• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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*Mature warning, light gore in this chapter.*


"Are you excited to make some food?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not really, I'll probably just fucking burn it." Tucker laughed.

"I'm sure you'll do fine." Rainbow Dash said encouragingly.

Rainbow Dash knocked on the door and Pinkie answered with a smile.

"You're here!" Pinkie exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, we really need the cash." Rainbow Dash said. "Listen Pinkie I really appreciate you letting us help you."

"Not at all, it's the least I could do for my friend." Pinkie said.

"Yeah. Say where is Caboose?" Tucker asked.

"Don't worry about him, he is just preheating the oven." Pinkie said.

"Well, this place will be burning down any second now." Tucker laughed.

Rainbow Dash and Tucker started giggling but Pinkie just stared at him with a smile.

"You ready to get cookin'?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah whatever. What are we making?" Tucker asked.

"We're just going to be making a bunch of cupcakes, as we have just received a large order for them." Pinkie said.

"Okay cool. I can dig cupcakes." Tucker said. "What kind are we making."

"It's a secret." Pinkie said.

Tucker raised his brow at Rainbow Dash who just shrugged in return. The pair then followed Pinkie into the kitchen and he looked at the oven.

"Look, Caboose didn't even turn the fucking oven on." Tucker said.

Tucker looked to the left and saw Rainbow Dash lying on the ground.

"Hey what happened to her?" Tucker asked.

"The same thing that's going to happen to you." Caboose said.

"Wha-" Tucker started before he lost consciousness.

When Tucker woke up, he found himself chained to a table in a dark room. He grunted and tried to break free, but he gave up after a couple of minutes as there were no signs of his bindings letting up. Instead he let his eyes adjust to the dark. His heart filled with horror as the wall came into focus. The wall was obscured by knives and other tools, all caked with what appeared to be blood. He resumed his struggle, trying to release himself once more, but to no avail. Tucker swallowed and a harsh pain shot through his throat.

"Is anybody there?" Tucker croaked weakly. Tucker licked his lips and swallowed some saliva to moisten his throat. It still hurt when he breathed, but it was significantly lessened. "Is anybody here?" Tucker asked, clearly this time.

No answer was given to him. He knew better than to waste his breath on screaming, instead he decided to look around the room. The walls had strange wallpaper on them. It looked as though it was made out of scraps of fur. "Not much of an interior designer." Tucker muttered sarcastically.

Tucker then noticed a dripping sound coming from next to him, and when he cocked his head to the left to see he flinched. There was a ponies corpse sitting next to him. Except it wasn't just a corpse, it's skin was completely torn off, but there were weird bones sticking out of the side.

"What the fuck?" Tucker said loudly. "Where the fuck am I?"

As Tucker continued scanning the corpse, he noticed that there was a patch left on its flank, and when he saw what was on it, his heart dropped. It was Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark. Tucker had to choke back the vomit that was threatening to spew out.

"Rainbow Dash..." Tucker said weakly, a tear forming in his eye.

Tucker then heard a door slam open in front of him, and light poured into the room. Tucker closed his eyes as they burned when he looked ahead. When he reopened them a second later, there was utter darkness again. This time, however, Tucker felt a presence in the room.

"Who's there?" Tucker asked nervously.

He gazed into the darkness, eyes now maladjusted due to the sudden changes in lighting. He was able to make out a figure staring at him from where he assumed the door was.

"Good, you're up." A raspy voice said.

"Who the fuck are you? What the fuck did you do to Rainbow Dash?" Tucker yelled angrily through the pain in his neck.

"You're in no position to be asking questions Tucker." The voice said.

The mention of his name had his spine shivering with fright.

"Caboose? Is that you?" Tucker asked weakly.

"Aw, you ruined the surprise." Caboose said sarcastically, flicking a switch which made a light turn on above Tucker.

Tucker quickly closed his eyes against the renewed onslaught. When he opened them, he yelled at the sight in front of him. Caboose was standing there, eyes completely black and seemingly devoid of life. Caboose was also wearing a cloak. It took Tucker a couple seconds to realize that this cloak had several pairs of wings on it, and it was all too clear to him that those weren't fake wings.

"Do you like it?" Caboose giggled, spinning in a slow circle.

"What the fuck Caboose?" Tucker said angrily. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"Making cupcakes of course."

Tucker eyes dilated when he realized what he meant.

"What? Does Pinkie know that you're going to be fucking murdering me?" Tucker yelled, angry tears streaming out of his eyes.

"Of course silly, who else do you think carved Rainbow Dash up?"

"I always knew you were crazy, but I didn't think you were fucking sick." Tucker growled.

"Oh please, you're being far too kind." Caboose said with a laugh.

"How the hell do you think the others will react once they find out what the fuck you're doing?" Tucker asked.

"I'm sure they would be appalled." Pinkie said, appearing from his side brandishing a blow torch. "But I think they will love the cupcakes. They're my own special recipe."

"Let me go, you stupid cunt." Tucker yelled, trying to free himself.

"Don't wear yourself out." Pinkie tutted. "If you struggle too much then it just doesn't taste the same."

"Bite me." Tucker grunted.

"I plan on it." Pinkie laughed wickedly. "Now that we’ve warmed up on little Dashie over there, I think we can make it even more painful and much longer."

"Help!" Tucker yelled. "These fuckers are trying to kill me!"

Caboose walked up to Tucker and punched him in the jaw.

"You should have heard the way Dashie squealed. It was adorable." Pinkie giggled. "Even through all the pain, she kept thinking of you alone. She begged me to let you free. Her last breath was your name."

Tucker gazed at Rainbow Dash, tears streaming down his face. Caboose then walked up to Tucker and placed a spike on one of his wings. He then grabbed a hammer with the other one and slammed the nail in. Tucker screamed in pain as Caboose pounded a second nail into his other wing.

"Before you lose your voice, do you have any last, inspiring words?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah." Tucker said. "I hope you choke you fucking bitch."

Pinkie and Caboose both shared a dark laugh as Caboose placed another spike in Tuckers mouth this time. Tucker closed his eyes shut and felt the spike go through as Caboose slammed the hammer down.

“Tucker?” Caboose asked

Tucker lunged straight up and yelped. His face was covered in a cold sweat and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Tucker what's wrong?" Rainbow Dash asked with a worried expression on her face. "You kept yelling in your sleep. It was beginning to make me scared."

Tucker looked over at Rainbow Dash and didn't say anything. Instead he hugged her tightly.

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