• Published 2nd Jan 2021
  • 1,529 Views, 524 Comments

Pokémon: Equestrian Champions - Banshee531

Flash Sentry's journey through the Equestria Region continues as his greatest battles await him. And as his team train to overcome any challenge, can he claim victory, or will the opposition be to much to handle?

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Battling at High Tidal

The day had finally arrived for Flash's Manehatten City Gym Battle. The teen and his friends had just arrived at the city's harbour, now staring at the gym. "There it is," Applejack commented as she pointed at the large building with the familiar ship parked behind it.

"So that's the Manehatten City Gym," Flash replied, "This is gonna be fun."

"Ri!" Springer cheered while Astro jumped up and down in excitement.

"Oh," Flash reached down and picked Astro up, "That reminds me." He turned to Twilight, "Can you-"

"Hold onto Astro while you battle?" she finished before taking the Starvern in her arms. "No problem."

Flash nodded back before patting Astro on the head. "Be sure to watch closely so you can learn how a Gym battle is supposed to be." Astro roared back, squirming a little in her arms. The group then walked up to the gym, seeing Tidal and his first-mare standing in front of it. "Hey Tidal!"

"Amigos!" Tidal waved back, "It is good to see you all."

"Were you able to find the base you were looking for?" Twilight added.

"Si," Tidal nodded. "We arrested several criminals, and managed to rescue many Pokémon. Many are still being treated and others have already been released." He then turned to Flash, "Now. Are you ready for the battle of your vida?"

"You bet," Flash replied despite having no idea what that meant. "Let's do this!" Tidal chuckled before ushering them all inside, the group soon seeing they were in an aquarium of some sorts. They made their way through a hall with glass walls, staring into the large tanks as they filled with multiple kinds of Water-types. Bladin, Kelpool, Luvdisc, Horsea and so many more.

They then arrived at an area that split into two hallways. "The battlefield is this way," Tidal pointed down one before gesturing to the others. "And that way leads to the observation room. You'll be able to watch the battle easier in there." The others nodded and walked away while Flash, Springer, Tidal, his first-mate and the first-mate's Ditto went down the other.

Tidal guided Flash to a pair of doors, swinging them open to reveal a giant room the size of an aircraft hanger. "Welcome, amigo, to the Manehatten City Gym." Flash and Springer stared at the place, seeing it was painted almost entirely blue with a few green spots to give it the appearance of being underwater. The gym's battlefield was the biggest Flash had ever seen, large enough to fit four normal sized battlefields within it, and it was almost entirely water, being a giant swimming pool with several floating platforms scattered about.

The size and design didn't surprise Flash though, knowing the size of Tidal's strongest Pokémon, his battlefield would need to be large to contain it. Flash turned to see where Tidal was standing, the leader now climbing up what looked like a large diving board tower. The teen went up to his, climbing up it before reaching the top and seeing that a glass wall was to the side, all his friends sitting behind it.

While they all waved at each other, Tidal's first mate and his Ditto stepped up to a smaller tower halfway along the edge of the pool as he spoke up, "The Gym battle between the challenger Flash, and Tidal the Gym Leader, will now begin! Each side may use up to four Pokémon, and the battle will be over when all of either sides' Pokémon are unable to fight. in addition, only the challenger may be allowed to substitute Pokémon." He glanced at the two trainers, "Is that understood?" Both nodded. "Then trainers, reveal your first Pokémon."

Tidal smiled as he took out his Pokeball. "The ocean is brimming with life, so much so that we humans have only discovered a small amount of it. And that life takes many increíble forms." He pointed the Pokeball at Flash, "Do you have what it takes to overcome the unstoppable force of the sea? Let's find out. Piercish, come on out my amigo!" He threw the ball, unleashing a burst of red energy that flew into the water. Once below, it took shape to reveal the Piercing Pokémon.

"A Piercish," Twilight sighed as they stared at a TV above them, the screen showing different video feeds from under the water. "That's gonna be tough. It's both fast and strong."

Applejack nodded, "That Steel-typin' sure made it hard for ma'h Grass-types ta hurt it."

"I'm sure Flash has a plan," Rarity added.

"Alright," Flash took out his Pokeball. "This ain't the first time I've fought a Piercish. And the Pokémon that beat it is even stronger now. Riptide, I choose you!" The Pokeball flew through the air before opening up, unleashing a red energy that hit a floating platform that revealed Flash's Reptidal.

"Rep," he stared down into the water, "Tidal."

"You ready Riptide?" Riptide glanced back and nodded before jumping into the pool. As he did, Tidal turned to his first-mate and nodded.

"Reptidal versus Piercish. Are both trainers ready to begin?" They nodded and he and his Ditto raised their arms, "Then let the battle...BEGIN!"

"Aqua Ring!" Tidal called out, Piercish's eyes glowing before a ring of water began to appear around it.

"Looks like he's making sure Piercish can recover if it gets hit by something big," Twilight commented.

"Rock Smash!" Riptide's legs began to glow as he charged at the fist, but Tidal just smirked at the sight.

"Iron Defense!" Piercish's metal body glowed as Riptide reached it, spinning around and slamming his foot into the Piercing Pokémon. Riptide flinched at how hard Piercish felt, the others frowning.

"Smart," Twilight mumbled as Astro raised an eyebrow. "Use Iron Defense to increase his defences and Aqua Ring to heal the damage done to it while that's happening."

"Aqua Break!" Flash yelled, Riptide creating a sword as he tried to slash at Piercish.

"Slash!" Tidal countered, Piercish's sword nose glowing before it started swiping through the water. Both weapons clashed, knocking both back. "Now, Aqua Jet!" Piercish then swam back, dodging a swipe from Riptide before charging as water swirled around it, striking the lizard.

"Tide!" Riptide cried as he was knocked back, the two now exploding out of the water. Riptide hit the platform with a thud as Piercish flew through the air from within the water.

"Riptide! You okay?!" Riptide pushed himself back up and nodded, "That's the spirit." He turned to see the Piercish circling around again, "Use Ice Punch!" Riptide crouched down and clenched his fist as Piercish charged at him, leaping into the air as he threw a punch that struck the watery projectile.

"Pierce!" Piercish yelped at the attack, now feeling suddenly cold. Riptide's Ice Punch had begun to freeze the water around it, turning its Aqua Jet into an ice prison.

"Oh?" Tidal asked as Piercish fell onto a platform, "Very smart."

"Rock Smash!" Riptide leapt at the Piercish with glowing legs, spinning around and kicking the frozen swordfish. This caused the ice to shatter, sending the Piercish flying, the Piercing Pokémon crying out as it crashed into the water.

"Yeah!" Spike cheered while the others watched Piercish sink, then spotted the Aqua Ring appear around it, healing the fish.

"Iron Defense!" Tidal added, Piercish glowing again while its defences grew.

"This isn't over yet," Twilight sighed as Piercish began to swim around.

"Aqua Jet!" Piercish shot out of the pool, covered in water as it headed for Riptide.

"Ice Punch again!" Riptide leapt at the fish, ready to freeze him again, only for Piercish to suddenly change direction, flying out of Riptide's range. "What?!"

"Come now," Tidal laughed. "You don't really think we'd make the same error twice, do you?" Piercish then circled around, hitting Riptide in the back.

"REP!" Riptide cried as he was knocked into the water, Piercish following him.

"Slash!" Before Riptide could react, Piercish swiped its nose into Riptide, making him flinch. Piercish then hit him again, the Aqua Ring glowing as he kept hitting him. "Now, Aqua Jet!" Piercish slammed Riptide in the chest, the two shooting out of the pool.

"REP!" Riptide screamed as he fell onto a platform, landing with a thud as Piercish returned to the water.

"Riptide!" Flash yelled, only to hold up his Pokeball, "Return!" Riptide was hit with the red beam, sucked back inside.

"Aw man," Spike sighed while Astro cried out. "That bites."

"Flash made the right choice," Doc added, "That Piercish is just too fast. Underwater, it's almost unbeatable."

"Which means Flash needs to take advantage of the rest of the battlefield," Twilight commented, "Everything above the water, including the podiums and the air above it."

Flash rubbed his chin in thought at this before taking out another Pokeball, "I need someone fast and agile, and I know just the Pokémon. Skyler," he threw his Pokeball, "I choose you!" The ball flew through the air, soon revealing his Tornavian.

"TORE!" Skyler squawked while Piercish poked its head above the water.

"A Flying-type?" Tidal asked, "An interesante choice. Let's see what you have planned." He turned to nod at his first-mate.

"Tornavian verses Piercish. Battle...BEGIN!"

"Aqua Jet!" Tidal yelled out as Piercish shot out of the water, surrounded by water as it headed straight for Skyler.

"Counter with Steel Wing!" Skyler's wings glowed as he crossed them seconds before Piercish slammed into him. When that happened, he spread them, knocking the fish before slashing him.

"PIERCE!" It cried as it fell back, hitting a platform with a loud clang.

"Alright! Now, use Aerial Ace!" Skyler flew up and circled around before dive-bombing at the swordfish, the slipstream appearing around him.

"Tore!" He roared as he shot toward Piercish, who was trying to flop off the platform.

"Iron Defence!" Tidal countered, Piercish using that move seconds before Skyler struck it, the Piercing Pokémon now being thrown into the air.

"Pierce!" It flinched before slamming back into the water, Skyler then flying back up.

"Not bad," Tidal chuckled as those watching the TV saw Piercish's Aqua Ring heal it. "But we're not done yet. Aqua Jet!" Piercish shot back into the air, heading straight for Skyler. "Remember, we don't make the same error twice."

"Well neither do we," Flash called back as Skyler charged at him, "Tornado Burst!" Skyler pulled his wings in began to turn, morphing into a drill of wind that headed straight for Piercish. And as they collided, the water and wind fought against one, only for Skyler to explode out of the tornado at incredible speed as he slammed into Piercish.

"Slash!" Tidal yelled, Piercish fighting from the pain as he managed to swing its sword nose around, slicing Skyler down the middle.

"Tore!" He cried as he pushed himself back, flying to safety as Piercish dove back underwater without problem. As it did this, the Aqua Ring glowed, healing it more. Piercish then swam low, the others watching with raised eyebrows.

Flash just blinked at the sight, Skyler also staring down, "Where'd it go?" He asked as Piercish seemed to vanish from view, the water too deep for him to see it.

"Let's see how you deal with this challenge. Amigo, Aqua Jet!" Skyler and Flash prepared to defend against anything. But before they could, Piercish shot out of the water, slamming into Skyler before he could react.

"Pierce!" It roared before diving back under the water, Skyler staring back at the water, only for Piercish to shoot out from behind him, hitting the Tornavian before diving back again. This happened again and again, Flash and his Pokémon unable to follow the high speed fish.

'This is bad.' Flash thought, 'That thing can pop up from anywhere, and its too fast to counter. Not only that, he keeps disappearing in the water. There's gotta be something I can do...' He then tried to watch Piercish's next attack, only to gasp, "That's it!" Flash pointed at Skyler, "Dive while using Tornado Burst!"

Skyler did as his trainer commanded, spinning into a drill before diving down under the water, shocking everyone.

"What's he doing?" Spike asked as they looked up at the TV, seeing the drill spinning through the water, the spinning motion causing the water around it to ripple while the wind merged with the water to form a hurricane. The super strong current soon began to pull Piercish toward it, the Piercing Pokémon now unable to escape.

And then, the tornado exploded. Like an underwater bomb, the shockwave unleashed from the wind sent the water flying out. The entire pool suddenly shoot into the air, surprising them all and drenching the five around it.

"Asombroso," Tidal whispered before realizing what had happened, looking up and see Piercish now flying through the air while also spinning out of control. "Not good."

"Now!" Flash yelled, "Let's end this with Giga Impact!" Still sped up from the Tornado Burst, Skyler shoot up as the purple and yellow energy appeared around him to form a meteor.

Tidal let out a gasp and screamed, "Iron Defense!" But as Piercish began to glow, Skyler reached him before the move could be completed.

"TORNAVIAN!" He squawked as the meteor struck, causing an explosion while the water that had been thrown into the air began to rain down and refill the pool.

And as the last of the water fell down, the pool being a few inches shallower, something fell out of the smoke cloud and hit one of the floating platforms. "Pierce..." Piercish moaned as its eyes were replaced by swirls. At the same time, Skyler glided out of the smoke, barely managing to land on another platform due to Giga Impact's downside.

"Piercish is unable to battle," Tidal's first-mate replied. "The winner of the match is Tornavian."

"Yes!" Flash cheered, only to suddenly get hit with water as Springer shook it from his fur. "Hey!"

They both laughed as Tidal returned Piercish to its Pokeball. "You did well my friend. Take a long rest to recuperate." He then turned to Flash as he took out another Pokeball. "Interesting strategy. I'm quite impressed." Flash nodded back while giving his thanks, "But you're still a long ways to go before you can earn my badge, and my next amigo won't make it easy. Reefincer," Tidal threw the Pokeball, "Come on out, my amigo!" The ball flew through the air, opening to reveal the crab Pokémon as it landed on the platform.

"Reefincer..." Flash gulped as he remembered its battle against Barbaracle. "Be careful of its Guillotine attack Skyler." Skyler squawked back in agreement as the ref spoke up.

"Tornavian verses Reefincer. Are both Trainers ready?" They nodded. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Rock Blast!" Tidal yelled, with Reefincer becoming surrounded by a circle of light that started firing rocks. Skyler took to the air at this, evading the rocks as best he could, though he appeared slower than before.

"What's wrong with him?" Spike asked the others.

"It's a down side of using Giga Impact," Doc replied, "After use, the Pokémon's unable to move for a while. Skyler was able to recharge during the time Tidal was switching Pokémon, but he must not be back to full speed."

"Oh dear," Rarity added as one of the rocks hit Skyler on the wing. He cried out as he fell onto a platform, which Reefincer began to leap toward as Tidal gave his next command.

"Crabhammer!" As soon as Reefincer was close enough, it swung its glowing claw onto Skyler's head.

"Tore!" He cried as he stagger back, Reefincer charging again to repeat the process. But as this happened, Flash ordered him to use Steel Wing, "Tore," he swung his glowing wing around, "Navian!" The two's glowing appendages clashed, only for Skyler to spin and smack Reefincer in the head.

"Fincer!" It cried before staggering back, dropping into the pool while Skyler took to the air.

Everyone watched as Reefincer sunk, only to recover as Tidal gave his next command. "Water Pulse!" Reefincer opened its claws and thrust them, unleashing a force that flew through the water until it exploded out of the surface, sending a column of liquid into the air.

"Tore!" Skyler yelped as it barely avoided this attack, only for a second Water Pulse to shoot out and hit him. "Tore!" It screamed before falling down, only to flare his wings, cutting his fall.

"Alright, now-" He stopped when he noticed Skyler began to flap randomly, "Skyler?" The Tornavian turned to him, revealing a pair of spaced out eyes. "Oh no."

"He's confused," Twilight gasped.

Tidal laughed at this, "That's the way! Now, Guillotine!" Flash's eyes went wide as Reefincer shot out of the water, its claw glowing.

"Get out of there!" But Skyler didn't hear him, unable to respond to the approaching danger. And so, Reefincer slammed its claw around Skyler's neck and squeezed it tightly. And before Skyler could try and escape, Reefincer leapt into the air before letting gravity do its thing and pushed them both down. "Skyler!"

They collided into the platform, Reefincer landing on top of Skyler, the impact making the water displace and shoot into the air. And when the water dispersed, Reefincer could be seen holding a now unconscious Skyler.

"Tornavian is unable to battle," the ref announced. "The winner is Reefincer."

"No way," Spike groaned as Astro let out a growl. "That Guillotine attack is way too strong. It's gotta have a weakness."

"It does," Doc added as Flash returned Skyler. "It's a very hard move to pull off. If Skyler hadn't been confused, Tidal likely wouldn't have tried it."

"So this win was partially about luck," Applejack commented.

"Maybe," Twilight responded, "But many good trainers know how to use luck."

"Thanks Skyler," Flash told his Pokeball. "You did great." He put the ball away before turning to Reefincer, "That thing's strong. I need something that can hit it hard and fast." He took out a Pokeball, "That's where you come in. Prongs," he threw the ball, "I choose you!" The ball flew through the air, revealing the Stagrowth as it landed on the platform.

"Stag!" He roared as Tidal bit his lip.

"Be careful," he told Reefincer. "I've seen this one in action. It's fuerte."

"Stagrowth verses Reefincer. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Rock Blast!" Tidal yelled, Reefincer summoning the rocks before firing them.

"Energy Ball!" Prongs formed the sphere in front of his mouth, shooting right at the rocks, destroying the ones right in front of him while the rest missed and splashed into the water, "Now Bounce!" With one great stride, Prongs shot off the platform and flew through the air.

Reefincer tried to dodge the attack, but Prongs instantly slammed his hooves down into it. "Fin!"

"Crabhammer!" Reefincer swung its claw around to strike, but Prongs quickly Bounced back.

"Energy Ball!" Prongs formed the orb and fired, hitting Reefincer in the face, knocking it back into the water. Prongs landed on another platform and began jumping around, making sure Reefincer couldn't find him.

"You think moving around a lot will help keep you safe?" Tidal commented, "Unfortunately, that's doing the exact opposite! Water Pulse!"

Under the water, Reefincer stared at the platforms from below and saw some dipping for a second. This was Prongs, distorting the buoyancy, allowing it to know exactly where to fire. "Fin!" It roared as it unleashed the force of water, causing it hit the water right in front of Prongs.

"Growth!" He cried as he was knocked back.

"Crabhammer!" The water exploded as the Coral Claw Pokémon shot out before swinging its claw at the deer.

"Stag!" He flinched, only for Flash to yell an order.

"Horn Leech!" Prongs swung his head around as his antlers glowed, slamming them into Reefincer. The strike made it cry out in pain before flying away, "Now, Energy Ball!" Once again, Prongs fired the orb, striking the midair Reefincer.

"Fin!" It cried before falling into the water, causing a loud splash.

"Yes!" Flash cheered.

"Don't get cocky," Tidal added before turning to the pool. "Water Pulse!" Everyone watching the TV saw Reefincer sinking, only to open its eyes and unleashed the blast of water. The attack shot through the pool, exploding right in front of Prongs, surprising him before he was struck.

"STAG!" He yelped, being knocked back. He landed on the edge of the platform before picking himself up, but he was wobbly, his eyes unfocused like Skyler's had been.

"Oh no," Flash gasped as he saw Prongs now confused.

"Guillotine!" Reefincer shot out of the water with a splash, ready to grab Prongs around the neck.

"Prongs," he held up his Pokeball, "Return!" Before Guillotine could land, Prongs was struck by the beam, pulling him back into the safety of his Pokeball. "Great work. You rest up for later." He turned to Springer, "You're up!"

"Riolu!" Springer nodded before leaping off the dive-board, splashing into the water and swimming toward the closest platform.

"Riolu verses Reefincer. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded. "Then battle...BEGIN!"

"Double Team!" Flash yelled before Tidal could give the command, Springer quickly forming copies of himself that appeared on all the platforms around him. The Riolu army roared as they ran up to Reefincer.

"Rock Blast!" Reefincer unleashed the boulders in all directions, hitting multiple clones, only for the real Springer to leap above the attack.

"Aura Sphere!" Flash yelled, Springer firing the orb right at Reefincer's face.

"Reef!" It cried as it was struck, only to fall over with spirals replacing its eyes. "Fincer..."

"Reefincer is unable to battle!" the ref announced. "The winner is Riolu!"

Flash smirked while his friends cheered, "Awesome! And with one hit!" Spike yelled.

"Reefincer took a lot of damage from Skyler and Prongs," Twilight commented, "It didn't take much to finish the job."

"Now Flash is one Pokémon ahead," Applejack added as Tidal returned Reefincer.

"Mucho thanks Reefincer," Tidal told it. "You did great work." He then swapped his Pokeballs, "Now I know what Flash will be using, and I already know the best way to beat them. Lokelpie," Tidal threw his Pokeball, "Come on out, my amigo!" The ball opened up, a flash of red light revealing the hippocampus Pokémon.

"Kelpie!" It neighed before diving into the water, its head them popping out and staring up at Springer.

"Lokelpie," Twilight gulped, "That'll make this hard for Springer."

"Harder than you think," Applejack added with crossed arms.

"Riolu verses Lokelpie. Are both trainers ready?" They nodded. "Then let the battle...BEGIN!"

"Use Bubblebeam!" Tidal ordered, Lokelpie unleashing a stream of bubbles that hit Springer, the bubbles exploding against his skin.

"Extreme Speed!" Flash yelled, Springer jumping to the side as lightning sparked around him.

"Ri!" Springer began to jump from one platform to the next, Lokelpie watching before diving under water. Flash then ordered an Aura Sphere, Springer leaping upward, "RIOLU!" He fired the sphere, striking the water where he spotted movement, causing the pool to explode...but Lokelpie was able to avoid the attack.

"Brine!" Lokelpie leapt out of the water, right as Springer landed on a platform.

"LOCK!" It roared before unleashing a powerful stream of water that struck Springer, the Riolu crying out in pain as he was knocked back. But despite the pain, he got back onto his feet as Lokelpie fell towards the water.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer quickly fired the orb, hitting the midair Lokelpie. An explosion followed as it send it flying back into a platform. "Yes!" Flash cheered as Springer landed, "Before it can recover, use Extreme Speed!" Springer shot ahead with incredible velocity, practically teleporting from one platform to the other as he reached Lokelpie.

"RIO!" He screamed before swinging his foot right into Lokelpie's head.

"Kelp!" It cried as it sent flying back, Springer charging at it and body checking the Lokelpie. The two crashed into the water, Springer then using his increased speed to swim away.

"Bubblebeam!" Lokelpie quickly swam at Springer before unleashing the barrage of bubbles, the attack hitting Springer's back, the explosion of bubbles knocking him upward. "Now Brine!" Lokelpie unleashed the stream of water, hitting Springer in the back.

"RI!" He yelped as he was blasted into a platform, almost knocking the wind out of him.

"Again!" Tidal ordered, but Flash was ready.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer fired his attack before Lokelpie could fire its, blasting the River Dwelling Pokémon in the face, allowing Springer the chance to swim up and surface.

"RI!" He gasped, catching his breath before climbing onto the platform.

"Good job Springer," Flash told him. "Now when Lokelpie surfaces, use Drain Punch!"

Springer nodded and prepared the punch, only for Tidal to chuckle, "Drain Punch, huh?" He looked down and saw Lokelpie had swam to the other side of the pool. "That could be trouble, so I think it's time your Riolu took a little siesta." Flash raised an eyebrow until Tidal spoke again. "Sing!"

"Sing?" Flash gasped as Lokelpie leapt out of the water, now unleashing a musical sonata that echoed throughout the gym. Flash, Tidal and the ref covered their ears, but the music struck Springer before he could do the same. And as this happened, the music made the Riolu start to sway on the spot.

"Ri," he whispered as he eyelids grew heavy. And before he could do anything, he fell back, letting out a long snore.

"Springer!" Flash yelled as Lokelpie landed two platforms away.

"Bubblebeam!" Tidal ordered, Lokelpie unleashing the bubble stream at the Springer, the Riolu unable to do anything but take it.

"Hey!" Spike growled, "That's not fair! Springer can't defend himself."

"Sleep doesn't count as being unable to battle," Doc replied, "Flash has to either wait for Springer to wake up, or return him."

"Brine!" They heard Tidal yell as Lokelpie leapt up, unleashing a powerful blast of water that exploded down on the platform, sending Springer flying.

"Springer," Flash held out his Premier-Ball, "Return!" It was a very rare sight, seeing Springer being recalled into his Pokeball. Flash frowned as he opened it up, letting the sleeping Riolu appear on the dive-board in front of him. "Don't worry bud. Your hard work's not gonna be in vain." Flash moved him to the side of the podium before taking out another Pokeball, "Prongs, I choose you!"

Prongs reappeared back on the battlefield, his confusion now gone as the ref began the battle. "Use Energy Ball!"

"Stag!" The Stagrowth fired the orb of nature energy, which flew over the pool and hit the Lokelpie dead-on. The River Dweller cried as it fell back, only to dive into the water as Prongs began to jump from platform to platform.

"Brine!" Tidal yelled, Lokelpie unleashing a burst of water that Prongs easily hopped away from. "Alright...then use Sing to slow it down!" Lokelpie swam straight up, poking its head up and ready to unleash its lullaby.

"Stop him with Body Slam!" Prongs ran up to the Lokelpie, slamming into him and knocking the wind out of it. The two crashed down onto the same platform, Lokelpie getting up to Sing. "Horn Leech! Aim for the throat!" Prongs swung his glowing antlers into Lokelpie's neck, making it cry out as it was knocked back into the air.

"Lokelpie!" Tidal yelped as his Pokémon fell into the water, "You okay?" Lokelpie surfaced and tried to reply, only to clutch its neck in pain.

"Yes!" Twilight cheered, "Lokelpie can't sing if its throat is hurt!"

"That's the way Flash!" Spike added.

"Don't git too excited," Applejack continued, "Sing was only one of the problems that thing gave me in our battle."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked as Flash gave his next command.

"Another Horn Leech!" Prongs galloped toward Lokelpie as his horns glowed again, but Tidal was ready.

"Ice Beam!" Flash and the others gasped as Lokelpie leapt out of the water, a blue ball of energy forming in front of its mouth.

"Lock!" It croaked out as the ball exploded into blue lightning, striking Prongs before he could stop himself. The Stagrowth screamed as he felt an icy cold burst run through his body.

"Prongs!" Flash gasped.

"So that's what you meant," Twilight gulped, "Against that move, even a Grass-type would have trouble beating Lokelpie."

Applejack nodded, "That and Sing really made it hard ta beat him. Ah barely managed to take Lokelpie down, although DaisyJo went down in one move against Tidal's next Pokémon."

"You okay?" Flash asked as Prongs staggered back, then got in a battle stance and let out a growl as he said he was fine. "Alright, but we've gotta be careful."

"Another Ice Beam!" Lokelpie landed on a platform before unleashing a burst of blue lightning.

"Bounce!" Prongs was barely able to jump away from the platform before the lightning hit it, freezing it over. Prongs then landed on another platform before bouncing off, tackling Lokelpie.

"Lock!" It fell through the air while its Ice Beam was still happening, causing it to freeze the water on Tidal's side of the pool, Lokelpie hitting the pool while Prongs landed on a frozen in place platform.

"Brine!" Lokelpie picked itself up and unleashed a burst of water, which struck Prongs and pushed him back until he began skating on the ice.

"Stag," he groaned as he found his hooves beginning to slip.

"Stay calm Prongs," Flash told him.

"Ice Beam!" Tidal yelled, Lokelpie sliding along the ice until it was close to Prongs, the blue energy ball appearing.

"Dodge it!" Prongs tried to run away, but his hooves kept slipping, keeping him place.

This allowed Lokelpie to get up close, unleashing the Ice Beam, "STAG!" He yelled as he was hit by the ice attack, but refused to let it stop him.

"Horn Leech!" Prongs swung his horns into Lokelpie, draining away just enough energy to keep him from succumbing to the Ice Beam before thrusting Lokelpie away.

"Ice Beam again!" Tidal yelled, Lokelpie picking itself up as Prongs managed to pull himself back onto a platform.

"Energy Ball!" Now on more stable footing, Prongs formed the orb and fired just as Lokelpie began charging the Ice Beam, the Energy Ball smacking its face.

"LOCK!" It cried through the explosion, only for the Pokémon to fall over, spirals in his eyes.

"Lokelpie is unable to battle," the ref announced. "The winner is Stagrowth."

Flash's friends cheered, Spike adding, "Just one more to go! Flash has got this in the bag!"

"Don't be so sure," Doc added, "Don't forget who's coming next."

Everyone then remembered Tidal's ace, Twilight gulping, "And it'll be starting fresh while Flash's Pokémon will all be at a disadvantage. I'm afraid this match is far from being in Flash's favour."

"Gracias," Tidal told Lokelpie as he returned it. "You did great work." He turned back to Flash, "And now it all comes down to this." He took out his Pokeball. "My closest friend and most trusted partner, who's helped protect the seas with me since I was a boy." He held the ball up. "Come on out, my amigo!" He threw the ball into the air, "Leviapent!"

Flash watched as the ball flew through the air, Prongs jumping over to the unfrozen area of the pool. The ball opened to unleash a blaze of red energy...only for no Pokémon to appear.

"Huh?" Flash said with a raised eyebrow, only for the building to start shaking, "What the-"

And before anything could be asked, the ice on the pool shattered as something broke through it. "LEVIAPENT!" The Water Dark-type roared as it surfaced, the ice breaking apart, its roar so loud that it woke up Springer.

"Ri?" He asked before looking around, only to go wide-eyed as the ref began the battle.

"Energy Ball!" Flash yelled, Prongs firing the orb at Leviapent. The Sea-Serpent Pokémon simply floated there, the attack hitting him in the face. But as a small explosion appeared and the smoke faded, the Leviapent didn't even seem scratched. "Seriously?"

"Our turn. Dark Pulse." Leviapent opened its mouth, letting out a roar as dark energy rings shot out and headed for Prongs.

"Dodge it!" Prongs leapt away from the platform before the attack struck, though the force caused the water to grow choppy, making Prongs unstable when he landed on anther platform.

"Aqua Tail!" Before Prongs could get his balance, Leviapent's tail exploded out of the water, hitting the platform and knocking the Stagrowth into the air.

"Prongs!" Flash yelled, knowing none of Prongs moves could help him right now.

"Dark Pulse!" Once again, Leviapent unleashed the energy rings at the midair Prongs. The Stagrowth cried out as he was blasted before getting knocked back into the water with a loud splash, everyone watching in horror until he surfaced with swirls in his eyes.

"Stagrowth is unable to battle," the ref announced. "Leviapent is the winner."

Everyone sighed, Spike mumbling, "That was fast."

"Those Ice Beams must have done a lot of damage," Twilight added as Flash returned Prongs.

"Thanks bud. Your hard work won't be in vain." Flash then felt a tug on his pants, looking down at Springer. "You sure bud?" Springer nodded. "Alright. Then Springer, I choose you!"

"Riolu!" Springer leapt off the dive-board again, hitting the water before hopping onto a platform.

The ref then announced the battle, and Tidal was the first to speak. "Hydro Pump!" Leviapent unleashed a blast of high-pressure water at Springer, the Riolu barely able to leap off before the platform was hit. But a bit of splash flew back up and hit him, making him flinch as he landed in the water.

Leviapent dived down under the water as the two locked eyes, their trainers giving their commands. "Aura Sphere/Dark Pulse!" They launched their attacks at the same time, the Aura Sphere hitting the energy rings and cutting through them. "Extreme Speed!" Springer swam forward as his body sparked with lightning, allowing him to instantly hit the Leviapent. The Sea-Serpent roared as it was knocked back, Springer then swimming straight up and surfacing.

"Aqua Tail!" Before Springer could catch his breath, Leviapent swung its tail around and struck him from below.

"RIOLU!" He cried as he was knocked flying up, Flash and his friends gasping. Leviapent then shot out of the water, ready to hit him again.

"Aura Sphere!" Springer fired the attack while still in midair, hitting Leviapent head-on, forcing him back as the Riolu landed on a platform. "Double Team!" Before Leviapent could recover, Springer multiplied and the army covered almost their entire side of the battlefield.

"Not bad," Tidal chuckled, "But it'll take more than that to throw us off our juego." He watched as the Springer army began to charge, "Aqua Tail!" Leviapent raised its tail as water swirled around it, then swiping it through the water. This caused a large wave that washed over the army, only one Riolu pushing through the water while the others vanished.

"Drain Punch!" Flash yelled as Springer prepared to attack, but Tidal was ready.

"Hydro Pump!" Before Springer could get close, Leviapent unleashed the super water blast, hitting Springer dead-on. The strike knocked him flying back, Leviapent then diving down before leaping into the air. "CRUNCH!"

"Aura Sphere!" Springer fired his orb attack, hitting Leviapent in the face. But the Sea-Serpent refused to give up, fighting through the explosion until it reach Springer, grabbing him between its teeth and biting down hard.

"RIOLU!" He screamed in pain before Leviapent dived back down, Flash and the others gasping.

"SPRINGER!" They all yelled, waiting to see what would happen next. And after a moment, Leviapent surfaced with an empty mouth. Seconds later, Springer's head popped out of the water, gasping for air before swimming toward a platform. "You okay?" He heard Flash ask as he pulled himself up onto the platform, shakily standing.

"Ri..." he mumbled to his trainer before he tried to walk over the platform. But as he did this, he lost his footing, falling over as his eyes were replaced with swirls.

"Riolu is unable to battle," the ref announced. "The winner is Leviapent!"

"No!" Spike cried, "Even Springer couldn't beat that thing!" Astro whimpered at the sight, seeing his friend knocked out.

"This isn't over," Twilight added as Flash used his Premier-Ball to return Springer. "Flash still has one Pokémon left."

"Let's just hope it's enough," Doc continued.

"Thanks bud," Flash told Springer once he had let him back out. "You did great. Now just stand back and cheer us on to victory." Springer nodded and gave a thumbs up while Flash stood up and took out his last Pokeball. "You're all I've got left," Flash told the one inside. "I know you can do this." He pointed the Pokeball forward, "I believe in you. Riptide," he pulled back before throwing the ball, "I choose you!" The ball opened up, Riptide returning and landing on a platform.

"Rep," the Ocean's Champion looked up at the Leviapent staring down at him. "Tidal..." he growled, taking a fighting stance.

"This is it," Twilight gulped, "The last battle."

"Come on Flash," Spike whispered while Astro watched his trainer with shaky eyes.

"Reptidal verses Leviapent," the ref raised his arms. "Let the battle...BEGIN!" As soon as he said that, both Riptide and Leviapent dived underwater, everyone now watching with baited breath.

"Rock Smash!" Flash yelled, Riptide spinning around and thrusting a foot into Leviapent. Its long body shook at the blow, only for its tail to whip through the water, smacking Riptide away.

"Tide!" He cried as he was knocked through the water, only to push himself to a stop.

"Hydro Pump!" Tidal commanded, causing Leviapent to open its mouth and unleash a stream of water. Since they were already underwater, the power of the attack was reduced, but it would still pack a wallop as Riptide swam to the side, dodging the blast.

"Aqua Tail!" Riptide swam up to Leviapent's head as it ended its Hydro Pump attack, spinning and slapping it in the face with his tail. Leviapent roared at this, hissing as Tidal gave his next command.

"Crunch!" Before Riptide could escape, Leviapent surged forward and caught the Reptidal in its mouth. He let out a cry as his midsection got caught within the mouth while his chest and legs were free. But that didn't help, as Leviapent then tightened its jaw.

"Riptide!" Flash screamed, "Get out of there! Ice Punch!" Riptide tried to attack, but Leviapent tightened the hold, making him cry out and lose his focus. "Riptide!"

"That's enough," Tidal told it, Leviapent swimming above the surface before spitting Riptide, the lizard now flying through the air. "Dark Pulse!"

"Pent!" It roared before taking a deep breath, "LEVIAPENT!" It unleashed the stream of dark energy rings, striking Riptide as an explosion came next, knocking him down onto one of the platforms.

"REP!" He cried as he landed, the force of the blow enough to make the pool shake, the water now going unsteady. And as he landed, Riptide started to get up, panting as he moaned out, "Tidal."

"Still standing?" Tidal raised an eyebrow, "You've got guts mi amigo." He pointed at the Reptidal, "Hydro Pump!" Leviapent took another deep breath before unleashing a blast of water, the water heading straight for Riptide.

"Aqua Break!" Flash yelled, Riptide now creating not one, but two water swords. Holding them in a reverse grip, he swung at the water, slashing them in half. And as he did this, the force of the attack pushed him back to the edge of the platform, but it didn't damage him.

"Aqua Tail!" Tidal ordered as Leviapent stopped its Hydro Pump before raising its tail, the tail now becoming wrapped in water, and swung it down.

"Dodge it!" Riptide leapt up, barely avoiding the tail as it struck the platform, sinking it. But as the platform was destroyed, Riptide landed on Leviapent's tail and began to run up it. Before Leviapent could react, Riptide leapt off it and flew towards its face. "Rock Smash!" Riptide spun around several times before slamming his glowing foot into Leviapent's face.

"LEV!" It screamed as it was knocked back, Riptide falling back into the water. He quickly raced up to the parts of Leviapent's submerged body, now unleashing a barrage of Rock Smash attacks.

Leviapent flinched at the blows, quickly diving under as Tidal gave a command. "Hydro Pump, and make it thrash!" Flash blinked at the order, Riptide doing the same as Leviapent swam below him before turning to look back up.

"LEVIAPENT!" It screamed before unleashing its Hydro Pump, Riptide dodging the blast easily. But what he couldn't avoid was what came next, Leviapent now thrashing its head around, causing the Hydro Pump to act like an out of control fire hose. The force from the attack sent shockwaves all throughout the pool, causing the water to ripple and prevented Riptide from escaping.

"Rep!" The Ocean's Champion cried out as he felt himself getting bashed by the current, causing him to grow dizzy and disorientated.

"Ahora," Tidal yelled, "Pulso Oscuro!" Leviapent stopped using Hydro Pump and switched to its other long range attack, letting out another roar while unleashing the energy ring stream. It flew toward Riptide, striking him while he was still disoriented.

"REP!" He cried, getting blasted straight up before shooting out of the pool while Leviapent chased after him.

"Riptide!" Flash yelled.

"AQUA TAIL!" Before Flash could order a counter, Leviapent swung around and smashed its water covered tail into Riptide.


"NO!" Flash screamed as he watched Riptide get smashed into the pool, pushing him down in the water. And as this happened, Leviapent retracted its tail and swam back over to Tidal's side. "Riptide..." he whispered while staring at the water, afraid of seeing his Pokémon float up with swirls in his eyes. "Come on..."

The others watched with giant frowns, Astro letting out a moan. Then, a splash caught their attention, making them now see Riptide's head pop out of the water.

"Rep," he groaned while swimming to the nearest platform, pulling himself up. "Tidal..." he panted while standing on one knee. He then looked up at Leviapent, the serpent glaring down at him.

"Come on Riptide! I know you can do it. You're the Ocean Champion!" As he heard these words, he then heard cheers from behind the window, turning around to see all his friends.

"Rep!" He roared before pushing himself up, a light blue aura appearing around him. "Reptidal!"

"What's that?" Spike asked, Doc and Twilight smiling.

"Torrent," Twilight replied, "Riptide's ability."

Doc nodded at this, "Whenever Riptide is close to defeat, his ability kicks in and powers up his Water-type attacks."

"So Riptide's stronger?" Rarity asked, getting a nod from Twilight.

"But it also means that if Riptide gets hit even one more time, it's all over."

Applejack chuckled at this, "Then Flash won't let him get hit."

Flash was thinking the same thing, knowing this was Torrent and knew it meant one thing. He had only one chance. "Let's do this, Riptide!"

"REPTIDAL!" Riptide roared as the glow vanished, his ability still in effect.

"That's it. Don't hold back. And neither will we." Tidal laughed as Leviapent growled, the leader pointing at his opponent, "Hydro Pump!" Leviapent roared while unleashing the stream of water.

"Aqua Tail!" Riptide's tail became coated in water, the speed spiralling around the appendage now seeming to be twice as fast, Riptide letting out his own roar as he spun around and smashed the tail into the Hydro Pump.

"TIDAL!" He screamed, his Aqua Tail destroying the stream of water, causing it to harmlessly rain down upon him.

"That's the way! Rock Smash!" Riptide exploded off the platform and shot up to Leviapent, the serpent still dazed after its attack exploded in its face. And before it could recover, Riptide slammed his foot into its face, knocking it back into the water, Riptide then diving down along with it.

"Hydro Pump and thrash with it!" As Leviapent opened its eyes, Riptide drew closer. But before he could get close, it began to unleash the fire-hose attack.

"Not this time! Ice Punch!" Riptide clenched his fist and punched the water in front of him, causing it to freeze and create a shield that blocked the water. He then began to push it, drawing closer to Leviapent before discarding it when the Hydro Pump came to a stop. "Aqua Break!"

"Rep!" Riptide created an extra large sword and held it backhanded, spinning around and slashing it across the neck.

"LEV!" It roared in pain before growling at Riptide.

"Dark Pulse!" Tidal yelled, Leviapent unleashing the dark energy rings, now heading for Riptide as he had nowhere to go.

"Ice Punch!" Riptide heard Flash yell, causing him to punch the water and freeze it again. Another shield formed, seconds before the Dark Pulse struck. It blocked the attack, but slammed into Riptide, pushing him back toward the surface.

"Rep!" He cried as he shot out the water, then twirled around and managed to land on a platform while the ice hit the water. He stared down into the water next, only needing to wait a few seconds before Leviapent returned.

"Lev!" It screamed while staring down at Riptide, both Flash and Tidal knowing their next attack might be their last.

"Hydro Pump/Aqua Break!" Riptide charged at Leviapent while the snake unleashed another blast, the Reptidal creating a pair of water blades, but only used one to slash into the Hydro Pump. This caused some of the water to be deflected but some of it hit him. But despite this, he preserved and managed to push through and reach Leviapent.

"REPTIDAL!" He screamed before swinging his other blade around. And in the blink of an eye, Riptide was suddenly on the other side of Leviapent, landing on a platform with his sword pointed forward.

He panted for several seconds before his sword vanished and he fell to his knees, making his friends go wide-eyed as he struggled to stay up. But then, new movement happened.

"Lev..." Leviapent fell like a lumber-jacked tree and splashed into the water. It sunk for a moment, but then surfaced to reveal a pair of spiralled eyes.

"Leviapent is unable to battle," the ref announced. "Reptidal is the winner. All of Tidal's Pokémon are unable to continue, so the winner of the match is Flash Sentry!"

"YES!" Flash screamed while his friends cried out in joy, the trainer cheering, "You did it Riptide! You did it!"

"Rep!" he gave Flash a thumbs up as Tidal returned Leviapent.

"Excelente mi amigo. You truly gave Flash a run for his money." He then stared at Flash as he and Springer climbed down as Riptide moved to the edge of the pool, the three hugging one another.

It wasn't long till everyone met up outside the gym, Flash letting out the Pokémon he had used in the battle. "Flash," Tidal told him, "You certainly gave me a battle I'll never forget."

"Thanks Tidal," Flash replied while nodding, "I'll never forget this battle either." Tidal nodded back as the ref stepped up holding a tray, Tidal taking something off it.

"Please, accept this with my respect. Proof that you won here at the Manehatten City Gym." He held up the metal pin, "The Tsunami Badge."

Flash shined a huge grin as he took the badge, now holding it up for all to see. "Alright! I just won...THE TSUNAMI BADGE!"

"RIOLU/TORNAVIAN/REPTIDAL/STAGROWTH!" His Pokémon cheered as everyone else began clapping, Flash now putting it in his badge case.

"Just one more," he told himself. "One more and I'm in the Equestria League." The others smiled at this with a nod, everyone wondering where that final badge would be earned. But that would have to be decided later, as Flash and his Pokémon were in desperate need of rest. As the journey continues.

Author's Note:

WOO! That was awesome. Now Flash is only one badge away from the league and Riptide got one more awesome moment of victory, though this battle really belongs to everyone.

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