• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Swab and the Monster's Den

Swab's breaths returned to his lungs about five minutes later, as did the tingling waves of consciousness. The colt found himself being dragged past a series of cylindrical steam vents in glittery starlight. The air rippled with the malicious laughter of other foals, and he heard the tell-tale grunts of Whony opening one of the grates to the larger steam vents.

“Might wanna hold your breath, seafoam. After all, can't imagine what it's like to have your only ear pop.”

Swab's yellow eyes swam sickly to the side. The moment he recognized the smokestacks to the Red Barge's southern strut, he gasped... then struggled against Whony's dominating limbs. “No. No! Grnnngh!” He fought and squirmed, but there was no stopping the sway of the world as his little body was tilted into the gaping mouth of one of the vertical vents. The rancid smell of prison filth wafted up to his sobbing muzzle. “Don't do this! Whony, please!” He gasped and hyperventilated. “I... I-I'll do nibble duty for you all next week! I swear!”

“Fat lotta good that'll do me, coming from a corpse!” Then, with a final grunt, Whony tossed Swab's body over into the throat of the vent. “Send the monster our regards, sea foam! Maybe she'll shit you out into the same hole your parents are rotting in once she's done with you!”

“Mrmmff!” Swab yelped, hearing his own frantic echoes. “Whony! Don't!” His twitching eyes gazed down a deep, dark throat of metal. “Please!”

He was answered with a merciless kick to the flank. Thud! The rusted walls flew past him. The vicious laughter of the foals flew away. Swab tumbled... rolled. He tried flinging his forelimbs out to steady himself, but he only managed to ricochet off the narrow walls of the blurring pipe. After five long seconds, he finally rattled the rest of the way, plowed through a clog of grime and soot...

...and rolled out onto the dank floor of a cold, cold prison cell far below deck.

“Mmmfff...” He curled up, wincing and whimpering in pain.

Swab's vision flickered from red to yellow and then back to black. A cold ringing sound lingered in his ear, and once it cleared he was swept up in a monsoon of pungent odors. Squirming, he tilted his head up, struggling to look about.

All he saw was pure blackness. Then—against the middle of the floor—he saw multiple slivers of starlight. He realized that there was a barred window lingering close to the ceiling of the cell. It opened to a walkway that lingered above, slightly closer to the top deck. Cold sea air wafted through, giving the brig a misty, ethereal quality.

If Swab squinted hard enough, he could see the vapors shifting ever so slightly... rippling and then retreating.

Something on the far end of the cell was breathing... and it was facing him.

“Mmmm...!” With his jaw clenched shut, Swab spun to face the wall he had fallen out of. One of several vertical pipes lingered before him, busted open with a colt-sized hole. He scampered towards it, shuffling, scuffling, clambering all over with his tiny hooves. For the life of him, Swab couldn't figure out exactly how he exited the narrow slit. He tried shoving himself back through the fissure—initially skull-first and then next flank-first. But even if he somehow could re-enter the pipe, he wasn't certain how he might feasibly climb his way back up the shaft—

A snorting sound, accompanied by a whisper.

Swab gasped, freezing to a stop. He pivoted slowly until his one good ear faced the far end.

“... ... ...definitely something else in here with me.”

It was a feminine voice, raspy, surprisingly high-pitched for a beastly creature. The unexpected tone frightened Swab more than anything. He locked his muscles in place, shivering.

More silence.

And then...

“Mrmmff... how should I, know, Fluttershy? You're the one with the pony senses, not me.”

Swab's tiny nostrils flared as he shook... shivered... shook...

A sigh. The vapors shifted in the barred starlight. “Oh, alright...” And then hoofsteps. Light hoofsteps... growing closer... scraping. Swab looked over and immediately wished that he hadn't. Something glinted in the starlight... something like a blood-red ruby. “Hey, is anypony there...?”

“Nnnngh!” Swab galloped straight forward. Clang! He slammed face-first into a metal wall. “Mmmff!” He fell back on his flank, his little legs sticking up.

His twitching eyes refocused on the dark lengths of the cell.

Slowly, a fuzzy figure bled into focus: an upside down jaw followed by a petite frame and drooping wings. Loose bandages draped alongside her. Swab saw a tail flicking... with color. “Hello...?”

“Guh!” Swab rolled over. He scoot-scoot-scooted backwards on shivering haunches. When he reached the metal corner and couldn't slide any further, he curled up into a scrappy little ball, hugging himself tight. “Mmmmm... please... pl-please... stay back!”

His eyes were clenched shut, so there was no seeing the face of the monster as it lingered within meters... feet... inches of his shivering figure. “... ... ...it's just some friggin' kid.” Silence. Then the thing's voice cracked: “No, I didn't notice. Was there somepony in this cell when I first arrived, Flutters?” More silence. “Unnnngh... lemme give it a shot.” Not long after, an outstretched hoof brushed against Swab's good ear. “Uh... h-hey there. You okay—?”

Aaaaaaaugh!” Swab wailed. He kicked his hooves in front of him, flailing all over. “No no no no no pleeeeease Verlaxion, nooooooo!” The colt sobbed, shaking his head left and right. “Don't let it eat me, Goddess! Please, Verlaxion! Forgive me! I-I'm so sorry for everything I've d-donnnne!”

Hooves scraped against metal. A blue figure darted back, its muzzle scrunched. “Hrmmmff... yeesh. I think he's worse off than I am.” More awkward silence. Then: “Pffft... like, how? Look at him, Fluttershy. He's a wilted little ball of lame!

Swab shook and quivered. Against his better judgment, he lifted his head to steal a glance.

He caught the outline of a face along the penumbra of slitted starlight. A ruby set of jagged lines floated far below a pair of rolling eyes. “...oh please. Give it a rest, will ya? I don't even know how he got here.”

Swab blinked. For the first time since landing there, his panic gave way to a flicker of confusion.

“Yeah, well, Rarity's not around to help me figure that out. None of the girls are.” And the blue shape retreated into the corner with a deflating sigh. Swab heard the limp slumping of limbs. “So... mrmmmff... what's the point...?”

Dead silence.

“... ... ...” Swab sat in place, hugging himself. After a savage gulp, he lifted his head, craning his neck. He squinted as hard as he could, but he still couldn't make out anything on the other side of the barred patch of starlight. The far end of the cell was pitch black.

More silence.

Biting his lip, Swab fought shivers and crawled forward, one icy inch at a time. He hugged the north side of the cell, sliding beneath the metal wall with the window close to the ceiling. As he scuffled across the full length of the cell, shapes came into focus. He detected two round things lingering before the monster's corner—one a bucket and the other a tin meal plate. The faint scent of fish and rice tickled Swab's nose, and for a brief moment he lingered. Then, with a brave breath, he continued his shuffle. To his right, the faint outline of a door loomed. Swab noticed bars, dangling chains, and the faint flicker of candlelight from the rest of the brig beyond—

“Yeah, I see him,” the raspy voice grunted. “Wonder if he knows we're both locked in here.”

“...!!!” Swab clenched his teeth to the point of breaking. He shivered from head to tail, shook, then bolted forward with a burst of zeal. “Grnnnghhh...!” Desperately, he flung himself against the metal door. He grabbed the bars and shook... shook... shook the frame. The thing only rattled in place with a cacophonous clatter. “Mrmmmnngh! Open up! Open up! Please—!”

“Give it up, kid,” the monster's voice rippled from the corner. “The jerkfaces outside haven't been back in nearly two hours.”

Swab squeaked, spinning about. His eyes dragged across the food dish... the starlight... a ruby glint. Ultimately, he turned tail and galloped back for the corner from which he came. There, he huddled, hugging himself amidst shivering silence.

“You lost or something?” the voice rasped.

Swab didn't reply.

“...how in Celestia's name did you even get down here?”

Swab clenched his jaw shut. He stared straight ahead, or so he told himself. His eyes found the food dish again, and his body responded with a pained growl. He hugged himself, curling into a little ball in order to mask the noise of his insides.

And yet... a half-minute later.

“...oh he is, is he?” Silence. “Fluttershy, will you please stop gushing over the thing and just tell m—” The voice cut off. A bit of squirming, shuffling. “Oh? Oh... yeah. Sure. Whatever.” The ruby light lifted, and Swab heard the limbs of the beast shuffling straight towards him.

“Mrmmmff... no!” He flinched away, his every muscle tensing. “Don't come any close! Don't—”

Scraaaaaaaaape. A metal object slid up against his frail figure. “Here, kid. I saw you looking at it.”

“... ... ...?” Squinting one eye open, Swab looked down.

A full plate of rice and raw fish lingered in front of him. The very smell of it sent the colt's insides toppling over themselves.

“Seriously. Have at it.”

Lips pursed, Swab tilted his gaze up. He flinched.

A dull pair of ruby eyes gazed down at him. A scar lingered atop the right side of her brow, and a messy tangle of multicolored mane hairs hung in every direction.

“I can't tell where the rice ends and the fish begins, anyway.” Twirling about, the pegasus marched back into the shadows, crouching down beside her bucket. “Totally not my bag...”

“... ... ...” Swab looked at her, at the plate, at her, then at the plate again. “... ... ....!!!” He flew forward, shoving his muzzle deep into the edible mess. He chomped... he swallowed... he inhaled. With ravenous scarfing noises, the starving colt dug into every loose kernel... every stringy strip of meat... every bitter speck that presented itself. He filled his throat with bite after bite of cold morsels, losing himself in the frenzy.

“Yeesh... don't kill yourself over it, kid...” Some silence, and then: “Beats me, Flutters. You're the one here who can take a headcount. So what if there are others?”

Swab swallowed... then swallowed some more. At last, a full three minutes into his feast, he summoned the strength to look up. Almost immediately, his vision refocused, strengthening. The shadows no longer were an obstacle, and he was starting to feel the strongest he had ever been in days... weeks. He could make out every shape and contour of the pegasus seated across from him. For the briefest blinks in time, she didn't look very tough at all. And the bandages hanging off her left side—

“Your wing,” Swab spontaneously murmured.

With a jerk, two ruby eyes spun and glared at him. “What about it?”

He instantly winced. Hiding behind what was left of the food pile, he changed the subject, muttering: “Why... why did they give you so much f-food, anyways?”

To his surprise, the thing answered. “Mrmmff... why else? To keep me alive.”

Blinking, Swab nodded towards the other container. “And what's the bucket for?”

“Everything else,” she muttered.

“Oh.” He sat in place, fidgeting.

A deep sigh came from the creature. She sat down on folded limbs, hanging her head.

Swab continued staring. Eyes locked, he nevertheless dipped his muzzle down, took a few more liberal bites of the food, then wiped the crumbs off his chin. Shuffling forward on pensive hooves, he approached the fuzzy shadow.

The mare lingered in place... not even moving.

“... ... ...” Swab blinked, cocking his head to the side, squinting harder.

“... ... ...something you want?” she murmured without looking.

“Eep!” Swab darted back, shivering again. Clearing his throat, he muttered: “You... you really don't want to eat fish?”

“Mrmmmfff... no...”

“You... you don't want to eat me?

The mare's head lifted again. She squinted sharply at him. “...the buck are you going on about?”

He withdrew again, quivering. “Nothing! N-nothing at all!”

She looked like she was going to say something else, but then her head suddenly jolted towards the shadows. “Huh?” She blinked, then sighed. “Well, sure, but I don't see how he or anypony else could be thinking that.”

Swab blinked. He followed her eyesight, but saw nothing but dark shadows.

The mare continued: “Mrmmfff... right. What's the use?” With a sigh, she deflated once more to the cold metal floor. “Yeah. Sure. Add it to the pile of my irredeemable buck-ups, why don't you?”

Swab's muzzle twisted in confusion.

“Dang it...” She suddenly growled, stirring. “Don't—Fluttershy. Ah jeez... don't cry. I'm not... I-I'm not mad at you! It's just... unnnnngh... Fluttershy...” She face-hoofed spontaneously. “...oh how I wish the other girls were here too...”

Swab gulped. “You mean there are other monsters here besides you—?”

“Rrrrghhh!” With stomping hooves, Rainbow suddenly leapt up—roaring. Four thudding hoofsteps later, she loomed angrily above the colt. “They are not monsters! Do you hear me?!”

“Gaaah!” Swab fell back on his flank, scooting away amidst a fresh salvo of panting breaths.

“None of them deserve to be here with me! Least of all her!” She snarled in his face. “You wanna know what a monster is?! You're looking at it! The one and only!”

Swab whimpered, covering his face.

The pegasus' breath suddenly roared to the side. “So what if I'm scaring him, Fluttershy?! Or you for that matter?! Or the girls?!” Despite her fury, the mare's voice took on a squeaky tone. “Everypony's so concerned about being scared about this or that—well look where we are! This is as real as it gets! They can hide all they want from me, but they can't escape this!” Silence. “No you tell them that! You're the only damn thing they'll even pretend to listen to at this point!”

To Swab's mixed joy, he heard heaving hoofsteps thudding outside, followed by a familiar growling voice: “What in Verlaxion's sleet is going on down there?! Better keep it down, Rogue, or next time I juice up the shark prod it's going straight up your—” Digiff's face dipped down, peering through the barred window at the ceiling. He took one look at the cell, saw Swab, and the bearded dredger did a double-take. “What... what in the Hell?!” He sped out of sight, his hoofsteps ricocheting off the walls, descending, leading to the cell's thick iron door.

Swab blinked. His breath shuddered as he heard the rattle of keys inside a lock.

Creeeeak! Candlelight flooded the cell. Digiff's frame loomed in the doorway, and he pointed a hoof straight at the colt. “You! Little seafoam turd! Get the buck out of there!”

“Mmmm...!” Swab lurched forward. He nervously trotted past the mare. “Please d-don't be mad, Digiff.” He gulped. “Whony and the others... th-they tossed me down the pipework and—”

“Wait...” The pegasus' voice cracked. “You mean some ponies dropped you down here?”

“Rrrrrgh!” Digiff reached in and yanked Swab forward by his ear. “I don't care how you got here, shitstain! If I catch you down here again, I'm leaving you to become this monster's litter box!”

“Owowowow—” Swab cried.

“Hey!” Scraping hooves. A pair of ruby eyes flashed in Digiff's direction. “Butthead! Ease up on the ear-mangling—” Bzzzzt! “Aaaaugh!” She flinched from a flash of electricity.

Digiff gripped a flickering staff in his other forelimb. “Shut up or you're bloat, freak!” He threw Swab out of the cell behind him. “Red Barge business!”

Two more guards rushed down, breathless. “What's going on?”

“Is she acting up?”

“See for yourself!”

“Mrmmmff...” She sat up, wincing. “Grnnngh—”

“Damned monster!” The two guards rushed in, striking and shocking her with their lengthy tasers. With flashes of spectral pain, the mare writhed and spasmed across the floor. When the electricity had once again neutralized her, the dredgers took turns kicking and bucking her ragdoll body into the corner.

Swab gasped, his yellow eyes twitching. Before he could so much as flinch, he felt Digiff yanking him towards the stairs.

“Get out of here! Back to your bunk!” Digiff growled, blocking Swab's view of the carnage. “You're Goddess-damn lucky I don't toss you into the muck!”

Panting, Swab scampered up the stairs, away from the lower deck's cells. The stairwell curved to the right, leading towards an upper corridor. The colt passed by a familiar barred window, and his one good ear caught the sounds of meaty impacts, followed by pained yelps. Fidgeting, he squatted low, peering down into the cell.

Digiff and the other two guards kicked and punched the prisoner a few more times... ending with a spit or two to add insult to injury. Then, when they were done, they retracted their tasers, turned tail, and shuffled out of the cell. THUD! The door closed, leaving the pegasus a sputtering... quivering mess.

Swab bit his lip. A cold chill ran over him, ending in a sniffle across his tiny muzzle. Hoofsteps rolled up behind the colt, and he scampered out onto the upper strut before Digiff could catch up once again.


And Swab was awash in starlight and shivers.

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