• Published 15th Aug 2013
  • 18,287 Views, 643 Comments

The Ranger's Journey - Silentpegasus

Due to the recent animal activity from the Everfree Forest, Princess Celestia has sent an agent from The Academy. What will happen when a certain librarian starts to fall for the crimson haired warrior?

  • ...

Chapter XII: Revelation

Chapter XII


It had been a few months since the four had formed a team and claimed their weapons. Eventually, talk of their unorthodox entrance was put aside, as all news does. As the four made their way through the halls of the large school like castle. Crimson noticed that several students were staring at him and whispering to one another. The child shrugged it off as they entered the cafeteria. As they opened the doors everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and stared at the group.

“Did I not do my hair this morning?” Ivy whispered.

“Yeah, that’s it.” Cobalt said in a sarcastic tone.

“Look at their faces.” Rouge said as they sat down. “Everyone seems kind of freaked out about something.” She said as each of them grabbed a plate. Crimson then felt something smash against the back of his head. An apple bounced off his head and landed on the floor. The three gasped and looked around trying to see who did it.

“Alright who threw that?” Ivy said as she stood up. The other students all remained silent. “Well?”

“Ivy it’s fine, I’m sure it was just an accident.” Crimson said as he rubbed his head. Ivy grunted and grabbed a tray. The other three soon followed suit and made their way onto the line. After getting their food something else rocketed towards the red haired boy. Before it made contact with him, it was caught by the blue winged flyer.

This time it was a small rock and Cobalt grunted as he felt the hard earth cut his skin. The three looked in shock and almost dropped their food.

“Okay fruit is one thing, but rocks?” Crimson yelled. “Mind telling me what’s going on?” He bellowed across the room. A small wad of paper then bounced off his head and landed in his eggs. He flattened out the crumpled piece of paper and quickly scanned it. He cocked an eyebrow and looked at the crowd. “Is this some kind of sick joke?” He yelled.

Cobalt took the piece of paper and cocked his head. He handed it over to Ivy and Rouge who read it to themselves. There was a picture of the red haired child that was fused with the demon attack two months ago. Above the picture was the title: Evil Walks Among Us.

“Okay, seriously this has got to be some kind of prank.” Rouge said.

“It’s not!” A student yelled. “Thunder Kicker heard Professor Crow talking about it with the Headmaster!” Ivy and Crimson both rolled their eyes at the name.

“That guy? He’s just pissed that Crimson beat him in a fight.” Ivy said with a groan.

“That only proves it!” Another student yelled. “How could a rookie beat him?”

“You do know that his dad was an expert in hand to hand combat.” Cobalt said in a flat tone. “It wouldn’t be out of the question if he taught him some moves.” The crowd still had their gaze fixed on the red haired child. The doors suddenly burst open revealing the green eyed man. Crow grunted and held up one of the flyers.

“Who is responsible for this slander?” He yelled. The student’s all fell silent as a familiar brown winged mage stood up.

“That be me.”

“Thunder, should have known.” He said in a flat tone. “You are to report to the Headmaster’s chambers at once.” He said in a rough tone.

“Fine, but first!” He said as he threw a large crystal shard at Crimson. The gem stopped in front of the child and glowed red before showing a massive dark red aura. The energy then gave off a wavelength that everyone could feel. A massive felling of fear come from the energy. Crow raised his hand and shot the gem with a green bolt of energy. “See? You all felt that! That only proves-”

“Go now!” Crow yelled as he bore holes through the young man. Everyone gulped. They always knew Crow as the kind and somewhat goofy combat teacher. They had never seen him yell at a student before. The man cracked his neck and walked out of the room. As he passed the child he shot him a glare of malicious intent.

The group of students all stood still as a statue. “Don’t you all have classes to get to?” He said as he eyed the large group. The students all got to their feet and quietly made their way out the door. Crimson and his group were the last to leave. Crow stopped them with his cane and let out a sigh. “Crimson, wait for me up at the tower.”


“Just do it” He ordered the child gulped and slowly made his way past his guardian. Crow then turned his gaze towards the three children. “You three follow me. There’s something we need to talk about.” He said in a rough tone. The three children gulped and followed him through the hallways until they got to his office. As they all walked in Crow closed the door and locked it.

The children each pulled up a chair and sat nervously. Crow let out a sigh and ran a hand through his messy dark hair. “What I’m about to tell you does not leave this room. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.” The three said at once. Crow let out a sigh and cracked his neck. Them man was looking for where to begin when Ivy piped up.

“What was that nonsense about Crimson being some sort of demon?” She asked. “It’s completely ridiculous and-”

“True.” Crow said in a flat tone. The three sat stunned at the words. “Crimson carries the demon that attacked Equestria a few months ago inside of him.” Ivy cracked her knuckles as she flexed her fists.

“Why didn’t he tell us?” Rouge asked.

“Well, for one he doesn’t know.” Crow said as he sat down. “I haven’t told him yet because I wanted him to make a few friends before I did.”

“Why?” Ivy yelled. “That monster killed my dad!” Some tears started to form in her eyes.

“Yes, I know.” He said in a flat tone. “I knew Silver Streak.” He said with a sigh.

“So you should know that-”

“Crimson is suffering the same as you.” Crow cut her off. “He lost both his mother and father in the attack. Worse is that he saw it happen.” The children all gulped. “After that, I used a spell to seal the demon inside of his body as it tried to take possession.”

“Why?” Rouge asked.

“It was the only way to stop it temporarily.” He said as he hung his head.

“Why tell us this?” Cobalt asked.

“I figured that he should have some friends by his side when I break the news to him.” Ivy then stood up.

“Count me out.” She said in an icy tone.


“No!” She yelled as she slammed her hands on the desk. “I don’t give a damn about what happened! All I know is that that thing killed my dad and it deserves to suffer.”

“Ivy calm down and-” Rouge tried to say but was stopped as the green flyer raised a hand.

“What would know about it Rouge?” She yelled. “It’s not like you had a family to begin with.” Rouge glared at the flyer and her hands glowed a dark purple.

“Enough!” Crow yelled. The three children gulped as they felt his aura peak. “I’m not forcing you into this Ivy. If that’s truly how you feel,” He said with a sigh. “Then I’ll see if I can get you transferred to another squad.”

“Thank you.” She said in a flat tone.

“I do however request that you keep this matter between us.” Crow said as he narrowed his eyes. Ivy scoffed at the words. “Do we have a deal?”

“Yes sir.” Crow sighed and looked at the other two.

“What about you two?” He asked. The two looked at one another and shrugged. The three then heard a crashing noise come from the closet. “Who’s there?” Crow yelled as he marched over to the door. As he ripped open the door his eyes shrank and his heart stopped. Standing in the closet was a shaking and teary eyed Crimson. The two teammates gulped and looked at him in shock. “Crimson I-” The child then ran past him as the tears flowed. Ivy held the icy glare as he ran past her and made no attempt to stop him.

“Damn it!” Crow yelled as he slammed his fist into the wall. He hung his head in shame.

“Professor-” Rouge started.

“Go after him.” He said in a flat tone. The two got to their feet and chased after him. Ivy stood frozen and hung her head as a few tears filled her eyes.

Crow sat back in his seat and looked at the group of stunned faces. Twilight was shaken to the core by the news. The group of girls all gulped and bit their lips. Celestia and Luna both sighed and looked at the group.

“So now you know.” Crow said with a sigh. “Crimson carries the weight of the attack on his shoulders.” The man said with a sigh.

“So that’s why he says it’s his fault.” Twilight said as she hung her head.

“But it wasn’t his fault!” Dash yelled. “It’s not his fault that that thing is in him!” The flyer yelled.

“I know, it was a freak accident and no matter how many times I tell that to him Crimson will always feel guilty.” Crow said in a low tone.

“Wait, you said that Ivy started to hate him.” Applejack said. “Those two are thick as thieves.” Crow nodded. “How did she forgive him?”

“You’re gonna have to ask her about that.” Crow said with a sigh. “Now that you know I’m asking you to keep this all to yourselves.” The girls looked at one another and nodded. “Thank you and sorry about this next bit.” Crow’s hand glowed and shot a small beam into the girl’s and dragon hybrid’s hands. Twilight felt her left hand sting and looked to see a small crow symbol appear on her hand.

“What is this?” Rarity asked as the mark vanished.

“Insurance. Should you decide to break your promise then that will activate and will cause you a great deal of pain.” The girls all gulped. “I’m sorry, but I can’t take any chances. Everyone who knows is in the same boat.”

“What exactly will happen?” Twilight asked.

“I implanted a small amount of my aura within you. If you talk, write or communicate with anyone that doesn’t know about Crimson then that will start to attack your CNS and other major parts of your body.” Twilight gulped in fear.

“CNS?” Dash asked.

“Central Nervous System.” Twilight clarified. “It’s responsible for all of your senses like taste, touch, sight, hearing and smell.”

“Correct. It won’t kill you, you’ll just be in severe pain for a little while.” He said in a flat tone. “I’m sorry for doing that, but I made a promise to his parents that that I’d protect him no matter the cost.”

“It’s alright.” Applejack said. “Ah know that ah’d do anything to protect mah family.”

“Mind if I ask something?” Twilight said. Crow gave her a nod. “If the demon is sealed then what happened to Crimson when he was fighting Nightmare Moon?” Twilight asked.

“Over the years the seal holding the demon has started to weaken and Crimson has been able to go through a few levels while remaining in control.” Crow answered.

“Levels?” Dash asked.

“There are several levels to the seal, indicated by the seven chains on his chest.” Twilight connected the dots and remembered the symbol. “He’s able to unlock up to three levels and keep himself in control.”

“Has he ever gone past that?” Celestia asked. Crow sighed and nodded.

“Once while he was training with Grimm.” He said with a groan. “He stated that Crimson started to look more like the demon and went on a rampage.” Crow gulped.

“How bad are we talking here?” Dash asked.

“He cut a mountain in half with just one swing from his blade.” The girls all gulped. “Luckily, Ivy and the others managed to restrain him.” He said with a sigh.


“It’s pretty complicated and far from easy.” He said as he rubbed his head. The man glanced at his watch and got to his feet. “Sorry ladies and gentleman,” He said as he nodded at Spike and the girls. “but I have a mountain of paperwork waiting for me at home and someone’s gotta do it.” He said with a smile.

“So what should we do?” Twilight asked.

“Just don’t get him too angry and you should be fine.”

“Should we tell him that we know or play dumb?” Rarity asked.

“Oh trust me, he’ll know.” He said in a flat tone. “Crimson has had this power for over a decade and has only used it for the benefit of others.” The girls exchanged glances. “He has never attacked unless it was necessary or if he was provoked.” Crow said in a strong voice. “The demon and Crimson are two separate minds stuffed into one body.” The man tapped his cane twice on the hard wood floor and a green portal opened up. “Just keep that in mind.”

“Wait,” Twilight said as she stood up. “what about her?” She asked as she looked at the still unconscious girl on her couch.

“We will deal with her.” Celestia said in a flat tone. “She may have more information on the cult.” The woman said as she snapped her fingers and the girl vanished in a flash of light.

“Well, nice meeting you all and I hope to see you again under...friendlier terms.” Crow said as he stepped through the portal. Twilight and the others gulped as Celestia and Luna sighed and looked at the girls.

“I realize that this is a lot to take in.” Celestia said with a sigh. “I apologize for not making you aware of this beforehand, but I trust Crow’s decision.”

“It’s okay Princess.” Dash said with a smile. Celestia smiled and vanished in a flash of light along with her sister. The girls all exchanged worried looks and Twilight sat down on the couch as she hung her head. “Wow Twilight, you sure know how to pick em.”

“Dash.” Twilight said in a flat tone. “Shut up.” The cyan winged flyer let out a sigh and

“Are you okay dear?” Rarity asked as she looked at her friend.

“I don’t know.” The librarian said with a sigh. “I can’t even to begin to imagine what he’s feeling. I mean, he is literally living with the thing that killed his and his best friend’s parents.”

“He’s made it this far,” Dash said with a shrug. “and he seems okay. Can’t really form an opinion on the other three yet.”

“He sounds dangerous.” Fluttershy said in a low tone.

“He could have wasted us at any moment,” Dash said. “but he didn’t.”

“You heard whats his name,” The farmer said. “Crimson has always used that power for good. So long as that doesn’t change, ah don’t see a reason to worry.” A silence soon fell over the group and they each sighed. “Look, it’s getting late. Ah suggest we all head home and we’ll go and talk to them tomorrow.”

“Kay, goodnight.” Dash said before flying out the door. The friends each said their goodbyes and exited the library. Twilight walked up to her room and quickly got changed into her pajamas that consisted of a lavender tank top and a pair of black shorts. She laid on her bed and stared up at the ceiling.

Should I ask Cadence about this? The woman groaned and went to turn out the light on her nightstand. As she turned she spotted a shadowy figure of a man standing in the doorway. When she looked again and blinked, she saw nothing. Twilight shrugged and turned off the light before laying her head down to sleep.

Author's Note:

I'll explain Ivy's and Crimson's little spat in the next chapter.