• Published 26th Jan 2013
  • 20,716 Views, 1,924 Comments

Mordane Stronghoof - Mr Stargazer

After an existential journey goes wrong, a man finds himself in Equestiria. With no way to return home he has no choice but to find a path in a new body. Will he discover a place to belong once again in this new land, or be forced to carve one out?

  • ...


If you asked any noble of the southern land the king of Herridon was a blubbering, fat, arrogant moron that was completely white, with brown eyes and gray hooves.

At least that was the opinion of anypony who met him. He arrived in Tietus under the invitation of King Barbarous. He spent the first two days on an extensive round of debauchery that put even the sleaziest of Tietus ‘nobles’ to shame.

The first time they met was the day of Mordane’s battle. King Fancy fluffed up his wig before putting on his best smile

“Barbarous! So nice to meet you and to purview your fair city.”

The king of Herridon retured his as he was led onto their closed of personal stage separated from the crowd by a ironwood fence.

“Fancy! It is good to finally meet you my good friend. Sometimes I feared my letters were being intercepted and someone less noble was reading them.”

Fancy laughed.

“Not at all Barbarous. Each has been burned as I’m sure the ones I sent you have been. Now tell me, is it true?” He asked, eyes twinkling.

“Indubitably. I have indeed procured the Bloody Commander to fight in the first round you will see. We will see if he lives up to his legend.”

“I’m sure he will! I’m sure he will!”Fancy sat down in his throne chair next to the king of Tietus, the chair creaking a little. “Or at least make it past the first round.”

"I don’t know about that. Well sit down, you’ve arrived just in time the announcer was waiting to start…”


Trixie sat in the stands, nervous, looking down at the field. She had asked around about the arena and heard…disturbing things.

Things she wouldn’t have believed a few years about but now…now she was nervous.

“Bloody Commander, WOOO!”

Trixie flinched from the loud voice behind her as the crowd was riled up.

“-and here he is the Bloody Commander. Stronghoof!”

The crowd roared.


Mordane blinked rapidly. His eyes adjusting to the bright sand and glaring sun.

As he walked he reached into the robe and unbuckled the clasp allowing his black cloak to hang loosely over him.

“In accordance with tradition, this murderer has been sentenced to death, but victory will mean his freedom! Commander, Are you prepared?”

In answer Mordane drew his blade and let the cloak slide off.

“Then! We begin!”

Suddenly in a flash of light a large number of ponies were teleported in.

Mordane did not hesitate. He didn’t think.

First thing he did was charge.

The first pony was an earth pony who came toward him with a pike. Mordane slashed and knocked the weapon to the side as an arrow flew past and hit an earth pony charging him.

He swung and much to his surprise it connected with the earth pony's neck.

Mordane didn’t have time to asses the damage to the first pony, a unicorn was levitating a sword in front of herself. He didn’t engage with her and instead took the opportunity to take to the air and cleave off the wing of the last remaining pegasus.

Mordane impacted onto an earth pony wielding a bow.

He ignored the cracking beneath him and looked around again.

Eight ponies were left. They seemed to realize that they were outmatched.

He had grounded the only pegasi who was now unconscious and bleeding out on the ground.

There was a lull in the fighting. Many of those who were up against Mordane had only basic skill in fighting. To see him crush so many so quickly shocked them.

“Stronghoof! YEAH!”

“Bloody Commander!”

The shouts sank through the drum beat of their hearts.

Every single one began to shake.


King Barbarus jumped forward out of his seat. The expensive wine falling to the ground. Already out of his mind.

This isn’t the same pony I saw a month ago.

“Oh? This is the strength of that winged unicorn? I didn’t think a half breed would have even this in him.”

“Yes…” Barbarus’ eyes flicked around the arena and took measure.

He had expected that Mordane would die gloriously in the first round. Just like all week. The surprise and ease reminded him of the pegasus from last week.

However, he took measure of Mordane then. He knew for a fact that even with this increase in skill One Eye could defeat him.

“Hmm, I would like to make a bet with you Barbarus.” King Fancy offered.

“Oh? What bet.” He replied while still focusing on the field.

“I will bet that Mordane will make it to the last round alive.”

“Really?” Barbarus laughed. “How much?”

“How, about fifty thousand.”


A ridiculous sum. No less than one sixth of Herridon’s gross national budget if memory served him and nearly one twenty fourth of his.


Barbarus looked at Fancy.

To many ponies Fancy was an incompetent. A fat blubbering fool. It was true that he was a Hedonist but Barbarus knew the other side through their letters.

He was cunning, Twisting everything in service to his own lust.

To put up such an amount of money meant that he was certain.

Unfortunately for him, Barbarus knew for a fact Mordane had no chance. Even if by some miracle he beat One Eye he would be shattered by Glimmer.



White teeth and hot flame. His master's lessons resonated back to him.

When the enemy stands before you don’t hesitate.

Mordane pushed away his feelings a few moments after they appeared.

Leveling his blade at a group of three earth ponies. One carried a pike while the other two had swords.

He charged the dozen feet between them in an instant. He swung and knocked aside the pike then the sword. He drove past their defences and sheathed his blade into the swordponie’s chest while driving the pike wielding pony back into the arena wall. He grabbed the first sword pony blade with his right wing and flipped around to drive it to deflect the strike coming from the other sword pony. With a bit of luck the blade deflected and embedded itself into his neck.

He took a moment to draw his blade across the last ones throat and flew to the air just in time to avoid two arrows.

He stopped at his arch and saw an archer standing alone. He arched down and impacted the pony hard. Snapping his bow as he embedded his blade into him.

Turning around two swords ponies were rushing him. He took them head on.

They are all slow compared to Smut Peddler

He blasted a wall of wind at them, breaking their footing before darting forward and hacking into them.

Mordane’s attacks were savage. Each one carried with it a spray of blood, much of which came back to him.

Still though he was not particularly seeking to kill these ponies so he didn’t go for the kill unless he had to. Despite this he had no delusions. Several ponies would likely not be getting up from those cuts. You don’t get that much blood unless you hit something vital.

Looking around he saw the remainder of the ponies grouping together near the exit. Their eyes wide as they shook in fear.

He jogged over to a pike and picked it up in a wing before charging the ponies.

The pike deflected off one's shield and impaled into the shoulder of another. Mordane drew his sword and deflected one of the others sword as he passed through the line in their defence.

It was over in a moment.

Breathing steadily but with no desperation he trotted to the center of the stadium and picked back up his sword.

The crowd roared. Their voices hitting him like wall he nearly jumped out of his skin.

Around him ponies laid groaning as side doors opened to take them out. Many of the ponies would survive but others not. Mordane though didn’t notice that. All he could hear was the cheering.

It shook him, bored into his soul and so Mordane found something in him that he never knew he needed.

It welled up in him from his chest, up his neck and to his mouth. HIs smile shown large and proud.

For the first time in either life, he felt...right.


Trixie sat frozen as the crowd cheered around her. The bloody sight bellow shocked more than anything she had ever seen. The clear brutality with which Mordane had fought caught her. He had flowed through the battlefield as if it was home.

He had killed with no sign of hesitation.

blo-bloody commander

She was sick, but she couldn’t look away. Caked in blood Mordane raised his hoof to the crowd and smiled.

The king of Herridon laughed, a deep bellowing laugh as Barburus whispered a few commands to a servant who ran off quickly.

“Two more rounds to go before I am richer, eh Barbarus?”

“Quite, next though is One Eye.”

“One Eye?” Fancy rubbed his belly “Isn’t that the earth pony that specializes in fighting pegasi?”

Barbarus nodded. “He is a strong fighter, never uses a weapon. Says it's how he lost his first eye.”

Fancy snorted and began to be transfixed by a bowl of cherries. Barbarus decided to pace the time with a few reports form the Irona senate.


Mordane sat on his near one of the side doors as slaves washed him. He sat as medics poured over thee wounded.

Personally, he found it odd that there were so many medics, but then again the number of ponies that would willingly enter the arena was small and the supply of convicts small. It made a certain amount of sense to have enough medical care to match the rate of attrition in the arena.

His heart was beating. The smile had fallen from his eyes but still touched his lips. Like a kiss from some long forgotten lover, it shocked him. His chest had exploded with the cheers.

That was like nothing I’ve ever felt. It was like I was...alive.

He shivered as sparks shot up his spine. He felt a strength flood into him.

But it was not enough, The rushing feeling seemed to flow to his heart. There it poured into a chasm.

Mordane had always felt empty, a hunger that no amount of food could fill. The crowd though, cheering. It was the only thing to ever fill that within him, even if a little. He had always been hungry, this didn’t satisfy though, it only made him feel the hunger even more.

“Thank you for waiting ponies!” The announcer's voice began again. Mordane stood and made his way to the doors, pushing his way out into the arena.

“You know him as the heavy stone, The one eyed monster! Veteran of the first Irona rebellion! Now he will test the mettle of the Bloody Commander!”

One Eye was waiting for him.

“So. Here you are.” One Eye said just loud enough for Mordane to hear.“You think you got what it takes to kill me this time?”

"I don’t rightly know.” Mordane said matching One eyes speech.“That’s what everyone is here to see.”

One Eye chuckled. Then his brow furrowed.

He snorted and stomped his hoof.

“You ready to die?”

“That” Mordane snarled “that won’t happen.”

One eye struck, swinging low and fast. Mordane jumped to the side. He flew and impacted the wall before rebounding.

Mordane slid to a stop. Looking up he saw One eye was already in front of him swinging again.


Mordane was struck dead center on his chest. He slid a few feet back and slipped to his knees.

“Well.” One eye said, standing near him “You have improved a little.”

Mordane said nothing, his eyes looking at the ground and messy hair covering them.

“For a half breed, your not bad. You should have probably used your sword.”

Mordane didn’t listen to One Eye, he instead replayed that last moment in his head. The hoof hitting him. The force to push him back. Then the feeling of…

“I’d say if you had five more years-”

Mordane struck.

He moved between him and One Eye in a blink. Raising his hoof, One Eye moved to counter, but Mordane adjusted. Their hooves impacting him directly.

And stopped.

The crowd gasped as Mordane and One Eye jumped back. No one had ever taken One Eye’s blows head on before.

Mordane smilled.

It worked

One Eye’s eye opened wide as a grin sliding slowly across his face. He than trotted up to Mordane who, though slightly surprised, matched and met him in the center of the ring.

“Well...ain’t that a bit of a surprise. You have earth pony in ya too?” One Eye cocked his head to the side. He spoke low enough that no one else could hear them “Plus you've learned the old magic.”

“It's a neat trick I give you that.” Mordane replied. “I didn’t realize that I could pull the earth's strength into myself, but when I sensed that energy in your hoof”

One Eye laughed.

“You know, you're something else. Don’t think you can beat me, but if you do….”


“I’d follow yah.” One Eye said seriously.“I respect the strong.”

Mordane stared blankly for a moment before nodding.

“Then I will speak to you after this is over.” He began to turn, before suddenly striking at One Eye.

One Eye blocked and countered with his right hoof. Mordane sidestepped before sticking again. The two exchanged blows continually. Their forehooves barely touching the ground. Each blow that connected sounded like a drum. Mordane received twice as many blows as One eye but he wouldn’t let himself fall.

He kept trying to speed up but found that having to kick off the ground limited him. Suddenly he had an idea.

Mordane jumped back crossing ten feet to the wall he impacted hooves first and rebonded. In an instant One Eye did the same. However, Mordane had his wings in the forward position.

So as he moved toward One Eye he pumped his wings and accelerated even more.

One Eye didn’t have time to react. Mordane’s hoof impacted on the right shoulder causing One Eye to tumble uncontrolled to the ground. Mordane however took to the sky.

One Eye shakingly rose to his hooves and stared at Mordane in the air.

The crowd was a smattering of cheers, whispers and slack jaws.

Mordane was working overtime though.

Bloody hell he is tough. I don’t think I have the endurance to match him. Nor speed without my wings. How do I defeat him?

Then Mordane got an idea.

He took himself as high into the air as he could then dove toward One Eye.

The earth pony's mouth drew into a flat line before he tensed up to take the strike.

Mordane though had a different idea. Before hitting he bladed a wall of air at him.

All the force of Mordane’s dive was transferred to the air. It was like a brick wall by the time it hit One Eye.

He went flying but Mordane wasn’t done.

Impacting the ground he judged where One Eye would land and took off. Reaching him before he could touch the ground with his hoof.

Mordane knew that earth ponies must touch the ground to draw strength from it. So when he impacted One Eye at full speed in the stomach he had no defence.

The two of them hit the wall, but Mordane didn’t let them fall. He extended his wings and hovered, pinning One Eye with his rear hooves to the wall.

He pummeled him, not giving a moment for him to recover.

Each blow grew weaker as the earth strength bled out but One Eye’s matched. Soon there was none left. One Eye struggled but couldn’t get away from Mordane, his strength faded as quick as Mordane’s but he could reverse against the pony.

Soon, One Eye’s struggling stopped as he slipped into unconsciousness.

Mordane flew backwards and landed in the arena center. His hooves sore and heart beating like a hammer.

Then the crowd roared

So close.

Trixie was sitting on the edge of her seat.

“Did you see that!?” The pony beside her yelled. “He is strong!”

The ponies cheered and in Trixie’s heart she began to realize.

Mordane might just win this.

Mordane was waving to the crowd as he stepped off the stage. Other ponies went over to One Eye who came to and was able to walk himself out, getting cheers of his own from the crowd.

King Barbarous’ mouth was sealed shut. His eyes locked on Mordane as he left the arena. His mind reeling from what it had seen.

Sweet Moon Princess, if he defeats the next one I’ll be out a hundred thousand bits.

“One more Barbarus.” The king of Harridon smiled before gulping down a bowl of jelly "Only one more to go!”

Barbarus frowned and motioned over a servant.

Thirty minutes later Mordane walked out into the arena. According to Claw he was to fight two more Champions before being able to leave.

Mordane didn’t listen to to the announcer. Instead he focused on the pony coming out before him.

Red fur, black mane. Hooves clad in bright bronze and a rather large sword laid across his back. He was glaring at him.

Not just a slight anger either, but a true loathing.

“-and you know him as... The Red Flash!”

The red maned unicorn snarled. Drawing his sword and impaling it into the earth.

"Fight me!”

Mordane didn’t know why this pony was angry at him and in truth it didn’t matter.

Drawing his sword Mordane leveled it at the coming pony.

“With pleasure.”

The pony charged, his sword going straight for Mordane’s throat but it was deflected with a counter. Mordane’s eyes widened as the unicorn began to weave a spell he was familiar with.

he’s nuts!

Mordane jumped back just in time to avoid the explosion of fire that roared out in front of him.

“And he lets it out! In a flash! The instant spell caster Red Flash!"

Mordane ignored the announcer. Instead he raised his blade to catch his enemie’s as he ran forward.

The two of them exchanged blows before Red Flash disappeared.


Mordane rushed forward toward the wall. He felt as the blade nicked him.

Behind me!

Mordane slashed behind himself, but his sword passed through nothing. The only thing left was another flash dissipating.

So Mordane kicked off with his enhanced strength. He scanned the battlefield. Flash was moving around the field in sudden blinks, only pausing to throw a small flame at Mordane which he dodged easily.

He is using blink. He must see here he is going. He is not good at long range magic. How to deal with this?.

Mordane snarled as he sent a blast of air that was torn apart by another blast of fire.

The look of anger gave way to frustration on the red unicorn’s face. Mordane though, could read the quick spells in an instant.


Mordane sent another blast of air and waited until Red flash sent in another blast of flame.

Stretching out his wings he twisted the air around him before diving toward where the unicorn was.

But the unicorn was fast and sent a blast of fire right at him.

He felt a moment of searing heat, as he dodged, before impacting so hard as to leave cracks in the ground. There was a sudden pop. His legs buckled under the weight.

My leg!

Something had popped in his leg. Even as he tried to put weight on it there was shooting pain right up to his spine.

He didn’t have time to think on that though.

Where is he!?

Mordane scanned the arena, his eyes widened as he saw the unicorn most of the way through a spell.

A column of flame poured out at him. It was nicked in white and blue.

That- I can’t dodge it!

He could only finish standing and try to jump before it hit him.

In that moment he had no time to think of a new defence. So instead he reached for something that had served him for years.

Somewhere deep in his mind a connection was made.

Mordane stomped his functional forehoof and willed the ground to obey.

A wall of stone rose up and intercepted the gout of flame.

Red Flash was in shock. He saw Mordane’s horn broken, how could he-

Mordane didn’t give Red Flash time to think. He was flying like a rocket at him with blade swinging. Flash dodged but it was not enough, he was nicked.

Mordane kept up the strikes not letting Red Flash rest. Quickly he noted how much slower his enemy was now.

He has spent a lot of energy to kill me quickly. He must already be at his edge.

Soon, Red Flash made a mistake and Mordane sword sliced into the jugular.

Mordane backed off as Red Flash grabbed his neck. The blood pumping out onto the ground coming quickly due to his jackhammering heart.

Just as the stream began to weaken the pony cast another flame spell, searing his own wound shut before collapsing.

“Incredible! Bloody commander two for two!”

The crowd roared. Mordane smiled.

For some reason I’m glad that this pony is still alive. It seems a waste to have someone like him die

“Noo~. My sister."the pony whispered, face, pale from blood loss.

“You fought well.” Mordane said walking up.

“My sister"he cried. His shoulder shaking. “The king said he would free her if I defeated you.”

Mordane frowned. He looked up at the podium and considered a moment. Then he moved toward it limping slightly.

Barbarus was in shock. Fancy was laughing up a storm.

“Fifty thousand! I can restore Costa Mine with that!”

He giggled.

Barbarus stood suddenly. Then turned to his fellow king and smiled.

“I hope you aren't a sore loser Fancy.”

“Eh?” the unicorn tilted his head “But Mordane has won. He is going on to the final round.”

Stronghoof was approaching the stage. A slight glint in his eye. Barbarus thought for a few moments before smiling and standing up.

“Victorious again Mordane! I commend you.”

“Release his sister.”

Barbarus paused, before silently cursing Mordane.

I don’t have time to argue about this

“Of course! He has fought well for a long time.”

Mordane glanced back as the medic pulled Red Flash up. He caught a smile before turning back to the king.

“Are you prepared Mordane?”

“Of course. I will gain my freedom.” The crowd cheered.

“I just thought I might say. You may recognize this last pony.”

Mordane frowned but didn’t respond, instead taking his time to go back to his side of the arena.

Sitting there he was surprised when no medic showed up.

Seems like the king doesn’t want me to survive this round.

Mordane spent his time meditating. Focusing on the pain of his hoof and willing it to hurt less.

That's a serious injury. The knee is creaking when I move it. Feels like its bone related and.. He lightly placed down his hoof and a sharp jolt ran through his leg. Oh ponyfeathers. That hurts like hell. Definitely broken. I’m going to have to stay off this one.

Mordane heard some sudden shouting.

“Mordane.”he heard a voice in front of him and opened his eyes. Much to his surprise he saw Trixie there.

He saw the guards running up and raising their pikes.


The words ripped out of him in a blast. Trixie and the guards froze suddenly.

“Trixie” he said quietly “Do you know how to set a hoof?”

“Ye-yes.” She moved in and looked around a moment before opting to rip the end of her cape.

“Is that..the mare from the play ‘the pony who would be king’!?” The announcer shouted "She is famous for her play about the bloody commander! Those are true?!”

The crowd gasped and began to get riled up again.

Mordane only looked at Trixie and raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve... been dabbling in the local theater.” she said scrunching her nose and looking away.

“Smart.” Mordane smiled. “A play about me is a good way to make money. Though that makes me wonder if you plan on going with me.”

“Mordane” Trixie replied. Her brow tightening and a stab of pain entering her heart. “I-”

“Remove that mare!” Shouted the king suddenly, shaking the pony guards out of their stupor.

“Do not harm her.” Mordane said and they neared. “See to it she gets back to her seat, she belongs to me after all.”

Trixie blushed like a beat as the guards mumbled assents and lead her from the field.

Mordane took the piece of cloth Trixie had given him. Using his other hoof he made a sling and pulled the broken hoof close to his body. Wincing the whole time.

“After that odd scene. I have been told that the last pony is ready. Pulled from retirement and ready to began. We have, HIGH RISE!”


High Rise!

Mordanes eye twitched. The images of Luna’s castle, his defeat flashed before him.

Through the opening doors he saw him.

The crowd cheered.

“Last year’s victor. High Rise returns with special request from the king! Will he take this diabolical commander down?”

Mordane noted that the crowd was split between him and High Rise. At the moment though, that didn't matter to him.

“Its unfortunate, but I don’t I’ll be paying you Mordane.”

“High Rise! You dirty bastard!” Mordane spat. “Whatever reason, however you are here, you are going to regret showing yourself to me again.”

High Rise took to the air looking down at Mordane’s limping hoof and the many cuts and bruises he had accumulated. He smiled.

“You were no match when you challenged me in that town colt.”

“What's this!?” Shouted the announcer “They know each other? And there seems to be some bad blood!”

Mordane hovered up to High Rises level.

“You’re hurt I see. Think you can fight?” High Rise smiled.

Mordane drew his blade, it ground against the sheath as it came out slowly. High Rises smile fell away and he reached behind to draw a spear.

“No jokes High Rise. I swore it. No maiming, no mercy. Today you die.”

High Rises face hardened.

“Fine you little pup.” He spat “Let's see what you’ve got.”

Stretching his wing High Rise sent a blast of air at Mordane.

Mordane counted with his own blast...but High Rise’s overwhelmed his. He was pushed down to the ground but was able to day on his three hooves.

No time was given before he had to counter. His blade contacted with the thrusting spear, diverting it.

A cut on his cheek. He stomped the ground which shot up a foot but High Rise reacted, dodged and pulled back away into the air.

Mordane gave him no rest.

He blasted into the air and made contact again.

They exchanged blows. Left swing met right thrust. A blast of wind and Mordane used his own to dodge.

Then, Mordane’s broken hoof connected with the butt of High Rise’s spear.

He seized up and tumbled. He was too close so High Rise slammed the pole into his head.

He impacted hard.

To gain a moment he stomped the ground. A half foot thick stone canopy slid to cover him and cause High Rise to call off the finishing blow. Instead taking a few moments to go back high into the air.

The side of his head was throbbing, and his leg felt like it was on fire. He knew though that this was no time to give into pain. He only had a few moments.

What the hell. I had no idea he was this strong.

High Rise hit like a ton of bricks and was extremely skilled with the spear. He had moved it just was quickly as Mordane moved his sword during that exchange.

No, he can’t have...it must have been like with Peddler. He seemed faster but that was just the difference in experience. What should I do?

He still wasn’t sure but he knew that he couldn’t wait any longer.

He let his will lose focus and let the barrier weaken before punching through it and taking to the sky again.

“Whoa, Whoa, WHOA! These two are really going at it!”

High Rise impacted in a blast of air, leaving cracks in the ground where he landed before taking back to the air.

The crowd sat slacked jawed.

High Rise dove toward the rising Mordane who deflected and dodged before sending another blast of wind up at High Rise who again countered with his own wind. Mordane was able to get around it and strike at him again. Exchanging a series of blows.

When he fell back High Rise had two new cuts. He had three.

The both of them were breathing heavy.

“I have the high ground Mordane.” High Rise said. Pulling back his armor to show a cyclone mark.“You can’t reach me.”

A wind manipulating cutie mark! Plus war magic...

He had an idea

He exchanged a few more blows before darting to dodge another blast of wind.

Landing on the ground he pushed off and sent up his own blast of air, following closely behind it.

High Rise saw Mordane and the blast before thinking ‘all too easy’ and sending down a blast of air.

Mordanes air blast was dissipated and he drove his spear straight at Mordanes face.

Then a first size stone smaked him in the face.

It was all Mordane needed. He swooped past the spear and lopped off one of High Rises forelegs.

“AHGHA!!"High Rise reflexively grabbed his stump but Mordane wasn’t done.

He swung back around, kicking High Rises wing and sending him careening to the ground.

Mordane dived and High Rise rolled to the side and struggled to his hooves a few meters away.

Mordane slowed down enough to only wince from the impact.

“Damn you bastard Mordane.” High Rise drew his sword.

Mordane didn’t listen. Instead he charged.

He swung a hard right aiming at his shoulder.

High Rise blocked and stabbed.

Mordane swiped it to the side and nicked High Rise who swung again only to get a deep cut on his only remaining leg.

His scream bled with Mordane as he drove his blade into his head.

The crowd roared.

“Unbelievable! He is definately dead! High Rise has been defeated! Mordane is the new champion!”

The roaring of the crowd again shook him to his bones.

And slowly, very slowly, he smiled.


Lord of Tietus, Rightful king of Rina, Head merchant of a trade empire. King Barbarus was breathing fast and shallow. His eyes bloodshot.

Sixty thousand, I’m out a bloody sixty thousand.

Even with the profit from the tournament he would still be at a loss. This was unacceptable. What was worse was Fancy.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” He was laughing like a maniac. “I am up fifty thousand. I knew that pony had it in him! Oh don’t look so glum Barbarus!”

“Glum?” He smiled. "Why would I be glum. I’ve not lost yet.”

“No.” Fancy said suddenly serious. “I cannot let you place another fighter. That's too far-”

“Oh, I won’t be doing that. We did after all agree that if he MAKES it to the last fight you win.”

King Barbarus and Fancy stood and went to the edge of the stand. Barbarus raised up his hoof and signaled for his trumpeter to get the crowds attention.

“Excellent. Stupendous. Truly a grand fight!” Barbarus beamed and the crowd roared. He signaled for silence again. “Your fight was truly grand. So grand that I grant you your freedom!”

“Thank you King Barbarus.”

The crowd reared again, this time Barbarus let it play out, but then King Fancy signaled, bringing quiet.

“What fun is there in that?” Fancy asked. “We were promised four fights and I feel these good ponies deserve it.” He hit his hoof against the banister. “What say you Mordane?”

Mordane, still panting swallowed.

“I, unfortunately must decline.”

The crowd booed, Mordane’s ears folded back.

“What would I have to gain?”

“To gain?” Fancy suddenly bellowed. “Yes...to risk one's life should gain a hero's reward-”

“He is already receiving a reward!” King Barbarus suddenly shouted. “Ten thousand gold! A king’s fortune! He already has all the honor he could want."

The crowd began to whisper, uncertain.

“Ten thousand. A fair amount-”

“-and I’ll double that if he does the rational thing and leaves. Now.”

Ponies were extremely confused.

“Truly sane! To leave when one’s hoof is broken, with such a sum in tow….but what if he decided to go on. What award then…”

Many ponies began to nod. It would be incredibly brave to go on to the last fight. Even though they didn’t know about a fourth champion. It must be powerful to be still alive! Mordane is hurt, he would likely not survive.

“I will give twenty thousand gold. With the ten king Barbarus has promised that would be thirty thousand” And then King Fancy looked at Barbarus. A gash of a smile plastered across his lips.
“That of course would not be a correct reward for bravery though.”

“So in addition to that. I will give him a landed title in my kingdom. “

Everypony reacted differently.

Some gasped, others shouted and others laughed at the absurdity. King Fancy smiled down at Mordane.

don’t do it’ Trixie silently prayed.

“Thats right Bloody Commander. If you take this gamble and win. I would have you serve me. I will grant you nobility.”


Mordane swallowed, his heartbeat was so hard he couldn’t distinguish between beats. His mouth was like a desert. All that was in him screamed, this is it!

Not only a title of Nobility, but a landed one. With such a fortune, if he put it in the right places, he could turn that…

He bit his tongue to stop an assent from leaving his lips.

His forehoof was broken. He had small cuts all over his body...and he was exhausted.

The truth was. No sane person would accept this...but-

The crowd awaited with bated breath.

Blood and grit.

Sand and heat.

His heart slowed.


Those pearled teeth rearing in his memory.

Will you falter now?...do you not remember what she said. Eyes forward. Never back down. Either you fall… or you rise.

His eyes glared out. Locking onto king Barbarus.

“Let the last champion come.”


The cell was both small and damp.

After leaving the arena he was led to the cell and pushed in. Apparently King Barbarus was REALLY unhappy with him.

However, King Fancy had sent over a full meal and water proof mat for him. No gause for his bandage or padding or bed.

However, standing in front of him was Claw. He was now wearing a sash with a mark he barely recognized as the King of Herridon’s.

He had come and placed a full meal.

A full salad, high quality oats, a large platter of fresh fruit. High quality wine sat bottle and all poured into the clearest glass he had seen since coming to the southern lands.

“Is there anything else you need?” Claw asked.

“No” Mordane replied. Ignoring his desire for meat. “Except perhaps your company while I eat.”

“There is little choice to that.” Claw said. Pulling out a plate for himself. "I hope you don’t mind, I brought something more in line with my...appetites.”

Mordane raised an eyebrow at the obviously cooked rabbit before reaching over and pulling off a haunch.

Claws eyes widened as he quickly ate it before throwing back down the bone and washing it down with some wine.

“...and some call it an abomination when I eat meat.”

“Ponies are so easily made uncomfortable aren't they.” Mordane smiled. “That is something I’m sure you’re familiar with.”

Claw nodded, slicing off a piece of the rabbit before skewering and eating it.

“Of course. It is...odd having somepony not concerned with it.”

“Of course. So you intended to shock me?”

Claw paused before chuckling.

Mordane smiled and continued eating.

“Tell me.” Claw spoke up a few minutes later. “Why are you doing this?”

Mordane paused and considered for a moment before replying.

“Because, if I didn’t...I know where that leads.”

Claw nodded his head and gathered up the plates before stepping out and handing the guard a bag of gold before motioning to the pony who brought in the food.

“Hello...I will treat your wounds.” The green unicorn mare said “Please show me all your wounds.”


So much for healing magic not being as good down south. It seems it's just kept for the rich.

Mordane stretched out his hoof. Feeling no pain he smiled and nodded his head.

“Thank you.”

“I was paid. Nothing more."The mare said tersely before exiting the cell.

Claw nodded to Mordane before handing the guard a few more coins.

“Compliments of King Fancy, please see to it that his cell is sweeped out and a fresh bottle of water to be maintained. If you do there will be another coin for you."

“Of course sir.”

He turned back to Mordane.

“It was good knowing you Mordane...but you have no chance of survival. Good day.”

Mordane frowned. Why would have have no chance?

Not having an answer he sat calmly and waited. Meditating. He didn’t move as the guard did as Claw asked.

A few hours later the guard taped on the cage.

“Some blue unicorn is here to see you. Calls herself Trixie. Do you know her?”

“Yes, please let her in.”

A minute later Trixie came around the corner. Her eyes had red lines fracturing over them. She had obviously been crying

“Mordane! Why did you decide to fight?!” She hissed quietly.

“If I make you work so hard would you expect me to do any less?” Mordane smiled.

Trixie shook her head and then ran her hoof over his leg, noting that it was healed before turning back to him. She pulled out a receipt to a moneylender for ten thousand coins. Her eyes sparked alive.

“Look, the king went ahead and gave me your reward! He called me to the castle and asked if I knew you. He said that since we were friends I could take the reward for you! With this ten thousand we could have gone back to Equestria! We could have left the horrible land.”

Mordanes smile flipped in an instant. He leaned down to her level and looked for any signs of deceit. He found none.

“He just gave you my reward? What did he say?”

Trixie paused and blinked a few times.

“Well he asked about how I had met you and what my plans where…He even suggested where I could find a ship heading there today! Unfortunately the next one is several months away but if we hurry…”

Trixie trailed off as Mordane stared at her emotionlessly before he sighed.

“Trixie, he wanted you to steal the money and leave without me.”

Trixie froze.

“I...Well I thought about that. It just didn’t seem right.” Trixie blushed a little.

“I see...So you want me to escape and we rush north?”

“Yes! Even the guard said he would let you go.”

Mordane sighed again. Seeing the plan in full now.

“I intend to fight Trixie.”

“You can’t do that! This is no normal fight Mordane! This champion hasn’t come out in over a century! Its- Its a dragon!”

Mordanes heart stopped.

The reflective eyes, the hot breath and pearl white teeth flashed before his eyes.

Mordane swallowed but shook his head. He was committed.

“I...I cannot run. Not anymore not ever again.” He looked up to her again. “Trixie if you really want to go to Equestria I advise you to take the money and leave me. I”m not going to Equestria. I am staying here to fight.”

Trixie swallowed looking down for a moment before turning back up. Tips of water poking out of her eyes.

“I-I can’t do that.”

“...Why.” Mordane said, without asking.

“Because… I don’t know. I just can’t think of leaving you.” Tears began to flow out of her. She looked straight at the ground and began to heave. “I don’t want for you to leave me.”

Mordane stared at her.

For the first time he truly considered what he was doing to this mare. He had reached out when alone in some instinctual need for control. As surely as if he planned it he had charmed and twisted her until she was ready to stay here in this land.

He still wasn’t even sure why she wanted to stay with him. He did know that this was a crossroads. Mordane before would have panicked. He would have said anything to get her to run as far away as possible. To perhaps find a happier life in Equestria.

But his gut lead him to do something different. Something his old code said was one of the worst things he could do.

He reached out... and cradled her head in his hoof.

“Shh” he whispered, her hooves locking around his back.“It's okay. I won’t leave you alone. Follow me and you won’t have to go back to those empty roads. Don’t forget….You belong to me.”

Trixie slumped completely into his hooves, pressing into the bars. She was a mess, but Mordane continued to reassured her.

His heart stirred. As Trixie seemed to try and pull the warmth right out of him he noted where others would feel a budding love, a feeling of pleasure filled it. Echoing what he felt in the arena with the crowd. He looked down at the shaking mare and felt...satisfaction.



Mordane woke suddenly. He looked up to see a guard glaring at him.

“Get up...Your opponent wants to meet you.”

Mordane ears stood straight. He felt a flash of an impulse to fall back, but he couldn’t. Instead he swallowed and followed the guard.

He found himself lead down a series of corridors and to a large stone door laid open.

The guard motioned to the door.

Mordane swallowed and went through the door then down a decrepit staircase. The walls were laced with the marks of moss that had been recently removed hastily.

He heard a growl of amusement from below.

“Come faster Mordane. The way is clear.”

“Yes...master.” Mordane said trotting quickly down and eventually finding the stairs coming to a short stone opening past which was a cavern he recognized.

Before him sat his master. Her eyes were alight.

“It was such a bother to convince them to let me see you. They thought I was going to eat you before the right time.” She laughed. Mordane smiled lightly. He took the time to sit and think some more on what to say.

“They don’t know the dragon way."Mordane said softly. “Were...you surprised?”

“Well, I will admit it was a surprise. I’ve never been a one to deny any challenge.”

“Of course."Mordane swallowed.

“I can’t believe you actually challenged me though!"She laughed, Her voice carrying throughout the dark cavern. "I just wanted to congratulate you before the day.”

Mordane looked down at the ground and swallowing.

“Hahnu Loaas."He said suddenly."I intend to withdraw from the battle.”

His master stopped. The smile slipped out off her face.

Her eyes locked onto his.

“I just."He swallowed. “I just don’t want to fight you. I don’t want to hurt you-”

“Get out."She growled.


“Mordane. Don’t lie to yourself."She said. "You will fight me. Go.”

Mordane stood still. Trying to think of what to say.

“Do you wish to dishonor me more? GO!”

Mordane turned and ran. He took flight up the staircase and only stopped once back at his cell. His guard came running a minute later to close the door. His eyes looking sympathetically as Mordane sat in the corner breathing rapidly.

He took a drink of water.

For a moment he breathed and internally he had to ask. Would he do it?

King Barbarus threw his mug at the servant. It missed and splashed against the wall. The cup clanging down to the ground.

He was resting in his palace garden gazebo, away from the eyes of his court.

“SHE DID NOT EAT HIM!?"He roared.

“Yes my lord.."Whimpered the servant.

“Why? How?” He growled then breathed in deeply. Taking a moment to calm himself before sighing."Bring King Fancy here.”

A few minutes later King Fancy came in and sat across from him. All smiles he waited for Barbarus to speak.

“How did you know?”

“That he would make it? Easy. You let him fight One Eye.”

“...thats all?"

“Of course.”

Barbarus sighed and motioned to another servant. He picked up a small document/letter and sealed it before handing it to Fancy.

I King Barbarus, order the payment of ten thousand gold coins to holder from the royal account.

“It seems to be all in order."King Fancy said signing the document and handing it to a Claw who bowed and moved out quickly.

“At least he will be dead."King Barbarus snorted.

“Of that I am not so sure."King Fancy replied.

Barbaru’s ears perked up.

“Really...that seems unbelievable. Why then offer him a position in your noble court if he should live then?”

“That."King Fancy said. “Is because of his last name. Stronghoof.”

“Stronghoof? What is the point of that?”

“Well...Nothing if he doesn’t live. After all, if he isn’t strong it won’t matter.”


That night he woke to a flask bouncing off his head.

Mordane started awake only to see Peddler sitting across from him.

“How the hell…"Mordane grabbed the flask and took a swig.

“Everypony deserves a last drink."Grunted Peddler.

“I don’t know if I’m going to fight.

“Oh?"Peddler replied. “That seems...more like the old Mordane.”

“...I don’t deny that."He sighed. "But I can’t kill her. It just doesn’t seem right.”

“Kill her? You mean the dragon?"Peddler laughed. ‘And here I was going to try to talk you out of this. Now I find you’re not doing it out of pity? That dragon is a vicious monster Mordane. She will eat you alive.”

“Aye...and she wants me to be the same.”


Mordane explained what had transpired taking swigs as he went.

Smut Peddler took it in stride.

“Ha! Now that's a pickle.”


Peddler stared at Mordane for a few minutes as the pony paid attention to his whiskey and thought about what to do.

“Still. Either way a king will want you dead.”

“Oh?"Mordane raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, turns out the two kings have a bet on if you will make it to the last round. He is probably trying to get you to run away.”


He sighed. Standing he went to the exit.

“You decided well Mordane."He grinned “Live to fight another day? I’ll get some transport ready.”


Smut Peddler left and the gate was closed behind him. Mordane heard a few clinks of coins passing hooves.

He was left alone. To think.

Trixie sat alone. Her every valuable possession in a small pack on the bed. Only what she could carry would come. Everything else had been sold.

Following Mordanes instructions she had publically purchased a large ship for just over a thousand gold. It was fitted with a deep hold and would serve well as both warship and smallish trade vessel.

She had purchased something else as well.

The knife was two hoof lengths long. Its blade straight and simple.

She didn’t know why she had bought it...



Mordane swallowed. He had come out quickly in the evening. Even sitting in his cell he could hear the crowds roar.


A dozen unicorn mages cast their spell. His skin tightened as he felt the barrier slide over his head. Perhaps forty meters up.


It shook him to his core.

He felt his heart beat with the crowd as the doors to the arena opened.

King Fancy and King Barbarus stood at the arena edge. One's eyes gleaming, the other dark. They looked down and waited to see what future would befall Mordane.

Mordane could hear chains clanging in the darkness of the grand entrance.In the middle of the floor Mordane could see began to slop before passing out of view.

He heard a low growl.

His master stepped out into the sun

The crowd gasped

Her scales flashed in the light. Thought at the same time she looked scuffed. He hadn’t noticed before but several scales were missing. On her back, the stubs.

Mordane bowed as the crowd fixated on the dragons giant teeth.

“Stronghoof."She said suddenly. “What have you decided?”

The crowd didn’t speak. Trixie stood abated. Her eyes looked down disgusted.

Mordane looked up at her. His mouth corners turned up.

“Master...The fire in me doesn’t want to turn….How can I betray myself?"He stood fully and drew up his blade, pointing it at the dragon. “Surrender and I will spare your life.”

She smiled.

“Never!"She reared back her head and breathed deep.

Mordane stomped.

Her gout of fire poured over where Mordane stood. Its lips tipping near the edge of the arena.

But Mordane wasn’t there. She looked up only to see Mordane diving at her. She spun around and whipped him across his face.

Mordane impacted the ground.

He spat out a tooth and swung to deflect a light swipe from her.

Jumping in he swung...and his blade barely left a scratch.

With a blast of wing Mordane took to the air to avoid a stomping claw but was smacked down.

There was a sickening crunch as Mordane’s shoulder gave way. He landed on his side, stars dancing in his head. Adrenaline pumping through his brain he didn’t even pause. He willed the ground to push against him and, spreading his wings, he then willed the wind to propel him forward.

Only to be smacked down again with the other claw. This time, his leg definitely snapped along the weak injury healed a day earlier.

“You’ve done well."the dragon said, “I will not make you linger Mordane.”

Trixie averted her eyes. King Fancy sighed. Claw frowned. The crowd winced and some leaned forward. Most shouting. Her claw raised high into the air. The moment of silence broken by no one and nothing.

Until a bird began its call.

Then Mordane stood up.

His master's claw stood suspended in the air, his forehead had a large gash. Blood streamed down to his nose and began to drip to the ground. His eyes seemed to draw her in as he slowly turned toward the sky.

The trilling of the bird echoed solely through the stadium. Mordane listened to it. The calling it seemed to hold. The wind picked up.

He could hear it turning around a column, hitting a wall, rushing along the edges of the arena. Instinctively he opened his wings, slowly. Extending them to full. He could feel the moisture and water there.

The pain of his broken foreleg and shoulder seemed to dull.

The dragon's claw descended.

Mordane inhaled.

The dust tickled his nose. His mind turning to the ground beneath his feet. The dirt, gravel and stone pushing into his hooves. The slight wetness of his dripping blood and water in the soil.

And the fire of rage in his chest.

The crowd roared.

And he was happy.

The wind nicked his wings, the ground trembled beneath him. His eyes stayed fixed on his master.

This is who I am, this is where I’m meant to be. All eyes on me. The sky above. The ground below. The water connecting them. Fire in my breast.

There was a flash of light from his flank.

His dragon master winced away.

And Mordane rocketed under her falling claw and sword first he plunged into her belly.

Pushing off of her and with a massive blast of air he carried the blade and cut three pony lengths across her belly.

She roared and smacked at him, but Mordane had already dodged.

Mordane floated in the air. His body was aflame.


In Canterlot Celestia's head turned suddenly. She felt a slight shiver through the world. A power she had not felt for a year.

“Mordane lives.”


Mordane looked down on the crowd gawking at him. Down on the dragon snarling. Down on the kings with fearful eyes.

His body screamed at him but his mind stayed straight and focused. Like a tall ship mast in a storm.

This is who I am. Where I belong. Between heaven and earth.

Mordane dove. His master's claws raked into the sky. A blast of freezing wind diverts them.

Mordane impacts, his fire pours down into the wound as she is driven to the ground. Blood gushing from her freezes and Mordane wills it. Her body hits the ground and Mordane summons spikes of stone to pierce her belly.


She shivers.

“Mordane."she gurgles. Smiling as Mordane fades into unconsciousness. “Tell my son of me...tell Spike.”

And she was gone.

Mordane feels cold seep into him. As he fades he hears the roaring crowd, and smiles.

On his flank, the light that was forming faded to nothing. Leaving him still blank.


Celestia passed back and forth. Her mind working furiously. She wasn’t certain if she was the only one to feel the subtle shift in magic.

Mordane had tapped into something powerful. Something that Celestia had to assist Twilight with for her to tap into. Plus he was ridiculously far away. At least in difficulty to get there.

Sure she or Luna could fly away but they were in a delicate situation with the diamond dogs.

Plus she was hosting a banquet with a half dozen of the pony city states on their incorporation back into Equestria.

Her heart sped up at the thought.

Mordane was in the southern lands.

She had little information about the place. After raising the mountain all regular communication had been cut. She did know that she was reviled there. Taking on almost a demonic tone while her sister was the heroic figure.

She hadn’t informed Luna of her knowledge of the southern lands either. As far as her sister knew in the whole world she wouldn’t be accepted. In truth, if she had flown south over the mountains she may have found a throne waiting for all Celestia knew. She couldn't let them be torn apart too soon. Better to work out their co rulership first.

Now she still couldn’t send her. Luna’s and Twilight’s presence were needed in the coming negotiations.

There was a knock on the door.

Luna strode in.

“You called sister?”

“Luna."She trotted up, taking a moment to think of her word choice. "I have sensed a faraway presence.”



Suddenly there was a flash of light. Twilight appeared her eyes wide and hair frizzed.


Author's Note:

Well, Mordane got close to earning his mark this time, but he just isn't there yet. He will be soon though!

Hope you enjoyed this. I'll be keeping yall updated on the progress of my next chapter. See you soon!