• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XXVII: Mother's Intuition

Chapter XXVII

Mother’s Intuition

The two mages arrived in the hub of Canterlot. Twilight went to the nearest trash can again and leaned over it as she emptied her stomach. Crimson chuckled.

“Ugh, I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” She said as she stood up. Crimson reached into his jacket and pulled out a small vial filled with pink liquid.

“Here, this should help.” Twilight took the liquid and chugged it down. She felt a tingling in her stomach and the nausea left her. She stuck her tongue out and scrunched her nose at the taste. “Well, what do you expect? Pumpkin juice?”

“I’m not use to these things.” She frowned. Crimson rolled his eyes and folded his arms. His face turned red as a low growl escaped his stomach. Twilight giggled and stood upright.

“Hungry?” She said with a smug grin. A similar sound then escaped the scholar’s stomach. “Heh-heh. Sorry, must have skipped lunch.”

“Likewise.” He said as he looked around the streets. “Know any places to eat around here?”

“Yeah, there’s a coffee shop not too far from here.” The two mages headed off and started to walk down the cobble stone road. The sign out front read ‘Pony Jo’s Coffee and Donut Shop.’ A man with shoulder length brown hair and a wearing a smock with a pink frosted sprinkled donut was behind the counter.

“Well, if it isn’t Twilight Sparkle.” He said with a smile. “Haven’t seen you here since the Grand Galloping Gala.” Twilight’s face immediately went red at the mention of that dreaded night. The two grabbed a table near the back of the establishment and ordered a cup of coffee and a cup of tea.

“What did he say about the Gala?” Twilight gulped and gave a nervous laugh as her cheeks flushed red.

“My friends and I got tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala a few years ago.” She began as the memories of that infamous night came back with a vengeance. “However, things didn’t go the way we thought they would and...long story short, I’m fairly certain that we will never go back.” She quickly said.

“Yeah I know what you mean.” He groaned. “Ivory and I had to go as representatives one year and it was a total bust.”

“You and Ivory went together?” She said in a surprised tone.

“All the different academies have to send two representatives. Ivory and I were in the top spots out of everyone else in the Ranger class so we had to make an appearance.” Crimson rolled his eyes. “Spent half the night avoiding stuck up snobs. The only good part of that night was when hell broke loose.”


“Are you familiar with Prince Blueblood?” Twilight then mad a foul expression. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He grumbled. “I saw the jackass use some poor woman as a shield in order to save himself from a flying cake that got launched from an apple cart.”

Twilight gulped and lightly blushed. “The woman then proceeded to give the stuck up idiot a tongue lashing the likes I’ve never seen.” He chuckled. “He was long over do for one in my book. Then a flyer who was trying to chat with Soarin and Spitfire tried to catch a falling statue.”

Twilight hung her head lower in embarrassment. “If that wasn’t enough, then the West wall collapsed and a girl in a torn dress along with an army of animals invaded and hell broke loose.” Crimson was biting his lip in laughter. “I haven’t seen Ivory laugh so hard in my life.” He chuckled. The man then noticed the scholar’s red face and that she was biting her lip. “Something wrong?”

“That was us.” The tone she was using was similar to Fluttershy’s.


“That was the girls and I. We did all that stuff.” Crimson’s jaw dropped.

“You gotta be kidding me.”

“Nope. We were invited by the Princess and things got out of hand as you put it.” She nervously chuckled.

“Well, from what I’ve seen of Ponyville folk that makes sense.” He said as he sipped his coffee.

“What is that supposed to mean?” She asked as she pouted.

“Nothing. Just that you guys know how to shake things up a bit. I’d take that craziness over all that prim and proper stuff any day.” Twilight’s face flushed red.


“Yeah, I’m no good at all that formal stuff. Give me an Ursa any day.” He said as he sipped his drink. “So what did you need from Canterlot?”

“Oh right! I need to grab something from my house.” The woman piped up. Crimson got up and paid the man behind the counter. The two walked through the busy streets of the capital city. Crimson bit his lip and let out a sigh.

“Thank you.” He said as the indigo haired girl looked at him in confusion.

“For what?”

“For what you did in Willow City.” He said with a sigh. “No one has ever stood up for me like that. I mean, yeah Ivy and the others have done it. Only they mostly used physical threats. Never would have expected you to tear into those guys like that.”

Twilight felt her face flare up at the words. The man gave her a genuine smile as he walked beside her. The man bent down to adjust his shoe. At that moment Twilight saw the book Quill had given him. Before he could reach it, Twilight snapped her fingers and the book appeared in her hands.

Crimson felt a wave of panic over take him as she scanned it. “Twilight please don’t-” His words fell on deaf ears as he saw the woman’s eyes grew wide in astonishment.

“Crimson,” The man felt a lump form in his throat. The woman looked down at the title of the book and back to the man. His face was bright scarlet. “why do you have a copy of the Red Jewel of Arcadia?”

It was over. He could already feel his manhood shriveling up like a raisin. Crimson tried to search his mind for another topic, but the scholar’s intense stare would easily cut through any attempt.

“Um..I’m.....holding it for someone else?” He threw on a fake grin that Twilight instantly raised an eyebrow at. The gaze was as useful as using paper in a sword fight.

“Are you a fan of the Forbidden Jewel series?” The deed had been done. All the warrior wanted to do now was find a nice cold hard rock to crawl under until the world ended. “Well?” She asked. Crimson felt the lump in his throat grow to the size of a melon and gave a reluctant nod.

“J-just don’t tell anyone.” He said his face flushed red with embarrassment.

“Why not? There’s nothing wrong with reading.”

“I know that! But if Ivy or Cobalt caught wind of this then they’ll hold it over my head for so long that I’ll forget what the sun looks like.” He gulped. “I like the sun Twilight. It gives me hope.”

“That still doesn’t answer my question.” She said in a blank tone.

“How can I put this?” The man said as he scratched his head. “It’s like if you saw AJ and Rainbow Dash in frilly dresses, with lace, at a tea party, eating crumpets and gossiping.” Twilight took a moment to construct the picture and couldn’t help but chuckle. “That’s why.”

“Are you telling me that Crimson Storm, the fearless Ranger from the Academy is afraid of what others will think of him because of his reading material?”

“Hey I’m not afraid. I’m just,” The man paused as he looked for the right words. “scared.” He said in defeat.

“How did you even get into them?”

“Rouge.” He grumbled. “I was bedridden for a month when I was sixteen and she suggested it. Since I didn’t want to die of boredom, I picked it up, started reading it and well...I got hooked.” He said as his face blushed harder.

“Why were you bedridden?”

“Broke my spine in two places, both my legs and my left collar bone was fractured.” Twilight’s jaw dropped. “That’s what happens when you mess with a full grown Chimera.”

“A what?”

“Big fire breathing monster with a lion’s head, goat body and serpent’s tail. One was around Hoofington and I had to deal with it.”

“Wait, you took on a full grown Chimera by yourself when you were only a teenager?” She almost yelled.

“My original mission was for my team and I to guard a merchant while he was moving from Trottingham to Hoofington.” Crimson said. “Most of the fighting was against timber wolves, manticores and bandits. Ivy and the others were dealing with some robbers while I took the merchant and we found refuge in a nearby cave. Unfortunately that happened to be the Chimera’s den. It tried to attack me and you know how that song and dance goes.” Twilight gulped.

“I didn’t get out without injury and the merchant ran back to Ivy and brought the others back to my mangled behind. Luckily I was already droning and Rouge used her warp gate to get me back to the Academy.”

“What’s droning?”

“Just a term I use. In the event of an emergency, an Academy student, that is Hunter rank or higher can enter a...hibernation state.” Twilight still had a confused look on her face. “It’s basically an induced coma in an effort to heal the body quicker.”

“Why didn’t your ‘partner’ help you out?” Twilight asked. Crimson scowled at her.

“This happened back when the seal was still strong and was holding back the demon’s energy. I still healed quicker than an average mage would, but now a days all I need is a week to heal after something like that.” He said with a shrug.

“Wait how did....never mind.” She said wit a sigh. “I still don’t see why you’re so concerned with this.”

“Have you ever read them?”

“Yeah. They are amazing!” Twilight chimed. “The characters and the plot is so enthralling that I had Spike hide my personal copies because I was getting behind on my studies.”

“Personal copies?” Crimson asked.

“I have a few of them just for myself that are signed by the author.” Crimson’s ears perked up.

“You know Midnight Fountain?” He almost yelled. Now it was Twilight’s turn to look embarrassed.

“Yeah, but I shouldn’t have told you that!” She said in a worry filled tone. “She made me swear not to tell anyone.”

“I’ll keep your secret if you keep mine.” He said with a smug grin. Twilight grunted with a bright blush on her face.

“Fine.” She said as she handed him the book back. Crimson hastily put it inside his coat and the two continued to move down the street. The two swayed the conversation away from books and just settled for idle chit chat. “So why did Quill address you as a king earlier?” Crimson groaned.

“Oh. That.” He shivered. “Back when I was a kid, I had this.....habit.”

“What habit?” She asked.

“I used to build myself a castle made out of book and read my way out.” He said in an embarrassed tone. Twilight’s jaw dropped at the words. “Crow and Quill kept calling me the King of Castle Knowledge and the name stuck.” He grimaced. “Go ahead. Laugh it up.”

“I used to build book forts.” She said in an embarrassed tone. Crimson cocked an eyebrow and saw no deceit in the woman’s eyes.


“Yup and it looks like we’re here.” Crimson soon found himself in front of a large two story house with a dark purple door. The woman snapped her fingers and a purple key made of mage appeared in her hand. The scholar turned the key and the door swung open. The two entered the home.

Crimson looked to his left and saw a living room with a television and fire place. A hard wood end table was in the center and divided two couches on either side of the room. There was a large bookshelf stacked with dozens of books. “I just gotta grab something from my room.” The woman said as she walked upstairs.

Crimson let out a sigh and started to look around the room. The man walked over to the book shelf and started to scan the books. The man’s ears perked and heard a whooshing noise and felt a blunt object hit his head. The man fell to the ground and hit his head on the coffee table. The last thing he saw was a woman with white hair and a purple stripe running through it holding a type writer over her head.

Twilight heard the crash and quickly made her way downstairs. The scholar let out a gasp when she saw the red haired man on the ground and bleeding from the head with the woman standing over him with the typewriter in hand. The woman was about 5’9” and was wearing a white collared shirt and grey slacks. The woman lightly tapped the man’s shoulder with her foot and he moaned in pain.

“Mom!” The woman spun around and saw the indigo haired scholar with a shocked look on her face.

“Twilight? What are you doing here?”

“Never mind that what did you do to my friend?” She yelled as she walked over to Crimson’s body. She tried to move his muscular form, but her frame couldn’t make the man’s body move an inch. The scholar snapped her fingers and levitated the man onto the couch. During the move, the book had fallen out of the man’s coat and was picked up by the older woman.

“You know him?” She asked as she set the book down on the table.

“Yes! Now can you go and get some bandages?” Twilight said as she looked at the cut on the man’s scalp. Twilight sighed as her mother handed her a first aid kit.

“Honestly dear, this is why you should call first.” She said as she pulled out a few bandages. The woman turned the man’s head and a sly grin appeared on her face. “Oh he’s cute Twiley.”

“Mom!” Twilight said as she blushed. The older woman giggled and took a few bandages in her hand and reached for the man’s head. Crimson’s eyes flashed open and grabbed the woman’s wrist and applied pressure. “Crimson, this is my mother Velvet.” Twilight said in a calming tone.

“Sorry.” He said as he let go.

“No, I should apologize for hitting you.” Velvet stated as he sat up. “Are you all right? I did hit you with a typewriter after all.”

“I’ve survived worst.” He said as he shook his head. “Why a typewriter?”

“It was what I had on me at the time.” She said with a weak smile. Twilight face palmed.

“I’m so sorry about this Crimson. My mother can over react sometimes.”

“Its fine.” He said as he cracked his neck.

“Well, its nice to meet you. I’m Velvet Sparkle.” She said as she shook his hand.

“Crimson Storm.” He said with a smile. The group then heard a high pitched whistling sound coming from the other room.

“Oh that’s the tea. Would either of you care for a cup?” Twilight looked at Crimson who gave her a shrug.

“Um, sure. We’ll take some.” Twilight said. The scholar sat down next to the man and tried to hide her embarrassment. Soon Velvet returned with three cups of tea and the pot.

“So Crimson. How do you know my daughter?” Velvet asked as she sipped her tea.

“I was stationed in Ponyville about a month ago.”

“Oh you’re in the guard then?”

“No, Crimson is a Ranger class agent from the Academy.” Twilight answered. Velvet’s eyes widened.

“Really?” Crimson gave a nod “Well, that must be very interesting.”

“I do my job as well as the next person.”

“Oh, stop being modest.” Twilight said. “You took down those bandits like it was nothing.”

“Because it was.”

“Bandits?” Velvet asked with a blink.

“Nothing. Some guys just-”

“A group of bandits showed up in town claiming to be Academy agents.” The next few hours were spent by Twilight re telling all of the exploits Crimson and his team had made since their time in Ponyville. The scholar wisely avoided the fact that the man was a conduit and the Poison Joke mishap. Crimson looked at the scholar in surprise as she masterfully retold the tales and made them seem almost like something from a Daring Do book.

Several times Velvet felt her jaw drop in amazement. While Crimson was trying to hide his blushing cheeks. Twilight sat back and let out a breathed in a hearty amount of air as she finished the tale.

“Well, now. You certainly know how to handle yourself in a sticky situation.” Velvet said as she looked at her still blushing daughter.

“Thank you ma’am. I’m just here to help people.” He said with a nervous laugh.

“So what exactly were you two doing in Canterlot? It’s rare that Twilight visits.” The purple mage’s face grew redder.

“She said that she needed to pick something up from here.” Crimson said. He looked at the far wall and saw that the clock read six o’clock. “Sorry, to bug out like this Mrs. Sparkle, but I have to head back to the academy.” He said as he stood up.

“Oh its no trouble.” She smiled. “I need to work on that stain on the floor over there before the stain sets.” She said as she looked at where the man had been bleeding.

“Oh that?” Crimson snapped his fingers and the dried blood liquified and flew into the air. The ruby red blood flew towards the man and flew into his sleeve. “Good as new.”

“Wow, nice cleaning spell.” Velvet said.

“Get what you need Twilight?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m good.” She said as she stood up and the two walked towards the door with the older woman in pursuit. Twilight hugged her mom and smiled. “Bye mom. Say high to Shiny and Dad for me.”

“Will do dear and take care.” Velvet beamed. “You too Crimson.”

“Nice meeting you Mrs. Sparkle.” He said as he shook her hand.

“Likewise and please dear, call me Velvet.” Twilight groaned and started to walk away. Crimson sighed and went after her only to be called back by the woman. The man froze when he saw that the scholar’s mother was holding his book. “Nice to see that you have good taste in literature.”

“Yeah.” He said as his blush reddened. Velvet giggled and gave the man the book. As it entered its grasp she tapped on the cover and grinned. Crimson raised an eyebrow and opened it to the first page. The man’s eyes shrank when he saw the familiar handwriting.

May the jewels grant you fortune on your journeys.

~Midnight Fountain.

Crimson’s eyes went wide and he looked at the woman who put a finger to her lips and made a ‘shhh’ sound.

“I hope I can trust you with this.” She said with a sigh. “If the paparazzi ever caught wind then I’d never get to write anything.” She groaned.

“Trust me. I know the feeling.” He sighed. Crimson made his way back to Twilight who was waiting patiently for him.

“What took you?”

“Sorry, your mom just gave me an autograph.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Relax. I won’t say anything to anyone.”

“Oh good.” Twilight sighed as the two walked back to the transport hub in silence. The two soon found themselves back within the familiar walls of the Academy and saw that it was getting late. During the entire time Twilight looked like she was having an internal argument with herself.

Crimson walked her to her door and felt a bright blush appear on his face. “Um thanks.” The indigo haired girl said. “It was fun, for the most part.”

“Likewise.” Crimson said as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said as he turned to leave. Twilight took a deep breath in and gathered her courage.

“Crimson wait.” The man stopped and turned back around to see Twilight holding a small purple box. “Here. I know its a few days late, but happy birthday.” Her face was redder than a fresh tomato.

“Twilight you didn’t have to get me anything.”

“I know. I just wanted to and to show you my gratitude for helping Ponyville so much.”

“Twilight I really can’t accept-” The man stopped when the scholar threw on a pouting face.

Damn you Sparkle. Damn you and that cute-

I mean adorable-

Gah! What ever that look is. The man sighed and opened the box. It was a black roped necklace with a bright purple crystal in the center.

“My brother gave me this the day of my test to become Celestia’s pupil. Its luck worked then, so maybe it’ll help you tomorrow.” The man gulped and held out his opened palm that held the necklace.

“Twilight. I can’t accept something so valuable.” The scholar sighed and put her hands on his and closed his fingers around the necklace.

“That’s the only kind of gift worth giving.” She said with a smile. Twilight looked into the man’s deep red eyes and felt her face becoming bright red. The two mage’s bodies seemed to move on their own as their faces got closer to one another. Crimson could feel the girl’s breath on her lips and the lavender perfume that he’d come to enjoy.

Just when they were an inch away from carnal bliss the door opened in ward to show a tired dragon hybrid. The boy was wearing a loose fitting white T-shirt and baggy gym shorts.

“Hey Twilight.” He yawned “When did you get back?” He asked. The two mages immediately jumped apart and hid their blushes from one another.

“J-just now.” Twilight said in a shaky tone. Spike seemed to be too tired to notice what the two mages were doing.

“What’s Crimson doing here?”

“J-Just saying goodnight.” The man snapped his fingers and vanished in a flash of red light. Twilight sighed and made her way into the room.

“Something up Twilight?”

“No, just go to sleep.” The scholar said in an agitated tone as she grabbed her PJ’s and went into the bathroom for a hot shower. Twilight stood up with her forehead pressing against the hard tile wall and the hot water running down her back. “Worst timing ever. Of all time.”

Crimson teleported into his room and calmed himself down. The man noticed that Rouge was asleep in Ivy’s bed.

Must have waited for me. Crimson thought as he pulled the covers up over the Changeling’s body. He walked over to the mirror and tried the necklace that the scholar had given him. He held it between his pointer finger and thumb. The man looked back at his reflection that had the horns coming out of his head and the snow white skin.

He sighed and quickly threw on a pair of loose fitting gym shorts and laid down on his bed. He stared up at the ceiling and sighed.

“Tomorrow huh?” The man turned over on his side and tried to get some sleep.