• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,028 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

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Spike and his friends made their way carefully down into the depths, the evil power in the air enough to drive all thoughts from their minds save survival and moving forward. Logically, they knew they had to be going deep into the earth, and yet the way the air around them seemed to warp - and the absence of walls at various points - made it feel like they were descending into another world. The numerous demons they encountered along the way made the journey all the harder, especially as most of their usual tactics - Fluttershy's abilities, Luna's spells, Pip's sniping strikes - proved less than effective, making each fight take longer and longer as they got deeper.

The journey into the depths of the Earth seemed to continue endlessly, far longer than would normally seem possible, and the narrow paths and air of darkness surrounding them wore away on everyone's resolve. At one point, Twilight sank to her knees, shaking her head. "No...this can't...this is impossible..."

"What's wrong Twilight?" Spike asked worriedly, rushing to her side as the others gathered around.

"It's...how deep we've gone..." Twilight stared around in confusion. "I'm...I'm pretty sure we've gone past the center of the planet in terms of pure distance, but there's no spatial warping magic in place I can detect, and gravity hasn't shifted."

"I'd noticed that myself," Starswirl commented as he pulled Twilight to her feet. "However, I think you are overlooking a distinct possibility. I think we may be in an altered dimensional space, where normal laws don't apply."

"You are correct," Luna spoke up, her wings wrapped tight around her body. "We are not on or in the world right now...we are inside the planet's wound, the one inflicted as a result of the war of dragons and the battle to seal Cadenza. The wound is half physical, half spiritual. We are currently inside the damaged portion of the planet's soul."

Pipsqueak shivered at Luna's words. "Blimey...that's a lot ta take in." He glanced around worriedly. "Any idea how much further it is?"

Luna took a breath of relief as they descended a staircase into a large square chamber, fully enclosed with no trace of the sickening atmosphere of further up. "We are halfway there," she murmured. "However, we have reached a point where we can rest." Confidently, she led the way through a door in the far wall.

On the other side, the group was surprised to discover a full town at the bottom of a long stairwell...a town full of dragons. Spike stopped dead at the sight, never having expected to encounter so many of his own kind in one place, if at all. The others gathered around him as he stared down, taking in the sight. Dragons of all ages, sizes, and colors wandering around, whether chatting, pacing, or...arguing. There seemed to be a great deal of arguing going on. As Spike started to make his way down the stairs, the arguments began to become clearer.

"Come on! Rarity's totally going to win out! She saw him first, after all!"

"Fluttershy was the first to start getting affectionate, and would you just look at her!"

"How could he possibly say no to Pinkie? She never judged him for being a dragon!"

"Twilight didn't either, and she certainly seems to know how to go about things, if you catch my drift!"

"Come on, Rainbow all the way!"

"I think he liked being tied up by AJ, actually."

"You really think he's going to pass on a literal Goddess?"

"Why not all?"

"Who cares about them! Think his sister's gonna grab the piebald?"

"No way, bro code dude! Besides, the little Princess was his first crush!"

"But Apple Bloom made the first move on him, and boy what a move!"

"Think they'll share?"

As this conversation floated up to the group, the dragons became clearer, and all could be seen wearing shirts with...various slogans, proclaiming their affiliation with a 'Team' with one of the mares' names on it, or one of the fillies, or 'Team Harem'. A large portion of the dragons below the age of 'Elder' seemed engaged in this debate.

"Uhh...what?" Applejack asked nervously, starting to back up.

"I can explain," a large black dragon, bent with age, told them, beckoning them towards him. "But you'd best come to my hut, quickly and quietly. If that lot find out you're here, you'll never make it to face OZ." Holding a scepter surmounted with a crimson gem, he waved them forward.

Luna quickly stepped forward. "Let's go," she instructed the others, and the group followed, half confused half nervous.

Once they'd made it to the Elder's hut, he gestured them all to seats as he sat in a chair shaped to his body. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. It's a long story." Once everyone was comfortable, he made a beckoning motion. A blue dragoness came in, offering everyone some refreshments. "Some introductions are in order," the Elder intoned. "I am Torch, and this is my younger daughter, Ember." As Spike started to open his mouth, Torch cut him off. "No introductions necessary from your end...even if Sarisa weren't my eldest."

"You're...you're my grandfather?" Spike gasped out, stunned.

Torch chuckled deep in his throat and nodded. "Indeed," he replied warmly. "It is good to see, face to face, just how well you've grown."

Starswirl chuckled nervously. "Well...this certainly isn't how I imagined meeting my in-laws," he admitted.

"I imagine not," Torch agreed. "But then, things are always more complex when the dragon clans are involved." He sighed softly, weariness on her face. "But then...our long vigil is nearly at an end..."

"Father," Ember spoke up diffidently, "perhaps you should explain everything? I'm pretty certain only the Goddess Made Flesh knows the whole story."

"Indeed," Torch agreed. "Thank you, Ember." Sitting up, he gripped the staff, seeming to draw strength from it as he rose to his full height. "The Dragon Wars instigated by the Goddess of Desire did great harm to the world, leaving many a scar upon the surface. Continents reshaped, cities destroyed, mountains raised and leveled...but the greatest scar was here, the place where the final battle took place, leaving a wound in the planet that never healed. And deep inside the wound...a poison left behind. In her madness at being denied the love and adoration she sought, the Goddess of Desire left behind a stain of hate, malice, and sorrow, which suppurated deep beneath the earth into a great demon, one whose true name we do not speak, because the act of speaking the name gives it power, power to break free of its cage to devour the surface, as it was created to do." His eyes closed as he sank into memory. "When the dragons saw what had come of our mistakes, we withdrew into the wound to try and heal it, and set our magic to endlessly watching over the demon, to ensure it could not draw strength or escape.

"However, despite our greatest efforts, the demon's power continued to grow, until it began to rival that of the Goddesses. The power came from the surface, and it was unknown how long it would be until it broke free of its cage. And so I sent my daughter, Sarisa, to the surface to investigate how this had come to pass. We also sent with her the Heartstone, that we could watch over her from down here, and learn...for once she had left the gates, only her life blood could unseal them...something that was not acceptable." He opened his eyes slowly. "Through the Heartstone...we saw everything. And we saw, young Spike, the mark of destiny upon you. Sarisa saw it too, which is why she gave you the Heartstone."

Surprised, Spike brought his claw to the jewel around his neck, that glowed with a shimmering rainbow of colors.

"So that's how you knew about...all of us?" Twilight gasped out, amazed.

"Oh! Oh! And that's what everybody was debating about!" Pinkie squealed out. "It must be super duper boring down here watching over the World Devourer - if you're lucky, anyway - and with nothing new ever really happening, the stuff Sarisa and then Spike went through must have been really enthralling! With nothing else to do, everybody picked which ship they liked best to root for and argue about, just to have something to do!"

"Quite right," Torch admitted as the others tittered, blushed, or shivered, as was their wont in reaction to this news. "Some have even taken to drawing...artistic representations of what they think might, or should, happen."

"I have...fans?" Scootaloo squeaked out in surprise.

"And...art?" Fluttershy whimpered.

"Indeed," Torch confirmed with a soft chuckle. "Which is why I thought I'd spare you meeting them. Some of what they've created...well, let's just say I thought it best to keep actual contact at a minimum. We haven't been able to perceive through the Heartstone since Spike entered the scar, so they don't know you're here."

He then turned to face Spike directly. "However...there's something we need to speak of alone, Spike. Come with me." Extending the staff, he brought it down firmly to the ground, his arm at full extension.

Somehow knowing what he was being instructed to do, Spike reached out and wrapped his hand around the staff below Torch's...and they both vanished.

Spike stared around at the large square chamber he found himself in. The floor was stark white, without any distinguishing features, as was the ceiling and three of the walls. The fourth wall, however, had 13 doors evenly spaced, and above each door was a mark. From left to right he saw a starburst, three apples, a cloud with a rainbow colored lightning bolt, three butterflies, a white crescent moon against a black sky, three diamonds, a swirl of green flame, a swirl of stars, an eagle eye, three shields, the first with an apple and wrench, the second with a music note, the final one with a lightning bolt, and the last door surmounted by three balloons. The central door with the swirl of green flame above it was barred with magic. "W...what is this place?" Spike asked, confused.

"This is the shrine of Anfin," Torch explained from nearby, leaning on his staff. "Here the ultimate power of the dragon clans is enshrined, waiting for the one destined to wield it to save the world, and banish the demon of the wound. The power is sealed beyond the central door. Walk into each door, learn what you can in each one, and then the central door will open for you, and the power will await." As Spike started to turn, Torch banged his staff against the floor to get his attention again. "Be forewarned...this power cannot be yours...without sacrifice."

Nodding Spike went to the far left and entered the door with the starburst above it, only to find Twilight waiting for him. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked in shock.

"Did you think I'd miss this?" Twilight countered eagerly, her eyes shining. "The secrets of our very world...of course I'm going to be here with you!"

Chuckling, Spike walked with Twilight down the hallway, listening as she went on about all she had learned on her journey with him, and how happy she was to know him. Spike found himself smiling widely, her hand in his, as he stepped through the door at the opposite end of the hall...only for Twilight to vanish from beside him to appear on a raised platform in front of him.

"Spike," she began again, her voice more somber now, "I'm a Princess of Canterlot. From my youngest days, I was raised with one precept above all others: the needs of my people come before my desires, and the good of the world before my people. And now...we're going to save the world." She smiled, tears in her eyes. "And...if one of us has to go to make it work...I'm ready for it to be me. If you have to choose someone to lose to unlock Anfin...choose me. I'm ready..." As her voice trailed off, her body slowly turned to stone, leaving only a statue in its place.

Horrified, Spike fled the chamber, racing back to the large room. Staring up, he saw that the starburst above the door now glowed. "Is...is...?" he barely managed to speak up, staring at the glow.

"No decision has been made," Torch promised him. "The light is only to show you have learned what you can behind that door. More doors remain."

Sighing softly, Spike hesitantly stepped into the second door marked with three apples, only to find Applejack waiting for him.

"Howdy, sugarcube," Applejack greeted warmly, instantly taking his hand. "You ready to take out that devil down below?" Spike remained silent as they walked the hall, only listening to Applejack as they walked. "I owe ya so much, Spike. If'n it weren't for ya, I'd still be under that crazy heat curse, and poor Apple Bloom would be strapped inta Applefort's flying machine as little more than a battery. Ah don't think I'll ever be able to repay that...but I'll be right with ya every step until I can."

As he stepped through the door, Spike was unsurprised to find Applejack now up on the pedestal, slowly turning to stone. "So...if'n anyone needs ta go ta give ya the power ta stop the devil...it's gotta be me, okay?" she asked softly. "Ah'm ready...and ah'll always be with you..."

Spike turned away, covering his eyes to keep himself from crying as he left the hall. With another mark glowing, he went to the next door, knowing much the same awaited him.

"Hey Spike! You've done a lot for me, and helped me find Fluttershy even after all this time! I know you won't really get what this means, but...I'm ready to give you my feather. I'm ready to stand beside you forever. ...even if that means giving up my life to become part of you, giving you the strength of Anfin."

"Spike...you saved me from slavery. You taught me to be strong. You never turned your back on me, even though I was so strange. I just want you to know...I'm yours forever. Anything you ask of me, I'll happily give. ...even if its my life, so you can save the world."

"My dear Spikey-Wikey...you've been my knight protector for so long. I admit, early on, I didn't truly consider you in the light you deserved. You were so sweet and gentle and courteous...all the things a proper knight should be! But back then, I was still too wrapped up in how I should have been a Princess, forgetting what that really meant. I am so glad you never abandoned me, Spike...but now I must ask you to do so. I was ready to sacrifice myself to gain the wings of the Qi-lin, and I am still ready to make that sacrifice to save the world. So I must ask you, my knight...let me go."

"Spike, I was once a Goddess with my sisters, watching over how the world took form. Then, when life began to flourish, I descended to the earth with one of my sisters, giving up my divine nature to walk amongst those who lived here. In all the time since then...I have never been happier than in the time I've spent with you. Despite the face that Chrysalis used my lost sister's visage, I've been able to come to terms with her passing now...and I believe she's at peace. And now...I am at peace. I have already sacrificed all for this world. I have no hesitation in giving up my life as well. I have lived a long full life...so let mine be the price, and do not cut the others down in their prime."

"Spike, my son...I am so proud of you. You've come so far, and now you're going to save the world. I'm happy to have been able to play a part in all this, no matter how small. And I have seen how you and Citrine have grown. You have made me truly happy in my old age. ...and I am an old stallion, Spike, far older than my age. My body is already weak, and my mind strained, from what I have been through. I had thought death would claim me for a long time...and I am unafraid of it. Let me do this last thing, and be the sacrifice that powers Anfin, so you and the others can continue to live your lives to the fullest."

"Yo Spike! Boy, we've come a long way, haven't we? Back when I talked you into running off from Everfree with me, I never thought we'd get pulled into such a bonzer adventure! And to top it off, we're gonna save the world! Heh, was kinda funny to learn I was technically the real hero so far, since I'm the reason you turned out the way you did. ...so it's only right I'm the one who becomes a part of you for Anfin, right? I mean, come on, what kind of future do I have? Three smoking hot girls who want to share me, but have overprotective older siblings - you included - who'll gut me if I try anything? Thanks, but no thanks! Just gimme a legacy in legend, okay?" As much as it hurt him, Spike couldn't stop himself from laughing with his oldest friend as he watched him turn to stone.

"Yo Spike! Been quite a crazy trip, ain't it? Ah mean, it was a relief at the start ah didn't end up with that Whopper jerk, even if ah did think at the time ah was gonna go sex crazed anyway. Wouldn'ta been so bad, with Pip right there. Couldn't ya have kept sis quiet just a few minutes longer? Now ah'm never gonna get a chance with him. ...but it's all still been fun, and ah know what's at stake. Ah'm...ah'm ready. Let me be the one ta power Anfin. Let me be the one who dies. Everyone else...still has too much ta live for."

"Hey Spike. Thanks for taking me along with you as far as you have. Until Pipsqueak told me I could contribute, I'd...never left Unicornia except to visit Rarity. I...didn't have much of a life. And...even with everything Pipsqueak, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo tell me...I'm still not sure. I still feel like I'm...extra. So...if someone has to go, it should be me. Just...when you choose me, tell Pipsqueak just how happy I was to know him?"

As Spike hesitantly entered the next door, Scootaloo hugged him tight. "I've missed you so much, Spike...all these years, not even knowing I was missing you...but there was still a hole in my heart. And now we're together at last. And look at you! The Destined Child, the Dragon Warrior...you're going to save the world. I need to do my part, too...and right now, that means being the one whose life gives power to Anfin. I'll always be with you, Spike...and I'm ready to give my all."

Turning, hanging his head like a broken dragon, Spike walked away from the statue of his sister.

"Hey Spike!" Pinkie greeted him as he stepped through the final door, immediately glomping onto him. "Yeah, I know, this whole stretch is getting super duper depressing what with all of us telling you how much we care about you, how much we enjoy being with you, and then telling you how we're the ones you should sacrifice to save the world, especially since we've come so far with no sacrifice, even the ones I thought we'd have to make!" She pranced along with him, towing him towards the room where he knew she would turn into a statue. "Which is why that's not what I'm going to say." As they entered the final room, she appeared on the platform. "I know that you'll make the right decision, and whatever you choose...I'm behind you 100% of the way!" Putting one hand on her hip, she shot Spike a thumbs up with the other hand as she gave him a wink, her body freezing as a statue in that pose.

Spike could only stare at the statue of Pinkie for a time, before finally smiling back at her. Turning, he left the room.

Once back in the main room, Spike saw that the central door was unbarred, the mark of the swirling green flame pulsing with light. Steeling himself, he passed through the door...only to be confronted with a statue of himself.

"Are you prepared?" his own voice asked him. "Have you made your decision?"

"I have," Spike replied, walking up to the statue.

"Good," the statue answered. "Then go to the statue of the one who you have chosen to sacri-"

Spike pulled back his fist and punched the statue right on the muzzle, sending it flying back with cracks along its structure.

"What are you doing?" the statue demanded, the voice warping, becoming ancient and filled with power.

"I'm not sacrificing anyone!" Spike roared. "You can keep the power of Anfin!"

"Do you realize what you are doing?" the voice demanded, enraged. "You must have the power of Anfin, or-"

"Fuck that!" Spike snarled, stalking forward and punching the statue across the room. "I will not sacrifice someone I love for power!"

"If you do not, then the world will be destroyed!" the voice cried out.

"Then let it!" Spike screamed out, lifting the statue over his head. "A world where I have to choose death for someone I love...isn't a world worth saving!" With that last shout, he hurled the statue across the room.

It slammed against the wall...and shattered. Spike staggered back as a blaze of light blinded him. As he sank into the white, he heard his own voice again.

"You have chosen...wisely."

Comments ( 7 )

Sweet! Nice to see this updated again. I remembered this part playing the game; so heavy.

I loved how you depicted most of the residents of Dologany as fervent shippers :rainbowlaugh:

been wondering if you would continue this and it is cool that you have

Oh yea!

Welcome back to the land of whaphelgeraba.........I forgot the name.:facehoof:

I hope Starswirl is ready to be a grandfather at least six times over after this is over, because I'm pretty sure that when and if this quest is vanquished, I really think there could be the wedding of the century as Spike marries all the girls that journeyed with, and also honor the Bro Code by not going around Pip's girls--though I can see Luna liking the idea of learning first-hand from Pip why he says that she's the best Princess of all of them. And what's a wedding of the century without its own immense orgy of the century where Spike and the mares consummate the marriage--repeatedly. By now, thanks to Pinkie Pie, I'm pretty sure all the girls know about Spike being a dragon with double dicks, and I'm pretty sure they are more than ready to experience that first-hand :pinkiehappy::raritywink::rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

...so which ones you figure would have twins in about a year, considering the idea that ponies, even anthro ones, still have the gestation of eleven months???

Just blitzed through the story in a few hours. Now I need more. I need closure.

one who would sacrifice friendship and love for power...is unworthy of either...

"You have chosen...wisely."

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