• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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Altar of Summons

The Crystal Empire

It had been over a week since Twilight and her friends had left the Crystal Empire. In that time, Shining and the professors had all been trying to secure the empire even more while enjoying the many wonders and mysteries of the city. Celestia and Luna with Sunset's help had been doing more tests on the transporter and warp tiles, trying to get a system for transporting equipment. In the throne room of the castle, which now acted as Cadance's lab, the youngest professor was hard at work, her computer busy scanning the journal she had found in the other ruin. And as she did this, she read over what had already been translated. "Fascinating."

"What's fascinating?" She turned to see Shining Armor walk in, "Find anything interesting?"

"Like you wouldn't believe," Cadance replied as she glanced back at the computer. "There's a passage in the journal talking about the process of using the Crystal Heart to summon either Alicormony, Dischaos or both."

"Really?" Shining asked with a raised eyebrow, "Sounds like something Team Shadow would be interested in. How does it work?"

"Well, it can't just be done anywhere here. According to the journal, the Crystal Heart needs to be taken to a special location called the Altar of Summons."

"The Altar of Summons?"

"That's what it says. Apparently, it was built by the Ancient Crystal Emperians so that they could safely summon the Legendaries when needed."

"Why would they need that?"

"Not sure. All the journal says is that the altar was built at an area where an opening in the world appeared."

"An opening in the world?"

"I assume it's summoning similar to an Ultra Wormhole. A tear in the fabric of space." She crossed her arms at this, closing her eyes, "Alicormony has the power to open portals to its own world all by itself. Same with Dischaos. Alicormony is the one who was said to have created the Crystal Heart, so the relic likely has the power to open portals as well...but it's probably on a much weaker scale, which is why it needs all the help it can get."

"So the altar was built on a dimensional weak-spot?" Shining asked, Cadance nodded.

"Which allows the Crystal Heart to open a portal there." She pressed a button on the keyboard and the screen changed to show the image of a crude drawing showing people riding on the backs of horse-like Pokémon. One had a horn and another had wings, making Shining realize they were the heralds of Alicormony. The human riding Pegasoar appeared to be holding the Crystal Heart, which had several lines coming off. She then pressed another button and the image changed to show the same crudely drawn people standing around some kind of isosceles trapezoid that had the Crystal Heart on top of it. "My guess is that these three would show themselves to worthy individuals and task them with using the Crystal Heart to summon their master."

"So they would take the Heart to this Altar of Summons?" Shining asked, Cadance nodding, "Then they opened a portal using a tear in the world and summon the Legendaries when needed?"

"Exactly." She responded, "But it doesn't say anything about where the Altar of Summons is."

"I'm guessing it has to be at least near here," Shining told her. "It would make sense the place would be close by since they would need to get the Crystal Heart there in a hurry if need be."

"Unless they had some way to fast travel there," Cadance pointed out. "Maybe they first invented the Warp Tiles so they could get to the altar as fast as possible. Or maybe the heralds have some way to travel there incredibly fast."

"I guess that's possible," Shining added, "Though it sounds like we need to find the altar before Team Shadow. If we can get that, they would have less of a chance to summon the Legendaries." Cadance nodded back before typing on the computer, Shining turning to the window, "Hmmm...Flash and the others should be there by now. Hopefully nothing happens that puts them in danger."

Mount Tartarus...

Near the top of the mountain's highest peak, Team Shadow's Commanders were staring into the opening entrance of a large tunnel leading into the mountain's hidden secret.

"This is it," Chrysalis whispered. "The Altar of Summons." She grabbed a flashlight, illuminating the passage to see it was big enough to fit a truck. When Doom stepped in, she turned to the entryway and focused on the grunt that was about to do the same. "Get to work on removing the rest of this rock. I want this passageway open as much as possible before our leader arrives."

"Yes ma'am!" He replied before running off, several more grunts going into the tunnel. These ones were carrying metal cases or pushing carts full of equipment into the tunnel, Chrysalis taking one case and opening it up to reveal the Heart Fragment.

"According to legend, this should allow us entry into the altar without problem."

"That legend was talking about the whole Crystal Heart," Doom chimed in, "And since you failed to acquire the other Heart Fragment, we're one piece short. You sure this'll be enough to grant us access?"

"I'm sure," Chrysalis nodded. "And even if its not, we have some of the finest equipment in Equestria. We'll find a way in, even if the key doesn't fit in the lock." With that, the criminals began their way into the tunnel, taking the liberty of planting torches into the wall to illuminate the area. It was time to find the altar.

On a different part of the mountain, Flash, Twilight, Spike, Doc and their Pokémon were still climbing, Spike asking Flash something as the older teen helped him Spike over a rock, "Any idea which Pokémon you're gonna use in your Gym Match?"

"Not sure," Flash replied, "I guess it depends on what Pokémon the gym leader uses."

"Well, Dragonia City was created by a group of draconids," Twilight chimed in, "So it would make sense that they would use Dragon-type Pokémon."

"So I need Pokémon good against Dragon-types," Flash responded, humming to himself as his brain's gears slowly turned, "So...Riptide and Astro are my best bet."

"Is Astro a good idea?" Doc asked next, "He's still relatively inexperienced, and this Gym Leader is supposed to be the toughest one in the whole region."

"And it's not just Dragon-types you might be facing," Twilight added, "If they're another type, like fire or rock, Riptide's Ice Punch won't be as effective."

Flash sighed and shook his head, "Um...why don't I wait and see what I'm up against and I'll figure out what to do for the battle." The others nodded, only for them to look up at a section of the path, seeing it having been blocked by a large boulder. "Now what?"

"Allow me," Doc took out a Pokeball. "Lairon, come out and use Metal Claw!" The ball opened up and in a flash, the Iron Armor Pokémon appeared.

"LAIRON!" It roared before swinging its claws, shattering the rock. Path clear, the dinosaur Pokémon turning to them as Doc walked up and patted his head.

"Nice work. We might need to break a few more rocks. You okay staying out and helping for a bit?" Lairon nodded and turned to walk ahead, the group soon following.

They eventually reached an inclined part of the mountain that was at a fifty degree angle. Spike looked ahead, gasping as he saw a edge, "We're almost there!" He cheered as Lairon used Metal Claw to dig into the rock, creating climbing holes for the others to us. "Once we're up this this part, we'll have conquered the hard part of the mountain!"

"Don't be so sure," Doc replied as Lairon reached the top, "It's a scientific fact that climbing up a mountain is actually the easy part. Climbing down is a lot harder."

Spike raised an eyebrow at this as Flash followed Doc up, "How the heck does that work?"

"It's complicated," Twilight sighed as Flash finished climbing, "But just remember to be extra careful when we start climbing down it."

"I will," Spike nodded as he reached the top. "But honestly, I still think the easy part's behind us." But as he said that and they got to top, he was greeted with the sight...of more mountain. "Oh, come on!"

The road ahead of them was another area of flat land, with a large pile of boulders a few feet away while leading to another path up a more vertical area that ended at what seemed to be the peak.

"It just keeps going!"

"Suck it up," Twilight replied as she gestured to her brother to follow, "It's a mountain. They're usually like this."

"This was supposed to be the smallest of the mountain's peaks!" He whined, "Why couldn't there be a path that cuts straight through this thing?!"

"I guess this mountain doesn't get enough foot traffic to make something like that worth making," Twilight added, "But maybe we should rest up for a bit."

The others nodded in agreement, about to take off their bags, only for Springer to let out a bark. "Ri!" His ears perked up, Flash turning to him as the Pokémon stared at the boulder pile.

"What's up bud?" He asked, Springer then grabbing the bottom of his jacket and pulling it. He pointed to the boulders, Flash staring at the rocks. "What is it?"

"Flash? What's going-" Twilight asked, only to see the rocks start to move. They all froze as they watched the boulders begin to move in unison, one appearing to be connected to the other. Then they straightened out, revealing a serpentine Pokémon made up of fifteen large round boulders with a large horn on its head.

"Onix..." Doc gulped as the rock snake turned to them.

"ROOOOOR!" It roared at the top of its voice, shaking the ground around them. The others backpedaled at this, Springer and Lairon running in front of them. And as they did this, Onix opened its mouth and unleashed a blast of yellow energy.

"Its using Dragon Breath!" Twilight gasped.

"Flash Cannon!" Doc countered, Lairon opening his mouth and firing his own laser attack, the two beams hitting one another. And when the attacks negated each other, Onix let out another roar as Doc commented, "This could be bad."

Back in the cave...

Chrysalis, Doom and the rest of their squad continued into the tunnel, the passage barely changing as they kept going. "How much longer is this gonna take?" Doom grumbled as a grunt hammered another lamp into the wall.

"Sir," Doom turned to the grunt, "I'm afraid that was our last lamp."

"Great..." he pointed his flashlight down the passageway. "Like this wasn't hard enough already." But as he said that, he saw his light hit something blocking the path. "What's that?" They moved up to it, out of the lamp's light and saw it was a large wall.

"It's...a doorway," Chrysalis replied, "It's the entrance to the Altar of Summons!" They glanced up at the wall, seeing it was almost ten meters high. It was made of metal, and was arch shaped with a line running down the middle where the two doors split.

"So this is our last obstacle before we can enter the chamber," Doom chuckled before gesturting to his Scrapummel, "Do it." Scrapummel nodded before charging and body checking the door, only for the metal to stay put and push Scrapummel back. "Ooookay," Doom sighed, "Do we have a plan B?"

Chrysalis didn't reply, instead lifting her torch up over the metal. It showed a depiction of someone holding the Crystal Heart. "I wonder," she lowered her torch and took out the Heart Fragment, holding it up to the door...and waited.

A minute or so later, Doom rolled his eyes, "It's not working. We need the other fragment."

"Maybe," Chrysalis replied as she began to put the fragment away, only for the relic to glow a soft pink aura. "Wait...its happening!" The relic's light grew at this, soon getting so bright that the light of their flashlights was overpowered, the tunnel now completely enveloped by pink light. And as that light hit the door, a clicking sound rang out before more clicks filled the air, the Shadow Generals all backpedaling at the sight.

"It's happening," Doom rubbed his hands together. "The Altar of Summons will be opened to us!" And as he said that, the doors began to open. They slowly creaked open, a super loud scrapping noise filling the room. Clearly, this old doorway needed a touch of oil.

The doors then completely opened, allowing them to see the next room as the light from the Heart Fragment died down. They illuminated their flashlights again, pointing them inside as they walked in. The room was massive and circular, with a C-shaped channel of water that ran along the edge of the chamber and stopped just before the doorway. The channels were being fed the water by smaller channels that led to the center of the chamber where a giant four sided pyramid that had it's top cut off could be seen. The pyramid was made entirely out of clear blue crystal, and had several holes in the side where the water was running from. The side of the pyramid pointing the doorway had a flight of stairs, which led all the way to the top.

"We finally found it." Chrysalis whispered as they began to descend the staircase. "Now all we need is the final piece of the Crystal Heart."

But as they placed their feet onto the first crystal step, the pyramid let out an invisible signal, one they didn't notice.

Up on the mountain's stop, the three Legendary's eyes opened. "They found it," Pegasoar growled.

"Then we have no choice," Mysticorn added.

"But to stop them, once and for all." Horsearth finished before leaping off the side of the mountain while Pegasoar took to the air and Mysticorn's horn began to glow. Horsearth landed on the mountain's rocky surface and slid down the side, its hooves carving grooves into the rock as Mysticorn began teleporting down the mountain, soon reaching a certain height of the mountain at the same time Horsearth slid down it.

Back in the Altar of Summons, Doom and Chrysalis reached the top of the crystal construct, now seeing a podium in the middle with a groove on it.

"Who wants to bet this is where the Crystal Heart goes?" Chrysalis asked, Doom smirking.

"Suckers bet." He then took the Heart Fragment before moving up to the podium.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She watched him place the Heart Fragment onto the podium, the bottom part fitting perfectly into the groove, only to almost tip over due to the other missing fragment. "Careful!" She cried as he caught it. "If you break that, Master Sombra will tear you apart!"

"Relax," he replied, rolling his eyes, "Besides, we need to test out how much power this thing still has. No better time than right now." Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at this, "Don't give me that look. This fragment was able to open the door, so it still has power within it."

"What does that have to do with this?!"

"Isn't it obvious?" Doom barked before holding the fragment up, "It's possible we can open a portal with just this fragment." Chrysalis' eyes went wide at this. "Of course, we won't be able to summon the Legendaries, but we may be able to summon something weaker."

"Are you nuts?!" Chrysalis screamed, "You wanna try and summon something here without master Sombra's permission?"

"Think of it like this. We need to figure out if this altar can still work as a summoning point. It's been a thousand years since it was last used. For all we know, the dimensional tear sealed itself up. You really wanna have Master Sombra arrive, only to discover we can't summon the Legendaries?"

Chrysalis opened her mouth, only to sigh, "Well...I guess you have a point. Fine. We'll run a test and try to summon something." She turned to the others, "But set up the energy traps. I don't want whatever we summon to run rampant and destroy this place." The grunts nodded and got to work, removing the equipment from the cases they brought with them. "This just better not come back to bite us in the foot."

"Drain Punch!" Flash yelled as Springer thrust his fist into the Onix's head, smacking it away while draining its energy.

"Roah!" It yelped as Springer jumped back, Lairon charging in next as Doc ordered Metal Claw. The dino slashed into the giant rock snake, pushing it back even more before Springer fired an Aura Sphere. Both blows knocked the snake more and more, roaring in pain as Doc pointed at the Pokémon's head.

"Metal Claw!" Doc ordered as Lairon up, his claws glowing as he swung them into the Rock Ground-type's center rocks.

"Extreme Speed!" Springer's body sparked as he sped up, almost warping over to Onix. He swung his leg downward, axe-kicking the snake...only for Springer to yelp as his feet slammed into the hard rock head.

"Ri!" Springer flinched, his foot turning red as he grabbed it hopped on one foot. "Ri!" But as he did this, Onix swung the end of its tail, smacking the Riolu head-on. "RIO!" He cried as he was smacked away, making him going flying.

"Springer!" Flash gasped as Onix prepared to fire another Dragon Breath.

"Rock Slide!" Doc commanded, Lairon letting out a roar as the portals appeared above Onix. Large rocks began to fall out of them, smashing into the Onix.

"Roooaaar!" It cried out as the rocks bounced off its head and body, letting Springer get back up.

"Nice one Doc," Flash responded, Doc nodding back as the last rock fell. "Now, let's knock this guy out! Aura Sphere!" Springer created an orb of energy, throwing it into Onix. But as it came for the Rock Snake, Onix's eyes narrowed, and its body suddenly began to spark with blue lightning.

"It's using Rock Polish!" Twilight yelped as the Aura Sphere slammed into Onix's head. An explosion came next, but the Rock-type pushed through the pain and charged at them, sprinting at full speed. "Rock Polish raises a Pokémon's speed! Be careful!" Flash and Doc nodded as Onix reached their Pokémon and raised its tail, ready to use Slam on the pair.

"Bone Rush!" Flash countered, Springer leaping on Lairon before creating a large bone staff that he raised up as Onix brought its tail down. The Bone Rush blocked it, Springer feeling his feet grind through the dirt as Onix's tail pushed him down.

"Flash Cannon!" Lairon opened its mouth and fired the energy laser, hitting Onix head on as an explosion consumed them.

"Roooaaar!" It roared, slithering back as it fell down.

"That's the way!" Flash cheered, "Now get in close and use Drain Punch!" Springer hopped onto Larion before leaping off, clenching his fist. But as he did this, Onix glared at Springer before the rocks on its body began to rotate.

"What's it doing?" Spike asked, only for Doc to gasp as he saw something appear from between Onix's segments.

"Flash! Pull Springer back, now!" But before he could do so, Onix let out a roar as millions of tiny rock specks began to swirl around it, forming a spiralling wall of sand that Springer found himself flying into.

"RI!" He yelped as the sand buffeted him, scratching him up and throwing him to the side.

"Springer!" Flash gasped as his Riolu fell back, Onix turning to Springer and preparing to use Dragon Breath. "No!"

"Lair!" Lairon yelled as he hopped between the two, taking the Dragon Breath. And as it hit him, he stood his ground, allowing the attack to bounce off as Springer picked himself up.

"That's the way!" Doc cheered, "That attack won't do a thing to a Steel-Type!" And as the Dragon Breath began to power down, he pointed at the Onix, "Flash Cannon!" Lairon fired his laser again, cutting through the sand before smacking Onix in the face, causing the Sandstorm to slow down.

"LAIRON!" He roared, making Onix grown back before trying to use Slam on him. But as the tail slammed into Lairon, the Iron Armor Pokémon just took it before grabbing the tail in his jaws. "Lair!" Onix went wide-eyed at this, only to feel Lairon pull at him, dragging the rock snake.

Before Onix new what was happening, Lairon swung his head around, spinning the snake before letting ago, "ROOOAAAR!" It cried as it went flying, out of the Sandstorm just as Springer formed an Aura Sphere.

"RIOLU!" He howled before throwing the orb, the Aura Sphere exploding on impact as the Rock Snake fell toward the ground. And as it hit the dirt, Lairon ran out of the fading Sandstorm.

"Metal Claw!" Doc yelled, Lairon's claws glowing as he leapt at the snake. And in a flash of light, Lairon shot past Onix, landing on the ground behind it. A second later, Onix let out a scream, feeling the slash cut through the rocks. It roared in pain as Lairon and Springer took a defensive stance, ready for anything.

And as they waited, Onix picked itself up. It slowly spun around, glaring at the two as it began to pant. But as he did this, it let out a low hiss before slithering away, shoving its head into the mountain and tunneling away. The sight made the group let out sighs of relief, Doc now patting Lairon, "Great work."

"Lair!" He replied before rubbing his head into Doc, the gym leader laughing.

"Wow! Lairon's a serious tank!" Spike cheered, "He took that Dragon Breath and ploughed through the Sandstorm like they were nothing!"

Twilight giggled at this, "Well, he is a Rock and Steel-type. Those types aren't affected by Sandstorm." She then turned to Lairon, "But you're right that Lairon's still a tank."

"Yeah," Doc patted him again, "You've got a will of pure steel. I can always trust you to be our shield when times are tough." Lairon nodded back, only to lick his trainer.

While this happened, Flash and Springer stared down at the hole the Onix had made. "That's not good." He turned to the others, "Let's get out of here. Last time we went mountain climbing and found angry Pokémon, they usually came in a group."

"I don't know about that." Twilight replied, "Onix aren't known for groups...but the tunnels they make are perfect for other cave-dwelling Pokémon." She pulled out her journal, tapping it, "Let's see if I can find something to get us out of here."

Back inside the Altar of Summons...

Chrysalis, Doom and the grunts were close to finished setting up the equipment they needed. On the ground, Doom and the grunts had set up several satellite dishes that were pointing up at a forty five degree angle. These were special devices that they would use to capture the Legendaries and weaken them enough to use a Pokeball on. Energy Traps.

"Done," he commented before wiping his brow. He turned to the monument, only to notice something on the wall. "Huh?" He moved over and brushed his hand on the rock, sweeping away the dust, only to reveal a minor groove embedded in the rock. The grove went up the wall until it hit a ring-shaped grove before going up the wall again and into another pattern.

He glanced around and found most of the wall was covered in these interconnected patterns. "Wonder what these are all for?"

As he did this, Chrysalis was up on the pyramid monument. She was setting up similar satellite devices, only hers were on large poles that had been tapped to the crystal pyramid. They were all pointing at the podium, ready to fire at it once the heart was in place.

"I have to admit," she chuckled as Doom began to climb the stairs. "He might have been a few screws short of a toolbox, but Mechano really knew what he was doing when he built these devices. Shame he couldn't be here to see the final product in action."

Doom just shrugged back, "He'd just want to take all the credit. Now," he took out a roll of tape and pulled it out, "Ready to get the Heart Fragment in place?" Chrysalis nodded and opened the case, the half heart-shaped crystal staring back at them.


The Shadow Grunts were now removing the outer wall, a Rhyperior drilling at the rock. The boulders fell at this, which was picked up by a bunch of Machop and Geodude. They plopped them into buckets that were carried away by a Skullimor, Skulerror or Skullvoc while the grunts kept an eye out for any non Team Shadow Pokémon that might show up tp start trouble.

And as they did this, three fairly powerful Pokémon were about to do that. Before anyone could notice, something crashed into the rocky ground of the mountain. Half the mountain shook from the impact, a large dust cloud filling the area as it knocked the grunts over. And as they recovered, they saw the cause of the shaking: Horsearth.

The Legendary growled at the criminals, only for a flash of light to appear beside it and a gust of wind shot down from above. This signaled the arrival or Pegasoar and Mysticorn, the three standing flank to flank and glaring at their enemies.

"SOAR/SURF/CORN!" They all roared together, unleashing a series of attacks before the Shadow Grunts could react. Pegasoar flapped its wings and created a powerful gust of wind that swirled into a tornado, threatening to suck the criminals and their Pokémon inside. As this happened, Mysticorn's horn glowed as a light formed into a pink ball of energy that exploded into a pink laser that cut the surrounding Pokémon down. Finally, Horsearth's body glowed brown as it leapt onto its back hooves before slamming them down, causing the whole place to shake.

The combo of Hurricane, Luster Purge and Magnitude struck every enemy around them, taking them all out in an instant. The battle had not lasted for even a minute, the trio glaring at the easy victory before them. And as this happened, they turned to the entrance of the tunnel, running inside as Pegasoar flew ahead while Mysticorn and Horsearth galloped down the passageway, the unicorn Pokémon igniting its horn to light the way.

Back in the Altar of Summons...

Chrysalis put the Heart Fragment over the podium, slowly descending it down before feeling her feet shake. "Hmm?"

"Commander!" a grunt yelled, making her turn to see her subordinates backpedal from the doorway.

"Something's coming..." Chrysalis whispered as she quickly put the Heart Fragment back in the case.

"Scrapummel!" Doom ordered his Fighting-type, the jacket wearing Pokémon hopping in front of him just as a light exploded through the doors.

"PEG/MIST/HORSE!" The Heralds of Alicormony neighed as they crashed into the room, now glaring at the criminals.

"No way!" Doom gasped, "I never thought they'd be here."

"I guess we should have suspected they would show up eventually," Chrysalis added as she took out her Pokeball. "Excellent. We'll take them down now and we won't have to worry about them getting in our way later."

She threw the Pokeball, her Queensect appearing beside Scrapummel while the Shadow Grunts summoned their Skullvoc. The three heralds growled at them, all staring at each other, waiting on who would take the first move. And then, one of the Skullvoc charged.

"X-Scissor!" A grunt barked as Skullvoc tried to slash at Mysticorn, only for Mysticorn to leap back.

"Corn!" The unicorn fired a Luster Purge, hitting Skullvoc and knocking it flying into a wall.

"Surf!" Horsearth opened its mouth as an orange energy ball appeared, firing the attack at one of the Skullvoc, causing it to fall to the ground before firing more at the remaining Skullvoc.

And as they all fell, only two remained in the air, but Pegasoar charged at them, "Soar!" It spread its glowing wings, turning hard as iron before the winged horse shot past the two at blinding speed. Once it was behind the two, the pair suddenly flinched as the pain caught up with them, making them crash with a thud.

"Luster Purge, Smack Down and Steel Wing," Doom gulped, "They're not legendary for nothing."

"Enough of this!" Chrysalis pointed at Mysticorn, "Bug Buzz!" Queensect spread its wings, its horn vibrating as it sent out red shockwaves at Mysticorn. The Psychic-type flinched at the attack, but quickly hopped to the side as her horn started to shine, only for Chrysalis to roll her eyes, "Please. Against a Dark-type, your Luster Purge is useless."

Pegasoar flew down at this, charging at the bug just as Scrapummel leapt in front of it. "Time for something new!" Doom declared, "Thunder Punch!" Scrapummel pulled its fist back as lightning began to surge around it.

"Peg!" Pegasoar spread its wings and beat them as hard as it could, causing feathers to fly right at Scrapummel. They hit the Street Fighter Pokémon as it threw its fist forward, creating a cushion between it and Pegasoar as the attack landed. "Soar!" It cried, but not as much pain as it would have suffered had it not used Feather Dance.

"Shadow Ball!" The grunts yelled as their downed Skullvoc all created the spheres of dark energy, all firing them at Horsearth. The Earth Pony Pokémon braced itself, the attacks colliding with its body. But as it hit, its body glowed brown again. It began to use Magnitude, only for Mysticorn to neigh, telling it to not do this in this small chamber. Nodding at this, its aura switched to a bright orange color.

"Surf!" It roared before galloping at the nearest Skullvoc and slamming its hooves into it.

"Skull!" It cried, making it scream in pain. And as it was crushed under the hooves, Horsearth turned to another Skullvoc, doing the same to it.

"High Horsepower?" A Shadow Grunt yelped, "But how?! They're Flying-types!"

"It used Smack Down," Chrysalis told them, "That nullifies that immunity for a while." As she said that, Queensect tried to use Slam on Mysticorn. The Mystic Horn Pokémon leapt back, its horn now glowing and extending, "That's Megahorn. If that's the case..." She commented to herself as Mysticorn charged, "Copycat!"

Queensect watched as Mysticorn drew closer and then thrust its extended horn, "Queen!" It staggered back, only to summon the same kind of horn at Mysticorn, "Queensect!" It roared before swinging the horn, slashing at Mysticorn.

"MIST!" It neighed as it stumbled back, only to swing its horn down, both locking in place.

"Beat Up!" Scrapummel threw another punch at Pegasoar, hitting it in the head, then another into its chest before spinning around and thrusting its foot into the Soaring Wing Pokémon's side.

"Soar!" It cried as it staggered back, only to charge at Scrapummel again. And as it did this, it leapt up, Mysticorn doing a similar thing when Queensect tried to stab it, only for both to bring their front hooves together before falling onto their opponents.

Queensect and Scrapummel both flinched in pain as the double Body Slam pushed them back. And before they could counter, the pair hopped off, Pegasoar spreading its wings while Mysticorn's eyes glowed purple. It's horn then glowed and formed a purple orb that exploded, launching a Luster Purge attack at Queensect.

The Dark Bug-type smirked, simply standing there as the attack approached, only for Chrysalis to scream, "Dodge it!" Queensect tilted its head at this, jumping to the side, only to get grazed by the attack.


"Be careful! It's using Miracle Eye." Queensect nodded as Mysticorn fired several more Luster Purge attacks, Queensect blocking it using Bug Buzz.

Meanwhile, Horsearth fired several Smack Down attacks at the once again flying Skullvoc, only for Pegasoar to beat its wings and use Hurricane on Scrapummel. "Scrap!" The Fighting-type cried as the tornado formed around it, the wind slicing into its skin.

"Get out of there!" Doom roared, Scrapummel bracing itself and charging through the wind wall. But as he got out, Pegasoar swooped down at him. "Quick! Use Circle Throw!" Scrapummel reached out as a Steel Wing slammed into him, making it yelp before spinning and throwing Pegasoar over his back.

"PEG!" It cried as it rolled along the ground, flinching in pain as Scrapummel straightened itself out.

"Thunder Punch!" Scrapummel charged, clenching its fist while Pegasoar spread its wings and used Feather Dance to create a cloud of feathers between the pair. Scrapummel broke through, throwing the punch as the feathers covered the Pokémon.

"Soar!" It yelped, only to fire another Hurricane that blasted Scrapummel away. At the same time, Mysticorn and Horsearth unleashed a Luster Purge and Smack Down. But to Team Shadow's surprise, Mysticorn fired it at the Skullvoc while the Smack Down struck Queensect and sent it flying away from Mysticorn.

And as this happened, the three Legendaries all ran over to one another's side, now standing flank to flank again. The three stared their opponents down, ready to fire a new barrage of attacks. The sight made Chrysalis and Doom glanced at each other, Doom commenting, "We're not winning this. We need to do something."

As he said that, a Skullvoc charged at them, only to be instantly knocked out by a combo of Smack Down and Luster Purge. The sight made Chrysalis grimace, only to glance back at her equipment. "I think I have an idea." Doom turned to her with a raised eyebrow, now seeing the woman typing something on her holo-screen. "Keep them distracted until I give the signal. Queensect, obey Doom for now!" Doom and the Pokémon nodded and turned back to the battle as Scrapummel and Queensect picked themselves up.

"Giga Drain and Close Combat!" The two Pokémon launched their attacks, Scrapummel charging at Horsearth while Queensect's horn fired a blast of green energy at Mysticorn. Horsearth countered with Smack Down, but Scrapummel simply punched the orb into nothingness before it began wailing on Horsearth. Mysticorn fired a Luster Purge and the two beam attacks struck one another, the energies now pushing against one another.

Pegasoar saw this, only for several Skullvoc to fly down, all trying to do Night Slash attacks. The legendary flapped his wings, backpedaling before unleashing a Hurricane on the group, knocking them all back. As this happened, Scrapummel threw a punch at Horsearth's head, but the earth pony ducked and then spun around and bucked the street fighter into the air. At the same time, the Luster Purge began to overpower the Giga Drain, pushing it back at Queensect. The Bug-type gasped, but couldn't move as the attack hit and blasted Queensect upwards.

"SOAR!" Pegasoar as he met them in the air, beating its wings and unleashing a powerful tornado that struck the two, spinning them into a wall.

Doom watched his and Chrysalis' Pokémon crash while Pegasoar landed next to its teammates. As the pair and the Skullvoc got up and charged again, he turned to Chrysalis. "Any time now!" He exclaimed as Horsearth used Body Slam on Scrapummel.

"Almost done!" She barked back as Mysticorn used Megahorn on Queensect while Pegasoar using Feather Dance to block the Skullvoc's attacks. "And...GOT IT!" She hit the holographic button and when she did, the energy traps powered up and began to spark with lightning. A new image appeared on the holo-screen, showing the view from one of the machine's point of view. She moved it so the camera was pointed at Pegasoar, Chrysalis smirking. "Smile." She pressed the button and from the satellite dish, a beam of red energy exploded out and struck Pegasoar.

"SOAR!" It neighed as the red energy wrapped around its body, causing it tense up.

Mysticorn and Horsearth saw this and gasped, Horsearth charging at the satellite. But before it could reach it, another energy trap fired a beam that struck it head on. "SURF!" It cried, feeling its body stop moving.

Mysticorn growled at this, attempting to use Luster Purge on the machines. But then Queensect and Scrapummel attacked, firing Bug Buzz and Beat Up. The Legendary hopped back, dodging both attacks, but then an energy trap hit her as well, freezing it in place as well.

The three Legendaries squirmed as the energy cages now surrounded their bodies, zapping them with a surge of pain. And as they tried to resist, they found that all they could do was let out a mighty cry, one that echoed throughout the rocks of the mountain around them.

"Huh?" Flash, Twilight and Doc said, their bodies tensing up. The sight made Spike and their Pokémon turn to them.

"What's up?" Spike asked, while the three glanced around, not saying anything as huge frowns appeared on their faces. "Guys?"

"I'm...not sure," Twilight replied, shivering on the spot. "I suddenly got this really ominous feeling. Like something really bad just happened."

The boys nodded in agreement, Flash biting his lip, "I don't know about you guys, but I swear I could hear someone calling out for help. But it was only a whisper in the back of my head. Do you all feel that?"

"I...think so."

"Huh. Weird."

"We can't have all imagined it," Doc added, "But what the heck could it be?"

"No idea." Flash finished while glancing up at the ceiling, "It does feel really close though..."

With their opponents dealt with, the members of Team Shadow smirked before turning back to the pyramid. "Now that that mess is over, let's get to work." Chrysalis grumbled as the others nodded. Chrysalis and Doom headed up to the top of the monument, Chrysalis then placing the Heart Fragment into the slot while Doom used some tape to keep it in place. The pair turned to one another and nodded, stepping off the monument as Chrysalis started staring at the watch on her wrist.

"Starting power up sequence." She activated the device and a holographic image appeared, the woman typing away. As she did this, the machines situated around the monument activated, all now sparking around the satellite dishes. Down below, the three heralds saw this and their eyes went wide, all three squirming against the machine.

"How much longer?" Doom asked while Chrysalis continued to stare at the holo-screen.

"Power will reach optimal efficiency in five, four, three, two...ONE!" As soon as she said that, the machines unleashed a ray of rainbow colored lightning into the center of the monument. They all hit the Heart Fragment at the same time, causing it to glow, the light from the relic suddenly beginning to envelope the podium and turn it to the same bright pink color as it. That light also transferred into the water flowing into the channels, which slowly turned pink as well.

The entire channels started glowing at this, the walls of the chamber now reacting. The light began to spread from the water and into the patterns carved into the walls, making them glow the same pinkish light. The grunts watched as the chamber filled with light, seeing every single pattern illuminate...only for a loud sound to ring out.

It sound like machinery, moving and operating with the sound of clicks, whirls and creaks. They blinked at this, only for the entire chamber to start shaking, "WHAT'S HAPPENING!" Doom yelled as the two both bent down to not be thrown off the monument.

Chrysalis' watch beeped, the reactor scale on it activating, "No idea. I'm not sure if this is connected to the summoning..." She glanced up with a grimace on her face, "But the whole mountain's shaking."

"All of it?!" Doom yelped.


"Earthquake!" Spike screamed as their group began to feel the ground shake, Twilight grabbing him as they looked around. They then heard a loud crashing sound, glancing up to see a rock above had broken loose and was now falling toward them.

"Move!" Flash yelled as they jumped to the side, the rock rolling past them. But then another boulder broke apart, Larion jumping in front of this one.

"Flash Cannon!" Doc commanded, Lairon opening his mouth and firing the light blast. The rock was shattered at this, only for more rocks to fall. Doc then pointed ahead at a cave a little ways away, "In there!" The others nodded, all running into the cave as the earthquake continued, Lairon blasting any rocks that tried to crush them as they leapt inside.

Back in the Altar of Summons, a new light made Team Shadow to look up at the ceiling. The light was coming in from a hole that had appeared in the roof that was growing, making them think the chamber was splitting apart. But as they began to backpedal from this, Chrysalis told them to it was too perfectly round for that, the rest following her lead till they saw what it really was.

"A sky light." Doom turned to her, "This chamber opens up when the Crystal Heart is placed in it because...because the tear has to be above the mountain."

And as he said this, the hole completely opened, stopping the shaking in the mountain just as the Heart Fragment reacted. The purple light was suddenly sucked back out of the wall, out of the water and out of the monument. The Heart Fragment sucked it all inside before it started floating, ripping the tape off and hovering above the podium. It then started spinning, slowly before moving faster and faster with each passing second.

The light coming off the relic grew brighter as well, soon reaching its peak and exploding off the Heart Fragment and into the air. It shot through the skylight, hitting the clouds and exploding. This light illuminated the sky above the mountain, allowing all those on it to see it. All the Pokémon there came out, flying out to watch the light as the people in the cave noticed a purple glow appearing from outside, but unable to fully see it.

"What's that?" Spike asked, but Twilight stopped him before he could walk after the light.

"Whatever it is can wait. We need to stay still until the aftershocks are done." Spike grumbled at this, crossing his arms as the group stayed put.

Back in the chamber, Doom and Chrysalis continued to watch as the pillar of light formed a spiraling cloud of the purple light, which glowed brighter by the second. But before they could think about shutting the system off, the light suddenly cut out.

"What?!" Doom yelped before glancing back at the Chrystal heart, only to see it stop glowing and fall back onto the podium. "What happened?"

Chrysalis stared up at the spiraling pink cloud, which remained for a second before the energy began to break apart and rained down upon the mountain. "It appears the Heart Fragment wasn't enough to form a fully functioning portal. But the fact that all happened proved this place is still functioning as a summoning point."

Doom nodded before walking up to the Heart Fragment, "So all we need in the other piece."

"Most likely. But before that happens, we should focus on ensuring this area is ready for us to summon them." She spun around, now beginning to walk down the steps with a smirk on his face. "Oh," she glanced back at him, "And you have to contact Master Sombra and tell him we might have revealed ourselves because you were curious."

"What?!" Doom yelled, "Why?!"

"A massive light just shot into the sky, moron. If anyone was on the mountain, they will have noticed that. Now go call him."

Doom gulped at this, sweat pouring down his face as he pulled out his phone, "Oh...if only it had summoned something..."

Down below the surface of the mountain, one of its ancient tunnels began to rumble. The energy from the Heart Fragment began to ran down the mountain and began to phase through the rock, the particles floating in place and slowly congealing together second by second. And after a few minutes, the energy began to swirl and morph into a single form.

Within minutes, the swirling energy created a pink disk-like construct that began to shine. Then the light from the center began to retract and turn it into a ring, only to show inside the ring was a large cave. It was filled with bright orange light and a steaming mist that filled the entire chamber on the other side of the portal. And within seconds, the cause of the orange light flowed out.

Lava flooded into the cavern, melting the rock around it as it headed down the tunnel. And as this happened, something else came out of the portal. A large brown, yellow and silver foot made out of molten rock with four silver toes forming an X formation on the foot hit the ground. It reached out of the portal, stomping into the lave that flowed out of the portal. Another foot came through before all four feet walked out of the wormhole.

Team Shadow might have failed to summon the Legendary they had been aiming for, but they managed to summon something else. And now, Mount Tartarus was about to face an obstacle that might be too much for it. As the journey continues.

Author's Note:

Well, this was certainly an interesting chapter. I was expecting it to turn out more like that Shellos and Team Galactic episode from the anime, but this is way better. Please tell me what you think.

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