• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,756 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

The town.

Rain spattered down upon Mordane’s head. His breathing calm and serene. This engagement would go smoothly, he was sure of it. As always, a few innocent may die, but that was necessary. He needed the money and if this did not get done he did not get paid. He took a moment to remind himself that he would be making something that would happen anyway less bloody.

Beyond the edge of the unnamed cut back forest was a river called the Rine. A small lumber town was settled along its river banks acting as a hub of food transportation in the region and had a population of about two thousand, more of a tiny city than town really. It was night, but with Luna's full moon overhead he could see the faint silver outlines of the town’s defenders and their perimeter.

He was in a perfect position to take control of the town, yet commands from High Rise held him back until the screaming started.

Mordane pulled up his hood and sat down to wait, taking a moment he let himself smile a bit when no one could see. Part of him truly enjoyed standing on the edge before the storm. His men standing behind him waiting like drawn bow to strike down his foe...It was the nature of that foe which left a sour taste in his mouth.

As he waited for the opportune time with his sword clamped to his side he could almost feel as those around examined him waiting for his order.

To them it seemed as if a tension permeated his being, as if his will was ready to become reality. This feeling filled them too as they dug into the earth with their hooves, fidgeting, waiting to let loose.

Boulder stood like stone unmoving beside him looking down on the town with a slight look of disgust as if the entire affair was beneath him. Stalker stayed on the other side seeming board save for the occasional smile when he looked back at the soldiers.

"You do realise that it would be far easier to attack the town at dawn, Mordane. The sun would be at our backs," suggested Boulder offhandedly as he frowned. "It would blind them and give us another advantage."

"Aye. I suggested such to High Rise, but he did not seem to agree." Mordane replied resolutely as he scratched behind his ear. A part of him regretted he would not be charging with the army but he had remembered the lesson from the ants all those years ago in another life.
A commander must lead from the rear.

High Rise had insisted on an assault during the night, saying that the surprise would give them an advantage. This of course was foolish as their food collection efforts would’ve put all towns on alert.

"You are going to have to deal with him if this goes on," Stalker spoke in a grim tone. “We can’t take stupid risks like this, even if he demands it.” A few ponies muttered agreement behind Mordane, his popularity with the mercenaries had been on the rise after he had reportedly defeated a trained battle mage during the scavenging mission. Mordane was not sure if that was true, since he could not tell just by looking, but he would certainly not be the one to take away from the image of his men.

Cries rang up from the small town as a trumpet blew from the other side of the field. High Rise lead the charge himself across the meadow with nine hundred ponies at his back. Mordane groaned at the sight, already figuring that forty would die in the assault.

"Steady Aim!" he yelled for one of his soldiers.

"Yes, sir?" The pony Steady said, running up quickly.

"Schedule the digging of graves for the morning. About a hundred and fifty should cover the defenders and our losses," Mordane said calmly.

"...Yes, sir," he replied with a slight wince before leaving to obey.

"Do you think that horn qualifies as a signal, Boulder?" Mordane asked his friend with a smile.

"Of course." he replied with a raised eyebrow.

“Well then!” He yelled “CHARGE!"

Fifty ponies stayed behind to guard the carts of food as hundred and fifty barreled down the hill at his command to hit the enemy line. As they barreled down the hill they say that only a few of the local guards were there to meet them the rest had moved their forces to intercept High Rise’s force.

The human souled alicorn walked calmly toward the town while ordering the carts to start moving as well. He would have a place for them in a barn or storage room when they finally got moving.

His forces poured down the hill sweeping away the defenders in a complete route. By the time he caught up to his forces they were accepting the surrender of the entrenched enemy. Indeed one of Mordane’s men brought him the town flag, but instead of taking it he ordered him to give it to High Rise as soon as that side of the battle was over.

Sending others to round up the locals, he took a hundred of his men and moved to hit the guard High Rise was attacking.

At that moment High Rise’s troops came running up the street and bursting into houses. The unrestrained glee on his commander’s face disgusted Mordane, but he moved to address him anyway. The commander was in his light metal armor. His lungs pulled at the air with only a slight strain. His back left flank had a deep spear wound that was bleeding profusely.

"The town is yours, Commander. Should I take care of the trivial matters?" High Rise’s smile faded a bit at the sight of Mordane.
"Yes, yes, Mordane. Get to it." He snapped.

"Of course, sir. The mayor’s house has been secured, I'll have Smooth Stone show you where it is." Mordane replied calmly indicating another pony.

High Rise limped off to take care of his wound and most likely communicate with their employers, while Mordane organized the mercenaries and issued disciplinary actions.

Two ponies had to be whipped after setting fire to a few buildings despite orders not to. Three others had gotten into a fight over loot and were sentenced to latrine duty. Mordane stood rubbing the space between his eyes trying to understand what was going through their heads to forget his orders. What if the town had burned down? In that respect he thought the punishment was incredibly light.

Mordane turned to Stalker and with a pained smile. Both had found him shortly after the initial push of the battle.

“Stalker I need you to go find the best place to store food. Boulder, get Steady Gaze and check the town water supply for poison. I’m going to make sure the rest of these fools don’t destroy everything.”

The two of them nodded before trotting off to fill their tasks. Mordane continued to walk around giving orders to those clearing the buildings.

“Sir, Most of the buildings are empty.” said on of his ponies running up “We can’t find the locals anywhere.”

“Did they take the valuables?” Mordane asked wondering if they had escaped.

“No and they have food as well I don't-”

“Sir!” shouted a pegasus landing beside him. “ You're needed at the town hall. The locals seem to be hold up there in mass.”

“Lets go then!” Mordane shouted. He had the pony lead him toward the building in question.

A few minutes later he trotted up to a rather large building in the town center. The wood planks covering the windows reminded him of Ponyville. Even if this town hall was five times the size.

The thought of home gave him pause for a moment as the strangeness of the situation settled on him. Merely four months ago he had defended a town against an attack by a superior force. Now he was leading one.

That's life I suppose.

Shaking his head he examined the situation. Before him five ponies in armor were standing in front of the town hall, bucking the door over and over again. With each hit the door creaked but did not budge leading him to think it may be reinforced.

Despite his outward calm he was fighting a losing battle. His gut felt like a pit as he watched pony's homes being robbed of what little wealth they had and a growing disquiet at what he was about to do. The cold logical mind however continued to examine the situation.

He had read of similar events back when he was human. It was still strange to him how they came back so easily. Perhaps the ease of access was because of how his mind was reaching the maturity to handle his old thoughts. Ideas and feelings that had plagued him since the start of his pony puberty were settling around his mind.

Yet that only made it more clear what could go wrong. Forced labor was dangerous, for both the pony doing the labor and the one forcing it. Their position however would not allow for much else. The river beyond only had two crossings, both of which were heavily guarded. Cabistien would need to approach from the other side to take them on, as the defenses were designed to defend against the south, therefore, a bridge would have to be built, and these civilians; these...ponies, would have to build it.

Fear would be needed, and perhaps some stark truth, Mordane would have to make them believe that he was being as kind as he could be. Because he was...

Cracks began to form on the doors hinges as Mordane cast his mind beyond. There were two earth pony stallions shaking as they held pitchforks toward the door. Mares, foals, the old and fearful hung into the corners comforting each other. He could feel the fear emanating from them. Suddenly, another mind met his.

A familiar feeling of Stalker was on the air. Exchanging thoughts was impossible, but he could feel Stalker reached out toward the ponies and began to work on their fear. Nurturing it. Magnifying the paralyzing effect. Mordane pulled back and cast a spell to project the same.
"Stop bucking ponies, I'll take it from here."

His men looked confused for a moment, but obeyed.

Mordane needed to move quickly so he pulled on his war magic; eyes slightly glowing he reached into the earth and formed two solid pillars. With a thrust he rammed them through the doors before quickly turning them into dust. To the ponies inside it was as if a sudden blast of dust had broken down their front door.

He walked through the broken door, and before they could stop coughing he drew on the wind and moved all the dust out of the building. At the same time he rammed the ponies holding pitchforks against the wall. Then rammed the pitchforks into the wall above their heads.
"My name is Mordane, and you are our prisoners."

The two went for their pitchforks again, but Mordane simply pushed them harder.

"Our organization is a mercenary group tasked with securing this town and constructing a bridge," He said calmly. "A task that will require your cooperation. Either willingly or after we have...persuaded you. Be assured, if I must then I will kill, but if you obey then your families will not be harmed."

"What of my wife!" A stallion stood up in the back. Next to him sat a mare who was shaking. He practically spat his words at Mordane. "She was raped by one of your ponies.Why should we bend to you if you're just going to violate all that we have?"

The stallion in question stood tall and stared Mordane in the eyes, both remaining still. They assessed each other, one seeing a moderately well-off business pony. The other seeing a hard powerful mercenary who might just be kind enough to guilt into behaving with slight restraint.

Mordane felt disgust at what the stallion had said. Rape in his opinion was one of the few things that absolutely could never be justified. On top of that he had ordered against it before the battle. He made a mental note to have the pony tracked down later.

However he could not show weakness to these ponies. If he did then he would have to make examples of some of them down the line. That was something he wanted to avoid desperately.

"I respect a pony who can stand and question. I will listen to any who do the same so that this can be done as easily as possible for both our sides. I will look into this myself as rape would have gone against my orders. Talk to me again later."

Mordane walked around the room looking the ponies in the eyes.

“Under our occupation I will expect you to obey any order given to you by one of my soldiers. I expect you to work as we tell you and not to make trouble. Failure to do so will result in punishment. However do not worry, If you do these things I will make sure that your lives will not be further violated and that when we leave you will be no more worse for it then you are now.”

He stopped and walked back to the room entrance before continuing.

"Now.” he said calmly “who among you is the leader?"

"I am," said the unicorn stallion from before. " You talk of work. What do you expect from us?"

Mordane didn’t even pause. "I expect you to build a bridge."

Murmurs ran through the crowd, all the different voices giving shocked claims and others paranoid thoughts. Mordane continued.

"Now, in the morning you will go back to your homes. Be warned, no pony is allowed to leave the town. At ten the next day, half of you will report to the river edge." Mordane turned and started to walk out. "I advise you to comply, as forcing you to do so will only result in a more uncomfortable situation."

The awkwardness of the situation was not lost on Mordane. His armor itched, but even now he could see some of them were planning his death in their eyes.

"I have things to do, so good evening."

Mordane turned around , walked out of the town hall and moved briskly through the village. After making sure that the last of the fighting had stopped and the locals were being escorted to their homes he went back to the now empty town hall. Found a room with a bed and went to sleep with his heart heavy.


"It's better than a pile of gold my friend." High Rise smiled at Mordane as he sat in a chair with his forehooves resting on a desk. "A warehouse full of iron. I never thought that I'd see the day."

"How did it get there?" Mordane asked, glad that his commander was in a good mood. He still hated the guy, but at least like this he was bearable.

"Well, according to their old mayor, there are three reasons. One is the old tools, owned by the nearby city pony funding this place, the next is the new tools, while the last is a mixture of weapons and utensils being sent out to nearby towns. It was pure luck that we arrived when we did." High Rise smiled viciously. Eyes gleaming with greed.

Mordane nodded glad that he had been woken up in the morning without incident after the town had been secured. He would have never guessed that all of that iron had been found in a basement under a warehouse.

"So we are going to take it."

"Of course," said High Rise as he lit a cigar. "That stuff is worth five times what we are being paid for this entire expedition. I got a friend over in Tietus with a warehouse, that would be the best place to sell it."

Mordane paused a bit to consider the situation. The goods would take weeks to drag back across the border. Even then it would likely be under attack. Minimally they would need two hundred ponies to pull the carts and protect them.

"High Rise...we can't spare the ponies to drag that across the country." Mordane said with a frown and heavy sigh.

"What are you talking about?" he snapped.

"The bridge is going to be built by the four thousand residents of this town. We have just under one thousand troops. That's four ponies we need to guard each. Why, we’re still pulling them out of basements even now. Cabstien is going to be expecting the workers as well when they arrive and will be angry if we sell them to Tietus."

High Rise’s face grew thoughtful at Mordane’s words. As he stood up and walked to the window.

"...Well it seems we have too many prisoners." The stallion shifted around uncomfortably before quietly making a suggestion. "What if we were to lose some of them?"

Mordane’s stomach flipped as the mind of High Rise turned where he feared. Part of him could acknowledge the dark reasoning behind the statement. There was no way Tietus would accept Drena slaves until after this war was over. He would have to choose his words carefully and hope that some part of this stallion would not want to do this.

"Sir...Killing or enslaving-" High Rise winced "-any of the locals en masse would likely cause the ones we are keeping alive to be harder to control." Mordane walked over to the window to stand beside him keeping his cool.

"And I am unwilling to leave that bridge undone. I want all the money I can get. Just like you." High Rise nodded in response. "We have enough time. Just let me put the iron in the carts and we will wait until our employers, the Cabistien military, shows up to cross the bridge here. Then we'll high tail it out of here before they even think about what we might have stolen."

"Yes...yes, of course, you're right," said High Rise as he walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle to drink. "Don't know what I was thinking. Drink?"

"Yes of course. Just a shot though."

It'll help with my stomach at least. I can't say no anyway. He might take offense.

Downing the single glass Mordane turned to walk out, but stopped before leaving. He sighed releasing the tension that had built up in him during the day.

"I believe one of the stallions disobeyed my order. What should I do with him?" Mordane said offhandedly.

"How against it was he?" High Rise asked quickly without looking at him.

"Directly...I was going to order his whipping." he said flatly.

"Kill him if it's true." High Rise’s tone became cold as he said those words. His eyes left no question before turning back to the window.

"...Yes sir," Mordane responded with resignation.

Walking out Mordane wondered if he should really put effort into finding who had raped that mare. His face remained blank because in truth he did not know what to think.


"When can you get your ponies out to rope the river?"

"Well, we've never done anything like this before, sir." the pony before Mordane said uncertainly.

"That river is gonna be a doozy to cross, aye, I can say that to you ere’ now."

Mordane stood with the unicorn mayor and another mercenary just off from the river. It was just about three hundred meters across and clear. The water came down off the mountain and into the plain pretty much untainted. At the center it was about thirty meters deep.

"How do you plan to bridge it Mr...Bob.” Mordane said hesitantly. “Bob the Builder?”

“Yes it is!” The pony said with an unnaturally large smile on his face.

“Riiight” Mordane said awkwardly ”Can we build it? The bridge I mean."

"Yes we can!" he said enthusiastically. "I can get em’ to place the supports about five feet apart in three rows. Should do fine."

"How long do you think it will take?" Mordane asked as ponies continued to move, cut and sort logs behind him.

"Uhh, not sure. Whatcha think, Lofty?" asked Bob to a nearby pony.

"Ahh, I don't know..." said a pony passing by timidly.

"Well, I'm sure you can-." Mordane began.

"Come here you!" came a shout from behind him.

Two ponies were approaching dragging a large third one between them. Mordane recognized him. He was the stallion who had been causing trouble for a while. First executing those prisoners. Then yelling out in the crowd. Now, according to two witnesses and another mercenary, he had raped the mayor's wife.

"Here he is, sir. We found him hiding in one of the cellars."

"Thank you," Mordane said before addressing the prisoner. "Do you know why I've ordered you to be brought to me?"

The stallion stopped resisting and swallowed. "...yes."

"Did you do it?" he growled.

The stallion frowned. "Look she was as much my right to take as any gold I found. This is war! The spoils to the vic-"

Mordane back hoofed him as the two stallion held him in place.

"I don't care what you say about rights and such. I gave you an order." he shouted.

"Yeah?" The rapist said spitting at Mordane’s hooves. “Well, then put me in the brig for a week or something. I admitted. I'll do my time."

"...I'm sorry, but I can't do that." Mordane said staring the pony dead in the eye.

"What?" he grunted.

"Take him to the edge of the river and hang him from something where the workers can see. Don't leave until he is dead."Mordane told his holders coldly.

"Y-you can't do this!" the stallion cried desperately as they dragged him away. "No! STOP!"

Mordane ignored his howling till he was dragged far enough away. He then reached over to a nearby stand and made a glass of beer he then offered to the mayor who looked sick.


The visibly shaken unicorn obeyed. Downing the drink in one gulp before giving Mordane a suspicious eye.

"You would do that to one of your own men for rape?" He asked with a shaking voice.

"No," Mordane replied coldly. "I did that because he disobeyed me. Keep that in mind."


The ice spears flew through the air directly into the space where Mordane’s throat use to be as he stumbled to the right. A blast of wind acted as a distraction for Steady Gaze who stood against him with a smirk on his face. The old stallion dissipated the spell with little effort.
Mordane intentionally avoided using his war magic to confront the pony as it would make the old stallion pull on his war magic of fire and death. The speed of which usually overwhelmed Mordane. Plus it had started to be dangerous for the both of them.

A wall of flame came to Mordane’s attention as he looked back toward the old stallion.

He must of cast it right after the first one crafty bastard. There is no time to dodge or counteract.

However Mordane did not die that day as the flame wall dissipated before touching him drawing a laugh from his competitor.

"My, my, Mordane, you always seem to be focused on the task at hoof, but in this case it would seem that failed you." His eyes were dancing with laughter.

"As you have said many times before, sir Steady Gaze," Mordane replied sullenly.

"You should’ve noticed the flame then poured its heat into my ice converting the mass to water that my spell would not have been able to continue to affect."

"Unless you cast a second spell to affect water alone." Mordane rolled his eyes.

"While casting a fire wall? Hardly." Steady Gaze replied with a wave of his hoof.

It was nearly a week after they had taken the town and the bridge was half way done. Which would mean it's a little behind. Mordane had just yesterday convinced High Rise it would only hurt to employ whips. Still he was certain something would happen soon.

"You know, Mordane," said the old stallion, "You waste a lot of energy in your spells."

"Yes, sir, you have said so many times." Mordane said exasperated.

"I have? Well you should’ve fixed it then." he said raising an eyebrow.

Mordane sighed. "How?"

"Why the nerve you, young one. I went to the academy you know. You should be honored to be taught by me." He said raising his chin.

Mordane nodded and resisted the urge to sigh again. Steady Gaze had talked about the academy at Heridan nearly every session.

"Why did you leave then?" Mordane asked again.

Normally the stallion would snort at this point and say the lesson was over, but this time he didn't.

"Well...Mostly it was the racism. I did not agree with the other unicorns over the subject of magic making us superior. So I was exiled." He said bluntly.

"Exiled? Huh… Are they that bad to non unicorns?"

"Oh yes.” Steady Gaze nodded vigorously “The city is split in two with an upper and lower district. I lived with the other unicorns in luxury until my fall from grace...they are abhorrently racist. Even you would be considered a lower life form. Or worse. An abomination."

"...sounds terrible." Mordane whispered.

"Oh it is, but… there is no better magic school in all the world. Save maybe Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns."

"You know of Celestia?" Mordane’s voice dropped down. A bitter taste entering his mouth.

"Yes. I visited Equestria long ago. Peaceful land, but a bit boring. Save for their wondrous technologies." His eyes glazed over and looked into the distance. “ I remember when I got off a train for the last time.”

"Yes... it is." Mordane whispered feeling only a tad homesick.

Mordane left his session with Steady Gaze an hour later tied to the bone. The stallion had valuable combat experience, much to his surprise. To think he once thought he was untrained. That pony was a crafty one alright.

He had taken residence in a library room in the main hall. Most of the few books in there were useless to him but a few were an interesting distraction.

He was reading one such book when Stalker unceremoniously came through his locked door.

"Hey, Mordane. I'm bored. Come drinking with me." He said pleadingly. His lower lip bulging as he pouted.

Mordane floated the book out of his way so he could look Stalker in the eye.

"No. You know what happens when I drink." Mordane said.

Stalker rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Mordane, I'll see to it you don't make a fool of yourself." He asked again. This time pushing the book all the way down.













Mordane sighed before asking exasperatedly.

"Are you a child?"

"Yes.” Stalker said firmly “Now are you coming or not?"

"FINE. I'll come have one drink with you."

Stalker lead Mordane down the street to a large bar that was reserved for the mercenaries as having them drinking with the locals seemed like asking for trouble.

"How long has this thing been running?" asked Mordane.

"Since day two. High Rise approved it himself. Set up a drinking shift as well. Yours, mine, and Boulder’s just so happens to fall on the same evening." Stalker winked.

"I see..." Mordane sighed while facehoofing. "I suppose it's needed, though I wish he had informed me."

"Well don't worry about it," Stalker said while slapping him on the back. "You should relax. Hey, look, there's Boulder."

The stallion walked up to meet them with glazed over eyes. It was obvious by his shining breastplate that the pony had been cleaning it all day.

"Do you ever take that off, Boulder?" Stalker asked with a smirk.

"Of course not," cut in Mordane. "He wouldn't want to be caught unaware."

Boulder huffed. "You two are going to be the death of me one of these days. Especially if I listened to y’all and we are called to battle soon."
"True, though I doubt they would get through our scouts." Mordane said rubbing his chin.

"Where did you get the idea to put them out constantly anyway?" Boulder asked rubbing his forehead.

"...Why wouldn't I want to know what's going on around me?" He replied raising and eyebrow.

"...Guess so."

The three walked into the bar quickly stepping over the large lip at the entrance

Stalker made note of the bar around him, examining entrance and exit points. Noting where troubled mercenary ponies were settling. With a nudge he lead Mordane to the bar itself where a local pony served drinks. It had been a good move by Boulder to organize how much could be given at any time after he found out about the bar.

Looking over at the younger stallion, Stalker’s mind flashed through why he had gotten Mordane to come drink with them.
That morning he had explained to Boulder something he had found out about Mordane a while back. That the stallion was, in fact, the party king.

Finding out had been quite a shock to him at the time and Boulder was unsurprisingly skeptical to the idea. After all, Mordane was just so...collected. Both of them found it hard to believe that he had it in him. Sure he could make others do things where it mattered, but he just didn't seem to have the raw charisma needed to pull off the party associated with that name. Over years that event had become infamous in Equestria. Ponies would still talk about what it had been like under his short lived "eternal party".

Stalker had been willing to let it lay until word reached him of a small town that had nearly imploded with a similar character… this time however his fur had been brown and the body was not full grown.

The two had agreed that seeing what could possibly make this happen was worth any real risk that it would get out of hoof. They would simply have to turn him from trouble. Should be easy enough.

"What will you have, Commander?" asked the bartender smiling hesitantly.

"I'd like a beer please." Mordane said bluntly.

"I as well." Boulder grinned.

"Me too." Quipped Stalker .

"So, Boulder," asked Stalker as they got their drinks. "What made you leave Equestria?"

"Disagreements not worth discussing." He glared.

"Shesh, Boulder, you nearly have as large of a stick up your flank as Mordane here."

"Excuse me?" Mordane replied with a raised eyebrow. Cheeks tinted red from the alcohol. "I will tell you that the stick is quite comfortable where it is."

Boulder and Stalker burst out laughing. Quickly Mordane joined them as he continued to drink.

Usual to his semi-methodical nature, Mordane drank at a steady pace. However it was one far faster than his two compatriots.
Why is he always so careless with his life? Stalker thought while playing with his drink.

Sometimes I think he is trying to manipulate everyone then things like this happen where he is so uncareful. Afraid of Celestia or anyone knowing who he is but not me. I honestly thought he would try to kill me as soon as I let him know I knew about him being an alicorn...Yet he did nothing. Not even seeming surprised.

Oh all bringer why did I tell him?

"You know what I think?" said Boulder still quite sober. "I think that we should actually pay this stallion bartender."

"Oh no charge… sir," the stallion in question stammered.

"Nonsense!" cut in Stalker. "We should. He has been such a good host. What do you think Mordane?"

The stallion in question was not talking. Instead staring sullen faced into his glass.


"Hmm?" he replied.

"Do you think we should pay the bartender?"


"Why?" Stalker asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Sir, if any of my servi-"

"Shut up." Mordane glared at him. "Give me a refill, this glass is empty."

"...Yes, sir."

"Are you ok, Mor-" began Boulder.


"I'm sorry?"

"It was stupid of you to think we should pay him."

Stalker looked confused at Boulder who eventually answered.

"Well, I don't really see-"

"I mean we are going to leaving eventually and High Rise will just take everything from here then. Any money would only cause him trouble."

The two stood awkwardly as Mordane’s glare softened.

"I apologize… Alcohol doesn't sit well with me sometimes."

"You don't say," Stalker said sarcastically.

"You're not stupid, Boulder… I'm just tired. The drink lowers my impulse control."

"Its fine, Mordane. Happens to everyone."

Stalker watched as Mordane continued to drink. He grew quieter and quieter as time went on. Pulled deep into a sullen mood. By the beginning of drink three Stalker had enough.

"Come on, Mordane, that's enough."

"Hmm?" he replied lifting his head eyes foggy with the stupor from his drink.

"You've had enough."

"Aye, you are just getting gloomier," Boulder replied.

Stalker reached to pull away the younger stallions drink, Intent on not letting him make a fool of himself.

"You know, Stalker...You really should just sleep with the bartender."

His hoof froze in shock mimicking both Boulder and the bartender himself. Mordane did not look up from his glass however even as he continued to speak.

"I mean… Both of ya are that way. I'd let you get rid of some of your tension, Really you shouldn't be worrying about me that much." He seemed completely serious.

"...Mordane," whispered Boulder. "I don't think that is something you should say. The drink-"

"And you one to talk?" Mordane questioned calmly looking into Boulder’s eyes. "I know about that flask you keep in your mane... Don't know exactly why, but something Celestia did caused you to be unable to live with yourself." He drank deeply again emptying the glass, apparently unconcerned by his own words.

"Bartender, another beer. No ice this time." The stallion hesitated. "Do it… before I tell High Rise about that quality wine you got hidden in the cellar."

He stumbled away. Hoping to return with a pitcher and leave before the commander ordered his bar burned down.

Mordane gulped down the rest of his glass in silence. Then a fourth. Then his fifth before laying his face down on the table. Mumbling about food limitations.

"...what the buck," Boulder whispered.

"Come on, Boulder, lets-"

"PARTY TIME!" His shout nearly broke glass as Mordane snapped back up. His face covered in a gigantic smile. The dull look was gone from his eyes and instead it was as if he had been set alight.

"Say, barkeep!" Mordane yelled in a raspy voice.


"Give these ponies another round. Such strong working soldiers need another drink!" He said banging his hoof on the bar.

A small cheer of agreement met Mordane’s declaration, though most still ignored him.

"Mordane, I-" His comrade began.

"Stalker!" he said suddenly. Grabbing the side of his face. "You magnificent shadow warrior slash assassin slash thief slash cult leader… whatever you are. I need you to help the bartender pass out drinks. Ok?"

"Uh," he replied. "Sure."

"Boulder!" He flipped around. "You got to know a few good drinking songs."

"Well… yeah, but-"

Mordane grabbed the pitcher of beer and chugged half of it down. The grin on his face only getting wider.

"God this bar is boring. Hey you! Barkeep! Hurry up with those drinks!" Mordane said floating a dozen glasses over to the bar.

"What's gotten into him?" asked one of the ponies across the bar to Boulder.

"Oh, nothing has, really," Mordane said stepping up onto a random table, knocking ponies drinks over as he did. There cries of anger turning to laughter at the look on the stallions face.

"Nothing that has not affected you as well. The dread of this towns ponies and the long march through the wilderness has touched us all. Oh, to the cutting wind as it comes down the mountain and we are forced to sit while idle glory and riches could yet be won." Stunned the bar was silent as they all listened. "Though more so the gold I think."

A few laughed and nodded their heads. This job had been a long march with little to do. Many were getting bored. Stalker passed out pitchers watching as Mordane seemed to take a moment before continuing.

"What are we, but fickle coils upon which all life that will come must tread. Well, I do not say we set idly by and wait for time that has yet to finish its slow climb. While we wait for glory let them hear our call, our shout. From the roofs of this small town all the way to the heart of Tietus… LETS PARTY!"

The roar of approval met his words. Stalker listened in on a table as he put down a pitcher.

"What the buck did he say?"

"Don't know. Something about glory and riches."

"I can drink to that."

Ponies moved out from their tables and began milling around. Mordane almost bounced between groups his words drawing them out and closer to each other. Many ponies began to drink more than they would normally.

Soon the party was in full swing. Instruments appeared from somewhere being played by smiling ponies.

Enough of this.

Stalker grabbed a beer glass and added a large dose of sleeping agent. Walking over he gave it to Mordane who promptly drank it.
Mordane swayed for a while before slowly getting quieter and sinking to the ground.

No pony noticed as Boulder and Stalker flanked him and walked out of the bar, his eyes already closing.

The two ponies stepped out into the cold air. Behind them to party continued, oblivious to the fact that the one who started it was gone.

"Stalker?" Boulder asked. "What the buck just happened in there?"

The two of them pulled Mordane’s limp body toward his room.

"Madness, I'd say normally, but since it’s Mordane… I think we just saw something important."

"Stalker, Mordane just made us balk and before we recovered he had the entire place ready to party all night long… That does not happen by accident. I'm just wondering why?"

"Because he wanted to party."

"But why?"

"I don't think there was a reason. Alcohol tends to bring out the most base in ponies. Perhaps Mordane at his core just wants to have some fun, but his mind won't let him."

"You know he controlled us like we were little colts."

"Yes. That worries more than anything. If he is that skilled while drunk, what is he doing to us while he’s sober? I just keep thinking back to what I've done for him. Why did I do it?"

"He saved me from slavery. I could have ran."

"But you didn't because you wouldn't. He knew how to get your loyalty and did it. Me? I've followed after him for years. At first I thought I was imposing but now I wonder if he really intended for me to be there… He was just so enticing."


A few minutes later they arrived at his room. Heaving Mordane onto the bed Boulder turned to Stalker and lifted an eyebrow.

"Now what did you say you were going to get?"

"Water. I need to make a cure. That sleeping pill is more of a poison. Should be fine, if I give him the antidote."

Boulder glared at the smiling Stalker who walked out of the room. His angry glare however turned to confusion as he looked at the sprawled out Mordane.

He had felt something while caring him. Something he just could not believe.

Mordane speaks with authority… It seems impossible. How can I not believe my own senses though?

His hoof trembled as he walked over to Mordane’s prone form. Reaching down he pulled back his ever present coat.

Two wings met his gaze.

A small gasp escaped his lips as he stood there staring at the feathered appendages. Disgust and fear twisting at his heart.

How… For all this time. How long?

He thought back and back. Never could he remember a time the pony did not wear his cloak.

Suddenly his issue with Celestia was clear.

"So, now you know."

Boulder turned to look at Stalker. A blank look on his face.

"You might as well remove the cloak. He sleeps better that way."

"You knew?"

"Of course," he said with a laugh. “I’ve seen him sleep that way before.”

He walked over and propped up Mordane's head. He shoved a long tube down his throat before pouring the medicine.

"Can you really see me not learning of it. I've known for years. Why do you think I follow him."

"Is he your spirit?"

Stalker paused.


Standing Stalker pulled off Mordane’s cloak and pushed him onto the bed before climbing in beside him.

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping with him, of course."

"What!? No you're not!"

"And why not? I've done it before," he said seductively.

"There is no way in all that is holy that I am letting you sleep with Mordane while he is passed out."

"Well, you're welcome to join us."


"Fine, don't."

Stalker curled up next to Mordane on the bed leaving Boulder to stand there gasping and grunting at the indignity of it all.

"Fine. I will sit in that chair over there and at least then I can prevent you from doing any-uhh."

Boulder fell face first onto the bed and immediately began snoring.

"Sure you can." Stalker laughed then reached over Mordane to pat him on the head. "Must’ve had too much to drink during your singing number."

Stalker threw the cover over the three of them. Soon their steady breathing was all to be heard.


The dull cloud of alcohol faded away to shadows and lightless sleep, but in time the mind of Mordane began to turn up strange and fearful images.

Mordane gazed up at Celestia’s rear in the sky, basking in the glory of the sun. Behind the rather bloated glory of Celestia, Luna’s own glory peeked out from behind. Mordane was surprised to see a solar eclipse, but it was Celestia so he paid it no heed. Pinkie Pies were galloping through the candy cane fields, and it was obvious to all but Mordane there was something seriously wrong with this scene.

In the bright pink sky, various humasus’ could be seen, flying at high speeds completely nude, their wings and… such flapping in the wind. humacorns froliced below, using various magiks to ensure throughout the… breeze their hair stayed pristine and clear. The earth humans tended to the fields, some working at the markets selling various… illicit materials. And nothing else.

“Mordane! My son!” Mordane turned his head at the voice calling out to him.


“I’m here Mordane.” he said, dangling in the air by a rope around his neck.

“What are you doing up there?”

“Oh nothing... Just the trains, Mordane. Oh, and this pit of Celestia’s is about to eat me.”

It was then that he noticed the rather large hole beneath his grandfather filled with white alicorns. Their eyes flamed with the brilliance of the sun in the sky. Snapping their teeth at his grandfather, they tried desperately to eat him.

“Do you mind getting me down from here?” he asked calmly.

“Well, I would, but the ice cream shop is about to close,” Mordane replied sadly indicating the pizza shop behind him.

“Are you sure? It would only take a moment of your time.” He seemed suddenly desperate. “I don't know how much longer I can hold on!”

Mordane looked at the Celestia pit and gumdrop trees of beer before looking back at the taco joint, where he would get his ice cream. His glorious, illicit ice cream.

“But its closing in a minute, and this is the last day they have my ‘favorite flavor!” he pleaded. A group of humansi flew between them.
“Wait! Tell me how long you can hold on?”

“I don’t know, umm, three minutes? After that point I will have passed the singularity, and will have no chance of going back.”

“Oh, good then,” he sighed with relief. ”I’ll just go and get me some ice cream then save you afterwards. “Oh, do you want anything?”

“You know I like sardine pickled ice cream.”

“Sure, sure.”

Mordane hopped down the road for a few minutes before another Mordane suddenly approached Mordane.

“Hi, I’m your conscience.” And then the second Mordane launched a kick in between the legs. “YOU WILL NOT GIVE A TIP!”

Ignoring the fact that he should be feeling unimaginable pain, Mordane had a brilliant idea.

“Hey why don't you go save Grandfather and I’ll order ustacos, pizza and ice cream. Illicitly.”


Suddenly his clone kissed him, but then became Pinkie who then bounced down the street.

“Stop that,” he said to the army of Stalkers wiggling their eyebrows.

Suddenly Celestia walked down the road, riding on Twilight as she cantered down the street, stopping near Mordane.

“MORDANE, how did you become so devilishly handsome?” said Celestia steamily.

“He works out. I know. I watched him. It’s not creepy,” Twilight whispered while chewing on her mane.

Mordane chuckled before lying to get away. “Ladies, I’m Gay.”

“LIES!” shouted his subconscious.

“Yeah, he slept with me,” confirmed Pinkie Pie.

Celestia transformed into Mordane. “Then explain all your hard-ons!”


“Nooo, how will I ever have smexy children now?!” After speaking, Twilight also turned into Mordane.

“No, it’s true. I’m so Gay that it’s capitalised. And look: that lamp, with those curtains? Atrocious. See?”

“It’s the truth, I lost my virginity to Stalker at the candy store.”

“Um… hi?”


“Eep. ”And then she turned super saiyan and knocked out Twidane and Celestdane.

“Subconscious, what does it say about her power level!”

“IT’S OVER NINE SUNSETS!!” And then Super Saiyan Fluttershy turned into Super Saiyan Mordanershy, and exploded.

Mordane laid on the bed a smile on his face. Warm fur pressing up to him as he hugged some warm body front of him. Taking note of the warmth from behind as well.

He was content.

His eyes snapped open. In a flash he was in the air hovering, eyes contracted into tiny specks as he looked down at the two stallions below him. Drawing one inevitable conclusion as the smell of alcohol permeated the air and the fact that his prized cloak was casually thrown over a nearby chair.

"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He cried out in anguish.

Boulder and Stalker’s eyes opened slowly. They sat up and stretched trying to awaken.

"Oh, hey there, Mordane. Feeling better this morning?" Boulder said a small smile on his lips.

"Hello, beautiful," Stalker said while lighting a cigar. "You both were great"

Boulder glared at him.

"He don't have any memories likely, Stalker. Don't scare the poor bastard even more."

"WHAT THE BUCK ARE THE TWO OF YOU DOING IN MY BED!" Mordane yelled eyes burning with rage.

"There is no need to yell, Mordane." Stalker frowned. "This is the second time we have woken up together."

"You know I think he might have a good reason in this case. Oh," he said turning to Mordane. "And I just did not want to leave you alone with him. I must’ve fallen asleep while trying to convince him."

Landing, Mordane floated his cloak over with magic holding it with his hoof before looking at Boulder.

"Thanks, Boulder, but it's not something to worry about." He said relieved. “That would've been the worst thing ever.”

"So, Mordane," Boulder coughed covering his mouth. "Wings?"

"Wings?" Mordane deadpanned.

"Yeah, those ones that you are currently flying with." he laughed.

Mordane’s eyes nearly plopped out of his eyes and onto the ground. With a thump he landed unblinking as he replied."Uhh. Oh, you mean these wings. They’re um, a… spell. Yeah, a spell."

"Yeah," Boulder said while pulling a feather from his mane. "Totally fake."


"So how long have you been an alicorn?" Boulder said raising an eyebrow.

Mordane sighed in exasperation. "All my life."

"A natural born alicorn." Boulder said placing the feather on a nightstand. "I did not even think that it was possible for stallions to be alicorns."

"I know of no legend of it." Spoke up Stalker. "I could find none in any search I did."

Boulder nodded. His eyes still flicking back to the wings.

"You never told anyone?"

"Aye… Does make me wonder though," Mordane said, smiling. "Can I really trust you two?"

"Trust us?" said Stalker before frowning and letting out a small growl. " I think the better question is can we trust you?"

"Aye," agreed Boulder darkly. "You have some explaining to do."

"Trust me?" Mordane asked as his face twisted a bit with worry. "Why not? I've been there for you. I've even helped you Boulder," he started quickly looking back and forth between the two.

"We know you better than most, Mordane… You're a bit of a liar." Stalker said awkwardly.

"I never lie," he said firmly. His eyes getting a little wider. "What would make you say such a thing?"

"Well, a bender of the truth then," Boulder rephrased ignoring Mordane’s question.

"Yes, we noticed some, patterns after last night Mordane," Stalker said calmly.

"You're always putting up a front. Even now. Who are you really Mordane? Behind the mask," Boulder asked, eyes filled with genuine concern. "Nopony should be alone."

His two comrades had stood up from the bed and were moving toward him. Closing the gap.

"I don't know wh-"

"Come now, Mordane," Stalker patronised while standing up and stretching. "As Boulder said, we know you better than that. Can't you be true with us for a while? We’re your comrades."

"Get away from me," Mordane yelled his mouth was dry his mind running a mile a minute. He started stepping back, trying to put space between them and him.

What did I say last night? What did I do?

"I'm just a reg- ...I am a comman- ...I am an alicorn. Things are bound to be strange."

"Please tell us Mordane," Stalker said, ignoring his explanation. "We have been asking the question too long."

Mordane sat down against the wall. His comrades sat in front of him. A calm descended over his face.

"Why does it matter who I am behind the mask? Perhaps all I am is that mask. That barrier between you and others."

"Ponies that have known each other as long as we have lower that mask for each other, Mordane," Boulder whispered.

"Aye… What am I? I don't know how to answer that. I'm a commander, an alicorn, a pony... No label I have ever put on feels right. They just seem too small."

"Then who are you?" Stalker whispered.

"I am what I am. I'm Mordane… we all are something underneath, you know."

He looked at Boulder.

"Like you. A warrior at heart. You searched for glory long ago and it was denied...that's why you drank. But what is your name? Is it Boulder, Warrior? No… I think you are Soldier. Even if you have lost your way a bit."

"You, Stalker. Such deception. You think the few slips are not noticed… Or that it would distract me. I can feel the weight that you carry but I cannot tell what your purpose is. "

The three sat there as Mordane closed his eyes and leaned back his head. The silence stretched on as Boulder and Stalker reassessed the younger stallion before he spoke up.

"You know, life is short. At least, I thought it was. This life though its eternal. Who am I if I last forever? My kind is meant to burn out. To flash in a brilliant light. To die young, Yet, I am given the means to live on? Is it a joke of God? A cruel irony? I don't know. I was something else before this life. Before I kicked in my mothers womb. I remember it well and at the same time barely at all."

He opened his eyes and looked at them with a half smile and tired eyes.

"What I do know is that I have a purpose. One that I cannot abandon.”

They stood up.

"How can we trust you if we know you're manipulating us?"

"I guess it will require a little faith” Mordane laughed “Not that I can firmly say I deserve it. Yes, I will manipulate you, but it will always be for a purpose. Consider if that purpose is one you wish to share."

Mordane walked over to where he had dropped his cloak and put it on. He smiled at them walked toward the door.

"You're still keeping secrets Mordane," Stalker said with a frown.

Mordane turned to him, frowned, and said, "Of course. That is my nature, you are just going to have to live with the mystery."

Walking out the room door he left them to get back to managing the occupation.

Author's Note:

I have decided to edit throughout the story that he doesn't yet have a mark. It makes more sence to me. Thank you.