• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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Springer's Destiny

Continuing their journey to Dragonia City, site of Flash's final Gym Challenge, the group had arrived at the base of mount Tartarus. Their journey across the snowy wasteland had been a difficult one, but now they were at the mountain, free of snow.

The blanket of frozen water had vanished a half mile from the mountain, making Spike comment, "It's warm." He placed a hand on the ground, Springer doing the same while Peewee jumped down and laid himself out against the rock of the mountain.

"There must be a heat source nearby," Doc chimed in, "Probably an underground volcano or something. The heat probably doesn't extend to the area that's covered in snow."

"Equestria has some crazy climates," Flash added as he stared up at the mountain, "Huge deserts, massive canyons, and a snowless mountain north of a winter wonderland. What crazy forces of nature made this region?"

"I guess that's what happens when two legendary Pokémon battle one another every thousand years. It's possible the area after Mount Tartarus was once snow covered, but the two's battle caused the environment to change and open up a few magma vents."

"Or maybe it was Alicormony's heralds," Doc countered, "When we were at the Crystal Empire, Luna told me an old legend spoke of how the three had the power the control the weather. Maybe one of them decided to put a volcano next to a snow biome just for a laugh."

Everyone chuckled at this as they looked up at the mountain, Spike asking, "We're really gonna climb this?"

"Yup. Once we're over this, it'll be a straight shot to Dragonia City." Twilight replied as she stared at her journal.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Flash asked before gesturing to them, "Let's see how far up we can get before nightfall!" The others nodded and they began their trek, finding a trail that led up the mountain. They travelled upward for about an hour, the trail being rather easy to climb since it was only slightly elevated.

They then looked up at Mount Tartarus, seeing it was a mountain covered in multiple peaks. Their plan was to climb up to the between of the two shortest peaks and climb down from there, all hoping that that area didn't have any steep drops on the other side. They soon reached an area of the mountain that was relatively flat, a good half mile or so before it sloped up again. As they arrived, Doc saw that the sun was dangerously close to touching the top of the mountain to their left.

"Maybe we should set up camp here for the night?" He suggested, the others agreeing and all taking off their bags to prepare setting up camp, Twilight taking out the last pieces of wood they had/

"Let's hope we can make it to the top tomorrow. I'd like to spend as few nights as possible without a campfire." She sighed, only for Doc to pull out a close to empty water bottle. "Oh no..."

"I knew we should have refilled them with snow," Spike added, the others rolling their eyes before Flash grabbed the bottles.

"I'll look around for a spring or something. There has to be at least one on this mountain." They nodded and Flash walked off, Springer following him as the others continued to set up camp.

Further up the mountain inside a cave, a lone figure sat in the darkness eating an Oran Berry.

They finished off most of it and threw it away before leaning its back against the wall. But as it did this, the black appendages on the back of its head suddenly flared up. This made it's eyes shoot open before growling, the figure picking itself up. "Car..." it hissed before walking up to the mouth of the cave.

Flash and Springer had spent about twenty minutes on the hunt for a spring, only to find nothing. "Ri..." Springer sighed as he sniffed the air.

"Anything?" Flash asked, Springer shaking his head. "Great. We don't have much time buddy...and I don't wanna trek through this place in the dark." Springer nodded back, "Guess we'll have to look for water tomorrow." He turned to head back, only to notice Springer wasn't besides him. "Bud?"

He turned around, only to see Springer staring up at the mountain. "Something wrong bud?" Springer didn't respond, just staring in the distance, "Springer? What's wrong?" But as he asked this, Springer suddenly shot off. "Springer!" Flash ran after him, the pair racing up the mountain pass as the teen tried to catch up. However, Springer was moving as fast as he possibly could, easily staying ahead of his trainer. He spent five minutes chasing after his partner, the pair travelling further up the mountain until Flash heard something. Water.

"Did he find a spring?" The teen asked as he saw Springer jump onto the top of a slope, Flash quickly climbing up after him. And as he got there, his eyes went wide. "Riolu?"

Springer had found a water source, a gently flowing stream of blue liquid coming out of a hole in a rock that flew down into a small pool of water. But it was what was drinking from that pool that stole Flash's attention. Riolu that looked exactly like Springer, were all taking drinks from the lake. Some where using their paws as cups while others simply put their mouths into the water and sucked it up. Flash tried to count, but kept losing track with all the moving they did. At best, he assumed there were between fifteen and twenty Riolu.

"Ri..." he heard Springer whisper.

Flash turned to him, seeing a stare he had never seen on the Riolu's face, "Springer?" The Pokémon didn't reply, making Flash squint at him, only to see he was giving a look...of recognition. "Wait..." he glanced back at the Riolu, "Are they..."

"Ri?" One of the Riolu's head suddenly shot up, staring at the two, "Rio!" The other Riolu glanced up as well, all wide-eyed at the sight, only for the first Riolu to gasp and run up with a giant grin on his face. "RIOLU!"

"RI!" Springer cheered as he leapt off the ledge, sliding down. The other Riolu held up his paw at this, Springer running up to him before holding up his own paw and pressing it against the other's. Flash watched as the paws started glowing, only for the Riolu to pull away.

"RI!" He then hugged Springer, who embraced him back as the other Riolu crowded around Springer.

"No way..." Flash gasped, "That's Springer's old pack. What are they doing here?" He blinked at the sight, only for another thought to enter his head, "Wait...shouldn't they have all evolved by now?" He watched as Springer continued to be hugged, Springer smiling back at them before they spoke to each other in their own language.

But then he noticed Springer frown, only to gasp before he leapt at the Riolu next to him. Springer tackled the Riolu, only for an explosion to hit the ground where they were. "Springer!" Flash yelled, seeing what he knew as an Aura Sphere hitting the area.

Springer and his friend rolled along the dirt at this, only for Springer to hop back to his feet. And as he glared at where the Aura Sphere had come from, he saw a new Pokémon. It was standing atop a taller ledge, the now visible moon to its back. A Lucario.

"No way," Flash whispered. "Is that..." Before he could finish his question, the Lucario leapt up and landed in front of Springer. The sight made Flash see a scar run down over his left eye, the teen's mind going back to the day he met Springer, remembering Squiron giving a Lucario a slash over that eye. "Oh no...that's the one that-"

"Ri..." Springer growled, clenching his paws at the sight.

"Car," Lucario hissed back as he stared at Springer. "Loo, Lucario!"

"Ri!" Springer yipped back, "Rio ri!"

"CAR!" Lucario created another Aura Sphere and fired, Springer crossing his arms and taking the blow.

"Springer!" Flash yelled as he saw Springer get hit back, quickly jumping off the ledge and sliding down toward his friend. And as he did this, he saw why Springer hadn't dodged. If he had, the Riolu behind him would have been hit. "You okay, bud?" He picked Springer up and the Riolu nodded, only for a growl to make them look up at Lucario.

The Aura Pokémon stared at Flash, Lucario raising a paw as a trio of blades that were over a foot long appeared on its paws. He pointed it at the pair, Flash gulping as he stood up. "We don't want any trouble. Just let us go and we'll be all good." However, Lucario just charged at the teen, Flash gasping as he had to jump away, "WHOA! Seriously?!"

"Car!" It roared before turning to the Riolu, "CARIO!" The Riolu all flinched, only to nod before holding up their paws. Orbs of air appeared between them before exploding into beams of wind, all flying at Flash. The teen went wide-eyed at this, but Springer quickly leapt in front of him, firing an Aura Sphere. The orb hit what Flash guessed was Vacuum Wave, causing them to explode before reaching them.

Flash sighed in relief, only to see Lucario appear from out of the smoke. "CAR!" He screeched, another Aura Sphere in paw before thrusting it into Springer.

"RIO!" He cried, being thrown into Flash and knocking him off his feet.

"Ahh!" He yelped, both sliding back as Lucario formed a pair of Metal Claws. Flash came to a stop at this, only to look up and see a look of pure blood lust in the Pokémon's eyes. But as the Lucario prepared to attack...its body suddenly froze, "Huh?"

"Car?" Lucario asked before feeling itself being lifted into the air, then thrown back, "CARIO!" It cried as it slammed into the ground.

"What the heck?!" Flash said before hearing a hooting sound, looking up to see an Owlolar. "Owlicious!" He cheered as the Flying-type flew down and grabbed him in his talons, lifting him up and flying the pair away before Lucario could attack.

Springer glanced back at the group, seeing Lucario pick itself up. It glared up at them...only for Springer to gasp at the next thing it did. It turned to the nearest Riolu and backhanded it, the spike on its paw hitting the Riolu on the cheek. It fell over as the others just quivered at the sight of the Lucario.

And as the owl took them away, Springer could only growl at the sight vanishing from his eyes. in fear.

Once they got back to the camp, Twilight having sent Owlicious due to how long they were taking, and then Flash explained everything that happened.

"You really met Springer's old pack?" Twilight asked with wide eyes, Flash nodding back.

"And you're sure that Lucario was the same one that attacked Springer all those years ago?" Doc added, Flash nodding again.

"It had a scar from the cut Shining's Squiron gave it over the eye. And the way Springer and it were glaring at each other...its him."

"Man..." Spike whispered, "That's rough." They then turned to Springer, the Riolu sitting away while staring up at the mountain. His eyes blanking gazed ahead, thinking about his days with the pack. He remembered his hatching, travelling the region, playing and training with the other Riolus...and learning Aura Sphere. But that memory made him relive another one, one that made him growl.


Springer spun around when he heard the voice, just in time to see the Lucario use Force Palm right into his chest. "Ahhh!" He cried as he was thrown back, slamming into the rock. A large crack appeared as he slumped slightly over, pain surging through his body. But as it started to fall, the Lucario grabbed and pinned him to the boulder.

He laughed as he raised his other paw, a familiar blue orb appearing in it before quickly growing. Springer eyes went wide at this, but couldn't as he yelled, "No! Stop!"

But Lucario kept laughing as the orb grew, Flash still trying to run up to the duo, but it was too late. "Now...BEGONE!" The Lucario thrust the sphere into Springer's chest, pushing him deeper into the rock.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" He screamed as he was stuck between a rock and the spiraling ball of aura. And as the cracks on the rock grew, it slowly began to shatter until-


The rock gave way, Springer now flying through it.

'I...I still can't get over it.' Springer thought back, only to let out a hum. 'Although...I guess it wasn't all bad.' His mind then flashed back to meeting Flash and becoming his partner, something he absolutely loved. A part of him wondered if Lucario did him a favor.

"Springer?" He turned to see Flash staring at him. "You okay?" Springer didn't reply, instead glancing away as Flash sat down beside him. "I know seeing your old pack was a surprise," Springer nodded. "And I guess seeing Lucario stirred up a lot of old resentment." Springer nodded again. "But you shouldn't let that upset you. They might have been your pack once, but that was a long time again. And remember...they abandoned you."

"Ri..." Springer sighed as he put his chin into his arms. He didn't blame them for that. That Lucario was terrifying and not against taking his anger out of others, "Riolu..." his fists clenched as he hissed, wondering how many other Riolu he had hurt like Springer.

"Rio!" Springer stood up and glared at the mountain, Flash raising an eyebrow.

"Springer?" He then saw the look in his partner's eyes and nodded, "I get it. You wanna settle the score with that Lucario." Springer nodded back. "Alright." Flash stood up while the others gathered around him. "If that's what you need to do, then we won't stop you. And we'll be there to help you in any way possible."

"Ri!" Springer replied before starting to stride up the mountain.

"Wait, we're going now?" Spike yelped, "Aren't we gonna wait until morning?"

"I guess he doesn't wanna wait," Twilight chuckled.

Flash sighed, "I think this is about more then just getting even." The others turned to him. "I think he wants to take Lucario down to help the other Riolu."

"I see," Twilight hummed. "I guess that makes sense. They may have left him, but they're still his family."

"Yeah," Flash nodded. But as they followed Springer up the mountain, a thought came into his head. 'There's no way Lucario will change after being beaten. The only way to protect the Riolu from him is dethroning him. But if that happens...' Flash shook his head at this. 'No...don't think about that. I gotta help Springer.'

The group continued up the mountain, Springer leading them as he followed a trail of aura. They soon got to an area that was shaped like a large U-shaped canyon with high walls on all sides but the entrance they used. When they walked in, they saw the Riolu pack sleeping on the ground, shivering while they also saw a cave at the back of the canyon.

Inside there, Lucario was laying back with a content smile...only to feel Springer's aura. He glanced up, only to hear Springer roar, "RIOLU!"

Outside, Springer stared at the cave with fire in his eyes. He knew it was big enough for the whole pack, but Lucario kept it all for himself. And while this happened, the other Riolus woke up and barked at him, telling him to leave before he got hurt. But Springer just stood there as his tormentor walked out of the cave.

"So that's him?" Spike asked, Flash nodding.

"He sure looks strong," Twilight gulped.

"Springer's stronger." They watched as Lucario walked past the Riolu and stared Springer down, the two eyeing one another.

Lucario then smirked as he spoke in his language, "I thought you'd show up again. Wanna take your revenge for what happened so long ago?"

"No," Springer shook his head, "This has nothing to do with vengeance." He pointed at Lucario with his claws, "I'm doing this for the others."

This made Lucario tilt his head, "What are you talking about?"

"I've seen how you treat them. They don't deserve the way you treat them. They need a real leader. That's why I'm taking you down!"

"You?" Lucario asked before laughing, "Please. How's a tiny Riolu like you supposed to beat me?"

"I might not be evolved, but I've faced plenty of strong opponents since you threw me away. I'm a hundred times stronger than the last time you saw me." He cracked his knuckles, "And this is more than just a test of strength. Unlike you, I have a good reason to win. And that's why you can't beat me."

Lucario laughed again, "Where did you learn all this dribble?" He glanced back at Flash, "From that pathetic human?"

"Yes!" Springer barked back, "And he's not pathetic. He's a million times the leader you could ever dream to be! And his training's what's made me strong enough to beat you!"

Lucario chuckled back, "Oh? Let's test that then. My power, which I acquired without anyone's help, verses your puny friendship and training from that stupid human." He got into a fighting stance, Springer doing the same.

"Alright," Flash stepped up, "Let's-" He stopped when Springer held up a paw, telling him no. Springer glanced back and shook his head, making Flash blink before nodding, "Alright. You got this bud. We'll be cheering from the sidelines."

"Beat that guy!" Spike added.

"We believe in you!" Twilight cheered.

"Show him why you earned my badge single-handedly," Doc yelled as Flash watched him look back at Lucario.

Springer and Lucario glared one another down, Springer's friends and the rest of the Riolu watching for the first move to be made, as if it was something out of a western.

And then, one shot forward. "RIOLU!" Springer roared, ninja running as fast as he could toward his enemy.

"Car!" Lucario formed an Aura Sphere and fired it, but the Riolu's body sparked with lightning as he suddenly disappeared before the Aura Sphere made contact.

"Ri!" He appeared right above Lucario and fired an axe kick down at Lucario's head, only for the scarred beast to duck down and cause the foot to fly past his head.

"LUCARIO!" His paw spikes morphed into a pair of foot long claws, swinging them upward. But before he could make contact, Springer formed a Bone Rush that blocked the claws, only to leap back. "CAR!" Lucario took a deep breath before launching a dragon-shaped blast of energy.

"RI!" Springer fired an Aura Sphere, striking Lucario's Dragon Pulse, causing an explosion that filled the air.

And when the smoke faded, Springer was missing. Lucario reached out with his aura, locking onto Springer before yelling, "Loo!" He swung his leg back, hitting Springer's gut just as he charged at Lucario with Extreme Speed.

"RI!" He cried as the wind was knocked out of him, his body hitting the dirt.

"Springer!" Flash gasped, only for Springer to roll back to his feet. But as he did this, Lucario charged with a ready Metal Claw.

"Ri!" Springer yelled as he clutched his fists, zipping up to Lucario as the scarred Aura Pokémon swung its claws. "Riolu!" he ducked under the blades before slamming a Drain Punch into Lucario's face, only to hit him with another in the chest.

"Car!" It screeched before opening its mouth and firing a point blank Dragon Pulse, Springer getting knocked back by the blow.

"RIO!" He cried as he was blown away, his friends gasping at the sight until he spun around in midair. "RI!" He then created an Aura Sphere and fired it, Lucario just shredding it with his claws.

Springer landed next, forming a Bone Breaker as Lucario roared, "CARIO!" He fired several Aura Spheres at Springer, the Riolu spinning his bone staff, knocking them all away.

"RIO!" Springer zipped up to Lucario, smacking him with the bone weapon with a flurry of blows. But as he felt this, Lucario suddenly hopped back while forming a very large Aura Sphere.

"Look out!" Flash yelled as Springer held up his Bone Rush, the attacks colliding and causing everything around Springer to shake.

"Riiiii," he moaned as he felt the attack push against his bone shield. He could feel his feet slowly skidding along the ground, only to give one last push and repelled it away.

"Loo!" Lucario charged at this, slashing through the Bone Rush before swinging the other claw at Springer's chest.

"RI!" He cried as he was thrown back, feeling his back now hit a large rock behind him. He planted his feet into the rock as he activated Extreme Speed, shooting off at tremendous speed before clutching his now glowing green fist. "RIOLU!" He threw his Drain Punch into Lucario's face, his evolved form screamed as it was knocked back as some of his energy drained away.

"Car!" He growled, digging his feet into the ground to skid to a stop. "Loo, car!" He formed an Aura Spheres in each paw and then thrust one at the ground, causing it to explode, throwing large chunks of rock into the air. "CARIO!" He threw the other orb, hitting one of the rocks, exploding and unleashing a powerful blast of force that sent the others rocketing toward the Riolu.

"SPRINGER!" His friends gasped as he formed a Bone Rush and snapped it in half, forming a pair of energy bones that he swung around to deflect the rocks. The rocks were either smashed or knocked them away, but a few scratched him as he did this.

Meanwhile, Lucario formed an Aura Sphere and pumped it up to be three times its normal size. And as Springer destroyed the last rock, he fired the orb. "RIO!" He yelped when he saw it coming, crossing the bones to block the sphere, pushing him back as he yelled, "RIO...LU!" He swung his bones apart, destroying the orb.

"LOOK OUT!" He heard Flash yell and looked up, his eyes going wide at the sight of Lucario charging with his fist pulled back.

"Loo...CAR!" He slammed his fist into Springer's chest, then pulled his other arm back before firing it at Springer's face. He threw another punch, then a kick, punch, kick, kick, punch and so on, each attack growing faster and faster by the second. Everyone watched in horror as they saw Lucario use Close Combat on Springer.

The Riolu couldn't keep up with the attack to block or dodge it, Lucario finally ending the onslaught by jumping behind Springer and unleashing the strongest, fastest, punch it could to his back. "RIO!" He howled in pain as he was sent flying across the area, skidding along the ground before stopping face down in the dirt.

"SPRINGER!" Everyone screamed.

"Car car car! Car car car!" Lucario laughed, everyone watching as Springer tried to push himself back up, only to slump over. That is, till Lucario walked up and put his foot on Springer's head, pushing him down into the dirt. "That's right," he spoke to his former pack-mate in his own language. "Stay down in the dirt. It's where you belong."

"No," Springer moaned, trying to get up again, only for Lucarioi to kick him in the chest, "Ri!" He was thrown onto his back, Lucario laughing again before placing his foot on Springer's chest.

"Face it. You were never better than me. But even though that was obvious, you tried to prove you were. Even though you were nothing special, you convinced yourself you were."

"I never thought I was special," Springer groaned as he placed his paws on Lucario's foot. "I just wanted to be the best I could be."

"Well your best was pathetic," Lucario replied as he pushed his foot down, "Even though you managed to learn Aura Sphere, that proved nothing! You're nothing!" He held up a paw and an Aura Sphere appeared above it, "You're not the first Riolu in this pack to learn that move." The others went wide-eyed at this, seeing Lucario's grin fill with bloodlust. "Just because you learned it, it doesn't mean you have any right to take leadership away from me."

"I never wanted to be the leader," Springer moaned, "You just got it into your head that I did." He tried to push Lucario off, but he pushed down again.

"You were never worthy of that role!" Lucario barked, "You're too soft. You're nothing but a failure." Springer heard this and after another failed attempt to push Lucario off of him, his grip started to go loose, Lucario smiling back, "That's right. Just let this happen. Realise that you have no right to be a leader, you are nothing!"

He raised his paw, ready to thrust the Aura Sphere, only for a voice to call out, "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM!" Everyone turned to Flash, "I don't know what he's telling you, but he's wrong! Whatever lies he's screaming at you, ignore them! You're the best and I won't let you believe you're anything else!"

"That's right!" Twilight added, "You're so much better then him. I mean, look at how he leads." She pointed to the other Riolu and Springer glanced at them, fear plastered on every face. "He leads through fear! You lead through respect!"

"And that's why you're gonna beat this guy!" Doc continued, "Because you care about these guys!"

"So kick his butt already!" Spike yelled as Lucario growled.

It was then that five red lights exploded off of Flash, his other Pokémon appearing besides him. "You can do it!" Astro roared.

"Show him why you're our leader!" Prongs neighed. "Not because you were Flash's first Pokémon."

"But because we trust you!" Riptide yelled.

"You're not allowed to lose to such a weakling," Viper hissed.

Skyler nodded. "Don't forget, he's the one who made you unable to evolve. And we all know why he did that. Because he was scared of you!"

"Be quiet!" Lucario growled back, "I'm not scared of this weakling!"

"Remember Springer," Flash stepped up, "Remember everything you've been through since the day we've met! All the dangers you've encountered, all the enemies you've fought, all the opponents you've battled and beaten. Opponents this guy would cower at the sight of, and you're one of 'em! He was so scared of you that he thought the only way to stop you from being a threat was to stop you from evolving! Are you really gonna let a wimp like that beat you?!"

"ENOUGH! I'm not scared of this nothing! I am the greatest Lucario that has ever lived!" Lucario growled as he held up his Aura Sphere, "I'll show you, you pathetic human!" He threw the orb, only for his Pokémon to easily shield the blast.

"FLASH!" Springer gasped, only to glare back up at Lucario. "You won't get away with that!" Lucario smirked as he looked back at Springer, only to get hit in the face with a tiny Aura Sphere. The blow knocked him back, Springer then using his tail to sweep Lucario's other leg, toppling him over as Springer began to roll away.

"My friends are right. There's no way I'll listen to anything you tell me." Lucario growled as he saw Springer stand up. "You're wrong. I am special, because my friends believe I am. And I believe them way more than I believe you." He pointed at Lucario. "I'm done letting you push the others around. You may be evolved, but that doesn't mean you deserve to be leader!"

"Be quiet!" Lucario growled. "You can't beat me. Try and you'll only be asking for more pain!"

"Maybe," Springer smirked, "But I'll happily take that pain if it means taking you down. You've pushed us around for the last time. Now," he charged at this, "IT'S TIME SOMEONE SHOWED YOU WHAT A REAL LEADER IS!" Lucario ran up as well and created a Metal Claw, slashing at Springer as the Riolu blocked with a Bone Rush, deflecting it back before spinning it into Lucario's stomach.

"Loo!" He yelped, only for the bone to then hit his face, "CARIO!"

"Yeah!" Flash yelled as the others cheered, "Do it Springer!" Lucario then leapt back and took a deep breath before firing Dragon Pulse, "Look out!"

Springer saw the attack coming and reshaped the bone into an Aura Sphere, firing it at the Dragon Pulse, causing it to explode. He then used Extreme Speed to shoot through the smoke, tackling Lucario before kicking off his chest. Lucario growled at this and formed an Aura Sphere, firing it at Springer, but the Riolu used Extreme Speed and dodged it, only to get hit by another Aura Sphere.

And as Springer got hit, Lucario charged to use Close Combat. But as he tried to throw a punch, Springer dodged the first punch...and the second punch, then the kick, kick, punch combo. When he did this, he clutched his fist and threw a glowing punch into Lucario and making him cry out as Springer absorbed more energy.

"Did that punch seem to do a lot more damage then before?" Spike asked, Twilight nodding.

"Close Combat is a powerful move, but it lowers the user's defenses. Meaning they become an easy target if they use it too much."

"Get him, Springer!" Flash yelled as his partner charged, Lucario picking itself up as the other Riolu watched. And as the pair traded blows, they couldn't believe what was happening. Their leader was actually being challenged, appearing to be on the ropes.

"CARIO!" The Aura Pokémon howled before launching another Dragon Pulse, but Springer responded by forming an Aura Sphere in each paw before slamming them together, pointed them toward the ground, creating a powerful gust of wind to explode out and pushed Springer harmlessly into the air.

The wind slowed hit the Dragon Pulse, Springer now flying over the attack and then throwing a Bone Rush at Lucario. The aura weapon hit him in the face, making him cry out as Springer landed on the ground in front of him. The evolved Fighting-type staggered back, only to form another Aura Sphere. "I'm ending this!"

"My words exactly," Springer replied before forming his own Aura Sphere. The pair glared at each other and pushed as much energy as they could into the attack. And as everyone watched with baited breath, they both charged.

"RI/CAR!" They screamed at one another as they thrust the two orbs into one another, the colliding forces unleashing a shockwave that exploded out in every direction. Flash, his friends and the Riolu all felt the force hit them, making them stagger back a few feet.

"Springer!" Flash yelled, opening his eyes through the wind and staring at his partner as he and Lucario continued to push at one another. "Come on! You can do it!"

And as Springer felt himself begin to lose power, his Aura Sphere begin to shrink, he felt a suddenly feeling of warmth wash over him, glancing back at Flash and the others. The looks in their eyes filled him with more confidence, seeing nothing but belief in them. He then glanced over at the Riolu, seeing them all mentally cheer him on, his eyes locking with the Riolu he knew the longest. Everyone believed in him, and he wasn't gonna let their belief be for nothing.

"Car?" Lucario asked as Springer's Aura Sphere stopped shrinking and began to grow again, reaching its original size and then continuing to grow. "Impossible!" He roared as the Aura Sphere became twice the size of his, "That's not possible!"

"Maybe for you," Springer barked back, "But I'm not you! Because I have friends supporting me!" He pumped even more power into his attack, the orb growing to the same size as him. "And now it's time for you to go down!"

Lucario growled and attempted to expand his attack, only for his orb to grow...and become unstable and explode in his face, "Car!" He yelped as the Aura Sphere vanished, meaning there was nothing between him and Springer's attack.

"RIOLU!" Springer roared as he thrust the giant orb, Lucario attempting to stop the attack with his bare paws.

"Loo!" He cried as the Aura Sphere smashed into his body, pushing him back before hitting the wall behind him. "LUCARIO!" He screamed as the Aura Sphere pinned him against the rock, burning him as it grinded against his fur.


Everyone flinched as the Aura Sphere exploded, unleashing a shockwave that knocked them all off their feet. The blast lasted several long seconds, only to fade as they all opened their eyes. to see Lucario. The jackal Pokémon was still pinned against the rock wall, actually having been pushed into the rock itself, burn marks covering its body and swirls in its eyes. It then slumped over, falling to the ground with a thud.

The mountain was silent as everyone stared at the sight. Springer had beaten Lucario.

"Ri?" Springer asked as he let the information sink in, then smiling as he cheered, "RIOLU!"

"Springer!" Flash yelled as he ran up to Springer, the Riolu leaping into his arms, the two hugging one another tightly. "You did it!"

"RI!" Springer yipped back.

"You were so awesome," Spike added.

"I knew you could do it," Twilight continued while Doc nodded.

"Now you can finally let go of what happened in the past." Springer nodded back as Flash let him down, Springer turning to the others and seeing his friends smiling at him. But before they could celebrate, movement made them turn to see Lucario pick itself up.

"Car," it growled, its body sparking as he tried to summon some aura.

"Give it up," Flash responded, "You lost." Lucario let out several roars, telling them in his own language he was far from beaten. He turned to the Riolu and ordered them to attack, but they all remained in place.

"CAR!" He howled, "LUCARIO!"

"Face it," Twilight told him. "Losing to Springer has lost you their respect. Not that you had any." Springer walked up in front of the other Riolu, "They're not gonna follow you any more."

"Loo," Lucario growled, only to see Springer smirk with folded arms. "LUCARIO!" He charged, ready to use Metal Claw. But before he could get close, Springer's friend jumped up as a sphere of wind appeared in his paw.

"RIOLU!" He roared before thrusting the sphere, the orb exploding to form a beam of wind hit Lucario, smacking him back.

"Car?" He gasped as he felt the blow, only for another Riolu to walk up. Then another and another, all glaring at the Lucario.

"They're not gonna let you push them around any more," Flash told the Lucario. "Give it up!"

"CARIO!" It roared before charging again, the claws aimed right at Springer. But before he could reach him, Springer fired an Aura Sphere while the others fired their Vacuum Waves. The beams slammed into the Aura Sphere, pushing it at super speed, smashing into Lucario and causing an explosion that sent Lucario flying.

Everyone watched as the Aura Pokémon was sent hurtling through the air, soon hitting the dirt, bouncing several times against the rocky surface before coming to an stop. They all watched him lay there for a few moments, then shakily picked himself up. Once back on his feet, he glared up at Springer and the Riolu before turning away. Everyone watched as Lucario walked away, clearly accepting his defeat and dethronement. He disappeared down the mountain trail, not looking back as he vanished. Everyone just stood there, waiting to see if he would suddenly attack again...only for nothing to happen.

And as this happened, one of the Riolu jumped up and cheered. This was followed by the others, Springer starting to cheer last. But once they finished cheering, they all turned to Springer. The Riolu stared at his pack-mates, seeing each of them smiling. "Ri?"

"Rio," his friend bowed in respect, followed by another and another until they were all bowing.

"What are they doing?" Spike asked.

"I...I think they see Springer as their new leader," Twilight whispered, Flash's eyes shrinking as Doc nodded at this.

"That makes sense. He did just dethrone the last leader, so I guess they expect him to take over." Flash let this information sink in as he stared at Springer, who was happily smiling as he spoke to all the Riolu around him.

'He's so happy.' Flash thought, 'He finally did it...'

"Flash," Twilight said, Flash turning to her, "You must be so proud of him. Being able to beat a Lucario is hard enough, but doing so when you're its pre-evolution is even harder."

"Just goes to show how well he trained Springer," Doc chuckled while Twilight and Spike nodded.

But as this happened, Flash turned back to Springer, seeing him hug the other Riolu. His mind told him that he couldn't live without Springer in his life...but he knew better. 'I can't be selfish. For Springer.' He took a deep breath, "I have to."

"Have to what?" Spike asked as Twilight, Doc and Flash's other Pokémon looked at him. They watched as he stared at Springer, a frown appearing on his face as he turned away.

"Flash?" Twilight asked, "Are you okay?" He didn't respond, instead walking away as the others watched him go. They soon started to follow him as Springer was too focused on his pack-mates to notice them leave. They followed Flash down the mountain, all the while asking what was wrong. But it wasn't until they got back to the camp that Flash explained what he planned on doing. "What?!" Twilight cried once he was done, "You're leaving Springer?!"

"That's right," Flash nodded as he made sure the fire was out and picked up his bag.

"Flash...that's crazy! Why would you leave Springer when he's one of your strongest Pokémon?!"

"My mind's made up," Flash told him before turning to the rest of his team. "You guys saw how happy Springer was with the rest of the Riolu. Don't forget, those guys were his friends before any of us. They probably all hatched together. Of course Springer would want to go back to them."

"But that was a long time ago," Doc told him. "You and Springer have been through way more together. You care about one another."

"And it's because I care that I have to do this," Flash replied, "Besides...its fine. I mean, its like with Hopper. He's happy here."

"But you're just going to leave without so much as a goodbye?!" Twilight yelled, "How can you do that?!"

She then saw the look on Flash's face, one of pure shame and regret, "I hate leaving him like this, but it's the only way. If Springer knew what I was doing, he might follow me. He's way too loyal to think about what's best for him. This is for the best."

The others grimaced at this, only for Doc to say, "Well, you better think of something else." He pointed behind Flash, the group following his gaze to see Springer standing at the top of the ledge looking down at them.

"Ri?" He tilted his head.

"Springer..." Twilight whispered as she looked away, Spike cringing at this. As this happened, Flash just stared at his oldest friend, trying to summon words as Springer leapt down and walked up to him.

And as he got closer, Flash took a deep breath, "Springer," he kneeled down, placing a hand on his oldest friend's shoulder, "I'm leaving, but you need to stay here."

"Rio?" Springer blinked at this. "Rio ri?"

"This...this is where you belong. With the rest of the Riolu." He patted Springer on the head. "I'm sure that's why you and I met. So you could grow strong enough to beat Lucario and take over as leader. And now that you are, you don't need to stay with me any more."

"Ri!" Springer's eyes went wide, now knowing what Flash meant.

But before he could say anything, Flash patted him on the head again, his gaze now not meeting Springer's. "I hope we can meet again someday, but for now...this is goodbye." With that, he stood up and walked past Springer. The Riolu just stood there, unable to respond. He glanced at the others, Flash's friends and other Pokémon all frowning.

He then heard Flash's footsteps and spun around, seeing the teen walk further away. "RIOLU!" He ran after him, but Flash simply picked up the pace.

But when Springer grew close to catching up, he cried out, "JUST STOP!" Springer did as he commanded as Flash yelled, "Don't make this any harder than it has to be. The Riolu all need you, and you need them. You'll never be as happy with me then you will be with your own kind. So just...GOODBYE!" With that, he began to run away as fast as he could.


"GOODBYE!" This made Springer stop again, the Riolu standing there and watching him disappear up the mountain pass.

"FLASH!" Twilight screamed as she, Spike, Doc and Flash's other Pokémon ran past Springer. Skyler, Riptide, Prongs, Viper and Astro stopped for a moment, all turning to Springer with long frowns.

And after a few seconds, Riptide turned to chase after his trainer, Skyler and Prongs following him with Viper at the back. Astro remained, still looking at the Pokémon that had been like a big brother to him. Then he let out one final tiny roar. "Goodbye." With that, the teary eyed Starvern ran after the others, leaving Springer alone.

Flash continued to run as fast as he could, his eyes beginning to fill with tears. Sorrow washed over him at the thought of never seeing his best friend again, the tears now falling free as he let this all sink in. 'Springer was my very first Pokémon.'

Despite not wanting to, he started thinking back to all the times he had shared with Springer. The day he first met him in the woods outside his hometown. Saving him from Lucario and helping Shining bring him to the Pokémon Center. Becoming friends with the Riolu and giving him a name, causing Shining to leave Springer in his care. The days as a kid that he spent training and playing with the Riolu, strengthening their bond and teamwork together.

Travelling to Canterlot together and seeing Pegasoar together, their first battle against Lightning and his Chimplug. Helping save Canterlot City when Champagoon went on a rampage, battling and catching Skyler together. Fighting Doc and working together to beat him and earn the Gear Badge, cooking Poke-Muffs with him and taking on Team Shadow in Fillydelphia City. Fighting against Solid Stone's Machamp and against Scar inside Ghastly Gorge. Facing off against Shining Armor and Galladin and competing together in the Hoof Cup.

Saving Hopper together and helping train him to be the best king he could be. Protecting Twilight and Shine from that psycho Piedoom. Fighting against Team Shadow in the Grand Desert and Hidden Temple along with the giant Douburrow and escaping the underground labyrinth together. Competing at the Hoofington Battle Tournament and working with Hopper to save his home.

And finally training in the Pokérus training grounds and competing in the Manehatten Pokémon Contest together. And even the most recent events, like fighting against Team Shadow and Shining in the Crystal Empire, the sled race and a million other memories he couldn't forget. All the amazing times he had had with his best friends. Times he would never have again.

'This is for the best,' he mentally stated as he came to a stop, "I guess." He caught his breath, only for the rest of his friends to reach him.

"Flash!" Twilight yelled as they came to a stop behind him. "Please think about what you're doing."

"I have thought about what I'm doing," Flash replied, keeping his back turned away while staring at the ground, "This is the best thing for Springer. Before, he never had a choice. Lucario threw him out of the pack and he had to stay with me because Shining caught him. But now that he has a chance to stay with his real family, so it would be wrong of me to keep him from them. This...this is for the best."

Everyone frowned at this, hearing the despair in his voice. They all just stood there in silence, the sun now beginning to rise above the horizon and creep over the rocks of the mountain around them. But as it did, a shadow was cast to the left of Flash. This shadow was a shape they all recognized, causing them to gasp.

Flash heard this and turned around, his eyes to catching a glimpse of the shadow and following it back to its source. There, standing atop a large hill with the sun behind it, was a Riolu. "Sp...Springer?" Springer was smiling down at him, Flash feeling his heart break as he thought his friend was going to simply say goodbye and leave. That thought intensified when the other Riolu suddenly appeared from over the hill as well.

But then, Springer turned to his pack and his friend moved up to him. "Ri," he told Springer, "Ri riolu."

"Ri?" Springer asked, his friend nodding before holding up his paw. Springer smiled before holding up his and pressing it against his friend's, the paws glowing for several moments before they pulled apart. As they did this, the rest of the Riolu all crying out.

"RIOLU!" They yelled together, holding up an arm and pumping it up and down. "RIO...LU! RIO...LU! RIO...LU! RIO...LU!"

Meanwhile, everyone at the top of the hill just stared at the Riolu. "What do you think they're doing?" Twilight asked, Spike and Flash shrugging.

"I think they might be cheering." Doc replied.

"Cheering?" Spike asked, Doc nodding back.

"For Flash...and for Springer." Flash's eyes went wide as he heard this, turning back to the cheering Riolu.

Springer stared at his former pack and smiled the happiest smile he had ever made, tears filling his eyes as he thanked them all. Then, he turned back to his true family and ran as fast as he could. His eyes locked squarely on Flash. The teen just stared at the approaching Riolu, feeling his heart about to burst with joy. Tears filled his eyes as his best friend got closer. "Springer..."

"RIOLU RI!" He yelled before leaping, Flash holding out his arms.

"SPRINGER!" He screamed at the top of his voice, the Riolu hit his chest and he wrapped his arms around him. "Springer..." He fell to his knees and hugged him as tight as possible, then pulled back as he looked him in the eyes. "Are you sure?" Springer stared back at him, a smile on his face as Twilight walked up to them.

"Flash," he turned to her, "You said Springer never had a choice before. Well now he does, and he picked you."

The others nodded as Doc spoke up, "You two have been through way too much to simply throw it all away." He gestured to the Twilight and Spike. "After all, a family isn't just something you're born into. It's also the friends who stood with you." He then gestured to Flash's other Pokémon, "The ones who fought by your side." Flash smiled at this and stood up, Springer still in his arms. "You'll be there for them, and they'll be there for you." They turned to the Riolu, then to the mountain they had to cross. "For the battles that are yet to come..."

Higher up the mountain, Doom and Chrysalis were standing in front of a large wall. "You sure it's behind there?" Chrysalis asked as Doom held up a scanner device, which beeped.

"It's here," he replied before turning to his Scrapummel. "You know what to do." It nodded before turning to the wall and charging, roaring as it threw a punch into the wall, causing it to crack and break, soon shattering to pieces. And when the wall fell to the ground, it revealed a large hole hidden behind it that lead inside the mountain. "Found it."

They both glanced inside the hole, now seeing a much larger tunnel behind the wall. "This is it," Chrysalis whispered. "The Altar of Summons."

Author's Note:

I don't know about you, but writing that last scene was a serious tearjerker. Hope you enjoyed it. I knew I had to eventually give Springer some closure on what happened to him in the past and hopefully, this work.

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