• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XXI: Attack on Titan

Chapter XXI

Attack on Titan

Inside the hospital wing Crimson sat beside the Changeling who was inside one of the healing pods. Crimson sat back and looked at the woman before letting out a sigh.

“Damn it Rouge. You should have known better.” He said with a sigh. He heard a knocking at the door. “Come in.” He raised an eyebrow as he saw Twilight, AJ and Dash.

“How is she?” Twilight asked.

“She’s tough.” Crimson said in a flat tone. “What do they want?” He asked as he looked at the farmer and flier. “Rouge really isn’t in the condition for a debate.”

“Look,” The farmer stated. “what Dash did was completely out of line and she’s sorry.” The cyan flyer rolled her eyes.

“Really? So you’ve accepted her?”

“Ah didn’t say that.” The farmer said with a huff. Crimson frowned at the two.

“I’m surprised Celestia lets two people as bigoted as you wield some of the most powerful artifacts in history.” The two frowned.

“She’s a Changeling! She’s probably killed people!” Dash said. Crimson raised an eyebrow and deadpanned at the girls.

“Duh, what do you think this school is training us for?” He said in a flat tone. “Its practically a requirement to kill to be a student here.” The three stared at him in shock. “Oh don’t give me that look. You guys turned Discord to stone, destroyed Nightmare Moon along with Sombra. So don’t act all high and mighty.” He said as he pointed at the girls who hung their heads.

“Granted I always look for an alternative, but sometimes it can’t be helped.” Crimson said with a sigh. The two still held their stare. “Tell me, how much do you guys actually know about Changelings?”


“Besides their attack on the wedding and the tribes.” The three fell silent. “That’s what I thought. You don’t even know Rouge. You think my situation is sad? Ha! Rouge has been through way more than I have.” He said in a flat tone.

“How so? Because she’s part of this Principality thing?”


“Yeah, he told us a little bit about it.” Twilight said. “What exactly happened?”

“I don’t know all the details myself, but from what Rouge has told me it was gruesome.”

It had been three months since Crimson had found out about what he carried inside of him. The green flyer was still acting distant towards him. Even Cobalt was giving him worried looks. The young boy was awoken by someone jostling his arm. He opened his eyes to see the purple mage looking at him with a worried look on his face.

“Rouge?” He asked in a groggy voice.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Now?” He asked as he looked at his alarm clock. “It’s one in the morning. We have to be up in six hours. We have that levitation test tomorrow and-” He was cut off as he saw a few tears in her eyes. The boy sighed. “Okay, whats up?” He asked as he sat up.

“Not here.” She said as she pointed towards the balcony. Crimson got to his feet and followed the girl over to the balcony. “So how are you doing since....ya know....you found out.”

“As good as you might think.” He said with a sigh. Rouge bit her lip.

“Look, I know how you feel.” Crimson raised an eyebrow. “Being a monster and hiding.”

“Yeah right.” He said with a sigh. “How could you possibly know?” The girl snapped her fingers and her body was wrapped in purple light. As the light faded, Crimson’s red eyes shrank as he saw her wings and black patches on her skin. Her purple eyes were spliced and had a pair of fangs. Crimson had heard of creatures able to disguise themselves. Rouge hung her head and sighed. “You’re a Changething?”

“Changeling.” She corrected with a sigh. “I disguised myself so that no one would be freaked out.” Crimson looked at her wings and gulped. The girl slumped to the ground and buried her head in her knees.

“Does Crow know?” He asked as he sat down next to her.

“No, no one does.” She said with a sniffle.

“Where are your parents?”

“Dead. They’re all gone.” She cried. Crimson hesitantly put an arm around her and sighed. “I’m...I’m the only one left.”

“But I heard that the Changelings have their own country and-”

“Not that. I was part of the Changeling Principality.” She sniffled. “I managed to escape during the siege, but my parents, my brother, they didn’t make it.” The girl cried into his chest. Crimson felt pity for the young girl. “Wherever I went people hated me just because I’m different. That’s why I’ve been so...difficult with you guys.”

“I see.”

“When I found out about you, I was...relieved.” She said with a gulp. “That there was someone else like me. Someone who has been hated for something out of their control.” She cried. “I-If you want me off your team then I get it. Just promise me that you won’t tell anyone about me.” She said with a sniffle.

“Who said I wanted you off my team?” The girl looked at him with tears in her eyes. “So you’re a Changeling. Big deal.” He said with a shrug. “At least you’re no Hell spawn.” Crimson said as he leaned against a railing. “Plus you’re smart. I’m pretty sure we would have failed today’s test without your help.” The girl smiled at him.

“So now what?” The girl asked.

“Well, I think we should tell Crow.” The girl gulped. “Hey if he’s okay with me then-”

“That only because he’s your guardian.” Crimson shook his head.

“No, I remember him saying that he’s worked with Changelings before.” He said in a hope filled tone. “Look, we should at least let someone know and sure that there are other Changelings here.” The girl sniffled and reapplied her disguise. “We can go see Crow at lunch. That okay?”

“Y-yeah, thanks.” She said as the two went back inside. Crimson crawled back into his bed and pulled the covers over him. The next day the two children made their way down the hall and towards the teacher’s office. Crimson was getting several dirty looks from other students. He ignored them and pressed on.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked with a gulp.

“I’m sure Crow will understand. He’s cool like that.” He said as he knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” A familiar voice said. Crimson poked his head in and looked around. The raven haired man was sitting behind his desk. “Ah Crimson. Need something?”

“Well, sort of.” He said as he opened the door and revealed the purple mage. The two walked into the room and closed the door behind them.

“Something wrong?” He asked as he put his pen down.

“Not exactly.” Crimson said as he searched for the right words. “You see-”

“I’m a Changeling!” Rouge said as she shook in fear. Crow raised an eyebrow and focused on the young girl. Rouge removed her disguise and hung her head.

“I know.” The two children looked up at the man in confusion.

“What do you mean you know?”

“I knew the second I saw you.” Crow said as he got up. “A low level disguise is easy to look past if you know what to look for. Besides you’re not the first Changeling to attend here.” He said with a smile.

“R-Really?” She said in a relieved voice.

“Yes, but judging by your appearance you’re a part of the Principality aren’t you?” Rouge hung her head and nodded. “I see. Then my suggestion is to at least let Cobalt and Ivy know about you.”

“No!” Rouge said. “Cobalt’s dad works for the military and if he tells him then I’m good as dead.”

“Ivy is still getting over my...condition.” Crimson said with a sigh. Crow sighed and thought for a moment.

“I guess you can wait for a while, just until things calm down.” Crow said. The two children nodded and exited the room.

Crimson finished and looked at the three girls with eyes burning like fire.

“None of you know what she’s been through. So if you don’t like her then fine.” He said with a sigh. “Insult her or any of my comrades and I’ll knock you into next week.” He said as he cracked his knuckles. The three gulped. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to sit back and watch Cobalt’s match.”

“How?” Twilight asked. Crimson pointed to the TV and picked up a remote. He turned the monitor on and the screen showed the blue winged flyer dead locked with a man using an axe.

Cobalt lunged forwards with his sword pointed right at his opponent. Just before he got within two feet of the man the flyer stuck the tip into the ground. The axe user jumped back as the area he once occupied erupted in a pit of sword edges. As the man landed he saw the blue flyer charging with the blade drawn.

Carter defended himself once again and fell back from his position. He made the blade glow and slashed the air. A green beam of light then cut through the air and closed in on the man. Cobalt put his hand out and caught the slash in his armored hand.

“I do not have time for this!” Cobalt yelled. The flyer griped his sword with both hands and let out a sigh. The axe user charged forwards and swung at the man. The blade hit his skin, but didn’t go any deeper. Carter gulped as he saw that the flyer’s skin was gun metal grey and had a shine to it.

Cobalt slammed his metal fist into the man’s gut which caused him to fly back. The axe user looked to see that every inch of Cobalt’s skin was now coated in metal. Carter chucked and soon laughed.

“Excellent now I won’t have to hold back!” The man said as he cracked his neck and holstered his weapon. Cobalt charged forwards. The flyer was then met with a large fist slamming him against the far wall. Cobalt opened his eyes to see that the man’s arm had grown five times its size. The skin was very worn and Cobalt saw the muscle tissue moving.

Dash and the other girls gasped at the image displayed on the screen. Crimson frowned and sighed.

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

“Carter’s codename is the Titan.” He sighed. “He can increase the size of any part of his body at will.” The girls gulped at the words. “Its a very unique type of magic.”

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“Its a type of inherent magic.”

“Inherent magic?” Dash asked. Crimson nodded.

“You see there is magic in this world that can only be used by people who are members of a family or bloodline. Carter is one of them and only members of his family can use that form of magic. Same with Ivy. She has dragon slayer’s blood in her, only she and her family have that specific type of magic.”

“Do you have one?” Applejack asked. Crimson bit his lip and sighed.

“Yes, I do.”

“What kind is it?”

“You see-” He was cut off as he heard a groan coming from the pod. The group looked in and saw Rouge’s eyes open and poke her head out. “Welcome back.” He said with a smile.

“What happened?” She asked as she rubbed her head.

“You ran out of magic after attempting to shift.” He sighed.

“Honestly, why would you attempt something so dangerous?” The group looked towards the doorway to see a man with dark brown hair and a long brown coat that matched his leather hat. Two pistols were at his side and he had an odd aura around him. Rouge gulped as he entered. “You aren’t ready for that level yet.”

“Sorry sir.” Rouge said as she hung her head.

“Streak.” Crimson said with a nod. “Girls this is Streak Shooter. Rouge’s teacher.” The man silently tipped his hat to the girls. Rouge looked up at the television and her eyes shrank at the match.

“Cobalt is fighting Carter?” She said with worry in her eyes.

“Yeah why?” Dash said. The Changeling tried to step out of the pod but was stopped by the red warrior and dark gunslinger.

“You need to rest.” Crimson ordered. “Cobalt will be fine.” Rouge groaned and looked at the two men as she sighed.

“Who is this Carter guy anyway? What makes him so scary?” Applejack asked.

“His nickname is ‘The Titan.’” Rouge said.

“Why do they-” The cyan flyer was cut off as they heard a loud roar coming from the stadium.

Cobalt looked in shock as the warrior focused a large amount of his magic into his body. The axe user grinned and looked at Cobalt.

“Sorry Cobalt, but this is as far as you go.” Carter bit his thumb hard enough to draw blood. He took his bleeding finger and pulled back a seal on his arm. As the blood came into contact with the seal the warrior was encased in steam. The blue flyer gasped as he saw a figure rise high above him.

The massive creature loomed over the stands and stood easily fifteen meters high. The massive beast looked down at the flyer and started to chuckle. “This is the end.” The giant raised its foot and slammed it on the ground. Spectators flung out of their seats and others clung to the railing. Crow got to his feet and tapped his cane twice on the hard ground. Two spell circled appeared above the fighters and the two vanished in a flash of green light.

“Since the test has become too unstable, the combatants will continue the exam away from the spectators for their personal safety.” He said as several screens appeared over the field. “The match will be viewed through these screens. The flyer hovered in the sky above a large field. Across stood the fifteen meter tall giant.

“Excellent, now I won’t have to hold back.” The giant said with a roar. Cobalt sighed and flew forwards with the sword gripped in both hands. Carter shot one of his fists towards the small blue fly that had started flying around his face. Cobalt slashed across the man’s arm making blood spill out on the ground.

The flyer’s eyes shrank as he saw the wound beginning to heal. Cobalt sighed and pulled up his sleeve to show an odd symbol. He bit his finger hard enough to bleed and he slid a bit of the blood on the seal. A massive cloud of smoke enveloped the flyer. The giant jumped back as a massive sword slashed through the air. The giant gulped as he stared at a twenty meter tall armored knight. The knight was in dark blue armor and its dark helmet only accented its bright blue eyes.

The knight had a sword in its right hand that looked like it could cut a mountain in half. The knight stuck the end of the blade in the ground and cracked it’s fists. The armored giant made the ‘bring it on gesture’ with its armored hands. The titan roared and lunged towards the knight. The armored knight slammed a fist against the Titan’s.

The giant’s wrist snapped in half as it roared in pain. The knight clenched its iron fist and slammed it into the titan’s face. The large being was sent back a few feet and landed on its back. The knight jumped on its chest and started slamming its fist into the opponent's face. Large pools of blood that could fill ponds and lakes splashed on the ground.

The Titan kicked the knight off his chest and stood up as it roared. Its broken arm didn’t seem to regenerate and ran towards the knight. The dark armored figure extended its arm and grabbed the Titan by the face and started thrashing it around like a rag doll. The knight threw the Titan over his head and into a clump of trees. The Titan got on it’s knees and panted heavily.

The knight lifted up it’s face shield and the blue flyer shot our glowing in blue aura. The flyer circled around and landed on the back of the Titan’s neck. He pulled his blade out and made it glow with lightning. Cobalt slammed the blade down into the monster’s neck. As he sliced the skin down he saw the mage wrapped in muscle tissue.

The flyer reached in and ripped the man out of the massive body and threw him on the ground. The large Titan’s body started to waste away and evaporate. The flyer sheathed his sword and looked down at the unconscious mage. Cobalt raised his sword in victory and the massive knight followed suit.

“Carter O’Connell is no longer able to fight. Cobalt Striker is the victor.” Crow yelled over the microphone. The spectators cheered as the massive knight vanished and the flyer rocketed off towards the hospital wing.

Crimson was looking at his pocket watch as the blue flyer threw open the hospital door. Crimson smirked and closed his watch.

“Six minutes fory-nine seconds.” He said as Cobalt made his way over to Rouge.

“How ya feeling?”

“I’m fine. What about you ya big idiot? Calling in him was a tad overboard don’t ya think?” She said with a smile.

“Overkill is underrated.” He chuckled.

“Why do I put up with you?” She said as she rolled her eyes.

“Cause ya love me.” He said with a goofy grin.

“What the hell was that thing?” Dash yelled.

“That was my Iron Monger. It’s an ancient golem made completely out of metal and is bound to me after I bested it in combat.” The girls looked at him in shock.

“You beat that monster?” AJ said in shock.

“Yup, everyone in our squad has.” Crimson said. Cobalt then frowned at Rainbow Dash.

“Mind telling me what she’s doing here?”

“Been trying to explain the whole Changeling thing to them.” Crimson sighed. “Sadly to no avail.” He snapped his fingers and his father’s hammer appeared in his hand. “I was contemplating using this to get it through their thick skulls.”

“Yes, it has been quite the ordeal.” Cobalt yelped as he saw the gunslinger. “Nice to see you too Cobalt. Warren is looking for you.”

“Oh crap.” He gulped. The door burst open to show Soarin, Spitfire and a grey winged flyer with dark blue eyes and black hair.

“Cobalt!” The grey flyer roared.

“Dad calm down.” Soarin said as the grey flyer pushed him aside. Cobalt rolled his eyes and sighed.

“Step away from that thing now!” He yelled as he pointed at Rouge who hid back inside her pod. Cobalt walked up to the man so they were standing face to face.

“Or what?”

“Or so help me I’ll cut her down myself.” A small knife then appeared in the flyer’s hands. Crimson was reaching to draw his scythe when Cobalt threw up a hand. Crimson folded his arms and sighed.

“Touch her and I’ll end you Storm Shocker.” Cobalt yelled. Soarin gulped as he used their father’s full name. He tried to get between the two.

“Look guys lets just calm down and-”

“Stay out of this!” The two flyers yelled.

“I give you a home and you throw it away for some Changeling bitch?” Cobalt glared at him with burning hatred. “She probably twisted your mind. That’s what they do!” He then looked at the three other girls in the room. “You’re the elements of Harmony! You know what I’m talking about.”

“Look, we may not be a fan of Changelings,” Applejack started. “but Rouge saved our lives on more than one occasion.” The flyer glared at them.

“I don’t care what she’s done!” He yelled. “She’s turned my son into some mindless puppet who’s no longer fit to be a part of-” He was gut off as a a fist collided with his face. The grey flyer was sent flying back into a nearby table. Cobalt looked in shock as he saw Soarin cracking his knuckles.

“Don’t you dare insult my little brother!” He yelled. “I know Rouge and she’s more than proven herself and has helped saved Equestria dozens of times!” Soarin yelled. He looked at Spitfire who gave him a nod. “I’m not supposed to be revealing this, but Spit and I have talked with the Prime Minister of the Changeling Republic and we’re considering allowing Changelings into the Wonderbolts!” Dash’s jaw dropped and the grey flyer stared at his son in disbelief.

“Sacrilege!” He yelled.

“I’ve seen Changelings fly circles around our best recruits and then some!” Spitfire barked. “Look even I’m still a little miffed about the wedding, but that was two years ago. We need to move forward.” Storm got to his feet and felt a small trickle of blood seep from his lip. He glared at Cobalt and scoffed.

“If you do this, then you’re on your own.”

“I’ve been on my own since I was ten years old.” He scoffed. Storm went towards the door way and glared at the younger blue flyer.

“I knew I should have left you on the side of the road.” He spat out. “If Soarin and Gale hadn’t convinced me then I would have left you to freeze!”

“Get out!” Soarin yelled. The flyer scoffed and charged out the door. The group let out a sigh and silence fell over the group.

“Sorry you had to see that.” Cobalt said with a sigh. A silence still was in between the group. A soft sob could be heard from the pod. Cobalt walked over and looked inside to see the woman crying. A pair of arms wrapped around the flyer and closed around his neck.

“You’re such an idiot.”

“But I’m your idiot.” He chuckled. The woman dried her tears as Applejack removed her hat and walked up to her.

“Rouge, ah’m mighty sorry how ah was treating ya.” AJ said as she hung her head in shame. “Wasn’t fair to you. Can ya forgive me?” Rouge nodded and smiled at the girl. Crimson sighed and looked at the TV. He grinned as he saw the names.

Crimson Storm
Wind Gash

“Well, looks like I’m up.” He said as he got to his feet. “Wish me luck.” He said as he vanished in a flash of red light. Rouge stepped out of the pod and stumbled as Cobalt caught her.

“Whoa, where do you think you’re going?” Cobalt asked.

“C’mon, I don’t wanna miss this.” Cobalt shook his head and sighed.

“No point in arguing with you is there?”

“Nope.” She said as she lightly tapped his nose. Cobalt looked towards Applejack.

“Think you can take her? Contestants have to stay in the observation booth.”

“Ah got her.” AJ said as she put her arm around the Changeling.

“Thanks. Now lets hurry I don’t want to miss this.” Cobalt yelled as he flew out the window. The other girls nodded and quickly made their way back towards the stands.