• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,038 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...

Double Trouble

Twilight smiled, her satchel slung over her shoulder, as she led the group back towards the carriage dock. She had spent most of the trip badgering the entire group with endless questions, and taking notes of their answers. While Twilight didn't show any nervousness at learning Spike was, in fact, a dragon, she instead began badgering him with questions about how a dragon was different from a pony. Having grown up with Pipsqueak, Spike felt confident in answering them. When she paused in her questions, however, Spike looked up at her. "Is there anything else?"

"Well, there is one question I've been meaning to ask, but I'm not sure how to ask it or if I should," Twilight admitted.

"Go ahead," Spike assured her.

"Well, I've read some data that says dragons have two. Is it true?"

Spike blinked. "Two wha-"

"It's true!" Pinkie said happily. "At least, it's true with Spikers!"

Rarity's eyes narrowed. "And how would you know-"

"If you press real tight up against him, he starts to poke through his armor," Pinkie explained, leaving numerous blushing faces.

Spike groaned, recognizing what the inquiry was about now.

"So why do you have two?" Twilight asked. "Do they both perform all the same functions? Do they experience different levels of sensitivity? Are they in fixed positions, or can you move them independent of each other? Can-"

"I would say that these sorts of questions are more appropriate for the bedroom," Luna interrupted, "but I can tell that it is true academic interest that drives them for you, without a hint of lust. Rather unnerving in its own right, I admit. Also, I believe you are making Spike uncomfortable."

Twilight blinked. "I am?" She looked at Spike's flustered face. "Oh, sorry! I tend to get carried away learning new things."

"Like how you didn't want to be uncursed because you were busy taking notes about walking on all fours?" Rainbow quipped. Twilight chuckled nervously in response.

"So," Rarity posed, trying to defuse the situation, "you can get us into Canterlot?"

"Certainly!" Twilight said happily, walking up to a carriage. "Climb aboard! I'm sure Mom and my baby brother would be happy to meet you all!"

Pinkie grinned widely as she bounced into the carriage. "This is going to be so much fun!" The others climbed on the carriage as well. Twilight shaped a rune in the air over the front of the carriage, and it moved easily across the lake and through the magic curtain towards the castle in the center of the lake.

As they settled down at the dock, Twilight stepped out. "I'll be right back," she said quickly. "I want to let everyone know I'm okay." She turned to run into the castle.

"Wait!" Spike called out. "You forgot your satchel!" Shaking his head, he scooped it up, rushing after her.

When they entered the castle, however, they saw a confused Twilight Sparkle being led away by a large group of guards, and a pony who looked very similar to Twilight except for slight color variations - her coat was pink rather than purple, and her mane and tail were white with a purple stripe rather than purple with a pink stripe - wearing an elegant royal gown. "My apologies," she said to Spike and the group. "It appears you have been badly misled by an imposter. I am Princess Twilight Sparkle. That imposter has caused any number of problems for Canterlot, stirring up rebellion in the countryside. She actually believes she's me. While I would offer you welcome and refreshment as thanks, I'm afraid the castle is under lockdown. I must ask you to leave immediately. You understand, don't you?"

"Of course," Luna replied coldly before anyone else could speak. "We understand the necessity of protecting one's citizenry."

"Thank you," the 'princess' replied. "A reward has been placed in the carriage you came in on." She then turned to walk back into the palace as the group stepped back outside.

Spike was the first to speak up. "Did anyone believe for a moment that the dressed up one was the real princess?"

"Nope," Rainbow insisted.

"Nuh-uh!" AJ affirmed.

"Not really," Fluttershy added.

"Not for a moment," Luna affirmed.

"Nopey-dopey!" Pinkie proclaimed.

"Well...no, not at all," Rarity admitted finally. "As regal as she acted, she seemed...hollow. Like the fake Fido."

Spike nodded. "So we're going to help our friend Twilight clear her name, get her position back, and save the day?"


"Oh yeah!"


"Of a certainty!"


"But of course! Just imagine the scandal!"

Spike grew thoughtful. "But we'll take the fake's money anyway, right?"

"Of course!"

"We could always use it."

"I suppose..."

"There weren't any strings attached."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

"We could always use the extra resupply."

"Oh," a small voice said from inside the carriage. "So that's why Twiley won't let me play D&D." A white unicorn colt with a blue mane and tail and bright green eyes stepped out of the carriage. He was wearing a purple smock with a golden crown embroidered above the left breast pocket, and black pants. He looked to be about six.

Spike was unsurprised when the immediate reaction of all the mares present - save Fluttershy - was to squee happily, pull the colt into a tight five way hug, and yell, "So cute!"

"Umm...could you let me go please?" the colt requested. "Difficult to breathe." The mares immediately released him, mumbling apologies. "Thanks. So you're going to help my BSBFF?" When they all stared at him, he groaned. "Big Sister Best Friend Forever. Twiley."

"Ah!" the group replied in unison.

"You must be the baby brother she was looking forward to seeing so much and introducing us to," Spike pointed out.

The colt nodded. "Yup. My name's Shining Armor. Pleased to make your acquaintances."

Once introductions were concluded, Shining Armor handed them each a rune worked in metal on a chain. "These are ward passes. They'll let you walk through the various wards that block off certain areas, like the path to the jail where they're holding Twiley."

Spike nodded as they each took one. "Right." Once Shining pointed them in the right way, they took the outside path into the kitchens, and from their the path to the dungeons.

Once there, they were stopped by a guard. "Halt! You shall not-"

"PASS!" Pinkie shouted at the top of her lungs, launching AJ out of her cannon at the guard.

AJ flipped in midair, impacting the guard in the stomach with both hooves, adding the strength of her thrusting legs to the momentum of the cannon blast, sending the guard slamming into the wall and unconsciousness.

Shining Armor peeked around from behind Fluttershy. "Cool!" That said, he ran ahead...and paused. "I was wondering why Twiley hadn't busted her own way out," he sighed.

The group followed him around the corner...and found Twilight in a cell that had been converted into a library. Twilight herself had several books floating around her, as she was obviously researching something.

"Twiley..." Shining groaned.

"Oh hey Shiney," Twilight replied absently. "Be right with you. Just trying to determine a volume equation regarding the maximum containment capacity of the cod piece area of standard leather armor, to see how much would be needed to 'poke out' noticeably. It's a lot harder than it looks, and the figures I'm getting are rather intimidating compared to the standard volume of a mare's nether regions, so I need to research an appropriate spatial modification spell or something..."

Shining Armor blinked, obviously completely lost. Spike stepped up. "Do I want to know why you're researching that?"

"Well it's what Pinkie said, Spike, about how you-" She shot up. "Spike!" she said happily. "You haven't met my baby brother Shiney, have you?"

"Yup," Shining sighed in resignation. "That's definitely the real you." He stood up straight. "Now we need to unmask the fake in front of Mom so you can get your position and life back!"

"But I've almost finished compiling my notes on my time as a quadraped, and I'm sure that information will be a serious addition to Canterlot's Esoteric Eccentricities wing!" Twilight whined.

"If there's even a single title there that lacks her name on it on the first three shelves, I will be pleasantly surprised," Luna muttered.

"Twiley!" Shining yelled. "Stop thinking about your research for ten seconds and think about your responsibilities to your kingdom! I don't want a fake for a big sister!"

Twilight froze. "Wait...someone has taken my place here?"

Shining blinked. "Why did you think you were thrown in the dungeon upon arrival?"

"I thought it was Mom's way of saying I was grounded for staying out too late," Twilight replied sheepishly.

"Twiley!" Shining complained again. "The fake you is changing everything! She changed the decorations of your room, she's been flirting with that guard your diary said had a cute butt but wasn't your type, and she messed up your stuffed animals!"

"Even...even Mr. Smarty Pants?" Twilight asked, tears in her eyes.

"And she won't pay the overdue fees for your library books!" Shining added. "The librarian's debating revoking your library card-"

Twilight shrieked. "I'm overdue!" she cried out, rushing from the cell.

Shining sighed. "Should have started with that." The group pursued Twilight up through the castle, eventually catching up to her in the throne room.

Upon seeing the regal white alicorn mare sitting on the throne, Luna flinched back at first. However, after a second look, she groaned and relaxed.

Twilight raced up to the throne. "Queen Celestia, Mom, I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't realize my trip would take so long, and now my library books are overdue! I'm so sorry!"

"Silence!" the fake Twilight demanded, stepping out from behind the throne. "Do not speak so familiarly to the Queen of Canterlot! You shall-"

"Shut up!" Shining yelled. "You aren't Twilight! You're a phony!"

The fake Twilight sighed. "Shining Armor, it disappoints me that you still pursue your childish fantasies, associating with this fake over your own flesh and blood. Will you not listen to reason until the fake lies dead at your feet?"

Shining gasped. "Mom!" he cried. "You can't let her do that! Capital punishment is illegal in Canterlot!"

Queen Celestia nodded dumbly. "Twilight has my utmost confidence," she replied in a monotone manner.

Shining gulped as the fake Twilight grinned. "You have to believe me, Mom! How can I convince you?"

"Trust your gut, Shining Armor," she replied.

Shining blinked, then nodded. "Before you do anything," Shining said to the fake, "could you make me my favorite lunch? You remember it, right?"

"Of course," the fake replied warmly. "Daffodil sandwiches and celery soup. I'd never forget my baby brother's favorite foods. I'll make it for you right away."

"Ha!" Shining shouted eagerly. "That proves you're the fake! The entire castle knows Twilight can't even toss a salad without burning it! She won't go anywhere near the kitchen!"

Twilight blushed. "While that's true, did you have to shout it for everyone to hear?"

The fake blanched and cursed. "So close," she muttered.

"So what are you going to do with this fake, Mom?" Shining asked.

"Central Vault holds secrets," Celestia replied.

Spike blinked. "Is she senile?"

"If only it were that simple," Luna groaned.

The fake Twilight grinned. "If I can't take the role of Princess here, then I shall take the power of the treasures!" She raced off into the castle, Spike and his group in hot pursuit.

Once they reached the vault, Rainbow dashed ahead to cut off the fake's path. "Not just yet," she snarked.

"You won't get what you want until you get through us," Spike added as the group spread out.

The fake Twilight snarled, then grabbed Shining Armor from where he had followed them. "Nobody move, or I rip out his throat!"

Before anyone could react, a flash of light appeared right in front of the fake, followed by the sound of snapping bone. Shinning staggered back as the real Twilight - her coat now white, her eyes now red, and her mane and tail now made of living fire - proceeded to tear the fake apart with magic enhanced bare fists. "Keep your filthy mitts off my baby brother you bad words in seven different languages suggesting inappropriate things regarding the fake's breeding, sexual preferences, diet, and the threat of anatomically improbable tortures to be inflicted with a bucking boat!" With her last shouted word, she brought her fist down hard in the fake's solar plexus. The surge of magic caused the fake to explode into black smoke, hissing in rage and pain before it dispersed.

Twilight continued to breathe heavily as she slowly calmed down. A nearby wall rose, revealing a secret compartment within the vault. "The ancient weapon!" Shining gasped in shock.

Luna stepped forward to the revealed pedestal, examining what sat upon it. She lifted it up, examining it fondly. "I remember this," she said nostalgically. "When the Goddess of Desire was released by the keys, another Dragon Warrior rose to battle her. I aided him in that battle. This was one of his favorite weapons."

Rainbow flew up to examine the curved strip of red metal. "It's...a boomerang," she said, nonplussed.

"He called it the Tri-rang," Luna corrected. She handed it to Spike. "Give it a try," she offered.

Taking it, Spike shrugged and hurled it. It scythed through the air with a 'sffthin' sound, flying at high speed around the vault. It sheered through the metal door without slowing down, ricocheted off several stone pillars - leaving a divot in each - and sliced a statue cleanly in half before flying back towards Spike, who managed to catch it in midair. The deceptively innocent seeming weapon wasn't even warm.

AJ examined the statue. "Whooee! This cut's as smooth as perfect butter! Even the sharpest steel don't cut that cleanly without a lot of strength behind it!"

Spike grinned up at the weapon. "Spike want," he whispered eagerly.

"Then consider it your reward for saving the kingdom," Twilight said happily.

"Twiley!" Shining complained. "You can't just give away one of our kingdom's treasures!"

"Shiny, that weapon was left to our kingdom in trust until such time as it was needed again. Since it was wielded by a previous dragon warrior, it's only fitting that the current one wield it in battle again." Twilight grinned. "Besides, you heard Mom: she has utmost confidence in me."

Shining looked up at her, then sighed. "I know that look. You're leaving again."

"Shining, the way the fake dispersed into smoke...it resembled demonic banishment." Twilight frowned. "A demon was trying to take over our kingdom, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't an isolated incident."

Spike nodded. "We've encountered three other such creatures. Two were unicorns named Flim and Flam, and the third was pretending to be Fido, leader of a pack of Diamond Dogs."

Twilight nodded. "As Princess of Canterlot, it's my duty to investigate these matters to preserve the kingdom." She smiled as Shining sighed. "Besides, even at your age, you're a much better leader than I."

Shining nodded. "Alright." He turned to Spike. "Before you and my sister leave, is there anything more we can do for you?"

Spike nodded. "We came here looking for Scootaloo, the Thief Queen. She was after this." He lifted up the Tri-rang. "Any idea-"

"She's in the dungeons behind the kitchens!" Shining said happily. "Follow me."

Spike got the Tri-Rang!

Shining led the group to the dungeon in question, and pointed them to the occupied cell. "She's right there. I'm going to go check on Mom. Something's off with her lately." He turned and left.

Spike walked up to the cell, looking at the pony within. The mare was young, a few years younger than himself. She was still clad in a black body suit, although her face and wings were exposed. Her coat and feathers were orange, and her mane purple, as had been described to him. But she still looked so familiar.

She looked up at him, opening her eyes. "What?" she asked. "Going to laugh at me?"

As soon as Spike looked in her eyes, he staggered back. Could it be? "...Citrine?" he asked desperately.

She blinked. "You've got me mistaken for someone else. I'm Scootaloo." She stood up. "Now what do you want?"

As Spike staggered back, Luna stepped forward. "A friend is being pursued for your crimes in Ponyville. You will come with us to clear his name."

Scootaloo shrugged as Twilight unlocked the cage. "Fine!" she groused, stepping out of the cell. She then brightened. "But if Rainbow Dash is taking-"

"I want my blanket back," Rainbow interrupted, glaring.

Nodding, Scootaloo pulled out a satchel - where she'd been hiding it was anyone's guess - and fished out a rather colorful blanket, looking like it was hand crocheted by a foal. It had rainbows, clouds, and bunnies on it. As Rainbow took it back, Fluttershy gasped. "Is that...the one I made you?"

Rainbow blushed. "I said she took my favorite blanket," she mumbled, resulting in Fluttershy squealing happily and hugging her.

As the group got ready to leave, Spike found himself walking behind Scootaloo. Seeing her undersized wings, he found himself saying, "I see they're still ornamental."

Rainbow and Fluttershy gasped in shock. Scootaloo flinched, then spun. "Dammit, Spike!" she shouted in rage, delivering a hard right cross to his chin, knocking him back against the wall.

As everyone stared at the frozen tableau, AJ was the first to speak. "Kid, how'd you know his name was Spike?"

Scootaloo blinked. "What? I..." She shook her head. "I don't..." She clutched at her head. "It hurts..."

Twilight ran forward, her hands and horn glowing. "Hmm...looks like someone messed with your memories...huh? This is a self imposed memory block! You sealed your own memories away...and then some malevolent force made you forget you did it! That force no longer has a grip on you, so I'll just remove the block like so..."

Scootaloo's eyes glowed briefly. Then she shuddered. "I..." She then turned to Spike as he stood up. She then ran up to him, throwing her arms around his chest. "Spike!" she wailed, burying her face in his chest and weeping.

"Citrine?" he asked again. When she nodded, he pulled her close to him, holding her tight as he, too, cried, much to the confusion of his friends.

Upstairs, Shining Armor was making his way to the throne room when a white light flashed before him. The light revealed a casually dressed white alicorn. She stretched. "That was a fun vacation," she said happily.

Shining Armor blinked. "Mom!" he yelled angrily. "Did you leave a simulacrum in your place while you went on vacation again?"

Celestia waved her hand dismissively. "Don't be such a stick in the mud, Shiny. Nothing important ever happens here, anyway, and between you and your sister, you can handle anything short of the return of one of my sisters." Walking into the throne room, she dispelled the simulacrum before plopping herself on the throne. "It's not like I missed anything important, right?"

Author's Note:

New Weapon Data:

Tri-Rang: a boomerang type weapon. Attack power 150. Hits all enemies.

To put that in perspective, the EmpireSD Spike is currently equipped with - the strongest sword in the game - has an attack power of 160. (Tri-Rang was a weapon in Breath of Fire 1.)