• Published 2nd Jan 2021
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Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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Clash of Dragons, The Final Gym Battle

The day had arrived. Flash's final Equestria League Gym Battle was about to start, and despite the party they had enjoyed, Flash had spent most of the previous day preparing for this moment. Currently, Springer and Astro were by his side, he and his friends now making their way to the Dragonia City Gym.

Everyone in town was also going there, wanting to see their new Gym Leader's first battle in the role. "This is it," Twilight told Flash as the gym came into view. "You ready for this?"

"As I'll ever be," Flash sighed, thinking about the previous day, remembering Ember's Champagoon in action. "She's tough, but she's new. That's what makes this interesting."

The others nodded, Springer and Astro letting out growls of agreement as they reached the pit-like stadium. The seats were completely full, the residents sitting and talking amongst themselves. But then they went silent as everyone spotted Flash standing at the top of the stairs. He stared down at the battlefield and saw Ember, Torch and Smolder. Ember looked up at him and smirked as Flash and his friends headed down the steps.

When they reached the bottom, Flash yelled, "I am Flash Sentry, and I challenge the Leader of the Dragonia City Gym to a battle for its badge!"

Ember shined a big grin at this, "And I, the new Dragonia City Gym Leader, accept your challenge!"

The crowd cheered as Torch moved over to some of the only remaining seats with Flash's friends sitting beside him. "You're not refereeing the match?" Twilight asked the former Gym Leader.

"No," Torch replied, "Smolder asked Ember to start training her last night. Ember agreed, but told Smolder she had to help in the Gym. So she'll be acting as the ref."

As this happened, Flash and Ember walked up to their spots, Springer and Astro on either side of Flash while Smolder moved up to the center podium. "Alright, the Gym battle between the challenger Flash, and Ember the Gym Leader, will now begin! Each side will use four Pokémon, and the battle will be over when all of either sides' Pokémon are unable to fight. Plus, only the challenger can substitute Pokémon."

"I see she's using the same rules that I always used," Torch laughed, "I'm interested to see what her strategy will be."

"Wait...wouldn't you know?" Spike asked him, "You trained the Pokémon she's using, right?"

Torch shook his head in response, "No, she wanted to use the Pokémon she had trained. Only then will she be truly be the Gym Leader."

The others nodded as Smolder continued, "Trainers, reveal your first Pokémon."

Ember took out a Pokeball. "Dragons, the most majestic of Pokémon. Masters of the elements and creators of storms. If you wanna win against me, you'll have to be just as mighty as any dragon! Now show me that might! Terragon, let's rage!" She threw the Pokeball and unleashed a Terragon, which was twice the size of Peewee and was the same light blue as Ember's skin, with dark blue spines and white horns along with a medium blue on the membrane of its wings.

"TERRA!" It roared, letting out a mighty burst of blue fire.

"Wow..." Spike whispered, "She's got a Terragon as well."

"Only hers isn't micro-sized," Torch joked while Spike glared at him.

"Alright then!" Flash threw a Pokeball up before pulling the ball back. "Viper, I choose you!" The ball flew through the air and opened up, his Vipeacon now appearing.

"VI!" He hissed.

"Viper?" Doc asked, "Interesting choice."

"Shouldn't he use Riptide?" Spike asked Twilight, "He has a four-times effective move against Terragon."

"He may be planning to use Riptide later," Twilight pointed out.

"Vipeacon verses Terragon. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded, Smolder raising now her arms. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Use Inferno!" Ember yelled, Terragon taking a deep breath before roaring out a stream of blue fire.

"Block it with Flamethrower!" Flash replied, Viper unleashing his own fire steam, meeting the Inferno attack head-on. They pushed against one another before exploding, the smoke filling the battlefield, only to quickly fade due to the outside wind. "Now use Poison Fang!"

"Vi!" Viper used his body like a giant spring and shot into the air, reaching Terragon and wrapping his body around it before it could fly away.

"Terra!" It roared in pain as glowing purple fangs bit into him, making him fall like a rock. Viper kept his grip as he continued to bind the dragon, only for Ember to give an order.

"Crunch!" Terragon quickly bit into Viper, the pair sinking their teeth into one another until they both had to let go. "Now, use Dual Wingbeat!" Terragon leapt up before swooping down with glowing wings.

"Vi!" He exclaimed as he slashed into Viper, then swinging around to do it again.

"Flamethrower!" Viper opened his mouth as flames shot out, hitting the charging Terragon and knocking him back. "Alright!"

"Inferno!" Terragon spun around, taking back to the air as he fired the blue fire from its mouth. However, the Vipeacon easily slithered out of the way, dodging three fireballs.

"Flamethrower!" Viper unleashed another blast of fire that struck the fourth fireball, causing an explosion that Terragon then flew into.

"Dual Wingbeat!" Terragon shot out and slashed Viper twice, only for Viper to thrust his tail out to wrap around Terragon.

"Poison Fang!" Viper quickly bit down into Terragon's tail, making it roar in pain as the poison was injected into him.

"Get out of there!" Ember yelled, "Inferno!" But before Terragon could fire the attack, Viper swung his body around and threw Terragon away.

"TERRA!" It roared before crashing into the ground, groaning as it quickly hopped back to its feet. But as it did this, it flinched as purple lightning appeared around it.

"Poisoned?!" Ember gasped.

"Nice one," Flash cheered, "Now, Flamethrower!" Viper fired another blast of fire, but Terragon took to the sky, barely dodging the flames as the poison flared again.

"That poison's a problem," Ember grumbled, "No choice, I'm gonna have to go all out. Terragon," it swooped back down at Viper, "Outrage!"

"TERRA!" Terragon's eyes glowed red, a light appearing around it as it reached Viper. It then slashed its claws at Viper, only to strike again and again, making Viper hiss with every blow taken. That is, till the poison surged again.

"Vi!" He swung his tail around, gripping the Terragon before throwing him away. The dragon hit the ground, rolling away before hopping back on its feet. But as it did this, its eyes were still glowing...only to start stumbling back and forth.

"What's wrong with it?" Spike asked.

"The downside of Outrage," Torch sighed as Viper slithered up to Terragon. "It confuses the user."

"Flamethrower!" Flash ordered, Viper unleashing a blast of fire right at Terragon's face.

"Dodge it!" Ember cried, but Terragon didn't hear her.

"Terra!" It screamed as the Flamethrower consumed it just as the poison flared up again.

"Let's finish this!" Flash cheered as Viper slithered up again, only for Terragon to turn to it.

"Inferno!" This time, Terragon did hear her, roaring out a blast of blue fire. However, the snake simply pushed through the flames, tackling the Terragon and wrapping his body around it again. And as it tried to move, the confusion poison combo took effect again.


"VIPE!" Viper took a breath before biting onto the end of his tail, "CON!" The flames shot into the tube and ignited his entire body, causing an explosion that filled the battlefield with smoke and fire. Everyone flinched at the heat, only for the smoke to quickly fade. And as it did, it showed Viper dropping the Terragon as spirals appeared in its eyes.

"Terragon is unable to battle," Smolder declared, "Vipeacon is the winner."

"Yes!" Spike cheered, "One down!"

"Don't get overexcited," Torch instantly responded, "The battle is far from over."

"Return," Ember held out the Pokeball and sucked Terragon back inside, "You did well." She then swapped out her Pokeballs. "You've got some skills, I'll give you that. And your Vipeacon's well trained."

"Thanks," Flash nodded.

"But let's see what happens when he's forced to fight fire with fire. Blazegon," she threw the Pokeball, "Let's rage!" The ball flew through the air, opening to reveal the fire dragon as it let out a wave of heat.

"Blazegon…." Flash grimaced, "This could be tricky."

"Viper's fire-moves aren't gonna do much against it," Twilight added.

Doc nodded. "He'll have to rely on Crunch and Poison Fang."

"Are both trainer's ready?" Smolder asked, getting a nod from them. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"FLAMETHROWER!" Both trainers ordered, their Pokémon unleashing bursts of fire. The flames met in the middle of the battlefield, pushing each other before Viper's began to push Blazegon's back. "Alright!" Flash cheered as their Flamethrower got close to Blazegon, who then stopped its attack.

As this happened, Twilight's eyes went wide. "Flash, it's a trap!" But it was too late, as the flames struck Blazegon. And instead of hurting the fire dragon, the flames were sucked into its wings, causing the flames they were made from to flare.

"What just happened?" Spike asked.

"An ability Blazegon can have," Twilight replied, "Flash Fire."

"Your friend is in trouble!" Torch laughed, "Now its Fire-type attacks will be even stronger!"

As he said that, Blazegon dove for Viper. "Slash!" Blazegon spun around and slashed at Viper with its foot-claws, making Viper hiss as he was knocked back. But as it began to fly back up, Flash gave his next command.

"Crunch!" Viper thrust his neck out at this, biting into the tail of the dragon just before it could escape. This caused Blazegon to lift Viper into the air, allowing the Vipeacon to swing his body up and wrapped it around the tail. "Now, Poison Fang!"

"VI!" Viper let go of the tail before biting into it again, this time injecting his poison.

"Shake it off, then use Dragon Rush!" Blazegon swung its body around, flicking its tail. The motion threw Viper off as the dragon let out a roar.

"BLAZE!" Blue energy surrounded it, the dragon charging down at the falling snake before it could react.

"VI!" He hissed as he was thrown toward the ground.

"Use Flamethrower at the ground!" Viper glanced down and breathed fire, the force slowing him down and creating a cloud of smoke that he fell into.

"Don't think a little fog will save you!" Ember barked back, "Blazegon, Flare Blitz!"

"BLAZEGON!" The dragon's body burst into flames, made more powerful thanks to Flash Fire as it shot down into the smoke. The force of the attack caused the smoke to vanish, revealing Viper seconds before Blazegon slammed into him.

"VI!" He cried, getting hit by Blazegon's wing.

"Poison Fang!" Flash ordered, Viper quickly biting down onto its wing and injecting more venom. Blazegon flinched at this, only to beat its wing to throw Viper off.

"Slash!" As Viper was sent flying, Blazegon swung its talons around and sliced at Viper's face. But as Viper fell back, Blazegon flinched again, this time with purple lightning sparking around it. "Not again!"

"Yes!" Flash cheered as Viper landed.

"Dragon Rush!" Ember exclaimed, Blazegon charging at Viper while energy wrapped around its body.

"Flamethrower at the ground again!" Viper did so, this time pushing himself straight up to dodge the attack. And as Blazegon flew under him, Viper cut the flames and fell toward the dragon. "Crunch!" Viper landed at the base of its tail and wrapped his body around it before biting down hard, making Blazegon flinch.

"Get it off!" Ember yelled, Blazegon swinging its tail around again. And as he did this, he took to the air and did a midair roll, knocking Viper.

"VI!" He cried as he hit the floor, Blazegon then flinching from the poison again.

"Viper!" Flash yelled as Blazegon flew up next before diving at the Vipeacon.

"Flare Blitz!" Blazegon's body exploded into flames again, Viper still recovering before glancing up. His eyes went wide as he saw what was coming for him.

"VI!" Was all he could cry before the fire dragon slammed into him, causing an explosion that filled the battlefield. A second later, Blazegon flew out of the smoke, blowing it away to reveal Viper laid out on the ground. "Vi..." He moaned, his eyes now replaced with swirls.

"Vipeacon is unable to battle," Smolder declared as the Fire Dragon-type landed. "Blazegon is the winner." Ember smirked at this, only to grimace when the poison flared again.

"That could be a problem in the next battle."

"Return Viper!" Flash held out his Pokeball and recalled him, "You did great. Take a good rest." He replaced the Pokeball with another. "Alright Ember. Your Blazegon's strong, but lets see how it fairs against the Ocean's Champion! Riptide," he threw the ball, "I choose you!"

In a flash of red, the Reptidal appeared. "Tidal!" He roared as he landed, arms crossed and ready for battle.

"A Reptidal?" Ember responded with a raised eyebrow, "Interesting. Let's see how it's gonna stand against Blazegon."

"Are both trainers ready?" Smolder asked, the pair nodding. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Flamethrower!" Ember ordered, Blazegon unleashing another stream of fire.

"Aqua Break!" Flash countered, Riptide quickly forming a large water sword that it cut the Flamethrower in half. A cloud of steam formed from the sword, surrounding Riptide while Blazegon took to the air.

"Fly down and use Dragon Rush!" Blazegon shot down at the steam cloud, the energy forming around its body. But to its surprise, Riptide leapt out of the cloud as Flash gave his command.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide clutched his fist and slammed it into the dragon's head. The energies of the two attacks collided before exploding, knocking the pair back.

"Slash!" Ember yelled, Blazegon recovering before charging at Riptide.

"Rock Smash!" Flash ordered, Riptide's legs glowing as he started break-dancing to swing his legs around. Both Pokémon's attacks collided, Riptide managing to kick Blazegon's claws away before kicking it in the stomach with his other foot.

"Blaze!" It cried out, stumbling back...only for the poison to surge, making it flinch again.

"Aqua Tail!" Riptide leapt up and spun his tail as it was surrounded by water.

"TIDAL!" He swung his tail into Blazegon's head, making it cry out in pain as Riptide then leapt back to a safe distance.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide charged at this command just as the fire dragon began to pick itself up.

"Flamethrower!" Blazegon unleashed a burst of fire that struck Riptide before he could get close, the Reptidal managing to endure the flames, but his Ice Punch vanished. "Now, Dragon Rush!" Blazegon leapt up as he was surrounded by energy as Riptide shrugged off the last of the fire.

"Aqua Break!" Riptide formed a large water sword and swung it into Blazegon as the Dragon Rush slammed into him. The pair pushed against one another, only for Riptide to leap up, hopping over Blazegon as Flash yelled, "Aqua Break, multi-slash!"

"TIDAL!" Riptide broke his sword in half as he landed on the dragon's back, then started slashing at Blazegon's back again and again.

"BLAZE!" It cried, then spun around so it was flying upside down, Riptide falling off. He rolled along the ground, but managed to get back to his feet as Blazegon flew up, only for the poison to surge again.

"Let's end this!" Ember screamed as Blazegon fought through the pain and flew as high as it could. "Now, Flare Blitz!" Blazegon's body exploded before it shot down at Riptide like a burning meteor.

"Block it with Aqua Break!" Riptide formed another pair of water swords, which he swung together and thrust forward as the flaming dragon slammed into it.

"BLAZE/REP!" They both roared as they pushed against one another, only for Riptide to swing his blades apart. "TIDAL!" He swiped the blades in a cross formation, blasting Blazegon back as the flames around it vanished.

It then flew up, trying to flare his wings to recover, only for the poison to surge again. This was followed with the dragon crashing into the dirt.

"Ice Punch!" Flash ordered as Riptide charged with a clutched fist.

"Flamethrower!" Ember countered, Blazegon managing to pick itself up and breathe a stream of fire. The Reptidal flew into the flames, but forced his way through and managed to keep his Ice Punch active.

"REP!" He threw his fist into the Blazegon's face, "TIDAL!" The punch slammed into Blazegon, the fire dragon crying out as it was sent flying back. As this happened, Riptide hopped back, only for his body to suddenly ignite. "TIDAL!"

"Riptide!" Flash cried as his friends flinched.

"Ouch," Doc flinched, "Looks like that Flamethrower burned him."

"That could be a problem," Twilight added before they turned to Ember's Pokémon. "But what about Blazegon?" The fire dragon tried to get up, only to slump over with swirly eyes.

"Blaze," it moaned as Smolder raised a hand.

"Blazegon is unable to battle! Reptidal is the winner!"

"Half way done." Spike commented as Ember returned Blazegon. "And hopefully, Riptide can beat the last two."

"Don't be so sure," Torch responded, "Ember might be a new Gym Leader, but she's hardly gonna let her first Gym Battle be so one-sided."

"That was a tough match," Ember told Blazegon's Pokeball. "Take a break and I'll do the rest." She replaced her Pokeballs, "That Ice Punch is gonna be trouble, but it's nothing we can't handle. Galvern, let's rage!" She threw the Pokeball and unleashed the black and yellow galaxy Pokémon.

"GALVERN!" It roared, swinging its claws around.

"A Galvern," Flash whispered before looking down at his Starvern. "Pay attention Astro. That's what you'll look like someday."

"Star..." Astro whispered as he stared at the dragon.

"Are both trainers ready?" Smolder asked, the pair nodding. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Dark Pulse!" Ember ordered, Galvern opening its mouth to unleash a roar. As it did, a stream of dark energy rings shot out and flew for Riptide.

"Dodge it!" Flash replied, Riptide leaping to the side. "Now, get up close and use Rock Smash!" Riptide charged at this, his legs beginning to glow.

"Dragon Pulse!" Galvern opened its mouth and fired a dragon-shaped laser beam, the laser instantly hitting Riptide.

"TIDAL!" He cried as he was blasted back. And as Riptide flew back, Galvern spread his wings and took flight, Astro staring at him as Riptide picked himself up.

"Dark Pulse again!" Galvern fired the energy rings, the attack about to hit Riptide.

"Deflect it with Aqua Break!" Flash ordered, Riptide creating the twin swords and using them to slash the rings away. And as he did this, Galvern flew down.

"Dragon Claw!" Galvern's star-shaped gauntlet and claws glowed with green dragonic energy, the galaxy dragon landing in front of the Ocean's Champion before slashing at him. Riptide managed to block it with his sword, the two now fencing with one another, only for Riptide's body to explode into fire again, the burn status causing him to freeze in place.

Galvern then smacked Riptide away, making Flash scream, "Riptide!"

"Dragon Pulse!" Galvern fired the dragon laser again, Riptide hopping back onto his feet before doing several backflips, dodging the laser.

"Rock Smash!" Riptide then charged at the dragon, suddenly getting to him before Galvern could react.

"TIDE!" He spun around and thrust his foot into Galvern's head, making it cry out.

"Now, Ice Punch!" Riptide threw a punch next, but Galvern quickly raised its arm, using its star-gauntlet to block the punch. But when it did, ice appeared around the gauntlet and made Galvern flinch. Galvern then hopped back, trying to break the ice on its gauntlet. But before Flash could give Riptide another order, his Reptidal's body burst into flames.


"Dragon Pulse!" Galvern fired another laser, striking Riptide as the flames vanished. Riptide cried out as he was sent skidding across the ground, making Flash flinch.

"You okay?" Flash asked as Galvern broke the ice off its arm.

"Dragon Claw!" Flash watched as Galvern's claws glowed green as he charged at Riptide.

"Dodge it!" Riptide jumped to his feet and hopped back, seconds before Galvern tried to slash at him. "Now, Aqua Tail!" Riptide swung his water covered tail around into Galvern's head.

"Crunch!" Galvern pulled back and managed to move its head around Riptide's tail before biting down on it.

"TIDAL!" Riptide hollered, only for Galvern began to swing him around by his tail. "Rep!" He cried as he was thrown up before slamming him down into the dirt, "Tide!"

"Riptide!" Flash gasped, seeing Galvern pull Riptide up again. "Rock Smash!" Riptide fought through the pain and thrust his glowing foot into Galvern's face, making it let Riptide go. The Reptidal was thrown straight up from the blow, Galvern rubbing its face in pain. "Now, ICE PUNCH!"

"Tidal!" Riptide began to fall toward Galvern, clenching his fist as Galvern raised its arms and blocked the attack with its star-guards.

"Gal!" Galvern cried out, flinching in pain from the ice, only to swing its arms apart to throw Riptide back.

"Dark Pulse!" As Riptide hit the ground, Galvern opened its mouth and fired the energy rings. And as Riptide tried to get up, the energy rings hit him.

"REP!" He screamed as the attack then exploded, covering Riptide in a cloud of smoke.

"RIPTIDE!" Flash gasped as he watched the fog begin to fade, revealing Riptide now laying on the floor. "You okay?" Everyone watched as Riptide tried to pick himself up, only for his body to burst into flames again, causing him to slump over, "Riptide!"

"Tidal!" He moaned, his eyes being replaced by swirls.

"Reptidal is unable to battle!" Smolder declared, "Galvern is the winner!"

Flash sighed at this and took out his Pokeball, "You did well bud," he returned him to the ball. "Take a good rest." As Riptide was pulled back into the Pokeball, his friends grimaced at the sight.

"What now?" Spike asked, "Riptide was his best bet against Ember."

"This isn't over yet," Twilight responded, "Flash's other Pokémon still have a chance."

Doc nodded as Flash turned to Springer, kneeling down, "You ready bud?" Springer nodded back, "Alright." He stood up and pointed to the battlefield. "Then Springer, I choose you!"

"Ri!" Springer ran onto the field and got into a battle-stance, Ember staring at the Riolu. She didn't know why, but something about this Riolu felt different. However, her Galvern didn't seem to think that, growling at the little Pokémon.

"Riolu verses Galvern. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Dragon Pulse!" Galvern unleashed the dragon-shaped energy, Springer tensing up at the sight.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer created the orb and fired it, surprising everyone as the orb struck the laser and caused it to explode. "Now, Extreme Speed!" Before Galvern could react, Springer's body exploded with blue lightning before disappearing.

"RI!" Springer suddenly appeared in front of Galvern and slammed his foot into its chest, making it stagger back. Galvern then tried to bite him, only for Springer to vanish and hit him again.

"GAL!" It roared as Springer hit three more times before spreading its wings and taking to the air.

"Dragon Pulse!" Galvern fired the laser at Springer, but the Riolu sprinted across the battlefield, the laser following him but not getting close. When Galvern stopped to take a breath, Flash gave his next command.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer fired an orb, but Galvern flew to the side, dodging the sphere, "Again, rapid blast!" Springer formed an Aura Sphere in each paw and threw them again and again.

"Dodge it!" Ember yelled, Galvern still flapping around to avoid the blasts. And as it did this, Astro watched how its wings moved and tried to copy it with his tiny ones. "Dark Pulse!" Galvern fired another steam of energy rings, blocking Springer's Aura Sphere before flying down through the smoke that formed from the collision. "Now, Dragon Claw!"

"Galvern!" It shot out the other side with glowing claws, striking Springer.

"RI!" He cried, getting thrown back. And as he hit the ground, Galvern swung its other claw, only for Springer to roll back, dodging the swipe.

"Drain Punch!" As Galvern slashed at the ground, Springer leapt up and punched Galvern's head. The dragon staggered back, clutching its head in pain.

"Wow," Spike commented, "That looks like it took a lot of damage."

Twilight nodded. "Galvern took a lot of hits from Aqua Break and Rock Smash. Those attacks can lower the opponent's Defense if they land."

"Riptide's helping, even after being beaten." Doc finished as Torch let out a hum, remembering the Poison status Viper had left on Blazegon.

"You okay?" Ember asked, Galvern lowering its head and nodding. "Alright then! Dragon Pulse!" Galvern fired the laser at Springer, Flash countering with his next command.

"Bone Rush!" Springer formed the energy staff and swung it into the laser, deflecting it before charging at Galvern.

"Dragon Claw!" Galvern's claws glowed as he swung it at the charging Riolu, only for Springer to use his Bone Rush to pole-vault. "What?" Galvern's claw slammed into the ground as Springer's staff faded.

"Aura Sphere!" As Galvern pulled its claw out of the ground, it looked up to see Springer fire his orb at the dragon's head.

"GAL!" It screamed.

"Dragon Pulse!" Once again, Galvern fired the laser at Springer, the Riolu unable to dodge in midair, so he simply crossed his arms to block the blast.

"RIO!" He was thrown back, hitting the floor next as he flinched, looking like that had been a critical hit.

"Springer!" Flash gasped as Galvern spread its wings and took to the air. Astro glanced at Springer, but then focused back on Galvern as Springer picked himself up, "That's it!"

In that moment, Ember called out another command, "Dark Pulse!"

He looked up, Galvern preparing to fire the rings again before Flash ordered, "Extreme Speed!" Springer disappeared in another flash of blue lightning, making Galvern halt its attack. And when Springer reappeared, it fired the energy rings. But Springer vanished again, this time using his speed to leap up.

"RIO...LU!" He swung his foot straight up and struck Galvern in the head, making it cry out as its head shot back.

"GAL!" It yelped as he fell back, hitting the ground with a thud as Springer rolled through the air and landed perfectly.

"Drain Punch!" Flash added, Springer running up and thrusting his glowing fist into Galvern's head.

"GALVERN!" It screamed, Springer sucking a ton of energy out of the dragon. And as the blow finished, Galvern's eyes turned into spirals and slumped over.

"Galvern is unable to battle!" Smolder declared, "Riolu is the winner!"

"Yes!" Flash cheered as Springer gave him a thumbs up.

"And then there was one!" Spike cheered.

"But don't forget who that one is," Twilight chimed in as Ember returned Galvern. Everyone grimaced at that, knowing this next battle might be the hardest.

"Good work Galvern," Ember told the ball before replacing it with another. "This is it. It's all on you." She looked up at Springer, knowing Flash still had one Pokémon left. "I know you can do this. Let's do this, together. Champagoon," she threw the Pokeball, "Let's rage!"

The ball flew through the air and opened up, unleashing the red energy that revealed her pseudo-legendary. "CHAMPAGOON!" The Fighting Dragon-type roared before glaring down at Springer, the Riolu grinning back.

"You can do it Springer!" Flash added. "Let's do this!"

"Champagoon verses Riolu!" Smolder yelled, "Are both trainers ready?!" They nodded, Smolder raising her arms up, "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Focus Blast!" Champagoon put his claws together to form the orange sphere of energy, which he pulled back before throwing like a baseball.

"Extreme Speed!" Flash called out, Springer zipping past the ball as lightning sparked around him.

"RI!" He roared as he thrust his foot into Champagoon's stomach, the dragon flinching as he was slightly pushed back.

"Scale Shot!" Champagoon raised its tail as it glowed, then swung it around to unleash a bunch of scale-shaped energy bullets in all directions. Springer gasped as he leapt back, only for one scale to hit him in the face.

"Rio!" He yelped as he fell back as Champagoon spread his wings and took to the air. Springer then glanced up at the flying Champagoon as Flash gave his next command.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer formed the orb and fired, the blast go straight for Champagoon.

"Brick Break!" Champagoon swung its glowing claws into the orb, causing it to explode as the Dragon-type flew through the smoke and reached Springer as he picked himself up.

"Bone Rush!" Springer quickly formed the staff, blocking Champagoon's karate chop, only to see the attack make the staff begin to crack.

"Another Brick Break!" Champagoon raised its other hand and swung it down, Springer trying to block it, only to be hit in the head instead.

"RIO!" He cried, staggering back and clutching his head as Champagoon spun around and slammed his tail into the Riolu. "RI!" He was thrown back now, rolling on the ground before hopping back onto his feet.

"Back in the air!" Ember ordered as Champagoon shot up and spread his wings, "Can't let him land a Drain Punch, so use Focus Blast!"

"Aura Sphere!" Springer countered with his own sphere attack, firing it at the Focus Blast before both exploded. "Now, Extreme Speed!" Springer once again began shooting around the battlefield, increasing his momentum before taking a single leap, getting right up to Champagoon. "Drain Punch!"

"Rio!" Springer clenched his fist, the green light appearing around it.

"Wyvern Wing!" Champagoon's body was suddenly wrapped in dragon-shaped energy, which exploded off his body.

"RI!" Springer cried as the blast slammed into him, causing an explosion that sent him rocketing back toward the ground. "RIOLU!" He smashed into the ground, making everyone flinch at the sight.

"Springer!" Flash gasped, Astro also flinching at the sight while Champagoon flew down. Springer picked himself up at this, a bit wobbly but standing tall. "You okay?" Springer nodded as Champagoon landed, Ember calling out her next move.

"Scale Shot!" Champagoon raised his tail as Springer began to charge at the dragon.

"Bone Rush!" As Champagoon swung his tail and fired the energy scales, Springer formed his bone staff and began spinning it around in front of him. The scales went flying off the bone, deflecting every one of them as he got close.

"Ri!" Springer broke the Bone Rush in half and swung them like swords, Champagoon crying out as he was hit with a barrage of slashes. And as he felt this, the dragon flared his wings as he tried to fly away.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer dissolved the bones and fired the sphere, only for Champagoon to spin around and use his tail to smack the attack away.

"Focus Blast, multi-shot!" Champagoon began firing a barrage of orange energy spheres, Springer now running across the arena in response.

"Hey..." Flash gulped, "That's just like-"

"Yup," Ember laughed, "I decided to take a leaf out of your book."

Flash growled as Champagoon fired another Focus Blast, only for Springer to come to a stop. "Well, let me show you another trick! Springer, Aura Clap!" Springer formed two Aura Spheres and slammed them together, the force of the explosion unleashing a shockwave that struck the Focus Blast right back at Champagoon.

"Champ?" the dragon yelped before ducking under the Focus Blast, only for it explode behind him. "Goon!" The force pushed him down, Springer running up with a clenched fist.

"Drain Punch!" Springer leapt up, ready to strike Champagoon. But before he could reach him, Ember called out her attack.

"Brick Break, toward the ground!" Champagoon raised his arm and quickly swung his glowing hand into the ground, smashing into it with enough force that rocks went flying between him and Springer.

"Ri!" Springer gasped as he a rock smacked his face, the Riolu then kicking the next chunk that came for him. But as he swatted the rocks away, Champagoon took to the air again.

"Wyvern Wing!" Springer looked up as Champagoon's body was surrounded by energy, Champagoon then swooping down at Riolu.

"Rio?" As all Springer could say before Champagoon suddenly smashed his wing into him, "LOO!" He yelped as he was thrown back, hitting the ground before rolling on it for a few seconds.


Springer remained motionless for a moment, then glanced up. He tried to push himself up, only to slump back down as his eyes turned into spirals. "Rio..."

"Riolu is unable to battle!" Smolder declared as Flash ran onto the battlefield. "The winner is Champagoon!"

Everyone grimaced as Flash picked Springer up.

"That's not good," Twilight gulped.

"Flash is down to only one Pokémon now," Doc added, "And I have a feeling I know which one he'll pick." They watched as Flash moved Springer back over to the podium, then set him down as Astro ran to his side.

"Don't worry bud. We're not out of this yet." Springer let out a moan as Flash stood up and turned to Champagoon, who just glared at him, his breath not even heavy. 'Champagoon's tough. No wonder Ember kept it back until now. If I wanna beat it, I'm gonna have to hit it hard and fast.'

"Star..." Flash looked down at Astro, who was staring up at him. The teen locked eyes with the little dragon, seeing his tail wag as he knew he was wanting a chance to prove himself.

"You wanna fight, don't ya!"

"Star!" Astro barked back, nodding as well.

Flash nodded back, a smile appearing on his face. "Alright! Let's do this!" He pointed to the battlefield. "Astro, I choose you!"

"Star!" Astro ran out to the field, shocking Ember and the other trainers watching.

"He's using that shrimp?!" Someone the others recognized as Garble's friend cried out, "What a let down!" The others moaned in agreement, Ember frowning at the sight.

"Is that really what you wanna do?" Ember asked, "You know that puts you at a huge disadvantage, right?"

"Maybe," Flash replied, "But I trust Astro. He wants to battle and is gonna put everything on the line. So why shouldn't I trust him and pick him to battle? He may be small, but you saw yourself just how powerful a small Pokémon can be."

Ember raised an eyebrow at this before remembering what had happened in the Dragon's Nest. She then shrugged, "Alright then. But don't say I didn't warn ya!" She turned to Smolder and nodded, the teen nodding back.

"Starvern verses Champagoon. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Scale Shot!" Ember yelled, Champagoon raising his tail before swinging it. The scales flew across the arena, Astro quickly running around to dodge the projectiles.

"Dragon Rage!" Astro let out a blast of blue flames, Champagoon crossing his arms to block the flames. But as he lowered them a second later, Astro was gone, "Leer!" Champagoon blinked at this, only to feel something land on his head before Astro's face appeared in front of his, giving him a glare that made him flinch. "Shadow Ball!"

"Star...VERN!" Astro fired the sphere of dark energy at Champagoon's face, making it stagger as Astro leapt off him.

"Huh." Ember commented, "Impressive. The little guy is fast." Champagoon then recovered and spread his wings, "But speed is nothing if you can't hit us. Champagoon, in the air!" Champagoon took to the sky, flying out of range of any of Astro's attacks. "Now, Focus Blast!"

"Champ!" He brought his claws together, creating an orange sphere of energy.

"Dodge it!" Astro leapt back as the sphere struck the ground and exploded, the shockwave knocking Astro off his feet.

"Star!" He yelped as he was sent rolling around, "Starvern..." his eyes spun as he got back up.

"Brick Break!" Champagoon swung down, his glowing claw ready to karate chop Astro. But the Star Dragon quickly rolled to the side, causing Champagoon to hit the ground and make it shake instead.

"Leer!" Champagoon turned to Astro, just in time to see the little dragon jump at him and give another death glare.

Champagoon flinched a little, only to spin around and slam his tail into Astro. "STAR!" Astro was sent hurtling across the battlefield, only to land on his feet as he skidded to a stop.

"Shadow Ball!"

"Focus Blast!" The orange sphere appeared in his claws and he waited until the Shadow Ball got close, then fired. The orbs connected and pushed against one another, allowing Champagoon to take to the air before they exploded. The smoke filled the air and Astro quickly ran into it, protecting it from view. "Hiding's no good if you can't see where Champagoon is."

"We might not be able to see," Flash countered, "But Astro's smell is second to none." He pointed at Champagoon, "Dragon Rage!" Seconds later, the blue fire shot out of the smoke and hit Champagoon in the wing, making him flinch before forcing the Dragon Fighting-type to glide down to the ground, allowing Astro's second move, "Crunch!"

Champagoon saw this and tried counter with a swing of the tail, but Astro leapt over it before landing on his back, "Star!" He bit down as hard as possible onto his wing, making Champagoon wince in pain as Astro held on as tightly as possible.

"That's the way!" Flash yelled, only to see Ember smile.

"Big mistake!" She replied before pointing at Champagoon, "Wyvern Wing!" Flash's eyes went wide as the light appeared around Champagoon, which then exploded into the dragon cloak with Astro hit by the light.

"STAR!" He cried as he body was burned, Champagoon then spinning around and firing the attack into the air. Astro was pushed up along with it before it exploded.

"ASTRO!" Flash screamed, his friends gasping as they watched Astro fall to the ground.

"Let's end this!" Ember added, "Brick Break!" Champagoon ran up to where Astro was gonna land and swung his claw, hitting Astro head on with a karate chop.

"STARVERN!" He yelped as he was thrown across the battlefield again before crashing, rolling several times before coming to a stop. Everyone watched as Astro lay there, barely moving from the blows.

"Come on Astro!" Spike yelled, "You can't go down like that! You've only been hit twice!"

"But those two moves were super effective and came from an incredibly strong opponent," Twilight pointed out as she watched Astro try to pick himself up. "I'm afraid this might be the end."

"Come on Astro," Flash whispered as Springer watched him to push himself up before falling back down.

Ember sighed and shook her head. "He put up a good fight, but I think this might be the end." Champagoon nodded in agreement, though Astro had earned his respect. Smolder was also ready to call the match as Ember added, "Even if he manages to get up, one last hit will likely knock him down for good."

"Then we just won't let you hit us," Flash responded, "I believe in Astro. I've seen him grow since he was an egg and he's always given it everything he has. Even against an opponent that he shouldn't stand a chance against, he'll stand against it and find a way to win!"

"Rio!" Springer nodded in agreement, pushing himself up. He had seen much of Astro's growth, his hatching and learning to work with them. Learning his concentration and protecting the Breezie from Ekans. Defeating Morgrem and proving himself, even managing to stand with them against Team Shadow. Springer knew he was proud to call him a member of their team. "Rio ri!" Springer cheered, telling Astro to stand up.

It was here that four flashes of light shot off of Flash, taking shape to reveal his other Pokémon. Skyler and Prongs cried out to him, telling him he could do it and that they were with him. Riptide and Viper, despite their injuries, did the same and told Astro he could win.

"Flash's Pokémon are cheering for him?" Torch asked with slightly wide eyes.

"Of course," Twilight nodded. "Because they're more then just Astro's teammates." Torch turned to her, "They're something greater. His family."

Doc nodded, "They were there when he hatched. They helped him when he was in trouble, and they showed him what it means to be strong. Even if they're different species, they're a closer family than most actual families."

Torch raised both eyebrows before turning back to Flash, who was staring at Astro as he heard his family's cheers. The dragon began to push himself up.

"We believe in you Astro!" Flash cheered. "I know you can win this! So get up and let's BEAT HER!"

"STARVERN!" He let out a mighty roar as he got to his feet, only to feel a new strength flow through him. And before Flash and Ember could give a command, his body exploded with light.

Everyone went wide-eyed at this, Flash's eyes growing the most as he gasped, "Astro?" He watched as Astro grew larger and began to stand on two legs, his front claws extending and becoming more dexterous. The little wings on his back grew larger and his tail extended, the light soon fading to reveal his new form.

It was a Galvern, but not like the one Ember had used. In place of black, his body and wings were light blue. The new Dragon-type swung its clawed star-gauntlets around before letting out a mighty roar. "GALVERN!" He exclaimed, shaking the battlefield.

"Wow!" Spike cheered, "Astro evolved!"

"Amazing..." Torch whispered. "I've never seen a Pokémon evolve during a Gym Battle before."

Twilight smiled as Flash took out his Pokedex. "Astro heard the words of encouragement from his friends and it allowed him to dig deep and find new strength. This is why Flash has been able to get so many badges."

"Awesome," Flash cheered as he scanned Astro, "Looks like evolving gave you a new move."

"Gal!" Astro roared as Ember chuckled at the sight.

"Just because your Starvern evolved doesn't mean it can beat Champagoon." She pointed at Astro, "He's still taken a lot of damage. One more hit and its all over!"

Flash and Astro smirked back, "Then we won't let you hit us."

"We'll see about that," Ember replied before turning to Champagoon. "Up in the air!" The pseudo-legendary took off and flew up higher then Astro's Shadow Ball and Dragon Rage could reach. "Now what are you gonna do?" She got her answer when Astro spread his wings, "Don't tell me-"

"Vern!" Astro leapt up and beat his wings, propelling him up to Champagoon.

"It just evolved and it can already fly?!" Ember gasped, only to see Astro get close to Champagoon. "Focus Blast! Now!" Champagoon created an orange sphere and fired it, only for Astro to barrel-roll out of the way.

"Seriously?!" Smolder added.

"Again! Multiple Focus Blast!" Champagoon created more spheres and started throwing them, but Astro easily dodged each one. But as it did this, Ember watched Astro an went wide-eyed, "Wait....those movements are just like...my Galvern. Don't tell me...was it watching how mine flew and figured out how to fly from that?!"

"Looks like it," Flash laughed as Astro dodged another Focus Blast. "Thanks for the flying lesson!" He pointed up at Astro, "Shadow Ball!"

"Gal!" Astro opened his mouth and created a sphere that was double the size he would make as a Starvern, "GALVERN!" The orb flew at Champagoon, the Fighting Dragon crossing his arms to block it.

After feeling the orb push him back, Ember rang out a command, "Brick Break!" Champagoon then charged with a glowing claw, but Astro swung back, letting the chop barely clip him. "Now use Wyvern Wing!" Champagoon summoned the energy around him, firing the dragon shaped blast at Astro next.

"Dragon Rage!" Astro roared as the blue fire shot out and struck the Wyvern Wing, not stopping it, but slowing it down enough for Astro to fly out of range. He appeared above Champagoon and dived at him, "Crunch!" Appearing behind Champagoon, Astro wrapped his arms around him and bit down on his wing.

"Champ!" He cried as the two fell, Champagoon squirming in his tight grip. It wasn't until they were near the ground that Astro released him, kicking him into the dirt.

Everyone watched as Champagoon began to slide across the ground, only for Ember to call out an attack. "Scale Shot!" As Champagoon continued to slide, he swung his tail and unleashed several scales. They flew through the air and struck Astro, making him cry out as Champagoon picked himself up. "Focus Blast!"


"Shadow Ball!" Astro landed and shook his head from the scale hitting him before taking a deep breath and firing the sphere, both attacks colliding. An explosion came next, the smoke blinding Astro, only for him to sniff the air and catch Champagoon's scent moving closer.

"Brick Break!" Champagoon exploded out of the smoke and swung his glowing hand into Astro, only for the Galvern to raise his star-shaped gauntlets and block the attack. Despite this, he still felt some damage and was pushed down.


"Astro!" Flash yelled, "Time to test out your new move! Dragon Claw!" Astro's eyes shot open as his gauntlet glowed, a bluish-green aura appearing around them.

"Gal!" He roared before swinging his arms apart, knocking Champagoon off. "GALVERN!" He then swung his claws into Champagoon's chest.

The dragon screamed in pain, staggering back as Ember ordered, "Back in the air!" Champagoon flared his wings before taking off, Astro following after him. "Focus Blast!"

"Shadow Ball!" The two sphere attacks flew at one another again, exploding as both dragons flew away from the smoke.

"Scale Shot/Dragon Rage!" Champagoon swung his tail, firing the scales as Astro unleashed the blue fire, destroying them before they got close. "Brick Break/Crunch!" The two charged at one another, Astro managing to avoid the karate chops while Champagoon used his feet to push Astro's chest to keep him from biting him. He then pushed Astro back and flew down to the ground, Astro following after him. They danced around one another, firing Shadow Balls, Focus Blasts, Dragon Rages and Scale Shots at one another, only for the other to avoid or deflect the attack.

"Dragon Rage/Focus Blast!" They fired the attacks, both colliding and exploding as the two were push back to the ground. They slammed their feet into the dirt, both skidding back before glaring at each other, their trainers doing the same with smirks on their lips.

"Let's finish this!" The trainers exclaimed in unison, "Dragon Claw/Wyvern Wing!"

"GAL/CHAMP!" They roared as Astro's claws were surrounded by the light, Champagoon's upper body being wrapped in dragonic energy. The two then charged at one another, flying just above the ground as fast as they could. And as they reached one another, Astro swung his claw just as Champagoon slashed at him with his wing. "VERN/GOON!"

A flash of light filled the battlefield, blinding everyone for a second. And when it faded, they saw both Astro and Champagoon standing back to back with their attacks still active. Everyone watched with baited breath as they saw both attacks begin to fade. Then, both Pokémon began to fall. Everyone gasped at this, Flash and his Pokémon crying out to Astro.

Hearing this made Astro thrust one of his feet down, stopping himself from falling. As for Champagoon, he instead slumped over, his whole body falling down as his eyes were replaced with spirals. "Champ..."

Everyone turned back to Astro, waiting to see if he would fall too. But as he began to stagger over, he thrust his foot down again, keeping his balance before letting out a roar. "GALVERN!"

The entire audience gasped at the sight as Smolder made the announcement.

"Champagoon is unable to battle! Galvern is the winner. All of Ember's Pokémon have been defeated. That means the winner of the battle is...FLASH SENTRY!"

"YES!" Flash cheered at the top of his lungs, his friends and several of the people watching all began to applaud. He and his team ran over to Astro, throwing his arms round his neck. "YOU DID IT ASTRO!" The rest of his Pokémon cheered as well, making Astro let out a happy roar back.

Ember moved over to Champagoon and crouched down, patting him on the head. "You did amazing. Thanks." She returned Champagoon as Torch moved over to her, Ember turning to her father. "Well?"

Torch showed her a blank face, only to nod, "That was some impressive battling. You may have lost, but you gave that lad a real run for his money. That match was truly worthy of being called a Gym Battle." Ember smiled back before turning to Flash, whose friends were congratulating him.

"I can't believe you evolved," Twilight told Astro as she patted his head. "You were amazing."

"He sure was." Flash turned to Ember as she walked up to him, "You've trained this not so little anymore guy well. Heck, you've trained all your Pokémon well."

"Thanks," Flash replied while scratching the back of his head.

"No, thank you. Thanks for making my first Gym Battle one I'll never forget." Flash nodded back as Ember reached into her pocket and took out a very familiar object.

"As proof that you won here at the Dragonia City Gym, I present you with this: The Sceptre Badge."

Flash and his team all shined a huge grin as he took the badge, now holding it up for all to see. "Alright! I just won...THE SCEPTRE BADGE!"

"RIOLU/TORNAVIAN/REPTIDAL/STAGROWTH/VIPEACON/GALVERN!" His Pokémon cheered as everyone else began clapping, Flash now putting it in his badge case. All eight badges slots were now full, meaning only one thing.

"You can finally enter the Equestria League," Twilight commented.

Flash nodded back as he stared at the badges, each one an accomplishment to what he had been through and how much he had grown. Seeing them all together made his heart feel like it was about to explode. But then, a thought occurred to him. "Wait..." he turned to Twilight, "Where is the Equestria League?"

Twilight laughed at this, "Where else? Canterlot City."

Torch nodded as he crossed his arms. "And the competition will begin in six weeks."

"Six weeks?!" Spike yelped before turning to his friends. "How the heck are we supposed to get to Canterlot in that little amount of time?!"

"Simple," Doc replied, "We'll head back to the Crystal Empire."

Twilight nodded in agreement, "They were able to transport Sunset there from Canterlot, so the reverse must be true too."

"Sweet," Flash responded before turning to his team. "Alright guys, we might have gotten eight badges, but we're still a long way from being ready for the league. So from this moment on, every spare moment will be spent training. You with me!?"

"RI/TORE/REP/STAG/VI/GAL!" They all cheered back. Now that Flash had all eight Gym Badges, his goals were clear. Train with everything he had to prepare for the upcoming league, knowing that the opponents he would face would be just as powerful as any Gym Leader. But would he be able to beat them? Only time would tell, as the journey continues.

Author's Note:

Yes, now Flash has eight Gym Badges and Astro evolved. Now his Team's back to full power, just in time for the league. So what will happen next? Only time will tell.

Also, for those wondering about Wyvern Wing's effect. I'd say it's an 80 base power move with a special quirk that lets it be either a physical or special attack depending on the user's stats. If their highest state is ATK, it becomes a physical move. But if their SP-ATK is higher, then it becomes a special move. Hope that makes sense.

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