• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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"Caboose, what are you doing?" Twilight asked, unable to comprehend what was happening as the manticore shook Caboose off.

"I'm having fun!" Caboose chuckled as he kneed the manticore in the throat.

The manticore swung its tail at Caboose, but he simply grabbed onto it. The manticore started to flail its tail wildly in an attempt to get Caboose off, but Caboose held strong. Annoyed, the manticore slammed its tail, along with Caboose, onto the ground, causing his grip to falter.

"When I am done with you I shall feast on your remains!" Caboose said as he rolled to his feet without batting an eye.

The manticore growled as Caboose casually watched it with a smile. The manticore let out another roar before jumping towards Caboose. Rather than jump out of the way, Caboose allowed the manticore to grab him with its claws. The manticore quickly clutched Caboose to his chest and began to fly.

"What just happened?" Twilight said quietly as she heard Caboose laugh as the manticore flew him further into the bog. “I’m not sure if I need to be more worried about Caboose or the manticore”

The manticore twisted and turned through the trees, occasionally hitting him against a tree, but when it did, Caboose simply whooped and cheered. After a few minutes of swerving through the trees, the manticore took to the skies to intimidate him.

"A lovely view, isn't it?" Caboose asked nonchalantly.

The manticore glared at Caboose and began to deviate its flight path, trying to make him sick. After a few seconds Caboose bit onto its paw, making the manticore yank its paw upwards which allowed Caboose to land on its back. Without hesitating, Caboose grabbed the manticore's tail and twisted it sharply. The manticore screeched in pain as his tail broke and flipped over, flying upside down.

"What's wrong, got a monkey on your back?" Caboose cackled harshly as he clutched onto a tuft of fur on the small of its back.

The manticore snarled and dove towards the ground with the intent to land on its back to crush Caboose. Caboose waited until the manticore was nearing the ground before kicking off of its back and landing on his feet. The manticore quickly landed on its paws and looked around for Caboose.

"Keep his attention on you and I'll try to think of a spell I can use to calm it!" Twilight yelled as she began searching her thoughts.

"Take all the time you need." Caboose said as the pair began circling towards each other.

The manticore decided that it would let Caboose make the first move this time, so it began to limp to give a sense of weakness. Caboose took the manticore’s bait and charged towards it. Once Caboose was too far to turn around the manticore brought back its paw and quickly swiped at Caboose. Caboose jumped in the air and used the paw to leap even further and double his speed. Caboose slammed his skull into the manticores skull, causing it to yelp and back into a tree.

"Okay, that's enough Caboose." Twilight said quietly. "I have the spell in mind, so I just need to-"

The manticore instinctively flicked its broken tail to the side and connected with Twilight's jaw, making her cry out as she stumbled to the ground.

"This is why I hate spiky kittens." Caboose smirked as he began to walk towards the manticore, which was still dazed and confused. "Time to put the kitty to sleep."

"There you guys are!" Derpy said as she hopped out of the bush with Pinkie.

"We were beginning to think-" Pinkie started, but stopped when she saw Caboose next to the manticore. "Caboose, watch out the manticore is right there!"

Caboose shook his head and smiled lazily as he looked around. The manticore slowly began to stand up behind him.

"Where am I?" Caboose asked dizzily.

"Get out of here you big meanie!" Pinkie snapped as she leaped between Caboose and the manticore. "If you so much as touch a hair on Boosey, Celestia as my witness I will make you unhappy."

The manticore began to whimper and quickly scurried off with a limp as its tail dragged behind it. Pinkie stood proudly as Derpy and Caboose approached her.

"That was amazing!" Caboose said. "I wish I could have made it run away."

Twilight stared quietly as Derpy and Caboose kept giving Pinkie compliments, trying to make sense of what just happened.

"Oh you guys are too kind." Pinkie giggled. She leaned to the side and made eye contact with Twilight, who had a clear look of confusion on her face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Pinkie." Twilight said quietly. She got to her hooves and slowly walked up to the others. "Caboose? Do you remember anything?"

"I remember that my name is Caboose and I am blue!" Caboose yelled.

"No I mean before Pinkie found us."

"Hang on. Yes. Wait- no. No I don't." Caboose said thoughtfully. "Wait, yes! I remember running... from something. Was there a mountain involved?"

"Never mind." Twilight dismissed with a smile. "I'm just glad you weren't harmed."

"Nothing is going to hurt Caboose when I'm around." Pinkie said as she hugged Caboose.

A pair of purple eyes came out of the bog water next to them.

"There you are Gummy!" Pinkie said with a sigh of relief. "I was starting to get worried."

Caboose trudged through the water and placed Gummy on his head, allowing him to clamp onto his skull.

"Let's see." Pinkie said as she opened her bag. "Blueberries, check. Cocoa beans, check. Vanilla, check. That's everything we need so we can go home now."

"It's getting pretty late." Twilight said quietly as she looked up at the sky.

"Yeah." Derpy yawned. "Do you think we can make the muffcake tomorrow? I'm really sleepy."

"Oki doki loki." Pinkie smiled as she closed her bag and began to walk towards Ponyville. "Today was fun, wouldn't you say?"

"It was... interesting to say the least." Twilight said, eyeing Caboose fearfully.

"Yeah, it's too bad Church left." Caboose said sadly. "I think he would have liked to see Pinkie tell off that..."

"What's wrong?" Derpy asked.

"There is something about that cat thing that I am trying to remember..." Caboose said as he tapped it's chin.

Twilight opened her mouth to stop his train of thought.

"Oh it had wings!" Pinkie said.

"Oh yeah, it did!"

"Let's get out of here and get some rest." Twilight said with a sigh of relief.

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