• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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The Gauntlet of Fire

Having arrived at Dragonia City, the group were outside the Pokémon Center, preparing for Flash's final Gym Battle. "Alright gang!" Flash told his Pokémon, "You all ready to take on the toughest Gym Leader in all of Equestria?!"

"RIO/TORE/TIDAL/STAG/VI/STAR!" The six cheered.

"They're all looking pumped," Spike commented.

"Of course," Twilight added, "This is all that's standing between Flash and the Equestria League. And since this Gym Leader was even able to give Shining a run for his money, of course Flash and his Pokémon will be excited."

Doc nodded in agreement. "The tougher the opponent, the more pumped Flash gets."

As he said that, Astro ran over to Flash, "Star! Star, starvern!" He bonked his head into Flash's leg, making him look down and pick him up.

"What's up Astro?" He asked, "Let me guess. You want to be in the Gym Battle?"

Astro nodded as the others moved over to them, "If it is a Dragon-type Gym, a Dragon-type like Astro would be a good choice."

"But Astro's still fairly inexperienced," Doc added, "Are we sure this is a good idea?"

They turned to Flash, who was looking Astro over. "You really wanna be in this match?" Astro nodded, "And you'll give it one hundred percent effort?" Astro nodded again, making Flash shine a huge grin, "Then how can I say no?"

Astro cheered before jumping out of his hands and running over to the edge of the field, telling them they should go now. Flash returned all but him and Springer before they headed for the Gym. Twilight had gotten directions from Nurse Redheart, the group heading through the town as Astro was excitedly ran ahead, Springer and Peewee going with him to make sure he didn't get lost.

"Star!" He cheered, "Starvern!"

"Relax," Springer told him, "You're not gonna be any use if you exhaust yourself before the battle."

"I'll be fine!" Astro replied before running around a corner, "Augh!" He yelped, falling back as he bonked into something.

"Hey!" He glanced up and saw it was a trainer glaring down at him, "What's your problem?!"

Springer and Peewee came next, recognizing the trainer as Garble. He wasn't alone, as several other trainers were around him as Springer bowed in apology and Peewee making Astro do the same thing.

"Huh," Garble chuckled, "What do we have here? A couple of shrimps that think they're tough?!"

"Look at that Terragon," one of his friends pointed at Peewee. "It's pint sized compared to normal ones." Everyone laughed at this, Peewee, Springer and Astro glaring back at them as Flash and the others turned the corner.

"Guys?" Flash asked before noticing the teens, "Is something up?"

"Is that your Starvern?" Garble asked, Flash nodding. "Well it ran into me."

"Oh, sorry. Astro gets a little excited sometimes." He picked Astro up, "Say your sorry." However, Astro just growled at the teen, making Flash say, "Hey! Say you're sorry!"

Garble rolled his eyes at this, only to see Peewee crawl onto Spike's shoulder. "Hey, look at this! No wonder the little guy's so puny. His trainer's a total short stack as well."

The others all laughed at this, Spike glaring back at him as Twilight, "That's not very nice."

"Newsflash four-eyes, I don't do nice. Being nice if for wimps. Nobody will respect you if they think they can walk all over you."

"They also won't respect you if you treat them that way."

"What do you know?!" Garble barked back while pointing at himself, "I'm one of the toughest trainers in Dragonia and I'm respected by everybody." Those around him all nodded in agreement, making the others roll their eyes. "If you don't believe me, why don't I show you? Right now, Pokémon battle!"

Flash shook his head at this, "Normally I would, but I don't wanna tire out my Pokémon before my Gym Match."

This caused the teens to all start laughing. "You?!" Garble guffawed, "You're gonna challenge Torch?!"

"Torch?" Flash asked, "Is that's the Gym Leader's name?"

"You don't even know?" This made them all laugh again, making Garble just wave his hand at him, "If you don't even know that, you won't stand a chance against him. Do yourself a favor and go back to whatever weakling town you came from."

"Hey!" Twilight barked back, "You can't just say that! Flash might not know who this Torch guy is, but he's already earned seven Badges."

"Oh, big whoop. I bet all the leaders he beat were total wimps." This made Doc glare at him as he continued, "And if he's so great, then why's he wussing out against me? Bet his Pokémon are all lame as well. Let me guess, you're actually just a loser with a bunch of fake badges."

The group began to laugh again, Flash growling as he took out a Pokeball. Astro leapt out of his hands as he yelled, "Fine! You wanna battle, let's battle!"

Garble smirked and took out a Pokeball, only to stop when a loud sound suddenly rang out. It was from a tannoy system, the feedback making everyone flinch. Then, a gruff voice filled the air, "Citizens of Dragonia City!" Garble and his friends tensed up at this, making Flash and the others raise an eyebrow. "Everyone in the city will report to the Gym! Anyone who isn't there by noon will not be forgiven!" With that, the system switched off and the teens began to ran off.

"Hey!" Flash yelled, "Come back here! What about the battle?!"

"Are you nuts?!" Garble exclaimed, "I'm not risking Torch's wrath to wipe out a wimp like you!" With that, they all ran off, making Flash glance back his friends before they heard what sounded like a stampede. Within seconds, every building on the street opened up and somebody rushed out of it, not even bothering to lock up.

Flash and the others soon plastered themselves to a wall to prevent getting trampled as Twilight asked, "What the heck is going on?!"

"No idea." Doc replied, "Should we follow them?"

"He said that was Torch's voice." Flash responded, "So...probably."

They soon found an opening and joined the crowd, all heading toward the edge of the city, near the cliffs overlooking a large body of water. There they spotted a large tower-like building modelled after a dragon with large wings coming out the sides and a dragonic head surrounding the entrance. In front of the building was a giant pit that had stone step-like stones surrounding it, giving it the impression of a colosseum, along with a large battlefield inside.

They glanced around and saw what appeared to be the entire city's population sitting in the stone steps, soon finding the only empty seats by Garble and his friends. Beside them was the girl they met yesterday, who had a Charmander on her lap. They moved down and and when Garble saw them, he growled and tried to push the girl beside him to fill the space. But she pushed back, allowing them to sit down.

"Thanks," Spike told her, "I'm Spike by the way."

"Whatever," she replied, "Name's Smolder." She then pointed to the bigger teen, "And this is my brother."

"We've met," Garble hissed, making Smolder raise an eyebrow while the others rolled their eyes, only for a loud noise to ring out.

A large rock carried by an extra large Druddigon fell into the center of the battlefield, two people sitting on it. Sitting cross-legged on the top was a large bulky man that stood at around ten feet, with dark blue skin wearing a black army tank top and combat pants. His hair was a mixture of dark red and orange, with a pair of thick dreads running down the side of his head that were white at the roots and turned red and then brown near the end.

On the rock next to him was a teenage girl with light blue skin, wearing a green crop top with black v's running down it under a light blue leather hooded jacket and blue ripped jeans. Her hair was dark blue, but had a pair of white tips on either side of her face.

"Who's that?" Spike asked, Garble rolling his eyes.

"Duh. That's Torch, the Gym Leader."

"No," Spike pointed to the girl, "Next to him." They all turned to the girl, who looked both tough and pretty at the same time.

"That's his daughter, Ember." Garble pointed at him, "I wouldn't even look at her if I were you. Unless you want Torch's Druddigon to eat you."

Spike gulped at this as Torch spoke up. "Trainers of Dragonia City, hear me!" His voice echoed through the city. "I have been Gym Leader for longer than many of you can remember, and my reign has been extraordinary!" He stopped for a second, silence embracing the crowd before he yelled, "AGREE WITH ME!"

The crowd went pale before cheering, "TORCH! TORCH! TORCH! TORCH!"

Torch grinned at this as he continued, "However, I have decided my time as Gym Leader has come to an end. It is time for a new Leader to step up and fill my shoes. Sad, I know." Silence filled the air again at this, "BE SAD!" This caused the crowd to start fake crying, "This is why I have summoned you! To compete for the title of Gym Leader...in the Gauntlet of Fire!"

This caused a mass wave of cheering to fill the air, Flash's eyes going wide, "A new Gym Leader?!" He slumped over in his seat, "Couldn't he have waited a week or so to retire?! Now I'm gonna have to face some newbie for my final Gym Badge." As he said this, Ember walked up and held out a large scroll. She unfurled it to show the image of a staff with a red gem on the end.

"This is my official Sceptre Badge. The one from which all other Sceptre Badges are modelled after. It is what gives a Gym Leader their title."

Spike turned to Doc, "is that true?" Doc nodded and reached into his Pocket, taking out a Gear Badge.

"Yup. This is mine. These badges are made from a special material, which only the Pokémon League possess."

Torch stood up and pointed to the body of water, an island that sat upon it with a mountain in the middle. "Whomever has the strength and fortitude to retrieve the badge from the heart of the flame-cano in the Dragon's Nest will be crowned the Gym Leader!"

"Isn't that a little excessive?" Twilight asked, "I doubt the Equestria League would approve."

Doc shrugged at this, "Gym Leaders pretty much have free reign to decide their successor however they want."

Torch sat down at this, "The winner will be awarded the Gym and all the Pokémon currently inside will be transferred to them. I have trained them all well and any one of them would give even the Champion's Pokémon a run for their money." This made grins appear on every face, only for Torch to raise a hand, "But be warned. The Gauntlet is dangerous, for I designed it myself! Only the trainers whose Dragon-types have my Druddigon's ferocity, strength, and determination will be able to finish. We will gather at the cliff in one hour to begin the Gauntlet!"

The trainers all cheered and began to get up and head off to prepare, Spike standing up and staring over at the Dragon-type Gym. "So anyone could become Gym Leader? Even if they only have one Pokémon?"

"Ha!" Garble laughed, "You're dreaming if you think you could win this and be Gym Leader. Besides," he pointed at Peewee, "Like that shrimp could ever be classed as a real Dragon-type." With that, he poked Spike in the head. "Do yourself a favor and leave the cool stuff to trainers who are actually strong." He pushed Spike next, making him fall back, rolling rolling down multiple steps.

"Augh!" He cried as he hit the ground and continued to roll right up to Torch.

"Huh?" The Gym Leader looked down at him and raised an eyebrow, "What do we have here?"

"Oh," Spike replied as he pushed himself back to his feet. "Hi. Name's Spike. Sorry about that."

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the Gauntlet?" Torch asked, "This isn't a test you can win without seriously preparing."

Spike shook his head at this, "Oh, I'm not competing. I'm not even a trainer yet." Peewee landed on his shoulder at this, making Torch raise an eyebrow. "This is my sister's Pokémon. But he will be my starter when I'm old enough." Torch's eyes narrowed at this as Spike began to backpedal, "So if you'll excuse me..."

"I didn't say you could leave!" Torch almost roared, making Spike go ridged as his friends began to run up to him.

But before they could get there, Ember walked up to Spike, "Leave him alone dad. Look at him." She ruffled his hair, "He's just a runt. Besides, he doesn't even wanna compete. Let him go."

Torch glared at him, only to smile, "He and his Terragon are rather tiny, heh-heh. I could squish him with my pinky finger." He chuckled, Spike nervously chuckling as well, only for Torch to growl at him, "That wasn't a joke! It was a fact. When I want you to laugh, I will say BE AMUSED!"

"Right," Spike nodded, "Sorry..."

Torch let out a sigh, "Very well then. Be on your way."

"Thank you!" He sighed in relief before turning to Ember, "And thank you." He and Peewee shot her the guns, Ember rolling her eyes as Spike walked off. She then turned to walk off as well, only for Torch to reach out and grab her arm.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To prepare for the Gauntlet."

Torch growled at this. "No, you're not. You're not much bigger than that runt I just let go!"

"But I'm smarter than most of these boulderheads and you know it!" Ember replied as she shook off his hand, "And I've trained tons of Dragon-types that are just as strong as your Druddigon."

Torch shook his head at this, "Being smart won't help you win this Gauntlet! It was designed for a big, strong Dragon-type to win, because it takes a big, strong Dragon-type to be a Gym Leader! Besides, I SAID NO!"

Ember let out a hiss before spinning around, walking away as she muttered, "I hate when he does that!"

Everyone watched her stride off, Spike and the others heading up the steps and back to town. "Looks like I'll have to wait for my Gym Battle," Flash sighed before turning to the others. "Wanna head back to the Pokémon Center and wait to see who the new leader is?"

They all nodded back, Spike then asking to go to the bathroom. They found a public one down the street a second later, Spike saying, "I'll be back in a minute." He went into the closest stall, Peewee flying onto the top to give Spike some privacy. But just as the teen finished and was about to head out, the door opened and somebody walked in. Peewee saw it was Garble and his friends, the little dragon jumping onto Spike's head.

"I can't wait," one of Garble's friends exclaimed, "When I'm Gym Leader, I'm gonna have it so that my challenger has to beat every one of my Pokémon without losing one of theirs. If even one of their Pokémon faints, they lose."

"Well I'm gonna ban all Ice, Fairy and Dragon-types," another one stated, "Let's see how well they do without any super effective Pokémon to use."

"You guys are all idiots," he heard Garble say. "Even with those rules, there's still a chance the challenger will beat you. When I become the Gym Leader, I'll use six of Torch's strongest Pokémon and have it be that the challenger will only be allowed one Pokémon and ban Ice, Fairy and Dragon-Types. That way there will be no way they'll be able to ever beat me. Then I'll go down in history as Equestria's undefeated Gym Leader!" The teens all laughed at this as they did their business before leaving.

"This is bad," Spike told Peewee, "If any of them wins, Flash is gonna be in serious trouble. And what if the League finds out?! They might end up closing the Gym down!"

The thought of no Dragon-type Gym in Equestria didn't sit right with him, only for Peewee to hop off his head, "Terra!"

"What is it?"

"Terra! Terra Terragon!" Peewee replied before flexing his arms.

"You serious? You wanna enter?" Peewee nodded, Spike blinking at him. The idea of him becoming a Gym Leader instantly entered his head, making him think about the many Dragon-type Pokémon. That was his dream. "Alright, it's settled. I'm gonna enter the Gauntlet of Fire." Peewee roared in agreement, both running out of the bathroom.

Several minutes later...

Flash and friends were waiting outside the bathroom, wondering what was taking Spike so long. "I hope he didn't fall in," Flash laughed while Twilight rolled her eyes.

"I'll go look for him." Doc headed inside, "Spike?" He glanced around, but nobody answered, "Anyone here?" He checked all the stalls, only to find nothing. "Weird." He walked out, "He's not in there."

"Then where'd he go?" Flash asked, the group soon searching through the city.

It wasn't long till they found that most people weren't willing to help, twenty minutes soon passing. "Where is he?" Twilight whispered while Springer tried to locate his aura. But there were so many new auras around him, he couldn't find the two. That is, till they spotted Smolder walking down a nearby street.

"Hey!" Flash called out to her, Smolder and her Charmander turning to them. "You seen Spike anywhere?"

"Spike?" Smolder asked, "Do you mean your little friend?" They nodded, "I spotted him running back to the gym earlier."

"Why would he go there?" Twilight asked.

"Well, he does love Dragon-types," Flash pointed out. "Maybe he wanted to see all of them up close."

"I guess..." Twilight responded, only for a gear to move in her brain, making her facepalm, "Spike, you idiot."

At the cliffs that looked over the lake, the many Dragon-type trainers stood with their Pokémon, waiting for the challenge to begin. Many trainers were actually wearing metal armor designed around dragons, while others like Garble were simply wearing their normal clothes.

Torch had moved a rock on the cliff, sitting on it cross-legged. The Gauntlet was about to begin, only to raise an eyebrow as he saw a certain someone walk up to the other competitors. "You?" He asked as Spike and Peewee turned to him, "You're competing?"

"Why not?" He replied, "You said anyone with a Dragon-type could compete." He gestured to Peewee, "I have a Dragon-type."

"Terra!" He roared, only for a barrage of laugher to ring out. The only one who didn't laugh was one of the trainers wearing gold armor, who simply closed their arms.

"Oh please," Garble told him. "I'd hardly call that thing a dragon."

Peewee glared back at him while Torch shrugged, "Any Dragon-type trainer may be allowed to compete. But be warned," he gestured to the island in the center of the lake. "Travelling to the Dragon's Nest is only one of many challenges that await you in your search for the Sceptre Badge." As he said this, he looked down at his pocket watch, "It is time! The Gauntlet of Fire has now began! May the strongest trainer stand victorious over the others!" His Druddigon let out a roar and shot up a Flamethrower, causing the trainers to let out their Dragon-types and climb onto them.

Dragons of all kinds soon flew the sky, Noivern, Altaria, Garchomp, Dragapult, Flygon and many more. The trainer in the golden armor let out a Champagoon that wasn't like any other Spike had seen, being green in color in stead of blue, and it let out some sparkles as it appeared. "Champ!" It roared as the teen leapt onto its back while Garble let out his Blazegon before turn to Spike.

"Good luck," he held out a hand that Spike was about to take. But then he pulled it back, "Just kidding. I hope you lose."

As he said that, his Blazegon whacked him with its tail, knocking him over the cliff. "Ahhhhh!" He cried before hitting the water, Garble laughing as he got on the dragon and flew off. Spike then surfaced and spat out some water, "Thanks Garble!" He growled, "I was thinking of swimming anyway." But as he said that, he saw how far away the island was, only to turn and see something floating in the water. Some wood and a long vine. "Yeah, that'll work."

As he did this, Twilight and the others arrived at the cliff and saw Spike in the water. "Spike!" Twilight exclaimed, "What are you doing?!"

Spike didn't seem to hear this and she sighed, Flash taking out his Pokeball. "I'll have Riptide get him." But before he could throw it-

"Hold it!" They turned to Torch, his Druddigon growling at them. "Any attempt to mess with a Gauntlet participant will result in a life ban from my gym."

The teen's eyes went wide hearing this, Twilight then glaring at him, "Are you serious?! Wait...why would you let a little kid compete in such a dangerous event?! He's not even a trainer yet!"

"He has a Dragon-type willing to help him and the courage to take on this challenge. Trainer or not, he can still compete." The others sighed at this, then were distracted when they heard Spike let out a holler. They looked down and saw Spike skimming along the water, cheering as he was pulled by Peewee. He had used the wood as a surfboard, Peewee flying ahead with the vine in his mouth as Spike held onto it.

But as he did this, a Gyrados suddenly exploded out of the water. Spike gasped at this, only to see Gyrados glaring up at the sky. It let out a might roar before firing a Hydro Pump attack, which struck one of the Dragonair in the sky and knocked both it and its rider out of the air. Another Gyrados then came out, then another and another.

Peewee was able to pull Spike around the Gyrados, the pair not even on the bigger Pokémon's radar as more and more dragon were knocked out of the sky. One of the Gyrados shot out of the water and tried to blast Gable's Blazegon, the fire dragon quickly pulling back, only for its tail to then collide with another Dragon-type's head.

This dragon was the shiny Champagoon, the hit causing it to start falling, "No!" The rider yelped as they tried to wake it up, but the Champagoon didn't respond as they hit the water and both began to sink.

Spike saw this and gasped, seeing the trainer being pulled under the water by their armor. "He's gonna drown!" He yelled before letting go of the vine and diving. But as he did this, he saw something green fill the water. The green was coming from the Champagoon, who he now realised was only painted green. He then noticed a Pokeball in the trainer's hand, but the trainer didn't appear conscious at the moment. He swam down and took the ball, which he saw was in a Contest Ball Capsule, and returned the Dragon-type before grabbing the trainer and pulling them up to the surface.

He gasped as he and the trainer hit the surface, "Peewee!" The Terragon flew down and lowered the vine, Spike grabbing it and allowing Peewee to pull them toward the island. It took a lot longer with the added weight, but they soon arrived at the island, Spike now pulling the trainer to shore.

Once there, he was about to try to do CPR, only for the trainer to begin to cough, "Hey, are you okay?" He asked, then grabbing the helmet before gasping as he took it off the trainer, "Ember!"

Torch's daughter sat up while still coughing, then turned to glare at him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Err...helping?" Spike replied before holding out her Pokeball. "I had to return your Champagoon to save you. Sorry." The girl swiped the Pokeball before letting the now blue Champagoon out.

Spike raised an eyebrow at this, only to show her a smile. But as he did this, Ember snarled at him, "Look, I don't know what scheme you're playing, but if you think saving me will get you anything-"

"I didn't save you to get something in return," he replied. "I just...didn't want you to drown."

"Whatever," she turned away, "I have a Gauntlet to win."

"But I thought your dad-"

"I don't care what he said!" She almost yelled back, only to then hear a squawk. They both looked up and saw Flash, Twilight and Doc flying to the island on their Flying-types. "What are they doing here?"

"Making sure Spike is alright," Flash responded as the three landed. "We had to sneak away from Torch and go the long way around."

Twilight stared at her brother with her hands on her hips, Spike and Peewee gulping. "Hey...sis."

"What were you thinking?!" She screamed, "This challenge is too much for you! You're not even a trainer!"

"Sorry..." Spike muttered out, "But I had too. I heard what Garble's planning to do if he won and I couldn't let that happen. He's gonna make his gym challenges six on one. I couldn't let Flash face those odds."

This made the others blink, glancing at each other at the sound of the idea. But before they could reply, a loud scream made them look up and see a Garchomp getting smashed by a large boulder. They then spotted another boulder flying off of the mountain and hitting a Flygon, then turning to see a bunch of Rhyperior on a ledge of the mountain. The Drill Pokémon fired a Rock Wrecker attack, which flew through the air and struck Garble and Blazegon.

"WHOA!" The teen yelped as both fell, hitting the sand. As this happened, Flash, Twilight and Doc running to hide while Ember put her helmet back on. Blazegon had accidently landed on him, making him cry out as he tried to push the dragon off of him. He then glanced up and saw Spike, showing a big frown, "Help me."

Spike hesitated for a moment, only to sigh. He and Peewee pushed Blazegon along with Garble, lifting it up enough to allow Garble to pull himself free.

"Ha!" he laughed, "Knew you'd do it." He flicked Spike's forehead, "You're too soft. That's why you'll never be a Gym Leader." He then kicked a bunch of sand at him, Spike coughing as Peewee used his wings to get the sand off.

"You're welcome."

"For what?" Garble asked, "I didn't say thank you."

"That jerk," Flash let out before slapping a hand over his mouth. Garble turned to the rock they were hiding behind, raising an eyebrow. But as they happened, Ember walked up and leaned against the rock.

"You got a problem?" She asked, trying to deepen her voice.

Garble hissed at her, only to lean in and asked, "Wait...have we met before?"

"She's my...old neighbor." Spike suddenly chimed in, making Garble glare at him, "Sandy...Rock-Beach."

Garble glanced back at Ember, only for a scream to ring out, making him look up to see the Rhyperior firing rocks again. "Stupid Rhyperior." He turned to Spike, "But I've wasted enough time making small talk." He laughed, flicking Spike on the head again. "Get lost!" He then turned to Blazegon, "GET UP!" The Dragon-type heard this and began to move, slightly flinching from the earlier damage. "Come on!" He climbed onto his back, "Fly!"

Blazegon began to flap his wings, slightly shaking as he did this. And as he left, Ember turned to Spike. "Why did you cover for me?" She took off her helmet, "You could have had one less competitor."

"I could ask you the same thing," Spike pointed out, "You could have told Garble about my friends." Peewee then flew onto her shoulder and rubbed his face into hers, Ember grumbling as Spike laughed at the sight. But before she could do anything, a scream made her look up and see another trainer and their Dragon-type get knocked out of the sky.

"Yikes," Ember flinched, "That looks rough. But..." She put the helmet on again, "That's what makes it a challenge."

"Are you kidding?" Spike replied as the others came out of hiding, "Those boulders are huge." He then turned back to Ember, "Hey. What if we worked together?" Ember raised an eyebrow at this. "You fly me up there and Peewee and I will help you look out for boulders. Like two extra pairs of eyes."

Ember blinked at his idea, only to stare at Spike's huge smile on his face. "Why are you suddenly so trusting of me?"

Spike tilted his head at this, "Why wouldn't I be? You didn't tell on me and you do seem different to the other Dragon-type users in Dragonia."

"Well...I guess." Ember responded, "Alright little fella, I guess your plan makes sense." She turned to her Champagoon and he nodded back, "Let's do it."

"Really?! Great! It's a deal." He held out his hand, Ember shaking it.

"Just so you know, this doesn't mean we're gonna pick flowers or exchange necklaces or whatever it is you do when you think you've made a friend." Spike nodded before turning to Twilight as she stared behind the rock, seeing her nod, telling him it was okay before he hopped onto the Champagoon.

"Good luck," Flash told him.

"We'll meet you at the top," Doc added.

"Ri, rio ri."

Ember sat on Champagoon's neck as he took to the air, Spike holding onto her side. The four soon zipped up the mountain, Spike and Peewee kept an eye out for rocks coming from behind. Champagoon dodged one oncoming rock, then another. In that moment, Spike spotted one flying toward them from the behind.

"Pull up!" Champagoon did so, dodging the rock before another came for him from the front.

"Brick Break!" Ember yelled, Champagoon's hand glowing before he smashed the rock with a single chop.

"Behind you!" Ember was about to pull up, but two more rocks appeared above them and blocked their escape. Spike saw this and added, "Dragonbreath!"

"TERRA!" Peewee fired the blue flames and struck the rock, pushing it back enough for the rock to miss them.

"Wow," Ember whispered, "That's a lot of power for such a small Terragon." She wasn't the only one who saw this, as Garble was flying close by, wide-eyed at the sight before shaking his head and spotting a cave near the top of the mountain.

"Move!" He ordered, Blazegon flying down to the cave. Champagoon charged down as well, only for a bunch of rocks came for him, the Fighting Dragon-type shattering a few before doing a barrel-roll. Ember suddenly felt her helmet fall of her head, falling down to the ocean before she could grab it.

"Blast it!" She growled as they then landed at the entrance of the cave.

"So what do we do now?" Spike asked the older teen, the pair getting off of Champagoon.

"I think we go through there." They watched as a Galvern and Altaria flew into the cave, only for a massive column of fire to suddenly explode out of the mouth. A moment later, the two flew back out looking extra crispy.

"Geez," they turned to the voice and spotted Flash, Twilight and Doc hiding behind a rock. "That looks dangerous."

Ember went wide-eyed, only to shake her head and turned to her partner. "Listen Spike, I wouldn't have made it this far without you. So I guess, if you want to, we could keep working together." She quickly glanced around before crossing her arms, "I mean, just until we get through that tunnel."

Spike smirked and gave her a thumbs up. "Okay!" Peewee roared in agreement before the four ran into the cave.

"We'll be right behind you!" Twilight told them in a hushed voice.

They soon made their way through the tunnel, now finding a chamber where a bunch of trainers were stuck fighting a group of Duraludon. The Pokémon were all using Stone Edge, making large rocks shoot out of the ground and ceiling. Several Dragons and their trainers had already attempted to get past, but most were knocked out or pushed back.

Spike and Ember shared a glance before nodding, the pair climbing onto Champagoon and flying into the horde of rocks. With Ember, Spike and Peewee keeping an eye out, Champagoon zipped past them all, while Garble and Blazegon attempted, but kept getting hit by the rocks. "Augh!" He cried as a pair shot up and sandwiched them. They struggled to escape, all while Spike and Ember reached the exit and got off of Champagoon.

As they got there, Ember had to return Champagoon due to how small the tunnel was. There, they found a bunch of crystal spikes that were shooting in and out of holes in the wall. "How the heck does that work?" Spike asked, only for Peewee to look up and roar. The two now saw a bunch of Noibat, whose eyes were glowing as they used Psychic to make the spikes move. "Oh."

"Come on!" Ember replied as she ran in, Spike right behind her. He followed her as she quickly zipped around the spikes while Peewee flew around them. As Spike landed after jumping over a crystal, he saw one shoot out of the ceiling straight for Ember, the boy gasping before tackling her.

Ember looked back and saw the crystal, then turned to Spike as he picked himself up. They smiled at one another, not noticing Garble appear behind them before the crystals attacked him.

Spike and Ember soon reached the end of the tunnel, now walking into a large chamber that was covered in lava pools. They were standing on a platform, connected to several bridges that lead into multiple different tunnels.

"You made it!" The pair turned to see Spike's friends peeking out from behind a bunch of rocks. "That's good. We were starting to get worried."

"About us?" Spike asked before letting out a scoff, "Oh please. That tunnel was cake!" But then he actually thought back to what he and Ember had gone through and let out a dizzying groan before falling over.

As he hit the ground, Ember raised an eyebrow. "Wait, how did you guys get through?"

But before anyone could explain, the mountain shook. "What's happening?!" Flash asked, everyone they grabbed each other.

"Micro-Eruption!" Ember screamed as she got low to the ground, the others copying her, though Springer wasn't fast enough.

"RI, RI!" He cried as he staggered back over the edge of the platform, falling toward one of the lava pools.

"SPRINGER!" They all yelled as Spike pulled his arm back, which had Peewee on it. "GO!" He threw Peewee and the Terragon shot down with his claws at the ready.

"TERRA!" He roared grabbing Springer inches before reaching the lava pool. Everyone gasped at seeing this, Ember amazed such a little Pokémon was able to lift Springer up like that. Peewee then flew Springer back up, only for a column of lava to fly straight up where the pair had been.

"Springer!" Flash cheered as Peewee dropped Springer into his arms, the teen hugging him tightly before turning to Spike and Peewee. "Thanks guys."

Spike smirked as he scratched Peewee under the chin. "It was nothing."

"Nothing?" He turned to Ember, the girl's eyes now wide, "You and your Terragon just risked everything to save him! And they're putting themselves in danger just to support you!"

"Well, that's just what friends do. Heck, we're more than just friends." He shined a big grin at this, "We're family!"

"Family?" Ember asked, raising an eyebrow at the word.

"Yeah. I mean, don't you care about your family's Pokémon? Like your dad's Druddigon? Wouldn't you want to help it if it needed it?"

"I guess," Ember rubbed her arm. "But my dad's so strong that he doesn't need any help."

"Everyone needs help sometimes," Twilight responded, "Like the way you and Spike helped one another."

"Doesn't that mean you're weak?"

"Not at all." Doc replied while shaking his head, "It's not a sign of weakness. Friends help friends. That's just the way the world works."

"Not in this part of the world," Ember countered, "Here, it's everybody for themselves."

"Sounds lonely," Flash pointed out. "And untrue. After all, you wouldn't have gotten anywhere without Champagoon. Can you honestly say he's not your friend?"

Ember blinked at the suggestion, glancing down at her Pokeball. As she did this, Spike moved over to her, "We should keep going. We're almost at the badge. Together, we'll-"

"No!" Ember stepped away and unleashed Champagoon, then turned back to him. "We were only helping each other get through the tunnel, and now we're through the tunnel, so that's it."

"Huh?" Spike raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

Ember pointed at him, "There's only one winner, one Sceptre Badge, and one Gym Leader. So I guess it's every trainer for themselves."

"Oh..." Spike replied, "But what about working together as friends?"

"Maybe if we were in wherever you're from," she replied before climbing onto Champagoon. "But like I said, Dragonia Trainers doesn't do friendship."

With that, Champagoon flew off, leaving a frowning Spike before making his way across the bridge on foot, the others following. After a few minutes, they arrived at a bridge filled crevasse full of holes leading into different tunnels. But Spike barely noticed this as he walked across a bridge, "I can't believe Ember ditched me."

"Maybe you're better off," Doc chimed in, "She was only looking out for herself. Seems she's like those others from earlier."

"She's not though." Spike turned to them, "I know it. She saved me, even when she didn't have to. I don't care what she says, that makes us friends." With that, he began to march into one of the tunnels, the others following...only to find themselves coming out at a crevasse like the one they were in before. Spike then ran into another tunnel, only to come out the crevasse again. He picked another tunnel and soon found himself heading down, only to reach the bridge-filled chamber again.

"Is it just me, or have we seen this crevasse three times already?"

Spike glanced around, scratching his head, "It's kinda hard to tell. They all look the same." He then turned to another tunnel, only to see it shining a bright light. "Except for that one! Look!" He ran over to the tunnel, now seeing the rocks that made up the walls around this hole were a different color to the others.

And as they walked in, they found themselves in a giant chamber full of stalagmites and stalactites, a large winding bridge also there that lead to a raised podium that had a bunch of crystals sticking out of it. And among those crystals, the Sceptre Badge sat.

"We made it!" Spike cheered as he walked onto the bridge, "I can't believe I'm the only one to make it this far!"

"You're not!" Spike spun around and gasped when he saw Garble enter the chamber with his Blazegon behind him. Flash, Twilight and Doc quickly zipped behind some rocks as Garble approached, "And I'm not losing to a weakling like you!"

"BLAZE!" The fire dragon roared before taking to the air.

"Flamethrower!" Blazegon unleashed a burst of fire at Spike, Peewee quickly taking to the air and firing a Dragonbreath back. The two attacks pushed against one another, but the Blazegon's attack overpowered Peewee's.

"Peewee!" Spike cried as his partner got knocked back, falling over from the blow.

And as Spike picked him up, Garble just laughed, "Face it shrimp, you'll never we worthy of being a Gym Leader. Being a Gym Leader means being the strongest around. That's why only I'm worthy, because I'm the strongest!"

"As if!" Spike barked back, "You're the furthest thing from a Gym Leader!" He helped Peewee up as he continued, "I've been through a lot since leaving home. I'm met tons of trainers and tons of Gym Leaders, and I've seen what it truly means to be one. True Gym Leaders aren't just strong. They care for their Pokémon. They protect those that can't protect themselves. They help the trainers that challenge them, helping them learn and grow so that they can be the best trainers they can be. It's not about constantly winning matches. It's about making sure only worthy trainers are able to enter the Equestria League. And from what I've seen, you're none of those things. That's why you'll never by a Gym Leader!"

Spike's friends all smiled at this, glad the young boy had learned so much since the start of their journey. That is, till Garble began to growl at him, "Nice speech, but it means nothing." Blazegon flew up and grabbed Spike, lifting him up and holding him over the pit of pointy rocks. "It's not up to you. The next Gym Leader is whoever gets the badge first. And that'll be me."

"We have to do something!" Doc gasped.

"Screw getting banned," Flash added before taking out a Pokeball. "I'll pick my friend over a badge any day."

But just as he was about to throw the ball, Twilight grabbed his arm, "Wait! Look!" She pointed toward the tunnel, all now seeing a familiar Dragon-type.

"Focus Blast!" Ember yelled as Champagoon created a sphere of energy and fired it, hitting Blazegon in the back. The blow made it drop Spike and Peewee, everyone gasping as they fell, but then Ember flew down and he landed in her arms.

"Ember!" He cheered as they flew back up, "I thought it was everyone for themselves!" They then landed between Garble and the crystals. "Why did you save me?!"

"That's what friends do!" Ember responded as they jumped off Champagoon. "And I am. I mean, we are. I never should have left you back there. Augh!" she cried in frustration, "Please don't make me talk about my feelings!"

"Raaah!" They turned to Garble as he charged at them with Blazegon behind him. Champagoon took to the air and the two began to fight while Garble threw a punch at Spike. But as this happened, Ember caught the punch before countering with her own, knocking Garble off his feet. "Blaugh!"

"Spike, get the badge!" Spike nodded and ran for he crystal as Garble got back up and tackled Ember. And as this happened, Champagoon's body glowed before the light covered his head, neck and wings.

"Wyvern Wing?" Flash asked as Champagoon beat its wings, knocking Blazegon back.

But as this happened, Garble pinned Ember to the ground, making her cry out. This made Champagoon turn to her, Blazegon using this to use Dragon Tail and hit Champagoon in the chest, knocking it back before unleashing a Flamethrower.

"Champ!" He yelped while Ember tried to push Garble off. The cries made Spike and Peewee stop and glance back, seeing them both in trouble.

"Peewee!" He threw his Terragon at Champagoon, which leapt onto Garble's back and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Terra!" Peewee roared as he fired a Dragonbreath into Blazegon's head, but it barely did anything. As this happened, Spike leapt at Garble, pushing him off Ember. He then grabbed Spike's neck, throwing the teen back while Blazegon grabbed Peewee and threw him down before bludgeoning him with Dragon Tail.

Spike and Peewee cried out as they were hit, Spike now rolling off the bridge before grabbing the edge. And as this happened, Peewee tried to pick himself up as Blazegon glared down at him.

Ember tackled Garble this time, both now wrestling as Garble growled, "I'm sick and tired of you two helping each other! Dragonia Trainers don't do helping!"

"These trainers do!" Ember grunted before she started spinning them both, then throwing Garble away. He cried out as fell back, Ember getting back up before running over to the Spike.

And as she helped him up, Spike saw Blazegon used Stomp on Peewee. "NO!" He screamed as Peewee got slammed into the dirt. But as a second Stomp happened, Blazegon pinned him down with his foot as Spike yelled, "PEEWEE, YOU CAN BEAT HIM!" The dragon turned to him, seeing Spike glare at him, "He might be bigger, but you're stronger and braver!" Peewee's little eyes went wide at these words as Spike continued, "You've never let being smaller then others stop you before. You've faced any challenge head on, no matter its size. Your body might be small, but your heart's the size of a Wailord. NOW BEAT HIM!"

"HA!" Garble laughed as he got up, "There's no way a weakling tiny shrimp like that will ever beat my awesome Pokémon!"

But as he continued to laugh, Spike's words rang out in Peewee's head as Blazegon was about to use Stomp on him again. As it happened, Peewee's chest began to glow, making everyone stare at him as Garble muttered out, "What the? What's that?!"

"No way," Ember gasped, Peewee opening his mouth as a sphere of energy appeared within it. "That's Draco Meteor!" Everyone gasped at hearing this, Spike standing there frozen at those words.

"Terra," the orb grew almost as large as he was, "GONE!" He roared before the sphere exploded out of him, slamming into Blazegon's chest, making its eyes go wide as it was sent flying upward until-


The sphere exploded and shot Blazegon into a nearby wall, only for the dragon to flop over as swirls appeared in his eyes. Energy then rained down from the Draco Meteor, destroying anything it touched as it broke through the bridge, separating Spike and Ember from Garble.

Champagoon and Spike's friends all took cover near the entrance as the last of the meteors crashed into the ground, the attack now coming to an end. "So much power," Flash whispered, only to then hear voices coming from the tunnel. The three hid again, just in time for several more Dragon trainers to arrive and see what had happened to the chamber.

"No way," Garble whispered as he watched his Blazegon fall down in front of him, "There's no way that little shrimp could learn that move. I've never been able to teach it to mine."

Ember smirked at this. "That just proves that Spike is a more worthy Gym Leader then you'll ever be." Garble turned to glare at her, then noticed what Spike was doing. To prove Ember's point, he had climbed onto the crystals and found the badge sitting in a crystal bowl. He smiled before reaching down and picking it up, turning to the chamber and holding it up to show that the new Gym Leader had been crowned.

"You..." Garble growled, "But...that makes you-"

"The Gym Leader," Ember finished with a chuckle, "Gym Leader Spike." Garble's face twisted at this, only to see Peewee land on Spike's shoulder and let out a burst of fire. Garble hissed at the sight, only to glance over at his Blazegon...who was now laying on the ground, swirls in the eyes and his tongue flopped out.

"I'll get you back for this!" He yelled before returning his Pokémon and running away, pushing past the newly arrived trainers as Spike climbed down off the Crystals.

Ember laughed as she turned back to him, "Gym Leader Spike. Has a nice ring to it." It was then that Spike grabbed her hand and placed the badge into it.

"Gym Leader Ember sounds even better."

"What?" She looked down at her hand, "No. You're the Gym Leader now."

"The Gym Leader is whoever brings the badge back to your father! Besides, you'll make a great Gym Leader. I was just doing this to make sure Flash and the other challengers get a fair match. But I know you'll be fair and willing to help teach those that challenge you when they need your help."

Ember glanced back down at the badge before blinking at him, "You sure? I mean, you do realize what that means, right?"

"Absolutely," Spike nodded. "I'm not ready to be a Gym Leader yet. I'm not even a real Trainer right now." Peewee rubbed his head into Spike's cheek. "I still have a lot to learn. I wanna go out on my own journey and collect my own badges. Then, maybe, I'll be ready to be a Gym Leader."

Ember smiled and nodded. "Alright. But do me a favor. When you're out on your own journey, come back here and challenge me to a battle." Spike nodded back, then jumped up and wrapped his arms around her waist. "What are you doing?!" She asked with her arms raised.

"It's called a hug!" Spike replied, Ember raising an eyebrow.

"Oh...um, okay. I don't know if I like it, but...okay." She patted him on the head as Spike hugged her tighter, Spike's friends silently chuckling at the sight.

Back in Dragonia city, Torch had moved his rock back onto the battlefield and was waiting for the winner to arrive. It was here that he noticed a glinting and looked up, seeing the source of the light was the sun reflection coming off the Sceptre Badge. And the one holding it was none other than his daughter, flying down on her Champagoon with the other competitors behind her.

"Ember?!" He yelped as she landed and got off her Dragon-type, "You?!"

Ember confidently strode up to her father. "I know you didn't think I could do it, but I did."

Torch growled at this, getting off the rock and marching to glare down at her. "I expressly told you not to do it, because you're not-"

"I'm not big and strong." Ember replied as she moved her face within inches of his. "I know. But you know what? I won anyway. So maybe it takes more than just being big and strong to be a good Gym Leader." Torch pulled back and glanced around, seeing the other Dragon trainers all nodding in agreement with her.

Torch growled at this, only to turn to Druddigon. Unlike the beefy man, Druddigon had known for a long time that the girl was a worthy candidate. It had watched her grow up and train many Dragon-types, making each of them powerful in their own right. It simply nodded at its trainer, Torch appearing to accept this before turning to his daughter.

"I was wrong, Ember. You might not be big, but you are strong and smart, and perhaps that counts for more than I thought. And you will make an excellent Gym Leader."

Ember smiled at this. "Thanks, dad." She then turned to the Dragon-type trainers all around them. "AGREE WITH HIM!" The trainers all went wide-eyed at this, only for Ember to giggle, "Just kidding! That's not gonna be my thing."

This caused Torch to laugh, his bellows rocking the rocks around him. "Citizens of Dragonia City, hear me! I present to you our new Gym Leader, EMBER!" The people all cheered as Ember waved back to them. It was then that the people called for a celebration, each looking forward to a party that commemorated the crowning of their new Gym Leader.

And up on some nearby rocks, Flash and the others were all watching with a smile. "You did great Spike," Twilight told her little brother with a ruffle of his hair.

"Thanks," Spike replied before scratching Peewee under the chin. "It was an insane adventure, but it was worth it. Not only does the Gym have a proper leader, but Peewee was able to learn Draco Meteor."


Doc nodded at this, "Speaking as a Gym Leader myself, I'm sure Ember will grow into a great one."

Flash nodded as well, only for them to see Ember walk up to them, "Hey! You guys aren't gonna sneak away before the party's started, are you?"

"No way," Spike responded, "Who doesn't love a good party?!"

Ember nodded before turning to Flash, "Spike said you came here looking for a Gym Battle."

"Yeah," Flash replied while scratching the back of his head, "I was hoping to face your dad since he's supposed to be the strongest Gym Leader in Equestria...but it looks like that ain't happening."

Ember shrugged at this, "Well, I doubt I'm the strongest Gym Leader. But if you still wanna match, how about you stop by the Gym tomorrow?"

Flash's eyes went wide at hearing this, "Seriously?"

"Sure," Ember chuckled, "As thanks to Spike for all his help, I'll let you be my premier battle." She then lightly punched Flash in the chest. "But you better be ready. I might not be as tough as my dad, but take me lightly and you'll be sorry." Flash nodded back, then turned to Springer as he nodded as well.

It might not be the Gym Leader they were after, but they would still give this match everything they had. For the chance to enter the Equestria League and prove himself the strongest, he would go all out. The Gauntlet of Fire had been an insane trial, but this was the real test. Would Flash pass it, or was this where his Equestrian Journey ended? Find out, as the journey continues.

Author's Note:

Well, you were hoping for a chapter were Spike got to be awesome and here it is. I hope this chapter left you satisfied. I'm really proud of myself for this, since I was able to turn a canon episode into a believable chapter. Hope you enjoyed it.

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