• Published 5th Mar 2012
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My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! - DarkWing

What happens when the Reds and Blues finally get Church out of the Epsilon unit? Caboose decides he wants a turn in the unit, of course! What happens next? Well let's just say he always did say he wanted a pony, now he has a world full of them.

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Small Ponies

Sarge walked into the kitchen, where Granny Smith and Applejack were at the stove while Caboose was sitting at a table, mixing something together in a bowl.

"Sarge look! I'm helping!" Caboose said happily.

"Uh, keep up the good work." Sarge said.

"Okay!" Caboose chirped.

"So what are you making?" Sarge asked.

"Apple family apple cake." Granny Smith said while slicing an apple.

"Didja come here to help?" Applejack asked.

"Just came to make sure that Caboose hadn't destroyed anything." Sarge laughed.

"I'm sorry Sarge, I will try harder." Caboose said, now vigorously mixing the substance.

A moment later, Caboose stopped and looked in the bowl and frowned. "I'm sorry, I tried my hardest to make it explode." Caboose said sadly.

Granny Smith walked up to the table and looked in the bowl and smiled.

"Why, you must be the best mixer I've done seen in my life." Granny Smith said happily, patting Caboose on the back.

"I'm the best you've seen?" Caboose gasped. "I am amazing."

"Good for you Caboose." Sarge said. "I'm gonna go use the stallion’s room."

Pinkie trotted towards the barn with Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake sitting on her back. She burst through the door, humming lightly.

"Hey everypony, the party foals are here!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Hey little guys." Grif said while approaching Pinkie. "What are their names?"

"The cutesy-wootsy little unicorn is Pumpkin Cake, and the aww-dorable pegasus is Pound Cake." Pinkie said. She then turned and looked at the twins. "This is Grif. Say hello to Grif!"

The twins looked at Grif and gurgled happily. This caused Grif to laugh.

"I like them already." Grif said with a chuckle. "They seem to like me."

"Give it time." Simmons said.

Grif glared at Simmons, then they both broke out laughing. Pinkie grabbed the twins and placed them on the floor near the animals.

"Where is Caboose?" Pinkie asked.

"He is in the kitchen baking with Applejack." Church said. "I'm a bit worried, I haven't heard any screaming yet."

"I wonder what they're baking?" Pinkie asked.

"Why don't you go check? We'll keep an eye on the birthday twins." Twilight said.

"Okay." Pinkie said, hopping out the door.

Applejack pulled the cake out of the oven and started placing caramelized apples on the top. After she finished decorating, she cut the cake into slices and put one candle in two of the slices. Pinkie walked into the room and looked at the cake and started grinning.

"That looks delicious Granny Smith!" Pinkie exclaimed, running up to the cake.

"Thank ya' Pinkie." Granny Smith said. "Caboose was more than helpful with the baking though."

"I stirred a bowl!" Caboose said excitedly.

"Good job Caboose." Pinkie laughed. "How about we go and bring the cake to the twins!"

"I hope they like it." Applejack said.

"I'm sure they will." Pinkie assured her. "Let's go, I'm so excited right now."

Applejack grabbed the platter with the cake on it and left the kitchen. Pinkie and Caboose smiled and followed her out the door. Sarge returned to the room and looked around.

"Where did AJ and Caboose go?" Sarge grunted.

"They went to bring the cake to the foals." Granny Smith said, wiping flour off of her hooves.

Sarge’s eyes darted to the door and he galloped at full speed to the barn. He burst through the door, expecting the worst. But what he found was Caboose sitting next to the little ones, laughing and eating cake. He watched curiously as Caboose was making silly faces to the young ones.

"Caboose... you're not angry?" Sarge asked, confused at the display.

"Why would I be angry?" Caboose asked innocently.

"I thought babies made you angry." Sarge said.

"These aren't babies, they are small ponies." Caboose said. "They are two completely different things."

Sarges eye twitched furiously and his flank dropped to the ground. He glared at Caboose, then his features softened. "Of course they are." Sarge said.

"I don't know why ya got so worried Sarge." Applejack said. "Caboose is gittin' along better with the foals than a bee to flowers."

"Yeah. I guess I was just a little worked out from buckin' those apples." Sarge said, laughing roughly.

"This is a great party Caboose." Pinkie said, hugging Caboose. "I can't wait for my birthday. I hope you can throw me a party as nice as this."

"I will not throw you a party as nice as this." Caboose said. "I will throw you the greatest party ever!"

"The greatest party ever?" Pinkie gasped. "Is that even possible?"

"Is what possible?" Caboose asked.

Before Pinkie could answer, the two foals crawled up to Caboose and hugged his back legs. He leaned over and looked at them between his legs.

"Hello little ones!" Caboose said. "Why are you upside down?"

Caboose then lifted one of his back legs and placed Pound Cake on his back. Once Pound Cake was settled in, he did the same for Pumpkin Cake. Caboose smiled and ran outside and started to run around a tree, laughing wildly. Everypony smiled and went outside to watch them play. Everypony except Sarge. Simmons and Grif were halfway out the door before they stopped.

"What's on your mind Sarge?" Simmons asked.

"Nothing." Sarge mumbled, walking towards the door.

Simmons looked at Grif and they both shared a shrug.

"Sarge, why do you look so... annoyed?" Simmons asked.

"He means more than usual." Grif added.

"I don't know." Sarge grunted. Sarge looked at Caboose who was now hopping around the tree.

"Sarge... are you mad about something?" Grif asked.

"No, it's just that I worked my flank off to prevent Caboose from meeting the little ones." Sarge said. "I was under the impression that he would go crazy at the sight of them."

"What would make him do that?" Grif asked.

"Let's just say when O'Malley was in Caboose's mind he taught him how to get angry." Sarge said. "Remember a while back when you re-configured that telepowatchamacallit?"

"Yeah..." Simmons said with a nod.

"Before we got to it, there was a group of idiots standing in between us and it." Sarge said. "Caboose got angry and went berserk on their dumb asses and killed them all so we could escape."

"Caboose did that?" Grif asked.

Sarge nodded.

"Then why are you annoyed?" Simmons asked. "It seems like everything went well..."

"That's just it. All that build up, just kaput." Sarge said. "It's like something out of a horribly written story."

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