• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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From One Foal To Another

Sonikah, Theanim Mane, and the two stallion pilgrims followed Nicro across the lakeside dock. Above them, griffons swooped high and low, escorting young hatchlings between tall stone roosts. A setting sun glistened fiery and gold across the calm waters. Dozens upon dozens of Luminards sat at the docks, dipping their hooves calmly in the liquid while they wove baskets and knitted tiny flight warmers.

"This was all made possible by a kind and humble guardian," Nicro said. "A one Lieutenant Keris of the Right Talon of Verlaxion."

"Talon?" Sonikah blinked. "A member of the Talon brought you here?"

"Well, no." Nicro glanced over her shoulder. "He did not bring us here personally. However..." She opened a door to one of the lakeside shacks and escorted the four inside. "...after his inspection of the Quade, he signed his name on an official document, arranging a new home for the Foals of Verlaxion to relocate."

"Being a member of the Talon grants a griffon like him a great deal of power," Theanim passively explained. "The Council has must invested in this nation's guardians. No doubt somepony saw his signature and made contact with the Sun Roost Community Committee to make this transfer possible."

Nicro nodded. "For the longest time, Sun Roost has been requesting a larger working staff to support the families who come here to hatch. However, the Council's been incapable of providing monetary assistance."

"Most likely unwilling," Sonikah muttered.

"Perhaps," Nicro said. "The fortune of this land has never been the Luminards' concern. Well-being and prosperity, however, is another matter. Which is precisely why our brethren have such a purpose here in Sun Roost." Nicro waved a hoof at the shack's interior.

Sonikah and her two fellow elders gazed upon a gathering of griffon families. Mothers and fathers stood in line with pensive young hatchlings. One after another, the groups approached a line of monks. The former pilgrims of the Quade smiled as tiny griffons were gently presented before them. The ponies examined the creatures closely, sized them up, then presented an appropriately-tailored outfit. In swift order, the hatchlings slid into woolen little flight jackets. It was a snug fit each time, and the children shared happy smiles with their adoring parents. Sonikah watched as fathers and mothers put their children on their backs, approached an open wooden patio, then lifted skyward with wings spread. The hatchlings clung tight, learning the ways of flight without having to worry about staying warm.

"A marvelous industry," Theanim said. He winked. "If I do say so myself."

Nicro turned to smile at the group. "We also assist with feeding, bedding, and providing innoculations," she said. "There is much work to be done to assure that the families that hatch here are given the opportunity to raise their young without mishap. The tasks are numerous, complicated..." She looked at Sonikah. "...and taxing. A challenge for any humble servant of Verlaxion. And rest assured, dear sister, that much of the work here is monotonous enough that it can serve as simple means through which one can meditate."

Sonikah frowned. "Are you meaning to imply that this... this Sun Roost habitat is a substitute for the Quade?"

"No, elder." Nicro shook her head. "No substitution. But transcension."

Sonikah took a step back.

"We have been punished by many things," Nicro said. "By Verlaxion... by Rainbow Dash... and by ourselves." A gentle smile crossed her muzzle as she shook her head. "But not here. Here... we can be useful. We can bring good to other foals of Verlaxion."

"Unacceptable." Sonikah grumbled. "This... this den is far removed from Luminar's Plight."

"The plight is everywhere, elder," Nicro said. "It infects and corrupts the entire world." She raised an eyebrow. "But we can do our best to stave it off by helping others, not just ourselves."

"You say that... and yet you cut your braids and discard the sackcloth of humility?"

"Just paper surfaces obscuring a greater truth, sister."

"Do you even hear yourself?!" Sonikah spat. "Only pain and labor—"

"—breeds more pain and labor," Nicro completed. "Verlaxion unified the tribes for a reason, elder. We are meant to prosper in this life. Look around you." Nicro gestured. "We have not abandoned humility or piety. And those among us still retain the teachings of all former Kyrons. If not on paper, then in our hearts." She cocked her head to the side. "In what fashion have we abandoned the glory of Verlaxion? Or the majesty of the Goddess' divine plan?"

Sonikah simply stood in place, trembling... breathing...

Theanim calmly glanced between her and Nicro.

"I shall always regret what we lost in the Quade," Nicro said. "But I refuse to allow myself to be lost in there as well." She gulped. "Verlaxion's grace was always meant to save us from the Plight, not become one with it. Now is the time that you should ask yourself, dear sister." She leaned forward. "Are you a foal of Verlaxion? Or a slave to that which she's already conquered?"

Seraphimus trembled.

She sat on a lofty cloud overlooking the tiny circle that was Braum. With her expert hawkeyes, she peered down into the snowscape below.

The tiny figures of Keris, Sarda, and the members of the Talon could be seen at a distance—dark specks against a frozen, pale world.

Seraphimus shuddered. She clenched her eyes shut and covered her feathered face with a shaking talon. At last, after several heavy breaths rattled through her, the tears dried. A final shudder, and she lowered her talon. Chiseled charcoal eyes pierced the frigid air.

Limbs crackling, she stood up, spread her wings... and dove off the cloud.

"They're recovering quite nicely," Sarda said, his voice producing vapors in the last vestiges of daylight. He stood with Keris, Starstorm, Windburst, and Raptr in the center of the village. "A warm fire and some warmer soup did a number on their spirits."

"Are there any grave injuries?" Keris asked.

"Kayman is going to have to rest his left forelimb for a while." Sarda cleared his throat and managed a smile. "But, thank Verlaxion, nothing severe." He glanced at the other guardians. "The unicorn inflicted great pain... but obviously wanted them alive."

"She obviously knows the fine art of torture," Windburst said. He cast an angry glare at one barn in particular. "How I'd love to return the favor."

"Once we bring her to Frostknife, you just might," Starstorm muttered.

"None of that kind of talk," Keris grunted. "We're above that, after all."

Raptr sputtered, "But she obviously knows about what's actually going down in Steamfall—"

"And that will be up to the Council to pursue," Keris said. "Right now, our prime concern is drafting a report on the situation." He adjusted his sling and sighed. "Including the Rainbow Rogue."

"She's alive... I'm telling you," Raptr exclaimed. "We've seen her survive worse than what happened back in that tunnel!"

"Give it a rest, rookie," Starstorm said. "The Commander says we're returning to Frostknife—then we're returning to Frostknife."

Windburst looked at Sarda. "Have you gotten any word from Steamfall since your companions were discovered?"

"Ohhhhhhhhh yeah." Sarda smirked crookedly. "They've seen at least three parties since the incident—all bearing 'gifts.' Crap that we don't need, obviously." He spat on the snow, frowning. "As if they can ingratiate themselves to us after all the nonsense that's gone down."

"Maybe they're making a bid for the unicorn," Keris said.

"They can go piss in the snow and then eat it," Sarda grunted. "For the first time in decades, we have them digging their own grave... and they know it."

"Well..." Starstorm saluted with a smile. "Congratulations."

"I'll be happy to know whatever this unicorn fesses up in Frostknife," Sarda said.

"And you'll be the first to find out, I assure you," Keris said. "And don't think of our departure as a final parting either. I've already begun formulating a plan to distribute resources here in Ivory Prefecture so that you may reconstruct your tavern."

"It's a small loss in the grand scheme of things," Sarda said. He gulped. "I... I know that I have said many... less-than-honorable things about you and the Council. And... I-I haven't been entirely helpful in assisting your hunt of the Rainbow Rogue."

"By that you mean not helpful at all, right?" Windburst droned.

Keris held his talon up before the Sergeant. "I see where you're going with this, Mr. Sarda," Keris said. "And given the circumtances, I do believe we can understand."

"What I want to say is that I am grateful..." Sarda stared at them. "I am grateful for your intervention, and if there is anything we the ponies of Braum can do to help you..."

"Holding the unicorn here has been help enough," Starstorm said. "Verlaxion knows that she may be the one and only key we have to unlocking the truth behind all this mayhem."

Swooooosh! A strong set of talons landed in the snow between the group. Raptr jolted in place, and immediately regretted it.

"Good to see you, Commander," Sarda said. "I was just saying how honored I've been by your presence here, and that I am sorry for not being cooperative sooner."

Seraphimus stood icily silent. Her charcoal eyes swept the group.

Sarda cleared his throat. "I... regret not being of greater assistance with the Rainbow Rog—"

"Let us not waste time with regret," Seraphimus spoke coolly. "There has been enough of that as of late." The sunset reflected off her armor as she turned towards Keris. "Are you well-rested, Lieutenant?"

Keris bowed. "I am, Commander."

"Good. We need to bring the unicorn to Frostknife. However, it's far more pertinent to get word to the Council on this development. And information flies faster than prisoners."

"Then we're to split up, Commander?" Starstorm remarked.

"Affirmative." Seraphimus nodded. "Half of us will go and appear before the Council while the other half carries the unicorn to the Frozen Shelves."

"They're not going to want to hear from any griffon but you, Commander," Windburst said. He cleared his throat. "With all due respect."

"You're not wrong, Sergeant. However, the unicorn prisoner is now of prime importance to our investigation. That makes her my responsibility."

"You intend to escort her to the Frozen Shelves yourself?" Keris remarked.

"Yes." Seraphimus spoke, "And I will report to the Council thereafter. In the meantime..." Her charcoal eyes wandered. "...they will need to hear from someone graceful and well-spoken enough to pacify their concerns until I can make an appearance."

Keris took a deep breath. "It will be my honor to speak before Hymmnos' assembly, Commander."

"Good. Take Sergeant Starstorm and Raptr along with you," Seraphimus said. Her head tilted to the side. "Sergeant Windburst?"


"Stay behind. You will be assisting me in the prisoner transfer. We will be leaving eventually."

"Why the delay?" Starstorm asked.

"I need to make a final observation of Braum and make sure that the situation here has been pacified." Seraphimus looked at Sarda. "With your assistance, of course."

The stallion nodded. "By all means."

"Good. You have your assignments. I expect you to carry them out."

"Aye, Commander." Raptr nodded, then slipped on his helmet. "We shall meet you in Frostknife." He turned towards Starstorm. "Ready to take wing?"

"Rookie, I was born ready." Starstorm took a few bold steps and lifted off. "I'd kill for a warm fire at roost-side."

Keris spread his wings—

"Not yet, Lieutenant," Seraphimus spoke firmly. "If I can have a word with you."

Keris blinked. "But of course." He tilted his head and shouted towards the two Sergeants. "Glide slowly! I shall catch up in a short while!"

The two saluted, then continued their flight southeast.

Windburst and Sarda shuffled off, leaving the Lieutenant and the Commander alone in the center of the village.

"Lieutenant," Seraphimus spoke. "Please understand the importance of my transporting the prisoner. I... do not take joy in putting the burden of an initial report on you."

"Say nothing of it, Commander." Keris managed a smirk under his beak. "I know very well how to tap-dance around the glaring eyes of the Council. Sometimes I think it's how I truly became a member of the Talon." He gestured at his injured talon in a sling. "I certainly didn't earn my armor for my brawn."

Seraphimus smiled briefly. "You've been... very patient and understanding with me." She cleared her throat. "Through thick and thin, despite all the obstacles thrown at us."

"And it's been a pleasure and an honor, Commander." Keris bowed. "As it shall continue to be."

Seraphimus nodded. Her eyes looked distant.

Keris saw it. He cleared his throat and said, "Do... do you suppose she's still alive, Commander?"

Seraphimus clenched her beak shut.

"Even after all the carnage wrought on the railway?"

"You weren't there, Lieutenant," Seraphimus said. "But, somehow, I don't think you had to have been... to know the truth."

Keris nodded. "She is made of stern stuff."

"I certainly wonder about that... among other things." Her eyes swept across Keris' face.

Keris stared back.

Charcoal eyes narrowed. "Exactly how injured were you at Red Barge, Lieutenant?"

He took a deep breath. "Enough to know that even worse injuries would be suffered by those around me if I attempted to stop the Rogue's departure."

Seraphimus blinked.

"That's what this question is about, yes?" Keris cocked his head to the side. "You had yourself some alone time with Rainbow Dash before she attempted her last escape... and successfully, I might add." A deep breath. "Yet, you still feel the need to question my devotion."

"It's not about devotion, Keris," Seraphimus muttered.

"Isn't it?" Keris faced her squarely. "Could I have tried harder to stop her from leaving Red Barge?" He nodded. "Most assuredly. If you wish to define that as a crime against the Talon's mission or your authority, then I cannot blame you... nor will I fight the fact. Albeit, if I had an opportunity to go back in time and change the decision I made, I wouldn't. Hopefully what's transpired here in Ivory Prefecture lends credence to my judgment... or else it would have transpired in Red Barge instead."

Seraphimus exhaled with a shudder. "Something tells me it transpired there enough."

"And ever since, I have done nothing but warn you of the formidable power we were dealing with," Keris said. "Perhaps you think that I, in some fashion, admire the Rainbow Rogue."

Seraphimus glared at him. "I did not say that."

"Let it be known that I deplore her acts committed in the Quade, just like you do, Seraphimus," Keris said. "And while I recognize the good she has done in Red Barge, that was not the reason for why I let her go. More than anything else, I've been concerned about the good that I could do for my fellow foals of Verlaxion. And so far, making attempts to stop the Rogue has only risked the safety of citizens in Red Barge and abroad. That is why our hunt for her must cease, and that is the explanation I'm already planning to give the Council, by your grace, Commander."

Seraphimus slowly nodded. "And you have it."

Keris lingered. After a few seconds of silence, he leaned in and spoke, "Being the Right Talon of Verlaxion makes it easy to feel far removed from the Goddess' heart. Sometimes, I fear that the severity of our role has made us forgetful of the righteousness of it. We've suffered far too much from the sacrifices made to keep this land well protected. Our livelihood... our families..." He gulped. "Jordan..."

Seraphimus closed her eyes.

"You're not the only one who wanders sanctuaries and graves, Commander, entreating she who unifies... yet isolates." Keris took a deep breath. "In Red Barge, I did not see a monster. I saw a pony trying to do what we were tasked with... and doing so magnificently. And while I may not wish to emulate her dark past, I certainly don't see an advantage in curtailing her future. Unless Verlaxion was to finally appear before us and tell us differently—"

"That is up to the goddess to decide, not us."


The Commander clenched her beak tightly.

Keris cleared his throat. "Would you, perhaps, wish to reverse tasks? You can go to Frostknife early. I'll stay behind with Windburst and oversee the transfer—"

"No, Keris." Seraphimus shook her head. "I have a responbility here. I am the Right Talon of Verlaxion."

Keris slowly nodded. Wincing, he got down on one knee and reached for her talon. "And I am your claw—"

Seraphimus reached out and yanked him back up to his paws. "Please. Simply go."

Keris blinked at her. He glanced aside, then eventually nodded.

"And thank you, Lieutenant."

"My pleasure, Commander." Then, with silent grace, Keris turned around and took to the skies.

As he soared southeast, Seraphimus clenched her eyes shut. After a heavy sigh, she turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

From a distance, Windburst and Sarda watched silently. Sarda opened his muzzle to say something, but Windburst silenced him with an outstretched talon.

Quietly, the ponies of Braum watched as Seraphimus shuffled slowly through the snow, approaching a thicket of trees outside the village... and the setting sun beyond.

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