• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,038 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

  • ...

The Real Quest Begins

Scootaloo opened her eyes slowly. She remained immobile as she took a few moments to get her bearings. After Blueblood was slain, and Spike stopped trying to torch Pipsqueak - stopped by Luna's return from not finding him - the group had gone to Spike and Pip's room in town, all of them taking various spots around to sleep. Trixie had told the group to report to her for important news come morning. Scootaloo had no intention of getting caught up in whatever the Ranger's Guild was doing...or getting Spike involved in her own quest. She carefully slipped out from Spike's embrace - he'd insisted on cuddling her like he did when they were kids, not that she was averse to it - and carefully made her way over the sleeping bodies scattered around the room as she headed for the window.

As she passed the foot of the bed, however, a familiar voice spoke up. "Do you know why dragons always walk with their tails raised in the air?"

Scootaloo did her best not to jump, turning to see Pipsqueak sitting at the foot of the bed, his hand near Spike's tail. Once she was no longer hyperventilating, she asked, "Why?"

"Because there's a spot, right here-" Pipsqueak pointed to the underside of Spike's tail at the narrowest point, just before it flared out into the spade tip "-that's really sensitive to touch. They hate it coming into contact with anything. Dragons are normally deep sleepers - I've personally seen Spike sleep through an earthquake in the middle of a thunderstorm - but the slightest touch to that spot will wake 'em right up. Get what I'm saying?"

Scootaloo nodded slowly. "Why say all this?"

"Because I've been watching Spike these past ten years, ever since we met. I've seen what missing you and your Da has been doing to him, seen him slowly waste away inside, each day having less and less hope he'd ever see you again. He promised your old man he'd always take care of you, shortly after you lost your Ma. He told me about that." Pipsqueak smiled. "When I saw him hugging you tonight as he drifted off, I barely recognized him. He was healthy, whole, happy...and I'm not letting you ruin that without damn good reason."

Scootaloo cursed internally. "Don't suppose I could...convince you otherwise?" she asked suggestively.

"Not the way you're saying. That'd be a clear violation of the bro code." He chuckled. "Which is a real shame, cause if you weren't my best bud's little sis, you'd be just my type."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "Could have sworn I heard you were into Princess Sweetie Belle."

"I can have more than one type!" he said defensively.

She chuckled. "So what do you want?"

"Simple," he replied calmly. "You can either slip back into Spike's hug and sleep well, or tell me why you're leaving."

Scootaloo sighed, shaking her head. "Why did my big brother have to have a best friend who was at least as good a thief as me?" She leaned against the window. "How much do you know about what's been going on?"

"I know Blueblood turned into a demonic worm and ate me," he replied glibly. "I know he's not the first demon the group's encountered. And I'm pretty sure it's somehow connected to the demon that nearly killed Spike and I back when we first left Everfree."

Scootaloo frowned. "Demons in Everfree...more confirmation."


She looked him right in the eyes. "I'm the primary financial support for a intercontinental group dedicated to investigating the Church of Oz, and possibilities of darker dealings behind the scenes. After what I've seen involving Blueblood and a few other things - and what I remember now of when I was driven from Everfree - I'm now convinced there's a direct correlation between the activities of the Church of OZ and the demons."

Pipsqueak nodded. "I see. So you plan to return to your group and lead an assault on the church?"

"No. We don't have the horse power, information, or resources to do something like that. The group will keep investigating a way to get onto the island of Ozrai - the entire outside is sheer cliffs, so approach by boat is impossible - and I'm going to investigate and put a stop to any and all demon activity I can." Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders. "That's all I have to say."

Pipsqueak nodded. "Then I'm sorry to say I can't let you leave."

Scootaloo glowered. "Why not?"

"You want me to look Spike in the eye tomorrow and tell him I let you go off to hunt demons alone?"

She chuckled. "Point. But-"

"And besides that, there'd be no point. We'd just have to track you down after we spoke to Trixie on the morrow."

"Where do you get that idea?"

Now it was Pip's turn to chuckle. "Look at the group here. Even without Pinkie's crazy talk, it's obvious this is an epic assembly of heroes. We'd be going after the demons even if it wasn't the job of the Ranger's to hunt dangerous monsters - like demons - to protect the citizenry. I'd bet you bits to bagels that Trixie puts us right on the demon problem during our meeting tomorrow. She's already said we're her best ranger team, after all, and with Blueblood gone she's got no reason to keep us from getting promoted. We never rubbed Fancy the wrong way."

Scootaloo sighed. "You're probably right. Which means I'll be travelling with you lot whether I like it or not?"

Pip shrugged. "Pretty much."

She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Might as well get a full night's sleep, then." She began to walk back towards the bed, but paused beside Pip. Bending over, she gave him a peck on the cheek. "It really is a pity you're my big brother's best friend...cause you're just my type, too." With that, she crawled back into Spike's embrace.

Pip gaped a bit, made a few strangled noises, then pulled his blanket tighter around himself. "Lucky bugger," he grumbled, whimpering a bit.

Neither Pip nor Scootaloo noticed Luna's amused titter.

Scootaloo joined the party!

The next morning, the group stood at attention in Trixie's office, waiting as she read through a few reports. She then looked up at them. "Trixie imagines you assume you will all be put on the case of investigating the demons. You are only partially correct. Another event connected to demonic activity has been reported, and I imagine it is one you will want to investigate. The trees of the Everfree region are dying without explanation, and a large red demonic centaur has been spotted in the region."

Spike shuddered, remembering the feeling of that beast's claws digging into his chest.

Trixie nodded. "It seems you are familiar with this creature. I want you to investigate what is killing the trees...but to stay away from the Everfree region until you have more information. For all we know, whatever's killing the trees could be killing every living thing in the region. ...Trixie doesn't suppose any of you have an idea how to do this?"

"Umm..." Fluttershy began. "The...forest elder might be able to tell us. He lives southwest of Serpent Cove. He's ancient and wise, if a bit abrasive at times."

Trixie nodded. "Very well then. Make your way to the forest elder and find out what he knows."

Spike nodded. "Luna, start off by warping us to the Canterlot carriage docks. We can head south from there."

Luna nodded, gathering her magic. "Here we go."

In a flash of light, they reappeared before the docks. Spike then turned to Fluttershy. "Lead the way." Nodding, Fluttershy led the way south through the trees. Before long, she lead them to a large tree that reached all the way to the heavens. Spike stared up at the immense oak in awe, then turned back to Shy. "So..."

"Umm...we're here."

Pip blinked. "You can talk to trees, too?" he asked, shocked.

"The tree's the Elder?" Scootaloo interpreted.

"Oh, no. Not the tree," Shy hastened to assure them.

"Then where's the elder?" Rainbow demanded.

"Up here, stupid heads!" a high pitched, small voice exclaimed in irritation.

Everyone looked up. Floating down to them was a blue, pony like creature with a bright pink mane, tail, and eyes, gossamer wings, two long antenna, and wearing a black bodysuit with white sable cuffs at neck, wrists, and ankles...and who stood at an inch high.

Fluttershy bowed to the small creature. "Elder Seabreeze, we come seeking your counsel-"

"I know this!" the tiny pony interrupted. "I am of the Breezies, with magic beyond your ken! The winds themselves speak to me and my kin, telling us of all that goes on throughout the world as we are carried on the flow of truth! I know you seek the cause of the decay of the trees of Everfree!"

"So what can you tell us?" Twilight asked eagerly. "What's causing the decay?"

Seabreeze hesitated. "I forget."

The entire group face faulted.

"It's not my fault!" Seabreeze complained. "There's a demon in my head eating up my memories! You must acquire the dream pillow from Harmonia so you can enter my dreams, slay the demon, and recover my lost memories before I can tell you what you must do to save this world from...from..." Seabreeze rubbed his head vigorously. "I can't remember!"

Fluttershy gently stroked his back. "Don't worry, Seabreeze. We'll get the dream pillow soon."

Spike nodded. "So how will we get to Harmonia? Most boats don't sail that far these days, and we can't wait for the next one. And even then, boats go too slow."

Scootaloo smirked. "Leave that to me. Let's head to the beach by serpent cove."

Spike nodded. "Lead the way."

After a time, they reached the beach Scootaloo had mentioned. "I hope you don't intend fer us to swim," AJ complained.

"Not even close," Scootaloo snarked, stepping into the water. Pulling out a large horn, she blew, releasing a loud noise that echoed across the water. She then stepped back.

Spike blinked. "Umm...what was that-"

A huge purple coil erupted from the water, followed by several others, and then a massive purple head surmounted by the bushiest orange moustache any of them had ever seen. "Scootaloo!" the massive sea serpent bellowed. "It's been so long since you called! I've missed you!"

Scootaloo laughed. "Hey Steve! I got my memory back!"

"Oh that's wonderful!" the serpent cheered. "Ever since you woke me up after losing your memory, I'd been hoping you'd remember your past. You looked so lonely-" He gasped. "And who's this handsome devil?" he asked, leaning in towards Spike. "Is he your boyfriend?"

Scootaloo gagged. "No! He's my big brother!"

"Oh, my apologies. Steven Magnet, at your service!" The serpent extended a claw, which Spike shook as best he could.

"We'll have time for introductions later," Scootaloo said quickly. "Can you take us to Harmonia Isle?"

"Certainly!" Steven proclaimed. "All aboard! We'll be there in two hours, tops!"

"Sweet!" Rainbow cheered, pumping her arm. "We'll have that dream pillow in no time!"

"I assume one of you has an instrument of highest quality? The ponies of Harmonia can only speak or understand speech if accompanied by music."

Rainbow blinked a bit. "Damn..."

"Anyone know where we can find such an instrument?" Luna asked curiously.

"...there's a lute in Applefort we could use," Applejack replied slowly. "It...it'll be nice to see home again, I guess..."

Steven thought for a bit. "That trip will take about four hours, but I'll need to stop for lunch. Okay with a furlough in Gutz?"

Spike grinned. "That'd be great! I can put my smithing skills to use again, and maybe let Eichichi know about that machine under Dutchcolt's well."

Steven nodded. "All aboard!"

The party climbed onto the serpent's back, and he sped out across the surface of the sea. While Rainbow Dash probably could have kept up with him in the air, he was plainly the fastest thing in the sea. Spike and the others barely had time to grow bored of the racing waves - except Rainbow, who didn't get bored for a moment - they reached a moderate sized island with a single town on it. "Here we are at Gutz!" Steve announced. "Unless you know how to breathe underwater, I'd recommend disembarking while I get lunch."

As everyone clambered off, Spike made a beeline for the town. "Come on, Scoot! There's someone I want you to meet!"

The group ran along with into the town. Spike then made a beeline for the house at the top of the hill, where the loud clanging of a hammer striking metal could be heard. Spike ran right into the house. "Uncle Iron!" he yelled happily.

A massively built minotaur set his hammer aside as he heard that shout. "Spike!" he yelled happily, pulling the dragon into a crushing bear hug. "It's been too long!"

Grinning from ear to ear, Spike pulled Scootaloo up. "I found her, Iron Will."

Iron Will grinned widely. "Like I told you: find the right team, conquer your dream!" He rustled Scootaloo's mane. "Good to see you calmer now. I've got a present for you, but it needs a bit of your fire to bring it to life."

Smiling, Spike stepped up to the forge. "I've got a surprise of my own," he said, his body swelling as his scales turned red. Much to Iron Will's amazement, he unleashed a massive torrent of flames into the forge.

The minotaur pulled the metal in the forge out as soon as Spike's flames subsided. He then doused it in a bucket heavily inlaid with magic runes. When the steaming stopped, he pulled out a full body plate armor, sized roughly to Spike's body. "Try it on, my boy!"

Grinning, Spike shrugged out of his leather armor before slipping the metal plate on. "Feels kind of light-" he began, before the armor shifted to fit to his body like a second skin. "Whoa!"

Iron Will grinned. "Living metal armor! Fits like a glove, light as a feather...and strong enough to repel most physical or magical assaults."

"Sweet!" Spike replied with a grin, shifting around to get a look at himself.

"Spi~kun!" a voice shouted out. From the basement stairs, a rather bouncy, naked, minotaur girl about Spike's age raced out, glomping onto Spike hard enough to send them both slamming into a nearby wall.

"Eichichi!" Iron Will yelled. "We have guests, so get yourself dressed!"

Eichichi stuck her tongue out at Iron Will. "Shut up, Oji-san!"

Spike groaned. "Hey, Eichichi."

"Spi-kun, I've told you to call me Ecchi-chan," she pouted, forcing Spike's face into her breasts.

Spike grunted. "New machine..."

Eichichi gasped. "Where?"

"Dutchcolt, our town," Pipsqueak said as he entered. "It's in the well-"

Eichichi squealed happily before racing back into the basement. She raced back out, now dressed, and with a jetpack strapped to her back. "See you there!" she shouted happily, launching herself into the air.

Iron Will sighed. "At least she's getting out of the house for once."

After a time, Steven returned, and the group was on their way to Applefort.

Spike got LifeAR!

Author's Note:

Battle Data:

Attack - Scootaloo's weapons are gem studded tonfa. Her regular attack is a combo strike with the two. Her critical hit is a burst of magic from the gems focused out one end of the tonfa.
Dare targets all foes, and forces them to target Scootaloo during the next round of combat. Scootaloo's physical evasion doubles during the next round.
Charm targets a single opponent, and can have one of three outcomes. One, enemy's attack power drops to zero until next combat round. Two, enemy becomes infatuated with Scootaloo and takes no action unless Scootaloo is attacked, at which point it gets an automatic critical counter on the one that attacked her (wears off if attacked). Three, the enemy gets a critical counterattack on Scootaloo.
M. Thief - steals a rare drop item from the target.

LifeAR - armor made of living metal that actively protects the wearer. Defense +80, agility -0, reduces magic damage by half.