by Drop_It_Like_Its_Clop

First published

Keeping you safe, whether or not you want us to.

Do not access the following files without proper clearance. Unauthorised access will result in appropriate containment measures being taken, and consequential followup protocols if necessary. This is your only warning.

You are trying to access files of the ESCP Foundation. The knowledge contained within is esoteric and may be frightful to viewers, as well as disrupt your perception of reality forever. If you continue, you do so at your own peril.

If you wish to discover more, to help the Foundation's mission to protect the world from the unknown and incomprehensible, continue on, and you will be contacted by the Foundation's agents in due course.

We hope you make the right choice.

Welcome to The Foundation

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"Good afternoon everyone."

The friendly, welcoming voice cut the chatter of the room down like a scythe through grass, and all eyes in the room turned to its owner. Even with the casual warmth, there was still an expectant authority in its tone, and the orange stallion who stood before them didn't need the suit or tie he was wearing to indicate his importance.

"If you could all settle down, we can get started on this induction course, and your burning questions will at long last be answered, probably," he continued, casting a steady across across the sea of faces. "Any specific questions will have to be saved for later, and please be aware that certain information might require clearance you simply don't posses. If you do a good job, you'll be able to climb the ranks and gain the clearance necessary to discover whatever it is that interests you. First, let's start with introductions." He gestured to himself with a hoof. "My name is Tail Blaze, and I'm the Site Director."

Everyone sat a little straighter at that detail. They always became more attentive when he dropped his job title.

"What that means in practice is that I'm responsible for this facility, the surrounding area; the equipment, resources, samples, and materials stored here, the inflow and outflow of personnel, materials, and data; the safe conduct of staff in running tests and recording results, and the general wellbeing of everyone in the site's vicinity. In summary, I'm ultimately responsible for everything here, and I'm the most senior member of staff within a few hundred miles. The only creatures I have to answer to are the Overseers, but that's a story for another day. Most of you already know me."

There would've been a murmur and a series of mutterings if it weren't for the setting. Instead, the attendees glanced at one another, moving as much as they dared. The stallion was used to it.

"I'm seeing a lot of confused faces, and that isn't surprising. After all, you've never actually met me before today, and I'm sure you've never heard my actual name before. So who is this strange pegasus standing before you, claiming you know him? That's easier to answer if I try another name - Drop It Like It's Clop." He allowed himself a smirk as a wave of hushed voices rose inside the lecture hall, the etiquette of the room disrupted by the revelation. Some were shocked, some were incredulous, but all of them knew that name.

"There's the recognition," he appraised, chuckling to himself. "Most of you, if not all of you, will know the psuedonym, probably because most of you have read the material that anonymous author creates and publishes. In fact, I'm willing to bet that reading through some of those salacious stories is what prompted you to look further into who the author was, and that led you to being contacted by the Foundation. That's by design, I assure you.

"What does anonymous and disreputable smut have to do with me and this organisation? That starts with what and where we are. You'll have noticed that from when you were first contacted until now, there have been procedures and protocols and armed escorts and all forms of ways to ensure there was a layer of secrecy, preventing any unwanted information from being leaked to creatures not involved in the process.

"I'd like to remind all of you before we go any further that being here, in this room, is a privilege, and one you've earned because you've acted appropriately and displayed the qualities we expect. Your presence here is us extending our trust to you, and expecting you to afford us the respect of discretion. You are not to share anything you learn here with anyone not authorised to hear it, and when in doubt, remain quiet. Not a word of what you're about to hear is to reach anyone you don't know with 100% certainty is already privy to it. Understood?"

There was a moment's silence before a chorus of yeses and other confirmatory sounds bubbled from the audience, each of them eager to prove their worthiness.

"Good," he continued, nodding to a technician in the back. With a click, a board at the front of the room was illuminated, a symbol cast onto the wall from the projector, arrows pointing towards a lock. "Each and every one of you is a prospective employee of the ESCP Foundation." There was a momentary silence, and then chuckles and giggles broke out from the assembled audience. "I can tell you don't believe me, and that's understandable. But isn't the ESCP Foundation a fictional story about supernatural monsters? Yes, that's certainly the case. I'm sure you've found plenty of stories sharing that name, which make mention of horrific beasts which do horrific things. I'm sure if you search the title, you'll come across plenty of stories to varying degrees of quality about such a thing. These are all decoys. Distractions. Diversions. What better way to retain secrecy is there than to present the truth with a straight face and an apathetic response to those who insist it's all true? Nothing works better as a smokescreen than the rambling, screaming insistence of people who determine that a work of fiction isn't fiction. What are they going to cite as their source? The fiction itself? Every time that happens, they're dismissed as conspiracy theorists. That's why we allow - and even encourage - such stories to exist and be written; it dilutes the reliability of suggestions that we do in fact exist.

"You might be pleased to hear that you won't be working with things that will try to eat you. We've taken several liberties with how we're presented in stories to throw off any prospective enthusiasts who wish to expose us to the world, because that way, when people realise the stories don't add up to reality, they're far more willing to dismiss the idea of the Foundation existing at all. Finding the right balance of truth and falsehood and weaving a convincing narrative in which the two are inextricably tied is the best way to cover our tracks, we find. That's why the stories I myself put out are written they way they are, being just believable enough to take seriously, while containing ridiculous concepts which test the mind of those who read them. The creatures who follow the trail are the ones who are determined, smart, and who we'd rather have on our side.

So what is the Foundation in reality? What will you be working with, if not monstrous, ethereal horrors from beyond time and space? We're referred to by many names today, but we were formed under the name of the Equestrian Sexual Containment Project. Yes, you heard that right. What else were you expecting when the trail which led you here quite literally began with porn? We don't deal with killers, cosmic entities, and monsters from cheap horror films. Instead, we deal with the unknown or poorly understood facets of reality pertaining to destructive or undesirable carnal activities. We ensure that whatever damage could be done, isn't.

"I doubt you're quite sold on the importance of securing and containing sexual threats just yet. After all, what about the other threats out there? Threats to life and safety? Valid concerns, to be sure, but we're not equipped to deal with those. For issues surrounding hostile takeovers, conquests, wars, and power-hungry monsters, we have various individuals, groups, and resources to throw at them; the Elements of Harmony, the EUP Guard, and S.M.I.L.E., just to name a few. What use would we be against a manticore, or a hydra, or an army of dragur? We'd be no more use than all the organisations which already exist to combat them, and having a separate organisation when we could merely join those which already exist would be a diversion of resources for the purpose of striving towards the same goal. No - we don't need another agency dedicated to holding back physical threats.

"Sexual threats, however, is our field of expertise. Not only do we have decades of experience, something which no other agency can boast, but we're the only ones actively dedicated to this cause. If not us, then who? The question which usually follows is are sexual threats significant enough to warrant an agency to fight them? Raise your hoof-" He spied a number of griffons in the audience, and amended his sentence. "-or claw-" And there were some other creatures. "-or equivilent if you were having that thought." A number of appendages hesitantly rose into the air, totalling a vast majority of the audience. "Not an insignificant amount, I see. Let's put it this way; why do we have laws? Because we want to establish a particular social norm and prevent bad things from happening. We punish those who commit sexual misconduct because it's not right. We don't accept it as the way by which our society should operate. So why not the same for objects, entitites, and phenomena which breach our understanding of what's desirable or normal? Why should we surrender our way of life because of threats which seek to move against our interests, regardless of their nature?

"Imagine how different the world would be if an entire species were irrevocably altered against their will because an entity desired it, or how many would suffer if a maurauding creature were allowed to stalk its prey without any intervention because no one took the situation seriously? We live in a world where emotions and intentions carry weight, where magic is based around feeling and willpower, and yet lust is somehow exempt from that? Does Equestria or anywhere in the world seem excessively lustful to you? There are threats out there which carry the potential to turn our world on its head, and it's our job to confront them. Choose whichever acronym you prefer - Secure Contain Protect, Stop Constrain Prevent, Seduce Corral Placate - it's up to us to find anomalous sexual threats in the world, neutralise, mitigate, or capture them, and prevent them from harming any innocent bystander, or being used by the unscrupulous against the unwary. How many of you still believe that there's no need to keep tabs on sexual threats?"

The number of appendages raised was easily within the single digits this time, and most of them belonged to incredulous faces. There were always some skeptics, regardless of what he told them. They'd probably end up amnestised later. "A lot fewer of you. I thought that'd be the case, and I'm glad to hear it, because I'm obliged to give you a basic rundown on how we classify things here before you leave, and maybe once I explain a small scope of what we're dealing with, the remainder will be convinced.

"Let's start with the basics; the anomalous sexual elements out in the world. To nocreature's surprise, I'm sure, we label these anomalies "ESCP's", because they require Special Containment Procedures due to their anomalous nature and our interest in keeping them away from wider society. Each ESCP is designated a number, and can have subdivisions to it depending on its exact nature. An ESCP is a object, entity, or phenomenon with anomalous sexual properties. An anomalous property is something which doesn't conform to the way the world ought to work by the rules we currently understand. With me so far?

"To keep track of all the ESCP's under our care, as well as the research undertaken into them for a variety of purposes, we have an extensive filing system and categories under which principal traits are sorted, to better help us understand what we're dealing with." He nodded to the technician again, and the Foundation logo cast on the wall was replaced by a mock case file, replete with the standard lorem ipsum and the title ESCP-XXXX. Of all the files they had, this was the one Tail had probably spent the most time reading. He was proud of it, knowing that he had kept multitudes of recruits safe by preparing it. Pulling out a pointer from under his wing, he snapped it open, causing the sitting students to flinch. Tapping it to the wall, he gestured to the various parts of the mock file he wanted to show.

"Let's run down what you can expect to find inside, and what it all means. You needn't worry about the specific labelling for incidents, events, and so on; they're self-explantory in most cases, and it'll become clear as you work with the files. In short, a number or letter, or both, is added onto the end of the ESCP designation to mark it as another subsection of that ESCP's qualities or notable details surrounding the ESCP.

"The first part of the file you'll come across after the ESCP designation - its catalogued number and accompanying name - and the first that's it's extremely important you thoroughly understand is the containment classification. There are three categories - Sun, Earth, and Moon - which describe how difficult it is to contain or control an ESCP relative to our desire to do so. An ESCP which would be hard to contain but which we are not pursuing for one reason or another will receive a low containment classification. One which we are containing through great effort will receive a high containment classifcation. This is cursory information which ought to frame the rest of the file for you.

The lowest designation, Sun, is used for ESCP's which require minimum resources and/or effort to contain. This includes ESCP's we are content to just monitor from afar, or which we allow to exist without interference. It is, in essence, the ESCP's which can exist in the open sunlight. The second designation, Earth, are the ESCP's that require direct intervention to control or contain, and which may prove difficult or adaptive in efforts to do so. Think of these ESCP's as grounded birds, which can still cause difficulty when brought to earth, and which will attempt to return to their natural habitat but for intervention to prevent such. The final category, Moon, derives its name from the unfortunate necessity of banishing of Princess Luna to the moon, and the shifting, incorporeal nature of shadows at night. It is reserved for ESCP's which are reliably difficult to contain, and which require significant resources, effort, vigilance, and complex or perpetually adaptive plans to obtain.

"Below the containment class, you'll see the anomaly traits, which gives a basic rundown of the ESCP in question. You'll often come across things like 'Sentient', 'Inanimate', and 'Cognitohazard'. Most of them are pretty self-explanatory - sentience is just responsive to natural inclination and basic stimuli, and inanimate is lacking independent autonomy, agency, or consciousness - but there are some you'll need to familiarise yourself with. The one I just said, 'cognitohazard', is one you're going to want to learn quickly. In short, it's something that poses a threat to you if it's sensed, usually through sight, though each threat is specific. Don't make assumptions, and read the file carefully. The devil's in the details.

"The Special Containment Procedures explain in depth the requirements necessary for containing, sustaining, encountering, and otherwise dealing with the ESCP, including appropriate conduct. These parameters will be tailored to the ESCP's individual qualities, traits, and anomalous properties, and so will be as varied as you can possibly imagine, accounting for just about anything we could possibly have to deal with. It's important to read through this section thoroughly to make sure you know what to do and what not to do when encountering the ESCP.

"The next standard section is the description, which provides an exhaustive account of the ESCP's definition, including its dimensions, behaviours, properties, reactions, history, and more. Beyond this section, the file can consist of anything deemed relevant and important to the ESCP's identification, including but not limited to; transcripts, incident logs, photographs, sketches, research notes, reports, and written excerpts. This is the meat of the file, and will clarify what is currently understood about it."

With a practiced swing, he folded the pointer and tucked it under his wing once again. The projector turned off at his unspoken signal. Turning back to the attentive group, he spent a couple of moments eyeing them up. A few looked bemused, but most were paying rapt attention. A few were even taking notes. It was good to see young and enthusiastic talent.

"That was all rather dry, wasn't it?" he asked, smiling at them. "It was all necessary, I assure you, but I'm done boring you, and you'll have plenty of time to learn it on your own. It's your safety on the line, after all. You'll receive further instruction and training on our procedures and protocols in a dedicated seminar. In all likelihood, some of you will be writing parts to ESCP files in the future, and perhaps entire new containment procedures will be drawn up by your hoof, or claw, or whichever appendage you use to write." There was some laughter, and he chuckled to himself in turn. Most of them were in. The fewer amnestitisations, the better, and today had been a particuarly good haul.

"Well, that's enough from me. I'll leave you in the capable hands of the staff to discuss more specific matters and to determine your career here at the site. I expect I'll see most of you around the facility at some point, and I look forward to working with you, be it as security personnel, researchers, field agents, or any other indispensible cog in our great machine. What we do here makes a difference to the world in a thousand different ways each day, and you'll be integral in ensuring we continue to succeed." Stepping aside, he allowed another member of the staff to come forward, this one dressed in the familiar garb of a senior researcher. With a last nod to the prospective employees, he straightened his tie and addressed them one final time before he went about his busy day.

"Welcome to The Foundation."

ESCP-001 [The Vines]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-001

Containment Class: Moon

Anomaly Traits: Sentient, hostile, floral, invasive

Special Containment Procedures: For the purpose of containing ESCP-001 to a single locale, Area-001 has been constructed around ESCP-001A. Area-001 houses the security personnel, researchers, and support staff assigned to ESCP-001 and serves as their shelter and defence against ESCP-001 itself, and must be fully maintained at all times. Total diagnostic and structural checks must be conducted no fewer than once every ten days, and staff should undertake habitual cursory examinations to minimize the risk of damage going unnoticed. Any faults or flaws with the structure or its systems, including leaks or missing materials, must be fixed promptly, and the incident reported to the head of staff.

Area-001 consists of an interior courtyard hemmed in by an octagonal concrete wall ten meters (10m) tall and one meter (1m) thick. Behind the inner wall is a series of security rooms including a response room, the primary control center, and armories. These must be appropriately staffed by security personnel in rotating shifts. Beyond the internal security ring sits the research and support area, which houses the bedrooms, cafeteria, bathrooms, labs, storage, and a secondary control center. A fifteen meter tall (15m) and one meter thick (1m) concrete external wall surrounds the compound. The only entrance into and exit from Area-001 is through a hermetic airlock, and security must ensure that all visitors are searched and that they and their belongings undergo a thorough decontamination before entering and leaving the compound.

The compound must be staffed by no fewer than thirty (30) personnel, of which 66% must be security personnel. All staff must travel in pairs at all times within the compound, and should try to travel in groups of three whenever possible. Armories are to be equipped with cutting weapons such as axes, which are to be maintained at a military-grade strength and sharpness by the chief of security. Entry into the courtyard is prohibited unless formally authorised by the head of staff at Area-001 and the Site Director of Site-11, and no effort must be made to cover or block the loose soil of the courtyard. Any unauthorised individuals attempting entry into the compound must be detained and questioned, then dispatched to Site-11 for further action. All civilians approaching Area-001 are to be turned away, the cited reason being dangerous flora and fauna, and any who approach the compound are to be detained and transported to Site-11 as above. All witnesses to ESCP-001 who are not Foundation personnel must be detained and transported to Site-11.

At all times, staff must be aware of the compound's features and should ensure that they are consistently fully functional. All equipment must be fully stocked and all infrastructure maintained to a standard ensuring its continuing use and resilience. All entrances and exits from Area-001 are to be recorded, and no unauthorised material is to be allowed to leave the compound. Any instances of ESCP-001 which are not being retained for study or classified use in accordance with appropriate containment measures must be terminated and the remains incinerated. All personnel assigned to Area-001 must be familiar with Security Protocols 1-15.

Description: ESCP-001 is an invasive and aggressive floral species which exhibits a significant rate of growth and range of movement compared to non-anomalous flora. It is driven by an instrinsic urge to expand and replictate, growing rapidly to fill any available space and covering the environment around it. Its range appears to be unlimited, meaning that its spread could theoretically be global given enough time and with favorable conditions. When encountering sapient life, it will gravitate towards them, responding to their presence as well as sound and motion. Depending on the variant of ESCP-001, its purpose in chasing other life forms varies, as will its actions in capturing its target and the means by which it attempts to do so.

The species is believed to be the mutated remnants of Plundervines following their presumed eradication during the Plundervine infestation event in [REDACTED]. Although unconfirmed, it is the current theory of Foundation researchers that the chaos present in the Everfree Forest offered a level of protection to the vines which allowed some of them to change into something that was "less harmful", resulting in their current appearance, presence, and behaviors. Their existence was discovered by Foundation personnel when an anonymous civilian living within Everfree Forest left messages warning of a new species that would abduct the unwary. Site-11, being the closest Foundation site to the Everfree Forest, sent a task force to investigate, and upon discovery of uncontrolled growths of ESCP-001, a dedicated effort was made to corral the growth back towards its source. After a week, ESCP-001 had been confined to its emergence point, and Area-001 built around it to contain any further uncontrolled growths.

Instances of ESCP-001 are a deep, rich purple in colour, and appear, almost without exception, smooth and unblemished. Unlike Plundervines, their surface bears no thorns. They are capable of swift and omnidirectional movement, and can contort themselves without sustaining any damage to their form, allowing them to remain agile when chasing prey. Each instance reacts to basic stimuli on an individual basis, but will coordinate seemlessly with other instances within the same nexus. When separated from a nexus, the instance may try to root itself and form a new nexus elsewhere in order to continue the species' life cycle. No nexuses of ESCP-001 are permitted to exist other than the one contained by Area-001, designated ESCP-001A, and any other nexuses, pre-emptively designated ESCP-001B, must be identified and eradicated immediately upon discovery.

In most encounters, the species is witnessed as ESCP-001-1, which appears to perform the majority of the tasks necessary for ESCP-001's life cycle, as well as being its standard, or "true", form. Samples of ESCP-001-1 have varied in length between one meter to twenty meters (1m-20m) and in diameter between ten centimeters and one meter (0.1m-1m), though no upper limit has been adequately established. Its surface is smooth and has been compared to glossy rubber, with substantial suppleness and elasticity when compressed and full restoration of its surface tension when released. An ESCP-001-1 instance is capable of a full range of movement and has been known to lash out, swipe, encircle, and grasp at perceived prey, controlling its motion by saturating itself with ichor-like purple sap at sections where it requires rigidity.

ESCP-001-01 entities seeks to ensnare and immobilize living creatures or else abduct them towards its nexus, and seem to show a selective discipline towards sapient creatures. No effort to adbuct low-level life forms has been observed, though instances of ESCP-001-1 are combatative towards them and will attack upon contact. It is unknown how ESCP-001 distinguishes between high-level and low-level animal lifeforms, since it is itself non-sapient, and tests conducted by researchers have shown that its actions are responses to stimuli and basic biological compulsions, with a distinct absence of cognitive learning or problem-solving capabilities. Individual ESCP-001-1 entities prefer to remain in close contact with one another, and will seek to move and cover surfaces as a mass, favoring group movement wherever possible.

ESCP-001-2 are visually similar to ESCP-001-1, though its dimensions are much more consistent and it possess key differences which distinguish them. ESCP-001-2 entities are typically ten centimeters (10cm) in diameter with little variation either way, and retain the sizable length consistent across all variations of the species. Instead of a tapered tip, ESCP-001-2 have a rounded end with a narrow slit across the center, from which they eject a viscous amber fluid which appears to be tree sap, though of an unidentified type completely inconsistent with both its suggested floral identity and the surrounding forest. Though the sap itself has no identifiable anomalous chemical properties upon lab analysis, encounters in uncontrolled environments have proven it to be a multipurpose effluent capable of producing a variety of effects on sapient life through unexplained means (see Event Logs 6 and 11 and Interviews 6a, 6b, and 11a).

ESCP-001-3 possess flat ends with wide, dilated slits which are constantly lubricated with a clear fluid reminiscent of saliva. Lab analysis revealed an absence of digestive enzymes and has been unable to determine a chemical distinction from purified water, though its physical properties remain in line with saliva as confirmed by researchers and victims of ESCP-001 (see Event Log 6 and Interview 6a).

Instances of ESCP-001-2 and ESCP-001-3 are commonly found together, predominantly residing close to the nexus or behind gatherings of ESCP-001-1. When live prey has been immobilized, these instances will emerge to begin their functions. ESCP-001-2 entities will seek out and penetrate the mouth, vagina, and anus of the victim while ESCP-001-3 will engulf any available phallus, trapping the victim in a cycle of sexual stimulation and release. What purpose this serves ESCP-001 is currently unknown.

ESCP-001-4 are entities resembling a cross between a fern and a scorpion. They are capable of emitting a focused dose of a gas designated G-4871 to incapacitate targets, at which point they will ensnare and abduct the unconcious victim and bring them towards their nexus. Chemical analysis of G-4871 revealed it to be a sedative and anesthetic, and further study is ongoing to attempt to isolate these properties as well as stabalize the compound so it can be transformed to other states of matter without altering its potency or effects. Live specimens of ESCP-001-4 are preserved in Area-001 to harvest G-4871 until sustainable independent production can be achieved.

Document 001-a: Handbook of Security Protocols for Area-001

Security Protocol 001-1: In the case of an Emergence Event, all on-site security personnel are to arm themselves and hastily report to the security ring. All elements of ESCP-001 must be prevented from exiting the courtyard, though flame-based weaponry is not permitted until five minutes have passed since the emergence began. Once ESCP-001 has withdrawn, remnants may be burned using fire-based equipment, but no personnel may enter the courtyard. Personnel wearing full-body hazmat suits must visually inspect the roof and exterior of Area-001 to ensure it is free from instances or substances of ESCP-001 and terminate and incinerate any such instance they find. Any surfaces marred with unidentified fluids must be powerwashed. When a full clean is complete, the protocol may be lifted.

Security Protocol 001-2: In the event of an internal containment breach, the breach must be reported to security immediately, and the security officer on watch must be notified. The room in which the breach occured must be sealed and herbicide H-391 deployed via the sprinkler system. Off-duty security personnel must attend the scene and visually confirm a successful termination before incinerating the remains and sweeping the surrounding area to check for any further breaches. If there is any reason to believe the breach has moved to another section, the officer on watch must be notified and the section in question sealed. The process must be repeated as many times as necessary until the breach has been confirmed contained before the protocol can be lifted.

Security Protocol 001-3: In the event of an external containment breach (code red) or total infestation of Area-001 (code yellow), the security officer on watch must send an emergency notification to Site-11 from one of the two control centers. Site-11 will deploy a task force to respond. The incident and its outcome must be reported in the Event Log, including any amendments made to containment procedures.

Security Protocol 001-4 to 001-8: [REDACTED]

Security Protocol 001-9: If there is any doubt as to whether staff or civilians have been infected, the individuals must be quarantined within sealed chambers for a period not less than one (1) week, and any contact with quarantined individuals must be conducted by assigned medical personnel wearing a full body hazmat suit. The door to the chamber must be closed at all times, and the quarantined individual is to be fed only bread and saltwater, with fresh drinking water provided at a quantity of no more than fifty mililiters (50ml) per day. If this is not successful in preventing the emergence of an ESCP-001-1 entity, Security Protocol 001-2 must be invoked. Any personnel experiencing sudden onsets of strong fatigue must immediately inform medical and security staff and submit themselves for quarantine as described in this protocol.

Security Protocol 001-10: All reports of the establishment of another nexus, designated ESCP-001B, by escaped entities from Area-001 must be investigated and erradicated if discovered. Site-11 must be notified of the intel and the supposed location of ESCP-001B, and must co-operate in the following investigation, search, and destruction of any ESCP-001 entities encountered. An entry into the Event Log must be made to record the event and its outcome, including any information about how the escape occured and what measures were put in place to prevent such future occurences.

Security Protocol 001-11 to 001-15: [REDACTED]

Document 001-b: Event Log for Area-001

Event Log 001-1: [REDACTED]

Event Log 001-2: Abduction incident on [REDACTED], reported by Commander Cumulus, chief of security

Construction of the concrete wall around ESCP-001's emergence zone had finished and work was quickly progressing outwards. The engineers were fitting the internal mechanisms for the functioning of what they're calling "Area-001" including hermetic seals and supplies of herbicides were being brought in to combat any potential breakouts. As per our standing orders, security personnel were assigned to watch the courtyard contained by the wall and report any emergence of ESCP-001.

At approximately 14:10, Cadet Marigold spotted a purple vine slithering from the soil and struck it with her axe. Against orders, she headed into the courtyard to fetch the severed limb. When she stepped onto the loose soil, a larger vine emerged from underground and ensnared her, dragging her below. I was not present to witness the abduction, but was alerted by the commotion. When I arrived at the wall, I saw Cadet Cirrus attempting to dig through the soil in a vain attempt to rescue Cadet Marigold. He ignored orders to leave the courtyard, and after approximately ten seconds, another vine reached through the soil, wrapped around his midriff, and dragged him underground too. The process took approximately three seconds from emergence to disappearance, and I ordered high alert. Addendum 001-1: The vines mentioned are now known to be instances of ESCP-001-1.

After witnessing the abduction, I reported the loss of two agents, submitted a request for a rescue operation, and requested that an octagonal grate be installed over the courtyard to prevent further abductions and to better contain ESCP-001. I also established standing orders that no personnel be permitted entry into the courtyard unless explicitly authorised by the head of staff, and requested that this be formally introduced to the containment procedures. Addendum 001-2: The Special Containment Procedures were subsequently updated.

Event Log 001-3: [REDACTED]

Event Log 001-4: External containment breach on [REDACTED], reported by Commander Cumulus, chief of security

After an hour of banging against the grate, ESCP-001 fell silent, and I reduced the compound back to low-level alert. Ten minutes later, at 10:07, the security officer on watch alerted the facility to a containment breach outside of the compound's exterior wall. I immediately alerted Site-11 and left a small detail to protect the courtyard while I led the majority of the security forces in an effort to halt the spread of ESCP-001. We were successful, and after the arrival of elements of task force [REDACTED], we were able to fully recontain the breach. Samples were taken from the severed vines and delivered safely to laboratory storage, while the rest were incinerated.

In the evening, we were informed that the same anonymous civilian which had alerted us to ESCP-001's presence in the first place had let the Foundation know that blocking ESCP-001 below the ground would lead to it searching for new routes of escape. The loose soil in the courtyard apparently made for the path of least resistance, but it was fully capable of burrowing through soil of any description. Accordingly, the grate was ordered to be removed, and the courtyard left uncovered. The Special Containment Procedures were duly updated.

Event Log 001-5: External containment breach on [REDACTED], reported by Commander Cumulus, chief of security

At 13:09, less than an hour after the removal of the grate covering the courtyard, there was an Emergence Event, as if ESCP-001 could sense the freedom we were affording it. I had prepared firebombs for the purpose of covering the engineers as they removed the grate, and with a clear line of sight and no collateral damage in the way, I ordered the security personnel to utilise them. It was immediately effective, and the vines withdrew within the minute. Considering the Emergence Event to be over, I ordered the personnel to remain a vigilant watch for the next half hour and retired to my quarters to begin writing this report, planning to request the addition of fire-based weapons to the containment procedures.

Within five minutes, the security officer on watch had alerted the compound to an external containment breach, and I ordered him to contact Site-11 as per Security Protocol 001-3 while I took charge of delaying operations. A small security detail remained behind to guard the courtyard, and the breach was recontained with the arrival of task force [REDACTED]. All remnants were burned. Concern was expressed that Area-001 would need to be expanded, and I considered putting in a request for the complete termination of ESCP-001, since it appeared to be learning and directly adapting to our containment efforts.

One of the facility scientists hypothesized that the use of firebombs had prompted ESCP-001 to seek an alternative route, since all the samples previously acquired showed a distinct lack of cognitive ability, and this behaviour was reminiscent of Event 001-4, when it first encountered the grate. She pointed to the fact that Emergence Events are successfully contained when it's apparent that we cannot destroy ESCP-001 entities quicker than they can be produced, and that this shows that ESCP-001 is acting on base instinct, and reacts according to a primitive cost-benefit analysis, much like most animals hunting for food. She went on to suggest that successful containment from the courtyard is best achieved through use of delaying tactics, essentially sparring with ESCP-001 until it decides to stop making an attempt at expansion. Reluctantly, I agreed, and forwarded these suggestions to Site-11 for inclusion in the containment procedures.

Event Log 001-6: Rescue mission on [REDACTED], reported by Sergeant Cherry Bomb, mission lead

About a week after the snatching of the two cadets, permission was granted to conduct a rescue mission, following the reconnaissance that had been conducted throughout the week. I was selected by Commander Cumulus to lead the ten pony squad, and we set off at 10:00 hours, heading towards the cave system [DATA EXPUNGED] from Area-001. It took us probably an hour to successfully make our way through the twists and turns, leaving luminescent markers along our path so we could find our way back out. Finally, we entered a large chamber that looked to be natural but which wasn't marked on any of our maps.

What we'd heard through the tunnels turned out not to be whistling wind or trickling water, like we'd suspected, but squishes and muffled moans. What had led us to the chamber was actually the sound of ESCP-001 playing with its abductees. There were fourteen ponies in the chamber in total, excluding us, all of them suspended by vines wrapped around their limbs and torso. They didn't look or sound like they were in pain, and actually seemed like they were enjoying themselves. The vines didn't pay us any attention, so we were able to look closely at what was happening. By the time we'd found the two cadets we'd come to rescue, we'd had a lot of time to observe what was happening.

I was the first to come across Cadet Cirrus. His legs were coiled in vines, holding him in place, and there were two vines thrusting rhymically into him from either end, one in his mouth and another in his ass. A third vine was engulfing his cock, which I didn't realise until I tried to pry it loose and realized that it wasn't wrapped around him, but was actually pumping him like an automatic fleshlight. During my attempts to rescue him, he let out a groan and shuddered in place, and I wondered if I was hurting him until I saw his nuts retracting and throbbing between his legs, at which point I understood he was being milked by the vines. When I removed the vine penetrating his rear, a thick amber substance oozed from his anus, reminding me of honey, or tree sap. Unfortunately, the vines were insistent, attempting to re-penetrate any orifices we pulled them from, and so I ordered my team to use their weapons to cut the hostages free.

The ponies we freed were wobbly, and we had to help them walk through the tunnels, thankfully encountering few vines that tried to stop us on the way back. All the victims were leaking the same thick substance from their holes, apparently full of whatever it was, and though I didn't see Cadet Marigold prior to her release, I was reliably informed that she had been in a similar position to Cadet Cirrus. Retracing our steps to the entrance of the cave system, we hiked back to Area-001, arriving at 13:53, at which point the mission ended and I relinquished command of the squad. All victims of ESCP-001 were taken to the medical wing of the compound, and I was informed that the civilians we rescued would be transported to Site-11 after their interrogation for further study and examination.

Interview 001-6a: Interview of Cadet Cirrus following Event 001-6, interview conducted by Bountiful Harvest, head of staff

Interviewer: Good morning, Mr Cirrus. I hope you don't mind being up at this time, but with so many interviews to get through today, we needed the early start.
Cirrus: Understandable, ma'am.
Interviewer: The purpose of these interviews is to determine what happened between Event 001-2 and Event 001-6, and to learn whatever we can from the events that transpired away from the eyes of the Foundation.
Cirrus: To clarify, ma'am, you're wanting to know what happened between me being snatched by the vines and me being rescued?
Interviewer: In as much detail as you can provide.
Cirrus: Well, that's easy enough. Nothing really changed between the first hour and the last hour.
Interviewer: Let's start at the beginning, with Event 001-2. Cadet Marigold was seized by the vines after entering the courtyard to collect the vine she'd severed, correct? And after she was dragged away, you yourself entered the courtyard to attempt to rescue her?
Cirrus: I hoped she'd be just below the surface. I thought if I dug quickly enough, I'd be able to grab her hoof, or scare the vine away, or something. That didn't happen, obviously.
Interviewer: And what happened after you were grabbed?
Cirrus: It felt like I fell. There was a sudden constriction around my middle and then I just...fell. It was far too easy, being pulled through the ground. It should've been harder, or hurt, or something, but it was like sliding down a snowy hill. It was soft like snow, there was basically no resistance, and then I blinked and suddenly I was in a huge chamber somewhere.
Interviewer: For the benefit of the record, Mr Cirrus, is this the same chamber referred to by Sergeant Cherry Bomb in Event Log 001-6?
Cirrus: Yes ma'am.
Interviewer: Please continue, Mr Cirrus.
Cirrus: I tried struggling, but then my legs got constrained. The vines were tight, like cord or a belt, squeezing down with an immovable grip, and pulling me with a strength I couldn't hope to match. I couldn't close my legs, or budge at all, and the more I wriggled and yanked myself in various directions, the firmer they held me. I wasn't long after that that, uh, well...let's just say I was put into the position that Sergeant Cherry Bomb found me in.
Interviewer: You were in that position for a week?
Cirrus: Yes ma'am, if the reports are accurate.
Interviewer: Was there any movement? Change of position? At any point were you uncomfortable or in pain?
Cirrus: None that I could tell. I stayed like that from when I arrived to when I was cut free, though time blurred a bit after a while. The vines only stayed as tight as they needed to be to hold me in place, and after a while, they just became background sensation, like wearing glasses or saddlebags. They weren't hard against my body or anything, and felt pretty smooth.
Interviewer: Did you eat, at all? Did you get hungry, or feel thirsty?
Cirrus: Nothing traditional, ma'am. I remember the vine in my mouth kept pouring something down my throat, but I don't know how that can account for me being alive and well.
Interviewer: For the benefit of the record, can you confirm that your medical screening reveals that you aren't suffering from malnutruiton, exhaustion, dehydration, muscle atrophy, or any other form of malady expected of long-term deprivation of elements of a healthy lifestyle?
Cirrus: I can indeed, ma'am. I feel as healthy and happy as ever. I'm not tired, I'm not hungry or thirsty, my physical fitness is completely unchanged, and I'm raring to get back into action.
Interviewer: Including your seminal production?
Cirrus: Yes. (Chuckles) Including my boys downstairs. In spite of everything that happened in the last week, I'm still able to serve up a full glass of milk.
Interviewer: Can you explain what happened for the purpose of the interview? In your own words, what did you experience, and how did you find it? Please don't be afraid to be explicit and speak in candid language. This is entirely professional, and there isn't any judgement here about your unfortunate circumstance. We require details for the benefit of research, and you're a primary source.
Cirrus: I see. (Clears throat) Well, while I was being held by coils of the vines, one came up behind me and, uh, pressed against my ass, and then wiggled inside. (Pause) I've never tried something like that before, but it wasn't difficult to take. It felt like it was lubricated with something, and my butt just sorta relaxed enough to take it in. While I was trying to process that, another one came up in front of me and sailed right into my open mouth. It didn't take long for me to spring a stiffy, and as soon as I'd reached full mast, something hot and wet slid over my dong. I didn't fight it for long, especially since it felt pretty good. Over the days, I must've orgasmed hundreds of times, maybe over a thousand, and the vines either side of me returned the favour, I'm pretty sure. I certainly felt slick inside when I was rescued.
Interviewer: Did any of the penetration hurt? Were you sore during or after your encounter?
Cirrus: Not at all, ma'am. It felt natural, and I just went along with it. I was fine then, and I'm fine now.
Interviewer: Can you describe the taste and the texture of the fluid you ingested during your captivity?
Cirrus: (Pauses for several seconds) It's hard to recall. If it's the same substance that was pumped into me from the other side, then I imagine it was thick and sticky, like the report said. It didn't feel like that at the time, though. It felt smooth and soft. Maybe the closest sensation is...ice cream? In terms of its texture, at least. Temperature was closer to a warm syrup, and it tasted like vanilla...no, honey...less rich than honey, but vibrant if you focus on it...it feels more like an idea than a taste. It's hard to describe, sorry.
Interviewer: That's quite alright. One final question; both you and Sergeant Cherry Bomb referred to a vine encapsulating your penis. Can you describe what it felt like?
Cirrus: Sure. The..uh, should I use proper language, ma'am?
Interviewer: You don't have to be clinical, no. It's just a force of habit for me.
Cirrus: That makes it a lot easier. (Chuckles faintly, clears throat, and continues) It was like a pussy. I don't know if that's of much use to you, ma'am, but in terms of how it felt, it was like an organic, genuine mare. Same squeezes against my dick, same fleshy softness, same abundant wetness, same gentle tugging. I'm not much into sex toys, but I think the sergeant nailed it when she called it an automatic fleshlight. That's pretty much exactly how it felt, except carrying that comfort you get when you're wrapped up warm in blankets on a cold morning. A sort of deeper, fuller comfort, that makes you just want to stay where you are.
Interviewer: It felt fleshy, slick, and hot, like the inside of a bodily orifice, rather than rubbery, sticky, and cold, as would be expected of a vine?
Cirrus: Yes ma'am.
Interviewer: Thank you for your time, Mr Cirrus. This concludes Interview 001-6a.

Interview 001-6b: Interview of Cadet Marigold following Event 001-6, interview conducted by Bountiful Harvest, head of staff

Interviewer: Good morning, Miss Marigold. I hope you've been resting and recovering well.
Marigold: It's been three days. I'm fine.
Interviewer: What happened to you during Event 001-2 was significant, there's no need to downplay its severity.
Marigold: I feel fine and the doctors say I'm fine. I'm fine. (Pause lasts for several seconds) Ma'am.
Interviewer: Very well. Perhaps we should start with what you just said; you feel fine - and the medical staff present within Area-001 have confirmed that you are in good health through numerous examinations and tests - despite having been recovered from a physically demanding routine after a week of captivity. Do you have any thoughts on that?
Marigold: I'm paid to fight, not to think, but if the question is how I'm in one piece after all that, my guess is the goo.
Interviewer: The goo?
Marigold: That weird liquid we got filled with, the one Sergeant Bomb talks about in her report. Every single one of us in that chamber had it pumped into us again and again, and all of us are still alive and well. Cirrus and me were the newest guests - everypony else had been there longer.
Interviewer: Can you describe its taste?
Marigold: Caramel. Or toffee. I'm not sure. Everytime I think about it, the flavour changes. I can remember it vividly until I focus on it. All I know is it was probably packed full of nutrients, and almost definitely electrolytes, since I never got tired or felt worn out. From what the others say, neither did they.
Interviewer: On the subject of what you felt, you say you didn't grow fatigued or lose energy. Were you in pain or discomfort at any point during your captivity?
Marigold: No.
Interviewer: They didn't hurt you when you struggled?
Marigold: They tightened around me whenever I tried to pull away, but they never did more than hold me in place. Well, that and...you know.
Interviewer: I understand from Sergeant Cherry Bomb's report that you were penetrated orally, vaginally, and anally. Have you ever attempted or engaged in double or triple penetration before this incident?
Marigold: What sort of question is that?
Interviewer: One very pertinent to the investigation at hoof. It's not uncommon in our line of work to have to ask uncomfortable questions, Miss Marigold, but rest assured it is being asked entirely professionally and for genuine reasons.
Marigold: (Sniffs and pauses for a few seconds) No. I've never tried anything like that before. I've never done anal, and I've never been with more than one partner at a time.
Interviewer: And yet the sensation of being penetrated in more than one orifice simultaneously wasn't painful, uncomfortable, or too intense?
Marigold: No. I'm not a liar or a slut, if that's what you're getting at.
Interviewer: I'm not. I'm merely attempting to ascertain ESCP-001's properties and any anomalous traits of which we were yet unaware. A previous interviewee, who had also never engaged in anal intercourse prior to Event 001-2, commented that the sensation of being penetrated was surprising but fairly easy to deal with, and felt natural, even pleasurable. Do you agree with this assessment?
Marigold: Yes. Can you please not be so straightlaced?
Interviewer: I can use more colloquial terms if it would make you feel more comfortable.
Marigold: It would, ma'am.
Interviewer: Can you describe the vines in terms of how they felt? Are they comprable to a penis?
Marigold: Well, they felt alive, so, kinda. It was the same sort of temperature you'd expect a dick to be, that level of hot that's just more than body heat. It moved and pulsed like one, too, especially when it was...is cumming the right word? When it ejected its goo, anyway. It was hard like a cock, but more flexible too, like it could reach and touch any part of me it needed to.
Interviewer: Would you compare it more to a cock or a dildo?
Marigold: I'd say it was both. Its surface was like really glossy rubber, and it was perfectly smooth in a way flesh isn't, but it moved and acted like a flesh-and-blood cock. It was hot and it throbbed, so...an organic dildo, I guess?
Interviewer: One final question. Did you feel any compulsion to stay?
Marigold: I didn't really have a choice. I guess I just accepted my fate. It felt good, in spite of me not really wanting to be there, so I just let myself feel good. I tried struggling when I was first taken, and that didn't do me any good, so all that was left was to lean into it.
Interviewer: Thank you, Miss Marigold. This concludes Interview 001-6b.

Note: Interviews 001-6c through 001-6n added miscellaneous minor details and confirmed the information gathered in Interviews 001-6a and 001-6b. Upon completion of the interviewing process, and after one final medical check, the civilian subjects were transported to Site-11 for further investigation under the guise of Equestrian medical care.

Event Logs 001-7 to 001-10: [REDACTED]

Event Log 001-11: Internal containment breach on [REDACTED], reported by Commander Cumulus, chief of security

The security officer on watch received an urgent message from Site-11 at 08:14 regarding the civilians rescued from ESCP-001A during Event 001-6, explaining that they had "birthed" instances of ESCP-001-1. The entities were terminated and disposed via incineration and the civilians were interviewed and subsequently provided amnestics. I was notified immediately by the security officer on watch of this information and was told that any personnel who were involved in Event 001-6 were to be detained in a secure room and thoroughly examined.

Cadets Marigold and Cirrus were found unconcious in separate parts of the compound, and were thought at first to be sleeping, until attempts to wake them failed. Disturbingly, the amber fluid described in Event Log 001-6 was present on their rears and between their legs, and in both cases a slimey trail led from their bodies to other parts of the facility. A full lockdown was initiated as per Security Protocol 001-2 and the two cadets were taken to the infirmary. In spite of thorough sweeps by security personnel, no instances of ESCP-001-1 were found, and the lockdown was reluctantly lifted and Site-11 informed of a possible external containment breach.

Medical personnel tending to the unconcious cadets ran tests and confirmed that the fluid was the same sap emitted by ESCP-001-2, and that it appeared to be, in this instance, a lubricant to aid the emergence of the fully-gestated instances of 001-1. Further communication with Site-11 suggested that there would be one instance of ESCP 001-1 for each vaginal and anal orifice penetrated by ESCP 001-2, putting the estimated escaped entites numbering at three. The cadets were cleaned and more thoroughly examined to ensure there were no more entities gestating within them, and were held in quarantine while waiting for their return to conciousness. Security Protocol 001-9 was written and added to the handbook.

Interview 001-11a: Interview of Cadet Cirrus and Cadet Marigold following Event 001-11, interview conducted by Commander Cumulus, chief of security

Interviewer: Do you mind being interviewed together? (Both parties shake their heads) Good. That makes it easier. For the benefit of the record, I have with me today Cadet Cirrus and Cadet Marigold, who regained conciousness four hours ago following what has been labelled Event 001-11. Since the events which befell them are superficially identical, the questions today will be targeted towards both cadets and will be open to answer by either. What do the two of you remember between falling unconcious and waking up?
Cirrus: I was assigned to the secondary control room, and reported for duty at zero-six hundred hours. Nothing of note happened until around an hour and a half into my shift, at which point I became drowsy. It was sudden, like an adrenaline crash, and I fetched myself some coffee, but it didn't do anything. My head kept drooping, and then I realised I was asleep and jolted awake, only to find myself in a bed away from my station.
Interviewer: You have no memory between those two points?
Cirrus: Only the vague realization that I wasn't awake, sir.
Interviewer: Cadet Marigold, was your experience any different?
Marigold: I'd just finished my shift and felt fine, then all of a sudden, I felt like I needed to sleep. I headed to my quarters, and almost as soon as I'd put my head on the pillow, I jolted awake. I don't know why, I just suddenly wasn't tired anymore. Except I wasn't in my room any more, I was in the infirmary. It was like I'd teleported.
Interviewer: Do either of you know what happened in the several hours you were unconcious?
Marigold: I'd rather not think about it.
Cirrus: Not from a firsthand account, but I was told that we'd been infected by a parasite when we were kidnapped, and that it hatched.
Interviewer: That isn't far from the truth. From what we understand, ESCP-001-2 impregnates its victims with a self-developing instance of ESCP-001-1 which gestates in living bodies. From what you've said, it sounds like it induces fatigue within its host to allow for a successful birth and subsequent escape, since the host is unable to capture it or inform others.
Cirrus: I'm not a biologist sir, but how exactly can a penis-like thing impregnate a male? There's no egg to fertilize, and we didn't find any eggs it'd laid in us.
Interviewer: We don't know.
Marigold: So is it an egg? A parasite? Impregnation? You're making it sound as though it's whatever it needs to be to work, sir.
Interviewer: Again, we don't know. We're researching its biology to try and figure that out, but we don't exactly deal with "normal" in our line of work, so there's no telling what we're going to learn or when. For now, we know that they're hard to detect without invasive screening and that they require nutrients from the host to grow. Site-11 informed us that they react poorly to saltwater and thrive when the host ingests nutrients, so we're updating the Security Protocols. All personnel who ingest the sap in any way are to be quarantined for a week and fed a diet of saltwater and bread. Since we don't know what the limits are on these things, that applies to you two.
Marigold: You have to be kidding, sir! We can't-
Cirrus: It's okay, Mary. We'll be fine. (He slides a hoof over to Cadet Marigold, who touches her own to it after a brief delay) It's just a precaution.
Interviewer: It is. I'm sorry we have to be so strict on it, but after what happened, we can't be too cautious. We'll make it as comfortable for the both of you as possible, and try to resolve it quickly. Until then, you're both to be contained to medical quarantine. Do either of you have any requests?
Cirrus: I'd like to request that we're quarantined together, sir. Same room, no separation. It'll help us cope with the situation.
Interviewer: If that's what you both wish- (Cadet Marigold nods at the question) -then I shall make sure you're accommodated. Interview 001-11a is concluded.

Addendum 001-3: Three days after Event 001-11, scouts from Area-001 successfully located the escaped instances of ESCP-001-1, which had formed a new nexus, designated ESCP-001B. With the assistance of Task Force [REDACTED], security forces were able to successfully eradicate the nexus over the course of ten hours. In light of how a small-scale internal containment breach could lead to such a significant and rapid expansion of ESCP-001, Security Protocol 001-10 was written and added to the handbook.

ESCP-002 [Bulls of Steel]

View Online

Anomaly Designation: ESCP-002

Containment Class: Earth

Anomaly Traits: Sapient, ambivalent, cognitohazard

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-002 is to be housed in a well-ventilated ten square meter (10m x 10m) containment cell with an electronically operated steel door. Monitoring must be conducted primarily through audiosensory equipment or video surveillance, with all windows into the containment cell to be opaque with a conductive photochromatic material as a security default. Two guards must be posted outside the cell at all times to prevent unauthorised entry or unauthorised removal of ESCP-002 from her cell. No entry into the cell, attempts to view inside the cell, opening of the cell door, or altering of the status of containment must be made by any personnel ranking below Level 3 security clearance, and when doing so, all nearby personnel must be notified so as to avoid incidental adversarial effects.

The cell must be cleaned on a weekly basis, during which time ESCP-002 will be escorted to the site's recreation area or, if her privileges have been revoked, secondary containment. Provided her privileges have not been revoked, reasonable requests for items such as foodstuffs, books, objects of entertainment, or other safe and non-threatening items must be provided. ESCP-002 is entitled to exit her cell and walk around non-classified parts of the site, provided she acts cordially and does not present a sexual threat to personnel, and is accompanied by three (3) unicorn guards. Whenever outside her cell, ESCP-002 must wear loin coverings of a substantial nature, and must not attempt to uncover herself at any point. The suitability of the garment will be assessed prior to her release from the cell, with appropriate clothing provided if she does not request anything which matches this requirement.

Guards assigned to ESCP-002 are authorised to use magic or other means to subdue and detain her should she attempt to circumvent her containment procedures, and if she refuses to comply with verbal or non-verbal orders. All guards assigned to ESCP-002 should possess a firm degree of self-confidence and some level of stuborness, and must demonstrate a score of 0.8 or higher on the Mental Resilience Scale (MRS). If ESCP-002 acts disobediently, privileges such as access to requested materials and exercise around the facility can be witheld or limited until compliance is established.

Addendum: Personnel who wish to visit ESCP-002's cell may do so if they demonstrate an MRS score of 0.5 or above, and who complete and submit Application Form 02 and the attached waiver. If your request is approved, the approval may be presented to the guards at ESCP-002's cell.

Description: ESCP-002 is a navy blue female minotaur measuring 1.83 meters in height or 1.87 meters in height inclusive of her horns, with a weight of 76 kilograms. Her appearance is typical of a minotaur, her bipedal legs ending in two hooves and her upper body sporting two arms joined to her torso at her shoulders, with two four-digit hands ending her appendages. She bears regular female physiology, being moderately shorter than a male, a softer and more rounded face, broad hips wider than her shoulders, a curvy waistline, and two substantial rounded breasts situated on her upper chest. Her abdomen is visibly muscular to the point of being a six-pack, and both her arms and legs are toned to a greater extent than expected of a female minotaur of her age. Information gathered during interviews and tests and confirmed through observation has determined that her musculature is a result of non-anomalous lifestyle choices.

Physical and medical tests and examinations have concluded that ESCP-002 is genetically and physiologically female, with no microbiological markers to indicate otherwise, with which ESCP-002 herself agrees. However, she possesses no female reproductive organs, distinctly lacking a womb, ovaries, or a vagina. Instead, she possesses a fully functional equine penis and testicles, with a general agreement among research staff that she must also possess a prostate, though this has been unconfirmed as of yet as a result of the subject's refusal to allow testing. Despite her behaviour and attitudes aligning with more a brusque masculine identity, her testosterone and estrogen levels are typical for a female.

The primary anomalous properties of ESCP-002 are centered on her genitalia, which evoke a strong sexual attraction in observers regardless of species or sexual orientation. Sapient creatures which look directly at the subject's genitals will feel a strong urge to obey ESCP-002's whims and submit to her, the sensation increasing in intensity the longer direct visual contact is maintained. It is uknown if ESCP-002's goading and encouragement plays a part in influencing the viewer or if the mental draw is sufficient, though it has been suggested that the sexual behaviour exhibited by ESCP-002 works towards attracting onlookers insofar as they would be attracted without her anomalous qualities. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that her scent appears to be attractive to passers-by despite tests demonstrating she produces no pheremones.

Photograph of ESCP-002 following her apprehension, soon after her initial interview

ESCP-002 was discovered during an investigation by Foundation field agents into complaints by civilians of friends going missing when visiting the town of Mareposa. Upon arrival, the agents witnessed signs of slovenliness expected after a significant festival, though no such festival could be found, and the few townsponies that were witnessed walking appeared dazed and lethargic, as though suffering from withdrawal. After approximately fifty minutes of searching, Agent Steel Beam found a gathering in one of the town's parks, which he promptly discovered was an orgy of ponies servicing a singular minotaur, none of whom took notice of him. During a period when the minotaur switched partners, Agent Steel Beam caught sight of her phallus and felt the memetic effect pulling at him, which he was able to resist as a result of his unusually high MRS score of 9.0.

Recognizing the anomaly, the field agents reported the situation to Site-[DATA EXPUNGED] and requested full field containment. Consequently, a containment team travelled to Mareposa under the guise of overseeing pest control operations and delivered aerial deployment of aerosolized sedatives and Class C amnestics, followed by individualized searches of buildings to ensure full coverage. Pamphlets were distributed assuring the residents that any confusion and uncertainty they may feel was a normal and safe side-effect of the fumes from the pest-control process. While the town was secured, ESCP-002 was covered, secured, and transported to Site-[DATA EXPUNGED].

While in custody, ESCP-002 has displayed varying levels of co-operation and hostility towards Foundation personnel, ranging from calm and candid to sleazy and lascivious. It has been observed that her mood sours significantly if deprived of material gratification, particularly of a sexual nature, and that hostile action towards on-site staff is more likely in such a state. To mitigate this risk, a "carrot and stick" arrangement has been adopted, allowing her access to materials and activities that are feasible, reasonable, and not a security risk, and depriving her of these for any infraction against personnel. This has been a success, and observations of the subject taken during her more relaxed state has revealed that she follows a simplistic and hedonistic life, content to be lazy and remain in her cell if provided enough entertainment and objects with which to interact. Comparisons have been made by researchers to middle class single teenageers and young adult males.

The subject possesses a significant libido which places her firmly in hypersexuality on any standard medical assessment. When encountering other creatures, she attempts to seduce them with crude offers, becoming more blunt with each failure. Given her anomalous qualities, it is likely she did not fail at sexual proposals outside of containment, and as such, feels affronted when confronted with failure. She is usually sexually aggressive, attempting to grab and grope when prospective partners are not responsive to her advances, and speaking in salacious terms in almost all instances. She appears to be an exhibitionist, incredibly proud of her body and unashamed to show her physical prowess to others, which has allowed personnel to measure her seminal production at five times the rate of standard minotaur males and her refractory period at less than a third of standard minotaur males. During interviews, she has revealed that she sees other creatures as sexual gratification primarily, although her interaction with individuals varies depending on their character; in particular, she appears to uniquely respect Agent Steel Beam.

Document 002-a: Catalogue of requests by ESCP-002

-2x 25kg iron dumb bells [granted]
-Laminated poster of The Wonderbolts [granted]
-Agent Steel Beam "so I can show him how a real girl fucks" [denied]
-Agent Steel Beam "watching through the window so he can see what he's missing" [denied]
-Weekly editions of porographic magazines; "surprise me, but make sure it's filthy as fuck" [granted]
-A fleshlight and 2 liters of silicone base lubricant [granted]
-A further 2 liters of silicone base lubricant [granted]
-A stronger fleshlight and a monthly subscription for ten liter tubs of silicone base lubricant [granted]
-"That cute mare in the labcoat that I saw on my last walk" [denied]
-"One of the janitors that cleans my room, you can pick which one" [denied]
-Miscellaneous requests for candy and soda [granted]
-A record player and miscellaneous records from various artists [granted]
-Permission to attend a music concert [denied]
-A keg of Sweet Apple Acres hard apple cider [granted]
-Two comfortable chairs and a simple table [granted]
-Two crates of Trottingham stout [granted]
-Agent Steel Beam [denied]
-Agent Steel Beam; "tell him I'm not trying to dick him down" [denied]
-Agent Steel Beam; "yeah, I know how it sounds, but really, I just wanna hang" [denied]
-Jeans, DD-cup minotaur bra, blouse, sturdy comb, cologne [granted]
-Agent Steel Beam; "I'll be presentable, and I've got beers; I just wanna shoot the shit with him" [granted]

Document 002-b: Transcript of initial interview with subject upon capture

[Preamble: Subject was held in captivity for two days while efforts were made to solidify containment procedures and implement them, with appropriate alterations made to the cell to accommodate the physical and anomalous properties of the subject. After the formal assignment of ESCP status to the subject, research was to be conducted firstly by interrogation. As the Foundation member who was responsible for the capture of the subject and who possessed the mental resilience necessary to resist the cognitohazardous effects, Agent Steel Beam was assigned the duty of interrogation. Two guards stood outside the door to the interrogation room while the interview was conducted.]

[Subject is brought into the interrogation room from her cell in a straightjacket and loincloth by guards wearing blinkers, and is left to pace for a few moments before Agent Beam enters. The subject eyes him suspiciously as he takes his seat and gestures for her to do the same.]
Subject: Who are you?
Interviewer: My name is Agent Steel Beam, and I'll be your interrogator for today. Please take a seat.
Subject: An interrogator? What for? I've got nothing to say.
Interviewer: Please take a seat.
Subject: Nice name, though. "Steel". You meant to be hard?
Interviewer: Please, take a seat.
Subject: Not as hard as my cock, I bet. Speaking of which, interrogations are boring. Far too much talking involved. How about you put that mouth to better use, hm?
Interviewer: Take a seat, 002.
Subject: What did you just say?
Interviewer: I said take a seat, 002. I've been telling you to take a seat for the past half minute. Perhaps I should have it officially noted that you're aurally impaired.
Subject: No, the number. Zero zero two. What's that about?
Interviewer: Your designation. As of two days ago, you've been classified as an ESCP, and as such, you're detained until further notice. Take a seat.
Subject: Ee Ess See Pea? Detained? What are you talking about? You can't just detain me! What am I even being detained for?!
Interviewer: Can't? We already have. The ESCP Foundation has realized that you're an anomalous creature with the potential to threaten normality, and as a result of your demonstrable impact on wider society, you've been sealed safely away for the greater good. If you want any chance of ever doing anything resembling a normal life ever again, you'd better start co-operating. That begins with taking a seat.
Subject: You piece of shit! You think you can just lock me away because ponies loved me? You think you can just stop me from being me? You jealous, wretched asshole!
Interviewer: That's a gross mischaracterization of why we did what we did, but as for whether I think we can "just lock you away"; yes. For any reason that tickles our fancy, yes. We can do that. Take a seat, 002. Interrogations wouldn't be so boring if you stopped dragging them out by being difficult.
Subject: You gobby dickhead! If I wasn't tied up, you wouldn't be able to mouth off to me like this! I'd be swabbing your stomach with my cock, and you'd be choking yourself to try and get just one inch more inside you!
Interviewer: I highly doubt that. Now take a seat.
Subject: Easy to say when you're not in a position to find out!
Interviewer: I know for a fact I won't be interested in whatever you have to offer, and I'm not afraid to show it. When I'm proven right, you're going to sit down, shut up unless answering a question, and do as you're told.
[Subject begins to answer, but stops when she realizes Agent Beam is loosening the straps on her straightjacket with his magic. She quickly slips the jacket off her head, stretches her arms, and grins cockily, lazily drifting her hand down to her loincloth. After building up to the moment for nearly ten seconds, she yanks the loincloth off her body in a swift motion, letting her partially-erect phallus spring free. She sways her hips, causing it to swing pendulously as it stiffens, bobbing upwards incrementally. Her cocksure look falters as Agent Beam remains stoic and unfazed.]
Subject: You look shocked to see such a well-hung girl. I bet you're regretting letting me loose, huh?
Interviewer: Actually, I was wondering what the special is at the cafeteria today. I hope it isn't hayburgers again. I'm trying to diet, and it's nothing but a temptation. Anyway, take a seat. Just because I'm paid by the hour, it doesn't mean I want to spend all day doing this interview. (Subject gawks and doesn't move, struggling to comprehend his indifference to her. Agent Beam sighs loudly.) This is getting irritating, 002. Take. A. Seat.
Subject: (Sits down, tilting her head to examine the pony across from her) Who are you?
Interviewer: Agent Steel Beam, field agent for the ESCP Foundation. And you?
Subject: I meant how can you...nevermind. I'm Granite.
Interviewer: Just Granite?
Subject: Sounded good enough on its own when I chose it.
Interviewer: No family? Friends?
Subject: I have a harem back in Mareposa, if you count that.
Interviewer: Had. They don't remember you exist anymore.
Subject: What? How can they just forget a minotaur? It's not like I blend in.
Interviewer: You'd be surprised what we can do and how easily we can do it.
Subject: You? "You" made them forget me?
Interviewer: If by "you" you mean "The Foundation", then yes. We erased their memories of being pulled into servility under you, and now they can live happy, free, full, fulfilling lives. All thanks to us, and not at all to you.
Subject: Maybe I should just build a new harem here. (Agent Beam chuckles, and the subject frowns.) What's so funny?
Interviewer: I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that isn't going to happen. I bet you were able to get all the mares and stallions to come running to you just by whipping out your cock, weren't you? (Subject remains silent) Well, you had your chance to show off your schlong, and guess what? It doesn't work. You didn't even succeed on the very first agent. Try again, if you want. Maybe it's like starting a lawnmower - you need to keep trying until you get just the right speed and-
Subject: Y-you've made your point!
Interviewer: Good. Continuing from where we left off, how old are you, Granite?
Subject: I don't know. Older than twenty, probably younger than thirty.
Interviewer: Were you born with your equipment?
Subject: Probably. I've had it for as long as I can remember, and I didn't even know I wasn't built like other girls until I saw what they had between their legs.
Interviewer: When were you first made aware of your anomalous properties? Not your equipment itself, but its effect on other creatures.
Subject: What do you mean? I'm just a girl with a dick, I'm not anam...anon...I'm not some freak!
[Agent Beam notes that the subject appears to be unaware of her memetic properties and believes her sexual appetite and sexual magnetism to be qualities of her character and charisma.]
Interviewer: I didn't mean it like that. It's a silly question, we can ignore that one. Let's try something a little more cordial; what do you consider your sexuality to be?
Subject: Anything, I guess.
Interviewer: No preference for gender or species?
Subject: As long as it has a hole I can fuck or can get me off some other way, I don't care. Why should I care?
Interviewer: From the way you've been talking, it sounds like you're sexually dominant. How would you describe your role in sex, and your personality in general?
Subject: I just do what feels good. When it comes to sex, I like getting my dick wet, whatever you call that. I'm a badass girl, and I like having a good time. Sports, getting drunk, getting high, listening to music and fucking 'til everyone's passed out.
[Agent Beam writes down "sexual top, dom, tomboy, party animal, hedonist, narcissistic traits".]
Interviewer: And you've been this way for, what, ten years? (Subject shrugs noncommitally, giving a tepid nod a couple of seconds later) Okay. That's just about everything for now. You'll be escorted back to your cell for today, and at some point in the near future we'll begin conducting tests to see what shape you're in. If you could please point your loincloth back on.
Subject: No. I'm not just going back into a room by myself.
Interviewer: It's for your own good.
Subject: Bullshit! You already told me you've locked me up because you think I'm a threat to society! This isn't about me, it's about treating me like some animal to be tested and probed because you think I'm a freak! (Subject stands up aggressively, knocking back the chair)
Interviewer: Calm down. (Agent Beam waves back the guards who entered the room) Wait outside, boys. She's just upset. There's no need for anything hasty, unless she makes that necessary. (The guards shake their heads and step outside again, averting their gazes swiftly) Will that be necessary?
Subject: What do I get from this, huh? What's in it for me?
Interviewer: Purpose. You said yourself you have no real friends or family. Where would you go if we let you loose? What would you do?
Subject: Anything I want! I'll go out and get drunk and go to concerts and make a harem you won't take away from me!
Interviewer: I told you before that you have no idea what we can do or how easily we can do it. Everything you just listed is something we can arrange for you. You won't need to pay for anything, or try to find it, or do anything other than co-operate with our testing methods. Knowing my people, half the tests will revolve around you being gifted some cute little slut to wear as a cocksleeve.
[Subject hesitates, Agent Beam's words seeming to resonate with her. She spends several seconds mulling over the option she's been given, glancing between him and the door. In the interim, Agent Beam writes "pacified by offers of material gain and ease of access to basic luxuries, particularly carnal in nature" in the notebook.]
Subject: You can promise me that I'll have all of that? And that it won't be taken away from me?
Interviewer: Unless you misbehave, but that's fair, isn't it? You wouldn't want to play nice with us if we decided to disregard your boundaries and wants. It's not unreasonable for us to demand reciprocation, is it?
Subject: I guess so. (Subject slowly reaches for her loincloth and begins to tie it) I don't want to wear my straightjacket back to my room.
Interviewer: Okay. We'll consider that a trial run. Anything else?
Subject: Uhh...dumb bells. I want iron dumb bells, and none of that pussy-ass shit. At least 25kg.
Interviewer: I'll talk to my people and see if we can requisition some for you.
Subject: That's my trial run for "your people".
Interviewer: Understood.
[Subject watches Agent Steel Beam with a mixture of suspicion and interes as she adjust her loincloth, fiddling with it to make sure she'd fully covered. After approximately twenty seconds of silence, she takes slow steps towards the door, keeping her eyes on Agent Steel Beam.]
Subject: I think you've dealt with minotaurs before.
Interviewer: My job involves me dealing with lots of different challenges. I have to be adaptive.
Subject: Have you ever fucked a minotaur before?
Interviewer: Can't say I have.
Subject: Would you like to?
Interviewer: Something tells me that I wouldn't be the one doing the fucking if I accepted your offer.
Subject: (Laughs heartily) You catch on quick. You're an interesting pony, Steel. I don't think I'll mind these tests if you're gonna be the one conducting them.
[Subject is escorted back to her cell without incident, and the straightjacket is retrieved from the interview room. Agent Steel Beam is later commended for his handling of the subject and formally instated as the project leader for ESCP-002.]

Document 002-c: Research log for Experiment 002-3

Preamble: Following basic experimentation on the physical properties of ESCP-002, Site Director [DATA EXPUNGED] permitted the direct exposure of live test subjects to ESCP-002 to establish in a controlled environment an empirical understanding of the extent of the memetic effects on sapient creatures. Using the cover story of a medical study, advertisments were distributed asking for volunteers in exchange for a participatory reward of thirty bits. From the hundreds of applicants, fifteen were selected for their particular qualities which made them most suitable for testing, providing a significant diversity among test subjects.

The fifteen test subjects were attributed Class D personnel status and were told that their Class D designation was for the purpose of anonymity to ensure impartial data collection and to circumvent ethical concerns. Upon arrival at the facility, all Class D personnel were separated and interviewed, during which time they were submitted to a pyschological examination to determine their MRS score. With their personality and personal details noted, they were sent into ESCP-002's cell and observed via audiovisual surveillance. After their encounter, they were interviewed again, paid the promised thirty bits, provided Class A amnestics, and removed from the facility to the nearest safe public area.

Experiment 002-3-A
Participant: D-1059
Species: Crystal pony
Sex: Male
Age: 24
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
MRS: 0.4
Personality and traits: Flamboyant and effeminate, well-groomed. Shy but polite and excitable, happy to answer questions honestly and openly. Trusting, mild self-esteem issues. Despite having had several sexual partners, had little luck maintaining a romantic relationship, and admitted to feeling "rather lonely" in the last few months. Apparent good work ethic, self-motivated, obedient. Physically and sexually submissive, prefers to bottom, but willing to top "if I'm asked to".
Details: When shown several photographs of ESCP-002's genitals and asked for comment, D-1059 expressed satisfcation, but didn't volunteer explicit remarks until pressed, at which point he described them as "juicy", "the exact sort of thing I want", and "hopefully attached to a real stud who knows how to use [it]". No memetic effect was noted from viewing the photographs. When asked if he had a preference for species, D-1059 responded that he prefered Crystal ponies, but wasn't "especially fussy", and that he would give "any guy a chance"; he replied positively to the suggestion that he would accept sexual or romantic relations with a minotaur. He was subsequently led to ESCP-002's cell and the door locked behind him.

ESCP-002 was sitting naked on her bed and greeted D-1059, who appeared confused, but politely replied, engaging ESCP-002 in awkward smalltalk for a few moments. He was visually uninterested, and moderately disuaded, by ESCP-002's feminine features, glancing around uncertainly until ESCP-002 spread her legs. Immediately, D-1059's attention snapped to her groin and he became noticabely more interested, focusing all of his attention on her, surprise and awe spreading across his expression. At ESCP-002's gentle suggestion to come closer, D-1059 obliged, stepping towards the bed without any shyness expected of the stallion. He was encouraged to smell and touch, and responded accordingly to ESCP-002's guidance, reacting as she directed.

D-1059 quickly progressed to oral sex, showing a great deal of skill and enthusiastically servicing ESCP-002 without any need for advice or prompting. Due to his transulecent body, observation showed that he was able to take all 38 centimeters into his gullet without struggle, measured with his lips against her sheath. After seven minutes, ESCP-002 reached her climax, ejaculating an estimated liter of semen. D-1059 was unfazed as he ingested the deluge, and withdrew to lick her clean after she had finished pulsing. ESCP-002 soon flipped him over onto his back on her bed and fingered D-1059 to climax, applying lubricant to his rectum and her package before penetrating him fully. D-1059 was brought to climax three more times in this position before ESCP-002 sat down on the bed herself with him held in her lap facing her, after which he was made to orgasm once more before she reached her own peak. Her output was not reduced from her first orgasm.

At all times, their interaction was gentle, contrary to assessments of ESCP-002's sexual aggressiveness in isolation, and some staff commented that it appeared more akin to making love than casual sex. The two kissed during and after their copulation, and cuddled together talking in soft tones until D-1059 was asked to exit the cell. He did so reluctantly. When questioned about his experience, he denied finding ESCP-002 sexually attractive, though he readily agreed he would visit her again if given the option. When ESCP-002 was questioned about the experience, she commented that she found him to be "a nice guy with a damn good mouth", but that she saw him as a sexual experience and nothing more, and that her efforts in making him feel good were out of a sense of pride in her own ability.

Experiment 002-3-B
Participant: D-1060
Species: Unicorn pony
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
MRS: 0.6
Personality and traits: Tomboy, butch, laconic, confident. Responded to any questions asked, but didn't volunteer information that wasn't requested. No long-term plans, happy with status quo. Easy-going, likes to party at weekends and work as a cashier during the week. Isn't averse to relationships but not interested in actively pursuing one, happy with casual flings, hookups, and one night stands. A switch, but tends towards domming and topping. High libido, masturbates at least once a day.
Details: When shown photographs of ESCP-002's male genitals, D-1060 showed a lack of interest, citing her sexuality as her reason, but claimed she'd be happy "bouncing on that cock if it were silicone and worn by a hot piece of ass". No memetic effect was noted from viewing the photographs. She claimed to have no real preference for species, though admitted she found dragons to be too fearsome to be alluring. In her words; "I like mareish mares, you know? Dragons are cool and all, and I'm sure they're nice, but they lack that cuteness that makes you wanna throw them down on a bed and make them scream your name." She was brought to ESCP-002's cell and locked inside.

ESCP-002 was sitting naked on her bed drinking from a bottle of water, and she greeted D-1060 with a nod. Both females showed instant and immediate attraction to one another and began flirting in a blunt and straightforward manner. D-1060 complimented the size of ESCP-002's breasts and explained she'd never seen a minotaur naked before, wondering out loud if their placement on the chest area was normal and if they were as soft and pleasant to the touch as a pony's. ESCP-002 invited her to touch as much as she wanted, informing her that "I'm packing more than just these puppies" and spreading her legs wide to expose herself.

D-1060 halted, balking at the rapidly-stiffening phallus and commenting that she wasn't expecting something like that, to which ESCP-002 grinned and leaned back, wordlessly prompting the mare to step closer. D-1060 stated that she wasn't interested in males of any description and that she didn't think she could be physical with ESCP-002 as a result. In spite of this, she continued to step towards ESCP-002 and was unable to look away from the latter's crotch. For approximately the next half minute, D-1060 expressed unwillingness - and subsequently uncertainty - with regards to sexual relations with ESCP-002, but made no effort to leave the room or avoid contact, and actively progressed proceedings and facilitated interaction with little prompting beyond visual stimulus and, to a lesser extent, verbal teasing.

Sexual intercourse lasted for the majority of an hour and alternated between cowgirl and reverse cowgirl, with both participants orgasming at least once in both positions. The interaction between the two parties was physical and lacked any substantial romantic elements, with a distinct lack of kissing save for the very end, which was short and sharp, lasting only twelve seconds. ESCP-002 appeared to be in control, guiding D-1060 and setting the pace, speed, and angle of the bouncing and gyrating, as well as using spanking as a means of encouragement. When D-1060 took her leave and was questioned, she remained resolute that she was unattracted to male sexual organs and that her time with ESCP-002 was good as a result of the minotaur being female.

Experiment 002-3-C

Experiment 002-3-D

Experiment 002-3-E
Participant: D-1063
Species: Griffon
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
MRS: 0.7
Personality and traits: Confident, polite, extroverted. At ease around most people, good work-life balance, fits in well with colleagues and makes friends easily. Masculine but doesn't put excessive value on physical appearance, remains fit through a sense of personal preference without concern for social consideration. Well-groomed but not obsessive. Average libido, masturbates once every couple of days, tends to prefer relationships over hookups. Adopts typical masculine role within romantic and sexual relationships, tends towards domming and topping, but has engaged in anal penetration and stimulation before, including for maturbatory purposes. Exclusively attracted towards griffons, finds other species too different to be sexual options.
Details: When shown a selection of photographs of 002 including her gentials and breasts D-1063 was politely disinterested, stating that the images didn't meet his preferences, at which point he disclosed his sole interest in other griffons. No memetic effect was noted from viewing the photographs. Taken from the interview room to ESCP-002's cell, he was sent in and the door locked behind him. He showed recognition of ESCP-002 from the photographs and attempted to engage in casual conversation, with observers noting that he was attempting to steer the interaction away from sex and hint that he was not sexually interested in the minotaur. This behavior continued until ESCP-002 spread her legs and exposed her shaft.

D-1063's demeanor changed to awe upon sighting the erection, and though both visually and audibly surprised, he gradually became more receptive to its presence. He continued to express a lack of interest despite this being completely at odds with his own behavior, which ESCP-002 pointed out herself. D-1063 made no effort to correct his behavior after this revelation, and was persuaded over the course of several minutes to come and touch her in a non-sexual manner. After some gentle rubbing of the lower leg, D-1063 became more demure and submissive, sniffing and nuzzling her thigh and groin before progressing to non-penetrative oral. He continued his ministrations with an obedient autonomy while ESCP-002 fetched lubricant and began gently fingering the griffon, shifting them both onto the bed more fully to allow for easier foreplay.

Sexual intercourse began four minutes and fifty three seconds later with ESCP-002 penetrating D-1063 from behind and easing into a steady rhythm. Her pace smoothly accelerated over the course of several minutes and her demeanor remainined casually dominant throughout, making teasing demands for the griffon to chirp or tweet for her satisfaction, with which he complied on every count without hesitation. From doggy style they progressed to the speedbump position, where it is estimated D-1063 orgasmed two times before ESCP-002 herself finished. A few moments of nuzzling followed before they were seperated, and in the post-coital interview, D-1063 stated that he still wasn't interested in minotaurs or any other species.

Experiment 002-3-F

Experiment 002-3-G
Participant: D-1065
Species: Earth pony
Sex: Female
Age: 25
Sexual orientation: Asexual
MRS: 0.5
Personality and traits: Soft-spoken, demure, quiet self-confidence. Happy with solitude, neither introverted nor extroverted. Utterly uninterested in sex or sexual subjects for anything other than academic curiosity, zero libido, but has had sexual relations with romantic partners in the past. Generally adopts feminine role in romantic relationships, and prefers male romantic partners over female romantic partners. Preference for equine romantic parnters, but will date any creature with whom she forms a connection.
Details: When questioned, D-1065 revealed that she had recently broken up with a short-term romantic partner in part due to the lack of sexual intimacy, though their breakup was amiable and they remained friends. She stated that she was comfortable with who she was and that although it was a shame that her sexuality had contributed to the downfall of the relationship, she didn't have any regrets and didn't feel uncomfortable or wish she was different. Exposure of D-1065 to photographs of ESCP-002's genitals and bust had no effect, memetic or otherwise, with D-1065 showing neutral disinterest in both the male and female sexual organs. She responded to the question of her last sexual encounter by explaining that she hadn't been sexually active for several years, ever since she determined that she wasn't interested in the activity or drawn to such things in general.

Upon being brought to ESCP-002's room, D-1065 remained stoic at the sight of the minotaur, politely stating her lack of sexual interest. In her own words; "So I don't waste your time, I'm not interested in anything sexual. It's not you, it's any creature." ESCP-002 laughed lightly at this, and replied by saying that "I've heard that before, don't worry," before exposing herself to the mare, who promptly became entranced at the sight of the male organs between the minotaur's legs. In spite of some light excuses, the mare did nothing to stop herself from walking over to the minotaur, being picked up, or being pulled into a deep kiss.

The pair quickly moved on to penetrative sex, with ESCP-002 taking control of the process and leading D-1065. The latter was enthusiastic throughout, huffing and whining needily as she was bounced on ESCP-002's lap, hugging the minotaur close and retaining a firm hold regardless of position. The encounter was relatively gentle and involved deep kisses, carressing, and a moderate pace, though ESCP-002 took delight in coaxing D-1065 to praise her skill and make lofty claims about her prowess. After fifty seven minutes, and several orgasms from D-1065, the two finished and shared a few moments cuddling.

During the post-experiment interview, D-1065 expressed confusion at what she'd felt, stating that she'd never had an experience like that before nor had ever been attracted to anyone in such a way. When asked whether she felt as though she'd be able to view other creatures in a sexual manner now, she replied doubtfully, and exposure to photographs of ESCP-002's genitals produced no effect, memetic or otherwise. D-1065 showed the same neutral disinterest as she had at the interview prior to her encounter with ESCP-002.

Experiment 002-3-H

Experiment 002-3-I

Experiment 002-3-J

Experiment 002-3-K
Participant: D-1069 and D-1070
Species: Unicorn ponies
Sex: Female and Male
Age: 48 and 51
Sexual orientation: Hetrosexual
MRS: 0.45 and 0.4
Personality and traits: Married couple, polite and friendly, open and honest. Extroverted, calm, 'table manners', warm. Swingers, happy to sleep with other parties of the opposite sex, not attracted to same-sex partners, will engage in group sex with the intention to avoid sexual contact with other same-sex partners. Not limited by species, open to trying almost any number of partners and types of creature.
Details: The married couple were chatty and happy to explain their lifestyle to staff, providing tasteful but unabashed descriptions in abstract and explicit details whenever asked. Neither of the two appeared concerned or embarassed about the questions asked of them, and treated the situation as though it were a casual conversation between acquaintances or equals. When shown photographs of ESCP-002's penis and testicles, D-1069 expressed great interest and spent a good part of a minute gazing at the image, offering commentary on what she found particularly appealing, while D-1070 gave much more reserved compliments. When presented with photographs of ESCP-002's breasts, the two exchanged roles; D-1070 detailed his approval while D-1069 complimented them more reservedly. When questioned about this, they explained that although they had no carnal interest in the same-sex characteristics of ESCP-002, they could appreciate them from an "objective aesthetic standpoint." No memetic effects were observed.

When guided to the cell, both Class D greeted ESCP-002 in a cheery manner, asking if they could sit with her. The minotaur appeared both amused and pleased with their approach, and played along, inviting them to sit either side of her on her bed. Observers noted that she was a lot more restrained than usual, interacting with her partners rather than compelling them to act as she wanted. When they approached, she waited until they'd settled in and shuffled close to her, enough that the three were touching, and slipped her arms casually around their bodies. D-1070 commented on the minotaur's breasts, offering compliments and questions about them, which she was very willing to answer, and suggested both subtly and not-so-subtly that he should indulge his curiosity through touch, as he was welcome to. D-1069, during this time, caressed along ESCP-002's legs and belly.

After several minutes of groping and touching, ESCP-002 spread her legs and exposed her genitals to the two ponies, who reacted momentarily with surprise before becoming receptive and visibly excited. With only a little verbal prompting, both Class D personnel provided progressively more intensive oral stimulation to the minotaur, starting slowly and tenderly and growing more enthusiastic. At no point did they hesitate or appear apprehensive, but rather became more impatient and needy. This foreplay continued for eighteen minutes before ESCP-002 directed the situation onwards, choosing D-1069 to penetrate first.

The session lasted over two hours, during which time all three participants were fully engaged. Whenever one of the D Class were not being penetrated, they were servicing the other or ESCP-002 herself. After tens of climaxes between them, estimated at between thirty one and thirty six, the three mutally and wordlessly agreed to bring an end to their activities. There was little romantic or sensual engagement, with the three returning to what appeared to be friendly relations. In their following interview, the two D Class admitted that they were surprised at their behaviour, crossing boundaries they had never felt naturally compelled to do piror. When exposed to the photographs again, the pair repeated their sentiments from the first interview, affirming their sexual preferences.

Experiment 002-3-L

Experiment 002-3-M

Experiment 002-3-N

Conclusions: ESCP-002's memetic properties appear to manifest only when observed directly, but not through indirect observations such as photographic captures, video footage, or artistic replications. The memetic properties, as demonstrated in earlier encounters and experiments, are a compulsion to sexually satisfy ESCP-002, though a higher mental resilience mitigates the strength of the memetic hazard. The threshold of mental resilience required to overcome the cognitohazard appears to be 0.8 on the MRS; individuals above this score are able to resist the memetic effects entirely. Below this score, the cognitohazard overrides the natural desires, impulses, and inclinations of the viewer, inciting them towards sexual submissiveness and strong attraction to ESCP-002, regardless of sexual preferences such as orientation, experience, age, species, or even complete absence of any such preference. The cognitohazard remains active for as long as ESCP-002's genitals are directly observed or if there is physical contact. ESCP-002 will act in accordance with the personality of her partner, typically acting as a counterpart, but will invariably be the dominant sexual partner. Her level of roughness, vulgarity, kinkiness, and general sexual demeanor do not appear to be affected by previous recent sexual encounters, but by the level of gratification she can derive from her partner in question.

Document 002-d: Letter from Agent Steel Beam, Project Lead of ESCP-002, to Site Director [DATA EXPUNGED]


Having had appropriate time to observe Granite and having undertaken what I consider to be extensive experimentation, I have determined that her ESCP status ought to be maintained and her detainment as per her Special Containment Procedures continued indefinitely. I am aware that this requires us to imprison a sapient creature for the rest of her life, but I believe this to be the best course of action, and one that is necessary for the preservation of normality and social cohesion.

If I may draw your attention to Experiment 002-3, it is clear that natural behaviour, including sexual orientation and sexual inclination, is no defense against the memetic properties exhibited by ESCP-002. Though the effects lessen the higher an individual's mental resilience, an MRS score of at least 0.8 is required to neutralize the threat posed by the cognitohazard, which, being far above average, means that a vast majority of the public would be unable to meet this threshold. Estimates derived from model calculation have concluded that between 85% and 98% of the population of Equestria would be susceptible.

In conjunction with her anomalous properties, Granite's attitude and behaviour, as demonstrated in general observations and in her initial interview in particular, is too tumultuous to allow for reliable co-existence within wider society. As determined by Experiment 002-1 and Experiment 002-2, her libido and sexual aggression are far higher than that of a standard minotaur, and she possesses rebellious tendencies towards rules in general and towards sexual inhibitions in particular. When deprived of sexual gratification, she usually becomes more brazen in her attempts to secure satisfaction, but constant sexual attention does not reduce her lust or willingness below a level expected from non-anomalous creatures. If she were exposed to willing creatures, there is no doubt that she would retain them as sexual pets indefinitely, and that if she were unable to find willing creatures, she would resort to use of her memetic properties.

Between the severity of her status as a cognitohazard and her general capricious attitude towards civility and compliance, I have concluded that the success of Granite's release back into society would be unreliable at best and reliably doomed at worst. A realistic assessment shows that she would present widespread disruption to society and could expose the anomalous to the wider eye of the world. Therefore, I present the unfortunate option of retaining her indefinitely in custody, where she can be safely contained and tended to in comfort. I am willing to serve as her companion and caretaker for the sake of keeping her socialized and compliant, which appears to be a factor in her ongoing good behavior.


Supervisor Steel Beam, Project Leader for ESCP-002

ESCP-003 [Birds of Play]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-003

Containment Class: Sun

Anomaly Traits: Sapient, spatial, non-threatening

Special Containment Procedures: Only the assigned field agents are permitted to deliberately remain in proximity with ESCP-003-A and ESCP-003-B, and must interact with them as little and as inconspicuously as possible. All activity must be observational in nature and proximity to both ESCP entities ought to be maintained no closer than is required for suitable surveillance. Direct interaction with either ESCP entity is prohibited unless required for the the preservation of the agent's covert identity and the secrecy of the operation as a whole or when directly instructed to or authorized by the Project Lead. All assigned personnel must be equipped with concealed communications equipment connecting them with the Project Lead.

If any agent's identity is discovered, he must be reassigned, and if ESCP-003-A or ESCP-003-B discover that they are being monitored, they are to be quietly subdued with amnestics (recommended: Class A) and any evidence of the surveillence operation is to be recovered or destroyed. All witnesses or accomplices are to be subdued with appropriate amnestics.

Any acquisition efforts must occur for both ESCP-003 entities simultaneously and must be accomplished in such a way so as to avoid detection by surrounding social elements. Testing and experimentation must occur at Site-05, and detainment of both entities must not exceed an eight (8) hour period. After testing is concluded, the entities must be provided Class A amnestics and returned to the location from where they were initially taken. No indication of an acquisition must remain, and it should appear to outside observers that nothing occured at all.

Addendum: Acquisition and testing is indefinitely suspended by order of Head Researcher Cornflower and Site Director [DATA EXPUNGED] from the belief that the risk of discovery and the dangers of interference outweigh the benefit of direct research in laboratory conditions. The operation is to remain as a monitoring and prevention mission to mitigate the potential risk to the public.

Description: ESCP-003 is the designation assigned to a pair of eighteen year old griffon identical twins who appear completely typical to casual observers. Their physical appearance and personalities are within the standard norms of sapient creatures for their species, sex, and age, and they exhibit a standard familial bond. Socially, they are outgoing and extroverted, and possess a number of individual friends and friendship groups independent from one another, though these groups have no trouble mingling and interacting. Both entities constituting ESCP-003 are sleek black in color along most of their body save for their white and ruby-red spotted chest, head, and wings.

ESCP-003-A is a male griffon named Garnet, who stands 1.26 meters in height and 1.35 meters in length, and weighs 44.45 kilograms. His lifestyle is active and healthy, and he regularly engages in sports, with a particular preference for hoofball. His build can be described as athletic, masculine, and toned, with well-developed musculature in keeping with the level of fitness he displays.

ESCP-003-B is a female griffon named Gemma, who stands 1.23 meters in height and 1.3 meters in length, and weighs 40.64 kilograms. Her lifestyle is active and healthy, and she participates in regular exercise and cheerleading. She is athletic, lithe, and possess a slim, feminine form, with toned musculature in keeping with a female of her level of fitness.

Both griffons are sociable, and in spite of their consistent exercise and positive dietary habits, they are regularly seen ingesting sizable amounts of alcohol, particularly at house parties, which are a weekly occurence for the pair. Academic records obtained by the Foundation indicate that the pair perform decently in their studies and that they have received commendations for their extra-cirricular activities in their respective sporting endeavors. Their outward appearance, including social behavior, is typical of a teenage college student.

The anomalous properties of ESCP-003 are limited to their respective genitals, which is only observable during coitus. The physical properties of the twin's genitals are measured as being within standard norms for their sexes, species, and age, but despite there being no physical indication of such, the twins are capable of satisfying any creature with whom they have sexual relations due to their capacity to match the biological requirements of their partner(s). Observation and testing by Foundation researchers has uncovered that the reason for this is spatial distortion, which is both uncontrollable by the subjects and largely unnoticed by the participants, unless specifically monitored, mentioned, or otherwise observed through apparent discrepancies relating to their relatives sizes. No abnormal discomfort from sexual intercourse with the subjects has been reported, and satisfaction has been rated as very high among all of the partners provided during testing.

Discovery and testing: ESCP-003 first came to the Foundation's attention when persistent rumors about their sexual prowess emerged within the student body of the University of Manehatten, alerting embedded Foundation agents. The widespread nature of the gossip and the consistencies in telling warranted further investigation, and due to the specifics in detail and the limited number of griffons present at the university, identification was swift. The pair had a reputation for being promiscuous, and cursory examination of the two at a house party turned up nothing unusual, other than confirmation that the two were in fact sexually flagrant. Conversations with friends and partners of the two supported the veracity of the rumors.

Further observation of the pair was authorised, including the hiring of sex workers for direct contact with the twins. The testimonies of these workers, who were later amnestitised, provided a glowing account of the griffons' competence, speaking incredibly highly of their abilities. Given the nature of their profession, the workers' consistent high praise was enough to confirm that the twins were anomalous, and procedures were agreed upon in which controlled testing could be managed.

Posing as health workers, Foundation researchers contacted the twins through the university's student wellbeing mechanisms and convinced them that, due to rumours of sexual promiscuity circulating throughout the institution, it was necessary to undertake a medical checkup. Each griffon was thoroughly examined seperately and simultaneously, covering everything from their weight, height, wingspan, stamina, and dental hygenine, none of which resulted in anomalous readings. Both undertook a questionnaire delving into their sexual histories and habits, the answers of which were compared to prior testimonies to establish how aware the two were of their own capabilities. Finding nothing immediately out of the ordinary, the two were invited to a future study supposedly on sexual health, which they answered noncommittally.

The two were contacted a week later, and were promised discounts for participating in what was claimed to be a medical study. They accepted, and were directed to Site-[DATA EXPUNGED] where they were asked more personal questions, including, after some assurances regarding medical confidentiality, personal intimate examination. During the private sessions, when Doctor Cornflower requested that Garnet apply a suitable condom, it was discovered that he could fit any condoms he selected, designed for any species. The discovery was a surprise to both the doctor and Garnet, who admitted he'd never worn one before. Doctor Cornflower confirmed the anomaly by measuring Garnet's penis at a consistent fifteen cenimeters and thirty milimeters (15.3cm), and noting that both condoms which ought to be excessively large and unpleasantly tight were form-fitting. When questioned, Garnet answered that there was no discomfort with any application.

The discovery of the anomaly resulted in the formalization of ESCP status for Garnet, and subsequently Gemma when her own dimension-defying biology was confirmed. The information gathered on the twins was compiled into a file, Special Containment Procedures were written and approved, and agents were assigned to monitor the university. After amnestizing the twins, they were sent back to the university. Doctor Cornflower was assigned the role of head researcher and project leader, and began submitting requisition orders for various experiments.

Over the course of three months, extensive testing was conducted on ESCP-003-A and ESCP-003-B, attempting to establish the limits and boundaries of their abilities. It was quickly determined that there was no identifiable upper limit, which each experiment seemed to confirm. Both ESCP-003 entities would be acquired, usually on Friday afternoons, subjected to consensual sexual testing, amnestized, and returned to their dormitories within a period of eight hours. Only on one of these occassions was anyone alerted, which required the suppression of the entire dormitory. Due to the significance of the event, the agents involved planted evidence of a house party, which resulted in disciplinary action by the university against several students, including both ESCP-003 entities. Head Researcher Cornflower agreed that enough data had been compiled through acquisition and direct testing, and approved of the transition to passive observation of the ESCP subjects to avoid the risk of exposure.

Document 003-a: Experiment roadmap submitted by Project Leader Cornflower

Stage 1 experimentation: Identifying the parameters of ESCP-003's anomalies
ESCP-003-A: Determining the bounds of his anomalous properties and the mechanism for them.
1st test: Six inch griffon fleshlight
2nd test: Four inch griffon fleshlight
3rd test: Ten inch griffon fleshlight
4th test: Six inch equine fleshlight
5th test: Four inch equine fleshlight
6th test: Ten inch equine fleshlight

ESCP-003-B: Determining the bounds of her anomalous properties and the mechanism for them.
1st test: Six inch griffon dildo
2nd test: Ten inch griffon dildo
3rd test: Six inch equine dildo
4th test: Ten inch equine dildo
5th test: Six inch anal prober
6th test: Ten inch anal prober

Stage 2 experimentation: Observing natural behaviour and how ESCP-003's properties affect it
All tests will be run according to the preferences expressed by ESCP-003-A and ESCP-003-B. Prior to the commencing of coitus, multiple accurate measurements of their partners will be taken and the intercourse will be observed through a one-way mirror, as well as recorded by audiovisual equipment within the chamber. Emphasis will be placed on the situation being comfortbale for the ESCP-003 entities so as to encourage as natural behaviour as possible, potentially requiring decorative and practical alterations to the room. Diversity of partners will be encouraged so as to broaden the data coverage, but will not be a priority at this stage. Uniformity of partner is acceptable so long as sufficient data is recorded. For the same reason, a range of sex acts will be encouraged, but not demanded.

Stage 3 experimentation: Detailed observation of anomalous mechanisms during coitus
Similar to stage 2, except greater emphasis shall be placed on data recording. Cameras shall be equipped for image capturing that provides visual detail otherwise inaccessible, including x-ray and infrared. At least one sonographic image of the respective penetrated partner's abdomen and back will be captured from each ESCP-003 subject during this phase.

Stage 4 experimentation: Upper limit determination
If all other stages progress smoothly, this stage will expose both ESCP-003 entities to various partners of diverse shapes and sizes. It should be emphasised that this stage is only intended to be enacted should all safety concerns be assuaged throughout the preceding experimentation stages. Detached observation is sufficient for this stage, as the result should be visually apparent without requiring surveillance equipment.

Document 003-b: Disciplinary letter from a university dean dated [DATA EXPUNGED]

To the inhabitants of the Windy Heights apartment complex,

It has come to the attention of the staff that there have been uses of the residency for purposes not authorized by the university. Information was received regarding the occurence of a boisterous house party on the night of [DATA EXPUNGED] which resulted in a disturbance within the neighborhood. The consumption of alcoholic beverages in dormitories is not permitted, and the presence of significant quantities of alcohol and other illicit substances is expressly prohibited by the student regulations. During an inspection by staff, empty beer and wine bottles were discovered, in addition to intoxicated students belonging to the student body of the university. Attached for your convience are photographs of the offending items and aforementioned students.

Upon registering for the university and signing the leasing agreement for the dormitory, you agreed to be bound by standards set by the university in order to foster an appropriate learning environment, and to show due respect and consideration to the staff who maintain the building and its utilities. Your behaviour has fallen far short of this expected standard, and may have brought the reputation of the university into disrepute. Several complaints have been received regarding individuals carrying intoxicated and incapacitated students from the streets into the dormintory, followed by shouts and screams from within. Half an hour later, a horde of furtive partygoers were seen entering the building, during which time obnoxiously loud music was reported.

As this is a breach of the conduct outlined in the student handbook, the dormitory shall be held under curfew for the next week while interviews are conducted and appropriate responses are measured. You may not leave or remain outside of your dormitory after 19:30 on weekdays and 21:00 on weekends, and must remain inside until the curfew is lifted at 08:00 each morning. This action is not taken lightly, but in light of recent events and with consideration to the interests of the university, it is felt to be appropriate and necessary.

Note: The dean was convinced to not expel any of the students of the dormitory, and the incident was swiftly forgotten about. Concurrent checks on the affected students revealed that none of them remembered the details of the night nor suspected that the supposed party was a coverup.

Document 003-c: Letter of response from Head Researcher Cornflower to Site Director [DATA EXPUNGED]

Dear Director,

I agree with your assessment that active investigation should be retired and all operations surrounding ESCP-003 reduced to passive observation. Draft updates to the Special Containment Procedures are being written as I write this letter and will be attached when delivered for your ease of reading. I am sure you will find them satisfactory for approval.

The data we received from the ESCP-003 subjects was phenomenal, surpassing my greatest expectations, and I believe that the wealth of knowledge we accrued from experimentation is invaluable and well worth the risks we endured, even in light of the recent unexpected complication. When I first embarked on this project as its lead not so many months ago, I didn't expect I would be rewarded with such revelations. My team has been professional and spectacular, and I envisage years, maybe even decades, of work that can be undertaken with the data we collected from our studies. With all of the experiments we documented, there is no doubt as to the reliability of our data.

The full reports are available to you should you choose to read them, but I wish to summarise what we learned and highlight what I feel are the most important aspects from our studies. It may seem that our research was a waste of time, but I believe that it was in fact monumentally important, and have some select points I wish to raise to ease any concerns you may have with regards to the research's significance.

We first discovered, as I suspected, that ESCP-003-A and ESCP-003-B possessed spacially anomalous sexual organs, which was confirmed through stage one testing. The subjects were able to penetrate or be penetrated with no difficulty by the toys with which they were provided, and did not distinguish between the sensations provided by any particular toy. They described each toy as being ideal, despite the obvious differences in size, shape, and suitability for their suggested sexual organs. It was at this point that I theorised that their sexual promiscuity came not only from their ability to make any sexual partner a worthwhile endeavor, but also because the inability to differentiate between the quality of sexual partners made every option equally appetizing. This would explain their cosmopolitan sexual preferences.

Stage two testing confirmed what stage one had already taught us, and showed the researchers that their anomalous properties came into effect when exposed to sapient partners as well as replica sexual organs. The reason why this is the case for sexual penetration but not medical or miscellaneous insertions (as noted in experiment log 003-3-7 and medical report 003-14) was never determined, and now cannot be studied as a result in the alterations made to containment protocols.

Stage three testing is where we learned, or rather confirmed visually, the spacial anomalies of the two subjects, witnessing the penetrating appendages fill the penetrated cavity in totality, without surplus room or surplus appendage in any of the cases. In instances where the dimensions of the anatomy doing the penetration fell short of what ought reasonably to have filled the cavity, images taken by monitoring equipment showed that both partner's bodies had seemingly adapted, with the penetrating phallus or phallic object expanding in consistent proportion to its initial size and the internal cavity contracting proportionately to remove any space. The effect was instantaneous, with no alteration to the body happening while observations were occurring, as though both partners were already perfectly suited to one another. When asked, none of the participating parties reported any change of sensation regarding their own bodies, and no visual external observations could verify the internal process.

Extensive safety examinations were undertaken so that stage four could progress, and I would like to thank you again, Director, for the trust and aid you extended to us in reaching out to willing test subjects. As you know, it was a resounding success, with the ESCP-003 subjects performing exactly as we expected and hoped that they would. ESCP-003-A's encounter with the Breezie in experiment 003-3-3A expressly demonstrated the miraculous capabilities of his anomalous properties, succeeding in full penetration up to and including his knot, which caused no harm or discomfort to her. The observing researchers, myself included, were amazed to see just how significant the difference between his dimensions, which were larger than the entire body of his partner, and the ease with which their intercourse occured. The records of the experiment do, I believe, make mention to him using her as an organic fleshlight, and having witnessed situations regarding both, I can confirm that the comparison was warranted. His ejaculation reportedly and visually had no adverse effects on her, with the Breezie describing it as "significant" but otherwise comfortable. The ejaculate did remain oozing from her for several hours afterwards, confirming the quantity had not been reduced.

The dragon experiments (003-3-8A and 003-3-8B respectively) allowed us to witness the other end of the size spectrum, and despite the distance we had to maintain when observing, it was apparent that the same attributes that we had come to expect were repeating. ESCP-003-A was able to successfully bring his partner to a momentous orgasm several times, while ESCP-003-B was effortlessly able to fit the entirety of her partner's shaft, which was far too large in length and girth to fit any non-anomalous creature of her size. Much like with experiment 003-3-3A, she was held and used as a personal fleshlight, the dragon sitting down and hoisting her up and down until he reached his orgasm and pressed his knot into her, which took around a quarter of an hour to deflate, leaving her leaking huge quantities of semen for over an hour afterwards. The female dragon who had partnered with ESCP-003-A described his ejaculation as a "torrent" and his knot as "the snuggest fit I've ever had", despite this being physically incongruent with reality.

In summary, Director, that our research has turned out predictable results following a few tests would speak more to our success in establishing a pattern so quickly and efficiently. Moreso than any other ESCP under our control, we have learned the parameters, mechanisms, and details of their anomalous qualities, and have done so to a high standard in a shorter timeframe than any comparable example in our history, to the best of my knowledge. The resources expended on our project were not wasted, but well invested, and I hope that the alteration of the Special Containment Procedures will not see a disproportionate alteration in our budgetary considerations.


Head Researcher Cornflower, Project Leader of ESCP-003

ESCP-004 [Anonymous]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-004

Containment Class: Moon

Anomaly Traits: Sapient, temporal, extra-equestrial

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-004 is to be held in comfortable living quarters at the nearest site with available quarters, though it is advised to move ESCP-004 to his designated quarters at the PV-16-C containment site as soon as is practical. ESCP-004 is to be provided with as many distractions as possible. Effective distractions include comic books, food, sports equipment and any new Video Arcade cabinets. ESCP-004 is to be considered uncontainable, as the greater effort is put into containing ESCP-004, the more likely ESCP-004 is to escape. As such, exit doors are to remain unlocked and ‘escape’ is even to be encouraged by staff personnel in the form of encouragement to “go outside” and “experience nature” as by removing the challenge in leaving, ESCP-004 loses most motivation to do so. When ESCP-004 does escape, attempts to recontain ESCP-004 are most successful when ESCP-004 believes that he is being recontained by his own initiative and at his own schedule. Previous successful attempts have been accomplished by devaluing ESCP-004’s current endeavors, though this method is not reliable.

Of note, special care must be taken to ensure that staff personnel used to contain ESCP-004 are NOT married mares, mothers, grandmothers, or evaluated to be lonely, as ESCP-004’s persuasive skills are considered unnatural and ESCP-004 is extremely attracted to married mares, mothers and grandmothers, with a focus on mothers, and has been able to convince staff personnel evaluated as lonely to aid him in his self-proclaimed "quest to woo every MILF there is".

Accounts of SCP-004's activities during his containment breaches are to be exstensively and thoroughly recorded by researchers for later compiling and dissemination. The final approved edition shall be used as training, research, and disinformation material, which shall be published by appropriate Foundation agents under their pseudonym of a "clop" author, and presented as cheap smutty fiction.

Description: ESCP-004 is a unique example of a bipedal species thought to be not naturally occurring within Equestria, and is recognised as a young adult male, though his self proclaimed age varies from 18 years to 35 years. ESCP-004’s physical appearance varies wildly, with the only consistent features being its species save for instances in which he adopts the form of ESCP-004-A, with most changes occurring shortly after breaching containment. The changing process itself has never been observed, and ESCP-004 denies ever having changed when questioned. The most prominent changes are to coloration and presence of facial features.

ESCP-004 does not possess feathers, scales, or chitin in any form, and lacks fur in any consistent pattern. In some instances, ESCP-004 espouses a mane of varying appearance, and growths of fur have been observed around his mouth, neck, chest, arms, legs, and groin, though never consistently. His skin tone is seemingly capable of adopting any known color, from that simulating Equine skin to green, though on occasion ESCP-004 is seen wearing a green colored skin-tight article of clothing that covers the entire head from the neckline up. When ESCP-004 is witnessed with his green coloration (either skin tone or head covering) the front of his head is almost always covered by a large black question mark. At times, the top of this symbol functions as ESCP-004’s eyebrow, to convey emotions. When ESCP-004 is observed with green coloration, the number of facial features varies wildly, often only appearing when required for interaction, with the mouth being the most common, nose and ears second, and eyes being the least common feature. Despite not consistently possessing eyes, ESCP-004 almost always has average vision, though on the rare occasion ESCP-004 does not have average vision, corrective glasses are sufficient to restore average vision. On rare occasion, ESCP-004 does not have the question mark symbol on their head even while colored green, at which point ESCP-004 always has all facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, ears). When ESCP-004's skin tone falls within typical Equine norms, his eyes, nose mouth and ears are always a feature, though the mane (or self described ‘hair’) is inconsistently present and does not hold any consistency in color, length, or style.

ESCP-004’s height varies from just over 1.65 meters to just under 2 meters. ESCP-004’s physique also varies from out of shape, though not obese, to the pinnacle of fitness. ESCP-004 almost always insists on wearing some form of clothing, though the amount and style of clothing varies wildly. The only seeming consistency is a preference towards covering his genitalia while it’s not in use.

ESCP-004’s personality is inconsistent, though it tends towards angry, petulant and rude. First impressions are not to be relied upon though, as ESCP-004 possess an unnatural ability to persuade nearly any creature to either have sexual intercourse with him or aid in his goal to have sexual intercourse with another. The only sexual boundary ESCP-004 seems unwilling to cross is having sexual intercourse with another male, citing an extreme aversion to male/male homosexuality. Though ESCP-004 claims aversion to any form of homosexuality, and will often call out any form he sees, he shows no actual aversion to female/female homosexuality. Update: Inconsistent reports of ESCP-004 engaging in male/male homosexuality have been presented by Foundation researchers, but have been unable to be substantiated.

ESCP-004 is not considered inherently dangerous. While willing to resort to violence when sufficiently provoked, he mostly resorts to name-calling and insults. ESCP-004’s primary goal, to impregnate or otherwise have intercourse with a large number of mares, focusing on those who have already given birth, is also not considered dangerous, and can even be used as a tool to mitigate damage. While impregnation is a common occurrence, the effects are never permanent.

The primary anomalous effect of ESCP-004 is a cleansing ‘reset’ were the world is restored to how it would have been if ESCP-004 had not interacted with it. This only occurs after a successful sexual intercourse attempt, though the time between the attempt and the reset itself is variable, seeming to occur when ESCP-004 becomes bored of relating the events of his latest ‘escapade’. The reset only applies to those directly involved with the sexual intercourse attempt. Upon resetting, the mare, if pregnant, is no longer pregnant. Any interrupted relationships are restored, and in the unlikely event that ESCP-004 remains enamored for the entire duration of the pregnancy, any resulting child also ceases to exist. Upon questioning, ESCP-004 doesn’t appear to retain any memory of the events either.

The origins of ESCP-004 are unknown. Much like the other characteristics of the entity that seem to change at random, each investigation into the origin of ESCP-004 leads to a different conclusion. The only consistent fact is that ESCP-004 is extra-equestrial, a being from beyond our plane of existence. Most origins have ESCP-004 arriving to this dimension against his will or without his knowledge of the event. A common factor is Discord’s involvement, or at least the involvement of residual chaos magic. Further investigation is to be treated purely as a training device, as attempting to determine the true origins of ESCP-004 has been deemed futile.

ESCP-004-A is a derivative of ESCP-004. ESCP-004-A is a green earth pony filly with a black mane that claims to be ESCP-004 turned into a filly by [REDACTED]. ESCP-004-A has the same question mark symbol for a cutie mark that ESCP-004 has as a facial marking. ESCP-004-A is very similar to ESCP-004 except that instead of a primary goal of having intercourse with mothers, ESCP-004-A has a predisposition to heavy alcoholism and self destruction, as well as demanding to be returned to their original form, despite being able to do so seemingly at will. ESCP-004-A is slightly more dangerous than ESCP-004-A due to expressing their displeasure through a high pitched shriek that can cause hearing damage. ESCP-004-A is more easily containable though, losing the unnatural persuasive ability ESCP-004 posseses, though some staff personnel report feeling enough pity towards ESCP-004-A to perform tasks beyond their assigned duty.

Addendum 1: Researcher Twilight S. has requested responsibility for all cases involving ESCP-004-A.

Addendum 2: Researcher Twilight S. has requested no responsibility for any cases involving ESCP-004.

Appendix-004: Compendium of divergence events

Kirin Timeline
ESCP-004 became a guest of Princess Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville's Friendship Castle, wherein he encountered the Kirin Autumn Blaze, who had been invited at the behest of Princess Twilight for the purpose of observing Kirin mating habits. During their encounter, ESCP-004 impregnated the Kirin and began a long-term relationship, which lasted until the birth of their offspring, a typical female kirin female. Upon investigation, there was no indication that Princess Twilight had ever invited ESCP-004 to live in the castle, nor had ever met him. In addition, Autumn Blaze was discovered to live in a village far away from Ponyville, and was neither pregnant nor a mother to any foals. When questioned, ESCP-004 was confused about the occurence, with no familiarity towards either Twilight Sparkle or Autumn Blaze.

Janitor Timeline
ESCP-004 worked as a janitor in the School of Friendship in Ponyville, wherein he became involved in a number of trysts involving some of the students. Accounts of the conclusion of this timeline varies, from ESCP-004 forming a polycule with the subjects of his erotic encounters to him remaining unfulfilled and alone. Cautious broaching of the topic among purported members of these encounters revealed that none of them knew of such a creature nor had engaged in a relationship with him, nor had any such creature been employed at the School of Friendship. ESCP-004 was confused by the suggestion that he had been a janitor at any point in his life.

Dragon Timeline
ESCP-004, who went by the name "Raymond Scotfield" and appeared as a tall, rugged, twenty four year old, worked as a blacksmith in the Crystal Empire, improving the weapons and armor of the guards therein. Notably, Princess Cadence ruled the Crystal Empire as a bachelorette, and her daughter, Princess Flurryheart, did not exist. ESCP-004 was invited to a dinner by Princess Cadence with the specific intention of introducing him to Dragonlord Ember, who was also in attendence. The timeline concluded with a threesome between ESCP-004, Dragonlord Ember, and Princess Cadence in the throne room of the Crystal Palace, and the formation of a relationship between Dragonlord Ember and ESCP-004. The current existence of Prince Shining Armor and Princess Flurryheart, the absence of Dragonlord Ember from the Crystal Empire, and that ESCP-004 does not match the description provided confirms the termination of this timeline.

Royal Timeline
ESCP-004 appeared as a physiotherapist named "Thomas" who lived and worked in the Crystal Empire. He faced fear, mustrust, and discrimination from the citizens of the kingdom, including from Prince Shining Armor, but was on good and intimate terms with Princess Cadence herself. Their clandestine affair continued for a time until an attempt was made by Princess Celestia to halt it on the grounds that it was a danger to Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor's marriage. Despite moving to Canterlot to pursue a career under royal employ, he was able to continue his affair with the aid of Princess Luna, who provided a dreamscape for their rendezvous. ESCP-004 subsequently went on to form an erotic relationship with both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. No such relationship can be verified, and ESCP-004 denies having met any of the princesses.

Elements Timeline
ESCP-004 sought out the Element of Loyalty - Rainbow Dash - for carnal gratification spurred by his years spent in Equestria without any form of sexual contact. He attempted to remain anonymous by donning a costume and using an alternate moniker, but was discovered as a result of his unique profile. Despite the spontaneous and questionable nature of their encounter, Rainbow Dash expressed approval and entered into a sexual and romantic relationship with ESCP-004, which soon escalated into a polyamorous relationship with the rest of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony at her suggestion. ESCP-004 learned of the state of their relationship when attempting to purchase baked goods at Sugarcube Corner in Ponyville, where he was seduced by the Element of Laughter, Pinkie Pie. There is no account of any further interactions between ESC-004 and the Bearers, and both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are currently in seperate committed relationships. ESCP-004 does not know of any previous encounters with the Bearers.

Favor Timeline
ESCP-004 agreed to fulfil a fantasy of married couple living in Ponyville with whom he was friends. The fantasy in particular involved consensual cuckoldry, though the unique element in this instance appeared to be one of the participant's fascination with ESCP-004's species, a personality quirk of hers since her youth. The encounter proceded without incident, and subsequent investigation of the couple in question revealed their presence as a co-habiting married couple in Ponyville in the same house as reported during this timeline's existence. ESCP-004 reported that he was not familiar with the names of the couple, though, when questioned about certain personality traits of his species, revealed several identifiable traits which one of the mares appeared to emulate in a manner that was atypical to ponykind. Further investigations were ordered to determine to what extent this was an occurence of the prime timeline and to what extent this was a bleeding effect from a divergent timeline.

MILF Timeline
ESCP-004 took it upon himself to engage in sexual relations with as many mothers as possible, with a focus on the mothers of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. A reliable chronology of events was not clearly established, but it was confirmed that ESCP-004, possessing a smug and cocky demeanour, seduced and bedded Twilight Velvet, Windy Whistles, Mrs Shy, Cookie Crumbles, and Cloudy Quartz. In addition, during his efforts, he also succeeded in full sexual intercourse with Rarity - the Element of Generosity - and the daughters of Cloudy Quartz, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, with whom he engaged in foreplay only. Some versions of this timeline propose that ESCP-004 successfully managed to mindbreak Mrs Shy in front of her husband and secure her genuine love, though this is disputed. None of the participants show any signs of having engaged in such a relationship with ESCP-004, and he does not himself recount any such events occuring.

Resident Timeline
ESCP-004 took the form of an amicable visitor to Equestria who claimed to have arrived in Equestria as a result of his father's experiments with quantum mechanics. He quickly formed friendships with the denizens of Ponyville and found himself in circumstantial sexual encounters with some notable individuals, including Applejack - the Element of Honesty - and Fluttershy; the Element of Kindness. His trysts appeared to be purely for erotic purposes and didn't result in romantic attachments. This timeline was so innocuous and mundane that it seemingly continued for months before Foundation researchers discovered that ESCP-004 had been contained in a seperate Foundation facility in Canterlot, and that none of the citizens of Ponyville recognised the name nor description they were given in regards to ESCP-004. When questioned, Applejack could not recall the last time she drank Applewhiskey, and neither she nor Fluttershy recalled visiting a bar in the prior year.

ESCP-005 [Someone Who Cares]

View Online

Anomaly Designation: ESCP-005

Containment Class: Sun

Anomaly Traits: Benevolent, sapient, shapeshifting, teleporting

Special Containment Procedures: Because ESCP-005 only appears to particular individuals and its behaviour can be construed as normal, it is essentially self-containing, and does not require dedicated procedures to keep it away from public perception. Foundation staff are to be briefed on ESCP-005 and are to report any evidence of public awareness of ESCP-005, including gossip, hushed conversations, and written works. If the truth of ESCP-005's nature is discovered by unauthorised parties, they are to be amnestitised and any relevant material destroyed. Any change in ESCP-005's behaviour is to be reported immediately.

Description: ESCP-005 manifests around individuals who have recently experienced significant romantic or emotional hardship, most commonly in circumstances of sudden and/or unpleasant breakups. Although manifesting directly in response to this individual, ESCP-005 only does so when the subject of their manifestation is in a public space, most commonly a drinking establishment as a result of the coping mechanism for the emotional turmoil it takes to summon ESCP-005. The manifestation will always occur in a location that is outside the line of sight of sapient creatures, such as within a bathroom or around the corner of a hallway. Direct manifestation has therefore never been observed, but the anomalous nature of its sudden appearance has made this phenomenon particularly apparent.

ESCP-005's true appearance is not known, as it has never been directly or indirectly witnessed. At any given time, ESCP-005 only appears in one form, from which it will not deviate until its encounter with a subject is concluded and it removes itself from observation. When it appears again, it will almost certainly take a different form entirely. No appearance taken by ESCP-005 has ever been observed or described twice. Its behaviour and mannerisms are dependant on the circumstances of its appearance, and are not consistent between the various iterations of itself, other than being generally appealing to all observers, and particularly appealing to the subject. The form in which ESCP-005 appears always matches the physical ideal of the subject in question, as does ESCP-005's behaviours, mannerisms, idioms, and language. The manner in which it achieves this is currently unknown.

Upon manifesting in a public space, ESCP-005 will approach the subject in a way that appears organic, and will engage them in conversation, quickly determining that they are in an emotionally undesirable place, and will seek to resolve it. Almost invariably, the subject will respond positively, and their mental state will improve over the course of the time spent with ESCP-005. Typically, the encounter ends sexually in a private, semi-private, or secluded location, though this is not absolute. When the encounter does end, ESCP-005 will either speak or write a farewell message that leaves the subject hopeful and emotionally rejuvenated, before exiting the area, breaking line of sight, and demanifesting. No attempt to observe demanifestation directly has succeeded. If the subject is asleep at the time of ESCP-005's attempt to leave, they will remain in a deep sleep until ESCP-005's disappearance, regardless of their usual sleeping habits or their suggested level of fatigue.

Attempts to discern ESCP-005's original species, methods of manifestation, and means of obtaining such private information about its subjects has turned up no information. It has been deduced that it is not a Changeling, nor functions through the use of conventional magic. When locations of demanifestation are kept under observation, spacetime does not function as it would be expected for all observers (e.g. doors which are opened by ESCP-005 are not seen being opened by creatures on the other side), suggesting that ESCP-005 has reality-bending capabilities.

No forensic samples have been successfully obtained by Foundation researchers, despite the biological traits of ESCP-005 instances suggesting that this should be easily achievable. There have been zero particles of chitin, fur, skin, or bodily secretions that have been recovered after an encounter with ESCP-005, other than the Foundation's dedicated attempt. In this instance, the semen sample collected from Researcher Flowers could not be analysed by manual attempt nor electronic or magical means. Until the collation of farewell letters recovered from subjects which encountered ESCP-005, whether or not each manifestation of ESCP-005 was the same entity was a matter of debate among researchers; analysis of the writing on each of these letters confirmed that the same entity had written each of them.

Document 005-1: Letters of farewell

Obtained from a dragon male nineteen (19) years of age. Emotional event which apparently caused manifestation event was the angry outburst from his father, who reacted poorly to discovering the subject's sexuality. Subject ran away from home and was wandering the streets of Canterlot for two days before ESCP-005 manifested in a public park and joined the subject on a bench, taking the form of a scruffy pegasus stallion of the same age as the subject. After learning of the situation, ESCP-005 paid in advance for a month for a hotel room with all complimentary services. Following a meal and a shower, the subject encouraged the situation to escalate to sexual activities, and fell asleep being spooned. Upon waking up, ESCP-005 was absent, and a wing-written letter was left on the pillow.


Sorry I can't be there for when you wake up. You're cute when you're asleep, you know that? I didn't want to wake you, and I figured you deserved the sleep anyway. I'm guessing it's the best rest you've gotten in a while, huh? Besides that, I did have a selfish reason for not wanting to wake you, because I know you'll want me to stay. I can't. This has been fun, and I genuinely hope you make it, but I can't be by your side when you do. You're smart and driven, and I'd put my money on you going out there and making a good life for yourself (guess I already did put my money on it, eh? Ha ha).

Don't ever apologize for being you. You're beautiful and loving, and you have nothing to be ashamed of, or to wind back. You're unique, special, amazing, and some pony or dragon or any other guy out there is gonna be lucky to have you one day. People might be angry at you, or disgusted by you, but you should never feel negatively about yourself like they do. Hold your head up high, and show them you don't care. Show them you're proud. Make them see what talents you have, that they're focusing on the wrong parts of you. I promise you, showing the world what you can do right, the things that are worth noticing about you, is gonna do a lot more to make people like you than something as silly as who you think is sexy is gonna do to make people hate you. I noticed you because I saw a flickering flame that I knew could burn so much brighter. If I can see that, so can everypony else. Trust me, that's worth a lot more than creatures objecting to you doing stuff with guys.

You've got a lot of potential, and I know you're gonna go out there and make me, and yourself, proud. Things you've never thought you could do. Things you've never even thought of doing. Find your passion, whatever that is, and go out there and seize it. Don't pay attention to ponies who want you to change for them, because I can tell you that they wouldn't change a single thing for you. Do what you know is right, what you know is best. Cling to what you love, be it in relationships, in your work, or in your hobbies. Find a way to make it possible. You've got a month to get back on your claws, and that's more than enough time to show the world what you're made of. In a couple of months, this'll feel like a bad dream, rather than an inescapable hole. I trust you'll make the most out of this, and I hope you trust me enough to pick yourself up and forge a path that'll make everything you've gone through worth it.

If you ever need reassurance, just remember last night. Not the sex, but the conversations we had, the openess we shared. I'm here for you, even if you can't see me. I'm always going to be there, keeping a watch over you. If you feel like I'm gone for real, just close your eyes and think hard about me, and you'll see me as clear as day, standing in front of you, smiling. I'll offer you a gemstone or a jewel of some sort, and as you reach out for it, you'll start smiling too. You'll feel it against your claws, and you'll know that I'm still there, making sure you're alright. You'll feel better.

Take care, buddy. Missing you already.

Someone Who Cares

Obtained from a deaf griffon male. The emotional turmoil which spawned ESCP-005 was the breakup after discovering that his girlfriend had been cheating on him with his roommate, usually when all three were in the apartment. After moving out a couple of days later, he found it hard to navigate the world without someone to aid in his communication with others, and many creatures were intimidated by his lack of volume control or normal speech. The subject visited a nightclub to enjoy the sensation of the loud music, something he said in interview was the only form of entertainment he could properly enjoy and a place where his loudness wasn't seen as weird, when ESCP-005 manifested and danced over to him. At first, he didn't notice, but was gradually made aware when it nudged him several times and gestured to the bar. ESCP-005 had adopted the form of a punky unicorn mare with ear piercings and a nose ring, and managed to communicate by writing on a notepad, apparently able to understand the sign language the subject used. After a night of dancing, drinking, and talking through his issues, the subject invited her back to his small rented accommodation. He woke up to a note on his pillow.


Hope you're not hanging as bad as I was when I woke up. Last night was wild, and I'm glad I got to spend it with you, it might've been forgetable otherwise. Who would've thought that going for a night on the lash would've turned out so well? Usually I don't end up with anycreature half as good as you. If half the guys I got with knew how to use their dick half as well as you do, I'd be a very happy mare.

But anway, that's enough about me. I hope last night was good for you too. You deserve it after what that bitch did to you, and I'm guessing I was at least twice as good as her. Not to brag, but I know my stuff, so I'm confident I gave you a good time. It was sure lucky to run into somecreature who was just as good as I was.

I don't want to get sappy, and I doubt you do either, but it sounded like you had some heavy weight on your shoulders last night. I think I helped, and I'm not saying that to stroke my ego (well, not too much, anyway). Nocreature should feel like garbage for any disability they have, and taking advantage of somecreature is a dickish thing for anyone to do. I hope she learns that one day, but for now, I hope you understand that not everycreature out there is like that. If it matters to you, I think you're really cool. You've got this difficulty that's been thrust upon you, and you're still willing to go out and make the most of life in spite of it. That takes courage and determination, and it's one of the best things about you. It makes you awesome, and I reckon a lot more creatures appreciate it than you think. In case you have any lingering doubts, just remember that, okay?

Anyway, that's me done being sappy. It feels weird, but you're the sort of guy who deserves to hear that you're important and that others care about you, even if it doesn't seem like it. Trust me, I'm not just saying that because you've got a dick thicker than some of my premium toys. I'm gonna be thinking about you for a long time, stud. Think of me from time to time, yeah?

I doubt we're gonna see each other again, but I don't regret last night at all, and I'm gonna cherish it forever. I hope you'll do the same. If you feel like you want to see me again, just remember what I've told you, how special and amazing you are, and you'll find you won't need me anyway. If you want to see me because I've got an ass like a waterbed, then shut your eyes and think hard.


I'm gonna keep writing if I don't finish up now, so goodbye, and you're awesome, dude. Don't give up trying to find friends and love, because there are plenty of creatures better than me and that dumb bitch out there for you. Never doubt yourself. And never stop fucking like a champion.

Someone Who Cares

Obtained from a middle aged Kirin divorcee. The subject had discovered her sexual preference for females, and had amicably divorced from her husband as a result. However, her three young children had difficulty with the seperation and were emotionally distant, which had a knock-on effect with the subject, who began to view her own desires as wrong. She took an extended walk in the forest to clear her head, during which time ESCP-005 manifested as a dragon of similar age to the subject. After a brief introduction, they walked together and shared their experiences, including their reasons for being there. In addition to providing entertaining conversation, ESCP-005 offered emotional support regarding the subject's family situation and convinced her that she was not failing as a mother. They bonded during this time, with ESCP-005 giving the subject the affectionate nickname of "firewood". The two made love for hours in an improvised fireproof section of a clearing, before the subject fell asleep, awakening to find ESCP-005 gone and a letter tucked under her hoof.

Morning firewood,

It's nice to be able to knock back with somecreature who isn't afraid of a dragon, and somecreature who isn't gonna try and pin me down. It was a nice change of pace, and from how hotly you burned, I'm guessing I wasn't bad at topping. I'll leave that for you to decide. If you want to know, you were really good, and I'm sorry we're only gonna have that one time together. It's not my way to settle down, but if there was a single Kirin who'd make me reconsider that, it'd be you.

I didn't really get a chance to explain why I called you firewood, did I? Well, since this is the last chance I'll have, I'll let you know now. In the Dragon Lands, we don't have trees. Nothing meaningful, at least. There are a few dead stumps here and there, and sometimes there are some weird hard plants that struggle through the rock, but we don't have the same environment as you. Here, it's beautiful. You have such vibrance, and all the creatures here are perfect representations of that. It's a whole new world. That's why I roam around; after finding out just how bland my home was, I needed to see more of the world. Then I ran into you, and I realised that not everycreature is happy because of the world they inhabit. Problems aren't a product of our environment, at least not always. Well, I figured if I can solve my own problems by moving away from my environment, maybe I can solve another creature's problem by figuring out what needs to be done to fix it.

You live in a beautiful place, with beautiful people. You might think you're old and weary, but wood burns for a long time, and you're among people just like you here. You're being harder on yourself than anycreature else is, and you're sorta missing the forest for all the trees. You're not a flickering flame; you're a stalwart fire, fierce and powerful. That's why I called you firewood. You're not burning out, you're still shining brightly, and you'll continue to shine brightly. That's what I see in you. I'm hoping explaining it didn't make it lame. If it did, well, poetry isn't exactly my thing. Hopefully the fifteen or twenty orgasms I gave you last night will make up for it.

You're stronger than you think, firewood. You have your family, and despite everything that's gone on and how down you feel, they love you. Your children need you to be a part of their life, and they're going to thank you for it when they're older. The way you feel now is temporary, but your family is forever. You have the strength to carry on, and you will. Keep burning strong, my precious firewood.

Yeah, that does sound weird, doesn't it? Well, go and live your life, you gorgeous Kirin. I'll be thinking of you, and I reckon you'll be thinking of me from time to time.

Someone Who Cares

Obtained from Researcher Flowers following her interaction with ESCP-005. See Operation Report and Interview 005-9 for more details.

Morning, beautiful,

Did last night happen, or was it a dream? Normally I'd say it was a dream and smile at the brilliance of my imagination, but I rolled over and saw you sleeping next to me, a strand of your mane having fallen across your face, and I realised just how lucky a stallion I truly was. It felt wrong to disturb you, so I let you sleep peacefully. I hope you don't mind me walking out like this, but the alternative was waking you up, which I thought was unforgivable. You aren't meant to touch priceless art, and I was always told as a foal that if everypony picked a beautiful flower, there'd be none left for the rest of us. I don't want to be selfish, so I'm leaving this note as a way to say goodbye. I don't want to make it seem like I used you and high-tailed it.

There are some cultures in the world that ensure there's at least one flaw with the art they make, because they believe that mortals are flawed, and therefore their art should reflect this. In their mind, only gods can truly be perfect, so to create perfect art is to pretend to be a deity, which is blasphemy. All great art, the greatest in the world, has a flaw, and you're no exception. No, not your eye. If you'll forgive some criticism - think of me as an art critic - I want you to know that you're perfect in all ways but one. It's not your body, or your intellect. It's not your speech, it's not your mannerisms, or capability. It's your self-esteem. You have so much doubt that just isn't warranted. You don't believe in yourself the way you should, and that's something I can't ignore. It's devaluing a work of art.

Others in this world are not perfect either. They can be brash, arrogant, impatient, greedy, or foolish. These things are their flaws, and you cannot be held accountable for that, but internalizing their flaws as your own is absolutely on you. This is not something I'd expect to see from a mare as talented, as bright, and as spectacular as yourself. You are not ugly, insignificant, or stupid. You are not weak. You are everything a stallion ought to want in a mare. You need to know that, and act as though it's true, because it is true.

You told me last night that you were a scientist, a researcher for one of Equestria's top institutions. Is it not the job of a scientist to examine everything empirically, and draw conclusions from the results? To do away with biases and presumptions, and to understand the world as it is? You need to do the same for yourself. Throw away the misconceptions you have about yourself, and embrace who you really are. I believe in you, and you should too. Is that not enough reason to at least do some introspection and see if you're being too harsh on yourself? You don't need to prioritize work over relationships, or relationships over work. What you need to do is come to a decision about what you want, and make sure it's one made on your terms. What you decide should always be what's best for you, not what everypony else expects you to do, or what you think everypony else expects you to do.

The only thing I regret about last night was that it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'll hold onto the memory of you for as long as I live, and I hope you'll take my words seriously. I mean them, and I want you to benefit from them. If you decide to settle down with somepony, make sure they're the right one for you. Don't feel pressured, and don't do it because you think it's expected. Blaze your own trail, sweetheart.

Someone Who Cares

Document 005-2: Operation Report - Observation and interception attempt of ESCP-005

Miss Flowers is a junior researcher at Site [REDACTED] who has three years of employment with the Foundation. At twenty three (23) years of age, she has proven herself to be both a talented scientist with a naturally analytical mind and to possess an aptitude for learning and adopting skills that are greatly beneficial to the Foundation's work. Her workplace achievement is significant, with her completed tasks per day rated as one and a half times that of her colleagues, with her demeanour being focused, singular, and efficient. At the time of this report, she is shortlisted for a promotion to senior researcher pending an assessment and trial period.

Her physchological examinations and observations of Foundation personnel have established that she is introverted and struggles with her self-esteem and self-perception, particularly related to her body. She feels that her brown coat is mundane and makes her less appealing to other ponies than the vibrant hues of her colleagues and the general public, and that her chances with romantic interests are deeply depreciated by this fact for the same reason. Her posture is usually meek and her gait takes the form of a nervous and anxious manoeuvring, as though attempting to predict and evade collisions at all times. She remains quiet unless spoken to, and though polite, appears uncomfortable if asked to speak publicly or to somepony she doesn't know well. When engaged in conversation, she will often avert her gaze or engage in nervous habits such as toying with her mane. She has described herself as a light sleeper who infrequently suffers from insomnia, especially when she encounters matters that cause her anxiety, which appear to be numerous.

On [REDACTED], colleagues noticed that she seemed less enthusiastic and focused at work, and ascertained that her boyfriend had recently broken up with her. Their relationship, which had lasted two years, had been her longest and most stable relationship, and the cause had apparently been her dedication to her job, which had allowed her little time to spend with the stallion. She was deeply upset by this, and complained to her friends of her own perceived faults, which ranged from her lazy eye and high-pitched laugh to her coat colour. The situation was made clear to the head of research in the facility, who immediately authorised and organised a research operation aimed at observing ESCP-005.

Researcher Flowers was informed by the Site Director that she was to take paid leave the following day, and that she was to visit a public area with the intention of resolving her emotional hardship. She was informed that her house would be utilised by Foundation staff as part of an experiment for that day, but was not informed of the exact details, requiring only that she consented to the installation. Being dutiful, she accepted, and a team of engineers, technicians, and four facility guards were assembled to enable the observation attempt.

The following day, Researcher Flowers left her house at midday and Foundation staff entered to install audiosurveillance equipment, then withdrew to a safe distance to observe. At approximately 2200, Researcher Flowers and a tall, masculine unicorn identified as ESCP-005 approached and entered her house. The surveillance picked up the two talking for a while before they began kissing, which became deeper and more sensuous, before the pair moved into the bedroom. Researcher Flowers appeared nervous and unsure, but was encouraged and evidentally assuaged by ESCP-005, who gradually built up to oral sex for a duration of approximately fifty minutes.

While this was occuring, the observation team built a model to estimate the proportions of ESCP-005's form, which was assessed at being approximately one point six meters (1.6m) in body length. His genitals were observed to be large, with a penis length of an estimated sixty centimeters (60cm) and a pair of testicles estimated at being seven centimeters (7cm) in diameter. The stallion's physical appearance was observed as a unicorn pony with a pristine white coat, which didn't become matted or marred despite the physical exertion he put himself through, nor the copious amounts of fluids produced by both parties. His body tone was noticeably muscular, though not obscenely so, commented upon by the observing personnel as not a body builder, but a manual worker.

The sexual activity between ESCP-005 and Researcher Flowers lasted for three hours before the two seperated, leaving Researcher Flowers exhausted, while ESCP-005 appeared only lightly winded. Researcher Flowers fell asleep very quickly, after which ESCP-005 spent a few minutes cuddling and caressing her before he exited the bed, pulled a sheaf of paper and pen from the bedside drawer, and began to write. The observation team did not recall a pen or paper being present in the drawer when they had surveyed the room earlier, recalling that it contained dermatological creams rather that stationery equipment. ESCP-005's writing was far quicker than ought to have been achievable, estimated at one hundred and eighty (180) words per minute, without any pause for thought. Upon completion of the letter, ESCP-005 placed it on the pillow next to Researcher Flowers, kissed her forehead, and walked towards the door.

Two of the four facility guards took up positions in the hallway outside Researcher Flowers' bedroom under orders to intercept ESCP-005, with the only other method of egress from the room being the bedroom window. Cameras on the interior of the bedroom captured ESCP-005 reaching the door, casting one last look back at Researcher Flowers, and opening the door before stepping out into the hallway and closing it behind him. Despite this, the facility guards in the hallway outside did not witness the door open, and did not meet anypony exiting the bedroom. Cameras in the hallway confirmed that the door did not appear to open from the other side, and that nopony exited the bedroom.

With the primary target lost, the guards were ordered to enter the bedroom and secure the scene. The door functioned exactly as expected, with the cameras in the hallway and bedroom confirming spatial consistency without any break in spacetime. The sound of the opening door awoke Researcher Flowers, who was initially confused and shocked to find facility guards entering her room, but was quickly assuaged. Several samples of the copious amounts of semen ESCP-005 had ejaculated into Researcher Flowers was collected, and the letter left behind moment earlier was obtained and bagged for transport. A cursory examination revealed that it was the same smart writing as earlier collected letters, which was later confirmed by a detailed comparative analysis. The seminal fluid samples were unidentifiable; magnficiation revealed no sperm cells within the plasma, and there were no biological markers which would normally be discoverable upon such a fresh and preserved sample.

Researcher Flowers was summoned for an interview the following day (for details, consult the record of Interview 005-9). Following the interview and the conclusion of the operation fully, her behaviour became more confident and her attitude became more positive. Colleagues noticed that she was more talkative, and no longer appeared as self-critical or as shy as she had been previously. The change was not absolute, but was significant enough to be commented upon by her peers and superiors.

Document 005-3: Interview 005-9

Interview Initiated at 1015 hours

Interviewer: Dr Vorpal, Head Researcher at Site [REDACTED]

Interviewee: Junior Researcher Wilting Flowers

Interviewer: Good morning, Researcher Flowers. How are you feeling?
Flowers: Good morning, sir. I'm very well, thank you.
Interviewer: This is a recorded interview, entitled Interview 005-9, for the purpose of gathering information on your encounter with ESCP-005. I believe you have been briefed on the situation and what we wish to discuss. You are required to answer honestly and fully, and we would like to stress that there is no judgement here. This is a professional space. Is there any objection you wish to raise before we begin properly?
Flowers: No, sir.
Interviewer: Very well. We understand that three days ago, your long-term boyfriend ended your relationship of two years, and that this was a difficult breakup for you. During your paid leave yesterday, you encountered an entity known to the ESCP Foundation as ESCP-005. Could you describe how this occured?
Flowers: Yes, of course. I decided to start the day with a walk in the park, but I couldn't stop thinking about how I used to go there with my boyfr-...well, my ex-boyfriend. There were other couples there too, which just made me feel worse. I sat at a cafe and did nothing for a while, hating myself.
Interviewer: Why did you hate yourself?
Flowers: It was my fault he left. He said I was never around, that we rarely did anything, and he was right. I was too caught up with work to ever do more than go on walks with him in the park, or play chess. I thought that was enough, but it clearly wasn't. I should've known. [She remains silent for several seconds] A-anyway, while I was wondering what I needed to change about myself to be worthy of a stallion, he came up to my table and asked if the seat was taken.
Interviewer: He?
Flowers: The stallion. Or ESCP-005, I suppose.
Interviewer: Can you describe him?
Flowers: Tall, strong, handsome. Majestic, but down-to-earth and humble. He seemed perfect.
Interviewer: Would you say he matched the qualities of your dream partner?
Flowers: I...y-yes, sir. He was...um...h-he immediately caught my attention.
Interviewer: What happened after he approached your table?
Flowers: I told him I didn't mind him sitting down, and he asked me why I looked so miserable. I explained my recent breakup, and he bought me a drink without asking. It was my favourite.
Interviewer: How long did you spend together?
Flowers: All day, sir. He was the perfect listener, and I didn't mind telling him things I've never told anypony else. N-not about the Foundation, sir, not at all! Personal things, about my bad luck with relationships, and how my work life was ruining any chance I ever had of finding an understanding stallion. He listened, and he told me that everything was okay. I...I believed him. I still believe him.
Interviewer: Did he give you advice?
Flowers: Yes. Um, no. Not quite advice. He just talked to me about how he understood me, and what he thought, and it seemed true. He sounded wise.
Interviewer: What did he say that sounded wise?
Flowers: I-It's silly, sir. He seemed to know that I'm not happy with my coat or my eye, and he told me that I paid it more attention than anypony else. He said I was voluntarily holding onto weights that I could just let go. If anypony else had said that, I don't know if I'd have believed them, but he made it sound so obvious.
Interviewer: Did he ask to return to your house?
Flowers: No, sir. I-I s-suggested it. He was so kind to me for the entire day. We walked around the park together, and I didn't feel sad or alone. When it was getting dark, he asked to walk me back home, or at least to the end of my street. I...I said he should...he shouldn't stop at the end of the street.
Interviewer: How would you describe your sexual activity with ESCP-005? [Flowers is stunned at the question and sputters for a moment] Allow me to rephrase. Do you believe that your sexual activity with ESCP-005 was particularly suited to your interests and natural inclinations? For instance, did you feel at any point that the your experience was janky, disjointed, or unpleasant?
Flowers: N-no, sir. He was perfect.
Interviewer: Perfect for the entirety of the three hours?
Flowers: F-for the entire day, sir.
Interviewer: And your particular activities; could you describe them as kinks or fetishes of yours? [Flowers does not answer, and averts her gaze, blushing] If this is too difficult, you may nod or shake your head. A lengthy period was spent with him performing cunnilingus. Was this something lacking from your previous relationship that you wished to experience more often? [She nods] And his sizable endowment, and notable virility? Was that a fantasy of yours too? [She nods] These were presumably details you didn't share with other ponies? [She shakes her head emphatically] On to more tame questions, you've mentioned in physchological evaluations that you are a particularly light sleeper. Did his exit from the room not register to you at all?
Flowers: No, sir. I was too tired from...um...I was too tired.
Interviewer: Yet the entry of the Foundation personnel alerted you immediately.
Flowers: I...I can't explain that, sir.
Interviewer: There's one last thing to discuss. [Document 005-1-D is produced and placed on the table] This was left in your room before he left. Would you like to read it?
[After a small amount of trepidation, she takes the letter and reads it in silence, her expression changing as she comes across passages and words that carry some degree of meaning to her. After a couple of minutes, she lets out a breath, smiles, and places it down on the table, where it is collected and re-entered into evidence.]
Flowers: I'm not going to see him again, am I?
Interviewer: With our current understanding of how ESCP-005 operates, no. Does that bother you?
Flowers: [Pauses briefly] No. I don't think it does. It feels...liberating.
Interviewer: Can you expand on that please?
Flowers: I don't know much about ESCP-005, but it sounds like he comes to those in need, creatures who need his help. If he came to me, and acted as the exact pony I needed, then he was there to help me with a problem. That alone was magical, to think he cared for me that much. He gave me the best day of my entire life, and I'm not going to stop thinking that because I only got to experience that once. I'm not greedy. Anyway, if he's gone, that means what he tried to do worked. I'm fixed, right? No, not fixed...um...healed. He left because I'm not the same problemed mare he came to help. He's carried my problems and burdens away with him. He kept saying I needed to let go of my problems, and if I clung to him as a physical pony rather than as a solution, then I'd just be replacing one insecurity with another. So, yes, I feel free.
Interviewer: A poetic reponse. Do you feel happier now? More confident?
Flowers: I think I do, sir. I...I know I do, sir.
Interviewer: That's good to hear. If that is all, this interview is concluded. You may return to your station, Researcher Flowers.

Interview Concluded at 1032 hours

ESCP-006 [Tumultuous Toys]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-006

Containment Class: Earth

Anomaly Traits: Inanimate, sentient, varied, assortment

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of ESCP-006 are to be contained in appropriate devices or spaces, and are to be clearly marked. Inanimate instances of ESCP-006 are to be stored in standard inanimate anomalous object containment cases, which are to be stored together in Wing B of low-priority containment site CD-81-V. Sentient instances of ESCP-006 are to be either restrained securely and placed in a standard inanimate anomalous object containment case or held within a standard containment cell. Instances of ESCP-006 are to be retained in storage unless in use for testing by the authority of two Level 2 researchers. No instances of ESCP-006 are to be used for reasons outside of Foundation interest, nor interchanged with or introduced to stockpiles of other non-anomalous objects of a similar description. If any new descriptions of ESCP-006 instances are discovered, they are to be reported, recovered, and contained as per these Special Containment Procedures. Any instances of ESCP-006 that are discovered which match pre-existing descriptions listed in this file must be recovered, and may be destroyed and the remains disposed safely. GOI-11 is to be monitored for further production of ESCP-006 objects.

Description: ESCP-006 refers to a collection of sexual paraphernalia possessing anomalous properties, all of which are produced by Supreme Sexual Satisfaction Symposium Limited, or S4 Ltd. S4 Ltd, known to the ESCP Foundation as Group of Interest 11, is a company which produces anomalous sexual goods of various quality, and is believed to be a company founded by the Flim Flam Brothers, though no official connection has ever been established. The paraphernalia produced by S4 Ltd ranges from dildos and anal plugs to semi-sentient bondage gear, many of which have been catalogued and secured by the Foundation. Monitoring of sites known to be utilised by S4 Ltd is ongoing.

The range of objects which fall under this designation results in a variety of dangers and outcomes, and therefore containment is guaranteed to varying extents. Some objects are easier to contain, while others are resistant towards attempts to capture or contain them. Objects which demonstrate semi-sentience which cannot be suppressed are destroyed. In addition, there is no certainty how many objects have been produced, or which objects may be produced in the future.

Document 006-1: Catalogue of ESCP-006 items

Physical description: Smooth wooden equine dildo made from oak. Lacks detailed features such as veins or medial ring expected from equine anatomy. Glans is flat, and there is no urethra present. Solid construction without internal components. Base is smooth and has small button which connnects to no internal mechanism.
Anomalous description: Capable of vibrating with the strength of a non-anomalous vibrator, self-cleaning, does not rot or develop mould, and does not chip or splinter without direct force applied deliberately to it.
Discovery: Property damage in the small frontier town of Appleoosa in [REDACTED] attracted the attention of Foundation agents when no perpertrator or reasonable explanation for the significant destruction was found. Upon interrogation of the pony nearest the centre of the destruction, it was learned that she had been using a novelty dildo sold to her by a travelling merchant, and had grown accustomed to using its vibrating function. On the day in question, it appeared to malfunction, growing in power and strength until it was able to ricochet from wall to wall, fracturing the woodwork. Unstopped, it smashed through a window and caused further property damage in the town itself, including the saloon. Nopony was injured, but a cover story was required to explain the damage. The item was discovered by the investigating Foundation agents in the desert three miles away, and was secured for permanent containment.
Status: Contained, additional instances destroyed via chopping, crushing, and incineration.

Physical description: 50ml bottle of clear water-based lubricant labelled "Moobricant". Label claims that the product is created from organic and replenishable resources, with a list of ingredients which are not unexpected for non-anomalous sexual lubricants. The description on the label promises increased sexual intensity upon use, though does not specify beyond that.
Anomalous description: When applied to a male sexual organ, the lubricant triggers a behavioural shift in the subject reminiscent of a bull in rut. The subject becomes sexually and physically aggressive, and will attempt to engage in sexually dominant rituals with other sapient creatures around it, with a particular propensity for creatures deemed to be feminine or submissive, and with an overriding inclination towards those under the alternative effect of ESCP-006-B. When applied to an orifice capable of normal sexual use (i.e. mouth or anus) or a female sexual organ, ESCP-006-B instead triggers a behavioural shift towards tranquility, submissiveness, and heightened sensitivity and desire to be sexually dominated. Higher cognitive functions are reduced, and the subject seeks out those willing to engage in coitus, especially those under the masculine effects of ESCP-006-B. Female subjects under the influence of ESCP-006-B have ocassionally been observed to lactate and to produce vocalisations reminiscent of bovine females.
Discovery: The Foundation became aware of the existence of ESCP-006-B when multiple members of the small town of [DATA EXPUNGED] failed to turn up to work, and were declared missing. The missing workers had no common interaction, from their profession to their hobbies, and so their disappearance was not immediately explicable. They were eventually found engaging in aggressive intercourse in a field five miles outside of the town, and had apparently been occupied with this activity for one and a half days, with the arrival of horrified newcomers doing nothing to alter their behaviour. Attempts to stop or seperate them failed, and it took Foundation agents sedating them to halt the event. They were removed to the nearest Foundation site for medical treatment and interrogation, while the town was amnestitised and a cover story of a hiking expedition gone wrong spread to cover their temporary absence. The subjects, once reverted to their usual state, revealed that they had been overcome with a feral, beastial, irresistable lust, and that they thought it might have something to do with the lubricant they had purchased from wandering traders that had passed through the town a month prior. Subsequent searches of the subject's homes revealed the presence of several bottles of ESCP-006-B, which were seized. The subjects were amnestitised and returned home.
Status: ESCP-006-B-1 contained, ESCP-006-B-2 retained as a sample for testing, additional instances destroyed via dissolution in strong acid compounds.

Physical description: Glass anal probe fifteen centimeters (15cm) in length with ring pull. Solid glass construction, no additional elements unexpected from such an object.
Anomalous description: When inserted into an anal cavity and used as normally directed, the object gradually increases the user's anal capacity, lubrication, and elasticity, enabling them to accept larger insertions. The longer the usage, the greater the effect. After approximately ten minutes of continuous usage, the user will constantly produce a silicone-based lubricant from their anus, and will possess an anal capacity approximating one thousand cubic centimeters (1,000cm3) with the elasticity to match any such insertion. This effect lasts approximately one week before the user reverts to their prior bodily status.
Discovery: A late-night talent show in Las Pegasus involved a number of mares and stallions who claimed to be able to insert any hoofheld object into their rears, which attracted the attention of many partygoers, including Foundation agents in the area. Investigating the performers, the agents discovered the anal probes and seized them for the Foundation, as well as spreading supposed proof that the entire show was a result of clever special effects and trickery. The performers were given amnestics and convinced that they were magicians of a more typical fashion.
Status: Contained, additional instances destroyed via crushing and dissolution in an acid compound.

Physical description: Lengths of rope apparently designed for bondage purposes. The length of each rope varies by sizes cut. Does not possess any signs of wear or use, as though freshly made regardless of actual age and usage.
Anomalous description: Upon being touched by a sapient creature, the rope will become animate, adopting serpentine qualities such as coiling in on itself and raising itself towards objects of interest. The sapient creature which awakened its anomalous qualities establishes an immediate pet dynamic with the rope, exerting an influence typical of a master over a well-trained animal. Despite lacking all qualities expected of a lifeform, the rope understands all commands given to it by its owner regardless of language, and will follow them dutifully, irrespective of the cost to itself. It appears to possess no self-preservation instinct, as though it only exists to serve.
Discovery: When raiding a compound used by GOI-11, Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] found themselves assailed by sentient ropes directed by a pony who appeared to be the head of security. Though the MTF was able to fend off the ropes and secure the compound, the delay caused by the ropes allowed several persons of interest to escape, and for much of the material the Foundation had hoped to secure being destroyed. Some specimens of the rope were captured, and were studied to unlock their anomalous properties. In conjunction with interrogations of captured personnel, the secrets of the ropes were unlocked, and specimens were retained for Foundation benefit. Reverse-engineering of ESCP-006-D's anomalous qualities has allowed the Foundation to create an anomalous technology designated as AT-051, which are not limited to a single user. AT-051 is supplied to MTF's for the purpose of restraining targets of importance.
Status: Contained. ESCP-006-D-1 is restrained in its own inanimate anomalous object containment case with zip ties, and is used as the template for all other specimens. ESCP-006-D-2 through ESCP-006-D-24 are kept as facility security under the control of the Head of Security [REDACTED] at Site [REDACTED], and will be terminated upon his retirement.

Physical description: Blue pills distributed in a white opaque plastic bottle which is labelled "Supreme Performance and Endowment Enhancement". The label promises improved sexual performance in the bedroom, and lists a number of non-anomalous ingredients. Chemical anaylsis of the pills reveals no anomalous properties intrinsic to their chemical or physical composition.
Anomalous description: Upon oral consumption, the effects manifest within the user over the course of ten minutes, including increased libido, heightened sexual and physical stamina, and greater production of sexual fluids. Whether by design or through careless manufacturing, approximately one in every five users (20%) experience further effects, including the enlargment of their primary or secondary sexual organs, namely the penis, testicles, and mammaries, and the natural production of sexual bodily fluids is further increased to levels that are unachievable by any non-anomalous means. The effects of the pills are cumultive and addictive, and if taken regularly or in large quantities, the user's mental faculties are subsumed by intense lust that eclipses all other consideration than permanent sexual gratification, and the physical transformations become difficult to reverse. There appears to be no limit to how much an individual may be affected, other than the amount of pills they consume.
Discovery: Standard Equestrian authorities were alarmed by the subsidence of a house in Cloudsdale, and the surveyors who attended found that the house was occupied by a lone male pegasus with impossibly disproportionate genitals. Attempts to interact with the stallion produced no result, as he was fixated on masturbating in an endless cycle, the seminal production seeping into the clouds and causing the house to subside dangerously. Learning of this, Foundation agents imbedded within the Cloudsdale local authority dispatched a recovery team, eventually managing to reverse the effects of the transformation over the course of two days. Prior to treatment, the stallion was recorded as having an erection measuring ten metres by three metres (10m x 3m) with testicles two and a half metres (2.5m) in diameter, and a seminal production of three litres (3L) per hour. The stallion was detained for questioning, and through interrogation and the discovery of three empty pill bottles during a search of the stallion's home, the origin of the incident was determined. The house was repaired, non-Foundation personnel present were amnestitised, and a cover story of improper drainage in cloud creation spread by the Foundation led to an inquiry of weather factory standards.
Status: Contained, additional instances destroyed by crushing and incineration.

Pysical description: Restrictive and full-body gimp suit, consisting of rubber and leather. Non-amonalous materials used in construction.
Anomalous description: If not used for a seventy two (72) hour period, the suit will animate and will move as though worn by an ordinary pony. When it encounters a sapient creature, it will grapple them and seal itself around their body, changing shape and dimensions to fit their anatomy. Upon fully encasing a victim, the victim will be unable to break free until released by the suit, which will control all their movements until that moment. The suit will willingly submit itself to the whims of another sapient creature and will obey any instructions directed at it, provided that those instructions are lascivious in nature. After being sufficiently sexually fulfilled, the suit will deactivate, and the encased victim will be able to move again freely.
Discovery: The arrival of a horde of gimp suits into the town of Ponyville on the night of [REDACTED] resulted in mass panic and hysteria, and quickly drew the attention of the Elements of Harmony. The nature of the attack soon became apparent, and a Foundation MTF was deployed to battle the entities, managing to secure the town after a protracted fight. The Bearers agreed to remain quiet about the incident, and the EUP Guard were publicly accredited for a swift and efficient defence of the town against a purported Changeling invasion. Appropriate low-level amnestics were provided to direct victims of the autonomous suits. Attempts were made following containment to develop suits that would be able to imitate the autonomous nature of ESCP-006-F without sacrificing the wearer's control to allow for increased tactical options in the field. Addendum: Following the creation of fruitful diplomatic ties with the Changeling Empire, King Thorax was informed of the incident, and publicly denounced the actions as a botched attempt by Queen Chyrsalis to take revenge on Princess Twilight Sparkle. The matter is regarded as a closed case of previous poor international relations, but should another public official raise the matter in the future, it is not to be allowed to be investigated further, and efforts must be focused on fabricating evidence to support the publicly believed series of events.
Status: ESCP-006-F-1 contained in a standard containment cell, ESCP-006-F-2 through ESCP-006-F-6 lost during facility raid during "Icarus" incident, search ongoing; additional instances terminated through time-acceleration spell in a magic chamber rated at least Level 3.

Physical description: A device closely resembling a masturbation machine, adapted for use by seemingly any species or sex. The machine possesses multiple pistons and associated mechanical arms, to which can be attached a wide variety of phallic simulacrum. In addition, several slots and ports are available for the purpose of the insertion of penile organs. The device can be used as a seat, and can be mounted or rested upon from almost any angle without diminishing its intended utility. In addition, it is capable of general or focused vibration, and is capable of, and perhaps intended for, the use of groups of creatures simultaneously.
Anomalous description: When in active use, the machine exerts an influence over its users which affects their physical and mental attributes and traits. The effects appear to be extensive and random, although particular outcomes appear to be more or less likely to occur depending on the exact number of users and the sex composition of the participants. The influences exerted over the users seems to be painless and usually occurs without the user's knowledge or notice, until they have finished using the machine. Observed effects include:

Discovery: ESCP-006-G was discovered during a surprise raid on S4 Ltd facility, during which all workers were captured and detained. MTF [DATA EXPUNGED] also discovered several captives who had been forced to use the machine for the last day and a half, and had undergone several changes during that time as a result of the machine's anomalous influence. ESCP-006-G, the liberated captives, and the imprisoned S4 Ltd staff were brought to CD-81-V and secured, where tests began to determine the exact properties of ESCP-006-G and a means of reversing the anomalous alterations to the captives was sought. The captured S4 Ltd staff were utilised as test subjects for this purpose.
Status: Contained, testing ongoing.

Physical description: A gag that does not abide by Euclidean geometry, appearing to simultaneously be a ball gag and a ring gag. Observers have described it as a typical red sphere of a size appropriate for stifling speech when placed in a creature's maw. When touched, however, the gag appears to be flat, and there is no barrier to anything deliberately placed in or against the supposed surface of the gag.
Anomalous description: When observed, the gag appears to be a typical ball gag, its material composition and physical qualities consistent with that of other non-anomalous items of the same description, and when fitted, the wearer experiences the expected sensation of a sphere against their lips or equivilent. Speech is inhibited, and dust or detritus are blocked from entering the subject's mouth as expected, and the subject cannot move their tongue past the obstruction, but any creature who deliberately attempts to bypass the gag is able to do so, passing through as though nothing is there. This effect has remained consistent when tested on claws, tongues, sexual toys, and genitalia.
Discovery: Hundreds of instances of ESCP-006-H were discovered during an EUP prisoner rescue from a slaver camp, along with a similar number of ESCP-006-J items, and the Foundation was alerted by an agent embedded within the Guard. The Foundation took custody of the ESCP-006-H instances and destroyed all but ten, labelled ESCP-006-H-1 to ESCP-006-H-10. Research and investigation into the gags, including interrogation of the slavers by multiple agencies, revealed them to be products of S4 Ltd.
Status: Lost in facility raid during "Icarus" incident, recovery efforts ongoing.

Physical description: A range of underwear garments ranging from boxer shorts to panties. The material used for the garments are typical, such as cotton and silk, depending on the item of clothing in question, although some are crafted from atypical materials such as wool, seaweed, or the fur of various species.
Anomalous description: The garments do not appear to require cleaning or washing, and regardless of use or wear, remain fragrant, as though freshly washed with an expensive detergent. They are comfortable when worn, and a minimum level of comfort presides over the expected sensation of the materials from which they are constructed. The cotton and silk variants feel exactly the same as non-anomalous items of clothing of the same description, while the wool and seaweed garments feel warm and appropriately fitting, with a texture more similar to cotton than to non-anomalous seaweed. ESCP-006-I items create a localised spatial distortion that allows a wearer to access or be accessed by any other wearer of other ESCP-006-I items from any distance, or else to access or be accessed by anyone physically as if the clothing were not present. Due to ESCP-006-I's impervious properties, all sexual activity conducted in this way results in no olfactory or visual remnants to indicate what had happened.
Discovery: Obtained during an ambush of a salespony under the employ of S4 Ltd. The Foundation received a tip that a salespony was planning to sell anomalous gear in Ponyville during a celebration, and was halted by three Foundation operatives under the pretense of an EUP inspection and was arrested for the intent to sell items without a lawful permit, and his cargo was seized. During interview, he swore that he was unaware of anything unusual or inexplicable about his cargo, and insisted that he was merely a vendor of undergarments. After amnesticisation, he was released without incident. It has been hypothesised that the underwear was designed for clientelle with busy work schedules or exhibitionism fetishes, or who appreciated risk of discovery during their coitus. The Foundation attempted to study the spatial properties of ESCP-006-I in the hope of replicating its effects on containers or clothes for field applications, such as storing and accessing large quantities of heavy equipment that would otherwise prove impractical to carry on an operation.
Status: Lost in facility raid during "Icarus" incident, recovery efforts ongoing.

Physical description: A batch of leather collars and chokers of assorted styles and types, with colours and appearances typical of commercial sexual throatwear. The leather is not organic, with molecular analysis determining that the items consist of plant rather than animal cellular structures. The items nonetheless are identical in feel and material properties to leather, and appear to have undergone a process of drying and tanning to produce this outcome.
Anomalous description: When secured around the neck of a sapient creature, the collar or choker will suppress the willpower of the wearer and render them very susceptible to suggestion. The effect is cumulative and appreciates over time, with the greatest observed outcome being total subservience to all commands from a single given creature. The effects cease on the removal of the collar or choker, but not instantaneously, depreciating rapidly at a linear rate, proportional to the length of time for which the item was worn.
Discovery: See 'discovery' section of ESCP-006-H file.
Status: Lost in facility raid during "Icarus" incident, recovery efforts ongoing.

Physical description: A batch of steel anal plugs with an embedded green jewel of previously unidentified type. Molecular analysis has revealed structural similarities to emerald, but with the hardness and tensile properties of diamond. Individual ESCP-006-K items vary in size from very small to extra large, as per usual consumer options.
Anomalous description: When inserted into the anus of a sapient creature, the plug exerts a calming effect on the wearer, mitigating their instinctive bodily and psychological needs and reducing their rational thoughts regarding these matters. The plug acts as a homing and recording device, transmitting the location and their biometrics to a receiver. If the plug is removed without authorisation from the receiver, the subject's libido spikes, and they find themselves beset by implaccable sexual urges.
Discovery: See 'discovery' section of ESCP-006-H file. ESCP-006-K is believed to have been originally designed for master/slave play and control for sexual disciplining over long distances.
Status: Lost in facility raid during "Icarus" incident, recovery efforts ongoing.

Physical description: Leather floggers with an identical plant-based cellular structure as ESCP-006-J items, and visually and tactilely identical to organic leather. The floggers appear identical to those used in sexual recreation, but vary in size and length.
Anomalous qualities: Despite lacking any sort of aphrodisiac or chemical residue, a sapient creature struck by an ESCP-006-L instance will experience an immediate and severe spike in arousal, spontaneously reaching orgasm and undergoing an involuntarily sexual cycle lasting between five and fifteen minutes on average. The experience has been described as reminiscent of the subject's first sexual experience and their best sexual experience simultaneously, with an intensity comparable to exposure to incapacitant spray, though on the opposite end of the pleasure-pain spectrum.
Discovery: During a raid on a suspected S4 Ltd factory, several members of MTF [REDACTED] were incapacitated by a mare using an ESCP-006-L item, before she herself was struck during a misswing and was swiftly captured. The item was seized, along with the stockpile of other identical ESCP-006-L items.
Status: Contained, ESCP-006-L-1 held for testing to replicate its anomalous properties in other tools, and ESCP-007-L-2 through ESCP-006-L-5 reserved as backups. The remainder are contained for appropriate use by Mobile Task Force operatives.

Document 006-2: Facility report of Incident 231 Icarus

At 23:57 on [REDACTED], an unauthorised and unplanned storm beset Cloudsdale, resulting in mass panic from the residents and a scrambling of city resources and personnel. Foundation Facility CD-81-V was moved to full alert and attempted to secure all ESCP objects as per operating protocol, but found itself experiencing a number of system failures that prevented the lockdown of approximately a third of facility sections. On-site security was directed to Wing A to apprehend several escaping detainees and ESCP's.

Despite the swift and effective recontainment of all targets, and the restablishment of functional lockdown mechanisms, the absence of a meaningful security presence in the rest of the facility meant that Wing B was left unsecured for approximately seven (7) minutes, which allowed for an external breach to occur. Personnel who arrived to perform a security sweep reported an unusually strong breeze from within the wing, which should have been atmospherically sealed. No atmospheric alterations appeared on a systems screening, and all remaining security personnel were ordered to converge on Wing B.

The security personnel discovered a ragged hole in the wall of the facility, exposing the wing to the outside elements of the storm. A flash of lightning exposed several winged creatures, believed by profile to be pegasi, leaping into the maelstrom outside. The guards present reported that intruders appeared to be wearing heavy-duty weather suits, and were carrying secured bags which it was presumed were full of stolen items from the Foundation's custody. Attempts to chase the intruders through the gale were met with failure, and on-site engineering personnel had to conduct emergency repair before the facility was deemed to be secure. The storm subsided after significant effort from the Cloudsdale weather team over the course of five hours.

During an inventory of the site, it was discovered that one hundred and one (101) objects were missing from containment, consisting of five ESCP-006-F items, ten ESCP-006-H items, twenty seven ESCP-006-I items, twenty three ESCP-006-J items, and thirty six ESCP-006-K items. An investigation of the damage to the wall of Wing B revealed it to be caused by an explosive charge, most likely one ignited by a lightning strike. Due to the method of the insertion, the targeted nature of the breach, and the specificity of the items stolen, it is believed that the storm was orchestrated by GOI-11 and used as a means of recovering their products. The means by which they were able to discover the location of the Foundation facility or the exact location of the storage of the ESCP-006 items is unknown, but security protocols should be updated to ensure further breaches do not occur. The Cloudsdale Weather Factory should be invesitgated for any signs of personnel who may have partook or abetted in this incident.

Recovery efforts are being undertaken by MTF [REDACTED] and [DATA EXPUNGED], with secondary orders to interrogate any personnel who are suspected of having any insight on pegasi with favourable sentiments towards GOI-11. In addition, all personnel currently stationed at containment site CD-81-V or who have been stationed at said site in the last two years are to be investigated for potential security leaks.

ESCP-007 [Self Improvement]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-007

Containment Class: Earth

Anomaly Traits: Sapient, hostile, transformative, cognitohazard

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-007 must be kept in a standard containment cell at all times, with allowances made for exercise under observation in the site courtyard. Any windows into ESCP-007's cell must be tinted so as to make clear observation of the interior of the cell and its occupant impossible. At least one guard must be stationed outside ESCP-007's cell at all times with a Mental Resilience Scale (MRS) score of no lower than 0.5, and must be equipped with voice-scrambling ear protection at all times for the duration of their shift. The guard or guards on duty must verbally verify ESCP-007's presence at least once every hour, and should take this time to check on ESCP-007's general wellbeing, which must be done from the exterior of the cell without looking inside or opening the door. Food, drink, and all other material that must be provided to ESCP-007 must be done so through a door slot.

If there is no response to persistent attempts to communicate, a security detail of no fewer than three (3) security personnel and one (1) D-Class must be assembled and immediately attend to ESCP-007's cell, where the D-Class must conduct a visual confirmation of ESCP-007's presence in the cell. Any containment breach must be reported immediately, and ESCP-007 should be severely punished for deliberate refusal to comply with communication attempts. Acceptable forms of punishment include corporal punishment and withdrawal of privileges. Any hostile action or disobedience may be met with force, including pre-emptive force if deemed necessary.

The cell holding ESCP-007 must be cleaned weekly by D-Class personnel, during which time ESCP-007 must be escorted to the site courtyward by a security detail of no less than three (3) security personnel with an MRS score of no lower than 0.6, who must maintain control of him at all times. The cleaning of ESCP-007's cell must be announced to the facility ten minutes in advance, followed by an announcement five minutes in advance, and a final announcement upon the opening of ESCP-007's cell. All staff are to be made aware of the route ESCP-007 will take to access the courtyard, and all spaces expected to be occupied or with a direct visual line of sight of spaces expected to be occupied by ESCP-007 are to be evacuated of personnel until ESCP-007 has been returned to his cell and the confirmation is broadcast across the facility.

All personnel who must come into direct contact or proximity with ESCP-007 must submit themselves to a medical screening and follow-up appointments for at least a week after their exposure. Any psychological or physical abnormalities must be identified and the affected individual detained for treatment. Any exposure to ESCP-007 must be limited to what is absolutely necessary, and all tasks that require direct visual or proximate contact must be done as quickly and efficiently as possible so as to limit exposure. Civilians who have been exposed to ESCP-007 must be captured and treated by a Foundation medical professional trained and qualified in the transformative effects of ESCP-007, and must be subsquently amnestitised and returned to a safe civilian location.

All ESCP-007-2 instances in the wild are to captured and transported to Site-03 and are to be kept in custody in standard containment cells in an empty wing reserved for their use. No special protective measures are required for their containment, and medical staff must make daily visits to ensure their health remains within standard acceptable deviations. Any reasonable requests for foodstuffs or luxury items should be provided, and brief friendly conversation with these entities are permitted. As no cure or is available, ESCP-007-2 entities must be treated as patients undergoing indefinite treatment and must be treated with the kindness and dignity expected by such inpatients. Update: Procedures authorised to reverse the transformative process, currently procedures Maroon, Violet, and Magenta, must be carried out by qualified medical staff on a dedicated and individual basis. The process will take no less than six hours per patient, and must not be rushed or expediated, after which they must be kept under medical observation for no less than twenty four (24) hours. Following their return to their normal form and as soon full health has been assessed and confirmed, civilians must be amnestitised and returned to a safe environment.

Addendum-01: Procedures Maroon and Violet nullifies the anomalous properties and qualities of ESCP-007-2 entites, and Procedure Magenta reverts the subject back to a normal equine form, but this does not restore the victim to their state prior to being transformed into an ESCP-007-2 entity. Lengthy physiotherapy and biochemical treatment may be necessary to regain lost muscle mass and bone density.

ESCP-007 is to be denied all access to stationery or materials with which he can produce any form of artistic creation, including, but not limited to; poetry, novels, biographies, portraits, landscapes, lyrics, note sheets, or speeches. Any stationery discovered in his cell or on his person must be confiscated without exception, and punishment delivered on him and anycreature attempting to provide him with materials. Staff doing so will face disciplinary action. Any artistic creation discovered to have been created by ESCP-007, whether in containment or uncontained in the world, must be seized brought into Foundation custody. Any such materials that are assessed to be ESCP-007-1 instances must be logged and destroyed.

Description: ESCP-007 is a physiologically unremarkable sandy earth pony stallion with a shoulder-length dirty blonde mane physically appearing to be in his late teens towards his early twenties, which medical samples taken from him have confirmed. ESCP-007 gives his name as Golden Swish and claims to be a "wandering, free-travelling soul", shrugging off the responsibilities of society and enjoying the world for all it can offer. When asked for his date of birth, the date with which he answered put him at over five hundred years old, though he claimed to be "young at heart". Various attempts at determining the veracity of his statements revealed that he was telling the truth or at least believed himself to be doing so.

ESCP-007 is usually calm and flippant, happy to spend long periods of time doing nothing in particular, though he may also exhibit a strong desire to do something specific, such as reading a certain book, writing literature of his own, going for a walk through a meadow, or consuming a large quantity of alcohol. When approached, he is usually receptive and pleasant, although he is easily provoked and may explode unexpectedly into a fit of rage upon being denied a request. In this state, he may throw objects over the room, scream and shout, and may sit pouting and ignore any attempt to communicate with him. Following a rage state, he will not apologise or appear to show remorse, shame, regret, or recognition of what he did, usually responding with a joke or change in conversation, although he has been observed to roll his eyes and to shrug dismissively in other circumstances.

Certain media produced by ESCP-007 appear to adopt his particular cognitohazardous effects, affecting subjects who experience them in the exact same manner as ESCP-007 himself. These media, designated ESCP-007-1, usually take the form of grandiose and self-fullfilling pieces with common themes revolving around greatness, destiny, natural order, and confidence of a significant level. Common phrases used to describe these media, not restrained by scientific neutrality and precision, include "misogynistic", "arrogant", "self-indulgent", and "offensive". Psychoanalysts within the Foundation have noted that the works appear to suggest characteristic traits of narcissism, sociopathy, and psychopathy within the creator, though these traits don't necessarily correspond to the behaviour or attitudes of ESCP-007 in person. Not all media created by ESCP-007 becomes an ESCP-007-1 instance, and replications of ESCP-007-1 instances by anycreature other than ESCP-007 do not inherit the memetic qualities of the original.

When listening to or looking at ESCP-007, or an instance of ESCP-007-1, sapient creatures are subjected to an anomalous alluring effect that captivates them and increases their opinion of ESCP-007. The effect is cumulative, with the more time spent with ESCP-007 exponentially increasing their susceptibility to his apparent charm and likeability. In addition, positive or affirming reactions to ESCP-007 increases his memetic effects, such as laughing at his jokes, agreeing to his requests, or accepting friendly or affectionate gestures, such as hoofbumps or the ruffling of one's mane. Creatures subjected to this memetic effect have reported wanting to see ESCP-007, an urge that increases as more time is spent in his presence.

Subjects who fall under the memetic effect exhibited by ESCP-007 will find themselves undergoing physchological and physiological changes, the end result of which has been classified as ESCP-007-2. The exact process appears to be determined by the biological sex of the subject, though the speed and severity of the transformation is highly variable and can only be predicted with a moderate degree of accuracy. In general, a higher MRS score will reduce or mitigate the cognitohazardous effects of ESCP-007, but there is no definitive limit or standard by which safety can be assured. Individuals with an MRS score below 0.4 have been observed to suffer no adverse consequences to conversing with ESCP-007, while individuals with an MRS score above 0.6 were later found to have devolved into ESCP-007-2 instances. The greater the difference between the subject's initial identity and their identiy as an instance of ESCP-007-2, the more significant and stark the changes are, although the end result always rests within a small margin of variation.

Males who succumb to the memetic effects of ESCP-007 undergo a number of transormations into an instance ESCP-007-2A, regardless of their gender, sexuality, or personality prior to transformation. Subjects exhibit reduced masculine traits and heightened feminine traits in their personalities and behaviours, and their bodies adapt to become androgynous, which is more apparent in individuals who are naturally inclined towards or who present themselves in a more masculine fashion.

ESCP-007-2A instances universally possess the following pyschological traits:

ESCP-007-2A instances possess the following physical traits:

Females who succumb to ESCP-007's memetic effects undergo a number of transformations into an instance of ESCP-007-2B, regardless of their gender, sexuality, or personality prior to transformation. Subjects exhibit grossly exaggerated physical feminine traits in addition to a general reduction of normal mental faculties and an anomalous increase in physical functioning relevant to their physiology.

ESCP-007-2B instances universally possess the following pyschological traits:

ESCP-007-2B instances possess the following physical traits:

ESCP-007-2 entities are driven by instinct and will gravitate towards ESCP-007, demonstrating a desire to be near him and serve his needs and whims in exchange for gratification consisting mostly of attention, physical affection, and sexual relief. ESCP-007-2 entities do not display any intrinsic or anomalous knowledge of ESCP-007's presence, whereabouts, or location, other than physical detection through standard corporal senses and standard equine cognitive ability. ESCP-007's interactions with ESCP-007-2 entities are varied, ranging from gleeful engagement to apathetic disinterest to frustrated contempt, and will frequently use them for subservient uses such as fetching him items that take his fancy and full orgies if given the opportunity. In addition, ESCP-007 may begin a relationship with one or multiple instances of ESCP-007-2 which vary in quality and sincerity, as well as egalitarian or preferential treatment. When questioned, ESCP-007 stated that he did what he felt was good at the time, be that companionship or casual sexual encounters, and that he sometimes began a relationship simply for the thrill of committing infidelity with another ESCP-007-2 instance.

ESCP-007 may begin or end any relationship spontaneously and abruptly and leave for another region seemingly picked at random, at which point the ESCP-007-2 entities in his company will attempt to follow him. If they fail to remain in his presence and are unable to resestablish contact, they will seek out another suitable partner. If contact is reestablished with ESCP-007 at any time, the ESCP-007-2 instance will excitedly attempt to remain in his presence, foregoing any relationship they currently have with another sapient creature. This process has no discernible limit, as ESCP-007-2 entities never remain permenantly upset nor lose their desire to follow ESCP-007, and so will repeat the cycle of breaking up and getting back together as many times as the circumstances present themselves.

Document 007-a: Transcript of initial interview with subject upon capture

[Preamble: The Foundation noticed a statistical anomaly with the suggested population sizes and demographics of several villages and towns, and managed to map a route of this unknown effect. Agents were dispatched to investigate the situation, and discovered that each settlement on the list was filled with androgynous stallions and slatternly, overly sexualised mares. The few townsponies who remained unaffected explained that a stranger had visited their settlement, followed by one or two of the sexualised stallions or mares, and that within days, the villagers were changed, too, at which point the stranger left, taking with him a select few of the ponies the liked the most. With the events confirmed by multiple witness accounts, MTF-[REDACTED] was sent to the subject's suspected location and apprehended him, in addition to the altered ponies present. All unaffected civilians were amnestitised and Foundation medical staff performed medical assessments under the guise of checking for signs of an outbreak of hay fever. Subject was brought to Site-03 and interviewed immediately.]

[Subject is brought into room in chains and seated, arguing with those bringing him inside. After the subject has been secured to the chair, [DATA EXPUNGED] enters the room and takes their seat opposite the subject.]
Interviewer: Interview begins at 13:57, interview room 05. How should we refer to you?
Subject: What is this, huh? What have I done?
Interviewer: It'll take longer to explain that you have patience, trust me. Can we start by getting your name, please?
Subject: What's it to you?
Interviewer: It's a very easy question. I want to know what I should call you, so we can communicate easier.
Subject: How about 'Kizz Myaz'?
Interviewer: Very funny. Since you refuse to give a name, you shall be referred to as Zero. That shall, consequently, also be the number of hours you're allowed out for leisure, the number of favours you can ask for, and the amount of food you'll be receiving until you start co-operating. It'll be branded on your chest so nopony can mistake you for anything else. Note: This was a bluff, as later confirmed by [DATA EXPUNGED], who had correctly assessed that the subject's rudeness was a facade to act tough.
Subject: Woah, hey hey hey, let's not be hasty, okay? We got off on the wrong hoof. My name's Golden Swish.
Interviewer: And your date of birth?
Subject: [REDACTED]
Interviewer: I'll ask again, what's your date of birth?
Subject: I just told you; [REDACTED]
Interviewer: That's over five hundred years ago, Mr Swish. You can't be older than twenty eight. Again, how old are you?
Subject: I'm telling you, that's when I was born! Have you got one of those lie-detector thingies? You know, the one that scribbles on a piece of paper and figures out if you're being honest or not? Hook me up to one of those, I'll show you! I'm not lying, I'm just really young at heart, y'know?
Interviewer: Young at heart?
Subject: Yeah, I decided I didn't want to grow old, y'know? Getting a job and having to work to somepony else's schedule just sounds lame. I didn't want to have to live by another pony's rules, so I just didn't. I went out and I made it on my own.
Inteviewer: Can you explain exactly how you just...stopped growing old?
Subject: It's easy. Just stop doing it, yeah? Might do you some good. [Interviewer and guards snort in amusement] Ha! See! You're already learning to loosen up! Maybe there's hope for all of you.
Interviewer: Getting back on track, could you tell us a bit about yourself?
Subject: Ah, want to get to know me, I see. Yeah, I get that a lot. Well, my name's Golden Swish, I'm pretty awesome, and I do what I like. Some ponies call me a waster, but I prefer the term wandering stallion, or free-travelling soul. If you keep moving, you stop hearing all the haters you leave behind. Maybe if they got up and did something, they'd be able to keep up with me and keep on telling me what a loser I am. But no, they're stuck in their stupid old town doing stupid work for their entire life. Now who's a loser?
Interviewer: I suppose it's them?
Subject: Exactly. Anyway, I do whatever I like. Hobbies beat jobbies, y'know? I've tried surfing, windsurfing, paragliding, skiing, snowboarding, skating, and just about everything else. I'm good at most of it. Comes with the territory; you live fast, you learn fast. Don't let that fool you, though. I've got a wicked creative side, too.
Interviewer: Could you please expand on that? What do you mean 'creative'?
Subject: Y'know, creative stuff. Writing, drawing, painting. Art and stuff.
Interviewer: I see. May we see some of your creative endeavours?
Subject: Totally. I've got a ton out there, I'm telling you. You might've even come across some of my stuff already. Mares really dig a guy who can read and write, y'know? Like, it opens up so many doors for you. Why not go the extra mile and learn all the creative arts, yeah?
Interviewer: I can't fault that. Mr Swish.
Subject: Don't give me that 'Mr Swish' treatment. Call me Golden, or Gold, or Goldie, or something.
Interviewer: As you say. So, Goldie, you had a book in your possession when we apprehended you. Is it one of your works?
Subject: Yeah, of course. A new one, but definitely a good one. All my books have the gold standard.
[Interviewer and guards snigger at the pun]
Interviewer: Very good. Well, that's all I have for now. We'll get you to a room, give you some food, and have a read of this book of yours.
Subject: Cool. Let me know what you think of it, yeah? Reviews can't hurt, and if they suck, I can just ignore 'em.
[Interviewer and guards laugh and move to release subject from the chair, and subject is escorted to a containment cell, exchanging hoof bumps with those present. Interview ends at 14:10]

Addendum-02: [DATA EXPUNGED] was discovered visiting the subject, later designated ESCP-007, during unauthorised hours, and was disciplined for his indiscretion. In spite of this, unauthorised visits continued, and after seven days, the guards present in the interview room 05 and interviewer [DATA EXPUNGED] were found to have been transmogrified into ESCP-007-2 instances.

Document 007-b: Catalogue of ESCP-007-1 items discovered by the Foundation

A treatise titled "The Truth That They Don't Want You To Hear" in the form of a hardback book, a non-fiction work confidently expressing a view of a natural order of the world and how certain creatures should act towards others. Only one published copy, ESCP-007-1/Alpha, has been discovered, despite significant investigation by Foundation agents.

A pamphlet titled "How To Not Be A Pussy" describing opening moves in talking to mares with the intention of coaxing them into sexual intercourse. The entire pamphlet consists of text on a plain background without any images, and the instructions are questionable. A total of seven hundred and eighty five (785) prints of the pamphlet have been identified and seized so far.

An unnamed album of various styles of rap centered around topics such as getting drunk, disrespecting law enforcement officials, cheating on existing girlfriends, and coaxing females into sex. The music is mixed and produced to an average standard, and consists of several tracks in which ESCP-007 is joined by unknown collaborators. One hundred and thirty eight (138) music storage media containing this album have been seized thus far.

An untitled painting of a hyper-endowed stallion resembling ESCP-007 as an alicorn sitting atop a throne holding the chains of dozens of mares, who are scrambling to climb the steps to reach him. The mares closest to him are performing fellatio on him. Three (3) copies of the painting have been seized so far.

A cookbook titled "All The Stuff Mares Really Need To Know", consisting of simple and strange selections of food, some of which require little input to procure or produce. Excerpts from the book include takeaway foods served on a plate, ready meals served as they are, and "Crem Brewlay" [sic], the latter of which a mare is simply instructed to coat her crotch in whipped cream and present herself before a stallion in a position suitable for him. "Chilled beer" appears in almost every meal in the cookbook as a condiment, despite being required to be served as an accompaying drink. A total of seventy (70) copies have been seized so far.

A sheaf of papers containing an untitled poem about the adventures of an unnamed stallion who is described as being ideal in every way in colourful metaphorical language throughout the poem. The protagonist undertakes several tasks and challenges, of which most are suggestive or sexual in nature and all of which he easily overcomes, showing up other males and winning the adoration of females in the setting. The poem is laden with euphemisms and double-entrendres. Strangely, while the content of the poem remains the same, the style and meter of the poem alters depending on the reader, ranging from limericks to iambic sonnets. The only edition of the poem recovered was ESCP-007-1/Beta.

Graffiti sprayed onto an alleyway wall in Manehatten reading "Golden has a dig bick" with a minimalist caricature of a stallion with an exaggerated phallus in the shape of a cartoon rocket. The alley was closed and the wall washed and cleaned fully upon discovery.

A marble sculpture of a confident stallion resembling ESCP-007 with exaggerated muscles and genitals, surrounded by mare clinging to his legs and gazing up at him in awe and adoration. Two (2) iterations of the sculpture were discovered, which were subsequently destroyed.

Document 007-c: Excerpt from of ESCP-007-1-1/Alpha

Posers who think they understand the world give bad advice, insisting that mares are simply sexual objects. That's not true, and thinking that is why so many stallions end up getting rejected. Going up to a mare and expecting her to sleep with you rests on the assumption that you're good enough, and that's not necessarily true. Sure, there's an average chance, but despite what some colts have claimed, mares are not automatically a stallion's property, and their "lesser brains", to quote some other authors, are not simply wired to respond to anypony who comes up to them. Stallions and mares are products of nature, and like everything that comes from nature, a pony has to be earned.

Conventional wisdom would have us believe that mares are simply superior to stallions, occupying most roles in society because they are the best for the job. Some believe this is divinely ordained, and some believe that is simply down to science, to biology and the natural pressure of life's driving force. Our society proclaims values of harmony and friendship, co-operation and virtue. Then there is the resistance to the assertion that males are simply beneath mares in the grand hierarchy of life, claiming that, instead, males are better suited to most tasks, but are kept from it by a society that is too set in its ways to recognise their ability and potential.

All of these perceptions are wrong. There is indeed harmony within nature, as there is within relationships, and there is indeed a hierarchy, but it is not divided among the nonsensical lines of sex or gender. That is the mistake of stallions who angrily rebel against the status quo, and who become frustrated when their attempts to secure sex is met with inconsistent results. Any attempt to approach the situation with those failed mindsets will only ever produce lucky wins at best. To truly be a player, to get what you want, you have to understand the real structure of life and society. This is the truth they don't want you to hear.

I've seen five types of pony in society, which I'm now sharing with you so that you too can understand how to best navigate the invisible webs of society.

Enlightened: These are the ponies who know exactly how the world works. They are the ones who can get anything they want, any time they want, because they know how to play the game. They have massive amounts of confidence and hone themselves to be the best they can be, knowing exactly what to strive towards.

Emboldened: These are the ponies who want more for themselves from life and try to get there, but don't quite know how to achieve it. They strive to be like Enlightened ponies, but lack the innate knowledge that would put them in that category. Most of you readers are in this category, and will be able to become Enlightened ponies after having read this book in its entirety.

Enabled: Ponies who are naturally talented, but lack self-awareness. They can usually get what they want due to naturally ability, and so dismiss the idea that they're wrong about the system or the way it works. These are the sorts of ponies who have families or are fairly comfortable with their lives, and so don't feel the need to change or strive. Anything they do want, they tend to be able to achieve. While Eboldened ponies may be less successfully than Enabled ponies initially, the Enabled's inability to recognise the reality of the world or the opportunities truly available to them means that an Emboldened pony will be able to adapt and outmaneuver them with discipline and training.

Embittered: The ponies who realise that life doesn't work as is claimed, but are unable to change anything due to personal failings and faults. These are the ponies who complain that they can't get laid and that mares never give them a chance, and who will turn to blaming society as a whole.

Enslaved: These are ponies who fail on every level yet believe wholly and fully in the system. They neither get laid nor believe that there's a problem in failing to do so, going so far as to pretend that they don't care. The fact that, even if they don't care they still don't have the capability if they tried, either doesn't occur to them or is something they refuse to consider. These are the lowest rung of society, and becoming an Enslaved must be avoided at all costs.

None of these categories are based on sex or gender. It is entirely possible for a mare to be a Enlightened pony or to be an Enslaved pony. These rules are true for everypony, which is how we know they're correct. Everypony has to earn their place, and earn anypony they want to have as a partner. That means that your success is down to you, and you alone. How do you succeed? You become an Enlightened pony and throw down the traits of your previous class. You have nothing to lose but your chains.

Document 007-d: Memo from Site Director [DATA EXPUNGED] to all personnel stationed at or working through Site-03

Attention all staff,

Following the breakthrough success of medical procedures Maroon, Violet, and Magenta, Special Containment Procedures surrounding ESCP-007 have been revised. Please take the time to familiarise yourself with ESCP-007's file and the associated protocols, requirements, and conditions of containment. With the change in the options available to us, our objective with regards ESCP-007-2 entities have changed, and so the protocols for dealing with ESCP-007-2 entities are being altered pursuant to this end. This is the section of the file to which you should pay particular attention, and ensure that you understand the new implemenations.

ESCP-007-2 entities should still be treated with dignity and respect, and any discovered in the wild are still to be reported to the Foundation for collection by field agents or a designated Mobile Task Force. All experimentation not related to optimising the remedial proccess for ESCP-007-2 entities is suspended and prohibted indefinitely. Researcher Stratus' cyclic breakup experiments must be resolved by the end of the week, and no new subjects are to be introduced to the experiments. The expected behaviour directed towards ESCP-007-2 entities shall not change while they are kept in custody. They shall be treated individually, and will require recovery following their procedure. Medical staff will need to keep them under observation, and will continue with medical checkups in an identical fashion as with ESCP-007-2 entities. If recovery is successful, they will be able to be moved from cells promptly.

It is important to note that the remedial procedures are newly developed and have not been enacted on a live patient, which means that, while safe, there is no practical evidence as to what may happen. As such, there must be a medical team present in the holding cells at all times to respond to any unexpected occurences and to reassure the patients as they return to normal. To try and ease their transition back into normality, beds outside of holding cells will try to be procured, and staff may be asked to give their beds to patients when not in use. This state of affairs will continue for as long as it takes to rehabilitate the ESCP-007-2 instances.

ESCP-008 [Mountains of Debauchery]

View Online

Anomaly Designation: ESCP-008

Containment Class: Sun

Anomaly Traits: Environmental, geographical, topographical, spatial, inhabited

Special Containment Procedures: The area surrounding ESCP-008 has been declared a no fly zone with the help of Princess Twilight Sparkle and the current Griffin government spanning two miles within all directions of the anomaly. A cover story has been created, detailing high and dangerous winds around the target. To further the point, both governments have agreed to a large fine no less than one thousand bits to any who are caught flying into it. According to agents within Griffinstone, the creatures there are clearly intimidated by the high fee as well as the local myths surrounding the space. Further observation will be needed for the foreseeable future in Canterlot however as there are reports of ponies who see this as an adventure.

Four small outposts (Outpost 008A through 008D) staffed by Foundation security have been placed just outside of this no fly zone to help secure the area. Authorization is given to shoot down any zeppelin going into the no fly zone should warnings be ignored. Authorization has been given to detain anything exiting ESCP-008 to be brought back to HQ under full guard. Tests pending.

The physical location of ESCP-008 (not visible), photograph taken from Outpost 008B

Description: ESCP-008 is a landmass located precisely at [REDACTED] in [REDACTED], which does not appear to be able to be observed externally. Unfortunately, not much is known about how ESCP-008 works or the powers behind it. No further study could be performed after the leader of the expedition to find it, Moondancer, returned to the Foundation with only one other member of her team. It has been noted that they had to escape at great personal risk to themselves, traveling for sixteen days on hoof in near freezing conditions in mountainous terrain, in order to warn the greater world of the potential threat that ESCP-008 poses.

While the Foundation has noted Moondancer’s insistence at a higher containment class (requested Moon), it has been deemed unnecessary. ESCP-008 is unable to move from its current location nor does it possess any method of luring creatures to it. Furthermore, due to the vastness of the area as well as the surrounding terrain, any form of larger containment is not possible at current.

Document 008-1: Crew Manifest

Name: Moondancer

Position: Expedition leader

Race: Unicorn

Mane: Amaranth with purple and violet highlights

Coat: Yellowish Grey

Marking: Crescent Moon with Three Stars

Notes: Talented in both magic and magical theory. Degrees in history, physics, philosophy, mathematics, and magic. Currently studying folklore.

Name: Summer Breeze

Position: Chef

Race: Kirin

Mane: Light green

Coat: Fire Red with Green scales on back

Marking: none

Notes: Skilled chef as well as forager. Has trained herself in detecting harmful elements when cooking as well as how to remove them. Magical skills are unknown. Temper mild.

Name: Crash Landing

Position: Pilot

Race: Hippogriff

Mane: Light Grey

Coat: Jet Black

Marking: None

Notes: Despite his name, Crash is a skilled pilot having taken the helm of ships and zeppelins alike. There have only been two times on his record where he was forced to make an emergency landing, neither of which were due to his actions. The crew should feel safe in his claws. As a bonus, he has had some training in engine repair.

Name: Hard Hat

Position: Engineer

Race: Earth Pony

Mane: White with a single yellow stripe

Coat: Orange

Marking: Caution Tape

Notes: A little rough around the edges. Hard Hat has worked around zeppelins for several years now, last serving in the Crystal Empire to help train their corps of engineers. Though his skills are considerable, I am slightly worried about some of the notes his previous employers left.

Name: Elytra

Position: Assistant Researcher

Race: Changeling

Mane: None

Coat: Yellowish green with an orange-brown underside

Marking: Large orange eyes

Notes: One of the more eager choices for this role. Former soldier in the Changeling forces, Elytra has infiltrated at least five different kingdoms and has learned a few things about their cultures. Now she has a passion for learning and documenting, wishing to share as much as she can with the Hive. Her ability to sense emotions also aided in her selection.

Name: Lightning Dust

Position: Emergency Flier

Race: Pegasus

Mane: Amber

Coat: Turquoise

Marking: Lightning Bolt Striking Three Stars

Notes: Repeat failure. Failed to get into Wonderbolts. Started group called the Washouts before they were disbanded. She is fast but extremely reckless and overly brash. Temper gets the better of her. Only one who wanted this position in this area.

Document 008-2: Initial journal entries written by Researcher Moondancer

Day 1: Today is the day we set out. After weeks of planning and preparation, we are ready to head out North of Griffinstone on a zeppelin we have purchased from the local griffins. It’s a small craft, just large enough for my small team though we will have to bunk up in order to save space. The plan is to draw straws to decide who we room with. I hope I get Summer as there are so many questions I have on Kirin culture!

Some may find it odd that the Foundation would send us out here, seeing how nothing of obvious note has occurred. No tentacle beasts, no sex toys coming to life, or timber wolves who rut you until you become a timber wolf! What has happened is that ever since relations between Equestria and Griffinstone became more firm, with travel between the two becoming more regular, there has been an increase in exploration in the surrounding area. And, more worrisome, more ponies going missing. While the more rational explanation is that these ponies have simply gotten lost, the local griffins have a different explanation that has peaked my interest. According to their legends, in a time when the great tree of Griffinstone had been but only a sapling, there lived a vile warbird named Gradullus. So wicked and ruthless was he compared to the others that a Being sought him out, asking for a favor. In return for his service, Gradullus requested a land where he and his line could enjoy all the spoils of their victories. To claim all hens as his own while their mates watched before submitting to him as well. A land that would forever be protected.

I am aware that it seems silly to send a Foundation expedition team out so early without any confirmation on what is out there when more plausible theories have still to be tested. However, given what ponykind has seen in recent years following the return of Nightmare Moon leads be to believe that we should approach with caution. That, as well as the warning the locals have given us without so much as a single request for a bit. This troubles me greatly.

Right now our zeppelin is being loaded with equipment and other provisions and once it is completed we shall head out. If we find the missing ponies, and if they were simply lost to the elements, we shall return what we can. But should there be something more, we shall seek to discover if this is a matter for anomaly specialists such as us or some more mundane organization.

Day 2: Lightning Dust! I got stuck with bucking Lightning Dust! I know I could use my authority to have her moved into some other creatures room, but this early in it might be seen as me abusing my power. Not to mention that the others looked happy about this. Grr. I’ll try to make it work.

Day 4: This isn’t going to work.

Already I feel like my mom when we went on trips back when me and my sister were foals, threatening to turn the carriage around if we didn’t start behaving! Lightning is an utter slob, knocking over my stacks of books whenever she enters our cabin and leaving her junk wherever she pleases. Last night she left a wet towel over some of my research books on Gradullus! Thankfully I have a spell that managed to repair the damage before it was too late, but that feather brained idiot didn’t seem to care. All I wanted was an apology from her, to get her to understand what she did was wrong, but all she did was roll her eyes. She seemed to think that since I had managed to fix it there was no problem! AHHHHHH!

Then there is Hard Hat and, as hard as this is to believe, he might be worse than Lightning! Already getting into several fights with Crash and just showing general distrust at Elytra. Once he starts yelling at some creature it takes me shouting at him several times to get him to acknowledge me and the scene he is creating. Sometimes he shows only the briefest amount of remorse. The rest of the time, he continues until I cast a silencing spell on him.

It is only thanks to the work and dedication of the rest of the crew that I continue. Summer Breeze is doing her best to keep us all in good cheer as we sail through uncharted skies and Crash is doing his part by keeping meal times interesting as he regales us with stories of his ‘adventures’. Honestly, they seem too fantastic to be included in a Daring Do book! As for Elytra, her assistance cannot be understated. Right now we are going over all the stories there are on Gradullus so that we can be as well informed as possible when we find what we are looking for.

Day 6: Today I felt like we almost found something significant. Well, we did, but not what we were looking for. Or maybe we did. I’m unsure to be honest.

Ok. We have been flying around for almost a week at this point, mapping out the area as we fly around in a grid formation. Due to the mountains and our search, we have had to fly slowly and as such have only been able to cover 4% of the total area. I know that number may seem disheartening, but I feel otherwise. We are discovering new things all the time, things that not even the griffins knew about.

Case in point, today we managed to find some ancient griffin dwellings near the ground. They seemed to be carved into the rock, almost looking like they had started a mining operation. Perhaps that’s what they were and, when nothing was found, these holes were turned into homes. We have searched them and found no signs that anypony has been here recently. With that said, I can’t fully rule out that they didn’t stop here. If these ponies were lost, I am sure they would have taken great care not to leave anything that might be of use to them behind.

On another note, there was a minor engine problem that required Hard Hat’s attention. While it was minor, it still took Hard Hat the better part of the day to fix it. Probably would have only taken him an hour had he not started screaming his head off at Crash for the sin of offering to help. The crew is already getting sick of this, myself included. I have tried talking with him but to no effect. Perhaps when we return to resupply, I will have him replaced.

Day 10: Another day, another fight. Hard Hat and Lightning got into it this time. I had considered writing down all the times they did and why, but I fear there is not enough paper in the world to contain their tempers or do them justice.

With us so deep now in the mountains, I have begun sending Lightning on scouting missions. Her orders are simple, fly low to the ground to search for anything of note. Any sign that ponies or other creatures have been through. Twice she has found something. The first mere litter; a bag of Sweet Apple Acres Apple Chips. According to the label, they would have gone bad two weeks ago and the snow that was on top of it showed that it had been there some time. If I had not taken it and performed tests on it myself, I would have thought this to be a prank pulled by her to cure her boredom.

The other is of greater note. A shelter! Two tents combined with some skill! It is clear that they belonged to ponies. We have surveyed the area and, while we have found other signs that ponies had been here, there are no remains. So now the question is: where did they go? Hard Hat has his own, morbid theories of giant beasts who carried them off in their teeth that may have a grain or two of truth to them. However I have stated that the intact condition of the rest of the site does not support this theory.

He lost his temper at this. And I am running out of aspirin.

Day 15: The crew’s morale is mixed. We have discovered more proof that other’s have been out this deep in the mountains. Mostly more tents and other sings of camping, including sleeping bags. We have also discovered what looks like used condoms. Lightning, when she saw this, suggested that whoever owned them wanted to go out with a bang. I really hate her sometimes.

But what has me excited is that we found something else. It looks like a street sign made of stone. Names written in an ancient griffin language that has, sadly, been lost to time. But there are numbers underneath that somewhat resemble Equestrian as well as tick marks. We plan on heading toward the shortest of them, believing that that’s where the others went. If we find nothing, we will head back to Griffinstone and resupply.

The rest of the crew, other than Lightning and Hard Hat, are hopeful to find them as we have not yet found any bodies. And while I am grateful for that, I am worried.

Document 008-3: The lone audio recording secured and brought to Foundation custody by Researcher Moondancer

Moondancer: Testing, testing. This is Leader…no, that won’t do. Ah, hi. This is Moondancer. Ugh! Whatever! This is Moondancer, leader of the expedition team. Day 16 of our travels into the unknown area. So far we have found nothing as of yet. Lightning thought she found tracks in the snow as well as a path, but little else. We are currently following them.

I would like to report what me and Elytra have discovered about Gradullus. It turns out that there-

Lightning: Moondancer! Would you tell that rock brained earth pony he’s wrong!

Moondancer: Damn it all to- Lightning, what have I said when I put the warning sign up outside our door? Well?

Lightning: Ahhhhhh?

Moondancer: That I’m busy with research and do not want to be bothered! We’ve gone over this a dozen times already!

Lightning: Yeah, yeah. You’re busy. Reading old books and all that. Like anything you find in there is going to help us.

Moondancer: I’ll have you know I’m doing much more than reading, though that is very important! I’m also comparing notes, recording my findings, and going over all the ways you and Hard Hat have screwed up since-

Lightning: Fine, fine. Boring stuff I get it. [Sharp sigh] Like any of that matters.

Moondancer: [Growl] It matters Lightning, because the more we know about what we’re walking into, the better prepared we’ll be! Because, unlike you, I am the leader of this expedition and I take that role very seriously! If somecreature gets hurt, it’ll be on me! I can’t just role my eyes and act like I don’t care about others!

Lightning: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?!? I care! I-

Moondancer: Yeah, just like how you cared about that foal you added to your show? The one you put in harm’s way? Or how you cared about the rest of the Washouts after that stunt caused you all to disband due to legal issues? Really looking out for them, weren’t you? Or the time before that with the tornado incident that got you kicked out of the Wonderbolts? Oh right, right. You never made it into the Wonderbolts, making you a never-was! Let’s face it Lightning; your special talent is being a repeat failure!

Lightning: [Lengthy silence]

Moondancer: [Elongated sigh]

Lightning: Feel better?

Moondancer: …A little. Lightning, I’m sorry. I only sort of meant what I said. This job, it's…and you, you're…

Lightning: A bitch. I know. Been told that a lot. But hey, good for you. A mare’s got to vent sometime, you know.

Moondancer: You’re…taking this surprisingly well. I would have thought you’d be screaming back at me. Biting my head off or bringing a snow cloud into the cabin…

Lightning: Heh, I’ve got a thicker coat than that. And who said I wouldn’t get back at you eventually?

Moondancer: Wait, what did you-

Lightning: So, what did you find? Hopefully all that research found something juicy. Like Gally was a complete wimp who liked to crossdress and pretend he was a pretty, pretty princess?

Moondancer: How would, er, never mind. [Resigned sigh] Well, since you’re now interested, yeah me and Elytra found a few things out. The problem is that it took us a while since there is no cohesive history of the griffins back then. That means that every flock just wrote down their own history the way they saw it so some of it was mismatched.

Lightning: I knew that!

Moondancer: …Right. So, while most of their history is all over the place, one of the things that all the flocks agreed on was that there was a Gradullus! He was known as Gradullus the Vile, Gradullus the Cruel, Gradullus the Unfeeling, Gradullus the Perverse, Gradullus the Despised, and Gradullus the Damned. If the earliest accounts of him are to be trusted then he was more sadistic than we were led to believe. More than once he castrated a fellow griffin, forcing him to wear make-up and pretend to be a hen for his own amusement. He would egg them on for days, asking how much they wanted to lay his eggs and raise his offspring. It is also said that he blinded his own father, binding him to a stone, and forcing him to listen as he raped his mother and sisters until they broke. In the end, they gave birth to his first eggs and begged to have him do it to them again. And that was before he became a warbird! He eventually had to leave his own flock when they tried to collectively hang, gut, burry him alive, behead, and something involving a massive oven.

Lightning: Ok, not much of a griffin of the flock.

Moondancer: And that was his more innocent days. Once he and his offspring were on their own, he started his own flock which proceeded to hunt the rest of his kind. For the next fifty moons, they would loot whoever he wanted, without warning, and take everything. Those few who escaped could only tell tales of how they were humiliated, demoralized for days or weeks, de-masculinized. The hens were turned into submissive slaves who lived only to serve him and breed more of his offspring.

Lightning: Wow. Just…I think I…How did he die?

Moondancer: No griffin knows. After he stopped being spotted, the various flocks all began to claim that they were the ones who took him down alone. Some griffins even singling out one or two of their best, raising their deeds up high, claiming that it was because of them that all were free of Gradullus and thus all other flocks should give tribute to them. But without proof, no griffin was willing to do so. No body to bury or anything that could hint that he was dead. And no griffin could ever show them the way to where he lived. The place the Being gave him.

The Being. Isn’t odd that that’s all the description we have, the only word they all seem to use. Wouldn’t demon or something make more sense? If it were Discord, well, he would have had his name plastered everywhere. Though, come to think of it, Discord doesn’t strike me as someone who would make a deal with this guy. He’s a spirit of Chaos, not evil. And given his history he’d be more likely to turn it into something silly or have things go not as Gradullus wanted. Maybe another spirit like Discord? If there was one there could be…

Lightning! Are you paying attention?!?

Lightning: What? Oh, yeah. I’m paying attention. I was just…

Moondancer: [Exasperated sigh] Right. Of course you were. Hey, does it feel like the zeppelin is moving fas-?

Lightning: You know, you were wrong. About me not caring. I…I did care. A lot actually. I just wasn’t thinking back then.

Moondancer: …What?

Lightning: [Frustrated groan] I cared! I really did! The Washouts. I…I created them, I gave us all a place where we could show off just how cool we were. Show the Wonderbolts what they tossed aside! The feeling of pride I got when that filly looked up to me, wanting to be more like me. It was amazing! But then we got hit with that lawsuit for endangering…I had to watch my dream die right in front of my eyes all over again. Both times because of me. Now I guess that’s all ponies are going to remember me for. Bet I’ll get names like Gradullus. Lightning the Failure. Lightning the Foalhater. Lightning the Loser.

Moondancer: Lightning I…I didn’t mean to suggest that-

Lightning: I know. I just wish that somepony out there understood what it’s like to watch your world come crashing down in flames all around you. And knowing that you were at least a little to blame.

Moondancer: [Weary sigh] You’d be surprised, Lightning.

Lightning: Yeah right.

Moondancer: I mean it I- Ok, it can’t just be me! The zeppelin is moving faster!

Lightning: Look, I’m trying for once to be serious. But if you want me to drop it…I…ok, I think you’re right, we ar- [A series of heavy, cacophonous crashes, interspersed with screams] AAAHAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Moondancer: Lightning! Hold on to something! Oh my! Oh my! Nonononononono.

Lightning: [Sustained pained screaming]! It’s broken! It’s broken!

Moondancer: Calm down. Just…Just get away from the window and let me look at- Oh Sweet Celestia, it’s not supposed to bend like that!



[Recording abruptly ends]

Document 008-4: Journal entries written by Researcher Moondancer

Day 17: Crash doesn’t know what happened. One moment we were flying peacefully in the air and the next we were taken in by a powerful air current. It knocked our zeppelin around pretty bad until we made a crash landing.

What we landed on however, is something that shouldn’t be. I wish one of our cameras had survived the crash so I could document it because words can only do so much. It looks like a disk made of stone, vast and held up by three mountains high above the clouds! And despite this, there is plant life all around us with waterfalls going over the edges of the plate! The temperature is warm, just below tropical conditions! It feels so…inviting.

The damage to the zeppelin is pretty bad. Most of the equipment was destroyed so we can’t take any readings on the area and our ability to make observations is limited. As such, I was only able to give my best estimates on the dimensions of this island in the mountains, written in the appropriate records. There was also damage done to the hull, but thankfully that can be fixed rather easily. The engine, on the other hoof, took a beating. So much so that Hard Hat’s temper has been put in a time out as he feels the gravity of the situation. He is even willing to work with Crash to try and salvage what they can in order to fix it as it seems like it might be our only way down. Elytra has already tried flying away from the mountains with little success. According to her, she keeps getting pushed back by the winds and the rock surface is too smooth to make any sort of climb down. It may be possible for me to use my magic, but I lack the power to take such a large group. Even going down once, with one or two of us, might prove to be a one way trip.

Thankfully, we only had one serious injury: Lightning Dust. When we were thrown around, she…she tried to fly and was thrown against a window. Her wing is broken. Thankfully I was able to set it and it is already beginning to heal. In time, I believe she will recover with no lasting issues.

I hope. For the moment, I have ordered her to stay in bed.

Summer Breeze has already begun looking around at the vegetation. While we still have plenty of rations to keep us fed, they will not last forever and we have no idea how long it will be till we can either leave under our own power or through rescue. So finding an alternative food source might be in our best interests. She is hopeful and has found a river not too far from where we had crashed. I am looking at our water purifier right now, trying to fix it as I take note of what happened today.

Day 18: Excitement! It seems like some creature spotted our crash landing and came to investigate this morning! But imagine my surprise to see our zeppelin surrounded on all sides by large griffins!

The welcome we have received feels a little odd. A pony would think that any creature who had lived here for perhaps their entire life would be more hostile or scared by our presence. Especially griffins. Yet none of those that approached us carried with them a single weapon, nor did they appear hostile considering their imposing height! To add to this the leader of the group, a griffin named Grand, spoke both clearly and calmly that they meant us no harm. That they wished to provide us with aid. That there would be a welcoming feast in our honor.

Given that we were outnumbered already with who knows how many more in the area, as well as not wanting to offend the only creature who might be able to provide some form of comfort, I agreed to the feast. However, we took certain steps in order to keep ourselves safe. Lightning was going to be the only one left behind, rations left beside her bed, since her presence would only be more of a hinderance given her current state. As for the rest, I ordered that we all remain together with no creature straying more than a few feet from the rest of the group. Should something go wrong, the plan was for me to teleport us all back to the zeppelin where we could hopefully hole up and plan our next move.

As we walked, I asked Grand a bit about this place. He was surprisingly forthcoming, not holding anything back. He said that this was their home, and had been that way for as long as any could remember. As for the details, he claimed that they had been lost seeing how it was so long ago. Whether I believe him or not, is a matter for later. Again, upsetting him or the rest of the flock here would not do us any good.

Their home was something else. If I had to guess, we traveled all the way to the center of the land mass. There, the architecture reminds me of old Pegasi cloud builds filled with rows of columns and wall-less buildings. Just by looking at them, I can tell that they have all been made of white marble and have been kept in good condition. They have even built a canal system which flows through the town, filling up a public bathing area as well as their fountains and a couple nearby lakes! The number of griffins here is staggering, all of them walking or flying about peacefully. But while the males hold their heads up high, the hens seem to have a more submissive stance to them as they move at what feels like a respectful distance away from their male counterparts. It did not take me long to realize that this place had a patriarchal system in place.

Even more shocking were the number of ponies! I believe by the end of the day I spotted thirty or so but there could be more. Quickly, I had asked about this and Grand explained that they all made their way here! And if that is true, then that must mean that there’s a way for us to get down!

But, while this gives me hope, I am worried. All of the ponies I have seen are mares. Where are all the stallions?

Meals, it turns out, are all served in an open plaza. Each meal, every meal according to Grand. We were seated at a long, circular marble table with mares and hens walking into the middle and serving us. Or, at least, some of them were. The rest were under the table, sucking the cocks of the griffins with a gusto I could barely believe! They were moaning loudly, slobbering along their shafts as if they contained their favorite food. The few words I managed to hear from my location seemed to suggest that they were praising the men, complimenting their dicks as if they were the greatest thing in all creation. Then, once all the plates were served, the mares and hens asked US if we wished to be pleased. I am happy that only Hard Hat eagerly agreed while the rest of my crew maintained a proper level of restraint as they politely refused. Our hosts did not seem insulted by this refusal.

We have just now returned to the zeppelin with our stomachs full of the fresh fruit they served. Grand has offered us all a place to stay, within their settlement with no strings attached. I refused him as politely as I could, telling him that we need to be as close to our craft as possible and we do not wish to abuse his hospitality. The smile he gave was a little unnerving, but he otherwise accepted my refusal before telling all of us that the offer would always be open. Hard Hat so far has been the only one to complain, whining that we could have nicer beds and fresher foods before calling me a few things that made me want to force his mouth shut with my magic. Summer accepted my decision, but has expressed a desire to see how they prepared their meals in order to learn. Crash and Elytra both looked as uncomfortable as I was during the meal and seemed glad when I refused.

What I haven’t told them is that this place worries me more than I have so far let on. The griffins here are too nice. Too friendly. Something is going on here.

Day 19: Something is wrong! So horny. So horny. All day, since I awoke it feels like there is a fire burning within my cunt. I feel like I am in heat. Fuck! I need to cum again! Need to climax all over my bed and scream. I don’t care who hears me and neither do the others! I can hear all of them cumming over and over again. Fuck, fuck, fuck! I think I-I have cum at least two dozen times already.

Dreams. I had dreams. In a cave. It was dark and smelled like a stallion’s cum. I was crawling there, on the ground without my sweater on. So were the others, all of us crawling towards a black griffin who stroked his long cock as we approached him. He smiled at us, pointing his cock in our faces before shooting his white load. I cried out as the warmth hit me, bathing me in its glory. I felt like all was right with the world. All I wanted was to be washed in cum, to bathe in it! Want it more. Want it inside me! I need to be fucked. So I turn around, presenting my pussy to this great griffin as I lick more cum off the floor. I wait for him. I need HIM! Need I NeEd. Need.

I need

Need HIS Cock

Day 21: I…owe Lightning Dust everything. We all do. More so now as I look at what I had written in my more delirious state.

It has been a few days since we were invited to the feast, the desires we all had fading a little each day. With a certain degree of certainty (and comparing my writing now from my last entry) I can say that I am thinking more clearly as is the rest of my crew. Though I admit to wanting to masturbate, and have so far at least ten times today, the need isn’t nearly as all consuming as it had been.

Anyways, yesterday morning, I saw that the expedition was in a similar state. Still horny, but more in control. I suspect that maybe the food we ate last night might have had something to do with it. This is helped by the fact that Lightning is the only one among us who wasn’t there and is acting normal. I wish I could have done some tests, however with my mind and body in such a state I felt it to be unwise to try anything with my magic. None of the surviving equipment can help. With no other options, I ordered that we would remain in our cabins with Lightning bringing us all water and rations.

Hard Hat and Crash seemed the most affected. Crash had been having intercourse with Summer that morning, I could smell it on both of them. And his cock was still out of its sheath, dripping pre-cum everywhere. His eyes looked almost like he was still dreaming. Hard Hat, on the other hoof, was jerking himself off at the table. When I issued the order to stop, he went into a rage, telling me that I couldn’t tell him what to do. With my mind as hazy as it was, I reacted too slowly to cast a freezing spell as he charged at me. It was only thanks to Lightning bucking him in the face that he…well, he might have done something I don’t want to write about. At the very least, his outburst and what might have happened seemed to snap all of the others back to their senses for the moment.

Right now we are still all in our cabins and I can feel the effects of whatever this is fading fast. As of today, I have only needed to cum five times, each one feeling less powerful than when this all began. Lightning is, well, being Lightning and teasing me about some of the things I said while reaching my climax. And, in an odd way, I am grateful for it. It’s a bit of the normal that I wish to return to as soon as possible.

I have spoken to Elytra about what happened that night when we went to the feast. I firmly believe that something was put in our food. Elytra, however, wants to give the griffins the benefit of the doubt. Summer had checked the food and had given us the green light, claiming it was good. She also pointed out the possibility that the food might contain a natural aphrodisiac, one that the locals have simply become immune to. While I am very, very doubtful about this Elytra raised one argument that I find hard to dispute: if their intent was to drug us, why didn’t they take us by force? They had the numbers to do so? Also, why let us return to our zeppelin? I have no answer to give.

But, I am still bothered by my dreams. Though they have begun to fade, the same one repeats every night.

Day 22: The whole crew is feeling more like themselves. This, sadly, includes Hard Hat who is back to his yelling at everyone. We are all still a little horny, myself needing to climax three times so far, but we are able to focus on the task at hoof. Or claw.

As for the dreams, I have decided to ask the crew about their own. Much to my shock, we have all been having identical dreams. Elytra is still defending the griffins, claiming there could be magical properties here of which we are as of yet unaware. Thankfully, the rest of the expedition seems to realize just how serious this matter is. It would be impossible for all of us to have the same dream without any prior context as written by Dream Bard the Wise. I wish I had brought his book with us (damn you weight limit!) for he had written in great detail about dream manipulation via words, song, and magic.

Based on what I can remember, this would have to be either a magically induced dream state or our dreams were linked by an outside force. I am dubious about the second option since there is only one being in recorded history who has the power to link dreams: Princess Luna. If this was her doing, I believe that she would have made herself known to us. That, and I am unaware of the range of her dream magic.

Once more I have reiterated my point on eating and drinking from our own supplies. Hard Hat has complained about this, yelling that those supplies are starting to get stale. And without the water purifier, we will run out of drinkable water soon. Lightning hit him. It was good.

Day 23: Still working on the water purifier. As much as it pains me to say this, it might be beyond my power to repair. There are parts of it that seem warped. Still, I am doing what I can and trying to help keep everycreature's spirits up.

The world outside of our zeppelin is like a siren's call. Hard to ignore how pleasant every day seems to appear. The others are asking me if they can go out for various reasons. Summer wants to go out and see if there is any food out there we can eat. Crash is getting fed up with Hard Hat, wanting to spread his wings and get his mind off of our trouble. Hard Hat wants to see the griffins again, claiming he wants to see if they have anything he can use, though I think he might have more carnal reasons. Elytra also wants to see the griffins and study their culture, as well as meeting with all the ponies here. I will admit, there is a part of me that wants to agree so much. To study and document this society would be a dream come true. But then I think of that smile Grand gave me and I return to my work.

Lightning is back in bed, grumbling the entire time.

Day 26: I feel like a mom even more so than before.

Today I agreed to let every creature go out. But this is more due to their insistence than anything else as I was bombarded all day with requests to go out, making it impossible to get any work done. They were so insistent that, had I said no, I fear they would have turned against me.

So with the help of Summer, I made them all lunches and gave it to them as they headed out the door. Hard Hat acted like a spoiled colt as I gave him his meal and I felt like he would have thrown it in my face had the others not been there. I am really getting sick of him. If it weren’t for the fact that I need him working on the engine, I would have locked him up somewhere until we could get back home.

It was just me and Lightning today as I tried to work on the water purifier. She convinced me to take some time off from it and play cards with her, claiming it would help. According to her, whenever she couldn’t figure out a problem, walking away from it for a bit always helps. Usually it was flying. And, much to my surprise, when I came back to my deck I began to notice things I hadn’t before. I’m still nowhere near finished with it, but I feel like I made significant progress.

Elytra, as I expected, returned with some progress. When she returned, she seemed a little giddy at all she had discovered as well as how well she was blending in to help with her research. Not too hard for a changeling I guess. But I do have some concerns about how she is going about it. Namely following with the mares, helping them throughout their day and being treated just like them. She says it's to help gain their trust so they’ll be more open to talking to her, yet I still had to voice my concern about letting them treat her as if she were nothing more than a sex toy. Elytra says she doesn’t mind some humiliation as long as we get some information to take back with us. That and possibly finding a way out of here. I’m not happy about it, but I do see some of her logic. We all knew when we joined this organization that we might have things done to us. Still I told her that if she ever felt uncomfortable with what they were doing to her to leave. Her wellbeing is still important, regardless of whatever potential benefits we get in return.

She agreed and is now writing up her own reports which will be in the official files.

Day 28: Nothing much to report. Still working on the purifier with only Lightning as company. The others were out again. I have set a curfew, much to the groaning of Hard Hat who is still acting like a spoiled colt in this matter. The others nodded, thankfully, as they understood my concerns.

Summer is having a hard time with the local plant life. The fruits she had been bringing back all look off and neither of us can put our hooves on why. She has tried a few things to test and see if they are ok to eat, including her magic. But as soon as she did, she began to feel dizzy. I have never seen any plant do that. Maybe something similar to the Plunder Vines, but these look harmless. Still holding off on eating them.

Elytra says that the hens and mares are opening up more. I am troubled, however, by how she managed to gain this. Elytra found that many of the griffins were curious to see how a changeling compared to the others. How deep she could take their cocks into her maw. How her lower juices tasted. It was when she allowed these males to ‘partake in her body’ (as she puts it) that the other females began to see her as one of them. It seems like they all take a great pride in using their bodies to serve the males. She says that she has not let any of them fuck her yet.

It’s the 'yet' part that I’m most worried about.

Day 32: The days are starting to feel like a blur. A lazy, lazy blur. I’ve been feeling a need to go outside more and more, to stretch my legs a bit while I explore this island in the mountains. But I have resisted thus far. The others are staying out later, sometimes coming close to missing the curfew.

That’s been leaving me alone with Lightning more and more, longer and longer. I keep walking away from the purifier, cuddling up next to her claiming I need to in order to relax my brain. But the truth is, I just want to feel her warmth pressing up next to me. Breathing in her scent a little longer. Then I drag myself away from her to work on the purifier, telling myself that the sooner I fix this thing the sooner it’ll be done with. Then I won’t have to leave Lightning like that.

Maybe it’s the loneliness that’s doing this to me, bringing back the memories of when I isolated myself from the world. Before we crash landed here, I was surrounded by others. Now, only Lightning stays here with me. Perhaps only because she needs to thanks to her wing.

When it's healed, will she stay? And can I handle being all alone again?

Day 36: There’s no easy way to say it: I gave in and had sex with Lightning. One moment, we were just on the bed as the light was shining down upon us through her window, then the next moment she kisses me on the cheek. I responded by kissing her back, on the neck. One thing lead to another and I soon found my tongue deep inside her slit lapping away at her juices. Her voice, begging me and saying that she was a bad filly who needed to be punished, was music to my ears. She grew wetter as I played along, telling her that I would punish the naughty filly. Oh wow, never expected her to be a submissive lover.

I can’t believe I’m going to write this down but…I USED MY HORN ON HER. Not magic, but sliding my horn deep inside her pussy! I slammed it inside her over and over again, using it like a dildo until she had an explosive orgasm and screamed so loud that the others heard her from outside!

Now here I am, laying in bed next to Lightning as I levitate this journal and quill. Maybe I just want to write it down so I know this isn’t a dream. That when I wake up, I’ll know why I was sleeping next to Lightning. Or…in case this only lasts as long as Lightning feels like it. I’m not sure. I hope I’m not some tool to be used to keep her from getting bored.

Day 45: The water purifier is GONE! I have searched the entire zeppelin and can’t find it. I had hoped to write down today that it was finished, me and Lightning ready to test it today to see if our patchwork collaboration had yielded any success!

Right now, Lightning is the only one who I know didn’t take it. She was asleep next to me when I woke up. I would have felt her getting up.

Nothing else to write about.


We were all sitting down for breakfast and Hard Hat started yelling again. It was about how stale the rations were getting, that he was sick of it, and so on. But he clamped up when I told him to shut up! The first time and I barely raised my voice! He just did as I told him to and sat down with his head lowered. He has never done that!

I just stared at him until I noticed something else. He seemed different. With the equipment I still have, I decided to give him a quick checkup to see if my concerns were correct. He obeyed my orders without question, letting me measure everything without a hint of complaint, though I will admit he blushed when I measured certain parts of him.

But I was right! Even as I wrote everything down in the official records, I had to keep glancing over at him. I wanted to double check all the equipment just to make sure nothing was damaged, only stopping when I reminded myself that I had already gone over everything weeks ago! Hard Hat’s muzzle has gotten smaller, more rounded, and his size and weight have also decreased! He’s almost smaller than me! His mane has gotten longer, seemingly more feminine now along with many of his other features. Even his cock, which I had seen at the table when he stroked it that one time, is only a tenth of the length it had been. His balls, remarkably smaller. I also tested his ejaculation volume, only having to call off the test after an hour of him producing nothing.

How could I have missed this? It…It must have been gradual with the passing of these lazy days.

After Hard Hat, I decided to check with Crash. The results are the same; he too is displaying features more akin to the females of his kind. Size diminished.

What is the most frightening of all is the fact that neither of them were concerned!

Day 52: I’m horny AGAIN! Why is this happening?

All I did today was have sex with Lightning. She matched me orgasm for orgasm. And when we weren’t having sex, we were rubbing our pussies in front of each other in different locations! At one point I was seated on the mess table, where we all normally eat, rubbing my cunt with my hoof and spreading it wide with my magic in front of Lightning. All I could think about was how exciting it would be if the rest of the crew came in and saw me like this!

I have enough sense left over to know something is wrong. Lightning, maybe. She



Day 55: Managed to get a hold of the situation once more. I will try and explain what has happened over the last couple of days, though I do so with a pained heart.

After that first day of feeling horny, the dreams came back. I can remember clearly crawling on the stone floor towards the black griffin who leers at us as we debase ourselves before him. Only this time Lightning was there next to me, our pussies dripping wet at the thought that soon we would have his mar, his cum. As one we present ourselves to him and, as I turn around, I can see a mare that looks like Hard Hat and a smaller hippogriff that reminds me of Crash. But neither of their gender changes bothered me. In fact, I seemed to welcome it as they did for they knew their pl- seemed to enjoy it. I remember wanting cock so much, begging the griffin to rut me like the dirty little whore that I was. Then we were all sprayed with cum again, that same feeling as before returning.

But the dream didn’t end. It continued. The griffin ordered Elytra to approach, to experience the glory that was his cock. She climbed up and I remember feeling envious as she sank onto his shaft. I could see everything, every detail as he entered her pussy. And so, in order to win his favor, me and Lightning began to put on a lesbian show for him to watch. We fucked each other hard, moaning loudly how we wished to have a cock that would satisfy us. We rubbed the cum on our bodies onto each other, licking it off, and then he grabbed me by the flank-

And then I woke up.

I know it was a dream, but I am now glad I woke up when I did for something tells me that something might have happened to me had it continued.

After that, I managed to focus my mind on trying to figure out how this could have happened to us after so much time spent here. I went to the most obvious source hoping and praying that it wasn’t it…but it was. Using the spell Summer had used, I was able to find that something is in our food supply. Not all of it, thankfully, but most of it. As I write this down, we have about four and a half days worth of food left between me and Lightning.

How it got like this, I don’t know. Could there be some magic at work, slowly infecting it? Or is it my crew. Either option is unpleasant to think of.

The crew is now rarely coming back. Some come back late into the night while the others just remain outside. I think they have taken up residence in the settlement.

I did see Hard Hat today, first time since I became afflicted. His transformation into a mare is almost complete. His sheath has nearly completely vanished and a small slit has appeared right under his ponut. The formation of a clit has begun as well. All of his prior anger has vanished as Hard Hat seemed more docile than ever, saying he she had to get back as soon as possible.

After seeing Hard Hat like this, I decided to check Elytra’s notes and reports. Most of the notes detail the daily life that females here lead, and what she did in order to become closer to them. Near the end, I see that she had begun having interviews with some of the mares. Why didn’t she tell me though? I had asked her about that several times.

While glancing over a few of the names, one of them stuck out and made my legs tremble. Boldly Go. A pegasus who we know had gone exploring in this area, hoping to get a book deal out of it. Perhaps a more grounded version of the Daring Do books. But Boldly Go was a stallion! Here, Elytra writes him down as a mare. After seeing Hard Hat, I do not question it. But I have to wonder if Elytra knew who Boldly was? Did she think that this mare was just another pony with the same name? Had she asked her questions, trying to figure out what was going on? I cannot say for her questions give me no insight into her mind. Oh Elytra, why didn’t you talk to me about this?

According to Boldly, he had been exploring the mountains without incident until he spotted the [REDACTED] mountains. Excited, he had gone towards them, but how he had gotten up, he did not remember. All he remembered was closing his eyes at the base of the mountain and when he opened them he was in the settlement surrounded by the griffins who welcomed him. Never did he mention that he had once been a stallion and I fear he might have forgotten it completely. Fully accepting his new form, his new gender. He then went on to recount his time including how he she had given birth to a griffin cub once so far and looks forward to doing so again.

From there, her notes become more perverse and spread out by the days. Her writing, once clear and legible, has degraded. Her sentences are becoming sloppy, her capitalization all over the place. In some spots she stops to talk about how horny she is or how good a griffin cock tastes for what seems like forever. Her last entry talks about some rite that the other mares and hens want her to do along with the others. Including me and Lightning.

Day 56: Lightning doesn’t think I should be writing this down, but for my own sake I feel like I must. If something happens to me, I can hide this journal somewhere on this mountain of insanity and perhaps it can help warn some other poor soul of what is happening. Maybe even the Foundation might find it so they can understand.

Today we went out looking for the crew. Lightning’s wing has healed up, but she can’t fly as quickly as she could prior to her injury. She claims she’s just out of practice. My magic will be needed to keep us safe. Together we followed the path that the crew has made in their numerous trips. Along the way, we spotted a pile of our rations and food that I had been handing out to them. I checked and found a few things that were still edible but the rest had rotted away in the sun.

We have done our best to stay out of sight once we were close enough to the settlement. We found them all near one of the lakes, all of them in service of the griffins. Elytra, Summer, and Crash seem to have been claimed by Grand who guards them fiercely, screeching loudly at anygriff who approaches them and interrupts their worship of his cock. I can barely believe that that is the same Elytra I met at the start of the journey, deep throating a cock. After spraying a load into her throat, he goes to mount Summer and ruts her as Crash spreads his her legs to show off her newly and fully formed pussy. All signs that she was ever a male are gone.

Hard Hat was humiliated the entire day, lead around on a leash and given orders. Told to fetch things and berated when he failed. A crop was used many times, Hard’s voice completely changed into that of a mare’s. She was later put into a stockade, rutted time after time without rest. Even from where he hid, we could hear Hard thanking them for the rutting. That she will be a good cock sleeve, birthing many cubs and hens for her masters. Praising them till her voice became frail.

When it was over, they were lead back to the settlement. We watched as they were brought to a stairway at the base of a statue. A statue depicting the griffin I have seen in my dreams.

As they descended out of sight, I realize what a fool I have been! This is the land of Gradullus! And I think he might still be here. Down there in that darkness that hides his evil from the light. Down there as his prey is brought to him, turning them into his latest conquests. Destroying their very beings until they are these twisted mockeries that live only to birth more of his foul line. Lightning thinks I’m going mad, but what other explanation could there be? No griffin ever found his body. Wouldn’t it make sense that something as evil as Gradullus would wish to enjoy his perversion, to relish in this land for all time?

I am glad Lightning isn’t Rainbow Dash. Had she been, we would not have turned our backs on those who are lost. Now all we can do is save ourselves.

Day 57: The zeppelin is on fire. Our notes, recording, everything is up in flames. They must know we know. We have been hiding all day, always on the move. They search the land and sky and it will be only a matter of time before we are caught. Our former friends aid them, calling out to us to join them. They-

Day ??: Lightning told me I have been out for several days due to magical exhaustion. But who can tell how much time is passing when you can’t see the sun or the stars or the moon. Only the endless howling of a raging wind as it tries to push us back to the mountains of Gradullus.

We were found. I had to use my magic to try and escape. And better we die than lose everything that makes us who we are. It took everything I had and more, the last thing I remember being caught by Lightning high above the ground. After I passed out, Lightning managed to find some abandoned gear that will help us survive. But for how long, I have no idea. We will need to rely on each other.

I hope we can make it back to the Foundation. No, we need to get back. I managed to save some of the recordings I’ve made along with the journal. With it I can convince them that something needs to happen. We need to block this area up in a massive, forty mile wall. We need to destroy it completely and keep that wretched evil from ever getting the chance to escape. For if it does, those griffins will consume everything.


Document 008-5: Hansard of Site Director Tail Blaze's speech at an inter-facility discussion regarding ESCP-008's containment protocols

Thank you for your input so far, fillies and gentlecolts. Before I begin, I would like to extend my condolensces to Researcher Moondancer and Agent Lightning Dust for their tribulations in their discovery of ESCP-008, most noticeably the loss of their team. Their dedication to the Foundation should never be forgotten, and their success here should be commemorated in no uncertain terms. Without their efforts, we would be floundering in the dark, and it is they who have paid the price for their dutiful actions. In keeping with this, I believe that there is more we can do. We understand very little about this anomaly, and what we do understand paints a very dire picture. I took it upon myself to research the legend of Gradullus the Vile, perusing all the texts I could find on the subject, and coming away with a clear picture of that with which we are dealing. Some of you may say that all we have currently is the report of a single mare, and a witness who can support her testimony. I agree; we find ourselves lacking the familiar level of knowledge. Normally, this would be a cause for concern. However, the testimony of this mare resulted in the registering of an ESCP designation on a location accepted to be anomalous. If we doubt her testimony, then we doubt the necessity of this designation. If we believe in her testimony, then the level of intelligence we have on this ESCP demands further investigation. Before I make my case as to what we can offer, allow me to remind the chamber that we have adopted more than a mere ESCP designation for this anomalous location. We have assigned this figure, Gradullus, or whatever it may be, a number and an entry in the esteemed files of our grand database. It is now Person of Interest 434, more than a mere legend. Likewise, its tribal followers have been adopted as Group of Interest 25, acknowledged to be benefactors of, and perhaps products of, an anomalous location. To reiterate, this ESCP is home to POI-434 and GOI-25. In addition, I believe there is a detail that requires more attention from the Foundation, something that was overlooked in its haste to declare the threat contained. I would like everycreature present to listen to this line taken directly from the diary of Researcher Moondancer; "A pony would think that any creature who had lived here for perhaps their entire life would be more hostile or scared by our presence. Especially griffins. Yet none of those that approached us carried with them a single weapon, nor did they appear hostile considering their imposing height." This, I believe, has gone entirely unnoticed by the Foundation as a whole. Perhaps inadvertently, Researcher Moondancer has provided us with the most important detail she could have ever provided. These griffins, as she says, are imposing, tall, and unarmed. These griffins are products of harems and concubinal relationships with females of all species, as verified by Researcher Moondancer's testimony. They are large, strong, and evidently fearless. I did not rise to my rank in an organisation dedicated to investigating the anomalous by sitting on coincidence; I believe these griffins are anomalous creations, or, at the very least, bear anomalous properties resulting from an anomalous means used to conceive them. Given the nature of this environment and the identity of its suspected proprietor, I believe we ought to treat this situation far more seriously. To summarise, we are an organisation dedicated to thoroughly and exhaustively examining and investigating the anomalous, and containing it so that the dangers do not spill over to harm the innocent. Our sole source of information on an ESCP comes from the very mare who initially discovered it, and from her testimony, we derived an ESCP designation for a hidden utopia perfect for a supervillain's lair, a Person of Interest designation for a being believed to be the very same Grandullus the Vile who once terrorised and subjugated the surrouding land and societies, and a Group of Interest designation for an army of anomalous spawn birthed unnaturally from the capture and conversion of any and all who enter this domain. Those who do not see the threat and see no reason to devote more resources to containment and preparation perhaps ought to reconsider their position as a site director. I, for one, am pledging all available resources at my disposal for this cause. Before I yield my speaking position, I have one final statement to make. I know there will be those of you here who say this in response; ESCP-008 is a static location, and does nothing to draw in new victims, so long as we steer wandering creatures away, and so extra containment is a waste of resources. This is a line we should keep for those who lack clearance, not as a sincere fallacy for the sake of comfort. Make no mistake, friends and colleagues; ESCP-008 does not need to move, because that is not its design. It exists as a haven for cruelty, tyranny, and barbarism, and its inhabitants have no interest in engaging us, as yet. That is not the point. The point is this; we cannot enter and leave as we please, because the choice is not ours. Why must we wait until we realise that POI-434 is the one who decides what leaves, and when? When he has large enough army to resume his conquests? I pray that day does not arrive soon, but if our only expedition to that dark site is any indication, I fear it may. Prepare.

ESCP-009 [Luster's Pox]

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Anomaly Designation: ESCP-009

Containment Class: Moon

Anomaly Traits: Microscopic, organic, pathogenic, infectious

Special Containment Procedures: ESCP-009 samples are to be kept at a designated biohazard containment and research facility in marked airtight vials within an airtight sample tube, which are to be contained within a double-locked hermetic sample locker. The sample locker room must be accessed through an airlock equipped with nozzles which can disperse chemical disinfective agents in liquid or aerosol form, and emitters for magical sterilisation of all surfaces. Except when being entered by staff, the sample locker room must be sustained as an atmospheric vacuum with a minimum accepted upper limit of 0.01 atm. Any damage to the seals or surfaces of the room must be assessed and replaced or repaired if sufficient to cause a risk.

All staff handling or expected to come into proximity of ESCP-009 must wear full biological hazardous material suits rated to block viral and microbiological matter. When exiting an area in which ESCP-009 is present, a full disinfection of the protective suit is required before it is removed, followed by a further sterilisation of the equipment before it is re-entered into Foundation use. All equipment used to contain or study ESCP-009 is to be sterilised following completion of its use. Any staff who believe they have come into contact with ESCP-009 must report to the appropriate medical facility and quarantine themselves, minimising contact with all other surfaces, environments, and creatures, and will be expected to provide a full list of objects, locations, and creatures with which they came into contact within a contextually appropriate timeframe surrounding their suspected infection. Any indication of infection of any creature must be reported and detention by appropriate staff is mandatory upon such a report. Any infected individuals who do not voluntarily surrender must be detained by force.

All handling of ESCP-009 samples, contaminations, and infections must be done so by staff who have been trained and qualified to undertake the tasks required of them, such as medical intervention or site cleanup. Suspicion of infection or contamination should be acted upon, and no site or creature is to be regarded as safe until declared so by the present highest ranking personnel qualified to handle ESCP-009. No unauthorised samples may be collected nor cultivated by staff without the explicit permission of three Level 4 researchers.

When moving samples of ESCP-009, the container must be checked for damage before being removed from its sterile environment, and must be transported in a metal case with an interior lining of shock-absorbant padding, which should be secured to a gurney to remove the risk of dropping. If at any point damage is noticed to the container or if the container falls, the section of the facility in which the incident occured, and any more which are suspected to be at risk of contamination, must enter a lockdown while appropriately equiped staff attend the scene to sterilise the section. Damaged containers must be destroyed, along with the sample they contain. Prior to transportation occuring, the site must annouce the route to be taken by the sample and its escorts, and these areas must be vacated. The removal of a sample for whatever reason must be formally approved by the site director.

Assessment and observation agents and resources are to be aware of the signs of an ESCP-009 outbreak or infection and must report their suspicion immediately to their handlers. Containment teams are to be dispatched to all suspected or confirmed sites of infection and the location quarantined, along with any creature present. Quarantine must not be lifted until the threat is assessed as having been thoroughly eradicated, and appropriate resources and measures must be committed to aid this effort. Note: Guidance on levels of severity and appropriate measures can be found in Documents 009-1 and 009-2 respectively.

Anycreature found to be infected by ESCP-009 must be treated through a consistent application of maternal affection, including insisting the infected remains in bed, feeding them hot soup at least once a day, reading them bedtime stories, singing lullabies, and praying for them (Codename: NOSTALGIA). Treatment must continue until all traces of ESCP-009 have been purged from the body, with a strong correlation between the stage of infection and the required time and attention to a complete cure. This technique is most effective when performed by a mare, although attitude and demeanour are more significant as factors than biological sex, and sincerity bolsters the impact of the treatment significantly. Creatures with a good bedside manner, empathetic disposition, and approachable personality should be groomed for this role.

Description: ESCP-009 is a microscopic pathogen with the genetic and microbiological structure of a virus. In isolation, ESCP-009 particles are capable of airborne transmission across great distances, recorded as being as far as twenty kilometers (20km), and commonly sticks to clothing, structures, articles, and hairs. When bonding with a cell or mixing with compounds or substances, the particles lose their airborne transmissibility, even at short distances, and even a substance as chemically mundane as pure water is enough to negate the virions' airborne transmissibility. As is characteristic of a virus, it replicates using the cells of a living organism and produces effects within its host conducive to spreading itself to other organisms as part of its life cycle, with infected individuals spreading the virus through bodily fluids.

Regardless of transmission type, a single virion is sufficient to infect a sapient creature with a one hundred percent success rate upon entering the cardiorespiratory system by any means. Immune systems do not react to ESCP-009's presence in the body, and are incapable of removing, resisting, or rejecting the virus or its symptoms when compelled to do so. Non-anomalous pharmaceutical and magical drugs and procedures are ineffective at treating an ESCP-009 infection, but standard cleaning and sterilisation processes and chemicals are capable of neutralising any presence of ESCP-009 that has not infected a sapient host. Research is ongoing to see at which stage the anomalous resistance to standard medicine takes hold and how it gains these properties, with the current theory being at the point of cell invasion.

Other than being deliberately cleaned, ESCP-009 does not appear to diminish naturally, and is able to persist upon contaminated surfaces or compounds until it is removed through focused effort. Upon entering a host, the virions will immediately and swiftly invade the closest cells to the point of entry into the body, and will proceed to replicate at a rate far beyond that of any non-anomalous contagion, although the host is not harmed at any point of the process. A predictable pattern of symptoms occurs as the host develops through several stages, which begins immediately upon infection.

Stage 1 is the initial infection stage, in which the virions invade the nearest cells within the body. There are no symptoms at this stage except the presence of proteins in a relevant sample test contextual to the origin of the infection in the host's body, such as an oral swab test. The immune system and natural bodily reactions to foreign bodies entering the system do not occur. While transmission at this stage is greatly lessened due to a lack of replicability of the protein strands of the virion, contamination and infection is still possible. With the process irreversible by standard means, the host is designated an instance of ESCP-009-1. This stage lasts from the intake of particles into the body until the virus uses the infected cells to replicate, which takes between ten and fifty minutes.

Stage 2 is the replication stage, during which time the infected cells reproduce copies of the virus, which in turn infect surrounding cells. All cells infected in this way also continue their original function uninhibited, despite the lack of expenditure of additional energy or nutrients which should be required for such a process. The presence of additional virus proteins becomes evident in relevant sample tests, though no adverse bodily reaction occurs, and no direct symptoms are detectable. This stage begins approximately one hour after initial infection, and lasts between three and seven hours.

Stage 3 is the reconditioning stage, during which time attempts are made to seek vectors for further infection. The virus influences the mind of the host, who starts feeling urges to socialise and engage in group activities, particularly those that encourage or require close proximity, such as contact sports. The host will experience an onset of spontaneity and will seek to make new friends or to include strangers into a group of existing friends, even going so far as to suggest immediate meetups of friends who have not spoken in several months. Creatures who are naturally introverts will appear to discover an inexplicable boost of confidence, and will become more socially astute, extroverted, and charming. This stage begins approximately five hours after initial infection, and lasts between three days and a week.

Stage 4 is when the host begins to develop lascivious interests beyond their previous norm, and seeks physical intimacy with other creatures, especially those within their friendship group. While this usually begins as cuddling and kissing, it quickly escalates to increasingly lengthy sex sessions, allowing for the transmission of the virus through saliva, semen, arousal fluid, or physical contact with the interior of the body, such as through oral sex. The host appears more lascivious, but their behaviour is not considered atypical of standard pony deviations. This stage begins approximately five days after initial infection, and can last between one and two weeks.

Stage 5 sees a massive and exponential spike in the host's libido, and their behaviour becomes troublesome and noticeably atypical of a normal creature. They become acutely sexually aggressive, seeking out carnal interactions with any and all sapient creatures above the age of sexual maturity, and forego other primary considerations such as eating and sleeping in pursuit of this endeavour. A significant majority of the host's cells, ranging between 76%-100%, have been infected, and replication occurs at a staggeringly high rate, in addition to alteration and increased functionality of those cells. As with stage 2, there is no increased nutrition requirement for this process, even with the increased output of bodily fluids by rates as significantly as +205%. Hosts secrete significantly greater seminal fluids, arousal fluids, and saliva, all of which is a carrier of ESCP-009. This stage of the infection begins between one and two weeks after initial infection.

Despite the significance of the infection, the host suffers no pain or discomfort, and does not suffer adverse health effects aside from the natural consequences arising from their altered behaviours. During or before inducing heightened libido in the hosts, ESCP-009 suppresses virility and fertility, rendering the host incapable of impregnating another of their species, or being impregnated by another of their species. The current theory for this sterility is the maximisation of the spread of the contagion, as hosts are capable of continuing to spread ESCP-009 without the burden of carrying a child to term. As a result of the ease of exponential spread to the entirety of the population of the globe and the sterility it produces, ESCP-009 is capable of causing a K-Class scenario, making containment a priority for the Foundation.

Document 009-1: Severity scale of ESCP-009 contamination from least to most severe

Clean: No presence of contagion
Contained: Contagion subject to all conditions expressed in the Special Containment Procedures
Minor: Contagion uncontained within a small confined space over which the Foundation has effective control
Major: Contagion uncontained within a locale over which the Foundation does not have effective control and/or contagion present over a large open area
Extreme: Widespread contamination in densely populated locations and/or heavy contamination of infrastructure or resources necessary for civilisational continuation, or contamination of items and resources with which the public will innevitably interact on a large scale.
Critical: Uncontained contamination on an unlimited scale, imminent risk of a cascade into a global infection, potential GK-Class "Dead Greenhouse" scenario or IK-Class "Collapse of Global Civilisation" scenario.

Document 009-2: Excerpt from ESCP response manual

Some biological outbreaks, such as an ESCP-009 outbreak, are a pernicious threat which have the potential to eradicate all sapient species on the planet, or potentially further if the virus spreads beyond the atmosphere. As such, all suspicions of infection must be reported up the chain of command and as detailed and precise a report as possible made on all relevant elements of the incident, including the time, date, location, involved parties, descriptions, and physical contact made. Avoid making skin-to-skin contact wherever possible and submit yourself for a medical examination after dealing with any suspected incident. If possible, secure any relevant material and creatures at the scene of the suspected outbreak.

Field agents and MTF commanders are authorised to set up a quarantine zone if they believe there is an active outbreak or infection site and detain any and all creatures within such a zone, including any creatures suspected of having travelled into the area prior to its establishment but after the outbreak began. Any individuals suspected of being vectors must be contained, unless pursuing them would further spread the contagion, in which case their identity must be noted in as much detail as possible and reported up the chain of command for interception by Foundation personnel.

The need for secrecy must be balanced against the containment and prevention considerations that outbreaks necessitate, and what constitutes a balanced approach will be situational, depending entirely on the circumstances of the case. To facilitate Foundation operation, appropriate guidelines from which to make further decisions are as follows, working on the basis of an ESCP-009 outbreak.

When the risk level is minor, the area must be quarantined and all exits blocked, and entry prohibited to anycreature not wearing a suitable fully sealed hazardous materials protection suit. A decontamination team should be called urgently, and entry to the area must be swift and orderly, and decontamination begun immediately with chemical disinfectants. Any unauthorised creature on site must be detained for medical examination and treatment. If the occupants of the area are in stage four or five of infection, field agents may be required to incapacitate them prior to the arrival of the decontamination team. In doing so, the agents must limit their exposure as much as possible, and must submit for a medical examination following full cleanup of the site. Agents should pose as law enforcement officials or health workers for the purpose of explaining to any witnesses or bystanders, with the exact cover story decided by the team leader. Infected individuals should be removed to and amnestitised at a Foundation facility.

When the risk is major, multiple teams should attend to the scene and establish the exact boundaries of the contamination zone, which must be quarantined. Decontamination teams must attend the scene immediately and begin full chemical decontamination, while agents and MTF operatives detain and gather intelligence on the outbreak. Priority must be given to individuals in later stages of infection, but the utmost consideration is maintaining order and preventing as much interaction as possible between anycreatures present, as well as halting any traffic to and from the quarantine site that is authorised by the Foundation. Medical teams must be brought in to conduct the procedures necessary to cure all instances of ESCP-009-1, and this should be done on-site to prevent further spreading of the contagion. All agents should pose as health workers attemtping to combat a particularly virulent strain of a non-anomalous disease, and low-level amnestics must be provided to prevent the full extent of the intervention being understood while allowing those involved to retain memories of treatment so as to avoid suspicion. Gaps in memory or confusion should be explained as side-effects of the medication they were given.

Extreme risks require large-scale deployment of Foundation resources, including use of non-Foundation and civilian workers and connections. Local governing bodies should be contacted and compelled to aid in whatever way they have the authority to do, which may be broadcasting for the purpose of misinformation or public control. Infection of water facilities or bodies of water used for equine consumption requires the cessation of all operations of the facility or collection of water until full decontamination has taken place using an abundance of disinfectant materials. All contaminated personal property must be seized and its owners detained for examination, and urban or public centres must be decontaminated through heavy rainfall carrying disinfectant chemicals and magically embued purity. For this purpose, Containment Site CD-81-V should be consulted for its connections with the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation and the local authority. Door-to-door examinations should be conducted on the guise of checking for colds, flus, damp-related illnesses, and other maladies consistent with the high level of rain that will be present. Examinations of private and personal property should be conducted under the guise of ensuring building safety standards are being met, with particular focus on examining for mould or other fungal particulates. MTF teams must co-ordinate a systematic grid-based search of the urban area to ensure total coverage of the population, and further discoveries of contamination must be immediately reported in full and a hazmat team dispatched to focus on its eradication. Low-level amnestics must be provided to any witnesses to the procedure to cure an ESCP-009-1 instance.

Critical risks supersede the requirement for secrecy, and total deployment of all Foundation assets becomes mandatory. At such a stage, fully open deployment of Mobile Task Forces will likely be perceived as a national or international response, and coverups should be undertaken following the resolution of the outbreak and return of normality. There is no need to inform any civilians of the existence of the Foundation, but anycreature who deduces the truth need not be detained or administered amnestics. The Foundation's focus must shift entirely to large-scale treatment and corralling efforts, with manageable batches of the infected abducted and treated at any one time, while non-infected civilians are confined to refugee camps and centres. All creatures who are available to treat ESCP-009-1 instances must be informed on the virus and its nature, as well as the treatment technique, and all remaining national authorities must be compelled and organised to contain the outbreak. It is likely that climate techniques for large-scale decontamination will lead to widespread environmental damage and degredation, including agricultural collapse and ecological endangerment, which will require continued co-operation between non-Foundation authorities and the Foundation to sustain and heal civilisational development in the years following a return to normality, during which time the presence of the Foundation should be construed as nothing more than a governmental department. Amnestics should be distributed at this stage to remove any knowledge of the anomalous and the suggestion that the incident was any more than a non-anomalous disaster.

Document 009-3: Partial list of ESCP-009 outbreak incidents

Location: Silver Horns Nightclub, Manehatten
Severity level: Major
Description: Following multiple noise complaints regarding the Silver Horns Nightclub in relation to their seemingly twenty four hour operation, a Foundation agent investigated the venue during a patrol of the area, and discovered several ESCP-009-1 entities in stage five of infection. The incident was reported and an MTF team deployed to secure the club, posing as police officers, while a hazmat team posing as forensic investigators began decontamination of the alleyway in which three ESCP-009-1 entities were found fornicating. With the alleyway deemed to be decontaminated and cordoned off from public view and access, it was utilised as a treatment area for the club's inhabitants. Several of the clubgoers had to be detained, and the vast majority were found to be in various stages of ESCP-009-1 infection. Over the course of seventy two hours, the entire club was decontaminated and the clubgoers treated according to the NOSTALGIA protocol. A search of the creatures present and the venue itself revealed the presence of drugs, and medical checks on the treated parties found many to be intoxicated and various amounts of chemical stimulants in their systems.
Outcome: ESCP-009-1 entities initially found in stage five of infection were immbolised, covered, and covertly brought to the nearest Foundation site for dedicated NOSTALGIA protocol treatment, and were then interrogated for their whereabouts prior to their appearance at the Silver Horns Nightclub. It was discovered that they had been at the club for almost a week, partying and fornicating, and that the outbreak had come from contaminated drugs. Everycreature present was amnestised, and a public cover story was published claiming that the club had been the subject of a police raid due to noise complaints and the suspicion of a large presence of drugs. No further action was needed.

Location: Residence of [REDACTED], Canterlot
Severity level: Minor
Description: Neighbours of the [REDACTED] household expressed concern at having not seen the usually sociable husband and wife nor their servants, despite lights being on in the house constantly. Foundation agents embedded in the EUP Guard learned that the husband and wife had last been seen on a Saturday morning, entering their estate with several friends and acquaintances, and none had emerged since. An MTF response team was readied and sent to the address, and discovered upon a first check that the aforementioned ponies were engaged in an orgy, seemingly having been occupied in this way for the past several days, and further examination revealed that they were all in stage five of ESCP-009 infection. The MTF breached the building and secured the present parties, and the property was quarantined pending a full decontamination. Medical staff qualified to perform the NOSTALGIA protocol were brought in.
Outcome: Sixteen ponies were fully treated and the property was utterly sterilised, with no further contamination discovered outside. The parties were questioned on what had happened, and it was deduced that a particulate of ESCP-009 had entered the Canterlot water supply by coincidence and had just so happened to have been consumed by the wife, who had infected her husband. As the infection developped, the couple had talked their friends and servents into swinging, and the infection had progressed swiftly into stage five over the weekend. Amnestics were provided and a cover story circulated that they had fallen ill from a foreign disease while embarking on a vacation, and that the Foundation personnel were conducting a welfare check on them. The origin of the infection, and why it remained so isolated, was investigated. Conclusion pending.

Location: Ponyville
Severity: Extreme
Description: During the investigation of of the Canterlot outbreak, a lead pointed towards Ponyville. Agents present in the town launched a probe to identify any possible risks, and discovered the presence of ESCP-009 in the lake, as well as a number of ponies within the town displaying symptoms of stage 3 and stage 4 of infection. Site CD-81-V was contacted for assistance, and while plans were drawn up with the Cloudsdale Weather Corporation, agents were posted on routes into Ponyville to mislead any visitors away. Within a day, a storm was scheduled, and local residents were manipulated into aiding in its hasty construction. Disinfectant agents were added to the clouds, and when the rain began and residents had returned to their homes, agents were dispatched to the town to identify the infected townsponies. The lake was disinfected, distilled, and purified until it was clear of contamination and disinfectant compounds. The infected ponies were treated over the course of the night, and were provided with amnestics. The cover story of a scheduled storm raised no significant questions, and the town remains unaware of the Foundation presence during the storm.
Outcome: Outbreak fully contained, collateral damage to Golden Oaks Library as a result of the storm. Outcome deemed acceptable.