• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter VII: Colossus

Chapter VII


Crimson stood in a single file line outside and in front of a vast forest with several other students. He stood up straight as a familiar cane wielding man stepped in front of them. Even though Crimson was family Crow treated him like any other student, which the boy agreed to so he wouldn’t draw attention to himself.

“Students!” He barked getting the students’s attention. “Today is the day we see if you’re Academy material.” Everyone buzzed in excitement. The green eyed man then pointed towards the forest. “Within the forest lies a series of ruins. Within them are weapons you will need to complete your stay here.”

Crimson nodded in approval. “The forest is teeming with different types of creatures and the ruins themselves have guardians that are ever watchful and will try to stop you.” He said as the crowd grew silent. “I will not lie to you, I cannot promise that all of you will come back alive,” He heard an audible gulp come from the crowd. “and those that do come back, you will not be the same.” He said with a sigh. “We will also assign you all into four man cells upon your return.” Crimson groaned at the thought of being forced to be social.

“You have until midnight to claim your weapon and reach the grand hall where we will all be waiting for you. Those who fail will be expelled from the Academy post haste.” Everyone looked at one another and gulped. “Now then. Begin!” He said as his body turned into a flock of crows and flew away. The students looked at one another and immediately took off running towards the structures in the distance.

Crimson hastily made his way through the thicket and through a series of bushes. As he came to a clearing he caught his breath and saw a familiar green haired girl land a good hundred feet away from him. Ivy saw the boy and quickly made her way over to him.

“Sup roomie?” She asked as she caught her breath. Crimson let out a sigh and gave her a nod.

“Could you see the ruins from up there?” He asked as he looked towards the sky.

“That is such a good idea!” She said as she flew up and looked around. Back on the ground Crimson face palmed and let out a sigh. “Um, I think I see something over there!” She yelled as she saw an old tower in the distance.

“Thanks. Good luck.” He said as he took off running. As he entered the forest he felt the green haired flyer fly up beside him. “Why don’t you play lookout so you can see if there are any monsters up ahead?”

“Good idea! See ya!” She said as she zoomed forward. Crimson silently thanked Celestia that the chatty girl was gone and he could focus on reaching the ruins. As he made his way into another clearing he heard a loud rustling sound. As he looked to his right, he saw a blue haired boy with similar colored wings running from what looked like a manticore. The boy then noticed Crimson and flew towards him.

“What? Don’t bring that thing here!” He yelled. Across the clearing he then noticed a girl with jet black hair firing a few spells at something behind her. The two boys then saw what looked like an entire pack of Timber wolves follow her. The Manticore the spied the wolves and deviated from it’s path thinking it could get a bigger meal from one human. The winged man then took flight towards the other child.

As he was banking left a wind gust knocked Ivy off course and she flew right into the blue haired flyer. The two were sent crashing towards the ground and rammed into the dark haired mage. The three combined trainees then rammed right into Crimson. “Great, gang’s all hear. Now we can all die together.” He said as he pushed the blue flyer off him.

“Sorry about that.” Ivy said as she offered her hand to the dark haired girl. The young mage grunted and got up on her own. As the blue flyer got up he noticed that the Manticore had finished with the wolves and set his sights on the four children.

“Manticore! Run now talk later!” He said as he took off with the others following close behind.

“I saw a cave up ahead. We can hide in there.” Ivy said as she took the lead. The others nodded and followed the green flyer into a cave. The manticore stopped in it’s tracks as it saw the humans run into the cave. The beast roared and ran away post haste. The four looked at one another and let out a sigh of relief.

“Well, that worked out pleasantly.” The blue flyer said as he sat down. His hand felt something wet and slimy. “Gross.” He said as he wiped his hands on his pant leg.

“Ugh, what is that stench.” The dark haired girl said as she held her nose shut.

“No idea. For a cave this place is pretty soaked.” Ivy said as she sat down on a white rock. Crimson and the blue flyer looked around the cave and felt shivers go down their spine.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” The dark haired girl said aloud. Crimson slammed his foot down on the cave floor in frustration. The four then felt the entire area shake.

“What was that?” Ivy asked. Crimson did it a second time getting the same result. He thought for a moment as a big gust of putrid air came from the back of the cave.

“Oh buck! We need to get out of here now!” He yelled.

“Why? It’s just a cave.” Ivy said as she cocked her head in confusion.

“This is no cave!” He yelled as the group ran out of the cave just in time to see two sets of massive teeth close behind them. The group looked at one another in shock and groaned.

“What. The hell. Was that?” The blue flyer said as he panted.

“Must have been a mountain dweller.” The dark mage said. “I read that they like to burrow into the bottom of mountains and pose as caves so it can eat animals that venture inside.” She said with a pant.

“Didn’t think to mention that sooner?” The blue flyer said. The dark haired girl grunted and charged her hands with a dark purple aura. Crimson then stepped between the two.

“Look, guys. We’re all here for the same reason.” He said in a calm tone. “Let’s just agree to work together at least until we get our weapons and pass this thing okay?” The flyer bit his lip and relaxed his stance. The girl’s hands stopped glowing and let out a sigh.

“Fine.” The flyer said with a groan.


“Since we’re going to be working together we should at least know each other’s names.” Ivy said as she got up. “Ivy Evergreen.” She said with her hand outstretched.

“Rouge Nightshade.” The dark haired girl said.

“Cobalt Striker.”

“Crimson Storm.” He said as he shook their hands. The red haired child then pulled out his pocket watch and looked at the time. “We’ve got seven hours left.”

“Then we’d better get a move on.” The mage said as she got to her feet. The four students hastily made their way towards one of the ruins. Five hours past and the full moon was just beginning to rise as the four found one of the ruins. The architecture looked old and decrepit.

The four took a moment to rest before venturing into the old ruin. Their stomachs growled in protest. As they reached the top of the temple they saw that the place had been ransacked.

“This place is cleaned out!” Cobalt yelled in frustration.

“Maybe not.” Crimson said as he felt an odd pulse coming from inside. “There’s something in there.” He said as he walked forward.

“How would you know?” Rouge asked in a rough tone.

“Look, we only have two hours left and we don’t have time to go to another ruin. This is our last chance.” Ivy said as she walked behind the red mage. The other two groaned and followed them inside. They searched each room and found nothing but dust. As Rouge looked at a wall she found a large crack. She placed her hand over it and focused her magic.

“There’s something behind this wall.” She called out as the other three raced over to her.

“How do you know?” Crimson asked.

“There’s a breeze coming from the other side and I can feel something.” Crimson and the others shrugged and started cracking away at the wall. The group then saw the years of decay and neglect take it’s toll against their strength and crumble away revealing a hallway.

“I can’t see anything.” Cobalt said as he looked into utter darkness. Rouge reached into her pocket and withdrew a crystal. She held it in her hands and poured her magic into it. The dark hallway was instantly illuminated by a bright purple light. “Nice.” The blue flyer said as the group ventured down the hallway.

The four then came to a large room that was decorated with four statues. One had a sword and shield in front of it and a warrior statue behind it. Another showed a female hooded figure with a bow and arrow laying in front of it. The third showed a woman with a whip in her left hand. The final was without a doubt the most ominous of the set. A hooded figure with a demonic wing sprouting from the left side of it’s back and a normal feathered wing from it’s right.

“Dibs on the sword!” Cobalt said as he ran forward. Ivy went over to the whip holding statue and examined it before picking it up out of the statue’s hand. Rouge immediately went over to the bow and felt it’s light weight. Crimson stepped forward before the fallen angel and reached for the scythe. As Crimson picked it up out of it’s hands, the entire room started to shake and crumble away.

“What’s happening?”

“Booby trap!” Ivy yelled.

“No shit Starswirl!” Rouge yelled. The place was falling apart and shifting. The four ran out of the room with their weapons grasped in their hands. As they made their way out of the temple they saw the stone shifting and take a form of a massive warrior.

“What is that thing?” Cobalt yelled.

“It’s a Colossus!” Rouge yelled.

“A what?” Crimson said as he looked at the mage.

“An ancient creature that is said to lay waste to entire nations!”

“What’s it doing here then?”

“Who cares? Run!” Cobalt said as he took flight and flew as fast as he could away from the massive giant. The other three then took off away from the beast. They didn’t dare look back as they heard the giant’s footsteps grow closer. Ivy looked in the distance and could see the silhouette of the school.

“Hey I can see the grand hall! We’re-,” She was cut off as she heard a massive crashing noise. Crimson looked up to see the massive stone giant leap over them and in front of their path. “screwed.” She said as the giant landed. Cobalt and Ivy flew up to the two mages and gulped.

“What now?” Rouge asked.

“We fight it.” Crimson said with a sigh.

“Are you nuts? Look at the size of that thing!” Cobalt yelled.

“I have an idea. It’s crazy, but it just might work.” Crimson said as he slowly whispered to the group. The three looked at one another in confusion and back at the red haired boy.

“That is the worst idea ever, of all time.” Rouge spat out.

“Got any other ideas? We’ve only got ten minutes left before midnight!” The three looked at one another and let out a sigh.

“This had better work.” Cobalt said as he took flight. Rouge readied her bow and started firing dark magical bolts at the giant. Ivy flew around it’s head like an annoying fly. The giant swatted at the flyer who barely dodged the blow. The giant then set it’s sights on the mage firing the bolts. It raised it’s foot and was bout to step on the mage.

Cobalt then raced to her aid and raised his shield. He closed his eyes and waited for the pain. He felt the crushing force meet him. He opened one eye to see that a massive magical barrier protrude from the shield. The blue flyer then summoned whatever strength he had left and forced the beast back.

“Ivy now!” Crimson yelled. The green flyer the wrapped her whip around the beast’s foot and pulled. Rouge focused her magic into one last magical arrow and sent it flying into the giant’s chest. The colossus fell backwards on the hill’s incline with it’s neck at the start of the hill. The green flyer then wrapped crimson in her whip’s grip and pulled him up towards the sky.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked.

“You’re seriously asking that now?” The flyer nodded and threw him towards Cobalt who had his shield ready. As Crimson passed over head he slammed his shield against the boy’s feet. Crimson felt himself launch at an alarming rate. The other watched and he looked like a dark red blur. As he passed the full moon the beast saw the silhouette of the scythe wielder close in on him.

The red haired child felt a large amount of strength pour into his hands. He looked in his hand and saw that the blade was glowing a bright red. He gripped the weapon and let loose one slash that cut clean through the stone giant’s neck. As Crimson landed on the hill he saw the head disconnect with the body and fly sky ward. The others flew up to him with Rouge hanging onto Cobalt’s arm as they landed.

“That was awesome!” Cobalt said with a smile. “How did you do that?”

“No idea.” He said as he looked at his watch. “Gah! We’ve only got two minutes before it’s midnight.” As the words left his lips he felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and the color drain from his face. He slowly turned around and saw the Colossus’s body stand up and reattach it’s severed head. After a series of cracks it looked down at the four tired out children.

“It has been over a millennium since someone has bested me in combat.” It said in a deafening tone.

“It can talk?” Ivy said.

“You.” He said as he pointed at Crimson. “Red warrior, as a follower of the Colossus’s Code I am now your servant.” Crimson gulped and looked at the three other children in surprise.

“O-okay.” He said in an uneasy tone. The Colossus then spread it’s hand out and hovered over the red haired child. A beam of light then enveloped the child and the boy felt a shocking sensation go through him. He looked down at his right arm and saw an odd symbol etched into his skin.

“Should you require my assistance then only call and I shall come.” Crimson looked at his watch and gasped at the time.

“Hey, what’s your name?”

“I have none.”

“We’ll figure something out later. How good are you at throwing?” The Colossus picked the four students up and held them in his stone palm. “Cobalt, get that shield ready.” The other three instantly caught on and looked at him in surprise.

“This is the second worst idea, ever of all-” Was all rouge got out before the giant threw them towards the school.


“I know. Hang on!” He said as the students grabbed each other and the flyer activated his shield. The group gulped and held on fro dear life as they heard the sound of breaking glass.

Crow sat in the auditorium along side his fellow teachers. The grand hall was filled with several other children who had already gotten their weapons along with upperclassmen who seemed to bored to care. The large clock hanging in the center of the room signaled the final thirty-seconds of the assignment.

The green eyed man hung his head low hoping that Crimson was alright. He shot his head up as he heard the sound of crashing glass. He looked behind him to see four students holding onto a rounded shield. As they started to descend Crimson pulled out his weapon and slowed them down by cutting into the concrete floor.

The shield skidded and the passengers braced for impact. The four finally stopped moving and slowly got off the shield and staggered forward. The four then shook off the crash and looked to see that everyone in the room was staring at them. Most of them were dumbstruck as to what they just saw.

“Um....did we make it?” The blue flyer asked. As they made their way through the walkway several members, both new and old started to laugh and clap for them. Crimson gave a weak smile as the Headmaster stood up and motioned fro them to come closer. As they stood on the stage he looked at their battle tested attire.

“What happened to you four out there?”

“Sir, I doubt that you’d even believe us.” Ivy said with a sigh.

“Judging from what I just saw, I’ll take your word for it.” He said as he looked at the broken stain glass window. “You four just made it with five-seconds to spare.” The four all let out a sigh of relief. “May I see the weapons you have claimed?” Te four nodded and held out their prizes.

The elderly man adjusted his glasses and scanned the weapons. His eyes shrank and looked at the four in shock. “These were taken from the Colossus’s tomb.” Several teachers looked at one another in shock and started whispering to one another. “How did you escape him?”

“Well, he kinda gave us a lift.” Crimson said as he looked at the large shattered window.

“His idea!” Rouge said.

“Snitch.” He hissed. The Headmaster was too dumbfounded to even respond to that.

“Anyway, you four pass.” He said with a sigh. “You four shall be known as team Horsemen.” The four smiled. “Squad leader is Crimson Storm.” He grumbled in a barely audible tone. The red haired child looked at him in surprise and then back at the other three students who shrugged. “You four must be famished.” He said with a small grin.

“Food definitely sounds good right now.” Ivy said with a smile. The headmaster returned their weapons and motioned for them to take a seat. As they did several students started to whisper to one another. After dinner Crimson and Ivy climbed the tower to their room. As they opened the door they saw that there was a pair of bunk beds instead of the two single ones that occupied the room earlier.

“What is this?” Ivy said with a groan. The two then heard a familiar voice coming from the balcony. They walked out and saw that Cobalt was looking out. He then spun around and saw the two staring at him.

“What are you guys doing in my room?”

“Your room? We were here first.” Crimson said in confusion. The door opened again revealing Rogue.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said with a groan.

“Look guys, I’m way to tired to argue right now.” Crimson said with a yawn. “We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” He said before laying down on the lower bunk on the right. The other three soon followed his example and collapsed on their own beds.

Downstairs Crow sat in the Headmaster’s office with a scowl on his face. The elderly man was pacing, looking for where to begin.

“Of all the places he could have ended up it had to be there!”

“It was a twist of fate.” He said with a groan.

“To think that the demon child-”

“He has a name.” Crimson said as he narrowed his eyes.

“Like it matters. Point is he has that thing is dangerous! He beat a Colossus that has stayed dormant for over one thousand years and if their rules still apply then the child is now in control of him.” He said as he sat down. “Did you tell him that that was there?”

“Do you honestly think that I’d endanger my godson like that?” Crow said as he grunted.

“You tell me. He did kill your squad mates.” Crow bolted up and bore holed through the man’s eyes.

“That wasn’t him!” Crow yelled.

“It may has well have been.” Crow was now becoming infuriated at the man.

“I made a promise to Orion and Rose that I’d look after him and that’s what I intend to do, with or without your help.” He said in a stern tone.

“Should ‘it’ get loose. Celestia save us.” The elderly man said as he sat down. “Tea?” He asked as he gave him a cup. Outside the door a bandaged, brown winged warrior smirked as he finished listening to the conversation.

Author's Note:

Before you guys get all bent out of shape let me just clarrify a few things.
1. Yes, the weapons are based on the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
2. I know that the red rider, War is supposed to have a sword but I switched them around a bit. Sue me for trying to be creative.