• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Insanity Loves Company

"What's happening to him?" Tex asked as she rushed into Church's room to see Twilight standing next to him.

"I don't know!" Twilight yelled as she painfully watched Church throw his head back into his pillow and yell.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked quickly when he saw Church's horn begin to glow. "Do something!"

"I'm open to suggestions." Twilight snapped, using her magic to pin Church in place lest he somehow harm himself.

"Can't you go into his mind and take some of the pain out?" Spike asked, and as soon as he finished his question Church let out a booming yell, nearly shattering their ear drums. "Okay, maybe not that then."

"Tex, can you use the thing that the others can do?" Twilight asked.

"And by that you mean?" Tex asked impatiently, having rather been told directly what to do than given a vague suggestion.

"That possession thing." Twilight sighed. "Can you go inside his mind and figure out what's wrong?"

"I don't know how." Tex said hesitantly.

"Darn it." Twilight cursed, but neither Tex or Spike heard it. Twilight slammed her eyes shut, knowing that taking even a sliver of the pain away would help Church greatly, she began using her magic to probe around for any small pains she could take in.

Suddenly, Church's horn flared into life and a solid bolt fired towards her.

"Twilight!" Tex yelped as she jumped towards Twilight, believing the bolt would kill her. Tex slammed into the ground and looked around quickly, thinking the bolt hit her into a wall, but Twilight was no longer in the room.

Twilight groaned softly as she rolled off of her back. She let out a shiver when she felt a numbness surround her. Eyes still closed, she used her magic to bring life back into her legs so she could go back and help Church. A voice came from behind her, so she opened her eyes and spun around to see who made the noise, but saw nopony or any other person. Instead, she saw hundreds upon hundreds of screens floating in the air around her, suspended by nothing. Each screen had a picture on it that was completely different than the others. One was a picture of the sun, one was a picture of a strange looking dragon standing next to Tucker, another was of the reds.

She then realized she somehow performed the exact task she requested Tex do. She was inside Church's head, and these pictures were a part of his imagination. She shook her head, snapping her sense back in place to find Church as to not waste time while he was in pain. She cast her gaze around in an attempt to see if Church was nearby, but the screens surrounded her and she could not see more than twenty feet in any direction. She took a deep breath, thinking of her options, when one of the floating screens bumped into her flank. Yelping with surprise, she jumped forward and spun around to see what hit her. There was a picture of a tall, white robot looking thing with a golden, bulbous helmet.

And it was moving.

Twilight paused. Not because of the fact that it was moving, but because she recognized the being from somewhere, something that Church had described to her the night that they met. It was the Meta. The Meta was running in the snow, heading straight towards a black being in more standardized looking armor. It then clicked into place and she realized that was Tex, and these shots weren't just a part of Church's imagination. All the pictures that were suspended in the air were his memories. An entire library of them. Knowing it to be an invasion of privacy to the nth degree, she shook her head to break her focus on them.

"Meta, wait!" A voice called out, bringing her attention back to the active memory.

The Meta didn't listen, instead it ran up to Tex and grabbed her throat, holding an apparent spike in his hand. Twilight's legs tensed when she realized what memory this was. The object Meta was holding was the Epsilon unit, that was going to fail in a matter of minutes.

"We don't need to hurt her, we only need-" The voice began, but Meta lifted Tex off the ground and slammed the failing Epsilon unit towards her visor.

"No!" Church yelled as Twilight closed her eyes.

After a few moments of silence, she reluctantly opened her eyes to see a still shot of the Meta stabbing Tex's face. Shaken, Twilight looked around, wanting to find Church and get out as fast as she could. Another memory flickered into life a few paces ahead. Twilight hesitantly walked towards it, hoping that by following the active memories she could find Church.

The memory she was approaching was already nearing it's end as Twilight trotted up to it. Church was standing on top of his base, at the time believing he was watching the universe around him fall apart. Tex had walked up to be with him, wanting to spend her last moments with him, and this made Twilight smile at her. She then focused on the memory to find out what they were talking about.

"Oh okay, wait a minute..." Tex interrupted annoyingly, interrupting Church. "Are you going to say 'I love you'?"

"No, Tex. No. I'm not going to say I love you... I'm going to say I forget you." Church sighed sadly, fingers clenching around his gun until it hurt. Twilight bit her lip, feeling the pain in his voice. "I forget you."

Twilight closed her eyes, knowing how hard it was for him to do that. All that pain. All that work. For nothing. She opened her eyes and quickly looked around for another active memory, but couldn't see any. What she did see was a few of the pictures listlessly converging to one point.

"Make them stop!" Church yelled. The real Church.

In an instant, Twilight was already running full speed towards the source of the voice. She ran past dozens of memories, each one beginning to play. She soon saw a collection of memories, possibly a few hundred, surrounding Church's translucent robot body, each one playing as he tried tearing his helmet off.

"Church!" Twilight yelled concernedly as she galloped in front of him. "Church, it's me, Twilight."

"Someone help me!" Church yelled, voice hoarse, almost as if he was yelling for years. She then realized that he was screaming for years. Church collapsed to his knees, whimpering and screaming at the same time. "Help..."

"Church, please listen to me! I'm here with you." Twilight said, wanting to hug him, but knew she would just pass through him. "It's going to be alright."

Something flashed from either side of Twilight, both flashes a different color. Ignoring them, thinking of them as only flashes from the memories, she went on her knees and laid next to Church to look after him, mind frantically trying to think of someway to help him. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a gold-tan figure standing next to her. She snapped her neck towards it and snapped to her hooves to defend Church, when she saw a blue-green figure on his other side.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked, voice barely audible over Church's wails. Her eyes widened on the blue one. "Are you... Alpha?"

The blue figure shook its head and flipped Church onto his back. Twilight wanted to stop him, but felt that she needed to let it do whatever it was doing. The figure then grabbed Church's right hand with its left hand, murmuring something under it's breath.

"Make the voices stop!" Church groaned.

Twilight's horn began to glow, ready to attack it for hurting Church, but the tan figure placed its left hand on her neck. Twilight looked at it and it too shook its head, telling her not to interfere. The blue one then locked eyes with the tan one and shared a nod, then the one standing next to Twilight walked up to the other one and connected it's hands with Church and the other's free hands. When they did, Church instantly stopped screaming. Twilight let out a sigh of relief, happy they managed to help Church.

Or at least she thought, until she saw Church float to his feet. Now standing straight up with the two unknown beings, their bodies jerked forward. The two beings then seemingly phased into Church and he gasped loudly and the color of his armor became a mix of the three. He threw his head back and let out a soundless scream and the two beings shot out of him and crashed to the ground. They quickly got up and watched silently as Church panted on the ground, no longer able to scream.

"Who are you?" Twilight asked after making sure Church was alright.

The two figures looked at each other, but otherwise did nothing. Twilight took a deep breath and realized they would not talk to her, so she began walking towards them. The beings watched in silence as Twilight approached them.

"Are you two the source of his pain?" Twilight asked, forcing herself to be patient with them.

The blue one remained still, but the light brown colored one nodded glumly at her, confirming her suspicions.

"I need you two out of here. Now." Twilight said, more forceful than intended.

The blue being walked next to Twilight and held out its left hand, but she did not take it. It lightly thrusted its hand at her, inviting her to grab it, and now the tan one was doing the same with it's right hand. Their hands were connected with each other.

"Are you doing this to help Church?" Twilight asked quietly, and they nodded in unison.

She glanced at Church, whose hands were slammed against his helmet, violently trying to slam the pain out. She let out a sad sigh and nodded at the pair and grabbed onto their hooves, thinking they were going to use some of her power to help heal him, but instead they vanished from her sight. She closed her eyes and let out a gasp as she felt an intense pain entered her mind and she came back into the real world, feeling as if her mind was going to expand out of her skull. She collapsed to the ground and fought back the temptation of screaming.

"Twilight, are you okay?" Spike asked, rushing to his friends side.

"I-I think so." Twilight said shakily, senses coming back into control. She opened her eyes and Tex took a few steps back. "What's wrong?"

"You eyes..." Tex said quietly, voice filled with worry.

"What's wrong with them?" Twilight asked nervously.

Spike shared a wry look with Tex and pointed at the mirror on the cabinet next to the bed. As she looked at the mirror, she noticed Church was now sleeping, face no longer filled with pain. She smiled tightly at him, happy that they helped him. As soon as she looked at the mirror, however, the smile was lost in an instant. One of her eyes was now an off blue, and the other was brown.

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