• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,717 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

The pause before-

The banging sounded down to the hidden room and sleeping form of Mordane.

It broke through his dreams and brought him out of his slumber. His eyes opened slowly in an attempt to wake up.

However, his eyes would hear none of it and they began to close again. Life is rarely so considerate to one’s desires.

A moment before he fell back asleep the neurons in his brain fired and told him both where he was and where the knocking was coming from.

The small candle sitting on the top of a candlestick next to his head cast light unevenly throughout the room. The underground abode was simple and functional, being two meters square with both dirt walls and floor.

Tables lined the sides with equipment and notes were strewn about. Failed experiments left in boxes rested under said table. In one corner, a small pit filled with ashes from his burnt papers.

He had done much here.

Some experiments he performed would even be considered immoral by the ponies in whose world he lived. There was the zombie fish still flying around over his head. Then a dalliance in tattooing arcane symbols on creatures. All horrible taboos by pony standards.

The one magic he had denied himself was the most readily available. War magic. It was something so readily available. Even now he could feel the complex weave intertwined with his spirit.

Even so he refrained from it. Remembering his promise to his master.

That wouldn’t stop him from practicing everything else, but still, it was a soothing cream on the chaffing of his lies.

Here he had worked to remember things from his former life. Years of displacement had taken their toll, and only vague ideas remained. There were a few exceptions, of course. He had fully remembered how to construct a radio, and was getting close on a steam engine. Here he had sat for hours racking his memory trying to recall facts about human technology.

It was his refuge, his hidden room underneath the rickety shack he had lived in the last six years.

A hidey hole where he could be himself, free from the eyes of others and the act he had to put on every day.He had been careful. Through careful methodology and planning he had not yet be caught, despite a few close calls.

That was until he had fallen asleep last night and woke this morning to somepony banging on his front door.


Mordane put out the candle, turned and rushed up the stairs behind him. He ran up, out of the opening that was normally hidden by his bed and how the boards fit perfectly with those around them. He concentrated carefully and quietly moved the bed over and closed the hidden cellar before turning to look at the front door.

”Thank God the curtains were closed.”

He took a look around and made sure that there was nothing strange out before yawning loudly.

"Coming, Coming. Can't a stallion get some sleep around here!"

His room had not change much in the last six years save for a new bed.

Mordane took a step toward the door before remember what week it was.

”Buck! Sigh, well at least I won't have to clean glitter out of my fur this year...it is nice of her though.”

The stallion stood to the side and opened the door.

A stream of balloons, streamers and even a cake aimed at where his head would have normally been blasted into his small room. Without even batting an eyelash, he hugged toward the only mass of unmoving pink.

"You remembered my birthday, Pinkie Pie!" he yelled with false happiness. Reflecting her joy back on her had proved useful in the past.

Not that he did not like her, she just exhausted him.

”Remember you will have to cut all ties, but that doesn't mean you can't be nice.”

His heart hurt at that thought. Ponyville was home now. Twilight close. Still, he crushed down the warm feelings, disassociating with the moment.

The mare squeed before returning his strangling hug.

Pinkie gasped, "Mordane, you actually dodged the cake this year! Do you know what that means!"

A sight dread filled him. It was true. This was the first year he had dodged the cake.


"You get a song!"

The Pink demon reached under his bed and pulled out her one pony marching band outfit. His brain refusing to even try and process that impossibility.

"Happy, happy birthday to you today. It been sixteen years since you were born so let's all say hurray! There will be lots of cake and oh so much fun so just sit back and relax. Let Pinkie make this run!"


Why such a short song would need music accompaniment, he would never know. He gave up on understanding the mare after the...well, after the time he nearly went insane trying to understand her.

”I was thinking I was close to a working theory, but well...Maybe it was the weight on the moon divided by a raccoon at noon and a platoon of mushrooms in line with the sun...yeah something like that.”

"Soooo...are you asking to throw my birthday party?"


"Just as I have let you throw it every year? Always with one condition?"


"and that condition was?"

"clean up this mess you made and leave my stuff alone just like last year." she recited perfectly.


Mordane floated over his cloak and saddlebags, while simultaneously checking to make sure his secret room was locked.

"See you around Pinkie!"

"See ya! OH! Wait, what time should we have the party!"

"Same time and place as last year, Pinkie!"

”Two days from now at two o'clock at the Castle! Yepperoni!” She grinned before turning and jumping away.

Mordane watched her go, thinking about the things he could tell her, but hadn’t. The lies surrounding their friendship and the weight it place upon it. Looking up at the sun he groaned.

Him waking up like that was a bad omen. It was nearly noon, he would have to hurry. Fluttershy would have expected him an hour ago.

Fluttershy’s cottage was the same as it always been, save probably a few more birdhouses.

His job mostly lasted about two hours a day, for five days a week. It paid enough for him to eat and not have to dip into the old adventure money.

He needed to clear the area around her house of loose sticks, piling the ones birds can use into a small pile. Then he had to ask the chickens which of their eggs he could have. After that he fed the meat eaters. Finally he would clean all of the dung up from around her house and put it into the fertilizer bin.

As he shoveled feces into a pile, he contemplated why he could not just float it over to the bin. Simply put, it was tradition. Each pony group had traditions, and if you are a magic user its expected of you to refrain from using it if that job does not traditionally use magic.

It grated his nerves. Despite having done physical work as a colt at his parents farm. He’d rather just get it done.

Fluttershy finished wrapping up a small bird’s beak. It had broken it on a particularly hard nut. Looking around her house, she saw that most everything was done. She fly out to help Mordane with his last chore.

"Oh no, Ma’am, it’s fine. You don't need to help me."

"Are you sure?"

Mordane smiled. Every other day she would come out here and offer the same thing and every time he would refuse.

"Yes I'm sure, Miss Fluttershy. I'm almost done."


Fluttershy flew off to check on the beavers again.

She had been glad to receive help from Mordane six years ago. It was a lot of work and she had expected that he would reduce her workload for a few months, until he was scared off.

Many ponies feared being so close to the everfree. However Mordane did not seem to mind. After all, he had bought the shack near her’s, that had been unoccupied since Old Pony Withers passed away.

Most ponies did not have a talent appropriate for this job, and after he didn't leave she had thought, for a while, that the stallion might get one as his cutie mark. He learned quickly and even though he had trouble understanding some of the animals, he was able to calm the predators moderately well.

It was obviously not his talent however. Yet he had not quit. Fluttershy admired that in him. Two years ago she had asked him why he was still working here. Should he not move on to other jobs so he might find his talent? His response had shocked her at first.

He cared nothing about getting his mark. In fact, he seemed to feel it was unimportant.

To him, this was a job to pay bills nothing more. That went against what most ponies did. Many ponies, after finishing school, would either set out to find their talents or already know them and pursue a career. They would jump job to job, trying to find something to catch their interest.

Mordane however simply continued to work for her and study under Twilight.

Several ponies were beginning to get worried. Today, Mordane would officially be an adult, and yet he had not found his talent.

”Perhaps she should talk to Twilight about it.” Mordane thought bitterly.

Twilight was sitting in the castle throne room with seven books spread out on a table in front of her. Spike, now as large as a pony, sat with her. Normally he would have tried to stop her from going on like this, but truth be told, he was just as worried as her. Mordane, his best friend, had yet to receive a cutie mark. Twilight had gone into a near panic two days ago when she realized he was about to reach adulthood.

"Nothing...there is nothing. According to this, most ponies eventually get their mark before adulthood. Yet Mordane will become an adult the day after tomorrow. Oh, why did Luna have to leave that journal around?"

Spike's eyes furrowed. He was worried as well. Not only for Mordane, but for Twilight as well.

Over the years, she had grown attached to her student, and as he spent more time with Spike, she had stopped thinking of herself as his teacher, and more like a second mother.

After all she had been his sole adult authority figure for six years. This last year after Mordane gave her that beautiful necklace, he had started being considered more like a son to Twilight. She wore it nearly every day.

In time, he had come close to her heart.

She was almost certain he would be get a magic cutie mark. He was growing quickly and did learn well. However, as time wore on she became uncertain.

"Hey Spike. “ Mordane said walking in “ Master?"


The books snapped shut at Mordane's surprise appearance. He simply glanced at the book covers before continuing.

"I finished the study of teleportation."

Twilight composed herself.

"Ok then, list off the steps in order and then things to watch out for."

"...Well first there is locating the target with your mind's eye-"

"I told you that is called magic sight."

"Yeah...magic sight. You then make a binding between the point you want to go, and yourself. Then you simultaneously unbind yourself from where you are, and make another binding to counteract the special stress in the world around you. This is so there is little notice and you don't rip a hole in sp- err the fabric of reality."

"That's right. Now, teleport to the other side of the room."

Mordane gulped. Magic power came easily to his grasp. In layman's terms, he was simply lowering his mass to zero, then accelerating himself and a bubble of air to an near impossible speed then stopping it with a spell at where he wanted to go. It should've been well within his strength to cast, yet in the middle of the spell it would...dissipate.

"No no, you have to finalize the binding."

Mordane nodded his head and waved goodbye to Spike as the dragon walked out of the castles front door. In truth, he had accomplished this spell two weeks before. That had been a terrible day.

______________________( Two weeks earlier)________________________

Mordane appeared in a flash of light on the other side of the clearing, behind his shack. His smile of satisfaction quickly falling away with the sound of metal breaking.

Looking down he saw the amulet that had protected him for years had finally broken.

The stress of teleporting had proven too much for it. Mordane regretted its loss. He had grown attached to the small band of metal.

It was not unforeseen, however. He teleported the short distance into his shack and went into the hidden room.

Sitting on a side table, was similar band of metal to the first. Mordane might not be able to enchant the bracelet like the broken one, but he could enchant it to hold energy.

The spells to hide his wings was one of the first illusions he had learned. It needed constant power however. The new amulet was enchanted to hold the power needed, so no pony would be able to feel the draw of power needed for the spell. The Clandestine seemed to draw power whenever he was alone, but with this one, he would have to charge it manually.

Carefully he bound the amulet and the spell around his wings and soon the effect was replicated...though this one would be weaker. He would have to wear a coat all the time now until he learned shields. For now, if anypony touched his back they would feel the wings.

___________________( present time)____________________

Mordane continued to nod his head and make a mental note to concentrate on finding a way to teleport, without disrupting his disguise.

He disliked lying to his master, who always seemed to have an eye out for him. Very kind and even though strict, he really did not want to disappoint her. Even though his heart hurt a bit every time he saw her recently, he was glad that they had met.

The lessons continued for a time before he was finally allowed to leave.

Mordane met with the CMC weekly, now. Not that they were doing that club anymore. They had tried to help him for years to get his mark, and yet...nothing.

The stallion might put up an uncaring face about his lack of a mark but it was starting to worry him. One of the first things ponies did was look at your mark. It was how you were identified. One could say it was more important than even one’s name.

In truth, he thought he may never get a mark. His human nature might prevent it or it could be a side effect of taking on the aspect of the world in war magic.

Whatever it was he decided to not think too much about it.

After all, he didn't want to be depressed.

"Hi Mordane. How are you doing?" called out Applebloom.

The three were sitting around a table in front of Sugarcube Corner. The sun was shining today. Mordane loved it all.

Sweetie Bell had started to write music and sing soon after she got her cutie mark. Many of her records were starting to sell outside of Ponyville, and word was that she would be making it big soon.

Applebloom worked on the farm still, but she would also work in construction.

Scootaloo had signed up for the guard as a messenger pony.

"Not much Applebloom. How are you three?"

"Fine I'm on leave." replied Scootaloo.

"The farm is doing well!"

"My producer says I'm doing better..."

Mordane smiled.

"That's great I'm still studying under Twilight."

"Have you got your mark yet?" asked Scootaloo as Applebloom rolled her eyes and Sweetie bell glared at her.

"No. You know you ask me that every time we meet."

She laughed as Mordane chuckled.

"Well, you know we just worry about ya."

"Yah yah, its no big deal."

All three noted the deflection. In the years they had known him, he had never lowered his barriers.

"So, any of you hear about how Appaloosa is doing?"

The conversation went on for an hour, after that before Mordane politely dismissed himself.

When he was a ways off, Scootaloo turned to Sweetie Bell and said.

"So, you still like him huh?"

"SHHH not so loud." replied the mare, waving her hoof at the pegasus.

"Ah come on Sweetie Bell almost everypony knows by now. What do you see in him, anyway?"

"Oh be quiet, Scootaloo," interjected Applebloom. "She can like who she wants."

"Ya, but that pony is a thick as bricks."

All three sighed.

"...Well he isn't all bad." Sweetie Bell restarted the conversation.

"Not bad? Do you not remember when you got your cutie mark. How oblivious can he get?"

"What he needs, is something so blunt that it can't be ignored, so that this can finally be settled."

The three continued to talk. They did not notice the Pinkie Pie rubbing her chin.

Mordane went back home, having the rest of the day to himself. The sky stretched out before him.

The pony breathed. He did not normally have so much time alone. First he placed spells to warn if anyone approached then he sat on the flat stone in the middle of the clearing.

Birds chirped.

Mordane breathed.

He could feel his heartbeat.

His mind turned inward. He had work to do.

Mordane seizes control of his perception, using the rhythm of his breath and heartbeat in sync, lets go of the world. The grass and glade faded and he perceived it as a dream. Bringing his will to bear, he created mental receptacles for the different perspectives. Each being would represent a different part of himself. Once they were created, he moved on to the filter to represent his memories and desires. The black void shifted, as he entered a half-dreaming state.

Battle scarred landscapes met his eyes, as he willed his consciousness to solidify. Around him there was nothing but burning ruins. Pony, Human it did not matter. Corpses hung in the streets. Each was a personification of a some aspect of the warring perspectives.
A soldier named Brother’s Love ran up and saluted.

"Commander Righteousness, our ally commander Pragmatism has sent a communique. He believes that this final assault will break Blackheart’s back."

"He isn't Blackheart, soldier...just his memories."

"...Yes sir."

The fighting had gone on for years. Why had the perspective of human absorbed the memories, then simply stepped back into his corner, was confusing to pony.

He had simply let Evil do as he wanted with a quib of, ' wake me up when I'm needed'.

Well, that time had come a year ago, as the memories worked to overwhelm Righteous sensibilities.

Pragmatism had set out and together they had taken the enemy on and began to purge them city to city.

"Rally at Blackheart’s Childhood. We will attack together with Pragmatism."

The commanders met in but a moment, and at the same time it was a day.

"Greetings, pony perspective."

"Greetings, Pragmatism. Shall we crush his last resistance?"



"You forget pony, he is part of us."

Pragmatism confused Righteousness so much. They were almost incompatible.

"...You waited until all of these scars formed to help, and now you want me to let him live?"

"Sometimes you ponies are too righteous. Balance is needed for everything."

"If we do not stamp out evil, it will consume us. Besides I'm human, we all are." Righteousness retorted.

"Perhaps. That does not change the facts. We will leave him alive."


"His perspective provides knowledge on how to survive on the run."

"Is that why you took the knowledge in?"

"...Yes. That, and it will make us stronger."

"Why do you only care about strength? What is your goal?"

"To survive, and to guarantee that we need power."


"...Compassion!" Pragmatism shouted. Another came running up.

"Yes sir."

"Send up a white flag we will meet to discuss his terms."

A blink and the three commanders were sitting in a tent around a stone table. Then it shimmered and they were in a council room overlooking the landscape.

"I thought this more appropriate." Spoke the Blackheart perspective.

"Be quiet Evil! We are here to accept your surrender Good shall reign!"

Pragmatism rolled his eyes.

"I called this meeting, to make sure not all your aspects are destroyed, Blackheart perspective."

"Thank you Human perspective. You know I don't like that name."


"I am the sum of our evil, as it were. Blackheart's memories just seemed like a good core device, and gave me purchase." Pragmatism nodded his head as Righteousness scowled.

"Well, I am going to make sure the knowledge and insight under your label is transferred before Righteousness get working on you."

"Must we get rid of all those memories?"

"Detaching ourselves and remembering them like a movie is best. Do you concede?"

The aspect evil calmly considered then nodded.

He was gone.

The perspective of Blackheart has been broken.

Righteousness glared at Pragmatism.

"I accepted to end this infighting, but I say it should have all been purged!"

"You will have to make due with what you got. The useful aspects will become citizens. You will kill the rest. This civil war is over."

"Over? The fight against evil is never over."

"Sure sure, now let's wake up. It's time to practice."

"Hey hey, wait a moment."

"Yes?" Pragmatism groaned. "What else do you need?"

"Well...I'm just wondering. What now?"

"I'm sorry?"

"What do we, Mordane do?



"I have no goal save survival, for now."

"Well we are doing that. What about...well what about the future?"

"...I vote we just take it as it comes."

"That is what we did as a human. Where did that get us?"

"A peaceful and comfortable life."

"But, do we not want more this time?"

"True. Very well I say we pursue power, until we no longer fear the Sun Tyrant, then decide."


"Now can we wake up?"


Mordane's eye opened and he stretched. Three hours on that rock really did a number on his spine.

Glade that is finally over with.

Those random evil thoughts had been annoying. Dealing with them had been three years coming.

“Well, I have about four more hours. I guess I could practice my focus.

The stallion stood up tall on his rock in the meadow and flipped a mental switch. His perspective shifted and spread.

He felt the grass sway and the wind turn. He felt the earth beneath him.

”I need power.”

Reaching out he drew in heat and the airs motion. Two simultaneous bindings.

”That should provide the energy needed.”

He paused.

Then willed the earth to move. The magic flowed through his carefully constructed matrix and up through his pulsing horn.

For a moment, he felt as the world around him began to slip away. The spell he cast years before thrum with the power in his horn. The world echoed within him. The ground, air and water around him grew into sharp focus.

But he stopped, turned away from the war magic and back to his conventional spell work, letting the extra awareness fade.

Dirt floated up in small bits. So small to be called dust. He willed it to collect. Requiring next to no power thirty small balls of dirt formed and beg and to dance around his head. Many rolled together at his whim, forming some bigger and others smaller. Soon he had model of the solar system...

Not the humans’ solar system, but the ponies’.

It had a standard star, relatively stationary with a planet a little closer than Earth, which had a moon. Now the rest of the system was inconsequential next to this planet’s oddity.

The planet was tidally locked with the sun, and the moon was locked on to the dark side of the planet.

It was a weird balancing system that had been brought on some time ago by a rogue planet entering orbit of the star.

Likely all life would've been extinguished if the local population did not have the ability to use their magic to force the planets rotation.

That was why the seasons were so bonkers in Equestria. Mordane sometimes like to just look at the system after all he had programmed a construct to simulate it.

Spike knocked walked into the boutique a smile on his face. Rarity turned and at walked up to give him a nuzzle and hug.

"How are doing Spikey-wikey."

"I'm doing great Snuggly-wuggly."

They kissed but Rarity felt something was off with Spike.

"Is something wrong?"

The dragon sighed.

"Are we alone?"


"Well it's Twilight, she's worried about Mordane."

"Oh, him" A sour look came on the mare’s face. She started on her work again, as both of them walked over to her garments." Let me guess that stone-sculled colt still does not have a cutie mark?"

Spike rolled his eyes. Rarity had been bitter with Mordane for a while, since he seemed to never notice her sister.

"He’s not a bad guy Rarity."

She snorted.

"Says his best friend."

"Well yeah...err I think I'm his best friend."

Rarity paused her work.

"You think?"

Spike looked around nervously.

"I'm pretty sure I am but well...the pony is hard to read."

Rarity blinked.

"How so?"

"It's like the guy always has a wall up. Seriously, even Big Mac can't tell me what he's thinking."

"Really? That can't be healthy."

"That's true."

"Do you know what makes him like that?"

Spike looked through his memory trying to think of Mordane’s past and came up with...


"He once said where he lived...that's about it."

"Really? Ten years and nothing? Did he not have any friends he missed?"

"...I don't know."

"So in six years, Mordane hasn't said anything about his past...that poor dear."


"Well think about it." Rarity said.

"He is all walled up, prefers to live alone, works very hard at magic, even though its not his talent and even doesn't seek a marefriend. He must have some kind of trauma."

Pity filled Spike’s, heart it made so much sense.

"Poor Mordane...What do we do about it?"

"I don't know...perhaps we should talk to Twilight. There must be some way to get him to open up to us."

The following day was beautiful. The sun was shining, and Mordane was up on time. He was making muffins for breakfast then head downstairs when there was a knock at the door of his shack.

Wonder who that could be.

Opening proved that it was Ditzy Doo the mail pony.

"Letter for Mordane!"

" Thank you." Mordane paid her misaligned eyes no heed, and proceeded to open the short letter.

"...Miss Doo. This says my parents are coming in a month."

Ditzy face scrunched up.

"Oh, that sounds nice! But...why are you telling me?"

"...Because the sent date was a month ago."


"..." The mare sniffed the air and quickly started drooling

Mordane sighed, "Would you like a muffin?"

"Would I!?"

Mordane gave her one of his two muffins closed his door and headed into town to the train station. The next train was just arriving as he walked up.

”I swear this universe has a sense of timing...or it's more of Discord’s magic. Really those random musical numbers aren't too bad though.”

"Mordane!" the voice came from a light brown mare, as she waved her hoof at him from the train window. This succeeded well in bringing a giant smile to his face.

"Hey Mom! You and Dad get over here!" She laughed.

A minute later Mordane's horn glowed and he floated his parents one bag off his father’s back.

"Mom, do you really have to bring this much? Why another six of these, and I might have had trouble carrying them."

"Haha oh yes son, that Twilight must not be teaching you anything then."

He hugged his mother and father glad to see them again.

"So I read in your letter. Coming to see your boy for his turning sixteen hmm?"

Stone his father just smiled as Sunny replied sarcastically.

"Oh no you know us, just coming to see the sights."

Mordane chuckled and walk with his parents to the local hotel.

"So, how is the rest of the family."

"Well" spoke up Stone" Both Mary and Berry are engaged to the sunshine brothers, can you believe it?"

"Really haha. I remember those two. Always picking on them."

"That stopped right quick around five years ago." chuckled Sunny

"Haha what of Dandy?"

"Opened up a bakery. First in the town!"

"Really doesn't she have trouble with buyers?"

"Oh you forgot. Six new families moved in! We have a proper town now!"

"Really? Fancy that. What of Flashwing?"

"Hes doing well, Out in the badlands rounding up a few small bandits. He doesn't get or send many messages recently."

The three arrived at the hotel. Mordane insisted on paying the staying costs.

Mordane and his parents go to talk to Twilight.

Just like every year.

Walking in they forced on smiles to mask the fear they felt for the princess. Mordane had to explain that yes it was necessary to not seem strange.

"Hello, Princess Sparkle."

Twilight smiled and closed her books. She tried to hide a bit of shame coming up into her heart. After all, his parents might blame her for Mordane’s lack of a mark.

"Please, call me Twilight."

"Haha yes. I believe you told me the same thing last year. I just wanted to thank you again for teaching my son."

"Oh, it's my pleasure. He really is a good student."

The conversation was boring and highly small talk. Very quickly Mordane urged his family that it was time to leave. All three sighed in relief, once the door closed behind them.

Pinkie Pie had a problem. Now this mare may not look like it but she can be very perceptive. She had noticed soon after his arrival that Mordane was more closed up than other ponies.

”If I only had not been so upset about Party King that first year after he arrived…”

The mare had set out on a long term plan shortly afterwards to crack his hard shell. She was certain he would open up in under a year! This had proven to be a dismal failure. She had known things were bad, when he said he would be her friend as if he was doing her a favor.

What could be so bad, that he doesn't want to talk about it to anypony?

Pinkie sighed.

Sweetie Bell has been trying for years to get together with him...if only there was a way to break through that tough shell.

At that moment a light bulb appeared above her head and turn on.

"AH HA!"

The mare zoomed out the door of Sugarcube Corner flipping the store, Mr. and Mrs. Cake had left her, sign to close. Making a mental note to hire somepony to help, now that she worked there alone ever since the Cakes opened a new store.

She ran through alleyways and between ponies. In a flash, she came to a stop in front of Twilight's Castle and calmly bounced in jumping up the steps.

"Hey Twilight!"

"Oh hi Pinkie."

Twilight was standing with Rarity and Spike, in the middle of the room. They all seem downtrodden.

"This isn't a good time."

"Oh...I was just coming to talk about Mordane. I think I have an idea to help him open up!"

The three others mouths opened and they exchanged looks.

________________________(five minutes earlier)_____________________________

Rarity walked into the Castles Library with Spike and found Twilight where the dragon had left her.Furiously reading through books.

"There has just got to be something."


The mare turned around and hesitantly smiled.

" Hi Rarity, I'm kind of busy."

"Yes, I know dear, that is why I wanted to talk to you about Mordane."

The alicorn gave spike a questioning look.

"Twilight, Rarity thinks that Mordane might be traumatized."

A pain look came over her face at spikes statement.

"Yes, I have considered the same thing. But I've seen him with his parents. He loves them absolutely."

"Perhaps," cut in Rarity "Something happened on the trip to Ponyville then?"

Twilight froze her ears drooping. She hadn’t told them the story that she had learned on Mordanes request.

“I...I know that he did, but I just can’t talk about it.” Twilight said quietly.

“What!?” Rarity gasped “Is that why he has been ignoring little Sweeties advances?”

“Rarity! Mordane just isn’t into that sort of thing.” Twilight said blushing and floating up her emergency dictionary “He likes books, like me!”

“I think that you like books a bit to much darling. I mean even in your bed-”

"Girls.” Spike said firmly, cutting off the conversation “ I think you are getting away from the problem."

The two mares turned to look at him.

"We need to find a way through that mental shell he puts up. I can't tell what he's gonna do half the time, and I'm his best friend! The only question is how?"

The three were thinking when Pinkie Pie jumped in.

____________________________(present time)_________________________________

"I think that we should get Mordane and Sweetie Bell together!"

The threes open mouths opened even further.

"How would that help!?" shouted Twilight. Spike’s expression grew thoughtful as Rarity continued to stare.

"Simple, silly. I tried to be his friend, and that didn't break through so we go for something stronger! We just need them to fall in love!"

The silence could've been cut with a knife.

"Darling, Sweetie Bell's been pining after that boy for years now, but the oblivious colt hasn't shown any interest at all. Why do you think that he's going to suddenly fall in love with her now?"

Pinkie rolled her eyes.

"Well duh. We make them fall in love!"

"That..." whispered Rarity. "...is BRILLIANT!!"

"IT IS!?" shouted Spike and Twilight.

"Think about it. We can make Sweetie happy, and help that poor stallion get over his hurt heart. Oh!" She swooned over landing in a chair "It's so romantic."

"You know this just might work." mused Spike, scratching his chin."Love certainly helped me."

"Aww..." laughed Rarity jumping up and giving him a nuzzle.

"Well...it might work. How do we do it though?"

"Ooo! ooo! I know! I'll go get Sweetie Bell to ask him out."

"What if he says no?" cut in Rarity. "Sweetie would be devastated."

"I could mention she's having a rough time." added Spike, "He would likely go out with her at least once for that."

"AND AND We can make it the most romantic date EVERRRR!!!!" Pinkie pie yelled while throwing roses and swinging on a trapeze she had somehow set up before.

So the plan was set into stone.

“Sweetie Belle and Mordane will be special someponies!”

Mordane watched and the pink mare rushed out of Sugarcube Corner. It was lucky they had gotten here before she had closed. There were not many good restaurants in town.

"So, how has your training with that princess coming along?" asked his father.

"Not bad..."

It was there way of confirming that his secret was safe still.

"...Learning teleportation."

"Really? Isn't that advanced stuff?" asked Sunny. His mother smoothing over his hood.

"Yeah, but I've made a lot of progress. "

They talked for a while before parting. Apparently his parents were going out on a night through the town.

Walking back through town he saw Spike waving at him and moving to walk beside him.

"Hey Mordane. How you doing?"

The stallion smiled.

"Fine fine. What’s up with you?"

Spike blew a puff of smoke before answering.

"Not great. Rarity is all upset about Sweetie Bell."

"Really, why?"

"Seems she’s been having some trouble. Feeling really down in the dumps."

”Odd, I did not notice anything.”

The dragon and him went searching for gems. The apparent bad mood of Sweetie Bell being hammered home by the purple scaled one.

Sweetie Bell sighed.

”Why is it that I can't catch his eye.”

The mare was embarrassed by her feelings toward Mordane. In pony society, the mare asks out the stallion. After all they are fewer in number than mares.

”...Not even my music impresses him. Oh he'll give compliments but...I can tell he just doesn't care.”

Sweetie Bell had started liking Mordane shortly after he arrived. He was big, strong and smart. The only problem was how oblivious he seemed to romance.

I was almost going to ask him the day I got my cutie mark too.

She had realized soon after that he would have to make it quite clear that it was a date.

"Hey, Sweetie Bell!"

"Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight was the brains of the operation, that was currently underway. Pinkie would convince Sweetie Bell to ask out Mordane as Spike would make it so he would say yes.

Everything beyond that had taken a full two hours to conceptualize and move to implement.

There were ponies to buy off. Deals to make, and bits to spend. What had started simply moved on to be more elaborate as the Elements began to move.

That is why Rarity was speaking to Rainbow Dash, who was less than thrilled at this project.

Rainbow Dash was rolling her eyes at the strange request.

"Do you know how much trouble I could get in for that, Rarity?"

"Please Dash? It would only take a slight change of the schedule.

The mare sighed.

"Fine. But you owe me!"

"Yes yes, now go along."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. She sometimes groaned at how she had to still work in the weather patrol, despite being part of the wonderbolts. Turned out no one else was component enough to take over for her. She did what Twilight wanted, and pointed herself toward her tree.

However, as she flew just under the clouds she noticed something strange in the distance...

She turned and headed toward the small light.

Mordane was walking through town around three pm, scratching his chin.

He was thinking about how Spike was about as subtle as a tornado.

”Why is he talking about her so much?”

The stallion sat down at the fountain, thinking on the problem, when Sweetie Bell walked up to him. She seemed nervous and keeping in mind what Spike had said he called out to her.

She smiled and walked up to him.

"Hi Mordane."

"Hey Sweetie Bell. How are you doing?"

Pinkie Pie had talked with Sweetie for a long time building up her confidence and convincing her to take this leap. It was after all what she really wanted.

"I'm doing fine but I wanted to ask you something...Mordane...will you go out with me? On a date? Like, a real date?"


To say that this came as a shock to the stallion, would be the understatement of the decade. Every muscle and brain pathway simultaneously blinked off, and his brain went into overdrive.


”Why the buck does she want to go on a date with me! I thought I was solidly in the friend zone!”

This was terrible for him. After all, he did have the mind of a forty year old and the body of an immortal. There was no way he would have considered putting himself through such a thing. There was enough fantasy novels depicting that tragedy. Not that there was any options he would consider there.

”OK OK OK calm down. This is no worse than that time you were stuck in a womb. You just need to be careful. Let her down easy. Don't screw this up. She is supposedly in a delicate mental state.”

Sweetie shifted uncomfortably, as Mordane continued to stare wide-eyed.

”Ok, I just need to let her down nice and easy, no need to go hurting her feeling anymore than I have to. Just come up with a gentle, but clear way of saying 'no', that doesn't make her hate you, but also makes it explicitly clear that this is never going to happen. Alright, here goes. Now. Just. Say. The. Words.”

"Sure I'll go out with you Sweetie Bell" he said with a smile.




Sweetie broke into a full smile, squeed and gave him a hug.

He allowed his body to move on auto-pilot and hug her back.

"See you tonight at six?" she asked.


"Ok I’ll pick you up at your house." Then she ran off to her two squeeing friends around a corner.

He could hear them from where he sat.

Mordane walked smiling all the way back to his house checking to make sure that no one was around he began to curse.

A lot.

And quite loudly as well.

Preparations moved at pace, there were arguments concerning how formal Mordane would be, and what Sweetie should wear. Spike felt uneasy about the increasing preparations, but reminded himself it was for the best.

At six sharp, everyone involved was ready. This would certainly be an interesting night.

In more ways than they knew.

Rainbow dash landed about a mile out deciding to approach on hoof. What many seemed to forget is that the Wonderbolts were also a military organization. So her training was taking over.

The light had split into several distinct points . They appeared to be fires

This made her uneasy.

She moved forward carefully.

Sweetie Bell knocked on Mordnane’s shack at six o'clock sharp. Her white coat and pinkish hair were perfectly matched by the blue dress Rarity had made for this very occasion. The dress was a balance struck on fashion and understatement. Good, no matter what Mordane wore.

The mare waited in anticipation and fear as she wondered what her date would choose.

She however did not wait alone.

No less than three ponies stood out of sight. One Fluttershy was high in the air, dressed in dark gray clothing in an attempt to go unseen. She was there to give an overview of the date. If she saw trouble coming, it would be up to her to remove it without alerting the two subjects. It had been easy to convince her to help after Twilight expressed concerns about Mordane's static exterior.

Speaking of the mare she was hiding a bush. Sure it was kind of far off but this was important. After all this operation will go off without a hitch. She suppressed the urge to rub her hooves together and mumble "Yes...yesss...it shall all come to fruition. My master plan."

The final pony that would be tagging along throat the project was Pinkie Pie. She was the messenger pony. Currently, she was also wearing a closed zipper. After all, Rarity had extracted a Pinkie Promise on her silence. Who would honestly be surprised that she started a grasshopper while sneaking around.

Of course, there was a fourth pony, but he was basically always there and so does not count.

Mordane was not aware of the other ponies exact position of watching or how many they numbered. He had four hours to think on the issue at hoof and had come up with a plan of action.

Here is what he knew: Spike was trying to soften him up to Sweetie Bell. After thinking back, he realized that the mare had probably liked him for years. So considering Spike and Sweetie had chosen now to ask him it was likely that there were others working behind the scene...probably Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Knowing them, it was likely to be an...interesting evening.

The problem was he could not just go and act disinterested. That would appear strange. No he would have to make her lose interest. That would take careful manipulation and more than one date.

Worst come to worst, he could always fake his death in a year or two.

When the door opened Sweetie Bell and the other mares caught their breaths. Mordane was wearing the finest cloak they had ever seen on him. Rarity was already wondering where he could've gotten it. His boots had obviously been polished to a shine. His mane and coat were groomed precisely. The biggest shock of all however was the large smile and happy eyes looking out.

He would act the complete gentleman.

”Gentleman...why does my language revert when I'm being serious?”

A small bag of coins was hidden away out of view. If she saw it and was offended, it would be his lucky day. In pony society the female paid...which struck him as odd back when his father talk him a decade ago but understandable. After all males are rarer.

"So, where are we going?" he asked keeping on his smile.

Sweetie Bell shook her head to clear it.

"Umm...I was thinking we could go see a movie?"

Mordane groaned. The new movie theater might have opened up with color, but that would not change the fact that the movies were boring.

"Sounds great!"

They started walking to the theater.

In complete silence.

Twilight turned to Pinkie "There being too quiet, go set up the stand."

Pinkie pie saluted and dashed silently through the brush and over to the entrance of Ponyville where she had a cart of caramel apples waiting.

The silence continued until they arrived at the edge of Ponyville, Mordane just kept telling himself to avoid offering conversation or an romantic things.

"Hey! Hey! Mordane!"

Pinkie Pie was standing behind the stand before running up and giving them both caramel apples.

"Free sample!"

"...Uh Pinkie? Why are you out here, and why did you give us your only two apples."

The mare seemed to not notice and decided instead to grab her table and ran away.

”The buck...why?...Ok, just keep up the poker face. Be a completely forgettable personality.”

Sweetie bell blushed at his stoic exterior. Mordane was so strong.

Sweetie bell laughed at the pink mare than began to pull Mordane to the theater. Once there Mordane read the movie title.

“Baltimare and the killer ape...well at least it isn't a romance”

_______________________(an hour later)______________________

Mordane sat next to Sweetie Bell in a theater full of ponies. All around there was the sounds of couples making out. On the screen was the absolute worst romance he had ever seen.

"Oh Baltimare, my heart, it beats warmly for you." expressed the pony named Killer Ape. A character which had yet to kill anything.

"Oh Killer Ape, I want to be with you forever!" Then they kissed.

”The buck is this? Why is his name Killer Ape? Why is the mare named after a city?”

As these questions ran through his mind, the stallion worked even harder to keep his poker face on. This failed as the mare beside him hugged her hooves around his left for hoof and rested her head on his shoulder.

”Oh no…”

Mordane went rock still unable to make a move as either denying or confirming affection would be disastrous.

Sweetie Bell’s heart soared when he did not push her away.

"I like you Mordane."

He turned and looked into her eyes. She smiled and he returned it but remained silent.

He felt ashamed.

”What am I doing...this will break her. She really cares. This is terrible. How can I try to play with her emotions like this. I will have to let her down. Solidly. I will be there for her, and maybe...maybe one day I can tell her why we can't be.”

He doubted it though...this place had grown on him, but his nature would inevitably force him to flee. The tyrant leered down from the mountain burned into the back of his head.

Twilight watched hidden with her cohorts, as the two left the building. The sunlight was barely on the horizon. Sweetie Bell happened to be walking slightly behind the stallion.

"Oh dear. They seem to be walking separately." said Rarity

"Is the date over?" questioned Pinkie

"Not If I can help it. Give her the basket Pinkie"

The pink blur moved swiftly and placed the basket on Sweetie's back with a note.

Get him to Mane Hill.


She tossed the piece of paper into a nearby bush.

"Hey Mordane, let's go on a picnic."

The stallion turned and decided it would be best to not question where the basket came from.

On the trek up the hill, they told a few jokes and laughed. They sat under a tree and began to eat. Looking down on Ponyville, Mordane was actually starting to enjoy himself.

Twilight however was not happy.

"Operation alone time has failed. Rarity...call them in."

Being part of 'high' society, Rarity tended to keep in contact with many of the musical mares in the town...

Mordane was commenting on some strange movement in the clouds when his ear twitched.

Seemingly out of nowhere two mares, he recognized as Lyra and Octavia, had started to play music which obviously was intended to put on a romantic scene. Lyra spoke up when he continued to stare at them.

"What? We always come out here on this hill top and play music on Tuesdays."

"Its Wednesday." Octavia whispered to Lyra.

"Oh uhhh...We always come out here and play on Wednesday."

Twilight face hoofed still hidden in the bushes.

Derpy came flying over the hill.


The mare handed Mordane a package which he found to contain two glasses and some wine.

”...Yeah, there really is no doubt anymore.”

"Derpy where-?"

But the mare had flown off already.

Twilight and Rarity were scratching their heads. Then they looked at Fluttershy.

"Uh...I thought it would be more romantic."

Two more facehoofs.

”Well, sixteen is adult age in this world.”

Sweetie bell picked up the wine and poured it into the glasses.

"Well...no use in wasting it." she said with a smile.

”Ow...my heart actually hurt a bit with that look.” He paused ears standing up a bit as a new emotion flooded his system.

He looked up at Sweetie Belle and suddenly he couldn't see her as a child. She was a mare. The thought intruded suddenly and almost violently into his psyche.

“Could...could I be falling for her?” he felt the shift push him toward her. Their future playing out in his mind unwillingly.

”No no, just instincts Come on start suppressing it...well it can't get much worse.”

It was at that moment that the clouds parted revealing a full moon as its beam of light came down onto the hilltop.

”...What. The. BUCK.”

However Sweetie Bell spoke up with a voice that made his heart leap straight into his throat.


He turned and knew in that moment he was trapped.

Her eyes had become deep pools, from with there was no escape. Even as his rational part of his mind began to tell him how terrible of a mistake it would be.

How he would have to leave.

A new voice barely whispered.

”Why don’t you stay here? This is your place.”

He felt his life begin to shift. The war magic in his chest flickering as something tried to work on his mind and will.

“Perhaps I could find a way to placate Celestia with some human inventions...”

His head began to move forward slowly. The hope that had been in his friends eyes began to flare into full life.

He moved to kiss her. Mind already forgetting the sensations of the push.

For years afterward he would think back on that moment. On the mistakes that he would make. On the path that could've been...yet died without a chance. Perhaps if she had come but a minute later. However, he knows it would've been a mistake. They could never be.

Twilight watched as the train wreck that had been her plans somehow landed back on the tracks. Her heart swelling as they started into each others eyes.

For years she had watched Mordane hide in his sorrow. Always wearing that cloak that he had when Star Charmer had died. Now though it seemed that like a love story that spell of darkness would be broken by new love.

They were staring into each other eyes.

They were moving to kiss.

Then an explosion of rainbow crashed in front of the couple.


"OH COME ON!!!" Yelled both Rarity and Sweetie Bell as Rainbow Dash effectively broke the mood.

The wonderbolt mare however did not care.

"Rarity!? Is Twilight in there?"

A panic had obviously gripped the rainbow mare. She was shaking slightly as tension seemed to pour off of her in wave.

The purple mare came out of the bushes followed by Fluttershy. An annoyed look on her face.

Mordane looked at his teacher and raised an eyebrow.

Twilight smiled sheepishly back.

The stallion just chuckled.

"Really, Twilight?"

"Hey -"


"What Rainbow?" she groaned " What could be so important?"


"I was flying out of town, and I saw what looks like a Diamond Dog raiding party."


The good feeling that had been infusing Mordane, was pushed out by that sentence. A hard knot formed just below his heart. It felt of steel.

Twilight however started laughing after a few seconds.

"Oh Rainbow. Have you been into the apple's hard cider again?"

"LISTEN Twilight." The pegasus grabbed the Alicorn's shoulders.

"I'm not mistaken. There is at least eighty to two hundred Diamond dogs in full armor headed toward Ponyville and Twilight." Rainbow glanced at Rarity "They’re dragging cages."