• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

An Unexpected Adventure

"Tastes like Fanta."

Mordane sat in his alcove taking long, but shallow drinks of his soda. It was nice to taste such things again after so long. No one could afford the cost of maintaining its fizz long enough to bring it to his hometown. The drink brought back memories of summer days running across fields as a human boy. Of long sips taken after spending hours isolating one emotion or another. Of the first time he sat, only smiling, as his mother and father screamed in another room. He loved the feeling of the drink as it ran down the back of his throat.

It reminded him of his past as a human and more importantly it reminded him of his grandfather.

"Really, I must learn the spell to carbonate drinks first. I can't believe it's been so long-" He chuckled ",and also my first time. Dang that's confusing sometimes."

The alcove he sat in was along the wall and much to large for one colt. It practically dwarfed him, towering over his head. Suddenly, he didn't feel so confident. This was a big world and he was small. Maybe he should just return to his small village until he was older.

"What are you thinking? This is exciting!"

Mordane shook his head and smiled. Reminding himself that this was for the best.

It would have been much better, however, if there was not a loud group sitting behind him. Their boisterous jostling and growling drew him out of his reflection.

"Listen, I can't foal-sit on this trip. The ruins are located deep in the forest. On the edge of Equestria! In the wild lands! It’s no place for a young one. Look, my grandfather left me this journal and inside is the location to an old fort. That's why I called you here, Cloud Runner. Why would you bring her along?"

"Look, Brawny Boulder. Don't patronize me. You've led dozens of guards to battle who were as young as her. Solar Black can handle herself."

"Yes! But they were trained! She isn't even like Star Charmer over here. She is at least a competent magic user. She will be able to dispel any magic traps. Then there is Sugar Song. You know, the knife expert?"

"Where did you even find her?" He paused Mordane could almost feel the glare that this Sugar must be giving him.

"Err Hello, why do you have a knife cutie mark?"

Utter silence.

"She never talks Runner, best to leave her be. As I was saying, then we have you in order to trip dangerous traps."

"I still don't like that idea. However, you forget I need backup and so does your unicorn."

"Hey! I'm not his unicorn. I intend to pay for my next semester at the university with this little adventure."

"They’ve been going on like this for a while now" his nose scrunched "Hmmm, abandoned ruins? I could always use the bits and... wait this does seem familiar. Oh yeah, DND. Heh. The money aside, the mayor won't miss me and I have come to learn about magic. Doubt I'll get a chance to go on something like this again. Who could ignore the possibility of a real adventure anyways?"

Mordane stood up and downed the rest of his drink before sliding out of his alcove and moving in front of the voices table.

"Excuse me. I hear you’re looking for another unicorn." Mordane searched through their eyes till identifying the one who held the air of a leader. He was a large pony, one could see a few scars on his skin edging out of his old armor. To Mordane he looked like a retired soldier if his demeanor was anything to judge by.

"Who are you?"

"I am Mordane, and your sixth party member if you'll have me." The leader looked him up and down before raising an eyebrow.

"You're a scrawny thing. Did you just get off the teat? What can you bring besides magic?"

Mordane paused for a second before responding.

"I’m insightful. A puzzle solver."

"Oh, really? Then riddle me this: what grows short as it ages, but when it's young it stands tall?" Runner butted in. Mordane nearly rolled his eyes at the simple riddle.

"A candle, but I can prove my insight better than that. I will deduce all of your names. I heard them, but I could not see who you were talking to. Will that suffice as proof?"

The guard smiled as Mordane had more time to analyze him. The pony had a white coat with a grayish mane. Bags hung under his eyes which gave off the dull look of those who drink too much. Yet a closer look showed something deeper...

"How do we know that you didn't see us or just by our voices?"

"I saw him get out of the cubicle next to us." The pegasus stallion spoke up.

"Fine, what is mine?"

"Well that is easy. You're the only guard here so you must be Brawny Boulder. And this male pegasus must be Cloud Runner." A solid gray stallion with a lightning bolt for a Cutie Mark looked at him with steady eyes. "Plus I can tell by your voices."

"Since you called the other one a she, then there must be Star Charmer." He pointed toward the mare with deep blue eyes, a light purple coat, and two colored purple mane.

"She’s the only unicorn, of course. Oh yes, you must be Sugar Song. That‘s a nice cloak and the knife is a giveaway. Finally, that leaves you."

He pointed toward the young pegasus mare that had a pale gray coat and black hair.

"You must be Solar Black. As I said before, I am Mordane. Mordane Stronghoof. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Mordane sat down with the group as Cloud Runner laughed.

"Well, Boulder! Hahaha! We do need another unicorn."

"Hey! I am a stallion of my word. He got it right so he's in. Now you, Mordane, sit down. We got some things to go over."

The colt sat down. His hood hung low, casting shadows over his face. The others found him strange; his small frame yet old voice was contradicting but it never even occurred to them that he may be a child. They ordered another round of drinks and then got down to business.

"The ruins are about a five days’ walk from here at most. Whatever we find I will take thirty percent of while the rest of ya get fourteen. No, I don't want to hear complaining. You will each need to bring your own food, sleeping gear, and weapons.

"Weapons?" The younger pegasus spoke up fearfully.

"Yes, weapons. The wilderness is a dangerous place."

Mordane ordered another soda and smiled. This was going to be fun.

Gathering his things was easy. He just went to buy some more food and returned to his room. The following morning, he woke up and cleaned himself before going to the edge of the town to meet with the rest of his party. The sun was high in the sky as he moved through the town. The air crisp and clear. Looking ahead, he saw Boulder and Star were waiting for him.

"Okay, pay up Boulder. I knew he would arrive next." Boulder grumbled quite a bit, but eventually gave the unicorn mare a few bits as Mordane looked at them quizzically.

"This old guard here thought he could predict who would arrive next. Went with Sugar. I got her figured though, she’ll come when she wants."

"I thought she was the serious type," grumbled Boulder.

"Yes she is. They are the ones who arrive exactly on time. It's the ambitious ones who come first." Star smiled at him.

"Of course, they’re the only ones seeking to gain," chuckled Mordane.

"Do you seek to gain, young unicorn?" she asked, the polite smile breaking into a more comradely grin.

"Yes, though some things have more value than others. Such as knowledge."

The mare laughed. "So! A prospective student of the Academy, huh? Tell me, how many spells do you know?"

"Ten,” said Mordane without thinking. Star Charmer deadpanned.

"Ten!? That's twice what most students have before entering the academy. What are they?"

"Wait, wait. How about I ask one, then you ask one, and so forth."

"That's fine."

"Good. So how many spells do you know?"

The mare raised her head proudly. "I know sixteen spells. Not too bad for a second year, if I do say so myself. So, who did you have as a teacher?"

"Nopony." He shifted awkwardly.

"None?" Her face turned sad. "Did they die?"

"Err, no. I never had one."

"And you know ten spells? How are you alive!?" She said in shock.


"Magic is dangerous! You should have years of teaching before even casting the simplest spell! You need to understand EVERYTHING about what you're doing. How did you do it?" Flames were burning in her eyes. She seemed ready to strangle him for surviving the odds.

"I just used this book." He indicated the book he had read throughout his childhood and floated it over to her. Thinking back he realized that it must of been his human schooling, not any special skill, that allowed him to cast those spells correctly. Mankind’s understanding of the world went deeper than ponies. Mostly they stuck to basic newton physics.

"‘Magic, All You Need-’" She groaned "Why does this exist?! UGH! And written by Star Swirl as well! Yeah, right!" Contempt was evident in her voice.

"Why not?" She looked at him and began to lecture.

"There is no way Star Swirl would have written such a book. Who knows how many young unicorns have hurt themselves with it? Not to mention the part of how to cast a spell is in the front while the fundamental rules are taught later! This book doesn’t even talk about conservation of energy in enough detail…"

Star Charmer continued to talk as the others arrived one at a time. She started to quiz him on physical laws and mathematics. It was of course no problem for him. He understand those laws better than most ponies did. It was weird to have to remember the way ponies thought about things and say that instead of what was really going on. More than once she corrected him when he had actually said the true answer. The questions continued as they began to travel. Several hours later, she finally seemed to be finished.

Mordane was embarrassed to learn that he had miscounted some of the spells he had learned as a few were just copies of each other. In reality he knew six spells. His embarrassment made Charmer laugh.

"Well, all things considered you actually do know more than most. And what you actually know you understand very well. I've seen your levitation, what other spells do you know?"

"I have one called shockwave."

"Shock… wave… Okay, what does it do?"

"I use a force spell to compress the air into a bowl shape and make a low pressure area on the opening side. Upon release, a ripple in the air is made which can be quite... loud."

"How loud?" she asked, chuckling. He was starting to like that sound.

"One sec." Mordane walked over to the side of the trail. "Everypony cover your ears!" He yelled before casting the spell.

A blast of air and a huge boom rocked in front of him. Dozens of birds took flight as his slow to comply companions clopped their hooves onto ears ringing in pain. The sound was mostly directed away from them, fortunately.

"At mid-range it dazes and at up close it can kill." Mordane winced.

"Poor squirrel."

"Do you think you could give more of a warning next time?" Boulder growled uncovering his ears.

Star Charmer was gripping her chest laughing. "Oh… ha-ha! Don't let him get to you Mordane, he's just grumpy because he was kicked out of the guard."

"That was unjust and you know it!"

"Pffft. You were drunk half the time! I heard you stumbled around town singing war songs," she commented.

"Well you try being shuffled to a little town and labeled as useless, even as those pencil pushers pass over you for command." The stallion's eyes grew dark. Mumbling, he pulled out a flask and took a swig before turning back to the trail.

"I say buck the army, BUCK Princess Celestia, and buck her sister too." Many of the party shifted uncomfortably at this statement but he didn't seem to notice.

"She never really understood what the military was for anyway. Just look, even you call me a guard! I'm a soldier, not some keeper of the peace. Why does she have fighters, killers even, giving tickets to ponies walking on the grass? How are the enemies of Equestria supposed to fear us when we do that?"

"Why would they need to fear you?" Solar Black whispered.

"Fear means hesitation. Hesitation means defeat."

Mordane was starting to like this guy. He chuckled.

“Separating the military and peacekeeping forces creates the illusion of greater power. If somepony only sees very strong guard they wonder what you have in reserve. That would make them hesitate.”

Solar laughed.

"Ha-ha. You got that right, Mordane. Guess you aren't just a book worm eh?"

"Well, not exactly. I appreciate the art of war."

Star Charmer did a double take at that. "The art of war? War is horrible!"

"Yes, but when done properly there is a certain beauty to it. A good commander follows orders. A great commander wins battles. The best commanders win battles without ever killing anypony."

Boulder, who had been nodding along with Mordane, frowned at his last sentence. His eyes grew distant and… thoughtful.

"We should set up camp in about an hour," said Runner. "Looks like a storm."

The party gathered their things and followed Boulder down the road. Clouds sat on the horizon and a low rumble could be heard.

"Three days... Three days of mucking through the wilderness. Covered in cuts, bruises and drenched in water. How could I ever think that this was a good idea? Ugh, maybe I should ask how long unt-no, I can't afford to show any weakness. If I ever seem childish they may start to ask questions."

He had avoided talking of his past. It was understandable. Many of the others did as well. Storm Runner had been kicked out of his home village for some reason. The knife mare named, Sugar, he thought, never even talked. She would just sit there, sharpening her knife.

Star Charmer was pretty much an open book. She had been studying for about eight years to get to where she was and would not rest until he could pass every barrier she did. It seemed that she thought it was her responsibility to make sure he did not create some kind of terrible plague or monstrosity.

"Listen Mordane, misapplied spells have caused so many disasters. Timber wolves, Parasprites, and the Everfree blight, just to name a few of the problems. There is only one thing worse and that is changing the fundamental rules."

"Don't I do that with levitation?"

"No, that is counteracting the effect of the rule by creating a force, not changing it. Only one mage has done so. The effect is so powerful and fundamental that nopony would dare to try and break it. He tried and failed." Mordane turned to her, concern crossing his face.

"I thought that the fundamental rules were absolute. Who was strong enough to warp them and what did he do?"

She smiled. "Only a few ever become strong enough to do so. They are in a class of their own. The unicorn’s name was none other than Star Swirl the Bearded. His effect is the… well, you know how whenever somepony sings with great emotion music will just come out of nowhere? That is the effect he was trying to create within one room, but like a sickness it spread throughout all of reality. His last act was trying to break it..." Star Charmer looked off into the distance, a look of loss over her face.

"Hey Boulder!" she shouted.


"Let's stop for now. Solar needs a break."

The mare in question was walking along with a wobble.

"The more we wait the longer it will take," growled the old guard.

"Come on, Boulder. Not everypony has hooves of iron like you." Runner was flying a few feet in the air. He would occasionally fly off to look ahead.

"Fine, fine. At least I won't have to hear you complain anymore."

As the rest of the group moved off for some practical training, Star Charmer continued to be a strict teacher. She tried to make him move a large stone that was three times his size at first, but when it proved too difficult she began to scale it down.

Eventually they found he could lift about eighteen kilograms. A decent sized stone for one untrained, she said.

"Magic is the manifestation of will. The stronger your will, the more you can lift."

That night Mordane was sitting next to the fire. The others were laughing as Solar Black talked about a very popular book series called Daring Do. Mordane chuckled as well before standing up and moving away from the fire. He found the ideas in the book to be ridiculous.

Walking skeletons indeed. He rather liked the other party members. Sugar was a little intimidating but Star Charmer was… nice to be around. The knife mare was leaning against a tree on the edge of the clearing.

"Sugar, I need one of your knives."

The mare looked straight into his eyes but then pulled out a short blade and handed it to him.

"Careful." Her eyes never even changed. Mordane tried to look unsurprised that she talked.

In the sky stars shone brightly. Looking at the moon, he remembered back to when he was younger. There had been a face there. Nightmare Moon they called her. Some said she had escaped and that she was no longer evil. That seemed odd to him. Walking a bit deeper into the woods, he found a stump to sit on.

"What are you doing back here?" Star Charmer walked out from between the trees, breaking him from his musings.

"I am going to enchant this knife."

"You lack the strength for that."

"Then why don't you help me?" she seemed to consider for a moment.

"What do you want to enchant it to do?

"End result or method?" he asked.


"I was going to enchant the blade to be hot when the owner wishes."

"...How do you intend to do this?" She knew it could be done. It would just be interesting to hear his method.

"I will create a new rule to draw power from the wind and light and bound it in the knife. Then another to create a power well, and then I will bound that well to the knife and the first spell. Finally, I’ll make one last rule to heat the blade but not the handle. Then use force and binding to bind the entire spell together and to the knife permanently."

"For what purpose?"

"To make it more deadly."

Star Charmer frowned at that. Walking close, she looked him in the eye.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"The ability to kill is power. Power is control. With control I can prevent death." Mordane mumbled.

"You are a magic user. You could already kill with magic if you want." Star Charmer said with a scrunched nose.

"True," Mordane chuckled "but then again this knife isn’t for me."

"Who is it for?"

"Sugar." He said rolling his eyes at her pestering "I want her to owe me a favor."

Star Charmer didn't continue to pester him. She only nodded her head. "I'll help you."

The two mages moved to opposite sides of the knife. Nodding to one another they began.

Sitting there, he focused drawing in energy from all around him. It was so different from his meditations back on Earth. Here, he knew that with practice his power would grow and he would become stronger. He may only have a century but his life will be grand. Star began to draw power as well. She could pull on so much more than him right now. They were prepared. Mordane began to cast the spell. The first, second, and then third. It all went off without a hitch. Then came the binding. There was a problem. Neither alone had the will necessary to seal the spell.

Mordane realized his simple mistake far too late.

In a moment, she reached out and touched his mind. Mordane almost panicked but was surprised when her mental probe snapped back. Star’s eyes were wide. The power they were summoning was tied into knots. Even a simple spell like this contained massive amounts of energy. He realized the danger they were in. So tentatively pushing along the link he sent her a thought.

"I would have never agreed to this if I knew we needed to link minds. If we don’t finish this then we’re both dead, so I must let you in. Do not tell anypony of what you see... I want a binding. Give me your word. Don't try to probe deeper either. I won't let you there."

Star had come to think of the young mage as an apprentice and enjoyed teaching him. Now he was sending her a death threat. Faced with causing a disaster, she made her choice and used some of the power to bind herself in a spell of silence.

"I agree to tell none of what I find in your mind. I agree to keep your secrets and may I die if this is untrue."

That was why it was such a shock to touch his mind. It was chaos. Hate and anger sat beside love and caring. Between it all was a broken image. There he stood in the middle. His mental image was similar to the one she knew except it had wings and seemed to switch between the alicorn body and some kind of ape.

"Focus, Charmer. We have a spell to finish binding."

They poured their combined will into it. In time, the two opened their clenched eyes and looked at each other. Mordane walked over to the knife. To anypony watching, nothing had really occurred. Two unicorns horns had glowed and the wind had grown still. He picked up the knife and felt as the enchantment activated. The blade turned cherry red. Smiling, the stallion wiped his brow.

"I don't believe it."

Mordane froze as he looked over his shoulder. There, for all to see, were his wings. Even as he stared, the spell hiding them came into effect again. The brown feathers faded and he was left looking at a stunned Star Charmer.

"What... how?" She seemed unable to even form a complete thought. Thinking quickly, he acted.

"I have always been one and yes... it is a secret."

Star Charmer felt the spell of silence bind her. She remembered her promise and after a moment of apprehension she decided it was ok.

"I see. When I was in your mind I saw a strange astral projection of you."

"...Describe it."

"It was bipedal. Had hands with five claws apiece. Brown mane and... blue eyes."

Mordane looked at her, uncertain of what to do. He could lie about it, but he knew that friendships could not be truly built on lies. A part of him wanted to tell her anyways. Wanted her to know him.

"It’s called a human. I used to be one."

"A... human? Never heard of that species."

"No surprise..."

So they sat there and Mordane told her his story, of the darkness and the lights and of his death and then rebirth. She took it all in relative stride. Though, there were some questions.

"You remember the womb?"

"Yes, it was quite strange. Over the years, I at first thought the memory was fading, but the more I thought about it the more it came back to me."

"What of your parents? Don't you miss them?"

"Of course I do. They’re just a week's journey away, though."

A confused look crossed her face until she realized he was talking about his pony parents.

"I mean your human parents."

"No, you mean the humans who raised me originally. They are not my true parents."

"...But they-"

"Don't even try. Those two humans were terrible."

"...Were all humans like that?"

"What? Oh, no, most humans are good, kind even. Though maybe a little oblivious. A few would even outdo you ponies in kindness."

"Do you miss your world?"

"Yes. The sights and sounds. Ideas from billions funneled through a screen, working on radios. There was a lot there I don't miss, however." His eyes had a foggy look and pain was there. Star Charmer was curious.

"Can you show me?"

Mordane looked at her for a while, and then nodded his head.

"Be warned, though. My world was so very different from this one. So much cruelty and madness. So much joy and hope. We were everything that you ponies can understand... and more. You may be beings of harmony but we were more in line with chaos."

Star Charmer entered his mind once more. She saw the cities of metal and the machines of war. The need to understand and the ignorance of those that chose it. She saw their technology and their capacity for cruelty. She saw those who would give anything for those they do not even know. She saw the arts that made pony music seem so simple. He showed her all he knew of Earth and humans. When she pulled back, it was not the look of disgust that he expected. It was one of awe.

"I could never have imagined such a place. Words cannot describe it! So much movement and power. Nations so large. Greater Equestria only has twenty cities. Just twenty! From what you showed me, I think your nation had hundreds. Your species had no magic yet made it to the moon! Then they sent thinking metal beyond the edge of your solar system! I saw war and death. Constant war! Yet you not only survive, you thrive! You are not only war you are builders and destroyers. Both of chaos and order. You never stop moving!"

The pony broke down into tears. Mordane got a glimpse of what another species may think of mankind and therefore had to reconsider his own perspective. Maybe we are to be admired. He walked over and let the mare cry into his shoulder.

"I don't understand. Your people have magic. Mankind spills its own blood while you found peace long ago. Look at you ponies. Cities and towns are one with the land. War, murder, stealing… all of that is foreign to you. The weather is yours to bend. Millennia of peace at your back. Some would call us monsters in comparison to you. Feeble monsters."

She looked in his eyes, wonder still present.

"Your people are like fire and steel, burning brightly in the dark. Never stopping and growing stronger with every moment. You take it out of hoof that you will take to the stars and no matter how difficult, spread across the universe... No matter the problem you just keep trying and in time you find a way. You are both beautiful and terrifying. Each and every one."

She pushed him away and stood before him.

"Ponies build cities with the land because we know no other way. We don't really want another way. Change happens slowly and we don’t seek knowledge for its own sake. We may have magic, but what have we done with it? We’re fragile. Your kind will endure no matter what. I've seen it in your mind, ours would be broken if we had half of your problems..."

Both hugged each other for a time before heading back into camp.

Later he gave the knife to Sugar and told her what it did and how to use it. She nodded her head and said: "Debt."

Over the next few days Mordane found himself spending more and more time with Star. Oh, he continued to speak with the others, but it always seemed he would be either learning from her, talking to her, thinking of her, eating, or sleeping. He was in one of his thinking moments when Boulder called for a stop. Below them was a small town with only sixteen buildings. The place looked abandoned.

"We’ll stay the night in that town. I can see an inn. Tomorrow, we’ll make the last of our journey and arrive at the ruins the day after."

Walking into town, the party noticed many strange things. First, there was nopony in the streets. It was quiet as well. The inn turned out to be just as run down. However, it was far from empty. About twenty ponies sat in there in silence. The group found the only empty table and sat down. They did not speak until Boulder returned with their drinks.

"I have not ever seen a bar so quiet," whispered Storm. "What's going on?"

Boulder seemed worried as well. "He won't say. A room was twice the normal rate as well. When I complained, he raised it to three times and would not come down." He took a swig of hard cider. "I think I know what it is, though."

"What?" Solar Black had been even more quiet than usual. Her voice came out a whisper.

"...Thugs. Somepony is hitting up this town for protection money. The locals must be too afraid to send out a message... the poor fools."

"What are we going to do, Boulder? We don't have the pony power to face them directly." Storm was worried. There were only two fighters in their party.

"We may not have a choice...notice the stares of some of those stallions... I see four who seem above the rest. They also are near places where it would be easy to hide a weapon. When we leave, they will attack."

"Then we have the advantage."

All of the other ponies looked at Mordane like he was mad.

"Listen, we know they’ll attack as soon as we try to leave the town. So we set an ambush. We all stand up and head out of the bar. Pay the bartender in excess. Then we rush out the door and make a sharp right turn. Sugar and I will dart into an alleyway. Star, do you think you could make an illusion of us?"


"Good. Do that, then you four head down Main Street. Sugar and I will head down the back alleys. When you’re attacked we’ll flank them."

"Why would we show them our rear?" cut in Solar.

"Flank is a military term. It means from the side." Boulder looked at Mordane, a quizzical look in his eyes.

"So not just concepts, hmm? Tactics as well?" He chuckled. "Ok, let's do it!"

The party was walking down the road when six ponies stepped out. Three were wielding swords. Sugar had been amazing. It was all Mordane could do to keep up with her. They were looking down from a roof as the goons moved together to block the ponies’ way.
"Let us pass," said Boulder. His voice was hard as he drew his sword.

The goons laughed and a unicorn stepped forward.

"Well colts, it looks like we have a guard today. Ha-ha. Put all of your valuables down on the ground and step away."

"...And if we refuse?" The goons laughed again.

"We'll kill you."

No doubt now. Prioritize targets. Mordane set his bag of stones on the ground in front of him as he began working on angles and trajectories. Most of all, however, he had to decide who to attack first.

Six ponies. Two unicorns. One pegasus and three earth ponies. Unicorns have priority. There was a tap on his shoulder. Sugar pointed to one of the unicorns and an earth pony then tapped her chest. Mordane nodded his head.

Sugar has two. Ok, I’ll target the other unicorn and then the pegasus.

Four stones floated out of the bag, and then he turned to Sugar and nodded.

The lead goon was having a right laugh. Here was these six in front of him. Half were females and two were children. One of the unicorns even seemed sick. Her head was lowered and she was trembling.

I can't wait to ri- that was as far as he got before a pony to his left screamed. Turning his head he saw the shadow cloaked pony stab his fellow unicorn in the eyes.

Boulder and Runner had charged at the moment the lead goon's eyes looked away. Runner darted to just in front of the ponies then flapped his wings to stop, causing a blast of air and making many of the goons retreat.

The lead goon prepared to cut down Boulder but at the last moment before the clash his sword hoof was hit and there was a spray of blood. He didn’t even know what had happened before Boulder ran him though. The pegasus looked at his comrades being beaten then decided it would be best to retreat.

Mordane felt sick to his stomach, but the plan had worked. There were three still bodies on the ground, but the others were running away. The pegasus was flying away fast. He seemed to be heading in a particular direction. It was then that it hit home for him.

”I’ve killed somepony..."

He spent the next few hours alone. The others were looking for him but he needed some time to think. He stared at the spot where the pony died. He had no choice. Boulder had been the one to deliver the blow but it was his stone that allowed it. The other dead pony was his responsibility as well since it was his plan. He had even found the body. Grizzly looking fellow. He must have never been nice to look at. Even without a hole in his chest. After a time... he was able to come to terms with it. It needed to be done. Though he may carry a death with him from now on, this village would be safer now.

He made his way to the inn and bar which was now in celebration. Before arriving he heard a shout.

"Mordane! We have been looking everywhere for you! Come inside, come inside." Star Charmer was pushing him toward the door. He entered without protest.

It seemed the whole town was in there, shouting and hollering. Their faces were filled with joy. He smiled a bit at them, glad to see some good come of it.

"Ah, there he is! The pony of the hour! Give him three cheers lads. The one who thought up the plan to save you all!" The townsfolk all turned and cheered for him. A barmaid brought out a jug of beer and set it in the middle of the table saying it was on the house.

Star Charmer filled all the ponies' glasses and even set one in front of him.

”Uh oh..."

"Umm, no thank you," he said, hoping they would not push it. The townsfolk were already back to partying. His small body would be unable to handle it.

"Come on, have a drink! You've earned it!" shouted Boulder, much to the rest of the group's encouragement.

"Err, no thank you."

"No, you have to! It's tradition after battle. All ponies who fought must have a drink!" He seemed quite serious about that fact.

"I really can't."

"Why ever not?" Solar seemed a bit drunk as she asked the question.

"...It’ll make me sick."

"Poppycock! You're what, sixteen? It’ll be fine."

“I’m not sixteen."

"Ha! You owe me twenty bits boulder!" shouted Runner. "So how old are you?"

"…" It was against his personal morals to outright lie and it seemed doubly wrong with those he had fought with.

"I'm ten."

"Say what Mordane? I must have misheard you." Boulder leaned closer in.

"I’m ten years old."

All of the group was staring at him with their mouths open. Even Star had not known how young his body was. It had been skillfully avoided. She herself was eighteen.

"My sweet Celestia… You took one of them today, didn't you?" Runner seemed horrified that one so young would be fighting. "Bad enough to have to do it, but to be so young."

"Don't let it get to you, please. I am quite capable of handling myself and of making my own decisions. Besides, it was Boulder who delivered the killing blow."

"I knew you were young when I brought ya in, but not that young." Boulder did not seem as hurt as Runner. He had seen enough to know that Mordane was mentally an adult even if his body only barely knew it. "Well, it doesn't matter by this point. Do you still want to continue with us?"

"Yes." There was no hesitation. Mordane would not back down.

"Then I want no more out of any of ya ‘bout this, okay? Let's get the little baby his soda!"

The party was long and the music grand. It was late when they went to bed and late when they woke.