Equestria Ninja Girls Going Digital

by WarriorofFaith18

First published

The Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles, and Team Shine go to the Digital World to stop a virus

The Ninjas and Rainbooms reunite with their friends, The Digidestined and Team Shine, and head to the Digital World to face enemies new and old alike. But friction stirs in the team when a new team member has a Digimon that resembles an old enemy! Can they trust their new friends and save their worlds? Find out!

Based on fiction by Wildcard25


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8 years ago…..

In the Digital World, four beings arrived at a mountain location. One was a metal sea serpent, another looked like a robotic dinosaur with huge cannons, one was a giant puppet with a hammer, and the other was a tall clown jester with swords on his back. They were known and feared as The Dark Masters. The puppet then started complaining.

“So when are these so called visitors gonna get here? I'm bored!”

“One more whine out of you and you're firewood, Puppetmon!” The robot Dinosaur growled.

“You’re a terrible conversationist, you know that Machinedramon?” Groaned Puppetmon.

The clown floated between the two chuckling. “Patience. patience. I'm curious to hear from these visitors.”

“They better make it worth our time, Piedmon! For their sake!” Machindramon hissed.

Piedmon still kept his smile. “Oh come on, Machinedramon. Since when have we never had any laugh and giggles with everyone we met?”

The sea serpent leaned closer. “And if we don't like what they say, we'll get a free meal in the process!”

“I’m sure you’ll munch on something, MetalSeadramon. I’m beginning to hope these visitors don’t cooperate.” Piedmon smirked.

Just then, a portal opened. The four Digimon watched as the giant alien brain Kraang Prime emerged as well as a couple of Krang droids. Piedmon floated up to the big brain.

“Kraang Prime, I presume?”

Kraang Prime sneered. “The ones known as The Dark Masters.”

“Me and my cohorts have come to hear of your proposition.” The clown smiled.

Kraang Prime nodded. “Krang desires your lust for that which is known as conquest. You wish to rule your world known as the Digital World as well as the world known as the other world. But both could use some improvements.”

“Improvements?” Machinedramon looked up as MetalSeadramon just growled.

A Kraang droid presented a container full of canisters of mutagen as Kraang Prime continued. “Kraang has been experimenting with substance called mutagen. With the permission of those known as The Dark Masters, we can terraform this land to make it fitting for Kraang, in return, the ones known as Dark Masters will have access to Kraang's technology.”

Piedmon pondered as he floated back and forth playfully. “Hmm. So let me get this straight. You claim you can help us by offering your technology to us so you can use your miracle gel to make our world suitable for your kind?”

“Hahaha! I ain't using that gunk to look like a wad of chewing gum! And Machinedramon's ugly enough as it is!” Machinedramon growled at Puppetmon’s jester.

“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard! I thought Piedmon convinced us you guys were smart!” MetalSeadramon roared.

Kraang Prime glared at the four’s insults. “You dare mock Kraang? Kraang will destroy!”

The Kraang droids prepared to fire their blasters. Suddenly, one droid turned and fired at the other droids.

“What? Kraang dare betrays Kraang?” Kraang Prime hissed.

“Aw! Don't be too hard him!” Kraang Prime turned to see Puppetmon was controlling the droid with string like a puppet as he pulled out his hammer. “He's just a spoil sport like the rest of you! Let me show you a little croquet. PUPPET PUMMEL!”

Puppetmon whacked a couple Kraang Droids with his hammer back into the portal while MetalSeadramon and Machinedramon started blasting the remaining droids.



Soon, The Krang Droids were blasted back into the portal. Unknown to anyone, one canister of mutagen fell out of the container and rolled away from the area.

“You will regret this!” Krang Prime declared before Piedmon giggled as he floated up to the giant brain and held his hand up.

“Once upon a time, there was a foolish race called The Kraang who think they could mutate the Digital World, only to be blasted back all the way home by the Dark Masters! The End! CLOWN TRICK!”

Piedmon then blasted Kraang Prime back into the portal. Machinedramon then smashed the portal shut with his giant foot.

“And don't come back! Suckers!” Puppetmon jested.

“What a pathetic race!” Machinedramon growled.

“Good Riddance! Those brains wouldn't make decent appetizers!” MetalSeadramon huffed.

Piedmon shrugged. “Too bad I couldn't get a Kraang keychain. Oh well! We have bigger fish to fry!”

The Dark Masters then flew away, unaware of the canister of mutagen that now rested at the foot of the mountain.


Weeks later, another portal opens near a beach and emerged was a familiar figure in black as he saw a man in a tan robe walk up to him from behind a boulder.

“You must be Gennai. I am Bishop of the Utroms.” He greeted the man.

Gennai shook his hand. “Glad you could make it, Bishop. Would've been here sooner, but I had to avoid The Dark Masters.”

Bishop nodded. “I apologize about Kraang Prime's attempt to try to conquer your world.”

“Yes. You told me this wasn't the first time too. Tried a world called..... Equestria, right?” Gennai recalled.

“Correct. We, the Utroms, have been working hard to make sure they never come back to your world.”

Gennai and Bishop hands again as Gennai smiled.

“Thank you. And I promise never to mention about these other worlds. If Piedmon heard about them, he would no doubt try to conquer them all.”

“Indeed. It would be…. Disastrous.”

Both looked towards the sky fearing such foreshadowing.

Worldwide Computer Virus

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Present Day….

It was a sunny day in New York. On the rooftops, The Ninja Turtles, their allies, Zach, Caitlyn, Rainbooms, Starlight, CMCs, Bebop, and Rocksteady were skateboarding, biking, scootering, or in Rocksteady’s case, running. They were all having fun while being careful not to be seen or fall off.

“Yeehaw!” Applejack cried as she jumped across a couple buildings on her bike.

“Whee!” Pinkie cheered as she used her kurisama chain to swing over.

“Goongala!” Casey grinded on a rail on his bike.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey skateboarded on a high rise of a construction building.

“Heehee!” Bebop chimed while skating on his light trends.

“Rock and Roll!” Raph did a 360 jump on his skateboard.

“Awesome!” Rainbow hollered as she jumped over a trash can on her roller blades.

After a couple hours of riding and showing off moves, the group stopped on top of a building for a breather.

“Whew! What a run!” Twilight grinned as she took off her helmet.

“Da! Perfect day for the stretching and the running.” Rocksteady agreed as he stretched.

“At least nobody saw us.” Leo pointed out.

Applebloom turned to Applejack. “Thanks for letting us come with you guys to New York.”

“Well, Applebloom, we were going to visit the guys while you were on your class trip since Starlight Glimmer had the weekend off from the School of Friendship.” The cowgirl admitted.

“When Sweetie Belle told me your trip was canceled by an emergency, we all thought you could come along and not feel left out.” Rarity added.

“Plus, we could use this time to continue your ninja training.” Leo grinned as the three smiled.

“So where were you guys gonna go?” Casey curiously asked.

“An island called Griffin Rock.” Scootaloo recalled.

“Ms. Cheerilee said it was due to an unknown emergency and cancelling was the best precaution.” Sweetie Belle sighed.

“You know I once read that they had the best rescue team there.” Caitlyn admitted.

“Maybe you’ll get another chance someday.” Mikey smiled.

Just then Caitlyn stood up. “Hmm. That’s odd?”

“What’s up, Caitlyn?” April asked.

“There’s something preventing me from going online on my phone.”

“Same with my phone.” Twilight noticed.

“And I was about to beat my old score on Squirrel Stack.” Spike grumbled from her bag.

Donnie pulled out his T-Phone. “Hmm. The T-Phones still work. But there is some sort of electrical disturbance causing these technical difficulties.”

“Like some sort of virus?” Sunset raised a brow.

“Wait.” Raph spoke up. “You guys remember what happened the last time we had these tech problems?”

“Yeah. A giant portal opened up and that giant beetle came through!” Rainbow recalled.

“Think his name was Kuwagamon if I remember right.” Keno pondered.

Karai looked around. “I don’t see any portals, do you?”

Pinkie began to pop in random. “Nope. Nope. Nope.” Suddenly, she was on top of the Time Square Building as her friends heard her from a distance. “NO PORTAL HERE!”

After she popped back by them, Fluttershy asked, “What do we do now?”

“If we’re dealing with another Digimon encounter, We better head back to the lair.” Donnie suggested.

“Can we grab some Antonio’s on the way? I think better on a full stomach.” Mikey smiled.

“It should be on the way back.” Keno recalled as they started to head back.

They were halfway there when Leo’s T-Phone went off. “Everyone hold up!” everyone stopped as he checked it. “It’s Bishop! Let’s go over there.” He pointed to a nearby alley. When they all got there, Leo answered. “What’s up, Bishop?”

“Leonardo! I need you and your friends to return to you lair right away. Queen wants to talk to you in Dimension X. It’s urgent that you imply!” The Utrom spoke through the phone.

“We’re on our way!” Leo assured as a portal opened next to the group.

“A portal should have opened up next to you. It should take you back to your home.” Bishop instructed.

“C’mon guys!” Leo said as they all hurried through the portal.

Sure enough, the portal did take them to the Turtles’ lair. As they all dropped off their skateboards, bikes, skates, and gear, They all saw Bishop standing next to another portal.

“Rainbooms. It is good to see you again. And fortunate you’re here. We could use your help.” Bishop nodded.

“Always happy to help.” Sunset smiled as they all gathered supplies. Donnie even grabbed his portal tracker.

As they hurried to the portal, Bishop held up his hand with devices in it. “Everyone grab a breathing collar as you enter the portal!” he instructed and everyone obeyed as they hurried through the portal with Bishop right behind them.


In Dimension X, In the Utrom council chamber, Rook was working hard and quickly as she mashed buttons at a fast pace. Queen walked up to the panel.

“How goes your process, Rook?” she asked.

Without turning around, Rook answered her. “I’m tracking this mysterious virus steadily. I should pinpoint the source in about ten earth minutes. Hopefully, when Professor Honeycutt gets here, it’ll be quicker.”

“Good. Bishop and Pawn should be back with our requested help soon.”

Just then, a portal opened up. Queen looked to see the Ninjas, Rainbooms, Bebop, Rocksteady, Zach, Caitlyn, Starlight, and CMCs emerging all wearing their inhibitor collars with Bishop right behind them. Queen smiled. “Ninjas. Rainbooms. Welcome.” She then turned to the newcomers. “And you two must be Zach and Caitlyn. It is a pleasure to meet you both. Bishop told me about you.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you too, Queen of the Utroms.” Caitlyn greeted.

“If you’re okay with the Turtles, you’re okay with us.” Zach smiled.

“The feeling’s mutual.”

“Little help, Professor?” Rook called.

“Of course.” Fugitoid walked up and began helping Rook as Leo asked the obvious question.

“What’s going on?”

Queen explained. “I’m sure you all have noticed a recent malfunction of Earth technology?”

“Yes, we have.” Twilight confirmed.

Donnie held up his T phone. “But our T-phones were still functional.”

“Probably from when you upgraded with help from your friend Andromon. We had recently noticed this new computer virus and have been working on finding the source. It appears to be coming from another dimension. We were hoping you could help us out.”

“You bet.” Leo nodded.

“Same goes for us.” Sunset said.

“The Bebop and The Rocksteady are at your service as well.” Rocksteady assured.

“To the bitter end. Hee Hee!” Bebop added.

"Count me in." Starlight spoke.

“We’ll help too!” Applebloom spoke for her and her friends.

Fluttershy noticed someone was missing. “Um. Where’s Pawn?”

“He is getting some other acquaintances to help as well.” Bishop answered just before another portal opened with four new figures emerging from it.

“Hello. Pawn had to get another guy, so he sent us here and- oh!” It turned out the four figures were Shine Boy, Gamer, Love Shine, and Shine Girl- Team Shine.

“Shine Boy!” Pinkie cheered.

“Hey guys! Long time no see!” Shine Boy greeted as the groups greeted Team Shine.

“It is great to see you guys again!” Gamer added as he embraced Karai.

“We haven’t seen you guys since Christmas at the Shroom Lodge.” Love Shine smiled as he locked arms with Rocksteady.

“For sure.” Shine Girl agreed as she hugged Fluttershy and petted Spike.

“Too bad our reunion isn’t under better circumstances.” Leo spoke up.

Shine Boy knew what the lead turtle meant and looked serious. “We know. There’s some sort of magnetic virus going around that’s messing everything technical up in Columbus.”

“Same in New York. And everywhere else.” Sunset concurred.

“I have developed technology with protection from hackers and every known virus. But this is a whole new ball game here.” Gamer then took out his T-phone. “Good thing we had the T-phones you gave us, Donnie. As well as the upgrades Andromon gave them.”

“Yeah. Hopefully, we take it out on the source.” Donnie hoped.

Just then, the portal opened up again and the group looked to see Pawn stomped out, looking very upset.

“I have neva been insulted in my entire life!” he huffed before politely turning to the group. “Bonjour, Ninjas and Rainbooms.”

The group then saw another figure stepped from the portal. It was Night Shine with a bag of tacos.

“Who knew Utrom had short tempers.” He mumbled as he bit a taco.

“Oh no. not him again.” Raph groaned.

“Nice to see you too, Raph.”

Shine Boy walked up to Night Shine and turned to the newcomers. “Guys, this is my other brother, Luke.”

Rocksteady walked up to the said guy. “It been long time, Night Shine.”

Night Shine just nodded slyly. “How’s it been, Steranko?”

“You know each other?” Karai asked.

“We were business partners a while back.” Rocksteady squinted.

“I ran errands for my client whose an old college of him.” Night Shine grinned. “Heard you and Anton here had some….changes.”

“Da. We are The Bebop and Rocksteady now. We good guys now.”

“Neat.” Night Shine looked at Bebop. “Still wearing that techsuit, Zecky?”

“Yeah! I still got the moves, baby! Woohoo!” Bebop posed.

“Still the showoff.” Night Shine then turned to the CMCs. “And who are you three?”

“We’re the Canterlot Movie Club! Ninja Trainees! I’m AppleBloom.”

“I’m Sweetie Belle.”

“And I’m Scootaloo.”

“Good for you three.” Night Shine shrugged. “Keep outta my way and we’ll get along smoothly.”

“Thanks. I think.” Applebloom grinned confused.

Starlight decided to introduce herself. “I’m Starlight Glimmer. I’m from Equestria I’m sure you’ve heard about it?”

Night Shine nodded. “Yep. How’s it hanging?”

“And Done!”

Everyone looked over to Rook and Fugitoid at the control panel. “We found the source of the virus and…. Oh!”

Rook gasped at the coordinates and turned to Bishop. “Bishop. You might want to take a look at these coordinates.”

Bishop walked over and looked at the screen and showed a look of surprise. “It can’t be.”

“Someplace you know?” Casey raised a brow.

“It appears that the virus is coming from… The Digital World.”

Everyone, except Starlight, Bebop, Rocksteady, Zach, Caitlyn, and the CMCs gasped hearing Bishop’s statement. There was a small silence before Night Shine munched on another taco.

Bebop then spoke up. “The what now?”

“It’s best to brief you guys.” Leo said. Then they all sat down as the Ninjas and Rainbooms told them about their adventure with a group of kids called the Digidestined and their friends the Digimon and how they stopped Shine Boy’s enemies, Ripley and Lewej, as well as Baxter Stockman and a revived Devimon. After explaining, the eight were amazed.

“A world full of digital monsters?” Applebloom jaw dropped.

“Sounds cool.” Scootaloo awed.

“And these Digidestined can make them bigger?” Sweetie Belle gushed.

“They call it digivolve. And they only do that with their partner Digimon.” Donnie specified.

“If my friends aren’t mutants, I’d say this sounds like a video game.” Caitlyn admitted.

“Or a rad TV show.” Zach added.

“And while it does sound cool, there are Digimon who are dangerous. Like Devimon was.” April warned.

“Ha! No monster of Digital can stop the Bebop and Rocksteady!” Rocksteady snorted.

“And that Andromon you guys keep mentioning is from this place?” Bebop recalled.

“Yep.” Mikey confirmed.

“Amazing!” Starlight awed.

“Yep. And hopefully when we stop this virus, we can introduce you to Davis and the others.” Shine Boy suggested.

“Then we better get going if we want to stop this virus.” Twilight stated.

Caitlyn raised her hand. “I’m afraid Zach and I are gonna have to sit this one out. I don’t think I’m ready for dimensional travel.”

“Yeah, she’s right. Besides, we should check in with Buffy and the others.” Zach sighed.

“Probably a good idea. We need someone to monitor Earth and let the Mutanimals know what’s going on.” Leo nodded.

Queen turned to Pawn. “Pawn, take them back to New York.”

“Mei Wii, Your highness.” Pawn bowed before opening a portal.

As they followed the French Utrom back home, Caitlyn turned to her friends. “Good luck.”

“Go get’em, guys.” Zach added.

After they left, Rook opened another portal. “This way, everyone.” She lead the heroes in with Bishop right behind them.


Soon, the group was in a familiar hallway.

“You can take off your inhibitor collars now. You won’t need them here.” Rook assured.

As they took their collars off, the group looked around in awe as the Turtles, April, and Casey felt nostalgic.

“Is this what I think it is?” Mikey gasped.

“This is that hallway of portals the Kraang had.” April recalled.

“Yeah! Back when we dealt with the Kraang worm.” Donnie added.

“I remember hearing about this from Tiger Claw when he survived the worm.” Karai recollected.

“Wow.” Whispered Sunset.

Bishop nodded and explained. “After The Triceraton Invasion, and the Kraang were off planet, The Utrom were able to gain possession of these portals.”

“We use them to keep constant surveillance for any remaining Kraang activity between dimensions.” Rook continued.

Applebloom walked up to a portal showing a dimension that looked like an aquarium. “This is like visiting an aquarium!”

“Sort of.” Sweetie Belle agreed.

“Impressive.” Gamer awed.

“Trippy.” Bebop whispered.

“Hey guys! Look!” Everyone walked up to where Scootaloo stood and saw a portal that showed their serious taller counterparts.

“Hey! It’s our taller selves! Hi guys!” Mikey waved, even though they didn’t answer him.

“Those guys look serious.” Shine Girl noticed.

“So those are Turtles are smarter and taller than smaller turtles?” Rocksteady asked as he pointed to the portal on the right which showed the two-dimensional turtles eating pizza.

“Pretty much.” Rainbow confirmed.

Just then, Pinkie spoke up. “Hey look! I found Moo Mesa!” she pointed to a portal where Montana Moo and his buddies were riding on their horses.

“Here’s Gotham!” Casey found the portal where it showed Batman looking down at his city on top of a gargoyle.

Twilight was amazed. “The multiverse in one hallway. Wow.”

Shine Boy saw the portal with his friends the Swat Kats flying in their plane over MegaKat City before he spoke. “Had the Kraang known of these dimensions?”

“We’re not certain, Shine Boy. But after The Kraang tried to invade Gotham, we had to take precautions.” Rook described.

“Even when The Turtles and Rainbooms discovered Boxilio in Moo Mesa, we look through the portals to prevent another invasion. Even other dimensions you may not have visited.”

As Bishop explained, Night Shine took out his last taco, crumbled up his bag, and threw it in another portal. When he walked a couple steps away, out from the portal was the head of a giant cockroach. He turned to see on the roach was a humanoid brown dog wearing a grey suit and fedora and a small aggressive rabbit. Night Shine raised a brow as the bunny saw him and waved before the roach went back in the portal, taking the two with it. The anti-hero just shrugged and bit his taco as he went back to the group.

Before long, Rook found the portal she needed. “Here we are.” She then turned to the group. “This portal will lead you to The Digital World.”

“I have informed Gennai and he’ll contact the Digidestined and they’ll meet up with you.” Bishop instructed.

“Thanks, Bishop.” Leo smiled before he turned to the group. “Okay, guys! Every second counts! The sooner we stop this virus, the sooner we save the world.”

Applejack noticed Applebloom looking a little down. “You okay Applebloom?”

“Yeah. Just a little nervous.”

“We both are, sugarcube. We’ll get through this together.” Applejack promised as she held her sister’s hand.

“Ready, Squirt?” Rainbow checked with Scootaloo.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” Scootaloo smiled.

“That’s the spirit!” Rainbow cheered.

Rarity looked towards Sweetie Belle. “You alright, Sweetie?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“I’m sure we’ll have time for fun after we save the world. Remember your training and you’ll be fine.” Rarity smiled.

“Everyone ready?” After everyone confirmed Sunset’s question, Shine Boy then spoke up.

“Then let’s save the world!”

“Good luck, my friends.” Bishop said as they all entered the portal into the digital world.

“We’re all counting on you.” Rook added.


Meanwhile, a guy was sitting in front of a computer typing a bit before turning from his chair. “You ready, Buddy?”

From the shadows was a creature a round head, long arms, and tentacles for legs. It nodded in response.

“Let’s go!” the guy held up a small device to the computer light and in a blinding light, he and the creature disappeared.

To be Continued

Digital Reunions

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Back in New York, in the wreckage of the dimensional ship in the Hudson River, a tall guy looked to see Gem Knights looking through the wreckage and salvaging mutagen canisters and equipment that survived. The guy revealed to be Gladitron as he saw a Gem Knight show him some salvaged equipment and he inspected it.

“Bring it.” He ordered and the Gem Knight obeyed. “Is that everything?”

Then, a Gem Knight pointed at something.

“Yes! What is it?” Gladitron marched over to see, only to gasped. “No way!”


Meanwhile, The Ninjas, Allies, Rainbooms, and Team Shine jumped through the portal and look around to see they were in a forest area.

“So, this is the Digital World.” Leo looked around.

“It doesn’t look so bad.” Mikey looked around.

“It’s amazing.” Donnie awed.

“Not bad.” Raph admitted.

“Do we look different?” Pinkie spoke up.

The turtles looked at the others and to see they wore different outfits than what they wore before.

“When did we get new clothes?” Applejack raised a brow.

“I don’t know but I think they’re amazing!” Rarity awed.

“How is it possible?” Twilight thought out loud.

“I think we look awesome!” Rainbow cheered.

“Yeah we do!” Everyone looked over to Casey as he was by April, Karai, Shini, and Keno. He wore a brown jacket with khaki stripes over a blue hoodie, green shirt, and blue jeans.

April wore a yellow sleeveless shirt with a green headband and green explorer pants as well as brown gloves. Donnie couldn’t help but awe her new outfit.

Kara wore a white kimono like blouse, a green mini skirt, black leggings, hiking boots, and a black leather jacket.

Shinigami wore a long sleeve black dress with black leggings, height heel boots, and her witch hat, which caused Mikey to jaw drop in awe.

Keno wore a black Japanese kimono jacket with red stripes on the sleeves over a white shirt and black pants.

“Check it out! I look studly!” Keno clicked his tongue.

“You know, a girl could get use to this.” Shini smiled as she looked at herself.

“Not bad.” Karai complimented her outfit.

“Least we still have our weapons.” April checked to see her tanto and tessen still in her possession.

“Hey girls!” Everyone turned to the CMCs as Applebloom spoke. “Take a look at us!”

Applebloom was wearing a green Aztec Geometric zip up collar sweatshirt and knee-high jeans. Sweetie Belle wore a warm pink Japanese school girl uniform with a long skirt. Scootaloo wore a magenta T Shirt with colored zebra striped pants and purple boots.

“I feel like mines from the 90’s.” Scootaloo raised a brow.

“Still looking cool, Squirt.” Rainbow smiled.

“So what’s up with the fashion show here?” Raph asked the obvious question.

“Maybe since we’re from another dimension, we get a new wardrobe. Kinda like when we go to and from Equestria.” Sunset guessed.

“Or when we became pony hybrids when we came to Moo Mesa?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hmm. Makes sense.” Starlight figured.

“You know, I remember TK and Kari telling me they go through the same thing everytime they came to the Digital World.” Twilight remembered.

Mikey looked at himself. “Hey! How come we don’t get new outfits?”

“Da! Same as me and Comrade Bebop?” Rocksteady walked up with Bebop right behind.

“Not just you guys.” Everyone heard Shine Boy speak up. They turned to see Team Shine still wearing their superhero outfits. “We’re still in our usual outfits.”

“I can guess that since you guys are mutants but doesn’t explain us.” Love Shine added.

“While I assume it has something to do with your armor being from space origins Love Shine, Gamer has told me he modified their outfits to adapt to their surroundings.” Fugitoid hypothesized.

“Huh. Guess they’re good with dimensional travel as well.” Gamer pondered.

“Or dumb luck.” Night Shine walked up.

“Makes sense.” Shine Girl shrugged.

“Oh well.” Bebop posed with a mirror. “Never try to fix perfection!”

“So what now?” Spike asked.

“We should check for the Digidestined. If they know we’re here, they might be here any minute.” Leo figured.

“Maybe I can climb that tree up there.” Shine Boy pointed to a very tall tree. “I can also survey the land and get a good look at this new world.”

“Good idea. See what you can find.” Sunset nodded.

Shine Boy pulled out a periscope from his utility belt and was just about to start climbing when April clenched her head, when everyone began to notice.

“April?” Fluttershy gasped.

“What’s wrong?” Donnie asked.

“I sense two beings nearby. Two BIG beings!”

“How big?” Keno raised a brow.

“I’d say Triceraton big.” April said nervously.

As everyone looked nervous, Night Shine spoke up. “So, anyone curious?”

At the same time they hear two voices about out.

"Fist of the Beast King!"

"Pummel Whack!"

Before the group, two energy pulses sail by, narrowly missing Love Shine before smashing two boulders to bits, one in one direction one in the other. One was orange and looked like a roaring Lion's head. The other was purple and looked like a large fist.

Love shine stood shivering before quickly shaking it off. "Okay, I’m not one to tremble in terror, but that was too close!"

"Dude, what were those blasts?" Mikey questioned.

April put a hand to her head and concentrated "They came from two beings. And... they're fighting each other?"

Donnie nodded: "Makes sense. Those two beams looked like they were coming from opposite directions. Like someone was trying to blast each other."

“Thank you, Mr. Does Machines.” Night Shine deadpanned.

“It looks like it came from over there!” Twilight pointed.

“We’re not really going there, are we?” Sweetie Belle shivered. “I mean if they’re as big as April says, it might not be a good idea.”

“I’m sure that blast was unintentional, Sweetie Belle. Who knows? Maybe they’re friendly.” Love Shine dusted himself off just before a small quake shook the group.

“Friendly huh?” Applebloom rolled her eyes.

“Still, we should check it out.” Shine Boy suggested as they began to sneak to the site.

“Okay, but do not engage.” Leo ordered.

“Friendly or not, Rocksteady can handle horned people sized creatures!” Rocksteady boasted.

“Now now, Rock! Greet before you hit!” Bebop reminded his buddy as they hurried over.


The Ninjas Rainbooms and Team Shine followed April to find the source of the disturbance before they reached an opening.

“This is the source of the disturbance alright.” The kinouchi confirmed.

“Something is here alright. I sense a couple presence here.” Shine Boy looked around.

“Look!” Everyone looked to where Scootaloo pointed and were surprised. The two were indeed the same size as a Triceraton. One was a humanoid lion wearing dark brown pants and a fang necklace. He held a sword in his hand. He was facing a green horned creature with white hair, fangs from his mouth. He wore a black kilt and black bands on his arms and legs. He held up a bone like club with spikes and pointed it at the lion.

“What’s the matter, pussycat? Getting tired already?” the green creature taunted.

The lion picked himself up. “You know I’m pacing myself, Ogremon. It took me longer for me to return to full strength.”

“I know! I know! And the only reason I agreed to spar with you is so we can finally have our long-awaited rematch!” Ogremon reminded.

As the two continued to fight, the groups watched from the bushes.

“Well, they’re huge.” Raph griped.

“No doubt they’re Digimon.” Gamer concluded.

“Should we go up and say hello?” Pinkie asked.

“You kidding? I’m curious to see who’d win this fight! My money’s on the green guy.” Casey grinned.

“Plus, what if they want to hurt us if we even talk to them?” Rainbow pointed out.

“I don’t know. They seem pretty nice.” Mikey observed.

“I don’t know, Mikey. That green guy looks like he’d want to eat us for lunch.” Love Shine pointed.

“Maybe we should wait for the Digidestined to join us. We could ask them about these two.” Sunset suggested.

“Good idea.” Twilight agreed.

“Except for one thing.” Night Shine pointed.

“And that would be?” Karai raised a brow.

“Fluttershy’s already walking up to say hello!”

“What?” everyone gasped as they saw Fluttershy walking up to the two Digimon with a huge smile on her face. The two stopped sparring to see the shy girl walk up to them.

“Who’s this?” Ogremon raised a brow.

“No idea.” The lion was equally stumped.

Fluttershy spoke up. “Hello.”

“Uh… hello?” The lion politely greeted. “Can we help you with something, miss?”

“My friends and I overheard you two fighting and came to investigate.”

“Who’s fighting? We’re not fighting! Who said we’re fighting!” Ogremon protested.

The lion just shook his head before looking at Fluttershy. “What my cohort means is that we were just sparring is all.”

“Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“Well, I was gonna suggest we take a break anyway so..” Ogremon tried to make an excuse before remembering something. “Wait a minute. You mentioned friends right?”

“I did.”

“Well where are they?” Ogremon questioned her before the lion put his hand on his shoulder. He then turned to Fluttershy.

“What’s your name, kid?”

“My name is Fluttershy.”

“Well, Fluttershy. Are your friends nearby?”

Back in the bushes, Leo sighed before Shine Boy asked him. “Shall we?”

Leo nodded. “C’mon, everyone.” He began to walk up with the others right behind him.

Fluttershy saw them coming. “Here they come now.”

The two Digimon saw the group walk up to and were amazed that four of them were turtles and one was a robot plus a rhino and warthog.

Ogremon spoke to the lion. “You see four walking turtles and a robot, right?”

“I do. Plus, a rhino and warthog.” The lion nodded.

“Good. It wasn’t something I ate.”

Leo walked up to the two. “Uh… hi.”

“Hello.” The lion greeted.

“I’m sorry for intruding on your spar. My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers- Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. These are our friends April, Casey, Karai, Shinigami, and Keno.”

Sunset walked up next. “I’m Sunset Shimmer, and this is Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, her sister Applebloom, Rarity, her sister Sweetie Belle, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and you already met Fluttershy. And this is Professor Honeycutt, AKA the Fugitoid.”

“We are the Bebop and Rocksteady. Mutant former villain now hero duo!” Rocksteady boasted as he and Bebop posed.

“You guys look like a couple of tough customers.” Ogremon commented.

“We are quite the duo! Whoo!” Bebop grinned.

“I’m Shine Boy and this is my younger brother Gamer, our friends Love Shine and Shine Girl, and that’s our older brother Luke.”

“People call him Night Shine.” Mikey chimed in as Shine Boy faced palmed.

“Don’t! call me that.” Night Shine hissed as he pushed Mikey away.

“Touchy!” Ogremon teased.

“It is very nice to meet you all.” The lion smiled. “I am Leomon and that’s Ogremon.”

“The stronger one!” Ogremon boasted.

“More like ugly one.” Raph snickered.

Annoyed, Ogremon responded by flicking Raph on the back, causing the turtle flat on his face.

“Look, pal, you may think you’re cool, but watch where you’re crude!” he warned him.

“I get that a lot.” Groaned Raph.

Leomon then turned to Leo. “Are you all from the other world? I’ve never seen creatures like you so there’s no way you seven are Digimon.”

“You’re right. We’re not Digimon. We’re mutants. And we’re from another earth.” Leo admitted.

“I see. What brings you all to the Digital World?”

“We came to deal with a computer virus that originated here and is affecting our home. We were waiting for The Digidestined when we heard you guys.” Leo explained.

Leomon’s eyes widened. “You know the Digidestined?”

“Yes. They came to our dimension and helped us a couple months ago.” Sunset added.

Just then, April felt a vibe in her head and smiled. “Guys! They’re here!”

Shine Boy pulled out his periscope and converted it into binoculars and looked through them and pointed. “There! I see them!”

Sure enough, ascending from the sky was the Digidestined on their flying Digimon. They were joined by the older Digidestined.

“Hey guys!” Davis called to them.

When they landed, Their Digimon reverted to their rookie forms and the groups greeted each other.

“Leo! Shine Boy! Long time no see!” Davis greeted the two leaders.

“It’s good to see you again, Davis.” Leo high fived him.

“It has been a long time.” Shine Boy added as he patted Veemon on the head.

Veemon then went to shake Spike’s paw. “Hiya, Spike!”

“How’s it hanging, Veemon?” The dog smiled.

“Oh you know. Same old same old.”

Twilight knelt down to pet Agumon. “Hey, Agumon.”

“Hi, Twilight.” The dinosaur greeted.

“How’s it going, Tai?” Sunset smiled.

“Doing great, Sunset.” Tai grinned.

“Hey, Raph!” Matt locked fist with the hot-headed turtle.

“Matt! Good to see you again.” Raph grinned.

“Hello, Gabumon.” Fluttershy hugged the furry Digimon.

“Greetings, Fluttershy.” Gabumon hugged back.

“Rarity!” Mimi greeted by embracing.

“Hi, Mimi!” Rarity hugged back before looking at her partner. “And how’s Palmon?”

“I’m great!” the plant replied.

“So cute!” Sweetie Belle cooed as Rarity introduce her.

“Mimi, Palmon, this is my sister, Sweetie Belle.”

“Hi! Aren’t you adorable?” Mimi smiled.

“Thanks. I like your outfit.” Sweetie complimented.

“Hey, Gamer. Love Shine.” Cody shook hands with Gamer as Armadillomon jumped in the handshake.


“Hey, Cody! Hey, Armadillomon!” Gamer greeted.

“Good to see you guys too.” Love Shine added.

“Hi, Shinigami!” Yolei smiled as she and Shini embraced.

“Hello, Yolei. Hawkmon.” Shini acknowledged Yolei’s partner.

“Great to see you, Shinigami.” The bird smiled.

“Indeed.” Shine Girl smiled as Yolei hugged her next.

“Hey, Donatello.” Izzy walked up to Donnie with Tentomon flying next to them.

“Hey, Izzy. Tentomon.” Donnie greeted back.

“Good to see you again.” Tentomon chimed in.

“What up, TK?” Mikey high fived him followed by Casey and Rainbow.

“Hey, Mikey. Casey. Rainbow.” TK smiled.

“Great to see ya.” Rainbow added.

Casey then turned to TK’s buddy, Patamon. “Sup, Patamon?”

“Great to see ya.” The small Digimon greeted.

Rainbow let Scootaloo walk up to them. “TK, this here’s Scootaloo. She’s my numero uno fan and I’m her honorary sister who we’re training to be a ninja.”

“Pleased to meet ya, Scootaloo.” TK smiled as he shook her hand.

“Likewise.” Scootaloo grinned back.

“Hey Kari. How’s it going?” April smiled.

“April! I’m doing great! How about you?” Kari shook April’s hand. As they shook, April felt a small vibe about Kari, but quickly shook it off as she turned to Kari’s Digimon partner. “I’m doing great. How are you, Gatomon?”

“Doing good.” The cat responded.

“Hey, Applejack.” Joe greeted the cowgirl.

“Hey, Joe. It’s great to see ya again.” Applejack greeted. “This is my sister Applebloom.” She pointed to the CMC who was petting Gomamon.

“Nice to meet you, Applebloom. Glad you’re not afraid of Gomamon.” Joe smiled.

“You too, Joe. And Gomamon is so cute!” Applebloom smiled as she stroked Gomamon’s head.

“Yeah, I don’t bite. Only if you’re something edible or a bad guy then I do.” The marine Digimon joked.

“Sora!” Pinkie cheered as she hugged her.

“Great to see you again, Pinkie!” Sora smiled after the party girl released her and she hugged Fugitoid. “You too, Professor.”

“Indeed! Always happy to help. And hug!” Fugitoid smiled as he also hugged Biyomon.

“Absolutely!” chirped Biyomon.

Karai walked up to Ken. “How’s it hanging, Ken?” she asked, petting Wormon.

“Always happy to see you, Karai.” The former Digimon Emperor grinned.

“Always.” Wormon nodded as shook with Keno.

Karai then presented Starlight, Bebop, and Rocksteady. “Ken, allow me to introduce my coworkers who used to work for Shredder like me, Anton Zeck and Ivan Steranko.”

“We go by Bebop and Rocksteady! And we good guys now.” Bebop assured.

“And this is Starlight Glimmer. She’s from Equestria.”

“Nice to meet you.” Starlight shook Ken’s hand.

“You too. Karai told me about you.” Ken smiled. “It’s good to see others who went through what I did.”

“Da. Welcome to club, comrade!” Rocksteady patted his shoulder.

The Digidestined then noticed their old Digimon allies.

“Leomon! Ogremon!” Tai smiled.

“’Sup?” Ogremon smiled.

“It is good to see you all again.” Leomon greeted.

Mimi and Joe hugged him. “We haven’t seen you since you reconfigured after our fight with MetalEtemon.” Joe smiled.

“Indeed it has been too long. After the defeat of the Dark Masters, it took me years to be fully reconfigure and digivolve. I had stayed on File Island until I regained my full strength. Of course, being reconfigured meant I lost the ability to digivolve into SaberLeomon. I had heard about the Digimon Emperor and wanted to help but wasn’t able to help. I was sparring with Ogremon to work on getting back into shape when we met your friends here.”

Izzy nodded as he got straight to business. “Gennai emailed me and told us about the virus affecting your world.”

“Yeah. That same virus is affecting our world too.” Yolei confirmed.

“Wonder if it’s affecting other worlds?” Keno pondered.

“If it is, then it’s all the more reason to stop it.” Shine Boy stated.

“Gennai wants us to come to his place. He has a couple ideas about the virus and might have something to help us.” Tai suggested.

“Then we better get moving!” Leo advised.

“I can help.” Leomon confirmed. “I think I’ve been on the sidelines long enough.”

“Great! We could use the help!” Davis thumbed up.

“I’m going too!” Ogremon boasted. “Just to make sure you don’t die again before we have our rematch!”

“Of course.” Leomon nodded, unfazed.

“Whatever.” Night Shine mumbled as the group began to walk to their destination.


Meanwhile, in a hidden base near the mountains, Gem Knights were either standing or setting up equipment, Princess Lewej was smashing things left and right in a fit.

“They will pay!” she growled, smashing a table. “THEY WILL PAY!”

“Of course, they will, Lewej.” Out from the shadows came a black figure in a grey cloak with a pointed hood that covered his entire face except his two glowing red eyes. “These Ninjas and Rainbooms will pay for teaming up with Shine Boy and defeating my nephew.” He hissed as he crushed his drink.

“Once Gladitron salvages from the portal wreckage, we will continue where we left off, Chaos Mage.” Lewej glared.

Just then, Mortar walked up. “Your highness, Gladitron is ready to return.”

“Activate the portal!” cried Lewej.

A Gem Knight at a control panel activated a portal. From the portal, Gladitron walked through with Gem Knight carrying salvaged equipment and mutagen.

“I trust you salvaged enough?” Lewej glared.

“We have, your highness, and someone.” Gladitron bowed.

“Someone?” Lewej looked to the portal and gasped. Emerging from the portal was a familiar villain with a tattered red cape and torn up clothes.

“I’m back, my love!” he growled.

“Ripley!” Lewej gasped.

The Chaos Mage just walked up. “Hello, nephew.”


Shortly, Ripley was redressed in his regular wear, only his cape was blood red, polishing his gold helmet as he asked, “How much was salvaged from the portal?”

Gladitron stood by reporting, “A lot of equipment was salvaged and fixable. The tech support is fixing the fixable stuff right now. We also salvaged a dozen canisters of mutagen as well as Stockman’s blueprints and notes.”

“Any word from Dr. Stockman?”

Lewej spoke up. “We’ve lost contact with the good doctor. From what I heard, he tried to join some group called VILE of whatever.”

“No matter. It’s his loss. What about Devimon?” Ripley asked as he put on his helmet.

“I’m afraid he was destroyed by the heroes when they destroyed the portal.” Lewej growled.

“No matter.” Ripley spoke. “Devimon was the first step of my master plan.”

“And what pray tell would that be?” The Chaos Mage sneered.

Ripley looked as the red eyes of his helmet glowed. “Mutating an army Digimon!”

To be continued

New Friend. Old Enemy?

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The Ninjas, Rainbooms, Bebop, Rocksteady, Starlight, CMCs, Team Shine, and Digidestined were continuing their way to Gennai’s place to learn more about this virus affecting their worlds. They were telling Leomon and Ogremon of their first adventure together from their training to their climatic fight with Devimon.

“So this Ripley guy used the very mutagen that made you guys who you are to revive Devimon?” Ogremon asked.

“Yep. He got the mutagen from our enemy, Baxter Stockman. The mutagen itself was from an alien race called the Kraang.” Mikey explained.

“Well, I used to work for Devimon. And I tell ya he’s a real jerk! Especially after the way he turned me into gears and absorbed them into his body!” Ogremon huffed.

Starlight walked up to him. “So, Ogremon, how did you redeem yourself?”

“Well, I was fighting other Digimon when the Dark Masters took over when a giant meteor crashed near me which injured me. When I woke up, Mimi and Joe found me and treated my wounds.”

“I was fed up with fighting back then, so I needed a break.” Mimi sighed. “Joe stayed with me to protect me while the others fought the Dark Masters.”

Mikey leaned up to Joe. “Well well well. I wonder why’s that?”

Blushing, Joe pushed him away. “Please! It was nothing like that! Tai needed to lead the others and Matt had to get his act together, so I was seemingly the best choice to stay with Mimi. We’re just good friends.”

Ogremon continued. “Anyway, because they were the first and only ones who ever showed me kindness before so I swore I’d repay them by helping against the Dark Masters.”

“Well, comrade, we can relate to what you went through.” Rocksteady patted his shoulder.

Ogremon nodded. “So, you guys worked for this Shredder guy?”

“Well, we had a little…..persuasion, mainly this!” Bebop bit his lip, pointing to himself.

“Hard to believe a guy named after a kitchen utensil was actually very tough!” Ogremon pondered.

“Well, he wasn’t something to sneeze at.” Casey warned.

Meanwhile, Leomon was also getting acquainted with the Ninjas and Rainbooms as well. “So, you all were trained to be ninjas?”

“Yes. Our late father, Splinter, trained us since we were young.” Leo explained.

“While the rest of us came by fate and were given the chance to train.” Sunset added.

“I would like to see you guys in action.” Leomon admitted.

“I’m sure we’ll have time to train after we meet with Gennai.” Shine Boy promised.

“And we should join in for old time’s sake.” Davis spoke for his friends.

“That is part of the plan. I’m glad to hear you all have been practicing.” Leo smiled.

“Well, it did seem like a waste if we stopped. Especially if we faced someone like those Gem Knights again.” TK confessed.

“Even my grandpa was amazed how much my ninja training improved my kendo.” Cody added.

“Yeah, after what Matt and Izzy told me, I’m curious to see you guys in action.” Tai grinned.

“Here we are!” Izzy called.

Everyone looked to see they arrived at a lake.

Sunset looked around to see no buildings in sight. “Uh.. where is Gennai’s place?”

“Right there.” Tentomon pointed to the lake.

“He lives…. In a lake?” Applebloom pieced together.

“I guess so.” Gamer calculated.

“You’re joking, right?” Karai raised a brow.

“Maybe it’s a subterranean establishment.” Donnie figured.

“Must be hard to get pizza or takeout around here.” Shine Boy joked.

“That’s what I thought too at first.” Joe smiled.

“So what? He has a yellow submarine to take us there?” Night Shine griped.

“Maybe we have to swim down there.” Mikey figured before jumping into the water. “Cannonball!”

His splash was so big it narrowly missed Rarity but hit Raph and Ogremon.

“MIKEY!” Raph yelled.

Ogremon however just spat. “Well, I did work up a sweat sparring with Leomon, so thank you?”

“Come on in, guys! The water’s fine!” Mikey swam around.

Suddenly, the water began to glow and bubble where the turtle was.

“Mikey get outta there!” Rainbow gasped.

“it’s okay.” Sora assured.

Then, the lake split in two, revealing a stairwell that Mikey now stood.

“Guess you were right about him living in a subterranean home, Donnie.” Starlight shrugged.

“Looks that way.” The smart turtle concluded.

“Well, we better head down there. I’m sure Gennai’s waiting for us.” Twilight spoke. And they all started to head down.


When they arrived at the bottom, they found and old Japanese household. The Ninjas, Allies, Rainbooms, CMCs, and Team Shine were amazed.

“Wow! I always wanted to see an old-fashioned Japanese house up close. This is so cool!” Shine Boy awed.

“It’s like being in one of those old samurai movies.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Reminds me of home.” Shini said happily.

“Minus the water walls left and right.” Keno pointed to the parted lake.

“On the plus side, it saves me the trouble of watering the plants.” Everyone looked over to see Gennai walk up to the group. “It is good to see you all again.”

“It is good to see you again too, Gennai.” Leo shook his hand.

“Sorry it’s not on better terms.” Shine Boy added.

Gennai nodded. “Indeed. I’ve been noticing the virus shortly before Bishop called me. Come on inside and we’ll discuss it over tea.”

Soon, they were all in Gennai’s house enjoying tea and biscuits. Even Leomon, Ogremon, and Rocksteady were able to fit inside as the lake closed up again. As they looked at the windows, they saw fish swimming by.

“It’s like having your own private aquarium!” Applebloom awed.

Fluttershy was enjoying them the most. “A European Bass, a pink Salmon, and a swordfish!” she then pulled out a sheet and wrote in it. “Three more for my exotic fish Bingo sheet.”

“They have bingo for that?” Yolei asked.

“Something I do with my animal loving friends.” The shy girl smiled.

“What’s next? Exotic bird bingo?” Night Shine joked.

“Actually, that’s in April.” Fluttershy pointed out to the antihero’s surprise.

“But those are saltwater fish. How can they live in a lake?” Twilight straightened her glasses.

Gennai walked in with some biscuits. “I usually feed them salty pretzels and popcorn.”

“Makes sense.” Pinkie shrugged while Twilight raised a brow at her.

“Remember, we’re in another world, Twilight. Things were tended to be different here.” April reminded her.

“Very fascinated.” Donnie smiled.

Mikey looked at a picture of the Digidestined when they defeated Apocylamon and saw an old man with them. “Hey, Gennai, who’s that? Is that your dad?”

“Believe it or not, Michelangelo, that was me four years ago.”

Blinking, Mikey looked at the picture and then Gennai back and forth before chuckling. “You look great for your age.”

Rarity was equally surprised. “Must know a really know a great surgeon.”

“Actually, it was some Digi vitamins. You see I’m a being who lives in the Digital World. I’m like data only not an actual Digimon because I have no attributes.”

“Attributes?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“They’re types of Categories. Data, Vaccine, and Virus.”

“I’m gonna take a guess and say Virus types are mostly evil Digimon?” Starlight guessed.

“That is correct, Starlight.” Gennai confirmed.

“You’re with one right now.” Starlight wide eyed before turning to Ogremon and chuckled nervously.

“I didn’t mean any offense by that.”

Ogremon waved it off. “I can’t deny my past. Besides, I’m used to it.”

“Now then, down to business.” Gennai pulled out a fan as a big screen slowly descended, showing a map. “I’ve been trying to pinpoint the source of the virus and it seems to be originating here!” he pointed the fan to dot on the map. “I had just checked the surveillances of that area and just noticed these.” Gennai then pulled up a screen of a recording showing some familiar figures. “I believe you may recognize these guys, Shine Boy?”

Shine Boy gasped. “Gem Knights!”

“Lewej must’ve escaped to the Digital World after we defeated her last.” April figured.

“Along with Gladitron and her forces.” Gamer added.

“You don’t think Ripley survived as well, do you?” Kari asked.

“I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised.” Shine Boy clenched his fists.

“What about Maxer Brockman?” Davis asked.

Everyone looked at him confused. “Who?” Leo asked.

“I mean Dexter Locksman.”

“Come again?” Applejack raised her brow.

“Derek Sockman? Daryl blockhead?”

Davis kept guessing before Ken politely silent him. “Do you mean Baxter Stockman?”

“Isn’t that what I said?”

“He really needs a nametag if everyone keeps mispronouncing his name.” grumbled Night Shine.

“I don’t think so, Davis. Last we faced him; he was dealing with a criminal group called VILE.” Donnie recalled.

“Least we haven’t seen him for a while.” Bebop agreed.

“Well, either way, we better be ready to face them again.” Leo stated.

“And the sooner we stop them, the sooner we can stop this virus.” Tai added.

“Then we better get going.” Shine Boy got up as everyone agreed.

Gennai spoke up. “Before you all go, I may have something that might help.”

He led them to the other room and took out a big case. “Years ago, before the Dark Masters threatened the Digital World, six warriors tapped into the powers of ancient Digimon and manned armor and powers to defeat an ancient evil. In order to prevent it from returning, they sacrificed themselves and are said to be watching over the Digital World as legends. Azulongmon created these based on that legend.” He then opened up the case, revealing six objects that looked like Armor Digieggs. Four were shaped like different colored turtle shells while one red with a line that looked like Bebop’s vizor and the other was grey with rhino like horns.

“Are those Armor Digi Eggs?” Davis asked.

“In a way, they are. But these can be used by not only by Digimon but other beings as well. I recommend letting mutants try them because of your body structures making you sturdier. If tried out on humans, they might strain your bodies to life threatening situations. Since you’re half human half mutant, Karai, it might strain your body too.”

“I see.” Karai understood.

“I originally was gonna have the Turtles use four of them, but I believe Bebop and Rocksteady can use the other two.”

“We get to use one of those?” Bebop gasped in awe.

“Get big upgrade.” Rocksteady jawdropped.

The turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady each took an egg. Leo took a blue and silver shell, Donnie took a green, purple, and yellow one, Raph grabbed the cyan and white egg with a red mark, Mikey accepted the gold and purple egg, Bebop took the egg with the visor and Rocksteady took the egg with horns.

Raph then spoke up. “How do they work?”

“Oh! Oh! I know!” Mikey beamed. “I saw the Digidestined do this.” He stood up, held up his egg, and shouted, “Digi Armor Energize!”

After a couple minutes of nothing happening, Mikey opened his eyes and looked at his egg. “Uh…. Helloooo? I said Digi Armor Energize!” He kept shaking his egg, trying different poses, even took a megaphone from Pinkie and shouted, “DIGI ARMOR ENERGIZE! YOU HEAR ME!”, Then he set it on the table and glared at it, then tried to open it before finally falling down in defeat. As everyone looked down at him, Rainbow asked, “You done?”

“Yeah. I am.” Mikey groaned.

Gennai then cleared his throat while trying to hide a laugh. “I was going to say for your question, Raphael, is Azulongmon said that you must search in your spirit to execute the evolution.”

“Glad I asked.” Raph grumbled.

“That is something you’re gonna have to figure out on your own. Also, don’t take em for granted. They may give out on you.”

“We promise, Gennai.” Leo nodded before Leomon spoke.

“I’ve been analyzing the map and the closest to where the enemy is the Primary Village. We can head there for refuge.”

“What’s the Primary Village?” Casey asked.

“It’s the place where Digimon are born and raised.” TK explained. “You might like it a lot, Fluttershy. There are a lot of baby Digimon.”

“Really?” Fluttershy went wide eyed.

“If it’s close to where Ripley and Lewej are, then they might strike there.” Sunset realized.

“Then let’s head over!” Tai declared.

As they all left, Gennai waved goodbye to them. “Good luck, everyone. If I learn anything new, I’ll email through Izzy’s laptop.”


After they left the underwater home, the group had their own meeting as they walked in the forest.

“So what do we do now?” Scootaloo asked.

“What do you mean, Scootaloo?” Sora raised her brow.

“I mean, how we gonna take on these bad guys and stop the virus?”

Night Shine walked by cracking his knuckles. “Nothing a little tail whooping can’t fix.”

“Looks like we’re gonna continue you guys’ training.” Karai smiled.

“You guys still have the weapons we gave you last time?” Sunset asked.

“You bet.” Davis grinned as he held up his tribiton followed by Yolei, Cody, Ken, TK, and Kari with their weapons.

“And I have a feeling we may need some help.” Shine Boy pondered out loud.

Leo nodded then turned to Tai and the older Digidestined. “While we work with Davis and the others, we would be more than happy to give you guys the same basic ninja training we gave Davis and the others from last time. But the choice is yours.”

“I say let’s do it!” Tai thumbed up. “Always thought ninjas were cool.”

“Count me in!” Matt smiled. “I’d like a rematch with Gladitron after the way he hurt me and Gabumon last time.”

“I’ll give it a shot.” Sora confirmed.

“Sounds prodigious!” Izzy beamed.

“I was never big on fighting in the old days, and many friends have paid for that. But not this time. so, I’m in.” Mimi boldly stood.

“As a doctor in training, I don’t think I’m a capable fighter myself.” Joe sighed.

Fluttershy walked up to him and patted his shoulder. “I felt that way when I started. But when they told me that ninjutsu is more than about fighting, and about being wise and resourceful, I was able to take the chance and become a ninja.”

Joe smiled at the shy girl’s words. “Well, if it’ll make me more reliable, then I can’t let you guys have all the fun.”

“You’ve all made wise decision.” Karai looked at the six with a smile.

“I could use the practice to see you all in action and see how you all measure up.” Leomon added.

Soon, they all left the forest and were trailing a desert area. It wasn’t long before they found a good area to practice.

“This looks like a good spot to begin.” Leo inspected before looking at the group. “Okay, Sunset, Shine Boy, Karai, Twilight, and I will show moves to the older Digidestined. Donnie, Raph, Keno, and April, you guys have Davis and the others spar with each other.”

“You got it, Leo.” April nodded.

“Alright. Let’s begin!”

Before long, everyone was hard at work in their training. Leo and Karai led Tai and the others in basic katas while Sunset, Shine Boy, and Twilight corrected any mistakes they’ve done. Back with the others, they were taking turns sparring one on one. Davis walked up and prepared to spar with Applebloom.

“Okay, Applebloom. Don’t expect me to go easy on you because I’m more experienced!” He bragged.

“Long as you don’t mind me doing the same.” Applebloom grinned.

“Careful, Davis! Applebloom’s got the same amount of experience!” April warned.

“Remember, Sugarcube! Keep your guard up!” Applejack called out.

Yolei whispered to Casey. “Five bucks say Applebloom creams Davis.”

“You’re on!” Casey shook on it.

Raph stepped up and threw his arm down like a referee. “Begin!”

Davis charged and tried to strike Applebloom with his tribaton only for the young cowgirl to dodge as well as deflect some hits with her tanto blade. After dodging hits, Applebloom ducked down and did a sweep kick, knocking the spikey haired Digidestined to fall down. Before he could recoil, Applebloom held her blade near his chest.

As everyone laughed, Davis gulped. “I don’t what your sister had for breakfast, Applejack, but I could use some!”

“Me too!” Veemon cheered, misunderstanding the sarcasm.

Applebloom helped him up. “Still, you got some good moves.”

“Yeah. You too.” Davis smiled.

“Called it!” Yolei gestured to Casey who shrugged as he gave her five dollars.

“Eh. Still fun to watch.”

Next to spar was T.K. and Rainbow. Both fought staff to staff until T.K. pole jumped over Rainbow and held her in a full nelson. He let her go shortly after.

“Nice move there, T.K.!” she complimented.

“Yeah. It was a move Leo taught me last time. Been perfecting it for a while.” The Digidestined smiled.

As T.K. went to sit down as Yolei got up to spar with Shine Girl, April walked up to him.

“Nice move.”

“Thanks.” T.K. thanked.

April took a deep breath. “T.K. could I ask you something?”

“What’s up, April?”

April made sure she was quiet about it. “Is something wrong with Kari? She feels a little…. Off.”

T.K. looked over to Kari who had a depressed look on her face before shakin it off as she got up to spar with Sweetie Belle. He did a double take and somehow began to see through her smile. “Now that you mentioned it, I’ve seen her like this!”

“What happened?”

“Okay, I don’t mind answering that, but I would like to tell Leo, Shine Boy, and Sunset as well if it’s what I think it is.”

April pondered before smiling. “Okay. When we’re done training, we’ll tell them. And we’ll keep it to ourselves.”

“Thanks, April.” T.K. grinned as he watched Kari hesitating during her spar with Sweetie Belle while acting like nothing was wrong.

I hope we’re not too late, he thought.

Meanwhile, Leomon was sitting next to Rarity and Applejack watching the spars. “Your sisters are pretty skilled for their young age.”

“Yeah they are.” Applejack agreed.

“Though at first, we forbid them from training for their safety. While Rainbow Dash is Scootaloo’s honorary sister and she was okay with it, we forced her to Pinkie promise not to.” Rarity continued.

“Mikey and Keno secretly gave them training before we found out, but when they helped us against an old enemy and we remembered something our sensei told us once, we decided that they’ve earned our trust and let them train with us.” Applejack added.

“I think you made the right choice.” Leomon admitted. “One day, your sisters will face danger on their own without your guidance and it’s best to train them while they are still young and have potential.”

“You know, a wise butler told me something similar.” Rarity admitted, remembering Alfred Pennyworth.

After a while, both groups took a quick breather.

“Boy, you Digidestined would’ve been a handful if you fought like that!” Ogremon blinked.

“Glad to see you guys keeping up.” Leo smiled.

“You guys are doing good on your end too.” Sunset smiled at Tai and the older Digidestined.

“Whoo! That was tough!” Tai stretched.

“That got my blood going.” Izzy panted.

“Reminds me of my stretches at Tennis.” Sora nodded.

“Hopefully, we’ll be able to keep up with you guys and not in your way.” Joe breathed.

“Keep training with us and I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Karai patted his shoulder.

“You guys ever thought about making your own workout video?” Mimi joked.

Everyone laughed when suddenly April felt her head.

“April?” Starlight noticed.

“There’s something big nearing us!”

Leomon went wide eyed as he quickly got up. “Everyone! We gotta move! NOW!”

Everyone hurried away to see sand sinking in the ground, then emerging from the ground was a giant blue T-Rex creature. Its right arm was a metal Dino head and it’s left was a skull head.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING?” hollered Keno.

“Oh no! It’s Deltamon!” Tentomon shuddered as he explained. “Deltamon is a Composition Digimon. It was fused from three Digimon, and although each of them had existed as separate Digimon, due to a computer running wild after it was struck by a storm's electromagnetic waves, they were forced to fuse by a computer bug. It is said that since this Digimon, which possesses three heads and two tails, specializes in tripartite attacks that capitalize on its body's traits, it is even able to fight against three Digimon as if they were one.”

Ken looked at it in shame. “I remember having him under control as the Digimon Emperor.”

“Oh yeah! That day we learned that you were the Digimon Emperor.” Davis recalled.

“I uh don’t suppose he’s forgiven you yet, Ken?” Donnie sweated.

“Fraid not!” Leomon shook his head. “Deltamon are very vicious! They only come out of hiding if they’re either challenged or hungry!”

Mikey turned accusingly at Raph and Night Shine. “Raph! Night Shine! Which one of you challenged him?”

“WHAT?” Raph took a back.

“Yes, Mikey, I purpose knew that three headed lizard was underground and decided- IT’S UP HERE CAUSE IT’S HUNGRY YOU DOPE!” Night Shine protested.

“And it probably thinks we’re dinner!” shivered Sweetie Belle as she hid behind Rarity.

“Then there is only one logical course of action.” Gamer stated.

“I hope it’s running away.” Twilight guessed.

“Like CRAZY!” Gamer shouted as everyone began run from Deltamon.

Rocksteady however stood his ground which Bebop noticed.

“Cmon, Ivan baby! Let’s get outta here!” he pleaded to his buddy trying to budge him.

“Feh! The Rocksteady never runs from challenge!”

Deltamon responded by roaring at the rhino’s face.

“But in this case, I make exception!” Rocksteady cried as he grabbed Bebop and runs like heck.

“You nuts?” Ogremon called as he ran by the duo. “Even I’m not crazy to fight him!”

“Over here!” Rainbow led everyone behind a big rock ledge as they all hid from Deltamon.

“That’s great and all, Rainbow, but now how do we shake him off now?” Yolei griped.

“Yeah, he’s definitely not giving up so soon.” Scootaloo peeked to see Deltamon looking for them.

Leo pondered before looking towards the group. “You guys make your way to The Primary Village. I’ll hold him off as long as I can!”

“What?” everyone gasped.

“Leo! No!” Twilight pleaded.

“I’ll go with you.” Shine Boy was about to walk over before Leo held him back.

“No, Shine Boy. If anything happens to me, you and Davis will have to lead the others.”

After hesitating, Shine Boy nodded. “Fine. I won’t stop you, but don’t make me regret this.”

Leo nodded back before looking out to Deltamon. “Once I get his attention, you all run for it.” He instructed before jumping out shouting. “Hey! Over here!”

Deltamon roared when he spotted the lead turtle. As he started to stomp towards him, Leo ran leading him away.

As they watched, Shine Boy then spoke. “Now’s our chance. Move!” They left their hiding spot. Twilight looked back to see Leo continuing to lead Deltamon away from them.

“Leo…” she worried.

Sunset hurried to her. “Don’t look back, Twilight! C’mon.” she began to pull her towards the group.

Deltamon tried to strike at Leo, who dodged and struck with his katana blade. Deltamon roared in pain before opening all three of his mouths and fired a big blast, sending Leo falling off a cliff nearby.

Twilight unfortunately noticed. “NOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Her scream got Deltamon’s attention and the Digimon began stomping towards the group.

“He spotted us!” Applebloom gasped.

“I wonder why.” Night Shine glared at Twilight.

Davis walked up with Ken and T.K. “Leave this to us. We’ll handle him.”

“Right! Good luck!” Shine Boy said as the three held up their Digivices.


“Veemon Armor Digivolve to…. Flamedramon! The Fire of Courage!”

“Patamon Digivolve to….. Angemon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to…. Stingmon!”

“Let’s get’em! For Leo!” T.K. cried.

“For Leo!” The Digimon cried before jumping to the attack.


Leo screamed as he fell down the cliff. Then suddenly, he began to glow. He then noticed his Digi Egg was glowing just as bright. As the glow engulfed his entire body, Leo heard a voice that repeated the riddle Gennai told him.

“You must search in your spirit to execute the evolution.”

“Search in my Spirit…” Leo pondered before his eyes began to glow just as bright. As his body began to get covered in silver and black armor, He began to float back up the cliff as he shouted,


His head was then cover in a chrome helmet with four triangular diadems as he flew up.





Flamedramon, Stingmon, and Angemon were blasting Deltamon with everything they got. Deltamon roared as he recoiled.

“Now we got him!” Davis glared.

T.K. then noticed something by the cliff. “Guys look!”

Everyone looked at the cliff to see an armored turtle fly up. He then flew at Deltamon and punched him away.

Twilight jawdropped. “L-Leo?”

The turtle looked at her and gave a thumbs up, showing it was Leo in his new armor.

“Is that…. His new armor?” Sunset asked as Leo continued to fight Deltamon.

“Whoa!” awed Mikey.

“I gotta get me one of those.” Ogremon grumbled.

“I can’t wait to try mine now.” Raph admitted.

Leo then drew his katana blade which took a different shape and glowed blue. As he slashed at Deltamon, his swords shot energy waves that caused the giant Digimon to recoil in pain. He then opened his mouths again, firing a blast at Leo again. When the smoke cleared, Leo was seen unscratched.

“Awesome!” Rainbow and Scootaloo cheered.

“Amazing.” Leomon gasped.

“Get him, Leo!” Davis grinned.

“Time to-” Suddenly, Leo knelt down grunting in pain and began to glow. His armor began to disappear in the light. “No! not now!”

“Something’s wrong!” Gamer cried.

“Well, Gennai did say these new armors could give out at any time!” Donnie recalled.

Soon, when Leo stopped glowing, he was back to normal. As he caught his breath, Deltamon stomped up to him.

“Leo! Look out! He’s coming!” Tai called.

Flamedramon, Stingmon, and Angemon hurried in front of Leo.

“Don’t worry. We’ll take it from here!” Angemon told Leo as they prepared to fight while Raph and Shine Boy hurried over to grab Leo out of there.

Deltamon was about to fire again when suddenly a voice cried out:


and a large laser beam shot and hit Deltamon right smack in the face, knocking him down somewhat.

"Holy Chalupa!" Mikey cried out. "That was one powerful laser!"

Izzy then turned towards the direction the beam came from. "But who did it?"

Everyone turned to see a large figure approach, floating towards the scene. It obviously was another Digimon, as big as Greymon, but longer. IT looked like a giant cocoon with eyes, a red horn coming out of the head and six tentacles coming from it's back, each ending in a blade.

But what really caught everyone's attention was the boy on it's shoulder. He was probably 15 years old, with dark skin, black hair and green eyes with peach fuzz on his lip.. He was slightly overweight and wearing a green shirt with a lightning bolt on it. He had a large goofy grin on his face, revealing that he had small fangs. In his hand he was holding a digivice.

The boy laughed and pointed at Deltamon. "Let's get him, buddy! Go Chrysalimon!" He yelled at the Digimon he was riding on. The large, cocoon-like Digimon nodded. "Time to be heroes!" It shouted.

Deltamon Roared in response with all three heads. It then charged at Chrysalimon, who charged at it in retaliation. "Data Crusher!" he yelled,, and whipped his tentacles at Deltamon, stabbing it;s two heads on it;s arms with the bladed tips, causing Deltamon to roar in pain.

Meanwhile, everyone was in shock at the scene unfolding.

"Who is that? " Ken asked."

Ogremon shrugged. "Don't know, but he seems to be on our side."

Leo then managed to rise to his feet with the help of Raph and Shine Boy. "Whoever he is, he came in the nick of time. " Shine Boy said.

Mikey and April stared cheering on the new arrivals. April then turned to Tai. "Looks like we got reinforcements. Right, Tai? Tai?" She looked at Tai who had a nervous look on his face. "Tai, what's wrong?" she asked.

Tai shook his head. "I'm not sure. Something about that Digimon seems awfully familiar, and for some reason, I don’t like it. It's weird."

Matt nodded. "I feel it too."

Mikey then shrugged. "You must be imagining things! This Kid is definitely Digidestined like you dudes! I mean, look at him! He's got a digivice and Digimon partner!"

Soon Crysalimon attacked Deltamon so much that the three headed Digimon buried back underground. When it was gone, Leomon and Sunset walked up to the newcomers as the lion spoke.

“We can’t thank you enough, friends.”

“We owe you our lives.” Sunset added.

“Who are you?” Sora asked.

The boy smiled and gave a thumbs up. "My name is Joshua Garrett. Nice to meet you all! " He then motioned to the others. "I see you guys are Digidestined like me!"

His eyes grew big with excitement. "This is SO COOL!" he shouted. "I never thought I'd meet other Digidestined kids like me! I didn't even know there were others!"

Davis walked up to him. "You should probably know, but we discovered there are Digidestined kids all around the world, actually."

This surprised the group. Donatello was the first to speak up."You mean there are more? How do you know this?"

Izzy nodded. "It was when we still had to deal with MaloMyotismon's forces. Evil Digimon were popping up all over the globe in the real world. We had to split up and send them back to the Digital World, and work with new Digidestined kids in each part of the world. "

Pinkie then ate some of her sprinkles, which exploded in her mouth and caused smoke to come out of her ears. "Mind blown!" she said.

Joshua chuckled. "Same here! This is very exciting! " he then motioned to his Digimon partner. "This is my partner. Or at least his champion stage. " he said.

Chrysalimon then began to shrink down back to his rookie form. When he did, All Digidestined present, as well as their Digimon partners stared in shock, with the exception of Davis, Cody, Yolei and Ken.

Standing before them was a smallish Digimon with a bulbous head with big eyes and a large mouth with two entennas. He had long floppy arms with large hands. Where his body and legs should be was a bunch of tentacles.

He smiled and waved. "Hi! My name is Keramon! Nice to meet ya! Hey, Josh? Am I seeing things or are there four giant turtles and a pig and rhino?"

"No, I see them too. Are you guys some new type of Digimon?"

Leo smiled. “No actually we’re mutants from another world. I’m Leonardo.”

“I’m Michelangelo. What up?”


“I’m Raphael.”

“I’m April O’Neil.”

“Names Casey Jones.”

“I am Karai Hamato.”

“I am Shinigami.”

“My names Keno.”

“I go by Bebop! This is Rocksteady.”

“Da. Together we are the Bebop and Rocksteady!”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“Name’s Rainbow Dash!”

“I’m Twilight Sparkle and this is my dog, Spike.”


“I’m Applejack.”

“I am Rarity. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Pinkie Pie. Party extraordinaire!”

“I’m Fluttershy.”

“My name is Starlight Glimmer.”

“I’m Applebloom.”

“I’m Sweetie Belle.”

“And I’m Scootaloo.”

“I am professor Zayton Honeycutt. But you can call me Fugitoid.”

“I’m Shine Boy.”

“Gamer. Shine Boy’s brother and partner.”

“Call me Love Shine.”

“I go by Shine Girl.”

“Names Luke. And if anybody tells him to call me Night Shine, I’ll smack em!”

Josh chuckled. "I gotta say, you all look cool. "

Keramon nodded in agreement. "Yeah! You guys look like you know how to par-tay!"

Mikey and Pinkie grinned. "We sure do!" the yelled in unison.

Josh then pointed to the rest of the group. "So, who are the rest of you? "

Keramon walked up to the group and held out his hand. "Hi! Nice to meet ya!" he grinned. "You all look really strong!"

Davis walked up. "Yeah we are! I'm Davis and this is Veemon."

"Yiya!" Veemon greeted.

"I'm Cody and this is Armadillomon."


"My name is Yolei and this is my partner Hawkmon."


"I'm Ken and this is my buddy Wormmon."


April and Shine Boy noticed some of the older Digidestined looked cautious at the newcomers, especially Tai. breathing, T.K. walked up to Josh and smiled.

"Call me T.K. and this is Patamon."


Keramon stepped up and smiled, causing TK to back up a little. "HI! I'm Keramon! Ooh! A Patamon! Holy Digimon are so rare to find! Wassup, buddy?"

Patamon looked at him nervously, then held up his paw. "Hi." he said. I'm Pata-" Patamon was stopped min-sentence when Keramon scooped him up in his arms and gave him a tight squeeze. "OOOOH! SO CUTE!" he cried out.

Joshua chuckled. "Pardon Keramon. He has a weakness for cute things. He sees something cute and he just has to either pet it or hug it."

Patamon's eyes bulged as he was tightly hugged. "Can't...breathe!" he choked, causing Keramon to drop him. "Sorry about that, little guy!" Keramon said. "I tend to forget my own strength."

"I can related." Fluttershy smiled, petting Keramon.

"I'm Leomon. it is nice to me you."

"Name's Ogremon."

Night Shine looked at the rest of the Digidestined annoyed and gestured them to go say hello. Sunset and Leo walked up to an equally Shine Boy and April.

"Is it me or do you guys sense some hostility between Tai and the others?" Sunset raised a brow.

"Good. It's not just us.'" Shine Boy noticed.

"Something's up." Leo nodded.

"I'm Kari. and this is Gatomon." Kari sweated as she waved.


Josh smiled and waved back. Keramon then stepped up to Gatomon and started scratching her chin.

"Another Holy Digimon! Amazing! And so cute and fluffy!" he gushed. "I have a question. How do you keep your Holy Ring from slipping off? So cool!"

Gatomon blushed and purred as her chin was scratched. "Oh.. uhh. I don't really know. IT just stays on." she replied.

Josh then stepped up to Mimi. "You look familiar." he said. "Doesn't your Grandfather own some big business in Japan?"

Mimi nodded shyly. Josh smiled. "I thought so."

Meanwhile Keramon was looking at Palmon with sparkles in his eyes and a blush on his face. "Hi!" he said to her. "My name's Keramon...... your'e really pretty." he finished with a blush. This caused Palmon to blush a little and fidget uncomfortably.

Izzy cleared his throat as he tried to greet professionally. “I’m Izzy. And this is Tentomon.”

“Pleased to make acquaintance.” Tentomon greeted as Keramon excitedly shook his talon.

"Uh. Joe!" Joe squeaked before clearing his throat. "My name is Joe and that's Gomamon."

"Kay pasa?"

Sora crept up. "I'm Sora and this is my friend Biyomon."

"Hi." Biyomon waved before Keramon greeted her with a hug.

"You're pretty too." he smiled while Biyomon smiled uncomfortly.

Matt walked up. "Matt. and this my buddy Gabumon." he gestured to the Digimon behind him.

Gabumon waved nervously. "Hi."

"Love your fur." Keramon waved.

"I have to say Wolf fur is cool. Can't wait to see you Digivolve into Garurumon!" Keramon added. This caused Gabumon to blush.

Josh then turned to Tai. "Since you are the last to intruduce, I'm guessing youre the leader of this group?" he asked as Keramon walked up to Agumon.

"Hey! Cool! an Agumon! Those guys are really strong!" he said as Agumon looked nervous. Tai then grew a tick mark.

Suddenly he stepped between him and Agumon. To everyone's surprise, he was looking at Keramon with nothing but hatred. "Keep away from my buddy!" he shouted. Josh's eyes went wide and Keramon's jaw hit the floor.

Rainbow hurried between the two. "Whoa whoa whoa! What was that for? All he wanted was to say hello!"

"Okay. What's going on?" Shine Boy folded his arms.

"You guys have been acting nervous since these two showed up." April pointed out.

"Care to share with the class?" Night Shine asked as he pull out a bottle of root beer.

Izzy stepped up. "It was quite a while ago, before Davis, Yolei and Cody began their adventures as Digidestined. A digi-egg appeared on the internet and was attacked by a computer virus. It hatched and began to attack data in the internet. Most of the rest of the group was doing other things, and only Tai, Matt, TK and myself could send our Digimon into the internet to battle it. "

Starlight tilted her head. "Other things?"

Joe nodded. "I was at summer school doing a big test."

Kari stepped up. "I was at a friend's birthday party."

Mimi looked somber. "While all that was happening, I was on vacation in Hawaii."

The rest of the group looked at them. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. "Pathetic."

Izzy continued. "Anyway, you'll be shocked at who this virus-infused digimon is. "

"Who?" Leo asked.

Izzy gulped and pointed to Keramon. "Him."

This caused a major uproar. "WHAAAAAAAT???!!" Everyone screamed, including Joshua and Keramon himself.

Keramon clutched his head. "But that's impossible! Ever since I hatched from my digi-egg, I've been waiting for my partner Josh! I had no life before that...right?"

Josh hugged his partner. "It can't be true!"

Izzy continued. "During the fight, Keramon bypassed the champion level and digivolved straight into the ultimate level, Infermon, and made his way through the internet to America, causing more havoc with electronic devices. He also seemed to be looking for someone, as he was dialing every phone number in the world at the same time. We caught up with him, but he digivolved to the Mega Level, Diaboromon and attacked. Agumon and Gabumon warp digivolved into MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon, but couldn't defeat him. You see, people all around the world were sending us emails telling us to save the world, and it slowed down our digimon."

Donnie nodded. "Right, if you open a bunch of programs and emails on the internet your computer will slow down."

Izzy continued. "But that wasn't the worst part. Diaboromon then started multiplying and set up a timer for 10 minutes as he forced the Pentagon to launch two nuclear Intercontinental ballistic missiles: one headed for Colorado, the other for our hometown!"

Davis went pale: "He was targeting all of us! AND Willis!"

This caused everyone to tilt their heads in confusion. Bebop spoke up. "Willis?"

Kari explained. "He's a digidestined like us. He lives in Colorado."

Izzy nodded. "It was Willis who created Diaboromon's Digi-Egg before it was infected by the virus, so he blamed himself for what happened. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon went to stop the Original Diaboromon, but he had already created over a million copies of himself. They all open fired on both of them. WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon almost didn’t survive."

Everyone now understood why Tai was so distrusting: He almost lost his best friend.

Matt spoke up. "Somehow, ME and Tai's bonds with our digimon was so strong, we were able to cross over from the real world into the internet to get to them. With the help of the hope of all the people sending us emails, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon fused into Omnimon, one of the most powerful Digimon ever. He destroyed all the Diaboromon copies until only the Original remained. "

Mikey and Pinkie Gasped: "SOOO COOL!"

Izzy then explained. "Diaboromon was still too fast to catch, so we slowed him down with the emails. Omnimon then destroyed Daiboromon just as the timer was about to run out, ending the threat of the missiles and saving the world."

Tai spoke up. "So, you see now? There is no way I'm letting that monster on our team!"

Joshua scowled, his fangs showing. "That’s insensitive! Keramon never hurt anyone innocent in his life! He's my destined partner, not a bad guy!"

At this point Keramon was hugging Josh tightly and tears in his eyes. "Aww, I love you, brother!"

Sunset had an idea and went up to Keramon. “Relax. This won’t hurt a bit.” She calmly assured as she took the Digimons hand. Her eyes glowed as her geode activated. After seconds of nothing, she snapped out of it. “I couldn’t find anything bad. He seems to be telling the truth.”

“What did you do?” Josh asked.

“My geode gave me the ability to read minds and memories of anyone I come in contact. All I found was the memory of you two. Nothing else.”

“You sure he’s not hiding anything?”

Sunset got up and looked at Tai. “I would know if he was hiding anything, Tai. And I’m telling you guys. He’s clean!”

“I still don’t trust him.” Glared Tai.

This made Starlight cross. “So, whether or not it’s the same as the one you fought, they just automatically don’t get a second chance? Is that it?”

“I’m not taking any chances!” Tai argued.

“You do that to humans or any other creatures too?” Starlight challenged.


“Because some of us have done things that we’re not proud of! Despite everything we’ve done to redeem ourselves, there’s always people like you WHO DONT BOTHER GIVING US A CHANCE!” As Starlight gave Tai a piece of her mind, April, Karai, Sunset, Bebop, and Rocksteady walked up between Tai and Josh.

“And what’s happens if he IS the same one?”

“We’d worry about it when or IF it happens!” April called out.

“They’re not coming with us!”

“Need we remind you he saved Leo’s life!” Karai glared.

Tai was about to argue some more when Suddenly-


The group looked in shock to see it was Shine Boy who shouted. His eyes were glowing bright as he glared at Tai who was also at a loss of words. Frightened, Keramon Hid behind Rocksteady.

Keramon spoke to Rocksteady. "This doesn't look good! I think I just started a civil war!"

Rocksteady patted his head. "Is not your fault, bug-eye guy."

Keramon smiled. "Thanks, Rhino Man."

Still glowing, Shine Boy stomped up to Tai. “Whether or not that Digimon is that same enemy, that boy didn’t know about it. And he just had him save us from that overgrown reptile that almost killed Leonardo so we owe him!”

Tai huffed as he paced in anger as Matt spoke up.

“Tai! Shine Boys right! We owe them for saving us from Deltamon!”

“And he has a Digivice so he is a Digidestined like us!” Sora pleaded.

“Tai, not all our Digimon had good starts.” Kari added, recalling how Gatomon used to work for their enemy Myotismon.

“And my friend Michael back in America has Seadramon, one of the first Digimon we fought, not to mention one of the Dark Masters.” Mimi mentioned

“I know how we can solve this!” Shini walked up to Josh and Keramon then motioned her finger to Mikey to come over. Feeling his heart beat, Mikey walked up. “Mikey, what’s your opinion about these two?”

Mikey looked carefully at the duo before speaking up. “They’re cool.”

“And if Mikey thinks they’re okay, they’re okay with all of us!” Pinkie stood by them.

“And we are NOT ignoring Mikey’s opinion. Never again!” Sunset stated as the others agreed.

Looking back at the other Digidestined showing they want to give Josh and Keramon a chance as well, Tai still frowning took a deep breath. “Fine. They can stay. But I’m not gonna take my eyes off you both. We’ll see if you deserve the title Digidestined.”

Shine Boy powered down while everyone smiled at Josh and his partner. He looked to Leo who was equally concerned.

“Yeesh! And I thought I had to work hard to redeem myself.” Ogremon mumbled.

Josh smiled. "Thank you all for putting so much trust in us."

Keramon nodded. “Yeah. For a second I thought I'd be chased away by potential new friends!"

Matt spoke up. "We're sorry for doubting you both."

"And sorry about Tai's attitude to you." Sora added.

"And we can use your help as well." Ken patted Josh's shoulder.

Donnie explained. "A computer virus is affecting all technology in our worlds and we think some old enemies are behind it."

"We'll explain to you along the way to the primary village. Right now, we better get a move on." Gamer added.

"What are we gonna do about Tai?" Davis asked.

"We'll just have to keep him away from these two." Shine Boy pointed as the CMCs play a little bit with Keramon.

Leo spoke up. "We're training the others some ninjutsu. and we're willing to train you as well if you like."

Josh's eyes lit up. "Cool! I always wanted to be a ninja!"

“Mikey, you, Pinkie, and Keno will train Josh personally while we train the others.” Leo instructed.

“You got it, bro!” Mikey saluted.

“Okie dokie Loki!” Pinkie chimed in.

“We should be fine as long as we keep Mr. personality away from him.” Keno pointed to Tai.

“Let us worry about Tai. We’ll try to reason with him.” Sora suggested.

“If not, I’ll deal with him personally.” Night Shine grinned before burping.

As they continued their journey while Mikey and Sunset briefed Josh on the situation, Karai walked up to Shine Boy.

“Are you alright? I’ve never seen you that angry before.” She asked.

Shine Boy took a deep breath. “Let’s just say I know what it’s like to be rejected. I’ll tell you sometime when we’re not so busy.” He said as they continued on their way.


Meanwhile, in their base, Ripley, Lewej, Chaos Mage, and Gladitron were led to a dark room with cells by Mortar as he explained to them.

“We have been able to cypher Dr. Stockman’s notes to recreate his mutation machine in order to revive fallen Digimon as we did with Devimon.”

“Any progress?” Ripley asked.

Gladitron walked up to Mortar’s side. “As a matter of fact, when we relocated in the Digital World, the Gem Knights collected data from a deceased Digimon.”

“We tested the machine on the data and revived the Digimon with the mutation. It took a while to restrain it.” Mortar made way to show a giant cage which held a giant figure hidden in shadows. When it opened its glowing eyes, it growled as four arms shook the cage.

“How horrendous!” Lewej gasped before chuckling. “I love it!”

Ripley smirked at the ravenous creature. “As do I. in fact, he could be quite useful for our plans….”

To Be Continued

Digi Friends Left and Right

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The heroes continued to make their way to the Primary Village to stop Ripley and Lewej as well as the computer virus. So far, they’ve been able to keep their new ally Josh and his partner Keramon a safe distance from Tai, who didn’t trust them. Hoping to get some enlightenment, Twilight spoke up.

“So, How much further until we reach the Primary Village?”

“Not to long.” Leomon assured as Applebloom rode on his shoulder. “We just need to pass a couple locations and we’ll arrive.”

“Least we’re out of the desert.” Gamer sighed.

“Indeed. Hopefully, we don’t deal with anymore Digimon like Deltamon.” Rarity breathed while she and Sweetie Belle rode on Ogremon.

“Yeah, but when been to the Digital World, outside of being possessed or made from Control Spires, Digimon we’ve met are pretty nice.” Davis assured.

“Or controlled by Black Gears.” Agumon remembered.

Soon, they all arrived at a small town. They looked around to see a lot of toys around.

“Look at all the toys!” Scootaloo awed.

“So. Many!” Mikey grinned.

“Oh look at that! Look at that!” Pinkie gasped pointing at every toy that passed by them.

Love Shine looked around and saw a couple Digimon around though not any of them were baby leveled. “A couple Digimon here, though none of them are babies.”

“Is this the Primary Village?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nope. This’s Toy Town. Think of it as an amusement park.” T.K. explained.

“Great.” Raph groaned, feeling uncomfortable.

“I think this is relaxing.” Shine Boy smiled as a train drove, carrying a bored Night Shine.

“And above all, FUN!” Pinkie cheered as she grabbed a bouncy ball.

“This is amazing.” Josh whispered.

“I wonder if they have a concession stand around here?” Bebop pondered.

“That be nice.” Shine Girl agreed.

“Hopefully they got doggie treats.” Spike added.

“Or ice cream.” Starlight smiled.

“Or Cotton candy!” Pinkie cheered as she bounced on the ball.

“How about cotton candy flavored treats?” Gomamon suggested.

“Ooo that be even better.” Spike grinned.

“That is biggest teddy bear I have ever seen!” Everyone looked at where Rocksteady pointed. Walking up to them was a giant yellow teddy bear with a bandage on his belly carrying a bunch of balloons.

“Is that a Digimon?” Sunset asked wide eyed.

“It is! It’s our friend Monzaemon!” Mimi smiled.

“Welcome to Toy Town! It is good to see you all again!” Monzaemon smiled at the Digidestined before noticing the Ninjas and Rainbooms. “And a big welcome to your friends. Would you like a balloon?”

Still bouncing, Pinkie accepted one of the balloons Monzaemon offered. “Thank you!”

“That’s mighty kind of you.” Applejack thanked as each of the CMCs accepted a balloon as well.

“It has been a long time since we’ve seen you last.” Sora said.

Monzaemon nodded. “Yes it has. Not since you left File Island. The last thing I remember was Toy Town was being destroyed when The Dark Masters took over and was attacked. Then I remember a bright light and then Machinedramon destroyed me.”

T.K. and Sora looked at each other in concern. Their friend didn’t remember he was WaruMonzaemon enslaving blob Digimon called Numemon and was defeated by them and Kari. But decided not to tell him.

“So, how’d you guys meet?” Casey asked.

Tai explained. “Well, when we did meet, he was controlled by a Black Gear and he used his Hearts attack to capture us and brainwash us to play with his toys.”

“Palmon and I were fortunate enough to escape thanks to these sludge Digimon called Numemon.”

“Well, that sounds inviting. What is this Numemon like?” Shini asked Mimi.

“A little disgusting but they’re really not so bad. Anyway, Palmon learned to digivolve to Togemon and knock that Black Gear, turning him into a lovable bear he really is.”

Bebop whispered to Rocksteady. “Y’know, I’m almost tempted to bring little Flurry Heart here when babysit her again.”

“Da. Baby pony would love Town of Toys.”

“You sure have some great toys around here.” Mikey complimented.

“Thank you. Since we rebuilt, we’ve been expanding.”

Then, near Monzaemon walked up a group of new Digimon. They looked like building blocks built to look like Agumon.

“Meet ToyAgumon. They’re Rookie type Puppet Digimon that resemble Agumon. Despite being cowardly and its blocks fall apart into pieces when it is surprised, they possess righteous hearts that don't condone evil. Also, they absolutely love children and have been helping me around Toy Town.”

“Hello.” Greeted the ToyAgumon to the group. Fluttershy walked up petted one.

“Aren’t you all so adorable.” She cooed.

Other ToyAgumon walked up to greet the group. As Keramon shook hands with one, he did notice Tai grimaced at his direction. He was interrupted by Night Shine who smacked his shoulder.

“Everything okay here?” he glared at the Digidestined leader.

“Yeah.” Tai mumbled before walking away.

Unconvinced, Night Shine glared at his distance before he scoffed away.

Monzaemon then spoke up again. “So, will you all be staying here a while?”

“We’d love to, but I’m afraid we’re on a mission and need to get going.” Leo admitted.

“It’s okay. I understand. Maybe I can help.” Monzaemon offered. “I can use my Hearts Attack to float you all closer to where you’re going.”

“Sounds good to me.” Shine Boy nodded.

“We appreciate it.” Sunset smiled.

Ogremon however blinked. “Uh I don’t know-”

“Also, I’d like to give you all some parting gifts.” Monzaemon presented a couple ToyAgumon walking up with trays of ice cream cones for everyone.

“Wow! Thanks!” Yolei grinned as she accepted her cone.

“These look good.” Shine Girl smiled.

“I’ll go grab Pinkie.” Rainbow turned to see Pinkie right next to her. “What the-? When did you-?”

“He had me at ice cream.” The party girl shrugged as she took a cone.

“Thank you very much, Monzaemon.” Starlight thanked.

“You are all very welcome. Now, are you all ready?”

After checking with everyone, who all mentioned they were ready while Ogremon still looked unsure, Shine Boy and Leo nodded.

“HEARTS ATTACK!” Monzaemon blasted out heart shaped bubbles from his belly. The bubbles each scooped up each of the group and started to float up.

“Hey! This is fun!” Applebloom laughed as she floated up.

“Isn’t it great?” Mimi smiled.

“I haven’t been this happy since the last convention I went to!” Gamer admitted.

“I love it!” April grinned while Donnie blushed seeing her float.

Ogremon tried to avoid the bubble. “I don’t need it! I’m better walking!” he complained. But the bubble caught up to him and scooped him up with the others. “Oh well. At least the food is good on the flight.” He huffed as he ate some of his cone.

“Oh, how I wish I’d brought Ice Cream Kitty with us.” Mikey hummed.

“Or Chompy.” Raph added, equally happy.

Monzaemon waved them goodbye. “Good luck, my friends and good luck!”

“Bye now! And thanks!” Twilight waved back.

“I hope we come back again.” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Maybe before we go home.” Rarity promised her sister.

“Onward!” Davis grinned as they continued to float on.


After floating for a while, the group descended down to a small village as the heart bubbles began to pop. Thankfully, they were near the ground so no one dropped dangerously.

“Well, that was fun.” Karai smiled.

“It’s nice to have friends like that.” Shine Boy added.

“Looks like it.” Josh agreed.

Rocksteady looked up to try to catch Ogremon, who was a little high up, only for him to land on Bebop instead.

“Those bubbles always seem to pop on me so quick!” the Digimon huffed.

“Not as bad as the landing.” Groaned Bebop as Starlight and Love Shine came and helped him up.

“That was very nice of Monzaemon for the lift and ice cream.” Applebloom smiled.

Mikey looked around at the village. “Where are we now?”

“This wouldn’t happen to be the Primary Village yo?” Casey asked.

“Not exactly, Casey.” Chirped Biyomon. “This place is actually special, especially to me.” She then called out. “Hello! Anybody home?”

Just then, from the village came tiny creatures that looked like pink radishes who were jumping for joy at the sight of Biyomon and cheered. “Biyomon! You’re here!”

“Hello, everyone!” Biyomon greeted as they embraced her. While the Digidestined greeted them as well, the Ninjas and Rainbooms and the others looked surprised.

“They look like radishes.” Gamer pointed out.

“Better keep them away from Mikey. He might eat them.” Joked Raph.

“I would not!” Mikey protested. “Besides, Radishes are too spicy for me.”

Suddenly, they got knocked over by Fluttershy who ran up to the radishes with wide eyes.

“They’re so cute!” she picked up one up and cuddled with it. “What are these little guys?”

Izzy explained. “They’re Yokomon. They’re the In-Training form of Biyomon. They’re friends of Biyomon and the first friends we made in the Digital World.”

“Okay! Back up!” Everyone looked over to Night Shine. “You’re telling me that Biyomon used to be… one of them?”

After a brief moment of silence, Agumon spoke up. “Uh yeah?”

“Digimon are weird.” Night Shine mumbled as he walked away.

Josh turned to Gamer. “Ain’t he a ray of sunshine.”

“My friend, I can tell you stories.” Gamer deadpanned.

Shine Boy spoke to the Yokomon. “You’ll have to forgive him. He’s always that way with everyone he meets.”

“So how’d you guys met?” Spike asked.

As the Yokomon explained, Keramon was meeting a couple of them who greeted him warmly, unaware that Tai looked at him in a suspicious look. Then, Shine Boy and April stood in front of him, staring at him telling to not go near him. His only response was turning away.

“It was our second day in the Digital World when we came here.” Sora explained.

“Shortly after, Meramon was freaking out drying up our lake and well.” A Yokomon explained.

“Probably a dumb question. But who’s Meramon?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Would he be that guy on fire over there?”

Everyone looked over to where Love Shine pointed to. There, walking down the side of the hill was a tall figure that literally was on fire. He was walking towards the village.

“Yep. That be him.” Ogremon confirmed.

“Hey Meramon!” T.K. greeted.

“Digidestined! Good to see you again!” Meramon smiled. “You too, Leomon. Ogremon.”

“Good to see you too, old friend.” Leomon grinned.

Keno whispered to Cody. “Is he always on fire?”

“Yeah.” Cody nodded.

“It has been a long time!” Joe added.

“Indeed! After the battle with The Dark Masters, I pretty went back to my regular life. When I heard about the Digimon Emperor, I kept guarding the Yokomon should he try to conquer them.”

“I remember fighting a bunch of Meramon controlled by the Digimon Emperor in a fire pit location.” Davis recalled.

Meramon nodded. “Ah yes! Those guys were my cousins. We usually come together for barbeques. I even heard one of them became a partner to another Digidestined.”

“We met him.” Izzy confirmed. “He and his partner Mina were trying to escort wild Digimon across the border from India to Hong Kong. Kari and I with the help of a trio of brothers helped them get pass the Chinese army peacefully.”

“And helped as well against MaloMyotismon.” Kari added.

“So what happened the day you met?” Karai asked.

Sora chuckled. “Right sorry. You see, like we mentioned earlier, Meramon was going berserk drying up the lake and all.”

“It was because a black gear hit my chest. And trust me it was VERY uncomfortable.” Meramon added, unaware of Mikey raising a marshmallow on a stick to him before Raph pulled him away. Shortly after, Night Shine tried the same with a hot dog before Karai pulled him away.

“That was the day Biyomon first digivolved into Birdramon for the first time. She was able to get rid of the black gear and Meramon was back to normal.”

“It wasn’t long until we got our water back, so everything was fine.” A Yokomon spoke up.

“I can understand completely about having trouble with black gears.” Leomon nodded.

Applejack spoke up. “Well as fun as it was meeting you all, but we need to start heading to the Primary Village if we’re to beat our enemies and stop this virus.”

“Yeah, she’s right.” Davis agreed.

“Okay. I’m just sorry I can’t help you guys.” Meramon sighed.

Fluttershy walked up. “Protecting these Yokomon is really helpful. That is all we can ask for.”

Meramon blushed before quickly shook it off. “O-of course.”

Mimi whispered to Rarity. “I like how she wins friends over like that.”

“That’s Fluttershy for you.” The fashionist chuckled.

“Let’s get going.” Leo spoke up.

“This way, everyone.” Leomon began to lead the group through a forest.

Shine Boy waved to the Yokomon and Meramon. “Bye now! Nice meeting you!”

“Good luck, my friends!” Meramon waved back.

“Good luck!” The Yokomon chirped as they made their leave.


As they continued their way, Donnie was writing in a notebook as he walked next to April. Izzy and Tentomon weren’t far behind.

“Whatcha working on, Donatello?” The digital bug asked.

“Oh nothing much. Just notes I’ve been taking about Digimon since I’ve worked with Andromon from last time.”

“Interesting.” April smiled.

“Could I see?” Izzy asked. Donnie handed his notebook to him and after looking at a couple pages, he handed it back. “Prodigious! You got some great theories and knowledge in here.”

“Thanks. Hope it can come in handy sometime.” Donnie smiled.

Shortly after, as they continued, everyone began to feel cold as they began to see snow everywhere.

“Is it just me or did it get colder all the sudden?” Rainbow asked, rubbing her arms.

“Good. It’s not just me.” Josh shivered.

Leomon spoke up. “We just need to pass this snowy area to get to the Primary Village.”

“Why couldn’t we all get sweaters with our wardrobes?” Muttered Applebloom.

“Chill, Bloom. The cold never hurt anyone.” Mikey grinned.

Twilight raised a brow. “Hypothermia would beg to differ.”

“Chill he said.” Scootaloo huffed.

“Not to worry. Pinkie and I came prepared.” Rarity spoke up as she pulled out her backpack and pulled out some blankets while Pinkie pulled a giant stack from hers.

“We have enough for everyone!” Pinkie grinned.

“I have something extra to help.” Joe took out his bag and pulled out heat packs. “I should have more than enough heat packs for everyone.”

“Good old Reliable Joe!” Chuckled Tai as they passed everything out.

“Always there when you need him.” Matt added.

“Same with Rarity and Pinkie.” Twilight added.

When Rarity walked up to Shine Boy, he already had his cape over his shoulders. “Got my cape, but thanks anyway.” He politely thanked.

“My pleasure, darling.” Rarity smiled as she gave a blanket to Gamer who accepted.

As Yolei put her blanket on her shoulders, she looked over to Ken who hadn’t got a blanket yet. She thought about sharing hers with him. She began to walk up to him and was about to ask when-

“Here you go, Ken!” Pinkie popped up and handed him a blanket.

“Thanks, Pinkie.” Ken thanked as he draped it over his shoulders and picked up Wormmon to have him be warm too. He then noticed Yolei near him. “You need something, Yolei?”

Yolei quickly shook it off. “Oh no! everything’s fine!” she hurried back a bit with her face bright red. As she looked away pouting, Hawkmon walked up to her.

“Another failed attempt?” he asked coyly.

Yolei shot him a look before sighing in defeat. “Yes.”

Hawkmon mumbled. “Third time this week.”

Meanwhile, Joe continued to hand out hand warmers. He gave a couple to Bebop and Rocksteady.

“Thanks, Joe!” Bebop thanked.

“You’re welcome.” Joe smiled before turning to Rocksteady. “You sure that one is enough for you, Rocksteady?”

“Da. My skin tough plus one be warm enough. Thank you, comrade.”

“My pleasure.” Joe nodded before walking up to Josh and handed him one too. “Here you go, Josh. I have one for you, too.”

“Oh thanks, Joe.” Josh gleamed.

Sunset and Leo smiled at the sight, but looked over to Tai, who thankfully wasn’t paying attention.

Soon, Everyone, minus a few, had a had a blanket and hand warmer. Leomon had his fur so he didn’t need one. Love Shine had his suit. Fugitoid was climate controlled. Night Shine was better off with his jacket. Soon, they were trekking along the snowy trail.

“Too bad we’re not dressed right.” Sweetie Belle shivered. “I would’ve wanted to build a snowman.”

“How about a snow-mon?” Veemon asked.

“I could do that.”

“I’d join in too, but unfortunately we have a mission to do.” Davis reminded.

“Yeah I know. I know.” Sighed Sweetie Belle.

Mikey blinked at something. “Uh don’t look now, Sweetie Belle, but I think your snowman is walking this way.”

Everyone looked over where Mikey was looking and saw a giant snowman walking up to them. He as shaped like a bear with red buttons on him.

“Wow. Ask and you shall receive.” Sweetie grinned.

Tai spoke up. “Everyone, this is Frigimon. He’s another friend of ours.”

“Hi everyone!” Frigimon greeted.

“Nice to meet you.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Good to see you, old friend.” Leomon nodded.

“Good to see you too, Leomon.” Frigimon then turned to Ogremon. “And you too, Ogremon.”

“Hey. How’s it hanging?” Ogremon spoke.

“Whoa. A talking snowman.” Mikey awed.

“How original.” Muttered Night Shine.

“Would it kill you to be nice for once?” Karai scolded him.

“Almost had a heart attack last time I was generous.”

Karai glared at him. “Was that a joke?”

“Partially.” Night Shine walked off.

“So how’d you guys meet this guy?” Raph asked.

Tai spoke up. “I was the first. You see, After Devimon separated us, Agumon and I encountered Frigimon who was also affected by a black gear.”

“Despite not having enough energy, I was able to knock off the black gear with help from Tai.” Agumon added.

“Frigimon said he saw another kid nearby and it led us to Matt and Gabumon.”

Matt took up after Tai. “I was freezing to death. Thankfully, Gabumon kept me warm with his fur. It resulted in him getting a cold.”

“I’d say it was worth it.” Gabumon smiled.

Sunset blinked for a second. “Wait! You actually took off your fur?”

“I did. I don’t usually do but I had to help Matt. Please don’t ask to-” Gabumon was interrupted by Sunset waving her hands.

“Whoa whoa it’s okay! No one’s asking you to take it off!”

As Gabumon sighed in relief, Matt continued. “When Tai found us, we didn’t greet each other well. You see, back in the day, I always questioned Tai’s leadership resulting in us fighting with each other.”

“Sounds familiar.” Twilight looked over Leo and Raph. While Leo nodded, Raph raised a brow.


Matt continued. “Well, to be honest, I was worried about T.K., but I still could’ve still handled it better. Our fighting caught the attention of another Digimon.”

“And who would that be?” Starlight asked.

Then, as if answering her question, walking up to them was a big hairy Digimon that looked like a stubby bigfoot.

“Everyone, this is Mojyamon. He’s a good friend of mine.” Frigimon introduced.

“Hey Digidestined! Long time no see!” Mojyamon smiled. “And friends of the Digidestined.”

Fluttershy went wide eyed and ran to hug Mojyamon by the leg. This surprised the hairy Digimon. “Affectionate, isn’t she?”

“You’ll have to forgive her. She’s very passionate about any creature furry.” Applejack explained.

As Fluttershy respectfully released him, Matt continued where he left off. “Anyway, Mojyamon was also possessed by a black gear. Luckily, Frigimon brought herbs to heal Gabumon and, with teamwork, we freed Mojyamon.”

“I was unfortunately unable to help against the Dark Masters. Plus, I was controlled by The Digimon Emperor in capturing Davis and Veemon here.”

Ken walked up Mojyamon. “I’m really sorry about that.”

Mojyamon patted his shoulder. “Thanks, pal. I bet you can teach that Digimon Emperor some manners.”

Everyone blinked realizing he didn’t know Ken was The Digimon Emperor. Clearing his throat, Ken spoke. “Well, he won’t be bothering you anymore. This I promise.”

“Well, that’s a relief!” Mojyamon breathed. “Anyway, what are you guys up to?”

“We’re heading to The Primary Village to stop villains who may be the cause of a virus that’s threatening our worlds.” Leo explained.

“Must be dangerous!” Mojyamon gasped.

“You guys are more than welcome to join us if you like.” Sunset offered.

“I appreciate it, but I can’t. my cousins need to be ready should these enemies come around here.” Frigimon pointed to a hill. There, more Frigimon were building forts like a village.

“And I’m keeping an eye on those guys.” Everyone looked to where Mojyamon was pointing. There, hanging by a lake, were these orange and yellow creatures with fins and flippers.

“What are those?” Josh asked.

“Those are Gizamon. Despite being timid at times, they can be very vicious and territorial.”

“Don’t I know it.” Gomamon mumbled, remembering getting clobbered by them trying to save them from the Digimon Emperor.

“Then we better let them be.” Shine Boy figured.

“Agreed. They would probably appreciate it if we do leave them be.” Fluttershy agreed.

“So, do you protect them, Mojyamon? Or keep them in line?” April asked.

“A bit of both. They’re not so bad as long as they’re not disturbed or disturbing.”

“However, we can escort you all to the other side since you’re all heading to the Primary Village.”

“I don’t see any problem with that.” Leo looked at Shine Boy, Sunset, and Karai, who all nodded in agreement.

“Same.” Karai agreed.

“I’m good with that.” Sunset added.

“Everyone else agreed?” Shine Boy asked the group, who shared their agreement. Night Shine just thumbed up.

“We would really appreciate that.” Leomon smiled.

“Great! I love to get to know new people.” Frigimon gleamed as picked up Sweetie Belle and placed her on his shoulder.

“Thank you.” The CMC smiled.

Applebloom whispered to Scootaloo. “Looks like Sweetie Belle made a new friend.”

“Can’t blame her. He seems to be a nice Digimon.” Scootaloo nodded.

“Alright then! Let’s go!” Mojyamon spoke up and the two led the group through the snowy path.

To Be Continued

More Friends and Problems

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The heroes continued to travel through the snow with Frigimon and Mojyamon leading the way. As they walked, Frigimon was listening as Mikey and Pinkie told him and Mojyamon their life.

“So, you and your brothers used to be ordinary turtles until you came in contact with this mutagen stuff, Michelangelo?” He asked.

“Yep. And turned our Sensei into a rat, who also trained us into awesome butt kicking ninjas!” Mikey grinned.

“Sorry about what happened to him.” Mojyamon consoled.

“Yeah. My friends and I were glad we got to meet him and trained by him too.” Pinkie sighed.

“I’m glad we got to meet his spirit that one time.” Sweetie Belle said still sitting on Frigimon’s shoulder.

“So, there’s this magic place called Equestria where ponies live?” Mojyamon asked.

“Yeah. And we have some of that magic too.” Pinkie answered.

“Wow! I never thought there’d be more worlds than the real world and Digital World!” Frigimon exclaimed.

Back aways, Shine Boy and Sunset were walking alongside Josh and Keramon. Partly to keep Tai away from him and partly to get to know him more.

“So Josh, how you liking the Digital World?” Shine Boy asked the new guy.

“Well, I’m liking it so far.” Josh explained. “I’m glad you guys let me in your group. Keramon and I hardly been around others, so this is a nice change.” He looked over to Keramon who was having fun playing leapfrog with Veemon, Patamon, and Wormmon in the snow. But his smiled faded as he looked up to Tai who was way up front. “All things considered. I don’t think Tai wants anything to do with us.”

Sunset patted his shoulder. “Don’t let what Tai say get to you. As a former bad gal myself, there will be people who will judge you for Keramon’s known past. As Master Splinter told me once, we cannot change what we did in the past, only work on making tomorrow a better day. As long as you still have one friend, you can always continue to do good.”

“Thanks, guys.” Josh smiled.

Over to Kari, she was walking along the snow when suddenly she felt water instead. She looked down to see her ankles deep in water. She began to notice things looking gray with no one in sight.

No. not now! She thought.

She began to feel afraid as she heard an eerie voice.

“Child. Child.”

She then turned to find herself face to face with a tall dark shadow.

“You cannot escape this time!”

Kari gasped when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned quickly to see it was T.K.

“You alright, Kari?”

Breathing heavily, Kari saw she was back with the others in the snow. She quickly shook it off and faked a smile.

“Sure, T.K.! just a little tired from walking is all.” She smiled.

“Okay.” T.K. grinned. But as she continued to walk, his face then frowned in concerned and he turned to April who was equally concerned.

“I hope we tell Leo and the others soon about Kari.” She whispered.

“Agreed.” T.K. agreed. “I fear it’s getting worse.”

“Here we are!” They heard Frigimon spoke.

The group saw that the two Digimon stopped at the edge where the snow stopped and there was another path through a forest.

“This is as far as we can take you.” Mojyamon said.

“Following this path will take you to the labyrinth temple when Centaurumon lives.” Frigimon added.

“Cent- Centaru- What now?” Casey raised a brow.

“Centaurumon, Casey.” Izzy corrected.

“He is a wise Digimon and a good friend.” Leomon explained.

“I’m gonna guess by the name he’s a centaur Digimon?” Twilight asked.

“A what now?” Rainbow spoke up.

“They’re those half man half horse creatures from Greek mythology.” Keno pointed out.

“Told ya you weren’t paying attention in history class.” Applejack huffed as Rainbow shot her a look while Davis and Mikey chuckled.

“Thank you both for the escort!” Pinkie waved to Frigimon and Mojyamon.

“Hope to see you guys again soon.” Mojyamon waved back.

“And good luck on your mission.” Frigimon added as he set Sweetie Belle down.

“Thanks for the lift, Frigimon.” The young girl smiled as she hugged the Ice Digimon.

“It was nice to meet you too, Sweetie Belle. If you’re ever in the area again, I’ll make snow cones!”

“Neat!” Sweetie gleamed before joining her friends.

As they trekked down the hill, it was starting to warm up again so they returned the blankets to Rarity and Pinkie and the hand warmers to Joe. As they walked, Gamer spoke up.

“So, how’d you guys meet Centaurumon?”

“Actually, it was me and Mimi who met him first.” Izzy explained. “You see, we met after Devimon separated the group. I found the temple and was trying to decipher hieroglyphs and learn more about The Digital World.”

Mimi then explained next. “I found Izzy and wanted to find the others. Of course, Izzy took longer than needed with his research. I got impatient with him and wanted to leave, only to walk into the maze.”

“With me not far behind.” Tentomon chimed in.

“Thankfully, I was able to contact her through her digivice and guide her out. That was when we encountered Centaurumon.”

Shine Girl then spoke up. “Wait don’t tell me. He was under the control of a black gear.”

“Yep.” Both Izzy and Mimi confirmed.

“Sorry. Just kinda figured that part since it was in the other stories.”

“You’re fine, Shine Girl.” Mimi smiled. “Anyway, we found each other so our Digimon could digivolve and they freed him.”

“It was through him we learned about our Digivices and their purpose.” Izzy continued. “Not only could they let our Digimon digivolve, they had the power to repel the black gear as well. It helped us when Leomon attacked us under Devimon’s control.”

Leomon nodded with a look of guilt. “Devimon possessed me to destroy the Digidestined and I did things I’m not proud of. I was thankful Centaurumon forgave me for attacking him.”

Karai walked up and patted Leomon’s hand. “I know what it’s like to be possessed and doing things I regret. I understand completely, Leomon.”

“Thank you, Karai.” Leomon smiled.

“That was really helpful when Matt and I saved T.K. from him and Ogremon when they went after him in the Primary Village.” Tai explained. “We freed Leomon from the black gears with our digivices and he explained us the legend of the Digidestined. Then, he helped us against Devimon.”

“Here we are.” Leomon spoke up. Everyone looked to see the temple that was spoken of ahead of them. He then turned to Leo. “I think it would be wise to take a rest here from walking here.”

“I think you’re right.” Leo looked at the group to see some of them exhausted from walking. “We should be at full strength if we are facing Ripley and Lewej again. Okay guys, we’re gonna take a break.”

“Sounds good to me.” Panted Gamer.

“Da! My feet! They are the killing me!” Rocksteady added.

“Besides, I need to talk to my brothers about my armor.” Leo recalled.

Raph spoke up. “Yeah. I was meaning to ask you about that.”

Shine Boy noticed a water hole nearby. “Hopefully that water’s good enough to drink.”

“If not, I have a couple water bottles in my bag.” Yolei suggested.

Soon, they were at the entrance of the temple. As everyone looked around, Gamer analyzed the water hole with his ski goggles.

“Looks like the water’s good enough for consumption.” He confirmed.

Shine Boy patted the canteen he pulled out from his utility belt. “Still, I should probably ask for permission.”

“Where is Centarumon anyway?” Davis leaned on the wall.

“Maybe he’s running errands.” Pinkie guessed before a voice spoke up.

“More like just doing a little spring cleaning.” Everyone looked to see a brown and purple centaur walking out of the temple. He wore a gladiator helmet that covered his face with only his eye visible. He also had shoulder pads and a broken shackle on his wrist. “Greetings, Digidestined! It is good to see you all again. You too, Leomon. Ogremon.”

“It is good to see you again too, old friend.” Leomon nodded.

“How’s it hanging?” Ogremon greeted.

Centarumon then turned to the newcomers. “Welcome to you all as well! You must be the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Team Shine that Gennai and Andromon told me about.”

Leo stepped up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Leonardo, and these are my brothers Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. And these are friends April, Casey, Shinigami, Karai, Keno, Bebop, Rocksteady, and Professor Honeycutt AKA the Fugitoid.”

“I’m Sunset Shimmer, and this is Twilight Sparkle, her dog Spike, Applejack, her sister Applebloom, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, her sister Sweetie Belle, Fluttershy, and Starlight Glimmer.”

“I’m Shine Boy, this is my brother Gamer, Love Shine, Shine Girl, and our brother Luke.”

“Call him Night Shine. He likes that!” Karai blurted out, surprising Shine Boy.

“Don’t CALL ME THAT!” Night Shine growled. But before he could grab her shoulder, Karai turned with her eyes green and her mouth snake like and hissed at him. However, Night Shine only glared at her as the two stared at each other. Everyone gasped as Night Shine just lifted his hand while Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow all covered their sister’s eyes.

“Is he allowed to show her that finger?” Mikey whispered to Donnie, who shook his head.

“He just did a big no no.” Gasped Pinkie.

Josh then blurted out "Why you both gotta be mean to each other? It makes you look like sussy bakas!" There was an awkward silence as Keramon face palmed.

Night Shine then stomped off while Karai reverted to normal, but still glared at him. He then pointed towards Josh. "Hey! New Guy! Think twice!" he then walked away.

Shini walked up to her friend. “You okay, Senpai?”

“That guy wants to mess with people? I’m just showing him two can play that game.”

Rocksteady whispered to Bebop. “And I thought you hated your nickname, comrade!”

“Least I learned to accept it.” Bebop shrugged.

Shine Boy walked up to Centarumon. “Forgive him. He’s like that with anyone who calls him that.”

“He’s pretty mild compared to the Dark Masters.” The four-legged Digimon waved off before turning to Josh and Keramon. “You’re a new face!”

“Yes, we are! I’m Josh and this is my partner, Keramon.”

“Nice to meet ya!” Keramon waved.

“Hmm. Strange I’ve never seen a Digimon like you before. Oh well! You’re always welcome in my book.” Centarumon nodded.

Josh smiled; unaware Tai was huffing behind him. He heard a clearing throat and turned to see Raph cracking his knuckles, secretly warning him to stay away from Josh.

Centarumon then spoke up. “Anyway, you all look like you could use a rest, so you are all welcome to stay as long as you like.” He then pointed to the water hole Shine Boy talked about. “That water is also drinkable if any of you are thirsty. Just don’t swim in it.”

“Thank you very much.” Shine Boy thanked before he began to fill up his canister.


After everyone had some water to drink, Centarumon led them to his chamber to let them lounge there. Everyone sat down near the middle and rested. Keno had Josh and Keramon sit next to him and away from Tai. As they rested, Raph spoke to Leo.

“So, what happened with your Digi armor, Leo?”

Leo took a deep breath and began to explain. “It’s kinda hard to explain. When I was falling from my fight with Deltamon, my Digi Egg began to glow. Then I heard a voice that repeated the riddle Gennai told us.”

“That you must search in your spirit to execute the evolution.” Mikey stated, trying to sound like Gennai.

“Yes, Mikey. I quickly looked into myself and then it hit me. When I remembered the mantle Starswirl bestowed on me.”

“Leadership.” April recalled.

“Exactly. The more I thought about it, the more the armor activated. Then the exact words to fully activate it came to me and I was able to use it against Deltamon.” Then, grabbing his Digi Egg, Leo got up and held it up giving a cry, “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!”

And with that, Leo glowed and then was once again in the same armor as before.

“Now that is cool!” awed Gamer.

“Awesome.” Rainbow grinned.

“Impressive.” Twilight admitted as she adjusted her glasses.

“Looking good, Leo!” Davis thumbed up.

“And this happened before I showed up?” Josh whispered to Fluttershy.

“That’s right.” The shy girl nodded.

“But why did it give out during the fight?” Sunset asked.

“Just a guess, but somehow I must’ve disconnected my spirit and mind. But Gennai did warn us they might go out on us.”

“Perhaps.” Centarumon pondered. “I have heard about the legend of this Spirit Evolution. You had the right idea, Leonardo, about using your spirit of leadership to access your armor.”

Donnie pulled out his Digi Egg. “I wonder.” He sat in a pondering a bit while Raph squeezed his in his hands. They both looked at each other and nodded. Then, holding them up, they shouted, “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!”

Then both began to glow bright. When they stopped glowing, both had armor on. Donnie was green and gold with purple blades on the shoulder pads, purple kneepads, lower guard, and forearms. His bo staff had a purple center as the sides glowed magenta with points at each end.

Raph’s armor had a V chest plate over a light blue and silver armor. He also had red Vs on his kneepads as well red blades on his helmet. His sais were dark handled while the points were glowing red.

“Whoa! Metal!” awed Casey.

“How’d you do that?” Matt asked.

“Well I pondered on what Leo said about how thinking about his mantle helped him activate his armor and focused on my intellect to see if mine would activate. Looks like it worked.” Donnie looked himself over.

“Way to go, Don!” April thumbed up.

“I felt like the same way here. I thought about Brawn, which is my mantle, without thinking too aggressive.” Raph shared.

“You both look great.” Sunset complimented.

“I’ll say.” Love Shine agreed.

“That’s great and all, but what’s to stop you guys from powering down in the middle of a fight?” Yolei wondered.

“If I may offer some advice,” Centarumon spoke up. “If this Spirit Evolution is anything like ordinary digivolution, then you should be able to get stronger with every time you use it. The more you use it, the longer next transformation will be.”

“Sounds right. When we started out, our Digimon could only digivolve once a day.” Izzy recalled. “as time went on, and with every battle we won, they got stronger and could do it more frequently.”

“Makes sense.” Keno nodded.

“Well, worst case scenario, we’ll be there to back them up.” Shine Boy put in.

Shine Girl then noticed Mikey was sitting there holding his armor with his eyes closed like he was meditating. “How come Mikey hasn’t transformed yet?”

“He looks like he’s thinking on it.” Gamer observed then turned to Sunset. “What’s his mantle again?”


“Maybe he’s trying to connect by thinking about his happy place.” Sora guessed.

No one saw Mikey smiled in his train of thoughts as he had multiple thoughts through his head.

I wonder how Ice Cream Kitty’s doing? I never did finish reading the recent issue of Wingnut and Screwloose. I should tell Shinigami on that lavender eye shadow she wears that makes her beautiful. I wonder if we can get pizza somewhere in the Digital World? Mmmm. Pepperoni.

“Mikey? Mikey!”

“Huh?” Mikey snapped out of his thoughts to notice Davis and Veemon looking at him.

“Any luck on your armor?” Davis asked.

“Guess not.” Mikey shrugged looking all over himself.

“Hopefully, he didn’t ruin it.” Applebloom whispered to her friends.

Sweetie Belle then spoke up. “What about Bebop and Rocksteady? They don’t have mantles of their own, do they?”

Bebop gasped. “She’s right! We don’t have any mantles bestowed on us!”

“Then how we activate our armors?” Rocksteady gulped.

Leomon spoke to the two. “Well, with the history of the crests, as well as the mantles bestowed on these guys, they’re based on one’s strongest character virtue.”

Shine Boy, who was lying by the ledge, added. “Leomon’s right. Everyone has at least one virtue they hold strong that defines their character.”

Casey took a back at what the hero said. “Wait! You’d even say Shredder had a virtue in him?”

Shine Boy remained unfazed. “Wouldn’t surprise me. And Casey, I was trained to believe there is good in even the evil souls. If I judged people by their ‘mistakes’, I wouldn’t be good friends with Karai.”

As the group pondered, Tai looked like he had to think about what he just heard and left the temple. The only one who saw him was Agumon, who followed him as Mimi spoke.

“Well, what could be their strongest virtue?”

“Well, I recall Rocksteady takes pride in his home country of Russia.” Fugitoid remembered.

“Da. My love for Mama is reason I became good guy!” Rocksteady grinned.

Yolei whispered to Sora. “Where was he when we went to Russia?”

“I know right? Wonder if he makes borsch and piroshki?” Sora added.

“That just leaves Bebop.” Gamer pointed.

April looked over to T.K. who nodded. As the three armored turtles powered down to normal, T.K. whispered to Shine Boy who nodded and got up.

“Leo. Sunset.” April gestured the two to come to her.

“Excuse us.” Sunset politely said as they followed the three to the next room.


Outside of the temple, Agumon followed Tai to a clearing not far.

“Tai? Is something wrong?” the little dinosaur asked.

Tai took a deep breath. “I don’t know, Agumon. Just have a lot on my mind.”

“Is it about Josh and Keramon?”

Tai flinched when Agumon mentioned their so-called newest recruit. “Yes.”

“They don’t seem so bad. In fact, I recall seeing the others having fun with him. And the others are willing to give them a chance.”

“Agumon, Remember the last Keramon we saw? Tried to destroy the internet? Digivolved into Diaboromon, almost destroyed you and Gabumon? Do you remember?”

“I do. But what if Shine Boy is right? What if it’s not the same Keramon? And what if he has a good virtue that he just mentioned?”

Tai sat next to his partner. “I don’t know, Agumon. I just don’t want to make a mistake that’ll cost us. I made a lot of mistakes in the past. And someone almost pays the price because of me. I don’t ever want that to happen ever again.”

“Like when you thought the Digital World was a video game and Sora got captured by Datamon? Or when you fought Matt when he was tricked by Puppetmon?”

Tai nodded. “Or when I got reckless and you digivolved into SkullGreymon? Or when I took Kari to the park when she was ill, and she ended up in the hospital? I can’t afford to mess up again.”

Agumon thought for a bit before speaking again. “Perhaps, but what if the mistake is NOT trusting Josh and Keramon?”

Tai took aback on what he just heard. What if he is making the mistake not trusting Keramon. “Well, the Ninjas and Rainbooms seem to forgive people who have done wrong before. And Shine Boy doesn’t judge people by their past, but I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

As Tai and Agumon talked, unknown to them, Starlight and Shine Girl were hiding behind a wall and heard everything in deep concern.


Meanwhile, while not far in the labyrinth and not far from the others, Leo, Shine Boy, and Sunset walked with T.K. and April until they stopped.

“What’s up?” Sunset asked.

T.K. answered in concern. “I wanted to tell you three because I don’t want to add another problem to the others.”

“Have any of you noticed anything off about Kari?” April asked.

Sunset widened her eyes. “Now that you mentioned it, Applejack told me how she hesitated during the sparring training. Like something’s on her mind.”

“That’s not all.” Everyone looked to Shine Boy. “Everytime I pass by her, it’s like there’s something disturbing her. Granted I don’t have ESP like April, but I have been trained to use like my six sense and instincts.”

“Has this happened to her before, T.K.?” Leo asked the Digidestined kid.

T.K. took a deep breath and began to explain. “It has. You see, around the time we were still fighting Ken as the Digimon Emperor, Kari was having these nightmares about this ocean. It was making her uneasy, even around us. One day, in class, I saw her like fading away. Shortly after, she passed out and had to go to the nurse’s office. Shortly after class, I went to check on her. But she wasn’t there. I looked everywhere and found her in the school yard. She told me about what happened, and how she's scared these Digimon are going to take her to 'their world'. I…. could’ve handled that better. Anyway, after school, Kari walked out alone, and stared at the beach across the road. Suddenly, she began to fuzz again. This time, she disappeared, leaving only her bag. Gatomon saw that and told us she disappeared. While everyone concluded she might be in the Digital World, I had a hunch that she wasn’t and ran out to the beach to find her with Patamon and Gatomon right behind me. I felt like I should have realized she needed help. He then realized Kari must be in a different dimension. Turned out she was. When we were shouting Kari's name, Suddenly, a purple light appeared, and we saw Kari in the middle of it calling me. we jumped into the light and were transported to the strange dimension. It was the beach only it was black and white. Kari was trying to protect these Digimon called Scubamon from an Airdramon and there was a control spire. Together, we defeated him, destroyed the control spire, and freed the Scubamon. Or so we thought. Their bodies began to pulsate and shift Then stood up, in a completely different shape. They reach forward for Kari and told her she could be their queen. Luckily, Angewomon scared them back into the ocean with a warning shot. But as they retreated, they told Kari they had thought she would help them revolt against their undersea Master, but they had clearly been wrong. They said to beware of their Master, who would come for her. After that, we returned home and called that dimension The Dark Ocean.

After T.K. finished his story, the small group looked surprised from what they heard. At last, Shine Boy spoke.

“A world of darkness. That’s….. disturbing.”

“I think I’ve had nightmares like that.” Shivered Sunset.

“It reminds me of when we visited the Aeon planet in space.” April grimaced, remembering the evil of the planet almost caused the Ninjas and Rainbooms to fight each other out of hate.

“Isn’t that the place that corrupted Ken?” Leo recalled.

“It is. And I don’t want it corrupting another Digidestined, especially Kari!” T.K. stated.

“Have you ever seen this undersea master those creatures mentioned?” Shine Boy asked.

“No. we haven’t.”

“That worries me.” Shine Boy whinced at T.K.’s answer.

“Same.” April added.

“I hope we can face him should we encounter him.” Sunset feared.

“Well, all we can do is keep an eye on Kari for now. Eventually, he’ll come after her and we’ll face him then.” Leo decided.

“I guess that’s our only option now.” April agreed.

“I just hope we’re not too late.” T.K. sighed.

Sunset put her hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, T.K., we’ll do everything we can to help Kari.”

“Thanks, guys. This means a lot to me.”

“Anything for a friend.” Shine Boy smiled as they began to head back.

“And guys.” Everyone looked back to Leo. “Do not mention this to the others, especially Tai.”

Everyone nodded and they headed back to the others.


Soon, everyone was rested enough to head out.

“Thanks for letting us stay a while, Centarumon.” Applebloom thanked.

“You are all very welcome, my dear.” Centarumon nodded. “And may you all be victorious on your journey.”

“We’ll do our best.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Okay, troops! Onward!” Pinkie cheered.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey cried as they all headed out.

As they walked on, Twilight walked up to Leo. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Just something T.K. wanted to ask us a favor. Nothing to worry.” Leo assured before whispering. “For now.”

Shine Boy walked up to Gamer. “So, any luck figuring out Bebop’s virtue?”

“No, but we had a couple ideas.” The younger brother admitted.

Bebop passed by them. “Yeah. I hope me and Rocksteady can figure it out so we can help.”

“I know we will.” Shine Boy smiled.

As the group passed by a log bridge, The CMCs, Mikey, Shini, Pinkie, Keno, and Davis got on and walked on the log as they balanced themselves while everyone else walked on the ground.

“Hey Josh!” Applebloom called out. “Why don’t you join us?”

“Are you sure?” Josh stuttered.

“Hey. A ninja is about the way of balance.” Mikey assured.

“Consider it part of your training.” Keno added.

“Okay.” Hesitant at first, Josh joined them on the log and started walking on it as well.

“Looking good, Squirt!” Rainbow cheered.

“Thanks, Rainbow!” Scootaloo thanked.

“Atta girl, Applebloom! Remember to keep your balance!” Applejack instructed.

“I will, Applejack!” Applebloom nodded.

“Keep it up, Sweetie Belle. And be careful.” Rarity smiled.

“Sure thing, Rarity.” Sweetie assured.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure to catch anyone who might falls.” Love Shine stated.

“We got this.” Davis grinned as Veemon and Keramon joined on the log.

Leo watched Josh trying to keep his balance. “That’s it, Josh! Focus! Keep your balance!”

Josh was almost across the log when he lost his balance and was slipping off.

“Josh!” cried Keramon.

“Hang on!” Love Shine began to hurry over to him. But he stopped when Leomon was the one to catch Josh as he fell off.

“I gotcha.” The big Digimon said as he set him back on the ground.

“Thanks.” Josh smiled while Keramon sighed in relief.

Leo then walked up to them. “That was a very good first try, Josh. Just try not to lose focus and you won’t lose balance.”

“Yes, sir.” Josh spoke.

As he reached the other side, Davis looked down at the new guy. “Don’t sweat it, Josh. It took me a couple try’s before I mastered this. You’ll get there.”

“It just takes time and practice.” Shine Boy added as he walked by.

After they all climbed up the ledge, some were helped by those who crossed the log, Spike perked up.

“Hey! You guys hear that?”

“Hear what?” Cody asked.

“Not sure. It almost sounds… robotic.”

“Wait. I think I hear it too!” Armadillomon spoke up.

Soon, everyone heard the same noise.

“Sounds awfully close.” Shine Girl sweated.

“I don’t suppose it’s another Digimon friend of yours?” Gamer gulped.

“Oh no! What if Ripley and Lewej had found us?” Pinkie gasped.

“Well, if they did, I got a present for them.” Night Shine smirked, drawing his twin hatchets.

The group turned from a tree to see a group of brown tall pudgy steam like robots marching with equipment.

“Hey it’s okay, guys. They’re only Guardromon.” Davis spoke up.

“Guardromon?” Starlight raised a brow.

Before anyone could answer, one Guardromon noticed the group and held his arm out as a missile popped out ready to shoot. “HALT! IDENTIFY YOURSELVES!”

“Uuuh… We come in… peace?” Mikey asked.

“I don’t suppose you remember any of us.” Tai added.

The Guardromon looked through his data banks and remembered the Digidestined before withdrawing his missile and putting his arm down. “ANALYSIS COMPLETE! DIGIDESTINED CONFIRMED! SUGGESTION STAND DOWN!”

Everyone breathed in relief to hear that.

“Guess he trusts us since we’re friends with you guys.” Sunset figured.

“Looks that way.” Ken agreed.

“At ease, Guardromon!” called a familiar voice.

As Guardromon followed his brethren, everyone saw their android friend walk up to them.

“Andromon!” the Digidestined smiled.

“Greetings, Digidestined.” Andromon greeted before seeing the Ninjas and Rainbooms. “Ninjas! Rainbooms! Long time no see!”

“It really has been a long time.” Twilight smiled.

“It is good to see you again, Andromon.” Leo smiled.

“It is good to see you and your family too, Leonardo.” Andromon nodded before turning to Fugitoid. “Professor Honeycutt, how have you been?”

“Oh, I’ve been doing good as usual, my friend.” Fugitoid beeped as they shook hands.

Shine Boy walked up to Andromon. “I’m glad we got to see you again, Andromon. I wanted to thank you for the birthday present.”

“You are welcome. How is it working out for you?”

Shine Boy pulled out a new staff that looked hi-teched with a pointy end on one side. “It’s been very resourceful and has helped me win a number of battles. Overall, the Chrome Digazoid Armor Staff is really awesome.”

“Satisfaction accomplished.” Andromon nodded.

Applejack then brought her sister over followed by Rarity and Rainbow with theirs.

“Andromon, these are our little sisters. This is Applebloom, that’s Rarity’s sister Sweetie Belle, and their friend Scootaloo.”

“She looks up to me so I’m her honorary sister.” Rainbow added.

“So you’re Andromon.” Scootaloo smiled.

“It’s nice to meet you.” Applebloom greeted.

“We heard so much about you.” Sweetie Belle added.

“It is good to meet you three as well.” Andromon greeted back.

Sunset walked up with Starlight with her. “Andromon, this is Starlight Glimmer, she’s from Equestria like me.”

“Nice to meet you.” Starlight shook his hand.


Rocksteady and Bebop were next to greet the Digimon. “We are the duo of the Bebop and the Rocksteady. Former villains now good guys.”

“Sup?” Bebop grinned.

“Greetings, both of you.” Andromon nodded before turning to Josh and Keramon and analyzed Keramon. “I have not seen a Digimon like you before.”

“Uh, that’s Keramon. And I’m his partner Josh.”

“Well, it is a pleasure to meet you both.” Andromon shook Josh’s hand, unaware of Tai scowling, but with his back turned this time.

“So, what you up to?” Raph asked.

“Oh, just gathering supplies and equipment from the old factory I used to work in. I’ve been unable to get it running since the defeat of the Dark Masters. I’m gonna set up shop in the dome city I guard the Guardromon in.”

“Least you’re keeping busy.” Kari smiled.

“Indeed. I had also heard that Ripley and Lewej are in the Digital World, causing a virus that is affecting your world.”

“Yeah. It is the reason we’re here.” Leo confirmed.

“You’re more than welcome to join us for old time’s sake, Andromon.” Sunset offered.

“I appreciate it, Sunset Shimmer, but I must be prepared in case Ripley attacks the Guardromon and the city.”

“We understand.” Leomon nodded.

“Besides, with Leomon and Ogremon in your party, victory is sure to be in your favor.”

“Thanks, Andromon. We’ll do our best to not let you all down.” Twilight smiled.

Andromon smiled back. “Well, we better get back to the city and be prepared for battle if necessary.”

“While we need to get to the Primary Village.” Shine Boy reminded.

“Well, it was good to see you again, Andromon.” Sora bowed.

“And great to meet you as well.” Applebloom added.

“The feeling is mutual.” Andromon nodded. “And I wish you all the best of luck. Should you need me, I’m just a call away on your T-Phones.”

“Will do.” Izzy nodded.

As they all began heading out, Fugitoid walked up to Andromon. “I hope after the crisis is averted; we can have time to catch up for old time sake.”

“I look forward to that.” Andromon agreed. “Farewell, Professor.”

The androids waved goodbye as they walked towards their respectable groups.


After trekking through the forest, the group made their way to a clearing. Leomon then spoke up to the group.

“We’re almost to the Primary Village. We just need to go through the town pass this clearing then we’ll make pass the waterfall.”

“Good. While it was fun meeting new friends and old friends alike, we still got bad guys and a virus to beat.” Applejack stated.

“Well at least it wasn’t a total waste.” Sunset admitted.

“Yeah. That ice cream from Toy Town was yummy.” Mikey smiled.

“And Centarumon gave us a clue to use our new Digi Eggs.” Donnie added.

“Yeah. That was sweet.” Raph admitted.

“And Frigimon was nice.” Sweetie Belle spoke up.

“Same with Meramon.” Scootaloo mentioned.

“Plus, it was good to see Andromon again.” Gamer smiled.

“Glad you guys are enjoying the Digital World.” Davis said.

“Indeed. And hopefully, we’ll enjoy more when we complete our mission.” Shine Boy hoped.

“Here we are!” Everyone heard Ogremon speak up.

They all looked to see what looked like an old Japanese village.

“You know, I’m beginning to feel a Japanese vibe about the Digital World.” Night Shine muttered.

“I know. Cool, right?” Mikey grinned.

“Nice place!” Love Shine admired.

As they all crossed the raft bridge, Davis looked around. “Something about this place seems awfully familiar.”

“Maybe because of them?” Yolei pointed to one of the gardens nearby. The group looked to see small green frog creatures with horns wrapped around their torsos planting plants. They were helped by smaller purple tadpoles with claws.

“Aw! How cute.” April smiled.

“Yeah they are.” Fluttershy added.

“Who are they?” Donnie asked.

“The purple ones are Otamamon. And the green ones are Geckomon.”

The Geckomon perked up hearing Mimi’s voice and turned to see the group. “Look! It’s Princess Mimi!”

“Princess Mimi! It is great to see you again!” one Otamamon cheered as they hurried to hug Mimi, who chuckled to see her friends.

The Ninjas, Team Shine, and Rainbooms looked at each other in confusion.

“Princess?” Leo asked Shine Boy shrugged.

“Are you really a princess, Mimi?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Oh no. it’s a bit of a long story.” Mimi rubbed the back her head.

“And any friend of Princess Mimi’s is a friend of ours!” Geckomon smiled. “Especially fellow reptiles!”

“Thank you very much.” Leo nodded as he shook hands with Geckomon.

“Sorry if we disturb you in your work.” Fluttershy apologized.

“It’s alright. We had just finished our work in the gardens.” Otamamon assured her.

“Come on! Our leader, ShogunGeckomon, would wanna see you all again. And meet your new friends as well.” Geckomon offered.

“I don’t see why not?” Yolei figured.

Gamer turned to Applejack. “I know what you said not to long ago, Applejack, but-”

“It’s alright, Gamer. Should never say no to hospitality.”

“Besides, The Geckomon should learn about Ripley and Lewej should they have to defend themselves.” Izzy explained.

“Izzy’s right. The more Digimon we tell, the more backup we have.” Twilight figured.

“And we’re pretty curious about the ‘Princess Mimi’ stuff going on.” Applebloom spoke for her and her friends.

Leomon then turned to the Geckomon and Otamamon. “We would be honored to meet with ShogunGeckomon.”

“Great! Follow us!” The Geckomon and Otamamon led the group through the village. As they walked, Mimi explained her connection with the amphibian Digimon.

“You see, after Tai and MetalGreymon defeated Etemon and got sucked into a hole, we tried to look for them and ended up splitting up.”

“Then this little troublemaker named DemiDevimon made us unable to use our crests and turn on each other for his master, Myotismon.” Sora added before she let Mimi continue.

“Yep. The Geckomon and Otamamon here were trying to wake their master ShogunGeckomon after he fell asleep for losing a karaoke contest. DemiDevimon told them the only way to wake him up was to have a pretty voice like the voice that beat him. When they found me, I did try only to make up one excuse after another. Back then, I was a spoiled girl who was used to getting what she wanted. Even when Tai and Joe came to find me, I refused to leave. They then tried to wake ShogunGeckomon even tried to trick me to record my voice with Palmon helping. I ended up throwing them in prison, even Palmon. Then, I had a nightmare where bad Digimon attacked me and no one bothered to help me because I was selfish. Then I dreamed, or so I thought, that Sora encouraged me to do the right thing. So I sang and woke ShogunGeckomon up, only he woke up in a bad mood and attacked us. Thankfully, MetalGreymon defeated him and we left to find the others.”

“Gee, at least you didn’t have to kiss him.” Joked Raph, causing Rainbow, Casey, Ogremon, Bebop, Gamer, and even Night Shine to laugh. Mimi just stuck her tongue out in disgust.

“Y’know I bet Rarity would’ve done the same thing if she was in the same boat.” Applejack teased.

“You Know!” Rarity was about to argue before giving up. “You’re right.”

The Geckomon who was leading the group continued the story. “Not long after Princess Mimi left, The Dark Masters showed up and destroyed the palace along with ShogunGeckomon. We all went into hiding until Otamamon and I were found in the restaurant by Princess Mimi and Joe.”

“After Leomon was deleted after the fight with MetalEtemon, we got to come along to help gather others to fight the last of the Dark Masters. Even if Mimi wanted us to stop calling her Princess, we still kinda do because she’ll always be a princess to us.” Otamamon admitted.

“Well, I kinda got used to it. Besides, I try to be a princess who helps others instead of that spoiled one I was in the past.” Mimi stated.

“That’s great! You know we should introduce you to Twilight’s counterpart in Equestria.” Sunset suggested.

“The pony princess of friendship who Leo really loves?” Mimi grinned at Leo who turned away blushing.

“The same.”

“I would like that, Sunset.”

“You ever dreamed about your prince?” Shine Girl teased Mimi.

“Maybe.” Mimi joked as everyone laughed.

“After the Battle with Apocylamon, we relocated here after we were free from The Digimon Emperor’s control by Princess Mimi and Yolei.”

As Geckomon continued explaining, everyone looked around the village to see Digimon that either looked like walking mushrooms or flower creatures.

“Who are all of them?” Shini asked.

“Those are Mushroomon and Floramon. They live here in the village.” Geckomon answered as the Mushroomon and Floramon waved at the group, and they waved back.

“Least they friendly.” Rocksteady whispered.

“I’ll say.” Bebop agreed.

Soon, they arrived at a tall building and Geckomon turned to the group.

“I’ll go talk to ShogunGeckomon to see if it’s okay to see him. You all wait out here.”

As the Geckomon went in, the group looked at the building.

“That’s a tall building.” Josh said.

“Kinda looks like a Japanese palace.” Karai judged.

“That leader of theirs must love big places.” Mikey grinned.

“Well. You could say that.” Snickered Davis.

“He’s a pretty big guy.” T.K. added.

“How big?” Shine Boy asked.

Then, as if answering his question, they heard a big loud voice inside.


“It’s not a magazine seller, my lordship. It’s the Digidestined, along with new friends, and four of them are fellow reptiles!”


Geckomon then popped out of the door. “Good news! He can see you guys now!”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie said as they all walked in.

Once they all entered, The Ninjas, Rainbooms, Allies, and Team Shine were surprised at what they saw. ShogunGeckomon was a huge fat red frog with two trumpet horns on his shoulders and a long hair tendril on his head.

“Holy Chalupa.” Donnie wide-eyed.

“Yeah. Pretty much.” Mikey gulped.

“That. Is a big frog.” Gamer pointed.

Raph whispered to Mimi. “Mimi, forget that kissing joke from earlier.”

“Yeah. He’d slurp you up.” Bebop shivered.

“It’s okay, guys. He’s really not that bad.” Davis assured them.

April waved as she spoke up. “H-Hello. You must be ShogunGeckomon.”

“Indeed, I am, my dear. Welcome, Digidestined, and welcome to your new friends, especially you four turtle guys.”

“Thank you.” Leo bowed in respect.

As they all sat down, the group introduced themselves as Geckomon brought out drinks, fruits, rice balls, and other snacks. As they ate a little, Tai looked over to Josh who was giving Keramon a mango and narrowed his eyes before he heard a couple snorts by him and saw Bebop and Rocksteady Glaring at while Rocksteady shook his head, telling him to leave the newcomers be. As they sat enjoyed their refreshments, T.K. began to share the last time they saw the Geckomon.

We first came here; this area was taken over by the Digimon Emperor. We had to run from the Mushroomon and Floramon who were under his control.”

“Meanwhile, Shurimon had to deal with this shrimp called Ninjamon.” Yolei continued.

“There’s a Ninjamon?” Leo perked up.

Yeah, but he’s just an egotistic shorty. Luckily, The Geckomon had escaped captivity and lead us to ShogunGeckomon’s palace through the sewers and let us hide out here. But Ninjamon, who was also under the Digimon Emperor’s control, snuck in and put a Control Spiral on ShogunGeckomon, making him go out of control. While the others tried to stop him and destroy the Control Spire, Ninjamon challenged Shurimon to a one-on-one battle. Even when the others were successful in destroying the spire, they still fought. But Shurimon beat him!”

“He was a worthy adversary; I’ll give him that.” Hawkmon admitted before he bit into a pear.

“Is he still around?” Karai asked Otamamon, who shook his head.

“Nope. Shortly after, he skipped town. No one knows where he is now.”

“The Digidestined then freed me from the Control Spiral, thankfully not cutting my hairstyle, and we were able to repair the damage.” ShogunGeckomon added before looking down to Mimi. “And since this the first time I’ve seen you since your singing woke up, I wish to apologize for my rude behavior last time.”

Mimi patted his hand. “It’s okay. You just woke up in a bad mood is all.”

As ShogunGeckomon smiled, Applebloom whispered to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “You know, something about Mimi just makes you can’t help but smile.”

“Well, she did say her crest was Sincerity so that might have something to do with it.” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“Rainbow Dash will still be number one to me, but I’m starting to like Mimi as well.” Scootaloo added.

Leomon then spoke up. “ShogunGeckomon, have you heard anything about a virus affecting the other worlds or an evil duo in the Digital World?”

“As a matter of fact, I have. A couple of Geckomon are on watch duty should anything like the Digimon Emperor would come our way.”

“Speaking of Lewej and Ripley, we should get going.” Shine Boy got up.

“He’s right.” Applejack agreed.

“Thank you very much for your hospitality.” Fluttershy thanked ShogunGeckomon.

“My pleasure. You all are welcome here always.”

After a moment of silence, the group felt a small tremor.

“What was that?” Matt asked.

“I don’t suppose we’re near any faulty lines, are we?” Spike asked Geckomon.

“Not to my knowledge.”

“I was afraid of that.” Twilight adjusted her glasses.

Just then, another Geckomon ran in panting. “Lord ShogunGeckomon! I have terrible news! An ugly looking Digimon is wreaking havoc just north of the city!”

“WHAAAAAAT?” Cried ShogunGeckomon.

Shine Boy spoke up. “Was it join by two sinister looking figures?”

“Nope. Just the Digimon!”

“Welp. Not our problem.” Night Shine was about to walk away only to be grabbed by Ogremon.

“Think again, Night Light! The Primary Village is north from here!”

Night Shine facepalmed while Sunset turned to Geckomon.

“What did this Digimon look like?”

“It was a big Digimon that looked parts of other Digimon combined into one ugly Frankenstein creation!”

Ken’s eyes widened after he heard that. “Parts of other Digimon? No!” he quickly got up and hurried out the door, surprising everyone.

“Ken? Wait up!” Wormmon hurried after him.

“Ken?” Yolei called.

“What is it, Ken?” Davis cried.

“Is he alright?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“He looked spooked about something.” Josh was equally confused.

Kari gasped. “You don’t think-”

“No! it couldn’t be!” T.K. gulped.

“It better not be.” Cody feared.

“Well, either way, Ken needs our help!” Yolei stated as she hurried to Ken.

“Hey! That’s my line!” Davis griped as he followed.

“C’mon guys!” Leo ordered as they all followed.


The group hurried to the northern edge of the village where they found Ken, who had a spooked look on his face. Soon, everyone saw what had him spooked and gasped.

“No! No nonono no!” whimpered Yolei.

There, not far from the city, was a giant Digimon that head Kabuterimon’s head, Angemon and dragon wings, Greymon’s body, Garurumon’s legs, a tough tail, Devimon’s, Kuwagamon’s, and a skeleton arms and red hair.

“Oh sewer apples!” whispered Raph.

“Who, or what, is that?” Karai asked.

“It’s Kimeramon!” Cody cried.

As Kimeramon roared, Ken placed his hand on Davis as he mumbled. “It wasn’t me this time. I swear.”

To Be Continued

Kimeramon's Return

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“It’s Kimeramon!” gasped Davis.

The heroes stood in shock as the Giant Digimon roared as he stomped towards the village.

“That’s Kimeramon?” gulped Joe.

“He’s even uglier in person!” Mimi remarked.

Then, as if he responded, Kimeramon fired a blast that nearly missed the village corner. It was far away, but the group could feel the ground tremble.

“I think he heard ya.” Ogremon sweated.

“Okay. That is the second most scary looking Digimon I’ve seen!” Sweetie shuddered, hiding behind Rarity. “Uh no offense, Ogremon.”

“None taken.”

“What do we do now?” Fluttershy trembled.

Shine Boy walked up boldly. “I say we stop him from destroying the village!”

“I agree.” Leo stood by his side.

“But what if he’s stronger than last time because of the mutagen like Devimon?” Yolei gulped.

“Well so have we!” Davis pulled out his Digivice.

“Let’s show this Digi-Frankenstein how we do it old school!” Tai agreed, pulling out his as the Digimon began to glow.

“Agumon digivolve to…. Greymon!”

“Veemon digivolve to…. ExVeemon!”

“Gabumon digivolve to…. Garurumon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to….. Stingmon!”

“Tentomon digivolve to… Kabuterimon!”

“Gomamon digivolve to….. Ikkakumon!”

“Armadillomon digivolve to…. Ankylomon!”

“Biyomon digivolve to…… Birdramon!”

“Palmon digivolve to….. Togemon!”

“Hawkmon digivolve to….. Aquilamon!”

“Patamon digivolve to…. Angemon!”

Starlight was amazed. “Wow! Twilight and Sunburst would love to hear about this!”

“Our turn!” Josh cried holding up his digivice.

“Keramon digivolve to….. Chrysalimon!”

Leo turned to Donnie and Raph. “Ready?”

“Willing and able!” Donnie thumbed up.

“Let’s get ‘em!” Raph smirked.

The three held up their Digi Eggs and shouted, “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!” In a flash of light, they were in their armors.

“Time we helped too. Everyone ready?” Sunset spoke as the Rainbooms formed a circle and activated their geodes and attire.

Applejack turned to the CMCs. “Applebloom, you and your friends help the Gekomon evacutate the village!”

“Don’t hafta tell us twice!” her sister nodded.

“Fighting Ch’rell was one thing, but I think that guy is beyond our league!” Scootaloo agreed.

“Please be careful.” Sweetie Belle begged.

Rarity gave her an assuring smile. “We will, darling. I promise.”

“Go with them, Spike.” Twilight set her dog down.

“Good luck.” The dog whimpered.

“Let’s go get im!” Davis declared as the Digimon and Turtles race to face Kimeramon.

“So, what do we do?” Casey asked about him, the other allies, Mikey, Leomon, Ogremon, and Team Shine.

“There’s got to be something we can do to help!” Keno added.

Shine Boy pondered a bit. “Maybe if we distract him long enough for the others to handle-”

Ogremon interrupted him. “It’s settled then! We’ll blind him!”

“I would suggest we focus with projectiles” Leomon suggested.

“Leomon’s right! We should also lay low in case anyone gets hurt. Bebop, you use your tech suit for an ariel assault along with Fugitoid.”

“Right-o, Shine Bud!” Bebop saluted.

“I shall assist.” Fugitoid confirmed.

“Everyone else, we’ll fire at Kimeramon with everything we got. maybe we can distract him long enough for the others to handle. Starlight, you use your arrows and aim for his eyes when you get a clearing.”

“Got it.” Starlight nodded.

Shini then looked up to see someone, or turtle, wasn’t around. “Where’s Michelangelo?”

“Luke’s not here either!” Gamer noticed.

“I’m gonna assume that Mikey’s trying to get his armor activated and Luke’s doing his own thing. Anyway, are there any questions on the strategy?” after not hearing any, Shine Boy then spoke up. “Then LET’S SHINE!” and they all hurried through the forest.


Soon, the Digimon and armored turtles all confronted Kimeramon. Stingmon extended his blade and charged at the Digimon.

“SPIKING STRIKE!” Kimeramon did recoil from Stingmon’s attack, but still stood growling. Stingmon flew right next to Ken.

“Ken! I’m afraid he is stronger than last time!”

“That won’t stop him from beating him again!” Davis declared as ExVeemon flew next to Stingmon.

Ken nodded. “And this time, I’m gonna correct that mistake!” he and Davis fist bumped as ExVeemon and Stingmon combined.

“ExVeemon/Stingmon DNA digivolve to….. Paildramon!”

Paildramon then flew up at Kimeramon, tackling him. Kimeramon was about to punch him with one of his spare arms when suddenly, Leo swooped in and deflected it with his sword.

“Thanks, Leo!” Paildramon nodded.

“I can really get use to this.” The lead turtle thumbed up.

“They need backup!” T.K. told Cody as Angemon flew near Ankylomon.

“You got it!” Cody agreed before Angemon and Ankylomon began to glow.

“Ankylomon/Angemon DNA digivolve to…. Shakkoumon!”

After he stopped glowing, Shakkoumon then tackled Kimeramon off Paildramon before Raph and Rainbow hit him on the side of his head while Garurumon, with Matt on his back, snagged one of the other arms by his jaws.

“Matt! Catch!” Raph tossed one of his sais to Matt.

“Thanks!” Matt slid towards Kimeramon’s shoulder and stabbed him there, causing him to roar.



Kabuterimon and Birdramon fired from behind at Kimeramon just as Matt climbed back on Garurumon and jumped off as he threw Raph his sai back.

Yolei flew around on Aquilamon. “Kari? Kari!” she spotted her friend along with Gatomon and flew to her. “There you are! Ready to take it up a notch?”

Kari smiled. “Let’s do it!” then, Aquilamon and Gatomon began to glow.

“Aquilamon/Gatomon DNA digivolve to….. Sylphimon!”

Not far from the battle, Mikey was watching the battle near the bushes. Wanting to help his friends and family, he looked at his Digi Egg with determination. “Let’s hope this works this time.” He told himself as he closed his eyes and conentrated as he held his Egg up close. He then looked serious as it began to glow. “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!”




Togemon and Ikkakumon fired at Kimeramon while Donnie pulled out his staff, which glowed on both ends, and whacked the Digimon by the sides. Sylphimon then faced Kimeramon and fired an energy blast.


The blast hit Kimeramon in the face. But when the smoke cleared, Kimeramon looked unfazed as he roared again.

“That’s impossible! That was my best attack!” Sylphimon sweated.

“What’s going on?” Gasped Yolei before she noticed Kari trembling.

Kimeramon then opened his mouth.


A blast came out of his mouth. It was about to hit Sylphimon when suddenly-


A figure jumped up and kicked the blast away. Everyone looked to see a gold and purple armored turtle with orange horns and knee pads. He held two long nunchucks glowing in bright yellow.

“Mikey?” everyone gasped.

“What up?” Mikey nodded, revealing it was him.

“Glad to see you got your armor working!” Leo thumbed up.

From below, Shine Boy noticed what happened. “Looks like Mikey did get armor working!” he told the group.

Shini looked up and smiled before they continued to get in position.


“Yay Mikey!” cheered Pinkie as the turtles were side by side each other.

“Now let’s kick some shell!” Leo cried as the four charged at Kimeramon.

“Goongala!” Casey fired explosive pucks at Kimeramon’s feet. The giant recoiled from the hits before more attacks hit him.

“DESPERADO BLASTERS!” Paildramon was joined by Fugitoid and Bebop as they fired their blasters at him.




Greymon, Garurumon, and Shakkoumon all fired at Kimeramon as April shot a psychic blast.

Chrysalimon then slammed right into Kimeramon's chest.

"Keep it up, buddy! Show that Frankenstein wanna be who he's messing with!" Josh called out.

Kimeramon roared and tried to stomp him, but the two dodged and Kimeramon accidentally stomped right on a bunch of caltrops Josh borrowed from the ninjas. Kimeramon doubles over in pain and Josh joked.

"I think he's got the point! Hahahahaha!"

“DATA SMASHER!” Before Kimeramon could dodge anymore attacks, Crysalimon crept behind him and held him by his shoulders with his tendrils. “Now, guys!”






As Birdramon, Kabuterimon, Ikakkumon, Togemon, and Sylphimon fired next, Karai, Shini, and Shine Girl threw shuriken at Kimeramon’s feet.



Next to fire was Leomon and Ogremon while Rocksteady fired from his gun and Love Shine fired photon blasts from his shields. Meanwhile, Gamer tied a small exploding disc to an arrow and gave it to Starlight.

“There should be enough explosions in this thing to blind one of his eyes.” He assured.

“Thanks, Gamer.” Starlight thanked as she took aim.

The Rainbooms then used their geodes to blast Kimeramon. As he showed signs of resistance, Shine Boy pulled out a flash grenade from his utility belt and turned to April.

“Hey, April! Think you can help get this up close to blind him?”

“Just pull the pin and I’ll do the rest!” April held her head as the turtles flew up to Kimeramon, slashing at his torso. Shine Boy pulled the pin off and threw the grenade while April guide it up to Kimeramon before it exploded in front of his face, blinding him temporarily.

“Starlight! Now!” Karai called.

On que, Starlight fired her arrow, aiming at Kimeramon’s left eye. Right when the arrow made contact, it exploded, blinding his left eye. As he held his hurt eye, Kimeramon looked around with his right eye to see Night Shine on his shoulder raising his hand.

“Boo.” He smirked before firing a dark energy attack in his eye. As Kimeramon fell over, Crysalimon let go and put Night Shine down to safety. Then, everyone fired rapidly at the fallen Digimon. When they stopped, all they could see was smoke.

Meanwhile, The CMCs and Spike were with the gathered Digimon of the village on top of a building watching the battle.

“I think they got him!” Applebloom hoped.

“No way he could’ve survived that!” Sweetie Belle stated.

Back at the battle, everyone was looking to see if Kimeramon was down for the count.

“Did we get him?” Raph asked.

“He wasn’t that tough!” Ogremon boasted.

“I was expecting more of a fight after what I heard about him.” Love Shine pondered.

“I know, right? That seemed too easy.” Shine Boy feared.

“Indeed.” Leomon whispered.

“Yeah.” Leo added.

Suddenly, April felt a huge vibe in her head. “GUYS! HE’S NOT BEAT YET!”


Suddenly, out from the smoke, Kimeramon’s attack shot at Paildramon, Greymon, Ikkakumon, and Mikey, knocking them down. The Digimon reverted back to their rookie forms while Mikey’s armor powered down.

“Guess that means we’re out.” Groaned Mikey while Davis, Ken, Joe, and Tai grabbed their hurt Digimon.

Shine Boy called out to the others on the ground. “We better get them somewhere safe! Karai, Keno, Love Shine, help me get everyone to safety!”

As they hurried to some where safe, Kimeramon merged from the smoke. Despite being blind, he was able to whack Donnie down, causing him to power down.

“Donnie!” April gasped.

“I got’ im!” Ogremon showed he caught Donnie in time.

The smart turtle groaned. “Anyone got the license plate of the truck that drove by?”

“I gotcha, D.” April helped him to the safe spot. “Thanks, Ogremon.”

“You can thank me after we beat this guy!” Ogremon followed not far behind.

Meanwhile, Garurumon bit one of Kimeramon’s arms as Shakkoumon fired a couple kachina bombs at him. Birdramon and Kabuterimon followed fire after. Kimeramon roared as he whacked Garurumon into Shakkoumon, having the two reverted back into Gabumon, Armadillomon, and Patamon. As Matt, Cody, and T.K. hurried to grab their Digimon, Kimeramon fired at their direction when Rarity flew by and blocked it with a giant gem shield.

“GO!” she cried as Karai led the three to safety.

Kimeramon fired again, this time at Birdramon and Kabuterimon. The two fell, reverting back to Biyomon and Tentomon.

“Biyomon!” gasped Sora, running to grab her.

“They’re gonna crash!” Izzy cried as he hurried as well.

Luckily, The two were caught by Bebop, who skated by fast to dodge Kimeramon’s arms with Fugitoid right behind him. They then land right in front of the two.

“This just got major funky!” the former baddie cried as he hand Biyomon and Tentomon to their partners.

“Indeed! We better regroup with the others!” Fugitoid suggested as they hurried away.

Kimeramon then grabbed Crysalimon by his tendril and started slamming him back and forth as Josh held on tight, hitting Togemon in the progress. He then threw him to a nearby cliff while he reverted back to Keramon. Josh struggled to get back as Kimeramon fired another heat viper at him. Suddenly, Love Shine jumped in and created a photon shield to block the attack while Rocksteady grabbed the two.

“It is not the safe here. Let us the regrouping, comrades.” The rhino said.

“I’m down with that.” Josh agreed as he saw Keramon unconscious.

“Let’s go!” Love Shine led them to the others.

Togemon fell down, reverting back to Palmon as Mimi hurried to her.

“Palmon!” she grabbed her friend unaware that Kimeramon fired at her direction.

“WATCH OUT!” just before the attack hit, Shine Boy grabbed the Dgidestined and her partner and dove out of harm’s way. After ducking from the shockblast, Shine Boy was looking at Mimi in her eyes. “Are you guys okay?”

Mimi blushed as she saw Shine Boy so close to her face and stuttered. “I…Yes. Yes we are. Thank you.”

“Happy to help.” Shine Boy smiled. The two looked at each other in the eyes before Night Shine called out to them.

“Hey, Tone! Are we interrupting anything?”

Seeing they were still in a battle, and how close he was to Mimi, Shine Boy quickly got off her and helped her to her feet. “C’mon! let’s get to the others!”

“Yeah.” Mimi nodded as she took his hand and carried Palmon as the two hurried to safety.


Sylphimon tried blasting Kimeramon, but Kimeramon was unfazed. He then fired another heat viper at Sylphimon, causing him to fall and revert back to Hawkmon and Gatomon.

“Hawkmon!” Yolei hurried to catch her Digimon when suddenly a yellow streak swooped by and caught both Digimon. It stopped in front of her and Kari, revealing it was Fluttershy.

“Are you okay?” Yolei hugged her partner. “Thanks, Fluttershy.”

“I’d never let animal or Digimon fall like that.” Fluttershy smiled as she offered Gatomon to Kari, who was able snap out of it to grab Gatomon.

“Are you alright, Gatomon?” she asked.

“This isn’t one of my best nine lives.” Gatomon groaned.

Just then, Sunset floated down to them. “Fluttershy, get them with the others! Twilight, Rainbow, and I will help Leo and Raph fight Kimeramon!”

“Okay! Be careful.” Fluttershy said as she led Yolei and Kari to safety and Sunset flew up back to the fight.

Behind a giant boulder, the heroes watched as Leo, Raph, Twilight, Sunset, and Rainbow still fighting Kimeramon, but making little to no damage despite the giant Digimon still blinded.

“We took both eyes out! How is he still kicking?” Night Shine glared.

“He makes the Dark Masters look easy!” Sora sighed.

“I knew Kimeramon was tough, but he nearly wiped us out!” Matt added.

“We better think of something! I don’t know how long Leo and the others can hold out!” Gamer observed.

“Well, how’d you guys beat him the last time?” Josh asked.

“Wormmon led me to the Digimon Emperor’s engine room, which had a rare Digi Egg called the Digi Egg of Miracles. With it, Veemon digivolved to Magnamon. Even then, he needed a power boost from Wormmon to win.” Davis explained.

“You uh wouldn’t happen to have it on you, Davis?” Donnie asked.

“No. every time I use it, it disappears.”

“Last time we used it, Patamon and I digivolved to our mega forms to unleash it with another golden Digi Egg to Davis and our friend Willis in Colorado.” Gatomon recalled.

“I don’t think I have it in me to do it again.” Groaned Patamon.

“Even I couldn’t give my energy for a boost.” Wormmon added while lying down.

Ken hugged his partner. “No, Wormmon! I lost you once because of this. I won’t lose you again!”

“We gotta do something!” Casey stated.

Shine Boy looked at his hand. “Does it have to be a Digimon?”

“What do you mean?” Yolei asked.

“I’ll do it! I’ll try to use my Shine Power to summon this Digi Egg of Miracles.”

Izzy hurried over. “It’s too risky! You might not have enough energy! It could drain your life source!”

Shine Boy looked unfazed. “I know what’ll happen if I don’t try.”

At that moment, Sunset was knocked over to the group. As she got back up, she looked towards the group. “Everything okay here?”

“Good news is we may have a way to win!” Applejack said.

“Bad news is it’s too risky!” Rarity added.

“Shine Boy thinks he can use his energy to summon the Digi Egg of Miracles, but Izzy says it could drain his life source.” Keno spoke up.

“Are you sure you wanna do this, Shine Boy?” Sunset asked in concerned.

“How are you guys doing up there?” Shine Boy asked back.

“Not good. Kimeramon is too strong!”

“Then this may be our only option!” Shine Boy then walked up and put his hand on Sunset’s shoulder. “It’s okay. This won’t be the first time I’ve put my life on the line. It’s what I’m trained to do.”

Wincing at first, Sunset took a deep breath and looked at her friend with determination. “Then do it.”

Shine Boy nodded. “Now I just need to concentrate.” He held out his hand and began to concentrate hard. After a little bit, his hand began to glow as something was starting to take shape.

“That’s it, Shine Boy! It’s coming!” T.K. cried.

“You’re doing it! Keep going!” Leomon implored.

As the light grew bigger, Shine Boy showed signs of sweating and stumbling.

Love Shine noticed. “You okay, Tony?”

“Yeah. Just taking a lot out of me.”

Seconds later, Shine Boy fell to his knee but still concentrated.

Cody spoke up. “It’s too much! You gotta stop now!”

“I can’t! I’ve gone too far! Just a little more!” Shine Boy grunted.

“But you’ll die!” Cody pleaded.

“I’D RATHER IT BE MY LIFE THAN ANYONE ELSES!” Shine Boy shouted before softening his mood. “Trust me, Cody. I hafta do this!”

Cody was about to complain before Gamer put his hand on his shoulder. “You gotta trust him, Cody. It’s our only hope!”

When the light was very bright, Shine Boy struggled to get back up on his feet and raise his arm up. When he succeeded, he looked over to Davis.

“Hey Davis! CATCH!” with every strength in his body, Shine Boy threw the light at Davis, who caught it and looked at it as the shape revealed to be a familiar Digi Egg.

“You did it! It’s the Digi Egg of Miracles! You did it!” he cheered followed by everyone else.

But their smiles faded as they saw Shine Boy. He fell flat on his face lifelessly. Gamer ran up to him panicking.

“Bro? Bro!” he shook his big brother and turned him on his back. He got even sadder when he checked for a pulse and got nothing. “I’m not getting a pulse.”

“No.” Gasped Tai.

Everyone was very saddened by the news. Even Night Shine showed concerned for his brother. Saddened, Karai walked up to Gamer and hugged him to comfort. Ken fell to his knees, feeling guilty, while Yolei could only put her arms around him. Just then, Twilight and Rainbow flew down to them.

“What’s going on?” Rainbow asked before Twilight gasped at seeing Shine Boy lying on the ground. Rainbow shed a couple tears as she asked. “W-What happened?”

Leomon walked up to her. “Shine Boy gave his life to produce the Golden Digi Egg of Miracles so we can defeat Kimeramon.”

“Why? Why didn’t he listen?” Cody sobbed.

Love Shine put his hand on his shoulder. “Cody, try to understand. Shine Boy would rather sacrifice himself for the sake of others. It’s…. it’s who he was.”

Drying her tears, Sunset knew they still had a battle to win and turned to Davis. “Davis! Use it!”

Davis nodded as Veemon walked up to him looking determined.

“Let’s make this count!” the blue Digimon encouraged.

Davis looked at the Digi Egg of Miracles. “This is for you, Shine Boy.” He whispered before he held up the Digi Egg and shouted. “GOLDEN ARMOR ENERGIZE!”

“Veemon Golden Armor Digivolve to…….”

Veemon jumped into a bright light where the Digi Egg was. The light was so big everyone saw it. The CMCs and Spike were wide eyed at what they saw. Raph and Leo looked to where the others were hiding. Even Kimeramon perked up, as if sensing the light despite being blind.

“What’s happening?” Raph asked Leo, who was equally confused.

From the light emerged a figure. He was a blue humanoid dragon wearing gold armor.


Everyone looked at him in surprise.

“Amazing.” Gasped Starlight.

“So that’s Magnamon.” Donnie whispered.

“Cool.” Casey smiled.

“I do like how his colors match.” Rarity admitted.

“that’s sweet.” Josh spoke up.

At last, Magnamon spoke. “Time to put this nightmare down for good!”

He was about to take off before Sunset spoke up.

“Magnamon! Wait!” she then turned the other Rainbooms. “Girls! Let’s give our geode powers to Magnamon!”

Without any second thoughts, The Rainbooms gave their geode’s magic to Magnamon like they did with Imperialdramon. As they returned to their attires, Magnamon’s gauntlets transformed into giant shuko claws that radiated in rainbow colors and the cutie marks of each Rainboom was on the wrist bands.

“Thanks, girls.” Magnamon nodded before he flew up to where Leo and Raph were floating.

“Veemon? Is that you?” Raph asked.

“Yeah, Raph. It’s me. I’m Magnamon now!”

“Great!” Leo nodded. “Now let’s end this!”

The three charged at Kimeramon, who roared to attack. He flailed his arms as Raph stabbed one arm with his sais, Leo slashed another with his katana, and Magnamon blocked the other two with his new gauntlets.

“MAGNA SLASH!” After deflecting the arms, the claws on Magnamon’s gauntlets extended and slashed the hands off. Kimeramon recoiled in pain before fired another Heat Viper at the three. Leo and Raph blocked it and as they did they both began to glow bright in their signature colors. After struggling, the two armored turtles launched it back at Kimeramon and it exploded in his face. Then, Magnamon crossed his arms as the cutiemarks on his gauntlets began to glow.

“Kimeramon! You will never defeat me because my friends always have my back! Here’s a taste of our friendship! MAGNA RAINBOW BLAST!” Magnamon then fired a glowing rainbow from his gauntlets. The blasted impaled Kimeramon, who roared in pain again as his body began to crumble from the binding light. As he fell, his body exploded multiple times. Everyone saw the smokey aftermath with no sign of Kimeramon as Donnie asked April.

“April? Any sign of him?”

April concentrated as she felt her head. “No. there’s no trace of him. I think Magnamon got him for good, everyone.”

Everyone smiled while Sunset looked down on Shine Boy’s lifeless body and took his hand. “At least your sacrifice wasn’t in vain.”

Leo looked down at the group and gasped at the sight. “No.”

“Leo?” Raph followed shortly after.

The two landed reverting back to normal and was shocked at what they saw. Leo ran to Shine Boy’s body and held it shedding tears. “What happened?”

“He gave his life to bring the Digi Egg of Miracles so we can beat Kimeramon.” Mumbled Davis.

As Leo mourned for his friend’s death, Magnamon landed near the group. He held up his arms and his shuko claws vanished as the magic returned to the Rainbooms’ geodes. He then walked up to Leo.

“Lay him down please.” He asked.

“W-What?” Leo was confused. But he still complied to his request.

Magnamon placed his hand on Shine Boy’s chest. Then his hand began to glow.

“What are you doing?” Keramon asked.

“I hope I have enough power left to bring him back.” Magnamon answered.

The glow then began to shine from Shine Boy’s bady. Then, when his hand stopped glowing, Magnamon reverted back to Veemon.

“Did it work?” Josh asked.

“we’ll know in a second.” Twilight whispered.

“C’mon Buddy. We need you.” Love Shine pleaded quietly.

The glow then stopped and suddenly, Shine Boy shot his eyes open and sat up quickly, shouting, “SERENITY!” He took a moment to catch his breath while everyone looked in surprised and joy.

“HE’S ALIVE! HE’S ALIVE! HE’S ALIVE!” Pinkie cheered as she ran over to hug the hero.

“HAHAA!” Bebop chuckled.

Mikey hugged him as well, bawling. “Shine Boy! I thought we’d never see you again!”

“Uh guys. Shine Boy can’t breathe.” Shine Boy gasped. After the two released him and he caught his breath, he then spoke up. “Did we get him?”

Karai nodded while wiping a tear. “We did. Magnamon defeated Kimeramon.”

“It was thanks to you.” Leo smiled.

“You got guts, kid.” Ogremon thumbed up.

“How do you feel?” Yolei asked.

“a little stiff, but I’ll live.” Shine Boy groaned as he tried to get up. Davis and Leo helped him back on his feet while Joe checked him through a stethoscope.

“Well, it sounds like your vitals are okay.” He concluded.

“You did it!” Josh smiled.

We did it.” Shine Boy grinned. “We all did it together.”

“Yeah! The Rainbooms gave me a boost with their geodes like against Devimon and I clobbered him with Raph and Leo!” Veemon boasted.

“Let’s not forget that I unlocked my Digi Armor! Yeah!” Mikey began dancing around. “Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!” He was joined by Veemon, Davis, and Pinkie and they all were chanting together. “Go Ninja Go Ninja Go!”

“I’m almost tempted to suggest Mikey to start some Ninja Rap.” Shine Girl whispered to Shini.

“Bet that be a hit.” Chuckled Shini.

“Applejack!” Everyone looked to see the CMCs and Spike along with a couple Gekomon and Otamamon. Applebloom ran up and hugged her big sister. “Everything okay?”

Applejack smiled as hugged her sister back. “Yep. Kimeramon is gone. We won.”

As she hugged Rarity, Sweetie Belle noticed her sister’s mascara ran a little. “Did something happened, Rarity?”

“Let’s just say we almost had a casualty, darling. But everything’s fine now.” Rarity assured her sister.

“Important thing is ugly four arm Digimon gone and we all together!” Rocksteady boasted.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Spike smiled as Twilight petted him.

“Yeah! Thanks to all of you, our village is safe!” one Gekomon cheered.

“Our leader ShogunGekomon has offered his home to you all for recouperation.” Otamamon added.

“It would probably be a good idea.” Leomon advised.

Leo nodded. “Yeah. We should take a breather after that battle. So we can prepare to face Ripley and Lewej when the time is right.”

“Good idea. So I know if I’ll be getting back to full strength.” Shine Boy breathed.

As they all followed the Gekomon back to ShogunGekomon’s palace, Ken walked up to Shine Boy. “Shine Boy, I wanted to apologize.”

“What for, Ken?”

“Kimeramon was my creation. You almost died because of me!”

Shine Boy patted his shoulder. “Ken. Ken! You thought Kimeramon died a long time ago. You’re not the one who revived him. Kimeramon died the same day the Digimon Emperor did. While there are people who will bring up your past over and over again, there are true friends who know the real you. I will always forgive you.”

Ken smiled. “Thanks.”

“I’m sorry too.” Shine Boy turned to Cody. “I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

Shine Boy smiled at him. “Well, you were right. It would’ve killed me hadn’t Magnamon brought me back. You were concerned for my wellbeing is all, Cody. For that I thank you.”

This made Cody smile in relief as they headed back in the village.


As everyone recovered at ShogunGekomon’s place, they were either being treated for wounds or having a little snack. As he walked around, Shine Boy was beginning to feel better. He was in a hallway alone when he noticed Mimi walking up to him.

“Hey Mimi. Did you needed something?” he greeted.

“Well, I just wanted to thank you for saving my life earlier.”

“You’re welcome.” Shine Boy smiled then noticed Mimi walked closer to him and putting her hands on his shoulders. “What are you doing?”

“You’re a very brave guy. I find that… admirable.” Mimi grinned flirtishly.

Shine Boy responded by removing her hands off his shoulders. “Thank you. Look. I appreciate the good word, but I have Serenity back home. I’m sorry. You’re pretty and I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but I want to stay faithful to who my heart belongs to.”

Mimi still smiled friendly as she gave in. “I know. I couldn’t resist. I know you have Serenity. She’s a very lucky girl to have you. When I find someone my own, I hope they’re as faithful as you.”

“I’m sure you’ll find someone.”

“I know. In fact there’s a couple I’ve had my eye on a couple guys. Still, I want to end this would be relationship with this.” Mimi then pressed her lips on Shine Boy’s, getting the hero by surprise as she gave him a small kiss. “Mmmmmua. That was for saving me earlier. You’re a good friend.”

Shine Boy spoke up as Mimi turned to leave. “Mimi… thank you for understanding. You’re a good friend too.”

Mimi smiled at the compliment as the two headed back. What they didn’t know was that Karai saw the whole thing and smiled.

“I’m proud of you, Shine Boy. Don’t worry. Your secret’s safe with me.” The former bad kinounchi whispered to herself.


After a little rest, the heroes were ready to head out again. Sunset walked up to Leo who asked. “Is everyone ready to head out?”

“Yep. Everyone presented and accounted for.” Sunset answered.

“Great! Then let’s make up for lost time!” Davis cheered.

“To the Primary Village!” Shine Boy called out.

“To the Primary Village!” the group called back while Night Shine thumbed up.

As they all began to head out, Mimi and Fluttershy waved to the Gekomon, Otamamon, and Shogun Gekomon who waved them goodbye.

“Thank you all again for your hospitality!” Fluttershy called.

“Thank you for saving our village.” ShogunGekomon thanked.

“Bye, Princess Mimi!” The Geckomon cheered.

“Good luck to you and your friends!” an Otamamon called out.

“Bye now! And thanks again!” Mimi waved back.

As the group walked forward, Josh walked up to Love Shine.

“That Shine Boy is really brave.” He spoke.

“Yeah, and a good leader and friend.” Love Shine admitted.

“Do you think I can be brave as him?”

Blinking, Love Shine answered. “I don’t know about that. But I’m sure he can give you some pointers once we get to the Primary Village and continue your training.”

“Sounds good.” Josh nodded as he looked over to Tai, who was near the front, thankfully not looking at him again as they continued their journey.


In his hideout, Two Gem Knights set up a cell barricade as Gladitron watched them. Just then, Ripley and Lewej walked in.

“And your certain these two Digi Eggs had the highest readings?” Ripley asked Gladitron.

“Yes, my liege. These were the strongest reading Digi Eggs we could find.”

“Good.” Lewej looked over to see Mortar next to a control panel. “Mortar!”

“The mutagen is hooked up and we’re ready to begin.” Mortar assured.

“Then let it begin!” Ripley ordered.

Nodding, Mortar pushed a couple buttons, activating the machine. As the machine drained the canisters, a Gem Knight walked up to the cells with a hose. He set the hose through an opening in the cells as mutagen crawled through it. As the mutagen continued to pour into the cells, Ripley and Lewej smirked at each other as Ripley whispered, “Yeeeeessssss.”

To Be Continued

Cross the Waterfall

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After defeating Kimeramon, the heroes continued to head to the Primary Village. Now they were climbing up a mountain.

“Man!” panted Davis. “And I thought Kimeramon was tough!”

“Eh. When with the ninjas, you get use to it.” Casey shrugged.

“We even travel like this in Equestria.” Starlight mentioned.

Yolei was walking next to her. “You know, I hope we can visit Equestria someday.”

“Same.” Gamer added. “Curious on how we’d look as ponies and I’d be fascinated exploring the places Donnie and April told me about.”

“Maybe someday. I know Twilight’s counterpart would love to meet you guys.” Sunset assured.

“Even me and Keramon?” Josh asked.

“Absolutely!” Fugitoid nodded.

“You know, I used to ride horses years ago, but I stopped because the saddle was uncomfortable.” Josh recalled.

“Well, I assure you that won’t be a problem in Equestria.” Starlight smiled.

“I wonder if Digimon look different there too?” Veemon asked curiously.

“That be a curious sight.” Fugitoid pondered.

Meanwhile, Karai was walking with Shine Boy, who showed signs of getting better after being revived by Magnamon. “How you feeling, Shine Boy?”

“I’m doing great. With all this walking, I’m feeling less stiff.”

“You really scared us after you died from bringing the Digi Egg of Miracles.” Armadillomon admitted.

“I know. I just wanted to beat Kimeramon.” Shine Boy shrugged.

“We’re just glad you’re alive and still helping us.” Cody smiled.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

After walking more a little ways, everybody began to hear a small rumbling.

“What’s that?” Scootaloo asked.

“Is it the wind?” Fluttershy wondered.

“It’s not another bad Digimon, is it?” Sweetie Belle feared.

April felt her heard and smiled. “Not feeling anything so it’s not, Sweetie Belle.”

“Now that I hear it, it sounds like water.” Leo guessed.

“And you’re right, Leonardo.” Leomon spoke up. “We’re almost to the waterfall.”

“Least we’re making progress.” Keno smiled.

“Right. So, let’s get going.” Tai waved as they continued forward.


Soon, they found the ledge near a giant waterfall.

“Whoa! That’s the biggest waterfall I ever seen!” Scootaloo wowed.

“Hoowee that’s huge!” Bebop added.

“Yeah. That’s huge.” Yolei nodded.

“Some reason I’m thinking of Niagara Falls.” Shine Boy pondered.

“I think that be bigger.” Twilight put in.

“Whoa.” Whispered Josh.

Leo then noticed Leomon frowning at something. “Is something wrong, Leomon?”

“There’s supposed to be a bridge to the other side, but I don’t see it anywhere.”

“Was this it here?” Everyone looked to see Night Shine standing by a wooden pillar next to the ledge. The rope tied to it was snapped on the end.

“Maybe the bridge gave out.” Donnie analyzed.

“Or somebody didn’t want us coming this way.”

“For once, I agree with him.” Raph jestered to Night Shine’s thought.

Gamer looked out to the other side and analyzed with his goggles. “That looks to be at least two miles to the other side. No way we can jump that.”

“And our Digimon are too weak to digivolve after fighting Kimeramon.” Tai looked at Agumon, who sighed from trying to digivolve.

Mikey gasped. “Maybe I can get a couple boulders to form a bridge with my medallion!”

“I don’t know, Mikey.” Donnie pondered. “A thing like that could do more harm than good.”

“Let me try something.” Rarity walked up to the ledge and activated her geode to make diamonds to form a bridge. But it could only stretch up to the middle of the edge before she retracted them. “Either I reached my limit on my magic or my geode isn’t fully charged.”

“Well it was worth a try.” Twilight shrugged.

Applebloom kicked a rock down the cliff to see it was miles down to the river below. “Ooo that’s a long way down.”

“Well we got to get across if we want to get to the Primary Village and stop Ripley and Lewej!” Davis stated.

Kari looked at the ledge as things went black and white on her again. The cliffs were very foggy as she sweated up a storm. Suddenly, a dark figure merged from the fog reaching for her.

“CHILD!” it roared.


Kari snapped out of it to see everything back and turned to see Karai looking at her.

“You may not want to walk too close to the ledge.”

Kari saw she was close and backed up a bit. “Right. Sorry.”

“You okay?” Karai raised a brow.

“Yeah. Just spaced out a little.” Kari assured her.

Karai shrugged but looked back at the Digidestined in concerned. This hadn’t gone unnoticed by Sunset and April who looked at each other in worry.

“So how we gonna get across yo?” Casey asked.

Shine Boy pondered before looking to Applejack. “Hey AJ. You at full power with your geode?”

“I think so.” Applejack nodded.

“Gamer, do you have any titanium cable?”

Gamer responded by reaching into his backpack. “A couple that reach up to four miles.”

Shine Boy then looked at the waterfall. “Then I think I got an idea. It’s risky, but I think we can pull it off.”


Soon, everyone tied themselves around their waists With Applejack hanging from one end and Rocksteady on the ledge holding the other end with Bebop right next to him. As they hung on the side of the cliff as Tentomon spoke up.

“You know, I think I recall Houdini did this trick once. He was in and out of the hospital in six weeks.”

“Well that’s encouraging.” Gabumon deadpanned.

Applejack then called to the group. “Okay everyone! I’m gonna start swinging!”

Hearing that, Ogremon called up to Rocksteady. “Okay, Rock! We’re ready!”

“One. Two. Three!” Leo counted before everyone kicked the ledge, causing them to swing. Rocksteady then increased the swinging. After a couple swings, Applejack used her shuko claws to grab the ledge and, using her geode’s power, climbed up the ledge and held the cable. Everyone saw that they were stretched between the two ledges.

“Hey. We’re not dead.” Night Shine mumbled.

“So far so good.” Shine Boy breathed before calling to Applejack. “How you doing, Applejack?”

“No problem here.” Applejack waved. “You doing okay, Applebloom?”

“I’m alright.” Applebloom responded with Leomon right behind her.

“Don’t worry. I’m keeping an eye on her and her friends.”

“Thanks, Leomon! Okay, Rocksteady, I’m gonna start pulling across!”

Rocksteady nodded as he helped steady the rope as the cowgirl pulled the others close to the other side. Some like Fluttershy were trying hard not to look down while others made sure nobody fell off. Josh held onto Keramon so he didn’t fall. The first to get across was Yolei who managed to get on the ledge safe and sound.

“Perfecto!” she cheered.

“Well, that seems accomplishable.” Hawkmon nodded as he climbed to her side.

“Good work, Yolei. Now once I get Shine Boy over so you help him across then you two can come help me pull.”

“Got it.” Yolei nodded. Then Applejack continued to pull and Shine Boy was next to come up as Yolei extended her hand to him. “I’m coming, Shine Boy.”

Shine Boy extended his hand. “Okay. Keep it coming. I’m almost there!”

Their hands were just about to make contact when Applejack noticed Yolei’s footing was starting to break.

“Yolei! Your footing! LOOK OUT!” she warned.

“Huh?” Before Yolei could react, the ground she was on gave way, causing her to fall despite Hawkmon grabbing her. Quickly, Applejack jumped over to grab her while still holding on to the cable.

“I gotcha!” she cried. But suddenly, the ledge she was on broke as well, causing the group to fall back next to the ledge.

“Rocksteady! Pull us up!” Cried Leo.

Rocksteady tried to pull them up, but then the cable somehow slipped from his hand. Bebop dove in to grab it but missed. The duo watched in horror as the group screamed as they fell to the river below.

“I-I don’t believe it!” gasped Bebop. “They’re gone. Our true friends our gone!” he bawled.

Rocksteady however was silent with a frown as he began to walk away. This shocked Bebop.

“Rock? Rocksteady? Ivy baby? Where you going? You’re just gonna walk away? The only group who gave us another chance? I get that they were enemies in the past, but they were better company than Shredder! Ivan Steranko, look at me when I’m talking to- Wait! What are you doing? Wait! WAIT!”

“FOR MAMAAAAAAAAA!” It turned out Rocksteady was backing up to charge as he jumped down the ledge into the river. As he fell, he saw his Digi Egg glowing and what he had to.

Bebop looked down at his buddy and looked at his Digi Egg. “Rock you crazy! Can’t let you have all the fun.” So, without hesitation, the former thief jumped in after his buddy. As he followed, his Digi Egg began to glow. He smiled before crying out. “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!”

As Bebop began to glow, Rocksteady shouted the same words.



“Evolution.” He gurgled as he hit the water below. Then, there was a glow in the water where he landed. As he merged from the water, Bebop skied by on his energy streek. Both looked robotic in their new Armors.

“We did it! We gained the Digi armor!” Rocksteady cheered.

“Heehee! Now let’s go save our buddies!” Bebop thumbed up.

As Rocksteady swam, he was as fast as a motorboat across the raging river as Bebop skated by. Up ahead, he saw Fluttershy being pulled by the current and grabbed her. As she caught her breath, she got a better look at the duo.

“Bebop? Rocksteady? Is that you?”

“Yeah it’s us!” Bebop thumbed up.

“Da! We got Digi Armor!” Rocksteady cheered before turning to Bebop. “Comrade! Skate ahead and see if you see other comrades!”

“On it!” As Bebop skated ahead, Rocksteady saw a grappling hook fly towards him and caught it. Turned out the grappling hook was from Love Shine who was carrying Rarity and Sweetie Belle on his back as he carried them onto Rocksteady. Then, they noticed Sunset and Casey, who was struggling to swim, and Rocksteady sped up and grabbed them both. After she caught her breath, Sunset looked around.

“Anyone seen Fugitoid?”

“All I could find was Rarity and Sweetie Belle before I saw Rock here.” Love Shine recalled.

“Guys! Over here!” everyone heard Shine Boy call to them. They saw he, Cody, Twilight, Spike, Matt, Gabumon, Shine Girl, Mikey, Tai, and Agumon were all on Ankylomon’s back as he surfed the water. As they got to him, and everyone climbed on the big Digimon, Shine Boy noticed Rocksteady’s new armor. “You too, Rock? We just saw Bebop skate by. That’s awesome!”

“Ahoy there!” Everyone looked to see Rainbow, Scootaloo, Raph, Keno, Joe, Gomamon, Davis, Veemon, Mimi, Palmon, April, and Shini riding on multicolored fishes that bunched up like a raft as Gomamon joked. “Mind if we join your little cruise?”

“Are we glad to see you guys!” April smiled.

“You too.” Shine Girl smiled as Cody spoke up.

“When we hit the water, Armadillomon was just enough energy to digivolve into Ankylomon so we can ride on him!”

“While I just called on some buddies of mine to give us a lift.” Gomamon smiled.

“Amazing what you can do with the right motivation.” Chuckled Ankylomon.

Just then, Bebop swooped in, carrying Leomon who had Applejack and Applebloom hanging on to him, and dropped them onto Ankylomon’s shell.

“Applebloom! You’re alright!” Sweetie Belle cheered as she hugged her friend.

“So are you guys I see.” Applebloom smiled as she waved to Scootaloo who waved back.

“Glad you guys unlocked your Digi Armors!” Tai thumbed up.

“Da! Now we save others!” Rocksteady grinned.

“Teehee!” Bebop cheered as he skated forward to find the others.

Shine Boy looked around to notice someone was missing. “Anyone seen Gamer?”

“Or Fugitoid?” Asked Sunset.

“I saw Gamer fighting the rapids and Karai went after him while I got Applebloom and Applejack around the time Bebop got us.” Leomon recalled.

Then they heard a cough. “She swung back and grabbed Starlight on the way back.”

Everyone looked to see Gamer and Starlight riding on Karai in her serpent form. As Shine Boy and Applejack helped them up, Karai reverted to her human form.

“Thanks, Karai.” Shine Boy thanked as he pulled her up.

“It was my pleasure.” Karai smiled.

“Hello, over there!” Everyone looked to see Fugitoid in his submarine mode carrying T.K. and Kari along with Patamon and Gatomon heading towards them.

“T.K.! you okay, little bro?” Matt asked as he and Tai helped their siblings up on Ankylomon.

“Thanks to Fugitoid, we are.” T.K. nodded as Sunset hugged Fugitoid who transformed back to robot mode.

“I’m so glad you’re okay, Professor.”

“I’m just glad my submarine mode still works approvable.” The robot chuckled.

Then, something whacked Rocksteady in the back. Rocksteady looked back as he heard a familiar grumble.

“Hey! Outta my way, rust bucket! I got others to rescue!”

“Comrade Ogremon!” Rocksteady gasped.

Sure enough, it was Ogremon, who stopped whacking as he saw it was Rocksteady. “Oh! Hey, Rock!” he then got on the bed of fishes.

“Okay. Who’s all left?” Raph asked.

“Josh jumped in earlier saying he was a very good swimmer and went to look for the others.” Shine Boy remembered, ignoring Tai frowning.

“Over there!” Pinkie cried.

Everyone looked to see Josh struggling to swim with Donnie, Keramon, and Wormmon.

“I gotcha, bud!” Then, they were scooped up by Bebop, who had Sora and Izzy in his arm while Tentomon and Biyomon flying by them. He then dropped them off on the fishes and Josh and Keramon on Ankylomon.

“I just wasn’t a good swimmer when carrying someone.” Panted Josh as Shine Boy patted his back.

“You did your best, Josh. That’s all that matters.” The hero smiled. “You wouldn’t have seen Luke, have you?”

“Bout time someone said something.” Everyone turned to see Night Shine on Ankylomon’s tail wearing shades and held a reflector to his face.

“Glad you’re okay, Bro.” Shine Boy rolled his eyes.

“Where’s Leo?” Raph wondered.

Then, as if answering the hot-headed turtle, Hawkmon frantically flew onto Ankylomon. “Everyone! Leonardo sent me to find you. He’s going after Ken who’s trying to save Yolei, who was knocked out after the crash and sank!”

“Ken!” Wormmon gasped.

“We gotta help them!” Mimi cried.

April felt her head. “They’re nearby! I can feel them!”

Rocksteady looked up to Gamer. “You still have cable, Comrade Gamer?”


Meanwhile, underwater, Yolei was floating unconscious when Ken grabbed her. He tried to swim back up to the surface but was nearly out of breath himself. Just before he was about to pass out, he felt something grab him and Yolei and turned to see Leo was trying to help get them up faster. Then, they both saw a cable in front of them and saw it was Rocksteady lending it. They quickly grabbed it and merged from the water, taking a deep breath.

“Leo!” cried Twilight.

“Ken!” Wormmon cheered.

Catching their breaths, Leo and Ken swam up with Ken carrying Yolei.

“Lay her here!” Shine Boy advised as he helped Yolei up before Karai and Sunset helped the two up. Everyone then looked worried as Hawkmon shook the still unconscious Yolei.

“Yolei! Please! Speak to me!”

“Let me help her!” Ken knelt down at her side.

“Give him some room.” Leo ordered everyone as Ken began breathing into Yolei’s mouth.

“Yolei.” Whimpered Mimi, worried for her young friend.

“Come on, Ken.” Whispered Davis.

“You can do it.” Sora added.

Ken kept breathing in Yolei while checking her pulse. Then, he began pushing down on her chest, counting. Shortly after, Yolei woke up coughing out water. Everyone sighed in relief to her breathing again.

“You did it, Ken!” Wormmon cheered.

“Nicely done.” Karai nodded.

“Yolei! I was so worried!” Hawkmon smiled as Yolei sat up.

Then, Bebop landed on the fish bed. “And that’s everyone present and accounted for! Heehee!”

Everyone then looked at the mutant duo’s new armor. “You both unlocked your Digi armor!” Josh realized.

“Thank you both for coming after us.” Biyomon thanked.

“Da! We never abandon comrades!” Rocksteady boasted.

“Especially after you guys welcomed us in the team after our rough past.” Bebop smiled.

Agumon looked at Tai, who had a lot on his mind as he looked at Josh and Keramon unnoticed.

“Now, we all unlocked our armors!” cheered Mikey.

“Huzzah! Hail the conquering heroes!” Pinkie sang before pulling out a bunch of instruments like a band.

“Where was she carrying all that?” Ogremon gasped.

“It’s Pinkie. Best not ask.” Rainbow whispered.


Before long, Ankylomon and Gomamon got to a calm water spot to get to shore. Once the group got on land, Ankylomon reverted back to Armadillomon and the fish swam away.

“Goodbye! Thanks for all your help!” Fluttershy waved.

Bebop and Rocksteady then turned back to normal.

“Looks like we ran out of juice.” Bebop noticed.

“Oh well. I dare Ripley and Lewej to take on the Bebop and the Rocksteady now!” Rocksteady flexed his arms.

“Better get in line.” Night Shine walked by as everyone laughed.

“Where are we?”

Everyone looked at Yolei as she began to walk towards the woods up ahead and mumbled. “I’m really sorry, everyone. I really am.”

Applejack called out to her. “It’s okay, Yolei. It was an accident.”

“Nobody blames you!” Everyone was surprised to hear what Raph just said.

“You don’t?” Mikey asked.

“Don’t what?”

“You don’t blame her?”

“Maybe a little.” Raph admitted.

“I’ll go talk to her.” Ken walked pass the two turtles and towards Yolei’s direction.


After she walked a ways, Yolei stopped in front of a water hole. As she sat down, her lips trembled as she felt sad from what had happened. As tears fell, she pulled out her weapon and looked at it bluntly before she heard a voice behind her.

“Yolei?” she turned to see Ken looking at her in concern. “Could I sit with you?”

“Sure.” Yolei mumbled as she turned back to the water hole.

As he sat down next to her, Ken took a deep breath and spoke. “You know, both Leo and Shine Boy have said that sometimes, the path from inner turmoil begins with a friendly ear. My ear is open if you wish to use it.”

“How could I have been so stupid! If I knew that ledge was unstable, I wouldn’t- I wouldn’t…. have-” Yolei then broke down crying. “I haven’t felt this guilty since Hawkmon was injured against Dokugumon.”

Ken then put his hand on her shoulder. “You heard Applejack. It was an accident. It could’ve happened to anyone. The important thing is we’re all okay and the only one who almost drowned was you.”

“Probably deserved it.” Sighed Yolei.

“Saying that to the guy who tried to enslave the Digital World?” Ken jestered, getting a slight chuckle from Yolei. “I wouldn’t ever wish anything like that on you, Yolei! You’re a great girl! You’re smart, brave, sweet, tough, and…. All around wonderful.” Ken slightly blushed at the last part.

This was enough to make Yolei smiled as she sniffled. “Thanks, Ken. It-it means a lot to me.”

Ken smiled back before clearing his throat. “Do you… need a hug?”

Yolei nodded as she embraced the former Digimon Emperor who hugged back. As they hugged, Hawkmon and Wormmon were watching from behind a tree.

“I think that was what Yolei needed to feel better.” Hawkmon grinned.

“I’m really proud of Ken.” Wormmon added.

After a bit of not saying anything, the two Digidestined then broke the embrace as Ken spoke. “So, ready to go back to the others?”

“Yeah. Probably still gonna get chewed out by Raph or Night Shine.” Sighed Yolei.

“Probably if you keep calling him that.” Both chuckled at Ken’s joke as they got up and headed back as Hawkmon and Wormmon followed not far behind.


The two arrived back to the group as some were ringing out either their clothes or hair. Rarity had her hair back to her style and was helping Sweetie Belle with hers. They then noticed them back.

“Welcome back.” Greeted Shine Boy.

“You okay, Yolei?” Mimi asked in concern.

“Yeah. I’m okay now. And I just want you to all know I’m sorry about what happened.”

“Yolei, as I mentioned before, it was an accident. Could’ve happened to anyone.” Applejack assured her.

“And take it from me, some things are just out of our control.” April said, remembering when her father was mutated by accident.

“The important thing is we’re all okay.” Rainbow smiled.

“And, Rocksteady and I got our Digi armor working so it was worth it, girl!” Bebop thumbed up.

Shine Boy walked up. “And part of it was my fault since it was my idea to begin with.”

“We’ve already sent Biyomon and Tentomon to survey the area to see if the Primary Village is nearby.” Sora assured.

Yolei smiled before noticing someone was missing. “Where’s Fluttershy?”

“She’s not far. Just went a little ways.” Gamer explained as he drained his goggles and put them back on.

“Once we’re all set, we’ll get her.” Matt assured.

“All done!” Everyone looked as Rarity was finished fixing Sweetie Belle’s hair. “Your hair is fixed now, Sweetie.”

“Thank you, Rarity.” Thanked Sweetie Belle.

Ogremon walked by them. “I may not be into pretty stuff, but that’s impressive work, Rarity.”

“Thank you, Ogremon. You know, I might be able to give you a makeover if you like.”

Ogremon blinked as Night Shine, Raph, and Casey were heard laughing their heads off. “Thanks, but no thanks. Pretty and me don’t mix!”

“At least put it under consideration!” Rarity called as Ogremon walked away.

“Well, it looks like everyone is ready to head out again.” Shine Girl reported.

“Then let’s get moving.” Leo nodded.

Shine Boy turned to Josh. “Hey Josh. Why don’t you go with Matt and go get Fluttershy?”

“I can do that.” Josh replied only for Keno to speak.

“Never mind there she is.”

Everyone looked to see Fluttershy walking up to the group smiling. “Guys! I just found out we’re really close to the Primary Village!”

“Well, that’s good news.” Shini smiled.

“Is it really close?” asked Tai.

“According to my new recent friend, it is.” Fluttershy made way for a new figure. He was a small red Digimon with a bushy tail and purple tips on his ears and tail.

“Elecmon!” T.K. and Patamon gasped.

“T.K.? Patamon? It that you?” Elecmon smiled before he embraced his old friends. “It has been a long time! Look how big you’ve grown!”

“It has been a long time.” Patamon nodded.

Elecmon then turned to the other Digidestined. “Digidestined! Good to see you all again!”

“Glad to see you again.” Izzy waved.

“And nice to meet your new friends as well.”

“Nice to meet you too.” Scootaloo reached to pet Elecmon only for him to mistake it for a handshake, but she didn’t mind.

Elecmon then turned to Leomon and Ogremon. “Leomon! Ogremon! How have you been?”

“Oh, you know. Same old. Same old.” Ogremon shrugged.

“Always happy to see an old friend.” Leomon smiled.

“Anyway, Fluttershy here was telling me you guys were on your way to the Primary Village.”

“That’s right.” Leo confirmed.

“Well, I was on my way back with the fish I caught when I met Fluttershy. I’ll be happy to take you right to it.” Elecmon walked up to a net full of fish and was about to try to lift when Love Shine lifted it up.

“If you like, I can carry this for you since you’re leading us to the village.” He offered.

“Much obliged. Okay, everyone, follow me!” Elecmon lead the group.

As they followed, everyone introduced themselves to Elecmon. Then, Applebloom spoke to T.K. “So, T.K., how’d you meet Elecmon?”

“Let me guess. You met him after Devimon separated you guys and had to remove a Black Gear from him?” Night Shine bluntly guessed as he walked by.

“Well, you’re half right. Patamon and I met him after we were separated by Devimon.” T.K. admitted before explaining more. “We came across the Primary Village and saw all the Baby Digimon and wanted to play with them. Elecmon came back and feared we were gonna hurt the babies and attacked us. After he and Patamon fought for a bit, I got them to settle this with a tug of war and Patamon won.”

“Would’ve preferred arm wrestling.” Raph spoke up before Elecmon continued.

“I admit, I was a little rash there, but I let them stay until the others found them. After they left File Island, I haven’t seen them until Joe and Mimi found me by the lake. You see, when the Dark Masters took over, their evil turned the Primary Village into a wasteland. Digimon could not rejuvenate. I felt sad and useless. When I heard T.K. and Patamon were fighting the Dark Masters, I joined the fight against Piedmon. After they defeated Apocylamon, I came back to resume my duties and take care of newly hatched Digimon. When I heard about the Digimon Emperor, I went to investigate only to be caught alongside some of my cousins. When the Digimon Emperor was gone, I went back to the Primary Village, but it took a bit because I had to hide from BlackWarGreymon. After that, I resumed taking care of these baby Digimon. Ah! Here we are!”

Everyone looked ahead to see a village that looked like it was meant for infants.

“Welcome to the Primary Village.”

“Sweet.” Casey grinned.

“Whoa.” Mikey awed.

“It’s beautiful!” Fluttershy gushed.

“So cute.” April cooed.

“Wow.” Smiled Sunset.

“Cool.” Karai added.

“Adorable.” Shini agreed.

“Amazing.” Twilight blinked.

“Not bad.” Raph shrugged.

“Impressive.” Donnie grinned.

“Amazing.” Leo smiled.

“Glad to finally make it.” Keno sighed in relief.

“Splenderific!” Pinkie bounced.

“Hoowee!” Applejack whistled.

“Cool!” the CMCs said together.

“Awesome.” Rainbow whispered.

“How appropriate.” Rarity critiqued.

"This is wonderful." Starlight admitted.

“Nice décor.” Fugitoid observed.

“Aw!” Bebop and Rocksteady grinned.

“I like it.” Shine Boy smiled.

“Reminds me of some daycares I went to.” Gamer pondered.

“I’d want to live here if I was a baby.” Shine Girl complimented.

“Yeah.” Love Shine agreed.

“Not bad.” Night Shine shrugged.

“Wow!” Josh spoke. "Reminds me of my old play place from when I was a kid."

“So adorable.” Keramon added.

Unknown to them, Tai felt uncomfortable about them going near the village. He just took a deep breath and walked further away from them as Leo spoke to Elecmon.

“Hey Elecmon. Is there a place where we can train and not do any damage?”

“There’s an open area where you can. I let Digimon like Leomon train where the baby Digimon won’t get in your way. Why do you need to train?”

Leomon nodded. “We have heard of enemies nearby who are unleashing a virus onto their world. They are also creating strong Digimon with this substance called mutagen.”

“They haven’t bothered you or anything, have they?” Sunset asked.

Elecmon pondered. “No, but I have seen them. One night, while the baby Digimon were asleep, I heard a small noise. I looked and hid to this big guy with a grill around his face and pointy shoulder pads.”

“Gladitron.” Glared Shine Boy.

“Anyway, he was joined by two black knights. They took a couple Digi Eggs and took off and I haven’t seen them sense.”

Everyone looked at each other in concern.

“No doubt Ripley and Lewej are planning to mutate more Digimon.” Twilight theorized.

“Those poor Digimon!” worried Kari.

“We can’t let them get away with that!” Davis declared.

“That thought never occurred to me, Davis. And I think I speak for all of us as well.” Shine Boy looked to the others who nodded in agreement.

“Okay. We’ll rest for an hour. Then we’ll continue our training.” Leo instructed.

“While we do that, a couple of us can take turns keeping an eye on Ripley and his forces.” April suggested.

“I’d appreciate that, April.” Smiled Elecmon. “C’mon, everyone! I’ll show you where you can rest and help get you all setup.” He began to lead the heroes to the Primary Village.

To be continued

The Dreaded New Duo/An Enemy Within?!

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At the villains’ hideout, Chaos Mage entered a room where Ripley and Lewej were sharing a drink.

“Ripley!” he hollered. “Our lookout has reported Shine Boy along with the Ninjas, Rainbooms, and Digidestined have arrived at the Primary Village.”

“What?” Lewej shot up.

“I knew those Digi brats would call Shine Boy and his friends should they notice we were here.” Ripley huffed as he drank his drink.

Just then, Mortar came in the room to report. “I must inform you both that Shine Boy and his friends had defeated the Kimeramon we revived.”

“Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” Ripley muttered. “No matter. Kimeramon had served his purpose in slowing our enemies.”

“How can you be so calm knowing our enemies are next door, dear?” Lewej asked.

“I am aware you’d worry, my love. Our forces have failed against them. Devimon had failed. I have failed.” As Ripley spoke, he walked up to a couple cages where there was clanging to be heard. “But only because I revived one Digimon. This time, we revived two Digimon!” he smirked as a metal claw is seen reaching out one of the cages.


After resting from their long journey to the Primary Village, The heroes continued the older Digidestined’s ninja training. While Mikey and Keno privately trained Josh, Karai stood ready as the older kids stood ready with wooden katanas to spar. Sora then jumped in and attacked Karai, only for the kinoichi to deflect every hit and hit her from the back.

“Do not lead with your shoulders, Sora.” Karai instructed as Sora recoiled.

Then, Matt tried to jump her, but was quickly deflected and fell over.

“Faster on your counterattack, Matt.”

Izzy jumped in and almost landed a hit before Karai hit him on his shoulder.

“Watch your blindspots, Izzy.”

Mimi was next to attack but was disarmed quickly while Karai held her wooden sword at her.

“Tighten your grip on your weapon, Mimi.”

Joe was next to try. Then he was easily tripped by Karai.

“Mind your footwork, Joe.”

Tai charged in. when he missed, he threw his wooden sword at Karai, who easily deflected it and pinned him to a tree.

“You are distracted, Tai. You need to focus your attack!”

“Hmm.” Was all Tai said as Karai let him pick up his training sword.


As they continued to train, their Digimon partners watched them.

“Wow! Karai’s not kidding around training Sora and the others.” Biyomon pointed out.

“I remember Adagio saying she was a lot stricter when they worked for that Shredder guy.” Tentomon recalled.

“Hate to have met her then.” Gabumon shuddered.

“Must be on her nice side.” Gomamon shrugged.

“Well, the training will be well worth it to beat those bad guys.” Agumon hoped.

“You can do it, Mimi!” Palmon cheered.

Agumon looked over to Tai, remembering what Karai said about him being distracted, and worried about his buddy still not trusting Josh and Keramon.

Not far from them, Davis and his team, along with the CMCs, were sparring with some of the Rainbooms, April, Casey, Keno, Starlight Glimmer, and Shinigami. Applebloom sparred with Applejack, Rainbow against Davis, Cody with Shine Girl, Scootaloo with Casey, Sweetie Belle with April, T.K. with Pinkie, Kari with Twilight, Ken with Starlight, and Yolei with Shini. As they sparred, Starlight shared her not so bright moments with Ken.

“So, you actually found a way to travel back in time?” Ken asked as his tonfas clashed with Starlight’s bow.

“Yeah. After Princess Twilight and the Rainbooms’ counterparts stopped my cutie mark stealing scheme, I found a time traveling spell to stop them from being friends in the first place. It kept resulting in terrible futures in Equestria until Twilight opened my eyes. If I hadn’t accepted her offer her friendship, I wouldn’t have good friends like Trixie and Maud as well as reunited with my old friend Sunburst.”

“Glad I hadn’t thought of time traveling as the Digimon Emperor. It probably been like your experience.”

“Yeah. But still, controlling Digimon with dark rings? Creating Kimeramon? Wow.”

“Still not my favorite highlights” Ken sighed.

“At least Wormmon stood by you no matter what.”

“Yeah. I’m glad he never gave up on me.” Ken nodded as they continued to spar.

Meanwhile, as they sparred, Davis then asked Rainbow a question. “So, how come you and Rarity aren’t training your sisters like Applejack?”

“Well, actually, Scootaloo’s my fan. Second, I don’t mind. Scoots could learn something from Casey. And, if I heard right, April is doing a favor for Rarity by training Sweetie Belle while she’s prepping herself while on guard duty with Love Shine.”

“Guess that makes sense.” Davis shrugged.

“Why? Afraid I’m too awesome to handle, Davis?” Rainbow taunted.

“Oh yeah? Well I’m awesomer!” Davis smirked.

“That’s not even a word!” But Davis and Rainbow didn’t hear Twilight as they sparred.

Twilight herself went back to sparring with Kari. As her spear hit her tessen, Twilight noticed Kari didn’t seem to be concentrating as she froze a couple times. Then, she accidentally knocked Kari’s tessen out of her hand.

“Are you okay, Kari? This is the fourth time you hesitated.”

“Sorry. Just a lot on my mind.” Kari shrugged.

“If it’s about Ripley and Lewej, we’ll beat them by working together. But Leo wants us to sharpen our skills.”

“Sorry. I’ll try harder.” Kari promised. She showed a little improvement, but Twilight still worried about her friend. She wasn’t the only one as Gatomon noticed with the other Digimon and Spike watching the spars.

Over to Applebloom, she used her tanto blade to block Applejack’s shuko claws as her sister coached her.

“Good block, sugarcube. Just make sure you know when to attack or keep blocking.”

She then used her claws to disarm her little sister.

“Like now?” Applebloom grinned as she tackled Applejack and began tickling her.

“No! Wait! Ha ha! Applebloom! You! Ha ha!” Applejack laughed as she slipped off her claws. “So, you wanna play that way, huh? How’s these apples?” she began to give her little sister a nuggie as the two laughed heartily.

“Well, it looks like those two are having fun.” Armadillomon looked up.

“I think it has something to do with them being sisters or something.” Pondered Veemon.

“Something like that.” Spike confirmed.

Meanwhile, Yolei dodged Shini’s attack while doing maneuvers with her karisama chain.

“Glad to see you’re improving on your movement, Yolei.” The witch girl smiled.

“Yeah. Thankfully, Cody helped me find time to train between keeping tabs on the Digital World, helping at my family’s convenient store, and schoolwork.”

“That’s good! I was more worried that you would be too shook up from back at the waterfall.”

“I’ve backed down when things got bad too many times. I don’t want to do that ever again.” Yolei stated.

Shini nodded as they continued their spar. Over to Cody and Shine Girl, the young boy clashed his swords with Shine Girl’s baton before disarming the heroine. Cody then used a sweep kick, tripping Shine Girl before pointing his sword at her.

“Do you yield?”

Shine Girl was unfazed. “Always check all options before declaring victory.” she then slammed her baton, sending it flying before it knocked Cody’s kodachis out of his hands. “Over confidence can shift the balance between victory and defeat.”

Cody bowed in respect. “I’ll try better.”

“However, your grandpa has trained you well.” Shine Girl assured as she handed Cody his weapon back. “Let’s go again.”

“Of course.” Cody accepted and they continued.

Casey was still coaching Scootaloo as he blocked her attack. “Aright. Not bad. Not bad. Keep at it, Scoots.”

“I’m just getting warmed up.” Scootaloo grinned.

T.K. tried to Pinkie who kept dodging left to right.

“Come on, T.K.! I’m over here! Over Here! Over here!” The party girl taunted as she bounced all around.

“And they say Dodging is really difficult.” T.K. mumbled before he got an idea. “Hey Patamon! That’s a delicious looking cupcake you found there!”

“Where? Where?” This was enough to distract Pinkie for T.K. to grabbed her with a full nelson.


“Real clever.” Pinkie grinned.

April was showing Sweetie Belle some ninja tricks Splinter taught her. Sweetie tried one before she fell on her seat.

“That was a good try there, Sweetie. Just don’t hesitate when executing.” April instructed as she helped her up.

“Okay.” Groaned Sweetie.

“That looked painful.” Hawkmon winced.

“At least they’re learning.” Wormmon said.

“Wonder how the others are doing with Leomon and Ogremon?” Patamon wondered.

Near a ledge of a mountain, Leo, Donnie, Raph, Bebop, and Rocksteady were sparring with Leomon and Ogremon while in their Digi Armors. They each fought either Leomon and Ogremon who blocked each attack and tried to counterattack. Leomon blocked a split kick from Leo before the two fought with their swords.

“Your father has taught you all well.” Leomon admitted before blocking an attack from Donnie.

“Your pretty good yourself, Leomon.” Leo nodded.

“Tell me again why Mikey isn’t in on this?” Raph asked.

“He’s helping Keno train Josh, remember?” Donnie recalled.

“We’ll make sure he catches up.” Leo promised.

Ogremon and Rocksteady were wrestling each other as they talked.

“I love Digi Armor! I feel twice as strong!” Rocksteady boasted.

“Least we’re on the same side or I’d be major jealous.” Ogremon shrugged.

Bebop then jumped over Rocksteady’s shoulder and jumped off Ogremon’s head. “I know, right? Makes me wanna shake my groove thaaaaaang! HeeHeeeeeee!” he sang as he jumped off and danced around.

“Gotta love a guy who loves this work.” Ogremon mumbled.

Josh dodged some blows from Keno and blocked a swift Nunchuck strike from Mikey. "you're learning fast, bro!" Mikey said.

Josh Chuckled. "Thanks. But I'm really impressed with your own skills, Mikey. You think you could teach me to handle my own pair of chuks?"

Mikey grinned ear to ear. "DUDE! I always wanted to pass my sweet chuck skills to a student!" This made Josh grin with glee.

Keno raised a brow. “What about Bright Eyes?”

“Oh well. Like doing it twice!”

As they were sparring, Keramon sat on the sidelines. He called out to them, "Hey, wanna hear about some of our adventures before we met you guys?"

“Hey, that got me curious. Let’s hear it.” Keno smiled.

Keramon sighed: "Well one of the first things we faced were Digimon that caused havoc in our town in the real world. Like Clockmon."

Keno tilted his head."Clockmon?"

Keramon nodded. "he used his powers to target children and steal their time."

Mikey scratched his head. "Steal their time?"

Keramon nodded. "He hit them with his hammer then stole years off their lives."

Josh shuddered. "I witnessed him attack a girl in my class. He stole her time and I watched her age from a teenage girl to a wrinkly old woman near death in a matter of moments! Then he came after me!!"

Keno and Mikey were shocked.

“Wouldn’t like that to happen. Too much I wanna do before I grow old.” Keno admitted.

“Wonder what I’d look like if I was that old?” Mikey pondered as multiple visions came to thought.

Josh nodded. "But thankfully, Keramon saved me. He damaged Clockmon's clock hands and all the time he stole went back to everyone he stole them from, good as new."

Keramon jumped up. "Then I digivolved into Chrysalimon and laid the smackdown on him! But his hammer ended up hitting himself and turned his powers on himself! He rapidly aged until he was destroyed, transformed back into a digi-egg."

“Reap what you sow, my dad always says.” Keno grinned while Mikey laughed his head off.

“Now that’s funny karma there!”

Josh tapped his chin. "It does seem ironic, doesn't it? What seems more ironic is that our enemies would try reviving Digimon from the primary village into bad guys. I hope we stop them before they do too much damage. "

Keramon nodded. "Luckily, we can go beyond Champion stage and into Ultimate and Mega anytime we want."

This caught the attention of Izzy, who was taking a break. "WHAT? You already found your crests?!"

Josh looked confused. "Found? I've always had it." he then held up his digivice, which they now noticed had a different shape.

Josh tapped a button and a symbol appeared on the screen that looked like a lightbulb. "This is the Crest of Imagination. Built right into my digivice. What, you don't have this? I thought all digivices did."

As they explained, no one noticed Tai frowning before walking another direction.

Matt spoke. “You see, our Digivices are an older model. Back in our day, we had our crests in tags, which we all had to find because they were hidden by Devimon and the Dark Masters around the continent of Servo.”

“While Kari’s was in Myotismon’s possession.” Sora added as Izzy continued.

“While they were our ticket to defeat our enemies, they ended getting destroyed by our greatest enemy Apocylamon. While we found out our crests were in our hearts and bond and we defeated Apocylamon, we eventually returned that power to restore the Digital World.”

Josh frowned. "So you can't have your digimon digivolve further than champion? That's not right. It's not fair if I'm the only one who can do it."

Keramon frowned. "I wanted to fight alongside a Mega."

Davis, who was still sparring, overheard and spoke up.

“Well, our Digimon have been able to become ultimates by DNA Digivolving, as you recall from our battle with Kimeramon.” He explained before he was tackled by Rainbow.

Ken continued while he and Starlight took a break. “And our Digimon have been able to digivolve to mega as Imperialdramon. Still does.”

Joshua nodded. "We did notice. I guess I can get consolation from that. I guess my digivice is a newer model."

Keramon elbowed him playfully."Kinda makes you feel special, huh?" He asked. Joshua chuckled and nodded. "Yeah. Reminds me of when we met that Mummymon who wanted to be a doctor."

“Wait! Did you say Mummymon?” Davis gasped.

Josh nodded. "Yes. There was a Mummymon kidnapping people near the museum in my town and trying to wrap them up like mummies. He thought he was healing them since they ancient Egyptians tried to do that and he learned it from the exhibit. After getting into a fight with Chrysalis on, I told him he would have killed them if he went through with it, since it is a thousands of years out of date technique. I let everyone go after that and started studying modern medicine from the local hospitals. Honestly, he had good intentions, but didn't know what he was doing."

"We have had our own encounter with another Mummymon." Ken frowned. "Only this one aided our enemy Arukennimon in trying to destroy the Digital World."

"Hmmm. wonder how good Mummymon would be at funky rap." Mikey wondered imagining Mummymon wearing DJ bling at a turntable while Mikey was in rap getup while holding Ice Cream Kitty.

"I doubt it, Mikey." Davis popped his fantasy bubble.

Josh chuckled. "I like Mikey's style."

Keramon nodded. "Me too."

Back in the Village, Fluttershy and Gamer were helping Elecmon feed the baby Digimon.

“Here you go, little one.” The shy girl cooed as a Punimon accepted a fish and started nibbling.

Elecmon walked up. “I halfta admit. I’m impressed, Fluttershy. A lot of the babies have taken a liking to you.”

“Well, I have had practice with the animals at the animal shelter I work at.” She then looked over to Gamer who was trying to feed a Botamon. “How are you doing, Gamer?”

Gamer looked discouraged. “Well, I was doing fine until this guy. He doesn’t seem to want to eat.”

Elecmon looked closer. “I think you’re trying to feed him through his nose.”

“Oh.” Gamer lowered the fish and the Botamon finally accepted and began to eat. “Anyway, I could a learn lot about Digimon doing this.”

Fluttershy smiled before looking around. “Do you know where your brothers went?”

“Shine Boy went to check on Love Shine and Rarity. Said he’ll be back shortly. Luke is just doing his thing.” Gamer pointed to Night Shine who was hanging from a tree branch doing sit-ups.

“And Sunset?”

“She’s writing in that magic journal of hers. She said she wanted to tell Twilight’s counterpart about the situation.”

Just then, Shine Boy walked up. “Yeah. She’ll be around in a bit. I just passed her on my way back.”

“How are Love Shine and Rarity doing?”

“Well, Fluttershy, they’re doing fine. So far, things are pretty quiet over to where Ripley and his forces are. Though I’d have to agree with Sweetie Belle that Rarity wanted to be with Love Shine alone.”

Everyone chuckled at Shine Boy’s joke as he then asked. “So, how’s everyone doing in their training?”

“Karai was training Tai and the others while the others sparred. Leomon and Ogremon are training with the turtles, minus Mikey, Bebop, and Rocksteady. Mikey and Keno were training Josh.”

“Good. I just hope we’re ready for whatever Ripley and Lewej throw at us and stop this virus.” Shine Boy looked over head.


Meanwhile, back at their headquarters, Ripley and Lewej watched the cells where the two new mutated Digimon were contained as they banged on them.

“Those won’t hold them for long.” Lewej observed.

“Then I guess it’s time they see who their master is.” Ripley decided before turning to Gladitron. “Gladitron! Remove the bar!”

“As you command.” Gladitron walked up to the cage and roared, causing the captives to back away as he removed the bar from the doors and hurrying away.

“Come forth!” Ripley demanded.

The cell doors were knocked over, revealing the two new Digimon. One was a robotic skeleton whose spine was on an energy ball wearing a black robe and cape. He carried an energy scythe.

The other looked like a beautiful female whose appearance is a cross between a demonic priestess and a feudal Japanese courtesan, wearing long, purple robes over a latex catsuit. It has the Mark of Evil on its forehead. Its hair was black like the demonic bat-like wings protruding from its back, its eyes were blue and its skin was rather pale, similar to a vampire. It wore an inscribed golden gauntlet named "Nazar Nail" over its right arm and wore purple eye shadow, lipstick and nail polish as makeup.

“A reaper! And a vampire. Incredible!” Ripley awed.

Lewej was equally impressed. “They look very menacing!”

The two Digimon began to look like they wanted to fight. Ripley stood strong and welcomed their behavior. “Yes. Come! Attack me if you must. When it is over, you will call me Master!”


Back in the Primary Village, Sunset had finished talking to Princess Twilight through her journal and was on her way back to the others when she met up with Shine Boy, Leo, Cody, and Armadillomon who met her halfway.

“Hey, guys.” She greeted.

“Hey, Sunset. How’s everything with Princess Twilight?” Leo asked.

“Real great. While she shares our concern about Ripley and the virus, she believes we can win. She also hopes to meet the Digidestined as well your team as well someday, Shine Boy.”

“I shall look forward to that day.” Shine Boy looked.

“Guys! Look!” Everyone looked to see where Cody pointed. There was a small round green Digimon with stubby legs and dark green hair like a tomato.

“Who’s that?” Sunset asked.

“It’s Datirimon! He was originally supposed to be Oikawa’s Digimon partner!” Cody explained.

“What’s he doing?” Armadillomon wondered as Datirimon jumped up and down.

“Well, he’s got our attention.” Leo noticed.

“Hey there, little guy.” Shine Boy walked up to Datirimon only for the Digimon to hurry a little way and began jumping again. “It looks like he’s trying to lead us somewhere.”

“Should we trust him?” Leo asked Cody.

“I think so.”

“Let’s go get the others.” Sunset suggested.

“Looks like he’s heading further into the woods! Guess we’ll have to go without them.” Shine Boy stated.

“Let’s go!” Leo agreed as the four follow Datirimon into the forest.

The little Digimon led them to a peaceful clearing about a mile away from the Primary Village.

“Where are we?” Leo wondered.

“I don’t know, but it feels so…. peaceful.” Shine Boy admitted.

“I could really have a nap here.” Armadillomon yawned.

Sunset noticed Datirimon sitting down. “I guess he wants us to sit.”

As they sat down around Datirimon, Leo spoke up. “I don’t know about you guys, but I feel like meditating here.”

“Meditate?” Cody blinked.

“You know I feel like it too.” Shine Boy concurred as he pulled out some beads from his belt.

“I have a feeling that is what Datirimon wants us to do.” Sunset noticed the said Digimon relaxing.

“Is it really hard?” Cody asked.

“Not really, Cody. Just close your eyes and concentrate. Concentrate hard.” Leo instructed as he began to meditate.

Cody watched as Sunset and Shine Boy began to meditate too while Shine Boy held the beads and quietly chanted and did as he was told. As the four meditated, and Armadillomon napped, things sparkled around them before they were engulfed in a blinding light.


The four woke up to see they were surrounded by nothingness. Everything was just bright and white.

“Where are we?” Cody asked.

“It must be some sort of spirit world of the Digital World.” Sunset guessed.

“Makes sense since we had to meditate to come here.” Shine Boy looked around.

“There must be a reason why we’re here.” Leo wondered before hearing a familiar voice.

“There is, my son.” They all turned to see Master Splinter walked up. “A very good reason.”

“Sensei!” Leo and Sunset cried as they embraced him.

“I am always happy to see you again.” The Sensei smiled.

Shine Boy bowed in respect. “Master Splinter. It is an honor to meet you, even if it’s your spirit.”

“It is an honor to meet you as well, Shine Boy.” Splinter smiled before turning to Cody. “And you must be Cody of the Digidestined.”

“Yes sir. It is an honor to meet you.” Cody also bowed.

“The honor is mine.” Splinter nodded. “But I’m afraid our reunion isn’t under better circumstances.”

“We know. Ripley and Lewej are unleashing a virus and mutating more Digimon.” Leo stated.

“Yes, but I’m afraid there is an even greater threat that not even they know about.”

“A bigger threat?” Gasped Cody.

“What do you mean, Sensei?” Sunset asked in worry.

“To answer your question, we must show the window to the past.”

“We?” Leo asked.

“Like you all, Leonardo, I have made new friends from other worlds.” Splinter stepped aside to show a tall man with long black hair wearing a purple trenchcoat over a red shirt and black tie along with black pants.

“Hello, Cody. It is great to see you again.” He smiled.

Cody wide eyed as he recognized the man. “Mr. Oikawa!”

“Yes. Do not be alarmed. It’s the real me that isn’t possessed by MaloMyotismon.” Oikawa knelt to Cody’s level as the young Digidestined looked to see his former enemy had normal skin and calm eyes, just as he did before he gave his life for The Digital World.

“It IS you!” Cody cried as he hugged his dad’s old friend.

“I am glad to see Datirimon was able to get your attention.” Oikawa nodded as he stood up. “Even though my body is gone, we were still able to communicate with each other. When I met Master Splinter, who wanted to warn you all, I had him lead you to a good spot to show you all through meditation.”

“Good choice.” Shine Boy grinned.

Splinter then spoke up. “Now, to fully understand this new enemy, let us show you the past.”

“Observe.” Oikawa held hand up along with Splinter and the scenery began to change as the four began to observe the scenes to come.

Before long, the four found themselves in the mountain area.

“Where’s this?” asked Cody.

“Looks like the mountain area of some sort.” Shine Boy observed.

“This is the past. Eight years ago.” Oikawa explained.

“Kraang Prime, I presume?”

The group looked over to see some familiar villains from their past.

“It’s the Kraang! And Kraang Prime!” Leo gasped.

“That’s the Kraang?” Shine Boy blinked.

“Who are they talking to?” Sunset wondered.

“They are the Dark Masters.” Oikawa answered. “Piedmon. Metalseadramon. Machinedramon. And Puppetmon.”

“So those are the Dark Masters we’ve been told about.” Shine Boy recalled.

“They look as tough as how Izzy and the older kids described them.” Cody shuddered.

The group then listened to their conversation as Piedmon chuckled.

“Hmm. So let me get this straight. You claim you can help us by offering your technology to us so you can use your miracle gel to make our world suitable for your kind?”

“Hahaha! I ain't using that gunk to look like a wad of chewing gum! And Machinedramon's ugly enough as it is!” Machinedramon growled at Puppetmon’s jester.

“That is the dumbest thing I ever heard! I thought Piedmon convinced us you guys were smart!” MetalSeadramon roared.

Kraang Prime glared at the four’s insults. “You dare mock Kraang? Kraang will destroy!”

The group watched as The Dark Masters forced The Kraang back to Dimension X.

“Look!” Everyone saw Shine Boy point to a canister of mutagen that fell to the mountain below during the fight. As they floated towards the canister, they noticed Machinedramon smashing the portal before the Dark Masters all flew off not noticing.

“I guess they didn’t notice the canister that fell here.” Leo observed.

“Or cared.” Shine Boy added.

“Probably better that way.” Sunset figured trying to grab the canister when her hand went through it. “Oh right. It’s the past.”

“Now some time has passed.” Splinter said as they fast forward a bit. When it stopped, they heard a new voice.

“What do we have here?”

The group looked to see two blue wolf like creatures walk up to the canister. The one with shades picked up the canister.

“What is that?” the other one asked.

“No idea.” The shade one pondered. “But maybe Lord Etemon might find use for it. Whatever it is.”

“Who are they?” Shine Boy asked as the two scurry off.

“They are Gazimon.” Cody recalled. “I remember T.K. told me they were troublemakers who served their old enemy, Etemon. Nowadays, they’re a lot nicer after we saved them from the Digimon Emperor.”

“Yeah, I remember Tai and the others telling me about Etemon.” Sunset pondered before gasping. “Could Ripley be reviving Etemon like he did with Devimon?”

“I’m afraid the threat is greater than Etemon.” Splinter sighed as they now stood in front of a mobile trailer as they heard shouting and saw the Gazimon getting thrown out.

“You overgrown dust bunnies! You come to bother me with this?” stomping out of the trailer was a monkey like figure wearing shades.

“But lord Etemon! We thought it could be useful!” pleaded the Gazimon with shades.

Etemon held up the canister. “What makes you think I need a stupid little lava lamp? How is THIS gonna help me rule the Digital World?”

Before the two could plea more, another Gazimon came out of the trailer. “Lord Etemon! I just got word the Digidestined are arriving on Sever nearing the Korromon village!”

Etemon thought for a moment before he looked at the two. “Fortunately for you throw rugs, the real targets are on their way! Get to the Korromon village and tell the Pagumon to give them a warm welcome!”

“Right away, Sir!” Gazimon bowed before the two hurried away.

As they left, Etemon looked at the canister before tossing it like garbage. “Green isn’t my color anyway!” he mumbled as he walked back in his trailer.

Back to the present group, Shine Boy tried to hide a laugh. “Forgive me. I know this is serious, but the way Etemon talked sounded funny to me.”

“Understandable.” Splinter chuckled as more time passed.

As the canister of Mutagen laid in the sand, another Digimon flew up to it. This one was round and flew like a bat and looked an awfully like Devimon.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” he sneered at the canister. “Must’ve fallen from Etemon’s dumb truck. Oh well. Finders’ keepers!” He snatched the canister and flew off. “Don’t know what this is, but I bet Myotismon might find use for it.”

“Was he related to Devimon?” Leo asked.

“That must be DemiDevimon. The one who tried to manipulate the Digidestined! Remember how Mimi met the Gekomon?” Sunset remembered.

“Indeed, Sunset Shimmer.” Oikawa nodded. “And I am sure you three are familiar with Myotismon?”

“The Digimon who possessed your body? Who Gatomon used to work for? I remember.” Shine Boy recalled.

“And is this threat bigger than him?” Leo asked his father.

“I’m afraid so, Leonardo.” Splinter nodded.

As they watched DemiDevimon fly off, Shine Boy noticed something about the canister. “Did you guys see that?”

“See what?” Cody raised.

“I think the mutagen in the canister flickered purple for a second.”

Everyone watched as DemiDevimon flew to a castle that looked like something out of a vampire movie. He then gave the canister to a tall figure that looked like a vampire wearing a maroon eye mask and a red and black cape.

“That must be Myotismon’s original form.” Cody gasped.

Shine Boy sweated. “Even as a memory, I can feel the darkest in his soul.”

“He could give Shredder or Sombra a run for their money.” Sunset shivered.

“Yeah.” Leo whispered.

They all listened in as Myotismon observed the canister. “So, this was from what was left of Etemon’s Dark Network?”

“That’s right, Lord Myotismon! He was defeated by the Digidestined! Also, the boy with the Agumon disappeared with him and the other kids are separating to find him!” cackled DemiDevimon.

“That may prove useful to us. Go to the forest and await further instructions, DemiDevimon! I have an idea that will make their crests useless.”

“Right away, your malevolence!” As DemiDevimon flew away, Myotismon sneered at the canister.

“I don’t know what this is, but it might be useful later.” He muttered as he set it on his shelf and left the room, unaware the mutagen flickered purple again.

But Sunset noticed. “Now I saw it.”

“I’m sure it’s pretty obvious, but that canister has something to do with this big threat, doesn’t it?” Shine Boy asked.

“Your suspicions are correct, Shine Boy.” Splinter nodded.

The group then watched as time passed. They watched as Myotismon’s castle was destroyed and the canister became lost as the Dark Masters transformed the Digital World into Spiral Mountain. It then floated into the dark void during the battle with Apocalymon. It was there that Leo and Cody notice the mutagen flickering purple more. As the Digital World rebuilt itself, the canister landed back on the ground. As time passed, the group noticed the mutagen kept flickering purple. Then, something tall was created over the mutagen.

“What is that?” Sunset gasped.

“A Control Spire!” Cody answered. “They were how The Digimon Emperor controlled Digimon with his Dark Rings.”

“Well, it looks like that canister is buried now under it.” Leo observed.

Then something caught Shine Boy’s eye. “Is that…. Ken?”

Everyone looked to see what appeared to be Ken. Only he was sporting spiky hair in varying shades of blue and light blue. He wore yellow sunglasses with purple lenses, a blue, gray and white jumpsuit, black shoes, cuffs on his wrists and ankles, a dark gray belt with a yellow buckle on it, and also a blue cape with a yellow lining that looks very much like insect wings, with golden-yellow shoulder pads.

“Time to gather more slaves.” He snickered as he readied a whip.

“Yeah. That’s what he looked like as the Digimon Emperor.” Cody turned away.

“My word!” Sunset held her mouth.

“Whoa.” Whispered Leo.

“Yeah. Whoa.” Shine Boy agreed.

Oikawa noticed Sunset looking frightened at what she saw and held his hand up. “You probably shouldn’t need to see this.”

As time flashed forward, Leo and Shine Boy coaxed their friend.

“It’s okay, Sunset. Remember, this is the past.” Leo assured her.

“And I’m sure Ken regrets all that.” Shine Boy smiled warmly.

Sunset looked him as she shed a tear. “I know. It’s just seeing him like that reminds me of my past.”

Cody looked at Sunset in remorse as Splinter placed his hand on her shoulder. “It is understandable that you are still hurt from your past mistakes, Sunset, but you should let it define how far you've come and who you really are in the here and now.”

Sunset smiled at him, beginning to feel better. Shine Boy walked to the Control Spire.

“So long until that canister stayed buried under- WHOA!” Shine Boy was thrown back as the Spire was smashed. “Well guess that answers that.” He then noticed a tall figure standing in front of him. The figure resembled Agumon’s mega form, WarGreymon, only he was blacker and more looked more menacing.

“It’s BlackWarGreymon!” gasped Cody.

“I remember you guys talking about him, but he looks menacing.” Leo admitted.

“He definitely looks threatening.” Sunset admitted as they heard what the Digimon said.

“I must find the Destiny Stone and destroy it! It is the only way I’ll face my worthy opponent!” BlackWarGreymon then flew off in anger.

Not long after he left, the group noticed a jeep drove up to the now destroyed Spire. In it were two figures. One was a woman with white hair wearing a red dress and hat and sunglasses. The other was an old looking man with gray skin under a blue coat and pants and hat.

The woman grumbled. “BlackWarGreymon is destroying everything in his path to find that Destiny Stone! We better find it before those kids intervene!”

The man noticed something where the Control Spire was and stopped the jeep.

“Mummymon! What are you doing? We need to follow BlackWarGreymon!” the woman cried as he hurried over.

“But Arukennimon! I just saw something not familiar!” Mummymon grabbed the canister. “I never seen anything like it. What do you think, my dear?”

He showed the canister to Arukennimon who was equally intrigued. “I never seen anything like it either! Bring it! It might be useful. Now hurry! We must follow BlackWarGreymon before we lose him!”

“Right away, my sweet!” Mummymon gleamed as he put the canister in the back of the jeep and drove again.

“So those two were Arukennimon and Mummymon if I heard right?” Sunset guessed.

“Yes. And I created them.”

“What?” Leo, Shine Boy, and Sunset looked at Oikawa in surprise.

“In my attempts to go to the Digital World, my turned my DNA into data and created those two. But it wasn’t enough. I wanted to go myself.”

“Was it your own obsession or when this Myotismon possessed you?” Splinter wondered.

“A bit of both. You see, long ago, me and my only friend Hiroki had discovered the Digital World through video games. We both vowed to go someday. But one day, Hiroki died in the line of duty.”

“He was my father.” Cody admitted as Sunset and Leo patted his shoulders in remorse. “Did you see the mutagen, Oikawa?”

“Allow me to show you.” Oikawa smiled as time fast forwarded. The group saw they were in an isolated office room. There was Oikawa. But here, his skin was gray, and his eyes looked menacing. He smirked as Arukennimon and Mummymon came from The Digital World through a portal.

“What happened?” he asked.

“BlackWarGreymon is gone away, and those brats saved the last Destiny Stone.” Arukennimon reported.

“No mind. It won’t stop my plan.” Oikawa then noticed the canister Mummymon was carrying. “What is that?”

“Oh this? I found it where a Control Spire used to be. Don’t know what it is, but it might be useful.” Mummymon handed it to Oikawa who observed it.

“I remember seeing this a long time ago. I never had the opportunity to use it. Perhaps I can find use for it later. But for now, we will proceed with my plans.”

The three walked out as the group had seen the whole thing.

“Man. No offense, Oikawa, but you could give people the heebbie jeebies.” Shine Boy shuddered.

“None taken. I got that a lot.” Oikawa smiled.

Time fast forwarded again. The group saw Oikawa trying to get to the Digital World with the kids he put Dark Spores in, only to ricocheted to another world where he and the Digidestined about Myotismon inside Oikawa. The evil Digimon came out of him as a duplicate of himself.

“What’s the matter? Seeing double? What’s wrong now? Gatomon got your tongue?” Myotismon taunted Oikawa. “Oh by the way, about the Dark Spores being the key to opening the gate? They’re actually the batteries I need to be reborn!”

“You-!” Oikawa fell from weakening. As Myotismon absorbed the Spores and transformed into MaloMyotismon, no one notice the mutagen canister fall out from Oikawa’s bag. The group watched as the Digidestined battled him. As they blasted MaloMyotismon through the dimensional barrier and into the Digital World, the canister flew right behind him, landing on the ground as it flickered purple a couple times.

“So, it was lost again after defeating MaloMyotismon and you sacrificing yourself?” Leo asked.

“Yes. Until recently.” Oikawa showed them months after the battle, some Gem Knights scouted the area and discovered the canister and showed it to Gladitron.

“Bring it.” He ordered and they carried it with them. But none of them saw it flicker purple a couple times.

“So, Ripley and Lewej have it now?” Sunset figured.

“I wonder if the canister is harboring a Digimon?” Shine Boy added.

“But who?” Cody asked.


“Huh?” everyone looked at Oikawa as he explained.

“Years ago, before the threat of the Dark Masters, a Digimon that could rival Apocylamon tried to rule the Digital World. That Digimon was Milleniummon. He is a composition Digimon who had the power to control time as well as create and destroy dimensions.”

“What happened to him?” Leo asked.

“The warriors who created your Digi Armor defeated him after a long hard battle. They then sacrificed their lives to make double sure Milleniummon would never return. But I’m afraid he’s using the mutagen to make his return.”

“Is it too late to prevent his return?” Cody wondered.

“I’m afraid it is.” Splinter closed his eyes. “But it is not too late to stop him.”

“How can we stop him?” Sunset asked.

“I believe that with their ninja training, Cody and the Digidestined can unlock a way to defeat your enemies. They need…. A Spirit Quest.”

To Be Continued

MetalPhantomon and Lillithmon! Preperations for Spirit Quest!

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“When it is over, you will call me Master!”

Ripley stood ready to fight the two new Digimon they mutated as they merged from their cages. The reaper and vampire took aback at what he said as the reaper spoke.

“Are you… the one who created us?”

“That is correct! We brought you to life our mutagen and Digivolve you both into your present states!” Lewej stated.

The vampire smirked at Ripley as she walked slowly towards him. “Mmm. I’d be more than happy to pledge my loyalty to you, tall, vile, and handsome. You look like someone who loves to create chaos. And I LOVE chaos!”

Lewej showed jealousy as the vampire began touching Ripley as she tried to flirt with him. Ripley however, to her relief, moved the vampire off him unfazed.

“While I appreciate your loyalty, know this. You are beneath me, and you will serve both me and Lewej. And my first to you is never touch me again!”

The vampire was unfazed as she got up. “Then perhaps I can prove myself to you.” She then waved to Gladitron, who tried to hide his blush.

“I too pledge my allegiance to you both.” The reaper bowed.

“Very good. Mortar!” Ripley called before the head servant came in. “Have these two scanned. I want to know what they’re capable of.”


In the Spirit World, Leo, Shine Boy, Sunset, and Cody were just wrapping up their visit with Splinter and Oikawa. After being told about what needed to be done for the Spirit Quest, the four knew it was time to head back to the others.

“Do you all understand what you must do?” Splinter asked.

“We do, father. We won’t let you down.” Leo assured.

“I know.”

“And I will do what I can to help.” Shine Boy promised.

“We all will.” Sunset nodded.

“Then we wish you all good luck.” Oikawa smiled.

“Thank you.” Cody bowed.

Sunset patted the young Digidestined’s shoulder. “You ready to go back?”

“Yes I am.”

Shine Boy spoke up. “You guys go ahead. I need to ask Splinter something in private.”

Leo agreed, somehow knowing what the question is. “Okay. We’ll see you on the other side.”

After Leo, Cody, and Sunset disappeared, Splinter then looked at Shine Boy. “What troubles you, young warrior?”

“I’m sure you know about our newest member of our team Josh?”

“Yes. The one whose Digimon partner attacked the internet? I do.”

“And that’s the problem. The only one who doesn’t trust them is Tai and I don’t want that to be our downfall and cost us victory.”

“Because it has happened to you before, hasn’t it?”

Shine Boy flinched at the memory. “Yes. Even though we won, victory was bittersweet. I promised your daughter I’d tell her and the others about it. I just don’t want Josh to go through the same thing I did.”

“If you and the others continue to treat him as a friend, he will know he is among people who trust him and his partner.”

“Tai will have to learn on his own to trust them before his own distrust causes his downfall.” Oikawa added.

“I just hope he does before it’s too late.” Shine Boy muttered. “Well, that’s all I needed. I better get back. And thank you. Both of you.”

“Good luck, my young friend.” Splinter and Shine Boy bowed in respect before the hero disappeared.


Shine Boy woke up to see Leo, Cody, Sunset, and Armadillomon waiting for him.

“Hope I didn’t keep you guys waiting.” He smiled before he put his beads away.

“Nah. You’re okay.” Sunset assured him.

As they got up, Cody noticed something. “Where’s Datirimon?”

“Don’t know. When I woke up, he was gone.” Armadillomon shrugged.

“Guess he left since his assignment to bring us here was accomplished.” Sunset guessed.

“Yeah. Well, come on everyone. Let’s get back to the Primary Village.” Leo suggested and they began to head back.


Meanwhile, back at the Primary Village, Mikey was humming as he cooked a couple extra large pizzas on a big stone over a big fire while Pinkie was cooking over a dozen mini pizzas as well for the baby Digimon. Just then, Matt walked by.

“Hey, Mikey. How’s that grub coming along? I’m starved.”

“Should be about a couple more minutes.” Mikey answered.

Fugitoid began walking by. “Well, now that I’m fully charged, I’ll go relieve Love Shine and Rarity from guard duty.”

“Okay. Be careful, Professor.” Pinkie waved.

As the professor walked away, Joe spoke to Mikey. “It was very nice of one of the Mushroomon to give you the food for saving the village from Kimeramon.”

“I was amazed they had everything to make pizza with.” Mikey added. “Anyway, I was glad Gomamon recovered it when we fell down the waterfall.”

“Never let good food go to waste.” Boasted Gomamon. “Especially when it makes great pizza.”

“Hope you didn’t add anything like that one time and disgusts us again.” Raph griped.

“Relax! Pinkie helped me!”

“Careful, Raph. We might end up facing Pizza Face. Again!” Applejack warned.

“Don’t remind me.” Raph then turned to Davis and Gamer who came up. “Though how are you guys able to believe Pizza Face when it took us a bit to realize he’s real?”

“Well, for one, I’m debating it with a giant talking turtle.” Gamer stated.

“Plus, we’ve fought talking veggies, a walking egg, a moving cherry tree, and other weird Digimon. So, a talking pizza monster would be another day in the Digital World.” Added Davis.

“I bet us Digimon could eat that Pizza Face guy!” Veemon salivated while Raph just walked away grumbling.

Twilight looked around before asking. “Has anyone seen Leo or Sunset?”

“Cody’s not around either.” Yolei noticed.

“Neither’s Shine Boy.” Karai added.

“Last I saw, they went to check on Sunset after practice.” Shini recalled.

“Wait. Here they come.” Spike noticed the four coming out of the woods.

“Hey, bro. everything okay?” Gamer asked his older brother.

“Yeah. We just got a little sidetracked was all.”

“We had a bit of a trip to the past.” Cody put in.

“We’ll fill you guys in over dinner.” Leo assured.

Rainbow then turned to Sunset. “So, how’d it go with Princess Twilight, Sunset?”

“Pretty good. She believes in us in defeating Ripley and Lewej and the virus. She also hopes to meet Team Shine and the Digidestined someday.”

“I believe it, especially I tell her when I get back home.” Starlight added.

“Sounds great.” Sora smiled before April walked up with Donnie, Keno, Josh, and Keramon walked up.

“Guys. I just got off the phone with Caitlyn. The city’s still down on technology but has been stable so far. She and Zach have explained everything to Gabby, Buffy, Angel, and Carter and they’re all with the Mighty Mutanimals, where Rockwell was able to get their phones working.”

“Well, at least they’re okay for now.” Shine Girl breathed.

“Feelings mutual.”

“So we still got to face them soon.” Donnie reminded.

“We will, Donatello, we will.” Assured Leomon as he sat down.

“Well, we can’t fight on an empty stomach!” Agumon groaned.

Just then, the clock near Pinkie rang. “Oh goody! Pizza’s ready!”

“Great! Bring on the grub.” Casey grinned.

As Twilight and April levitated the pizzas off the cooking stoves, Pinkie reached in her bag and pulled out a huge blanket for everyone to sit on as well as enough sodas and plates, much to everyone’s surprise.

Ogremon jaw dropped. “Is there anything she CAN’T do?”

“It’s best not to ask.” Sweetie Belle patted his hand.

“Well, C’mon. I’m hungry!” Applebloom smiled.

Not far from the group, Kari was walking towards her friends when things were starting to look bleak again.

“Oh no.” she mumbled.

The she gasped as a giant shadow covered her. Then, a sinster voice whispered.

“You cannot resist forever. Soon, you will give in!”

Kari was then spooked as a hand grabbed her shoulder. “Just keep away!” she cried.

“Nice to see you too.” Kari turned and saw it was Night Shine who was raising a brow at her. She also saw things were back to normal.

“Oh, Luke, sorry about that.” She apologized.

“You alright?”

“Yeah. Just need to rest.” Kari smiled.

“Yeah. Okay.” But when Kari started to head back, Night Shine could see through her fake smile, knowing she was hiding something. He then seemed to ponder something as he headed back.


Soon, everyone sat on the blanket as Twilight and April held the pizzas up with their powers and magic while Leo pulled out both swords.

“Here we go, Friends! The new and improved Turbo Gintsu!” Mikey announced as Leo sliced up the pizzas. The slices all landed on the plates while some lifted their plate to catch their slices. “Still slices! Still dices! And still makes French fries in three different-”

As Mikey boasted, Veemon put his plate down and tried to catch his slice with his mouth.


As a result, the slice landed on his face instead of his mouth.

“Whoops.” Mikey cringed while some of the group chuckled.

"Nice catch, Veemon." Davis deadpanned.

Veemon, however, was unfazed. “Mmm. Cheese.” He salivated as he slurped his slice.

“Okay, everyone. Dig in.” Leo said as everyone began eating.

“I’m gonna go feed the baby Digimon their pizzas before I eat.” Fluttershy said as she got up.

“Need some help?” Kari offered.

“Sure.” Fluttershy nodded.

“I better come in case any of the babies get upset.” Elecmon followed them.

“We’ll make sure no one eats your slices.” Gatomon assured them as the two walked away.

As he ate, Ogremon wowed at what he was eating. “Wow! Who’d of thought that combining cheese and bread could so…. Yummy?”

“They’re good, aren’t they?” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“Very impressive.” Leomon agreed as he ate his slice.

“Yummy!” Applebloom added.

“Yep. Good stuff.” Bebop assured.

“Really awesome.” Scootaloo grinned.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself, Scoots.” Rainbow thumbed up.

Seeing Kari helping Fluttershy and Elecmon feed the baby Digimon aways from the group, Leo decided it was time to tell everyone what Splinter and Oikawa said in the spirit world. “Okay, guys. It’s time to tell you what we heard on the way back here.”

Leo, Sunset, Shine Boy, and Cody told everyone about seeing the past with Splinter and Oikawa as well as the warning about Milleniummon. They also mention about Splinter’s suggestion of a Spirit Quest. When they were done, everyone was surprised and worried as Izzy was the first to speak.

“I remember Gennai telling us about the Kraang trying to ally with the Dark Masters only to get booted out, but I would never have guessed that they’d lose a canister of mutagen here as well.”

“Yeah. And if we had trouble with those Digimon before, imagine if they had used the mutagen when they had the chance.” Matt pointed out.

“Just the thought gives me goose bumps.” Shuddered Sora.

“That be an already bad enough nightmare.” Feared Mimi.

“But at least we lucked out. So, to speak.” Joe breathed.

“But right now, what worries me now is this Milleniummon.” Tai mentioned.

“He does sound familiar to me.” Ken pondered, vaguely remembering an adventure he had before he became The Digimon Emperor.

“How so?” Yolei asked.

“it’s a vague memory, but I think I faced something similar to him before I was overcome by darkness.”

Leomon then spoke up. “I had heard legends of Milleniummon. He is supposed to be in the same level as Apocylamon. We may have a tough battle on our hands.”

Josh spoke up. “I heard about Millenniumon as well.”

“Really?” Starlight asked.

“Now why doesn’t that surprise me.” Tai mumbled.

Gamer then snapped. “Just stop! That’s getting old really fast! What has Keramon done to prove it’s the same one you fought before? Huh? Huh?”

Tai said nothing due to being shocked and have nothing to answer.

“Comrade! Control yourself!” Rocksteady tried to reason with Gamer, who only sneered.

“That’s what I thought.” He sat back down and took a deep breath. “Please continue, Josh.”

“When Keramon and I busted up a crowd of Vademon in the real world who were kidnapping humans to try to sacrifice them for a dark lord Millenniumon, but he stopped them.”

“Is Ripley planning on reviving Milleniummon like Devimon?” Shine Girl asked.

“I’m afraid not.” Shine Boy shook his head. “It sounded like he doesn’t even know about the canister flickering.”

“And it’s too late to prevent his return?” Applejack asked.

“It sounded like it. But we still have a chance to defeat him. That’s where the Spirit Quest comes in.” Leo answered.

“What is this Spirit Quest?” Davis raised a brow.

“It’s another step in ninja training.” Sunset explained. “The Turtles, I and the Rainbooms, minus Twilght, as well as our students at the Friendship School have done it and succeeded. All it is is you journey into nature and face your spiritual adversary while correcting your biggest flaw. It will not be easy, but we know you all can do it.”

Leo continued. “Also, you have to travel alone so your Digimon partners can’t go with you.”

“What?” gasped Veemon.

“Well, that seems unfair.” Armadillomon sighed.

“I don’t it supposed to be fair but efficient, Armadillomon.” Hawkmon stated.

"If you say so." Wormmon sighed.

"Hope it works out well." Patamon shrugged.

“Consider it part of the test. If you can prove you can fight on your own, the better you can fight together.” Leo advised. “Cody, you already know what you need to do. While you can show wisdom beyond your age, you can easily jump to conclusions in a hasty attitude. You must be patient and make sure you check the facts before you solve the problem.”

“I will do my best.” Cody bowed in respect.

“I know you will. Davis, you are fearless and just, but you aren’t very bright and can be egotistic at times. You must use your head to work smarter, not harder.”

“Don’t I always?” Leo shot a look at Davis’ remark. “Right. Don’t answer that.”

“Yolei, you’re very smart, but you easily crack under pressure. Remember, stormy seas grow calm when the wind stops blowing. Calm your mind and you can overcome any obstacle.”

“I suppose.” Yolei shrugged.

“T.K., you have an understandable hatred to the powers of darkness, but you shouldn’t let it consume you or you will be like them. Be like the stone and let the river flow by you.”

“I understand.” T.K. nodded.

“And finally, Ken, you may have moved on from your past, but the shame of it weighs you down. Be like the wind and let nothing weigh you down.”

“Of course.” Ken understood.

Yolei then noticed one was not mentioned. “What about Kari? Isn’t she going on this Spirit Quest?”

Shine Boy spoke up. “Kari has her own dilemma to work on. It’s just as important. She hasn’t spoken about it because she chooses to face it alone.”

Night Shine raised a brow at what he just heard as Leo spoke up.

“It’s getting late. The Spirit Quest will start at dawn. So, I suggest you should take this evening to prepare. And as you all do that, we’ll continue Tai and the others’ training.”

Just then, Kari, Elecmon, and Fluttershy came back from feeding the Baby Digimon and sat back down.

“The baby Digimon really love those pizzas. Thanks for making one for each of them, Mikey, and Pinkie.” Elecmon smiled.

“It was our pleasure, Elecmon.” Pinkie grinned.

“Didn’t want them feeling left out. Besides, pizza tastes better when shared.” Mikey smiled.

“When you’re not devouring it before anyone gets a slice.” Raph joked as he and Rainbow laughed while Mikey shot him a look.

“So, what did we miss?” Kari asked before eating her slice.

Davis answered. “Other than we’re gonna face a tough Digimon called Milleniummon as well as Ripley and Lewej.”

“Oh dear.” Gasped Fluttershy.

“Davis and the others will be going separate ways in the woods for spiritual training.” Karai explained, without going into full detail in order to not upset her. “We advise you to do the same thing, Kari.”

“I understand.” Kari nodded. Maybe that’s what I need to deal with what I’m dealing with, she thought.

After they were finished with their dinner, the heroes cleaned up and began to set up camp. Elecmon let them use some of his firewood he gathered in case the babies felt cold and even gave Fluttershy permission to sleep near the baby Digimon. As everyone were picking their sleep spot, Shine Boy was not far away doing some exercises before bed as he noticed Leo walked by him. “Going to relieve Fugitoid from guard duty?”

“Yep.” Leo nodded before noticing his friend’s concerned look. “Something bothering you?”

“Just worried about Tai’s unhelpful accusations against Josh and Keramon, especially after Gamer’s outburst earlier. He needs to get over it if we’re going to face this Milleniummon, not to mention Ripley and Lewej.”

“Agreed.” The two turned to see Karai and Night Shine walk up to them. “And he’s not the only Digidestined we should be concerned about.”

Shine Boy and Leo looked at each other, knowing they had to tell the truth while Shine Boy continued his exercise. “It’s Kari, isn’t it?”

Night Shine walked around him. “Yeah. I’m sure you know by now there’s something off about her. And that’s why you two talked to Sunset, April, and T.K. about it back at the temple, wasn’t it?”

“Nothing ever escapes you, bro.” Shine Boy sighed. “Yes, that is why we talked. T.K. told us there’s this world called the Dark Ocean that always haunts Kari.”

“We agreed not tell anyone because we have enough to worry about and the others could focus on their training. T.K. helped her last time, but we don’t have any knowledge about this Master they’ve heard about.” Leo added. “I’m sorry if you guys feel betrayed.”

“You know I don’t like being in the dark. But I do understand why you kept it a secret.” Karai noted.

“Yeah, I think I can forgive you guys under one condition.” Night Shine smirked. “That I get involved in this as well.”

“Count me in too.” Karai stated.

Leo looked at Shine Boy, who was finishing his stretches. “We may need their help, Leo, and the sooner we help Kari, the better.”

“Okay. You’re both in.” Leo sighed.

“Hold you to that.” Night Shine drank some root beer and walked away.

Karai smiled to Leo. “Now that we settled that, let’s get to guard duty.”

“Okay.” Leo then turned to Shine Boy. “You have a goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Shine Boy.” Karai waved as they walked away.

“Goodnight, my friends.” Shine Boy then looked to where Ripley was stationed at. “And good luck to us all tomorrow.”


Meanwhile, Ripley and Lewej enter the room where Mortar had finished scanning the two new Digimon.

“Alright, Mortar, what did you learn?” Ripley asked.

Mortar nodded as he stood before the reaper. “Here is what I learned of our two new soldiers. First, this is MetalPhantomon. He is an Ultimate level cyborg who can use his energy scythe to fight. Plus, he can subjugate foes to nightmares, in order to feed off of their despair.”

“Hmmm. Tempting.” Ripley pondered.

“And the other one?” Lewej glared at the vampire who playfully stuck her tongue at her as Mortar continued.

“Her name is Lillithmon. She is a mega level representing the Moon and Seduction. She confounds her opponents with her bewitchingly lovely appearance, and it is said that those who are taken in by her temptations are invariably granted death. Her reputation as the "Goddess of Darkness" is appropriate, as she offers generosity towards vice, but only cruel outrages towards virtue. The demonic "Mystic Claw" on her right arm corrodes everything it touches.”

“We got the Seduction part well known.” Gladitron huffed as Lillithmon waved at him.

“Hrrm. A manipulator and a seducer.” Ripley showed unsurely on his face when The Chaos Mage walked in.

“If I may intrude, Nephew. They may seem a bit flawed, but as you can see, they have other attributes.” He pointed to MetalPhantomon who grabbed a bar from a cage nearby and bent it with ease while Lillithmon slashed at a cage and the bars fell to pieces as a result.

Taking a deep breath, Ripley turned to his uncle. “Maybe I’ll keep them around after all.” He then called to the two. “Come! It’s time for the next part of the plan.”

As he and Lewej led the two out with Mortar, Gladitron, and Chaos Mage behind them, no one saw in the stash of mutagen one certain canister flickered purple.

To Be Continued

Digi Spirit Quest PT 1

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It was morning as Davis, Yolei, Cody, T.K., and Ken stood ready for their Spirit Quest. They stood before the Ninjas, Allies, Rainbooms, Team Shine, Night Shine, the older Digidestined, Leomon, Ogremon, Starlight, CMCs, Bebop, Rocksteady, and their Digimon partners who all came to see them off. After a brief silence, Davis finally spoke.

“Well, I guess this is it.”

“You all will do just fine.” Sunset coaxed.

“Just be careful out there.” Leo warned.

“And make it back safe.” Izzy added.

“Remember, we’re all counting on you.” Leomon stated.

“You may be the young ones, but remember, you strong inside.” Rocksteady advised.

“And always keep a cool head.” Bebop posed.

“And we will all be with you in spirit.” Twilight assured them.

“All of us.” Tai added.

Yolei then noticed someone was missing. “Hey, has anyone seen Kari?”

“Haven’t seen her this morning.” Sora pondered.

“Maybe she’s getting a head start on her quest.” Davis suggested.

“We’ll go look for her.” Shine Boy promised.

“In the meantime, you all focus on your quests.” April suggested.

Karai walked up with six headbands with the Hamato symbol on them. “These are headbands symbolizing the Hamato clan. And we want you all to wear them.”

Wowed, they each took a headband and put it on. Davis wore his under his goggles, T.K. wore his over his hat, Cody and Ken both wore theirs normally, and Yolei wore hers like a scarf.

“Thanks, Karai.” She thanked.

The five then huddled each other.

“Good luck to you all.” Cody wished his friends.

“Remember, guys! They’re all counting on us!” Davis motivated.

“Even though we’re separated from each other, we’re together in spirit!” T.K. smiled.

“May we all be successful.” Ken hoped.

“Let’s show them that Digidestined can be a part of the Hamato clan!” Yolei declared.

After they broke, and hugged their Digimon partners goodbye, Davis, Cody, and T.K. began to walk separate ways through the morning fog while Yolei held Ken’s hand and stuttered.

“Ken…. I… I wanna…. Good luck, Ken.”

Confused at first, Ken nodded. “Uh, thanks. You too.”

Then, finally releasing each other’s hand, the two also went separate ways.

“There they go.” Rainbow sighed.

“Yeah.” Veemon whimpered.

“I miss them already.” Pouted Hawkmon.

“Yeah.” Added Armadillomon.

“Good luck, Ken.” Whispered Wormmon.

Fluttershy hugged them. “Don’t worry. I’m sure they’ll be back.”

Leo then spoke up. “Okay, I’ll go with Shine Boy, Luke, April, Karai, and Sunset will go look for Kari. Raph, you’re in charge of Tai and the others’ training while we’re gone.”

“No problem, Leo.” Raph grinned.

“And it’s our turn for guard duty, Scoots!” Rainbow patted her shoulder.

“You can count on me, Rainbow.” Scootaloo smiled.

“Just don’t use it as an excuse to nap.” Applejack joked while Rainbow glared.

Shine Boy turned to Patamon and Gatomon. “You two are welcome to join us.”

“Sure thing!” Patamon flew up.

“We need to find Kari and soon!” Gatomon agreed, secretly worried for her friend.

As the groups went their separate ways, Applebloom spoke to her sister, “Hey, Applejack?”

“Yeah, Sugarcube?”

“Do you think we might have our own Spirit Quest?”

“Maybe someday, Bloom. Maybe someday.” Applejack smiled as she rustled her sister’s hair playfully.


Cody had made his way to a canyon. As he walked around, he had realized he was in the same canyon where BlackWarGreymon destroyed a Destiny Stone.

“This place sure brings back memories.” He told himself as he looked at the rubble where the Destiny Stone used to be.

He was about to walk some more when he heard a noise. He stood still ready to draw his swords.

“It’s quiet. Too quiet.” He gulped when quietly a Gem Knight tried to sneak up on him.


Cody drew his sword, beheading the knight as its head fell to the ground, causing its whole body to go up in smoke. Cody then saw more Gem Knights facing him.

“Gem Knights!” he gasped. “Did Ripley and Lewej find me?”

He drew his other kodachi as Gem Knights marched towards him. He slashed at them as they too went up in smoke. He then kicked a couple more as more of them marched up. After a struggle fending himself, Cody saw all Gem Knights defeated as they all went up in smoke.

“Something doesn’t feel right.” He panted. “Gem Knights just break apart, not puff up in smoke! And Ripley, Lewej, or Gladitron would’ve shown up by now! I don’t like this.”

Suddenly, something exploded through the canyon wall, causing Cody to tumble away. As he regained his composure, he heard giant footsteps. What he saw was a familiar big shadow that caused him to gasp as he heard a familiar growl.

“Then you’re really going to hate this!”

The dust cleared up, revealing the shadow to be-

“BlackWarGreymon!” Cody gasped. “But you were destroyed!”

“I will not rest until I fight my worthy opponent!” BlackWarGreymon declared. “All this time, I thought a Digimon would give the fight I crave. Perhaps I was wrong, and these humans called ninjas could give me the challenge I want.”

BlackWarGreymon roared as he charged towards the boy. Cody was able to deflect his claws with his swords, but he was still no match for his old enemy.

“Look! I don’t want to fight you!” Cody pleaded before dodging his foot. The boy then ran from the Mega Digimon and hid behind a stone as BlackWarGreymon shouted.

“COWARD! Come back here! Your Digimon partner showed more courage! You WILL fight me! I WILL have my battle! FIGHT ME!”

As BlackWarGreymon stomped around searching, Cody was panicking behind the rock. “I can’t do this! Not without Armadillomon! Not without my friends!” Then his panic turned to realization as he remembered what Leo and Splinter told him. “Who are all counting on me! Okay, remember what Leo said. I have to observe all the facts. There’s got to be a way to beat him!” he then peaked out from the rock and noticed something shining from BlackWarGreymon’s neck. “What is that? Right now, it’s my best option!”

“WHERE ARE YOU?” BlackWarGreymon bellowed again.

“Here I am!” BlackWarGreymon turned to see Cody walking towards him. “You want your fight? Then come and get me!”

“At last! Now feel my wrath!” BlackWarGreymon roared as he charged at Cody again. Cody again blocked his claws a couple times. When BlackWargreymon missed him and stabbed the ground, Cody ran up his arm only to be smacked off. Unfazed, Cody then jumped off the wall. As he flew towards BlackWarGreymon’s head, his Kodachi blades began to glow yellow and transformed into a new shape that made it resemble Ankylomon. Cody shouted as he stabbed the spot on BlackWarGreymon’s neck, which looked like a Kraang mind control device. BlackWarGreymon cried in pain as he fell to his knees while Cody tumbled off him. Panting, Cody grabbed his swords again preparing to fight more if necessary. But when he saw BlackWarGreymon sitting there breathing as his eyes look less threatening now.

The Digimon looked at Cody sounding calm now. “Well done, Cody. You have succeeded in your Spirit Quest. As you face your greatest challenge, remember my strength is my gift to you all. Good luck, my worthy opponent.” He chuckled as he began to sparkle and disappear.

Cody smiled as he patted BlackWarGreymon’s head before he completely disappeared. “Thank you, old friend.” He whispered.

He then held his blades up seeing their new shape before they reverted to normal. He then sheathed them and began to walk back.


Davis had walked for what seemed like hours. As the fog cleared, he found himself in a wasteland. As he walked around, he was yawning from boredom.

“Man! It’s so boring without Veemon to talk to.” He sighed. “If I just knew what I’m supposed to look for on this Spirit Quest.” He continued on his way, unaware some shadows appeared behind him. Davis continued further before he felt like he was followed. He slowly turned around to find himself surrounded by Gem Knights.

“Figures.” Davis griped as he pulled out his tribaton. “Well, I was bound to face you jerks sooner or later.”

The Gem Knights marched to attack. Davis used his weapon to smack some away while he kicked a couple away. Every Gem Knight he knocked down instantly puffed into smoke. After minutes of fighting, Davis looked around to see there were no more to fight.

“Well, that was easy.” Davis smiled. “Wonder if that was the Spirit Quest? Or is it taking down Ripley and Lewej?”

Before he could act, Davis was forced off his feet and dragged by his leg. He looked up to see a white bandage tied to his leg. He was able to free himself when he heard a familiar male voice.

“Oh, that is the least of your problems!”

Davis looked and to his shock saw a tall skinny mummy wearing ammo belts on his shoulders with pharaoh rods sticking out and a purple headband carrying a rifle in his hand.

“Mummymon?! But I saw you get destroyed by MaloMyotismon!” he gasped.

“Well, I’m back now!” Mummymon smirked. “And defeating you will be an added bonus!”

Davis ran to face Mummymon only for the Digimon to block his tribaton and kick him without even trying.

“Is that all you got?” he taunted before kneeing Davis in the stomach and punching him away, causing him to lose his tribaton. As he grabbed Davis by the ankle, he boasted. “You may have been formidable with your half-witted friends, but without them, you’re just a pushover!” He then threw the Digidestined at the foot of a cliff nearby.

Groaning, Davis got back up panting. “Dang! What now? He’s just two steps ahead of me! He’s picking me apart!”

“Oh, don’t tell me you’ve thrown the towel!” Davis heard Mummymon walking up and crept behind some rocks nearby. “Ollie ollie oxy free!”

Davis peaked out to see Mummymon walking the other way looking for him. Unfortunately, his tribaton was even further away. “I gotta get to my tribaton before Mummymon tosses me around again. Okay, I gotta work smarter, not harder, right? Think. Think.” Davis thought real hard trying to remember any weakness his old foe had. Then he heard him gleamed to himself.

“If I’m back, maybe my precious Arukennimon is too! If I catch that boy, she will really notice me now!”

Hearing that gave Davis the idea he needed as he pulled out one of the smoke bombs Donnie made earlier. He then rushed over near Mummymon still hiding and throwing out his voice beginning to tease the Digimon. “So if I surrender myself, you’ll really think Arukennimon will fall head over heels for you?”

Mummymon chuckled. “Of course.”

“As I recall, no matter what you did, Arukennimon thought of you as nothing but a whiny lackey!”

Mummymon took a back. “I’m bound to impress her eventually!”

“Please! You’d capture all of us and she’d still find you annoying!”

Hearing Davis’ scoff was starting to anger Mummymon. “What would you know? You’re just a twerp!”

“Face it, Bandage Brain! She’ll never love you EVER!”

“SHUT UP!” Mummymon shouted as he fired from his gun that shot blue electricity at the rocks. After destroying everything in sight, he couldn’t find Davis in the rubble. “Where are you?”

“Nice shot!” Before Mummymon could turn around, Davis dropped down and knocked him down with a spin kick. “But what were you aiming at?”

Davis hurried over and grabbed his tribaton just before Mummymon got back up. “Let’s end this!”

“SNAKE BANDAGE!” Mummymon threw bandages that tried to wrap on Davis, who ran past them. As he screamed and twirled his tribaton, his weapon began to glow blue and now became blue with tiny wings on each end of all three batons that resembled ExVeemon’s wings. He then jumped up right in from of Mummymon.

“BOOYAKASHA!” Davis then whacked Mummymon with his tribaton, resulting in a vibration impulse that sent Mummymon flying to a slope wall. He then screamed as he was buried under giant rocks. After a bit of waiting, Davis could not see any sign of the Digimon.

“He put up a good fight, but…. I won!” Davis flexed his arms before cringing from pain. He then noticed his transformed ninja weapon. “I wonder if this is that new powers Splinter told us about?” Then his tribaton reverted back to normal. Shrugging, Davis started to walk back. “I should thank Applebloom for showing me the split kick.”


T.K. had walked for what seemed to be hours before he was in a deep dark cave. Despite being empty, he did not have a good feeling about the caverns.

“I don’t know how I got here, but I’m beginning to regret it!” he told himself. “I’m getting a bad feeling about this.”

As he continued forward, then saw shadows on the wall moving.

“Weird.” He muttered. “Hope no one’s making shadow puppets to try and scare me.”

Suddenly, merging from the shadows were Gem Knights as they quickly surround the Digidestined boy.

“Okay! I really was expecting somebody doing shadow puppets!” T.K. jumped as he pulled out his Bo staff, ready to fight.

Without hesitation, the Gem Knights charged at T.K., who was able to fight on his own. He was able to block their scepters using his staff and punch or kick them away. As they fell, the Gem Knights blew up in smoke.

“You know, this would’ve been avoided if you guys would’ve just talked things out.” T.K. grinned as the last of them puffed up in smoke. He then looked around noticing something about the cave. “You know, something about this place seems familiar.”

His thoughts were interrupted a familiar and alarm laugh. “The only thing you’ll remember about these caverns is that here is where you will die!”

T.K. turned around to see a familiar villain merging from the darkness. “Devimon?!”

“What’s the matter? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Devimon smirked.

“Why can you never stay dead?” T.K. could feel his blood boil.

“Foolish boy! You can never fully conquer the darkness! Or are you afraid without Patamon to save you this time?”

T.K. charged at Devimon, who dodged his attack. “Did I strike a nerve?” he taunted.

When T.K. tried to whack him with his staff, Devimon blocked it before smacking the Digidestined aside. “You call that an attack?” He grinned as he snapped T.K.’s bo in two and tossed them aside.

T.K. then hollered as he ran up and tried punching Devimon, who playfully dodged each one before blocking one. “I’ve noticed you have quite the temper!” he laughed before he smacked him again. “Without your Digimon partner, you are weak! I’m rather disappointed! You will never help your friends, especially your friend with the Gatomon!”

As he heard while trying to get up, T.K. flashed as he remembered Kari knowing she was counting on him.

“He’s right! Everyone’s counting on me! Kari! Matt! Patamon! Leo! Sunset! April! Everyone!” he whimpered. He then got up closing his eyes. “I can’t let him get to me. Gotta let it flow by me. Like a river!”

As he stood still, Devimon walked up to him readying his hand. “And now you DIE!” But right when he was about to strike, T.K. flipped over him and jumped off his shoulder. “Maybe you’re not disappointing after all.”

T.K. grabbed his broken bo staff and faced Devimon. “I may be weak on my own, Devimon, but as long as I remember who I’m fighting for, I will NEVER GIVE UP!” he slammed the halves together when suddenly they started to glow bright green. It stopped glowing a bit, revealing the staff was whole again, before glowing again. When it stopped, it was now golden like Angemon’s and had mini angel wings on both ends. Devimon roared as he tried to attack, but T.K. used his staff to block him. “And as long as I’m willing to fight, everyone will have the one light you will never extinguish, Devimon! HOPE!”

T.K. Then deflected Devimon’s hand, then swung his staff slashing Devimon at the chest a couple times by the angel wings.

“NO! NOOOOOOO!” Devimon hollered as his body sparked with light. T.K. turned away as Devimon fell over imploding as the cave imploded with him. T.K. noticed he was outside again. He smiled as he saw the clear sky and then looked at his staff, which reverted back to a simple bo staff.

“That felt good.” He smiled. “Well, now I better head back.” He started hurrying back.

I’m coming, Kari, he thought.


Back at the Primary Village, everyone was busy prepping themselves. Mikey was sparring with Leomon in his Digi Armor while Love Shine and Shine Girl trained with Applejack, Casey, and Ogremon. Everyone else helped Raph train the older Digidestined to find the right weapon for them. Donnie was showing Tai how to fight with a katana using wooden swords. After a little clashing, Donnie still got him in his openings.

“You’re improving.” He pointed out. “But you still need to focus your attacks.”

“Right.” Tai panted.

Raph was showing Matt moves while he borrowed his sais. Despite sometimes needing practice, The Digidestined showed promise.

“That’s a good first try. Just remember, you gotta be quick on the sai so don’t hesitate.” He instructed.

“Okay.” Matt nodded.

Over to Sora, Rarity was helping her practice with her sickles.

“How am I doing, Rarity?” she asked.

“You’re doing just fine, Sora. Just keep working on your elegent.” Rarity advised.

Twilight was helping Izzy as he tried her kamayari spear. As he twirled it, Izzy was astounded.

“This is prodigious! I never picture myself wielding a weapon.”

“I felt that way too when we traveled in space. But since then, I never looked back.” Twilight recalled.

Meanwhile, Joe was practicing some target practice with Fluttershy’s blowgun as the shy girl coaxed.

“Just relax. Focus on the targets. And blow.”

Joe fired a couple darts at a couple makeshift target, some personalized by Night Shine before he left. They weren’t bulls eyes, but they were close.

“Good first try.” Fluttershy smiled.

“I’m glad that my studies as a doctor helps me stomach this. In the old days, I’d pass out at the sight of blood. I also amazed at how many ninja weapons there are.” Joe noticed.

Over to Shini, she was helping Mimi with her weapons. Unlike the others, Mimi was struggling to find the right weapon. She was trying out a Chiriki Mace when the chain got caught in a tree and she struggled to get it out.

“That’s the third weapon. I can’t use the butterfly blades, The Kurisami Fundo, now this thing!” she huffed. “Maybe I’m not cut out to use a weapon.”

Shini patted her shoulder. “Don’t feel down about it, Mimi. It takes a bit of practice before finding the weapon that feels right. Trust me, we’ve all been there before.”

“Thanks, Shini.” Mimi smiled.

“Now, let’s try another weapon.”

A little bit aways, Keno was helping Josh using Mikey’s spare nunchucks. “Left shoulder. Right shoulder. Good good. Now try it again a little faster now.”

“Okay.” Panted Josh as he did as he was instructed.

Not far, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle were with Spike, Veemon, Keramon, and the other Digimon watching.

“So, you say you saw Veemon glow recently, Sweetie Belle?” Applebloom asked.

“At first I thought it was Armadillomon, but then it was Veemon.”

“No. you may have been on to something. I saw it too.” Hawkmon agreed.

“Yeah, and call it intuition, but I have a feeling that Cody succeeded in his Spirit Quest.” Armadillomon added.

“I think Davis was too!” Veemon added.

Applebloom pondered. “Maybe since they’re their partners, they can sense it.”

“Kinda like in those video games when you unlock an achievement.” Sweetie added.


“Wonder if I can do that with Twilight?” Spike wondered out loud.

“Well, I’m still worried about Ken.” Wormmon sighed as he lied down.

“Yeah and I think Yolei is working on hers.” Hawkmon nodded.

“We just have to trust that they will.” The group saw Gamer walked up. “Just like I have trust Bro and his group will find Kari.”

“I wonder where she went.” Keramon asked curiously.

“Yeah. So, you ready to spar, Gamer?” Applebloom smiled.

“Yep. Once Scootaloo comes back, we’ll get started.”

“Bebop and Rocksteady are going to relieve her and Rainbow from guard duty.” Sweetie Belle recalled.

“Sounds good.” Gamer looked to the direction Shine Boy and the others went.

Be careful out there, guys. He thought to himself.

To be continued

Digi Spirit Quest PT 2

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Yolei was feeling a little nervous. She found herself in a forest that was covered in huge spiderwebs. While she only seen small insect Digimon crawling on them, it still didn’t ease her tension.

“How come I end up in the Murkwood Forest?” she asked herself.

As she continued to walk, several shadows popped out from the trees above. As she looked around, Yolei looked up and screamed. Jumping from the trees were mini black spider-like creatures called KoDokumon that tried to web her. Quickly, she pulled out her Kurisama chain and sickle and started slashing like crazy. Luckily, she was able to slash or whack every single creature.

“Get me out of this horror nightmare!” she hollered.

She opened her eyes to find every one of them down before they deleted. She brushed the web off her and she took a couple deep breaths.

“Okay. Get a hold of yourself, Yolei. No one said this Spirit Quest was pretty. But it looks like it’s now over.”

Suddenly, she noticed a big shadow over her and looked up to see a figure with six legs jumping down on her. She quickly jumped away before it landed. It was a creepy spider lady with pale skin and white rough hair wearing a red gown with the bottom resembling a spider with spider legs.

“On the contrary, my dear, the nightmare has just begun!”

Yolei gasped as she saw the familiar lady. “Arukennimon? But how?”

“It’ll take more than MaloMyotismon to keep me away! Now I can have my revenge on you Digidestined, starting with you!”

Arukennimon scurried at Yolei’s direction as Yolei ran up to her and tried to attack, but Arukennimon blocked both the sickle and the weight then quickly held her by her arms.

“Not so tough without your friends to help you, huh?” Arukennimon teased as Yolei tried in vain to break free and threw her on a web. “SPIDER THREAD!” Before Yolei could react, Arukennimon fired web at her quickly cocooning her. “One down and five to go!”

Yolei struggled as she tried to break free from the cocoon. It was so hot in there and she was rapidly running out of air.

“I gotta get outta here! I’m gonna die in here!” she panted. She then remembered what Leo told her.

“Stormy seas grow calm when the wind stops blowing. Calm your mind and you find your solution.”

Yolei took a deep breath as she tightened her grip on her sickle. Her weapon began to glow bright red.

Outside, Arukennimon began to walk away from the cocoon. “I think I’ll go after Ken next. After all, we have a score with each other.” She then stopped to see a red light breaking through the cocoon before it exploded. Before she knew it, she was hit in the face and knocked off her feet. As she regained her composure, she gasped to see Yolei panting with a crazy look in her eyes. Her sickle now resembled Aquilamon’s wing while the weight looked his feather.

“You. Will. Not. HURT. KEN!” she hollered as she rammed the spider lady.

“Why would you care? It’s not like you’re his girlfriend.”

“Maybe not, but I still care for Ken as well as all my friends!” Yolei then wrapped her chain around Arukennimon’s waist and yanked herself to her and slashed her with her sickle then kicked her at a web. Arukennimon shrieked as the web broke, and she fell what looked like a cliff as trees fell with her.

Yolei fell to her knees panting as she looked at her transformed weapon. “I…care for Ken. I…care… for Ken. I…. Love Ken. I love him.” She got up as her weapon reverted to normal and began walking away. “I have to tell him.”


Ken was at a field of flowers near a gorge. He looked around and saw the mist passing the flowers.

“Looks peaceful enough, even if the mist is a little creepy.” He said to himself.

He was looking around when suddenly-


Something nearly missed him. Luckily Ken was able slide away in time. He saw the smoke clear away and to his surprise, there was a creature that looked like he was made of rocks.

“A Gotsumon?” he gasped.

Normally, Gotsumon were friendly but clumsy Rookie Digimon, a ‘friendly rockhead’, Davis would joke, but this one was growling with glowing red eyes. Before Ken knew it, another Gotsumon landed near his left and another landed behind him and neither one looked happy to see him. Ken pulled out his tonfas as the three charged at him. Ken was able to deflect their attacks, but some hits caused him to recoil back.

“Why are you attacking me?” he cried.

Neither Gotsumon answered his question before they charged him again.

“Why does this look familiar?” Ken thought out loud. As he dodged another attack, he saw the answer that filled him with fear. There, on each Gotsumon’s right arm, was a black ring, or a Dark Ring as they were called.

“No. No! NO!” Ken twirled his tonfas as he waited for each Gotsumon to charge him again. As they reached him, Ken dodged the attacks and whacked the Dark Ring with his tonfa. When the three stopped, the Dark Rings cracked before breaking off as the Gotsumons’ eyes stopped glowing. They looked around confused before Ken walked up to them with a smile.

“You’re all free now. Better get on home.”

The Gotsumon waved at Ken, thanking him, and hurried on their way through the mist. When they were gone, Ken stood up with stern look.

“I know you’re there! Show yourself!” he shouted before a shadow appeared in the fog behind him. He then heard a sinister chuckle. And it was his voice!

“Not much into surprises, are you? You haven’t changed at all. After all, no one knows you better than me! Or should I say…. Yourself!”

Ken turned around frowning as the mist blew away, revealing the shadow to be Ken himself as he was before…. The Digimon Emperor.

The Digimon Emperor smirked. “It’s been a long time, Ichijouji! You look so thrilled to see me.”

“Only you would be my great adversary!”

“Wrong! I am the better you!” The Digimon Emperor circled around Ken as his smirk turn to a glare. “You had everything conquered in the Digital World and you were a super genius! A celebrity! And you just THREW IT ALL AWAY!”

Ken winced at the Digimon Emperor’s words. “We were hurting innocent Digimon.”

“INNOCENT? HA! I took away the pain you hid a long time ago! Remember Sammy?”

Ken fell to his knees remembering his deceased brother as The Digimon Emperor continued to torture him.

“And do you remember when you tried to be nice? Those Digi-Fools refused to fight alongside you! You should’ve left them at Arukennimon’s mercy! No one wanted you at all!”

“W-Wormmon wanted me back.” Ken lowered his head in shame.

“Wormmon. HA! He was beneath me! On the other hand, if I knew he could Digivolve into Stingmon, he would’ve been more worthy as my lieutenant.” Digimon Emperor smirked. “Face it, Ichijouji! You are nothing without me!” but then, he leaned closer to Ken. “However, I might be able to forgive you if you return to the winning side. We can regain control the Digital World, destroy Ripley and Lewej, wipe out the Digidestined as well those do-gooder ninjas! I can give you everything you ever wanted. All you have to do is say ‘Digimon Emperor, you are my superior’!”

Ken still had his head lowered as The Digimon Emperor stood up. “Well?”

Ken then began to studder. “D-Digimon Emperor…”

“Say it!”


“Go on!”

“You are…”

“Yes? Go on!”

Suddenly, Ken shot up his head looking serious again. “You are….. OUT OF YOUR MIND!” He then grabbed his tonfas and jumped up and hit the Digimon Emperor in the eye. As the Digimon Emperor glared at him, revealing a crack on his face, Ken then pointed his tonfa at him. “You know, I should thank you, Digimon Emperor. Everything you mentioned reminded me of all the good I did. Not as the Digimon Emperor. Not as a boy genius. But as myself, Ken Ichijouji, The Digidestined of Kindness!”

This made the Digimon Emperor crossed. “YOU’RE NOTHING! YOU’RE NOTHING WITHOUT ME!”

“I may be kept reminded of what did in the past, but as a good friend once told me, my past does not define me because my past is not TODAY!” As Ken made his declare, his tonfas glowed onyx bright before turning black with a grey spike, resembling Stingmon’s spiking strike.

Growling, the Digimon Emperor pulled out his whip and tried to whip Ken, who blocked with his tonfa then charged towards him and stabbing him in the gut. Then, the Digimon Emperor began to crack up more and more as light shot out of him as he screamed. He then exploded into a bright light as Ken shielded his eyes. As the light dimmed, Ken saw a new figure in the place of the Digimon Emperor. A better familiar figure. A boy near his age with blue hair and glasses.

“I knew you could do it, Kenny boy.” He smiled.

Ken smiled as he began to shed tears. “Sam.”

The two brothers embraced each other. As they broke, Ken spoke up. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

Sam politely lifted his hand up. “I never blamed you, Ken. Things just happen. If anything, I’m sorry I scolded you that day.” He then held Ken’s hand and locked fingers. “One day, we will be a family again. Until then, my spirit will always be with you. Now go back to your friends. Go back…to her.”

Ken hugged his brother one last time before Sam began to sparkle away. As he was completely gone, Ken watched as the light ascended. He then lifted his tonfas to watch hem change back to normal. As he began to walk back, he pondered on the last thing his brother said. “Back…to her? Yolei.”


Yolei walked a couple miles away from the webbed forest. She was remembering what she told herself after defeating Arukennimon.

“Okay. No more stalling. No more failed attempts. I tell Ken how I feel.” She told herself. She then stopped as she remembered when she started to feel for him when his team played Davis’ team in soccer. She felt heartbroken when she learned he was secretly the Digimon Emperor. Then, when the team learned that Ken was fighting Digimon created from Control Spires to redeem himself, it was almost as if the feeling rekindled inside her. She pulled out her D-Terminal to see the Email she sent him that day about looking forward to the day when he joined them. Ever since they defeated their enemies, she felt that she hardly had the time to express herself to Ken. She even denied them when Bonesteel teased her after she helped Ken during that. Taking a deep breath, she looked determined as she continued her way back.

Ken was in a forest as he looked at his D-Terminal and pulled up the same Email Yolei sent him. He had kept it as a sign of hope when he and Wormmon were working on redemption. He remembered the times they’ve work together, from when she slapped him to get him to come help them to when he helped her deal with Digimon in Kyoto. He even remembered when she shared her concern for him when Oikawa infected kids with Dark Spores. He did secretly think Yolei was pretty in many ways. Would she really like him? Only one way to find out.

“Well, here goes nothing.” He spoke and continued onward.

Soon, Both Ken and Yolei came out of the woods and into a field. Yolei turned to see Ken and her eyes lit up while Ken smiled at her. After a moment of silence, Yolei made her way to Ken and quickly wrapped him in her arms and locked her lips on his. Ken was surprised as his face turned red. When she realized how quick she was, Yolei quickly let him go as her face was bright red.

“Sorry!” she stammered. “Sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Hope I didn’t startle you or-”

Smiling, Ken touched Yolei’s chin and turned her back to him.

“Yeah okay.” Yolei whispered as the two kissed again. This kiss lasted longer as the two embraced. When the two stopped kissing, they still held each other as Yolei spoke. “I’ve been really wanting to do that for a long time.”

“I’m glad we did it too.” Ken nodded.

As they continued to head back to the Primary Village, Ken turned to Yolei. “So should we tell the others when we get back?”

Yolei thought for a bit. “Maybe after we beat the bad guys.”

Ken nodded in agreement as they held hands as they walked together.



“Kari, where are you?”


Leo, Shine Boy, April, Sunset, Karai, and Night Shine along with Patamon and Gatomon have been looking for Kari all morning with no sign of the Digidestined girl.

“Come on, Kari! Speak up for crying out loud!” Night Shine hollered as everyone deadpanned him.

“She’s got to be around her somewhere.” Sunset looked around.

Shine Boy held up a device that beeped and flashed. “Good thing Andromon upgraded my LifeMeter last time in New York. If she’s near, it’ll detect her.”

April held her head. “I’m not feeling her around here.”

“Let’s keep looking.” Leo suggested before they all heard rustling in the bushes.

“Kari? Is that you?” Sunset asked.

Then, out from the bushes came T.K. “Am I glad I found you guys!”

“T.K.!” Patamon cried as he hugged his partner.

“Welcome back.” Shine Boy smiled.

Leo walked to T.K. and looked at his face. “There’s no doubt about it. You succeeded in your Spirit Quest.”

“Good work.” Sunset smiled.

“And I think I unlocked the hidden power Splinter mentioned.” T.K. held up his staff. “During the fight, my Bo staff transformed and resembled Angemon’s staff.”

“Probably would explain why Patamon was glowing not too long ago.” Karai pointed.

Patamon nodded. “It was then that I knew you succeeded, T.K.!”

T.K. smiled before getting back on track. “Any luck on finding Kari?”

“Zilch.” Night Shine sighed.

“She couldn’t have gone far.” Sunset assured.

Then, April felt her head and turned around. “Guys! Something’s going on with Gatomon!”

Everyone turned to the said Digimon, who began to cringe in pain.

“Gatomon! What’s wrong?” Gasped Karai.

“I don’t know. It’s like something inside of me is trying to come out! Something horrible! Something so bad I never knew about, even when I worked for Myotismon!” As the cat panted, a big shadow loomed from underneath her. It looked like an armored version of Angewomon with demon wings before vanishing. “I think something horrible is happening to Kari!”

“We’re running out of time!” cried T.K.

“We gotta find her!” Leo declared as Shine Boy picked up Gatomon.

“C’mon!” April called as they hurried to find their friend.

To Be Continued.

Dark Ocean Battle

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Earlier that morning……

It was just before dawn as Kari woke up. She saw Gatomon still sleeping next to her sleeping bag as well as mostly everyone else. She quietly got up and grabbed her ninja belt and weapon to go get ready for her Spirit Quest. She went and grabbed a piece of fruit for a light breakfast in the forest area. Suddenly, she clenched her head as everything went darker than normal.

“Oh no. Not now!” she groaned. Then suddenly, a shadow reached out and clamped her mouth shut. Before she could act, more arms reached out around her waist and arms, and one grabbed her leg. Kari struggled to get free as they dragged her into her shadow as she flickered out. Before anyone noticed, she was pulled in and was gone.


Kari woke up to find herself in a frighteningly familiar location. It looked like the beach only there seemed to be no color at all.

“Oh no. Not here again!” she groaned as she got up.

Sure enough, she was in the Dark Ocean again. A place of pure darkness. Kari gasped again as shadows merged from the ground as translucent figures took shape.

“It has been a long time, child.” One spoke.

“It has been hard to make contact around here.” Another hissed.

Kari reached for her tessen, which she still had much to her relief, ready to defend herself. “What do you want from me?”

“Isn’t it obvious? We want your power.”

“I won’t let you take me!” Kari pulled out her tessen as the figures began walking towards her.


Back in the Primary Village, Josh was still training under Keno’s tutelage as he learned some more tricks with the nunchucks Mikey loaned him.

“Okay, Josh. Take five!” Keno instructed.

“Phew! I knew being a ninja was tough, but not this tough.” Josh panted.

“You’re doing just fine. You’ll do just fine. Anyway, I’m gonna help the CMCs and Gamer with their spar while you take a break. Just stay away from Tai.”

“Okay, Keno.” Josh nodded before Keno walked away. He took a drink before he saw Keramon walk up to him. “What’s up, buddy?”

“I sense a strange presence. A very evil presence. It’s got me nervous.”

“Is it from those guys we’re supposed to be fighting?” Josh asked.

“No, they’re in that direction. What I’m sensing is that a way!” Keramon pointed to the other way.

“But that’s where Leo and the others went earlier.” Josh recalled.

“I gotta find it!” Keramon started headed towards the forest.

“Maybe we should get someone.”

“There’s no time!” Keramon began to hurry as Josh followed in hot pursuit. The two were unaware as a portal opened up and they walked in before it closed up.


In the Dark Ocean, Kari had managed to thwart off the translucent figures with her tessen and ninja training. As it recoiled, one figure spoke up.

“She’s gotten stronger since the last time!”

“You will make a fine queen, child.” Another added.

“I will NEVER be your queen!” Kari stated.

“Your power can’t be ignored!” another declared as they tried to approach her.

Kari kept repelling them before they retreated back to the ocean. As she caught her breath, she looked around. “I hope I’ve seen the last of them. Now how do I get outta here?”

Suddenly, a couple black tentacles merged from the ground and wrapped around Kari’s wrists.

“Hey! Let me go!” then she was forced to her knees, causing her to drop her tessen. She then heard laughter and looked up to see a familiar figure in a maroon robe with hood and devil wings as well as green eyes.

“Hello child.” He smirked.

Kari gasped. “Daemon? What do you want?”

“I told you Digidestined that I would return! I’m just helping my new accomplice to obtain something you have!”

Then, the giant shadow Kari saw earlier merged from the ocean. It revealed to be a giant monster with the head of a blue squid with its arms and legs made from tentacles.

Daemon introduced him. “Child, allow me to introduce Dragomon, master of The Dark Ocean! Also known as the "Depraved Monk of the Deep", It is thought to have evolved from a computer virus that would infect the computers aboard ships and the like, then knock their direction and course out of order. It is said that, with just a few exceptions, those who see this true form will have their lives erased from this world!”

Dragomon spoke in a low dark voice. “I have sensed your power for years, child. I must have it.”

“I won’t give it to you! You’re pure evil!” Kari hollered as she continued to struggle.

“I WILL HAVE IT!” Dragomon reached to the captured Digidestined to grew scared as he reached closer to her.

“No. No!” Then one of his tentacles touched her head as her eyes began to glow black as she screamed in pain. “T.K.!”


Gatomon screamed in more pain, getting the search group’s attention, and looked to see the Digimon Shine Boy carried.

“She’s getting worse!” Shine Boy cried.

“Something must be happening to Kari!” Sunset guessed.

“We’re running out of time! We gotta find her now!” T.K. declared.

“Well how do we get to her?” Night Shine raised a brow.

Leo turned to April. “April, can you make contact?”

“Can she even contact her in another dimension?” Karai asked.

“I’ve got to try! It worked when I brought Donnie back after the Aeon possessed me.”

T.K. walked up to April. “Let me help.”

“Okay. Just concentrate hard, T.K.” T.K. nodded and placed his hand on April’s shoulder as the kinouchi concentrated.


The two found themselves in pure darkness and looked to see Kari struggling. She looked up and saw them.

“T.K.! April! Help!”

“Kari!” April and T.K. cried as they tried to reach back.

“Where are you?” T.K. called.

“I’m in the Dark Ocean! The Master is a Digimon called Dragomon and he wants my power!”

“Keep fighting, Kari! We’re trying to reach you!” April assured.

But before they could each other’s hand, Daemon suddenly appeared between them. “No help for you!” he laughed before he blasted April and T.K. away from Kari.



April and T.K. both gasped as they woke up together.

“DAEMON!” T.K. hollered.

“What’s a Daemon?” Night Shine asked.

“He’s a powerful Digimon we’ve fought before and the only way we could defeat him was banishing him to the Dark Ocean! Now he’s helping the Master there to get Kari’s power!”

“Did you two manage to get his name?” Sunset asked.

“His name is Dragomon and he has Kari!” April then pointed to a direction. “I think the feeling’s stronger over there!”

“Cmon, Guys!” Leo cried as they all hurried towards the direction.


Kari felt lifeless in the dark as Dragomon drained her. She could barely move as she remembered April’s last words to her.

“Keep fighting.”

Then she heard a new voice speak. “Kari!”

She looked up to see a familiar rat sensei in front of her. “I remember you. You’re Master Splinter.”

“I am. You must get up, Kari!”

“But Dragomon is taking everything from me.”

“That maybe, but you should not let him take everything from you. It is because they are after the light inside of you. Never give up the light. Keep fighting for the light!”

Splinter held up her tessen. Mustering up her strength, Kari reached for it, repeating, “Must keep fighting. Must keep fighting. Must. Keep. FIGHTING!” as she grabbed her weapon, a bright pink light shone all around her. It was enough to blow Dragomon and Daemon off her and freed herself from the shadow tentacles.

“What’s this?” Daemon gasped as Kari’s tessen glowed pink transforming into a new shape that resembled Angewomon’s bow.

“Such power!” Dragomon glared.


“Uh guys?” Everyone looked at Shine Boy as he showed Gatomon. She was now glowing bright pink as well.

“This is just like what happened to Patamon!” Karai mentioned.

As she stopped glowing, Gatomon woke up.

“How do you feel?” Shine Boy asked her.

“A lot better. I think she got your message, April.” April smiled before Gatomon jumped down from Shine Boy’s arms. “But I’ll be much better when we get her back!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Night Shine scoffed.

“Let’s hurry!” Leo agreed as they continued to hurry.


Kari sent out a blade shaped beam by swinging her tessen at Daemon. Daemon was too stunned to do anything, and it sliced his arm off.

"GAAAAAHHHH!!!" Daemon screamed in agony as data began to spill from his stump where his forearm used to be.

Kari smirked. "Had enough? I told you you won't have me!"

Dragomon roared in defiance. "This power of yours will be mine!" He reached out with his tentacles to grab her, only for a ninja star to embed itself in his eye, causing him to roar in pain.

Kari looked towards the source and saw Josh staring down the beast with nunchakus twirling. "Stay away from her! " He shouted. "I may not know what's going on, but I can tell you're a bad guy, and you need to go down!"

Keramon stepped up beside him. "Yeah! What he said.!"

“Josh!” Kari gasped. “How’d you find me?”

Josh smirked. "Keramon sensed something wrong. He has a knack for this sort of thing, sensing evil presences. "

Keramon growled at Daemon and Dragomon. "Stay away from the nice lady!"

Daemon clutched the stump where his forearm used to be. "You will pay for your insolence, fool! But I’m taking the time to escape before I lose more than an arm."

He then flew into the distance.

Josh leered. “Hey! He's getting away!"

Dragomon lifted his arm. "You should be worried more about me, insect!" And began to bring it down in an attempt to crush him. Josh rolled out of the way just in time.

Josh turned his head to Kari and began to twirl his chucks. "Kari, whaddya say we take down tall dark and gruesome together, huh?"

Keramon clapped as Josh's digivice began to glow.


“Well, I don’t have Gatomon with me. Even with our ninja training, we’re still no match for him!” Kari cried as Dragomon effortlessly threw Chrysalimon.

Josh grinned. “No giving up, Kari! We have a duty to fulfill as digidestined!” His digivice glows again, this time with his crest symbol on it. Chrysalamon rose up and launched himself towards Dragomon.


“You’re beginning to annoy me!” Dragomon growled as he pulled out a giant trident and wrestled with Infermon, who was bigger than Chrysalimon and has claws instead of blades and his head stuck out more.

Kari then began to concentrate as Josh noticed.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“April and T.K. tried to contact me earlier but Daemon knocked them away. I’m trying to see if I can contact them again.” Kari explained.

Josh nodded. "No problem." He said and pressed a button on his digivice. Suddenly, a holographic projection of T.K. showed up. "SOS to T.K.! Trouble in the dark ocean! Big ugly edritch digimon trying to squash us! Send reinforcements, immediately! Proceed to location marked on digivice!"

Kari looked at him in shock. Her digivice couldn't do that! "Incredible! You can call others face to face on a digivice?!"

Josh grinned. "Yup, and I can track other's digivices, too. That's how we found you so quickly. The others will be able to find us via the coordinates I sent."

Infermon grinned as he grappled with Dragomon."Hear that, double ugly? Backup is on the way! SPIDER SHOOTER!" He then fired highly explosive shots from a turret in his mouth at Dragomon, causing him to stumble back.


“S…SOS to…. T.K.!”

T.K. Noticed something coming from his Digivice. “I’m getting a faint signal!”

Everyone gathered around as they heard Josh’s message. "SOS to TK! Trouble in the dark ocean! Big ugly eldritch digimon trying to squash us! Send reinforcements, immediately! Proceed to location marked on digivice!"

“Josh? How’d he get there?” Shine Boy asked.

“Yeah. Wasn’t Keno training him when we left Primary Village?” Sunset added.

“What matters is that he gave us a means to find Kari!” T.K. Looked at his Digivice.

“Then let’s find them before Tai blames him for rescuing her.” Night Shine cracked his knuckles.

T.K. Looked at his Digivice. “Hmm. They’re close!”

“Any luck finding them, April?” Karai asked April who felt her head.

“T.K.’s right. They’re right around-“ as she felt the air around her, a bright portal suddenly appeared in front of her. “I think we found our way through!”

T.K. walked up to the portal. “It is! It’s just like last time! C'mon guys!” Then, he walked in followed by Patamon.

“I’m coming, Kari!” Gatomon scurried in next.

Everyone else looked at Leo who nodded. “Let’s go help our friend.” And he ran in next.

“I am so gonna enjoy this!” Karai smirked as she went in next.

“Geronimo!” Next was Sunset.

“Sensei guide us.” April jumped in next.

“Time to shine!” Shine Boy followed right after her.

Night Shine walked up to the portal then pulled out a can of root beer and drank it up before belching. “What have we got to lose?” As soon as he walked in, the portal closed.


Back in the Dark Ocean, Infermon was putting up a good fight with Dragomon who was more angered than hurt.

“GET THEM!” He bellowed as more translucent figures walked out of the ocean.

Josh cringed at the sight of them. "Yuck. Those don't even look like digimon. Look like juicy targets though."He began to rush them with his nunchuks before they could get close to Kari.

"You are no match for us, human!" a translucent figure held out his hand and knocked Josh on his back.

"You should watch who you call ugly!" another hissed.

"Leave him alone!" Kari aimed her tessen at the figures when suddenly a small arrow shot from the middle and blew them both as Josh got up and continued fighting. "We still need help."

Suddenly, another portal opened and out came T.K., Patamon, Gatomon, Leo, Sunset, April, Karai, Shine Boy, and Night Shine.

"T.K.! Guys! you're here!" Kari smiled as she hurried and hugged T.K. with Patamon and Gatomon joining in.

"Kari! we were so worried." Gatomon purred.

T.K. noticed her weapon transformed. "You too, huh?"

"Yeah. After April told me to keep fighting, I was able to gain enough strength to grab my tessen and it turned to this!"

"You two can share later! We still got weirdoes to fight!" They saw Night Shine pointing to the translucent figures walking towards them.

April then noticed the giant squid monster in from. "Kari? is that...."

"Yeah! that's Dragomon!" Kari admitted while he still fought Infermon.

"And it looks like....." Shine Boy leaned towards Josh. "That's Chrysalimon, right?"

Josh nodded. "Yeah. that's his Ultimate form, Infermon."

"Well, it looks like he could use some help."

Leo pulled out his Digi Eggs. "You guys take those guys while I help Infermon."

"Right. Good luck!" Karai nodded before Leo shouted.

"UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!" Leo transformed into his armor and flew to fight Dragomon.

"Time to Shine!" Shine Boy shouted as everyone else drew their weapons and began fighting. as they fought, Night Shine and Karai jumped near Josh as Night Shine asked.

"Hey New Guy! How'd you get here before we did?"

Josh pointed to Infermon. "My buddy can sense when something evil is near. He sensed Kari was in trouble. Then I just used my digivice to track the location of hers."

"So what? Your buddy has the ability to jump dimensions or something?" Night Shine continued before kicking a figure away.

Josh knocked another figure away with his chucks before shaking his head. "No. But he can sense evils in different parts of the real world and digital world. I guess that includes the Dark Ocean."

“Just happy Tai isn’t here to get a straight answer from you.” Night Shine growled.

Karai kicked a figure and stood between the two. “What matters is that he is here to help!”

Night Shine only rolled his eyes but continued to fight.

Dragomon raised his trident and aimed at Infermon. "You will pay for interfering! FORBIDDEN TRIDENT!"

But before he hit him, Leo flew up and punched Dragomon. “You okay, Infermon?”

Infermon nodded. "A little sore, but still kickin'. Let's take this squid down together!"

"Let's." Leo nodded as he drew his energy swords.

T.K. walked next to Kari. “Let’s give them a hand!”

Hearing this, Sunset grabbed something from her pocket before deflecting an attack. “Kari! I have your Digivice! Catch!”

She threw the Digivice as Kari caught it. “Thanks, Sunset!”

As she grabbed her Digivice, both hers and T.K.’s glowed green and pink as Patamon and Gatomon both glowed as well.

“Patamon digivolve to….. Angemon!”

“Gatomon digivolve to… Angewomon!”

As Angemon and Angewomon merged from the light, Dragomon cringed from the light. At the same time, T.K.’s staff transformed like before.

"Nice!" Kari complimented.

The two smiled as they helped with the fight against the translucent figures.

Shine Boy whacked one with his staff. “So, Kari, what are these guys?”

“I thought they were Digimon, but they are some sort of shadow creatures.” Kari explained.

“They’re pure evil is what they are!” April said as she knocked a couple down.

“You’re too kind.” One figure said before getting hit by Karai.

Angemon flew around Dragomon as Leo drew his sword slicing a tentacle off. He then spoke. “Infermon! Batter up!”

Infermon nodded. “SPIDER SHOOTER!” He fired an attack at Angemon used his staff like a baseball bat and whacked it at Dragomon, who recoiled.

“You cannot stop me!” He roared.

“Then you picked the wrong girl to pick on, Kalamari!” Night Shine pointed his machete at him.

Josh knocked some more figures down, twirling his chucks. He then wrapped his chucks around one from afar and smashed him into the ground."Booyakasha! I think I’m getting the hang of chucks! Thank you, Mikey, and Keno!"


Angewomon fired an arrow At Dragomons eye. After recoiling, he then shouted. “TENTACLE WHIP!”

A bunch of tentacles jumped out, knocking down Leo, Infermon, Angemon, And Angewomon back on the beach. Everyone else narrowly escaped the other tentacles while they hit the figures. Infermon reverted back to Keramon while Leo changed back as well.


“SHINE POWER!” Shine Boy fired a blast from his insignia at Dragomon who cringed from the attack despite showing resistance.

“Such power! Maybe I should have YOUR power too!” He growled.

Shine Boy started getting pushed back but stood strong. “You. Will. Not. HAVE IT!” He grunted.

As he continued to fire, Daemon rose from the shadow behind him. “Perhaps you need a little persuasion.”

He was about to hit Shine Boy when-

“NO!” Josh whacked Daemon with his chucks. Daemon then whacked him aside.

“Foolish boy! You are beneath me!”

Suddenly, Karai, in her serpent form wrapped around his torso, biting him on the shoulder before getting thrown down.

“You want to die before your friend? So be it!”

Then, Daemon felt a dark blast from behind. He turned to see Night Shine looking at him.

“Okay, Bath Robe! Let’s chat!”

Daemon blasted at him before he dodged and jumped on him and the two wrestled.

As Shine Boy continued to fire at Dragomon, Kari hurried to him and placed her hand on his shoulder followed by T.K.

“Everyone! We have to help Shine Boy!” She called to the others.

Leo, April, Sunset, Josh, and Karai all laid hands on Shine Boy’s shoulder. As they did, Both T.K. and Kari had something glow on their chests as their crests flashed from them.

"Keep. It. Coming!" grunted Shine Boy.

"You're not gonna die on us again, are you?" Leo hoped.

"No. You guys are giving me enough to keep alive."

As they held on, Shine Boy’s beam grew bigger and started to dent Dragomon’s torso as Angewomon and Angemon soar back in the air.



The two fired and the attacks impaled Dragomon who screamed in pain before falling to his knees and dropping his trident. Shine Boy stopped firing as everyone saw Dragomon sweating and glaring at them.

“You think this is over? You cannot conquer darkness so easily! I WILL BE BACK!” He hollered before falling back in the ocean.

Josh sighed before rushing to the panting Keramon. "You okay, buddy?" He asked.

Keramon groaned, his tentacles and hands droopy like noodles. "Yeah, nothing 20 years with a chiropractor won't fix."

Sunset turned to Kari. "Kari?"

"I'm just relieved." Kari sighed before she hugged T.K. again.

"So how do we get outta this nightmare place?" Karai asked.

"Yeah for some reason, I wish there was a hotdog stand around." Shine Boy shrugged before they all heard laughing.

Everyone looked to see Daemon chuckling. “You think you Digidestined won because you beat Dragomon? He’ll return, but he is the least of your problems! I will escape the Dark Ocean and destroy every one of you! Until I get what I-“

He was interrupted by Night Shine choke holding him.

“You talk too much.” He grumbled. He then grabbed what appeared to be a Kraang portal device and pushed the button activating a portal behind them. Then, he jumped over Daemon and blasted him into the portal. Daemon screamed as he flew in before the portal closed.

Everyone sighed in relief seeing the enemies are beaten. April then spoke to Kari. “How are you feeling, Kari?”

“Much better.” Kari smiled. April smiled back knowing she was telling the truth.

“How’d we get these?” T.K. showed he and Kari had gold plates on their chests. On one half showed their crest while the other side had the Hamato symbol.

“It must’ve had something to do with the Spirit Quest or something.” Sunset pondered.

“Let’s get outta here.” Leo suggested.

"Yeah. With color." Josh added.

Kari walked up where the portal was and reopened it. Everyone walked in while Angewomon and Angemon reverted to Gatomon and Patamon before entering. Soon, they were back in the forest. Taking a deep breath of relief, Kari turned to the others.

“Thank you all for helping me. The Dark Ocean has always been trouble for all of us.”

“Always there for a friend.” Sunset smiled.

“But is Dragomon really gonna come back?” Leo asked.

“Maybe. But I think every experience has made me stronger. And as long as I have friends like you all, I will know I’m never alone.”

T.K. Walked up to Kari. “I’m sorry about telling the others about it. I never want the Dark Ocean to bother you ever again.”

Kari nodded. “It’s okay, T.K. Telling them was probably the best choice. Even with the Spirit Quest, we may not have stood a chance against Dragomon and Daemon.” She then placed her arms around T.K.’s shoulders. “You’re a great friend, T.K., and I want to show you my gratitude while we have the chance.” She then leaned over, planting her lips on T.K.’s. Surprised at first, T.K. Accepted the kiss while wrapping his arms around Kari. Sunset and April awed at the sight while Leo, Karai, Josh, and Shine Boy smiled, and Night Shine took a picture on his phone as Karai shot him a look while he shrugged.

Shine Boy then patted Josh’s shoulder. “You did good, Josh. You did good.”

Josh smiled as T.K. and Kari finished their kiss. T.K. smiled. "Man, you don't know how long I've wanted to do that."

"Same." Kari smiled as she turned to the others. "All we ask is that you don't tell the others. Not yet anyway."

"Especially Davis?" Shine Boy asked.

"Especially Davis."

"We Pinkie Promise." Sunset promised as she, Shine Boy, Leo, April, and Karai all acted out the Pinkie Promise.

"Uuuh What was that?" Josh asked.

"That looked fun." Keramon gleamed, mimicking the Pinkie Promise.

"It's the Pinkie Promise Pinkie came up with." Sunset explained.

"Well in that case, I Pinkie Promise too." Josh acted it out.

Kari walked up to him. "And thank you, Josh, for coming to help. I don't care what my brother says, You're both okay in my book." She then pecked him on the cheek as Josh chuckled.

Karai walked up to Kari holding up a Hamato headband. "Here, Kari. I gave Davis and the others headbands of the Hamato clan. And we want you have this one. You’ve earned it."

"Wow! Thanks, Karai." Kari thanked as she accepted the headband and tied it to her forehead.

"C'mon everyone. Davis and the others should be returning soon from the Spirit Quests. Let's head back to the Primary Village." Leo suggested.

As they headed back, Shine Boy walked up next to Night Shine. "So, Luke, when did you have a Kraang portal device?"

Night Shine shrugged. "I borrowed it from Pawn. He gave it to me after our 'meeting' earlier."

"Uh-huh. and dare I ask where you sent Daemon to?"

"A dimension Bishop recommended. I doubt he'll be back anytime soon." Night Shine smirked as he bit his sucker.


Another dimension.......

Meanwhile, in another dimension, in what appeared to be New York, there was a building with a giant statue of a white rabbit spinning around with a sign that read 'Call Sam & Max!'. On top of the building the same rabbit was in a lawnchair wearing sunglasses alongside a six foot dog wearing a grey suit and fedora doing the same.

The bunny peeked from his sunglasses and looked down to the street as a portal opened. Merging from the portal was Daemon who saw the nearby civilians seeing him.

"Tremble pitiful humans!" he declared as the citizens ran away screaming.

The rabbit turned to the dog. "Hey, Sam! You see that?"

Sam looked up from his sunglasses and saw Daemon. "If I didn't know better, Max, I'd say it's an evil digital monster empowered by the forces of darkness bent on world domination."

"You think Bishop sent him our way to deal with personally?" Max gleamed.

"Oh, bless his Utrom heart." grinned Sam.

Just then, they saw the phone on the roof ringing.

"I GOT IT! I GOT IT!" The two fought over who was gonna answer it before Sam trapped Max in one of the lawnchairs and answered it.

"Yes? uh huh! Ten four!" Sam hung up and turned to Max who popped out of the lawnchair like a toaster. "That was the commissioner, Max! Turns out he wants us to go down and say hi to our friend down there."

"Would that before or after his coffee break?" Max asked before they pulled out missile launchers and a gift basket. "Who better to meet and greet villains than Sam and Max Freelance Police?"

"You crack me up, Little Buddy." Sam chuckled.

The two jumped from the rooftop to take on Daemon as Max shouted, "DEATH FROM ABOVE!!!"

To Be Continued

Josh's Failed Attempt

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“Milleniummon, huh?”

When the older Digidestined took a break from training, Izzy thought he’d check in with Gennai of their recent update of their situation through his laptop.

“Yeah. And it turns out he’s using mutagen for his return and Ripley doesn’t know about him.” Izzy confirmed.

“Well, at least on the bright side, at least the Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady have activated their Digi Armor so that’ll give you a fighting chance against the enemy. But as a safety precaution, I asked an old friend to come and assist you. He should arrive at Primary Village very shortly.”

“Great. Thanks, Gennai.” Izzy smiled.

“Good luck to you all.” Gennai grinned before signing off.

Izzy closed his laptop just as Keno walked up to him. “Hey, Izzy. Have you seen Josh anywhere?”

“Can’t say that I have.” Izzy pondered.

“I left him taking a break and then I turned around and he was gone.” Keno recalled.

Fugitoid walked up. “I also noticed Keramon wasn’t with the rest of the Digimon.”

“Now why doesn’t that surprise me?” They all turned to see Tai not looking too happy.

“And here we go again.” Muttered Keno.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little rough on him, Tai?” Izzy raised a brow.

“How do we know his Keramon isn’t trying another stunt like before?”

“And what if he’s just using the little boy’s room?” Keno remarked.

Before Tai could answer, Starlight hurried over. “Everyone! I just heard from Gamer! He and the CMCs think they saw Davis and the others!”

“We’ll continue this later.” Keno whispered to Tai as he followed with Izzy and Fugitoid. Tai remained silent as he wasn’t far behind.

Soon, everyone looked to see Davis, Cody, Yolei, and Ken walking back from their Spirit Quest. Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, and Wormmon all scurried over and hugged their respectable partners.

“Veemon! Hey! Easy!” Davis cringed from pain.

“Sorry.” Veemon sweated.

“Still, it’s good to be back.”

“We all knew you could do it.” Armadillomon cheered.

Hawkmon noticed Yolei smiling victorious. “It looks like you were successful.”

“Oh. In more ways than one.” Yolei said as she smiled at Ken. Hawkmon seemed to understand but kept secret about it.

“Are you alright, Ken?” Wormmon asked.

“I feel great, Wormmon.” Ken smiled.

Matt noticed someone missing. “Anyone seen T.K.?”

“No, we haven’t.” Cody shook his head.

“Here I am!” Everyone looked to see T.K. coming up along with Kari, Leo, Sunset, April, Karai, Josh, Shine Boy, and Night Shine.

“Guys! You’re back! And you found Kari!” Pinkie cheered as Mikey ran up to hug Kari.

“Oh! We were so worried!” he bawled.

“It’s alright, Mikey. I’m alright!” Kari grunted before the party turtle set her down.

“And it looks like you were as successful as we were.” Yolei smiled, pointing to her headband.

“Same to you guys.” Kari smiled as Leo walked up to all six.

“It looks like you all have succeeded in your Spirit Quests. You’ve all made us proud.” He bowed to them as they bowed back, thanking him.

“You have all earned the right to wear the Hamato Clan symbol.” Karai added.

Leomon walked up. “I am pleased to see you all have passed your trials.”

Keno then spoke up. “Hey Josh. Where have you been?”

Josh spoke up. “After I took a break, Keramon sensed danger and let us to Kari.”

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Tai mumbled.

Kari, seemingly hearing that, stood between Josh and Tai defensively. “Tai stop! in his defense, he did come to my aid when I was overwhelmed!”

“And if it wasn’t for him, he wouldn’t have contacted us, leading us to Kari. How do you feel now?” Night Shine glared.

Tai just stood there, unconvinced before he respectfully walked away.

“I’ll go talk to him.” Matt followed him.

Josh sighed before Shine Boy patted his shoulder. “Don’t let it get to you, bro. we all are grateful you helped us.”

Josh smiled but still felt a little upset Tai still didn’t trust him.

“Anyway, what was your Spirit Quest like?” Mimi asked, wanting to change the subject.

“We’ll be happy to tell you guys.” Davis smiled. “You think we can get some chow while we do that?”


Not far from the Primary Village, Matt caught up with Tai as Agumon and Gabumon were nearby watching with concern as Matt spoke to his friend.

“Tai, how can you still not trust Josh?”

“I just can’t, alright? Just something about him I don’t trust!” Tai snapped.

Matt was unfazed. “It’s because his Digimon is Keramon, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Tai breathed.

“Well, from what I’ve seen, this Keramon is nothing like the one we fought on the internet years ago. From what I’ve seen, both of them have been helping us left and right. Helping us with Deltamon, battled Kimeramon alongside us, helped some of the others after we fell from the waterfall, Heck, he just helped save your sister! What more do you want?”

“And in case you hadn’t heard, Keramon can become Diaboromon! And what if he goes docile and attack us?” Tai challenged.

“Just like SkullGreymon?”

Tai had no answer to Matt’s question.

“He got him there.” Agumon whispered to Gabumon, who nodded in agreement.

“Tai, you’re the only one who hasn’t given them a chance and you’re a leader. What happen to the Tai I knew? The one who had the crest of Courage? I get it! Diaboromon almost destroyed Agumon! I know! I was there and he almost got Gabumon too! But I gave Keramon a chance and I see he’s totally different! What if having a Diaboromon on our team could really help us? Don’t wreck things for this team like I almost did! Think, Tai! Think!”

Tai clenched his fist in anger from Matt’s words. He was about to hit his friend, but something was holding his arm. What if his friends are right? What if this Keramon is not like his counterpart? What if he would hurt his friends more by his attitude? Unsure how to answer, He turned to the cliff next to him and punched that instead, causing Agumon and Gabumon to flinch. He then slowly fell to his knees trying to hide his tears.

Seeing there was nothing more to say, Matt turned away before saying more calmly. “I’m going back to the others. At least think about giving Josh a chance.”

And then Matt walked away with Gabumon following him. Agumon could only look to Tai still on his knees. From behind a tree, Shine Girl had watched everything and could only look in concern.


Matt walked up to the group, who were sitting in a circle eating fruit some of the Digimon had gathered earlier, sat next to Sora.

“Everything okay with Tai?” She asked.

“I hope so.” Matt sighed.

He then listened in as Davis and the others were sharing their experience from the Spirit Quests. Even Kari decided to fess up about the Dark Ocean on her end. After hearing what they said, the group was surprised.

“So, you guys fought enemies from the past?” asked Izzy.

“Yeah. I have no idea if they were hallucinations, but they felt so real!” Davis admitted.

“Yeah. They nearly did us in.” Yolei added.

“But we still succeeded nonetheless.” T.K. smiled.

“And our weapons transformed when we did.” Cody mentioned.

“That might have had something to do with your Digimon partners briefly glowing earlier.” Applebloom pointed out.

“Makes sense since they’re your partners.” Love Shine figured.

“And afterwards, we knew you had succeeded.” Hawkmon chirped.

“Well, I didn’t feel well for a bit when Kari was in the Dark Ocean.” Gatomon shivered.

“That Dragomon had to be terrifying.” Yolei told Kari.

“And with Daemon too?” Ken added.

“Yeah it was. If it wasn’t for Josh and the others, I’d might not have gotten out of there.” Kari sighed.

“You know a hot dog stand could cleanup in a place like that.” Ogremon griped.

“Ten to one, Shredder would spend his vacation there.” Leo gulped.

“Such a dark place existing? Creepy.” Gamer shivered.

“Well at least it’s done and over with.” Joe smiled.

“Yeah. When Biyomon returns from taking food to Bebop and Rocksteady, we can work on figuring out our strategy.” Shine Boy figured.

“Agreed.” Leo nodded.

Just then, Biyomon flew down urgently. “Everyone! Gem Knights are marching this way!”

“What?!” everyone gasped.

“I had just brought the food to Bebop and Rocksteady when Rocksteady saw Gem Knights marching from their base!”

“He’s making his move!” Shine Boy got up.

“We better meet up with Bebop and Rocksteady and go from there.” Leo planned as they saw Tai and Agumon walking up.

“Tai! Ripley and Lewej are up to something!” Sora called to him.

“Okay. Let’s go!” Tai answered.

After they all grabbed their gear and weapons, with Tai and the older Digidestined armed with staffs, the group hurried to where Bebop and Rocksteady were eyeing the enemies.

“There! Moment Biyomon arrive with food, Gem Knights started march of imperial!” Rocksteady handed Leo his binoculars to see.

“Yeah, they’re preparing to fight alright. They’re obviously awaiting orders.”

“Ripley always makes his presence known.” Shine Boy added.

“More like showing off.” Grumbled Night Shine.

“Definitely the royal type.” Leomon pondered.

“So what do we do now, Leo?” Twilight asked.

“Well, we got guest at our front door, so we should go say hello.”


The group walked two miles away from Primary Village ready to face the Gem Knights. Ripley, Lewej, and The Chaos Mage stepped up to a platform when Shine Boy noticed a newest addition.

“Oh no! Not him too!”

“Who’s the guy in the grey cloak?” Davis asked.

“That’s the Chaos Mage. Ripley’s uncle.” Love Shine pointed.

“The one who tried to turn you into stone on your birthday?” Rainbow turned to Shine Boy.

“That’s him.”

Gamer then added a warning. “He’s a master manipulator and expert on magic. So watch him!”

They then heard Ripley talk to them. “Well, well, well. I guess it was only a matter of time before you find me here, Shine Brat! And you brought your friends from last time.”

“Yeah? Well this time you’re on our turf, Gold head!” teased Davis.

“And when you mess with our Digi buddies, you mess with all of us!” Mikey added.

“So, you better think twice before messing with us!” Ogremon bellowed.

“How droll.” Lewej rolled her eyes.

Shine Boy then spoke up. “I’m only gonna say this once. Take your troops, remove the virus, and leave the Digital World!”

Ripley double took at what he just heard. “What virus?”

“You know! The virus affecting Earthly technology!”

“I think that mask on your head is cutting off the oxygen to your brain! I’m just trying to create my own army of Digimon to conquer the universe!”

“Then what’s causing the virus?” Spike asked behind Twilight’s leg as Leomon stood forward.

“Whatever your plan is, you would be wise to leave peacefully, or we will fight back!”

“That is the idea, kitty cat!” Lewej smirked.

Ripley called out to his troops. “GET THEM!”

“ATTACK!” Gladitron ordered as the Gem Knights marched forward.

“Charge!” Leo ordered as everyone drew their weapons. As they got ready, Sunset turned to the CMCs.

“You three focus on the Gem Knights. They’re all empty shells so don’t hold back! But Ripley and Lewej are very tough.”

“Understood.” Applebloom nodded followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Davis pulled out his Digivice. “Let’s try out our new powers!”

Everyone nodded as they pulled out their Digivices.

“Veemon digivolve to…. ExVeemon!”

“Wormmon digivolve to…. Stingmon!”

“Armadillomon digivolve to…. Ankylomon!”

“Hawkmon digivolve to…… Aquilamon!”

“Patamon digivolve to…… Angemon!”

“Gatomon digivolve to…… Angewomon!”

As their Digimon digivolved, their weapons changed forms like before.

“Whoa.” Applejack blinked.

“Metal.” Casey awed.

“Awesome.” Rainbow whispered.

“Okay. That is pretty cool.” Raph admitted.

“Booyakasha!” Davis cried as he led his team into battle.

Soon, everyone fought the Gem Knights. Rocksteady smashed a couple knights with his bare hands while Bebop danced around shooting lasers at a couple. Love Shine charge tackled a couple with Keno right behind tripping a couple nearby. Shine Boy pulled out his CDA staff which converted into a hammer and whacked a couple knights and was joined by Casey with his hockey stick.

“VEE LASER!” ExVeemon fired his laser at a bunch of Gem Knights while Karai led Gamer and Sora at a couple more.

“Should we call our Digi Armor yet?” Donnie asked Leo as he hit a Gem Knight with his bo staff.

“Not yet. We should save them should things escalate.”

“PUMMEL WHACK!” Ogremon fired his attack, which plowed through a line of Gem Knights as he backed up to Leomon. “I counted I just took out thirty-five of these creeps! How many did YOU get?”

Leomon responded by slicing a couple knights that tried to ambush Ogremon his sword. “Thirty-seven.”

Ogremon frowned. “Nobody likes a showoff!”

Gladitron was walking up to the battle when he heard a familiar voice.

“Gladitron!” he turned to see Matt and T.K., along with Angemon and Gabumon, stood ready to fight. “Remember us?”

“You!” Gladitron growled.

“We got a score to settle with you!” Matt glared as he pulled out his Digivice as Gabumon began to glow.

“Gabumon digivolve to….. Garurumon!”

“And we’re stronger than last time so things will be different!” T.K. pointed his staff.

Gladitron smirked as he pulled out his club blaster. “It doesn’t matter how strong you’ve become. You will all be put in your place!” he roared as he charged to fight the two brothers.

Meanwhile, Ripley, Lewej, and Chaos Mage watched the fight on their platform. Lewej blinked as she noticed the CMCs who were fighting well against the Gem Knights. “Are those…. Children?”

“They must’ve been training new students after last time.” Ripley pondered. “Doesn’t matter! I just want to defeat Shine Boy myself!”

“I will deal with those three young ones.” Chaos Mage squeezed his fist.

“Very well, Uncle.” Ripley smirked.

Lewej turned to her love. “Should we bring out our secret weapons?”

“Not yet. We’ll wear them out and then they’ll finish them off! And I’ll let Shine Boy live long enough to watch his friends die before we end him personally.”

The three jumped off the platform and Chaos Mage began heading towards the three young girls when Shine Girl noticed.

“Chaos Mage is heading towards your sisters!” she cried to Applejack.

“What?” the cowgirl gasped. Rarity and Rainbow heard too but were unable to go help.

Fugitoid was nearby when he saw the cloaked villain making his way to the three. “I’ll go help them!”

“Hang on! I’ll help too!” Izzy spoke up before a Gem Knight broke his wooden staff. Thanks to his training, he was able to beat the knight. “I’ll take that, thank you.” He grabbed the knight’s scepter as it disintegrated and hurried to help Fugitoid.

Josh whacked a couple Gem Knights with his nunchucks when he noticed Ripley coming to the battlefield and hurried to face him. Karai saw this and called out to Leo and Shine Boy.

“Josh is heading for Ripley!”

“Oh no!” Leo gasped as Shine Boy called to him.

“Josh! Wait! Come back! He’s too strong for you!”

But Josh did not listen as he hurried. Tai noticed as well.

“What is he doing?” he griped as he began to hurry over.

“We gotta get to him!” Shine Boy cried as he and Leo hurried over.

Ripley saw the newcomer and smirked as he stood his ground. Josh made it over there and twirled his nunchucks. He then tried to whack Ripley only for the villain to easily grab his attack.

“Impressive!” he mocked before kicking Josh down. “Fool! You are beneath me!” he held out his arm and was about to blast him when who should appear but Tai who jumped in and whacked Ripley’s arm. Grumbling as he held his arm, Ripley then whacked Tai down. “Such heroic nonsense!”

“PEPPER BREATH!” Luckily, Agumon followed Tai and blasted at the villain. As they got up, Tai glared at Josh.

“What were you thinking?” he yelled.

“I was trying to help!” Josh snapped.

“Everything would've been fine if you kept your nose out of it.” Tai continued to grill Josh.

Josh was beginning to feel hurt. “But. But don't you know why I came to the Digital World? I mean, for once, uh... I wasn't thinking about myself. I was focused on helping you guys.”

“Next time you want to do us a favor? Don't!”

“That’s enough!” Tai looked to see Shine Boy and Leo had arrived and heard everything as Shine Boy looked infuriated. “Really? We have to do this now?”

“Aw! Trouble in your ranks, Shine punk?” Ripley taunted as he wacked Agumon away.

“Agumon!” Tai cried.

Suddenly, Keramon jumped in and grabbed Agumon and set him down gently.

“Thanks.” Agumon smiled.

“You’re welcome.”

Tai stood surprised. The Digimon he didn’t trust just saved his buddy! And he just grilled his partner.

Shine Boy stood face to face against Ripley. “Leo, get Josh out of here! I’ll deal with Ripley!”

“Right! C'mon, Josh!” Leo reached to him.

Josh then started pushing Leo away. "No! I have to prove myself to Tai! I’m Digidestined! I need to keep going and save the day! Keramon! "

Keramon nodded, then turned his attention to Ripley.

"BUG BLASTER!" he shouted and spewed a powerful laser beam from his mouth at Ripley.

“Josh! NO!” Shine Boy cried.


Meanwhile, April, Karai, and Shinigami were defeating Gem knights when April noticed Chaos Mage nearing the CMCs.

“That Mage guy is after the girls!”

“Not if I can help it!” Shini was about to hurry over when she narrowly missed a lightning bolt.

“You Can’t help it, WITCH!” they all turned to Lewej with a new Lightning Diamond. “You still must pay for cracking my Diamond last time!”

“Oh hi Lewej! Glad to see you too.” Shini taunted.

Lewej screamed as she fired more lightning at the three.

“Spread out!” Karai cried as they flipped away.


Applebloom knocked a Gem Knight down when she saw the Chaos Mage closing in on them. “Uh oh, girls! It’s the Chaos Mage!”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo quickly lined up next to her as The Chaos Mage chuckled.

“How quaint! Three little girls think they can stand against me!”

Scootaloo pretended to be brave. “We-we’re ninjas in training. We can handle bullies like you!”

Chaos Mage laughed. “Ninjas are child’s play. It’s time someone put you three in their place!”

“Oh no you don’t!” The Chaos Mage turned to see Fugitoid land in front of the girls. “Get behind me, you three!”

“Don’t have to tell us twice, Professor!” Sweetie Belle gulped as the three did as they did as they were told.

Raising his hands, The Chaos Mage growled as lightning sparked in his palms.

“Oh boy.” Fugitoid wide eyed.

Just when The Chaos Mage fired his attack, Izzy jumped in and was able to deflect the attack with the scepter he took.

“This probably defies logic, but I’m not complaining.” He grinned.

“Thank you, Izzy.” Fugitoid gleamed.

“You’re beginning to annoy me!” The Chaos Mage hollered when Tentomon flew up.

“SUPER SHOCKER!” The Digimon zapped the Chaos Mage on the shoulder. The villain turned to him as his eyes glowed red.

“Uh oh.” Tentomon sweated. “IZZY!” he tried to hurry away but was shocked by The Chaos Mage and fell, coughing up black smoke.

“Tentomon!” cried Izzy.

Fugitoid fired at him while the Chaos Mage counter fired with lightning.

“What makes you think you’re a match for me, Robot?” the mage taunted.

Suddenly, He felt something tug his robe. He looked to see Spike biting it. “Dumb mutt!” he hissed. Before he could whack him, he then felt something cut his arm. As he held his arm, The Chaos Mage saw Applebloom with her tanto.

“You!” she cried.

“Won’t!” Scootaloo jump kicked him in the side.

“Harm!” Sweetie Belle then clawed his shoulder.

Then, the three triple kicked him shouting. “SPIKE!”

Izzy then rushed up and whacked him with his scepter. “Prodigous!”

“Don’t you mean Booyakasha?” Scootaloo raised her brow.

“You have your catchphrase. I have mine.”

“ENOUGH!” Suddenly, they were all blown back by a shockwave. They all looked up to see the Chaos Mage sparking in anger. Tentomon then flew up to protect his friends as the mage stomped up to them. “No one opposes the Chaos Mage; do you hear me? NO ONE!”

“FIST OF THE BEAST KING!” Just before the mage could hit the five, Leomon appeared and sent him flying with his attack as he drew his sword.

“You want to harm them? You got to go through me!”

The Chaos Mage struggled to get up. Seeing that he was still injured before the lion came, he began to back away. “You haven’t won yet! This isn’t over!”

As the villain continued his retreat, Leomon turned to the others. “Are you guys alright?”

“Thanks to you, we are.” Applebloom smiled.

“Don’t let what he said rattle you. Your teamwork has made you formidable fighters.”

The girls smiled at Leomon’s words while Izzy patted Sweetie Belle on the shoulder.


“Josh! Stop!” Leo cried.

He and Shine Boy couldn’t help him and Keramon fight Ripley due to the two constantly fighting him and getting in their way. Tai and Agumon were busy trying to keep Gem Knights from jumping in.

“I got this!” Josh remarked.

“No you don’t!” Shine Boy warned. “Ripley is too strong for you!”

He was right. Ripley looked annoyed than hurt. He then grabbed the duo by their necks and sneered. “I admire your perseverance, but now you are just ANNOYING!” He then threw Josh and Keramon to the side.

Josh coughed and began to stand up. He was struggling but tried to persevere. "I will prove myself! I am Digidestined! I love this world as well as the one I live in!"

He pointed to Ripley. “And no bully like you will stop me from protecting it!"

Keramon got up too. "Yeah! Just what gives you the right to just hurt others?! Jerk!" He then began to digivolve.

“Keramon digivolve to…. Crysalimon!”

Ripley just laughed. “I never asked your permission. Only the strong survive this world and it is my destiny to rule all the cosmos! I answer to no one! No Digibrat! No Digimon! No ninja! And certainly, No mutant freaks!”

Crysalimon slashed at him, only for Ripley to grab his blade and tossing him aside. “The only one who I ever consider a worthy opponent is Shine Boy! It was my destiny to fight him as he fights for justice! Everyone else is obsolete!”

“Even Lewej? What about her?” Josh quizzed.

Ripley smirked. “What good is a kingdom without someone as dominate as me to share it with?”

Josh growled. "Dang! He actually had a good comeback! Chrysalimon!"



“Hold still!”

Lewej kept firing trying to hit April, Karai, and Shini who have been able to dodge her attacks. Mimi noticed this as she knocked out a Gem Knight. “Yolei! It looks like April, Karai, and Shini could use some help!”

Yolei nodded. “Let’s give them a hand! Aquilamon!”

“On it!” Aquilamon flew above the Gem Knights and flew towards Lewej. “BLAST RINGS!”

Lewej embraced the attack and fired back at the Digimon. As Aquilamon took the hit, it was revealed that Palmon was on his back as she jumped off.

“Palmon digivolve to…. Togemon!”

Togemon then landed on top of the evil princess fist first. Then, she was blasted off as Lewej panted.

“You think that gives you the advantage?” she hollered.

Mimi responded by throwing her wooden staff at her. Unfortunately, Lewej was able to catch it.

“Now you’re just being desperate.” She glared as she snapped the staff in two.

However, that gave April enough time to hit her with a psychic blast. Before Lewej could fire back, she narrowly dodged a couple arrows at her. She looked to see Starlight aiming at her.

“Don’t even think about it.” She glared.

Lewej frantically protected her diamond from more arrows Starlight fired at her and hurried away.

“Anyone think that was too easy?” Yolei asked the girls.

“You’re right, Yolei. Something doesn’t feel right.” April nodded.



Garurumon fired a blast at Gladitron who still stood tall and fought. T.K. rushed up and whacked him on the side with his staff then he and Matt double punched him in the face.

As he recoiled, Gladitron huffed. “It appears you learned some new tricks since last time.” He then muttered under his breath. “And still just as annoying.”

“The truth is, Gladitron, we learn from our mistakes!” Matt declared.

“Thing is you don’t.” T.K. grinned.

Gladitron roared as he charged them. As they dodged, Matt jabbed his fingers at the arm Gladitron was punching with before twisting away. Gladitron held his arm as he couldn’t feel it.

“What’cha do?” T.K. asked his brother.

“Pressure points. A little trick Raph taught me.”

At that moment, a Gem Knight was sent flying. The two looked to see Raph walk up and smiled at Matt. “Nice job.”

Able to pick himself up, Gladitron held his arm and glared at the two Digidestined. “Don’t think you’ve won!” he yelled as he backed away.

Love Shine saw this and jumped to the others. “Something doesn’t feel right. Gladitron doesn’t just back away after a sore arm.”

“You’re right. It took a lot more last time to get him to back off.” T.K. recalled.

“So, either he’s getting sloppy or-” Raph showed concerned as he looked at Matt who agreed.

“Let’s regroup with the others!” he suggested.


Ripley continued to avoid Infermon’s attack as Josh tried to attack again only for Ripley to flip him onto his back.

“Are you done? Be fortunate that I’m willing to let you live!”

“Josh! Please get outta there!” Shine Boy pleaded.

Josh panted. "But.... But... I can't let you guys down!"

“By letting them down, you mean standing between me and my destiny, then I say you succeeded!” Ripley hissed as he prepared to strike. Suddenly, he was tackled by a shadow. Ever looked to it was Night Shine as he grabbed Ripley by the cape.

“Hello, Superior! It’s me, Obsolete!” He glared before head butting him.

“We better regroup with the others.” Leo suggested to Shine Boy.

“Agreed. C’mon Josh.” Shine Boy helped him.

“Right. Infermon!”

Infermon nodded as he followed. Leo turned to Tai, who fought off another Gem Knight.

“Tai! Let’s go!”

Ripley backed away while Night Shine followed the group and met up with Lewej.

“Now?” The Princess asked.

“Now.” Ripley smirked before bellowing. “LILLITHMON! METALPHANTOMON!”

A rock cracked open as MetalPhantomon and Lillithmon emerged from it. Everyone backed away as the two stretched and roared.

“They must be the two Digi eggs they stole!” Sunset guessed.

“Mystery solved.” Raph sighed.

Leomon then spoke up. “I know who they are! They’re MetalPhantomon and Lillithmon!”

Tentomon continued. “MetalPhantomon is an Ultimate level Digimon who uses his energy scythe to fight. Plus, he can subjugate foes to nightmares, in order to feed off of their despair! Lillithmon is a Mega level Digimon representing the Moon and Seduction. She confounds her opponents with her bewitchingly lovely appearance, and it is said that those who are taken in by her temptations are invariably granted death.”

“Didn’t we see characters like them in a fighting game?” Gamer asked Rainbow.

“I don’t think I’ve played that.” She shrugged before they heard Ripley call out to them.

“Prove yourselves to me! ATTACK!”

MetalPhantomon and Lillithmon began walking towards the heroes when Night Shine stepped up.

“Well, you know what they say!” he drew his machete. “The bigger they are!”

He ran up to fight them. But before he could land a kick, Lillithmon dodged him and elbowed him in midair causing him to fall to the ground in pain.

“The more bones they break.” Gomamon deadpanned.

Groaning, Night Shine rolled away before Lillithmon stomped on him, then he swung both fists and hit her side, causing her to recoil.

“Alright!” Casey pulled his mask down. “These guys are mine!”

“Casey wait!” April cried as he ran up to MetalPhantomon readying his hockey stick.

“No bonehead’s gonna bring down Casey Jones! Goongala!” Casey hit the Digimon, before shaking from the recoil. MetalPhantomon then grabbed him and lifted him up.

“Then it pleases me to be the first.” He chuckled.

Then Love Shine jumped in. “Oh no you don’t!” He pulled out his photon blades and slashed at MetalPhantomon, causing him to release Casey. MetalPhantomon blocked his attacks with his scythe.

“SOUL PREDATOR!” He then fired a blast from his scythe sending the two flying back.

“We better help them!” Shine Boy declared.

Leo nodded as the Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady all lined up. “Now, guys!” he called as they all shouted.

“UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!” In a big explosion, they all transformed into their Digi Armor.

“What’s this?” Ripley eyed. “So, they learned a new technique.”

“I like how shiny their armor is.” Lewej gleamed.

“Too bad they have to dirty them.” Ripley chuckled.

As The armored mutants charged against the two new Digimon, Shine Boy turned to Davis and the others. “Davis! You and your group help Leo and the others while we deal with the Gem Knights!”

“You got it!” Davis grinned as he readied his tribaton.

Ken walked up with his Tonfas ready. “Let’s put these new powers to good use!”

ExVeemon and Stingmon nodded as they combined.

“Exveemon! Stingmon! DNA Digivolve to…. Paildramon!”

Merging from the light, Paildramon jumped into the fight followed by Davis and Ken.

Kari walked up to Yolei as Angewomon flew next to Aquilamon and reverted to Gatomon. “Shall we?”

“Booykasha.” Yolei smiled as they fist bumped while Gatomon and Aquilamon glowed.

“Aquilamon! Gatomon! DNA Digivolve to….. Silphymon!”

As Silphymon landed, T.K. and Cody stood ready with Ankylomon and Angemon.

“And that just leaves us.” T.K. grinned.

“Last but certainly not least.” Cody nodded as Ankylomon and Angemon began to glow.

“Ankylomon! Angemon! DNA Digivolve to… Shakkoumon!”

The group then rushed in to help against Lillithmon and MetalPhantomon. Despite being outnumbered, the two were more than a challenge for them. As she deflected an attack from Leo, Lillithmon grabbed Paildramon and leaned towards him.

“Hi there, Tall, tough, and handsome.”

“I bet you say that to all the DNA Digimon.” Paidramon joked.

Lillithmon smirked. “RAZOR NAILS!” She then slashed at Paildramon, knocking him away. Cody jumped in and deflected another attack with his swords. After a struggle, Lillithmon flung one of his kodachis to the side and it slid next to Mimi.

“Booyakasha!” Before Lillithmon could grab Cody, Mikey jumped in and whacked her on the shoulder. Frustrated, she whacked Mikey away.

Meanwhile, Donnie blocked MetalPhantomon’s scythe with his staff while Shakkoumon flies up.

“KACHINA BOMBS!” he fired at MetalPhantomon, who recoiled from the hit.

“GRAVE SCREAM!” he then hollered towards the tall Digimon as the soundwaves knocked him down.

Suddenly, MetalPhantomon was tackled by Rocksteady. The two struggled before the Digimon flipped him over. Then, Bebop danced in firing a couple lasers followed by Silphymon firing as well. “STATIC FORCE!”

Raph then jumped in and fought MetalPhantomon. He was quickly flipped over as well while Leo joined in to fight. As the rest of the group fought the Gem Knights, Shine Boy and Sunset noticing the other group struggling with the two Digimon.

“Those guys are so strong!” Shine Boy noticed.

“Indeed. And if mutagen can do that, imagine if they do make an army!” Sunset feared as she knocked out a Gem Knight.

Then a Gem Knight went flying as Keno hurried to the two. “Hey anyone see Josh?”

“Yeah I don’t see Infermon anywhere.” Twilight spoke up.

“Oh no!” Everyone looked to see Fluttershy pointing to Josh and Infermon heading towards MetalPhantomon.

“What is that idiot doing?” Night Shine yelled.

“Josh NO! come back!” Sora called.

Josh stepped up to Metalphantomon with an angry looking his face. "YOU! " He shouted. This caught his attention. When Metalphantomon caught sight of Josh and Infermon, he stared back with pure hatred. Josh pointed to Metalphantomon. "WHY CANT YOU JUST LEAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS ALONE!" he yelled, confusing everyone. "I blew you up! Why couldn't you just be reborn good!?"

"Didn't anyone tell you? Digimon get reconfigured. and thanks to the mutagen I’m back stronger than ever!" MetalPhantomon growled.

Josh growled. "This time, you won't hurt anyone else!"

Infermon jumped towards him. "SPIDER SHOOTER!"

“SOUL PREDATOR!” MetalPhantomon used his scythe to counter the attack. He then grinned. "Just as reckless as our last encounter."

As he continued to fight. Izzy heard everything. “If MetalPhantomon remembers Josh…”

“Then his stories were true.” Tai whispered in shock.

“Still think he’s not part of the team?” Night Shine huffed as he backhand a Gem Knight.

Metalphantomon grinned and faced Josh. "At least I'm not a failure!"

Josh scowled. "I beat you last time! How does that make me a failure?"

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about your so-called team and you."

This caused Josh to freeze. "What do you mean?" He asked, a slight trembling in his voice.

MetalPhantomon continued. “Did they exactly welcome you with open arms? Not really. They’re worried because your Digimon had did something horrible to them. No matter how much good you do to prove yourself, they will always fear you because of Infermons past! Especially Tai!”

At that moment, Mikey rushed in and hit the Digimon away. He then rushed to Josh.

“Don’t listen to him, Josh!” But before he could coax his friend, Lillithmon blasted him from the back, sending him flying.

“MIKEY/MICHELANGELO!” Everyone cried.

Mikey fell to the ground, reverting from his armor and back to normal. Lillithmon smirked before she was tackled by Sylphimon and Raph. MetalPhantomon chuckled as he stood up.

“You see? Are they gonna like you now that you got their friend hurt?”

Josh started to tear up, before shaking his head. "It's true, Tai doesn't accept me, but the others do! Shouldn't that account for something?!"

“Really? And who do they believe more? The one they know more? Or someone they just met?” Rocksteady was next to ram MetalPhantomon when he grabbed his scythe and slashed the rhino away, causing him to power down as well.

“Rock!” Gasped Bebop.

Josh gripped his fists. "you're wrong.....they know me enough. And I won't let you hurt them!" Infermon then tucked his limbs into his body and barreled straight at Metalphantomon, crashing into him like an indestructible missile.

Unfortunately, MetalPhantomon struggled with holding Infermon down. As he held him, MetalPhantomon began glowing.

“Did I struck a nerve?” He teased before tossing Infermon aside.

“Something’s happening to MetalPhantomon, yo!” Casey pointed out.

Lillithmon chuckled to herself. “So you were holding out.”

Lewej turned to Ripley. “Looks like you were right about MetalPhantomon.”

“I had a feeling when Mortar showed me his readings. Guess he had more power than I knew.”

Metalphantomon glew bright. "Your greatest failure, Joshua, is that you failed to convince the leader of the digidestined that you were their ally! And it will always be that way! METALPHANTOMON DIGIVOLVE TO......REAPERMON!"

When the glowing stopped, MetalPhantomon was gone. In his place was a humanoid robotic figure with a skull head with one arm being the scythe blade.

Angered, Raph flew towards him.

“Raph! No!” Leo called.

“I got him, Leo! He’s all mine!” Raph then punched Reapermon only to notice him ineffective. “What the-?” Raph continued punching him rapidly. When he stopped, he saw Reapermon still ineffective. “Oh sewer apples.”

Reapermon then grabbed Raph and began to push him down. “Time to crack some Shell!”

“Hold on Raph!” Donnie cried as he Sylphimon flew in.

“Let him go, Bonehead!” Sylphimon declared. But before either one could hit him, Reapermon pointed his finger at the two.

“BONE DUSTER!” Then, a big bonfire hit the two, causing them to be sent flying. As they fell to the ground, Donnie powered down while Sylphimon separated back to Gatomon and Hawkmon.

Reapermon then slammed Raph to the ground. As he was sent bounced, Reapermon slashed his scythe at him. “GRIM SLASHER!” Raph slid to the ground. When he stopped, he powered down.

Leo rushed in. “This definitely unexpected. Oh man!”

Paildramon and Bebop flew past him and fired at Reapermon.

“DESPERADO BLASTERS!” Paildramon shouted as he fired. Bebop danced around firing lasers.

“KACHINA BOMBS!” Shakoumon fired his attack as well. When the dust settled, to their shock, their attacks had no effect. Reapermon smirked then began twirling around. “FLAME CYCLONE!” As he spun, a fire tornado formed, sending the three flying. When stopped spinning, Paildramon fell and reverted to Veemon and Wormmon.

“That…..all….you got?” Groaned Bebop before he fell over powering down as well.

Lillithmon then landed next to Reapermon. “Hey! Save some for me!” She chuckled. “EMPRESS EMBLAZE!” She fire a huge blast at Shakkoumon and Leo, causing Leo to power down and Shakkoumon separated to Patamon and Armadillomon.

“Leo!” Twilight gasped.

Reapermon cackled. "You digidestined are ALL failures! You cannot defeat us!"

Suddenly, explosions had surrounded Reapermon and Lillithmon. As they were distracted, Davis jumped in and whacked Reapermon with his tribaton. Followed by Yolei whacking Lillithmon with her chain, Cody with his blade, Ken with his tonfas, and T.K. with his staff.

Davis spoke up. “We’re more than Digidestined.”

“We’re Ninja!” The two looked to see Kari and Starlight fire arrows at them, causing them to recoil.

As they fought, everyone else was helping the mutants up. Shine Boy hurried to Josh, who sat in remorse.

“C'mon, Josh! We gotta go.”

Josh shook his sadness a little to listen. "Yeah. We need to regroup. I can tell you how to beat Reapermon."

Leomon hurried over. “We better move! Davis and the others won’t last long!”

Josh nodded. "Infermon! Get the CMC to safety!"

Infermon saluted. "Got it!"

Davis whacked Reapermon with his tribaton before he was whacked by the Digimon.

“That hurt.” He groaned.

Cody struggled to get up just as Lillithmon prepared to strike him.

“Cody!” Gasped Yolei as Ken helped her up.

“RAZOR NAILS!” Just before her attack hit him, Mimi jumped in and slashed her with Cody’s missing kodachi blade. Lillithmon screamed as she held her face. She looked at her hand to see blood on it. “MY FACE!”

“C’mon Cody.” Mimi hurried and get Cody to safety. As she helped Mikey, Shinigami saw what Mimi did and smiled.

Ripley then began to notice the team was retreating and growled. “Rrr! Stop them!”

Lilithmon screamed. "My beautiful, flawless face! That witch will pay!" She took off after them.

"Mimi! Cody! Duck!"

Before Lillithmon could grab the two Digidestined, they ducked while she was hit by a flying baton. she looked to see the baton caught by Shine Girl who let Mimi and Cody pass by her.

"Unless you want your face to get even out, back off!" she warned.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Lillithmon glared.

Then, as if answering her question, she was jump kicked by Karai and landed on her back.

"Have someone show you why." Shine Girl joked as the two high fived.

"That won't stop her for long." Karai stated as they hurried away.

Lillithmon growled as she picked herself up. just then, Reapermon ran up to her.

"They're sagacious, I'll give them that."

"More like annoying." Lillithmon huffed.

Soon, they were almost back to the Primary Village. Elecmon waved to them.

"Hurry! get to the perimeter!" he cried.

Josh ushered Infermon and the CMC inside the perimeter, then looked back to Reapermon. He gained a stoic look on his face. "I have to stop him. Only I can." He then jumped on Infermon's back and pointed to the two mega-level digimon. "LET'S END THIS NOW!" he and Infermon then charged towards the two, despite the others telling him to come back.

“What is he doing?” Joe gasped.

“I’m going after him!” Shine Boy spoke up.

“What?!” Everyone gasped.

“But you used too much Shine Power in the Dark Ocean! You need time to recharge!” Warned Gamer.

“I have other methods! You guys get the turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady back to recuperate! Josh might get killed trying to prove himself and I won’t let that happen!” Before anyone could argue more, Shine Boy hurried off.

Joe turned to Night Shine. “That’s got to be the second bravest guy I’ve ever met.”

“Pfft. At least you’re not related to him.” Night Shine huffed as he started to head back towards the fight.

“You make that sound like it’s a bad thing.” Karai teased.

Josh and Infermon stormed up to Reapermon. "This will end just like last time, Reapermon! Infermon! You know what to do!"

Infermon nodded and the digivice glowed a brilliant light. "INFERMON DIGIVOLVE TO.......DIABOROMON!"

“Is that…?” Applebloom pointed to Infermon who was now a grey creature wearing black armor, a helmet with two horns, and long arms.

Izzy nodded. “Yep. Diaboromon.”

“Well, at least he’s fighting on our side, right?” Sora figured.

April felt a vibe as she felt her head. “That’s the good news at least.”

“What’s the bad, April?” Sunset asked.

“It’s Josh! He’s not thinking straight! And Reapermon is manipulating him to take advantage!”

Everyone looked at Tai, who had a look of regret on his face. “And it’s all my fault.”

Quickly, he hurried towards the fight.

“Tai! Wait!” Matt called.

Leo was waking up when Tai zipped by, snagging one his katanas.

“Tai! Stop!” He cried.

“Wait for me!” Agumon scurried right behind him.

Josh jumped off Diaboromon's back and started twirling his nunchuks. " We beat you once before, Reapermon! This will be no different!"

Reapermon smirked. “And what makes you so sure you’ll be accepted now that Diaboromon has shown himself?”

Both he and Diaboromon froze, then gained furious looks non their faces. Josh screamed in anger and jumped at him, smacking his face with his nunchuks, while Diaboromon bashed him in the chest with his extending arms. "CABLE CRUSHER!"

“GRIM SLASHER!” Reapermon used his blade to block Diaboromons hand.

Lillithmon then snuck up behind Josh. “It looks like you’ve reached your limit!” She laughed. “RAZOR CLAW!”

She was blocked by a machete. She hissed as Night Shine began pushing you back. “Don’t think you’ve forgotten what I owe for cheap shot me earlier, Witch!”

“You sure that’s all you came back for?” Lillithmon winked.

Night Shine just stuck his tongue out in disgust. “You’re gross!”

Suddenly, something rocketed towards Reapermon who caught it before it exploded, causing Diaboromon’s hand to slam him down. Shine Boy stood up with his CDA staff and hurried to Josh. “Josh! You alright?”

Josh shook his head “Physically, yes. Emotionally.... I feel like tearing that evil reaper apart!!"

Shine Boy put his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Cmon everyone is heading back to Primary Village. We need to recuperate.”

Josh shook his head. "Even if we get to the primary village, we will just bring them to our doorstep! All those baby digimon might get hurt! We have to stop them!"

“Elecmon told us to. I think he’s got something planned. He wouldn’t endanger the baby Digimon if he didn’t plan something.”

Josh sighed, then nodded in defeat. "Okay. Diaboromon, retreat!"

Diaboromon picked him up and headed towards the primary village.

Night Shine and Shine Boy were about to head back when-


They turn back to see Tai blocking Reapermon's attack with Leo's katana and Agumon watching his back.

"Get to the village! I'll hold them off!"

"For the love of-!"

"Luke! C'mon!" Shine Boy spoke to his brother.

As he struggled, Reapermon spoke to Tai. "Are you certain we are the enemy? You just let one of your enemies escape."

Realizing he's talking about Josh, Tai grunted. "I'm not falling for that! I admit I was wrong to accuse Josh and his partner! not anymore!"

Suddenly, the katana began to glow as Tai's crest of Courage appeared on his chest. Agumon then began to glow as well.

"Agumon! Warp Digivolve to.... WarGreymon!"

Sure enough, WarGreymon did appear right by Tai.

"What is this?" Reapermon wide eyed.

Taking this opprotunity, Tai jump kicked the bad Digimon down. Lillithmon tried to attack WarGreymon only to be flipped on top of Reapermon.

"WarGreymon! Now's our chance!" Tai cried.

"I'm right behind you!" WarGreymon hurried behind. As they hurried, Tai's crest vanished and WarGreymon returned as Agumon.

"Quit goofing off and GET THEM!" Ripley shouted as Reapermon and Lillithmon struggled to get up.

"Get off me!" Reapermon growled.

"Stop touching me!" Lillithmon argued.

Soon, they were able to get up and gave chase.

"Hurry!" Rainbow shouted as she helped pull Shine Boy in while Night Shine jumped in the perimeter.

"Tai!" Matt and Sora reached out and pulled Tai and Agumon in.

"So now what?" Night Shine asked.

"Now it's my turn!" shouted a small nimble voice.

"Here they come!" gasped Fluttershy.

Everyone stood ready as Reapermon and Lillithmon ran up towards them. But just they were about to reach them, they were suddenly slammed into a giant barrier. As they tried to break the barrier, a small pink creature with wings carrying a spear flew up towards them.

"Sorry! This is a no Evil Digimon zone! Nope nope!" he teased.

Seeing their enemies out of reach, Ripley growled. "RRrr! Stupids! Call them back!" he ordered Gladitron.

Gladitron nodded before calling to the two Digimon. "Return to base, you two!"

Hearing this, Lillithmon and Reapermon headed back.

"Yeah! You better run!" Pinkie blew a raspberry.

Everyone took a deep breath in relief while the mutants were laid down to rest. Sora pointed to the pink creature. "Everyone. This is our friend Piximon. He is a very wise Digimon who helped us in the past."

"So, You are the Ninjas and Rainbooms Gennai told me about. Any friends of the Digidestined is a friend of mine. Yup yup!"

Elecmon then spoke up. "Gennai sent him to put up a barrier around Primary Village to protect the baby Digimon and you can all still stay here for rest."

Fluttershy hugged Piximon. "Thank you so much for coming to help us."

"My pleasure. Yup yup!"

Izzy then turned to Tai. "Tai, how did you get Agumon to digivolve to WarGreymon?"

Tai pondered as he handed Leo his sword back. "I'm not sure. It was like when I held Reapermon off, my crest suddenly appeared and then when we escape, it was gone."

"Sounds familiar." T.K. said as Kari nodded.

Davis then spoke up. "I don't get it! Even after that Spirit Quest, we still lost!"

"Did we do something wrong?" Cody asked.

"It was nothing you guys did. Those two just caught us off guard." April assured.

"Even our Digi Armor failed against them." Raph grumbled.

Piximon flew up. "Nothing wrong. Nope Nope! Just need one piece of the puzzle to be complete. I can help. Yup yup!"

"We'll need it." Leo nodded.

"For sure." Bebop added.

Tai then took a deep breath and walked towards Josh, who was leaning on a tree as Keramon looked at him with concern. "Josh, I-"

Josh held up his hand. "You don't need to apologize, Tai. I understand how you felt. You were suspicious of me and Keramon. But you were right about one thing.... I'm not ready to be part of the team. "

This caused everyone to gasp in horror.

Josh continued. "We fought Reapermon before. We had to digivolve to the mega level to stop him. But this time it wasn't enough!.... We... We're not strong enough."

Keramon bowed his head in shame. "He's right. We failed."

Josh turned around. "But I will make this right. I'm temporarily leaving the team. But I promise to return strong enough to help. You. Please, don't try to stop us. We need to do this."

Keramon nodded. "We really do."

“Josh, you don’t really have to leave!” Pleaded Sora.

“It’s…. It’s something we have to do!” Josh struggled to hide his tears as he ran away with Keramon right behind him.

Matt walked up to Sora. “Let him go. This is something he has to do alone. I should know.”

“Everything Reapermon told him really hurt him mentally. All we can do is hope that he calms his mind.” April hoped.

Tai looked towards where Josh left in regret. He had finally understood Josh and Keramon, but now the damage was done.

To be Continued

Regret, Recuperation, and Restoration

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Tai was standing at a lake nearby the Primary Village frowning at his reflection. He was still regretting how he treated Josh earlier. Ever since he and his partner Keramon came, all he did was neglect them just because the last Keramon he fought almost destroyed Agumon. As they fought Ripley and Lewej’s two new mutated Digimon, Reapermon and Lillithmon, Reapermon made things worse by hurting Josh mentally. Now he has left the team and its Tai’s fault. He grimaced before throwing a rock at his reflection.

“Tai?” Tai turned to see Sora and Matt followed by Leo, Shine Boy, Sunset Shimmer, Karai, Starlight Glimmer, and Shine Girl with all of them looking concerned as Sora spoke in concern. “Are you okay?”

“No.” Tai answered bluntly. “No, I’m not.” He then looked at the others. “If you wanna lecture me and tell me that you all told you so, go on. I deserve it.”

“We’re not here to lecture, Tai.” Leo assured. “We’re all concerned for Josh.”

Tai grunted as he punched a tree. “I should’ve accepted Josh and Keramon! But no! I had to treat him like an enemy! I try and I try! But no matter what decision I make, somebody gets hurt because of me!”

“Tai. It was understandable that you didn’t trust Keramon.” Matt spoke up. “Remember we all weren’t sure to accept him.”

“At least you were willing to give him a chance.” Tai muttered.

Sunset spoke up. “Tai, no one said being a leader was easy. It’s always a debate no matter what choice you make.”

“Especially when we’ve all made poor choices in the past.” Starlight added.

“We always work on making the decision work so it would be the right choice.” Karai nodded.

“Yeah well, you were right, Shine Boy. He wasn’t the same Keramon.”

Shine Boy shrugged. “Well, even if he was, I’d at least know we gave him a chance. I just don’t want to reject possible allies and friends.”

“Because you know what that’s like, right?” Karai asked.

Shine Boy, knowing it was time to tell his tale, nodded. “I probably sound more innocent compared to those of you who did wrong before, but I know what was like not getting a chance to show my innocence.”

The hero took a deep breath and paced himself a little before he told them. “A while ago, before Michael became Gamer, I was part a trio of heroes working for a secret government team. Back then, you could say I was a second Michelangelo. Carefree and funny. I always had my morals to keep me positive and I thought I had the superhero bit down. Then, one day, all that changed. I followed a gang of tech heads who tried to steal something. Their leader called himself Gigavolt and he was after a jewel that would give him ultimate power. I was able to stop his gang, but when I tried to look more into it, I discovered that Gigavolt framed me on national television. Turned out he altered the footage to make me look like a criminal. Shortly after, I was on the run from the law and my teammates. No one believed me when I tried to explain and allies who could’ve helped me just sent me away without hearing me out. I couldn’t go home and not many knew my secret identity, Love Shine and Shine Girl included. I then fought some other heroes who were ordered to take me in including my teammates and friends. When I was in fought out in public, I saw myself surrounded by cops and newspeople. Tired, fed up, and broken, I turned myself in. I never said a word when interrogated and hoped they’d just give me the death sentence. The cops left me to make my phone call. By then, Gigavolt got the jewel and transformed into a giant energy creature. Those who refused to help me realized I was telling the truth and one tried to call me, but I just hung up on them before they could say they’re sorry. By then, the commander of our unit got the correct footage and was able to bail me out. He understood my condition and we agreed that I would stop Gigavolt and afterwards I’d quit the team. I was dropped off where Gigavolt was located who toyed with me. No matter how hard he hit me, I picked myself up. Though in full honesty, I wanted him to kill me and put me out of my misery. When it looked like Gigavolt was gonna finish it, my teammates showed up. Despite me not happy to see them, we were able to drain Gigavolt and change him back. I then made double sure he never transformed again by destroying the jewel. As the police took Gigavolt into custody, my team tried to show they were sorry by offering me breakfast. I just stormed off as the commander told them our agreement. I was so upset that after I returned, I vowed never to be Shine Boy again. For weeks, all I heard in the news was ‘Where is Shine Boy? Or ‘Shine Boy come back’. But I just tried to ignore them and even fought a student who wouldn’t shut up about it. Some allies and other heroes who knew my secret tried to convince me to come back and it never ended well every time. Meanwhile, Love Shine and Shine Girl did their best to keep up fighting. Love Shine was overwhelmed the most and rejected invitations to join the team in my place. Another villain then demanded Shine Boy, or he’d blow up the bridge. It was there that I decided I pitied myself enough and hurried to save the bridge. Turned out, it was a hoax to get me to come back. After he turned himself in, I was back in action. Gamer came around and I eventually went back to the team. The rest is history.

Everyone was surprised after Shine Boy finished his tragic story as he continued. “I’m sorry if this changes your opinion about me. I never told anyone this because it’s still hurtful and I don’t know how’d you all react, especially you, Leonardo, after you told me about when Fugitoid told you his past. I had promised to not let anyone feel rejected.”

Shine Boy was then answered by a hug by Karai and Leo patted his shoulder.

“I understand why you never told anyone. I had promised myself I wouldn’t accuse anyone like that anymore.” Leo spoke up.

“While it was terrible what happened, I’m glad you endured it.” Sunset smiled.

“It explains why you understand us and never judged us from our pasts. And I’m glad you do.” Starlight embraced him next.

“Since then, I would give people a chance so they would not go through what I did. Not Josh. Not Keramon. Not you, Tai.”

Tai smiled, happy to know his friends still cared and clapped hands with Shine Boy’s hand. “Thanks, Shine Boy.”


Everyone smiled before Leo spoke up. “C’mon. we better head back. Piximon wants all you older Digidestined so that we can complete enough of your training so we can beat Reapermon and Lillithmon.”

Everyone nodded and as they all headed back, Shine Boy looked at the other side of the lake and whispered to himself.

“I hope you find what you need and come back. We need you, Josh.”


In another part of the forest, Josh furiously threw wood at a fire he started. After the fire was blazing, he then pulled out the nunchucks Mikey gave him. He shed a couple tears as he was overwhelmed with grief. He then threw his weapon towards the fire when suddenly-


Josh and Keramon looked surprised to see a spiritual hand caught his nunchucks. Walking from the fire was a humanoid rat wearing a ninja robe. He looked at Josh with a strict but calm face.

“A ninja’s weapon deserves better respect.”

Josh was astounded as he recognized the figure as the Turtles told him. “You’re- You’re Master Splinter!”

“What are you doing, Joshua?”

Joshua sighed. "I'm not sure anymore. Ever since I got my digimon partner, I knew I was destined to save both worlds. Even though I fought quite a few evil digimon, I also met even more nice ones. I love Digimon. They're not that different from us humans, some are good some are bad. I always felt comfortable around them. More so than with my own kind. So when I realized that there were more kids like me, kids with digimon partners who shared the same responsibility, I figured I had found my team of friends who would always be there for me, no matter what. But then Tai, the leader, didn't trust me. He treated me and my digimon partner I love like a brother like we were enemies. And now, I couldn't even prove myself good enough for the team by beating an old enemy. I just....I feel like a failure."

Keramon sighed as well. "Me too. I feel ashamed that another one of my kind did so much damage and nearly destroyed the world. That's the whole reason Tai hated me. Even if I'm not the same digimon, it still stings."

Josh looked at his nunchuks in despair. "Maybe I'm not cut out to be digidestined, or a ninja for that matter."

Splinter nodded in understanding. “Because of what Keramons predecessor did in the past.”

Josh sighed, tearing up. "And I had my chance to prove myself, and I blew it!"

"Tai may not have seen it, but the others seem to have seen your efforts." Splinter pointed. "You came in time to help my son, Leonardo. You fight alongside them against Kimeramon. You tried to gather the others after falling from the waterfall. You even led the others to the Dark Ocean to rescue Kari. That had to have meant something."

Josh sighed. "I suppose. But no matter what I did, Tai still didn't trust me. And Reapermon! He really gets under my skin! He called me out on my failures! And I couldn't beat him like I did in our last encounter! I just don't know how I can help the team. If I can't beat Reapermon, what good am I to the team?"

Splinter placed his hand Josh’s shoulder. “Josh, there is no I in the word team. When you fall, another comes to your aid. Like when Shine Boy came to your aid against Ripley and warned you that he was strong. A team is there for each other. It is what the others wanted to prove to you.”

Josh looked up at him. "But how am I going to contribute to the team if I can't help fight?"

Splinter held Josh’s Digivice. “If I recall, your crest is the crest of Imagination, is it not?” Josh nodded. “That is something you must discover on your own. Only then can you join the others. I have faith in your creativity.”

Splinter handed Josh his Digivice. Josh looked at it and then looked up to see Splinter vanished.

Josh shook his head. "Creativity? Maybe I need to use my head. " He then heard his stomach growl, and then Keramon's stomach growled even louder. "But maybe we should get something to eat first. We can't think on an empty stomach."

Keramon nodded. "I think I saw a town nearby. Maybe we can find a restaurant."


Back at the Primary Village, Leo, Piximon, Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, and Joe all sat on platforms that were on stilts that were very high up. Luckily, below them was a waterfall. As the others watched from the side on the ground.

Izzy then asked Piximon. “So, what do we need to do?”

“Throughout the years, while you had learned from your lessons, you have forgotten how to connect your hearts where your crests. Yup yup. T.K. and Kari had done so in the Dark Ocean. You must do the same! Leonardo might know a way to help with that. Yup yup!”

“But we gave up our crests to return power to the Digital World.” Joe recalled.

“That was years ago, but you always had the crests in your hearts. Yup yup! As long as you keep what was in your heart, your crest never fully left you! Nope nope!”

Leo then spoke up. “So Piximon allowed me to teach you six ninpo.”

“Nin…po?” Mimi asked.

“Ninpo. It is an ancient mystic power derived from a very powerful source of unknown origins that has been passed to the Hamato Clan through generations of the clan. it is unlocked by wholly connecting and trusting in one's family. If you can accomplish this, it should be enough to rekindle your crests again. Now you must concentrate and search within.”

The older Digidestined all closed their eyes and began to concentrate. Piximon then coached them as they searched within themselves.

“Let go of past regrets. Use the experience to move forward, not weigh you down. Break free from your limits. Accepts problems you cannot control. Only then can you find what was lost to you.”

As Piximon coached them, Each of the Digidestined showed pure concentration in their expressions. The one who struggled the hardest was Tai, who was still regretting his mistrust towards Josh and Keramon. Inside his mind, he kept flashing the times he either frowned or scolded the two.

Then, it was pitched black as he knelt in regret.

“Why didn’t I trust them?” he asked himself as his mind echoed. “Had I just forgotten the Crest of Courage? Is that why I feared Keramon?”

Tai then heard a new voice. “Fear cannot be vanquished completely.” He then saw a humanoid rat wearing a ninja robe standing before him. “It will always try to challenge our courage.”

Tai looked up to the rat as he remembered who he was from his talks with Leo. “You’re….. Master Splinter!”

Splinter smiled. “Greetings, Tai.”

Tai got up sighing. “I suppose you’re here to lecture about how I treated Josh and Keramon.”

“Yes. And no. I understand why you didn’t trust them right away. Because of Keramon’s predecessor.”

“But Josh just wanted to be part of the team and I drove him away!”

“This wasn’t the first time you felt regret.”

Tai nodded. “I had done too many dumb moves! And it resulted in someone paying because of me. Agumon. Sora. Kari.” Tears began to fall from Tai’s eyes. “Why haven’t I gotten over them?”

“Because regret is like reopening a wound.” Splinter explained. “The important thing is that you learned from these mistakes. You went back and saved Sora from Datamon, you mastered your crest to have Agumon digivolve into MetalGreymon, and that day Kari went to the hospital did not weaken your bond with your sister. I’m not saying the pain will go away, but you should not let hold you back. That is what fear is like. You cannot change those events that had happened. All you can do is use them to be stronger, wiser, and braver. And by trusting your friends it will give you the strength to get right back up.” Splinter then placed his hand on Tai’s shoulder. “And you must trust that Josh will find what he is missing and rejoin you. Just as you must trust yourself to treat him like a friend when he does.”

Tai closed his eyes and thought about what Splinter said. He was right. He must trust Josh will rejoin him just as he trusts his friends. As he got up, he saw Splinter was gone. But he understood what he had to do.

“Tai? Tai!”


Tai opened his eyes to find he was on the platform again. He saw the others were looking at him as Leo spoke.

“You were in deep thought longer than the others. And you were glowing for a brief second.”

“You discovered something, yup yup?” Piximon asked.

Tai nodded as he stood on his platform and faced his team. “Guys, I understand if you think you can’t trust me now after the way I treated Josh. But there is something our crests have in common. Trust. We’ve all had issues with trusting each other in the past. Heck, we had that trouble when we first came to the Digital World. But we always came through for each other. Trusting each other gave us the courage to face the evil Digimon in the past. By being sincere when one of us was down or reliable in danger, we were able to learn what we need as we fought for our friends and loved ones. In a way, we’re like our own clan or family. And I do hope I can share that same trust I have with you all with Josh if he comes back.”

Tai then leaned back, causing his platform to tip and he began to fall to everyone’s shock.

“TAI!” Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Mimi jumped towards their friend hoping to reach him in time. As they jumped, they hadn’t noticed glowing from their bodies. Leo and Piximon looked amazed as the glowing intensified. From the ground, everyone was blinded by the glow.

“What just happened?” Shine Boy gasped.

“I could’ve sworn I saw Tai falling down!” Twilight panicked.

“Did he fall in the lake!” Scootaloo hoped.

“Look!” Everyone looked to where Ogremon pointed. The light had reached the ground and began to fade. As it vanished, Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Mimi all stood holding hands. As they opened their eyes, they noticed they now had gold plates on their chests. Like T.K. and Kari, they had their crests on one end and the other, the Hamato clan symbol.

“They did it.” T.K. smiled.

“Yep.” Kari nodded.

“How’d we get these?” Joe asked, looking at his.

“I don’t know, but I like their style!” Mimi beamed.

Leo jumped off his platform and, bouncing off the trees, landed back on the ground while Piximon flew down.

“Well done!” the fairy Digimon grinned.

Leo nodded in agreement. “You’re ready.”


Meanwhile, Josh and Keramon have made their way to a village not far in hopes of finding the restaurant Keramon mentioned and getting something to eat. Josh tried to keep up a smile as he passed by various digimon going about their lives. But while he was happy to be surrounded by digimon, his mind was on what Splinter said. His Crest was Imagination. Could that be why he lost the battle with Reapermon? Because he wasn't being creative enough? Now that he thought about it, he DID focus solely on proving himself to the others. He wasn''t being very true to himself.

He was pulled from his thoughts when Keramon pointed out the restaurant.

Keramon looked at the sign. "looks like a noodle shop."

They both looked up at the sign. It definitely looked like a noodle shop. Just then, a small Digimon with brown fur and tusk floated up to them on what appeared to be a cloud.

“Welcome. Table for two?” He smiled.

Josh nodded. "Yes please. I could use some noodles right now."

As he lead the two in the restaurant, the Digimon spoke to them. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tapirmon and I’ll be you waiter today. Would you like to hear about our lunch special?”

Keramon nodded. "Certainly."

Josh nodded. "we should know the best deals on food. "

Tapirmon then got a look at Josh's Digivice. “You’re a Digidestined., aren’t you?”

Josh nodded. "Yes. But how did you know? Have you met digidestined before?"

Tapirmon nodded. “Yes I have. They helped saved our soup spring as well as the destiny stone. My manager Digitamamon even gives a discount to every Digidestined and their Digimon partner.”

Josh smiled. "That's good to know. I think I know which digidestined you're talking about." He frowned. "But we kinda had a problem and I left the team. I plan to go back, but not until I fix my problems."

Tapirmon nodded. “Well maybe some soup will help you think of a solution. Might I recommend the Chinese special?”

Josh held up his head. "I will just take some beef ramen."

Keramon nodded. "I'll take the Chinese special."

Tapirmon nodded and went to put the orders in.

Josh gave a smile. "Maybe all I really need is a full belly. I'm sure I'll be feeling better once I've eaten. "

Keramon smiled and patted his back. "That's the spirit!"

Soon, Tapirmon returned with their orders. He was joined by a giant egg with dinosaur feet sticking out of the shell. There was a hole in the face area with only the eye’s showing.

He then greeted. “Hi there. I heard we had a Digidestined in today. How are you, my good man?”

Josh frowned sadly. "Sad and hungry."

Keramon nodded. "Ditto."

“Well maybe some soup and ramen will make you feel better. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the owner Digitamamon.”

Josh smiled. "I'm Joshua Garrett. This is my partner, Keramon."

Keramon smiled."Nice to meet you."

“Strange to see a Digimon I never met before. Oh well. Any friend of the Digidestined is a friend of mine.”

The bell at the counter rang, indicating another customer had entered the building.

“I’ll go get that.” Tapirmon said as he floated off.

“And I better get back to the kitchen and cook. It was nice to meet you too.” And Digitamamon hurried off.

Josh sighed and looked at his noodles. He then began to eat them. "This really tastes good." He sighed sadly. "But it only fills my belly, not my heart."

Keramon then choked on his noodles before recomposing himself. "That was depressing, dude."

Then, he then heard a familiar voice.

“Josh? Is that you?”

Josh nearly choked on his noodles at the sound of that voice. "No way!!" He stood up and rushed to the counter, where he was a familiar pink face perched stop a large silver dish. "It is! Garbagemon! Searchmon!"

Garbagemon was a pink sludgy Digimon with a yellow peel like head piece and in a green garbage can. Searchmon was a big metal bug with a dish on top.

Garbagemon smiled at Josh. "It's good to see you again, my friend."

Josh smiled back. "Thanks, Garbagemon. It's good to see you and Searchmon again too. Right now I could really use the good company."

Tapirmon was nice to let Garbagemon and Searchmon sit next to Josh and Keramon. After the two ordered their meals, Josh told them everything.

Garbagemon took a sip of tea. " I see. Sounds like you're in quite the jam."

Searchmon beeped in agreement.

Josh sighed sadly and ate his noodles. "I just don't feel like I belong in the team after that. It’s like I'm not good enough."

“Is this that same kid who helped us from Rareraremon?” Garbagemon spoke up. “Do you remember when we first met? I thought defeating Raremon was impossible. But you proved me wrong and because of that, you inspired me to look further for the solution.”

Searchmon beeped again in agreement. “Even Searchmon agrees with you.” Searchmon beeped a couple more times before Garbagemon poured more tea into his cup. “There you go.” Searchmon then beeped a thank you. “You’re welcome.”

Josh looked at his noodles. "I did save you. I figured out all the oil in him could be hardened and heated, then frozen. I really got creative there."

"And I'm sure that wasn't easy to think of." Garbagemon nodded.

Josh nodded. Then he realized something. "I was creative! That's what I did! Just like when I reformed that Mummymon who wanted to be a doctor!"

Keramon nodded." you came up with a plan to use his own wrappings to subdue him so you could get through to him on how he was doing it all wrong."

Josh stood up. "Exactly! And that time we were swarmed by DemiMeramon and we couldn't land any hits, but I got the idea to make them bigger with fire so they'd digivolve into Meramon and become more solid!"

"Or the time strange instances came up that were the result of Soulmon, and you realized he was invisible and you used dust to make him visible." Keramon added.

Searchmon beeped a couple times, as if explaining something to the two. When he was finished, Garbagemon nodded. “Searchmon said sometimes pressure can make it difficult to think. It’s understandable with those villains that revived Reapermon and Lillithmon.”

Josh nodded. "I was under a lot of pressure even before then. But I shouldn't worry anymore. I need to rejoin the team. Garbagemon, would you like to come with me? A scientist like yourself would be useful. Also, several other members of the team are scientists. I'm sure you'd be like to meet them."

Garbagemon nodded. "I'd love to."

Josh smiled. “Thanks for the help, Garbagemon. I really needed it. Let's finish eating first, though."


Back at Primary Village, Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Mimi all stood before Leo, Raph, Karai, Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Shini while the others watched nearby.

Leo then spoke. “Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, and Mimi. You have completed the first step of your ninja training. Now that you’ve restored your crests’ powers, it’s time to take the next step. After watching you in battle, as well as talking to the others, we had decided which weapons would best suit you all.”

As the lead turtle spoke, Karai walked up to Tai presenting him with katana blades similar to Leo’s old pair. “For Tai, the Katana. The weapon of the samurai. The weapon of a leader.”

“Alright!” Tai smiled as he accepted his new weapon.

Next, Raph walked up to Matt and held up another pair of Sais with blue grips. “Matt, the Sai. For ones who are quick to act when helping others.”

“Thanks.” Matt smiled as he accepted his weapon.

Rarity was next to walk up as she presented Sora two sickles like hers. “For Sora, the Kama Sickles. An elegant weapon for those with elegant hands and a harmonized mind.”

“Thank you.” Sora bowed as she accepted her new weapon.

Twilight then walked up to Izzy with a Kamayari spear like hers. “Izzy, the Kamayari Sickle Spear. A weapon used to defend one’s homeland.”

“Prodigious.” Izzy grinned as he looked at his new weapon.

As Fluttershy waked up to Joe, she presented a blowgun resembling hers. “For Joe, the Fukduke Blowgun. A weapon that can help win fights with or without confrontation.”

“And these are sleep darts Karai gave me. And I’d like you to use them too.” Fluttershy added as she gave him a pouch full of darts.

“Great!” Joe smiled as he accepted both.

Mimi was a little worried she might not get a weapon due to not finding the right weapon earlier before Shini walked up to her with a pair of tanto blades. “And finally, Mimi, the Tanto Blades. Sleet and represents the purity of your sincerity.”

Mimi smiled to her relief as she accepted her weapon. “Thank you very much.” She thanked.

Rarity then spoke up. “I also took the liberty of making ninja belts with the imprints of your crests.”

Karai then held up six more Hamato headbands. “And I have more Headbands of the Hamato clan for you guys as well.”

Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Shine Boy, April, and Sunset all walked up and handed each Digidestined their designated ninja belt as well as a Hamato headband. Tai wore his headband under his goggles, Sora and Mimi both wore theirs on their wrists, while Matt, Izzy, and Joe wore them around their foreheads. Then they all put on their ninja belts and sheathed their weapons and stood ready.

“Alright, guys!” cheered Davis.

“Now let’s go take on Ripley and Lewej!” Tai declared as they all clapped it up.

“BOOYAKASHA!” They shouted.

“I will stay here and keep the barrier at Primary Village up. Yup yup!” Piximon said.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. Everyone held on to dear life.

“What’s happening?” Applebloom cried.

“An earthquake?” gasped Sweetie Belle.

“I don’t think we’re near any fault lines.” Elecmon pondered.

“Whoa. Déjà vu.” Spike blinked as he was held by Twilight.

“Look!” Ogremon pointed.


The quake happened just as Josh, Keramon, Garbagemon, and Searchmon left the restaurant.

“What’s going on?” asked Keramon.

“This doesn’t feel like your everyday tremor.” Garbagemon noticed.

Searchmon staggered trying to keep his balance.

“I bet those bad guys are behind this!” Josh figured.

Searchmon beeped as he pointed at something on the horizon. Everyone looked in shock.

“What in the world is that thing?” Josh gasped.


There, where the bad guys were stationed at, was a giant circular saucer like ship just like the last time. This one was twice as big as last time and had a battle deck.

“What is that thing?” Rocksteady gasped.

“Either it’s the biggest donut I ever seen or it’s big trouble!” Bebop squealed.

“They built another portal ship like last time!” Ken cried.

“Typical they made a new one.” Night Shine scoffed.

“They’re gonna try opening a portal! This time, in the Digital World!” Gamer hollered.

On the ship, Ripley watched the heroes on the monitor with Lewej, Chaos Mage, Gladitron, Reapermon, and Lillithmon by his side.

“The endgame has begun!” he declared with an evil grin.

To Be Continued

Digi Endgame

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As The Ninja Turtles, Allies, Rainbooms, CMCs, Starlight Glimmer, Bebop, Rocksteady, Digidestined, Leomon, Ogremon, Team Shine, and Night Shine were walking out of Primary Village as Leo’s speech was voiced over.

“Friends, Family, Teammates, Digimon, before us stands our last chance to save our worlds from complete annihilation. We may not get another chance should we fail, so we must make this count!”

Earlier, everyone worked together to arm themselves for the final battle. Gamer made a couple custom explosive arrows and gave them to Starlight, who put them in her quiver and smiled. Shine Boy tested his CDA staff while Applejack sharpened her claws. The Baby Digimon all cuddled with Fluttershy as a way of saying good luck while Elecmon gave a thumbs up. Donnie twirled his staff before sheathing it and turned April who finished prepping herself and smiled at him.

“Our enemies have proven to be very powerful and overwhelming. And I know I can’t guarantee that we will all make it out of this alive.”

As they prepped themselves, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all worried about the upcoming battle. Leomon walked up and patted Applebloom on her shoulder and gave the three an assuring smile. Yolei and Ken looked at each other showing concern before hugging each other.

“But I do know this. Our teamwork has helped us a lot ever since we arrived in the Digital World. And only by working together can we succeed! Not as teammates. Not as friends. Not as an army. But as a family. A clan. That is something Ripley or Lewej can’t take from us.”

Ogremon fist bumped with Bebop and Rocksteady and the three nodded. Sunset Shimmer put her Kunai in her pouch as she smiled at Fugitoid who held her hand. Love Shine knelt and gave Cody an assuring hug. Mimi and Rarity held hands face to face while Shini held Mikey’s hand. After looking at each other a bit, Shine Boy and Night Shine gripped each other’s hands and smiled.

“And when you’re with the Hamato clan, you are always with family.”

Tai sulked still feeling guilty about Josh. Leo, Twilight, and Davis walked up to him and each gave him a comforting smile. It wasn’t long before he smiled back and the four looked back to see everyone stood ready.

“If these are our last moments together, it has been an honor to fight alongside each and every one of you. But if we fight together, we. Will. WIN!”

Forward to the present, Exveemon, Stingmon, Aquilamon, Nefertimon, Angemon, Birdramon, and Kabuterimon had digivolved and worked together to get everyone aboard the ship. As they landed on the top platform, the group looked around as they pressed forward.

“No turning back now.” Shine Boy spoke up.

Tai nodded. “Let’s do it.”

Rainbow noticed something about the platform. “This platform is different from last time.”

“Yeah. If it wasn’t meant for evil, it make a sweet soccer field.” Davis added.

“For sure.” Scootaloo agreed.

Suddenly, doors from the floor opened up and Gem Knights popped up, surrounding the heroes. Everyone drew their weapons and stood ready then saw Ripley, Lewej, Gladitron, and Chaos Mages walk up from a higher footing.

“Welcome!” Ripley smirked. “How do you like our new dimensional portal?”

“To be honest, I preferred the older one.” Joked Keno.

“Yeah! All it needed was a vending machine!” Mikey pointed out.

“You villains ever think about snacks with the whole world domination thing?”

Rainbow raised a brow at Pinkie’s question.

“Oh, we’re hungry alright, pinky! Hungry for power!” Lewej smirked.

“Same as Devimon and look how he turned out!” Ogremon declared.

“This platform is where you will all fall!” declared Ripley.

“And in case you think about leaving like before!” Chaos Mage pushed a button, and an invisible barrier covered the ship. “This barrier will keep you here. The only way out is to destroy this ship!” he chuckled.

“Well, that’ll suit us just fine.” Sunset stood firm. Then she and the other Rainbooms then activated their geodes and now wore their attire.

Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, Bebop, and Rocksteady all lined up with each holding their Digi Egg as Leo spoke. “Ready?”

They all nodded before shouting. “UNITY! EXECUTE! SPIRIT EVOLUTION!”

They all transformed into their Digi armor and stood ready to fight.

“Talk tough all you want! It won’t help you!” Lewej spat.

Ripley then called out. “Reapermon! Lillithmon! Let the games begin!”

Everyone watched in shock as Reapermon and Lillithmon merged from a hidden compartment and started marching towards the heroes.

Tai walked up. “Your buddies may have got the jump on us last time, but this time we’re ready!” as he held up his katanas which began to glow, Agumon began to glow too.


As WarGreymon stood by Tai, Tai’s swords looked identical to his Digimon’s claws.

Matt slammed his sais together as they glowed alongside Gabumon. “Because we’ve learned a new trick or two recently!”


His sais now were the same colors as Garurumon’s fur as MetalGarurumon walked up growling.

“And we’re willing to stand against you!” Birdramon glowed along with Sora’s sickles.


Garudamon was a giant red humanoid bird with a red helmet who stood by Sora whose sickles resembled Garudamon’s helmet.

“No matter what!” Izzy held his glowing spear as Kabuterimon glowed as well.


The blades on Izzy’s kamayari resembled the horn of the giant maroon beetle known as MegaKabuterimon.

“Because we fight for both worlds!” Mimi stated as Palmon glowed and an image of Togemon flashed by and out merged a pink fairy with pink flowers as a dress and leaf wings.


Mimi’s tanto blades’ tsubas became pink flower buds as Lillymon flew up.

“And we work together!” Gomamon glowed as he stood next to Joe before an image of Ikkakumon past by and he became a giant grey walrus with orange fur, horn, and shell and carried a metal hammer.


After glowing, Joe’s blowgun now metal like Zudomon’s hammer.

“Now that is what I’m talking about!” Davis grinned as his tribaton and Ken’s tonfas transformed and ExVeemon and Stingmon combined into Paidramon again.

“It’s time to put you losers in your place! Ninja Digidestined style!” Yolei declared while her kurisama transformed along with Kari’s tessen and Aquilamon and Gatomon merged into Sylphimon.

T.K. and Cody followed after as their weapons transformed and Angemon and Ankylomon were now Shakkoumon. T.K. then spoke up. “Shall we?”

“All together now.” Shine Boy spoke to Leo, Twilight, Tai, and Davis who all nodded.

Leo called out. “Ninjas!”

“Rainbooms!” Twilight followed.

“Digidestined!” Tai and Davis shouted.

“Team Shine!” Shine Boy proclaimed before muttering. “And Luke.”

Night Shine just gestured in sarcasm before the five then cried together.


The group then charged into battle. The Rainbooms, CMCs, Starlight, Fugitoid, Leomon, and Ogremon fought the Gem knights while The Digidestined and their Digimon took on Reapermon and Lillithmon and Team Shine with the Armored Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady battled Ripley, Lewej, Chaos Mage, and Gladitron. WarGreymon charged at Reapermon while Tai jumped off his back.

“Check this out!” Tai then slashed at Reapermon as his swords launch red waves at the enemy. Quickly, Reapermon used his Bone Duster to block the attack. Then, WarGreymon appeared right behind him.

“MEGA CLAW!” Before Reapermon could react, WarGreymon slashed him from behind and he fell over when Tai kicked him.

“Cool, right? Matt, you’re up!” Tai jumped away with WarGreymon as Matt ran up with MetalGarurumon right behind him.

“GRIM SLASHER!” Matt was able to block Reapermon’s slash with his sais. As he deflected his blade, Matt’s hands transformed looking like ice and as he punched Reapermon, ice appeared where he punched.

“Now!” Matt then flipped over as MetalGarurumon readied his missiles.

“ICE WOLF BITE!” MetalGarurumon fired at Reapermon, covering him more in ice. Reapermon then shouted in frustration as he broke the ice off.

“You’re all beginning to annoy me!” he glared.

“Then you’re really gonna hate this!” Reapermon turned just as Davis and Ken double punched him before Paildramon fired at him.


As Reapermon defended himself, T.K. and Cody ran in and hit him as he recoiled. He then looked up to see Shakkoumon firing at him. “KACHINA BOMBS!”

Meanwhile, Sora fought Lillithmon as she blocked her attacks with her sickles. As they clashed, Sora’s sickles began burning like fire.

“You think you’re hot stuff?” Lillithmon leered. “RAZOR NAILS!” She slashed at the Digidestined only for Sora to block it.

“I might not be, but she is!” Sora pointed to Garudamon.

“WING BLADE!” Garudamon blasted at Lillithmon, who barely blocked it. But the explosion resulted in smoke all around her. Lillithmon angrily looked around for Sora when-

“Surprise!” It was Mimi bursting through the smoke and slashed at Lillithmon who blocked with her claw.

“Don’t think I forgotten about you! The one who dared cut my flawless face!”

“Then you’re gonna feel a whole lot worse!” Izzy jumped in and narrowly slashed Lillithmon with his spear, knocking her off of Mimi.

“Thanks, Izzy.” Mimi breathed.

“My pleasure.” Izzy smiled.

Lillithmon however shrieked as she saw blood on her hand. “What is it with you Digi brats slashing at my FACE!” She then was wrapped up by a chain and looked up to see Yolei landing on her, kicking her.

“Oh yeah? Well what is it with you picking on our friends?” the girl shot back before jumping away as Sylphimon and MegaKabuterimon fired at Lillithmon.



Coughing from the attack, Lillithmon looked up only be face to face with Lillymon’s flower.

“FLOWER CANNON!” Lillymon then blasted Lillithmon who was then sent flying from the attack. When she got up, she deadpanned at the pixie.

“a pixie fairy? Really?”

“Least I’m not a seductive old hag like you!” Lillymon shouted.

Growling, Lillithmon got up. “EMPRESS EMBLAZE!” She fired a huge blast at them, causing another explosion. As she looked to see who she hit, she was hit by a couple darts on the arm. “Who dares?”

Turned out it was Joe who fired the darts. “Just your everyday doctor in training recommending you should stay away from my friends on account of your allergies to them!”

Lillithmon then turned to see the smoke and to her frustration, Zudomon and Shakkoumon blocked her attack on the others. Joe then converted his blowgun into a hammer and ran up and hit Lillithmon.

“That is gonna cost you, Doctor!” the Digimon glared at Joe. But before she could attack, a light arrow hit her in the eye. Holding her eye, she saw it was Kari who fired the arrow. “I’LL KILL YOU ALL IN FLAMES!”

Joe called out to everyone. “Now! Hit her with all you got!”



Zudomon and Shakkoumon were then joined by Garudamon, Lillymon, MegaKabuterimon, and Sylphimon who all fired at Lillithmon. As the evil Digimon recoiled, Joe, Sora, Mimi, T.K., Cody, and Yolei all charged at her, slashing, or hitting her. From afar, Starlight pulled out one of her arrows and fired at Lillithmon. Kari, without looking back, tilted her neck as the arrow flew past her head. When the arrow passed her, she fired another light arrow from her tessen right behind. Starlight’s arrow barely got to impale Lillithmon before she caught it. She began to chuckle maniacally before the arrow exploded, destroying her hand. Then, Kari’s light arrow then impaled her right where Starlight’s arrow was caught and Lillithmon screamed in pain before she exploded in a white explosion.

Meanwhile, The Rainbooms, CMCs, Leomon, and Ogremon were making progress against the Gem Knights. Applejack and Applebloom tagged team while Rainbow zipped by and knocked a Gem Knight before it grabbed Scootaloo who was fighting another one. Sweetie Belle jumped from Ogremon’s hand and impaled a Gem Knight’s helmet with her claw while Ogremon hit one with his club. Rarity threw her gem shields like shuriken and let Pinkie sprinkle a couple as they exploded at large numbers of Gem Knights.

“Look out, Leomon!” Flutershy cried before she fired a dart. Leomon ducked as the dart hit a Gem Knight behind him. He then slashed off the Knight’s helmet with his sword.

“Thanks, Fluttershy!” he called before fighting alongside Sunset. “How we looking?”

Sunset looked while still fighting. “We’re tearing through these guys easily. Starlight just told me the Digidestined just destroyed Lillithmon and are focusing on Reapermon.”

“Good! How are Shine Boy and Leo’s team doing?”

Just then, Twilight flew up. “They’re still fighting Ripley, Lewej, Gladitron, and Chaos Mage!”

Over to the armor mutants and Team Shine, they were still fighting Ripley, Lewej, Gladitron, and Chaos Mage. Shine Boy, Leo, and Night Shine fought Ripley, Raph, Rocksteady, and Love Shine were against Gladitron, Lewej fought Shine Girl and Mikey, and Chaos Mage fired at Donnie, Gamer, and Bebop. Gladitron wrestled with Rocksteady as he boasted.

“You think you can take me, rhino?”

“Feh! Rocksteady eat chumps like you like the borsch!” Rocksteady glared.

“And I eat wannabes for breakfast!” Gladitron boasted back.

Then, the guns mounted on Rocksteady’s shoulders took aim and began firing at Gladitron, who started backing away before pulling his blaster and firing at the armored rhino. Rocksteady held the blast with all his might as he slid back a little.

“Face it, Rhino! The Rocksteady is now the Rock-Smashed!” Gladitron laughed.

“Think again, Dork-a-Tron!” Gladitron turned to get jump kicked by Raph, causing him to stop firing. He then got up and converged his blaster into his club. Raph responded by pulling out his red lighted sais and gestured him to bring it. The two ran up and clashed at each other with both sides even.

“You are all beginning to annoy me!” Gladitron glared before Love Shine blasted him from behind.

“Good to know.” The teen muttered.

Meanwhile, Mikey and Shine Girl slid back in a recoil from an attack from Lewej.

Mikey spoke up. “Man, she’s tough!”

“Go for the orb! It’s her source of power!” Shine Girl instructed.

“Oh no you don’t!” Lewej held up her orb and four more spheres appeared above her shoulders. “You won’t smash my baby this time!”

“Her baby had babies!” Mikey gasped before Lewej fired lightning at the two.

“Scatter!” Shine Girl jumped to the left while Mikey jumped to the right. Lewej was shooting twice as fast with five orbs. Shine Girl threw her baton at one before it got shocked down and Lewej stepped on it tauntingly.

“Let’s see how well you fight without your litty bitty stick, Brat!”

Then, she saw a glowing orange baton on an extending chain flying towards her. She jumped away as the baton opened up like a claw and grabbed Shine Girl’s baton. The evil princess then saw another baton on another chain coming towards her. As she narrowly dodged, the baton took out one of her orbs, much to her irk. Turned out the batons were from Mikey’s nunchucks that could extend thanks to his Digi armor. As he retracted his chucks, his chuck dropped the baton to Shine Girl who caught it.

“Nice work, Mikey!” she smiled.

Mikey thumbed up. “One down. Four to go. Booyakasha!”

Donnie twirled his bo to deflect Chaos Mage’s attack. He then held his staff like a bazooka as one of the ends expanded. He then fired at the mage. As the smoke cleared, The Chaos Mage stood burnt but stern.

“Perhaps I have underestimated you ninjas!” he admitted.

“Eh. We get that a lot.” Donnie shrugged.

“No matter! I will DESTROY YOU ALL!”

Suddenly, He was hit by a pink energy figure. He looked to see two more that resembled Bebop before the real Bebop appeared right in front of him.

“Oh hi! My name… is Be-BOP!” he grinned as he smacked the mage right in the kisser and his energy clones then kicked him before disappearing. “Heehee! I’m loving this Digi Armor!”

Gamer then jumped on the Chaos Mage. But was quickly thrown off. He got up to see he was next to the computer port and got an idea.

“Bro always said there are ways of settling disputes without violence.” He told himself as he plugged in his tablet and hacked the ship’s computer. “Surprised I didn’t do this last time.” He searched through the files and saw something interesting that caught his eye. “Well, what do you know?”

Shine Boy caught himself sliding as his CDA staff converted into a war axe before running up to clash with Ripley and his double lance.

“Why is it I despise you so much, and yet I enjoy our conflicts?” Ripley grunted.

“I have that effect on a lot of people.” Shine Boy chuckled.

Leo ran up to help Shine Boy. He took his two energy katanas and merged them into a double-bladed sword and slashed at the villain. Ripley was able to dodge the attack but was hit by a double punch by Shine Boy and Leo. He got up and glared at the two.

“When I’m through with you, Shine Boy, your staff will be my trophy! As well as your little armor, Mutant!”

“Then you’re just gonna have to pry my sorry shell out of it!” Leo gestured.

“Hey, I’m here too, you dumb jerk!” Night Shine emerged from some rubble he was thrown into earlier and pointed his machete at Ripley. The three then charged together at the villain.

On the other side of the ship, April, Shini, Karai, Casey, Keno, and Fugitoid fought of more Gem Knights. April used her ninja skills as well as her telepathy on a couple while Karai morphed into her snake mode and crushed a couple knights herself before reverting to normal and slashing a couple more. Casey and Keno double teamed on some Gem Knights as Casey batted a couple exploding pucks at Keno who batted them with his sticks at the Gem Knights as they exploded on them.

“Home Run!” the two high fived.

Shini used her chain to knock a couple out herself and having a little fun as well. “Have a nice trip!” she grinned as she wrapped her chain around the leg of a Knight behind her, tripping it. “See you next fall!” she continued as she whipped another on it’s back. Another Gem Knight charged towards her before she whacked it with her chain. “Bye bye.” She teased as the knight fell over and then retracted her weapon. “I always love this part of the job.”

Fugitoid blasted at a couple Gem Knights and then noticed something. “Hello?”

A Gem Knight suddenly began attacking its own kind. This was also noticed by the others.

“What the heck?” April asked.

“Could a Gem Knight betray Ripley and Lewej?” Casey asked.

“Don’t think so.” Shini figured.

“Yeah. I don’t even think they have a brain.” Keno shrugged.

The Gem Knight stiffly walked up to the group who weren’t sure to defend themselves or what. It then opened its faceplate to reveal Spike was inside controlling it.

“Wow! Gamer was right about these guys being empty shells.” He spoked panting. “They could use some air conditioner though.”

Everyone smiled as Karai helped Spike out. “Good boy.”

“ENOUGH! FLAME CYCLONE!” Everyone turned to see Reapermon twirling the Digidestined in a flaming cyclone. As the group laid there as well as their Digimon partners, Reapermon stomped towards them. “You will fail, Digidestined! You are no match for me!” he held up his sickle and was ready to slash at the Digidestined. Everyone watched in horror unable to come to their aid.




Suddenly, a piece of sludge hit Reapermon square in the face, followed by several explosive shells.

Everyone turned to see Josh riding on Infermon's back, along with two unfamiliar digimon.

Josh grinned. "I'm not late to the party, am I?"

“Josh!” Pinkie cried.

“Infermon!” Fluttershy cheered.

Rainbow noticed the two new Digimon. “And? And?”

Josh grinned. "I couldn't stay away. And while I was on my search of self-discovery, I ran into some old friends. Meet Garbagemon and Searchmon, Digimon scientist extraordinares!"

Searchmon beeped while Garbagemon waved.

“Garbagemon?” Rarity shrieked.

Garbagemon just shrugged. “I get that a lot.”

Reapermon got up and glared at Josh and Infermon. “Well, well, well, the failed Digi brat! Come for more failed attempts to impress your friends?”

Josh glared at him. "I beat you once, I can do it again. But this time, it'll be different. Raph! Torch his chest! Leo, at the same time hit it with water! " He turned to Garbagemon. "Garbagemon, do what we agreed."

Garbagemon saluted hand jumped onto Searchmon's back. He shouted to the older Digidestined. "HEY! WHO WANTS A DIGIVICE UPGRADE!"

Leo turned to Shine Boy who wrestled with Ripley. “Go! Luke and I can handle him!”

Leo nodded and Raph nodded back and they hurried off.

“Get back here!” Gladitron shouted before Rocksteady tackled him.

“A Digivice upgrade?” Izzy raised his brow to Garbagemons offer.

“How can you upgrade them?” Joe asked.

Garbagemon smiled. "Ever since I upgraded Josh's so he can use it to talk to track other digivices, I've been studying digivices. I believe that if I can get you to tap into the power of your crests, I might be able to make them built into your digivices like Josh's, allowing your digimon partners to digivolve beyond the ultimate level And into the mega! It might take a few minutes, but there's a nintey-five percent chance it will work!"

Everyone looked at Tai, who didn’t see any alternative looked at Garbagemon. “Do it.”

As Garbagemon began his upgrades, Leo drew his sword and held up his medallion. Soon, water was glowing from it.

“Ready?” He turned to Raph who held up his sais which were burning brightly.

“On three.”

“THREE!!” The two fired simultaneously at Reapermon with fire and water together.

Reapermon cackled. "Useless! You cannot.... wait, what?!" The spot where they were combining their attacks was cracking. Josh smirked. "Anyone know what happens when you rapidly cool hot metal with water?"

Izzy smiled. “It cracks up!”

Reapermon howled as Infermon's spider shooter technique punchedna hole right through his body through the crack. Still, Reapermon refused to go down.

“Lucky…. Shot!”

“What does it take to beat this guy?” Rainbow griped.

Josh smirked. "Teamwork and creativity!" His digivice began to glow. Infermon then digivolved into Diaboromon.

Tai got up. “Teamwork is the key!”

“Let’s end this!” WarGreymon nodded.

“Together!” Matt added.

MetalGarurumon howled. “Yeah!”

Diaboromon fired his weapon at the gaping hole in Reapermon's chest.


WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon followed right after.



WarGreymon threw a big fireball as MetalGarurumon fired a light blue blast. Both attacks combined with Diaboromon's attack and hit Reapermon as he screamed.


Reapermon then exploded with sparks flying from his dented chest and was destroyed.

Josh cheered. "We did it! Banzai!"

Diaboromon pulled him into a hug.

Ripley held Shine Boy in a struggle as he saw what happened and growled in anger. Shine Boy called out to the rest of Team Shine, Night Shine, Donnie, and Mikey. "Everyone! We must end this!"

"Draw them over here!" Gamer cried.

Shine Girl hit one of Lewej's duplicate crystals and Mikey smacked the original with his nunchuck.

"Not again!" The evil princess sneered before Shine Girl kicked her.

"Comrades! fire with all you got!" Rocksteady bellowed.

Together with Bebop and Love Shine, the mutant rhino fired heavily at Gladitron who began to back up from being overwhelmed. Donnie struggled as the Chaos Mage wrestled with his staff before the smart armored turtle whacked him away. Shine Boy and Night Shine double punched Ripley into the other villains. Donnie then turned to Gamer with his tablet. "Now!"

Gamer pushed a button on his tablet as a portal opened behind the villains. "Enjoy Dimensional limbo!"

The villains screamed as the portal sucked them in a spiral vortex. Mortar hid behind the door to inside and made his own portal and retreated into it as it disappeared.

Soon, all the Gem Knights were destroyed and the heroes were victorious. They all cheered.

"We did it!" cheered Davis.

"We defeated them!" Applebloom cried.

"Yay!" Pinkie bounced.

Shine Boy walked up to Josh and Diaboromon. "I never doubted you."

Josh smiled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, Shine Boy. It means a lot."

Josh then noticed Tai walking up to him. Though he was expecting another lecture, Tai was actually smiling for once.

"Nice work." he smiled and held up his hand.

Josh hesitantly shook his hand. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run off. I just felt like I wasn't a good addition to the team. But I know better now. "

Diaboromon nodded. "I'm sorry I bring up such bad memories for you."

Tai shook his head. "No. I should be the one who's sorry. I was wrong. I should never have rejected you. It was wrong to believe your Diaboromon was the same one we fought years ago."

WarGreymon walked up to Diaboromon. "I believe it is time to bury the past and move towards a future where former enemies becomes allies and friends."

"I know I’m late, but.... welcome to the team." Tai added.

Josh began to tear up. Then he embraced Tai in a tight hug. Diaboromon then did the same to Wargreymon.

“And he just made it mushier.” Night Shine griped, only to be shushed by Pinkie.

Matt and Sora smiled to see their friend finally accepted their new recruit.

“So now that Tai's accepted Josh, and the bad guys are defeated, what do we do with this ship?” Scootaloo asked.

Shine Boy and April noticed Sunset looking concerned as April asked. “Sunset? You okay?”

“I just remembered. Ripley knew nothing about the virus affecting our worlds.”

“Hey you’re right! And we haven’t seen any sign of Milleniummon.” Shine Boy realized.

Just then, Searchmon began beeping panicky.

"Oh my! What's he panicking about?" Fugitoid blinked.

“Searchmon is sensing something big!” Garbagemon gasped.

April felt her head and got equally concerned. “It’s enormous!”

Suddenly, the floating began shaking.

“What’s happening?” Applebloom gasped.

Everyone watched as a purple light emerged from the middle of the platform.

“I’m afraid Milleniummon is starting to merge!” Leomon shouted.

“Then this fight is not over!” Leo added.

To Be Continued

Milleniummon's Last Stand

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Everyone held on as the ship continued to tremble as the purple light continued to intensify.

“Something’s emerging from the light!” April cried.

She was right. There from the light emerged a giant Digimon that resembled Kimeramon with a darker color scheme. Its back was covered by a huge aura, which visibly retained big cannons.

“It must be Milleniummon!” Shine Boy deduced.

“With power like that, it must be him!” Leomon agreed.

The wind intensified as everyone held on tight.

“Hang on! It’s like the eye of a hurricane!” Love Shine gasped.

“I’m just glad we don’t have to go near that thing!” Joe added.

“Joe! I’m afraid that is exactly what we HAVE to do!” Tai declared as he made his way towards Milleniummon.

“I did NOT hear that!” Night Shine snapped as everyone else was equally surprised.

Leo hurried towards Tai’s position. “Tai’s right! Our only chance is to neutralize Milleniummon and send him back before he reaches full power! That is the reason why our armors were created in the first place!”

“But wouldn’t the mutagen he fed off of make him too powerful for that?” Mimi asked.

“Mimi’s right! You guys may not have the strength to beat him!” Yolei added.

Then an idea came to Donnie. “But we have alternate sources! The geodes! Our Medallions! Your crests!”

Twilight quickly caught on. “He’s right! If we combine all our powers and magic directly into the center of Milleniummon’s power core, it should be enough to send him back to where he came from!”

“What’s happening to the sky?” Everyone looked up to where Sweetie Belle pointed and to their shock, they could see upside worlds in the sky. Each world looked familiar to everyone.

“Is that…. New York?” Keno cried.


Back in New York, Zach and Caitlyn hurried on top of a building to see what was happening. With them were their friends Gabby, Buffy, Angel, and Carter as well as the Mighty Mutanimals.

“What’s going on?” Caitlyn asked.

“It’s like the world’s upside down in the sky!” Buffy gasped.

“Eso no puede ser Buena.” Gabby whispered.

“It appears to be a rip in the dimensional barrier.” Rockwell deduced.

“Could this be what the guys are dealing with?” Zach asked.

“It must be. I think I can see them up there!” Leatherhead pointed.

“Do the turtles look different?” Bandit squinted trying to get a better look.

“Isn’t there anything we can do to help our buds?” Hokum asked Slash.

“If we can’t get to them, how can we help them?”

“I guess all we can do is hope.” Ray suggested.

“Getim Mikey!” Mondo hollered.

Mona joined in. “Win, Raphael!”

As everyone watched, Gabby whispered another word. “Casey.”


Over at Canterlot High, Principal Celestia was getting some paperwork done when she heard Flash Sentry outside the building.

"Hey! You guys see that?"

She looked out her window and saw the dimensional rip out in the sky and began to worry.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say it's a rip in the Space time continuum." Micro Chip guessed.

"This doesn't bode well." Sandalwood winced.

"Look!" Everyone turned to Wallflower Blush who pointed up. "I think I see the Rainbooms!"

Sapphire Night was next to her. "Yeah! And are those the Turtles? They look a little different."

"Well, whatever that thing is, they're fighting, we just gotta hope they'll beat it!"

As everyone agreed with Flash's statement, Vice Principal Luna walked into Celestia's office.

"Oh! I see you've noticed the sky! What do you think we should do, Sister?"

"Hope." Celestia told her before whispering. "Girls. Turtles. Be careful."



In Equestria, Spike hurried to Princess Twilight who was talking to Princess Celestia in Canterlot castle.

“What’s wrong, Spike?” Twilight asked.

“You might want to look outside!” Spike panted.

The princesses ran to the balcony and gasped at the sight. The dimensional rip was in the skies of Equestria as well. Every pony looked at it in worry.

Just then, Blade Swipe hurried on the balcony with them. “Sweet Celestia!”

“What is that?” Twilight gasped.

Celestia took a better look at it. “Is that…. The Turtles?”

“It must have something to do with that virus in the Digital World Sunset Shimmer told me about.” Twilight realized. “I wish I was there to help them.”

Celestia held her former student with her wing. “All we can do now is hope they can win!”

“Indeed.” Blade agreed. “We can still be with them in spirit.”

Twilight nodded and looked up in concern. “Leo.”


In Columbus, Serenity was seeing what was happening as well.

“Tony.” She hoped.


Throughout other dimensions, everyone was seeing what was happening. The two-dimensional Turtles watched from on top of Vinnie’s Pizzeria as Michelangelo dropped his slice. In Gotham, Batman noticed as he stood on top of a gargoyle. In Moo Mesa, Montana Moo stopped riding his horse as he saw the sky as he was joined by Cowlorado and Dakota. In their world, Sam and Max were still beating up on Daemon when they noticed the sky. The Serious turtles watched from their New York on top of a building.


Back in the Digital World, Izzy spoke up. “If I recall, you guys said Milleniummon has the power to create and destroy dimensions!”

“He’s right!” Pinkie held up her tablet. “It’s in chapter 9!”

Everyone looked at her confused before Garbagemon spoke up. “Milleniummon is reaching critical stage! If we don’t stop him now, he’ll be too powerful to neutralize! It’ll jeopardize the whole multiverse!”

Josh nodded. "Power like that must be stopped before it reaches maximum capacity. If we strike, we strike now!"

“Wait a sec! If we don’t stop this guy here and now-“

Sunset was able to answer Applejacks question before she finished. “All universes will be at risk! Gotham! Moo Mesa! Even Dimension X!”

“And Equestria!” Starlight added.

“But the multiverse can’t end! Not with all the movies coming out this summer!” Applebloom cried.

"Not to mention Comic con in a couple months!" Gamer added.

Ogremon crawled closer to Leomon. “Leomon, you kidder! I bet you know about this and never told us, am I right?”

Leomon shouted back. “I only went with what I learned through legends! Also, I knew if I told you the whole story, you wouldn’t want to face him!”

“That’s the cruelest thing you’ve ever said, Leomon!” Ogremon was blown back and landed next to Bebop and Rocksteady. “You’re right of course! But that was still cruel!”

Davis then called out to everyone. “You heard ‘em! Let’s beat Milleniummon!”

“But how can we beat him?” Sora asked.

Josh pondered. "Maybe If we combine all our mega-level digimon's attacks?"

Tai thought for a moment before agreeing. “I guess that be our best option.”

“Then we better do it at full strength!” Ken declared.

“Yeah!” Davis cheered before Paildramon began glowing.

“Paildramon mega digivolve to… IMPERIALDRAMON!”

As the giant dragon Digimon stomped towards Milleniummon, Scootaloo awed. “Now that is a dragon!”

“I think Ken and Davis had the right idea!” Matt spoke to Tai.

“Yeah. He had at full strength!” Tai agreed and then WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon flew up into a bright light.

“WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon DNA digivolve to… Omnimon!”

Omnimon then landed next to Diaboromon who got a look at his ally. “So this was how you defeated my predecessor before?”

Omnimon nodded. “Only this time, we fight together!”

“Everyone! Let’s give them a hand!” Leo called as he, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Bebop, and Rocksteady all joined the mega Digimon to stop Milleniummon. Just then, Imperialdramon glowed again.

“Imperialdramon! Mode change to…. Fighter mode!”

Sunset then turned to the other Rainbooms. “Girls! Give your geode powers to Imperialdramon like last time!”

The Rainbooms did as told, resulting in Imperialdramon turning into his ninja mode like when he defeated Devimon.

“Guys! Our medallions!” Donnie told his brothers.

The Turtles pulled out their medallions and used their powers to form the weapon Imperialdramon used before. Imperialdramon was about to grab it when he stopped and looked at Diaboromon and turned to Leo. “Give it to Diaboromon.”

Diaboromon smiled as he accepted it. "I'm honored. "

Josh looked at the other Digidestined. "Try mega digivolution now! And concentrate your power on us!"

“Alright! Let’s hope that upgrade from Garbagemon pulls through. Everyone remember what Piximon taught us!” Sora called as hers, Izzy, Joe, Mimi’s Digivices began glowing.


Garudamon transformed into a giant yellow bird with four wings and a metal head.


MegaKabuterimon was now a giant golden bug with three horns on his head and wings.


Where Zudomon was stood a giant white hairy Digimon with a Viking helmet and two giant maces on his shoulders.


A humanoid Digimon stood where Lillymon was with a rosebud on her head and vines for her hair and she carried at thorned vine like a whip.

“Whoa.” Whispered Fluttershy.

“Sweet!” Awed Rainbow.

“Metal.” Casey grinned.

“I like how Rosemon's colors match.” Rarity commented.

“Let’s hope it’s enough to beat Milleniummon!” Leomon hoped.

“Agreed.” Shine Boy then turned to his team. “I have a feeling they could use some Shine power. C'mon!”

As Team Shine hurried over, Ogremon whispered to Applebloom. “You think It’s wrong that I think Rosemon looks kinda cute?”

Applebloom could only respond with a shrug followed by Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

Josh jumped onto Diaboromon's shoulder and looked up at Millenniummon with a stoic look on his face. "I wont let anyone get hurt. I swear it."

Everyone jumped on their Digimon each carrying a Rainboom. The CMCs each rode with their sisters as everyone else ran up next to Team Shine and the Armored Mutants.

"Okay everyone! Get ready! This is it!" Twilight proclaimed.

"Everyone prepare your attacks NOW!" Tai ordered.

Once everyone took a chance to charge their attacks, Leo then spoke. "Aim directly at Milleniummon's center! Everything you got! Fire! NOW!"

The Digimon, mutants, and others blasted right at Milleniummon's core.

As the attacks hit him, Milleniummon stood up and roared in pain.

“I think we got his attention!” Mikey joked.

Milleniummon then began turning towards the heroes.

“He’s beginning to resist!” Gasped Mimi.

“It’s twenty against one. How is he this strong?!” Night Shine sweated.

April felt her head. “He’s still getting hurt! We gotta keep pouring it on!”

“Da! Ugly Digimon is no match for the Bebop and Rocksteady! And comrades.” Rocksteady boasted.

“Well said, Rock!” Bebop smiled as he fired at the giant.

As his team fired on Milleniummon, Shine Boy then turned to Diaboromon and had an idea. “Guys! Aim your Shine power at Diaboromon!”

“Wait what?” Gamer took back.

“If we combine our powers with Diaboromon, it might be enough to give him a boost!”

Josh overheard his plan. “It won’t destroy Diaboromon, will it?”

“No! Shine power only affects beings with evil. If their hearts and souls are more good than evil, it will be more beneficial.”

Josh thought for a moment before looking to Diaboromon who was still firing at Milleniummon and the two nodded in agreement. Josh then turned to Shine Boy. “Do it!”

Then, Shine Boy, Gamer, Shine Girl, and Love Shine all aimed their beams at Diaboromon, which caused his attack to grower bigger and brighter. Then he began to glow and now wore white armor and a shogun like helmet similar to his old one.

“Check out Diaboromon!” Applebloom gasped.

“Amazing!” Starlight blinked.

“It’s like he’s got a new Shogun mode!” Mikey awed.

Diaboromon then combined his attack with the weapon Imperialdramon lent him and made his attack bigger.

“If that power increased Diaboromon!” Izzy theorized before turning to the Digidestined. “Everyone! Combine your attacks with Omnimon!”

While on Phoenixmon, Sunset turned to Sora. “Sora! Have everyone drop me and the girls off Imperialdramon. I got an idea!”

Sora nodded and did what she was told. Soon, all the Rainbooms, Starlight, and the CMCs were on Imperialdramon's shoulder.

Sunset told her plan. “I know we gave our magic to Imperialdramon but if we connect to our magic and geodes, we can give enough power to help beat Milleniummon!”

“Isn’t that dangerous?” Fluttershy worried.

“Would that like do more harm than good?” Rarity asked.

Twilight held up a calculator. “I ran the numbers and calculated a ninety seven percent chance we’ll survive.”

“Okay. What about the three percent?” Rainbow raised a brow.

“Milleniummon destroys us.”

The girls gasped at Twilight’s answer.

“It’s still an A.” Sunset assured them.

“We’ll I’m taking it!” Applejack stood up.

“Me too!” Pinkie joined in.

“Let’s do this!” Starlight nodded.

The girls formed a circle and held hands. As they concentrated, they all glowed brightly and the glow covered Imperialdramon, making him more stronger.

Meanwhile, the other Digimon concentrated their attacks on Omnimon powering him up as well. Then Omnimon began to transform as well. His WarGreymon arm was now red with a spikey shield shoulder and gun while the MetalGarurumon arm was gold with bigger spikes and sword.

"Now that's cool." Karai admitted.

"For once, I agree." Night Shine added.

As the three fired their attacks, Diaboromon put his weapon in the middle and it expanded. Imperialdramon, Omnimon, and the other Digimon grabbed it and began jabbing it at Milleniummon, surrounded by a rainbow aura. The armor mutants and Team Shine jumped up and helped out along with Leomon and Ogremon. Milleniummon roared as he tried to resist the weapon.

"He's resisting!" Casey cried.

"Keep trying!" Shine Girl grunted.

Josh struggled the most. "After all of that, it's still not enough."

"No, Josh!" Josh turned to April. "We CAN do this, but we can't doubt ourselves!"

"We got this Josh! Cause we're there for each other!" Davis grinned.

"That's what makes our teamwork strong!" Shine Boy put in.

"It's because of our family bond!" Leo added.

"And the Magic of Friendship!" Sunset followed up.

"You're Digidestined, Josh! You are not alone!" Tai declared.

Josh grinned. "You're right! We've got each other! And those who are watching! That's all we need!"

Then, Josh's crest began to glow along with the other crests. the rainbow aura then was surrounded by the crests and cutie marks and insignias as it intensified. Milleniummon then roared trying to fight back.

Mikey then called out to Josh. "Hey Josh! Care to do the honors?"

Josh smiled and nodded before he along with everyone else shouted the same word.


Everyone then pushed in as Imperialdramon, Omnimon, and Diaboromon finally impaled Milleniummon with the weapon. on the other end of Milleniummon, a rainbow shot from the other end as Milleniummon roared in pain. then the same purple light appeared and began to implode the ship.

"Time to check out!" Keno shouted.

The Digimon flew everyone to safety. They then watched as the ship got sucked in the light. Then Milleniummon reached his hand out before it crumbled back in the light. Finally, the light fell to the ground.

"And that's that!" Raph cheered.

Just then, The Armor Mutants began to short circuit.

"What's happening?" Mikey asked.

"I don't how I know, but the spirits of our armor are going down to make sure Milleniummon never returns." Donnie explained.

"It makes sense since they were created to stop him." Sunset nodded before Donnie, Raph, and Mikey powered down.

"Well, it was fun while it lasted." Bebop sighed as he and Rocksteady powered down.

Leo clenched his fists as he watched his armor powered down. then the six spirits floated up before the spirits of the armor faced the heroes.

Then, Leo's armor then spoke. "And now, the danger has passed. Milleniummon has been neutralized. Thanks to your crests and friendship. You are indeed proved worthy of the power. One day, Milleniummon will grow strong enough to return. And so shall we. But for now, we must return to the debt to keep watch under Milleniummon so he never returns anytime soon. Farewell, Ninjas and Digidestined. May your family bond and friendship watch over you."

In a blinding light, the spirits dove into where Milleniummon fell. then, six statues were formed in its place. Each statue represented the Digi Armor Spirits.

Just then, Gennai arrived. "Well done. All of you. The virus is gone along with Milleniummon."

"Are the other worlds safe too, Mr. Gennai?" Sweetie asked.

"Just watch." Gennai pointed up.

Sure enough, the dimensional rips were closing back up, to everyone’s relief.


In New York, The Mutanimals and humans were watching as earth’s technology turned back on again.

“They did it!” Caitlyn smiled.

“And they saved the world!” Zach added as Carter twirled Buffy in joy.

Rockwell checked his monitors. “It appears the virus has been neutralized. Earth technology is working normally again.”

“Bueno.” Gabby smiled.

“Cowabunga.” Mondo cheered as he high fived Bandit.

Slash sighed in relief as he looked to the sky.


Back at Canterlot High, the students all cheered for their friends' victory while Principal Celestia plopped back in her chair in relief and smiled at Luna, who was equally relieved, and the two sisters nodded.


Back in Equestria, Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia sighed in relief as the dimension rip sealed back up.

“It appears our friends were victorious.” Celestia smiled.

“That’s a relief.” Spike breathed.

“That’s our friends for you.” Blade nodded.

“I better check in with Sunset.” Twilight then turned to Spike. “Spike, could you fetch the magic journal please? It should be in the guest room.”

“On my way, Twilight.” Spike scurried off as Twilight, Celestia, and Blade headed towards the throne room.


In Columbus, Serenity smiled to see everything back to normal. She pulled out a picture from her pocket and kissed it. The picture was of her and Shine Boy.


Throughout universes, many were happy and relieved as the dimensional rip was sealed. The two-dimensional turtles went back to eating pizza. Batman continued to swing around Gotham as if nothing happened. Montana Moo continued to ride around Moo Mesa with his buddies. Sam and Max went back to booking Daemon. The serious turtles smiled, knowing their friends saved the multiverse.


Back in the Digital World, everyone was cheering for their victory as all the Digimon all reverted back to their rookie forms. The magic from Imperialdramon then returned to the Rainbooms' geodes.

“Yeah! We did it!” Davis hooted.

“Who saved the world?” Mikey cheered.

“We saved the world!” Pinkie cried.

Everyone laughed. Ken then grabbed Yolei and leaned towards her and the two kissed.

Hawkmon and Wormmon both smiled. “Well, it’s about time.” Hawkmon joked.

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo all smiled at the two Digidestined. “AAW!”

Pinkie gasped. “You two are dating now?”

Yolei nodded. “Yes. Yes we are.”

“Well, that’s great!” Davis smiled.

“I knew you would. And I’m happy for you both.” Cody bowed.

“Congratulations.” T.K. grinned.

“We’re all proud of you both.” Kari added.

Mimi walked up and hugged Yolei. “That’s my girl!”

“Thank you. All of you.” Yolei thanked.

“From both of us.” Ken put in.

Josh smiled as he was a bit away. Tai walked up to him and patted his shoulder. “Thank you. For coming back.”

“Yeah!” Agumon high fived Keramon.

Josh smiled. "It's good to be back."

Keramon nodded. "I'm glad we're a team!"

“More than a team.” Leo walked up with Rarity and Karai. “Josh, you are a part of our ninja clan like the others.”

Josh was happy to hear those words. Rarity held up another ninja belt. This one had his crest of imagination on it.

“Here, Darling. I took the liberty of making a ninja belt just for you.”

“And I have one more Hamato clan headband with your name on it.” Karai held up another headband.

Josh took the headband and belt with tears in his eyes. "Thank you all. I'm so glad to be a member of this clan."

Keramon then gave him a hug. "We did it, brother!"

Shine Boy smiled seeing Josh being treated better before Night Shine walked up and patted his shoulder. The two looked at each other with grins on their faces as they nodded to each other, secretly telling the other good job.

Then Mikey spoke up. “There’s only thing left to do now before we go home!”

He and Pinkie jumped up as they shouted. “DIGI PIZZA PARTY!”

“YEAH!” Everyone cheered pumping their fists.

Night Shine sounded less enthusiastic. "Yay."

To be concluded

Digi Party

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Now that Milleniummon has been defeated, and the virus affecting technology gone, the heroes decided to have a big celebration before the Ninjas, Rainbooms, CMCs, Starilight, Allies, and Team Shine returned home. Many of the Digimon they met joined the celebration. Keno taught the Gotsumon how to make pizzas while Meramon helped cooked them. The ToyAgumon happily served them to everyone who enjoyed every slice. Monzaemon served ice cold drinks with help from Frigimon. The Geckomon and Otamamon were setting up a stage with the Guardromon helping with the heavy lifting. Andromon talked to Fugitoid, catching up for old times sake. Leomon sat with the CMCs as he spoke to them.

“You three are exceptional warriors. And I am proud to be your equal.”

“You mean proud to our teacher, don’t you?” Applebloom raised a brow.

“A teacher means leader or guide, but you never needed a guide. Your sisters had taught you all well. And I am always happy to fight alongside you three.”

“And we are always happy to fight alongside you too, Leomon.” Sweetie Belle smiled as the three hugged him.

"We're gonna miss you, Leomon." Scootaloo added.

"As will I, Scootaloo. As will I." Leomon nodded.

Ogremon was with Bebop and Rocksteady. “You know it’s never good for my health to be around non virus type Digimon, but you guys at least make it bearable.”

“Yeah it took a while for us to get used to it.” Bebop admitted. “But after helping Sunset find the memory stone, we began to be more open to each other.”

“Da. Best fun we’ve had in years.” Rocksteady boasted.

“I am gonna miss you guys.” Ogremon nodded.

Josh was watching Keramon get along with Agumon. When Palmon approached them, Keramon got all flustered and awkward. Josh smiled as he could tell he had a crush on Palmon. Josh spoke to Tai. "You know, digimon really are amazing creatures. So much like us humans. I feel more comfortable around them. And having one as a partner is a gift, a gift I'm glad to share with you guys. Keramon is like a brother to me. Wouldn't you say the same about Agumon?"

"You know, In a way, he does. He was always right there beside me and we kept encouraging each other. Even when we had missteps like when Agumon digivolved to SkullGreymon, he never gave up on me and I never gave up on him."

Over to Yolei, she was enjoying both the pizza and Ken's company. She then spoke up. "You know, Ken, if we are gonna be dating now, I guess we should set some ground rules between the two of us."

"I think that might be a great idea." Ken agreed. "But think we can make this work." He wiped off the pizza grease before he took Yolei's hand who smiled.

"Yeah. yeah, I think we can too."

The two smiled at each other for a bit, then Ken spoke. "There's that new superhero movie coming out. Maybe that and lunch next weekend?"

"Yeah. sure." Yolei smiled.

Not far, Davis was looking at the two then turned to Veemon. "Hey Veemon. I just thought of something."

"What's that?" Veemon asked still munching on his slice.

"If Ken was still the Digimon Emperor, would that make Yolei the Digimon Empress?"

His response was a pizza slice smacking him in the face from Yolei's direction.

"I heard that!" she scolded.

Meanwhile, Mikey was talking to Digitamamon who was liking the pizza he was eating.

"I have to admit, I'm impressed, Michelangelo. This combination of pizza toppings is delicious!"

"Glad you like it, Digitamamon."

"I hope you don't mind me using this recipe at my restaurant for my customers. I'm even gonna call it the Booyakasha special."

"That is a hit you got there." Mikey nodded.

Digitamamon smiled. "You know, if you ever retire from ninjitsu, I could use someone of your genius at my restaurant."

"I'll keep that in mind." Mikey shrugged.

Shine Boy was talking to Karai and Leo as they ate. "It is great to see everyone with the Digimon we've befriended."

"Indeed." Karai agreed. "You think Father would love the Digital World?"

"I think he would." Leo nodded.

Donnie was with Izzy, Gamer, and April sharing his notes of the Digital World to Garbagemon and Searchmon. After looking through his notebook, Garbagemon then spoke.

"This very impressive work, Donatello. You've really been studying our world very well."

"Thanks, Garbagemon." Donnie grinned.

"If you ever come back, we should explore more together, you, me, Gamer, and Izzy."

"I'd be up for that." Donnie smiled.

"As would I." Gamer thumbed up.

"Prodigious!" Izzy added.

Searchmon beeped excitedly, causing April to giggle. "Looks like Searchmon would really like that."

"That's Searchmon for ya. Loves hanging with new people." Garbagemon patted his friend.

Everyone continued until the lights on the stage turned on. Everyone looked to see The Rainbooms on stage with instruments like their own the Geckomon lent them as Rainbow spoke.

"Friends and Digimon! This song is dedicated to all our Digimon friends and Digidestined, especially our new friends, Josh and Keramon!"

Then, the Rainbooms began to sing.


Twilight: Maybe my wings are too weak to fly
But my heart just begs me to try

Sunset: Watch me, I'm ready to soar
On my love!

Fluttershy: I've only started realizing
The wind beneath my wings is rising

Fluttershy and Rarity: This butterfly
Will be flying its way back to you

Applejack: Our simple life of joy and laughter
I hoped could last forever after

Rainbow: But the truth is
That there's something we both have to do

Pinkie: How will I know-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa
When I finally reach the top of the sky?

All: But even so-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa
Tomorrow won't wait, and quite honestly, neither will I

I've dreamt of this moment all of my life
When my chance would finally arrive
Still can't be sure that it's here
But with you right beside me, one thing is clear

Maybe my wings are too weak to fly
But my heart just begs me to try
Watch me, I'm ready to soar
On my love!

As they sang, everyone got to get up and dance. Yolei and Ken danced together while Gamer danced with Karai, Donnie with April, Mikey with Shini, Matt and Sora, and T.K. with Kari since Davis had dance off against Tai, Shine Boy, and Gennai. As they danced, Mimi was able to get Izzy to dance with her while Palmon got Keramon to dance with her. Shine Boy then gestured to Josh to join the dance off and Josh was able to show some creative dance moves as they all cheered him on.

All: I've dreamt of this moment all of my life
When my chance would finally arrive
Still can't be sure that it's here
But with you right beside me, one thing is clear

Maybe my wings are too weak to fly
But my heart just begs me to try
Watch me, I'm ready to soar
On my love!

When the Rainbooms finished their song, everyone applauded and cheered. Then Sunset noticed something.

"Looks like Garbagemon and Searchmon have something planned."

Everyone looked to see Searchmon at a turntable wearing a DJ hat and bling while Garbagemon had a saxophone. When Gamer finished hooking everything up, The two began to play. As they played, a couple Guardromon came up and sang a couple. Rainbow joined in with her guitar while the other Rainbooms joined the dance floor. Then, Spike came up with a little rap to add to it.


Everyone had a splendid time, knowing that they may be worlds apart, they are one in the clan and team.

The End


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“Looks like the Turtles, Bebop, and Rocksteady have helped us in perfecting the remaining spirits.”

Back at the temple, Centarumon opened up a chamber as Gennai set a case with six bright sprites in it before they closed it back up.

“Indeed. In time, the six will return and be used again. But it also means that the remaining spirits will be ready in a couple years. By then, future Digidestined will be able to use them without any side effects. I may not be able to live that long to see it, but it’ll be good to know the future is secured.”

“I do have someone studying in the archives who might help. A young Digimon named Bokomon.” Centaurumon explained as he and Gennai left. In the chamber, next to the sprites were ten more Digi Spirit armors like what the mutants used each a different color. The red one slightly glowed bright.


In dimensional limbo, Ripley, Lewej, Gladitron, and Chaos Mage floated motionlessly in complete emptiness. As he floated, The Chaos Mage’s eyes suddenly opened with burning red eyes.


Back at the party, the heroes were enjoying some pizza when another portal opened up.

“Now what?” groaned Night Shine.

Emerging from the portal was a boy around Davis’ age. He had blond hair and wore a long grey sleeve shirt under a maroon jacket and navy-blue shorts. Next to him were two identical Digimon with floppy ears. One was white with mint green stripes and the other brown with pink stripes. After panting, the boy spoke up.

“Davis! Sorry it took forever to get here. It took me forever to find a computer that could open a Digi port, what with the virus and all. And whatever that Digimon was made it really difficult to get through. I gotta tell you, it’s been one of those weekends.”

“Uh Willis?” The white Digimon pointed.

Willis looked and his jawdropped as he saw Keramon sitting there casually. He then looked to see the Turtles as Mikey waved hi to him.

“a really long weekend.” He sighed.

“Oo! Pizza! C’mon, Lopmon!” the white Digimon scurried.

“Right behind you, Terriermon.” Lopmon hurried after.

Davis walked up to Willis and put his hand on his shoulders. “C’mon, Willis. This kind of long story.” He then led his friend to join the celebration.

The End

BONUS Favorite Moments

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(Twilight is reading a book in the library at CHS in front of a computer as she looks at what appeared to be a camera.)

Twilight: I maybe a bookworm, or as Rainbow would colorfully put it ‘egghead’, but being a ninja allows to explore new possibly. That’s why my favorite time in the Digital World was when we rode on these Digimon called Monochromon. (she turns on the computer to show a video.)

(In the video, The Ninjas, Rainbooms, Spike, CMCs, Bebop, Rocksteady, Team Shine, and Digidestined rode these big grey and black triceratops Digimon called Monochromon. Twilight petted the Monochromon she was riding on.)

Twilight: This one likes me. Look how calm he is.

(Annoyed, the Monochromon roared sending her flying.)

Twilight: Waah! (Leo grabs her and sets her down gently) Thanks, Leo.

(Then, the Monochromon he was riding turned and licked Twilight, leaving her dripping with saliva)

Davis: Hey Twilight! That one likes you too!

(Twilight rolled her eyes with a sly look.)

Twilight: (narrating as pictures were shown of Casey getting thrown off by a Monochromon) We then had a little contest to see who could round up the Monochromon. (The next picture showed a Monochromon ramming Raph as his nose was bruised) Raph learned the hard way not to hit them in the nose. (The last picture showed Twilight with a lasso and Spike running around a Monochromon) Spike and I won by working smarter, not harder.


(We then see Bebop stretching while under a tree)

Bebop: Any good dancer knows to always stretch before preforming, which is my favorite time in the Digital World was exercising with the Gotsumon. (Holds up his phone to show a video)

(The video showed Bebop practicing yoga on a flat rock)

Bebop: (lifting his legs) And inhale to rise the sun, then exhale as you set the sun. (Then he stretches his legs near his shoulders)

(Turned out, a whole bunch of rock figures called Gotsumon were imitating the former baddie as they grunted to stretch. Not far, Josh and Keramon were trying it as well.)

Josh: (panting) Man he’s good.

Keramon: I don’t know. This stretching does feel good.

Bebop: (Narrating while a picture showed Bebop demonstrating to the Gotsumon some poses with Josh assisting him and helps his posture) Josh helped me to show some poses. (The next picture showed Bebop helping Keramon who looked stuck in a pose) Of course, Keramon got stuck on a couple. (Then the last picture showed everyone moonwalking) But I tell you, Them Gotsumon sure know how to rock enroll! Heehee!


(Gamer was welding machinery before stopping to face the camera)

Gamer: Ocean life has been one of my favorite hobbies for a while. So my favorite past time in the Digital World was exploring the oceans with Cody. (picks up his drink and turns on a video on his tabloid)

(Gamer was wearing his water gear swimming alongside Cody who is riding in Submarimon)

Gamer: So you were actually afraid to be underwater?

Cody: Yeah. It was because of a dream I once had. It wasn’t until We found the Digi Egg of Reliability and Armadillomon armor digivolved into Submarimon here that I overcame it.

Submarimon: It was understandable because of the dangers you could find in the ocean. All he needed was to see that the ocean can be amazing to see.

(They swim past schools of fish and Gomamon swimming by)

Gamer: And you know? You’re right.

Gamer:(narrates as a picture is shown of Submarimon and him talking to Whamon) I got to meet some cool digi aqua life, including the Digidestined’s friend Whamon. (Gamer is then seen Hanging on a Dolphmon by his dorsal fin) The Dolphmon were playful to hang out with. (Then, we see Gamer riding on MegaSeadramon’s head like a surfboard) But the best part was hanging ten on MegaSeadramon!


(Rarity looks at the camera as she leaned on a counter)

Rarity: Choosing what to wear on its own can be its own adventure. Which is why my favorite time in the Digital World was trying all the beautiful dresses with Mimi and Yolei. The Geckomon were surprisingly good tailors and supported us with the dresses. (Pushes a couple buttons to start a video on a nearby computer.)

(In the video, Yolei, Mimi, and Rarity were going through dresses as Love Shine, Shine Boy, and Raph were watching. Love Shine was buried under a pile of dresses as Shine Boy was drinking a drink)

Rarity: Oo! This one looks nice. This one matches your colors, Yolei!

Yolei: You really think so?

Mimi: This looks nice. (tosses it on Love Shine) So does this one. (Tosses over)

(Raph ends up catching it, unaware it looks like he’s wearing it)

Mimi: Oh! (shows a familiar dress) This one resembles the one I wore once! (Sees Raph and smirks) My, you look…. Lovely, Raphael.

Raph: Huh? (notices and hides the dress behind his back and blushes) No I don’t!

Rarity: I thought it matched your color.

Raph: Just drop it!

Shine Boy: It was just a compliment, dude.

Raph: I GOT YOUR COMPLIMENT RIGHT- (Then he gets buried by the dresses Love Shine was holding)

Love Shine: He volunteered to hold those.

(Raph is heard grumbling underneath as a Geckomon walked by)

Geckomon: Hey careful those! They’re rentals! If they get ripped, you’ll hafta answer to ShogunGeckomon!

Rarity: or three ladies for that matter.

Rarity: (Narrates as we see a picture of the three girls wearing gowns showing off to the three along with the Geckomon and Otamamon while Sweetie Belle acts as the announcer) We had a bit of a Beauty show with Sweetie Belle as our announcer. (Next pic, they all sat down to a tea party while the guys each had a book on their head and the girls all wore gowns) Afterwards, we had a tea party and the boys gladly joined us. (The last showed Yolei in a dress* posing in front of a mirror as Mimi and Rarity smiled at her) And best of all, we helped Yolei pick a dress for her date with Ken!

(*= similar to what she wore in Diaboromon Strikes Back)


(Applejack was setting a basket of apples down before speaking)

Applejack: My favorite time in the Digital World was in the Old West town. A girl could love being in a town that has her roots as their theme, especially when she could be Sheriff for a bit. (She walks up to a computer and turns on the video)

(Everyone is wearing cowboy hats and other get ups sitting at a saloon when they look to see Applejack slowly walk through the door)

Mikey: (pretending to be surprised) It’s Sheriff Applejack! The toughest, sternest sheriff in this side of The Digital World!

Joe: Nice introduction.

(Shine Boy acting smug like walks pass AJ as she eyes him suspiciously)

Applejack: Hey Shines! (Shine Boy stops as both had their backs at each other) Draw!

(The two pull out paper and pencils and both draw a picture of a gun. Then Shine Boy pretended to get shot)

Shine Boy: Oh! Got me again!

Starmon: Hoowee!

Deputymon: (as he sat in his chair) That’s a fast illustration if ever I’ve seen one!

Applejack: Eyup. That almost cramped my hand.

Applejack: (Narrates as she drinks milk in a mug as Starmon smiles behind the counter) Always happy to enjoy a drink curtesy of Starmon. (Next is a picture of her playing cards with Deputymon, Night Shine, Davis, Raph, and Sora) Of course, always enjoy a game of cards when Deputymon asked me to join in. (Next pic showed her staring at Davis and Veemon behind bars) Unfortunately, I had to lock Davis up for a bit when he tried to sneak a card from his sleeve. Huh! All it took was fifty apologies. (Last pic showed her pinning a badge on Applebloom who saluted) But my favorite part of all was I got to pick my deputy!


(Pinkie pulled out a pie from the oven before speaking)

Pinkie: Do you know what my favorite part is about baking? Other than eating them, of course. It’s sharing with them! That’s why my favorite part in the Digital World was when I briefly worked at Digitamamon’s restaurant. (she pulls up her labtop and brings up a video file)

(In the video, Pinkie is working in the kitchen as Mikey and Shine Girl help out. Then, Digitamamon walks in with a female Digimon whose dress looks like a wedding cake.)

Digitamamon: Everyone, I’d like you all to meet Weddinmon. She’s a Digimon with an appearance resembling a lady wearing a large cake-shaped dress. She thinks of everyone's happiness as her own, and when she sees Digimon with whom it is close, it will organize a commemorative event of its own accord and deliver happiness with an extra-large cake. She’s my new baker and I’d like to have you give her a few pointers, Pinkie, since you’re only here for the day and all.

Pinkie: You got it, Digitamamon!

(As Digitamamon left, they heard the bell ring and see Kari at the order window)

Kari: Ordering! I need three number two specials, two iced teas, and a jumbo choco shake.

Shine Girl: I’ll get the specials, Mikey, you get the teas and shake so Pinkie can teach Weddinmon.

Mikey: Roger! (And the two hurry)

Pinkie: So Weddinmon, how much experience do you have on making desserts?

Weddinmon: Well, I’ve done a lot of baking since I was my previous form, Shortmon. But ever since I Digivolved, my sweets just don’t taste like they used to.

Pinkie: Hmm. Let’s take a look.

(Weddinmon baked a quick cake while Shine Girl and Mikey finish the orders and set them out for the waiters and waitresses)

Shine Girl: Order up!

(Pinkie took a bite of Weddinmon’s cake and pondered a bit)

Pinkie: Hmmm

Weddinmon: Well?

Pinkie: Not bad, but it’s missing one key ingredient.

Weddinmon: What’s that?

Pinkie: Love!

Weddinmon: Love?

Pinkie: Anyone can make a cake, but when it’s made with love and not just rushed to please someone, then its really yummy!

Weddinmon: Maybe I have been hasty on my desserts.

Pinkie: (pats her shoulders) There. There. It’s easy to forget. C’mon! Ill help get you back in the groove.

Pinkie: (Narrating as a picture shows Weddinmon decorating a cake with Pinkie while in the background Mikey was shocked as a blender was spitting out it’s shake as Shine Girl hurried to help) It didn’t take long to help Weddinmon to put love in her desserts. (The next pic showed Weddinmon showing some well decorated cupcakes with Pinkie being impressed) Her creative side was a big part to her loving to them. (Next pic showed the two looking out the window to see two Gazimon fighting as Shine Boy and Digitamamon struggled to get them settled down) And I taught her the biggest lesson. (The final picture showed the Gazimon calmed down and each enjoying a piece of pie as Digitamamon, Kari, and Shine Boy smiled at Weddinmon while Pinkie thumbed up) That any skirmish can be improved with a little pie!


(Leo and Shine Boy were playing a little Basketball before speaking)

Shine Boy: My dream of playing professional basketball kinda died out when I finished elementary school. But with help from Leo here, another dream of mine came true in the Digital World.

Leo: And this is definitely my favorite time too.

(Leo pulled up Shine Boy’s tablet and pushes to activate the video on it)

Shine Boy: Shine Boy- Shogun Samurai!

(In the video, Shine Boy and Leo faced each other while both wore samurai armor while the others watched from the bleachers)

Mimi: Looking good down there, guys!

Twilight: You look so cute in that armor, Leo!

Leo: Cute? (whispers) That’s not what I was aiming for.

Gamer: Get’em, Bro!

(Musyamon walks up between the two and holds up his sword then throws it down)

Musyamon: BEGIN!

(Shine Boy and Leo begin fighting sword on sword)

Love Shine: C’mon, Shines!

Tai: Pump it up, Leo!

Davis: Hard to decide who to root for. Go, whoever!

(The two fight hard before Leo disarms Shine Boy and holds his sword at him)

Leo: You yield?

Shine Boy: Not yet. (Ducks down between Leo’s legs and grabs his sword and they clash again)

Raph: Whoa! Nice move!

(Leo and Shine Boy continue to spar before Shine Boy disarms Leo and sweep kicks him and holds his sword at him)

Leo: (smiles) Well played.

(Shine Boy smiles as he helped Leo up)

Leo: (narrating as he spared with Leomon in a pic) I learned a couple pointers from Leomon.

Shine Boy: (narrating as the next pic showed him dodging a spear thrown by Karai) I was able to practice my dodging thanks to Karai.

Leo: (narrating as a pic of him, Cody, and Tai practicing with their swords was shown) I took advantage of this to give Tai some practice with his swordsmanship with help from Cody.

Shine Boy: (narrates one last time as the last pic show Shine Boy and Leo sitting down to some sushi as Gatomon smiled) And we can all agree Gatomon makes really good sushi!

Leo: (narrating) Yeah she does.


(Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo were sitting on a bench in the gym)

Rainbow: So, Scoots, what was your favorite part in our time in the Digital World?

Scootaloo: I’m gonna say…. The time we taught the Gazimon how to play soccer.

Rainbow: Me too! Especially, when Raph and Casey thought they could coach better! (pulls out her phone and the two watch a video)

(In the video, Rainbow led Scootaloo and a couple Gazimon while kicking a soccer ball as Casey, Raph, and some other Gazimon rushed up to steal the ball. On their makeshift soccer field, The others were watching as Shine Boy munched on popcorn)

Applebloom and Sweetie Belle: Go, Scootaloo!

Davis: Man, look at them go! They’ve been playing up a storm!

Veemon: Kinda reminds me of when you taught those Punimon how to play when we fixed that village.

Ken: Or the day our soccer teams played each other.

Shine Boy: Y’know, I’m surprised you two aren’t playing.

Ken: Rainbow said they had enough players.

Wormmon: Besides, things were heating up between Raph, Casey, and Rainbow!

Raph: C’mon, guys! Get the ball!

Rainbow: Go for it…… Gazimon number 5!

(A Gazimon heads to the goal just as Casey tries to block him)

Casey: Goongala! (Gazimon ducks and curls up causing Casey to trip on him) Whoa!

(Gazimon opens his eyes to see Casey in a daze and sees he’s right in front of the goal and shrugs before kicking the ball in scoring)

Rainbow and Scootaloo: GOAL!

(Everyone applauds)

Donnie: (turns to Fluttershy) You taught him that move, didn’t you Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: He came to me for some pointers before the game. Just told him to go to his happy place should he get nervous.

(Rainbow, Scootaloo, and the Gazimon on their team all high fived)

Rainbow: (narrating as a pic of her drawing out a strategy for her team is shown) Yeah, The Gazimon learned some moves thanks to the others as we played.

Scootaloo: (Narrating as the next pic showed a Gazimon steal the ball from another who got dirt in his eyes) Shinigami taught them how to pull a fast one.

Rainbow: (Narrating as the next pic was a Gazimon slide kicking another Gazimon as he took the ball) Davis taught him the slide kick he once used on Ken.

Scootaloo: (Narrating as the final pic had the Gazimon all piled on Raph and Casey while she and Rainbow were off to the side laughing) and Pinkie taught them the best one.

Rainbow and Scootaloo: (Narrating) Dogpile!


(Starlight was at a booth drinking a milkshake as she spoke to the camera)

Starlight: If there’s one good thing Twilight taught me about friendship, it’s about sharing your hobbies with new friends. I really enjoyed doing that when I taught the Yokomon how to fly kites in the Digital World. (Hesitates at a nearby computer before Sunset’s hand points to a button and she pushes that button to activate the video) Thanks.

(In the Yokomon village, Starlight and a couple others were demonstrating how to fly a kite. Gamer then successfully got his kite up into the air.)

Gamer: And that’s the right way how to fly a kite.

Starlight: Now you try it.

(The Yokomon take a couple kites while Sora and Shine Girl hold the kite up and successfully get them flying. But shortly after, the little Digimon begin lifting off the ground.)

Starlight: Uh oh.

(Spike and Biyomon then each grabbed a kite before they blew away as they still were able to fly the kites)

Yokomon: This is great! Thanks, Miss Starlight!

Sora: All it takes is a little practice.

Starlight: And a little teamwork.

Starlight: (Narrating as a pic showed her handing a kite to Meramon) I wanted Meramon to join in on the fun. (The next pic showed Starlight chuckling nervously as Meramon deadpanned as the kite was disintegrated) Unfortunately, it literally went up in smoke. (In the next pic, Meramon and Starlight watch Gamer working on a new kite) Luckily, Gamer had a flame proof cable as well as fireproof fabric. (The final pic showed Meramon, Starlight, Gamer, a couple Yokomon, Sora, Biyomon, and Shine Girl happily flying kites) Other than that, it was a happy kite flying day.


(Raph was in the lair sitting with Chompy on his lap)

Raph: While I’m always considered a hothead, I always feel good being around other turtles outside of my brothers. That’s why my favorite time in the Digital World was the Tortomon. (pets Chompy as he uses the remote to turn on the TV to show a video)

(In the video, Raph, Love Shine, Leo, Applejack, Fluttershy, Matt, and TK watch Tortomon drinking from a pond.)

Leo: So that’s Tortomon?

TK: Yep. Davis encountered one and upset it while trying to get Veemon to digivolve the first time.

Raph: Not as big as Tokka, but way bigger than Chompy.

Matt: You sure you wanna do this, Raph?

Raph: Trust me. I’ll have these guys tamed in no time. (walks over)

Applejack: (whispers to the guys) as a precaution, he asked Fluttershy to come.

(The guys snicker at this as Raph walked towards a Tortomon)

Raph: Hi. (Tortomon turns towards Raph confused) Me friend. Be friends with you.

(Tortomon blinked as Raph raised his hand)

Raph: Whataya say? High three?

(Tortomon looks at his paw and accidently pounds Raph to the group as everyone squinted at the scene)

Love Shine: More like down low.

(Raph groaned in pain as Tortomon sweated at what he just did.)

Raph: (Narrating as he argues with Tortomon as Love Shine and TK got between them) I admit we got off to a bit of a rough start. (In the next pic, Fluttershy is giving the two a talking to) Had a little help from Fluttershy. (Raph patted Tortomon in the next pic.) But we eventually came to agreeing terms. (The last pic showed Raph riding on Tortomon’s back) And Me and Tortomon are now butt kicking buds!


(Rocksteady is reading a newspaper before looking up)

Rocksteady: Before I even was mutated to giant rhino, I was considered strong guy. That’s why my favorite time in world of digital was when we met the Mammothmon. (pushes a button to play a video.)

(In the video, The group encounters a herd of Mammothmon near a cliff area.)

Bebop: Woowee them guys are huge!

Izzy: They’re called Mammothmon, Ultimate level Digimon and very tough.

Rocksteady: They may be, But Rocksteady tougher! (Starts walking towards them)

Shine Boy: Uh.. Rock?

Night Shine: Well if he doesn’t make it, I call dibs on some of his collection.

Rocksteady: Hey! Mamothmon! I, Steranko, challenge you!

(Mammothmon roared as they charged at the mutant rhino as dust covered them up)

Tai: I don’t see them!

Night Shine: Well, he’s dead.

Shine Boy: Wait! I see something!

(The dust cleared to reveal The Mammothmon all piled on as Rocksteady dusted his hands)

Raph: Why am I not surprised?

Bebop: You go, Rocksteady!

Rocksteady: I don’t talk the tough, I walk the tough!

Rocksteady: (narrating as a pic of him bench pressing a Mammothmon is shown) After many of Feats of strength, (Next pic showed Rocksteady shaking a Mammothmon’s trunk) The Mammothmon and I came to understanding in matter of speaking. (Next pic shows Rocksteady under a pile of Mammothmon as Raph and Night Shine laugh) After many fails of the epic, (The last pic showed Rocksteady on a Mammothmon cheering) We make pretty good team!


(Mikey and Sunset were in the music room as they face the camera)

Sunset: Mikey and I both like the time in the Digital World when we played in the arcade in Toy Town.

Mikey: (Picking up a slice of pizza) Of course, One of the best parts about playing games is winning them.

(Sunset playfully rolled her eyes as she held up her phone, playing a video of her and Mikey playing air hockey)

Mikey: Alright, Sunset! One more point and I win!

Sunset: I won’t go down without a fight!

(After a minor struggle, Mikey ends up scoring)

Mikey: YES! Air hockey’s got a new champion! And his name is Michelangelo!

(Sunset growls as Mikey dances his victory dance)

Mikey: Go ninja! Go ninja! Go! Go ninja- (stops to see Sunset glaring at him and sweats) uuuuh two out of three?

(As the two narrated, a picture of Mikey on his knees shouting in defeat after loosing to Sunset at an arcade game is shown.)

Mikey: (narrating) I could’ve been a better sport. (The next picture showed Mikey cheering after winning at the same game with Sunset pouting) Or at least not get too excited.

Sunset: (narrating as the next pic showed the two arguing at free throws as Ken and Wormmon looking at them worrying) You and me both. Because when we argued about our tie breaker at Free throws, (The last pic showed the two surprised at Wormmon who slyly dusted his claws as the score board showed his score exceeded both their scores) Wormmon made a winning shot himself.

Mikey: (narrating) Yeah even Ken was surprised.


(Donnie is tuning the Party Wagon with April helping him by handing him tools)

Donnie: That should do it. (wheels out from underneath and April hands him a cloth to wipe his hands as he looks at the camera) You know, I always learning something new, especially since we’ve been visiting other dimensions.

April: Which is why our favorite time in the Digital World was learning with Izzy at Centarumon’s temple.

Donnie: (pulling up his laptop) Garbagemon and Searchmon joined us as well. (Shows a video of Him, April, Izzy, Tentomon, Gamer, Garbagemon, and Searchmon looking at hieroglyphs on the walls.)

Donnie: These are some interesting words on her.

Gamer: At least Gennai gave us a translator on you labtop, Izzy, because this is totally a whole new language to some of us.

Izzy: Yeah, I could spent more time deciphering if we didn’t have to save the world.

Tentomon: Or if friends went missing.

Donnie: Hey guys! Check this hieroglyph!

(Everyone hurried over to Donnie who stood before a picture of what appeared to be their Armor Spirits fighting Milleniummon.)

Garbagemon: It’s those Spirit Armors you guys used fighting Milleniummon.

April: It must be the original warriors who forged the armor.

(Searchmon beeped in agreement)

Izzy: I wonder if those warriors were the first Digidestined who came before us years ago? Or if they were mutants like you guys?

Donnie: We may never know. (notices a couple other illustrations of other warriors)

Gamer: It looks like there were others!

Garbagemon: Looked like ancient Digimon.

April: Looks like there was a fairy, a wolf, a snowcreature, a beetle, a dark warrior, and a fire guy.

Tentomon: Strange I never heard of Digimon like them before.

Donnie: We may never know.

Donnie: (Narrating as a picture of him and April looking at Digi writing on the wall) It took a little bit of translating. (Next picture showed Donnie writing in his notebook while talking to Garbagemon and Izzy) But I learned a bit for my research.

April: (Narrated as the next pic showed them walking around the maze) We even roamed around the maze. I even promised to not use my ESP.

Donnie: (Narrates as the last pic showed him and April high five as Izzy and Gamer applaud) It was a team effort, but we were successful nonetheless.


(Keno was practicing his jump kick before he faced the camera)

Keno: During my training, my father always said, ‘In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn’. That’s why my favorite time in the Digital World was training Josh and the other Digidestined. Even after Tai accepted Josh.)

(He brought up a video on a tablet of him training the older Digidestined some martial arts. He blocked a punch from Matt and did a mid-chop before they stopped sparring and bowed)

Matt: Phew! I’d like to see Etemon take you, Keno.

Keno: Probably wasn’t a pushover, but thanks, Matt. Okay who’s next?

Sora: I am.

Mimi: Go get him, Sora!

Joe: You got this!

(Sora and Keno bow before beginning their spar. Keno started spin kicking at her before Sora dodged and flipped back a couple times. When Sora got backed up to a tree, Keno tried to chop her when she ran up the tree and kicked Keno down, pinning him.)

Izzy: Prodigious move, Sora!

Keno: Agreed. Gotta learn that move next time I’m fighting Purple Dragons.

(As Keno narrates, an image shows him teaching katas to the Digidestined)

Keno: (narrating) Yeah I learned a thing or two from the older Digidestined. (Next image shows Keno doing a kind of kick while Tai watched) Tai showed me some his soccer moves. (Next was an image of Keno deflecting a punch from Matt) Matt and I shared our best punches. (The last image was showing Keno tripping over Joe who curled up in a ball in fright) And Thanks to Joe, I know what to do when I’m afraid. Heheh.


(Love Shine was sitting lifting a dumbbell before looking up)

Love Shine: While it’s true when they say ‘fighting doesn’t solve anything’, when it’s for practice or sparring when it’s an exception. That’s why my favorite part in the Digital World was when we met Gorillamon. (walks up and pushes a couple buttons on a labtop, playing a video on it.)

(in the video, Love Shine screamed followed by Gorillamon hollered back. It turns out the two were arm wrestling as Mikey, Rarity, Casey, Davis, Night Shine, who was reading a paper, Mimi, Yolei, Leomon, and Ogremon were watching. After a struggle, Gorillamon ended up winning.)

Mikey: Aw! I was hoping Love Shine was gonna win!

Night Shine: (Not looking up from his paper) Called it! (Gestured to Rarity who grumbled as she gave him a couple bucks)

Ogremon: He lasted longer than I predicted, I’ll give him that.

Leomon: We did warn him that Gorillamon was known for his raw strength.

Mimi: (whispers to Yolei) I see what Rarity sees in him.

Yolei: (whispers) yeah. He’s so impressive.

Gorillamon: You’re strong! Haven’t wrestled this hard since Seadramon.

Love Shine: Thanks. So are you. And I owe you a large banana shake.

Gorillamon: Two out of three?

Love Shine: You’re on!

Love Shine: (narrating as the first image showed Love Shine winning the next round) It took a couple rounds, (The second image showed them arm wrestling more) Like a bunch of rounds, (In the next image, Love Shine wins the final round as Davis deadpanned while showing the score board as there was alot) I ended up being the tiebreaker. (the last image showed both Love Shine and Gorillamon both sitting at a table with a lot of empty cups looking sick) Of course, the hard part was drinking every single banana shake we owed each other.


(Fugitoid in sitting at his desk grading papers when he looks up to the camera)

Fugitoid: I always enjoy seeing friends old and new. Which is why my favorite time in The Digital World was visiting Andromon in the dome city.

(His eyes projected an image of Fugitoid, along with Donnie, Kari, Gamer, April, Mikey, Twilight, Sunset, TK, Tai, and Izzy were walking with Andromon while Guardromon were working on construction.)

Gamer: What an amazing city.

Kari: I see the Guardromon made some improvements.

Andromon: Indeed. I thought this place could be a little lively for tourists.

Fugitoid: Sounds reasonable.

Tentomon: Looks like Michelangelo is helping with that.

(Points to see Mikey running his own Sundae stand with a couple Guardromon helping)

Mikey: Step right up! Come and get your Dome City sundae!

April: You sure the Guardromon can even eat sundaes, Mikey?

Mikey: I already thought of that, April.



Twilight: Oil special?

Mikey: Specialty of the house.

(Everyone looked surprised as the Guardromon served the other one a sundae decked with oil, nuts and bolts)

Guardromon: (after tasting it) YUMMY.

Tai: You never cease to amaze me, Mikey.

Sunset: You me both.

Agumon: Could I have a Berry Twist please?

Mikey: With or without penzoil?

Fugitoid: Fascinating.

Fugitoid: (Narrating as an images shows him and Andromon constructing something together) Andromon and I were able to get some work done as we continued to catch up for time sake. (The image next showed Fugitoid showing Guardromon some blueprints) The Guardromon were extremely helpful. (In the next image, a building Guardromon made was built upside down as Fugitoid facepalmmed) Though I think I showed them the blueprints upside down. (The final image showed Kabuterimon and Greymon carefully turning the upside down building right side up as Fugitoi guided them) Luckily, Kabuterimon and Greymon were just as helpful.


(Casey was at the hockey ring practicing his swing before he faces the fourth wall)

Casey: When you’re busting criminals like me, you’ll see some really metal stuff. That’s why my favorite part of the Digital World were the Tyrannomon.

(He goes to a laptop and plays a video where Casey was with Raph, Bebop, Applejack, Rainbow, Davis, Matt, Night Shine, and Joe were at a gorge watching the Tyrannomon either walking, napping, or sparring.)

Ken: You sure you want to do this, Casey?

Casey: Hey. If Twilight could handle the Monochromon, I can handle those Jurassic wannabes. (Walks towards them)

Applejack: He obviously hadn’t learned from trying to tame the Monochromon.

Joe: Well, I’m here in case he gets any injuries.

Rainbow: Good luck getting him to sit still, Joe.

(They all heard the Tyrannomon roar)

Night Shine: Well, he’s doomed.

Bebop: Wait. Look!

(As it turns out, A Tyrannomon grabbed Casey and licked him before putting him down next to the others)

Matt: Well, it looks like they like you already, Casey.

(Everyone laughs as Casey is dripping with saliva, frowning)

Casey: Yeah, well, they’re lucky I didn’t have to get ugly.

Casey: (Narrates as we see a pic of Casey staring eye to eye with a Tyrannomon) My coach in hockey always tells me, (The next scene shows Casey on the ground frowning because the Tyrannomon stomped on him) Never let them see you sweat. (Next scene showed Casey hanging on to a Tyrannomon who’s trying to swing him off) All it takes is a little persuasion and resistance, (The last scene shows Casey riding on Tyrannomon’s head cheering) and Casey Jones will be on top!


(Karai was teaching Applebloom and Sweetie Belle some katas while Shinigami and Fluttershy supervised)

Karai: So, girls. What was your favorite part of our visit in the Digital World?

Applebloom: Aside from being Applejack’s deputy…

Sweetie Belle: And helping Rarity, Yolei, and Mimi with their fashion show, it had to be….

Both Applebloom and Sweetie Belle: Helping out at Primary Village!

Fluttershy: That was my favorite time in the Digital world too. All those cute baby Digimon!

Shini: Yeah, it was great that TK and Kari helped out as well as taught us a couple things as well.

Karai: And when we weren’t training for battle, it was very peaceful playing with the baby Digimon.

(The five gathered as Applebloom pulled out her phone to play the video of them helping Elecmon along with Mikey, Mimi, TK, and Kari while Night Shine watched under a tree nearby.)

Applebloom: (feeding a Pabumon a fish) Here you go, little fella.

Mikey: (pets a Yuramon who loves it) So cute. I almost wish we had Digimon partners too.

Mimi: No doubt you’d probably teach them ninjutsu first thing.

Mikey: Either that or teach them about pizza.

(TK was teaching Sweetie Belle how to hatch a Digi Egg)

TK: Just give a couple rubs and it should hatch.

Sweetie Belle: Okay. (Gives her Digi Egg a couple rubs before it hatches into a Poyomon)

TK: Oh hey! A Poyomon! That’s the baby form of Patamon!

Patamon: That brings back memories.

Sweetie Belle: Neat! (Bounces Poyomon as he jiggles and giggles)

(Karai smiles as she picks up a Punimon and strokes it as Punimon snuggles her.)

Elecmon: Looks like you’re having fun, Karai.

Karai: I guess I think of my mother and father whenever I see any baby.

Shini: (playing with a Nyokimon) And they’re so much fun to play with!

Kari: Look what I taught this little guy. (Gatomon hands her a whistle and she plays a little tune* to a Botamon who hums along. As they play more, Botamon starts spewing bubbles that float around.)

*= The Digimon theme

Mikey: Aw! How cute!

Night Shine: Cute. It’s taking a bubble bath.

(As Sweetie Belle narrates, an image showed her cudding a Botamon)

Sweetie Belle: (Narrating) hugging those baby Digimon were like hugging stuffed dolls.

Shini: (narrates as the next image showed a Kiimon popping out of her hat) And fun to play with as well.

Karai: (narrating as we see her and Fluttershy snickering as Baby Digimon were snuggling with Night Shine who was fast asleep) My favorite part was when some of them snuggled with Luke while he was napping.

Fluttershy: (Chuckled as she narrated) I was just glad he didn’t try hurt them when he woke up.

Applebloom: (narrated as the final image showed them gathered around a campfire with a bunch of YukimiBotamon roasting marshmallows while Mikey had a tree branch full of marshmallows) And the best part was roasting marshmallows with the YukimiBotamon.

Fluttershy: (narrated) Mimi and Mikey enjoyed that just as much.


(Shine Girl was with Shine Boy, Sunset Shimmer, Leo, and Twilight as Sunset spoke)

Sunset: So Shine Girl, what was your favorite time in the Digital World?

Shine Girl: The portal wall. While I enjoyed every other moment in the Digital World, Just that first part of going through that hallway of portal to other walls astounded me. Like Twilight said, the entire multiverse in one hallway.

Twilight: And on the way back home, Some of the Digidestined followed and saw the hallway themselves. Spike?

(Spike pressed a button on a projector as they all watched)

(In the video, The Ninjas, Allies, Rainbooms, CMCs, Starlight, Bebop, Rocksteady, Team Shine, and Night Shine were walking through the portal hallway and were joined by Davis, TK, Kari, Tai, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, and Josh)

Kari: This is amazing!

Shine Girl: Isn’t it?

Gamer: Believe it or not, we’ve been to a couple of them. (Looks at the portal to the Swat Kats’ dimension)

Izzy: This is prodigious! I always had wondered about multiverse theory, but I always thought it only existed in fiction.

Tentomon: Would that be before or after you came to the Digital World?

(TK saw the portal to Gotham and saw an image of Batman)

TK: Devimon?

Casey: Naw, dude! That’s Batman.

TK: Batman?

Casey: He’s a tough ally and friend when you get past his attitude.

(Tai and Kari see the portal to the 03 Turtles world)

Tai: These those other Turtles you guys mentioned before?

Leo: One group them. Those are the serious Turtles we met.

Kari: They all seem nice, especially Leo.

Tai: I hope we’d get along with them like you guys.

Agumon: (Near the 80’s Turtles world) this one smells like pizza!

(Everyone walks up to the portal)

Mimi: Y’know, they have a retro kinda look to them.

Matt: (noticing 80’s Casey) that version of you looks pretty jacked, Casey.

Davis: Hey guys! Look what I found!

(Everyone walks over to Davis and Veemon, who were looking at another portal. Through that portal, they saw three kids, two guys and a girl, walking with another Terriermon and two other Digimon)

Shine Girl: Are they Digidestined too?

Bebop: Must be. One of those Digimon looks like that Terriermon your buddy Willis had.

Applebloom: (Noticing the boy in the blue shirt and goggles) That one in the blue shirt kinda resembles a bit like Tai and Davis combined.

Davis: Hey Bloom’s right!

Tai: (looking at the red reptile) Yeah, but I don’t recognize his partner. Is he like a cousin of yours, Agumon?

Agumon: Nope. Never seen him before.

Josh: Yeah that fox one is a new one for us.

Keramon: She does look pretty.

Rainbow: Maybe they only exist in that dimension.

Shine Girl: So interesting. Im loving these dimensions!

(As Shine Girl spoke, behind them from a portal sprung a familiar rabbit before his dog buddy in the grey suit caught him and pulled him back in before Night Shine turned around.)

Shine Girl: (Narrated as the first image showed her and Mimi looking at an ocean like dimension) A lot of the dimensions looked peaceful. (The next image showed Shine Girl and April jumping in surprise as Sam flies out of a portal riding a missile) Bishop did warn us that some dimensions were… chaotic. (The next image showed her with Josh looking at Moo Mesa) But at least most of them were fascinating, nonetheless. (The final scene show her entering the portal home as Shine Boy and Leo waved goodbye to the Digidestined). And so, we said goodbye to our Digidestined friends until next time.

Mikey: (narrating) But that’s another story.