• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,757 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Parties and fools

In the lower slave quarters, slave ponies moved in and out of the room even as the sun began to turn yellow. Trixie laid awake in her bed, eyes red, fur unkempt.

She sniffed, biting her lower lip. In her mind's eye she just couldn’t stop seeing him. The smile. The last glance before closing his eyes and dropping into that pit.

She thought back to first meeting Mordane. She had been so angry at him. The monster who had left so many dead. Had left her and many others chained.

But he had been kind. He covered her from the rain and then agreed to help her escape.

Then she had messed up.


She had just assumed that some pony like that would be cruel. Now he was dead.

Trixie would have to get up soon or face a beating from the head slave. So she pushed herself up and went outside toward the tub to prepare when she froze.

Standing in front of the barracks was Mordane. He was covered in dirt. His fur was ruffled and for the first time she had seen he was girnning at her.

“You look like you wrestled a bear last night.”

Trixie’s mouth dropped open, before she suddenly leapt forward., wrapping her hooves around Mordanes neck.

“I thought I had killed you.” She sobbed.

Mordane blinked several times his lips turning down then up again in quick succession.

“I’m surprised you're glad to see me.” he chuckled. “Hey now. I’m alright. Dry your tears.”

After a short while Trixie collected herself. She glanced around to make sure nopony had seen her on instinct.

“How did you survive?”

“Complicated.” Mordane answered honestly, his eyes arching together. “Lets just say I had a meeting of the minds in the pit.”

Trixie laughed and snorted. She began to clean herself up some before looking him over and noticing his back.

“At least tell me why you don’t have your wing restraints on.”

“Simple really, I lost them in the cave.” He smiled “ I got some good news though.”

“What?” Trixie asked

“Miss Swirl has offered me a chance. Freedom, if I accomplish a certain set of tasks.”

Trixie’s ears drooped slightly.

“Trixie will be alone then I suppose.”

Mordane grin reached his eyes.

“I wouldn’t say that.”

Mordane washed himself carefully in a private room with a bath, desk and wardrobe. The manservant had escorted him here along with another.

“Trixie does not know why she must be your maid.” She growled.

“That would be because the Mistress told the Butler who told you to do so. ” Mordane smiled “Besides, I requested you anyway.”

Trixie snorted and glared at him. She seemed a bit weary as he began to work on the bottom of his hooves.

“I requested you because I feel I owe you the easy job and I need somepony I can trust.” Mordane glared back. “Not because I desire your company.”

Trixie tissed and turned away to continue with her task.

“What is this thing she wishes you to do anyway?”

Mordane chuckled while stretching his wings. He took a towel and draped it over his face.

“Like I said. Complicated.” He let his wings hang over the edge of the tub. The action was a very relaxed and had several intimacy meanings in the traditional pegusi culture. His brother would have knocked him across the room for such an infraction. “Lady Swirl’s father was a merchant of some prominence. Even enough to gain a minor title. She has continued that dynasty as much as possible.”

“Impressive.” Trixie said while fixing the bed.

“True, she is trying to make it into the upper nobility though. Gain access to the rights and resources available to them by gaining some ‘zebridian contract’. Not my concern what that is. We are to help that become a reality.”

“How would we do that?” She asked while moving on to pour more hot water into Mordane’s bath.

“By making her look as if she was able to tame a monster.” Mordane grinned. Trixie rolled her eyes once seeing his wing where out on full display.

“Why don’t you put those things away, ‘Monster’”

Mordane chuckled and pulled the cork on the tub. A minute later he stood up and stretched out his wings. He took a deep breath and reached for the wind.

Trixie yelped at the sudden gust of wind before look at Mordane as the wind dried him off of himself.

“Your mouth is open.” Mordane remarked as he stepped out of the tub completely dry.

“But-but your horn.”

“I’m not only a unicorn.” Mordane chuckled, ”I don’t understand it either but it is so.”

“Then why am I cleaning your room?”

“Because, I can’t use this.” He motioned to his still cracked horn, “Not for at least another eleven months. ‘Till then I’ll just have to make due with the wind and my superior strength.”

Trixie frowned while looking up and down Mordane’s body.

“I didn’t know that pegasi could do that…”

“Apparently they can. Along with a lot of other things.” Mordane snorted, “The pegasi are far more suited to war.”

Tonight I get clean, I have already been to her tailor, I am currently taking a bath. What else do I need…

“Trixie, clean my wings.”

Trixie stumbled, her face turning beet red. She jerked her head over to Mordane with her mouth hanging open slightly.

Mordane pulled off his face cloth and frowned.

“I’m being serious. I need them straitened, plucked and cleaned, otherwise they won’t be presentable.”

“I am not...your play thing!” She hissed “There is no way I’m getting anywhere near your wings.”

Mordane snorted.

“You're at least twelve years my senior.” Really twelve younger “I think any such relations are off the table as a matter of course.”

Trixie growled and threw a towel at him which he batted away with a wing.

“I can do it myself but they need to be perfect. I thought that you would understand the most about presentation.”

“Just...lay down on the bed.” Mordane smiled and did as he was told. Blushing the whole time Trixie used her magic to clean Mordane’s wings. Pulling on each of the feathers into alignment.

Mordane admitted to himself that the sensation was pleasurable, but not in a sexual way. More intimate than anything. Like rubbing someone's feet.

That didn’t stop him from making cooing sounds thougn.

Shortly later Mordane stood up and stretched his wings. They moved far easier and looked far better.

“Thank you Trixie. I’ll skip the happy ending.” He grinned as she grumbled curses at him.

Mordane moved toward the door but Trixie blocked his way.

“You need to get back in the tub.” she said.

“Why? I’m clean.”

“Because.” Trixie smiled while levitating a pair of scissors “I need to give you a cut. You look as if you haven’t had a trimming in months”

“That's because I haven't.” Mordane said backing up, “and I don’t think that you-”

“Trixie had to cut her own hair and do her own mane on the road. Are you doubting Trixie's ability?”

“I just don’t like that look in your eyes.” Mordane whispered as the door closed. He moved into the tub though, “I will remind you that I need a good job done.”

“Don’t worry, ‘Monster’, Trixie will make you look the part you have to play. After all, I am a master of illusion.”

Mordane snorted but layed down and let Trixie cut his hair anyway. He sat there and ran his tongue over the new small points in his mouth.

A mere week ago teasing Trixie this way would have been unthinkable. Now it came so easily. For a brief moment he considered pushing for more but then declined. He may have been here for decades but his was still a human at heart. Laying with a pony was something he would only consider if seriously drunk.

“Is this really necessary?”

“You must look the part Mordane. The nobles think of you as a barbarian. A ruffien.”

“Yes, but this outfit. Why would I wear anything like this?”

Mordane stood in the Mares office. The stark simplicity and function of it hadn’t changed since he was there last. Now though he wasn’t only wearing a slave collar. It was a leather outfit with iron fastenings and thick steel armor plates. Pictures of pony skulls and such were engraved all over it.

Honestly, it looked overdone.

“Well, what did you wear?”

“A black cloak with thin enchanted plates so I could still fly. Why would I weigh myself down unnecessarily?”

“Well that isn’t was some pony thinks of when they think ‘leader of cutthroat mercenaries’.”

“Just...get me thinner armor plates with no engravings. I feel like I’m a walking joke.”

Mordane gripped both sides of the armor and twisted to pull it off. Much to his surprise the claps gave way and snapped.

The armor fell off of him and clattered to the floor, leaving him standing naked.

“Well, we certainly wouldn't want that to happen.” Mordane said.

“Indeed. I’ll have a more practical set of armor made.”

Mordane nodded. “So, there was something about etiquette lessons?”

“Yes, you must learn to play the part of a gentlepony.” She reached over and rang a small bell. A few moments later the head butler came in and , giving a glare to Mordane, gave a deep bow to Swirl.

“What do you wish for my lady?”

“Take this one and show him proper court etiquette. Make him at least presentable by tomorrow.”

Mordanes ear swiveled.


“Yes. That is the first available invite I’ve received this month.” She sighed,”The only one I’ve received this month. The patron is an old client. A good friend but not very...ambitious.”

Mordane grunted and followed behind the Head butler. “I will be ready.”

“See that you are.”

Mordane followed the silent butler down the expensive looking corridor, then down a flight of stairs to the servant section before coming to a halt in what appeared to be a storage room.

“Quite dusty in here isn’t it?”

“Better than your kind is use to I’m sure.” Sniffed the butler.

Mordane grunted again, the pony snorted, back hair rising to stand on end he flipped around and glared knives at him.

“I do not know what you did to gain my ladies favor, but I’m sure it will not last. How DARE you speak so flippantly with her!”

Mordane a few days ago might have hung his head. The pony from a month ago would have given no mind.

Mordane was not those ponies.

He tackled the Butler, driving him back until coming into contact with a stack of boxes the pony gasped. Mordane just gave him a jab into the gut in return causing him to crumple to the ground.

“And you” he spat, “Will not speak save to serve if I call..”

Stepping back Mordane rubbed his shoulder, promising death through his eyes at the butler as he stood up. An uncertain look in his eyes.

“Now. You will teach me the forms of address and social fax paus so that I may meet our master’s obligations then never see you again.”

The pony nodded while brushing off his suit, his ears drooping fully.

“In social circles it is proper to address your superiors as my lady or my lord-”


Mordane sat on a stone. Sweat pouring off of him. The exercise had continued. Now though he found he enjoyed the exertion, at least when his life didn’t depend on it. In front of him was the dragon. The lessons had gone on for hours, dragging though a hundred different social rules. Mordane had demanded to learn them all. Even the ones he would likely never use such as when talking to a lesser.

Now he sat in front of his dragon laughing about them all.

“-but if you're a prospective partner you must first ask to even approach the daughter. It's the silliest dance of lies and false nobility I’ve ever heard.”

The dragons laughter was boulders bouncing in a deep ravine. Mordane could almost feel it stronger than his own.

“Ponies are foolish creatures. Clinging to the mere semblance of power.”

“Personally I think it because the nobles of Tietus are ‘young blood’ as it were. Being only third generation nobility would make anyone want to affirm their specialness.” He sniggered. ‘Still, I will need to be careful. Their power is real. To far, or not far enough, and I could end up with my head on a spike.” Mordane said rubbing his neck.

“Hmm, that would be a great loss. I was hoping to hear more stories of your rise. Tell me little one. Why have you returned here?”

Mordane looked away. His mouth drawing into a fine line.

“You are an interesting being to talk to is all.”


Mordane bit the inside of his mouth.

He was wearing iron and steel. It looked rough but exactly what a noble would call ‘rustic’ set of armor. The black cloak was there but now it had Armor on the top. It also was a full piece going around his body instead of a few thin plates. The edge rested underneath his chin. Gems sockets were directly set into the armor with smooth flat spaces around them for inscribing enchantments.

Mordane thought it was hideous.

Still it spelled the image of a powerful, mysterious alicorn to a T.

In truth it was a far grander suit then any mercenary could have ever afforded. It was far too tight around his collar.

Even so, he grabbed the side of his hood and pulled it over his face before stepping up into a carriage. He was glad to be out of Celestia's sun again.

Time to start the act

He straightened his wings and tilted his head casting his face into shadow.

“What do you think?” He smiled.

“Acceptable.” Swirl said from behind her veil, “You look the part.”

She nodded toward the carriage puller.

Whispers. That is all he could hear as he kept his eyes firmly on the back of the pony in front of him.

“That's miss swirl” “Who is she..” “The mercenary king” “ I think his name was Strongwind?”

At the last one he snapped his eyes to the source.

A unicorn mare in proper dress. Obviously noble of birth. She stepped back her mouth opening in a silent shriek.

Mordane turned to look back toward the carriage puller. Giving the same look to a dozen ponies along the way.

He spent most of his time fiddling with his teeth points. Getting use to the sensation.

Arriving shortly after he waited for Swirl to motion him to follow. Looking up he noted the size and opulence of the estate. It was smaller than Swirls but far more rustic, it denoted an older noble family.

Swirl lead him through the side door and up a flight of stairs. After a few moments he could hear a large group beyond the huge double doors.

The servant lead them turned around and leaned in to whisper to Miss Swirl.

“My lady, how should I uh...introduce your escort.”

“This is Stronghoof.”

The stallion straitened and quickly glanced over at the expressionless Mordane.

“V-Very well, my Lady.”

The stallion turned around and breathed deeply before coughing and pushing open the door to reveal a large room where over two dozen ponies stood chatting. Mordane was vaguely reminded of Victorian decor as he looked at his surroundings. It showed its age, but he assumed it was still of the current style. Old and respectable but not stagnant.

The crowd of ponies stopped and turned to look at them entering. Their eyes focusing on Swirl for a moment before locking on him.

“Lady Swirl, owner of Brightcorn company escorted by Stronghoof the...mercenary.”

He bowed with Lady Swirl and lifted off his hood as they entered. His polished slave collar gleaming in the light he gave a small smile to the surrounding ponies. Immediately the whole room had burst into whispered discussion. Everypony watched as they descended the steps to be among them. Unconsciously they backed up and made room, looking to the guards that stood tall in the corners of the room.

“Lady Swirl.” practically shouted a stallion. He descended from the main table and walked out to meet them before bowing to her. “It is so good of you to come to my humble gathering.”

“The pleasure is all mine Goodwind. I must apologize for arriving late.”

“Fashionably late it would seem.” He looked at Mordane eyes lighting up, “I approve. You have many fine qualities of which to share.”

“You flatter me too much Sir Goodwind. May I introduce to you personally my escort, Stronghoof.”

“A fine specimen indeed. How did you come to procure him? Had I known he was up for sale…”

“I heard from a friend of a salespony moving him toward our fair city and thought the country air would do me well.”

Mordane frowned. The other ponies eyes snapped back to him.

“I hope you enjoy this party.” he turned to Mordane, “You as well, Stronghoof.”

Mordane gave a slight nod in return. The idea of being measured like a slab of meat did not sit well but he knew that he was playing the part of a slave. This shouldn’t anger him so much. It was irrational. He needed to resist the urge to glare at the stallion before Swirl tapped him on the arm.

“Stay calm.”

Mordane nodded, stretched his neck, then looked at the mare approaching them.

“Good evening Lady Swirl.”

“Lady Farsight” She gave a slight bow.

“A good slave you have brought there-”

Mordane frowned again as the pony once again seemed to ignore him.

As did the next one.

After a short while his eyes glazed over and couldn’t help but look bored. It wasn’t until Swirl stiffened that he came back to the moment.

“This is the barbarian reaper!?” Shouted a voice filled with disgust.

The room fell into silence. Mordane snapped to the pony in question. It was a stallion. Prim and proper suit with a short mane.

“I find such a...creature to be the feared and rageful beast that raged in the countryside to be utterly unimaginable!”

The room began to murmur. The ponies felt uncertain and before Mordane even realised it he had struck.

The stallion went tumbling back as Mordane had crossed the space between them in a moment. He struck the stallion. A thrum in his ears shook him from the beating of his heart.

His hood fell back and his wings came onto full spread as a cold seeped into his blood.

“I will not let such words go unanswered.” Mordane spat. “You filth-”

“Stronghoof.” Swirl spoke firmly cutting him off. “Calm yourself.”

Mordane stopped immediately. Reason catching up with his actions.

What the hell? What did I just do?

He could practically feel the guards getting ready to rush him.

“Return to my side.”

Mordane noticed he was still standing over the wide eyed stallion. Breathing hard. His eye twitched as he looked down at him.

“As you wish my lady.” Mordane turned and walked stiffly back to her side. “I will not kill him for his words.”

“Good. It would not seem well for you to decimate our hosts guards.” She chuckled bringing up whispers. ”It is also true that many of these ponies are my...friends.”

Turning toward the dumbfounded host standing on the other side of the room, she gave a slight tilt of the head.

“I apologize for my...escort’s behavior, Goodwin.”

“Think nothing of it…”

Once beside her Mordane closed his eyes and did some breathing exercises. He focused his anger and sought to ride it as the dragon said. The sudden outpouring of uncontrolled rage unnerved him.

“Are you well?” Swirl whispered

“I am acceptable.”

“Good, don’t do that again. Not without my permission.” She looked around at the crowd giving them a wide berth. “I think though your action had the desired effect.”

“Desired effect?” Mordane asked looking at her.

“You did intend to make them think you were unhinged…” She looked questioningly. “Don’t tell me you intended to kill him in truth?”

“Of course not. I am just surprised you saw through my thoughts so quickly.” Mordane lied before giving a smile.

The two of them found a corner and sat. Swirl nodded in recognition at anypony who looked their way.

“Who was that stallion anyway?”

“A business rival named Fairwind. He must be competing for the same position as me.”

“...I see.”

“Excuse me?” A mare whispered hesitantly while walking up. She looked to Swirl. “May I...speak to...Mr. Stronghoof?”

“Of course, anypony may.” Swirl smiled.

Mordanes eyebrow raised as he oriented himself to face the mare. Mentally he took note as several ponies stepped closer.

“Good evening.”

Mordane turned to look at her he furrowed his brow lightly.

“To you as well.”

“Is it true you were the mercenary who occupied the holy temple?”

What? He did a quick thought back before settling on the fortification where he made his last stand. It had seemed old.


“Why? Didn’t you fear the bad dreams?”

“It was necessary. So I did it.” Mordane replied calmly.

“But how did you keep your army there?”

Mordane cocked his head to the side.

“I told them I’d kill them if they ran.”

She gulped. Eyes darting to other ponies watching her.

“Leave me.” Mordane snapped suddenly. “I have no time for those that can’t control their fear.”

Mordane turned back to Swirl and listened as the mare skittered away.

Much of the night was passed in the same way as Mordane was asked simple questions about his journey by the few who would approach him.


Back at Swirls mansion he went to the room offered to him and stripped. An irritating task without his magic.

Frowning he went over to a mirror and slowly pulled off his bandage. Underneath that was a protective cone which he slid off a centimeter at a time.

The horn just...looked painful. It worried him though that he hadn’t really felt much from it. Could the nerves be dead?

He considered trying to cast a spell for a moment but quickly dismissed it. After all it would be better safe then having his horn fracture even more.

Instead he got a good look at his injury for the first time since he had received it.

The cracks were on the mend though he could be certain it would be some time until he could cast spells again.

It was something that he was trying to not think about.

Tentatively he reached up and tapped his horn.

Instantly a spike of hot fire ran down his spine. He shivered and became sweaty as the feeling faded away.

Definitely alive

Taking a damp cloth the slowly cleaned it.

“That is far more sever than I was lead to believe.” Miss Swirl whispered suddenly behind him.

He stiffened and paused for a moment before continuing to clean.

“Yes, the horn hasn’t taken to rot though. Which should mean an eventual repair.”

“Good.” She came to stand beside him as he continued to slowly clean his horn.

“Allow me.”

Reaching up she took the cloth and continued to clean for him. Mordane winced as little jolts went down his spine.

“Thank you. It is hard to do it well myself.”

She placed the towel on the table and kept her eyes focused on it.

“We have another party in two days. What do you intend to do until then?”

“Speak with the Dragon.”

The mare stiffened.

“Why would you want to…”


Mordane turned to her and smiled.

“The same reason that you are trying to raise your rank in this little kingdom right?” Mordane reached out and touched her cheek. “Why you are still trying to seduce me.”

The mare snapped her head away, letting her hair fall over her face. He nearly bit his own tongue. The words had come out so easily. He hadn’t even considered what the impact might be. He just acted on his instinct.

A thrill ran through his soul.

Surprisingly though he didn’t feel any need to clamp down. To do no harm.

Looking at the tub he frowned.

“On second thought. That cave is pretty dirty. I’ll go there first.”


Mordane flew through the old city hallway and into the central chamber where the dragon lived.

The smell was far more noticeable this time. Some small part of him was panicking at the idea of seeing the dragon again.

‘It isn’t safe!’ The voice seemed to cry.

It was a very real possibility that the dragon could still eat him on a whim. However…

He just had to go. There were too many questions and what happened at the party stuck clearly in his mind.

“Hello little pony. I see that you have returned to my pit once again.”

“Yes, I have come to ask you something.”

“What is it?” The dragon smiled. Displaying its huge rows of razor sharp teeth.
Mordane stood next to the open pit. Spreading his wings, he dived into the chamber. The room stank worse than he remembered it.

“Its” He started. The words just wounding come though. “I...am striking out at ponies.”


“It's hard to explain, but I am not suppressing my rage and it's...hard to control.”He looked the dragon in the eye. “I nearly broke a pony's neck at a party.”

“Then you should have killed them.”

“Perhaps...but I suppose I wanted my freedom more.”

The dragon chuckled.

“You should always pursue what you truly desire.” Mordane frowned, ”but also listen to your instincts.”

She rustled her wings as Mordane nodded.

“Consider that your gut reaction may of came from an insite. Watch out for that pony. Now, we will continue with the lesson from yesterday. Focus on your breath…”


The next party came quickly and was largely uneventful, save for seeing the Goodwind frowning at him from across the room. Though, just before he disappeared, Mordane thought he saw him smile.

It was also a considerable step up to a landed noble. The entire place was not much of an improvement over the merchant save that all the trappings felt older. As the two of them made their way off the cart ponies whispered behind hooves masked in velvet. The two of them were escorted around back as Mordane fiddled with a broach on his chest.

Swirl had placed it on him just before they got of their cart saying it would denote him as her escort.

Mordane felt jittery, like a snake was slithering under his fur that he could see or if Celestia was skrying him.

His spine itched and his wings ached ever so slightly. Worse, his horn was throbbing. Its ache seemed to be drilling into his mind.

A shroud had been thrown over the world as he mind turned partially inward to control it.

The ‘gathering’ was outside in the daytime with perhaps fifty ponies standing around tables. Finery that tried to find the nonexistent balance between ostentatious and casual could be seen everywhere. The bar was open and well stocked with full casks. Delectable delights of every kind lined the space.

None of it was touched.

“You, Crimson Mercenary.”

A haughty unicorn mare looked up at him while somehow still looking down her nose.

I am hearing that one more and more often.

Mordane raised an eyebrow.


“How many ponies did you have under your command?”

Mordane tried not to groan. This question had come a hundred times.

“Around three thousand.”

“So many?” She snorted “I rather doubt it. How would one such as you get the iron?”

Mordane leaned in close and hardened his gaze. Her nose began to move down.

“I took it.”

The mare flushed and took a step back. Neck straining to keep her nose high enough.

“Well..I-” Her mouth clamped shut before she took her leave.

Sigh, why do they keep coming?

Mordane wandered over to the table. A wide birth seemed to form as he went. Once there he picked up a plate and took a glass of water with his wings.

“Why don’t you try one of the wines my good stallion.” Mordane turned to the voice and noted that it was the party owner, “It is of good quality, I assure you.”

Mordane paused for a moment at the surprisingly jovial language before deciding to change his tack with this one.

Smiling, he downed the glass of water before responding.

“To be frank, I refrain from alcohol as I do not like having an addled mind” He sat down the glass. “If, though, you insist, I will not decline one glass.”

The stallion smiled and walked with him over to the large barrels before nodding to the attendant.
They quickly produced a frosty bottle from behind the stand before pouring Mordane a glass.

“If it is only one glass, you will partake in then you will have my best!”

Mordane looked down at the substance he hoped was alcohol. The stallion seemed to notice his hesitation.

“A glass for me as well.”

Mordane smiled again. He was starting to like this pony.

Mordane tasted the fine wine. Dry but sweet aftertaste that came along well with the burn going down his throat.

It was exceptionally good quality wine.

“How much does this cost?” Mordane asked raising an eyebrow

“Five thousand bits a glass.” The stallion said seriously. “It is the best wine that I own.”

“...I am humbled.” Mordane said warmly. His eyes lighting up. “This is perhaps the best drink I have ever had.”

“Oh, have you had many?”

Mordane laughed.

“Enough, I may be young but I get around.” He took another sip.

“I bet you do. Makes me wonder where you came from.” He smiled

“Oh far away and over the mountains you know how it goes.”

The pony laughed.

“I’m Ironhoof.” He touched Mordane’s shoulder. “I hear most ponies are calling you the Crimson lord.”

“Yes, I heard. I wonder if this one will stick.”

“From what I hear it will.” His eyes tightened “I heard though a friend that your last name was Stronghoof…”
Mordanes smile loosened slightly.

“Yes, that is true. Does it surprise you?”

“Did you come from Equestria?” The stallion continued ignoring his question.

Mordane took a look at the stallion again. A closer look. Nothing though stuck out at him.

“...your questions are getting rather pointed my friend.”

“Friend is it?” The stallion said softly. “A slave as a friend. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

“I see that you have met my slave,” Miss Swirl commented as she made her way up to them. ”He is quite the specimen isn’t he?”

“Quite.” He turned suddenly to her and smiled. “How much?”

Miss swirl did a double take.

“I’m sorry?”

“Name a price. I want to buy this pony from you.”

Swirls smiled seemed to be stretched over her face like someone had bolted it there. However she firmly replied.

“He is not for sale, Ironhoof.”

The stallion searched through her eyes before smiling.

“No? Thats to bad.” He paused for a moment, “Oh, there is an idea. How would you like to come to my afterparty.”

Swirl seemed to hesitate, but her eyes hardened much to Mordane’s internal groaning.

“Of course.”


As the other guests filed away and the sun hung low in the sky, Mordane and Swirl were shown inside of the mansion.

The place had a different flavor than the other mansions he had been inside of. The place seemed more functional than anything. Yes, there was the usual opulence he had become use to, but each room also seemed to have a distinct purpose. Instead of ‘general sitting room’. There was a full armory, an art room and library. This place felt lived in.

They were led to a small room with a table in the center.

“Miss Swirl.”

Mordane tensed up at the sight of the pony Mordane had punched before. Nevertheless he followed decorum and bowed with his owner.

“How is the well leashed pony, Miss Swirl?”

“Now, now. None of that. The Crimson Lord is as much of my guest as Miss Swirl.” He smiled, “In fact, he will be playing the game with us tonight, if Miss Swirl is willing to have him.”

Miss Swirl frowned.

“I would not wish to impose. After all he is my servant. I would not wish for others to fear I would use my control of him for an advantage.” She smiled.

“Are you suggesting your honor is weak?” Ironhoof said but continued before Miss Swirl could retort. “I doubt it. So your promise to have there be a fair competition between us and to do Stronghoof no harm for his actions in the game will be enough.“

“Very well. I promise as such.”

“Wonderful! Now how about a game of Poc”

“What other game is there?“ Swirl said with a strained smile.

“Indeed! We have four, which is the perfect number. Two master traders, one mercenary and an old pony. Just perfect!” He laughed a bellowing laugh.

In the next room was a table with a thirty by thirty square board on it. Mordane took a seat to the right of Miss Swirl and left of the host. He began to look over the pieces before him. Each corner of the board was pointed toward one side of the table.

First was a stack of about fifty checkers with arrows on them. After was what appeared to be a star of the same color, followed lastly by five stick pieces five spaces long.

What is all of this?

“I don’t believe I know this game.” Mordane smile weakly.

“You've already made your first mistake then.” Ironhoof crackled “ This is a game of strategy. A very old one.”

He reached up and touched his nose.

“I’ll tell the basics but that will hardly help you. You place one piece and move or reorient each of your pieces every turn. You may stack one piece atop another to increase its power. A piece attacking at a ninety degree to you attack is doubled. One from behind is quadrupled. Pieces in fortresses are considered facing every direction. One fortress may be placed every ten turns. The sticks are roads and a unit may move anywhere along each road stick in one move. If a piece’s power outnumbers another two to one then they can attack with no pieces lost. If not then the loss to the one with the greatest power is proportional to the attack difference. Hence if a five power is attacked by a three powered then the three is wiped out and the five losses two pieces.”

The stallion paused for a moment.

“Did you get all of that?”

Mordane frowned. Swirl game him a weak smile as Fairwind sneered wickedly.

“Any noble would know this game, Crimson Lord.”

“Enough of that. As host, I’ll take first move.” He seemed to straighten a bit, a serious look came over his face, “Let the game begin.”

Quickly Ironhoof set down and placed his iron piece checker with the arrow facing toward the board center about one fourth of the way toward the center.

“Playing evenly.” Miss Swirl said as she placed, “I’m surprised to see such a traditional move.”

“I do too.”

Fairwinds placed his piece with the toward the hosts piece an eighth of the board away. It was Mordane’s turn.

“Wonder what he will do.” Fairwinds practically growled.

Mordane wasn’t sure. He didn’t want to ask for the rules again, despite him just getting the jist of it.

He wasn’t going to let that cause him to freeze though.

Calmly he placed down his peace opposite of Ironhoof.

The others shook their head. Swirl gave a strained smile while Fairwinds snorted.

Over the next hour Mordane tried his best to keep up with the three skilled players. Miss Swirl and Fairwinds showed no mercy though.

It was only by losing half of his pieces that he was able to secure his position. Placing three fortresses with roads between them allowed him to set up a high defense, about thirteen percent of the board. Beyond that, though, he held no territory.

Despite being far more thinly spread, his opponents placed formations that pinned his stronger units, maliciously pressed his weaker ones and generally made a mess of things.

What truly made him want to break all their backs was the sudden explanation of situational rules.

“Oh, if a piece is surrounded it surrenders without a fight.”

“Stacked units may split but split units can’t combine.”

“Two pieces can attack at once.”

It went on and on.

He felt a bit of pride though, having outlasted the host Ironhoof already..

Nearly an hour ago there had been a puncture in his line in which he had tried to reinforce. Doing so had weakened his other side which caused a puncture there and a total route.

He seemed good heartened about it though. Instead taking up commenting on the ongoing game.

“Miss Swirl, you seem to be letting your left flank weaken.” Ironhoof chuckled.

“True, perhaps Fairwinds will take advantage of it.”

“Eventually my dear, eventually.”

The both of them were hardening their lines as he was kept confined. Mordane wanted to grind his teeth, wanted to be angry.

He wasn’t though, instead he found himself going over and over possible actions he could take. Already he was far behind with the other two forces outnumbering him two to one apiece. Any move to push to one side would eventually see him overextended. Staying still would accomplish nothing as he was out of pieces to reinforce with.

The tension was mounting and he just couldn’t see a way out. There was no way to take them-

He saw it.

Mordane placed his piece and over the next few turns in order to build up his forces in two large stacks at the tip of his territory. At ten stacks high, he left only a two line high wall to guard his territory.

Both of his opponents moved to intercept.

“Oh? Risking all instead of nothing?” Ironhoof asked Mordane declined to answer, staring intently at the board.

Finally he was ready.

“I declare an attack against Miss Swirl.”

“And you thought he would help you.” laughed Fairwind as he moved to punch through Mordane’s weakened line.

“I now am going to take you here, Good sir.” Mordane smiled pivoting his forces to attack the trader.

“Attacking both? Going out with a bang, Crimson Lord? Certainly fits your name.” Ironhoof sighed, leaning on his hoof

Mordane moved his pieces again, his face like stone.

“So, you’ve given up.” Fairwinds snorted. The two opponents moved to surround his pieces. He kept them out of reach, instead attacking single pieces and keeping his stacks on the run. He couldn’t avoid damage completely though, as each army was losing one piece for every two they took.

“Can’t say I’m too surprised” Sighed fairwinds. “What do you expect to accomplish?”

“I attack you here Mr. Winds.” Miss swirl smiled as she suddenly punched through a section of his line.

Fairwinds eyes played over the situation, he frowned. That position had been secure before, but now it was compromised. In fact, there was no real way for him to salvage the situation. Scanning Miss Swirl’s line he noticed a similar weakness and attacked, ignoring Mordane’s stack.

Over the next twenty turns, Miss Swirl’s and Fairwind’s lines collapsed.

Mordane moved his twenty remaining pieces into stacks of five, abandoning his corner completely.

He moved to the rear of each of their lines, harassing them and preventing any consolidation.

The rest of the game was played in silence.

Neither of the two leading players could stop attacking the other without giving up the game entirely. Both continued to whittle each other down.

When the enemy pieces left were few enough, Mordane went on the attack. He chewied through the considerably weaker stacks with ease until there were none left.

“Victory...for the Crimson Lord.” whispered Ironhoof. “Victory of the kind I’ve never seen.”

Looking up he smiled at Swirl and Fairwind.

“It seems you lost.”

“Indeed.” Miss Swirl smiled “As is to be expected I suppose.”

“It is not so!” Spat Fairwind, ”He controls no territory. How could he be said to have won!”

“I would say that he controls the entire board Mr. Fairwind.” Miss Swirl replied still smiling.

“Horse apples!”

“Mr. Fairwind!” Snapped Ironhoof “There is a lady present.”

“Earth pony filth a lady?” he growled “She is not fit to be a whore.”

Ironhoof bucked Fairwind, sending him across the room.

The Unicorn stallion stood over the pegasus and glowered.

“I think I will be giving my recommendation to the king that LADY Swirl be given the contract ,Mr. Wind. I suggest you accept this.”

Fairwind opened his mouth in a snarl before closing it suddenly. . His eyes flicked over to Mordane, boiling with rage he stood up smoothly, dusted himself off and left just as smoothly.

“Oh my.” Miss Swirl said covering her mouth with her hoof “That is the second time I’ve seen his temper get the better of him.”

“Yes.” Ironhoof replied staring off after him.” I apologize Miss Swirl. Such language should never be directed toward a lady.”

“It is well Lord Ironhoof. I am made of hardier stuff than most ladies of the court.”

“Indeed” The stallion smiled before turning to look at Mordane. “What though should I give you as a reward for victory?”

“Defending my lady is compensation enough my lord.” Mordane said tilting his head. “Though I am confused. Why did he contest my victory?”

Ironhoof looked at Miss Swirl and To Mordane.

“The game is not meant to be won in such a way. Usually a leader aims to waste as little as possible. Wiping out your enemies and doing nothing to hold onto you own territory.” He shook his head “ It goes against all convention. It is as if you abandoned all defence of your land. Such a thing would be seen as defeat.”

“You won by making us lose everything Mordane. By loosing so much yourself. It is not done.” Miss Swirl added.


That night Mordane replayed the battle in his mind. He thought of the battlefield covered in blood and broken homes, Shatter fortresses.

The unease he had been feeling grew.

Mordane once again found himself entering the dragon's lair. He moved as quickly as he could down the hole and hall.

He entered the inner chamber at full tilt. The wind blowing a wall of dust he impacted in front of the dragon. He felt the ground shake through and felt the room echoed with his impact. His eyes dilated, Hair shaking in a wind not there. Moving out in random directions.

“Mordane?” The dragon rumbled.

Mordane breathed deep and cracked his wing muscles.

“I feel like ants are crawling under my skin. Like I just want to SCREAM.”

The dragon raised an eyebrow.

“I could never pretend to be concerned about those little ones.” She smiled “It seems to be eating you from the inside.”

“Perhaps literally” Mordane snorted. Finishing his wing pops “ It took every bit of my focus not to strike today. I was stuck, playing a game for hours. A game where I didn’t know the rules.”

“Did you win?” The dragon glared. Eyes piercing and sending shivers down his spine.


“But you still feel uneasy. Why?”

“I don’t know.”

The dragon snorted.

“Have you been paying attention to nothing I taught you. You are fire. Fire that rest smolders. You must always be moving forward.” He pointed to the collar around Mordane “The longer you where that thing the worse it will get.”

“There is not much I can do about that.”

“I suppose you just want to live with that on.”

“Of course not. I will be free when I complete the task Swirl has set before me.”

“You don’t really think she will set you free do you?”


“What is your plan then?”

“I’m working on it.”

“So you are letting the wind carry you. I understand you’ve done that for a long time.” She leaned in close. “ Tell you what. Why don't I just rip that ring right off you. Then you can just fly out of here.”

“You- I can’t.” He stammered. “I can’t just run. I gave my word. Also, if I run then I’ll always be running...I just don’t want to run anymore.”

The dragon snorted.

“Why stop now? All that you have to do for me is open two gate.” She held up two fingers. “ Two gates and I can make it into the city. Do that and I’ll break that ring off of you.”

Mordanes eyes were glued to the dragon. He thought about it. Flying free. Perhaps he could try going south some more, perhaps a boat to Zebrica. If he just kept going far enough…

Mordane pinched his eyes shut and shook out the thought. He was done running.

“No. I won’t run.”

The dragon unfurled her wings. Eyes lighting up. Her voice once again taking on the form of a rolling storm.

Do you not know that I could kill you.

“Yes...yes. I know, but I will make my own way and live with the consequences.”

The dragon lunged and snapped.

Mordane closed his eyes and waited for the end.

Then, laughter.

“Rise little one. Rise up truly free.”

Mordane opened his eyes to see his teacher smiling.

“You have chosen well.Tell me, why are you so nervous, so afraid, do you know?”

“No.” Mordane frowned. “I was uncertain?”

“Partially, I said that I saw great fear in you Mordane.That is still there. You still fear what you might do.”


“But you stood resolute against me.”


She chuckled “Don’t ever run again my little hatchling, or else you will never stop. Don’t think. Just act.”

“Restless, like a little pup who doesn’t know where he wishes to go.” She chuckled. “Now though you are ready. Come! Eat with me.”

That night Mordane ate with the dragon again. Somehow they both knew this was the last time he would come to the pit and the last time they would face each other as teacher and student.


“A ball?”

“Yes, a ball”

Mordane rubbed his forehead. It had been two days since he spoke to the dragon. Two and a half months since the fight at the fortress.

“At least I know how to dance.” Mordane sighed.

“Mordane.” Swirl said standing up and walking around the table “ I know that this has been...straining on you. Just know that we are close. This party is vastly important.”She blushed” I was invited by a duke”

“You have a dance partner?” Mordane said, noting the blush “ Should..I go then?”

“Yes.” She pulled out an invitation” You where invited. While I...get acquainted with the duke you will make yourself known in the main auditorium. Traditionally though you should bring a dance partner. Tonight I hope to have him invite us to view the games at the colosseum.”

Mordane raised an eyebrow. Inviting a slave was odd to say the least. However, he had been a sensation for some time. More and more ponies had begun paying attention to the stories of him.

“Well, there is only one mare I know besides you around here…”

“Yes, that Trixie mare.” She cocked her head to the side “What is your intentions with her?”

“Honestly I have none.” Mordane rubbed his chin.


“How did you get Trixie to do this.”

“I just reminded you that if you didn’t go you would be sent to clean the entire lower foyer.”

Trixie wore a blue dress and Mordane a tuxedo. The pair of them sat in a cart being pulled through the rich part of Tietus.

He saw a poor pony being dragged toward the outer gate.

Then he realised where they were headed.

“Pony feathers, it's in the inner walls.”

They crossed into the innermost wall section. There only the Dukes and king could own anything or even move freely.

There were guards who broke off and began to escort their two wagons.

“Oh my.” Trixie whispered. The area was even more opulent than the outer courtyard. There was Marble streets with storm drains build in. Lampposts with blue magical flame lined the street. Every building looked to be a piece of an art.

The house felt mostly empty, oddly quite.

That stayed true even as he went into the actual ball room.

Music played softly as perhaps four dozen ponies milled about with ten dancing in a set off area. Mordane pulled her out.

“What are you doing?”

“Dancing.” Mordane pulled her up into a dancing stance. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Trixie.” She blushed ”Doesn’t have a problem with that.”

He smiled and began to scan the room. Every single pony was talking dancing doing anything and everything, that happened to be in line of sight to him.

They are all focused on me.

The thought thrilled him even as the claw of fear began to rear its head. A claw that he recognized and pushed down.

Trixie flowed from step to step with utter ease as Mordane stiffly moved with her.

“Where did you learn to dance like this?” Mordane asked.

“I learned it from my father.”

“Your father taught you to dance hm? Thats nice” Mordane smiled down at her.

Trixie looked up at him. Her nose scrunching up.

“I cannot believe that you're any less than twenty five. You're to big.”

Mordane laughed softly.

“Now my eyes are up here.”

Her face flashed red, Mordane just grinned and kept talking.

“I’ve always been big for my age. By now I’m freakishly tall.” He looked around and made sure no one could hear him before leaning in. “I am actually nineteen.”

Trixie stiffened for a moment. Before shaking her head.

“No one would believe such a lie.”

“I suppose they wouldn’t.” Mordane replied. “Even if it's true.”

As the song came to an end the two walked off the dance floor to the corner where Miss Swirl was waiting. Around her an assortment of hanger ons parted ways and let them get close.

“Mordane. I was just talking to Miss chestnut over here. She was wondering what it was like to walk among the great ruins of our fair Lady of the night.”

“Well.” mordane began.” I remember there was a great many murals. I did not spend much time looking at them though.”

“What of the nightmares?” The mare Chestnut asked. “ Most are chased out in a day.”

“I didn’t have much of a choice in the matter-” Mordane continued. His eyes wandering over to seeing Trixie excusing herself while miss Swirl gestured torward the bar “ I myself was able to ignore them. My ponies found it to be the strength they needed to weather it.”

“Very impressive.” Gargled the mares husband” Surely you must of had a few deserters.”

“None worth mentioning I think you’d agree.” His mind flashed back to High Rise, wondering a moment where he may be.

Mordane settled in for the long hall. Answering question he had a dozen times since coming to the city. The nights clock ticking on as he found his mind slipping onto other things. Trailing off as he answered questions automatically.

He had been there for four months by this point but his gut was telling him the time here would soon be coming to an end. He wondered again what was happening to Boulder. If someone had buried Stalker. What would he do with Trixie.

”Where is Trixie” he thought ”It's been at least thirty minutes since she went to the bar.

He took a moment to scan the room but couldn’t see any sight of her. Looking back at Miss Swirl he noted she still lacked a drink.

Did she run?

That didn’t seem to likely to him. He continued to think on it until a servant approached him.

“Message for you sir.” The stallion said passing him a card. “ from a Mr.Fairwind.”

Mordanes chest tightened. Instantly he ran through possible scenarios and realized the likely content of the message.

He took it over to Miss Swirl and opened it. Letting her read over his shoulder.

To Stronghoof

I have your Mare. Come to the warehouse 13. Tell no one.

He looked over to Miss Swirl biting her lower lip. Her eyes told it all. The king would be coming soon. If Mordane left then it might go badly. Mordane though wasn’t going to wait for permission. His blood was aboil. Not for Trixie, but that somepony had thought to try and take from him. Even if that something he didn’t really own.

“I’m going.”

“What? You-”

He growled, his pointed teeth showing at his upturned lip.

“V-very well.”

Mordane turned his gaze back to the crowd. One look was all it took for them to part ways as he stormed out of the building.

A few ponies not knowing what was going on started shouting but Mordane didn’t stay to listen. Once outside he took to the air.

Damn that Fairwinds thinking he can blackmail me.

The night air was cool against his wings as he ascended to two hundred meters over the city. The pale moon was slightly higher in the sky. By this time it was bright enough that he could see.

He flew up to the wall of the inner courtyard. Waiting he darted over the wall as the guards passed. Then over the second wall and into the outer sections.

He moved quickly and straight toward the wharf. He flew along the edge until he saw the designated Warehouse. Flying down he landed lightly onto the roof. Even at this late hour there were ponies working on the wharf. He hopped they wouldn’t get involved.

Walking lightly he went up to the window and listened in.

“Be assured. He will come.” Mordane thought that he recognized the voice but was unsure.

“That half breed better. Napping this Mare has cost me a pretty bit.”

“I assure you he will come. From pride if not anything else.”

Mordane scanned the room. His heart quickening as adrenaline began to flow into his system.

five ponies. Two unable to fight. Trixie is tied up. Relatively unharmed. Those guys look like hired thugs....Frontal assault it is.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling quickly he dived into the room and planted his hooves right onto the small of one of the thugs backs.

“HOLD MORDANE.” He looked to the right and much to his surprise he identified the second voice as it held a dagger to Trixie's throat.

Mordane froze though he wasn’t sure why.

Gritting his teeth Mordane spat.

“Your Miss Swirl would be very disappointed in you, Servent.”

“That may be so.” Spoke up the head servant as he pushed the knife slightly into Trixie throat “,but I truly am serving her with this. I will prevent your blood from polluting her line-”

“Quite.” Fairwinds snarled before turning back to Mordane.” We need to be quick.”

Fairwinds tossed a fisherman's rope across the room sliding to Mordane feet.

“...What is this?”

“Put that on or she dies.”

Mordane looked at Fairwinds. The thugs. Trixie.

Images flashed before his eyes. Another world and body. Another situation but the same once again.

He felt his wing shift.

Did he really want to do this? To kill Trixe. To attack and see her throat slit. To play this the same way again?


Then he caught himself. No, he did not want that. He wasn’t sure why, it wasn’t love nor compasion, but he didn’t want to see Trixie die.His blood boiled but he had been here before. He had stood across and watched someone die when he struck. Reason told him to and still he did not act.

Instead,he pulled to rope under himself and waited as the two thugs came and tied him up.

The entire Time Mordane looked at Trixie. Tears rolling out of her eyes. The knife pulling back and calling out the barest hint of a red stream.

Then Fairwinds nodded to his thugs.

The blow was sudden and painful. Mordane immediately detached from the situation as the earth pony applied firm kicks to his side. Yet in the void that helped him so many times before he did not find nothing.

No, there was a fire. A fire that he hated but needed. The vastness.

His eyes snapped open.

“You know. I expected More.” Fairwinds smirked.He kicked Mordane. Hard. But Mordane barely felt it.

“You will die tonight Fairwinds.”

“...” Everypony froze for a moment before Fairwinds Laughed.

“How? Your wings are bound and I know your horn is cracked.” He Stepped back. “What else do you have?”

“The Earth”

_______________________(Five Months earlier)__________________________________

“Why though Stalker?” He chuckled. “I have my magic and wings. Why would I need hoof to hoof?”

“What if you ever find yourself without those things eh Mordane?” He walked up to Mordane and pushed on his lower back a bit.

Mordane was balancing with his rear hooves in a meditative position.

“Its enough that you teach me the basics of Earth pony magic. I don’t need to know that.”

“Mordane.” He frowned.” Your butt is beginning to look a little fat.”



“Now it isn’t ever happening.”

Stalker sighed.

“There is more out there then you know Mordane.”

“Of course I am looking for it-”

Faster than he could blink Stalker was there. Knife drawn and pressed against Mordanes throat.

“You're going to let Boulder teach you the sword and I’m going to teach you at least how to give a good buck!”

___________________(Present day)____________________________

Mordane bucked like he had never bucked before. His hooves connected with the earth pony stallion, breaking his neck. He used the kicked to push off and slide to the side of the second thugs knife.

Stepping back rapidly he drew the twitching first stallions knife before squaring off against him. Vaguely he heard the clatter of the knife as the head servant made a b line for the back door.

The stallion had drawn a Great sword. His eyes lighting up in preparation for the attack.

Mordane simply cut the rope binding his wings.

The blast wave hit Fairwinds and the thug a second throwing them off their feet. Mordane wasted no time and paused on the thug plunging the knife into his heart.

“Whats going on here!”

Mordanes eyes flashed over to the front door where the Head slave had run out.

A mare was looking in as two stallions opened the door exposing the grisly scene.

Mordane heard Fairwinds start to move to the back of the warehouse but Mordane wouldn’t let him get away.The stallion backpedaled and Mordane approached.

“P-Please.St-Stron - Crimson Lord! I just wanted you to help me get the contract.”

“I don’t care.”

“Look” He said desperately shaking his hoof toward Trixie.”You Marefriend is safe. Your safe. There is no need to kill me.”

“Your right. There is not.” Mordane stood over him. Before placing booth hooves on either side of Fairwinds head.“You made two mistakes Fairwind. The first was not knowing about my earth pony strength. The second TACKING WHAT BELONG TO ME!”


“Ahh!” The ponies watching screamed and ran. Many calling for the guard.

Mordane stepped away from the body and walked over to Trixie.

Her eyes were wide but she didn’t run as he cut the ropes and blindfold off of her

She didn’t speak, instead opting to look at the ground.

“Your hurt.” Mordane said. Lifting her chin.

“I’m sorry.”

Mordane choked his head to the side.

“I...heard you were a killer, but seeing it. I…”

“Its different.” Mordane whispered. “These are wild ponies.”

“...Why did you save me? Why...help me.”

Mordanes eyes hardened.

“Because they thought to blackmail me. I have nothing”

“I owe you my life.” She whispered

Mordane looked down at the mare. He had come because his gut told him to. Just as he had been nice to Trixie on instinct. Perhaps…

He grabbed both sides of her head. Drawing out a small squeak.

“You.” He growled “You belong to me. ”

Trixie didn’t breath, she didn’t move for a full second.

Before nodding her head.

Looking away Mordane lowered his hooves.

“Will you obey me?”

Trixie nodded again.

“I, Will.”

“Don’t regret it.” Mordane snapped, “let's go.”

Mordane pulled her up and led her out the back door.

Behind him word began to spread.


Several hours later Mordane and Trixie slipped into the home complex of Lady Swirl.

The first thing he noticed was the head servant swinging in the breeze. The second was a new servant wearing the uniform of the old.

“Sir Mordane.” he said respectfully “ The old head servant has admitted that he was the one who assisted Sir fairwinds.”

“I… see.” Mordane replied ”how was he found out?”

“Only he, you and Miss Swirl knew to which house you were going.” He motioned toward the stairwell. “Lady swirl is waiting for you.”

“Trixie.” He said looking at the Mare. “Run us a bath please.”

She nodded and excused herself while the servant escorted him up to Miss Swirls office. Once there she motioned him to the traditional chair with a glass of bourbon waiting. Her fur was pristine but the eyes shimmered in the candlelight.

“Mordane. I assume you saw what happened to my former head servant?”

“Yes. You sure don’t mess around do you. What was it he said after getting back?”

“Something about you stealing him and Trixie yourself. It would have been convincing save that you were in my sight the whole night.”

Mordane snorted and shook his head.

“It all happened quite fast. I assume you know the detail by now?”

“Yes. As does everypony in town. In fact their was a bounty on your head for a short time.”

“For a time?”

Miss Swirl smiled and stood up over her desk.

“Yes, but it was suspended by the king. After he spoke to me at the party.”

“Shame I missed him.”

“Oh he agrees. Which is why he is coming here tonight to negotiate on the Zebrican contract.”

Miss Swirls eyes gleamed with greed as the clock ticked by a few seconds. Mordane rolled the bourbon over his tongue. His eyes shifting down to the ground.

“Then it would seem...that our time together will soon be at an end I suppose.”

The mare's eyes glinted slightly as her smile was forced even bigger.

“Of course”

Mordane frowned. He stared intently into his drink, brow furrowed.

“I will need you on your best behavior of course.” She continued “ He will be here in just a few hours. Any disturbance at this stage would be disastrous and you..Well you would of course not receive your freedom.”

Mordane looked up from his glass. A slight gleam there.

“How about No.”

Miss Swirl binked.

“I’m sorry?”

“I said No. I won’t play the catowed killer for your kings visit. Unless of course you give me something.”

Miss Swirl blinked again before sitting down Her hooves pressing against each other to then press against her mouth.

“As I said. Your freedom.”

“Freedom.” Mordane snapped “ is a pretty word but not real until you take this collar off. Plus it's not enough anymore.” He leaned forward. “I want Trixie.”

“...sigh, very well-”

“Now. Before he gets here or when he does I-”

Suddenly like a wave of lighting burning lines of agony ripped out from the collar around his neck. His eyes snapped to a ring Miss Swirl had pull from her desk.

“No Mordane.” She growled “ You will do as I tell you or you will die.” Her eyes where wild as her hoof played along something in her drawer, activating the runes.

He tried to breath but he couldn’t draw breath.

“Do not worry Mordane you won’t die of suffocation. The pain will kill you first.”

The agony doubled, it was horrible. Part of him would have done anything to turn off that pain.

Mordane folded onto the floor. His eyes becoming bloodshot.

“Every minute you test me Mordane. No more. You WILL do it.”

Mordane tried to speak staring at the mare. Smiling she let of the charm enough for Mordane to gasp for air.

He drew in a few rapid breaths before wearing out. His eyes looking her over.

She was trembling.

“I hold all the cards. I. won’t. bend.”

Miss Swirl stared at Mordane. Her face twisting as if she tasting something sour. Her hoof trembled as Mordane forced himself to stand.

She sighed.

“I have no choice”

Mordane gasped as the charm turned off. Miss Swirl walked around the desk and placed her hoof on the clasp.

“If you are honorable as you seem to be…” She sighed again. “ it doesn’t matter now if you are.”

The collar clicked off.

Mordane stood up and rubbed around his neck before turning to look at the mare.

“And Trixie?”

“My. New servant will go ahead of you. To release her.” She stretched slightly. “ The king will be here in three hours...please be ready.”

Mordane nodded before heading to his room. Once there he found Trixie already relaxing in the tub scrubbing her hair. The collar laying on the floor where it had been thrown. The mare was covering her eyes. Shoulders shaking.

“King is supposed to be here in two and a half hours about.” He commented. “ Do you think you have enough soap for the both of us?”


The house was cleaned. Twice.

The best china was brought out. Then new china bought at a high price.

A full course meal was made up of various snack foods and cheeses all made ready if the king should ask for it. Even the cellars where raided for every kind of wine imaginable.

Mordane chose to wear the armor given to him by Miss Swirl. Save that he polished it clean. The blood had been washed out of it as well.He was sitting in the lounge snaking on the confectioneries and waiting.

The king Barburus of Tietus, lord of the trotty sea, heir of Equestria, knight of the the dark was late.

It had already been three hour since he should have arrived.

“He sure doesn’t hurry.”

“The king never hurries.” Miss Swirl spoke up. “He knows that we will wait as long as needed”

Mordane stretched and cocked an ear. The town was unusually loud this night. He wondered for a second why before remembering.

oh yeah, I killed Fairwinds.

A few minutes later a servant came inside and informed them that the kings coach had arrived. Miss Swirl swallowed.

“What a homely place. Quite simple.” Mordanes ear twitched at the sentence from down the all and turned turned to see the king step into the room.

The Pegusi pony seemed almost sickly. Deep chasm like eyes and small weedy frame seemed wrapped around the large grinning smile.His clothes could only be described as fabulous. Purple with gold swirls and a huge plume of fluff sticking out of his coat. His crown was laid daintily on his head, almost as if casually laid there.

In his wings where so many gold rings and fancy feathers that Mordane was almost certain he wouldn’t be able to fly.

He looked almost possessed yet calculating. His eyes sweeping over the whole room with ease before coming to rest on Mordane.

“There he is!” said the king. Taking tiny quick steps. “The talk of the city and the source of so many Letters from the High Chancellor of Irona.”

The king spun around him Mordane elected to stay still.

“Oh? This is played up armor. Was yours destroyed?”

Mordane decided to go for the honest rout with this King. He seemed to be the kind of pony who would enjoy knowing that sort of thing.

“Well this is for show. I didn't have near as much Iron for steel. Plus I always prefered to use War Magic.”

“Really?” kings head cocked to the side.” I find that. Fascinating. I’d say your current outfit is more true though, you where uncharitably brutal in war.”

“I did what was necessary. Many died and I accept that now.” Mordanes ears drooped slightly.

“Magnificence.” Swirl said while cutting in with a bow. “ I apologize for my slav- colleagues rudeness he-”

The king glared at her. His grin twisting harshly into a scowl.

“Did you not see I was speaking to him.”

Mordane took a step back, his eyes widening slightly at the sudden flash change of mood. Miss Swirl only bowed lower still though.

“M-my liege I beg forgiveness.I meant only the upmost respect and did not wish to have myself sullied before, such a handsome stallion as you.”

Instantly the king's anger flashed to mirth again.

“Oh, you do know how to supplicate don’t you. What was it you wanted again.” He sat down on his rump and began tapping his forehead. “Something with trade routes. Oh! The Zebrican contract. Thats right.”

Turning back toward the door he clicked his tongue. A servant came in and presented a scroll to Miss Swirl.

“The full contract Dutches Swirl. With a subcontract for warehouse 3. Stronghoofs mess is still in there but it should serve your needs well.”

Miss Swirl blinked then bowed again.

“It will your magnificence.”

“Good, good. You should be commended for your controlling of this one.” He indicated Mordane. “Though I see he is now free?”

“Yes. Such was our contract”

The king frowned, blinked then smiled again.

“Here I was wanting to purchase him off of you. A contract is a contract though.” He smiled “ I commend you again. Such a simple way to get what you wanted out of him. I would’ve never considered you to have the foresight to write off such a valuable asset. However, now my business is with him if you would kindly leave.”

“Of course…”Miss Swirl bowed again and left the room. The contract tucked tight under her hoof. She hesitated only a moment at the door, her eyes focusing on Mordane as if to tell him something but her lips stayed shut and she went on.

“Now, Crimson lord.” The king smiled. “ What are your plans?”

“Plans?” Mordane tilted his head. “ I have no specific ones that I can think of. Save too head to Harridon. My father said we had family there.”

Mordane was uncertain what the king wanted but the smile now seemed clearly off. More aggressive than comforting. He began to suspect what kind of pony this King was.

“Hmmm, It's unlikely you would make it that far. The king of Irona has been demanding your head you know.”

“No...I didn’t know.” Mordane replied. “I suppose you enjoyed telling him no?”

“Oh yes definitely. That Chancellor and their democracy go against the fundamental rule of law set down from the moon princess herself.” Me nodded. “By all rights I should own the majority of their current holdings.”

“I’m still surprised so many care about the march into Irona.”

The king paused, his brow furrowed. He walked over to the chair and motioned for Mordane to sit down.

Mordane slid into chair as the king poured them drinks.

“Your march toward Irona while meeting our states objectives officially. The problem was you where never meant to make it that far.”

“...We where a diversion.”

“Spot on, Mr Stronghoof. Another mercenary force was sent through the west. The Irona military saw through our scheme though and flanked us.” He leaned in slightly.” Then, despite insufficient forces, you struck them from nowhere.”

“You labeled the town as your crossing point. The bridge was even constructed as asked.’ Mordane replied. “Which technically means our contract with you was met…”

“I signed with High Rise Stronghoof and I wouldn’t pay him either. Now, do you realize what you did by hitting that village when you did?”

“...I don’t know much beyond what my army did.”

“You struck deep into their territory, despite having no resources. You then attacked an entrenched force across a river at least a month ahead of even the best estimations. You then spent said month pressing the locals to work in order to construct a bridge that by all rights should have taken thrice as long. You did this while only killing a few and imprisoning more. Then when you saw the Irona force would come you ran.”

The king took a long draw from his draft.

“You ran and burned the bridge behind you and sacked the village. Then as if to defy all reason you hold up in the night princess cursed fort. Your comander abandons you and still you decide to put up a defense.”

“It seemed...logical at the time.” The king rolled his eyes.

“A defense that kill one in three of the attackers. The elite of Irona, lead by the brilliant commander Ice wing. Even then. You sacrifice yourself to save your army and scattered them to the wind. Many wonder if its to fight for you another day.”

He smiled again.

“This was enough to make you legend. Even now your army speaks of you in every brothel and bar. They say you are a being of legend. They say you will be made a plaything by the Irona elite. Yet then as if to shock the world you turn a coat and suddenly-” He spread his hoofs wide “your going to high society gatherings. Irona is abuzz about you. I’d say everypony from Toe to Mier has heard of you and that, that is something that not even money can buy. Its a spark like that which can be enflamed into something grand! Something wonderful! Something where names draw crowd and blood means profit! That place- Is the arena!”

“The arena. You want me to fight in the Colosseum?” Mordane cocked his head to the side. “ Why would I do that?”

“Two reasons.” The king waved his hoof toward Mordane dismissively. “ No-Three reasons. The first is that I will pay you. Handsomely pay you to keep playing this Brutal but refined image you’ve crafted for yourself as I play you up for profit! Two. There is currently a warrant out for your arrest for the murder of Fair Winds. To be suspended if you report to the arena in the morn. Otherwise you can never come to Tietus again. Irona will also continue to haunt you as well. Without money or connections they will eventually catch you.” He stood up and loomed over Mordane. His smile becoming manic.

“The fame I will bring you. The respect of a veteran of the ring. With that all will know your name. That prestige...It can open many door once closed. So tell me Mordane Stronghoof, the Crimson Lord. What do you think?”

Mordane chewed it over the question was not an easy one. So many factors where worth considering. Way too many to count. He could think for hours and come to no conclusions. He began to grind his teeth.

The idea of willingly walking into an arena to kill for money seemed wrong to him.

Then he stopped. He remembered the lessons of the dragon. He remembered saving Trixie. He let the concerns wash over him. He was thinking too much. What does he want.

Then he let his gut decide. Sand under his hooves. The jingle of change. A pair of smiling lips. A sense of opportunity.

“When is my first match?”

Author's Note:

So here his the second of three chapter I was working on. this one drove me up the wall. It was hard to not make it feel choppy.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, please comment and tell me what you think. Share with your friends. Eat some bacon. Tell me if the chapters are too big.

Have a great day!