• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XV: What is Love?

Chapter XV

What is Love?

The man and his team had spent close to a month in the small town and got accustomed to the small town. The red haired mage was fast asleep in his bed as the blue haired flyer tip toes next to him with one of his feathers and a can of shaving cream. He gently squirted some of the white foam into Crimson’s right hand and stifled his laughter. He withdrew his feather and tickled the man’s nose.

Crimson lifted his foam covered hand up and Cobalt grinned. The foam covered hand then pulled a 180 spin and shot forwards. The hand collided with the flyer’s face and he cursed.

“Need something Cobalt?” Crimson said as he opened his eyes.

“How do you always know?”

“Dude, you know I’m prank proof.” He said as the flyer wiped the cream off his face. “Now, did you need something?” He asked as he sat up.

“Yeah, get your shirt on. You gotta see this.” Crimson groaned and pulled out his pocket watch.

“It’s eleven thirty at night and I’m tired. Go wake up Rouge.” He groaned.

“I can’t, she and Ivy are having a girl’s night with Dash, Twilight and the others.” Crimson rolled back over and groaned. “C’mon man, it’s been ages since the two of us just hung out.” He whined. Crimson groaned and sat up again.

“Fine.” Crimson said as he got up. Crimson threw on a red collared shirt. He ran a wet hand though his hair and splashed some cold water in his face. As he looked up he saw the horned version of himself grinning. Crimson scoffed and dried his hair.

The blue flyer was donning a dark blue collared shirt with vertical white stripes. “Nice shirt.” Crimson said as the two left.

“Thanks. Rarity fixed it up for me. Yours?”

“Same.” Crimson said with a yawn. “So where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” Cobalt grinned. The blue flyer led the mage through the Apple family's orchard until they got to a rather large shack perfectly concealed by the thicket of apple trees. The shack itself was fairly large and the entire building was made out of hard oak except for a black metal door in the center. The man stopped and tapped on a black metal door. A metal slide opened and a pair of brown eyes looked at the two for a moment before shutting. The two heard a loud meal creak and the door opened.

Crimson saw several guys he had seen around town. Caramel was chatting with Thunderlane and Mr. Cake was manning the bar as Mac sipped a mug of cider.

“What is this?” Crimson asked as the door closed.

“Just a little piece of guy heaven.” The flyer said with a smile.

“Where did you find this place?” He asked as he and the flyer walked up to the bar and sat down.

“Mac showed it to me a few days ago.” He said with a grin. Mr. Cake walked up to them and gave them each a pint of cider.

“Hey Gentlemen.” The pastry chef said with a smile. Thunderlane walked over to them and sat next to Crimson.

“What brings you two here?” The black winged flyer asked.

“Just having a guy’s night out while the girls are away.” Cobalt said as he patted Crimson on the back.

“Amen to that.” Thunderlane said as he fist bumped Cobalt. Crimson nodded and sipped his drink.

“So Crimson,” Caramel started. “how are things going with Ivy?” Crimson almost chocked on his drink.


“How’s your girlfriend?”

“Ivy and I aren’t in a relationship.” He said in a flat tone. “We’re just friends.”

“Really?” Thunderlane said in a long drawn out tone. Crimson narrowed his eyes and glared at the flyer. “So you’re really not interested in her?”

“No, why?”

“It’s just that she’s around you all the time, whenever she see’s you she smiles and-”

“There’s nothing between us.” He said as he sipped his drink.

“Sheesh alright.” Caramel said as he backed off. “So...you’re into guys then?” Crimson spun around and bore holes through him.

“What?” He yelled. “How did you come up with that assumption?” He said ina pissed off tone.

“C’mon man. You’re around a smoking hot chick like Ivy twenty-four seven and you’re telling us that you’re not the least bit attracted to her?” Thunderlane chimed in. “What else are we supposed to think?” Crimson groaned and rubbed his face.

“I’m Ivy’s C.O.”

“C.O.?” Thunderlane said.

“Commanding Officer. It wouldn’t be appropriate.”

“Oh come on,” Caramel said. “that can’t be it. You honestly have no feelings for her?” Crimson raised the glass to his lips, but hesitated as the memory of the crying green haired child hugging him and the knife laying on the floor.

“No, we’re only friends. That’s it.” He said as he sipped his drink. “Relationships like that cause friction and hurt the team.”

“Ahem!” Cobalt said.

“You and Rouge are the exception to the rule Cobalt. Her brains make up for your stupidity,” Cobalt grunted and slammed back his drink. “and your laid back personality balances her anxiety out.”

“So you and Ivy aren’t opposites?” He said with a chuckle. “Please, she’s all fun and you’re no fun at all.” Cobalt said. “She completes you.”

“Can it. We’re not like that. You know that.”

“So Ivy’s single then?” Thunderlane asked.

“Yes, but be careful. The last guy that broke her heart she put in a body cast for nine months.” The two had a scared look on their faces. “I’m not kidding either.”

“He’s right you know.” Cobalt said. “Ivy is easily the strongest girl at the Academy.”

“So what about you and Rouge? She’s kinda....odd.” Caramel said with a shrug.

“Yup, that’s why I like her.” Cobalt said. “She’s smart and not a pair of boobs with nothing in her head.” The two men nodded. Cobalt then grinned. “Crimson even hasn’t had a girlfriend yet.”

“Cobalt. Shut up.” Crimson said in a dark tone.

“Seriously dude?” Caramel said.

“Maybe a certain librarian can turn you in the right direction.” Cobalt said with a grin. Crimson almost choked on his drink.

“Twilight? Now you’re just making ludicrous accusations.” Crimson said in a flat tone.

“Well, you seem to be hanging out with the mane six a lot.”

“The mane what?”

“If ah can butt in.” Mac said. “Mah sister and her friends are usually at the center of whatever trouble that goes on around here.” He said in a calm tone.

“Not to mention that they’re the six finest pieces of ass this side of Equestria.” Thunderlane stated. Mac grunted at the flyer. “No offense to Applejack Mac.” He said as he nervously drank his drink.

“You see,” Caramel started. “AJ has that home town ‘down to earth’ thing guys like myself go for. Dash has that cocky attitude and athletic build. Pinkie is childish, but she’s cute and hot when she wants to be. Rarity is a stone cold knock out and has that sophisticated side to her. Fluttershy is cute in that innocent way and Twilight is the adorkable librarian.”

“Adorkable?” Crimson stated. “That sounds like something out of a cheesy romance book.”

“Call it what you want, you have to admit she’s cute when she get’s all flustered.” Crimson thought for a moment as he thought of the look on Twilight’s face when she would get interested in a topic or how her face would light up when he joked with her.

“I’ll admit that she’s smart and has a certain....likeness to her.” He said as he sipped his drink. “She’s got a good head on her shoulders and she’ll make someone happy one day.”

“And you don’t think that that someone is you?” Cobalt asked.

“Personalities have to be compatible and balance each other out for a stable relationship to flourish.” Crimson said in a flat tone.

“So?” Thunderlane said.

“No one can balance me out.” He said as he slammed his drink back. The other men shrugged and continued to talk amongst one another.

Inside the large library the eight girls sat in a circle joking and laughing with one another. “And that is why, Cobalt and I are forever banned from entering Las Pegasus for the rest of our natural lives.” Rouge finished. The girls were in a fit of laughter as she finished her story.

“Wow and people say I drink too much.” Dash said with a laugh.

“Yeah, needless to say that Cobalt needs to be supervised when he’s drinking.” Rouge said as she blew on her newly painted purple nails.

“Mind if I ask something?” Rarity said.


“How did you two end up as a couple?” The designer asked.

“We’ve known each other since we were kids.” She said with a chuckle. “I guess we complete each other.” She said with a shrug.

“I see.” Rarity said with a coy smile. “What about Crimson? What romantic escapades has our red haired hero had?” Twilight gulped and hung her head.

“None.” The two girls said.

“The girls must swarm him and....wait how many?” Rarity asked as she raised an eyebrow.

“None. Zero. Zip.” Ivy said.

“Why not? I mean he’s got a small chip on his shoulder, but he’s not that bad looking.” Dash said.

“Well, he’s not that good with feelings and never really gave it a shot.”

“Why not?” Applejack asked. “Ah bet there are loads of girls back at the Academy who’d love to spend time with him.”

“Kinda hard to do that when they’re all scared shitless or hate his guts.” Rouge said. The girls looked at the two in confusion.

“You mean that they all-”

“It’s not a secret around the Academy and everyone has at least heard a rumor or two about it.” Ivy said with a sigh. “Point is, most girls wouldn’t even be caught dead talking to him.”

“So he’s never had a girlfriend?” Twilight asked.

“Sounds perfect for you Twi.” Dash said with a snicker. Twilight blushed and glared at the flyer. “Oh calm down, we all know that you like him.” Dash said with a smirk. The clock on the far wall then struck and the flyer let out a yawn. “Well, I’ve got weather duties in the morning. See ya.” She said as she walked out of the library.

“Ah’d better get going too.” The farmer said as the rest of the girls left. Twilight turned off the lights and climbed the stairs to her room. She put her ear to Spike’s room and heard the sound of snores. After changing into her PJ’s and brushing her teeth she quickly hopped into bed.

As she tried to fall asleep the images of the red haired man continued to fill her mind. She wrapped her arms around one of her pillows and let out a sigh.

Crimson checked his watch and let out a sigh. He finished his drink and looked at the several unconscious men that laid before him. He paid for his drinks and snickered as he saw Cobalt asleep between Caramel and Thunderlane all napping on Mac’s chest. He snapped his fingers and a crystal appeared in his hands.

The crystal scanned the scene and took a snapshot of the four passed out friends. He grabbed Cobalt by his arm and slung the appendage over his neck. He lugged the passed out flyer down the street until he saw two familiar female forms. The two looked behind them, saw the two men and hurried up to them.

“What happened?” Rouge asked.

“Cobalt and Cider happened.”

“How bad are we talking here?” Ivy asked.

“Nothing too bad, he should be fine in a few hours.” He said as he handed him to the purple haired mage. “He may want to avoid Mac and Thunderlane for a while though.” He said with a chuckle. He withdrew the crystal and the image shined in front of them. Ivy immediately barreled over in laughter while Rouge had an evil smirk on her face,

“Oh I’m gonna get a lot of milage out of this one.” She said as the flyer stirred.

“Wha?” His eyes shrank as he saw the image. “Delete that now!”

“No way in hell.” Crimson said as he vanished in a flash of red light.

Inside the clock tower, the blue winged man woke up early and gently removed his arm from his girlfriend’s hold and replaced it with a pillow. He then started to sift through the seemingly endless stacks of potion books she had collected through their travels. Cobalt found a red colored book and grinned.

“Paybacks a bitch Crimson.” He said as he opened the book and started to skim it. He tapped his finger on the recipe and grinned. He copied the words on a sheet of paper and flew off towards the forest.

Crimson made his way through the small town and yawned. Crimson entered the library and walked u to the front desk where the indigo haired scholar was toiling away at her work.

“Hey Crimson.” Twilight said with a smile.

“Morning.” He said with a nod.

“Need some help?” She asked as she hid her blush.

“Yeah, I’m looking for a book about runes.” He said as he started to look around.

“I’ll see what I can dig up.” She said as she got up. Crimson noticed that she was wearing a light purple sleeveless blouse with a dark purple skirt that went to her knees. He quickly turned his attention back to the books.

“C’mon, even you have to admit that she’s cute when she gets all flustered.” Caramel's voice echoed in his head.

God damn it Caramel. I don’t need ideas like that in my head this early in the morning. He thought as he tried to force the thoughts out of his mind.

“I’m not seeing any here.” Twilight said as she finished her search. “I may have some down stairs.” She said as she walked over and switched on the light. The bulb flickered and went out. “Ugh, light’s broken.”

“I got it.” Crimson said as he pulled out a red crystal and made the hallway glow. The two made their way down into the basement and started to look around. Several cobwebs covered the old books and the air was damp. Crimson dusted several books off and started to look through them. He found an old book and raised an eyebrow at it.

This could come in handy.

Back up top the door to the library quietly opened and Cobalt quietly hovered in and set two glasses down on the desk. He pulled out a vial of a pink concoction and poured it in each glass before capping the bottle. Cobalt left a note beside them. He heard a set of footsteps coming up from the basement. The flyer quickly zoomed out of the library and closed the door behind him.

“Sorry Crimson.” Twilight said with a sigh. “Looks like I don’t have....who put that there?” She asked as she looked at the drink. Crimson picked up the letter and read it.

“Dear Twilight,

I’d like you to taste test this new punch mix I’m trying.

~Your friend, Pinkie Pie.” Crimson handed the librarian the letter who read it over.

“Pinkie will be Pinkie.” Twilight sad with a shrug. She picked up the glass and looked at it. “Wanna test it?”

“Might as well.” He said as he picked up the glass. “Cheers.” He said as the two mages clinked their glasses together. As Crimson put the glass to his lips his nose caught a smell from the liquid. “Wait Twilight don’t-” His warning came too late as the woman slammed the drink back. She took a moment to taste it and smiled.

“Not bad, a bit fruity.” She then saw the shocked look on the man’s face. “What?” The scholar then grabbed and shook her head.

“You okay?” He asked as he walked over to her. Twilight opened her eyes and Crimson saw a fain ring of pink around her iris.

“Oh I’m perfectly fine.” She said in a sultry voice.

“Um..okay?” He said with a raised eyebrow. He narrowed his gaze and saw the pink rings. “Twilight, let me see your eyes.”

“You can look anytime.” She said as she batted her eyelashes. Crimson saw the rings and grimaced.

“Uh oh. C’mon let’s get you to Rouge.” He said as he took her hand. Twilight then spun around and pushed him up against the desk.

“Oh, why can’t it just be the two of us?” She said with a pouting face. The woman put her arms around his shoulders and nuzzled his chest. Crimson gulped as his face turned bright red.

“T-Twilight, get ahold of yourself.” He said and he looked for an escape. “You’re not well.”

“Oh I feel fantastic.” She said as she put her weight on the man. “In fact, I’ve never felt better.” The woman then tripped the man and made him fall backwards on the table with her on top of him. “Now let’s have our own private party.” She said as she licked her lips. The door to the library suddenly opened to reveal the seamstress, the farmer and the green haired flyer.

“Sorry to bother ya Twi but,” The farmer stopped as she saw the position that she and the red mage were in. The girls’ faces turned red. “um, we’ll come by later.” The farmer said as she started to close the door.

“Wait!” Crimson yelled. “Something’s wrong with Twilight she’s-” He was silenced as she put a hand over her mouth.

“If you yell like that in a library then I’ll have to punish you.” She said in a seductive tone. The three looked at each other as Spike came down from the upstairs.

“What is going on here?”

“Spike go back upstairs.” Twilight said. The hybrid saw the concerned look on the man’s face and quickly grabbed a nearby book.

“Twilight get off him now or the book gets it.” He said as fire formed in his mouth.

“Who cares about some stupid book?” She said as she looked down at her prey. Spike’s right eyelid twitched at the words.

“Okay, now I know something’s up.” Applejack said as she walked up to the two. “Simmer down Twi-” Was all the farmer got out before she was pinned by a wall of purple aura.

“My word Twilight!” Rarity said as she hurried over and tried to pry her friend off the red haired man. Ivy snapped her fingers and her whip landed in her hand. She wrapped the scholar in a tight bind and managed to pull her off the mage.

“Let me go!” Twilight yelled.

“Thanks Ivy.” Crimson said as he got up. Crimson walked over to the farmer and de spelled the ties.

“What’s gotten into that girl?” Crimson walked over to the still full glass and looked at it.

“What ever this stuff is.” He said as he picked it up and smelled it. “Smells like some kind of potion.”

“Where did you get it?” Rarity asked.

“It was just here, Pinkie left a note.” The farmer and seamstress looked at the paper.

“That’s not Pinkie’s handwriting. It’s too neat.” The farmer said. Twilight was still struggling to break free from the whip.

“Whatever this stuff is, I was meant to drink it too.” Crimson said with a sigh. “Anyway, I’m going to see Rouge about this. She’s a genius when it comes to potions.” He said as he levitated the glass. “Bring Twilight too.”

“C’mon Twilight.” Applejack said.

“No!” Crimson rubbed his head and sighed.

“I’ll hold your hand if you come with us.” The scholar’s eyes widened. Crimson blushed as he offered her his arm which she gladly took and rested her head on his shoulders. “Luna give me strength.” He said as the group walked out of the library.

“Hunky.” She purred. Crimson’s face grew redder. Ivy and the girls giggled.

“Oh that’s so cute.” Ivy chimed.

“Can it, it’s the potion.” He said as he walked into the tower to see Rouge reading the paper. “Rouge we have a problem.”

“What’s up?” She asked as she folded the paper.

“This.” He said as he pointed to the scholar as she gave him the biggest bedroom eyes he’d ever seen. “She drank some weird potion and now she’s all loopy.” The mage got up from her seat and looked in the girl’s eyes and saw the pink ring.

“Looks like a love potion to me.”

“Really? Couldn’t tell.” Ivy said in a sarcastic tone.

“Anyway, we need to find out what kind.” Crimson snapped his fingers and the glass filled with the pink liquid appeared on the table.

“Whoever set this up, wanted me to drink it too.” The group then spotted the blue flyer with a confused look on his face.

“Crimson? You’re still a guy?”

“Um, why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, I figured I’d get back at you for that picture.” The group chuckled at the memory. “So I cooked up a little gender bender potion. I must have gotten the recipe wrong.” He said in defeat. “Back to the drawing board I guess.”

“Which book did you use?” Rouge asked.

“The red one with purple lettering.” The purple mage face palmed.

“You idiot. That’s the book with the purple cover and red lettering. Red cover and purple print is the book of love potions!” She yelled.

“Oh.” He said with a gulp. Crimson glared at the man with daggers in his eyes.

“I’ll destroy you later. Right now we have to cure Twilight.”

“Oh you do care about me.” The scholar said in a happy tone.

“Quickly.” He said as he face palmed. “Please tell me you have a cure.” Rouge snapped her fingers and the book appeared in her hands.

“What page was it on?”

“Page 227.” Cobalt answered.

“Okay here it is,” She said as she put the book on the table. “True Lover’s Kiss.” She started. “If ye be bold and ye be in love then drink this vial and-”

“Um Rouge, hurry it up.” Crimson said as he was struggling to keep the scholar under control.

“Basically, if you both drank the potion then there’d be nothing we can do.” She said in a flat tone. “Since it was only Twilight, we still have a chance. If we can give her the antidote, then she’ll be fine.”

“Sounds easy enough.” Ivy said.

“There’s a catch, if we don’t get it to her by the time the sun sets then it becomes permanent.” The group gulped. “Oh and if she kisses Crimson then you’re both screwed.”

“How does that work?” Applejack asked.

“The potion attaches itself to every cell in her body, including liquids. If any of that get’s in Crimson’s body then it would be the same as him drinking the potion.” She said as she scratched her neck.

“Please, tell me there’s a cure.” Crimson said with a gulp.

“Yeah, but I don’t have any of these ingredients on hand.” She said with a sigh. “I mean where do you get a supply of frog legs, toadstools and the petals of a tree frog flower?”

“Oh! Ya can go see Zecora!” The group looked towards the window and saw the pink pastry chef.

“Pinkie? What are you doing here?” Rarity asked.

“Well, I saw you guys going towards the tower with Twilight holding onto Crimson and I wanted to congratulate the new couple.”

“We’re not a couple!” Crimson yelled.

“I know silly, I heard the whole conversation.”

“Who’s Zecora?” Cobalt asked.

“She’s this potion maker that lives in the Everfree Forest.” Applejack said. “She’s got all kind of ingredients.”

“We’d better hurry then, it’s already noon.” Cobalt said.

“That gives us about seven hours.” Rouge said. “Do you two know the way?”

“Yup!” Applejack said.

“Wait, what about me?” Crimson said as he managed to break free from the scholar’s grip.

“Pinkie, go tell the other’s and get back here as quick as you can.” Ivy said as she grabbed the scholar. Twilight struggled to break free and was reaching for the red haired man.

“Okie dokie lokie!” She said before zooming off.

“C’mon, times a wasting.” Applejack said as she led Rouge, Cobalt and rarity towards the forest. Twilight then teleported out of Ivy’s grip and onto the mage’s back.

“Twilight if you don’t get off me then I’ll tie you down!” Crimson yelled.

“Kinky.” Twilight said with a grin.

“Ivy!” The green flyer was stifling her laughter as she walked over to them.

“Okay Twilight, just calm down and-”

“Oh no! I know your angle, you want him all for yourself!” She said as she tightened her grip on Crimson who was squirming to get free. Ivy face palmed and groaned.

“Ivy, plan eleven.” Crimson said in a flat tone.

“Got it boss.” She said as she withdrew her whip and wrapped it around the scholar’s leg. Crimson then turned into a shadow and phased out of her grip. “Run!”

“Don’t need to tell me twice!” He yelled as he ran out the door. Twilight’s hands glowed and fired a bolt of purple magic into the flyer’s gut. Ivy hit the stone wall hard and was knocked out. The scholar ran out the door and saw no trace of the man.

“Oh you can run, but you can’t hide.” She said as she vanished in a flash of purple light.

The red haired man was ducking from building to building hoping to avoid being sighted by the love crazed girl. The man stuck to the shadows and made sure to keep his head low.

Okay, it’s been five hours since she drank that thing. Hopefully those guys have something ready and- He was cut off as he felt a familiar form latch onto his back

“Gotcha.” Twilight whispered. The man felt the girls surprising strength. The woman extended her head and lightly nibbled his ear. Crimson’s face turned bright red and he gulped. The woman then rubbed her head against the back of his neck.

“Twilight please, you’re not well.” He said as the girl got off his back. “Look The girls can make an antidote and-” He quickly dodged a pair of lips from meeting his own. “Twilight stop.”

“Make me.” She said in a school girl voice.

“Where’s Ivy?”

“Napping.” She said as she the twirled a few strands of her hair. Crimson then noticed the scholar’s attire and his blush intensified. She was wearing a purple skirt that ended at her mid thigh and a white blouse that seemed to be two sizes too small for her. “You like my new outfit?” She asked in an innocent tone.

The man gulped and tried to advert his eyes from the woman. A slender finger touched his chin and slowly turned his head back to her. Twilight’s eyes were focused on him like a hawk going in for the kill. The woman snaked her arms around the man’s back and pressed her body against his. Crimson was sweating as the woman’s lips closed in on his own.

The man vanish and the scholar saw only a cloud of red smoke. “Ugh! Another clone!” She stamped her foot in frustration before teleporting away. Up on the roof of the bricked building where the clone once was laid the red haired man on his stomach.

“Thank Star Swirl for shadow clones.” He said with a sigh. The gem in his pocket glowed and he held it in his hand. The image of the purple mage then filled the gem. “Rouge, please tell me you have the cure. I’m not sure how long I can keep this up for.”

“Relax we have it ready,” Crimson let out a sigh of relief. “but we only had enough ingredients for one.”

“How am I gonna get her to drink something like that?”

“There’s something else,” Rouge said as she opened the book. “the longer Twilight goes without the antidote the more....amorous she becomes.”

“I figured that when she jumped on my back in a miniskirt and a blouse that looked like it was meant for a twelve year old girl.” The two images gulped. “Just get back here now.”

“On our way. Meet us by Fluttershy’s cottage.” Rouge said as the crystal image cut out. Crimson gulped and made his way towards the forest’s edge. As he did he saw the group come out from the dark forest.

“You guys have it?” Rouge held up a small glass with an odd concoction in it.. “That’s it?”

“Yup, but-”

“Let me guess, there’s a catch.” He said with a sigh.

“That and it’s missing one ingredient.” Rouge plucked one of his dark red hairs out of his scalp and put it in the mix. The liquid bubbled and changed to a dark blue color.

“Okay, so what’s the catch?”

“You have to be the one to give it to her.”


“The potion works on whoever the drinker see’s first and since it was you, you have to be the one to give it to her.” She said as she handed him the glass.

“How am I gonna get Twilight to drink this? She may be love struck but she’s still smarter than your average mage.”

“Is that a compliment?” Cobalt asked as he waggled his eyebrows. Crimson glared at the flyer. Rouge took the glass back and changed the liquid into a pill.

“There, that should make it easier.”

“Now all we have to do is get her here.” Crimson said as he took the pill.

“Shouldn’t be that hard.” Cobalt said as his wings flared and took flight. “I’ll giver her a heads up.” He said as he took flight towards the small town. Crimson and Rouge watched as he zoomed off into the sky.

“Crimson, I’m sorry about this.” The mage said as she put a hand on his shoulder. “There’s also one last thing you should know.”

Cobalt zoomed through the skies until he spied an indigo haired woman leaning against a wall and was looking for the red haired mage. The flyer smiled and flew down to her.

“Hey Twilight.” The woman waved him off. “Hey, I’m here to help. I know where Crimson is.” The woman then had a bright smile on her face.

“Where?” she yelled.

“I just saw him by Fluttershy’s cottage.” He said as the woman vanished in a flash of purple light. “Good luck Crimson.” He said with a sigh.

Twilight waited in a bush and looked around for the man. Twilight saw the red haired man from one end of the field to the other. Twilight primed her magic and teleported herself on top of the man. Crimson landed on his back and looked up to see the lust librarian with a smile on her face.

“Got you this time.” Crimson charged his magic, but Twilight grabbed his hand and the man felt some bindings. “Oh no you don’t mister. Magic seals.” She said with a coy smile. Crimson gulped and felt the pill in his hand. Twilight stroked his clenched fist and purred. “Have something for me?”

“J-just a breath mint.” He said with a gulp. Twilight pried the pill from his hand and analyzed it.

“You’re such a liar.” She said with a smile. Crimson gulped and felt his throat dry up. “I know exactly what this is.” She said as she placed the pill on her tongue and swallowed it. “Don’t worry you’ll get to see that part of me later.” The woman adjusted herself so that she was sitting just above his crotch. The librarian smirked and unbuttoned the top buttons on her blouse.

Crimson’s face turned scarlet red as she leaned over him. The woman’s head was just above his. The man could feel her breath on his lips. “Now to have some f-” The woman the sat back up and grabbed her head. Twilight grunted and shook her head. As she opened her eyes she looked around. “Wha? Where am I?”

The scholar rubbed her eyes and looked down at the blushing man. Twilight’s face turned snow white and then to bright red in the blink of an eye. “How, what, when?” The woman started to hyper ventilate before she passed out. Crimson caught her before she hit the ground and wrapped her in his coat. Crimson got to his feet and picked the scholar up in his arms and vanished in a flash of red light.

Spike, Cobalt, Rouge and the other girls waited in the library and looked at one another. Ivy had a bandage on her head and groaned. The door to the library opened revealing the red haired man with the unconscious librarian in his arms. The girls all crowded around their friend and looked at her.

“Is she okay?” Rouge asked.

“Yeah, she just got overwhelmed and got knocked out.” He said as he rested her on the couch. “She should be fine in a few hours.” He said with a sigh.

“Well, everything worked out then.” Cobalt said as he put an arm around Crimson. The red mage grabbed the flyer’s hand and applied pressure.

“Not just yet. This whole ordeal was your fault.” He said in a flat tone. “Time for payback.” He said as his right hand glowed with magical energy. He fired a bolt of magic at the flyer causing a massive red cloud to envelope him. After the smoke cleared a blue haired and winged woman was coughing.

“What was that supposed to-” Cobalt’s hand covered his mouth. “What did you do to me?” He yelled.

“What you tried to do to me. The spell should wear off by tomorrow morning.” He said in a calm tone. “I found that spell in one of the books Twilight had here." He turned to Rouge and nodded. "Have fun.” He said before leaving. The girls were all laughing at the blue flyer who grunted. Rouge walked over to him and smiled. She leaned in and whispered.

“We are so having sex tonight.” She said with a smile. Cobalt gulped and prayed that the spell would wear off at that moment.

Crimson stormed into his room and sat down on the bed. His mind went back to what Rouge had told him.

“There’s also one last thing you should know.”


“Unlike most love potions the, True Lover’s Kiss potion doesn’t implant false emotions. It brings them to the surface.”


“Everything Twilight is showing right now is real. It’s like when you shake up a soda can and open it. The soda is there, just in a different way.

“Your point?”

“All I’m saying is that Twilight genuinely cares about you. Don’t forget that.”

Crimson laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. The man closed his eyes and let sleep take him.