• Published 13th Oct 2015
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Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A New Home to Roost

Amber rays of sunlight bled through a final layer of trees as the group of four hiked along the uneven mountain trail.

"It begs the question, Mr. Mane," spoke Sonikah, sweating. "Was all of this distance and physical expense truly worth it?"

Theanim Mane panted for breath, but nevertheless managed a smirk as he glanced over his shoulder. "Surely you are not complaining, madam."

Sonikah frowned. "It is merely curiosity, professor. You've been rather... minimalist in your details regarding our destination."

"Leave it to the Shoreline Trade Consortium to relocate you someplace so far removed from a location such as this."


"Behold..." Theanim stopped at the crest of a rocky hill and gestured before him. "The glistening peaks of Sun Roost."

The other two pilgrims were already breathless. With a curious squint, Sonikah joined the other three and peered down the hilltop.

What she saw was a series of sharp rocks sticking up out of the earth, formed out of eroded limestone. Moisture collected around the base of the rock structures, collecting into a tranquil pool of crystal blue water. In a strange way, the combination of jutting formations and shallow water almost resembled the Quade—if only at a glance. Upon further inspection, Sonikah noticed wooden structures built around the summits of each hilltop. Lengthy rope bridges connected between the peaks, although they hardly seemed built for ponies. As the elder's eyes focused, she took notice of dozens upon dozens of feathery figures flying and diving from one peak to another. Griffons filled the dense skies—parents and children, practicing flight in tight groups as they leapt between structures. The families kept close, working cooperatively to allow the hatchlings to learn the fine art of staying aloft by wing.

"These..." Sonikah blinked. "...are nesting grounds?"

"Some of the best in all of Rohbredden," Theanim Mane said. "Thousands of griffon families come here from all across the kingdom to lay their eggs and raise their young." He smiled. "It is a place of joy, optimism, and comraderie."

"I fail to see what this has to do with any of us."

Theanim sighed. "I was afraid you would say that." He gestured a hoof down the hillside. "Nevertheless, if you were to practice a little more patience..."

"Look, elder!" one of the two stallions exclaimed.

The other pointed. "Do you see? There, towards the southern shore of the lake!"

Sonikah was already leaning forward, eyes narrow.

A dock formed at lakeside, and several small wooden structures had been erected there. Ponies gathered there in droves. Some of them were fishing. Others were knitting woolen little outfits sized appropriately for griffon hatchlings. Most of them—however—were weaving. Sonikah watched as ponies sat in droves, slowly and patiently constructing round and shallow baskets out of twine.

"It so happens that these ponies are experts at making the perfect egg baskets," Theanim explained. "Without them, the griffons coming here would have a hard time collecting their young before hatching. Now imagine that!"

Some of the ponies down below caught sight of the four atop the hill. One mare broke from the rest of the group and trotted up an uneven path to meet them.

Theanim cleared his throat and stepped back. At first, Sonikah was confused. But then, she saw the mare's face, and her breath left her in a surprised wheeze.

"Nicro...?" Sonikah craned her head to the side. "Sister, is that you?"

"Greetings, dear elder," Nicro said. Her mane was completely shaved, and she wore nothing, so that her blemished cutie mark was exposed. "It is a blessing to see you and my other brethren again."

"Your mane." Sonikah's brow furrowed. "What have you done with your braids?"

"They have been cast out," Nicro calmly replied. "As I have done away with all shackles."

The two stallions squirmed. They looked aside at Sonikah.

Sonikah fumed. "Who did this to you?" Her teeth showed as she snarled, "Who brought you to this place and made you do such abhorrent things?!"

"I chose to do it," Nicro answered. "By Verlaxion's grace."

"By Verlaxion's grace?!" Sonikah stammered. "Blasphemy!"

"I understand that you would think that way," Nicro remarked. Despite Sonikah's temper, the mare was smiling. "For I felt that way too. I once accepted defeat when there was no need to feel miserable save for the need itself. However, the spirit changes, much like the flesh. And I have been shone a new light here in Sun Roost."

"You've been deceived," Sonikah spat. "And I can already see it's led you to abandon the humble tenets of Luminar's Plight." She glared aside at Theanim. "Just who was it who brought you down this abominable path—?"

"We were shown the way, but the path was ours to make." Nicro took a deep breath. "And now we have a purpose here. We have a home."

"Our home is in the Quade."

"The Quade is gone, sister," Nicro said. "There is no serving Verlaxion in that flooded grave. But here? We can still bring glory to our Goddess..." She smiled. "By bringing glory to others."

Sonikah blinked.

"Please..." Nicro curtsied low. "...dear elder, my brothers, let me show you what has transpired here...

In another part of the continent...

Deep within the mountains...

...Rainbow Dash shuffled down a claustrophobic mineshaft. The craggy ceiling hung low, and all available trotting space was mostly devoured by dormant mine equipment and supply crates.

Four ghostly mares floated ahead of her, peering across the rocky space illuminated by her ruby pendant.

"You really think they dug out all the stuff they needed from this place?" Pinkie remarked.

"It certainly feels like it," Rarity said. "I'm not detecting any precious jewels or rubies."

"I think she means dredge coal or other types of fuel, Rarity," Twilight Sparkle clarified. "Somehow... I-I don't think Rohbredden values gemstones quite like Equestria does."

"Well, that's a shame." Rarity pouted. "Maybe their society would be a great deal better off if they did."

"I don't know." Fluttershy fidgeted in mid-glide. "From what we've witnessed, they would probably be fighting over the gems and finding new and more horrible ways to suppress one another."

"Yeah, what's up with that?" Pinkie's muzzle scrunched. "These ponies just wanna stink all over one another! Is it something in the water?"

"Without the likes of Celestia and Luna to inspire peace and respect for harmony, Pinkie, I imagine it's very hard for any society to get along nicely." Twilight gulped. "Rainbow's testimonies about Xona, Ledomare, and Darkstine only further serve to prove this."

"You really think it's that simple?" Fluttershy remarked.

"I would like to think as much." Nevertheless, Twilight sighed. "Still, we've only seen just a bare slice of what Rainbow Dash has witnessesd. And even that is only one quarter of this plane. So... who's to know?"

"Yeesh..." Pinkie shivered. "...when you put it like that."

"It just magnifies how important her journey is!" Twilight bore a crooked smile. "Once we get to the Midnight Armory and Rainbow has her hooves on the Harmonic Prism—"

"What, then?" Rarity raised an eyebrow.

"It would be awfully nice to have our bodies back," Fluttershy said. "Assuming that's what the Prism can do once it's back in hooves of Celestia and Luna. But just how is that going to improve things around the world?"

"Fluttershy, with the Elements of Harmony fully restored, it can only be a good thing." Twilight blinked. "Maybe this entire situation has been a massive wake-up call. You know... so that Rainbow and the rest of us can see how badly the rest of the plane needs harmony?"

"So... what then?" Pinkie blinked. "Once Rainbow's all done bringing us back and stuff... we're supposed to visit every place and everypony again?"

"Oh, heaven forebid!" Rarity exclaimed. Clearing her throat, she flung a nervous glance at Twilight. "No offense."

"I'm not sure what our future has in store," Twilight said. "Or what it will mean with Urohringr at large."

"Yes, isn't that what Verlax was telling Rainbow Dash?" Fluttershy remarked. "That this is somehow all about restoring the entire structure?"

"And are we so quick to believe that draconian cretin now?" Rarity grumbled.

"She knows a lot, Rarity," Twilight said. "She's a Divine—if only a demented one."

"How come Luna and Celestia are the only super old ponies in this world who haven't gone nutso?"

The other mares chuckled.

"It only serves to prove my point," Twilight said—right before slamming into a translucent wall of lavender light. "Ooomf!" She winced. "Rainbow, what's holding you back—?" She turned around, and her eyes widened. "Rainbow!"

"Omigoodness!" Fluttershy gasped, immediately flying back to where their pegasus anchor had collapsed on the stone floor. "Rainbow Dash, are you okay?!"

Rainbow curled into a blue ball, shivering all over. Through chattering teeth, she wheezed, "It's... it's h-happening again..."

"What?!" Rarity looked around, frowning. "Is one of Verlax's deplorable golems here?"

"No... just... j-just..." Rainbow's eyes rolled back as she shuddered. "...the usual..." She fought a wave of nausea and sputtered. "The fr-friggin' usual..."

"Oh Dashie..." Pinkie pouted, squatting beside Fluttershy. "Is there anything we can do?"

"No." Rainbow gulped, quivering. "There isn't."

Fluttershy sniffled.

"It's... it's okay... r-really..." Rainbow looked up through thin eyes. "I... I-I just need..." She shuddered, ears folding back. "...n-need to rest. That's all. Gotta... let it run it's course..."

Twilight looked around. "It's... probably for the best." She flew down beside the mare's side. "Just lie still, Rainbow Dash. We'll... uh... take five! Sound good?"

Rainbow clenched her jaw and nodded shakily.

"G-good..." Twilight gulped. "Once the dizziness had stopped, you should get some sleep. I think the rest of us could do the same, right girls?"

Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy stared at Rainbow with moist eyes.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Right, girls?"

Jolting in place, the other three nervously nodded and complied. One by one—their eyes still locked on Rainbow—they glided into her pendant, fading into ethereal light.

"You too, Twilight," Rainbow remarked, just on the virge of unconsciousness. "I'm gonna be fine. Just... j-just gotta let the last few days catch up with me."

"I understand." Twilight nodded. "Just remember, Rainbow. No matter how bad it might feel... no matter how dark it might get..." She bore a weak smile. "You're not alone, do you understand?"

"I understand, Twi," Rainbow said. Her eyes stopped rolling back long enough to see normally.

And she saw an empty mineshaft full of darkness.

"I'm not alone..." Rainbow hugged herself in a fetal position, staring into dull shadows and rock. "I'm not alone... not alone... n-not alone..."

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