• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,716 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

On a Knife's Edge

Ivy’s haunches were starting to hurt again.

The change from swamp to forest was sudden as they moved closer to the mountain range.

The stink only grew as they walked and soon even the spindly dead trees gave way to only rocks and moss before coming onto a sudden tree line.

Mordane had ordered the forced march after receiving the preliminary reports of the nearby force.

Forty troops against Mordane’s twelve. Most appeared well armed and seasoned. Practically busting their way through the rough terrain head on. Of particular note was how the entire force was fielded with both spear and bow.

For the last week Mordane had played a game of cat and mouse with their pursuers. Small time raids and skirmishes, never really committing, while drawing the other force on. Mordane’s goal was simply to force them to keep marching.

It was only now that his force truly came close to the mountain that the swamp cleared and gave way to a deep and heavy forest.

They were making much better time than their pursuers, but Mordane still seemed pensive. He would pace around the camp at night, mumbling to himself about various things. Occasionally a spike of stress would leak out of his mind. Still, the ponies were not discouraged. Mordane literally radiated confidence when speaking about the opposing force.

Yet still, he seemed strained. He had her running frequent patrols. At first she had been concerned. Wondering if he was becoming paranoid. Now though. She knew better. Her eyes caught what she was looking for. Banking she headed back toward their force.

Walking among the trees towering like ancient centennials imposed on a pony perspective. They seemed eternal, like part of the mountain, towering over the small gnats at their feet.

That's why it was almost a shock when they found the downed behemoth. Scattered among the roots of smaller trees, their camp huddled under the great oak. Mordane had declared a day of rest. Much to the cheers of the soldiers.

The nearly crushed smaller tree branches were soon bent down to form a kind of room between the log and the mountain. It had been two weeks since leaving Herridon. One since he had made the breakthrough with the others and taken his soldiers oath. The distance and weight of the journey sat heavily on his soul.

Two dead, eight given up, five vanished in presumably failed escape attempts. The count now stood at twelve. Twelve ponies that had agreed to go with him through thick and thin.

His eyes fell on the two whorses. They sat with the others. Their squishy forms had hardened exceptionally fast. Most of the mares of the night had given up quickly, even the desperate need or greed for gold unable to overcome the basic lack of the physical capacity to keep up. Still, two earth ponies had sustained themselves taking to the drills with a hunger and fervor that shocked the other ponies. Now they were simply one among many.

He gave a nod as one brought him a plate of porridge. His small smile of thanks blossoming into a full grin on her face.

Mordane sat under his tent. It was draped over the crux between the two large roots. His back against the tree. His wings spread out quivering as he tried to not turn his head.

The shock and pain he felt playing down his horn and spine had forced his wingtips into extension. It forced his wings out, twisting the muscles painfully. At the same time though another pony was wiping down his now burning horn and replacing the wrap, which forced him to sit still.

Mordane ignored the pain, it wouldn’t serve him right now.

Eventually though it passed and the two ponies left him and One Eye alone. His second stood reading off a count of their supplies and the morale of each pony. The latter of which, Mordane mentally summarised, could have been best described as poor.

“I’ve been pushing us too hard,” Mordane said to One Eye.

“Bout’ time you said that,” sighed One Eye, as he sat down his notebook. “What has possessed you? Your plan worked, these ponies are ready to charge into Herridon Castle tomorrow if you ordered it, and that force is a good three days behind us now. We haven’t even had contact with them since before yesterday.”

Mordane looks out across his soldiers. They were glad for the day's rest. He had broken out the last of the good rations. At the moment they were sharing in a rousing song.

“It’s…something I noticed a day or two ago. A few odd reports. We might have a hanger on.”

“A what?” One Eye asked. But Mordane was already pushing himself up. A few pops coming out of his shoulder blades as he stood, walked over to his supplies, and pulled out a bladder of water.

“We make for the Horn of the World," Mordane reaffirmed, taking a long drink.

“But why?” pleaded One Eye. “Why not turn and head toward Niel?”

Mordane shook his head.

“That would be a two week journey. I do not have the time for that. If I go that way the King is likely to kill me by the time I make it to Herridon.” He looked over at One Eye. “And what about the patrols?”

One Eye vigorously rubbed his head, eye bloodshot as he glared back up with frustration.

“They haven't spotted anything. Just the same as everyday,” he practically spat. “They are inexperienced, just jumping at shadows.”

Mordane’s ears perked up.

“Shadows, you say?” His brow furrowed. “What did they see exactly?”

One Eye threw his hooves up into the air.

“Different things, a tree limb moving in the wrong way, the rustle of some leaves. A shadow slipping behind a tree," he snorted. “The ponies say it's like a ghost.”

“Or a Stalker," replied Mordane. His eyes turned to Ivy who came trotting in. He leaned over listening to her whispered report.

He nodded and turned to One Eye.

“Ready the men. We have company.”

The group of ponies stood at the entrance to the tree structure. Thick logs lined the entrance. A small creek ran a few meters in front of them making for muddy ground.

Mordane’s breathing was slow and steady as he sat, eyes closed on a stone.

“What are we waiting for?” whispered Firm Stride. “Has he gone nuts?”

“Be quiet,” hissed Snarl. Adjusting his spear over the grumbling pony.

“Just be ready," whispered Riverside. Her face was obscured by the shadow of the cave.

Snarl looked back at his friend. The mare had been different over the last two days. She was quiet. Intentionally staring at Mordane. Ever since getting her mark a new side had come out of her. A side he had thought only he would see.

Now she stood in the back, ordered by Mordane to save her strength until after the battle had been won.

“You can come out, Peddler,” Mordane’s voice rang out, bringing the attention of everypony to the front.

Mordane shifted from his front hooves to his back. Appearing relaxed as he lightly kicked a small pebble, eyes looking down.

“You kept as quiet as ever…but Stalker taught me enough to know your patterns…and the Timberwolves outside of a forest was a bit much.”

The chirping of birds echoed in the small ravine.

The wind blew onward as it always does. The sounds of nature undisturbed.

In a moment it changed.

In quick succession three ponies impacted the ground. Their hooves buried deep into the earth and sent out cracks as their muscles bulged to absorb the impact.

Cursing, One Eye tensed ready to strike, only to remember Mordane’s order at the last moment.

Mordane seemed to be taking a rest. His eyes were closed. Seemingly undisturbed by the three ponies who had just landed in front of him. His men seemed uncertain as the three stepped forward kicking the rubble out of their way until they were a few meters away.

Mordane still did nothing. Waiting for something.

Ivy started to ask what they should do when suddenly a fourth pony came crashing down, driving his hoof straight for Mordane’s horn.

Mordane’s wings flapped, he raised his hoof and let himself fall out of the way. The fourth pony’s hoof passed through where his horn had been before crashing down into the stone Mordane stood on. Shattering it into a few dozen pieces.

Mordane stopped mid fall. His wings outstretched. The small amount of grass below him was waving in the wind. He hung in the air suspended on magical wind power alone.

And his eyes were still closed.

“What,” thought Ivy. Her feathers standing on end at the sight.

The pony who came crashing in took his time coming to stand. Brow furrowing as he looked at Mordane’s display of control.

Mordane hung there for only a few moments before kicking down and slamming his hoof into the ground. Propelling him into the fourth pony’s chest.

The pony flew back toward the three others crashing to the ground hooves first and slid a few feet.

Mordane, flapping his wings, hovered over the destroyed boulder waiting for the pony to charge again.

The pony did not wait, he stomped into the ground, grabbing a large stone shard before throwing it at Mordane.

The alicorn though didn’t play his game. He seemed to grab the air, throwing himself down and slamming into the ground. Letting the stone dash over his head.

The pony was already mid charge, having circled to attack this time from the side. Hoof aiming for the foreleg.

Ivy was certain that Mordane would be caught. But then he opened his eyes, horn glowing, glimmering with a white sheen.

Peddler came to an abrupt stop, hovering mid-air.

Everypony's eyes widened. Gasps of shock filled the ravine.

“Smut Peddler,” Mordane said, his eyes not wavering in front of the pony. “Fancy seeing you hanging around these parts.”

Smut Peddler blinked, slowly his lips turned up into a grin. He chuckled, then laughed laboriously, throwing his head back as he hovered in place. Held in Mordane’s shimmering magic.

“Oh, I can at least tell the family you are too tough for me now,” Peddler said with a grin while looking him up and down. “You’ve put on at least two hooves and filled out a fair bit. That should give them a loop. Probably even call off the assassins going for your throat.”

Mordane gave a thin smile, sparks trailing off his horn. His eyes, still, a blank white.

“Are you going to tell them you attacked me with no enchantment, no weapon. Not even a piece of armor?” Mordane winsed, his leg buckling underneath him as his horn flickered for a second.

“True, I may have let you get the better of me. Still, who would have thought you would still have enough strength to lift a pony with raw magic. The amount of energy you’re channeling through that broken horn must be immense. It's a wonder it doesn’t blow right now.”

His brow furrowed into a little concern. “Are you sure you want to be holding me like this?”

Mordane lowered his chin and closed his eyes. He opened them a moment later, his pupils boring into the spy. His lip curled and brow furrowed as the glow around his horn surged again. There was a twist and the sound of a popping back, drawing a sharp hiss from Smut Peddler. Then a gasp from behind as the three ponies with him pulled knives.

“Buck! Hold fast! You take a step and he’ll break me. Don’t come, he has the strength!” Peddler shouted. The other ponies glanced at each other but stepped back.

“You're going to tell me the truth now,” Mordane said coldly. “The whole truth. I don’t have time for our games anymore. Talk.”

Speaking through the pain Smut Peddler gasped. “I will, I will, just let me down, by sweet chaos, before you blow your horn Tartarus dammit!”

Mordane’s eyes glowed more, and he suddenly stilled. His eyes bored into Peddler’s.

“A mare is after me,” Mordane stated firmly.

Peddler’s mouth opened for a moment as he seemed to try to grip Mordane’s question. Then Mordane’s horn sparked again.

“Yes!” he shouted.

The steel in Mordane’s eyes lessened and he stumbled again. His horn flickering out this time.

Peddler dropped suddenly, but landed on his hooves.

“Well,” Mordane said, taking a moment to draw in a ragged breath. “Talk.”

Smut Peddler nodded his head and looked back at his own ponies, one of whom gave an assuring nod before he turned back.

“It's complicated.”

“When is it not," Mordane replied, his breath becoming stronger.

“How about we keep it simple,” Smut Peddler said solemnly. “We want to kill Harmony.”

Mordane’s ears drooped. A single eyebrow raising up.

“You want to kill ponies getting along?” Mordane said, the frown growing stronger and quickly turning into a scowl.

“No! We wish to free them and save them from-” he stopped, seeming to search for a word.

“…I said the truth, Peddler,” his voice swinging low and dropping again.

“Yes, yes,” he said, raising a hoof defensively. “It's more complicated than that and we don’t have the time for me to explain everything. I can give you the important bits.”

“…you are not the only one chasing us," Mordane affirmed.

“No…that is true.'' Peddler shook his head, brushing his hair back into place. “My…family has decided you are too dangerous. That you need to be gotten rid of before you fall under Celestia's hoof and become some knight of Harmony.” His eyes narrowed a bit. “They sent one pony. One you might have met before. Though I doubt you would remember her.”

“Who?” Mordane sat and pulled out a small tin. Popping the lid he took a bit of ointment and rubbed it onto his horn.

“I, uhh,” his nose scrunched, “I think her name back then was Sugar.”

Mordane blinked. “I’ve…I don’t remember that name.”

“You don’t? Well, no matter. She knows you. Vowed she was going to geld you starting at the neck.”

“That… is colorful.”

“She could do it too," he replied. “If you were in a city. She's a master of stealth. Out here though? You should be able to see her coming. So, she is at a disadvantage.” He gave a small grin. “Looks like that luck of yours has reared its head again.”

“Don’t kid yourself, Peddler. I have a lot of enemies in Herridon. If I wanted to just forge this force into an army I wouldn’t have to go out so far," he sneered. “Your ‘Sugar’ is just another pony on the pile.”

Slowly and carefully Peddler replied. Eyes still weary looking at the glaring Mordane.

“I don’t agree with their decision. You are no puppet of Harmony. Tartarus, if I didn’t know any better I’d say that you were made by Discord himself.” He swallowed then grinned. “You got too much of your dad's looks in you.”

“You haven’t answered my question," he said, ignoring the statement about his father. “Why destroy Harmony?”

“How am I supposed to…well, I think you might understand.” He pointed at the ponies behind Mordane in their tight formation. “How many of them bear marks?”

Mordane blinked and thought for a few moments. Taking only a moment to push down the desire to punch Peddler for being so roundabout.

“It doesn’t matter,” he waved his hoof. “More than none would be too many. What you need to know is that cutie marks are not natural. It's something pony made.”

Mordane blinked, almost laughing. Instead, he shook his head, trying to throw out the ideas. Everything he had read treated marks as a natural part of the pony race. Mordane pursed his lips and frowned. For a moment he toyed with the idea. Why would anyone make a mark to control someone's fate? The amount of work would be immense. Only the most totalitarian despotic will...or perhaps the most terrified, would do such a thing.

His brow furrowed. No, not even a despot would do such a thing. Only someone who imagined what they did was for some greater good could do it.

“...Definitely fear. The marks of destiny are a collar you say.” Mordane’s eyes glided over to look back at the mare who had gained her mark a few days earlier.

“That's right. All part of Harmony and destiny," he said firmly. “A magic to bind ponykind to the world.”

Mordane sat down. Covering his mouth. He could feel the shifting ideas bouncing around his head. The questions bouncing around his head. How could such information be sent, marks maintained, and more. Too many for him to process.

“…you are going to have to travel with me," Mordane said slowly. “I have more…questions.”

Peddler raised a hoof over his heart shaking his head. “I can’t go against Sugar. She is one of us. If I were to fight her-”

“No fighting," Mordane cut in. “Just…talking. I would hear about…this crime against ponykind.”

Peddlers eyes lingered on him for a moment, then looked at his compatriots. One grinned and turned and took to the sky, with the other two following shortly after.

“Well,” Peddler said with a quick smile, “I’m in your protection.”

“I find that quite impossible.”

“I assure you, miss Shadow, I’d stake my life on it. He is going there.”

“But why!” The mare known to Ice Wing as Shadow slammed her hooves against the box in front of her.

The two ponies were sitting in a large tent. Outside a large group of ponies could be heard moving about.

Ice Wing knew who he was sitting on the stone across from. She had come onto the games field six years ago. The Herridon Princess’s shadow. Known as an assassin of the highest caliber. Personally, he did not think a well known assassin could ever be considered the ‘highest’. Leaning forward he replied with a frown. “Listen. You came for me. You made your offer-”

“And you will get that chance," she replied, shouting as she slammed her hooves on the table and standing up. “You will be able to bring Mordane back to your kingdom and get your name back, Ice Wing, but only if you take this seriously!”

Now it was his turn to slam his hooves onto the table.

“And I defeated him before.” His wings spread wide and his eyes bore into the pony. “He is there! It is the only reason he would have for leaving the safety of Herridon. It would be stupid unless he faced some danger there. Something to force him into training his small force and head for the Horn of the World!” He sat back and combed back his mane, furiously. “The reason is unknowable but the motivation behind his actions is obvious. Mordane Stronghoof does not have a destiny mark.”

“So?” replied the shadow. “Many ponies do not.”

“So,” he practactically spat. “He is an alicorn. And an alicorn without a mark sounds like the beginning of a coltish joke.”

Shadow’s hackels slowly retracted as she sat back down.

“Okay…you're the ‘expert’ here," she said sardonically.

“Indeed.” Ice Wing followed her lead to sit back down. “Now, if you don’t mind, please leave my tent. I must get my rest before we engage the chase in earnest.”

Shadow tsked in irritation, but didn’t press. Instead standing and leaving quickly through the tent flap being held open by another stallion.

“Luna dammit," Ice Wing groaned, leaning back in his chair. “You leave as well. Go fetch me some water and check on the other two.”

“Yes sir," the pony replied with a bow before quickly stepping outside.

Ice Wing stood up and looked over the old map, one from the internal Herridon treasury if he was to presume. Worth at least a hundred gold bounty in Teitus. Not that he cared.

No, the thing he cared about was the small notes and little details marked onto this map.

He sighed.

Two days ago this pony called ‘Shadow’ had caught up with him heading to Herridon. A force of mercenaries in tow.

When he had first seen the mare step out to meet him a dozen ponies he had offended flashed through his mind. He wondered who had decided to go through the effort to actually catch and kill him.

However, Shadow had performed a proper lord’s greeting before explaining her proposition.

Apparently, this pony had a personal vendetta against Mordane. Something about him having sex with the Princess. Not that Ice Wing bought it. He did not even care. Instead, he closed his eyes and processed the information he knew.

“Mordane has a rapidly depleting force. However, that has stopped. According to one of the defectors, Mordane has been driving them hard and with intense training. Ponies who attempt to run or are unable to continue are dropped off at nearby villages and are free to go.”

He bit his hoof.

“The deception is unknown to the ponies still involved, though since the dropouts have stopped…”

The pony did not seem like a failure candidate to Ice Wing. Right now he had already joined the mercenary band to get some revenge. The unicorn had proven to be above average for his race in magical strength, but Mordane had thrown him out due to lack of physical abilities.

“Are you trying to make some kind of elite force?” He frowns, thinking about if this was why he had picked up the pace, gaining a three day lead.

Ice Wing smiled, realizing that Mordane must be trying to avoid them. What he still needed to think of however was if it was pure desperation or if Mordane could be planning something, but he couldn’t see it.

Ice Wing shook his head and stretched.

“Either way, it doesn’t matter. I will catch up to him.” His eyes flicked to the tent entrance. “This Shadow will die no matter what happens, but Mordane… We will see.”He smiled thinking of the furious alicorn raging and the mare’s body laid out as a presentation.

“Let’s see how you handle this.”

After all, he couldn’t follow a pushover.

Shadow came to a landing. Her hooves cracking the ground.

The earth was churned up. The only sign that somepony had passed. She knew that these had been fortifications not long before.

Her eyes slipped over the landscape. Seeing the holes in the trees and brush she could see the outline of the coming battle, but the details escaped her. This was not what she was trained for. She kicked the ground, searching for a short time before finding a piece of burnt wood just under the surface.

She lifted the burned chuck to her nose, taking a sniff before snorting in irritation. She trotted around the clearing looking to see if there was anything else to glean. How many ponies there were, or perhaps if they were carrying injured comrades.

But there was nothing.

The mare stomped in frustration. Her mane standing on end before wilting again.

Reaching into her sleeve she drew out a simple knife and lifted it into the sunlight.

Years ago she had acquired this knife under a different name. Simple in design but had quickly proven to be the most valuable knife she possessed. She had ended up carrying it for years.

She let out a frustrated sigh and spread her wings, not even bothering to be stealthy as she flew back to her mercenaries.

The coin to pay them was no small sum and required her to pull on reserves and funding from years of working with the Herridon whore.

She only hoped it would be enough.

“Stand at attention!” shouted Ice wing, his eyes practically burning. “I said be quiet!”

He whipped his wing across an earth pony’s face, a loud snap ringing around the camp. The rest of the earth ponies went silent. Straightening up and paying attention as he glared at them.

Ice Wing walked up and down the line quickly, slapping ponies about into line before going back to the front.

“What you ponies don’t understand is that Mordane is no push over. Even outnumbered three to one, I expect him to put up a good fight.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Now, his forces are evenly split between the different races from what I’ve been told.”

Most of the earth ponies chuckled while the pegasi and unicorns frowned. Many of the latter group weighed what that meant for their much smaller groups in the upcoming fighting.

“We move out, but you must listen to my order. Mordane will try to bait you. He will try to trick and snatch victory from his coming defeat.” His eyes narrowed. “We won’t let that happen!”

The crowd roared in approval. “If we do not meet him with force, on OUR terms, then defeat is likely.”

The crowd shifted in place, unsure of how to answer, but one pony looked up defiant. “Several of us fought on the side of Tietus, my lord. Many under Mordane’s command. We won’t be under judging him none.”

Several of the ponies grunted in agreement.

Ice Wing’s ears stood up, his brows raising slightly. “You were in his forces?”

“Yes sir, fighting you outside the Lunar fortress, I escaped a few days before the end, but Mordane is wicked clever.”

“Strong too," another pony cut in.

Ice Wing raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t expected such respect to be in these ponies. “That he is. We must understand that we have lost a major advantage. Mordane’s maneuvers show he is quite aware of us. He has pulled away from us at a surprising pace.”

“Do you think he's running?” spoke up another pony.

“No…based on what I know of him, he will find a favorable position and wait for our attack.”

“Then we get him," hollered another, bringing hoots and cheers from the group. Ice Wing only smiled, sitting and letting the ponies jeer.

“Hey, what's this! What are you tit suckers doing!?” Shadow landed, her brow furrowed, she snorted a short whinny. “Why are you resting on your flanks? Mordane is about three days ahead of us and his ponies are wasted.”

“I am giving a brief,” Ice Wing replied and stepped between her and the rest of the ponies. But she would have none of that, trotting around him and snorting at them before she turned to glare at him. “We need to keep the pressure on. What am I paying you ponies for. Get them off their flanks right now.”

Ice Wing stared at the mare, searching her eyes and making a quick calculation before turning to shout at the group. “You heard her! Gear up! We are fast marching today! Pegusi do another patrol. I want a heading two hours ago!”

The crowd of ponies broke and scattered, several bumping into others as a few in low clouds began to hover around the dominant one in their groups. The unicorns sighed, shuffling their cloaks and bracing themselves for an earth pony march.

Ice Wing waited and watched as Shadow stomped up to him, her eyes still burning.

“And YOU. Why didn’t you push them?”

Ice Wing raised an eyebrow, meeting her gaze. And then abruptly started to move toward his tent.

Shadow quickly caught up beside him. Ready to bite his ear off if he had not started speaking.

“There is a cost to every action. I had to be sure that these ponies wouldn’t underestimate Mordane’s force. Even if we do outnumber them.”

“While true,” Shadow said, calming down, “pursuing him as quickly as possible would be advantageous. We should catch up before his ponies can rest.”

Stepping into his tent, Ice Wing turned and raised an eyebrow. Mirth playing in his eyes.

“That would be rather foolish. Mordane’s forces may be exhausted at the moment but he can still choose his ground. No, we should be careful.” He firmly planted his hoof into the soft earth. “We cannot rush ahead and be led into a trap. Instead, a steady pace must be maintained. A balance between putting the pressure on and maintaining a distance to allow maneuverability.”

Shadow's eyes narrowed, her nostrils flared before she turned back toward the tent's entrance.

“Fine. But lose him and a lack of coin will be the least of your worries," she spat before turning and trotting off.

Ice Wing watched her go, cursing under his breath. Sitting down he pulled out his wing blade. He sat taking his time to draw the stone firmly against the grain, bringing the blade to a razor edge. His eyes narrowed to meet its point.

Ice Wing kept his wings against the hot southerly wind. Riding it carried him swiftly down the mountain range.

“We should head back,” shouted one of the ponies with him. “Could they really be this far ahead?”

Ice Wing ignored him, he couldn’t admit it but he was considering agreeing. He knew that Mordane would have been foolish to march his ponies this far, but he still had seen no evidence of a camp or them changing course.

As these thoughts were running through his head a chill shot up his spine. He glanced around, eyes flicking to nearby locations. His eyes locked onto a distant point. Four bodies contrasted against the bright white of a bulk fluffy cloud a few hundred meters across. One of the four slightly larger than the others. Ice Wing banked toward them with little hesitation. The ponies with him follow a moment later, squinting against the morning's glare.

“We can’t let them escape.”

Ice Wing’s expression did not tighten nor did he tense up. Instead, he reached up and popped the clasp for his wing blades. They fell back dangling a foot behind him. Their shape catching the wind and pulling them into his slipstream.

The thin chain once stretched pulled into a locked state, becoming interlocked to prevent the blade from running into its wielder.

Two others in his group released blades while the other five drew out one of their short spears.

The four ponies continued unabated as they closed the distance. Ice Wing frowned. On their backs were long spears as well as crossbows.

“How unusual, do they intend to engage earth ponies?”

Then Mordane’s ponies suddenly dived in unison. Their path took them right into the cloud they had been circling letting them vanish from sight.

Cursing Ice Wing began a dive, taking a guess as to where they would be he undocked his own short spear and quickly let it go. The five others did the same, letting their short spears sail into the cloud while reaching for another.

The spears hit the cloud twelve seconds later, passing through in a matter of moments, unhindered as they sailed down to the ground below.

He cursed and banked, letting his wing blade carry into the cloud. Trying to slice blind as he continued to look around. Only to see one of his own ponies tumbling out of the sky. A bolt sticking out chest as he carried toward the ground.

“What in Tartarus!?” He cursed, his eyes scanning the clouds and horizon for the enemy flyers. “How did they hit him from the cloudbank?”

He heard a thud. One of the ponies beside him cried out as an arrow pierced his hoof.

Ice Wing snapped his head up, seeing the movement as the cloud rustled from the minor disturbance. His brow furrows before he takes a sharp turn. Grabbing the wind with his wings he strained against the mountain's cross wind to twist it.

Quickly his fellow flyers saw what he was doing.

The remaining ponies fell back as the cyclone sped up. They could barely keep ahead of the wind's turning center.

Quickly the cloud began to condense. A stream of water falling out of the bottom in a wide spray.

A minute later he pulled out of the turn and away as the vortex finished its job. His eyes scanned and looked for their attacking sweep.

Instead he saw the opposing group above them on full wing headed north.

His frustration spiked as he realized that they had been outmaneuvered.

With Mordane at a higher altitude and the northerly winds at their backs, Ice Wing would be unable to catch up and still be in a condition to fight.

His eyes came to focus on one stallion in particular. Far easier to make out at this distance.

“His wingspan is definitely bigger.”

Ice Wing craned his neck to look at him, and as he passed over Mordane looked right back at him. Recognition playing across his face.

“So, now you know,” Ice Wing thought to himself. “I’m the one chasing you.”

Mordane kept staring for a moment before his scowl returned.

“Run back home, Ice Wing. I don’t have time to play with you.”

His wings missed a beat. A dark black chill shooting through him like a lighting bolt. Ice Wing blinked a few times, wobbling in the wind as he tried to regain his mental balance.

The feeling of dread left as soon as he took his eyes off Mordane.

He broke off, brow furrowing as he focused on the rapidly shrinking dot. Warmth and his confidence resurged as he got further away.

“So that was an alicorn Arora,” he whispered to himself. “Powerful.”

Old stories had spoken of this. Of alicorns and their supposed powers.

The words floating back up from his deep memory as a colt. Unsure of when he had first heard the tales of the moon princess and the sun Tyrant.

“…and it flows like milky film from them, settling on all things. Their strength carried by its ethereal shimmer enlightening glow.”

On the northern border of the land of Toe, west of the republic of Rina. The dusty clouds wisped around the Great Divide’s peaks. The wide sky was spread out above them and the green hills below. Twilight and her friends floated along pushed by a magical wind.

“Oh, we must let Celestia know when we get back. Her sunrise is absolutely radiant!” Rarity sighed, her head laying on the ship's rail. Spike leaned over her, one claw dangling over the edge, the other wrapped tightly around her hoof. His head laid in her hair.

On the bow, Twilight adjusted the astronomica, pointing it at the horizon where she could catch the first rays of sunlight. Which would probably contain a message from her former mentor.

“What is she doing down there?” Twilight asked while chewing on her quill. “I can feel the magical lines thrumming all the way up here!”

Below deck in the overly large kitchen, Fluttershy sat with two stressed hens. “Please, just one egg?” she whispered. Her eyes misting up as the two hens refused to even look at her.

Pinkie stood behind. Humming a tune. The magic danced around her. Her bright hair was shining just a little pinker than normal. The bobbing of her head began to build, slowly flowing in a full body dance.

“Oh! What can you say, Oh! What do you play.”

With her voice starting everypony in earshot felt the magic of harmony begin to take hold. Her humming tune shortly took on an accompaniment, the banging of a drum and a harmonica could be heard easily from anywhere in the room filling out her sea shanty styled tune.

“Just a little pinch of salt and I’ll make a souffle.” She dashed around the cabin looking. “No lemon in the pantry, no sour in our crout. No milk for the squeeze. Just a little bit further and we can eat as we please!”

She dramatically laid across the table.

“Come on Pinkie! You gotta make it count. Just a little bit of flour and we won’t give out.”

“Oh, please, oh please, just one egg,” Fluttershy joined in, her voice going slipping perfectly into a high pitched tune, counter to Pinkies own. “Rainbow’s got to be tired, please don’t make me beg.”

“But I’m the best baker in the world, and that's why I can say, with potatoes and lavender I can make a souffle!” Pinkie tossed the dough she had been working on into the air before slicing a bunch of potatoes, adding butter, then catching the dough again.

“Just a smudge of emergency cinnamon,” she sang softly, the energy of the song quickly dying down. “And there is just enough to go around. The last that we can have after days away. I hope nopony frowns.”

“Uhhh, that ain’t a souffle.” Applejack deadpanned unspinning the magical heartsong like a snap. “They're called tater pies," she continued, frowning at the concoction.

“Oh AJ, don’t you know souffle rhymes with say!”

Applejack ignored the pink menace, instead giving the two chickens a glare as she came to give the wide eyed pegasus a hug.

The two hens gave a very ineffectual cluck until Fluttershy started glaring as well. Then suddenly they became serious about laying.

An hour later when Rainbow came back to land on the ship everypony met up on deck to discuss the plan.

“Is it really that small?” asked Rarity. “And the capital of a nation?”

“Yeah, at least according to some ponies I met," Rainbow said. “Couple of messenger ponies.”

“Will they mind if we come and land?” Twilight grumbled, looking at the blank page readout from the sunrise.

“Uhhh, oops.” Rainbow blasted off toward the city.

Pinkie giggled and Applejack rolled her eyes as the pegusi left.

Twilight trotted over to a large fire nozzle, turning a knob and reducing the flame. Slowly they began to descend, listing to the west from the wind bouncing off of the southern stretch of the great divide.

Mordane stoked the fire. The ponies moving all around him passing close and hoofing off things. Moving as quickly as they could to build the camp along the edge of a cliff.

One hoofed him a glass of water before looking at the pony across from him.


Peddler stuffed his nose into his shirt and pulled out a canteen. Giving a quick smile. “I keep some on me. Though I hope you don’t mind I have been filling from your stocks?”

“I don’t,” Mordane replied. “It’s pulled from a cloud anyway. We only carry enough for two days at a time.”

Stalker grunts in acknowledgement before looking up with a glint in his eyes. “So. Did you see it?”

Mordane frowned, taking another swig of water. His eyes flicked over to Ivy whose ear was tracking them as she drove a stake into the ground.

“Of course…kind of hard to miss from that high.”

“So…were you able to confirm it?”

“…Yes. The weave points to there. Kind of obvious that high up.”

“But not detectable to most unicorns.” Peddler smiled.

“No. Not detectable. It's just as you said. The ley lines curve toward the tip.” He frowned. “I don’t see how such a fact could be…ignored by the greater academic community.” He paused to give a little shake of his head. “Well, I know who would be responsible for that,” Mordane said rubbing his temple. “I suppose she thought keeping ponykind ignorant was for the best. Twilight is too far north to realize it so that's out. So I suppose magical theory will just have to develop without a fundamental understanding she could establish in five minutes.”

“All for our protection, of course.” Peddle chuckled, taking another swig of his canteen. “The mountain is the center of the great matrix. The source of most unicorn magic today. It moves and weaves through other nexus, but here, here is the center. Where it draws in the energy of the world.” He sighed sitting back. “Where it is killing us from.”

“So you say," Mordane replied quietly.

“So the facts say," he cut back. “What do you think of the weather?”

Mordane didn’t say anything, his eyes staring into the fire.

“You know…the Griffon’s winters are getting longer and colder. I hear the frost line for the Crystal Empire is expanding. Of course that was caused by Harmony completely losing control of the climate after the Celestia tried crown grabbing.” Peller let out a low growl and flippantly slapped his forehead. “Oh, sorry, Celestia's 'restructuring’. Please, two thousand years ago the Crystal Empire was green and open, her crown mongering lost so much. Over a thousand years of decline, too longterm to be marked by normal ponies. Why ponies cannot just leave well enough alone, leave the weather to sort itself out an-”

“I get it," Mordane snapped, turning to glare at him. “It's just…a lot to accept.”

“Well, you demanded the truth. I’ve given it to you.”

Mordane covered his eyes and bowed his head. His wings shifting to fold over his shoulders. “This mountain. The Horn of the World.”

“Or the World's Center. The High Rock. The Alicorn’s Perch. The Sun’s Cradle-”

“Enough. The World’s Horn. Is it close?”

“Yes, it's close," Ivy chirped, coming to sit down.

Peddler smiled and nodded as Mordane looked up at the peak.

“And what do you know of it?” Mordane asked.

“Only that it's tightly controlled. It’s neutral ground for nobles. The valley at its base has a small town that serves the nobles as their foals attempt the climb.”She looked away and into the fire herself.

Mordane raised an eyebrow.

“Destiny is there," Peddler spoke up. “Literally. Can’t have the little ponies getting close to it. Who knows what mark they would come out with.”

Ivy shrugged, looking down and away.

Mordane looked back into the fire, sitting in the silence

“By Luna’s might it was forged. From moonlight's sweet embrace of Naraus, Alicorn of the underworld. Birthed whole, the agony taking her breath.” The crowd gasped.

The stage was small and could barely hold the production. A large painting was the backdrop. It showed a depiction of Herridon, a large brown stallion playing Mordane looking out on the harbor below where a great iron chain could be seen spanning across it.

“The Night Matron is dead?” the white princess whispered, tilting down her head a single tear rolled down her cheek.

“Yes. But not gone.” He turned and looked at the mare as small wires lifted him into the air and out over the edge. “Fair princess. This is why I cannot return thy love. My journey continues. To the Horn of the World I must go. To the Equis mother’s very heart. Only then will I know what may save me from my dark father’s embrace. Only then can I find who I am.”

“No! Don’t go!” the mare cried rushing to the edge.

“The night…is beautiful, isn’t it,” the stallion said looking off into the distance. “Tonight I shall fly. Fly free on the wind. Let the wind rush past my mane. Let the song be slung free in my heart. For on the morning I ride for the horn and my fate.”

The pony turned and seemed to fly as the balcony was pulled away. Behind him the scene shifted followed quickly by the closing of the curtain.

The crowd immediately broke into a roar. Hooting and hollering ponies cheered in approval. Coins tossing up on stage even as a black coated pegusi floated out.

“Will the bloody necromancer lose his mare? Will Mordane Stronghoof gain an army once again? Who knows! But we will bring you the story when it does! Shake in terror, for it is the nightmare, MORDANE STRONGHOOF!”

The roof shook with the roar of earth pony hooves stomping and the flapping of pagusi wings. As the pony hurried off stage. Ponies immediately began to move out, some shoutinting others chanting.

“Stronghoof! Stronghoof!”

In the center though, six mare sat staring at the stage, now occupied by a stagehand eagerly sweeping up the coin.

Over the next ten or so minutes ponies slowly let off the chanting as they filed out of the ramshackle theater. Leaving six mares alone in the back.

“What a load of hootan-” Applejack trailed off, blinking rapidly, trying to comprehend what she had just seen.

“It takes some, uhm, rather creative license?” Rarity added.

“Creative license!” Fluttershy shouted, rushing into the air. Her hooves and eyes spread wide. “Discord singing is creative license! That was nothing but bald face lies! MORDANE WOULD NEVER DO THAT! Not that sweet colt! Fighting! Dragon! PRINCESS! THAT'S NOT LIKE HIM AT ALL!”

A purple field wrapped around the hyperventilating pegusi, who was drawn into the waiting arms of cooing Pinkie.

Twilight however, sat in silence. Hoof over mouth, her eyes staring intently at the stage.

“You alright, Twi?” Rainbow whispered into her ear from the row behind them.

“No…I’m not," she mumbled, looking down to her hooves. “Most of this was obviously just storytelling, but…what is it based on? How much is the truth?”

She bit her lip and looked at Spike as his eyes grew dull.

“That dragon had tattered wings…they said she was old. Couldn't even fly away,” he whispered.

A barb caught in her throat. She had heard he had killed a dragon, but seeing even a pale imitation of the ‘wingless ancient’ boiled her blood cold.

Her eyes narrowed onto the stage.With a pop she appeared next to the startled sweeper. She stepped through the curtain to the blackstage. Ponies were running to and fro mid packup stopped and turned to face her in surprise. Behind her she heard her friends shout out for her. Undeterred, she stepped forward.

The large earth pony wearing false wings that had been playing Mordane strode toward her and spoke up.

“You can’t be back here, you-” Twilight stomped up to him. Her eyes lightly glowing as roiling power pooled off of her.

Normally she had taken the habit of leaning down slightly, of keeping her wings tightly pressed against her side. It helped ponies feel safer around her. It helped her with forming friendships

Now though, she stood tall, her wings ruffled, her eyes sharp, and horn practically humming. She trotted up to the stallion, looking down to meet his eyes.He swallowed, wilting under her gaze.

“You don’t look like him," Twilight said.

“Wha- What?”

“You don’t look like him,” she repeated. “Mordane doesn’t wear his hair that way. He keeps it short, out of his eyes.”

He blinked growling, his eyes flicking down to her wings before suddenly freezing.

“Well, he isn’t exactly Therusliam the Second. He hasn't sat for a portrait.” He smirked.

“So who are you supposed to be?” a white maned mare unicorn said, stepping up. She wore a large top hat, eyes focused slightly behind her as if she didn’t care about the answer.

“I am Twilight Sparkle.”

“And I suppose you're an alicorn," the earth pony snorted, bringing Twilight's eyes back to him.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” the mare spoke up. “Backstage is closed and we are not accepting new actors.”

Twilight shook her head. “First I have questions.”

“Hey,” the earth pony placed his hoof on her shoulder. “The boss said you have to go so-”

He grunted, his hind legs trembling as he pushed against the mare.

“Let me help you with that," Twilight said. She smoothly placed one hoof on his nose. Slowly she pushed him back. Leaving him flailing to reach pushing with both legs.

The mare charged her horn, but gasped in pain. Twilight had overcharged her horn and slipped on a layer of overglow collapsing the mares spell matrix.

Twilight frowned. Looking around as several ponies started to reach for nearby blunt instruments.

“Enough!” the white mare shouted, rubbing her horn. “Don’t do anything, Thurgen. Stop struggling.”

The earth pony slowly let up, shakingly coming to sit still. Twilight though was not breathing hard, she simply turned to look at the unicorn. Slowly the mare stopped rubbing her horn before cocking her head to the side as Twilight friends made it across the curtain.

“And the wings?” she said with a small knowing smile.

Twilight frowned before opening her wings.

As she lifted into the air, the confidence in the white mare's eyes vanished along with other ponies gasping in surprise. Around her ponies gasped.

“I have questions.” Twilight looked down at the mare, her temple pounding and jaw already aching from the pressure.

The white mare swallowed. “So…alicorn," she squeaked.

“Did her height not key you?” Applejack barked.

“I’ve seen ponies with wings and a horn, but they…well they couldn’t use them. At least on all three races.” She swallowed. “You said your name was Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yes. I’m here looking for my student Mordane Stronghoof.”

Her ears stood up. “…Mordane’s teacher and an alicorn.” She laughed suddenly. “Too bad it’s not Celestia. That would be a far better story.”

“She was my teacher.”

The mare laughed before trailing off.

“Seriously, are you sure?”

“Yes. I spoke to her two weeks ago. I left Equestria to come find my student,” she replied. “Can you please help me do that?”

The mare swallowed, looking her over again before snapping back to her eyes.

“Alright. Let's talk.” She lifted her hoof pointing to a back room.

Twilight nodded and motioned to her friends to wait before following.

Shadow trotted into her tent. Eyes bloodshot, rubbing her shoulder. She headed toward the bed before stopping, her hoof sliding smoothly to the knife on her belt.

“Stand for, or take four inches of steel,” her voice cut as she scanned the room.

“You always were a bit blind on your right side, Sugar," Peddler said, lifting the side of the tent to step under and into the space.

“My name is Shadow today, Peddler, or have you put aside that name yet?”

“This one?” he said, gesturing to himself. “No. I’ve grown attached to it. I’ve worn it for fourteen years now. It's the one that my subject would know. Unlike ‘Shadow’, Sugar.”

“Mordane is not my subject. He is my target. Sugar’s subject is dead. Fallen in the battle at Lunas keep.”She sneered, slipping the gleaming knife back into its sheath.

“Is that irritation I hear? Were you that attached to Boulder?”Peddler raised an eyebrow.

“Boulder would have nothing to do with me. He ran from his destiny and then from his anger. He ran so far I lost him.” She chuckled, going to sit down on her cot.

“Or he was taken?”

“No. He ran. Mordane is something different,” she hissed, sitting firmly down, her cheeks flushing.

They sat in silence, Shadow breathing deep, eyes locked forward and tense. Peddler lazily laid his back against the thin tent pole. For all the world looking as if it was supporting his weight. His eyes though only bore down.

“You are being foolish. Mordane is our best hope.”

Her embarrassment gave way to a sneer. Her brow thickened as her eyes glared. “He is not the avatar of Chaos. He is not Discord.”

“Discord is no more. Star Swirl has returned and his bindings are unraveling.” He shook his head. “A pony of the system cannot embody the opposite.”

“And Mordane can?”

“He has no destiny. The binding does not bend him. I’ve seen it. Each time he turned away, each time he spat in the face of Destiny."

"Cut the feathers."

"Do you know why Stalker died for that pony? Why did he give him ten years?" Peddler sighed and rubbed his forehead. Shadows mouth drew into a thin line. Her eyes glinted like steel.

"Mordane will accomplish nothing. Nothing!" she hissed. "I will kill him."

Peddler shifted, just an inch. In a flash Shadow was upon him. Her chest pressed against his. The knife firmly against his neck.

"And you cannot stop me." Peddler looked her in the eyes, then smiled. He laughed. In her side Shadow felt the sharp thin point at his jostling. Just below the second rib.

Thin, cold, a needle already about a centimeter from her heart.

"Mine is closer," he sighed. "Now step back."

Slowly, agonizingly, she stepped back. The thin needle slid out. It was long and narrow. Simple, smooth with a groove making a half turn down its length.

She sat down again and took a gulp of air. Her lungs were unable to pull it in easily. The tiny hole gurgled a bit before she slapped her hoof over the hole. Twisting it close.

“Take it easy," Peddler said. “I know you have the medicine and talent to deal with that by the morning. In two days you’ll be in top shape.”

He dropped down to his hooves and reached into his hip bag, tossing her a small package. She ripped it open and began wrapping a bandage holding a bundle of herbs around her barrel. The patch pressed firmly against her side. A slight acidic smell filled the tent.

“I’m not here to bury you, Sugar.” Shadow looked up, the glint still in her eye. “Your faction wants Mordane dead. Well, I’m going to give you the shot," he said. A flick of his wrist and the needle disappeared.

“…where?” she wheezed.

“The Horn of the World.”

Shadow’s eyes widened. Her mouth opened slightly.

The tent flap opened. Ice Wing stepping in. His eyes immediately focused on the new pony. In a flash Peddler struck out. His hoof almost caught Ice Wing on the chin, but the pegusi stepped to the side. Which was all the opportunity Smut peddler needed to rush out of the tent.

A moment later Ice Wing chased after him, not sparing a look back at the mare.

Shadow sat weezing. Glancing down at her side she grimaced, but took a note that her breathing was already becoming easier. Leaning over she reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle. She took a swig before slipping it back in just as one of her ponies came in.

“Who in the buck was that pony?” the mare cursed. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. He was one of Mordane’s ponies. I got him good," she wheezed. “He gave me a knick. I suspect he won’t last till the morn.”

“I’ll be looking for his corpse then.” She looked down at the bandage, frowning but disinclined to ask anything. “If there is nothing you need…”

“No. I’m well. You and the other ponies do a short search then get some sleep. We have a hard march tomorrow," Shadow said as she turned and laid on the cot.

“Of course, miss Shadow," she said as she turned.

“There is one thing actually.”

“Yes?” the mare said, stopping half out of the door.

“…call me Sugar.”

He laid on the cloud. His eyes fixed on the white peak in the distance.

It was not the largest mountain in the world. He was sure of that.

But it was strange.

It rose up like a giant among the smaller peaks around it. No secondaries, no other roots. It stood tall and smooth out of the beauche of rock around it.

The power flowing to and from it was immense.

Mordane moved through the layer. Sitting in the strata. Ivy came and went, seeming to take no note.

It was not her power, the kind that only flows up and down a horn.

But here he could feel it. In this place where no unicorn could sit easily and no place they would care to go.

Here he felt the arteries of the world. Flowing in layers coming and going. Stacked on top of each other. They flowed out in great bands, thick as a tree. He was certain they would go everywhere. Falling eventually to the ground, weaving a great tapestry.

Pulling in energy and expelling it. Moving it through itself. Connecting everything to it.

He kept his horn void. Not a speck of charge from his internal magic. Even so he could feel the echo.

“All the spells I ever cast. All the magic I weaved with war magic and I didn’t even know what it was I was twisting.”

He shook his head. In the vast distance he looked for the little wisp of smoke he had seen the day before. “The wind is strong here,” he thought. Too strong for him to see without being far closer, but he knew they were there. His lips drew into a thin line.

“It’s time to end this.”

Standing, he walked to the edge and dove.

Ice Wing paced around the clearing. Their fire was sitting further off from the camp. For the last day he had given chase to Mordane. For four days he had his ponies picked off. Ambushes in the forest, a bottle of burning alcohol dropped on a tent. The attacks where sporadic, uncontrolled, and chaotic.

His mouth drew into a thin line as he looked into the fire.

He had commanded mixed forces before. It was a specialty of his homeland. Earth pony skirmishers and pegusi archers had served the city for ages. It was what allowed them to break away from Tietus and become the dominant northern power.

Now though, he was feeling the pressure that came from commanding a mixed force.

His few fellow pegusi have been ambushed. Pulled from the sky and carried off in nets, only to be found a half day or so later, badly beaten. Mordane had taken some magical wing binds and placed it on them, effectively knocking them out of combat until they captured the alicorn while still obliging him to feed and pay them. Much to the cargin of his other ponies.

The unicorns were like the walking dead. They had been forced to pour their stored energy into each fight. Which left them drained and less able to resist in the next exchange. Each of which left them poorer.

The only place he outnumbered Mordane was in earth ponies, but Mordane had refused to engage, instead retreating. They would leave behind traps and contraptions of logs to confuse and delay them.

“You asked me a few days ago if I felt confident in engaging with Mordane, miss…Sugar. Unfortunately, I am forced to change my opinion.” He shook his head and did not bother to look up at the mare. “You tell me that these ponies under his command are green. That they are undisciplined. That they are in fact down right whores and plow ponies.That is not what I’ve seen. This force is working in cohort. Their attacks are timed and come in waves. They knew exactly how to hit us and make it hurt. I must question your intel under these conditions.”

“…Mordane is a skilled tactician. Clearly he is a skilled marsheler as well.”

Her voice carried like a cool breeze over the fire. She no longer charged around like she was blind to the world. Her head and body now covered in a black cloak, knives strapped brazenly across her chest.

Her words where calm and measured, sharp as her knives.

Sugar had changed overnight after the attack. Her demeanor became firm and hard. She rarely spoke, never shouted. Instead, her eyes bore into him.

Gone was the fiery redheaded pegusi mare and left was only eyes of cold steel.

The change sent chills down his spine.

For the first time, he wondered if this mare could kill him. If such a question had been posed not three days earlier he would have laughed. Now, every instinct told him the opposite. Before him was a cold and practiced assassin. She would gut him before he drew a blade.

“My intel was correct,” she continued. “I did say to pursue quickly.”

“Are you saying you predicted this?” hissed Ice Wing.

“This? No.” She shook her head slowly. “But Mordane was always unconventional. I knew that the situation would change rapidly with him involved. It was my hope to press on him in advantage.”

Ice Wing pressed his wings against his side. His mouth drawing into a firm line.

“We are committed," he said firmly. “Retreat would only expose us further to him. I have no doubt he would pursue our force to the edge of Equis.”

“He is headed to the Horn of the World.” She slowly nodded. Looking off into the distance.

Ice Wing blinked. The simple firm statement throwing him for a loop like a sudden hot draft.

“The horn,” she affirmed. She drew a blade and stone, starting her grinding again. “We will engage him at Falkers Path.”

Ice Wing fluttered a bit. Then snorted. His brow drawing into a sharp V. Reaching into his pack he pulled out a map. Tracing it. “If he enters through that way then we will meet him with a height advantage…the pass narrows before joining with the main valley leading to the horn…he could be intending to draw us into a narrow defence, much like with the fortress.”

She nodded. Her eyes trailing along the edge.

“…We also must address why we have not seen him in engagements.”

“He must command from the center…The ponies are new, as I said. Once we get close we will pin him and all his forces with him. We will then close the noose.”

She looked up, eyes coming to focus on him. “I’ve sent a message to the other group. They will cut him off. His defence will become a trap.”

Ice Wing opened his mouth, but then nodded, letting his mouth draw into a line.

“Your move Mordane.”

The ship was filled with fresh food. Its coal stores refilled. Its sail mended and clouds restocked. The Equestrian airship had already left the port and was hovering high in the air. No laughter filled the hull though, no conversation or ideal chatter.

The six mares sat quietly in the cabin exchanging nervous glances while Spike moved around expressionlessly placing tea in front of each mare. Twilight sat alone at the head, her hooves pressed firmly together.

“It's all true.”

The other mares looked at each other.

“Darling…I’m sorry to say, but we know that none of that was…” Rarity trailed off, unsure how to say it.

“The details were wrong," Twilight clarified in a whisper. “But other stuff was true. Mordane led a mercenary force against a rebellion. Then against another nation leading them to attack a village.” She swallowed. Her eyes tearing up. “He enslaved the ponies. Forced them to build a bridge, executed the innocent when they did not obey, and then…and then he…”

Her friends rushed to her side. She shook as they squeezed her. Almost as if they could push back down the tears.

“Please. Please. Sit back down. I can get through this," she said catching her breath as they moved hoof length from her.

“Mordane…faught and attacked other ponies. But in the end he lost…was taken to be a slave himself before somehow joining some kind of fighting arena, where he was forced to fight a dragon. As a reward, he is now a noble in a city called Herridon-”

She stopped again and began to rub her temples, breathing heavily as Spike massaged her back.

“That is not the worst though…” Her eyes turned to look into Spikes. “He used necromancy.”

Spike’s eyes widened, his hand stopping as he gave a small gasp.

“…He…he made?”

“Yes. Just like…if Celestia finds out…” Twilight wrapped her hooves around herself, turning to stare at the table.

“What's this, Twilight?" Applejack asked. “What is necromancy?”

“Necromancy,” Spike replied, looking over the mares, “is the magical art of using the dead as a magical component.”

Rarity’s eyes widened, her ears laying flat against her head.

“Zomponies?” Pinkie asked.

“Zomponies aren’t real. Right Twi?” Rainbow cracked with a grin. “It's just some nerd thing… right?”

Twilight said nothing, continuing to stare at the table.

“Right?” she asked uncertainly.

“With the proper knowledge you can raise ponies into a state of undeath. Such knowledge is forbidden though. Hidden in the dark depths of the Canterlot Library. Princess Celestia hides a lot of evil things in there. Necromancy, lyponthy, blood magic, time spells, War magic…Curses.”

“Uh…Twilight? You told me yourself that curses aren’t real…right?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“They are. Very much so. Just…forbidden. Hidden away. No pony should even know about them," Twilight trailed off, slowly leaning into Spike for support.

“…I’m sensing that there’s a story, Sugarcube.”

“It’s…When I was a little filly, studying under Celestia as a personal student. One day I got a little curious? I wasn’t planning anything. It just seemed so tempting to read those special books from Celestia's private collection. So I snuck in…Celestia found me a few hours later. I thought she was going to burn the whole building down with me still in it.” Twilight choked a bit. “She threw me into magic kindergarten with the rest of the ponies. That was the worst month of my life. She even took away Spike.”

Spike reached down and hugged her as she shook.

“After a month she called for me. Apologized. Said she had been too harsh.” She shook her head “After that I promised to always do what Celestia said.”

“But if that's true…” Fluttershy asked sitting back down in a chair. Her wings hugging her body. “How does Mordane know about Ne-Necro…it?”

“I don’t know. He shouldn't. He only had exposure to it once and that was for…” Slowly Twilight's eyes opened. Her jaw opening and ears standing up.

“What is it Twi?” Spike asked, still gripping her.

Twilight didn’t respond. Her open mouth morphed into grinding teeth. Her brow thickened and eyes blazed with light. In a moment she burst into flame. Eyes, mane and coat blazed with light and blackened the chair she sat on.

Her friends jumped back, but Spike stayed. Unfazed by the flames.


“The Necromancer. To a little colt.”

“Twilight! The ship, it's made of wood!”

Twilight blinked and jerked her head around. Seeing the table she had her hooves on was already charred. She closed her eyes and began her breathing exercise. Slowly, the flames died down as she gained control of herself.

“The Necromancer.” She opened her eyes. “Mordane has been possessed by that Necromancer.”

The mares looked at each other, then to Spike who only stood stiff. Eyes wide as he stared off.

“…Could he have done it?” Spike whispered.

“He must have,” she hissed. Her eyes cut toward him. “It explains everything!”

“What are you talking about, Twi?”

“Yeah! Who is this necromancer?”

She turned back to her friends. Ears standing on end.

“Do you remember the first time Mordane was called by the Tree of Harmony?”

“That was what you were going to fight! A pony that raises the dead?”

“Yes," Twilight replied. “I think that the necromancer has possessed Mordane.” Her eyes teared up. “It explains how he knows necromancy…and why he became so violent. The Necromancer is slowly taking him over. It's poisoning his mind.”

Mordane sat alone, far above on a cloud, clearing his mind and meditating.

Ivy was providing interference against the forces under Ice Wing and some mare if he had heard right. Harassing the large group of earth ponies as they move into the valley his ponies had stopped in.

They were very close to the Horn of the World now. It loomed over him. Despite him being high enough for frost to be nipping at his wings.

He sat expressionless. The nick off his ear aching in the cold. The scar on his leg and eyelid throbbed in pain.

He was locked onto the mountain. Like a lion before the strike. Yet he did not feel like he was a lion.

He felt small.

He felt stuck.

High above the world he could feel the weight of a thousand tons of stone on his shoulders. His heart beat hard and fast but he was not out of breath.

He felt weak and thin. Like a loudspeaker in a large open field or the snow as a film on the ground.

He felt numb.

“Here I am again…will these finally be enough? Can I just go back to Herridon? What do I even do once I get back there? Either side I choose will be a collar…Either way I’ll be fighting wars for years. Either leading to crush the King or leading to put down his rebellions. Or another chess piece for the Princess.”

Eyes hot and red he bowed his head.

“Always a piece in another’s game. Always someone wanting to control my life.”

He looked back up at the mountain. Its spiral reaches into heaven.

“Now I see I was never free to begin with.”

He felt the pony approach. But he did not react. There was no aggression there. He could feel the attention of the pony as he approached. Circling to curve into Mordane’s sight.

Mordane snapped his wings out. Instinctually preparing a spell at the sight of Ice Wing.

“Alone. What does he want?”

Ice Wing came to hover a dozen meters in front of him. Hooves raised. Spear sheathed.

The pegasus approached slowly. Staying a few feet below him. A difficult place to attack from.

Mordane stayed silent. Waiting as he approached until he was close enough to hear.

“I did not expect to meet you here. Is this how it is then? Have you come to find some solace? Is it to be two spears in the sky?”

“No.” Ice Wing raised slightly, to match Mordane’s level before bending forward. His forehooves tucked together and wings spread straight.

“I’ve come to offer my service.”

Mordane did not move, he only gave the same stare that seemed to look right past him.

“You are currently leading a force against me. You’ve traveled across the whole of the land, just to serve me?”

“Of course not," he said, coming back to a hover position. “The force was a matter of opportunity. Miss Sugar approached me in Tietus. She reported to have some grievance with you.”

Mordane didn’t react but recognition showed in his eyes.

“It's been over a decade…perhaps it’s right that someone connected with Star Charmers death would be here.” He looked away to the mountain. “I wonder if she still has the knife I gave her.”

Ice Wing frowned, brow lowering slightly as he realized immediately what knife Mordane must be referring to. He had seen the way the mare stared at it.

“She does. Keeps it sharp as well.”

“Does she. For me I suppose…Strange to see her this far south. I wonder what she has against me. Still. You came with her. In force.”

“I came to make an offer.”

“You came to ask something of me," Mordane replied curtly, making a cutting motion through the air. “A pony of your station wouldn’t make an offer for anything less.”

Ice Wing floated a few seconds, his eyes searching across Mordane’s face.

“I need to kill my brother…To do that I must lead an army to my homeland.”

“What makes you think I have an army?” He waived his hoof. “Barely a dozen ponies stand loyal to me and soon I will be out of money, forced to be a minor lord for an upstart king.”

“I know you will be no such thing," Ice Wing said curtly. “The pony I met would have rather died. You are too strong willed for such a position.” He snorted, flicking his tail. “Any king would have to be a fool to try to mount you. You’re an alicorn after all.”

Mordane laughed bitterly. Placing his hooves on the back of his head before taking a deep breath.

“An Alicorn. I do not know what ponies expect of such a creature. Without land. Without family. Without title. Markless.”

“But standing at the Horn of the World," Ice Wing replied, sweeping his wing. “Today you will get your mark. Just like everypony else. The mountain rejects no one. How long until you have the rest?”

Mordane shook his head, taking a moment to rub his eyes and let out a sigh. He sat in silence. Staring at his hooves for a few moments.

“What do you offer?” Mordane asked.

“I…offer my services…and the surrender of my forces. I’ll gladly lead you to corner this Sugar. Her deep pockets should also alleviate our monetary issues.-”

“I said,” Mordane cut in, “what do you offer.”

Ice Wing became silent. His brow fully furrowed, trying to understand what this pony could possibly be asking for.

Mordane sighed.

“You have a lot to learn about negotiation," Mordane said with a sigh. “Here's the first lesson. Never enter into a negotiation when you do not know what your opponent wants. You will only make a fool of yourself.” He waived his hoof. “As for your offer. I reject it.”

“What?” Ice Wing asked. “You want me to attack you?”

“Yes. Take it as a test. An entry interview.” Mordane smiled slowly, not reaching his eyes. “A test of mettle. Attack, capture as many of my forces alive as you can. Impress me and I may spare your life.”

“And if I defeat you? What then?” Ice Wing asked. Practically glaring across at Mordane.

“Then we’ll be what you have been actually asking for. I’ll be your partner. Once your brother is taken care of you’ll have no obligation to me and my command of you will be defunct. Accapable?”

Ice Wing floated silent, staring into the younger pony’s eyes. After a solid three minutes he nodded.

“I accept. May the best pony win.”

“May the victor enjoy his prize,” Mordane replied. “We’ll target Sugar first. That should leave this between us. Don’t bother to leave her exposed though. Give us your best.”

“I will," Ice Wing replied, starting his descent.

Mordane watched him go, slowly turn and then speed away.

“We’ll see,” he whispered, turning to look back at the vast sea of virgin land, his eyes only drawn to the highest point.

Celestia took a sip. Her immaculate fur played like the swaying trees in the wind.

Her mane though waved with the ethereal in complete defiance of the very physical wind around her.

“Sister…” Luna spoke in a muted whisper. “What are we to do about this?”

“What can we do?" Celestia replied.

“Mordane’s soul is being consumed by the necromancer if what Twilight’s report says is true.”

“I’m quite surprised she was able to send it. She must have assisted Spike’s spell. It was unlikely to reach us at all. Still, I’m not so certain as she is with her conclusion.” She looked at her sister. The two of them are currently sitting on Celestia's balcony.

“Indeed. Now that you say it, I must agree. We scoured his soul. There should have been nothing left.”

“No taint of corruption…although…”

“The oddness,” Luna brought up.

“Yes…and now the confirmation, Mordane knows things he shouldn’t. He does things shouldn’t be able to.” Celestia's lips drew into a thin line. “That is the hook I think, a simple colt shouldn’t be able to do these things.”

Luna looked off into the mid distance for a few moments before floating over an envelope and pulling out strips of thick card stock paper. On it was written in clear block letters the prophecy.

“When the lost one that lacks purpose, brings together hoof and earth upon the Horn of the World, if his destiny shall be made whole: The sky will march against the earth, the crown fallen raised again," Luna quoted. “It’s still confusing, no matter how many times I read it.”

Celestia twisted her brow into knots as she glared over the horizon. The sunset suddenly took on a darker red.

“A thought occurs, Luna. It's possible Mordane stole knowledge from the Necromancer, ripping apart the pony’s mind in the process. But how could a small colt in a peaceful land do such a thing?”

Lunas ears perked up. Her nostril twitched at realization.

“He couldn’t have. Any level of necromancy…especially like what Twilight described would require years, decades even, of study. Not to mention a mind adapted to the rigors of soul Magic.” She snorted. “No colt...or filly, no matter the talent or genius could have defeated the necromancer in such a way. Even more to hide it from both of us and his master. To practice in secret, slowly as to avoid taint. Inconceivable.”

“I had assumed it was the influence of Harmony. A lesson to bring a wayward student in line with a young teacher. However, his actions since then have not been harmonious. It's been chaotic. Uncontrolled. Even Harmony itself seems uncertain about him.”

“But it must be the necromancer that broke his connection. Right?” she replied pensively. “Mordane must have been part of the weave before then?”

Celestia turned and sat down in her chair.

“I have had a stray thought. How to square this puzzle we call Mordane.” Her nose scrunched at the ridiculousness of her thought.

“What is it sister? I'd trust your intuition more than a thousand scribes or prophecies.”

“My mind keeps returning to Deep Thought’s conjecture,” she started to speak, stopping as if trying to organize her thoughts. “What if Mordane’s soul did not form within the Harmony matrix?”

“I don’t understand what you're saying, sister. The Harmony matrix stretches all over Equis. Even those places that are now frozen. Even if just a little.” she replied, only pausing a moment. “Could you be referring to Star Swirl’s mirror?”

“No. They are weaved into the flow as soon as they step through, but what if something came from another place, far enough away from us, formed and arrived suddenly, forcefully.” She turned, “Pen Stroke, bring me my notes. Give me…twenty through eighteen years ago.”

“Sister?” Luna asked.

“Patience, Luna. He’ll be back shortly.”

Celestia waited until the pony’s return. Three small journals on his back. Celestia floated them off, quickly scanning through.

“There, nineteen years ago. About six years before your return. There was a massive disruption in the immaterium. Something punched through from beyond the realm of dreams.” She tapped her chin. “I scryed wide and far for it but just couldn’t find it. But what if it had been a spirit?”

“A bodiless spirit? What thing could have a spirit strong enough to exist without a body?” She scoffed.

“I do not know. Perhaps it was falling apart. Desperate. Scared. It went for the first empty vessel it could find.”

“…Such an amount of energy could have a profound effect on a small fetus.”

“If the spirit's mind was strong enough…Mordane would be around nineteen by now.”

Luna stood silent. Her brow bunching up.

“Such ethereal realms are my domain. If I had been around then the soul would have been properly shepherded. It would have been cleaned and fresh before I would let it enter our world.”

“…It explains much," Celestia said. “We will have to ask him, at the next chance.”

She sighed.

“We may have another creature to cast into Tartarus if Mordane cannot be brought into Harmony. If he really is something truly alone and will always be out of hoof, we will have little other choice.”

Celestia nodded, turning to look back at her horizon.

“It would be best then, if he found that mark on the mountain. For his sake at least.”

The hills around the Horn of the World rolled and twisted together, forming sheer cliffs.

Armored, spears drawn, and with eyes scanning the horizon.

In the crux of the valley there was conflict.

Mordane sat behind one of his two groups.

His assessment of Ice Wing’s attack was positive. He had split his forces. Using the two groups to harry his forces into a corner in the valley. Several cuts and bruises had been taken as they had minor exchanges.

Outnumbered, Mordane’s ponies had been forced to retreat until he simply broke contact and moved to defensive ground.

The ravine exit now sat to their back, the mountain coming together to form narrow winding paths. Ivy and one other were watching their backs, just in case. Mordane was forced to stay at the rather wide entrance lest they be able to circle and surround his force in the pass.

“It was a skilled attack," Mordane mumbled to Peddler. “Still, a little too predictable. Without a screen of pegusi he couldn’t see the small force I sent out. And now…”

“I see. So you predicted this?" Peddler replied.

“Yes.” He scanned the left flank where his small reserve force led by One Eye had crashed out of the growth. The ponies had struck with perfect timing, crashing into the larger chunk of the enemy forces. “Twenty ponies being pinned by seven.”

He looked up at the sky, his eyes catching the few new recruits.

“Seeing his own forces on our side must have been a bit of a shock," Peddler mumbled.

“They are lucky I didn’t just kill them," Mordane replied, rubbing his shoulder. “Now leave me be.”

Mordane trotted forward, past the few of his ponies tying up the surrendering enemy. His eyes scanned and located Ice Wing. Keeping to the ground in his rapidly weakening forces.

Pegusi swooped in opportunities to pluck away a pony. Just to deliver him to the hogtiers or to drop if they were particularly resistant.

Mordane’s wings were numb again. That aching pain boring into the back of his mind at the loud shouts of fighting.

“I just want this to stop.” he thought.

A large space opened up in his line for a moment, allowing for two ponies to rush out. Their eyes locked onto him and quickly rushed. Mordane drew his hoof-blade and practically lept to meet them. Closing the distance in an instant the two ponies seemed to stand still as he lopped off their heads with a single swipe.

“What a waste.” His eyes drooped as he wiped the blade on one's mark. “This battle’s over. My forces and his performed exceptionally. Ice Wing acceptably. There is no point in further death…time to end this.”

As he turned to take flight his hoof holding the blade spasmed, throwing the length of steel to the ground.

With a sharp intake of breath he doubled over. Feeling the burning shaking pain rip down from his shoulder into his fetlock.

He recovered a moment later, glancing to confirm no pony saw him before shakingly picking up his sword.

Spreading his wings, Mordane took to the sky. The burning, numbing sensation nipping at his wings and creeping up his spine. He pushed hard, and the wind answered, carrying him above the surrounded enemy.

Breathing in deep he bellowed. Channeling a little of the wind's power into his voice.

Enough, surrender small ones. You need not die here.” He reached out with his mind, stirring the fear in the pony’s minds.

“We surrender! We surrender!” Ice Wing shouted. “Throw down your weapons!”

Most of his ponies immediately complied. Leaving only three who continued to struggle until a well dropped stone from a pegusi put an end to their resistance. Quickly his ponies secured the enemy. But Mordane didn’t wait, an uncertainty crawling into his mind, he stormed up to Ice Wing.

“Thank you, Stronghoof. I hope that you will now see reason and-”

“Sugar,” Mordane said, cutting him off. “Where is Sugar?”

Ice Wing’s brow furrowed and he gave a little snort and shake.

“She was supposed to attack from the pass. Left yesterday with our fastest four. I do not-”

The pit of Mordane’s stomach fell out. The pain raised to fever pitch and shot up his spine as he felt his horn discharge. The spark of it forced him to close his left eye for a moment before growling. His lips pulled back. The small but now prominent canines standing out on his gritted teeth. The ponies around him stumbled back as the rage boiled off of him as small black wisps.


He took to the air, hovering a few meters above their heads.

“One Eye. Secure the position. Set camp. Hold our prisoners until I return.” He felt One Eye’s acknowledgement without seeing it.

He took flight into the pass. Twisting through the terrain. His shoulder popping, his wings burning, his vision starting to blur.

At the other end of the pass was a sudden drop and a trail leading off down a sharp incline to the right. There he could see four ponies waiting.

He did not know how long he had so he came in for a hard landing, all four hooves. The wind he carried with him blasting out as he reached to have the earth cushion him.

Only to feel the earth not respond, He felt every bit of his impact as he landed hard, his knee buckled a moment before he popped it back into place and looked around.

There was a pony on the ground. Clutching his chest. A memory flashed through Mordane’s mind. The dark. His grandfather on the ground.

But he did not have time to dwell. Two ponies stood about ten yards away, bows in their hooves. The rightmost pony fired their shot, missing him wide. Mordane did not dodge for cover. Instead he reached up with his wing grabbing the air.

The left one fired a moment later, but his arrow was blown off course as Mordane blasted a wall of air at the both of them.

Both of whom fell down the path into the valley beyond.. Grunting and clanking as they rolled down the steep incline.

He started walking toward Sugar, who was gripping Ivy close. A few yards passed until Sugar tilted the knife.

“No closer.”

Mordane stopped. His eyes narrowed as a ball of sharp ice encased his heart.

“This is not the first time someone has threatened me with a mare.” Mordane tilted his head, forcing a smile. “So, what is it you want, Sugar? Who would have thought to see you here so far south of the Sun's fair kiss.”

Her eyes narrowed as she gripped the struggling pegasus harder, forcing her to stay still.

“An egotist little feather brian as always, Mordane.” Her nose turned up. “I’ve thought about that crypt for years since I last saw you. Shortly after that I walked away from my charge.”

“Is that what your clan calls their targets? Their charge?”

She laughed bitterly, her eyes staying locked onto him.

“I take it Peddler has told you about that…Did he tell you about what we were doing in Equestria? About you father?”

“I really don’t care about what you’re going to say,” Mordane snapped. “I don’t want anything from you. Just let Ivy go.”

Sugars lips thinned and eyes hardened. Mordane let the smile slip.

“You don’t want to do this. I’m sure we can end this peacefully.”

“Your smile was always terrible, it's like wax pulled over a ponnequin,” she spat. “You look like something just pretending to be a pony.”

Mordane’s face darkened further. A spark jumping down from his horn once again.

“There is only one thing you could want…So do you think you have it in you, Sugar? Come at me then. She's no threat to you.”

Sugar said nothing, standing perfectly still.

The next moment would only become clear when he played it back later in his mind.

Ivy was thrown backward off the cliff edge with a large crack as the mare leaped toward him. Her hoof slamming into his head.

Mordane rolled with the kick, twisting around the impact reducing the damage and twisting away as quickly as possible.

He felt a prickle along his skin as a knife passed just over his ear. And the burn as it bit just below it. Planting a forehoof on the ground he pushed off toward the pass. The knife dragged through as it was pulled away, leaving a deep gouge under his right eye.

He landed on the wall, wings outspread, ready to launch, ignoring the screaming pain. He looked for an opening.

However, he was only impacted again. Sugar grabbed him as they tumbled into a bind. She came to pin him. His rear hooves were pinned. She pressed down his hooves where they crossed in front. The knife slowly moved toward him before suddenly bursting into a bright white hot glow.

Blood pooled into his eye from the deep cut, but the shining blade gleaned through the red haze.

As his eyes focused on the blade. The rage drained off his face. Ears wilting back. His nostrils flared and eyes watered. A deep hunger creeping achingly into them.

Then his brow furrowed, he gritted his teeth and narrowed his focus to the knife point.

“No man can serve two masters.”

The blades' glowing white surface suddenly blinked out. Sugar only had enough time to open her eyes in surprise before the knife shattered in her hoof.

She screamed and rolled back. Landing and rolling on her broken burning hoof, trying to put out the flame as Mordane slowly walked over to take a standing position over the shaking mare.

“Y-You trapped it?” she hissed through clenched teeth.

“It wasn’t easy. Back then I didn’t know as much about enchanting. Everything I learned was from a stupid foal’s book. Meant to maybe make a toy train move or a stuffed bear hug when its name was called. But, one doesn’t make a weapon that can be used against them.” Mordane stepped closer, his eyes focused on her.

“But. How? You were just…a colt.” She looked him in the eyes.

She felt the moment his mind reach into hers. It was like a swirling cauldron of rage, hate, and anger pouring in.

The onslaught left her trembling and pale.

“Why did you try to kill me, Sugar?” he said softly.

“You- You’re no pony.” she whispered. “What by Tartarus are you?”

Mordane did not reply. Reaching down he slowly drew his blade and limped toward the defenseless mare.

“Wait,” she cried, eyes still locked onto his. “I can help you. I see now! You don’t have to-”

Mordane drove down the blade, eyes ablaze.


Peddler walked slowly down the pass. Behind him he could hear as the band of ponies followed perhaps a hundred yards behind him.

He was calculating what he would do when he got to Mordane and Sugar.

Surely, he thought, Mordane would defeat the mare, perhaps even turning her to his side. Even a year ago he would have been no match for her, but now? Now, it would be quick.

Mordane’s power was growing exponentially. His awakening would be any day now. Even with the disruptions she had little to no chance.

He was so caught up in his thoughts that when Ivy landed in front of him he nearly jumped back, only catching himself a moment before.

“I- I don’t know but are…I think that you are the closest I can think to a friend of Mordane’s?” she said, trembling.

Peddler’s blood ran cold. Her eyes were red. He didn’t bother to answer her, instead choosing to take off toward the pass. Moving like a blur he quickly left the mare behind. Not even bothering to hide his abnormal abilities as a deep fear settled into his hooves.

Less than two minutes later he came to a stop. Hooves tired from the prolonged exertion at max strength. The sight that greeted him planted his hooves where he stood.

Sugar was no more, in every sense of the meaning. There was nothing alone that one would call a body. Peddler walked slowly up to the pony responsible, his heart beating slow and hard. Trying to understand this creature sitting so brazenly on a rock near the cliff edge.

Mordane wings stood outstretched, smudged with blood as they were. Yet he didn’t seem to care, instead preferring to look out toward the mountain. His eyes focused on some impossible hight. Power rolled off of him. Both mental and physical. Peddler could feel the thousands of strands wrapped around him. The twisting of the world once so subtle. His mind flashed back to the small village in Equestria. The small hooded colt trotting toward his stand. The slightly twisting world around him. Too small and too few who could see it to know.

But he had known.

Now though, there was no mistake. No pony who knew anything about magic could be mistaken as to what he was.

“Mordane?” Peddler asked.

“I think I’m losing my mind, Peddler," Mordane replied. Still looking out to the mountain. “I’m getting angrier. I’m becoming irrational. The constant struggle is getting to me.”

“I can see that," Peddler replied carefully. Swallowing as he sat near the alicorn.
“Mordane, right now. All around you I can see-”

“Great lines. Like fishing wire wrapped all around me. Yes. I know. They've become stronger since I’ve become aware of them. The great mess I’ve made. Twisting up against nothing as a silly spell trys to draw meaning from a blank page…That's what the point of a mark is, isn’t it. To write your story?”

“...yes," Peddler replied after considering for a moment. “The Harmony matrix controls everything. It has seeped into all life, all magic. Its parts have many names. The Tree of Harmony, the Crystal Caverns, the Crystal Heart. All just parts of the same thing. A noose of order around pony kind’s neck.”

“And so you serve chaos. Discord.” Mordane turned to him. “Do you think I’d make a better candidate than Star Swirl?”

Peddler sat in silence. Stunned as he tried to figure out how Mordane had made such a connection. Failing, he opted to answer truthfully.

“My ancestors wanted him to throw off the whole system. They succeeded. But he only replaced it with a far more restrictive one. Calling ourselves his worshipers.” Peddler shrugged. “It’s convenient.”

Mordane sat in silence for a minute. Looking up at the mountain before speaking again. His wings slowly fold and unfold.

“What are you going to do?” Peddler asked softly.

Mordane snapped his wings shut.

Rain began to fall on them as the humidity condensed above them. The shower focused on the alicorn stallion.

He turned, revealing the long red gouge from cheek to muzzle.

“I think it's time that I go and meet destiny.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for editing to Sigi and many others.

Couldn't have finished this chapter without you.