• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Church and Twilight were sitting downstairs having a light breakfast when they heard a knock on the door. Twilight opened the door to be greeted by a flurry of balloons being launched at her. When the bombardment stopped, she looked up to see Pinkie with an abnormally large grin.

"Twilight!" Pinkie yelled. "Isn't it the most awesomeicious stupenderific thing ever?"

"What are you talking about." Twilight asked.

"It's the Cake twins’ birthday tomorrow!" Pinkie said, giddy with anticipation. "They're turning one year old."

"Oh right." Twilight said. "Then what are you doing here right now? Shouldn't you wait until tomorrow to have the party."

"Haven't you heard of a pre-party party?" Pinkie asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes but smiled.

"It will be a small party if it's just you, me and Church." Twilight said.

"Don't be silly Twi, I brought Caboose." Pinkie said.

"Hello." Caboose said, seemingly appearing from behind Twilight.

"How did you get in?" Twilight asked.

"It's our little secret." Pinkie answered for Caboose.

Church finished eating and left the kitchen to see what was happening.

"Church!" Caboose yelled, running around Church.

"Hey Caboose." Church said, confused. "What are you guys doing here?"

"They want to throw a pre-party party for the twins at the Sugarcube Corner." Twilight said.

"Okay then." Church said. "I've never heard of a pre-party party."

"Neither have I." Caboose said with excitement. "I am so excited I could just keep running."

Caboose kept running in circles around Church until Church got slightly annoyed.

"Caboose. Stop running." Church said.

"Okay." Caboose said, coming to a screeching halt.

"Geez, you're a party pooper." Pinkie said jokingly.

"You can poop parties?" Caboose gasped. "That sounds amaz-"

Church stuffed his hoof in Caboose’s mouth and sighed.

"Is it just going to be the four of us?" Church asked.

"Of course not silly, you're going to get the others with Caboose while me and Twilight set up." Pinkie said.

"I don't remember volunteering for this." Church said.

"Caboose was kind enough to volunteer your time." Pinkie said happily.

"Great." Church said sarcastically. "Thank you Caboose."

"See, I told you he would be happy!" Caboose said.

"Alright, let's make this quick though." Church grunted.

"Okay!" Caboose said, galloping out the door.

Twilight stared at Church and they both shrugged. Church then followed Caboose grudgingly. It took them a couple hours to tell the others, but eventually they all made their way back to the library.

"You're looking better." Simmons said to Grif.

"I feel better." Grif said. "Too bad you still look like shit."

"You're an asshole, you know that." Simmons said.

"Grif, don't disrespect others." Sarge said. "That's my job."

"I learned it from watching you!" Grif said over-dramatically.

The others then started to laugh and they then found themselves in front of the library where the door shot open and Caboose ran inside.

"Hi everypony!" Pinkie said happily. "Are you ready to pre-par-tay?"

"Totally!" Tucker said. "It's been awhile since I've been to a pre-party."

"You're kidding, right?" Church said.

"Fuck no man." Tucker said. "What, you've never been to one?"

Church face hooved as he shook his head.

"I knew you were lame." Tucker laughed.

"Fuck you."

"Sorry, I know you like dudes. But-" Tucker started.

"Tucker how are your balls feeling right now?" Church grunted, tensing his back leg.

Tucker glared at Church then decided to not say anything as they all made their way inside the library.

"So what is this party for exactly?" Simmons said, looking around.

"The Cakes had twins one year ago tomorrow!" Pinkie said.

Sarge squinted at Caboose, who was drawing on a piece of paper.

"So you have babies living in the same building as Caboose?" Sarge asked nervously.

"Well yeah, babies can't live on their own you silly!" Pinkie replied.

"Right." Sarge said, still watching Caboose. "What are you doing Caboose?"

"I am drawing a picture!" Caboose said. "It is hard to grab the crayons though."

"That's because you don't have any fingers." Tucker said.

"Oh my god, they took my hands!" Caboose yelled. "Ohhhhh, never mind, I remember now."

Church let out a deep sigh and glanced at the other stallions.

"I'm surrounded by idiots..." Church thought to himself, but found himself smiling.

"So Church, how are you liking it here?" Rarity asked.

"It's alright I guess." Church said. "How has Simmons been doing?"

"Fantastically." Rarity said happily. "He is a great help around my boutique. I don't think it’s been this organized in months."

"That's... surprising." Church said.

"I hope ya don't mind me askin'." Applejack said. "But why do you guys always seem to be at each others throats?"

"We're not at each others throats." Church said.

"But ya'll are always yellin' at each other..." Applejack said.

"Some things are just hard wired." Church said, without realizing the slight irony of his statement.

"Look Church, I made a picture of us!" Caboose yelled.

Caboose ran up to Church, holding a piece of paper in his teeth. There were two crudely drawn stick horses, one being blue and the other being light blue. Church looked at it and smiled awkwardly.

"Uh, thanks Caboose." Church said, grabbing it from him. "It looks... good?"

"Thank you Church! Hey wait, what if my special talent is drawing?" Caboose said looking at his blank flank.

"I don't know Caboose." Tucker said sarcastically. "I think eating crayons would be more your speed."

"Hey, yeah! I've always wondered what they tasted like!" Caboose said.

Caboose then ran to one of the crayons and tossed it in his mouth and bit it before anypony could stop him. He promptly spat it out and ran to the punch bowl and grabbed a drink. He then looked at his flank and frowned.

"Nope, that's not it." Caboose said. "They taste pretty bad."

"Maybe it’s being an idiot." Tucker said. "You seem to be pretty good at that."

"Maybe yours is being hit in the balls." Church said to Tucker. "You seem to be pretty good at that."

"Alright everypony, just settle down." Twilight said.

"Yeah, let's get this party started!" Pinkie yelled, slamming her hoof on the boombox which started playing music.

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