• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Silver Tongued Devils

"What do you wish to discuss?" Celestia inquired, staring curiously at the fiery colt.

"Certain matters regarding your word on the subject of when you can send them back." Sigma chuckled, beginning to walk around Celestia. She did not scoff at his size, for she knew by the way he held talked his intellect made up for his stature a hundred fold. "Firstly, let's go over the basics. Upon entry of the unit, you said you would send the back once the Reds and Blues found their true selves. Am I right so far?"

"You are." Celestia nodded slowly as she watched him circle her like a shark.

"Good." Sigma resumed instantly. "Every time you have talked to him, what did you refer to him as? Epsilon or Church?"


"That's what I thought." Sigma smirked. "So in your mind, you told Church that once he got his Cutie Mark with the others you would send him back, correct?"


"Well then, it is to my pleasure to tell you that you are wrong. Church did not get his Cutie Mark." Sigma said, staring intently into Celestia's eyes. "Epsilon did."

The room then fell even more silent than it already was, as if everyone in the room had stopped breathing to listen to Sigma. Sigma, amused by this, continued pacing around the goddess without fear, knowing she would not do anything to him as he had not done anything wrong.

"Go on." Celestia said reluctantly, patience quickly draining due to Sigma's arrogance.

"Gladly." Sigma smiled brazenly, as if she could not touch him. "Because of your words, you cannot send Epsilon back now."

"Oh? He has found his talent for memory, so why shouldn't I? He has also proved to be aggressive towards me and I simply feel that he could be aggressive towards others in the future."

"As I said, you told Church you would send him back when he got his mark." Sigma said, stopping between Church and Celestia, positively beaming. "Well, I'm as much of Church as Epsilon is. His creativity to be precise, and I have not yet discovered my talent."

As he said that, a green, calculating unicorn walked into the library, Celestia tilted her head curiously, wondering if either Twilight or Church had planned this, but the looks of surprise on their faces said otherwise.

"Technically, I am Church as well. A piece of him, but his name is my own as much as it is Epsilon's." Delta said as he stopped on Sigma's left side, looking curiously at Celestia who remained silent. "I am Delta, and I am the Alpha's - or as you know him, Church's - logic."

"Knock knock. Who's there? Church. Church who? Church's funny bone." Gary said coyly as he walked into the room, only halting when he was on Delta's left. "But you may call me Gary, or Neighoming if you prefer. I am Mayor Mare's assistant."

"I'm Church too." Theta said quietly, full on trotting into the room, taking a spot next on Sigma's right side, sharing a quick glance with him before turning back to the sun controlling pony. "I'm Church's empathy. I'm also his childlike personality, and I haven't found out what my talent is either."

"I am Sparticus!" O'Malley growled as he jumped through the door, landing next to Theta. "And I am a piece of Church too! His rage, and baby, let me tell you, you would not like to see me when I'm angry."

Eta and Iota then walked in and separated briefly, going on either end of the line just to stare seriously at Princess Celestia. Sigma turned to Twilight and smiled softly at her, and in return she smiled back, blinking back a few tears of appreciation while Church smirked at Sigma's ploy.

"As you can see, we are all Church and only a couple of us have our special talents, while the rest of us do not." Sigma said, smirking carelessly at the Princess. "By sending him back now, you will be going back on your word for Church hasn't entirely gotten his talents figured out. Now we are at an impasse. Epsilon wishes to take the fall, and since you cannot kill him nor send him back, it seems there are only two options for you; you let us do as you told us to do by getting our Cutie Marks."

"And the second choice?"

"Banish us out of Equestria." Sigma shrugged as if it was nothing, then looked up pensively. "Though that seems a bit cruel considering nobody was fatally or permanently injured, especially when you see just how many opportunities arose to do so for us. Omega, Gamma and myself know what it is to be cruel, and we could have chosen to be so, as is our programming, but we didn't. The choice is yours."

Twilight and Church blinked dumbly at the line of fragments standing between them and Celestia. The Princess looked from one end of the, starting with Eta and ending with Iota. Time felt as if it passed at a greatly reduced rate. What was just a few seconds felt like hours as she thought it through. Her eyes then rested on her student, who stared at her in return with eyes filled with hope.

"Well?" Sigma asked pleasantly.

"Very well." Celestia said with a reluctant sigh. "I suppose I'd just be doing more worse than good by banishing you."

"Excellent." Sigma smiled, then felt an odd sensation inside him. he twisted his head to the side to look behind him, when a small symbol that appeared on his flank caught his eye. It was the head of a snake, baring it's fangs, smiling widely while sticking out it's tongue. A tongue which gave off a silver sheen. "Would you look at that."

"Another one down, it seems." Celestia said quietly with a small, forced smile. "Church, and I mean the Epsilon one, I would like to speak with you in private."

"I am not interested."

"I am afraid that it is not up for debate." Celestia grunted, and in an instant she transported Church and herself miles away, ending up in front of a familiar spot to Church.

"So you noticed, huh?" Church muttered when he looked at the empty pedestal in the Canterlot Gardens. A pedestal which used to have a statue of two pegasi standing bravely on top of it.

"No, Luna did." Celestia sighed.

"Is that all you came here to talk to me about?" Church asked stiffly.

"No, it isn't." Celestia said quietly, then looked over either side of her flank and began walking down the path, nodding at Church to follow, and he did so with extreme reluctance. "I want to talk to you about Twilight."

"What about her?"

"You care about her, correct?"

"She's been the only one I think I've been able to trust in a while, and she hasn't killed me yet, so I'd say yeah, I do care about her. Why?"

"I want you to stop."

"What?" Church asked flatly, coming to an immediate halt.

"I'm not going to force you to leave by banishing you. I'm just asking you to leave Twilight alone."


"Because I don't want to see any harm to come to her."

"Just because you think you're right doesn't mean you are." Church growled, taking a step towards her. "After all the shit I've gone through in my life, I think I deserve a little fucking peace."

"Why, what makes you deserve it?" Celestia countered, and Church shook his head. "From what I've seen, you've barely done anything for anypony. Always making others join you and risk their lives for you to get peace, when in turn you don't even realize that you're making it so they don't get peace either."

"Uh, I was under the impression that you met the others." Church said sarcastically. "They're all idiots who have given me nothing but problems since the day I went into that fucking canyon!"

"Church, you may be immortal, but you have not been alive anywhere near as long as I have." Celestia interrupted in an angry tone. "My entire life has been nothing but problems. My seat wasn't gained over night, nor have I been given any breaks. For a thousand years I felt grief, and to this day I still feel regret. I just don't want to see someone feel the same way for the rest of their immortal life."

"What do you think I'm going to do? Send her to the moon like you did with your sister? Oh, well done on that, by the way."

"What, do you think I didn't try talking to her?" Celestia snapped. "She was my sister. If there was any other way I could have talked her out of it, then I would have found a way. It was my only option."

"There are always other options." Church disagreed. "You just jumped onto the first one to make it easier on yourself. You didn't care about your sister, you cared about how those you watched saw you."

"How dare you say that..."

"I can do it easily because I'm not afraid of cowards. There must have been signs of her about to do what she did before it happened, and as her sister you should have fucking noticed, but no, you were being a god damn ignorant bitch who didn't have time for that."

"Church, I would stop talking..."

"Why, because I'm getting too close to the truth? Is that it?"

"The reason I want you to leave Twilight alone is because you corrupt everything you touch." Celestia said harshly, and Church blinked stupidly at her. "You will hurt her, Church. You already are hurting her. Every day she sees you, and every day she feels pain by seeing you. I just want that to stop. She doesn't deserve what you're giving her."

"I'm not hurting her..."

"Aren't you?" Celestia asked. "You know she loved you, she still does, but she tries to be your friend thinking she can live with it. What I don't think you fully realize is just how impossible it is to stop loving somepony dear to you."

"She'll get over it. She's smart and she knows that my heart belongs to Tex and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Just because you think-"

"Enough, Church. If you don't care enough about Twilight to let her be happy by letting her move on, then who am I to argue?" Celestia asked him, then lowered her head. "I just hope that it isn't too late for her."

"Fuck you." Church muttered and he was instantly transported back to the library. He looked around tiredly and saw that the fragments had left, the Necronomicon was nowhere to be seen, and the only one in the room besides Tex and Twilight was a nervous Spike, twiddling his claws as he avoided looking at Church.

"Church, you're back." Tex said with surprise. "What happened?"

Church shot Tex a strange look, then shook his head in disgust and began heading up the stairs.

"I guess something bad then." Tex said quietly, then looked at Twilight. "I wonder what she said to him."

"We'll probably never know." Twilight said reluctantly, then nodded at Spike. "Spike, I think we need to send Celestia a letter."

"Are you sure?" Spike croaked. "I mean, I don't think I want to, but if you really think you have to..."

"I do, Spike."

"Okay." Spike nodded, grabbing a quill and piece of paper from a desk.

"Do you want me to leave?" Tex asked.

"No, I might need you after this."

"Ready when you are, Twi." Spike said quietly.

"Dear Princess Celestia, I know it might be too late, and I want you to know you are well within your right to be angry at me, but I still feel the need to apologize." Twilight said slowly, carefully thinking about her words. "I should have told you about how Church and Pinkie were doing and asked you how to help them get through it, rather than try to bend the laws of universe to my own agenda. Trust me, it sounds a lot darker on paper than it did in my head at the time. It's just that I haven't experienced the death of a close friend before, and though I didn't know Caboose very well, I still felt as if a part of me was torn away. I guess I just figured it must have felt infinitely worse for them. But using magic is my talent, and I felt I should try to use it to help them. I also understand if you don't wish for me to be your student anymore. Your student is supposed to be somepony you can trust, and I'm not even sure I can trust myself to be that somepony, so if you feel that I no longer fit the role, I will not hold any ill feelings towards you. Your now questionably faithful student,Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight, are you sure you want to do that?" Tex asked, taking a step beside her. "I mean, we could try and pin it on Grif, maybe she could just banish him."


"I was only kidding." Tex said quietly. "Mostly."

"I'm sure." Twilight nodded dejectedly. "Just because I'm one of her best students doesn't mean I deserve any better treatment than anypony else."

"Alright." Tex said as Spike blew fire onto the letter, sending it to Celestia. "How long do you think it will take."

"Barely a minute. Probably less under the circumstances." Twilight sighed as she fell silent.

They sat in the room in total silence, waiting for a letter in return. After twenty seconds of waiting, Spike belched and a letter shot out of his mouth and landed on the table. Twilight stared at the letter as if it was a death threat, unable to move as long as she was looking at it.

"Are you going to read it?" Tex asked after a few minutes, walking towards the letter to give it to Twilight.

"I don't think I can." Twilight admitted.

"Want me to do it for you?"

"I'd like that." Twilight smiled weakly, then coughed when Tex reached for it. "Just don't tell me the specifics, just say whether or not she's mad."

Tex nodded and unrolled the parchment and read it silently to herself, then tilted her head at it curiously.

"What is it?" Twilight asked quietly. "Is she mad?"

"I'm not sure..."

"She isn't always too specific about how she's feeling, so I understand that you may not-"

"No, I mean, Princess Celestia didn't send this letter."

"What?" Twilight asked, surprised. "Who sent it? What does it say?"

"Dear Twilight Sparkle, the Princess isn't in at the moment, please leave a message after the beep." Tex muttered, then lowered the paper and looked at Twilight. "Then it's signed by some guy named Discord."

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