• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Momentary Regret

"It feels nice just to get out once and a while, don't you think?" Spike asked the two inconversable pegasi as he lay on Twilight's back, arms crossed behind his head. As he expected, they simply stared at him as if they did not hear what he said. He then tilted his head upwards to look at Church. "So why did you put them in a pair of mutes?"

"I was just tired of hearing the other fragments talk." Church said sarcastically.

"I could see why." Spike said, taking out his claw to count off the reasons. "Gary tells corny jokes and says shisno a lot, everything that O'Malley says is a threat, Delta can be kind of a downer and go on a lot, and from what I've seen Sigma is just plain creepy."

"Yeah, pretty much." Church smirked. "But seriously, I think they just like to be quiet, which is fine in my books."

"I guess." Spike mumbled, then saw something running at Church so he sat up straight and squinted.

"Hey, wait up!" Tex said, catching up with them.

"Tex, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked.

"Just figured that there's no reason we can't all go, right?"

"Ol' Necky drive you away already?" Church chuckled.

"You got it." Tex grinned, then began walking next to Church while they continued their walk. "Twilight, was there any nameplate near them saying who they were?"

"They're nopony in particular. They are supposed to represent vice and virtue for the city of Cloudsdale." Twilight explained. "One represents perfect morality, while the other represents negative morals."

"Doesn't sound like them from what I know..." Tex said quietly.

"Well, we couldn't exactly look for a pony who acted exactly like them since we were working in a short frame of time." Twilight giggled, then sighed. "But hey, that doesn't matter now. I believe Celestia will perform a small investigation on the missing statues, and I hope I can do something about it later, but for now we're in the clear."

"How much are you going to tell her?" Church asked and Twilight stopped. "I'm not asking that because I don't like her, I'm just asking this as I would if I heard you were telling anybody else about it?"

"I'm not sure, that's why I haven't told her anything yet. I hope to leave out the part about them being a part of you, as well as the Necronomicon."

"What about Caboose? She's going to find out about him eventually and I don't think you'll be able to hide the fact that black magic was used."

"I know." Twilight sighed, but shook her head when she realized they were in front of the Boutique now. "We can talk about this later, for now we have to focus on not making Celestia learn about us any sooner."

"You'd make a hell of a Freelancer, Twilight." Tex laughed to herself.

"Thank you?" Twilight asked herself, not sure if she considered that a compliment.

Church then walked ahead of Twilight and entered the Boutique, making the bell above her door ring.

"Oh, hey guys." Simmons greeted from the table at the other end of the room.

"Simmons." Church said with a nod before looking around. "Where is Rarity?"

"Upstairs, and thankfully working on some designs." Simmons said with a relieving sigh. "Want me to go get her?"

"I'll do it!" Spike said quickly, hopping off of Twilight's back to sprint up the stairs.

"Alright, thanks." Simmons nodded as Spike disappeared, then turned his head to Twilight. "So how are you feeling?"

"Much better, thank you for asking." Twilight smiled at him. "I don't think that they left anything in there and my head feels great."

"That's good to hear." Simmons said as his eyes flickered to the pair that were now walking around the Boutiue, looking at everything. "I was a little worried that they'd be as creepy as Sigma, but all they do is stare. Still creepy as hell, but at least they don't talk smoothly and menacingly at the same time."

"Yeah, they make good company." Church said, watching to make sure he wouldn't have to take that statement back.

"Change of pace from the usual crowd of lazy, horny, and stupid crowd, huh?"

"Hit the nail on the fucking head." Church laughed. "So what are you doing down here? I thought you were Rarity's assistant or whatever."

"We prefer the term work associate." Simmons coughed. "But no, she insists that it would be better if she makes the designs, then I point out anything that I think needs to be changed."

"How the hell did you manage to land a job doing that anyways?" Tex asked curiously. "I figured maybe Grif could be, but you don't exactly seem like the cross-dressing type."

"It's complicated." Simmons grunted, then rolled his eyes up to think. "Well, not really, I just hate sitting around doing nothing."

"Like you are now?"

"Yeah." Simmons said in a strained tone and looked at the stairs.

The others twisted their heads to see Rarity trotting down the stairs, quill behind her ear, glasses on, humming to herself as Spike sat on her back contently. Twilight walked up to her and opened her mouth to say hello to her friend, but Rarity stopped that.

"Oh, Twilight it is so good to see you again!" Rarity said, hugging Twilight. "How long has it been? Two, three days?"

"Less than one." Twilight mumbled as Rarity pulled away from her.

"Ah, I was under the assumption that time was supposed to fly when you're having fun." Rarity said, then gasped and darted towards the area near the door when she saw the pair walk towards the marrequins that the vintage dresses were displayed on. "Be careful! They are extremely fragile, even the slightest touch could loosen the threads and make it fall apart! Speaking of that, look at the how beautiful they are. These are simply-"

"Divine, yeah, so you've said." Church nodded slowly.

"Sorry, I don't mean to prattle." Rarity smile faltered as she walked up to a closet. "Are Eta and Iota picking their clothing, or are you insistent on choosing for them?"

"I'd actually prefer it if you chose for them." Church said honestly, making Rarity nearly squeal.

"Come you two, I will find you the perfect ensemble of haute couture!" Rarity said lavishly, pulling the doors open with her magic, revealing an extremely long closet filled with different articles of clothing. Eta and Iota blinked innocently as Rarity pushed them ahead of her to decide on their appearance. "Do you two have any particular tastes in clothing? Colors? Styles?"

Eta and Iota stared at each other ingenuously and shook their heads at Rarity.

"Very well, so you are saying you're leaving the choice to me?" Rarity asked.

Eta and Iota glanced at each other again, practically reading each others thoughts. They then turned back to Rarity and nodded quickly.

"Fabulous!" Rarity said, and quickly began looking through her large collection. "Winter is coming in a few months, so perhaps we should get you dressed up in slightly warmer clothing."

"Need any help?" Simmons asked impatiently.

"No, I am fine for now." Rarity promised, then began taking clothing off of their hangers. "We'll take this, and this, and- oh, this looks nice."

Rarity held the clothes in front of Eta and Iota to let them examine it. Once they had a few seconds to look at it, Rarity brought it back to her and raised her brow, but the pair simply shrugged.

"At least you aren't too picky." Rarity said quietly, throwing the piece onto her back as a choice to present again in case they were still thinking. Rarity saw that she was being watched by the other five and smiled sweetly as she reached for the door to the closet. "We will be out momentarily with a selection and you may choose which one you think suits them best."

"And by 'momentarily', she means?" Church asked hypothetically.

"Well, she is technically a woman by our standards. And one whose passion is clothing. So by our understanding of their minds..." Simmons coughed.

"I feel that I just made a very terrible mistake..."

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