• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,038 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...


The trip to Hoarsair was rather uneventful, with only the occasional battle with zomponies to ease the tedium. Given how easily undead burn, however, even that proved to be of little interest. After Spike held Fluttershy's hand so she could cross the bridge - and then carried her after she made the mistake of looking down - they reached Hoarsair just as night fell.

Fluttershy hung her head as they arrived. "I'm sorry to be such a burden, Spike-"

"You aren't a burden," Spike interrupted. "Your fears are perfectly justified, and nothing we can't handle. Besides, you've already shown that you can face and conquer your fears should the need arise. Besides, while I've traveled a good portion of the world, you've lived in the wilderness most of your life. Your skills and knowledge of the world will surely be invaluable."

Fluttershy blushed in pleasure as they approached the inn. "Thank you, Spike."

Spike nodded, pushing the door open as they entered the first floor of the inn, which right now was plainly the pub. "Now, we just need to figure out how to get to see the pegasus competing in the arena-"

"Tickets are all sold out!" a pink mare said from a bar stool as she slammed a cider glass down before wiping her lips. "Only one getting into the arena now is her opponent, Snowflake. Course, all anyone knows about him is that he's got his name engraved on his battle ax. Rumors say he lives in Tail Woods to the northwest, but no one is willing to go and look for him in a monster infested forest. Another!" This last was directed at the barkeep, who plopped another cider down in front of her.

Blinking, Spike immediately turned around and left the inn, much to Fluttershy's confusion. "Spike? Why are we leaving already?"

"We're going to Tail Woods," he replied. "We're going to find this Snowflake, convince him to let me enter the arena in his place, and I'll meet the Pegasus in the ring."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "How clever!" she said happily. "But what if he doesn't want to cooperate?"

Spike smirked, his hand on his sword hilt. "Then I find some other way to convince him."

Fluttershy nodded, now looking a little nervous.

As the pair reached Tail Woods - just as the sun rose - Spike growled in frustration. "This place is a maze! How are we supposed to get through here?" He turned. "Any ideas Flutters-"

Fluttershy was talking to a monster that looked like a giant, floating pollen spore. After a bit of quiet talk, the spore bounced happily and started to float off. Fluttershy turned to Spike. "He'll show us the quickest way to Snowflake's hut. It's not a well walked path, so we should be able to see what we're getting into before we're quite there."

Spike grinned. "Told you I couldn't manage without you, Shy."

Fluttershy blushed in pleasure, let out a quiet, "Eep," then turned to lead the way. Spike followed closely.

As they were nearing their destination, Fluttershy spoke up. "So what do you think Snowflake is going to be like?" she asked curiously.

Spike shrugged his shoulders. "With a name like Snowflake, I imagine he'll probably be rather delicate. Should be easy to get the drop on him."

Fluttershy peeked through the trees. "That must be his big brother, then," she whimpered.

Stepping up, Spike was able to see a huge, excessively muscled white pegasus with tiny wings. Slung over his shoulder was a battle ax nearly as big as Spike. Spike was able to read 'Snowflake' engraved into the handle near the blade.

Spike gulped. "Teach me to judge by names. That's Snowflake."


Spike sat back in thought. "Well, we've got three options. First, I try to convince him with words. Unlikely to succeed. Second, I try to convince him in battle...and I'm not sure I could beat him." Spike thought for a time.

"What's the third option?" Fluttershy asked curiously.

Spike looked at her. "The third option...is you trying to convince him with words."

Fluttershy blushed, hiding under her long mane. "C-couldn't you do it? I-I don't like meeting new ponies..."

Spike shook his head. "You have certain advantages over him I distinctly lack. He's far more likely to be nice to you." Spike shook his head. "I won't force you, Fluttershy. If you don't want to-"

"I'll do it," Fluttershy whispered. "Just...stay close to me?"

Spike nodded. Taking one last deep breath, Fluttershy stepped out into the clearing, immediately catching Snowflake's attention. Judging by Snowflake's reaction, Spike knew this had been the right approach. Obviously, Snowflake hadn't spoken to a mare in quite some time, let alone been so close to one as pretty - or as scantily clad - as Fluttershy.

"Umm...excuse me...Mister Snowflake?"

"...Yeah?" Snowflake barely managed to say.

"I-I'm Fluttershy. I was wondering if you might...do something for me?"


"It's just a little favor...I'd be really grateful if you would..."


Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Could my friend borrow your ax so he could enter the Hoarsair arena in your place?" she said quickly.

"YEA-wait, what?"

Spike winced. So close, he thought quietly. He stepped out from behind Fluttershy. "Hi."

Snowflake stared down at him. "You want to enter the arena in my place? Why?"

Spike sighed. "I'm trying to track down a thief who got my friend in trouble. All I've got to go on is that she's a brightly colored pegasus. Given how few pegasi come out of the clouds-"

"You're investigating every pegasus you can find?" he finished. "You realize that might have you traversing the length and breadth of the world, right?"

"If that's what it takes to help Pipsqueak," Spike said bluntly.

Snowflake looked down at Spike. "...kid, I like you. I want to help you. But..."

"But?" Spike asked.

Snowflake hefted his ax. "This is the ax of a warrior. If it's to be wielded in the arena, it needs to be by a warrior. I won't see it dishonored. So I'm going to have to test you first."

Spike nodded. "Alright. I'll do what I have to do."

Turning, Snowflake hurled his ax. It whirled through the air before embedding itself deep in a massive boulder, the hilt quivering. "Free my ax from that boulder, and give your word that none but you will handle it until you return it to me, and we have a deal."

Spike nodded. Walking over to the ax, he grabbed the hilt and tried to pull it free, but it was stuck fast.

Snowflake turned to Fluttershy. "You can help your friend, if you like, as long as he's the only one to touch the ax."

Nodding, Fluttershy approached. "Anything I can do to help?"

Spike released the shaft, shaking his claws. "Hmm..." He thought for a bit. He stepped around to examine the boulder itself. Slowly, an idea rose in his mind. "Can any of your friends use cold based magic?" he asked.

Fluttershy blinked. "The little Spore from earlier can use an ice breath," she replied.

"Could you call him? And ask him to aim his breath at the boulder?"

Fluttershy nodded. She let off a whistle, and the Spore floated up. "Could you use your ice breath on the boulder?" she asked him.

The Spore nodded, floating into position. Nodding, Spike took a deep breath, and exhaled, blasting the boulder with his fire breath. At the same time, the Spore exhaled his ice breath.

After a time, the continuing temperature fluctuations on the boulder between intense heat and intense cold caused the stone to become brittle as numerous cracks ran over the surface. When Spike ran out of fire, he grabbed hold of the ax shaft and slammed his shoulder inward, pushing it further into the boulder. The entire boulder crumbled, leaving Spike holding the freed ax.

Snowflake glowered at Spike for a time, his face unreadable. Then he pumped his fist into the air. "YEAH!" he shouted enthusiastically. "Now that's a warrior! Takes more than strength to win a fight."

Spike managed to sling the ax over his shoulder, but staggered under the weight. He managed a salute, though.

Snowflake laughed. "What happened to those brains, kid? You've got a bag of holding, use it!"

Nodding, Spike managed to stuff the ax into his satchel, relaxing as the enchantment took the brunt of the weight. "Thanks, Snowflake."

Snowflake held up a hand. "Until the tournament ends, you're Snowflake."

Spike nodded. "Alright." He turned to Fluttershy. "Let's go, Shy."

She nodded as the Spore left. "Right...Snowflake."

The three chuckled as Spike and Shy turned to leave the woods.

Spike and Fluttershy made it back to Hoarsair, but they were both exhausted from staying up all night. After a good day's rest at the inn, however, they were ready to head to the arena. Spike pulled out the ax, managing to balance it over his shoulder as they climbed down the stairs.

The pink mare from the previous night was there, chugging another cider. She took one look at Spike and gasped. "Snowflake!" she squealed eagerly, glomping onto him.

Spike struggled to breathe under the mare's crushing embrace, not to mention the influence of her rather curvaceous form. "Mumph!" he managed to say into her bosom.

The mare then released him and he was able to take in her appearance. Her mane was a darker pink then her coat, and very poofy. She was also wearing a pitch black ninja style body suit and a bright white chef's apron that read 'Kiss the Cook Like You Mean It'. Neither did anything to conceal how...bouncy she was.

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" she said happily. "Come on! I'll show you to the arena and-" She gasped as she saw Fluttershy. "You must be here to cheer him on! Sorry, but they don't allow cheer squads in the ring, so you'll need this ticket." She handed Fluttershy a ticket.

Fluttershy blinked. "But...you said that the tickets were sold out yesterday."

"Yeah! That's because I've got ten of them stashed around for Arena Ticket emergencies." She then grabbed Spike's hand and dragged him towards the arena, leaving a very confused Fluttershy to make her own way there.

Spike managed to get himself a little under control. "Excuse me, Miss Pie-"

"Call me Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie interrupted. "So why's your ax so big? You compensating for something?"

Spike blinked. "Huh?"

Pinkie grinned, then pushed Spike up against an interior wall, since they were already inside the arena. "What I mean," she said quietly, pressing her entire body against him, "is if your ax is so big because-oh!" She suddenly smiled widely. "No codpiece on your armor, so you're definitely not compensating. Say...if I help you win, will you make it worth my while?"

"Wha?" Spike asked, completely poleaxed.

"Would you please stop molesting the champion, Miss Pie?" a male voice spoke. "I need him in top form."

Pinkie turned and pouted at the stallion. "You're no fun anymore!" she complains. "Then again, you were never much fun." She then flounced off.

Spike turned to look at the stallion. He looked identical to Flim, who had been imprisoning Fluttershy, except for a mustache that had to be real. "Name's Flam, Snowflake," he said, shaking Spike's hand. "Come, we have much to talk about."

Spike blinked. "I'm just going to fight in the arena, right?" he asked, a little nervous. When Flam had approached, Spike's pendant had taken a shade he'd never seen before, and it made him nervous. That dark shade frightened him.

Flam grinned. "Not entirely," he said as he led Spike into a private office. "See, you're going to fight her for a while...and then we're going to shoot her with poison darts."

Spike struggled to school his expression as the pendant darkened. "R-really?"

Flam nodded. "Yes. Once she's hit with that dart, she'll be completely helpless." The pendant darkened again. "Completely unable to defend herself from anything you might want to do to her." As Flam smiled, the pendant darkened even further. "She's young, attractive...flexible...quite possibly a virgin." The pendant became even darker. Spike began to feel nauseous as Flam continued speaking, noticing a dark aura gathering around him. "After you've had your fun with her in any way you want, and left her battered and broken, then you cut off her head with your ax."

At this point, the pendant was pitch black, and Spike felt like he was going to throw up. "Really?" he managed to ask.

Flam nodded. "That's the kind of show we want. That's what will really rake in the dough. So what do you say? You in? Of course you are." Flam patted him on the shoulder. "Your pay is in your prep room. Should be more than enough, right?" Flam guided Spike to a changing room with a bed and a large chest in it. "You have fun now, you hear?" Flam then turned and left.

Spike sat down on the bed, breathing heavily, struggling not to vomit. Taking deep breaths, he manages to calm himself down somewhat as the sick feeling at the thought of what that unicorn had suggested passed. He took hold of his pendant. "What do I do, Mom?" he asked the charm. "What do I do?"

The jewel glowed faintly between his claws, cycling through brighter colors. Eventually, Spike stood up, his inner emotional turmoil more at rest. Shouldering the ax, he walked into the arena.

"In this corner," Flam's voice announced, "we have the challenger, Snowflake!" There was a huge cheer, interspersed with a few boos. Spike could see Fluttershy in the back, sitting next to Pinkie Pie. "And in this corner," Flam continued to announce, "we have the Prismatic Pegasus, the Speed Demon herself...Rainbow Dash!"

The pegasus that stepped out onto the log that spanned the pit had a deep cyan coat and a rainbow colored mane and tail. Her wings were full and well cared for, and her magenta eyes glowed with youthful vigor. She had a more modest figure as compared to Fluttershy or Pinkie, more of an athletic build, and she didn't look much older than Spike himself. She had a hand carved, well cared for quarter staff slung over her shoulder, and was dressed only in a dark blue sports bra and matching spandex shorts.

"Hey!" she greeted Spike with a grin. "You ready to rumble?" She swung her staff into position.

Spike unslung the ax from over his shoulder...and buried its blade into the side of the massive log they stood on. This caused a stir of surprise from the crowd.

Rainbow Dash blinked. "You want to go hand to hand?" she asked with a grin. "Fine by me." She tossed her staff over her shoulder to land gently against the wall before charging in.

Spike managed to hold his own rather easily. Rainbow wasn't able to put much power behind her blows, since she was mostly focused on speedy movements, and his own scales and armor were able to absorb most of the force of the impact. Although she was fast enough to dodge most of his blows, his longer reach and denser musculature meant that what few blows he landed - the first to her stomach, the second to her left shoulder, and the third a tail strike to her right knee - hit with enough force to make her back up and regroup. However, he still felt the few kicks she managed to land, which put him a bit off balance as well.

Rainbow was grinning from ear to ear as she staggered a bit. "You put up a good fight," she boasted, "but it's over!" She charged in for one last strike.

Spike was about to respond in kind, but his ear twitched as he heard the sound of a blow dart gun, mostly concealed by the cheers of the crowd. Catching her thrown punch, he rolled backward until he landed on all fours braced over her.

"Hey!" Rainbow complained. "What's the big-" Her voice fell silent as she heard several sharp objects embed themselves in the log. She also saw several ping off of Spike's scales - the points were only designed to penetrate hide, after all - and more embed in the log. She reached a hand out to grab one nearby and took a whiff. "A paralytic?" she asked, her eyes wide and fearful.

Spike growled deep in his throat as he felt his rage building. One though echoed in his mind. How dare they...how DARE THEY! As rage fueled strength filled him, his tail lashed out and wrapped around the ax haft. Yanking it from the wood, he spun it around a few times before hurling it, sending it spinning through the air to shatter the alcoves the darts were being launched from. The apparent attack on the audience sent the watching ponies fleeing for their lives. As the darts ended, Spike stood up to catch the ax as it returned to him, stuffing it into his bag once more.

Rainbow stared up at this show of strength in awe. "Whoa..." she breathed, a slight blush on her cheeks.

Spike managed to reign in his rage a bit. "You alright?" he asked, leaning over to help Rainbow to her feet.

She let Spike help her to her feet. "Yeah, I'm good. That was pretty awesome there. But what was up with the-"

"Rainbow!" a normally quiet voice shouted as a yellow and pink blur slammed into Rainbow, knocking her onto her back as Fluttershy proceeded to squeeze her tight.

Rainbow gasped for breath. "F-Fluttershy?" she asked, shocked, before trying to hug her back. "Where have you been? No one in Cloudsdale's seen you for years!"

"I fell out of the clouds," Fluttershy whimpered. "I've been living on the ground for all this time, amongst the monsters, once I learned I could talk to them. I missed you so much!"

Rainbow blinked away tears. "Missed you too, Flutters...but could you maybe let me go? It's getting hard to breathe."

"Oh!" Fluttershy immediately released Rainbow. "Sorry. I don't know my own strength anymore."

Rainbow grinned widely as she stood back up. "Damn, girl. You got strong!" She glanced towards Spike. "You hear with Snowflake?"

"Spike, actually," Fluttershy corrected. "And yes."

Rainbow looked Spike up and down speculatively. "I notice he doesn't have your feather," she said suggestively.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy yelped, blushing brightly. "It's not like that!"

Rainbow turned to Fluttershy, glancing at her skimpy attire. "Really? Huh." She glanced back towards Spike. "Mind if he gets mine, then?"

Fluttershy whimpered, giving Rainbow pleading, puppy dog eyes.

Seeing this, Rainbow winced. "...too?" she suggested.

Fluttershy blushed even brighter.

"I'm completely lost," Spike complained.

"It's a pegasus thing," Rainbow pointed out.

Spike nodded. "Alright. For now, how about we go make Flam pay for his plan?"

"What was his plan anyway?" Rainbow asked. "Why was he trying to hit me with a paralytic poison? I'm on a contract here!"

"He wanted to make a show where you were rendered helpless, and then raped and murdered by your opponent," Spike said quietly, his rage building.

Both pegasi gasped. Before Rainbow could speak, Fluttershy interrupted. "That...big...dumb...meanie!" Her eyes practically glowed with her rage, and she yanked her whip out and cracked it in the air. "Let's make him eat his own fill it in yourself!"

Rainbow gasped. "Damn, Flutters! Didn't know you had it in-"

"He's just like that bastard Flim! I'll hang him up by his entrails!"

Spike blinked, just as shocked by Fluttershy's rage. "Let's go get him, shall we?"

The three raced out of the arena towards the entrance, seeing Flam trying to run away. They pursued him, only to see him stop short as he was...run over by a chocolate camel?

Pinkie Pie leaped down from the moving confection, brandishing a cleaver and filet knife. "Told you I'd help you win, Spike!" she said happily.

"How'd she know his real name?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"It's Pinkie Pie," Rainbow said, face palming. "Don't question it."

"Hey Dashie!" the pink pony called, waving.

Flam slowly got to his feet. "You're going to regret this," he growled.

"Let's make them regret it together, brother!" Flim called out, dropping down from the ceiling.

"There you are, brother!" Flam said happily. "It's about time we showed them what for!"

"Indeed! They won't close our businesses anymore!"

"Why do you even do this?" Spike complained. "What's the point?"

Flim and Flam grinned widely...and began to sing. Flim led the first lyrics

"Why wouldn't you know, my brother and I, found the same in every town
Ponies with a hunger for blood and not a bit of such sport to be found.
So we made them aware that there was no reason to despair"

Flam spoke up with his own line.

"And the key to sate their dark thirsts my brother and I would share!"

They then sang together.

"Yes we found opportunity
In this very community!"

"He's Flim!"

"He's Flam!"

"We're the world famous Flim Flam Brothers!
Demonic agent ponies nonpareil!"

Spike blanched. "Demonic agents?" he asked in shock.

Flim and Flam glanced at him. "Look kid," Flam pointed out, "the song only works if you ask about nonpareil."

"But I speak Prench. It means without compare."

Flim and Flam both glared at him. "You know what? Fine!" Flim snapped. "Spoil our musical number!"

"We'll just eat you!" Flam groused.

"See how you like it!" they said together, dark auras surrounding them as they transformed.

Flim took on the form of a massive yellow lizard with bulging eyes and huge claws. Flam became some sort of yellow pterodactyl, and quickly took to the air. "You can't possibly fight us both!" they said together. "You will fall!"

Rainbow Dash eagerly spread her wings and took to the skies to harry Flam, Fluttershy close behind her. Spike drew his sword. "So Pinkie Pie, ready to show them what you're made of?"

"I'd rather see what they're made of, actually," Pinkie said. "That means we're cutting them open, not the other way around."

Spike laughed at this before taking a stance, ready for battle.

Flim started his assault with a blast of poison gas from his mouth. Spike managed to leap to the side of it to slash at Flim's side, turning to check on Pinkie...who had donned a gas mask out of nowhere and lunged in to cut out Flim's tonsils, neutralizing his ability to breathe poison gas as the transformed pony reared back in pain.

Up above, Flam was trying to dive bomb Rainbow and Fluttershy, to no avail. Fluttershy led him around easily, striking each cheek with her whip. While she wasn't doing much damage, it was keeping his focus on her while Rainbow came in for infrequent fast strikes with her staff to his head.

Taking a brief glance upwards from the fight with Flim, Spike realized something. "His wings are bat like, membrane. A hole in even one wing and he'd crash."

Flam slammed a massive claw down, Spike barely dodging. "Too bad you can't tell them!" he snarled, spitting out black blood.

Pinkie promptly pulled out a megaphone. "Aim for his wings!" she shouted skywards into it.

Rainbow nodded at the message. Diving in at high speeds, she slammed her staff into Flam's left wing, managing to just barely tear the membrane. Fluttershy slammed into the right wing, tearing at the membrane with teeth and nails.

Down below, Spike managed to gouge deep into Flim's side, while Pinkie got her filet knife embedded in his eye, making him roar in pain. Flam started to fall from the sky, spiraling towards Flim. Pinkie suddenly grinned widely, and pulled out a large blue cannon. "Spike! In here!"

Trusting Pinkie's judgment, Spike climbed into it. "This is safe right?"

"No idea!" Pinkie replied happily. "Dashie! Catch!" She pointed the cannon straight up and pulled the cord, rocketing Spike upward.

Getting the idea, Rainbow matched Spike's upwards ascent, seizing hold of him just as his momentum ended. She then turned around and dove for the ground as fast as she could go, Spike held close to her to cut wind resistance. Spike held his sword out, pointing straight down. Just as Flam landed on top of Flim, knocking them both to the ground, Rainbow and Spike impacted, driving Spike's sword through both of them with the full force of a Sonic Boom. With a last shared shriek of agony, both demons burst into black smoke, the twin clouds giving an insectoid hiss before fading away.

Rainbow and Fluttershy landed gently, setting Spike down. "What a rush!" Rainbow said happily.

"I know!' Pinkie yelled happily, scooping up her filet knife. "So now you're going to make it worth my while, right Spikers?"

Spike blinked. "Uh...how, exactly?" he asked nervously as Rainbow and Fluttershy both raised eyebrows..

"By taking me with you, of course!" she screamed excitedly. "I haven't had so much fun in years, and I can tell you're starting on a real epic adventure! Take me along, please?" She proceeded to give Spike her cutest begging face.

Spike smiled. "Glad to have another friend along," he said easily.

"Make that two!" Rainbow piped up. "No way am I letting Shy out of my sight after finally finding her after all these years. The whole point of coming down to the surface for me was tracking her down." She blushed a bit. "Besides...after that whole arena fiasco, I owe you one."

Spike smiled. "Well, you know what they say: the more the merrier."

Rainbow Dash joined the party.

Pinkie Pie joined the party.

Author's Note:

Battle Data:

Pinkie Pie

Attack - cooking utensils of various sorts
Cook - utilize cooking based techniques learned from equipping various cooking tools (cleaver teaches chop chop, filet knife teaches Skin, etc). Techniques are mastered through gaining experience while weapon is equipped. Skill can be used if a weapon that teaches it is equipped or if it has been mastered.
P. Cannon - if targeting enemy, chance of one hit KO. If targeting allies, automatic flee from battle (neither effect works during a boss fight).

Rainbow Dash

Attack - staff
S.Boom - three turn attack. First turn, Rainbow leaves the battle area, rendering her untargettable. Second turn, strikes all enemies for wind damage based on her Speed stat. Third turn, cool down, and can take no action.
Fly/Land - Rainbow takes to the air. Speed, evade, and critical hit rate increase. Power, defense, and critical hit resist decrease (Rainbow is more likely to both deal and receive a critical hit, if hit.)