• Published 14th Oct 2013
  • 3,039 Views, 263 Comments

Breath of Dragons 2 - Tatsurou

Spike must quest across a dying world to save it and all he cares for, and to discover the truth about his past. Friends aid him as he journeys to confront an ancient evil left behind by an evil goddess. Crossover, not sequel.

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After disentangling himself from Luna's embrace, Spike turned to face his entire group. "Alright, we need to get to those mines as fast as possible." As Pinkie lit up, Spike held up a hand. "Without using the Party Cannon."

Pinkie pouted. "But why?"

"Because this is a rescue mission," he replied forcefully. "Which means we need to be stealthy. Otherwise the Diamond Dogs will use Rarity and Sweetie as hostages against us."

Luna nodded sagely. "Verily, a wise decision. Tell me, is their a town closer to the mine entrance than here that you have been to?"

Spike blinked. "Well," he said, pulling out the map, "Hoarsair is pretty close, but without the cannon-"

Luna's horn glowed, and they vanished in a flash of light, reappearing outside Hoarsair.

"-I don't see...how..." Spike glanced around. "How?"

Luna grinned. "Teleportation is a basic unicorn spell. With enough power behind the spell, one can warp an entire group of ponies to a distant location or out of a deep dungeon. Unfortunately, it will only work to take you places you've been. It has been many centuries since I traveled the world, so I had to draw knowledge of locations from your mind, as major locations must be used as reference points for the warp across great distances."

Spike blinked a bit, then nodded. "Well that's certainly useful." He looked from the map to the bridge. "Alright everyone. This way, and stay silent." Everyone nodded in response.

Spike led the group across the bridge and towards the slightly mountainous region the mine was located in. They saw that the main entrance was watched by a single guard. "What now?" Rainbow whispered.

Spike held up his hand for silence, then crept around towards the entrance, to behind the guard. While he wasn't quite as good at this as Pipsqueak, he knew how to walk silently. As soon as he was behind the Dog, he grabbed him, pulled him back into shadows, and had his sword at his throat, all in one fluid motion. "I'm going to ask you some questions," Spike hissed quietly. "You're going to answer. If you hesitate, it will be-"

"Rarity and Sweetie Belle are deep inside the mines," the dog replied readily. "In the main central chamber of this branch of tunnels. Don't wander too much, as the tunnels branch out all across the continent, and you could get lost forever. Stick to the well traveled roads."

Spike blinked in confusion. "Why help us?"

"A few months ago, Fido changed. Before, he was a good dog, never would have hurt anyone, a good pack leader. Then one day, he changed. Got angry, started ranting. Said ponies were enemies, and dogs should take what we want. Brought in other dogs who agreed with him to join pack. New dogs have scary green eyes, and strong. Old pack can't fight back well, so obey. Besides, Fido still Alpha." The dog shook his head. "I no like hurting little pony girl or nice pony lady. She never begrudged us a gem or two when digging with you, dragon boy. ...could dragon boy knock me out so I not get in trouble?"

Spike nodded. "Alright." Spike promptly struck his 'prisoner' near the temple with the hilt of his sword. It wasn't actually hard enough to knock him out, but the guard evidently knew how to 'play dead' quite well. Spike then signaled the rest of the group to join him. Once they arrived, he informed them of what he'd learned.

Rainbow Dash smacked her clenched fist into her palm. "So what's the plan?"

"We'll see once we get in there," Spike replied. "For now, stealth." He quietly lead them towards the entrance, but paused. "...Pinkie, why are you in an oversized cardboard box?"

Pinkie popped her head out. "Shh! You'll blow my cover! You said this was a stealth mission!"

Spike blinked. "And...won't a cardboard box stand out in a cave system?"

Pinkie blinked for a bit. "...you know, it probably would." She climbed out of the box. Rainbow rolled her eyes as she chuckled.

Nodding, Spike led them inside. The paths all seemed rather well worn, making it difficult to find the right path. Spike began to worry they'd be too late.

"The walls," Luna spoke up. "Their are gems in the walls."

"Considering who lives here, I'm not surprised," Rainbow snarked.

"Some have been marked by unicorn magic."

Spike's head shot up. "Can you follow the marks?"

Luna nodded. "Indeed."

"Lead the way," Spike directed.

Nodding, Luna led them down the path she could see. There journey was interrupted several times as they encountered groups of Diamond Dogs with glowing green eyes. Each group seemed to be able to identify exactly where they were, and fought with far more discipline then normal Diamond Dogs did. Luna was able to aid in dispatching the groups with blasts of high level magic, but each time, Spike froze after the fight, waiting to see if it had drawn attention. When silence remained, they continued to follow the trail.

Eventually, they reached the central chamber, where they saw many green eyed dogs and several normal dogs gathered as green eyed ones pushed Rarity forward towards a larger than normal Diamond Dog on a crude throne. The group crouched down to watch what happened.

"Unhand me you filthy brutes!" Rarity snapped, pulling her arms free of the dogs as she approached the throne. "Where is my sister, Fido?" she demanded.

The large dog on the throne - Fido, presumably - grinned widely. "That not how slaves talk to Master," he growled.

Rarity turned her nose up at him. "I am no slave, and you will never be my Master!"

Fido chuckled. "Pony should reconsider-" He gestured, and another dog walked into the room, dragging Sweetie Belle with him. She looked scared out of her wits, and was bound and gagged. "If pony expects sister to stay in one piece."

Rarity gaped. "Sweetie Belle!" She rounded on Fido. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing yet," Fido countered. "But she make much noise and fuss, so we make her be silent. Now, pony lady will swear unbreakable oath to be my slave, or she go to dungeon while dogs have fun with little pony, and then she can reconsider."

"No!" Rarity wailed. "Please, don't harm Sweetie Belle! I'll do anything!"

Fido grinned widely. "Then kneel before new Master, and swear unbreakable oath!"

Shaking, Rarity slowly began to walk towards the throne.

Spike thought quickly and formulated a plan of action. "Rainbow, build up as much speed as you can and take out the dog holding Sweetie, then get out of there. Fluttershy, is Angel nearby?" At Fluttershy's nod, he continued, "Then as soon as Rainbow's clear with Sweetie, join her and call him. The three of you will keep Sweetie safe." As Rainbow took off, he turned to Luna and Pinkie. "Luna, energize my sword with a shockwave type spell. Pinkie, get your canon out. As soon as Rainbow has Sweetie clear, shoot me right into the center of that group of dogs just behind Rarity. The both of you join me as soon as you can."

Luna immediately energized his sword as instructed, impressed at his tactical acumen. "While all dragons have potential for great strength, Spike, few have shared your talent for tactics. I must say, seeing your mind at work so truly moistens my nethers."

Spike blushed. "Didn't need to know that," he grumbled as Pinkie giggled.

"Speak, pony!" Fido shouted. "Speak your oath!"

"I..." Rarity hesitated. "I..."

As all the dogs leaned in, Rainbow struck. The blur of cyan and prismatic color slammed into the guard hard enough to embed him in the opposite wall, and Rainbow turned the momentum into a quick turn as she snagged Sweetie's bonds with her staff, zipping back out with her.

Seeing Sweetie safe, Rarity shot to her hooves, drawing her mace. "I will never bow to you, you unclean beast!"

As Fido roared in rage, and the other dogs closed in, Pinkie fired her cannon with an echoing explosion. Spike shot forward, slamming sword first into the ground in the center of the dog formation, releasing the shockwave spell and sending the whole group tumbling.

"Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity said happily. "You came to save me?"

"And not alone," Spike replied as Pinkie blurred into position beside him as Luna swooped in.

"I have had enough!" Fido roared, lunging towards Rarity.

Spinning, Rarity brought her mace around, slamming hard into Fido's chin...and taking his head clean off. Rarity and the others gasped as they saw this...and then gagged a bit as the body began tramping after the head.

"You're no Diamond Dog!" Luna proclaimed. "You are a demon beast!"

Fido grabbed his head and put it back on as the regular Diamond Dogs turned against the green eyed ones. "You ruined everything!" he snarled as his body warped, becoming a massive purple blob with waving limbs and a long tongue. "I will feed! I hunger! I-" His rant was cut off as a massive discharge of explosive magic went off over his entire body, courtesy of Luna.

"You talk too much," she complained.

Rarity walked up to the collapsed, scorched, smoking body. "Is it dead?"

"No..." the beast growled. "I still function..."

Rarity pulled back her mace like a golf club, the gems glowing as the head of the mace expanded to massive proportions. "Not for long." She swung.

The collapsed body shot into the air as it screamed in agony, smashing into the roof of the cavern before dispersing into hissing black smoke. Each green eyed dog also burst into black smoke, dissolving away.

"Rarity!" Sweetie shouted out happily, running up to embrace her older sister.

"Sweetie Belle!" she shouted in reply, kneeling to pull her into her arms. "What happened? Where are your guards? Where's Hamlet?"

Rainbow flew up, accompanied by Fluttershy. "Did we win?"

Spike grinned. "No contest!"

"That was not Fido," one of the dogs said. "So...where Fido?"

At that, there was a loud "BWEEE!" as Hamlet came busting in through a wall, shaking himself off before running up to Sweetie. He looked a bit bruised and battered, and there was a long, deep gash in his side, but he was alive. As Sweetie embraced the massive hog, Rarity went to work healing him.

"What's this you've got in your mouth?" Sweetie asked, managing to get Hamlet to drop a massive treasure chest.

"Loot?" Rainbow asked excitedly.

"Is pack treasure!" one of the dogs complained. "Only Fido may open."

As the chest shook from inside, Spike blinked. "I wonder..." Drawing his sword anew, he swung, shattering the chest's lock.

The chest immediately popped open, a dog eerily similar in appearance to the fake Fido gasping for air. "Freedom!" he gasped out. "Never thought Diamond Dog could get claustrophobic!"

"Fido?" the outspoken dog gasped.

"I thought I recognized the name," Rarity spoke up, walking up to the dog. She leaned over as she examined his collar. "I made this for you, didn't I?"

Fido's head shot up. "Miss Rarity? What you do here? Where is not-Fido that stuff Fido in chest and steal treasure?"

"It's alright," Rarity replied soothingly. "He's been dealt with."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Fido replied, bowing deeply. "Is anything dogs can do for Miss Rarity? More gems? Across sea fabrics? Treasures?"

Rarity chuckled. "None of that, Fido. You needn't put yourself to such effort on my behalf. Right now, I just need to get my sister back home to Unicornia."

Fido's eyes lit up. "We take there! Tunnels go that far, come up under castle! Full safe, no bandits, brigands, or monsters!"

Rarity smiled widely. "How very kind of you!" she said happily. She turned to Spike. "Won't you accompany me, Spikey-Wikey?"

Spike nodded. "I'd be happy to, Lady Rarity."

"In that case," Rainbow groused, "we'll be coming along as well."

Rarity nodded as she glanced over the group. "New friends, Spikey-Wikey?" she asked sweetly, although she seemed slightly green as she looked over Luna, and especially Fluttershy.

Spike nodded. "Yeah, they've been a big help."

"What's wrong, Sweetie Belle?" Fluttershy asked softly, bending over the slightly perturbed filly.

"Well," she mused, "when I first got foalnapped by the Diamond Dogs, I thought for sure this would be like all of Rarity's story books, and my Prince Charming would come and rescue me." She sighed a bit, then angrily stamped her foot. "But I don't see Pipsqueak anywhere!" she pouted. This caused both Rarity and Spike to laugh uproariously, knowing what they did.

After a long journey through the tunnels, during which Spike told Rarity about his journey, the reasons for it, the demons they'd fought, and how they all came together, they eventually came up under Unicornia castle. "We go no further," Fido intoned. "If dogs come up into castle, tunnels compromised and dogs get hurt."

"I understand," Rarity replied, "and thank you for all your help."

"Diamond Dogs owe Miss Rarity and friends much," Fido insisted. "If need anything ever, just ask. If can, we do." Before Rarity could insist it wasn't necessary, Fido turned around and led his dogs back into the maze of tunnels.

Rarity chuckled. "He's such a good dog," Rarity said with a smile as the group headed up into the castle.

As they came up the stairs, a large group of guards awaited them. "Halt!" The leader of the formation proclaimed.

A pink mare with a bright purple mane stepped out, garbed in a royal gown and tiara. "Who is this that has entered our castle?" she demanded.

"Mommy!" Sweetie called happily, racing up to hug her. "Big Sis brought me home! Isn't that wonderful? Can she stay for a visit, please?"

The Queen's eyes hardened. Rarity sighed as Hamlet put one hoof over his eyes. "Your princess found herself waylaid, Queen Pearl," Rarity said sadly.

"We thank you for returning her," Pearl replied. "Guards, please gently escort our guests out of the castle."

As the guards moved in, Sweetie stamped her hoof. "Not this again!"

As the group was politely pushed out the front door of the castle, Rainbow turned on Rarity. "Alright, what's the deal? Sweetie Belle's a princess, which means you're one, too. So how come you were treated like some kind of leopard?"

"You mean leper," Rarity absently corrected.

"Answer the question!" Rainbow snapped.

"I'd like to know too...if you don't mind, that is," Fluttershy asked.

Rarity winced. "Well, it happened when I was four. I'd just discovered the spell I use to detect gemstones..."

20 years ago...

All was quiet in the cliff side kingdom of Unicornia. It looked to be a beautiful morning. All of a sudden, there was a huge shock as the ground shook, and a windmill - thankfully empty - tumbled into the sea along with a good sized amount of the cliff side. Investigations began immediately, eventually discovering the source being a large surge of magic...from the four year old Princess.

As her parents glowered down at her, Princess Rarity looked up at them from the huge pile of gems she had unearthed, held one up in each hand, and offered, "Pretty rocks?"

As Rarity finished her story, Rainbow was laughing uproariously. "You demolished a good portion of your own kingdom gem hunting?"

Rarity winced. "I got in serious trouble. It was only the monetary value of the gems managing to cover the damage that saved me from summary execution as a threat to the kingdom. Instead, I was stripped of my royalty and sent to the White Mage Academy in Ponyville to learn responsibility, compassion, and an understanding of consequences. The kingdom then pretended I didn't exist...except for Father, who told Sweetie about me, and she then made regular trips to Ponyville to visit me."

Luna rested her hand on Rarity's shoulder. "I am sorry to hear of your troubles, dear friend," she consoled.

"Yeah," Spike added, placing his hand comfortingly over hers. He knew what it was like to lose his home and family. As he thought that, his mind wandered. The description he had of Scootaloo seemed so familiar...

As Fluttershy glared Rainbow into submission to make her stop laughing and Luna consoled Rarity, a rope snaked out from a rooftop to wrap around Spike. With a startled yelp, he was yanked off his feet and up to the rooftop, where a rag was pressed against his mouth, and a sweet scent pushed him into slumber.

When Spike returned to consciousness, he found himself tied to a chair with a gag stuffed in his mouth. He was in a dark room, and could only make out shadows and shapes. He saw a most definitely feminine shape plant itself in his lap.

"Sorry about snagging ya like that," a accented voice apologized, heat heavy in her voice. "But I couldn't risk approaching ya in the open. I didn't think I could control myself."

Spike struggled a bit, glad to discover he was still in his armor. He didn't know what was going on, but the eldritch glow in the stranger mare's eyes made him nervous.

"It's alright," the mare tried to reassure him. "It'll be fun. I'd rather it not be like this, but I ain't got no more choice. Can't hold myself back anymore." She panted a bit as he felt her grinding her hips in his lap. "All those mares around you...you must be nice. You'll be understanding, right? You won't hate me?" Her hands trailed down his body, and paused. "Aww, shoot!" she said, her voice more level. "How am I supposed to get the armor off without untying you?"

Right at that moment, the door burst open, and a wave of force knocked the mare flying before he could see clearly. "Spike!" Fluttershy called, rushing to his side and began untying him.

"You dare do such things to our noble hero?" Luna demanded, enraged. Stepping forward, she raised her hand, power gathering.

Spike bit through his gag, his eyes falling on the mare who had captured him, seeing an orange mare with blonde mane and tail, green eyes, and dressed in rather scanty jungle garb. "Luna, wait!" he called, shaking himself free of his ropes. "Her eyes were glowing! I think she might be ensorcelled."

The mare fell to her hands and knees. "Please, just kill me! I can't live like this anymore!"

Luna paused, leaning over to examine the mare, her own eyes glowing white. "...I see. Rarity, would you aid us? We know the spell shaping, but we lack skill in white magic. 'Twas always our elder sister's specialty."

Nodding, Rarity came over. Following Luna's guidance and borrowing her power, she poured her magic into the mare. A red, sparkling mist slowly lifted out of the mare's body before dispersing. The mare slowly sat up. "Wha...what happened?"

"Your bloodline was under a rather insidious curse," Luna explained. "One of my own crafting, though twas my wayward younger sister that cast it on your line. Whenever a mare of your line became fertile, the curse caused them to experience a violent heat, compelling them to mate with any available male. With Rarity's help - and Spike's, for spotting the curse - I was able to cleanse it from you and all your living relatives."

The mare raised her head. "For real? I'm cured? I don't have to keep taking those pills to make me barren to keep from mounting any stallion I see?"

Luna smiled. "The fact that you weren't doing so - that you executed a plan on a specific target - says much of your strength of will."

The mare bowed low in reply. "Thank y'all, very kindly. I owe y'all my life." She stood up. "Name's Applejack. Is there anything I can do to repay you all?" She turned towards Spike, her face lowered with a blush. "And make it up to you?"

Spike smiled. "I could never hate someone for actions beyond their control, especially when under the influence of mind altering magic."

Applejack smiled widely. "You are a real nice fellow, ain'tcha?" She pulled him into a one armed hug, nuzzling the top of his head. "But I still feel like I need to repay you. So I'm gonna go with you."

Spike blinked. "Go with me...where?"

"Wherever you're going," she replied. "Until I've repaid you in full, I'm sticking right by your side. Maybe after, too."

Spike smiled. "Well, sure. We've likely got a long journey ahead of us, and the more help we have, the better." He smiled at Applejack. She returned the smile.

Spike completely missed Rarity and Fluttershy's pouts, Rainbow's glower, and Luna and Pinkie's chuckles.

Rarity joined the party!

Applejack joined the party!

Author's Note:

Battle Data:


Attack - uses a mace, with various enchanted jewels inset for various effects.
Flirt - can be used against non-boss civilized enemies (ponies, canids, griffons, etc.) Charms target, either causing a skipped turn or to attack other enemies.
Magic - Rarity is a white mage, learning healing spells, a few stat buffs, some anti undead magic, but no offensive spells,


Attack - uses a combination of bare handed attacks and her rope. All attacks have a chance of rendering the target immobile for a period of time, plus extra status effects based on equipped rope.
Rodeo - Applejack uses various maneuvers to inflict status effects or damage to all enemies.
Shield - Applejack takes a defensive stance, intercepting single target physical attacks targeting her allies.