• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Rainbow And Her Colors

“Keep your head down, sir,” Longaze murmured.

“Grrrffff...” Chandler grumbled, lying flat on a crooked slab of driftwood.

A gold aura encased the debris, causing it to drift further and further south from the muck splotch in the ocean where White Barge and Red Barge converged.

The pace of the driftwood was positively glacial. The bodies of fish darted back and forth beneath the waves, and even they were going faster than the debris.

“Can't this damn thing go any faster?” Longaze hissed.

“And I would keep my voice down if I were you,” Longaze chided. The bruised mare lay against the furthest tip of the debris. She channeled a stream of energy through her horn, telekinetically shoving the driftwood south, carrying the two of them slowly away from the Barges. “It would also be most prudent if you hid your body beneath the canvas.”

Chandler sighed, pulling a length of fabric over his body, camouflaging the two of them further. “Seriously... this is the best that you could come up with?”

“I'm not a fan of it either, sir,” Longaze muttered back. “Nor do I hold any pride in the way I had to rescue you.”

“'Rescue?!'” Chandler stifled a loud growl. “You grabbed me from behind like a common mugger!”

“I couldn't risk inciting you to scream and alerting the locals,” Longaze said. “After all... I know that you are... erm... prone to dramatics.”

“What is that supposed to mean?!”

Longaze sighed. Nevertheless, she concentrated on her magical task with sweaty dedication. “We simply need to keep up this pace for as long as we stand to be seen by the ponies on both platforms. Then, once we clear visible range, I can accelerate us into a swift cruise.” She swallowed. “I estimate that it'll take us two days to reach South Barge. Three at most.”

“Goddess,” Chandler grumbled. “They'd better still be loyal to me.”

“They haven't associated with Skagra in a long time, sir. I suspect they'll be loyal enough.” Longaze took a deep breath. “I highly suggest we hide out there for a while until this most recent incident blows over. No doubt the Talon will be swarming these seas soon.”

“What? Pffft! Buck that!” Chandler sneered. “I'm having them send me to Rohbredden on the first boat they can afford!”


“Skagra threatened me multiple times. Skagra stole my trust and my steamship.” Chandler snorted, wincing from a spray of seawater. “I'm done with this whole mucking ocean. I gotta get home in time for the Month of Thawing.”

“That... would be highly difficult, sir.”

“Says the confounded bodyguard who couldn't even bring down the Rainbow Rogue.”

“She had a pocket griffon.”


Longaze sighed. “Sir, we've lost another Barge. You're several thousand bars short of your previous fortune. Dozens of workhooves died back in the bay. The Consortium's connection to the seven seas relies on a single thread running through South Barge. And—on top of all that—the Talon will likely want to conduct an investigation on our ties to Skagra.”

“I don't particularly care.”

“Have I mentioned we're stuck on a slab of wood?

“I may be suffering several financial setbacks... but I can still float back from this. After all...” He adjusted what was left of his suit's collar. “It's not my face that's on the wanted poster in every town.”

“You're... still betting on the Rainbow Rogue?”

“We have plenty of places left to go. But her? She has nothing.”

“If you want my advice sir...”

“I don't.”

“...I think you should give up on her... salvage what's left of your empire.”

“My dear, what's left of my empire is still worth half the Prefectures who run the Council of Verlaxion!”

“You only stand to fall even deeper.”

Chandler squinted. “Help me get back to Rohbredden, and I'll increase your salary by three hundred percent.”

Longaze blinked. “... ... ...three hundred percent?”

“Three hundred and fifty.”

The mare took a deep breath. Her horn glowed brighter, and suddenly the driftwood accelerated to double the speed. “It would appear that we've struck a fortuitous southern current, sir.”

“You bet your blonde bun it has.” Chandler rested beneath the canvas, exhaling. “Nothing is impossible so long as you have money. The Rainbow Rogue?” He snorted, glaring into seaspace. “Just what wealth does she have?”

“Easy... easy, darling,” Rarity said, waving her hooves. She stared at Rainbow's feathers as the mare drew a white bandage tightly around her left wing. “Gentle... uh! Almost... and... there.” She smiled. “Fabulously done, Rainbow. Now... tie it.”

Rainbow winced despite Rarity's good efforts. Following the spectre's lead, she leaned back in the tiny skiff and did as she was told, tying the white gauze into a neat ribbon. The pegasus and her ghostly friends sat adrift in the middle of the ocean. White and Red Barge were two diny dots on the west horizon.

“It may feel uncomfortable at first,” Rarity said, drifting around the mare. “But—trust me—it will keep your limbs secure while they... erm... mend.”

“Awwww... poor Dashie.” Pinkie Pie pouted. “Does it hurt?”

“Yes,” Fluttershy said, nodding. “It does.”

“Huh...” Rainbow sat squarely in the middle of the book, fishing through her saddlebag. “You feel it too, huh?”

“I feel a lot of things. And... you know what?” She glanced aside at the other ponies, smiling slightly. “I th-think I'm getting used to it.”

“Still, Fluttershy, out of all of us—I do fear you got the shortest straw there ever was,” Rarity said with a sad expression. She leaned in to nuzzle the ghostly pegasus. “To feel the sort of things you've felt. My heart aches for you.”

“It's okay, Rarity,” Fluttershy said. “So long as I'm here to help Rainbow Dash, it's... I mean...” A gulp. “I-I can handle it.”

“I wish we all wisened up to your smartiness before, Fluttershy,” Pinkie said, pivoting towards Rainbow Dash again. “Won't you ever forgive us, Dashie?”

“Pinkie, we've been over this,” Rainbow muttered, pulling out one of Professor Sinrar's maps and stretching it wide. “Consider it forgiven. I mean... for realsies. We just had the knock-down, drag-out fight. You're getting the order of things wrong.”

“Oh. I guess you're right.” Pinkie waved a hoof. “My bad! Rookie mistake!” She blinked suddenly, then giggle-snorted. “Heeheehee! 'Lyra Heartstrings!' Oh my sides—I still can't get over that! Ha ha ha ha!”

“Hmmmmm...” Rainbow smirked, gazing at a watery space in the map. “It's gonna be a long boat ride.” Her eyes traveled to the right, spotting a large croissant-shaped continent, filled to the brim with topographical squiggle lines, growing tighter and tighter towards the north—peaking in the center. “Very... very long...”

“Do you see her?”

Rainbow blinked. She looked up. “Twilight...?”

Twilight Sparkle floated off the bow of the skiff, facing east. “Applejack.” She waved a hoof from north to south. “She's out there... isn't she?” She turned and looked back with a solemn expression. “Do you know where?”

Rainbow squinted at the orange dot on the horizon... then glanced at the map. Her nostrils flared. “Yeah... I think I do...”

“Oh?” Pinkie leaned in, along with the others. “Where, Dashie?”

“Where else.” Rainbow gulped, folding the map back up. “Verlax central.”

“Uh oh...” Fluttershy bit her lip, trembling.

“You mean...” Rarity wrung her hooves together. “...Yaerfaerda is... is taking us right to—?”

“Should we expect any different?” Rainbow Dash muttered. She tucked the maps back into her saddlebag. “Verlax's made it perfectly clear she wants to test me. She's done it before. And... well...” A shudder. “...I don't think she's gotten all her kicks yet.”

“Well, we'll be ready for that big bully now!” Pinkie Pie puffed her fluffy chest out. “Won't we, girls?”

“Maybe it won't be as bad as we think,” Fluttershy said. “I mean... after what Rainbow Dash has gone through—”

“Darling, this is a crazy dragon matriarch we're talking about,” Rarity said, eyes rolling. “Of course it will be positively dreadful.”

“And with your wing out of order still...” Twilight floated towards Rainbow and the boat. “...this won't be easy. I mean... have the dizziness and shivers returned, Rainbow?”

“The rules haven't changed any since the Quade, if that's what you're asking, Twilight.”

“Then... then we haven't much time to get to—”

“We'll make it.”

“B-but how can you say that so glibly?!” Twilight frowned, sniffling. “And after all the things we did to you... that I did to you.” She hung her head with a sad sigh. “Abandoning you...”

“You haven't.”


“You haven't!” Rainbow leaned forward. “Look at me! You have no idea how strong I am now! What you've done for me. What you k-kept me... kept me from becoming...” She gnashed her teeth... then clenched her eyes shut.

The mares looked on, their faces awash with concern.

“Dashie...?” Pinkie cooed.

Rainbow took a deep breath, shoulders shuddering. “... ... ...honest.” She cleared her throat. “I need to be perfectly honest with you. From now on. So... first thing's first... there's something you have to know. Something about the ponies... and monsters I've crossed.”

Twilight gulped. “You've told us enough, Rainbow,” she said. “And—finally—I think we're starting to understand.”

“No. You don't.” Rainbow looked up, eyes sharp. “In my travels, around the time I banded together with Pilate and Bellesmith, I ran afoul of a... very... very nasty stallion.” She gulped hard. “A unicorn named Shell. A Prime Enforcer of the Ledomaritan Confederacy. Powerful freak of nature. But that's not what made him so terrible. He... was persistent... cold hearted. And his only goal in life was to hunt me down like a beast so that the Council of Ledo could have their way with me and my pendant. Well, while chasing us, Shell came across Imre... his daughter. She... k-killed herself when she realized how hopeless her father was.” Rainbow shuddered. “She was my friend.”

“Oh Rainbow...” Fluttershy murmured.

“That's positively awful,” Rarity said.

Rainbow shook her head. “It doesn't end there. Shell was already an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. But as soon as Imre died, he... like... went completely nuts. He chased the Noble Jury across multiple landscapes, murdering and destroying everything in his path. Then—after Nevlamas died and Shell's ship went down—I thought the jerkface was gone for good. It... w-was the worst mistake I had ever made. At least before the Quade. The Jury stumbled across a town named Lerris—a village full of innocent and humble farming ponies. It was Lerris where our little filly friend Kera Tin Mehjj hailed from. Since the Ledomaritan and Xonan war was ending, Pilate and Bellesmith decided to retire there with Kera and start a new life. The Jury and I left them, thinking they'd be safe. But Shell found them, and he...” Rainbow gritted her teeth. “...he murdered everyone in the village just to spite me. Everyone but Pilate, Belle and Kera. He made them watch the slaughter of every living soul in Lerris.”

The four mares watched, their muzzles twisted in silent horror.

“I... flew back as soon as I discovered he was there. We fought... we always fought. But this time—for once—I got the upper hoof. I knew that I could no longer hold back. And... and I killed him.” She clenched her teeth. “And though I regret a lot of things I've done since Discord struck Ponyville... that's the one death I don't flinch in remembering.”

Rainbow turned to face the mares.

“It took a long... long time for my Jurist friends and I to recover from what Shell did. And even now, the wounds run deep. I've thought and thought about him constantly ever since... about what could have motivated him to become the kind of creature that he was. I mean... I know that he had an entire kingdom to protect. The Council of Ledo relied on him to get the job done, and that's what he did... or at least strove to do. And...” She gulped. “Whatever his task was, he put his whole mind to it. But his heart?” She shook her head. “A creature like that didn't have a heart. He couldn't. There was so much riding on his shoulders—or so he thought—that he couldn't risk feeling anything about what he tackled. I never thought I could ever understand a mindset like that...” Her eyes blinked as her muzzle hung open. “...until the Quade.”

Twilight gulped. “Rainbow—”

“Think about it...” Rainbow shook. She rubbed a nervous hoof across the scar—still fresh—over her brow. “Shell had an entire continent riding on his shoulders. What... c-could possibly be bigger than carrying the entire plane? Or Urohringr for that matter?” Her eyes darted towards them, turning moist. “Or you gals?”

“You made a mistake,” Twilight said. “It was wrong, but you know better now.”

“Do I?” Rainbow snorted, frowning. “Or have I just staved off the frost in my heart for when an even harder decision has to be made?” She squinted. “The thing is, when I chose to do what I did, and I flew back into the Luminards' sanctuary, something had switched off inside of me. Because it all made so much sense.” Rainbow gulped. “What I had to do and what I was doing it for. All of your cries and warnings? They fell on deaf ears. It was the only way to get the job done. And... you know what? Until that one moment... that dang crazy moment where I... I-I had my freaky jaws around Swab's neck...” She inhaled sharply, a tear trickling down her cheek. “...I didn't regret any of it. Not one bit. And so now I know.” She hung her head. “What makes Shell tick... and what Verlax believes this dying world needs.”

Fluttershy flew in close, kneeling before the mare. “But you're not him, Rainbow Dash.”

“You're compassionate, darling!” Rarity flew in.

“Awesome!” Pinkie chirped from behind.

“And you have something Shell doesn't have,” Twilight remarked. She floated before Rainbow, smiling warmly. “You have friends.” She pointed west. “You had the Jurists then...”

“And you have us now,” Fluttershy said.

“All of us!” Pinkie cooed.

“And you always have.” Rarity smiled tearfully. “Don't you realize that?” She shook her head. “Shell's story is ghastly. Pitiable, even. But the two of you are not cut from the same cloth. Trust me.” She sniffled, pressing a hoof to her chest while grinning. “I'm a tailor.”

Pinkie giggled.

Rainbow shook... sniffled. She looked up with teary eyes. “I'm going to need you guys.” She shuddered. “I'm going to need you guys so hard.” She wiped her cheek. “Please... you have no idea. If... if worse comes to worst... and Verlax tries to test me even harder... and y-you know th-that she's gonna...”

“We'll be there by your side,” Twilight said. “You won't be alone. I promise.” She drifted in close enough, holding her hooves close to Rainbow's—as if they could almost touch. “So long as you'll have us.”

Rainbow stared at the colorful group of faces. She let loose a squeaky burst, smiling past her tears. “I do. I t-totally do have you...”

“There's a good mare,” Rarity said.

“Now...” Pinkie floated around, smiling wide. “Are we gonna go save AJ's freckled butt or not?”

“Yeah...” Rainbow wiped her muzzle dry, sniffling one last time. She reached back to grip the engine. “Yeah... so much yeah.”

“Heehee!” Rarity pointed east. “Onward!”

Fluttershy breathily exclaimed, “All aboard!”

“Uhhh... Fluttershy?” Pinkie squinted. “That's what they say on trains. Not boats.”

“They say that on boats too.”

“No they don't, Twilight!”

“How would you know? Last time I checked, you were only an expert on cannons!”

“Boats have cannons!”

“Mmmmmmm...” Rainbow sighed, powering the motor as she drew the skiff towards the dot on the horizon. “Long... long ride...” The spectres floated after her as they pierced the waves, carving a path through unbridled nothingness.

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