• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,286 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XXIV: Queen Jumps Knight

Chapter XXIV

Queen Jumps Knight

The grey skies loomed over the Academy like an omen. The spectators returned to their seats and waited. The six girls climbed the steps to their seats next to the Princesses. The six looked in surprise to see a giant of a man with a long white coat and golden trim. His black hair had streaks of white in them and seemed to be in a pattern.

The man’s dark hazel eyes seemed to pierce everything they caught in their view. The girls then heard a familiar step accompanied by a clanging of a metal cane.

“Ah Deus, I was wondering if you’d show up.” Crow said as he walked up to the man. Crow was a full foot shorter than the hulking man.

“I came to observe. Nothing more.” He said in a tone that could freeze the fires of hell. The girls gulped as the man’s icy glare focused on them.

“Girls this is Deus Knightstriker.” Crow said. “Ivory’s father and currently holds the ninth seat on the council.” Twilight and Rarity gulped. “In short, he’s my boss.” The man said.

“I noticed that your pet is fighting his own subordinate.” The large man said as he pulled out a cigar and lit it. Crow grunted at the words. “You’re a cruel man Crow.”

“It was decided at random.” He said as he sat down.

“Hang on a second.” The farmer said. “Ah thought Crimson said that each member of the council has their own school?”

“So?” Deus retorted.

“Why doesn’t Ivory go there?”

“Ivory is a transfered from Deus’ school.” Crow said. “She transferred here during Crimson’s fifth year because she completely incapacitated the student body and was looking for a better challenge.” The girls’ jaws dropped in shock. “She met Crimson on a job and the two have been butting heads ever since. In order to keep up with him she transferred here.” Crow chuckled.

“Just be sure that thing stays away from her.” Deus spat out. Twilight clenched her fist.

“Need I remind you that Ivory is in the same boat?” Deus scoffed and leaned against the back wall. Soon the stands were filled and the crowd was buzzing in anticipation. The observation platform that held the combatants was just as chatty. Crimson walked up beside Cobalt who was sharpening his sword.

“You okay?” Crimson asked.

“Yeah, you?” Crimson sighed.

“Average.” He said as he leaned against the wall. He looked at the silver haired woman who was putting on her signature white armor. “Cobalt, don’t do anything stupid. If she draws her blade then surrender.”

“I know what it she can do.” Cobalt said. “Besides, you should be more worried about you.” Crimson sighed and gave a nod. The group of fighters then heard the man’s voice boom over the speaker.

“The first match will begin in two minutes. Combatants are asked to move onto the field.” The man’s voice rang over the speaker and the two names appeared on the board.

Cobalt Striker
Ivory Knightwalker

“Show time.” Cobalt said as he sheathed his broadsword. “Wish me luck.” He said as he walked onto the field. Crimson climbed the steps up to the observation platform. The red mage walked over to the edge and rested on the rail.

The blue flyer looked across the field to see that the woman in armor and a long white cape was coming from the back. The woman’s sword was in its sheath resting on her left side. Ivory’s right eye seemed the pierce through the blue flyer. The crowd fell silent as the raven haired man stood up.

“Begin!” Crow yelled. The blue flyer quickly drew his sword and pointed it at the silver haired mage.

“Cobalt, I’m giving you this one chance to back out of this.” She said in a calm tone. “You’re not the one I want to fight.”

“Likewise.” He said as he took a stance. “But I can’t back down from a fight.” The woman sighed and cracked her neck before making the bring it on gesture with her hand. Cobalt crouched with the sword raised over his head and started to flap his wings. The wind power was enough to make the woman’s hair blow back.

“Your blade will never reach me.”

Cobalt raised his feet and flew forward towards the woman. Cobalt closed in on his target with the tip of his blade aimed directly at her chest. The crowd gasped as they flyer was halted. The woman was sticking out two of her gloved fingers and halted the flyer’s blade. The fingers were wrapped in a white aura and acted as a barrier between her body and the blade. The excess force blew past the woman and carved into the ground behind her.

With a hard push the woman sent the flyer careening back. Cobalt’s eyes shrank as he saw a white magical sword aimed right for his back. The flyer flapped his wings and avoided the sword. The flyer looked back at the woman and saw several sword made of white mage appear in front of her. The swords started to circle the woman’s body as she crossed her arms.

“So that’s why they call you the Queen of Blades huh?” The woman gave a nod. She snapped her fingers and five swords launched themselves at the flyer. Cobalt slammed his hand on the ground and a large shield appeared on his left arm. The shield covered his entire arm and he easily deflected the swords. Ivory raised an eyebrow as the man charged forward again.

“I’ll say it again. Your blade will never reach me.” She said as she summoned more blades. She launched them at the flyer who tok to the skies and was dodging them left and right. Deus stood still as a statue. His face was void of any emotion. The white warrior summoned more swords and shot them at the man who parried them.

The mage unclipped her sword that was still in its sheath and blocked the man’s blade. The woman’s hand glowed white and slugged the flyer in the gut. The blue flyer groaned and jumped back. The woman sighed and made ten blades appear behind her. The ten bladed rose in front of her with the blades all pointing at the man.

The blades glowed and started to spin rapidly. “My congratulations for making it this far.” She said as a white ball of magic formed in the center of the blades. “This is the end.” She said as a white beam shot at the flyer.

Cobalt raised his shield and dug his feet into the ground. The man felt the blast hit the shield. The force was like ten trains focused on him. The flyer felt the shield starting to crack and he was loosing ground. Cobalt gave one final push as the shield shattered and the beam enveloped him.

The crowd gasped as they saw a massive crater where the flyer once stood. The white mage sighed and turned to leave. She froze on the spot as she felt a massive pressure bearing down on her. The crowd looked in shock as they saw a massive wall of red magic erupt from the crater. Ivy spun around and saw the blue flyer standing with a massive amount of red magic pouring out of him.

“If I didn’t have this....I’d probably be dead.” He said in a trance like state. The air around him grew hot and started to bite at the mage’s skin. Ivory looked in shock as she saw the massive amount of magic that encircled his body take shape into a torso of a red cloaked warrior donning a massive sword and shield.

“So he’s learned to control it then?” Celestia asked.

“No, it looks like he still can’t hold it all in yet.” Crow said. Dash looked at the two adults in confusion.

“What is going on?”

“That boy has a soul edge.” Deus said in a flat tone.

“Soul edge?” Twilight asked.

“Its a weapon that has a soul sealed in it.” Deus said. “These weapons are particularly powerful and have special attributes to them.” He said as he folded his arms.

“So they’re like Conduits?” Cadence asked.

“In a way, yes.” Crow said. “During their initiation, Cobalt and the rest of Crimson’s squad all found a soul edge. However, it takes extreme concentration and will in order to wield one to its fullest extent.” He said as he adjusted his glasses. “During Rouge’s match you saw it didn’t you?”

“You mean when that horse showed up?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes, that was her soul edge’s true form and the spirit that resided within it.” He said in a flat tone. “The grand archer, Strife, Streak Shooter. He's gone by many names” He said with a sigh. Twilight gulped as she remembered the man.

"Wait, I've seen him when we were visiting Rouge." She said in confusion. "That doesn't make any sense!"

"It does if you look at it." Deus spat out. Crow rolled his eyes at the man and looked at the confused scholar.

"Do you believe in ghosts Ms. Sparkle?"

"No, why would.." The woman's eyes shrank as she connected the dots.

"I know what you're thinking and you're correct." Crow stated with a nod. "Crimson and his team's teachers are no longer among this world." He said in a flat tone. Twilight sat down and tried to process the information.

The massive being made of red magic raised its sword. The woman held out her sheathed sword to defend herself from the massive blade. As the blade connected with Ivory’s sheath. The silver mage felt herself sinking into the ground from the sheer magical pressure. The woman forced the massive sword back and rolled to the side. The being raised it’s blade once again.

“Not bad Cobalt.” The woman said as she grabbed the handle of her sword. “But you are not the only one here who wields a mighty weapon.” The woman slowly slid the blade from its sheath. The blade was beautiful slow white while the edge was jet black.

A massive amount of white magic then erupted from the woman’s body. Crimson gulped as he saw the blade. The flyer raised his arm and the magical cloak followed suit. As the blade came down the woman charged forwards. Ivory dodged the blade and swung at the man’s body. The massive shield made the blade bounce off and the woman jumped back.

The large being then banged the handle of the sword against the shield as a taunt. Ivory frowned at the gesture. “So you’ve mastered your soul edge huh?”

“Somewhat.” He said with a smirk. The woman smirked and soon burst into laughter. “Something funny?”

“This fight was starting to get boring.” She said as she pointed her blade at the man. “Now I don’t have to hold back.” Crimson’s eyes shrank as he saw the woman reaching for her eyepatch. “If you want to back out, nows the time.” The man made the ring it on gesture.

Ivory frowned and ripped off her eye patch. The ground around her cracked and a massive amount of white magic was pouring out of her body. Cobalt gasped as he saw that the woman’s right eye had a glowing seal over the pupil. A pair of white wings sprouted from her back. A golden halo also had appeared over her head. Her pupils were now snow white and seeping magic from the corners of her eyes.

“Time to end this.” She said as she raised her sword. Cobalt raised the massive blade and slashed at the woman. Ivory extended her hand and caught the blade before parrying it and firing a series of white swords. Ivory launched the flyer. Cobalt raised the shield. His eyes shrank as he saw the large magical shield cracking as the swords sunk into the shield.

Cobalt dropped to one knee and felt the massive amount of magic take its toll. “Getting tired?” The woman mocked. The man grunted and the red magic wrapped itself around the man’s own sword. The blade glowed dark red and the massive figure was absorbed into the sword.

The man got in a crouching position and took an offensive stance. Angel did the same and got ready. The sky above them was growing darker and thunder could be heard. Both warriors looked up and spied the first raindrop. The two watched as the first fell from the clouds and plummet towards the earth.

Time stopped as the drop of liquid splashed against the ground. The two warriors charged forwards with their swords gripped in their hands. The two swung with all their strength and time stopped as they passed one another. The crowd held their breath as they watched the two fighters that were frozen in place.

Ivory dropped to one knee and the crowd gasped. The woman raised her blade and slowly started to slide it back in its sheath. She stopped when she got to the handle and sighed. “Sorry Cobalt.” She slid the sword shut and the man’s chest exploded as blood came pouring out.

The man’s sword cracked in half as he dropped to his knees. Blood came spilling out of his mouth like a river after a dam broke. Ivory put her eyepatch back on as she walked over to the blue flyer. Her halo and wings vanished. Cobalt gripped the handle of his blade and cursed himself.

“I told you that your blade would never reach me.” She said as she stood in front of him. Cobalt groaned and summoned the last of his strength. He gripped his broken sword and bolted upwards. Ivory’s eyes shrank at the spectacle and moved back. As Ivory reached for her blade the man smirked and fell face forward on the ground before passing out.

The silver haired woman felt a small stinging sensation on her cheek. She rubbed her face and saw a small bit of blood on her spotless white glove. She looked across the field and saw several medics approaching. The woman reached behind her and removed her cape. She held it over the man’s body and smiled.

“Congratulations. Your blade reached me after all.” She said as she draped it over his body. The medics quickly rushed the man onto a stretcher and he groaned as they brought him inside. Crimson teleported next to his friend and looked at him with worry.

“You okay Cobalt?”

“I feel like crap.” He said as he coughed.

“If Ivory really wanted to kill ya then there’d be nothing left of you.” Crimson said as the medics attached an IV to the flyer.

“I know.” He said as the medics picked him up. He motioned for them to stop for a second. “Hey look, no matter what happens. We’re still a team.” He said as he shook the man’s hand before they took him away. Crimson sighed and looked out onto the field to see the green flyer waiting for him.

Author's Note:

Crimson and Ivy will have their own fight chapter.