• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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The Night Won't Last Forever

Inexplicably, the bubbling of the seawater increased tenfold.

"Harrk!" Kepler called out, pointing a claw at the currents flowing around Bleak's Plummet.

Ariel spun around. She and Wildcard peered from where they hovered above the Stardust. Logan and Flynn stood at the starboard edge.

The waters grew more and more turbulent until—at last—the oceans burst with multiple fountains. No less than twenty spheres emerged, their lunar forcefields quivering with energy.

One by one, the topmost shields dissipated as sarosians hopped out. The spheres were coiled, netted, and dragged onto the Bleakweed deck adjacent to the Stardust. Eventually, a small army of bat ponies hovered above the waters, and they all collected around the last floating sphere. At least a dozen sarosians reached in... collectively helping a very old, very feeble matriarch in exiting her vehicle.

The members of the Herald watched in tense silence.

As Xarchellus was helped onto the deck, Rainbow Dash, Bard and Nicole flew out of the sphere behind them. With Enix's assistance, Remna and Echo also exited the enchanted container. Soon, the entire group stood around Xarchellus on the platform. The air was abuzz with flapping leather wings and pent-up squeaks.

Ariel blinked curiously.

From afar, Rainbow gestured gently with a smile. She then turned towards Xarchellus.

The elder squinted at her with one good eye. She leaned patiently against her cane with the slightest chill.

Holding her breath, Rainbow gave her pendant a good rub and tilted it towards the nebulous heavens. The silver light above them intensified, shining against every glossy Bleakweed surface of the structure that the ponies stood upon.

Almost immediately, the slitted eyes of the surfacing sarosians flickered in response. Multiple squeaky gasps emanated from their fanged muzzles.

"Rainbow Dash," Princess Luna's voice rang forth. "You have returned..."

"Indeed I have, Your Highness," Rainbow Dash said firmly. "And, what's more, I'm not alone." She glanced aside at Xarchellus.

Xarchellus' wrinkled muzzle clenched tight. After a shudder, she exhaled: "Mother of Nightmares...?"

A slight pause.

Then, Luna's regal voice echoed: "Maria Matriarch." A breath. "What is your name?"

The elder stood tall as the warriors around her silenced themselves. "Xarchellus," she said. "Overseer of the Vigil."

"Xarchellus," Luna's voice rang. "Dearest child..." And she proceeded to roll forth with the most complicated monologue of Moonwhinny Rainbow Dash had heard yet. There was almost no telling when the syllables ended and when the next words began, and yet their was a poetic nuance to it all.

Rainbow blinked. She exchanged looks with Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow's ghostly companion appeared likewise as incapable of singling out bits from the rich syntax.

All the while, the sarosians' eyes glinted with a faint glow. Enix and her fellow warriors were awestruck. Echo managed capably while Nicole leaned against Bard, waiting for the conversation to culminate with a tense breath.

At last, following much rhythmic pronunciations, Luna's voice slowed slightly, growing more firm and emphatic: "Y'hnyrr wymym h'jynmym yln n'ymym, Xarchellus. H'Luun wymym H'cylsialym m'rhymyrr w'lynsyl l'jynnym yln H'rmynym."

Xarchellus drew a shuddering breath. "L'jynnym yln H'rmynym, H'Luun?"

"Ywm, Xarchellus." The heavens twinkled with silver. "The Vigil is over, my little pony."

A tear trickled down Xarchellus' wrinkled cheek. "So be it..." With a shaking hoof, she reached up her neck and withdrew the Moonglass necklace. "...with the end of the war comes the end of the waiting. Our home lies elsewhere... and with it—our destiny!" With a raspy grunt, she tossed the Moonglass to the deck's surface and slammed her left hoof over it. Crackkk!

Rainbow winced. Remna watched in silence.

Blood trickled from Xarchellus' fetlock as she raised it to the starry heavens. With a victorious snarl, she hollered against the thunder and moisture: "The Vigil is over! Glory be to Princess Luna, for the Nightmare has ended!"

Enix was the first to drop. Every other sarosian followed suit. Within seconds, the entire platform was awash with bowing, murmuring, chanting equines. Despite their collectively somber gesture, the excitement in the sea air was undeniable.

Flynn and Logan looked at one another, smiling stupidly.

Bard whistled, then tilted his hat back. "Reckon that hit the sweet spot."

"Uh huh..." Nicole nodded, sniffling.

Bard looked at her. "You okay, darlin'?"

"Yes... it's j-just..." Nicole smiled sweetly, her eyes glossing over. "I can't explain it. But I feel the joy so palpably... it's like somepony's poured rapture in the air..."

Rainbow looked aside at Echo. "How are you holding up?"

The stallion swallowed a lump down his throat. "Mmmmm..."

"What was that?" Rainbow asked, smirking.

A tiny squeak came from Echo's throat. His eyes turned moist, but he swiftly blinked them dry. "Ask me later. I mean it. I will k-kill you."

"Awwwwwwwwww..." Pinkie grinned. "He's so adorable when he's homicidal!"

"Reckon you should give him some space, Rainbow," Applejack said.

"Yes." Fluttershy nodded. "Give them all time to adjust." She smiled warmly. "This is a very important moment for them."

"But exactly how much time can we afford?" Rarity asked.

"You ask me," Rainbow muttered, gazing east. "This isn't a good time to skip any important steps."

Yaerfaerda flickered thoughtlessly in response.

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