• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

  • ...

Lives Full of Harmony and Chaos

Three years had passed since the defeat of Team Shadow. Three years since Shining Armor fell to Flash Sentry and lost his title of champion to him. Three years of relative peace.

In Canterlot City, the lab of Professor Celestia was full of activity. Inside, three sixteen year-olds had just arrived, all patiently waiting for the person in charge to arrive at the lobby. One of the teens, a white skinned boy with blue hair and blue eyes, looked around and spotted a couple of pictures on the wall.

"Hey," he told the others, "I think that's the champion." The other two, a red skinned boy with orange hair and yellow tips along with a cream colored girl with green hair, moved over to see the picture the boy was looking at.

"You're right," the red skinned boy nodded, "That's totally the champion." He smirked and punched his fist into his palm, "And I'm gonna be the one to take his title!"

"Well, you'll be in for a tough battle." The three turned to see a twenty year old woman wearing a lab coat enter the room. She had purple skin, purple and pink hair along with a pair of glasses over her eyes. "Flash Sentry went through a lot to earn that title. He's not gonna give it up without a fight."

"Well I'm still gonna win!" the boy replied, "Just you watch! I'll be the best trainer Equestria's ever seen!"

The woman chuckled at this. "Well before you can become the best trainer ever, you have to actually become a trainer. So please, follow me." They nodded before the four headed further into the building, soon arriving at the laboratory that was filled with machines and shelves full of different Pokeballs. "Since you already sent your info ahead, I was able to load up your Pokedex before you got here." She took out a trio of familiar looking devices, one red, one blue and one green.

"Thanks Professor Twilight," the girl said as she took the green dex while the boys also took the dexes that were their colors.

"That's what I'm here for," Twilight giggled as she moved over to a table that had a trio of Pokeballs on it. "And now, to introduce you to your new partners." She picked up the far left Pokeball and threw it, "First there's Thawn!" In a flash, the tiny grass deer appeared. And when it did, they saw it was fast asleep. "Oh deer," Twilight laughed, "Excuse him. He likes to nap."

The boys frowned at that, but the girl smiled. "That just means he'll be well rested when it's time to battle." She kneeled down and scratched Thawn behind the ear, causing the Grass-type to neigh happily as he opened his eyes. "Hey there."

Twilight then picked up the middle Pokeball. "We also have Hisscor!" She threw the Pokeball and in a flash, the snake Pokémon appeared, letting out a super hot burst of fire.

"Wow!" the red skinned boy smirked, "Now that's a hotblooded Pokémon." Hisscor smirked up at him as Twilight picked up the last Pokeball.

"And of course, there's Aquana!" She threw it and in a flash, the water lizard appeared. When it saw the others, Aquana blushed and rushed to hide behind Twilight's leg. "Sorry. She's a little shy around new people."

The blue haired boy smiled before kneeling down. "Hey, it's okay." He held out his hand, "I'm not gonna hurt you." He waited patiently as Aquana looked around Twilight's leg and stared at him, the teen smiling warmly at her. After a few seconds, she slowly came out and took his hand in hers. "That's it," he calmly patted her on the head. "See? We can be friends."

Twilight smiled as she watched the three teens each get close to one of the starters. "Well, I guess I don't have to ask who wants which Pokémon." The trainers picked up the starters as Twilight handed each of them their new partner's Pokeball. "Well, now you're all trainers. But that means you're responsible for them. I don't wanna hear that any of you did anything to hurt them. They're putting their trust in you, and so am I, understand?" They all nodded and returned their new teammates to their Pokeballs. Once that was done, she handed them each some empty Pokeballs.

They all accepted the items and thanked her, only to rush out of the lab. Twilight laughed at the sight before making her way through the lab, knowing it was lunch time and the Pokémon would be wanting their meals. But as she did this, she was stopped by a message that had just come through the computer. She then saw it was from her mentor. Celestia and Sunset were off on an exploratory trip while Luna and Trixie were off searching for several more fossils that could help determine what types of Pokémon once lived in ancient Equestria.

She gave the message a quick read, only to see nothing important. With this, she went off to feed the Pokémon, only to pass by a wall that was covered in pictures. And as she made her way through it, she couldn't help but wonder what all of her friends were doing at that very moment. She spotted one of her, Flash, Spike, Doc and their Pokémon, the young researcher smiling as she thought about their adventures together.

"I should give Doc a call when we're not busy and see how he's doing."

Trottingham City...

Time Turner was now working hard on a new creation, something that should help improve life in Equestria for all. That is, till T.A.R.D.I.S' voice spoke out to him. "You have a visitor at the entrance." Doc nodded and put his invention down before getting up, opening the door to the sight of a certain girl.

"Hello Derpy."

"Hi," the girl replied before holding out a box, "Delivery." Doc smiled and took the box, opening it up to take a look inside and see a certain part.

"Perfect," he nodded. "Now I can my get invention finished." He turned to Derpy and smiled, "Wanna come in for a drink? You must have some crazy story about getting here." Derpy laughed at this, only for another voice to call out to them.

"Excuse me." They turned to see a young woman walking up, "Is this the Trottingham City Gym?"

"It is," Doc responded, "Are you here to challenge me?" The girl nodded and Doc turned to Derpy, "Sorry. Can't turn a challenge down."

"It's fine," she told him. "I'm not heading back until tomorrow, so I can stick around and watch your battle before we catch up."

"Excellent." He turned to the challenger, "Follow me." The three walked inside, the gym leader then asking, "Do you have any badges?"

"Um...I have six."

"Six, huh?" Doc stepped over to the podium before turning to her with a smile. "Then to acquire your seventh badge, you'll need to defeat four of my Pokémon using four of yours. Understand?" The girl nodded before Doc took out a Pokeball. "But I warn you, this won't be an easy match. I once travelled and trained beside the best trainer in all of Equestria." He turned to a nearby wall, which had a picture showing him and his friends. "If you wanna win, you'll need to be able to strategize extensively, but also be able to think on the fly if your plan doesn't work out. Think you can do that?"

The girl did a slight gulp before taking out her Pokeball. "Yes."

Doc smirked at this, "Then prepare to face the greatest challenge you've ever faced!" He threw the Pokeball into the air, unleashing his partner inside.

Back at the lab, Twilight pushed a cart full of dishes out of the building.

"Lunch-time!" She called out to the lab's Pokémon, "Hey, hey, hey!" She yelped as they began to run up to her, "Everyone, calm down." Before the Pokémon could leap and tackle the cart, the whole thing suddenly began to float into the air out of their gasp. "Thanks Owlicious."

Up above everyone else, the Owlolar hooted as he kept the food out of arms reach with his psychic powers. "Rap," Shine the Galarian Rapidash trotted up to Twilight. She stroked her mane as Shine's horn glowed, causing several bowls to float off the cart and to the Pokémon whose names were on the bowls.

"Good girl Shine," Twilight said as the Rapidash continued to distribute the bowls. "Just leave the bowls in the cart and I'll come get them when you're done."

The Pokémon nodded and Twilight turned back to the lab. As she did this, one of the many phones that filled the building began to ring. She moved over to the machine and accepted the call, the screen coming to life to reveal Twilight's brother. "Hey BBBFF, how's things in the Crystal Empire?"

"Great as always," Shining replied, "Just checking in on my favorite little sister."

"I'm your only little sister," Twilight giggled, "So, heard anything from Spike lately?"

"Not for a couple of weeks," Shining responded, "But I'm sure he's just enjoying his journey. He'll probably call once he's won his next badge like he always does."

"True," Twilight nodded, "And I do know which gym that'll be since he's planning to beat the same ones Flash beat."

"That so?" Shining asked with a smirk. "Then I guess it won't be too long before he shows up here on his way to Dragonia." Twilight nodded again, "So which gym do you think he's facing right now?"

Applewood City's Sweet Apple Acres...

"Grattle!" The Grazing Pokémon cried as it was sent flying, skidding along the ground until it came to a stop in front of Applejack. The Gym Leader looked down at the Grass-type, seeing spirals in its eyes.

"Grattle is unable to battle," Big Mac announced. "Stegoliath is the winner." Applejack looked up at the large Fossil Pokémon, then to the trainer standing behind it.

The sixteen-year-old Spike smiled from where he stood, his Terragon Peewee happily watching from his shoulder. "Not bad Spike," she returned Grattle as Stegoliath turned to smile at him.

"Thanks. Stegoliath is a real hard worker when it comes to Gym Battles."

"Steg!" It roared in agreement as Applejack took out another Pokeball.

"Well, we ain't out of this match yet. If yah want the Harvest Badge, yah better be ready to bring yer A game. Bloomberg!" She threw the Pokeball into the air, unleashing the giant tree Pokémon. It roared as it swung its arms around, ready to defend its home no matter what. "Bloomberg, it's up ta yah now. Think yah can take down Stegoliath and his Terragon?"

"Orch," he nodded while Spike turned to Peewee.

Both of them smiled as Stegoliath charged, ready to defeat Bloomberg and earn his train another Gym Badge.

"Well he's not gonna be in for an easy battle," Shining told Twilight. After all, Applejack managed to get into the top four three years ago. And no doubt her battle skills have improved since then."

Twilight nodded again, "But Spike hasn't exactly been loafing around these last three years. Ever since Flash won the Equestria League, Spike's been working hard so that one day he can face him in the Equestria League himself."

"Is that Twilight?" A woman called out, "There's someone here I'm sure wants to say hello." With that, Cadance stepped into view of the screen while holding a child of about one to two years old. "Say hi Flurry." The baby laughed and waved her arms around, Twilight laughing back.

"Hey Flurry," she waved back, "You being a good girl for your mommy and daddy?" The baby laughed again before looking around, trying to see if someone else was there.

"I think she wants to know where a certain pseudo-uncle is," Cadance replied.

"I'm sorry Flurry. I'm afraid he's not here right now." The baby frowned at this. "He's off...somewhere, stopping bad guys from doing bad things to and with Pokémon. But don't worry. When he gets back, I promise I'll make him call you and say hello right away." The baby laughed at this, happy with that promise.

The group continued talking for a few more minutes, only for Twilight to need to get back to work. "Talk to you again soon Twily," Shining smiled.

Twilight nodded. "Will do. Love you."

When the screen went blank, Shining and Cadance turned to their little girl as she laughed. They stared at the castle that had become Cadance's lab and their home, the place where Flurry had been born and would be raised. One day she would probably leave it for her own Equestria journey and return a powerful trainer, maybe even a future champion.

"Alright Flurry," Cadance lifted her daughter up. "What type of Pokémon do you want to learn about today?"

"Fair!" Flurry cried out, making Cadance laugh.

"Fairy it is," she nodded before taking her to her room, going to the many books on different Pokémon in her nursery, full of pictures and information that any child with an interest in the subject could understand. By the time Flurry was old enough to become a trainer, she would already know everything there was on the subject. But as her aunt would often say, reading about something could never compare to experiencing it firsthand.

Cadance turned to Shining. "You coming?"

"I'll catch up," Shining replied before going over to a window. now seeing Guardroid and Androrg outside, all of them busy protecting the Crystal Empire while the researchers continued their work. In the three years since its unearthing, much of the Crystal Empire had been studied. But even so, there was still a lot that was still unknown. Many of the researchers had left to pursue other projects, but those that remain would carry on the research for years to come.

Shining hoped that soon the Crystal Empire could start seeing some new residents arriving in the next years, which would begin to long process of the empire becoming an official city of Equestria. He then saw Galladin on one of the streets, the Fighting Steel-type practicing his sword slashes. Despite no longer being Champions, Shining and his Pokémon still trained, wanting to be ready for anything. Flash had grown into a confident Champion, but there would possibly be one day that Flash would require help, and Shining intended to be ready.

And maybe when Flurry was older and ready to start her journey, he would look into getting back into the Equestria League. Only this time, he would be the one handing out the badges. A good way to get the Crystal Empire some foot traffic was having its very own league gym.

A man could dream.

Twilight had collected the food dishes and was now heading back to the lab to start on her research. But as she did, she arrived at the picture wall. Pictures full of her and her friends. She smiled at the sight of them, knowing that each of her friends were doing amazing in their lives.

And as she stared at the pictures, she couldn't help but wonder what each of them were doing at that very moment.

In an unknown forest someplace, the sound of many engines filled the air. A group of trainers on motorcycles shot through the forest, the riders screaming and hollering. "Get back here!" One of them yelled as their bike went flying over a fallen tree. "You're ours!"

"We've got a few nice trainers for you. Well, rich ones anyway." They were chasing a group of Pokémon through the forest, the group full of creatures like Teddiursa, Larvitar, Happiny and other Pokémon that were hard to find in the wild. They were running as fast as they could as the bikers laughed.

"Air Slash!" They heard one of the bikers yell as a Scyther leapt up and fired a blade of wind over them. "You can't run forever!"

And as they chased the Pokémon, a sign appeared in the woods that they and the Pokémon didn't have time to read. One even knocked it down, covering the sign in mud.

Swee- ---ther San---ary
No Ca---ing Allowed

A minute or so later, one of the hunter's Houndoom unleashed a Fire Blast, causing the ground to explode. This knocked the Teddiursa and Larvitar flying until they crashed into the dirt, allowing the bikers to get surround them. "You're mine now!" One of them laughed before throwing an Ultraball. It flew for the Larvitar and hit it, only to bounce off, "What?"

Another rider threw his Ultraball and hit the Teddiursa, but it didn't do anything either. "What the heck?!"

"Are they broken?" A rider asked, taking out his Scyther's Pokeball and using it to return the Bug-type before letting it back out. "Ours are working." The Larvitar and Teddiursa picked themselves up before running off. "We can't let them get away."

"But our Pokeballs aren't working!"

"That's because this area is a no catching zone." The riders turned to a voice along with the Pokémon they were chasing, only to see a twenty-year-old woman with pink hair, yellow skin and a stern expression. Beside her was a Bunounce, Grizzor and Breezie, "You are now in the confines of Sweet Feather Sanctuary." She turned to smile at the Pokémon, "A place where all wild Pokémon are welcome to stay without fear of being captured."

The men growled at this, "What gives you the right to do this?!"

"This is my land," Fluttershy replied, "And I have every right to do whatever I want. Including putting up devices that make a special field that completely nullifies the effects of any Pokeball not already registered to a particular Pokémon."

"Something like that exists?" A biker yelped as Grizzor and Bunounce stepped in front of their trainer, "Eh, who cares?! Let's just grab the Pokémon and take them out of this place! Then we can catch'em!"

"No," Fluttershy growled, "Because this place is under our protection. And no Pokémon that wants to be safe will ever have to worry about being hunted again!" The Scyther and Houndoom charged, but Angel and Harry met them, Angel leaping up and using Bounce on Scyther, knocking it into one of the trees. Houndoom used Flamethrower, but Harry used his claws to snuff out the fire before it could set any of the trees aflame. He then slashed at Houndoom with Crush Claws, knocking it out instantly.

The hunters gasped and returned to pair, then took out some more Pokeballs. But before they could throw them, a bunch of sticky stuff hit their hands and encased them in some kind of cocoon. They all went wide-eyed at this, only to see Seabreeze flying above them. They tried swatting him away, but the little Pokémon was too small and quick to catch. All they could do was watch if fly back to Fluttershy, as she gave them a warning look. "Leave. And never come back!"

The hunters growled before kicking their bikes into gear and rode away. Fluttershy sighed at this, knowing they would be back, but she had them on cameras that were set up in the sanctuary, ready to send the images to the local authorities so they would know who to look out for. And as the hunters were gone, Fluttershy turned to see the Larvitar and Teddiursa from before hiding behind a tree. Both leaned around to stare at her and she smiled. "Hello." She kneeled down and held out her hands, "No need to be afraid. I won't hurt you." She patiently sat and waited for the pair, who continued to stare at her from behind the tree.

They looked over at the other Pokémon and they nodded at them, the pair coming out from behind the tree and slowly reaching Fluttershy. And when they got close enough, they stared at Fluttershy's hands before sniffing them. After a few more seconds, they smiled and allowed Fluttershy to pet them.

"That's it. No need to be afraid. I'm here to help you." She looked them both in the eyes. "Would you like to go someplace you'll be safe?" Both nodded and she stood up, "Alright then. Let's go home."

She and her Pokémon lead them through the forest, Larvitar and Teddiursa both walking close to the girl until they arrived at an area of trees. As they got closer, they heard many sounds of joy and excitement from multiple types of Pokémon before pushing through some trees.

"Welcome to Sweet Feather Sanctuary." She gestured to the area around them, showing off different environments for every type of Pokémon. Large lakes and rivers for aquatic Pokémon, rocks and caves for those that found those areas homey. Several pits of sand for Pokémon that enjoyed digging and burrowing, and a few areas that had climbing and playground equipment for the few that enjoyed those kinds of things.

The place was chocked full of all kinds of Pokémon, each area being inhabited by species that found it too their liking. It truly was a Pokémon Paradise. The pair even spotted some of the Pokémon they had been fleeing from the hunters with, all enjoying different locations like it was their one and only home.

"Lar/Ted," the pair whispered in awe as Fluttershy laughed and patted them both on the head.

"Don't worry. You can go wherever you want and have fun. Nobody's gonna hurt you here. You can stay as long as you want to. If you wanna stay forever, you'll be welcome." The Pokémon gasped at hearing this. "But just so you know, I won't be the only trainer here." This made them tilt their heads, "Trainers are welcome to come and see this place, and even leave their Pokémon for a while if they like it here. But the trainers aren't allowed to catch you without your say so. If you ever meet a trainer you want to be caught by, you can go with them if you want. It's your decision."

Both Pokémon liked the sound of that. The pair were open to the idea of being caught and trained, if the trainer was worthy. And if they stayed here, they could have the choice to pick their trainer instead of the other way around.

"LARVITAR! TEDDIURSA!" They both cried in joy before rushing over to the rocks, Fluttershy giggling as she watched them go.

"Another group of Pokémon safe from those that would wish to do them harm." Angel, Harry and Seabreeze moved up to her, Seabreeze landing on her head happily while Fluttershy scratched Harry under the chin and patted Angel on the head. "Thank you for making my dream come true and helping protect this place." The three cried out happily, glad they could help her and the many Pokémon looking for a safe place to lay their head.

And as they did this, a light caught their attention and made them look over to a bunch of trees. There, many Metapod, Cascoon and Silcoon had been resting but now they were beginning to unleash a light as they all shed their chrysalis and morphed into their final forms.

The newly born Butterfree, Dustox and Beautifly all took to the air and flew over to Fluttershy, circling around her and her Pokémon. She smiled, happily nodding at them all. "I'm glad you all managed to evolve." They all called out to her, happy too. "Hard to believe you were all hatched here only a few months ago. Now you're all grown up and ready to see the world." They called out again, telling her it was only because of her safe sanctuary that they were able to grow strong enough to do this. "Well," Fluttershy wiped a tear from her eye, "Good luck out there. I wish you all the best of luck. And if you ever feel homesick, just know that you'll always be welcome here."

The Bug-types all danced around happily before taking to the air, flying further and further away until they looked like nothing but a cloud that disappeared over the treeline. Fluttershy's expression was a mix of joy and sadness, the girl wiping a tear away before turning to the others.

"Well, we should go see if there's anything the other Pokémon need." Her team nodded and they headed off to the many areas that made up their home, happy their dream was being fulfilled.


Within the city's gym, two trainers and their Pokémon were doing battle. "Stone Edge!" Rainbow commnaded as Tank unleashed a barrage of rocks at Spitfire's Wondor.

"Nice try Rainbow," Spitfire replied, "But not good enough. Use Feather Dance!" Wondor flapped its wings and unleashed a bunch of feathers, creating a cloud that the stones bounced off of. Spitfire smirked at this, but then turned to her apprentice and saw her smiling. "What?"

"Do it Tank!" She cheered, Spitfire looking up to Soartoise was now gone. "Body Slam!"

Spitfire went wide-eyed as she saw Tank hover over Wondor, the wind making it fly stopping as it dropped down. 'She used the Stone Edge and Feather Dance as a smokescreen!' Before she could give an order, Tank slammed into Wondor and knocked it down until both Pokémon crashed into the ground. The gym shook and when the dust from it cleared, Tank was laying on Wondor and the Flying-type was one hundred percent knocked out.

"Wondor is unable to battle!" Misty Fly announced, "Soartoise and Rainbow are the winners!"

Spitfire blinked at this before laughing, "Well I'll be," she returned Wondor. "Never thought you'd get the drop on me like that. Not bad Crash."

Rainbow blushed at the use of the name she had gotten due to a mild accident on her first week under Spitfire's training. "Thanks," she scratched the back of her head.

"I'm surprised you used such a tactic," Spitfire added, "I never thought I'd managed to beat the idea of using anything except speed and force into your head."

"Well, I realized that just doing that's gonna make me predictable," Rainbow replied, "If I'm gonna be a strong Gym Leader, I gotta be hard to read. If trainers hear that I only use speed and strength, they'll always focus on using a strategy to get around that. But if I change things up and start acting all sneaky like that, they'll do the same."

Spitfire giggled as she walked over to her, "So you're gonna change up your strategy? Sometimes you'll focus on put power, while other times you'll use skill and misdirection?"

Rainbow nodded. "And heck, maybe I can shake things up even more sometimes. Use power with one Pokémon and skill with another. Then mix it up and swap which Pokémon use which strategy."

Spitfire chuckled at this, "That way there'll never be a trainer that can predict you. Heck, if a trainer comes for a rematch, only to find you using a different strategy, they'll be completely thrown for a loop. I like the sound of that." She patted Rainbow on the shoulder, "You've sure come a long way since I first took you under my wing. Maybe it's time for you to take the lead in our formation." Rainbow's eyes went wide at this, "Maybe." She smirked, "Show me how you intend to perfect this random style change of yours. Then I'll consider it being time to leave this place to you."

Rainbow smiled and nodded, as Spitfire turned to walk off. And when she was gone, Rainbow took a breath to steady her heart. As she did this, she turned to Spitfire's battle podium and imagined herself there. "Almost...I'm almost there."

"Hey!" She spun around at the voice, only to see Soarin Skies standing there with his hands in his pockets, smiling down at the trainer. "Sorry, didn't wanna disturb you and your mentor's little talk." He pointed to the exit, "Wanna go grab a bite to eat? You're probably hungry after winning that match."

Rainbow smirked, "Starving." Soarin chuckled back and jumped over the barrier, landing on the ground beside Rainbow before they headed for the exit. Both began laughing at something said as they looked forward to a fun day out.

Baltimare City...

A long line of people were outside a particular building. Inside, multiple glass counters and displays holding a variety of different sweet treats were on display. Cakes, muffins, cheesecakes, cookies and so many more. Several Pokémon were busy minding the counter, those including a Wigglytuff, Mallowmarch, Alcreamie and a Gumigator.

"Wig," Wigglytuff put several cupcakes into a box and held it out to the person that had ordered them.

"Thank you," she replied before handing the money over. Wigglytuff nodded as she left, the Balloon Pokémon turning to Gummy, who was manning the register. The toothless Pokémon opened the register, allowing Wigglytuff to put the money inside before he pushed the drawer closed.

Mallowmarsh walked in holding more boxes of goodies while Alcreamie was squirting some whipped cream on a milkshake another customer had ordered. "Man, this place is great!" The one who ordered the milkshake said as he took it, then looked around. "But where's the owner? I doubt Pokémon would be able to open a store like this all on their own."

The Pokémon all smiled as they looked over at the door leading to the kitchen, which had a door at the back leading out to the store's battlefield. On the battlefield, Miss Pinkamena Diane Pie was in the middle of a match with her Bloxx. "Block Buster!" She exclaimed as the lego gorilla's arms morphed into cannons that started firing blocks towards a purple rhino bunny.

"Mega Punch!" The Nidoking's owner yelled as his Pokémon charged, punching at the air with powerful swings. It then tried to punch Bloxx, but the gorilla slammed its fists into the ground and extended its arms to push it upwards into the air.

"Brick Break!" Pinkie cheered, Bloxx retracting its arms and raising them high before swinging one down to karate chop Nidoking's head. The Drill Pokémon cried out as it staggered back, only to flop over with spirals in its eyes.


Pinkie laughed as she walked over to Bloxx and patted him on the head. "Don't worry," she told the trainer. "What matters is having fun. And that battle was a lot of fun."

"Thanks," he replied, "Gotta admit, this city is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I heard there was a Rock Pokémon sanctuary here run by a bunch of really boring people."

Pinkie waved her hand, "I wouldn't say my family's boring. They just enjoy themselves in their own way." The trainer's eyes went wide at this before quickly returning his Pokémon and running off in embarrassment, leaving Pinkie and Bloxx to laugh as they returned to the bakery. And as they did, they started hearing music that sounded familiar. Pinkie smiled and rushed to the front of the store, now seeing Cheese Sandwich and his band of Bloxx all entertaining the people on the street while he played his accordion. She laughed at the funny things the Bloxx did to make the little kids in the audience laugh while Cheese sang a funny song. Clearly, everyone there was having a great time.

Baltimare City had truly become a place where anyone and everyone could enjoy themselves in their own way, be it human or Pokémon. Pinkie had accomplished her dream, but it wasn't one she could just leave. She would need to constantly be working on new ways to make people have fun. And no matter what, she would fulfil that self-appointed duty.


The store that used to be run by Suri Polomare had lost a lot of its business and had closed down. In its place, another boutique appeared, one whose business had only grown over the last few years. "There," Coco smiled as she tied a red ribbon around the neck of an Lillipup, "How does that look?"

"Lil," Lillipup looked at itself in the mirror and smiled. "Lillipup!" It happily leapt up and down before running over to its trainer, who looked it over and smiled.

"Oh, you look gorgeous," she picked the Lillipup up, "I love your work my dear. You always know just how to bring out the best aspects of a Pokémon."

"Of course," Coco nodded. "The job of a stylist like me is to highlight the natural beauty of a Pokémon, but not allow the fashion to overshadow them."

"Thank you. Say, where's your partner? Her works is just as lovely as yours. Off winning another contest?"

"Not this time," Coco giggled, "In fact, I think she'll be on any minute." The woman wondered what she meant before Coco went behind the cash register counter and took out a remote, the young woman then pointing it at a TV and switching it on. "Fee-Fee. It's time." A moment later, a beautiful Milotic slithered into the room.

Coco clicked onto a channel that had a talk show on it, where a man was talking to the audience. "My next guest has really been making waves in the Pokémon world. She's a Coordinator who has earned four contest ribbons and is a favourite to win Equestria's first Grand Festival later this year. Please give a warm welcome to Miss Rarity!" The audience cheered as a white skinned woman in a fancy dress with a large hat appeared on screen and sat on the sofa next to the man's desk.

"Thank you darling," she replied as the pair began talking about her four contest victories, three of which had been earlier that year, along with her work in the Pokémon fashion industry.

"I've been hearing rumors you've actually been invited to do some fashion work in a strange new region. Is that true. and if so, what's the region called?"

"The Region's name is Pasio and yes, I have been contacted by certain individuals there who want my help designing a new range of fashions for the trainers that are competing there. These new fashions will allow those trainers and their Pokémon to connect in a way that has never been seen before."

"Fascinating. What's this new range called?"

"The project I'm going to be working on has yet to be given a proper name. But for now, it's known as Project Sygna." Coco smiled, interested in seeing what this project would eventually reveal with Rarity's skill and ability behind the designs. Only time would tell.

Up in the mountains, Luna and Trixie were hiking through the snow. "What kind of ancient Pokémon could have lived this high up?" Trixie asked as they both pulled themselves over a large line of rocks sticking out of the snow.

"You'd be surprised," Luna replied, "Millions of years ago, this mountain was actually underwater." She stared at the rock she had just climbed over and smiled as she swept away some of the snow, revealing a shape in the rock's surface. "See?" Trixie stared at the rock and noticed the swirling shape. "A helix fossil."

"Amazing..." Trixie gasped as they began to take it out, the girl now wondering what else could be found so high up. Perhaps something that had never been seen before.

Celestia and Sunset were at an archaeological dig of an ancient city that they believed to be a settlement of the Crystal Empire's fleeing populous. It was here that Sunset carefully brushed away some of the dirt to reveal an ancient china pot. "Wow. I've got another one."

"Excellent," Celestia responded, "I'm sure you can excavate it without much issue." Sunset nodded as Ray walked over with a tray for her to place the item in when she got it out.

"Are you sure we'll find something really amazing here?" Sunset asked as she continued to brush away the dirt.

"I'm sure of it," Celestia replied as she stared at the dig site, a large field full of holes, which had many people doing the same as Sunset. "This place is believed to have been in existence during the days when capturing Pokémon had just began. It's possible that an ancient Pokeball could be buried right beneath our feet. We just have to keep looking for it." Sunset nodded and got back to work while Celestia marched over to see what else they could find.

The Dragon Kingdom...

Within the underground cavern, the Draconids and their Dragon-types were all enjoying their happy lives. Only for the sound of a Flygon and Salamence to fill the air. The two roared at one another, neither backing down from a large piece of fruit that was on the ground. They looked ready to start brawling, only for something to shoot down and land between them. "SKEIDRAN!" Hopper, the King of Dragons, roared at the pair. The two stopped and backed off, not wanting to mess with their ruler.

Hopper then threw something at the pair of them. A piece of fruit half the size of the one they had been fighting over. He then used Iron Tail and split that fruit in two, throwing a half to each of them. It along with the other fruit was more than enough for the pair, who looked happy and flew off with their meal. Hopper sighed at this, flying away next as he went to the glowing crystal in the center of the cavern. Standing atop it was Princess, Ryu, Kaida and their Dragon-types. He landed next to Princess and smiled at what was on her head, a trio of Hoppin. One leapt onto his head, Hopper chuckled up at his son.

This one, his first born, was sporting the same birthmark he did. One day, Hopper would pass control of these lands to his offspring and he knew the kingdom would be in good claws.

Twilight pulled away from the picture of her main friends and saw several other pictures of people she knew, all of which were also living great lives.

In Vocanctus, Sonata, Aria and Adagio were all preparing for the Voice of the Ocean Festival with their Primarinas. The event was going to be in a couple of weeks and they had also scheduled an Equestria wide concert, their first tour that would start a week after the festival and end a month before the next one. This tour would surely help them become more widely known outside of Equestria and Sonata had already sent tickets to her friends in Canterlot for VIP passes to the concert that would be happening there.

In another part of Equestria, three young girls were travelling together. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were walking down the road, each of them having an Eevee walking beside them.

The trio had just begun their own Pokémon journey and were looking forward to the adventures they were gonna have. Each of them had a string around their necks, which had a different Evolution Stone tied around the end of them. Scootaloo had a Thunder Stone, Sweetie had a Shiny Stone and Applebloom had a Leaf Stone. The trio and their Eevee laughed at something one of them said, all looking ahead and wondering what crazy situation they were gonna get into.

In another part of Equestria, a group of six were in a meadow somewhere.

"Slash!" A boy named Sandbar exclaimed as his Sandslash charged, trying to slash his opponent's Braviary. But the bird flew up to avoid it and soared around as his trainer called out to him.

"Wing Attack!" Gallus yelled, the bird diving down, ready to slash at Sandslash.

Off to the side, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder were watching and waiting to have their battles. No doubt this match was gonna be a fun one, but they were just as keen to battle themselves.

Other trainers that had been friends with Equestria's Champion were continuing their adventures as well, but not just in Equestria.

In the Unova Region, Vinyl Scratch and Octavia were enjoying themselves. The pair were in Virbank City, Vinyl planning on battling the Gym Leader there while also listening to her rocking music.

In the Hoenn Region, Micro Chips and Sandalwood had just arrived at Mauville City. The pair were amazed by the shopping mall-like city while also looking forward to visiting places like Fortree and other cities in the region that were either connected to nature or amazing technological areas.

In the Kanto Region, Heath Burns and his Blazegon were atop the volcano of Cinnabar Island. There, they were doing battle against Blaine and his Magmortar to earn the Volcano Badge.

Back in Equestria, at the illustrious Camp Everfree, Gloriosa and Timber were welcoming some new campers to the place.

"You're gonna have an amazing time here at Camp," Gloriosa told them. "And hopefully, you'll learn a lot about Pokémon and the different ways they live."

"Who knows," Timber chuckled, "You might even become good enough to enter the Equestria League. You know, I was in the league once." He gave them a smug expression while the kids went wide-eyed.

"Really?" One asked.

"Oh," another excalimed, "I remember you. You weren't in the league."

"Yes, I was!"

"No," he shook his head, "I saw you. You lost in the qualifier to the Champion. He beat you with his ace like it was nothing." This made the other kids gasp, their amazement for Timber vanishing as they started asking questions about the Champion.

"I heard he saved an entire city from being flooded."

"I heard he threw a spear into the heart of a rock monster and made it shatter."

"Well I heard he defeated a monster that stole the power of Legendaries using only his bare hands."

Timber growled under his breath as the kids continued to praise the trainer that knocked him out of the league. "Just you wait Flash," he hissed, "I'll beat you and prove I'm better than everyone else." Gloriosa rolled her eyes. He said that every time someone mentioned Flash's name.

In a mountainous area of Equestria, two trainers and their Pokémon were doing battle. One was an Arcanine while the other was a Gorillamp. The Arcanine trainer, a woman, pointed at the dog. "Flamethrower!" The Legendary Pokémon roared as it unleashed a blast of flame toward Gorillamp, who blocked it using its arms and bracing itself.

The other trainer, a figure in a brown cloak, said nothing as the flames battered against the Gorillamp. Then, the Current Pokémon roared as he swung his arms and dispelled the flames. "Thunder Punch!" Gorillamp charged and before Arcanine could react, got in close and slammed an electrified fist right into it.

Arcanine howled as it was thrown back, its eyes turning to swirls as its trainer cried out in shock. As this happened, a strong gust of wind blew and pushed the hood of the cloak off the figure to reveal themselves as Lightning Blitz. His hair had grown long and wild, but there was something different in his eyes from the time he had lost in the Equestria League.

"I'll remember this," the trainer growled before she returned Arcanine and ran off. As she did this, Lightning walked over and laid a hand on Gorillamp's shoulder.

"You did good," he told the Electric Steel-type. Gorillamp turned to smile back at him, Lightning giving him a small but noticeable smile in return. Lightning then looked up at the sky, a cloud taking a shape similar to a certain rival of his. "But this still isn't enough. We need to grow stronger if we ever want to defeat him."

"Rill," Gorillamp nodded as he too noticed the cloud. Staring up at it, both trainer and Pokémon thought back to their loss all those years ago. Since then, they had been training in new and inventive ways in a hope of growing stronger. One day they would battle him again, and when they did, they would show him how much they had changed since that day.

"Just wait Sentry. I haven't changed my plans. I'm still gonna become Champion. Only this time, I'm gonna become one the right way."

In a rocky area of the Equestria Region, multiple Flying-types were soaring through the sky. The skyscraper sized rocks sticking out of the ground caused the wind to be funneled through them and increase in power, allowing the birds to fly faster with little need to waste energy flapping. Pidgeot, Staraptor, Wingust, Swallow and many more were flying in a flock through the rocks. They had just entered a small valley that all Flying-types used, only for something unexpected to happen.

Stuck between the two rocks, a giant net was waiting for them. The Flying-type's eyes went wide as they tried to pull away, but the powerful winds were stopping them from escaping. All they could do was enjoy the ride, until they crashed into the net and were pinned to it. The birds cried out, unable to get away as the sound of laughter made them look up to see a trio of criminals and their Pokémon on one of the rocks. Big Score, Rickashay and Boulder where staring down at them, Score laughing his head off as he watched the birds try to pull themselves free.

"Another big haul lads!" Score turned to look behind his lackeys, where a bunch of cages were sitting. Inside the cages were multiple Flying-types, ranging from the smallest Hoothoot to the largest Fearow. They all looked defeated, clearly believing their freedom had been lost. "I'm sure we can find some good buyers for these Flying-types. And if we can't..." He laughed, "We'll just pluck'em and go into business selling feather dusters." The birds shivered in fear, all of them thinking they were gonna spend the rest of their days producing the stuffing in pillows. "Alright. Let's get those ones in the net caged up and get the heck out of here before someone comes by."

"Hey boss," Rickashay pointed at something a ways off. "Looks like another Flying-type's coming."

"Alright," Score smirked, "One more for the road." They watched as the Flying-type got closer, only for it get within sight of the net, only to start spinning. "What's it doing?"

The bird continued to spin, the wind spiraling around its body to form a tornado-like drill. It then shot into the net and Score's eyes went wide when he realized what it was doing. "NO!" He cried as the drill struck the net and shredded it to bits, freeing the trapped Flying-types before it exploded. The trio then saw that the Flying-type was a Tornavian. "Oh no. Not him!"

Suddenly, something appeared above them and blocked out the sun. They turned to it and saw a dragonoid shape with star-shapes on its hands and head. "Gal!" It roared before diving down and swinging its claws. ripping the cages to pieces, freeing the Flying-types. "Galvern!"

"We're in trouble," Rickashay gulped as the Galvern unleashed a Dragon Pulse that made to ground at their feet explode. This knocked them off the side, making them all scream as they fell to the ground. Luckily, a strong gust of wind hit them a few feet off the ground and slowed them down enough so crashing into it didn't cause...too much damage. They all moaned as they pushed themselves up to their feet, only to find the Tornavian and Galvern flying down along with the now freed Flying-types. They all glared at the three, who took out their Pokeballs.

"You wanna play hard ball?" Score asked before throwing the sphere, "Come and get some then!" In a flash, his Piedoom appeared alongside Stalorn and Frostorge. The three roared as Piedoom drew his swords, only for new Pokémon to appear. From out of nowhere, a Reptidal appeared and swung his Aqua Break to block Piedoom's sword. At the same time, a Stagrowth smashed his glowing horns into Stalorn while a Vipeacon appeared and unleashed a blast of fire at Frostorge.

"Ahh!" Score cried as their Pokémon were knocked back, now knowing for sure that this was the work of his sworn enemy.

"How many times are you gonna need to get beaten before you get the message?" The three looked up at a twenty foot high rock, where the Champion of Equestria was standing with his trusty Lucario. "Crime doesn't pay and as long as I'm Champion Score. You won't get away with hurting Pokémon for your own profit."

"Car!" The Lucario roared in agreement as the Tornavian, Reptidal, Stagrowth and Vipeacon stepped in front of the rocks.

The three crooks glared up at the seven as they looked like an unstoppable force of nature. "I'll be nice and give you the option to surrender. Be smart and take it."

"I got a better idea! We take you down and never have to deal with you again!" He pointed at him, "GO!"

Their Pokémon charged, Flash smirking as Skyler, Riptide, Prongs, Viper and Astro charged as well. He then turned to Springer, "Ready bud?" Springer nodded back before the pair leapt off the rock into battle, yelling as they joined the fray.

Twilight was now looking through some documents while also enjoying a calming cup of green tea. She was then pulled from her thoughts by the sound of the phone ringing again, the young researcher getting up and heading to the closest one. She answered the call and smiled when she saw who it was. "Hey you."

"Hey," Flash smiled back, "How's my favorite Pokémon expert?" Twilight giggled at this, "Well, I managed to track down Score and his gang. Up to their old tricks as usual."

"Well I hope you managed to actually catch them this time," Twilight told her boyfriend, "It's kind of counterproductive to blast them off every time."


Flash looked over at the police van that had several Officer Hard Cases pushing the tied-up Score, Rickashay and Boulder into it. The criminals turned to glare at him through the doors, which were then slammed shut in their faces before the vehicle drove off. Flash smirked as the vehicle vanished into the distance. "I don't think we'll need to worry about them for a good while." He turned back to Twilight, "I'm gonna start heading back to Canterlot. As long as nothing comes up, I'll be back soon."

Twilight nodded, "Good. You haven't taken me out in a month and a half. Hope you're ready to take me on an extra special date to make up for it."

Flash laughed at this, "I'll come up with something. Just watch."

Twilight let out a giggle, "I love you."

Flash shined a big grin at this, "Love you too. I gotta get going if I wanna make it back as soon as possible." Twilight nodded and after a few more moments of smiling at one another, Flash cut the call and turned to his partner. Springer had been leaning against the power-line the phone was connected to, "Ready to go?"

"Car," he nodded before the two fist-bumped and began walking down the road. The pair marched side by side, smiles on their lips at everything that was happening in their life. There was no doubt that Flash had a pretty amazing life, full of amazing friends and amazing memories that he had on his journeys through the region. No matter what happened next, the pair would be ready to fight for Equestria and those that lived in it. They would help forge a great future in the world. In the world...of Pokémon.

Author's Note:

Well, that's it. A series I've been working on since I first started here on Fimfiction. Several years of preparation and several more to actually get to stories written. Loved every moment of it though. Thank you to everyone whose read and enjoyed this series, as your comments and support have made it all worth it.

An extra special thanks to Kingjoltik, whose worked tirelessly on editing this and my chronicles series simultaneously. And another special thanks to Supersonicheroes for pointing out the few mistakes we missed and for working on the TVTropes page for this story. You're both awesome and this is as much your series as it is mine.

Comments ( 10 )

It was an excellent story, it made me happy to see the characters move on with their lives, Flash as the champion of Equestria, he deserved that title, this is the best Pokemon story I've ever read, you should be proud Banshe, I'm sure you will inspire other readers to create their own MLP crossover fics.

PS Tears of joy flowed from my eyes when I read that Spike had a Stegoliath and that he was giving Applejack a good fight, that was what I liked the most because I cried a lot when he had to say goodbye to a Stegoliath in the past, (I know that you will do a Bakugan story and if I may suggest again, that Spike be a Bakugan player, not just a Bakugan)

A wonderful finish to this entire story! It's been so great reading it from the start. Seeing everyone in this epilogue was amazing. I especially loved Fluttershy's scene with her sanctuary. You did excellent with this whole set of fics. Congrats and I hope to see stuff like Kamen Rider and Digimon from you!

It was a more or less fitting end. There was one sour note that makes it hard to truly enjoy the rest that came after it, but it mostly works.

This was a wonderful ending to both this story, and the series! I can safely say that this is easily the best story in the series, and I am glad I followed the whole series through from beginning to end, staying with it through its many highs and very rare lows. I must also thank you for the shout out you gave me at the end. I consider it an honor to work on the Tv Tropes page, and I am glad you like it.

We saw a lot of stuff in this epilogue, showing how things have changed in the last three years. I loved a lot of it, but I think some of my favorites were seeing Spike on his own journey and now having a Stegoliath of his own, how Shining Armor and Cadance now have Flurry Heart, Fluttershy's sanctuary, Rainbow's progress as Spitfire's apprentice and her and Soarin going out on a date together, Hopper acting as King of Dragons and seeing his family, how the Young Six have all gotten together, and of course seeing Flash acting as the champion and him speaking with Twilight at the end.

This series helped me rediscover my love for the Pokémon series after I gave up on it, right around the time the anime managed to redeem itself, so thanks for that. This was one of your best stories yet (as well as your longest), so congratulations on finally completing it!

"Oh," another excalimed, "I remember you. You weren't in the league."

"Yes, I was!"

"No," he shook his head, "I saw you. You lost in the qualifier to the Champion. He beat you with his ace like it was nothing." This made the other kids gasp, their amazement for Timber vanishing as they started asking questions about the Champion.

"I heard he saved an entire city from being flooded."

"I heard he threw a spear into the heart of a rock monster and made it shatter."

"Well I heard he defeated a monster that stole the power of Legendaries using only his bare hands."

Timber growled under his breath as the kids continued to praise the trainer that knocked him out of the league. "Just you wait Flash," he hissed, "I'll beat you and prove I'm better than everyone else." Gloriosa rolled her eyes. He said that every time someone mentioned Flash's name.

That was funny. Now the only thing Timber will ever be remembered for is losing to Flash.

Arcanine howled as it was thrown back, its eyes turning to swirls as its trainer cried out in shock. As this happened, a strong gust of wind blew and pushed the hood of the cloak off the figure to reveal themselves as Lightning Blitz. His hair had grown long and wild, but there was something different in his eyes from the time he had lost in the Equestria League.

"I'll remember this," the trainer growled before she returned Arcanine and ran off. As she did this, Lightning walked over and laid a hand on Gorillamp's shoulder.

"You did good," he told the Electric Steel-type. Gorillamp turned to smile back at him, Lightning giving him a small but noticeable smile in return. Lightning then looked up at the sky, a cloud taking a shape similar to a certain rival of his. "But this still isn't enough. We need to grow stronger if we ever want to defeat him."

"Rill," Gorillamp nodded as he too noticed the cloud. Staring up at it, both trainer and Pokémon thought back to their loss all those years ago. Since then, they had been training in new and inventive ways in a hope of growing stronger. One day they would battle him again, and when they did, they would show him how much they had changed since that day.

"Just wait Sentry. I haven't changed my plans. I'm still gonna become Champion. Only this time, I'm gonna become one the right way."

Looks like Lightning has done well for himself, and his redemption has gone well from the looks of it. We might not have seen Grand Hoof in this epilogue, but I bet he's proud of his progress.

"Hey," Flash smiled back, "How's my favorite Pokémon expert?" Twilight giggled at this, "Well, I managed to track down Score and his gang. Up to their old tricks as usual."

"Well I hope you managed to actually catch them this time," Twilight told her boyfriend, "It's kind of counterproductive to blast them off every time."

Twilight does actually raise a valid point. But… that doesn't make it less hilarious.

"I'm gonna start heading back to Canterlot. As long as nothing comes up, I'll be back soon."

Twilight nodded, "Good. You haven't taken me out in a month and a half. Hope you're ready to take me on an extra special date to make up for it."

Flash laughed at this, "I'll come up with something. Just watch."

Twilight let out a giggle, "I love you."

Flash shined a big grin at this, "Love you too. I gotta get going if I wanna make it back as soon as possible."

So romantic. I think I know one way to make that date special for them, but Flash is going to need a ring.

Glad and a bit sad to have this end.

However, it was pretty darn good if I say so. The mentioning of a new region by Rarity has me intrigued as well. Do I smell a small spin-off?

11136097 It's a canon region have you not played Pokemon Masters.

Actually, no I have not :twilightblush:. Didn't even know about it. Still would be neat to see a short sequel though. Or even a little one-shot about the CMC or the Young Six and their adventures.

I haven't gotten to read the story yet but seeing how Spike is finally now a Pokemon Trainer makes me wished there was a sequel/spin-off focusing on his Pokemon journey honestly.

Hoping I can read this story soon too. It seems interesting.

Good story. Would’ve been funny if Flash one day battled Ash, but it’s probably just a fan dream

The epilogue of a series where we skip ahead several years never gets old for me. It is always touching to see what has become of the characters we have followed for so long. They have accomplished their dreams, firmed new friendships and relationships, and the future continues to look bright thanks to their hard work.

It was nice revisiting this series. I followed it the entire time it was in process and it reminded me of my love for the franchise at the perfect time the anime finally redeemed itself. So looking back at it during the time where Ash's journey finally came to an end seemed appropriate. This was easily one of your best works, and it was great seeing it improve with each entry.

The first story in the series was a good start, establishing all the major characters and the setting for any newcomers, like classic Pokémon. Unfortunately, it had an absolutely awful ending that I refuse to acknowledge as canon to the series.
The second story did a lot of things better. The characters developed more, we got more insight into the Pokémon, and we got a special character arc that lasted a majority of the story. Though it also unfortunately has the worst chapter you have ever written, and momentarily felt like you were going to repeat the same mistake you did at the end of the first story, this one redeemed itself with its ending.
Then finally, this story. It is practically perfect, with every single chapter being entertaining as heck and offering tons of rereading value. This isn't just a perfect conclusion to the entire series, but one of your all time best works ever.

It was great reliving this journey. I can't wait until the final few episodes of Ash's own journey are officially released in English.

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