• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Seeds Have Been Planted

Rainbow Dash scooped some more rice into her mouth, nibbled, and leaned back in the thick wooden chair situated on the third floor balcony of the tavern. Below her, patrons gathered and gossiped over fires and a buffet of steaming fresh foods. With her rear legs propped up on a tiny table before her, Rainbow munched away, calmly glancing at a map unfolded in her grasp.

“Mrmmfff... okay...” She gulped the latest morsel down and gestured in the firelight. “I think I'm starting to figure this all out.”

“Do tell,” Fluttershy said, hovering over her shoulder.

“Does the good Doctor Sinrar shed any light on this place?” Twilight remarked.

“Yes and no,” Rainbow mumbled. “See...” She pointed at the dividing lines snaking across the illustrated continent. “These are obviously Prefectures. It's just that Sinrar never bothered to label the provinces in this copy of the map.”

“Is it the only map of Rohbredden we have?” Rarity asked.

“No. But it's the easiest one to make out.” Rainbow made the face. “The other one is... full of all these annoying, squiggly lines all over the place. Bleah...” She took another bite out of her bowl of rice. “Makes me—mrmmff—wanna barf just looking at it.”

Twilight's muzzle scrunched. “Rainbow, that's a topographical map. And seeing how elevated you claim Yaerfaerda is, that's likely to be supremely important to us in the near future.”

“Yeah, whatever. I'm trying to make a point here, egghead.” Rainbow finished munching and gestured at the map. “Captain Farouche brought us into—like—a huge inlet, right?”

“That led into the Sunset Tract, yes.” Rarity nodded. “Do you believe that you've found it?”

Wham.” Rainbow pointed at the illustration of a river slithering its way east. “Right there. And this blob-shaped province? I'll bet my last nostril hair that it's Osmanthus Prefecture. See how the river makes these two big bends and then thins off to the southeast?”

“Riverstem?” Fluttershy remarked.

“Exactly. Up here, you can see the Silt Path. Just a sneeze to the north.”

“Nice of Professor Sinrar to have bothered to illustrate that,” Rarity snorted.

“And here the Path thins and then thickens again, right at the border of Osmanthus and the Prefecture next to it.”

“That was the mountain pass,” Twilight said. “And we've since crossed over into Seed Prefecture.”

“Oh wow...” Fluttershy pointed at the noticeably large, figure-eight shaped province running north and south beyond the horizontal Silt Path on the map. “Look how vast it is.”

“Rice paddies and terraces as far as the eye can see,” Twilight said with a smile. “Nestled between mountains.”

“I do remember seeing some rather large mountains to the east,” Fluttershy said.

“Could that be where the Silt Path is leading us?” Rarity asked.

“Let's not get hung up on the Silt Path, girls,” Rainbow said. She reached for the rice bowl again. “Remember, it's Yaerfaerda that's leading us to AJ. Not the road—”

“Say!” A pink head with a pink mane burst out of Rainbow's chest, grinning. “I just thought of something! Seed!

Rainbow grimaced, juggled the bowl twice... thrice... and managed to catch the thing before it could fall to the floor. “Hssst... Pinkie...”

“Whoops...” Pinkie blushed coyly. “Sorriez.” She hovered up until she was no longer phasing through the pegasus. “I just got to thinking. 'Seed.'” She pivoted to face Twilight and Rarity. “Didn't you gals say that Professor Sinistar had helped you and Dashie come up with the locations of the Seeds?”

Sinrar,” Twilight corrected. “And yes. Six locations of supreme importance to the Rohbredden community.”

“And coincidentally where both Yaerfaerda and the entrances to the machine world have been located,” Rarity said. “Each. And. Every. Time.”

“Well, that doesn't sound like such a coinkydinky to me!” Pinkie said, pouting.

“Join the club, Pinkie,” Rainbow muttered, cautiously glancing at a pony patron or two as they shuffled past her seat and on to other parts of the lofty tavern floor. “It's rather obvious by now that—ages ago—Verlax saw fit to mess around with the entrances to the Machine World.” She flared her nostrils, frowning. “Turning them into cultural shrines to control the Six Tribes as well as stupid puzzles to test me.” She sighed. “To bait the Austraeoh.”

“Cool,” Pinkie said. Before anyone could so much as blink at that, she continued: “So that means that you and Sinrar already know where these spots are... kinda sorta... right?”

Rainbow blinked.

“Do... do you still have those notes from when you and Professor Sinrar charted the maps together?” Rarity asked.

“I... hope so...” Rainbow fished through her saddlebag, again making sure that her pendant wouldn't pop free from her tunic in the process. “It's on one of the smaller... simpler maps. Here we go.” She pulled a sheet out, unfolded it, and spotted six marks drawn darkly into the paper. “Hmmmm...”

“Look, Rainbow.” Twilight pointed. “On the edge of the Blight, to the far west.”

“The Tower where I found you, right.” Rainbow nodded. “Then—out there in the middle of the ocean—is the Nealend Archipelago.”

“And southeast of that is Shoggoth, where we got Pinkie Pie,” Rarity said.

“And there's where we got Fluttershy!” Pinkie gleefully pointed at the two narrow remnants of Luminar. “Uhm... eventually. Eheh...”

“Where's the Fifth Seed marked on the map?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow squinted at the tiny sheet, then lifted it to look at the far larger map of Rohbredden. She repeated this gesture multiple times, blinking curiously.

“Well?” Rarity remarked. “What do you see?”

“It's... kinda...” Rainbow cocked her head aside. “...smack dab in the middle of the continent. But, like, closer to the southern shore than the northern one?”

“Are you talking about that long narrow inlet?” Twilight asked, pointing.

Rainbow's eyes were directed towards an outrageously thin slice of water that knifed its way upwards from the southern shore, making a thin “V”-shape that ended one-fourth of the way into the heart of the continent. The Fifth Seed was located a few centimeters north of the inlet's furthest tip on the smaller map.

“It's like Applejack's the cherry on the very top of a frozen pie!” Pinkie said, giggling.

“Doesn't sound very sweet to me,” Fluttershy said with a soft shudder.

“My goodness...” Rarity fanned herself. “Seems like Verlax really doesn't want us getting to Applejack very easily!”

“I... don't think even she has a choice in the matter,” Rainbow said.

“You really think so?” Fluttershy asked.

“I thought we had discovered a pattern, darling,” Rarity said. She waved a hoof. “In Nealend, you had to steal the hunt for Ultimo from the locals. Perceivably un-generous.”

“That's a bit of a stretch—”

“I'm not finished.” Rarity continued. “In Shoggoth, you made a bad joke out of the Syndicate by breaking every rule and convention established there and abroad.”

“Heeeeee...” Pinkie cartwheeled through a table.

“And... n-need I remind you of how unkind Verlax wanted you to be in the Quade?” Rarity shrugged. “It seems as though—meaning to or not—this Matriarch has figured out the nature of your friends at each Seed.” She gulped. “Perhaps she's learned through osmosis?”

“She's certainly lived long enough for that to happen,” Twilight said with a nod. “But then the question remains.” She shifted slightly. “How dishonest is she going to want Rainbow Dash to be in order to free Applejack?”

“Huh?” Fluttershy blinked.

“Relax, girls,” Rainbow muttered. “There's no telling what she wants me to do once we get to the Fifth Seed.”

“But the pattern is rather glaring, darling,” Rarity said. “And with each passing entrance to the machine world, Verlax has... erm... g-goaded you into doing more and more severe things.”

“Yeah?” Rainbow growled slightly. “Well I'm not buying into her bullcrap anymore!

“Ooooh!” Pinkie cartwheeled back. “Dashie said the 'b' word!”

“Pinkie, all things considered...” Rarity gestured. “She heard an awful lot worst at Red Barge.”

“Don't you mean 'worse,' Rarity?” Pinkie stuck her tongue out.

Rarity blinked. “... ... ...huh.”

“Verlax may be super crazy,” Rainbow muttered. “And we all know she's planned a lot of wild things. But...” She shook her head. “I don't think Red Barge was one of them.”

“Well, it's not like an entrance to the Machine World was ever beneath Skagra's operation,” Twilight said.

“Uh huh.” Rainbow nodded. “What's more, there's no hint of any of the Seeds being located anywhere near those muck waters.”

“What are you getting at, Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“Don't you get it? Of all the tests that Verlax has been putting me through, Red Barge was not one of them.” Her brow furrowed. “It was a miserable, horrible place—a trial by fire all on its own. But the only reason I got through it was because of Keris... Swab...” She shuddered, smiling weakly. “And you girls...”

Twilight hung her head. “We should have helped you much sooner...”

“That's not the point,” Rainbow said bluntly. “Don't you see? Verlax was... doing so darn much to get us to drift apart.” She gulped. “And I fell into her trap. I ticked you guys off... and f-for good reason.” A sigh. “... but now we're together again and it's awesome.”

“You suppose that it's the one thing Verlax doesn't expect?” Rarity asked.

Rainbow nodded. “It could very well be the edge we need to trump her.”

“Eugh...” Pinkie waved a hoof before her scrunched muzzle. “Don't say that word.”

Rainbow blinked. “What word?”

Pinkie sighed. “Never mind.” She instantly brightened. “So what about the Sixth Seed? Huh huh huh?


“Haven't you girls ever thought about it?” Pinkie backflipped and landed on the table with ghostly finesse. She leaned over and pointed at the six spot Sinrar sketched into the map, close to the edge. “This thingy! This thingy right here!”

“I suspect it's the last entrance to the machine world before the edge of the plane,” Twilight said.

“Of coursies, horsies!” Pinkie's eyes thinned. “But why?

“I'm... sure the Professor had good reason to suspect that as being the Sixth Seed,” Twilight said. “I suppose, when the time comes, Yaerfaerda will prove whether or not he's right—”

“And I don't doubt it!” Pinkie chirped. “But why would we even need to go there?”

“Huh?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “What are you sniffing this time, Pinkie?”

“I mean, we'll have Applejack with us by that time, right?” Pinkie shrugged. “So why visit another Seed?”

“I can think of one reason,” Fluttershy said. “Rainbow's health. She needs to make contact with the beacons to prolong her life, doesn't she?”

“Yes.” Rarity grimaced. “And... am I-I the only one who's wondered if there'll even be places on the dark side of the plane for Rainbow to 'recharge' as t'were?”

“I've thought about it,” Twilight said with a shudder. “Assuming the worst case scenario, then Rainbow will definitely want to access the ruby flame as close to her departure to the dark side as possible.”

“If the Austraeoh is meant to cross over to begin with, then I'm sure there'll be something to... g-give me more 'juice' on the far side,” Rainbow muttered.

“But do we know that for sure, Rainbow?” Twilight said.

“What, are you trying to make me paranoid, egghead?”

“It helps to be prepared, Rainbow—”

“Let's just worry about getting to Applejack for the time being, okay?” Rainbow sighed. “That's what matters more than anything.”

“Still...” Pinkie tapped her chin, squinting at the last mark. “That final Seed's gonna be a doozy.”

“How do you know that, Pinkie?” Rarity asked.

“Well, we all know that the big bad dragon lady runs this continent, right?”

“Yes.” Twilight nodded. “Rohbredden belongs to Verlax in more ways than one.”

“So, wanna bet that she's keeping a close eye on Applejack?” Pinkie remarked, blinking. “Like a super... super close eye?”

“I... don't get it,” Rainbow muttered.

“What I think Pinkie is trying to say...” Fluttershy pointed at the fifth marking. “...is that where the next Seed is located... makes for a prime location for Verlax to be holed up.”

“Like... where she lives?

“A Goddess Queen has to have a throne somewhere,” Twilight remarked. “And in the very center of the continent? Where it's apparently the coldest?” A shudder. “Seems likelier than we think... or at least want to think.”

“So then...” Rarity squinted at the last mark before the edge. “What part would the sixth Seed play in Verlax's plan? I mean... what could possibly be beyond the Element of Honesty?”

Rainbow gulped. “Or... perhaps—despite all of Verlax's big winded monologues—she doesn't even expect me to reach it.”


“Ehhhh... maps shmaps...” Pinkie waved a hoof, then smiled. “More rice, Dashie?”

“I... think I just lost my appetite.”

“Well...” Rarity pointed out a tall set of windows. “I think I know something that's sweeter than dessert.”

“Huh?” Rainbow turned to look. Her ruby eyes reflected a sheen of pale moonlight. She smiled. “Oh... hey. Will you look at that.”

“Perhaps now's a good time for us to make an exit,” Twilight said.

“Uhm...” Fluttershy gulped. “Better make that a quick exit.” She slid up to Rainbow and pointed down at the lower floors of the tavern. “Look.”

Rainbow did so.

The mares spotted a group of travelers huddled around a stallion as he unrolled a wanted poster illustrating a colorful pegasus. The Rohbreddenites chatted excitedly, gesturing at one another and pointing at their bit bags.

“Awwww fudge!” Pinkie gulped. “The fudge fuzz!”

“Not quite, but I'm not waiting around for it to get fuzzier.” Rainbow rolled her maps up, gobbled down the rest of the rice, and shouldered her saddlebag. “Mrmmmfff... hoof it time...”

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