• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,097 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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"Kepler! I said NO camels!"

"Look! Lookie!" Pinkie Pie pointed skyward. Several triangular figures with dangling tails dotted the sky in circular formation. "There's more of them!"

"Absolutely incredible," Rarity murmured. She and the other ghostly mares floated around Rainbow as the pegasus marched up the mountainside after Remna. "They've got a great deal of poise and grace... erm... for such beastly spectacles."

"I don't see what's so 'beastly' about them, Rarity," Fluttershy said.

"Didn't you see them, Fluttershy?" Rarity gulped. "They're like miniature manticores!"

"Manticore diet!" Pinkie Pie giggle-snorted.

Fluttershy shrugged. "Is that so strange? Different species have different levels of intelligence. You remember the diamond dogs back in Equestria?"

Rarity shivered. "How can I?"

"Fluttershy's got a point," Twilight Sparkle said with a nod. "Diamond dogs share several physiological traits with domestic canines, and yet they can speak, walk upright, build an underground society... etc." She waved a hoof at the sky. "These... wyverns evidently have much in common with manticores, and yet they're not the same. I'm guessing where their larger cousins evolved to dominate by strength and brute force, these creatures grew to be more social, articulate, rational..."

"...and thespian!" Pinkie chirped. "You heard that cool dude with the glasses, right?" She tapped her chin. "Feels like I've heard that voice somewhere before..."

"I think they're absolutely amazing," Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy, darling, you've barely seen just one of them!" Rarity exclaimed.

"I know." Fluttershy giggled through a soft smile. "And already I want to know more."

"From the sound of things," Twilight said, "Their tribe has been living up here in isolation for decades... centuries." She blinked at Rainbow Dash. "Who knows what we can expect from them?"

"I'm hoping to get a friggin' explanation for why I've been dragged here," Rainbow muttered.

"You will get one, little pony," Remna spoke from above.

"I wasn't talking to you."

"I know," the bounty hunter replied.

Rainbow blinked.

"I will tolerate your disagreeable attitude when launched in my direction. But with these friends of mine?" Remna looked back, glaring over her violet shoulder. "You will not harass them. Is that understood?"

"Gracious me." Rarity folded her forelimbs. "Touchy."

"Look. Chillax." Rainbow waved a hoof as she and the bounty hunter ascended. "Despite what you think, I don't go forth biting the heads off every pony that I meet."

"Indeed." Remna looked ahead. "Only the ones who try to help you."

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a sigh. "I just want some answers. Is that too much to ask for?"

"And you will get them in time," Remna said. "But not directly from these sanctuary-keepers."

"Then from who?"

"The mountain matron."

"And just who is she?"

"You shall find out."

"Eugh..." Rainbow face-hoofed in mid-stride. "...you're not making this any easier for me."

"Such was never a promise..."

At last, Pinkie blurted: "I got it!" She grinned at the others. "Any of you gals seen Raiders of the Lost Oats?!"

It took more than twenty minutes for Remna and Rainbow to march their way up the rest of the path. Eventually, they came upon a thick mahogany gate, bent by the winds of time. Several colored flags were tied to the framework of the door along gnarled strings.

A quartet of Snow-Blood stallions in thin leather armor stood at the gate, chatting amicably in the nippy mountain air. After a collective chuckle, the guards glanced down the path. All four of them froze at once, startled at the first sight of visitors in decades.

One stallion paused in the middle of sipping his canteen. He spat out the contents, rubbed his muzzle, then turned towards the others. "Havanna sehm kleem! Shravan!"

Weathering an awkard jolt, the four rushed to the doorframe, lifted a heavy crossbeam, and opened the barrier with a massive creaking sound. As the door swung open before Remna and Rainbow Dash, the two mares saw the grand looming entrance to the mountain palace. The four Snow-Bloods bowed low, eyes to the floor.

Remna shuffled quietly past them. Rainbow followed, glancing nervously at the Snow-Bloods.

One of the stallions looked up, instantly winced, and avoided her gaze.

Rainbow blinked at her friends, shrugged it off, and continued.

The cold air was fragrant here. Despite the wages of time, the courtyard before the palace was pristine... immaculate, even. This was made all the more incredible—considering the fact that several sporadic trees lined the granite entrance, blooming with bright pink lotus blossoms. Rainbow watched as several petals fell loosely to the ground... only to be swept up by the gentle motions of a wispy, threadbare broom. Wyverns with graying fur occasionally dotted the courtyard, hunched over and sweeping the petals away with meditative care. Between each motion, Rainbow could spot their lips moving from beneath their sabre teeth, almost as if wordlessly chanting prayers.

While Remna marched ahead, Rainbow lingered for a moment. She stared at a furry specimen hunched over a few spaces away.

After a few broom-strokes, the wyvern looked up. He was a very old specimen, with a mane that had grown gray and sparse with time. Nevertheless, upon first sight of Rainbow, the senior monk smiled. He leaned the brush over his shoulder and lifted two sets of claws. His digits performed several swift motions in the air, timed with articulate movements of his aged lips. He finished his wordless greeting with a smile, then resumed his sweep of the courtyard.

Rainbow blinked. She opened her muzzle to say something—

FWOOOSH! A brown body descended, followed by a pair of lenses reflecting her blue muzzle. "Alas!" Kepler boomed. "Herre she is, brrotherrs!"

"Gah!" Rainbow hopped back. As the blood rushed back into her ears, she heard a series of bombastic exclamations in the air around her:


"The Austrraeoh lives!"

"Well met!"

"Grreetings, eastwarrd one!"

Rainbow fidgeted. "Uhhhh..." She found herself surrounded by hunched figures with brow and black fur. Their tail-stingers stood up over their heads, almost as if they were aimed at her. "Ahem..." She waved a hoof. "Hiya, boyos..."

"And!" With a toothy grin, Kepler adjusted his bifocals and then crawled on his claws until he stood at her side. "You may happen to notice!" Without asking, he grasped Rainbow's skull and tilted her head back, pointing at her ruby pendant. "A surrviving piece of harrmony! An alicorrn jewel of the sun-and-moon bearrers, no less!"


"By the gods!"

"So the old scrrolls werre rright!"

"Powerr still rreigns in the west!"

"Beyond the Blight, even!" Kepler smiled. Out the side of Rainbow's eyes, she noticed a bandolier around his hairy body that was filled with tomes, almanacs, and scrolls instead of weapons. "Ha HAH! What morre evidence do we need, brrothers, of the necessarry task of the seven?! I tell you, the Harrmonic Prrism is out therre!" He gestured with an elegant set of claws. "Just waiting to be grrasped by a rrighteous hearrt!"

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow Dash wheezed. "...could you let go of my neck, now?"

"AH!" Kepler smiled. "But of course, rrainbow one." He took a step back, bowing. "A thousand parrdons yet again."

"Sure..." Rainbow rubbed her neck and tucked the Element back into her hiking coat. "Guess I've been expected, huh."

"In morre ways than one, Austrraeoh." Kepler's eyes narrowed above a thick grin. "We live upon the brrink of a new erra! Rrebirrth and balance is upon us! No longer shall the ancient prretenderr of Rrohbrredden cloud our mountain matrron's progrress with her vile deceit!"

"Aye! Down with the prretenderr!"

"Harrmony forrevermore!"

"Hah! Well said, brrotherr!"

One wyvern in particular, wearing feathers tied to his furry ear, performed a series of finger-motions with his claws.

Kepler spun and effortlessly replied with like-minded grace.

The wyvern in question replied with a nod. He shared a mute smile with three other monks standing next to him, also adorned with feathers. They gestured a few swift words between each other.

"Twilight..." Rarity leaned in, pointing. "Do you see how...?"

"Yes." Twilight nodded with a gulp. "Just like Wildcard."

"How curious..."

"Ahem..." Rainbow cleared her throat. "Not to be rude or anything, but..." She squinted. "How come you guys know about the Harmonic Prism—?"

"Ha HAH!" Kepler spun, immediately booming in Rainbow's wincing face. "A fine question, little pony!"

Rainbow groaned. "Ugh... not you too..."

"Forr it is ourr place to know!" Kepler continued. "The Harrmonic Prrism, of courrse, is the fulcrrum upon which the worrld revolves! It is what makes the line into a cirrcle! Of courrse... haHAH! If you've made it this farr, dearr friend..." He slapped a paw across her shoulder. Wh-Whap! "You alrready know this, don't you?!"

"Guh...!" Rainbow's knees buckled. She managed to stand back upright after his gesture.

"Pssst! Hey, Dashie!" Pinkie leaned in. "Tell him to say 'They're digging in the wrong place!'"

"Shush!" Rainbow hissed aside. Then, collecting herself, she looked straight at Kepler and his companions. "Look... I know stuff. But... like... I've been all across the world. And the beacons of the machine layer beneath us? They talk to me... uhm... in ways that they don't talk to anypony else." Her brow furrowed. "Just how is that you guys know so much up here in these mountains?"

"Poor rrainbow wisp!" Kepler's eyes blinked with surprise from behind his spectacles. "You've been from the west! Have you trruly not met any of ourr kind beforre?"

"You... mean wyverns?" Rainbow shook her head. "Uhm... no. Unless you count manticores... but... uhhh..."

"How rremarrkably currious!" Kepler stood back, his toothed jaw agape. He looked aside. "Rremna! Old frriend! Have you trruly told herr nothing?"

The bounty hunter sighed. She stood up on the high steps to the inner palace. "Kepler, please. We must get her to the mountain matron. If you know anything about the Austraeoh, then you must realize that time is of the essence."

"Hmmmm... but of course!" Kepler spun back to face Rainbow Dash. "Come, brrotherrs! Let us escorrt our westerrn specimen!" A blink, and he tilted his head down. "I say...!"

"Gnnngh..." Rainbow Dash had collapsed to the floor, overcome with shivers. She gnashed her teeth as she struggled to keep her eyes open. "Rrggh... friggin'..."

"Rainbow Dash!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Oh dear!" Rarity clasped her muzzle. "It's happening again!"

"Okay!" Twilight Sparkle spoke aloud. "Nopony panic!" She flew over to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow... just calm down. Try to relax."

"Easy... f-for you to say..." Rainbow wheezed as her eyes flickered red-on-yellow. "Rnnngh... dang s-sucky timing..."

"Stay with us, Rainbow!" Twilight insisted.

"Little pony!" Remna shouted. The air thundered with her bounding steps.

The wyverns craned their neck. "What is happening to herr, brrotherr?"

"Hmmm..." Kepler stroked his furry chin. "A most starrtling predicament—AH!" He pointed with a claw. "See! Herr eyes just then! The colorrs! As it is wrritten! Quick, brrothers! Help me pull herr eyelids back so we can have a betterr look—"

"Dammit, Kepler!" Remna's voice growled as her violet body bounded in. She shoved several monks away and crouched at Rainbow's side. "Give her space!"

"But of courrse, old frriend!"

"Keep it together, little pony! Hey! Hey!" Remna growled, shaking Rainbow Dash and slapping her cheek. "For blazes' sake! Can't you be strong for one second?!"

"Grrgghllg...." Rainbow gurgled.

"Dammit! At least stay in one piece until Wildcard and Bard get—"

Rainbow teetered. She saw a blur of mountains and ice...

...and all went black.

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