• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XVI: Reporters and Assassins

Chapter XVI

Reporters and Assassins

The next day started out slow with Crimson waking up, doing a series of basic exercises. After he donned his familiar red coat and walked downstairs he saw Cobalt sitting with a cup of coffee and the was back to his normal body.

“Morning Cobalt.”

“Ugh.” He said as he looked at the red haired warrior. Rouge then came down wearing a purple robe.

“Morning honey.” She teased.

“I will never look at a banana the same way again.” Cobalt said with a shiver.

“Ew.” Ivy said with a disgusted look on her face. The four sat down and continued their breakfast before heading out into the small town. The four then saw Rainbow Dash grumbling next to Rarity. The two girls were wearing stunning dresses much to the flyer’s discomfort.

“Seriously Rarity, why do I have to get dressed up? I look awesome no matter what I wear.”

“It’s common courtesy Rainbow Dash. Reporters are coming all the way out here for us. The least we can do is look nice for them.” The two then saw the four warriors walking towards them. “Oh hello.”

“Morning Rarity.” Ivy said. “What’s with the dress?”

“Reporters are coming from Canterlot to do a piece on the Elements of Harmony so one must be presentable.” She said with a smile.

“Unfortunately.” Dash said as she groaned. The four then saw the other members of the group. Crimson blushed as he saw the librarian wearing a slim fitting lavender dress. Her hair was done up and her eyelashes were curled. The group then noticed several guys in the street gawking at them, a few even whistled.

“You guys certainly draw a crowd.” Rouge said. Twilight let out a massive yawn and rubbed her eyes. “You okay Twilight?”

“Yeah, I’m just really tired for some reason. Probably because of that crazy dream I had.” She said with a shrug.

“What dream?” Crimson asked with a gulp.

“That I was running around after someone in a skimpy outfit.” She said as the man gulped. “Crazy, right?” The group grinned as Crimson mouthed ‘keep your mouth shut.’

“Yup, totally crazy.” Crimson said as he whistled. “Well, we’d better not keep you. I’ve got to go practice.” He said before vanishing in a flash of red light.

“What’s with Crimson? He seemed....off.” Twilight said.

“No idea.” Dash said as she adverted her eyes. “C’mon we’d better get going.” She said as she took flight and rocketed down the street with the other girls right behind her. The four warriors nodded and continued down the path.

The group of girls entered Sugar Cube Corner and took a seat. Within ten minutes the pastry shop was swarmed by reporters and photographers. While Rarity, Dash and Pinkie were soaking up the attention Twilight and Applejack were trying to keep Fluttershy calm and collected.

“Ms. Sparkle!” One of the reporters called out. Twilight turned and smiled at the reporter. “You’re Princess Celestia’s personal protegee are you not?”

“That’s correct.”

“What is your favorite thing to study?”

“I love learning new spells and studying the magic of friendship.” She said with a smile. In the middle of the chaos of questions the door burst open to reveal a photographer.

“Horsemen sighting!” He yelled. The room suddenly became dead quiet.

“How many?” One of the reporters yelled.

“All four! Near the park!” Every one with a camera and a note pad packed up their things and ran out the door. The six girls looked at one another in confusion.

“What just happened?” Dash asked.

“Looks like they found something better.” Fluttershy said with a sigh of relief. Rarity frowned and stood up. “Where are you going?”

“To find out what’s so special about these so called 'Horsemen.'" Rarity said making quotation marks with her fingers. "They were eating out of the palm of our hands and suddenly they go and leave?” She yelled. “Not on my watch!”

“Yeah! I mean what could be more awesome than talking to us?” Dash said as she flew out the door with the girls following close behind. A white cloaked figure stood up and quietly followed the group. The group saw the crowd of reporters on the edge of the park with four irritated warriors in the center of the huddled mass.

“Ugh, I hate this.” Crimson said with a groan.

“I guess we should humor them.” Ivy said with a shrug.

“Fine.” The red haired man said with a groan.

“Crimson Storm!” One of the reporters called out. “How do you keep your team in shape?”

“We each have our own ways of staying fit.” He said with a sigh. “I personally devote at least three hours a day for training.” The group of reporters nodded and scribbled the information down on their note pads.

“Ms. Evergreen. Why do people call you the ‘Jade Dragon’?” One person asked. Ivy smirked and cracked her neck.

“Step back boys. Things are gonna get hot.” The group all took a step back and watched. Ivy focused and the group saw a light green aura come from her body. The woman took a deep breath and focused on a tree that was fifty feet in front of her. The woman’s cheeks filled with air and she exhaled. A massive green fireball reduced the tree to ash. The reporters were going gaga over the display of fire.

The six girls’ eyes twitched at the sight. Rarity tapped one of the reporters on the shoulder and smiled.

“Excuse me sir, but what is so special about those four?”

“Jeez lady, you live under a rock or something?” Rarity frowned at the man. “Those four are in the top five teams on the leader board.”

“Leader board?” Dash said. The man face palmed.

“Jeez, you guys really don’t know do you?” He said as he pulled out a card. The girls then saw a list with several team names on it. “Every team in the Academy is ranked on the jobs they’ve done and score they get.” The girls read the list and saw the word Horsemen in the number three spot.

“Score?” Dash asked.

“They get scored on how well they do their job and how quickly they do it. I’ve got all their stats.”

“Mind if we see it?” Rarity said with a smile. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out another card that showed the pictures of the four warriors. Crimson was first in the line up, next was Ivy, after her was Rouge and finally Cobalt. Twilight pressed on the blue flyer’s picture and a few status bars next to her picture.

Name: Cobalt Striker.

Rank: Sargent.

Codename: Iron Knight.

Age: 24

Height: 5’8”

Fighting Styles: Jujutsu, air combat and swordsmanship.

Magic typer: Lightning and Metal.

Weapon: Broad sword and shield.

Battle points: 5,889

The girls then selected Rouge’s picture.

Name: Rouge Nightshade.

Rank: 2nd Lieutenant

Codename: Spider Queen

Age: 22

Height: 5’6”

Fighting Styles: Gentle plam, Archery and Strategy.

Magic type: Insect

Weapon: Bow and arrow/crossbow/daggers.

Battle Points: 6,994

The group looked at one another and selected Ivy’s profile.

Name: Ivy Evergreen.

Rank: 1st Lieutenant

Codename: Jade Dragon.

Age: 23

Height: 5’7”

Fighting Styles: Kick boxing and air combat.

Magic type: Fire and wind.

Weapon: Whip/staff/batons.

Battle points: 8,756

The girls gulped and selected Crimson’s picture.

Name: Crimson Storm.

Rank: Captain.

Codename: Shadow of Death

Age: 23

Height: 5’7”

Fighting Styles: Jeet Kun Do.

Magic type: Unknown

Weapon: Scythe/katana blade/projectiles.

Battle points: 10,137

The girls were baffled at the difference between the warriors.

“Why is Crimson’s score higher than the others’?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah it’s over 9,000!” Dash yelled.

“No idea. That guy is a workaholic and single handedly took down an ice giant in the Crystal Empire a few months ago.” The girls’ jaws dropped. “Now if you ladies will excuse me, I have some pictures to take.” He said before walking towards the front of the crowd. The six girls watched closely as a white hooded figure silently moved through the crowd. Twilight then felt as though someone had encased her in ice.

The white figure discretely moved through the crowd and towards the group of warriors. Twilight’s eyes shrank as she saw a massive icicle sword stick out from the bottom of her cloak. The hooded figure raced forwards with the ice shard firmly gripped in it’s hand and eyes set on the red mage. The figure jumped off one of the reporter’s shoulders and gripped the icicle with both hands above it’s head.

As the figure came down Crimson caught the icicle and threw the assassin to the ground. THe red haired mage then summoned his blade and pointed it at the assassin.

“You’re too hasty.” He said as the crowd gasped at the spectacle. “Remember, wait for the opportune moment.”

“Awwe! I thought I had you this time.” The figure said in a female voice. Crimson grinned and helped her up. The woman’s hood fell back revealing her flowing white hair and bright blue eyes.

“What are you doing here Angel?” He asked as he crossed his arms.

“Hey! I come all they way out here to visit my bro and that’s the hello I get?” She asked as she pouted.

“Oh alright.” He said as he hugged the girl. Several photographers took several pictures of the two. “Oh bugger off.” Crimson said in a flat tone. “So Angel, why are you here?”

“Can we talk in private?” Crimson nodded and put a hand on her shoulder. The two then vanished in a flash of red light.

“Okay folks, that’s enough for now. We have work to do.” Ivy said as she took flight and rocketed towards the clock tower with the two mages in hot pursuit. The crowd dispersed and let out a disappointed sigh. The six girls looked at one another and followed the two mages back towards the clock tower.

Crimson and the white haired girl were sitting across from one another.

“Ivy.” The white haired woman spat out.

“Angel.” The green flyer retorted.

“Let’s not start this again.” Crimson said as he face palmed. “So Angel, why are you here?”

“I need your help.”

“With?” The woman reached inside her cloak and pulled out a stack of photo’s.

“My guild assigned me to look into some odd sightings.”

“What odd sightings?”

“Dead people walking around.” The four gulped and looked at one another. “Trottingham is have trouble with a necromancer.” Crimson clenched his hands into fists and grunted. Angel’s eyes shrank and she shot a bolt of magic out the window. The four mages then heard six familiar voices scream. Crimson and his team looked out to see the six girls trapped in ice. Angel walked up to them and frowned. “Who are you?”

“Angel relax, they’re friends.” Crimson said as Ivy placed her hand on the ice and it started to melt. Soon the six girls were free from the ice prison and shivered.

“W-what was th-that for?” Dash said as she shivered.

“Why were you listening in on our conversation?” The ice mage spat out. Crimson groaned and stepped between the two.

“Ladies, this is Angel Frost, an ice mage I met a few years back who was taking refuge just outside of the Crystal Empire.” The girls all looked at her in shock.

“But that place is surrounded by ice. No one can survive out there for an extended period of time.” Twilight said.

“You can if you have help.” She said with a sigh. Her breath cooled the air around them.

“That still makes no sense!” Twilight yelled.

“Calm down Twilight.” Angel perked up at the name.

“Is your name Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yeah, why?” The girl suddenly clapped her hands together and smiled.

“Cadence talks about you all the time! Nice to finally meet you.” He said as she shook her hand.

“You know Princess Cadence?”

“Yup, I stay at the castle with her when I’m not working.”

“She never mentioned that to me!” Twilight said with a groan.

“Yeah, I’m sort of a secret.” She said as the group walked inside.

“So how do ya know Crimson?” The farmer asked. The ice mage looked at Crimson who sighed.

“Angel is a Conduit like me.” The group of girls gulped and looked at the mage. “Now about this necromancer.”

“Necromancer?” Dash said.

“Someone who can bring the dead back to life.”

“That is so cool!” Dash said.

“No, no it’s not!” Crimson yelled. “Forcing a corps to fight? It’s sick and wrong.” Dash shut her mouth. “So what do you know?”

“Someone has been sealing souls of the departed inside golems and going on robbing sprees.” Angel clarified. “Due to my...talents, I was asked to look into it. My skills in this field are mediocre compared to Crimson’s so here I am.”

“Where was the last place to get hit?” Ivy asked.

“Manehattan and who ever it is, they’re good.”

“What’s their M.O?” Crimson asked.

“They rob the grave, only takes a small skin sample, soul traps them inside a golem and backfills the grave, leaving no trace they was ever there. The soil even has grass on it by the time I got there.” Angel said with a sigh. Crimson bit his lip and let out a sigh.

“Look like I'm going hunting.”

“But Crow said-”

“I’m letting him know and if he doesn’t like it then too bad.” He said as he pulled out the green crystal and ran his magic through it. An image of the cane wielding man showed. “Crow, we’ve got a problem.”

“You must be a mind reader. I just got this job and-”

“A necromancer?”

“How did you know?”

“Angel is here and she needs my help.”

“Ah, that explains it.” The man then looked towards the white haired woman. “Hello Angel.”

“Hello sir.” She said with a nod. Crow then turned his attention back to the red haired man.

“Find out what’s going on and end this monster.” He said in a firm tone.

“Consider it done.” Crimson said as the image flickered and faded. “Okay you heard the man, let’s get going.” Crimson turned to the ice mage and nodded. “Have any idea’s where this guy may have run off to?”

“I found a compound of dirt at the last scene.” She said as she summoned a file. “I managed to trace it to Trottingham. That’s where we should look first.”

“Sounds good to me.” Crimson said as he grabbed a duffel bag and started packing. The scholar felt a small wave of sadness wash over her.

“So, you’re leaving?” She asked.

“Yup.” He said as he continued to pack.

“Will you come back?”

“Don’t know. If I don’t get a message that tells me that it’s time for the trials then I will.” Twilight felt a small glimmer of hope. “The very least I’ll come back here and collect my stuff.” He said in a flat tone.

“When will you come back?” Dash asked.

“Don’t know, depends how things go. Could be a week could be a month.” He said with a shrug. “You guys will be okay here without me?” He asked as he looked at his team.

“Yup.” Ivy said with a smile.

“Okay, so how are we getting there then?” Crimson asked.


“Buck.” Crimson groaned.

“Oh suck it up.”

“I think I’ll walk. It only took me a day to get from Trottingham to Ponyville.”

“We don’t have any time to waste.” Angel stated. “This is the closest thing I have to a lead and I’m not letting it slip through my fingers.”

“Well, if you’re that desperate than we could always warp.” The group all cringed.

“Are you crazy?”

“Hey you want to get there ASAP right?” Crimson said. The ice mage bit her lip and let out a sigh.

“Fine, I’ll draw the circle, but if my hair gets messed up then I’m taking it out on you.” Angel said as she pulled out some white chalk.

“Might be an improvement.” Ivy said under her breath.

“Wait what about your mission defending Ponyville?” Rarity asked.

“I’m certain Ivy, Rouge and Cobalt can handle it.” Crimson said as Angel finished drawing the spell circle.

“What is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“Think of it as a teleportation spell used for long distances.” Ivy said. The two conduits stepped in the center and the circle started to glow.

“See you guys when I get back.” Crimson said before he and the white mage vanished in a flash of light. Twilight hung her head and let out a sigh of disappointment.

“Relax Twilight.” Ivy said. “Crimson is a professional when it comes to these sort of things.”

“I just hope he comes back.”

“You really do like him don’t you?” Rouge said. The scholar nodded her head. “Well, then this will give you plenty of time to work out your strategy when he comes back.” She said with a smile.


“You’re plan to woo him. I mean I can tell he likes you.” Rouge said with a smile.

“How can you tell?”

“I’m a sensor type and I’m excellent when it comes to reading people’s emotions.” Rouge chimed. “To the untrained eye, Crimson has as much personality as a rock, but for someone who’s known him for most of his life I can pick out when it shows.” The woman grinned. “When he saw you today he may as well have had his tongue hanging out.” Twilight blushed brightly at the words.

“S-so he likes me?” Twilight said.

“Yup, never thought I’d see the day.” Cobalt said. Rouge and Ivy both slapped him upside the head. “Ow!”

“Just shut up.” Rouge said. Twilight sat down and her face was scarlet red.

“W-what do I do?” She asked in a panic filled tone. “I’ve never been in a relationship before. I have no idea what to do! I’ll probably screw something up and-” She was cut off as Rainbow slapped her across the face. The girls all gasped. “Thanks Rainbow. I needed that.”

“Anytime. You need to chill Twi.” The flyer said.


“We’ll help you out.” Rarity said with a smile.

“Thanks girls.” The scholar let out a hope filled breath and calmed her nerves.