• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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Equestria's Harmony

In the snowy woodlands between the Crystal Empire and Mount Tartarus, it seemed to be a fairly peaceful time. The Ice-types were enjoying their day to day lives, unaware of the incoming danger. From the mighty mountain overlooking the area, a large figure floated over the land and moved toward the great encased city. This figure was the mighty crystal titan that had been born when Sombra, Tyrandark, Alicormony and Dischaos were absorbed by the Crystal Heart, now flying for the Crystal Empire.

And as it flew over, it didn't notice a small drone flying behind it. It was nothing more than a bug to the behemoth, buzzing about without being noticed as it recorded images of the titan and sent back to a certain computer.

"Just look at that thing," Sunset whispered as she, Celestia, Luna and Grand watched the titan on the computer connected to the drone while sitting in the corridor outside the throne room.

"To think the Crystal Heart could create something so...evil," Grand sigh as he felt the malevolence radiating off it, "I don't know how Sombra corrupted it, but it's clear that that thing's not gonna stop until it gets what it wants."

"But what does it want?" Luna asked.

"Sombra was the one who was absorbed first," Celestia told her sister. "So that means that thing must be fueled using his mind as the primary controller. So it wants what Sombra wants. To conquer Equestria."

"You really think so?" Sunset responded.

"It's just a theory," she replied. "But from what I've seen, that would be a reasonable idea."

"Great," Grand growled. "So we've got a psychotic monstrosity on the loose and we're down our strongest member."

They all turned to the doors where the others were waiting. Inside the throne-room, Shining was being seen by the best medics they had, the others standing off to the side as they did their work. As this happened, the doctor walked away from the bandaged up champion and turned to Cadance. "He'll be okay. He was lucky that none of these injuries were fatal. He'll need some time, but he should make a full recovery in a week or two."

Everyone sighed in relief, as the doctor walked out of the room before they ran over to Shining, "Are you sure you're okay?" Twilight asked her brother, who moaned as he opened his eyes.

"I've felt better, but I'll live." He turned to them. "Right now, you guys need to focus on stopping that giant lawn ornament."

"How?!" Spike asked, "That thing's huge, and it has the power of Equestria's strongest Legends. Even with all the Gym Leaders, how the heck are we supposed to stop that thing?!"

"I hate to admit it, but I'm not sure we can." Doc added, "We need more power."

This made everyone exchange glances, all showing frowns as Shining turned to Flash, who had kept away from the others. The look he was wearing wasn't one of fear, but shame. "Flash," the teen glanced up, "It's up to you now. You need to lead everyone against this thing."

Flash's eyes went wide hearing that, "What?!" He walked up at this, "What are you talking about?! I can't lead everyone. Grand...Celestia or...one of the Gym Leaders. They're the ones that should lead us."

"No..." Shining shook his head, "You were chosen by Pegasoar. I can't think of anything that makes you better qualified."

"You...you don't believe that. What if he made a mistake?" Flash's friends all turned to him, seeing the fear on Flash's face.

But as they began to respond, Shining spoke up, "Could you guys give us some time alone?" They all nodded and headed out the door, Twilight stopping for a moment to place a hand on his shoulder, Flash nodding to her before she walked away. "Flash...Pegasoar didn't make a mistake."

"But I got you hurt."

"Were you the one that fired a blast at me?" Flash shook his head, "Then it wasn't your fault. I don't know why Sombra chose to try and hit you, but it's not your fault. Right now, you need to focus on stopping Sombra before he causes any more harm. And no matter what you think, I know you have what it takes to lead them and stop him."

"But how? He's got the power of the Crystal Heart and the two Legendaries. How am we supposed to stand up to something that power?!" Shining didn't reply, instead flinching in pain. The sight made Flash growl and shake his head, "Raaah! I don't wanna say it...but beating him might be impossible! With all that power, he can beat anyone!"

"You're right," Shining told him. "He can beat anyone." Flash grimaced at this, "But not...ever...ever..." Shining then stopped, slowly closing his eyes before a small snore came out.

"Shining? What did you..." Flash muttered out, wondering what Shining meant. Seeing this, he walked out of the room and found Springer and his friends waiting for him. Everyone was there, the Gym Leaders, professors, Grand...everyone. And they were all watching as the titan moved closer to the empire.

"So?" Ember asked, "What do we do?"

"We have to stop that thing before it gets here," Doc replied.

"How?" Braeburn asked.

Granny sighed, "Even if we all used every Pokémon we have, we still wouldn't stand a chance against that thing."

"You sound like you want us to give up," Maud told her.

"We can't do that," Tidal chimed in, "Equestria's counting on us."

"But what are we supposed to do against something that strong?" Thorax asked as everyone continued to argue. Some suggested evacuation while others suggested fighting that thing head on. And some suggested waiting to see if the titan lost power, all slowly getting louder and louder.

As they did this, Flash stood there and listened to them quarrelling. He saw the confusion and chaos, making him grip the side of his head. And as this happened, Cadance grabbed his shoulder, making him glance up at her, "Cadance?"

"What's wrong Flash?"

"I uh..." He looked away at this, "I don't think I can do this. I can't take Shining's place."

Cadance shook her head at this, "Flash, Shining believes in you." Flash glanced back at her, "He believes you're someone worthy of standing in his place."

"Worthy, sure. But am I ready? How will I ever know if I'm ready?"

"You never really know," Cadance told him. "Shining doubted he could be a good champion when he first took up the mantle, but he didn't let that stop him. He had no way of knowing for sure whether he could do this or not, but he took a leap of faith. That's all it is Flash. A leap of faith." She then leaned down to his level, "Do you wanna know what Shining told me about you once?" Flash looked up and nodded, "He said that you're just a big a loser as he was at your age."

"What?" Flash asked, "He called me a...loser?"

Cadance nodded back, "That's not what you think it means. Shining calling someone a loser means that they just hate to lose. Its not a insult when it comes from him."


"Ri." Springer chimed in, making him turn to his Pokémon as they all gathered around and gave him a nod. They believed in him, just like Shining.

He then looked out a nearby window and spotted the three heralds, all still outside and resting. Pegasoar looked up at him at this, the pair locking eyes. They stared at one another for several seconds, the sight causing Flash to slowly feel calmer.

And as this happened, he turned back to the everyone else, "Everybody...STOP!" They all stopped and turned to him, Flash now standing tall with his Pokémon gathered around him. "We can't keep arguing like this. We need a way to take Sombra down."

"But how?" Sunset asked.

"I...I don't know," Flash replied before walked up to them, "But look who we have here. Some of the best trainers in Equestria, all right here. Gym Leaders, professors, a former champion...and other incredibly skilled trainers. If we can't stop Sombra, nothing will."

"That still doesn't answer the question," Luna added, "Even with this many of us, we still won't be able to stand up against Sombra."

"He could beat anybody," Spike sighed as he fell to the floor and curled up.

And as he saw the teen do this, a click went off in Flash's head. "That's it," he whispered. "That's what he meant." Flash then turned back to the group, "Do we still have the stuff that let Sombra broadcast my battle?" Celestia nodded back, "Good. I have an idea."

All over Equestria, the people had been waiting in front of the televisions that had shown them the battle between Flash and Sombra. This was then cut when Flash hadn't been able to stop Sombra from summoning the Legendaries and Shining now appearing. Now, the screens were dark, all not knowing if Team Shadow had won or not.

But as they waited, the screen began to show a new image: Flash.

"Is it on?" He asked someone off screen, then nodded. "Alright," he turned to the camera, "People of Equestria, you need to listen to me. My name is Flash Sentry, and I'm sending this message to ask for your help." Every trainer in Equestria's ears perked up at this. "You all saw what happened. Sombra summoned Alicormony and Dischaos. His plan was to capture and use them to conquer Equestria, but something went wrong." He looked back at the person off screen and nodded.

A moment later, the screen changed to show an image that shocked the entire region. A giant humanoid figure moving through the snowy wasteland.

"That's Sombra. Somehow, the Crystal Heart was able to fuse him with his Tyrandark and the Legendaries. And now he's on his way to the Crystal Empire, likely planning to conquer it with his new power." The screen changed back to Flash. "Shining Armor has been injured and...well, I'm sure that if he was here, he'd be saying the same thing I'm about to say. Sombra thinks that the power he has now can let him beat anyone, and after seeing it with my own eyes...I have to agree." He stared downward at this, "Sombra can beat anyone."

Everyone in the region gasped at this, Flash's friends all gulping as they saw he had lost hope. As this happened, Lightning rolled his eyes at the screen, "Of course that loser would give up. How pathetic."

But then, Flash lifted his head as his face as he showed a giant smile as he exclaimed, "But he can't beat everyone." This statement made all but one go wide-eyed in the region as he continued, "Trainers of Equestria! I'm asking for your help. Right now, instructions are being sent out to every Pokémon Center in the Region. These instructions will show you how to reconfigure the Pokémon Transporters so that they can work as teleporters to bring you to the Crystal Empire." This made the trainers all gasp as Flash added, "Sombra thinks he's stronger than the entire region. But I say his power isn't even one percent of what Equestria has when it works together. So please, help me."

All over the region, people with technical skills were moving over to the center, grabbing the instructions sent to Nurse Redheart while the trainers began preparing their strongest Pokémon.

"I intend to hold Sombra back for as long as possible. Me and the Gym Leaders of Equestria." The Gym Leaders stepped into view of the camera, all looking ready for a fight. "But the more trainers we have, the better. Let's show Sombra why trying to conquer our home was the biggest mistake he ever made!"

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow cheered as she spun her Pokeball around on her finger. "We're with you, Flash!"

Fluttershy nodded as she turned to Angel, who nodded back before getting into a boxing stance. "We'll protect Equestria and all its Pokémon."

"Sombra's not destroyin' my home," Applejack growled, "For all our friends an families."

"Agreed. We'll stop him," Rarity added.

"Let's do this!" Pinkie exclaimed, causing all the trainers in the Center with her to cheer.

"You'll obviously need Trixie's help," she chuckled before flicking her Pokeball up and catching it.

"I'm going," Sonata told her sisters.

"So are we," Adagio replied whilst Aria nodded.

"You ready Pidgeot?" Cloud Chaser asked, her partner nodding as he spread his wings. "Don't worry Flash, we're coming to help."

"Can't let Flash have all the glory," Timber commented.

"Wings up," Soarin told his Staraptor. "We're taking no prisoners."


In the Dragon Kingdom, Hopper was staring at the image of his trainer on screen. He then turned to Drayce, the kingdom's Kai nodding. "I understand. Ryu. Kaida."

"Got it," Ryu nodded before patting Hopper's head. "Don't worry, we'll help Flash just like how he helped us."

Lightning continued to stare at the image of Flash, a frown on his lips. "Of course a weakling like you need others to help you." He let out a sigh, "Guess I'll just have to show Equestria what a real champion can do before beating Shining Armor." With that, he turned to the transporter as someone was already started working on it. "Hurry it up! Get that thing ready or else!"

Flash let out a long breath as the professors deactivated the equipment they were wearing. "Do you think that did it?" He asked as Twilight walked up to him.

"I'm sure it did," she replied, "Anyone who saw that and doesn't decide to help are fools."

"Now for the hard part," Doc added, "Holding Sombra off long enough for everyone to arrive." Flash nodded before he turned to the professors while several scientists took the equipment away.

"Someone needs to stay here and make sure the people coming arrive safely."

"I'll do that," Cadance responded, "I don't want to leave Shining."

Grand walked up at this, "I'll stay too. Someone needs to show the trainers where to go once they arrive. Besides, we need some kind of safety net here in case you guys can't hold Sombra off long enough." The others nodded before Flash led them all outside, where the heralds were all waiting.

He also spotted the many Team Shadow grunts, including Chrysalis and Doom, all tied up using String Shot. He then turned to Pegasoar, "You ready?" Pegasoar nodded and got down, the others doing the same, allowing their chosen trainers to climb on. "Then let's get going! For Equestria!"

"FOR EQUESTRIA!" They all cheered before heading off.

The mighty titan continued to float toward the Crystal Empire, its massive size allowing it to cross a mile of land in only a minute or two. As it did this, its target had now came into view in only a few hours. But as it got closer, something flew out of the forest between it and the mountain. It was Pegasoar, carrying Flash and Springer on its back with Astro and Skyler flying up with it. The Pokémon of Spitfire, Thorax and Ember were also there, carrying their trainers up above the forest while Mysticorn and Horsearth ran out of the trees with their chosen humans on their back, followed by the rest of the professors, Gym Leaders, Sunset and the Pokémon of Flash, Twilight and Doc.

"This ends here!" Flash yelled as Pegasoar charged at the titan, "Let's do this thing!" With that, Springer fired an Aura Sphere while Astro, Prongs and Viper launched their own ranged attacks. At the same time, Shine, Peewee, Higear and Tockwork did the same, along with Ray, Suncess, Primoon Leviapent and Champagoon. The multiple attacks slammed into the titan, the giant not appearing even phased as its crystal structure began to crack as Riptide, Skyler, Owlicious, Flitanium, Aggron, Kingsect, Spikorn, Timbark, Stampalo and Wondor all charged at it.

"Rock Smash and Steel Wing!"

"Sky Attack!"

"Drill Peck and Heavy Slam!"

"Horn Charge!"

"Rock Rush!"

"Wood Hammer!"

"Double Edge!"


The ten Pokémon all fired their attacks at the titan's legs, only for it to swing its legs back, making them all leap back as the giant shrugged off the attacks. At the same time, the Heralds and their riders charged, Flash and Pegasoar flying up to the head as Pegasoar thrust its hooves into one of its eyes. Springer took this chance to leap off thrust a Drain Punch into the other eye, blinding it before falling back and letting Flash catch him.

Meanwhile, Mysticorn and Horsearth galloped around the sightless titan and fired Luster Purge and Smack Down attacks at it from every direction. But the titan lifted its feet up, creating a wave of wind and snow that struck them and several other Pokémon around them. "GYAH/WHOA!" Doc and Twilight yelped as they were thrown from their steeds while the Pokémon were knocked back.

The titan swung an arm at this, missing the flying Legendary, but creating by a powerful gust of wind that buffeted it. Pegasoar started to fight against it, only for the giant to point one of its arms at it before a laser came out.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Flash cried as Pegasoar barely dodged the laser, the attack pushing Flash off the legendary. Skyler then swooped up and grabbed him, Astro managing to grab Pegasoar while Springer landed on the Dragon-type's head. "Thanks guys!"

They all flew down as the titan turned to them, now showing its eyes had somehow been repaired. "Oh, come on!" Flash growled as the titan raised both hands, firing two more lasers before swinging them around, drawing a pair of lines that caused explosions of snow around them. "Aura Sphere, Energy, Flamethrower and Dragon Rage!" His Pokémon fired their attacks, pushing the snow back while the rest did the same, pushing all the frozen liquid back.

And as they saw their attacks fade, all they saw was that the area around them had been damaged, the titan's body already healed as it stood above them. But as this happened, the drone from earlier continued to watch as this all happened.

Cadance and Grand sighed as they watched their friends struggle against the monster. "This isn't good."

"Don't worry," Grand responded, "They can do this. We have to believe in them." As he said that, a stray energy blast hit the drone, the screen instantly blacking out.

"No!" Cadance cried, smacking the screen before slumping over, "Now we can't even see what's happening..." She glanced away from the computer, "They can't keep going forever. They need help." As she said that, the phone began to ring, showing a bunch of messages coming through. "It's from Pokémon Centers all over Equestria."

"What are they saying?" Grand asked, Cadance smiling after this.

"People are ready to transport themselves." Grand chuckled as Cadance activated the warp-tiles, the machines firing energy at the tile as it powered up. She then sent a message to one of the centers, telling them to come through.

The warp tile then turned on, a single figure appearing within it. And as the light began to fade, the figure spinning before everyone's eyes went wide.

"You?!" Cadance gasped as the figure walked off of the tile.

"Hey gramps." Grand said nothing as a slight smirk appeared on his lips.

"Solar Blade!" Sunset yelled as Ray was carried up by Skyler. The Alpha Solarmander held up its hands as they glowed, the light exploding into a blade. Skyler dropped the Fire-type and dive-bombed, using Giga Impact as Ray swung the blade down, only for the titan to raise its arms to block both attacks.

"Now guys!" Flash told his team. "FIRE!" The others all launched their long range attacks, Riptide running up with an Aqua Tail. They all struck, knocking the titan back, allowing the others to get in close. But as they hit it, the crystals forming its body repaired themselves.

The titan then swung its arms, knocking both Skyler and Ray away before stomping his foot down. An earthquake came next, pushing everyone off balance, leaving only the few Pokémon in the sky. Pegasoar, Peewee, Owlicious, Higear Flitanium and Kingsect all fired their long range attacks while Wondor and Champagoon charged with their strongest physical attacks.

The titan staggered back upon impact, allowing the others on the ground to recover, only for a pair of lasers flew across the sky, forcing the flyers back.

"Spike!" Twilight turned to her brother, "Get Peewee to use Draco Meteor!"

"Are you nuts?!" Spike asked, "That's way to dangerous to use with so many-"

"Just do it!" Twilight yelled as Owlicious spread his wings.

"Ahhh!" Spike turned back to the titan, "Draco Meteor!" Peewee heard this and began to build up the energy within him.

"Terra...GON!" He roared before firing the super sphere, which shot up and exploded above the titan's head. But only a few hit the giant, the rest going for the others before Twilight pointed to the sky.

"Psychic!" Owlicious's eyes glowed at this, the meteors now shining before all changing direction and then hit the titan. The giant raised its arms at this, feeling the hits push it back once more. "Now guys!"

"Everyone! Attack! Give it everything you've got!" Flash exclaimed, the Pokémon charging while others fired from a distance, attacking the legs and waist. Meanwhile, its top half was bombarded by the meteors, everyone watching as more cracks began to appear on the monstrosity's body. The Pokémon refused to let up, attacking again and again as the last of the meteors slammed down on the titan. After this, they leapt back as they saw the entire thing was now covered in cracks.

They all panted from the onslaught they had unleashed, Celestia then yelling, "Come on! Let's hit it with another volley!" The others nodded, only for the eyes on the titan's head and arms to start glowing, the light starting to shine like crazy.

"What's happening?" Sunset asked just before the titan swung its arms around, unleashing a powerful blast of energy shot around everywhere, shockwaves and explosions suddenly consuming the area.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" Everyone screamed as they were sent flying back before getting bombarded by destroyed pieces of earth, rock and wood, or burnt by the lasers and hot wind that blew them away.

And as the force of the explosion began to clear, only Flash got up. He let out a moan and pushed himself up, only to glance around. Destruction, devastation, despair. Those were just a few of the words Flash could use to describe their current situation.

He then noticed his friends, all laid out in the snow while covered in bruises and moaning in pain. His Pokémon, friends and their Pokémon, along with Sunset, the professor sisters, their Pokémon and the Gym Leaders he had faced were laid out beside them. He looked back up, now seeing the snow fall on him and the massive humanoid above him.

"Come on guys," he groaned, "We...we can't let him win." The others moaned as they glanced up at the titan, most barely moving as the crystal construct raised the Alicormony arm as a sphere of pink energy appeared within the mouth. The sight made Flash go wide-eyed, "No...is this the end?"

And in that moment, the orb exploded into a laser that shot right at Flash.

None of his Pokémon were able to get up, Flash now seeing the laser coming for him. And as it came, he closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable.


Flash's eyes shot open, a powerful bolt of lightning striking the laser. The two forces clashed, pushing against another before exploding, filling the air with smoke. The teen spun around and saw two figures walking through the cloud. "I knew you couldn't handle this."

Flash's eyes went wide at the voice as the smoke cleared, "Lightning?" he whispered at the teen and his Gorillamp.

Lightning just stood there, starting at the rock titan. "Huh. He doesn't look too tough. I could probably take him down without their help."

The fog then faded to reveal Grand with his Hariyama, only for more to appear from out of the trees. Rainbow, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Trixie. They and their Pokémon stood tall as they moved up, followed by others. Timber, Gloriosa, Sonata and her sisters, Derpy and Heath. Even people they had only met once or twice such as Micro Chips, Sandalwood, Spark Plug, Shady Forest, Fancy Pants, Fleur, Ceder, Zecora, Strongheart and her father.

"Guys..." He gasped, "You came..."

"Of course we came," Rainbow replied, "You asked for our help."

"And we couldn't leave our friends hangin," Applejack added, the others nodding.

"And we're not the only ones," Rarity continued, "Your words touched all of Equestria's hearts." As she said that, more trainers and their Pokémon stepped out from the trees, one they had never seen before along with trainers like Officer Hard Case and Nurse Redheart

"It's like you said," Fluttershy chimed in, "Sombra might be able to beat anyone."

"But he can't beat everyone!" Pinkie cheered.

"We're here to save our home," Trixie finished as the Pokémon belonging to Nurse Redheart began to use their healing moves. Ones like Softboil, Heal Pulse and other remedy attacks as they all hit Flash and his friends, healing them and their Pokémon.

"Ri?" Springer yelped as he got up, feeling his wounds vanish.

And as this happened, Sombra prepared another blast. But before he could fire, a bunch of Flying-types shot out of the trees, lead by Cloud Clipper as her Pidgeot fired off a Hurricane attack. Alongside her was Soarin and his Staraptor, Gilda and her Mandibuzz, Torch and his Druddigon, and many others.

"Wow." Flash whispered before spotting a certain flying trio, "HOPPER?!"

"Dran!" The Skeidran cheered before turning to Sombra. "SKEIDRAN!" He roared as he fired a Wyvern Wing while Ryu and Kaida used Boomburst and Ice Beam. The other flying Pokémon unleashed their own attacks, causing Sombra to stagger back.

"You okay?" Pinkie asked as she helped her sister up.

"I'm fine," Maud replied.

"I can't believe you're all here," Luna told Trixie and those around her.

"And there's more to come," Grand replied, "Cadance stayed behind to make sure those coming late know where to go." As he said that, Sombra began to swat at the Flying-types, all flying back as the titan unleashed blasts from both its hands. But several Pokémon used Protect, Barrier, Light Screen and other defensive moves, making a massive shield that reflected the laser away.

When the smoke cleared, the shield vanished to reveal Sombra staring down at a massive army of trainers and their Pokémon, Flash at the front, "Now do you get it?!" The teen yelled before holding out his arms. "This is the force you're facing! A force that'll stop at nothing to protect its home from psychos like you!" The crowd cheered as the titan simply stood there, several people getting the feeling if it was trying to growl.

Flash turned to back to the army, all thought of defeat vanishing as he saw how serious they were. "Alright!" He turned back to Sombra, "FOR EQUESTRIA!" The crowd exploded before they charged, an army of Pokémon all firing attacks at the titan. Before it could react, the beast was bombarded with fire, lightning, wind, psychic energy and whatever else a Pokémon could battle with.

"Rio!" Springer yelled as he formed an Aura Sphere, throwing it along with several other orb attacks at the same time. They all slammed into the titan, the behemoth staggering back while several Flying-types shot past it and slashed it with Steel Wings, Wing Attacks, Duel Wingbeats and others.

"Stone Edge!" Rainbow exclaimed as Tank summoned and fired a barrage of rocks.

"Boomburst/Ice Beam!" Ryu and Kaida ordered as their Dragon-types unleashed the long range attacks, Hopper also using Extreme Speed to strike the titan.

This got the monster to react, the giant now swinging its arms to swat them out of the sky. It then noticed a large flock of Flying-types and pointed the Dischaos arm, unleashing another laser.

"Scatter!" Cloud cried, causing them to split up, though some were still struck.

Near the giant's feet, Lightning and Gorillamp reached it along with several other Electric trainers. "THUNDER!" He roared, Gorillamp letting out a scream as electricity blasted off it and flew up the titan. Several other Electric-type attacks were also fired, hitting the giant.

"Power Gem!" He heard Rarity yell, Opal and her gem sibling Pokémon unleashing the red energy beams that struck the titan's knees. This made it start to lose balance, falling to its knees as Sunset and Applejack ran around it.

"Dragon Pulse!" Sunset ordered Ray, the Pokémon firing the dragon-shaped blast at the titan's back.

Applejack with her Redog and evolved Bloomberg watched as the titan tried to push itself back to its feet. "Wood Hammer and Wild Charge!" Winona's body began to spark before she charged, exploding into an electric bullet. At the same time, Bloomberg ran up with a glowing fist, the two hitting the back leg and knocking it off balance again.

As this happened, more Pokémon unleashed their long range attacks, slamming everything into the giant. At the same time, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Gummy, Angel, Bloxx, and Harry to ran for the head.

"Ice Beam!" Pinkie cheered, Gummy jumping off her head and unleashing the blue lightning, hitting the ground that formed a ramp of ice that led up to the behemoth's head. "Now, use Brick Break!"

"Crush Claw and Hi-Jump Kick!"

The Bloxx, Bunounce and Grizzor went up the ice ramp, flying up to the giant rock head and smashing their fist, foot and claws into it. Several cracks and slashes were formed on its face, making the beast cry out as it pushed itself back up. It then slammed its legs down, creating a wave of snow that shot out in a circle.

The trainers all gasped, only for Flash to yell, "Flamethrower and Dragon Rage!" Viper and Astro unleashed blasts of fire, striking he snow and melting the wall.

"Incinerate!" Spike added, Peewee unleashing a fireball that also evaporated the incoming snow.

"FLAMETHROWER!" Many other Fire-type users, including Sunset, Rarity and Heath ordered as their Pokémon blasted the snow. Steam filled the air until it faded away, revealing the titan standing tall as it pointed an arm at them, preparing another laser.

Mysticorn quickly jumped up and shot a Luster Purge, slowing the laser, only to get pushed back as Twilight commanded, "Dazzling Gleam!"

Shine fired the Fairy-type energy blast as Depry then said, "Psybeam!" Her Swirlutz then unleashed a beam from its eye.

"Dark Pulse!" Trixie continued, her newly evolved Sagic firing a stream of energy rings from its staff. They struck the blast alongside the Luster Purge, pushing it back and slamming into the titan, causing it stagger back as the attacks exploded against it.

"Yes!" Flash cheered, seeing the many Pokémon continue to unleash barrage after barrage of attacks. But no matter how much the titan was struck, it wasn't enough. Whenever a piece of crystal was broken, a new piece grew back to replace it almost instantly. "No...there's gotta be some way to take this thing down once and for all."

In the Crystal Empire, Cadance waited for the next person to come through the transporter, only for nothing to come through. "Is that the last of them?" She asked while turning to her still injured husband.

She let out a sigh before moving over to the table holding her journal and the Shadow Spear. As she picked it up, her mind went back to when Sombra had attacked Flash and hurt Shining...only for something to spark in her mind.

"Wait...why did he do that? Why attack Flash? Unless..." She squinted at the spear before opening the journal, only to go wide-eyed as she went to a certain passage, "That's it. Just like the tomb showed..." She picked the Spear up, "This is how we can stop Sombra."

"Then what are we waiting for?" She spun around at the voice, now finding Shining sitting up. "Let's go help our friends."

"Terror Root/Leech Seed!" Rarity, Applejack, Granny and several other Grass-type trainers yelled as their Pokémon glowed and fired seeds from their bodies.

The ground shook at this, giant roots coming out next as they wrapped around the giant's legs. The seeds also landed and broke apart, wrapping around the titan and tying it up. "That got him!" Applejack cheered, seeing the behemoth beginning to lose balance.

But before it could fall, the horn on the Alicormony head began to glow before more crystals appeared. The crystals extended and it swung its arm, cutting through the roots and vines.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow exclaimed from Tank's back. "What's it gonna take to make this thing go down?!"

Twilight turned to Spike, "Ready?"

Spike nodded back before pointing to the sky, "Peewee, use Draco Meteor!" Peewee leapt up as his chest glowed, letting out a mighty roar before the sphere of energy shot out his mouth, shooting above the titan before exploding into multiple meteors.

"Psychic!" Twilight told Owlicious, the bird using his psychic abilities to grab and throw the meteors at the giant. The titan saw it coming, pointing its arms up and firing multiple blasts to stop them.

"Let's go while its distracted!" Flash yelled as he and his team charged, "Aura Sphere, Energy Ball, Flamethrower and Shadow Ball!" Four of his Pokémon fired the attacks, slamming into the legs of the giant.

"Hammer Arm/Force Palm!" Lightning and Grand yelled as Gorillamp and Hariyama charged.

"Steel Wing and Heavy Slam!" Doc ordered Flitanium and Aggron.

"Moon/Sun Burst!" The sisters exclaimed as their Pokémon launched their sphere attacks.

"Dragon Tail!" Heath screamed as he and Blazegon flew down at the legs.

"Close Combat!" Soarin ordered Staraptor, leaping off it as it flew toward the titan.

"Horn Charge/Rock Rush/Flame Charge/Brave Bird/Hydro Pump/Brick Break!" The Gym Leaders yelled as their aces charged, Leviapent unleashing a blast of water from its mouth. The heralds also attacked, Pegasoar with Steel Wing, Mysticorn with Luster Purge and Horsearth with Smack Down. Many others such as Derpy, Sonata and her sisters, Spark Plug, Micro Chips and Sandalwood also did the same.

"Aqua Break and Steel Wing!" Flash added as Riptide and Skyler joined the others, all reaching the legs of the titan, attacking it with as much force, speed and precision that they could. And while the giant was busy with the meteors, it was helpless against the onslaught from below. Everyone watched as the crystals that made up its legs were broken more and more, hoping this would finally fall...only for the Crystal Heart on its chest start to glow.

"What's happening?" Spike asked as the light grew brighter, then exploded off of the relic and down at the ground like a laser. And as it struck, the ground exploded.


The shockwave flew across the field, knocking everyone back before getting covered in snow. And as this happened, the titan shot down the last of the meteors, its arms lowering as it looked back down at the people. The figure then lifted one of its legs, the broken piece giving out as the limb fell off, only to be replaced with a growing new one. This was followed by the other leg, the titan already back to perfect condition. And then, it reached down and picked up the broken legs.

Flash groaned as he picked himself up, finding the blast had sent him to the edge of the forest. And as he looked back at the titan and wiped his face, he saw the giant holding its broken legs and the two glared at one another. That is, till it pulled the leg back before throwing it.

His eyes went wide at the sight, unable to move as others around him were just now recovering. And as the leg flew through the air, spinning as it came for the teen, he closed his eyes again as the leg came for him.

"GALLADIN!" Flash's eyes opened at the sound, now seeing the crystal get cut into a million tiny pieces before safely raining down. As they did this, Shining's Galladin landed in front of him in its Armor Drop state.

"Whoa...." Flash gasped before hearing a stomping sound coming through the trees. He turned around now seeing an Ankyload with two people on its back, "Shining! Cadance!" He slowly got up as Ankyload came to a stop, Flash now seeing Shining, who still wasn't back to perfect health. "What are you doing here?!"

"I'm the champion," Shining replied with a smile. "You think I'd miss this?" He then held something out. "Besides, somebody had to bring this."

Flash saw it was the Shadow Spear, only for Shining to throw over to him. "The Shadow Spear?"

"This is why Sombra tried to blast you at the mountain," Cadance responded, "He wasn't after you, he was after the Shadow Spear. It's the only thing that can stop him." Flash's eyes went wide at this as she continued, "I figured it out. Sombra's ancestors used it to break the Crystal Heart in half a thousand years ago, which means we can use it to break the Heart again. If that happens, that titan will lose power."

Flash stared down at the spear, then turned to the titan as it fired a blast of energy that knocked several flying Pokémon away. His eyes zoomed in on the area of the chest, where the Crystal Heart was now brightly glowing. "So we need to thrust this thing into its chest and break the Heart again?"

"It's the only way," Shining added, "Normally, I'd do it myself. But right now, I'm not in the best condition for it."

"Then shouldn't Grand or one of the Gym Leaders do it?" Flash asked as he looked back at Shining. But as he said these words, he saw a look in the man's eyes that told him only one thing: Faith.

"Flash, you were chosen by one of the heralds. To me, there's no one more qualified to do this." Shining replied, Cadance nodding agreement, "Besides, you were the one that brought all these trainers together. It seems only fair that you be the one that takes Sombra down."

Flash stared at the spear for a few seconds, then looked up at Shining and nodded. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't! Now go get that monster!" Flash nodded again before turning back to the titan, running ahead as Shining and Cadance watched him go. "You can do this."

As if sensing the spear's presence, the titan turned to Flash. The reaction was instant, swinging its arms around wildly as it fired multiple blasts and kicked its legs around to swat away anyone nearby. The kicks also unleashed a powerful wave of wind, which created a tidal wave of snow headed straight for Flash.

But before it could hit him, Pegasoar shot down with Springer on its back. "Peg!" Using Hurricane, it unleashed a blast of wind that struck the snow wave, stopping it in its place. And before either could overpower the other, Springer leapt off his back.

"RI!" He roared, firing an Aura Sphere at the area of the wave in front of Flash. The orb struck the wall and exploded, sending the snow flying.

"Thanks guys!" Flash replied before jumping onto Pegasoar's back, "You gotta get me up to the heart!" Pegasoar nodded and spread its wings, then shot into the air. They were soon joined by another flock of Flying-types and their trainers, including Cloud, Rainbow, Spitfire and Hopper. "Cover me!" He held up the spear, "I'm ending this!"

They nodded before the flock charged at the titan. The crystal beast saw this and let out a roar, pointing both its arms at them before charging up twin blasts. "HURRICANE!" Many of the trainers yelled, their Flying-types unleashing blasts of wind at the titan.

But as this struck, Sombra fired the beams, the twin lasers merging into one that shot straight at Flash. And as it came for him, Hopper, Astro and Skyler appeared.

"DRAN/TORE/GAL!" They roared as Hopper covered himself in Wyvern Wing, Skyler spun into a tornado and Astro thrust a Dragon Claw attack forward. The three slammed into the energy beam, pushing it back before cutting it in half. "Sky/Naive/Vern!" They cheered as Pegasoar flew through, Flash and his Pokémon smiling at one another until he shot out of range and focused back on Sombra.

The titan held its arm up, trying to swat Pegasoar away, only to be suddenly struck by flames, water, and electricity. Flash looked down and saw Viper, Spike, Rarity, Pinkie, Sunset and Heath standing there with their Pokémon. This was followed by Thorax leading a bunch of Bug-type trainers into the air, the Bugs all using String Shot, Sticky Web and other such moves to tie the raised arm up. Within seconds, the arm was wrapped up as Ember flew up with several other Pokémon, including Owlicious and Flitanium, all grabbing the string and pulling the arm down toward the ground.

He then glanced to the other side of the titan, where Twilight, Trixie, Fluttershy, Derpy, Celestia and Luna were standing with that Pokémon. Mysticorn was also there, the Legend using its psychic powers to grab the other arm of the titan. "Psychic!" Twilight, Trixie and Derpy exclaimed, causing their Psychic-types to use their abilities to grab the titan's other hand and hold it in place.

"Crush Claw!" Fluttershy commanded.

"Mach Punch!" The professor sisters ordered as Harry, Suncess and Primoon charged and slammed their attacks into the arm, causing several cracks to appear. helping the Psychic-types keep the arm pinned.

Rarity then ran up to Applejack, Granny Smith and several others with Grass-types were standing, Herbarald running with her. "Terror Root/Leech Seed!" The Grass-types all cried out, several firing seeds at the giant while others made giant roots shoot out of the ground. Roots and vines wrapped around its legs, making it lose balance again as it tried to move its arms.

Meanwhile, Riptide, Prongs, Horsearth Grand, Maud, Tidal, Hariyama, Spikorn and Leviapent ran behind the titan. "Hydro Pump/Rock Blast!" The Gym leaders exclaimed, their Pokémon firing at the titan's legs. Prongs also used Energy Ball while Horsearth fired Smack Down, the attacks striking the back of the giant's legs, causing them to crack and weaken.

"Rep!" Riptide formed an Aqua Break as he charged.

"Harry!" Hariyama leapt up and pulled its palm back, thrusting it into the back of the knee as Riptide slashed at the other one with his sword. This caused the titan to finally lose balance, falling to its knees while its arms continued to be pulled down.

And as Flash approached, he raised the spear. But before he could reach it, the titan pulled with all its strength and ripped the webbing holding its arm, swinging the arm straight for Flash.

"Heavy Slam!" Gorillamp appeared and slammed into the arm, knocking it back with ease. The gorilla then thrust its fist down, breaking the titan's arm to pieces with a single blow.

And as this happened, Aggron, Stampalo, Druddigon and many others ran up next. Some fired blasts at the titan's chest while Aggron, Stampalo and Druddigon leapt up and slammed into the monster's chest, giving Flash the perfect view of the heart.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" Lightning screamed, "DO IT ALREADY!"

"Take him down!" Doc yelled.

"DO IT!" Twilight and Spike added.

"FLASH!" Everyone else cheered.

"GOOOOO!" He yelled as Pegasoar charged straight for the heart. But as they got closer, the Crystal Heart began to glow, making Flash go wide-eyed, "LOOK OUT!" As soon as he said that, the heart unleashed a beam of energy that shot straight at them.

But before it could hit, Pegasoar bucked the two off of it and used its wings to blast the pair at the titan before the laser struck the legendary. A scream of pain could be heard as Flash looked back, seeing the Pokémon hit the snow with a thud.

"PEGASOAR!" Flash cried before glaring back at the titan, "That's it!" He raised the spear, "You're not hurting anyone...EVER AGAIN!" With that, he threw the spear at the heart with everything he had.

Everyone watched as the spear shot through the air, about to hit the heart. But as it got close, the heart glowed again as the spear got within inches of it, and fired another beam that struck the weapon, stopping it in place. Time froze as the spear and whatever power it possessed, was able to push against the beam...only to begin to waver.

Flash gasped at this, only to hear Springer yell, "RIOLU!" He turned to his partner, the pair locking eyes and Flash nodding back.

"Let's do this!" Springer fell toward him as Flash pulled his legs back, then swung it forward. "GO!" He leg slammed into Springer, the Riolu positioning himself so his feet hit Flash's legs. The two pushed off one another, shooting Springer upward as he formed an Aura Sphere in his paws.

"Rio!" He roared, reaching the spear and thrusting the orb. The Aura Sphere slammed into the back of the weapon, giving it another jolt of momentum, letting it push through the energy. The two crystals pushed against one another, the heart and the one wielding it continuing to try and protect themselves.

But as this happened, the spear began to break through. Within seconds, it pierced the heart, causing it to crack right down the middle. And after this, the crack completed and the heart's energy exploded outward. Everyone in the area was completely blinded next as the light from the heart shot down and unleashed a shockwave that blew them all back. This included Flash and Springer, the pair flying into the snow with nobody to catch them.

And as the light blazed from the spear reaching the heart, it did it for a full minute, only for the light to fade. As it did this, everyone picked themselves up in time to hear the sound of cracking crystals, making them look up and see the titan's body begin to break apart. The cracks formed in the battle grew larger, only for it start to crumble. And as it fell apart, the titan began to unleash red energy that flew up before splitting into three. They materialized into the forms of Alicormony, Dischaos and Tyrandark, all beaten and battered.

The titan then crumbled into a large pile of crystals, causing everyone to cheer and scream in joy. They had done it. They had won.

"Yeah!" Rainbow cheered, "Take that, you lunatic!"

"Victory party!" Pinkie screamed, she and her Pokémon all beginning to dance.

But as they did this, Twilight turned to the group, "Wait...where's Flash and Springer?!"

Everyone else went wide-eyed at this, only for Lightning and his Gorillamp to walk up to a section of snow that had been piled up due to the shockwave. He stared at it for a moment, then reached inside and pulled out a certain someone. It was Flash, which Gorillamp then yanked out Springer, the ape dropping him down next to Flash. As it did this, the pair let out a moan, opening their eyes to see a frowning Lightning.

"What...happened?" Flash groaned out.

Lightning continued to frown. "By some miracle, a loser like you actually managed to beat the guy. Though, I could have done it without the help."

As he said that, the titan's remains began to move before Sombra pushed the rocks off of him. He let out a gasp as he pulled himself free, the armor he had been wearing broken up. Multiple Officer Hard Cases ran over at this, their Eeveelution Partners all growling at him. But as Sombra began to move out of the pile, his eyes went blank as he slumped over, losing conscious.

Flash sighed at this, showing a small smile. It was over. They had won.

He then turned to Lightning, seeing the teen staring at Alicormony and Dischaos. "What now? You gonna try and capture them or something?"

"Usually, I would. They deserve to be with me, a real trainer." Lightning replied before growling, "But given how many people here would probably get in my way, its not worth the effort." He let out a long hiss, "Whatever, I'm done here. Don't expect me to save your butt a third time."

He began to walk off at this as Flash pushed himself back to his feet. "I'll see you at the league. And this time...I'm gonna win." Lightning stopped for a moment, only to continue with Gorillamp. The teen watched him disappear into the trees, likely heading back to the empire.

Flash stayed there for a second, only to hear his friend's voices. "FLASH!" He turned to see the rest of his Pokémon running up along with Twilight and all his friends. "You did it!" Twilight exclaimed before jumping at him, the two hugging one another as Flash fell into the snow. The others smiled at this as the pair sat up, then pulled apart, Twilight slightly blushing just as Flash's Pokémon ran over to hug him as well.

"Thanks guys," Flash replied, "I couldn't have done it without everyone's help."

"Either way, you should be proud." Celestia added before turning to the army of trainers and Pokémon, "You all should be. Thanks to everyone, Equestria has survived another catastrophe. And I'm sure the Legendaries are thankful."

The group turned to the freed Legendaries, the pair now standing up. They stared out at the large group and after a moment or so, they nodded, everyone able to tell they were thankful. A moment later, the two spread their wings and took to the air, Dischaos flying straight up as a portal appeared in the sky and it flew through it. But Alicormony remained hovering in the air. As it did, its horn began to glow and unleash waves of golden energy.

The energy flowed over the army, all now feeling their injuries begin to vanish. "Thank you," they suddenly heard echo in their heads. "All of you."

"Telepathy..." Twilight gasped.

"It is clear from this event that Equestria has many evil beings within it. But the good that fills it far outnumbers the evil. I'm glad to see I can trust my home's future in good hands. Thank you, my little Pokémon, and the many trainers that partner with them. I'm sure you can handle any problem that might arise." Once she said that, the light from her horn vanished and she flew up, a portal appearing above her and she flew in, vanishing while her heralds picked themselves up.

Flash saw this and ran up to them, "Pegasoar!" The Pokémon turned to him, "Thank you...for believing in me."

"Yeah," Twilight smiled at Mysticorn, "And thank you for doing so much to protect Equestria."

Doc nodded at Horsearth, "If you ever need any help...don't even hesitate to ask." The three Legendaries stared at them, then smiled and nodded. They then moved forward and placed their heads closer to the three, who all reached up and petted them. After a few moments, they pulled back and turned away. Then, Pegasoar shot into the air while Horsearth began to gallop away and Mysticorn teleported away. The three were gone like the wind, disappearing before anyone could ask where they were going.

They all knew that if Equestria ever needed them again, the heralds would be ready to fight against any evil that showed its face. And if they needed help, their chosen trainers were ready to step up to the mark.

Everything after that was a major blur to Flash and the rest of his friends. They all returned to the Crystal Empire, Sombra rejoining his team as they were all prepared to be transported to a temporary prison to await trial. Flash would never forget Sombra's mad ravings when he was carted away, swearing vengeance and that his dream would never be stopped.

The relics had been recovered, and it was decided to split the Heart Fragments up again, one being placed in a museum on the other side of Equestria while the other and Shadow Spear remained in the Crystal Empire.

After that, the trainers used the teleporters to return to the centers they had come from. The last to return were Flash's friends, who thanked Flash for his hard work and getting all of Equestria to help. That and Hopper, who wanted to stay with Flash a bit longer, the dragon wanting to properly meet Astro and was also surprised at the evolved Shine. After that, Pinkie gave him a majorly tight hug, Rainbow and Applejack offering him a fist bump and Rarity even giving him a kiss on the cheek before they vanished through the transporter.

Flash then left the Crystal Castle, watching the sun begin to set. The sight made him think everything that had happened between the dream Pegasoar had him experience and right now felt like something that would take a month to complete, but it had actually only been a single day.

"You okay?" Flash turned to see a fully healed Shining.

"Yeah," he nodded before looking back at the sun, "Just...staring at what we almost lost. If we hadn't beaten him, we'd be seeing this sight while bowing down to Sombra." Shining nodded and leaned against the castle leg beside him. "It was a close one."

"But you did it, and you should be proud. Cadance told me how you managed to rally everybody, and how you were able to inspire all of Equestria to come and help. You were amazing."

"Thanks," Flash replied, trying to hide a smile, "A part of me wants to think I did just as good as you would have in that situation, but another part tells me you would have done something differently."

"You're right, I would have." Flash turned to him, "I never would have thought to use that equipment to contact all of Equestria and have them transport here. But you did, and that helped save Equestria." He gave Flash a nod, "You saved the day because you were being you, and that's what a real champion does. They do what they think is right. They don't try to copy what others before them did."

Flash smiled back at that, "So what you're saying is I shouldn't try to be just like you, but be the best me that I can be?"

Shining nodded, Flash's smile increasing before a voice called out to them, "Flash!" They turned to see Twilight, "You coming? We need to get going."

"You heading to Canterlot?" Shining asked.

"Yeah," Flash replied, "But I think I'll go the long way." Shining raised an eyebrow at this. "I'm thinking of heading somewhere close to Canterlot, but not actually in it. Know anywhere in particular that might be good?"

"Hmmm...there is one place. It's in the opposite direction of Trottingham, which is probably why you never saw it before. Between it and Canterlot is a pretty amazing place you should check out. I think you'll enjoy it."

The two then walked inside, the pair talking about the location as they got a transporter ready. It had been one heck of a ride, but Equestria was finally safe. Team Shadow had been crushed, and the Legendaries were safe. Now Flash and his friends can focus on training, the upcoming Equestria League being on everybody's mind. But the ultimate question was, who will win and have the chance to challenge Shining for his title? Find out...as the journey continues.

Author's Note:

And thus, the Team Shadow story-line comes to a conclusion. Hope you enjoyed it.

So, what adventures will Flash and his friends get up to between now and the Equestria League. You'll have to wait and find out.

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