• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,283 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XI: Of Monsters and Men

Chapter XI

Of Monsters and Men

Crimson’s eyes slowly opened and he gazed up into the seemingly never ending darkness. He felt his coat around him. As he tried to sit up he looked to his right where a feeling of extra weight was coming from. Crimson was now thoroughly confused and embarrassed. Along with his coat, a familiar clothed arm was draped over his chest and a head with indigo hair was resting on his right pectoral muscle.

The scholar let out a soft snore as she rubbed her head on his chest. Crimson gulped and searched his mind to figure out how to deal with this situation. The man gulped and gently prodded the girl’s head with his finger tip. The girl shook her head slightly.

“Twilight. Wake up.”

“Five more minutes Spike.” She said with a grunt.

“It’s Crimson.” The man said in a flat tone. The girl’s eyes snapped open and looked at the man’s dark red eyes, that weren’t meeting her gaze. Twilight then saw the position she was in. Her face turned bright red as she shot up.

“Where are we?” She said as she looked around at the dimly lit cavern.

“You don’t remember?” The scholar then remembered everything that had happened before she had blacked out.

“How long have we been down here?”

“A few hours at least.” He said as he got up. “You passed out from using too much magic and almost died.”

“What?” She yelled.

“Calm down. I managed to use some of my magic to buy your body some time to produce more.” He said with a sigh. “Then I passed out from using too much magic and here we are hours later.” Twilight blushed at the thought of the man’s magic coursing through her.

“Thank you.” She said with a sigh. She then turned her attention to the red crystals in the center. “What are these?” Twilight said as she felt the heat coming from them.

“Fire crystals. Cut from a dragon’s throat.” He said in a flat tone. “A souvenir I held onto, just in case.”

“Good thing you have them.” Twilight then noticed that there was a blood stain on his shirt. “Crimson, you’re bleeding!” She said as she pointed to the mark on his shirt. “Let me see.”

“Twilight I’m fine. It’s-” He was cut off as Twilight’s hands glowed a light purple and removed the man’s shirt off his body.

“Now let me see what’s-” She was cut off as she saw what looked like seven chain like tattoo’s on his chest. The seven converged in the middle of his chest around a circle with an odd symbol in the center. Crimson lowered his head and let out a sigh. The scholar also noticed a cut across his body that seemed to be healing on it’s own. The chains seemed to vanish from his skin and he grabbed his shirt back from the scholar. “Crimson,” She said in a shaky tone. “what was that?”

“Nothing.” He said in a flat tone. “Mind if I have my coat back?” The scholar then realized that she still had the man’s cloak wrapped around her body. She felt as though the coat was a piece of the warrior wrapping her in a warm embrace. She gulped and hesitantly removed it. “Thank you.” He said as he slipped it back on his body. He then pulled out his watch and looked at the hand positions in the dim red light being produced by the crystals.

“Almost three in the afternoon.” He said as he closed the watch. The man then pulled out a small green jewel and focused his magic. The crystal was cracked from the fall as it glowed a bright green.

The group of girls made their way through the old ruins. Something caught the pink haired girl’s eye. “Um Ivy,” She said as the green haired woman turned around. “why is your butt glowing?”

“What?” Pinkie than pointed to her back pocket. A bright green object was glowing from her pocket. Ivy quickly withdrew the crystal and focused her magic. A flickering image of the man came into view. “Thank Celestia!”

“I don’t have long.....crystal....damaged.” The image said with a flicker. The girls then crowded around the crystal.

“Are you okay?”

“A bit roughed up.....surviving.”

“What about Twilight?” Rarity asked.

“She’s okay.” The image then flickered again. “Gotta go.....find.....power signature. Meet you.....outside.” The image then cut out. Ivy grunted and shook the crystal.

“Damn it!” The woman yelled as she put the crystal back in her pocket. “Okay they’re alive.” The group let out a joined sigh of relief. “They said that they’ll meet us outside.”

“Better not keep them waiting then.” Dash said as she cracked her neck. The group nodded and made their way down the dark hallway.

The crystal’s light faded and the crack grew until it split in two. Crimson grunted and put the broken shards back in his pocket. Twilight looked at him and gulped.

“The others are okay and are making their way to an exit.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight let out a sigh and smiled.

“That’s a relief.” She said with a smile.

“We’d better get going too.” He said as he started looking around the room. Twilight did the same. She stayed close to the red haired warrior, who held a bright red crystal in his left hand that illuminated the cave. The scholar then felt a breeze brush her hand.

“Hey there’s a breeze over here.” Crimson extended his hand and felt the sudden rush of air. He followed it and saw that it led to a small walkway, barely visible.

“Looks like a tight squeeze.” He said as he looked inside the crack. He maneuvered his body sideways and slowly made his way inside the crack. “I’ll go first.” Twilight nodded and waited outside the crack. As she kept watching, she saw the man vanish into darkness.

The scholar then felt a small wave of fear creep up inside of her. She felt eyes on her and spun around to see nothing but darkness. The girl gulped and felt something touch her shoulder. Twilight let out a small scream and turned around to see Crimson looking at her with a cocked eyebrow.

“Don’t do that!" She said in an aggravated tone. "Almost gave a me a heart attack.” She said as she took several deep breaths.

“The way ahead is clear.” He said in a flat tone. Twilight gulped and slowly squeezed her form into the small crack. Twilight bit her lip as the sharp rocks tugged as her clothes and scraped against her skin. The scholar saw light coming from the other end of the crack.

“Thank Celestia we-” She was cut off as Crimson forced her against the rock wall and put a hand over her mouth. Twilight blushed as she felt the man’s upper body press against her own.

“Shhh!” He said as he put a finger to his lips. He backed off the girl and pointed towards the cliff edge. The scholar quietly followed him and peered over the edge. The girl’s eyes shrank as she saw a group of ten shrouded figures standing in a circle muttering some odd words.

“What’s going on?” She whispered.

“Looks like some sort of ritual.” He said as he saw one of the members enter the center of the circle and put on some odd looking armor. The armor was dark blue and menacing looking. The chest plate however looked like it was designed for a woman. Twilight’s eyes shrank as the recognized the armor. It was the same set that she had seen Nightmare Moon use when they fought her.

“That’s Nightmare Moon’s armor!” She said as eh looked at the man.

“You sure?”

“Positive.” She said as she kept watching. The armor wearing person removed their helmet and showed her flowing black hair. The woman kneeled in the center of the circle and stuck the long sword that rested at her side in the ground and looked towards the roof of the cave.

“Oh gracious Nightmare. I beseech you, use me as your vessel so that you may rule the night once more!” She yelled. One of the other hooded figures withdrew a large gem that was dark blue. The gem glowed and a cloud of blue smoke erupted from the jewel. The shadow then enveloped the cult member and screams of agony could be heard from the woman.

Twilight dare not look away as the shadows moved beneath the girl’s skin like snakes. The shadows seemed to and alter her body. A blinding flash of dark blue light filled the cave. Once the light had vanished the two saw that the woman’s skin was now marked with several black marks that wrapped around her arms. A series of black marks were now on her cheeks and her eyes were spliced with icy blue coloring. A pair of dark blue wings were also sprouting from her back.

The other cult members bowed to the armored being. “How can we serve you?” The member asked as the armored woman rammed their sword through him. The other members gasped as the sword glowed dark blue and seemed to drain the life from the man. Soon all that remained was a cloak and pile of dust.

“You are all free to die.” Several members tried to run away and escape, only to be caught by whip like shadows that drained them of their lives. Once all the members were finished off the armored man laughed like a madman. “It’s good to be back.” A dark voice said.

Twilight covered her mouth in shock and looked over towards Crimson who had the same look of shock on his face. The man gripped the rock he was holding until it cracked apart.

“What did they just do?” Twilight asked.

“They turned that girl into a Conduit.” He said with a grunt.


“Apparently when you defeated Nightmare Moon she stored a piece of magic in her armor and that jewel.” He said in a hushed tone. “Those psycho’s just sealed whatever power that was in them inside that girl.” He said as he gritted his teeth. “Bucking monsters.”

“So it’s possible to seal a spirit inside a human body.” She said with a gasp. “I don’t believe it.”

“Oh believe it honey.” The two froze and slowly turned their heads around to see the reincarnated Nightmare Moon looking at them with a wicked smile on her face. Now that she was up close Crimson could see how menacing the armor truly was. The metal clung to the girl’s body that accented her natural physique.

“Listen to me, I know how you’re feeling.” Crimson said as he slowly stood up and gulped. “You can fight that voice in your head.” The woman then grabbed him by the throat and picked him up off his feet.

“What makes you think I want to?” She said with an insane laugh. “I always wanted power and now I’ve got it!” She said as she tightened her grip on the man’s throat. Twilight was about to launch a spell at the woman, but felt a magical force pin her to the wall. “Oh no you don’t. We’ve got business Sparkle.”

“Y-you know me?”

“How could I forget the one who murdered me?” She yelled. Crimson focused his magic into his right hand and slammed it into the woman’s face. The woman staggered back for a moment and put a finger to her lip and felt that it was bleeding. “Not bad kid, if you’re a good boy then I’ll let you be my pet.” She said as she licked her black lips with her tongue.

“Sorry,” He said as he summoned his scythe in his hands. “not in my job description.” He said as he got in a defensive stance. The woman laughed and shot a large magical bolt at the man, making him slide off the cliff and fall onto the bottom of the cave. Crimson landed on his feet and looked up to see the woman flying down to him.

“I suppose I could go for another snack before the main course.” She said with a snide smile. Crimson held his weapon in front of him. The woman raised her sword and charged at the man with murder in her eyes. The two locked blades and bore holes through each other. Crimson twisted the handle of his scythe and withdrew the blade in his left hand and tried to slice the girl.

“Oh scary.” She said in a mocking tone. Crimson grunted and switched the weapons in his hands. “Enough foreplay, time for the main event!” She said before teleporting behind the man and slamming the handle of her sword into his stomach. Crimson grunted and managed to make contact with the girl’s armor with his sword. The armor cracked from the force and the woman jumped back.

“Ugh! I just got this outfit too.” Her eyes then narrowed and she snarled at the man. She held up the sword and pointed it at the scholar who was still pinned to the wall. The blade started to extend and shoot towards the helpless book worm. Twilight’s eyes shrank as she saw the blade rocket towards her. She struggled in her restraints and felt a wave of fear wash over her.

Twilight closed her eyes and waited for the blade to penetrate her. The scholar then felt something warm and wet splash across her face. She opened her eyes and her pupils shrank as she saw the man standing in front of her with his back to her. The end of the sword was sticking through the middle of his back.

Crimson couched up blood and grunted in pain as the girl lifted him up by the sword that was still rammed in his chest. The blade started to retract and brought Crimson closer to the armor wearing woman. Twilight focused what magic she had left and broke from the restraints that once bound her.

“Oh how cute.” The woman mocked. “He took the hit for you. Admirable, but stupid.” The red haired warrior grunted in pain as he tried to free himself from the blade. Once Crimson was within arms length she grabbed him by the throat and kept pressure on the blade that was still inside of him. “Game over.” The sword started to glow and Crimson felt his strength leaving his body. “It’s really a shame,” She said as she lowered the man so that their eyes were level. “you would have been my favorite plaything.” Crimson grunted and spat blood into the woman’s face.

The woman snarled and twisted the blade deeper into the man’s chest. Crimson cried out in pain and narrowed his eyes. “Still, I’m not a complete monster yet.” She said as she leaned closer. “I’ll at least give you a taste of what would have been.” The woman leaned her head in and smirked. As she felt the man’s breath on her lips the man grabbed the hand that was around his throat. The pressure he was applying was enough to crack a normal person’s bones.

“What?” She yelled as she backed away. Crimson planted his feet on the ground and glared at the sword in his chest. A dark red aura then started seeping out of his body. The man gripped the blade and pulled it out of his body. Crimson threw the blade aside and staggered forward. The dark woman focused her magic and her eyes glowed.

The air around the man stung and seemed to bite at her exposed skin. She matched her gaze with Crimson and saw that his pupils were spliced and the whites of his eyes were pitch black. As she focused she saw inside the man’s mind. She found herself looking at a massive cage. Behind the prison stood a being just a little taller than the red haired man.

She felt the creature’s gaze on her and felt a wave of fear wash over her. The creature’s hair was dark red and it’s skin was snow white. Two horns sprouted from the side of it’s head and curled forwards. The stare down between the two seemed to go on for an eternity. The creature’s eyes shrank and let out a massive roar of anger. The power coming from the creature was overwhelming and the foreign presence was forced to leave.

On the surface the man was still glaring at her. The woman was now sweating in fear. Twilight gulped and watched in confusion and saw the man’s weapon shoot into his hand. Crimson rushed forwards and slashed at the armored figure.

He’s faster than before. She thought as she barely dodged his attack. She snapped her fingers and the sword made it’s way back into her hand. The man then raised his left hand and shot out a volley of spells. Not just that, he’s stronger. The woman was then locked in a power struggle as they clashed blades again.

The woman felt herself being pushed back from his strength. The stone beneath her was starting to crack as she tried to regain some ground. She exited the power struggle and panted as he pulled his blade out of the stone.

I need to end this and get out of here. The woman put her sword in it’s sheath and extended both hands. A dark blue sphere appeared between her palms. The ball grew to the side of a volley ball and the raw power was causing the ground to crack. The woman launched the ball at an alarming speed towards the man. The ball made contact and a brilliant light filled the cave.

Twilight shielded her eyes and ducked as rocks broke apart and shot in all directions. The force from the explosion mad the above ground unstable and the roof was starting to cave in. Moon raised her hands and a bright blue beam shot through the falling ruble, all the way to the sky. The woman spread her dark wings and took flight towards the sky. Twilight managed to blast some of the falling rocks, but it soon started to overwhelm the scholar.

Something grabbed her from behind and was taking her up through the hole. Twilight could see the full moon in the sky and the starts that were shining brighter than ever.

Ivy and the group of girls were making their way down a passage way when a bright blue beam shot up in front of them. The green flyer immediately stopped moving and looked at the beam in shock. After it had vanished she saw a large hole burned through the stone and a dark winged object rocketing towards the surface. The group looked in shock to see the armored woman flying towards the exit.

“What the buck was that?” Ivy said.

“It looked like Nightmare Moon.” Rarity said with a gulp.

“That’s impossible. We saved Luna and-” Dash said as the group felt a feeling of foreboding. The group looked down the hole again and saw another object flying towards them. The green flyer squinted and saw a red haired object carrying the scholar. Time seemed to slow as he passed the group.

The girls noticed that the object’s wings looked more like two hands with webbing between them.The object sped passed them and rocketed towards the night sky. Ivy gulped and felt something burn on her hand. She looked and saw that there was a number one burned into it.

“What the hell was that?” Applejack yelled.

“We need to get up there now!” Ivy yelled. “Dash take Pinkie, I’ll get AJ and Fluttershy can take Rarity.” She said as she grabbed the farmer by the arm.

“Um....I don’t really-” The veterinarian tried

“Now!” Ivy barked as she took flight with the farmer clinging on to dear life. Dash and Pinkie sped towards them as Fluttershy struggled to keep in the air with Rarity’s extra weight. The yellow flier could feel her muscles straining and looked down at her friend who stared back at her with tears in her eyes. The girl’s strength gave out and the seamstress screamed as she fell.

Rarity looked down to see the floor that would most likely be her grave. She closed her eyes and waited for the pain. What she felt wasn’t crushing agony, instead she felt something soft yet firm absorb her fall. She looked to see that what had caught her was a giant web of some sort. The net stretched to it’s fullest and launched the fashionista back into the air. Rarity screamed again as she fell rocketed towards the sky.

As she stopped and was starting to fall again, she felt something grab her and slowly bring her towards the ground. As they landed the woman then started to hug the ground. She lifted her head to see a man with blue hair and light blue wings smiling at her. The group of girls came over to her and hugged their friend.

“I’m sorry Rarity! I’m so sorry!” Shy said with tears in her eyes.

“It’s alright dear.” She said as she hugged her friend. The group then saw a woman with light purple hair that went down to her shoulders and a man with short dark blue hair. Ivy walked over to them and gave them each a hug.

“It’s so good to see you guys again.”

“Same.” The man said with a smile.

“What’s the situation?” Rouge asked.

“We’re in trouble.” The group looked towards the sky and saw the scholar being carried by the object. Twilight was put on the ground as her friends ran over to her. The wings then seemed to recede into Crimson’s back. “Some crazy cultists turned that girl into a conduit for some remains of Nightmare Moon.” He said as he looked at the group.

“Great.” Rouge said with a groan. “Nice to see you too by the way.” Crimson rolled his eyes and hugged the girl and bumped fists with the man.

“Fools!” The group looked up to see the dark flyer floating in the air. “Now I can crush you all at once!” Her hands and eyes glowed and summoned what looked like two Ursa Minors and at least a dozen Timber wolves to her side. The creature’s coats were dark blue and had jet black eyes.

“Looks like the reunion will have to wait.” Cobalt said with a shrug.

“She’s mine.” Crimson said in a flat tone.

“Crimson-” Ivy started.

“I won’t go over board okay?” He said with a sigh.

“I’ve got your back.” She said as she cracked her knuckles.

“Just say when.” Rouge said as she pulled out her two crossbows.

“Time for some major ass kicking!” Cobalt hollered as he pulled out his sword. The group of girls looked in amazement as they saw the four take positions.

“Rouge, look after the girls and deal with the wolves.” He said in a flat tone. “Ivy, Cobalt the bears are yours.”

“Roger!” The three said. The girls all watched as the hand like wings sprouted from the man’s back and he took flight towards the armored girl. Cobalt and Ivy were right behind him and flew towards the minors. Once they were right in front of them the two focused their aura into their hands and two large clouds of smoke enveloped the two.

The group gasped as they saw a massive light green serpent dragon coil around the large bear and roared with light green fire coming from it’s mouth. The blue flyer was then standing on the shoulder of a massive light blue gorilla. The fifty foot ape grabbed the bear and lifted it over it’s head before slamming it down on the ground. The beast the banged on it’s chest as a sign of victory.

The girls were soon surrounded by the wolves. Rouge smirked and summoned six large purple spiders. Each were easily as big as a train car. The arachnids soon pounced on the wolves and were ripping them apart. Rouge then fired a few magical arrows from her bows and saw them hit the wolves right between their eyes.

“Run!” She yelled to the group. Twilight saw a wolf jump and was about to ponce her when the girl spun around and the lathe of the weapon was revealed to be a sharp blade. The girl cut the animal’s throat and it evaporated. “Now!” The girls all gulped and started to back away from the fight.

Crimson locked blows with the possessed girl and followed up with a punch to the gut. The woman grunted and slashed at the man with her sword. The man extended his left palm and caught the blade in mid swing. The woman gulped and looked at the man’s dark eyes. Crimson forced the sword away with it’s holder.

The man twisted the handle of his scythe and removed the blade. The nightmare child grunted and rushed forward. Crimson parried the attack and slashed in a horizontal way. The two warriors’s steel were deadlocked in a power struggle. The two blades were starting to crackle with their owner’s aura and sparks were starting to fly.

The two massive bears seemed to vanish and the two flyers looked in the distance to see the swords of red and blue clashing. The two then made their beasts vanish and flew over to one another.

“Think he’s okay?” Cobalt asked.

“I hope so.” Ivy said as she pulled out the box Crow had sent her. She opened it to reveal a long jagged dagger like crystal. Cobalt looked at the item and shot Ivy a dirty look.

“Are you insane?” He yelled at her. “That could kill him!” Ivy hung her head in shame.

“Crow sent it as a back up. I told him that he was nuts but-”

“That’s no excuse!” He said as he rubbed his forehead. “Look, I know how Crimson gets. He can handle himself.” Cobalt said with a sigh.

The group of girls were good distance away from the battle and stopped to catch their breath.

“Okay, cane someone tell me what the fuck just happened.” Dash said as she panted.

“How should I know?” Twilight said. “Who were those other two?”

“Perhaps I can be of assistance.” The girls all perked up hearing the odd voice. The girls all looked around but saw nothing but the trees in front of them. Pinkie then noticed something on the seamstress.

“Hey Rarity, where’s you get that hairy backpack?”

“Backpack?” Rarity asked. The girls all looked and gasped as they saw a massive eight legged spider on their friend’s back. The creature was easily as big as a large watermelon. Rarity screamed and flung the spider off her. The arachnid jumped off and landed on a nearby tree trunk. The seamstress was shaking in fear and held her arms as she sat on the ground.

“I’m sorry if I startled you.” The spider said in an apologetic tone.

“It can talk?” Dash said in shock. “Spiders don’t talk!”

“Yes, well, until now that is.” The spider said as it climbed down the tree.

“So what are you?”

“It’s an Araneae Ingentes! The rarest of the arachnid family!” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“A what now?” Applejack asked.

“Giant Spider.” Twilight said.

“My name is Archimedes.” The spider said in a flat tone. “Anyway, I was instructed by my master to ensure your safety.”

“Your master?” Twilight said with a gulp.

“Rouge, the purple haired girl.” He said as he hopped onto the ground. The girls then saw that the spider had large purple stripes across it’s legs.

“So who exactly are those two?” Dash asked.

“Rouge Nightshade and Cobalt Striker. The other members of Crimson’s squad.” The spider said in a flat tone. The girls all let out a sigh of relief.

“Who’s that other one? She looked like Nightmare Moon.” The farmer said.

“According to Crimson she was part of a cult that was loyal to Nightmare Moon.” The girls all gulped. “Apparently they turn that poor girl into a conduit.”

“Conduit?” Twilight said in confusion.

“Conduits are living things with more than one soul trapped in them.” The girls all gasped. “Apparently the cult used some of Nightmare Moon’s old armor and a gem that held a some of her magic to trap her soul inside the girl’s body.”

“I can’t believe I’m listening to a spider.” Dash said with a face palm.

“If you want I could knock you out with my venom.”

“No thanks.” She said with a gulp.

“So why is Crimson fighting her alone?” Rarity asked.

“Crimson is a specialist when it comes to conduits.” The spider commented.

“Why?” The spider was about to answer when the group heard a faint rustling coming from a bush. The group gulped and got ready to defend themselves. The brush was pushed aside by a familiar purple haired woman.

“There you guys are.” She said as she walked up to the group. “I see you’ve met Archie.”

“Y-yeah.” Dash said with a gulp.

“Sorry if he startled ya there.” She said as she walked up to the group and the spider vanished in a puff of smoke.

“No problem.” Twilight said with a gulp. “You must be Rouge?”

“Yup, nice to meet you.” She said as she shook her hand. “You must be Twilight Sparkle.”

“How’d you know that?”

“Almost everyone knows who the Elements of Harmony are.” She said with a shrug.

“Mind telling us what the buck is going on?” Dash asked.

“Basically, Ivy, Cobalt and I were fighting some of Nightmare Moon’s pets while Crimson was going toe to toe with her.”

“I meant why is he fighting her?” Twilight asked.

“Worried about your boyfriend?” Dash asked with a smirk.

“He is not my boyfriend!” Twilight yelled as her face turned bright red. “I’m just worried because it took all of us to defeat her.” Twilight said in a flat tone.

“Relax, Crimson is used to these type of fights.” The girl said with a shrug. “C’mon, let’s get you guys back into town before things get ugly.”

“Hold up!” Twilight yelled. “Explain how Crimson can fly! I’ve never seen a flight spell that strong before and why is he a specialist when it comes to conduits?” Rouge’s eyes shrank as the words left her lips.

Damn you Archie. How much did you tell them? She thought. Before she could reply the woman felt a burning sensation in her left palm. She looked down and saw a number two burned into her skin. Crap! This is really bad. The group then heard the sound of crashing trees. The girls all looked towards the noise and saw the red warrior still deadlocked with the woman. Twilight’s eyes shrank as she saw the hand like wings and that the man’s skin was now snow white.

“Interesting!” The armored woman yelled. “It appears that the Lord of Shadow has been tamed.” Crimson grunted and forced the woman away.

“I haven’t been this worked up in a long while.” Crimson said with a chuckle. “Tell me kid, what’s your name?”

“It’s Isis Star.” She said in confusion.

“I’ll remember the name.” He said with a grin. “Now back to business.” He said as he took a defensive stance.

“The difference between us is too great!” She said with an insane laugh. “Compared to you I am a god!”

“Really?” Crimson said as he kept his head lowered.


“Really?” He yelled as he sheathed his blade and placed his palms against each other. “Seal three, release.” As the words left his lips the girls all saw that the man’s body started to change further. A pair of horns sprouted from the side of his head and pointed forwards. Before the woman could react the man rushed forwards and kicked her in the right leg.

The group heard a gut wrenching cracking noise come from the woman’s leg. Before she could scream the man had broken her right leg and had clipped her wings with his blade. The woman now started to crawl away in fear of the man only to be stopped by him.

“Well what now?” He said with an evil grin. “Heal your broken legs, summon up the legions of the fallen. Transform your body! Stand and fight! Hurry, hurry!” He said as he looked down at the woman. “The night’s only just begun!” The woman saw that the man’s aura was stronger than before and seemed to shift like shadows. As she looked up the aura created a type of screen that turned the moon blood red.

“Fucking freak!” She yelled in fear. Crimson cocked his head to the right and the shadows seemed to die down.

“Now I see what you really are! A punk brat that thought she could play in the big leagues, but is just a coward!”

“Shut up! You’re nothing but a dog on a leash! A bitch to the Academy and-”

“Silence!” The man ordered. The woman shut her jaw and gulped. “I’m a dog am I?” He asked as several shadows shifted into large black wolves. “Then you’re dog food.” As he snapped his fingers, the creatures ran towards the woman with blood lust in their eyes.

Get out! A voice yelled in his head. The man’s body staggered for a moment before grabbing his head in pain. You can’t have it! Get out! The man the gripped the two horns on the side of his head and pulled. The two horns cracked and broke off from the force. The shadow dogs vanished, his skin returned to it’s normal color and Isis looked at him in shock and with tears on her eyes.

Crimson panted and steadied himself with his scythe. He looked at the frightened woman who was scared out of her mind. The man slowly walked towards the woman who tried to crawl away. The man grabbed her by the broken leg and pulled her back closer to him. Isis grunted in pain as she felt the man’s palm on her forehead.

“Good, there’s still time.” He said with a sigh. The man focused his magic and his eyes glowed red as the girls glowed blue. He formed his hand into a fist over the woman’s forehead. He jerked his hand back and a ghost form of Nightmare Moon was visible. “Got you.” He said with a small smirk.

“Unhand me you hell spawn!” She yelled.

“As you wish!” As he let her go he swung his scythe through the apparition and into the ground. The earth opened up and several chains wrapped around the ghost and kept her restrained.

“What is this?” She yelled as she tried to fight the force that was dragging her down. The ghost looked down and saw several ghost hand grab and wrap around her.

“That’s your grave.” He said in a flat tone. “Exorcism complete.” He said with a sigh. The souls you have robbed of this life will forever be your company.” Crimson said with a sigh.

“I hope you burn in hell you monster!” She said as one of the hands grabbed her face and pulled her deeper into the pit.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” The man said as he bit his lip. The apparition was dragged completely into the hole and the crack closed up. Crimson then walked over to the unconscious girl and placed his hands over her wounded body. He panted and made his hands glow. The girl’s mangled body stared to shift and heal. Her legs were put back in place and any damage she had taken from the man was soon erased.

Crimson panted as he stood up. The man staggered back towards the group and fell forwards. He was caught by a familiar green haired girl. The man looked into her tear filled light green eyes and hung his head in shame. The blue flyer and purple mage then crowded around him.

“You okay boss?” Cobalt asked.

“Check....on the girl.” He said with a pant. “I did....what I could.” The red haired man then passed out.

“Rouge.” Ivy said. The mage nodded and made her way over to the girl and inspected her healed body.

“She’s okay.” The mage yelled. Twilight and the others then raced over to the red haired man. Ivy put him on the ground and let out a sigh.

“Just...someone please tell me what’s going on.” Twilight said with tears in her eyes. The group then saw a bright green flash illuminate the area.

“I believe that I may be able to help clear the air.” The three warrior gulped as they saw the green eyed, can wielding man appear in front of them.

“H-headmaster Crow.” Ivy said with a gulp.

“I felt a familiar aura rising so I came as quick as I could.” He said as he looked down at the red haired man. “Stubborn as his mother.” Crow said as he shook his head. He then turned his attention to Twilight and smiled. “You must be Celestia’s pupil.”

“Y-yes.” She said with a gulp.

“Come along then,” He said as he snapped his fingers and a portal hole opened up in front of the group. “I’d prefer not to have this conversation out here.” He said in a flat tone. Cobalt and Ivy each put one of Crimson’s arms over their shoulders and carried him through the portal. “Bring her too.” He said as he looked at Rouge.

The mage nodded and picked up the unconscious woman. The girls looked at one another in worry before venturing through the portal. They arrived inside the Library where they saw Princess Celestia and Luna waiting for them. “Ivy, Cobalt, Rouge,” He said as he looked at the group. “take Crimson to the tower and make sure he stays there.”

“Yes, sir.” They said as they all vanished in a few puffs of smoke. Crow took a seat next to the two monarchs and let out a sigh. “How are you all feeling?”

“What the fuck kind of question is that?” Dash yelled. “I don’t even know what I just saw!” Crow sighed and cracked his neck. “Just tell us what is going on!” Crow eyed Celestia who reluctantly nodded her head.

“Right, let me start at the beginning.” Crow said with a sigh.