• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,039 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...

Queen takes King

Spike and the others disembarked from Steve as they reached the island of Harmonia. Apple Bloom immediately began strumming her lute. "So, as long as I play this, the locals will understand us, right?"

Luna nodded. "That is so."


"The magic of Harmony is part of what allows our world to function," Luna explained. "It allows for magic, pegasus flight, even the more unique earth pony abilities. It is also the cause of some ponies spontaneously breaking into song. This energy is focused in points across the globe. The Isle of Harmonia happens to be one of the strongest focal points. As a result, those born and raised here are imbued with its power, and can only communicate through song. Playing an instrument is a shortcut around this limitation for casual conversation."

Apple Bloom looked perplexed. "Wow. I seriously wasn't expecting a valid explanation for that."

"Yeah," Scootaloo added. "I always thought it wasn't so much being unable to communicate as a local law passed a long time ago by an eccentric ruler."

"Assuming we even got an explanation," Pinkie added.

Spike shrugged. "It's not like the why is important, really. We have the lute, so we'll be able to communicate."

"As long as my hands don't get tired," Apple Bloom grumbled. Her mood lightened considerably when Pipsqueak smiled reassuringly at her, despite Applejack's glower.

Deciding to ignore this, Spike led the group into the city. Spike and Pipsqueak were immediately caught off guard as they walked in, discovering that the entire population of the island - which was about 75% mares - walked around in swimsuits. Bikinis seemed to be the preference for mares, and there were few stallions in sight. Needless to say, Spike and Pip were distracted, much to the mares frustrations.

"Quit staring at the scenery," Applejack complained, punching Spike on the shoulder.

"Sorry," Spike apologized, rubbing his arm.

Pipsqueak, meanwhile, was on the receiving end of a double dose of sad puppy dog eyes. "I thought ya liked me," Apple Bloom whined.

"You said I was just your type," Scootaloo complained, getting a growl out of Spike. "And I'm wearing a skin tight cat suit here!"

"And I'm wearing nearly as little as most of those mares!" Apple Bloom continued. "What have those mares got that we don't?"

Scootaloo's eyes went flat. "Apple Bloom, as much as I'm upset with Pip too, even I can answer that one." She gestured to how much more 'developed' the mares of the island were as compared to the two of them.

Apple Bloom sighed, glancing down at her chest. She glanced towards Applejack, who was just taking a drink. "Applejack, when I get older, will I have boobs as big as yours?"

Applejack wound up spitting her water all over Spike, much to Rainbow Dash's amusement. Spike shook himself off. "Let's just find out where we can get the dream pillow."

Apple Bloom nodded, returning to strumming her lute. Asking one of the locals - Twilight took over, since she didn't trust Spike not to stare - they learned that the dream pillow was a royal treasure, and the only way they would have a chance of getting it was by talking to the Queen. They then proceeded to the palace.

As they entered the throne room, it was obvious who the queen was. Lounging on the elevated throne that was the literal center of attention was a pure white unicorn with a pink and white mane, pale purple eyes, and a body that looked like it was crafted by a perverted god. From her generous bosom to her thin waist and flat stomach to her shapely hips...all enhanced by the fact she was garbed in only a tiara crafted from a single piece of solid green jade. She glanced towards the visiting group with a bored expression as young, buff stallions surrounded her, waving fans, peeling grapes, and overall worshipping her. "Who approaches the throne?" she asked in a bored tone, extending a hand to examine her perfect manicure.

Spike stepped forward, accompanied by Apple Bloom, who continued to play the lute. "Your Majesty, we-"

"I am completely capable of conversing with outsiders without the use of music," she interrupted. "Your young companion can cease her amateur strumming. It grates on the ears and is an offense to call it music."

Apple Bloom whimpered, tears in her eyes as she nearly dropped the lute. Pipsqueak, Scootaloo, and Applejack were immediately at her side to comfort her. Applejack glared at the unicorn. "You had no call to go insulting my sister's playing! She does the best she can! Just who do you think you-"

"I am Fleur de Lis, Queen of Harmonia," the mare interrupted. "More specifically, I'm the one who is currently more concerned with the state of my manicure then the well being of rude foreigners. Do you have any actual business with me, or are you just wasting my time?"

"We're here for the dream pillow," Spike replied, barely containing his anger. He did not like this queen.

Fleur looked at him for a time, then burst into peal after peal of bell like laughter. "You amuse me, foreigners. You barge into my throne room without an appointment, lecture me, and then demand I hand over one of the kingdom's royal treasures? Give me one good reason not to have you all thrown off my island into the sea."

"My friend Steve the Sea Serpent will save us and then lay waste to your island," Scootaloo said calmly, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. "It's pretty plain we aren't going to get along, but we didn't come asking for charity. You have something we need. I would explain that it's in your own best interest to help us save the world, but we don't have time to make you listen to reason. So what do you want for it?"

Fleur stared at Scootaloo. "Nopony's ever spoken to me like that before...interesting." She sat up, which got shocked murmurs from the pretty boys who stood around worshipping her. "You seek to buy a royal treasure? I hope you don't think money holds any interest for me."

"Quite doubtful," Rarity said, stepping up. "You have all you could want for wealth and power, and anything wealth or power could get you, you can get easily. It seems what you might want is something not so easily acquired."

Fleur stared at Rarity for a time, her half lidded gaze calculating. "Your words intrigue me." She lay back on her throne. "There is one thing I have wanted for my court that none have ever been able to retrieve me. ...bring me an Uparupa, and I will hear your request."

Fluttershy gasped a bit, but stayed quiet. Spike nodded. "We'll get back to you." He turned to leave, leading the others out.

"Return without an Uparupa," Fleur called after the group, "and you will see the inside of the dungeons." Her voice was consumed completely with apathy.

The group shuddered as they stepped outside. Spike turned to Fluttershy. "You know something about Uparupa?" he asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes. They're very rare creatures, and they don't live well outside their native environment. I'm not sure a royal court would be the best place..."

"What is their natural environment?" Twilight asked eagerly.

"There's a cave at the base of a seaside cliff near Horsair. The Uparupa live deep in the cave. If we're going to get one to come with us, we'll need to bring some Owl Fruit. It's their favorite food. We can find it deep in the woods between Unicornia and Caponitan, north of the cave to Everfree." She paused. "However, when the fruit is ripe, a dryad seeks to find men to mate with, and drives women away with strong blasts of magic. We'll have to...fight her."

Rainbow smirked. "No we won't. I'll make an aerial surveillance flight, spy out the Owl Fruit, then swoop in and snatch them in 10 seconds flat!"

"Oh, I hope she won't mind," Fluttershy fretted. "She's normally so nice, but when she enters mating season..."

Spike patted Fluttershy's shoulders. "Don't worry." He turned to Luna. "Is that an accurate enough location to warp us to?"

Luna nodded. "I know the Owl Fruit glade well. I can take us a mile south." Luna cast her spell.

As they stood in a clearing south of the woods in question, Rainbow flew upwards. "You all go call Steve to get us to the cave. I'll go fetch the Owl Fruit and meet you at the beach!" She then took off to fly over the woods.

The rest of the group took her advice, heading for the beach. Once Steve was there, they waited for Rainbow's return. After a time, she flew up...topless. "Rainbow, what happened?" Fluttershy asked in concern. Spike ran up as well, tossing his cloak around Rainbow.

Rainbow, for her part, looked up at Fluttershy with a raised eyebrow. "I thought you said she drove away females," she groused. "I'll never look at vines the same way again...especially with those thorns." She shivered. "At least she only got my top."

Rarity pulled a bolt of cloth from her bag and rapidly made a makeshift top for Rainbow. "Not my best work, but it'll do until we have some time to relax."

Rainbow smiled as she tugged it on. "Thanks, Rares."

After a quick ride on Steve, they explored the cavern to its depths, smashing a few imps along the way. Reaching the back, Fluttershy took an Owl fruit and approached an alcove. "Hello little fella," she whispered. "I have a treat for you. Would you like to come get it?"

"...Upa?" a cute sounding voice queried from within the darkened enclosure. Slowly, the Uparupa crawled out. It stood at about shoulder height on Fluttershy, and its bright colors seemed very out of place in the dark cavern.

Fluttershy held the Owl fruit out, and the creature eagerly ate from her hand. "That's a good boy," she said quietly. "I know you like it in this cave, but as beautiful as you are, would you like to be admired sometimes?"

The Uparupa tilted his head this was and that. "Aru?"

"Well, there's this queen who would really like to-"

"Upa!" the creature wailed, beginning to back away.

"Oh no, nothing like that! I won't let her mistreat you, I promise!" Fluttershy began petting it on its back, to one side of the spine fluke.

The Uparupa shivered for a bit, then relaxed. "...upa. Paruru?"

"I'll be sure to let her know. Oh, she might want you to walk around during court so she can show you off. Would that be okay?"

"Pau! Upapa, Rupau."

Fluttershy nodded. "I'll be sure to let her know." Fluttershy stood up. "Luna, can you take us back to Harmonia?"

Luna nodded. "I'll need to rest soon. After this, I think I've only got two more trips left in me."

"It's okay," Twilight spoke up. "I'm pretty sure I've figured out how to boost my own teleportation spell to warp us around the countryside."

As they walked the streets of Harmonia, the populace flocked over to see the Uparupa, walking calmly at Fluttershy's side. At her intense directive - backed by a gaze so intense many flinched - they kept a respectful distance. However, word of their approach reached the palace well before they did. Queen Fleur was waiting for them.

"You have brought my Uparupa!" she said happily, racing forward after leaping from her throne.

"Wait!" Fluttershy commanded, the shock of her shout and the intensity of her tone causing the entire court room to freeze. "He's a little shy, so you need to let him adjust to being in a new place over time, not trying to force him into the spotlight right away. If you wall in three sides of the area under your throne, it'll be a perfect spot for him to sit while he gets used to the hustle and bustle of the court. His preference is to be in warm, dark, enclosed spaces, so any area similar would be a good spot to let him nest, but as he's amphibious he needs to be somewhere with ready access to the ocean. While he is fine with talking even if there isn't understanding, he won't do tricks, so don't try to train him. Owl fruits make excellent treats for him, but seaweed and fish is his usual diet, which should be easy to get on an island kingdom. Also, if he starts making a beeline for the ocean, don't cage him; he won't be trying to leave, just find a mate, and if he truly enjoys it here, he'll return and possibly bring his mate. Don't touch the whisker feathers, as those are directly connected to sensory organs and are highly sensitive. Same goes for his spinal fluke.

"And I'll have your word of honor that you'll treat him right before I hand him over to your care. He came here of his own will, with my promise that he could make a good home here, and if you make a liar out of me, I'll sick Angel on you."

Spike and Pipsqueak both recoiled at the mention of Fluttershy's 'baby'. Fleur, however, tilted her head. "You...promised him?"

"I can talk to monsters," Fluttershy explained. "It's my special talent."

Fleur nodded. "Alright. You have my word of honor as Queen that I will treat him right, so that he will want to stay."

"Ah ah ah!" Pinkie said, rushing up. "Not gonna cut it. Repeat after me-"

"Cross my heart," Fleur interrupted, doing the motions, "hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She gave Pinkie a raised eyebrow. "Your reputation precedes you." She turned back to Fluttershy. "My bed is similarly elevated, and my private chambers open onto the tidal pools at the back of the island. Will that be acceptable?"

Fluttershy nodded. "If you wall in all but the side leading to the tidal pools, he'll be perfectly happy." She stepped back, letting the Uparupa walk up to Fleur.

Fleur kneeled down, stroking the Uparupa's back on one side of the spinal fluke. "I hope you'll be happy here," she said calmly, even as her pretty boys began walling in three sides of the open space beneath the throne.

"Upa!" With that happy noise, the Uparupa nuzzled Fleur's face, then dove under the throne, getting quite comfortable, bringing its tail up over the throne to sway over Fleur as she once more reclined.

"So...the pillow?" Scootaloo inquired.

"I said I would hear your request if you brought me an Uparupa," she said, letting one hand hang below the edge of her throne, stroking the Uparupa as she lounged. "So why do you seek the dream pillow?"

As several of the mares groaned or rolled their eyes, Luna stepped forward. "Demons are causing great mayhem in the world and pushing it towards destruction. One has invaded the Forest Elder's mind and damaged his memory. With the dream pillow, we can go into his mind, slay the demon, and get the information we need to stop the demons and save the world."

Fleur blinked. "So you want to save the world? And I'm supposed to help with that?"

"It's...kind of in your own self interest," Rainbow pointed out.

"Only if there was anything in this world I felt was worth saving," she replied, sighing. She thought for a bit. "Leave us!" she commanded the court.

Once the court emptied and only Fleur, the group, and the Uparupa remained, Pip tilted his head. "Is there something...private?"

Fleur sighed. "You, the yellow one-"

"Fluttershy," Spike interrupted.

"Yes, Fluttershy...the way you spoke to me regarding the Uparupa...no one has spoken to me like that since I was 4, when my mother died and I became queen. Since then, my life has been defined by my entire small world revolving around me, and any wants or whims that came to mind. It was so...empty. But when you spoke to me as an equal...I felt a little more whole, better than I have in years. I need someone who will speak to me as an equal, who will tell me when I'm being foolish, or appropriately praise me when I've done well. Someone who will care about me for me, and not because I'm queen."

She sighed longingly. "I need a husband."

Luna, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight all glomped onto Spike. "Mine!" they snarled at Fleur together.

"Uh...what?" Spike asked, totally confused.

Fleur laughed again. "You can relax, girls. He's not my type."

"Mine!" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo yelled, glomping onto Pipsqueak.

"What?" Applejack and Spike demanded angrily.

"What?" Pipsqueak asked fearfully.

Fleur groaned. "He's even less my type," she pointed out. "I want someone older than me, but not too much. Old enough to be experienced, but young enough to be able to take advantage of that experience for a long time coming. Someone cultured and educated, but humble. Someone kind, considerate, compassionate...but not a fool. Someone who will appreciate my body, but be able to see past it to love me for my mind."

Twilight blinked. "Sounds to me like you want a noble who doesn't act like a noble."

Fleur sighed. "Yes. What are the odds of finding such a stallion?"

"I might know one," Pip spoke up. "He's middle aged but vigorous, and he's unafraid to have a full confrontation with other nobles to protect the interests of those he represents."

Fleur's eyes widened. "Really? Is...is he a unicorn? It's not so much a bias, but it will give us a common ground in magic to converse about."

Pip nodded. "He is. Luna, do you think you and Twilight could swing by Ponyville and invite Fancy Pants here? I think he'd like to meet her majesty."

Twilight grinned. "I'll bring him." Twilight popped away.

Fancy Pants was sitting at his desk, composing poetry. With Blueblood a non-issue and the Rangers now addressing the real issues of the world, he found himself with a surplus of time and an absence of things to do with it. With the town he cared for so much taking care of itself and the people moving steadily towards being happy, he found himself without a task for himself or a need for his skills.

"What was it I did last time I felt this way?" he asked himself. "Oh, that's right. I left Canterlot to go adventuring, and wound up settling in Ponyville. I'm a bit old to adventure now."

Twilight appeared in the air before him. "It worked!" she said happily. "I did master the spell!"

Fancy blinked. "You were practicing a teleportation spell naked?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

With a loud "Meep!" Twilight covered herself. "Guess I didn't get it quite right. I either torched my clothes or left them behind. Anyway, are you a dedicated bachelor?"

Fancy blinked. "There are better ways to proposition a-"

"Oh, not for me!" Twilight said quickly. "Queen Fleur of Harmonia. Pip seems to think, based on what she said she wants in a husband, that you're just her type."

Fancy raised his eyebrows. "Really? How about that." He stood up. "A whirlwind romance with royalty? What a wonderful way to fill my time. Now, how will I-"

Twilight warped them back to Harmonia.

"-get there..." Fancy finished his thought. "Well, how convenient." He turned towards the throne. "And you must be her majesty?" he asked courtly, his eyes flickering briefly over her figure appreciatively before returning to her face.

"Yes," she replied. "Fleur de Lis. And you would be...Fancy Pants?"

"Indeed," he replied, "though if you are an indication of local wardrobe requirements, I may have to change my name."

Fleur giggled a bit. "Aren't you amusing?" she said coyly. She lifted a pillow from her divan like throne and patted the now empty space. "Won't you join me up here?" Fancy sat beside her, and she lay her head in his lap, tossing the pillow to Luna.

Luna examined the pillow. "Let's leave them be," she whispered to the others. "We have what we came for."

Luna got Dream Pillow!