mean too much to each other to be willing to let anyone go so easily."

Sweetie Belle could only grin. She had bonded rather rapidly with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom once she'd learned that none of them had their Cutie Marks yet. They talked about forming a club together to find their talents once the journey was over...assuming they didn't discover their special talent in "evil slaying". Apple Bloom had suggested possible experimentation in finding a talent in "Pip riding". Pipsqueak was, as a result, currently clinging to the top of Luna's head in abject terror, much to her amusement.

"And if that weren't a good enough reason," Pinkie pointed out, "you're our only white mage. Luna's a black mage, Twilight's a red mage, and Spike's a Dragon Paladin. You're our only healer specialist! And nopony bucks with the white mage!" She paused. "Maybe that's why you haven't gotten anywhere with Spike yet, though." This sent Applejack and Rainbow Dash into uproarious laughter, and set Rarity to blushing.

Spike tilted his head. "I don't get it." Luna, RD, AJ, Rarity, and Twilight groaned. Pinkie rolled her eyes, and Fluttershy pouted.

Eventually, they reached the Diamond Dog tunnels. "Fido!" Rarity called. "Can you help us?"

Several dogs immediately poured out of the tunnels, Fido in the lead. "Happy to assist, Princess Rarity," he said with a bow.

Rarity blushed. "You've heard already?"

Fido nodded. "Diamond Dogs have long ears!" he said playfully, tugging on his ears. "How can assist?"

"Could you perchance dig us a tunnel to Ozrai island?" she asked sweetly.

Fido hissed, wincing. "South not in Fido's territory. That area belong to Rover's pack. Rover tough dog, lead tough pack. Lean and mean. Not help you unless something in it for him."

Rarity sighed. "Well...could you perhaps arrange an introduction, so we can learn what he wants to take us there?"

Fido nodded. "This way." The pack turned and led the group through their maze of tunnels. "But quiet. Rover very intense, not like unnecessary noise. Rover half wolf." Rarity nodded, and the group followed Fido in silence.

Eventually, they reached a huge underground chamber with tunnels branching off in numerous paths. Fido walked into the center and howled. He then backed up carefully.

There was a loud rumble. A huge pack of hounds - all looking much bigger, meaner, and bearing more jewel decorations than Fido's pack - poured out of all the south bound tunnels. One dog in particular caught every eye, as while being twice the size of the other dogs in the pack, he looked incredibly young. His coat was a mix of black and grey, and he had piercing blue eyes. He walked to the center of the area, sniffing. "Why Fido call pack meet?"

Fido bowed. "Rover, friends of pack seek visit to Ozrai island."

Rover sneered. "Ozrai!" he barked. "More fools brainwashed to worship fake god?"

"No," Scootaloo countered. "We go to rescue loved ones stolen from us...and then to tear the church down all the way to the foundation blocks."

Rover looked at Scootaloo. "...talk big. But talk worth dung. Prove words."

"How?" Spike asked, stepping forward.

Rover crossed his massive arms. "Deep inside Thieves Tomb lie treasure of hounds. Make way through and retrieve treasure, then Rover take you to Ozrai."

Rarity smiled winsomely. "Might you show us the way to the Thieves Tomb?"

"Rover show. Pack wait for return." With that, Fido and Rover's packs went their separate ways, and Rover led the party down another tunnel. A good way down the tunnel, he paused, listening. After a bit, he rushed to Scootaloo's side, going down on all fours and resting his head against her stomach. "Rover sorry for angry talk," he whined. "Need keep rep with pack, so have to be tough. Forgive? Rover still Mommy's good boy?"

Laughing, Scootaloo scratched him behind one ear. "Yes, you're still my good boy," she said happily. She then turned to the others. "I raised Rover since I found him as a pup. He grew fast and strong. His pack is actually my primary information network."

Rover frowned. "Still no word of Mommy's Daddy," he whined.

"It's okay," she replied sadly. "I'll find him someday."

"Tomb this way," Rover said, scampering off happily. The group followed.

"I've been in Thieves Tomb before," Scootaloo mentioned. "Never been all the way inside. Rumor goes a weapon from the stars rests in its depths. That's what we'll need to find to prove ourselves to Rover's pack. I know the way past the traps in the outer levels, but I've never been able to get past the last one."

"Lead the way," Pipsqueak replied. "We'll figure it out."

Once inside Thieves Tomb, the group followed Scootaloo into a deeper section of the tomb, past numerous traps. Eventually, they came to what seemed like the innermost chamber, holding a single chest.

"This is where I always get stuck," Scootaloo pouted.

"Why?" Pipsqueak asked. "Is it trapped?"

"No," Scootaloo frowned. "Empty."

Confused, Pipsqueak popped it open, discovering it was indeed empty. "Huh."

"And I know no one got to it first, because that would have gotten around," Scootaloo complained. "And there aren't any switches or traps anywhere around the room, and-" Her tirade was interrupted by a loud rumbling as a door opened at the back of the room. "Huh?"

"Most treasure chests can be picked up," Pipsqueak pointed out. "This one can't, because the switch to open the door is in its base."

Scootaloo stared at him for a time. "I knew that," she said lamely. She went through the door. "And another room with a single chest!" she complained.

Pipsqueak kicked it open. "This one's got the weapon."

"Stop making me look bad!" Scootaloo complained. "I'm the Thief Queen!"

Pipsqueak grinned. "Does that make me the King?"

Suddenly smirking, Scootaloo sauntered slowly to his side. "Not yet," she breathed, pressing up against him.

Pipsqueak fled.

Party got the StarrrSD!

After retrieving the weapon - which, beyond a spell crystal embedded in the blade, was extremely inferior to Spike's own weapons - the group was lead to Ozrai island through underground tunnels. Once there, they made their way to the walled in area surrounding the Church.

"Looks peaceful enough," Spike commented. "Lets split up and search for any sign of Cliff." The group then proceeded to wander around town.

Despite their hopes, all they were able to learn was that everyone there seemed supremely happy to be there. As they regathered at the entrance, only Fluttershy had any news. "Umm...one of the ponies I talked to mentioned that an older stallion had been taken into the main church."

Applejack snapped her fingers. "Cansarn it! That place is like a fortress, and the door looks to be magically reinforced! That guard said only 'True Believers' got to go in."

"We won't be able to bust in with just us," Rainbow Dash added. "We should leave, regroup, get some reinforcements."

"Right," Spike said calmly. He turned to leave through the gate...only to be stopped by an invisible force.

Luna's eyes widened. "A Sombra Wall!" she hissed, staring at the gate. "The entire city is surrounded, trapping the inhabitants in a false joy as all love and hope is slowly drained from their souls. No one who enters can leave."

"Then how are we going to get out of here?' Rainbow Dash demanded in a panicked voice. Fluttershy whimpered in fear.

"A Hail Mary pass," Pinkie said, heading towards the second largest building in town. In desperation, the group followed.

The building was a miniature church, similar to the churches in other towns. At the main altar, a bored looking gray mare in a gray-blue trenchcoat stood, watching the group approach. "All hail the wonderful teachings of St. OZ," she said, her voice completely devoid of emotion.

Pinkie wilted a little. "Maud..."

"Are you followers of St. OZ?" the mare asked.

"No!" Pinkie complained. "I am, and always will be, a follower of the Dragon God!"

Maud stared at her for a time. "Good," she said finally, pulling Pinkie into a tight embrace.

Blinking, Pinkie returned the hug. "Maud..."

"I'm a plant from the resistance," Maud explained. "Since I don't visibly show emotion normally, I was the perfect spy, since the regular practitioners can't see my thoughts on my face."

"If you're a double agent," Spike questioned, "then you must have a way out of town around the Sombra Wall, right?"

Maud nodded. "The wall only goes to ground level," she said, pushing the altar over and revealing a tunnel entrance. "I dug this tunnel to outside the wall. Near the exit is a note you'll need to get to the rest of the resistance. Now go, before someone finds you."

Pinkie gave Maud another tight hug before rushing into the tunnel, followed by the rest of the group. Maud put the altar back behind them.

Once outside the tunnel, Pinkie found the note, pinned to the back of the sign. Reading it, she gasped.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

Pinkie pulled out her Party Cannon. "Coordinates!"

"But what about-"

Before Spike could finish his question, Pinkie had loaded them all into the cannon - herself included - and launched them all west.

They all came down on a small collection of buildings. Each of them came in on a soft landing - Luna, AJ, and Fluttershy landed on a haystack; Pipsqueak, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo landed in a deep lake; Spike landed, for some reason, on a giant marshmallow; Rarity, Twilight, and Pinkie landed on Spike - but Rainbow Dash came down on top of a pegasus stallion asleep in his bed. The white stallion had a dark blue mane and tail, was well muscled, and his green eyes snapped open as Rainbow landed on him. "Hello gorgeous," he said with a wide grin. "Did the fall from heaven hurt?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Like I haven't heard that pick up line before." She pushed herself off him before he could close arms or wings around her as he was attempting to do.

He chuckled. "I meant because you crashed through my roof."

Rainbow blushed. "Oh." She shook her head. "Look, Maud sent us to-"

"What's your name, beautiful?" he interrupted.

Rainbow glared. "Rainbow Dash. Who are you?"

The stallion grinned widely. "I'm Soarin', leader of the resistance. What brings such a lovely mare to my side?"

Rainbow glowered. "Stop flirting already. And we're here to lead the assault on Ozrai."

Soarin' snapped to attention. "Who's we?"

"That'd be us," Spike said, stepping in the doorway along with the rest of the group.

Soarin' raised an eyebrow. "Looks like we've got quite a bit of reinforcement for our group. But there's something else I want to get clear first." He turned to Rainbow. "Marry me!"

Rainbow's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

"It's love at first sight!" he proclaimed. "With you at my side, I could conquer the Goddesses!"

"I almost want to test that," Luna muttered under her breath.

"Be mine, Rainbow!" Soarin' continued, running after Rainbow as she backed away. "We're both single and-"


Soarin' froze as the metal glove dropped from where it had impacted his face. It then popped up from the floor to brace on it, leaping up to cover his extended hand, reattaching with the LifeAR Spike was wearing. "Huh," Spike said calmly. "I didn't know it could do that."

Soarin' glared at him. "What was that for?"

Spike glowered. "I take issue with how you're behaving towards Rainbow!"

"What? Are you saying she's yours?"

"And what if she is?" Spike roared, making most of the group back up in shock and making Rainbow blush brightly. "What right do you have to decide her life for her?"

"Then we'll settle this like stallions!" Soarin' roared, charging forward.

Spike leapt into the air and landed lightly, his feet on Soarin's back, his hands over Soarin's face. "Freeze," he ordered. Soarin' froze. "My hind claws are on your flight muscles. All I'd have to do is dig in, and they'd be destroyed. You'd never fly again. My hand claws are at your eye sockets. I dig in, and you're permanently blinded, as no white magic known to modern mages can heal damaged eyes. You'd never fly again. You might be able to stop one assault before I could act, but not both. If you ever hope to fly again, then yield."

"I yield! I yield! She's you-"

"Shut up!" Spike snarled. "I didn't fight you to stake a claim to Rainbow. I fought you because you had no right to stake one of your own! The only one with any right to decide Rainbow's future is Rainbow herself. Understood?"

Soarin' swallowed convulsively. "Y-yes."

"Good." Spike leapt off Soarin', pushing him to the ground as he did. "As long as that's understood, let's get ready to assault Ozrai. I assume you have a plan to get into the main church?"

Soarin' nodded. "Let's get some rest. There's a smaller church to the south that is very important to the followers of OZ. We'll make our way there tomorrow morning, and from there stage an attack on Ozrai."

Nodding, Spike stepped out of the building. He leaned against the wall and put his hand to his head. "What the hell just came over me?" he wondered. Despite what he'd said to Soarin', his initial reaction that had made him issue the slap challenge hadn't been as noble as he claimed. It had been very simple, from the depths of his being.

My mares. MINE!

"What's wrong with me?" he whispered, shaking a bit.

"That's what I'd like to know!" Rainbow demanded pugnaciously.

Spike looked up to see Rainbow glaring at him. "Rainbow...I..."

She slugged him hard on the arm. "Where do you get off fighting my battles for me, huh? Did you seriously think I couldn't take that guy on my own?"

Spike hung his head. "Sorry..."

She sighed. "Still...you coming to my defense like that...it was kinda cool. No one's ever even thought to do that for me before." Leaning in, she gave him a peck on the cheek. "So thanks."

As she walked off, Spike was left with a rather goofy grin.

"I think she likes you," Scootaloo said from behind him.

"I like her too," Spike replied. "She's a very good friend."

Scootaloo groaned. "No wonder you don't wear a helmet."

Author's Note:

Battle Data:

StarrrSD - attack +68 (as opposed to the 150 of the Tri-Rang or the 160 of the EmpireSD), and has a spell crystal embedded in the blade. No other known effects.