• Published 26th Jan 2013
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Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...

Treacherous Ground

The trek away from the village was more of a mad dash than a military withdraw. Sheets of rain battered the disordered and strung out forces under High Rise's and Mordane's command. Who were continuously pushing them on with near frantic speed with wagons full of iron in tow. Those carts forced the mercenary bands to stay on the road. Armies are supposed to be able to move quickly and efficiently over terrain, but such a thing proved impossible for them.

For starters, the ponies couldn’t march in formation really. Oh, they might stay in rows for a while but soon they were in clumps and traveling with their friends. Secondly, the narrow roads were made of loosely packed dust. Even in the driest of weather such paths are terrible for armies. The number of wagons and individuals involved soon destroyed the path with divots and sudden turns choking the movement. This was compounded by the rain. Cabistien’s military assault via a storm cell had been countered by the north somehow. Despite this the weather in the region was in chaos. A full blow downpour with high winds was upon them.

Normally an army would stop in these conditions, but the band knew that would mean certain death now. So onward they pushed with whole groups of pegasi flew overhead trying to lessen the storm by throwing it back at their pursuers. At the same time earth ponies kept felling trees to lay over the worse parts of the road, as well as making temporary stream crossings.

It was tough going, and Mordane could see it weighing heavily on the fighters. What was he to do? High Rise and him had not spoken directly since leaving the town.

Soon they pressed on, only stopping for short rests and to sleep.

A day and a half after leaving the town, Mordane sat down by a pile of sticks with Stalker. They had just finished putting together a lean-to next to a tree. It would keep the water off of them at least.

Focusing, Mordane poured heat into the damp logs and soon the water began to steam forming whips as the rain fell. After a few minutes of waiting the wood burst into flame.

Looking around, he watched as all around him different magic users set the fires alight for their comrades.
The last traces of the sun were disappearing over the horizon. Part of him feared that this would be the last night for many a mercenary as they succumbed to the cold ,but the rational part said that these ponies were used to roughing it alone with no structure to support them.

"Celestia damn, its cold," said Boulder, coming in to sit beside them. On his back was a pile of relatively dry wood which he threw on the fire. "Found this under some logs and bushes. Isn't it supposed to be summer?"

"Yes," said Stalker, using a spare shirt to dry off before passing it to Mordane. "But the weather down here is not so tightly regulated as in Equestria. It just sort of happens as it will. One year, I remember it snowing in spring, but the next day you could boil an egg by placing it on a stone outside."

Boulder sneezed without warning, causing the other two to laugh.

"I remember this one time," Mordane began. "I was staying in this lighthouse, and it was long ago, but I went out to stand on the beach because in the distance, out at sea, I could see a hurricane."

"Hurricane?" asked Boulder.

“It’s basically a wild storm at sea... Equestrian sailors sometimes run into them. Anyway, I was looking at this storm coming in. Lighting played across its surface as the waves rose higher and higher. In the distance I saw a... rather large vessel.” Mordane’s eyes seemed to flash and a small smile came onto his lips, as he remembered the feel of sea salt against his bare skin. The awesome power of the ocean made real and present before him.

“It was tossing in the waves, barely able to stay upright in the storm. However, as it kept fighting, the wind drove it closer and closer to the shore. Imagine my surprise when I saw that ship turn toward the shore. I thought their rudder had broken or something, but I was wrong. They turned and picked up speed before completing the turn and pointing directly into the way the storm was coming in." Mordane's eyes looked off into the distance to days long past. "I remember thinking that the only way to really take on something larger than yourself is to face it head on."

The fire crackled against the cold as the three stared into the fire.

“And you went out to look at one of these thing?" asked Stalker. ”Are you nuts?"

"Not really... Just foolhardy, I suppose."

“You’ve always been that way Mordane," Boulder gruffed.

"Perhaps… Then I suppose it's in my nature to find myself in trouble and danger. This is why I prefer quiet isolation."
Mordane stretched, popping his back. “You get entangled in things out here in the world. Better to stay still and in control in a place you know. Strangely, Ponyville was like that to me near the end. Hard to think it's been less than a year since I left. What about you two? Is there anywhere you call home?"

"Yes," Boulder replied, reaching into his pack and pulling out some mixing bowls. "I grew up in a fishing village, just south of Manhattan. I've never been much for fishing though. Growing up, playing with sticks and such was my hobby as a colt. For work, I'd dig holes for different ponies. My life in the village was defined by my mother, high priestess of the Divine Light. Under her instructions I was taught history, geography, the basics of magic, and most importantly, how to recite the Path of the Sun and the Book of Roads."

"The book of roads, what are you talking about?" Mordane said through chattering teeth, horn illuminated as he prepared to magically pull the water from his coat.

"He is referring to the sacred text of the guiding light which refers to the three chosen paths," Stalker cut in.

"Five now," Boulder remarked, before lowering his voice and looking at Mordane. “, or six."

"Huh. I'll have to find a reference for that at some point," Mordane said, filing away the info for later. "What about you, Stalker… I mean, whatever you can tell us."

Stalker shifted uncomfortably, as Boulder ground three blocks of gray grainy patties into dust in the bowls before adding boiling water from the pot in the fire.

"Telling anypony about myself feels strange, but here it goes. I grew up on the side of a mountain in a rather… strict clan. We followed the book of roads as well."

“Sounds fun,” Mordane replied sarcastically.

“Oh it was.” He rolled his eyes. “I was forced to carry- Oh thank you, Boulder,” he said as the dinner was passed out. ”I was forced to carry rocks to the top of a mountain every day from the cave where we mined them.”

“Mine? For what?”


"You lost me,” Boulder deadpanned.

“We were told that we could stop digging once we found a diamond in the mountain.”

“How long did it take you?” Mordane asked curiously. Stalker laughed.

“I never did. No one did. There was only three ways out of that cave; dead, temporarily under armed guard, or to sneak out.” Stalker finished off his bowl and sat it out in the rain to collect water. “I found the last way.”

“Did young ponies really die?” Boulder asked nervously.

“What? Oh, no. The work just seemed very hard at a young age, and we did not know it, but our guards were there to actually give us strength and make the rock softer. Funny actually, if they were really trying, there would be no way in Tartarus for anypony to escape.”

“What of you?” Boulder asked Mordane as he passed his bowl to be sat beside Stalker’s.

“My youth was spent on a farm… Growing corn, apples, berries. Whatever we would want really.” Mordane reached up to scratch his nose, but stopped once he saw the state his hoof was in after trekking through the rain and mud all day. “I learned magic from a book with no help before leaving to go to Ponyville. On the way though, I... Well, I ran into your brother, Stalker. Then overheard you kicking that slaver in the gut, Boulder.”
Mordane gave them a quick smile before stretching and looking around.

“This weather is terrible.”

“I’ll say.” Boulder grunted, cracking his neck in a few places. “How far back do you think the enemy is?”

“I don’t know,” Mordane said as he winced to the sound. “The pegasi won’t talk to me anymore since what happened with High Rise.”

“About twenty hours,” Stalker spoke up, rubbing his temples. “I— eh, overheard it from High Rise’s tent. Which is closer than yesterday by six hours, almost?”

“Damnit,” Mordane growled lowly. “These carts of iron will be the death of us.”

Stalker and Boulder simply nodded. They had already discussed the problem the day before. Money is no good when you're dead.

“I don’t see another way through, Mordane. High Rise is set on getting that iron to the city.” Boulder said solemnly with a nod.

“I think he would use the broken bodies of other ponies to harden up the path if he thought he could get away with it,” Stalker said with a snort and then a grin.

Mordane drew his sword and analyzed its length. Parts were chipped and broken. Rust flanked the edges.
"Tartarus, Mordane” Boulder hissed “have you been cleaning that thing?"

"No," Mordane said simply as Boulder snatched the blade out of his hooves. “Don’t see the point. A blade seems redundant with my magic."

Boulder pulled out his whetstone and set upon the blade with vigor.

"Don't think like that, Mordane." Boulder said glaring at him. “My master said that your blade is the last friend you touch before the end. Have you even given it a name?"

"Naming a blade only attaches you to it," Stalker said, drawing one of his knives. “Makes it harder to leave behind."

"A blade is supposed to be hard to leave behind," Boulder grunted as he sharpened the sword’s edge as much as he could.

"I'm going to go talk to him," Mordane said suddenly, before standing up.

"Talk to whom… High Rise? He'll have you chopped up and left for the wolves," Stalker said, pointing his knife at Mordane. “You can't just go talk to him."

"Why not? Maybe with this new information I can get him to see what he obviously doesn't want to."

"Mordane," Boulder said, sliding the blade back into its sheath. “High Rise will kill you as soon as you walk in there."

"No... I don't think he will," Mordane said with a smile.

"And why is that?" Stalker asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because I'm just that charming."

Mordane laughed as he walked out into the rain, leaving his friends behind shaking their heads.

Setting a frown on his face, Mordane headed off to look for High Rise.

As he moved through the crowd ponies looked at him curiously. Some glared, others gave him a smile. To be honest, he did not care too much what they thought of him by this point. They had never really been his men or anyone’s really. Mercenaries served only one master, and that was the bit.

Any semblance of order that he had brought before was not to be seen, as tents and lean-tos laid strewn along the path which was basically a running mud pit. The provision wagons had been abandoned about thirty miles back, set alight as to not provide the enemy with supplies. Mordane thought it would have been better to have someone drag them down another road to draw some of the enemy off, but he was cut out off any decision making process. No, this company was set on outrunning the enemy at any cost.

Mordane found High Rise further down the path. His grand tent had been left behind with the supplies and his furniture. The only thing he had kept was a chest full of papers.

As Mordane approached, several glaring ponies moved to block his way.

“High Rise, I need to speak with you," Mordane spoke loudly, stopping just beyond the line that had formed.

"Go away, Mordane. I don't have time to deal with your mutiny." High Rise burst out of the tent with a sneer on his face. “What would I have to say to a traitorous dog like you anyway?"

"You can say why you’re leading all of these good ponies to their death," Mordane shouted at the surrounding ponies, many of whom were murmuring in agreement. "Everypony knows that you tried to have me killed. That made my challenge fair game."

High Rise glanced around at the ponies that were cold and wet from long marching.

"We are making good progress. Soon we will outrun those-"

"Cut the bullshit, High Rise. I know that the enemy is catching up. They are a six hour march closer than yesterday and gaining."

"No," High Rise said fearfully. “They will be slowed down like we were."

"They don't have to cut their way through, High Rise. They have battle mages - REAL battle mages. Do you really think we could hope to outrun them while dragging along this dead weight?" Mordane shouted, waving his hoof at the six or so carts. “We must abandon the iron!"

Many of the stallions began to mumble in agreement. Already they were looking to a week or so of eating grass before they reached the city. What was the iron worth if they all died trying to get it there?

“I didn’t fight my way out of those moon forsaken pits just to wind up with nothing again.” One pony grumbled.

At that moment a pegasus in strange armor burst through the canopy. Mordane recognized the armor of Cabistien soldiers just before the stallion called out in a booming voice.

"I have a message for High Rise or whoever is in command of these mercenary forces."

"I am here," spoke up High Rise, trotting up to the stallion and retrieving the message.

He quickly broke its seal and flipped it open before reading through it quickly. His sneer turning into a smile.

“It's a letter from Cabistien. They have a plan for a counter attack! Reinforcements are headed our way."

"Reinforcements from where?"

"Yes," High Rise said, ignoring Mordane’s question. “It says-"

Mordane snatched the letter with his magic and examined the letter before reading it aloud. The seal of Cabistien marked the front and the paper seemed worn, muddy and ripped from a long travel.

"It says that they will pay us double if we can hold the enemy at a place called... The Castle of the Moon for four days until reinforcements arrive to catch the enemy off guard," Mordane said, feeling caught off guard himself.

"You see?" High Rise beamed. “Now we will be even better off. All of us could retire with the money from this adventure.” He turned to the surrounding ponies. “And I will see to it that the extra money is split evenly between all of us!"

Most ponies were grinning and hooting at the news. However a few dozen looked as if they had been slapped. Almost as if they had seen a ghost.

"We must make sure that the place is defendable."

"By the time we get there we will have plenty of time to make repairs and collect supplies to wait out the siege."

Mordane simply nodded and gave the letter back to High Rise before turning to leave.


"Yes?" he replied as he stopped walking.

"I will leave you alone, if you do the same until the end of this venture. Then we can go separate ways. Neither of us has to die," High Rise said solemnly.

"We do this, go to Tietus, and then you pay me. Then we go separate ways."Mordane said firmly.


"Very well." Mordane started walking again, keeping his head high.

Mordane frowned the entire way back to his friends. They were as surprised as he was at the news of High Rise's offer and the letter. Perhaps things would go well.

The ponies of the mercenary band pushed all the harder, as they looked for a road that had long ago been left to the decay of time. It was only by luck that several pegasi noticed it, while flying, and found where it connected to the main road.

It was overrun with bushes and grass, but the path was still there and useable. Soon, however, they were pleasantly surprised, as the dirt gave way to crumbled stone and then to cobblestone. Trees hung so low, on some parts of the path, that they had to be cut down.

It seemed odd to Mordane that the road had survived so well, but he shrugged as they pushed on before finally breaking through to a large field.

Mordane, Stalker and Boulder all looked at the strange fortress with mixed reactions, ranging from intrigue to surprise.

From the hill at the edge of the clearing they could see four short towers with the two in the middle being closer, and one tall tower that seemed to be in the center of the space that the fortress occupied.

It looked like the stronghold was there before the mountain even existed. And then the earth just swallowed the structure whole, as it grew like a tree.

But in reality the entire structure must have been cut from the very mountain it rested on, materials added along its outer walls, and from what it looked, inner walls. Strangely curved bases and ramparts caught the observant eye. The entire thing flowed with the mountain as if some great force had carved it with a mighty blast and another had come later to straighten and carve out the details.

The fortress seemed open to the elements, unlike most military structures in Equestria, as the face broke with the mountainside.

"Nothing appears to be too broken," Boulder commented before frowning. “There's something about this that is bugging me.”

"That place could withstand any storm thrown at it or any siege if properly stocked," Mordane whispered in awe. “Why was it abandoned?"

"Eh, something about a curse,” Stalker shrugged “I could get in and out of it. That open top is a major weakness. Wonder why they built it that way," Stalker said with a raised eyebrow and tilted head.
“The curse!” Boulder spat. “How could I have forgotten? The castle of the Lunar princess.”

“What are you talking about?” Mordane asked while still staring at the impressive structure.

“About a year ago I heard somepony talking about this place in the capital of Irona. Said that it was haunted or cursed. Hearing about it though I would have expected mold and a giant cloud of doom.”

“Yes I’ve heard the same rumors, but never from a first hoof source,” said Stalker. ”It’s always: 'but I had a friend this' or 'my grandfather one fall before winter that.' ”

“It’s probably just a reputation then. I would guess they expected it to be well stocked and supplied with soldiers, not a ragtag mercenary group. With proper numbers this valley would be a killing field," Boulder said quickly as his eyes scanned the structure. “See those patterns on the top? Those look like the remains of enchantment symbols eroded with time. Maybe six unicorns could have created a near impregnable shield."

"I don't think that was from erosion…” said Mordane. “It looks more like the seals were overwhelmed. Look at how far the cracks go down the wall. That fortress was punctured by... by..."

He gulped. There was only one pony he knew of in history that could have broken such wards, only one time in history that this land was held by a monarch strong powerful enough to hewn such a place from the very rock.

"This must have been the heart of the Lunar Republic," he whispered.

"The lunar what?" Boulder asked.

“The Lunar Republic. Equestria use to be far larger than it is now. All this land belonged to it as the two sisters reigned from the Everfree. Their power was unmatched and a time of prosperity poured across these lands." Mordane started walking, still staring at a remnant of a time long forgotten, only hinted at old tales and a dusty book... Reaching deep into his satchel he pulled out and looked at the long set aside book of Star Swirl. “Then came the Lunar Rebellion. Luna grew angry and bitter with her sister. With the way she ran things, with how she raised herself above others. So she revolted and all of the region south of the great divide came with her. For decades they fought back and forth. Luna gained ground and pushed the tyrant out of the Everfree Forest,but then Celestia used powerful magic and raised the great divide."

"Impossible!" shouted Boulder, much to Mordane and Stalker’s surprise. “Well umm... I mean, Even Celestia is not that strong."

"True," Mordane continued, flashing a grin. “She did only raise one mountain to seal the passes between the north and south. Even that was probably done with a lot of help. That's not important though, what is important is that it cut Luna off from her kingdom and reinforcements. Within weeks Celestia cornered her in the palace of the two pony sisters. From there she was finally consumed by darkness. She became Nightmare Moon."

A chill ran up the three ponies’ spines. So few associated Luna with that name, but these three had been around enough to know the truth of it.

“I have a bad feeling about this place, Mordane," Stalker spoke up, the fortress obviously wrecking his nerves. “It could very well become our coffin if we are not careful."

"What choice do we have?" Mordane said quietly.

"We could run. Drop everything and run. Anypony with half a brain would follow you out of here."

“I won't do that. It would make everything I've done down here pointless. I can save them, Stalker," Mordane said as his eyes hardened and jaw set. “I will save them.”

The ponies scurried about like ants cutting down trees for repairs and barrels to store grass. Luckily a well was found deep in the fortress, so water would not be a problem. The old and broken enchantments had proven impossible to repurpose or repair, so Mordane found himself without much to do.

Once inside, the full scope of the fortress had been revealed. It was in the shape of a hexagon with a short tower at each corner. The four towers they had seen formed half of the structure. The two outer towers had a wall between them with a tower in the exact center. Behind that wall was a place Mordane had mentally labeled the inner sanctum.

The inside caught Mordane off guard.

The walls were covered with carvings of bat winged ponies and celestial guards attacking each other forever in stark relief. They were carved in intricate detail with a style and care meant to stand the test of time.
He moved from picture to picture until finding the oldest one.

It showed Luna standing upon a rampart in a city next to the ocean, her hoof pointing to two ponies raising a flag atop a stone tower that seemed familiar. It took a moment before realizing that it was the Corner tower of this very fortress. Below stood a sea of ponies in obvious jubilation. A small inscription read: "On the beginning of this glorious night, the old tyrant’s mask is stripped away. Down with her burdening sun. Down with her Solar imperious. All hail the Lunar Republic!"

Chills ran up his spine as he moved to the next one depicting a battle. Bat pony soldiers clashes with Solar guards as the princess stood above them, Luna's face pouring out hatred and righteous fury as she wielded a wickedly curved scythe and her hoof pointing emphatically at her enemy with lightning flowing all around her. Celestia stood tall and balanced, her chin high and eye glaring from under a battle helm. At her side rested a massive hammer. She seemed to burn with a great inner light and heat that even her own soldiers shied away from.

So she was more open with her nature in the past.

Scene after scene, battle after battle. Soon the war seemed to shift into Luna's favor with Celestia depicted as on the run.

Then the last two walls. The first showed Celestia, destroying the defences of this very fortress. Then Luna casting some kind of spell over the place before giving pursuit.

The last image seemed haphazardly cut, as if it was done by more than one artist. It depicted a furious Celestia reaching into the very earth to call forth a mountain. With a council of military ponies standing over a map with a cleaver.

The inscription read. “The Sun Tyrant has taken our Princess from us by casting the southern lands aside. One day though the tyrant will return. One day she will come to reclaim these lands. Let us split them and govern in true harmony, until that day when we shall rise together as one to cast her down."

"Hello." Mordane gasped and spun around at the sudden voice.

"Oh, Steady Gaze, you startled me." He let out a chuckle

"I did? Well that's your fault I suppose... Now, what do we have here."

Steady Gaze began looking over the reliefs.

"This represents the ancient war between-"

"The sun tyrant and Lunar princess. Yes, I can tell." Steady frowned at Mordane before looking back at the stone work.

"You know what this is?"

"Of course. Who among the southern lands does not know the legend of the sun tyrant? Of her army of gleaming guards or her supposed dominion of the sky." Steady laughed. “It’s just an old mare’s tale, though quite fantastical. I mean, really, one nation holding sway over all of these lands and more? It’s ridiculous."

Steady Gaze's words were difficult for Mordane to wrap his head around.

“You’re saying-" He paused, deciding to approach the question differently. “Have you heard of the name Celestia?"

"...Isn't that the name of a school up north, beyond the great divide or something?" he asked, scratching his head. “What does that have to do with these?"

"Have you ever heard of the Lunar Republic?"

"No. What are you getting at?"

Mordane found it difficult to accept, but he was starting to see something.

"Tell me about this legend, Steady gaze. Tell me about this... Sun Tyrant."

Steady Gaze raised an eyebrow at Mordane’s line of questions but then shrugged and tapped his chin.

"I don't care much for such silly tales, but here it goes. A thousand years ago all the land from the southern tip to the great divide was one nation. When the sun tyrant descended, the Lunar princes fought against her, in the end laying down her life as she was broken by the mountain. I mean, when the sun queen threw a mountain on top of her or so the story goes."

"That's, interesting."

"Indeed. It goes on to say that the current nobles of the land are descended from the bloodline of her council of generals. All of this, of course, is ridiculous "

"Then who raises the sun?"

The stallion looked at Mordane like he was crazy.

"Nopony. The sun moves on its own by the great pulse."

Mordane could no longer resist the urge to allow his mouth to hang open.

"Great pulse?"

The pony nodded wisely.

"I suppose it's understandable that you have not been properly taught. Look, the great pulse is the surge of magic in the umbra every evening and morning that fuels its rotation. It comes from the natural magic of the world. Honestly, I don't know why ponies insist that everything...” He sighed at Mordane's increasingly confused face. “The umbra I assume?" Mordane nodded “The umbra is the top of the world. You know… the sky?"

The alicorn stood there with his mouth opening and closing repeatedly, his face slipping between laughter to confusion as he processed the shift in thought.

“Surely you've heard of Equestria’s princess."

"That she raises the sun? Hardly. The sun has risen for time untold. I do not know how long she has ruled whatever land that survives north of the mountain... Equestria you called it?" The stallion grew thoughtful. “Equestria, Equestria. Now where have I heard that before...? Ah! That's where you’re from isn't it?" He laughed heartily, causing his robes to shake. “That princess must have pulled the wool right over your eyes."

Steady Gaze continued to chatter on about kings and their lies as Mordane pretended to listen.

He knew of this great pulse. Everypony did, kind of, but it was seen for what it was in the north: Celestia’s spell in the morning to raise the sun. He had felt her magic and seen her cast it. Yet, here was a stallion mistaking the actions of an individual for a natural product of nature.

Mordane shook his head to dispel the thoughts.

“So why is this place abandoned?" Mordane said, wincing.

"It's too far out from any villages is my guess. Simply would cost too much to support it. According to the locals though, it is cursed. It’s not though. We once slept here a day before because of the weather, and had no trouble."

"You and High Rise have been here before?"

"Oh, yes. We escorted some archaeologist from Herridon. It was quite boring."

Mordane nodded and turned to leave, but then stopped. Something about that statement seemed to set off a bell in his head. However the concerns of the defences called to him. Shrugging he left.

He trotted out to the first inner courtyard, just inside the first walls. There he found Boulder shouting at a bunch of other stallions while standing next to a pile of trees.

"No, NO! A trebuchet is not that difficult to make. It’s simply a counterweight moving a short distance to make something a lot smaller move a longer distance faster. Then it releases and flies at the enemy."

"Why don't you use the bigger weight? Won't it cause more damage?" asked one soldier scratching her head. “And what do you mean the smaller one will go a farther distance? Isn't the pole in the middle? Why don't we just have the pegasi drop the rocks on them?"

Boulder face hoofed before groaning loudly.

“Look, we are going to be fighting for a long time. The pegasi would all be killed off if we sent them out to do that."

"So? Less of those bug teeth to waste the money splitting on the iron. Am I right, earth ponies?"

Their laughter echoed across the courtyard. Boulder’s face turned from white to red as he trembled from undiluted rage.


"Boulder!" Mordane shouted, cutting the stallion off. “I’m sure that... this pony was only making a joke." Mordane turned to them and gave a smile. “We need those pegasi to act as arrow collectors, messengers and food transporters. Without them we will have to draw away from the few ponies we have to defend such large outer walls. The unicorns will be busy resisting magical spells. That leaves you earth ponies to do the bulk of the fighting."

“Earth ponies doing the bulk of the hard work. What a shocker," the mare said, rolling her eyes.

Mordane simply blinked before charging his horn and hitting her with a sudden rush of wind.

The ponies stumbled back before recovering and reaching for their swords.

"That could have very well been a blast of fire," Mordane said coldly, staying their hooves. “Or perhaps even spikes to impale you where you stand? Maybe I would have animated your corpses and have them turn on your fellow fighters? Perhaps I'd have simply crushed you and let the ensuing shower of blood cool off your friends. Who knows? It could have been almost anything. None of you are wearing enchanted armor to protect your bodies and minds. I could have ripped out your soul."

The earth ponies turned stock still at the list of ways Mordane could have killed them, a chill settling into their bones. Mordane continued to frown and stare as he waited for the idea to sink in before continuing.

"Now, I'm a half decent magic user. These ponies though? They are skilled, battle hardened unicorns with a deep military training. They will kill you every chance they get, and what is going to stop them? Pegasi with disruptive weather to make it difficult to cast and unicorns to fight them off. We can't even hope to attack. The only advantage we have is that we can prepare. They will bring their own, so when I say you will be doing most of the fighting, Realize that I mean the hoof to hoof because the rest of us will be trying our best to prevent your ass-holes from being pulled out through your throat."

Mordane turned and gave a curt nod to Boulder, who saluted in return, before turning to continue trying to get the ponies to successfully make something he had learned to do in basic.

Mordane watched Boulder for a time before leaving to go to the outer wall.

Standing just outside the corner tower, Stalker stared out over the open field. The sun was beginning to set even as birds flocked and flowers waved, unknowing of what was about to come.

"I said it before and I'll say it again: We should run, Mordane," he said as his eye twitched. "Every instinct I have says run."

"Sometimes you can't run, Stalker,” Mordane said, taking a seat beside him. “I won't abandon them and all the money we have earned. It would be a waste."

"A waste? Maybe. Delaying though would be much worse," Stalker said bitterly, looking at his hooves before sighing. “I’m getting older Mordane. I'm not blessed with your youth."

"What? You can't be older than like thirty max," Mordane said with a snort. “I’ve seen ponies carrying couches your age."

Stalker looked at him incredulously, mock horror on his face.

"I'm forty."

"Forty?" Mordane said surprised. “I’m just learning all kinds of things today. Doesn’t that mean you were-"

"Twenty eight when I started following you." He snorted. “Still, I miss delivering papers."

“Well, I was just in the deeper part of this place. Did you know that the ponies down here think that the war between Nightmare Moon and Celestia was fake?" Mordane questioned as he began to examine the stonework.

"Yeah, that was quite a shocker as a small colt, I admit. Learning that The Sun Tyrant was a real thing gave me nightmares for weeks."

Mordane stopped what he was doing and looked at Stalker with an open mouth and raised eyebrows.

“Oh don't look at me like that, Mordane. I was a child and it was a different time."

“What do you mean?" Mordane asked.

"Well," Stalker replied, looking over to the setting sun. "Do you remember Luna's return?"

"Yes," Mordane snorted.”I was… ten? I think? My father was the first to notice. I remember him gasping and telling us to go inside. Did not know until years later what it had meant."

"Well down here it meant something else... The moon was our protector. The pony whose seal on the moon guarded us from the burning tyrant of the north. Yet one day, in a flash, she was gone. Towns following the old religion panicked. Villages burned."

He paused as if remembering some terrible sight before continuing.

"History is history, I suppose. The various kings claimed the right to rule. Pulling on rank over a thousand years old passed down and only kept in ledgers and spoken of at parties. Disagreements arose. Bloodlines split, and after two years the strain grew too large. War came. Nations fell. My family sought answers. They sent me and many more to the north to bring back proof that the sun tyrant was not real... We found the opposite."

Mordane nodded his head. It did not surprise him.

"War has a way of begetting war, while reason seems to only bring anger. To everypony it seems the same."

Stalker nodded.

“That uh… come from your other life? It’s kind of dark.”

"Yes, yes it is. Remind me to tell you about it sometime," Mordane said with a smile that turned to a frown as he turned to squint at the horizon, before turning and running to the opposite side of the wall. “SCOUTS! ENEMY SCOUTS SIGHTED! PEGASI FRONT AND CENTER!"

His call was echoed through the fortress. Quickly three dozen pegasi came to stand in front of him, followed shortly by High Rise.

"What is it, Mordane?"

"I see an enemy pegasus patrol on the wind."


"We must destroy them if we wish to avoid being found for awhile longer."

High Rise looked confused for a moment before the reality of the situation seemed to dawn on him.

"Of course! The others and I will take care of this. You go and... organize the barrels of grass or something."

High Rise signaled to his fellow pegasi who took off and quickly headed for the dots on the horizon. Mordane swallowed his pride and watched them go before saying one last thing to High Rise.

"Good luck."

Another awkward pause and a smile slowly spread across the mercenary captain’s face.

"Luck has nothing to do with anything, Mordane."

With a blast of air he took to the sky, leaving Mordane to consider what happened and why he felt so strange about it.

Hours passed, there was no sign of High Rise or the other pegasi. Mordane soon found himself tired, deciding to head straight for bed.

The sun shone brightly over Ponyville, its rays piercing his eye. He was not keen to meeting the sun. Not only for its wielder, but for what it seemed to hold against him. After all even if he did not like it the sun still brought warmth and was necessary for life.

That thought brought the taste of ash to his mouth.

Thirsty, so thirsty.

Stepping into a diner he ordered a sunday from the kindly old seller, the sight of him filling him with warmth. It was good to see business and construction in the world; a world where ponies seemed content to meander along without fear or care, even as they had faced death a thousand times.

How contemptible they seemed.

Mordane slurped down the soda/ice cream mix. A town favorite. He tasted ash again.

Paying the pony and leaving a tip, Mordane waved as he left promising to return and bring friends. He might even do it if he had time.

Ponies seemed to be going about their ordinary day, bouncing, running and traveling by a variety of personally accented ways. Oh how he hated that. Why wouldn't they just walk? Pegasi flying he could understand; it was in their nature. But why did some of the earth ponies bounce?

Mordane came up to the tree house, mentally going down a checklist. He was in a dark mood today and so would need to take extra precautions against acting strange around Twilight. A few mental blocks shifted. Actions he would not consider before were allowed to be there. Some others were tightened. It took only a moment but he had to pause. Why had he not done this before? Here he was standing in front of the door like an idiot.

Pushing open the door, he gave a quick smile to Spike who gave him a wide grin in return. The two of them had hit if off a while ago. The scaly creature had even started calling him friend weirdly. Mordane, of course, accepted it; There was no reason to make Twilight upset.

The conversation was banal and simple enough. Mordane allowed most of his thoughts to wander as he discussed going swimming later and how Spike should not work so much. A simple recall of past events told him Twilight was likely still upstairs getting up from bed or other such things to occupy herself. None of his business.

The number of books though brought back that ash taste again. Why did Twilight live here? In a library meant for research. He had deduced shortly after arrival that this structure was meant to be a research library. Open to students and researchers studying the Everfree but that is not what happened anymore. No, taxpayer money went to house a unicorn from a noble family. Celestia’s personal student.

Quickly he chided himself. Twilight had saved Equestria several times at least. She was entitled to compensation from society. Perhaps that's why he felt upset. He had done nothing to deserve special treatment.

Once again he considered just telling her. Perhaps there was a way to convince her to not tell Celestia. Then again, perhaps not. Already in his mind he could see the chains. They wrapped all around her. All around Spike. These chains of his mind stretched all the way to Canterlot and a pony with a benign smile.

Oh, he knew what would happen. Someone that old, that wise, would FEEL the change in Twilight’s approach. Would investigate.

Then she would know.

It would start with a visit and a sad smile wondering why he did not trust her. Then it would be compliments and comments on the wisdom of his caution. With guile and words, soon all his secrets would be bare. Her eyes would pierce his soul and then he would be hers. Go there do this.

A puppet.

Just like Twilight.

Just like FUCKING Twilight.

And he was no puppet. He was no fool.

Twilight came down the stairs and smiled at him as well.

"Hello, master," he said with a grin.

He had no master.

Mordane shuddered and awoke from his sleep with the dream’s dark edges still clinging to him.

He remembered that day. He remembered getting the ice cream and the warm smiles. Those thoughts though. That feeling of hate. Had that been his own?

It had been a lifetime ago when he did away with his anger and fear. Why then did he feel them so strong in his memory?

Mordane pondered these questions sitting in the dark room ignoring the clatter outside. Soon though, the door slammed open.

Mordane reacted instantly and pretended to be asleep before the door even hit the wall.

"Mordane! Get up!" Stalker shouted as he rushed in.

"Eh?" He said, rubbing the crust from his eyes. "What is it?"

"It’s- It’s, uhh, just come. See for yourself!"

Mordane jumped up and nodded for Stalker to lead the way. They moved quickly through the halls.

Ponies ran about confused and shouting for somepony to tell them what was going on. Had the enemy attacked? The three friends galloped out to the fortress gate, then through the second wall gate before skidding to a halt. Mordane made his way past the twenty or so ponies, milling about and quietly mumbling, to find a dozen or so dead or dying guards.

The earth ponies laid broken against the wall. Blood poured and pooled from great wounds in their sides. He quickly noted which ones were dead and unconscious before trotting over and checking a pony breathing heavily while leaning against the wall.

“Where did they go?” he asked the ponies. They only looked around nervously until one of the bodies gurgled. A spear was stuck into his stomach allowing the internal pressure of his body to begin pushing blood out of him through the gaping wound. Such an injury was a promise of lingering death if not for magic. A quick spell told him however, that the damage was even worse even than that. His liver was punctured and the poisons within had spread throughout his insides. Even if they could stop the bleeding, there was no helping this pony.

Mordane kneeled in the blood and whispered into the pony’s ear.

“Tell me what happened.”

"Kill me," the pony gurgled, barely able to draw breath. "I would rather have a quick death."

Mordane nodded, a frown hanging on his face.

"I will soon. Give me an answer first. Where did the enemy go?”

"No, not the enemy, High Rise."

Mordane blinked and pulled back his head. The pony was trembling, his eyes glazing over. "High Rise did this. Now please end-"

With no hesitation Mordane drew his sword and stabbed the pony through the heart. He gurgled and with a sigh passed from the world.

Mordane stood there, absentmindedly wiping his sword on the pony’s shirt. High Rise had done this?

The idea made sense, but something so horrible he just could not accept. It did not feel real that someone would so easily and simply betray those that he commanded. His head snapped to the wall and closed front gate before he took to the air and landed on its walkway.

At the edge were the carts with several teams latching themselves to them. They were just finishing and he saw them quickly take to the air. Teams of six to pull the heavy iron. From where he stood he saw Steady Gaze casting a spell of protection. The old unicorn spotted him and gave a shrug before saying something over his shoulder.

Then came High Rise, out of the now consolidating mass of pegasi. He signaled to the rest and soon the carts were in the air.

Mordane began to tremble and seethe at the sight. Already his mind knew that there was no way for High Rise to have done this and still have captured those enemy pegasi. That they had, without doubt, already informed their superiors of his position. That there was no escape for the other ground based ponies. High Rise had lead them to this place and turned it into a trap.

Mordane felt a terrible pressure building in the back of his head.

Boulder watched as Mordane spoke to the dying pony and drew back in shock at his sudden killing of him. Then he ran after Mordane up to the top of the wall arriving just in time to see High Rise and the other pegasi lifting off.

Mordane stood stock still trembling. His eyes wide at the sight. His sword laid forgotten at his feet. Boulder stepped closer to the stallion.

That was when the ground began to tremble.

Slowly - jerkingly - Mordane's face twitched, morphing into one of utter fury. His brow furrowed. Mouth twitching as he bared his teeth. Boulder could no longer tell if Mordane was shaking or if the ground was. Darkness fell over him. Boulder looked up and his mouth opened in awe.

Gray clouds begun to spin into being. Gusts that seemed to expand in power billowed Mordane's coat. Boulder could’ve sworn that a light was shining from the alicorn eyes.

A growl escaped Mordane lips before he drew a deep breath.

"HIIIIIIGGHHHHHH RRRIIISSSSEEEE!!!!" The shout shook Boulder to his bones and forced him to clap his hooves over his ears. Fear overcame him and Boulder trembled.


Boulder cracked an eye to see High Rise in the distance facing them on the far edge of the clearing.


Beyond the range that Mordane could hear, High Rise chuckled as he, and his ponies, prepared to move out.

"Well, Mordane. You wanted my army. So, you can have it. Good luck with the enemy forces. They should be arriving in the hour."

Laughter rang from the wind as High Rise turned and headed to the horizon, his pegasi following.

Mordane snarled. His eyes were glowing, Boulder was certain of it. The ground’s shaking continued and overhead he heard the peal of thunder. He fired bolts of force again and again after the pegasus.


Mordane roared at the sky as rain came down.

Boulder stared wide eyed at this pony, no this… alicorn. His heart stuck in his chest. Death seeming a breath away. His eyes, fixated on the image, could not break away from the gritting teeth and scrunched up face, but as he watched it shifted. Pain twisted into his features.

With a strangled cry Mordane slumped to his knees then to the ground. His heavy lidded eyes closed as the ground ceased to shake.

Boulder sat there shaking and staring at Mordane. A few seconds ticked by… then a minute, then five minutes. Stalker came up over the wall and landed in a blur on three hooves. The fourth had a blade drawn and it flicked back and forth as he assessed the situation.




"Wha-?" Boulder said, shaking his head.

"What happened, Boulder?" Stalker asked through a strained voice.

"I... I do not know. It was..." He paused, looking at his hooves. "Terrifying. High Rise and the other pegasi took the wagons of iron. They abandoned us here."

Stalker blinked. Then blinked again, before snarling and ramming his knife into the stonework.

"THAT BUCKING BASTARD. WHEN I GET MY HOOVES ON HIM I'LL GELD THE SON OF A DONKEY BITCH!" He dropped the now blunt and bent knife before spitting on it. “What did he do to Mordane?”

“Nothing! He… expended a lot of will. It must be magical overload.”

Stalker nudged Mordane’s shoulder and groaned as the alicorn reacted less than the stonework. Reaching into his satchel he pulled out a small yellow envelope.

"What’s that?"

"Waking agent. Made from the droppings of a baby dragon I found in Ponyville mixed with manticore piss and a flower called Viridian. It could wake a hydra from a twenty year sleep."

Stalker flipped open the envelope before quickly running it under Mordane's nose.

With a start the young alicorn jumped to his hooves and began to repeatedly sneeze.

"Stalker! -achoo- Boulder!- snort- High Rise! - hack- enemy forces are close. We need to - snort, achoo- Rally the forces. Enemy will be here soon."

Stalker tossed Mordane a flask of water which he promptly began to snort up his nose and sneeze out in order to get the smell away as quickly as possible.

"We can't do that, Mordane! Without the pegasi or Steady Gaze for that matter there is no way we can hold this fort. We should take the army and try to punch through."

"No, we would lose half our forces - achoo-," Mordane said through bloodshot eyes and a runny nose.

"They will all be dead if we don't do something!" Boulder shouted, but Mordane waved off his plight.

"We must hold, for three days. Then we will have - achoo- reinforcements. Then we can get out of this business."

Stalker continued to scan the area, his instincts fully alert. Boulder adjusted his armor. Mordane finally got over his sneezing and looked around.

Already a few dozen ponies could be seen running for the tree line, their tails wagging in the breeze. A part of him might’ve even called them cute. In the inner courtyard ponies were milling about, some preparing to leave, others preparing the defence.

Mordane took a moment to prepare himself, taking note of the situation and tone that would be needed, making a few mental notes and getting into the right state of mind.

"Hear me! Ponies hear me!" The mercenaries down below did not seem to pay attention. Instead more and more began to pour out of the inner keep. Soon the entire place would be in a chaotic mess.

Very well then...


That got their attention. All conversation in the courtyard stopped as ponies looked at him wide eyed. Mordane decided to continue before their shock wore off.

"High Rise has betrayed us." The crowd began to murmur. "SHUT UP! Now there are a few things that we have to make clear. First off, if we try to punch through now, half of you will die."

The crowd, even with its size, was able to create absolute silence.

"If we surrender then all of us will become slaves. That’s if they don't decide to just kill us outright.”
“Then what would you have us do?” shouted a pony from the crowd.

“I would have you fight! Fear is our greatest enemy here. There is hope. We must hold out for three days. Then we can go find that greedy bastard High Rise and teach him the cost of being a traitorous fool!”

A few cheers echoed through the courtyard but it was obvious most felt unsure. Mordane steeled himself and reached in deep. He needed to be convincing.

“Oh… Oh, I see.” An inquisitive feel seemed to ripple through the crowd to his eyes. Setting his jaw he continued as more and more ponies poured into the courtyard. “You stallions and mares are afraid. Good! You should be. That is a standing army headed our way. With swords sharp and tongues thirsty for blood. My blood! Your blood! Yet I know what it is that stays that twisting fear.”

Mordane smiled and spread his hooves.


A few chuckles echoed through the crowed. More than had cheered before. He continued.

“Yes, money is what stills your quaking hearts. Money and a chance. Let me tell you, if we hold this place then gold and iron will be yours galore! Not only will our allies pay us, we will have the rights to the spoils of battle. Armor, weapons and so much more! High Rise will quake and we will make him pay in both blood and the iron he did unrightfully take.”

“That's right!” Murmurs of agreement now. The clopping of a few hooves against the stone floor echoed as most were nodding their heads in agreement. Mordane began to pace along the rampart in front of them. Most of the army was in the courtyard now.

“Yet I know you are no fool. What do my promises mean if there is no hope?” Mordane stopped and stared wide eyed down at the now attentive crowd. “Ah, but have we forgotten our allies. Our friends. They wish more than us to see the enemy fallen. Three days we must hold, maybe four! Then riches will be ours, for every living pony here!”

The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves as Mordane threw his hooves towards the sky.

“Now prepare the defenses! We will hold!”