• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Phoenix Wright - Turnabout Storm! - Firesight

A famous racer is found dead in the Everfree, and Rainbow Dash stands accused of his murder. Can an Ace Attorney from another world uncover the truth and prove her innocent, or will Rainbow Dash be banished to the sun for a crime she didn't commit?

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Part 66 - Revelry, Race and Return

Carousel Boutique
June 21st, 10:48 AM

The visit to Canterlot seemed to mark the final turning point for Maya, as her attitude took a major change for the better. Instead of the brooding and moodiness that had marked her initial arrival, she got much more social, happy and active for the remainder of their stay in Equestria.

She spent most of her time with Pinkie and Vinyl, helping out at the confectionery with the former and working on dance and party mixes with the latter, though she made it a point, like Phoenix, to hang out with all of Twilight’s friends at least once, even staying overnight with Pearl at Sweet Apple Acres.

She also finally asked for some new clothes and, now returned from Canterlot, Rarity was more than happy to oblige her, giving her a summer variant of her usual attire, cut shorter with an open midriff, sleeves and legs. While she explored in earnest what Ponyville had to offer, Phoenix did his final piece of pro bono work—getting a settlement for Rarity regarding the perfume that had figured so prominently in his interrogation of Gilda.

It was a rare foray into civil law for him, and he found it an interesting change of pace. Though Twilight and even Edgeworth offered to help, he decided that it was a legal lesson he needed for himself. Spike helped him by acting as his scribe, sending and receiving messages as negotiations with the perfume company progressed over the next several days, though Phoenix suspected he was doing it more to be around Rarity than to help him. Finally, after several rounds of back-and-forth, he secured her a substantial settlement in exchange for not suing the company.

Despite the promise of satisfaction, Rarity remained unhappy. “I still don’t believe it! It smells utterly putrid! I wasted all my money on EAU DE OUT-HOUSE!!!” she ranted as she reared up and raised a hoof to her forehead in the overly-exaggerated manner Phoenix had come to expect from her.

“Why, after such flagrantly false advertising, I’m going to do my best to put that horrid perfume company out of business!” she promised as she scanned the newly-arrived legal documents delivered to Ponyville courtesy and compliments of the Griffon Express, who, Phoenix noticed, was being very careful with any package shipment involving him for what he could only assume was the fear of additional bad publicity.

That didn’t stop the documents from arriving a day late, however; the delay due to a certain blond-maned mailmare. “You’re getting your money back, Miss Rarity,” Phoenix reminded her, reading it over her shoulder and finding it to his liking. “And an additional settlement in exchange for not filing a lawsuit, remember?”

Rarity deflated a bit at that, sighing as she somewhat reluctantly signed the settlement document before putting it into a return envelope and passing it to Derpy. “I suppose you’re right. I guess that teaches me not to be such an impulsive buyer!” She rubbed her head, hefting the bottle and then magically tossing it in the trash.

To her surprise, Derpy spoke up. “Hey Rarity! Can I keep the perfume? Only if you don’t want it and all. I think it smells nice!”

Rarity gazed at the postal worker pony as if she had suddenly grown a second head and two matching horns. “Nice? How could you possibly think this bile smells like anything but—!” She caught herself before she said something very unladylike, and sighed. “Very well, darling. If it makes you happy? Keep it! I never want to see or smell it again!”

“Yay!” the googly-eyed mare seemed quite happy as she collected the bottle as well as the freshly signed documents, and departed.

Rarity watched her leave, and then turned back to Phoenix, who was thinking it might be best to avoid the slightly touched blonde-maned pony for a bit. And why is it I never hear anyone say her name?

“Now that that’s settled, I would like to do something for you, Mister Wright.” The fashionista looked at him like she was sizing him up somehow. “Please step up on this platform so I may take your measurements. As a reward for all your efforts, I’m going to make you a new suit!” she announced with a giddy schoolfilly squeal.

“What? No, Lady Rarity, you really don’t have to...” he began, only to trail off, realizing he really didn’t know how to tell her he couldn’t see himself wearing anything but his usual attire.

“Oh, but I insist, Mister Wright!” she told him in a tone that brooked no argument, motioning him to step up onto the elevated floor. “Your look is sharp and unquestionably classic, but it can still be improved. I am going to make you a new courtroom ensemble, and that’s final!” She put her hoof down as her horn flared, causing a notepad and a series of sewing and writing implements to fly out of various drawers and begin orbiting her glowing horn.

Phoenix gave a pleading look to Twilight, who shrugged helplessly as Maya giggled—the two having come by to collect him for lunch. “A new look for Nick? Now this I gotta see!” She sat down to watch the show.

“You should give her a chance, Phoenix,” Twilight told him, seeing his uncertain expression. “She really does good work—you should have seen the dresses she made for all of us to wear at the Grand Galloping Gala!” she added, suddenly wondering if she could model it for him. “And I have to admit, I’m curious to see what she could do with stallion businesswear.”


“No buts, Mister Wright!” Rarity interrupted. “As I cannot pay you for your work in bits, I will do so with my sewing skills and fashion sense instead! So up you go!” she instructed him eagerly, nodding again to the elevated fitting floor.

I don’t WANT a new suit! But I guess there’s nothing that says I have to actually WEAR it… fine, I’ll make nice. Phoenix mentally relented. “So, what are you planning?” he asked a little warily as he stepped up on the platform and a series of tape measures quickly and somewhat disconcertingly wrapped themselves all around him repeatedly, shifting positions frequently as Rarity hurriedly jotted down his measurements.

“You’ll see, Mister Wright!” Her blue eyes all but twinkled, playing over him repeatedly as she next held up samples of fabric against him in various shades of color, trying and discarding several combinations in turn. “It will not be ready today or even tomorrow, but just a little something I believe I will call… the Art of the Vest!” she chuckled.

Beside her, Spike groaned.

Golden Oaks Plaza
Friday, June 22nd, 5:08 AM

Friday arrived, two days before the Equestrian 500 was scheduled to be held.

Race preparations complete, the town settled into an anticipatory, even celebratory mood, one fully taken advantage of by Pinkie Pie, who announced an “Extra-Super Duper Special!” party scheduled for the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, which was being held in Ponyville for the second straight year “since last year’s hit a bit of a… snag,” Twilight said with a slightly pained expression as they waited outside at the crack of dawn to watch the display at Town Hall.

Though Maya was less than happy to be rousted so early, grumbling and grousing as she was dragged out of bed, even she was awestruck by Celestia’s majestic appearance and her feat of raising the sun, bowing low along with Pearl to the Sun Princess when they were finally introduced. Edgeworth was genuinely impressed as well, giving the Solar Regent a formal bow of his own, leaving Phoenix reflecting that he finally understood why the Princess was so revered.

She’s seen—quite rightly—as a goddess and giver of life, and she’s actually a very wise and just ruler to boot. I think I understand better now why fire elementals are seen as her servants, since they’re seen as wielding the power of the sun!

The day passed in a whirlwind of activity orchestrated by Pinkie Pie, who seemed to be everywhere at once, putting up decorations, arranging food and music and ensuring all was in readiness for the festivities to come. Too large for any one venue, the party was to be open-air, held in the plaza surrounding the Golden Oaks library, which seemed more than Town Hall to be the center of town culture to Phoenix. Booths were set up, a stage was quickly assembled by the visiting work crews, and every farm and eatery in town seemed to be represented at the food tables.

Walking around, they were surprised to find The Judge and Due Process together at a picnic table. Phoenix had to stifle a laugh as he saw the former outside of his robes again, dressed in mismatched Bermuda shorts, collared shirt and suspenders that looked like they’d come from someone with no idea of proper fashion—a someone he strongly suspected was The Judge himself!

“Mister Wright! And Miss Sparkle!” he exclaimed upon seeing them. “I heard of your additional exploits in court from Judge Process here. I must say, I’m sorry I missed them now! But I was still touring Canterlot at the time.”

“For three days? Then I take it you enjoyed your time there, Your Honor?” Twilight asked with a grin.

He nodded. “Immensely, Miss Sparkle! I had my fill of the Royal Gardens and Canterlot Golf Course, where I had the opportunity to play a round with Princess Celestia herself!” He then showed them a picture of himself with her, though the Sun Princess looked slightly odd to Phoenix wearing a golf visor, leaving him wondering if it was just for show and if not, why she of all ponies needed to be shielded from the sun. “I understand you’re leaving after the Equestrian 500, but I’ve decided I’m going to stay here a bit longer. I was just starting a vacation anyway when Miss Sparkle summoned me! So nobody should miss me.”

“He’s also been regaling me with stories of you, Mister Wright,” Due Process said with an amused grin. “And I must say, you certainly have a rather interesting history!” His grin grew wider.

“Oh?” Twilight asked as Phoenix stiffened.

“Indeed! Unlikely turnabouts and unusual witnesses seem to be his stock in trade. For example, did you know that he once cross-examined a parake—”

Actually—” Phoenix broke in. Why don’t you just say I cross-examined a WHALE? That’d be about as believable! “I was curious as to why I saw you adjudicating another case, Your Honor?” he asked The Judge.

“Oh! Yes. Since Fair Verdict’s… untimely departure and Mister Edgeworth’s subsequent investigation of corruption in Canterlot, there was a shortage of judges, so I volunteered myself! And I must say, it is quite refreshing not to have to preside over violent crime cases as I normally do back home. Just a few charges of fraud and perjury left over from the trial of Ms. Sonata!”

That’s L.A. for you… Phoenix didn’t say. “I see you’ve met the presiding judge in that case, and of Trixie’s trial. Good to see you both outside of court, Your Honors.” He shook The Judge’s hand and then offered his fist to Due Process, who bumped it back.

“And you as well, Mister Wright. Aside from the circumstances I’m told under which you arrived, I take it you have enjoyed your stay here as much as Miss Sparkle?” the unicorn judge said with a smile and teasing wink at Twilight, who blushed.

“Immensely,” he repeated The Judge’s answer, giving a glance at Twilight that caused her flush to deepen, Due Process to grin wider and The Judge to raise an eyebrow. “Both for the cases, and the company,” he couldn’t help but add, giving Twilight an affectionate ear scratch, who sensed she was being teased but found she enjoyed the attention—to say nothing of the delicious feel of Phoenix’s fingers working the area between her ears!

Due Process chuckled at that. “Word of advice from somepony who knows, Mister Wright and Miss Sparkle—courtroom romances are the subject of many a lurid novel, but they can be tricky, doubly so when they’re long distance,” he told them in a manner Phoenix could only describe as fatherly. “They take work, but they can work—if you’re willing to invest the time and make the commitment needed. Are you?” he asked them both with a raised eyeridge and grin.

He and Twilight looked at each other. “We haven’t decided yet, Your Honor,” the latter answered for them both. I mean, there’s long-distance, and then there’s trans-dimensional! “Despite what the tabloids have said about us, we’re giving things some time.”

Due Process nodded in approval. “Good. And don’t worry; I know better than to believe what I read in the Equestrian Inquirer. But just so you know, you certainly have my blessing should you decide to attempt it! Celestia knows you seem well-matched—I don’t think I’ve ever seen a defense attorney and co-counsel work together better than you two did!” He magically raised his cider glass and tipped it to them, causing both Twilight and Phoenix to blush and The Judge to shift uncomfortably.

Seeing his reaction, Phoenix turned to him next and cleared his throat. “Um, Your Honor? Regardless of your feelings on this matter, can I trust you to be discreet if we—”

“I doubt anyone back home would believe any stories we tell of this world, Mister Wright!” The Judge cut Phoenix off a little more sharply than he meant to. “And though it is rather difficult to offer my blessing for such an unusual union, I would neither stand in the way nor betray your trust on this rather… delicate affair,” he offered carefully. “And in return, may I please ask you to keep all that has transpired here a secret? You know, just between you, me, your two girls and Mister Edgeworth. I won’t tell anypony—er, anybody if you don’t!”

Guess that’s about all I could reasonably hope from him. “Of course. And thank you, Your Honor,” Phoenix promised, offering and receiving a parting shake of The Judge’s hand.

With that, they bade the pair farewell and made their way over to the main party grounds, where dozens of ponies and a few griffons were already milling about. Some had already started into the food and drink even though the decorations and dance stage were still being assembled by the same construction crews who had put up the grandstands. Off to the right, he could see Maya assisting Vinyl Scratch with setting up her audio equipment—just hope she’s a better musician than a prosecutor! Phoenix thought a little unfavorablywhile to the left, Pearly was playing tag with the Cutie Mark Crusaders and other foals.

“So, what can I expect?” he asked Twilight, turning back to her. “From the party, I mean? Maya loves them, but they’ve never really been my thing.”

To his surprise, Twilight laughed. “Oh, they weren’t mine either until I came here. But trust me, Phoenix—you’ll have fun. Pinkie’s parties are always something to behold, and her ‘extra super-duper special’ ones take things to new levels of insanity.” She rubbed her head again at the still-fuzzy memories of what had happened at the last one. “One thing, though—go easy on Pinkie’s Super-Special Party Punch. Too much of that and you may start behaving a little oddly.

“Oddly? Like what?” Phoenix asked.

At that moment, a series of human and equine figures appeared from around the corner of the library, one of them resolving into the familiar face of Miles Edgeworth. To Phoenix’s shock, the normally buttoned-up prosecutor was riding the back of an earth pony mare that matched his jacket color, bracketed by the two ponies he’d seen in the hallway following Rainbow’s trial. The latter were playing with him like foals, rearing up and laughing.

Edgeworth’s cheeks were flushed, and he wore an expression Phoenix had never seen on his face before—sheer childlike elation. “This is just like that one episode of the Steel Samurai where he meets the Pink Princess!! WHEEEEE!!!!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, holding his drink high as he and the trio of playing ponies rode by, disappearing back around the bend.

“Like… that,” was all Twilight could say, her jaw open.

I’mmmmmmm….. just going to pretend I never saw that! Phoenix decided, his face pale, resolving not to touch the punch.

At that moment, Maya ran up, still dressed in her improvised summer attire and sandals. “Whoa! Did you see that, Nick? And me without my smartphone!” She giggled. “Boy, if we got video of that, we could blackmail Edgey-Poo for life!”

“Why don’t you have your smartphone?” Phoenix asked, though he couldn’t help but smile at the idea himself. “Didn’t you say Vinyl was able to charge it?”

She nodded, her tone strangely eager. “Yeah, she was! But even better than that, she finally figured out how to magically interface with it and is currently pulling all my party mixes onto her crystal recorders! She’s gonna play them along with her stuff tonight, and I get to DJ with her!”

With that, she pulled out a pair of black-rimmed magenta shades that looked identical to Vinyl’s except they were fitted for her face. “So what do you think, Nick?” She donned them with a grin. “Vinyl made these for me! Are they me or what?” she asked as she struck a pose like a rap artist, wrapping her arms around herself in an exaggerated embrace, leaving Phoenix thinking that all she needed was a little bling.

He and Twilight exchanged a look. THIS is the girl who initially hated Equestria and couldn’t wait to leave? they both had the thought at once. “It’s definitely you, Maya!” was all he could say, suddenly wishing he could get a picture of her with them on. “Knock ‘em dead!”

“Will do, Nick!” With that, she ran off again, intending to show her new shades to Pinkie.

As if on cue, Pinkie Pie herself appeared from behind and directly between them, in an explosion of confetti that startled them both. “Come on, Feenie! You too, Twilight! It’s a PARTY!!!!!” she proclaimed as she stuffed a cupcake in their mouths and placed two filled drink cups in their hands and hooves. “And no fuddy-duddy stick-in-the-muds are allowed!” She yanked them both to their feet and shoved them towards the gathering group, still assembling in the surrounding plaza.

Phoenix sighed. Despite Twilight’s reassurance, parties and raves simply weren’t his thing and he couldn’t imagine he’d enjoy himself that much. Still, he gave the drink a tentative sniff, finding it tolerably sweet and fruity with only a mild alcoholic undertone. It’s not THAT strong. I guess Edgeworth just can’t hold his liquor! Well, one cup won’t hurt, right? he decided as he took his first sip.

* * * * *

As the evening wore on and day turned to dusk, one drink turned into two, and then into several, each leaving him feeling more mellow and wanting just a little bit more, a weak but noticeable pinkish haze starting to grow around the edges of his vision. Over time, Phoenix found his tie and collar loosening until the former hung slack around his neck, though he never left Twilight’s side.

Given her lighter weight, the drink seemed to be affecting her a little quicker than him, as she was already swaying a bit and starting to get a bit more direct and careless with her speech. The pair walked and talked frequently, playing a few party games and occasionally conversing with other ponies but mostly with each other, discussing everything from their upbringing and schooling to important moments from their past. Talk then turned to their respective cultures, and Twilight had no end of questions for him.

“And seriously, Phoenix. Why are humans so afraid of nudity?” she asked him in perfect earnestness as they settled under a tree with a fresh plate of food and drink to share between them; the latter consisting of fruits, cheeses, crackers, and even a few flowers Phoenix found he could nibble on, regardless of his increasingly inebriated state. “I think you’ve got very nice flanks. From their reactions, so did Lotus and Aloe when you were at the spa bathing off the Poison Joke the other day. So why not show them off more?” she suggested hopefully, now ogling him somewhat openly.

Phoenix had learned much earlier in his stay what ‘flanks’ were a euphemism for, his already warm cheeks getting a little more pronounced. “Because we’re an upright species and we have no fur. That means if we didn’t wear clothes, we’d not only be exposed to the elements, but everything would be displayed front and center, and we tend to be embarrassed about that. If you actually saw me naked from the front, you’d understand.”

“Actually… I have,” a now-swaying Twilight informed him in a slightly suggestive tone.

Phoenix stared at her, her words registering a little more slowly than they normally did. “You… have?”

“The night before Sonata’s trial, while you were asleep…” Twilight began in a serious tone, before her eyes turned lidded and her expression all but lascivious. “Ooooo… I snuck into yo’ room!she told him gleefully, causing his mouth to drop open and heart to all but stop.

* * * * *

As dusk descended into a starry night and the foals got put to bed along with Pearl (who did NOT want to leave any more than most of the foals did!), the party kicked into high gear, getting ever louder and more wild as more drink was had and Vinyl and Maya stoked the mostly-pony crowd with their songs relentlessly.

I take it all back—you ARE something else, Vinyl Scratch! Phoenix allowed as he found himself taken by her beat and light show a couple times himself. He had to admit Maya’s party mixes were pretty good as well, particularly her introductory one:

Feel the wave of sound
As it crashes down
You can’t turn away
We’ll make you want to stay!

And to his surprise, Phoenix found he couldn’t and he did. He wasn’t the only one either—to his shock, a rose-cheeked Fluttershy got up on the stage and sang a duet with Pinkie, leaving hearts aflutter, Phoenix’s included, at her beautiful voice. A clearly buzzed Rainbow Dash and equally tipsy Spitfire dazzled the crowd by putting on an impromptu aerial display and mock duel in the spotlighted skies above, while Applejack and Spitfire’s second-in-command, Lieutenant Soarin, engaged in a cider drinking contest cheered on by Phoenix’s gym friends.

He never saw Rarity or Edgeworth again, but he gave them no thought, enjoying the party’s energy and Twilight’s company. Another drink later and somehow Phoenix ended up on the dance floor with Twilight and didn’t even care, moving his arms and legs with wild abandon as the crowd cheered and Maya laughed and laughed.

Finally, exhausted but elated, the pair walked off stumbling and giggling, Twilight dragging Phoenix back to the Treehouse magically by his tie.

Golden Oaks Library
June 23rd, 11:15 AM

Phoenix awoke with a splitting headache.

As his senses slowly returned, he became aware of a large and heavy weight on top of him, but all he could see when he opened his eyes was a dark blue and purple blur. Forcing his eyes to focus, he looked up into a high ceiling and realized he was inside the Golden Oaks library, laid out on a reading lounge.

It was only then he realized that his shirt was open and Twilight was laying against him with her head on his bare chest, his jacket draped over their lower halves. For a moment he panicked at the thought he was naked beneath it, but he could see from his feet out the bottom that his slacks were still on.

Looking around, he saw plenty of other ponies sleeping or simply passed out all around them. To his left, Fluttershy hung upside-down from a rafter like a bat, while Rainbow Dash had curled up on a cloud with another pegasus pony he couldn’t see much of except for the tip of an orange-and-yellow tail hanging off the cloud’s edge.

Pinkie and Maya were nowhere to be seen, but a sleeping Spike was sitting against one wall with a cup in his hand and a lampshade over his head, several ponies Phoenix didn’t know passed out around him, the remnants of a card game between them with Spike holding most of the chips. He saw Applejack’s hat but realized it was on another pony entirely; blinking a few times, he was finally able to pick out that she had snuggled against Soarin, who was wearing her hat even as she was somehow dressed in his flight suit.

At that moment, the door to a side room opened to reveal… “E-Edgeworth?” Phoenix gaped. His prosecutor friend was very disheveled and wore a dazed expression, his hair messy, vest and cravat off with his face and neck covered with purple lipstick marks. “What happened?”

Edgeworth stared at him uncomprehendingly for a moment, looking very confused. “I… I don’t know,” he admitted, his eyes going distant and voice shaky. “I don’t remember.” He rubbed his hand behind his head then pointed a shaky finger at him and Twilight, still entwined on the couch. “Did you and Twilight…?”

The reflexive denial caught in his throat with the realization that he didn’t know either. What… what happened? What did we DO? he wondered more than a little frantically, but his memories of the previous night got progressively more hazy the deeper into them he went, until they finally disappeared into an unrecognizable blacked-out blur.

At that moment, Twilight stirred to life at the sound of their voices. “Ow… my head!” she moaned, barely able to raise it off his chest. Then she became aware of his presence and her eyes snapped open. “Wha-Phoenix?” She realized their positions were compromising and hurriedly backed off him, stumbling hard, her legs getting tangled in his jacket and pulling it off him as she all but fell off the couch, tumbling down to the rough wooden floor that was somehow missing the plush rug that was normally there.

“Ow…” Twilight groaned again, the midday light as painful to her as it was to Phoenix as it streamed in through the open window. “What were we—?”

“I don’t know,” Phoenix admitted with an equally pained expression, noting with relief that his pants were still on but with equal trepidation that his belt and fly were undone. “Do you remember anything?” He held his breath, struggling to sit up and hurriedly buckling his belt before helping Twilight to her hooves, trying not to think of the implications.

Her brow furrowed and she squinted, like the act of memory itself was painful. “No,” she finally said, rubbing her temple with a hoof. “I… I don’t remember anything after the dance…”

“Mister… Phoenix?” Fluttershy’s voice was heard next, sounding confused as she stared at him from her inverted posture. “Why are you upside down?” she asked him earnestly.

Before he could answer, their attention was drawn upwards by a fresh moaning sound coming from the cloud Rainbow Dash was sleeping on. The other tail twitched, and then a sudden gasp was heard, followed by a yellow-and-orange streak out the window that marked a panicked departure, the pegasus traveling so fast Phoenix couldn’t make out their features.

Orange and yellow? Wait! Was that—? The thought was cut short as they heard Rainbow’s voice above them. “Huh? What?” she raised her head to look down at the human and ponies staring up at her. Her eyes were crossed and her mane even more messy than usual. “Um… was there somepony just up here?” she asked them all, feeling unsteady and finding it very hard to focus through the horrific hangover they all shared.

Phoenix and Twilight glanced at each other, and then shook their heads.

* * * * *

Lunch was light and mostly eaten in silence, aside from the occasional awkward look or comment.

Maya reappeared along with Pinkie and Vinyl, the former passing out water and painkiller potions while still being her usual bouncy self—does NOTHING faze her? Phoenix could only shake his head as he accepted the former but declined the latter—while Maya and Vinyl were visibly hung over and behaving slightly oddly as well, having trouble making eye contact with each other.

“So what happ—” Phoenix started to ask, hoping she—or him—wouldn’t be in trouble for underage drinking.

“Nothing!” Maya shouted a bit too loudly, causing everyone to grimace, their headaches freshly aggravated. “Just… don’t ask,” she requested as she rubbed her temples hard, taking her seat at the table.

“Okay, does anypony remember what happened last night?” Rainbow Dash finally asked as she munched on some plain hay to settle her upset system, still unable to shake the nagging feeling she’d been sleeping with somepony. And why do I keep thinking it had something to do with… ‘private lessons’? For some reason the phrase seemed to stick in her memory even though nothing else did.

“Not a clue,” Twilight admitted through her slowly fading headache, starting on her third glass of water. I have GOT to find out what Pinkie’s putting in that punch!

I do!” Rarity announced in a pleased voice, causing Edgworth to stiffen. She and Applejack looked the least haggard of all of them, Phoenix noted, and there’d been a spring in the former’s step as she came downstairs.

“Yeah? So what did you do last night, Rarity?” Applejack asked with a smirk.

“A lady never tells, darling,” she answered evenly, though Edgeworth flushed at the knowing look and wink she gave him. “And how was your time with Lieutenant Soarin?”

“A lady never tells, Rarity!” Applejack shot back.

“Well, you’re no lady, Miss Roll-in-the-Hay!” Rarity retorted, a teasing note in her voice.

Far from taking offense, Applejack’s grin got wider. “Well, Ah still ain’t telling ya, Rares!” the country mare announced, while Soarin himself looked like he just wanted to hide, nursing a massive hangover of his own.

* * * * *

The afternoon was spent cleaning up party debris, which too often included a still passed-out pony as well as one or two griffons. Spitfire eventually came by to collect Soarin, who expected to be given a dressing down by his superior for conduct unbecoming. But the fiery pegasus mare was visibly subdued and simply took him back to their quarters to rest, though not before Applejack whispered something in his ear that made his eyes widen, the country mare giving the Wonderbolt stallion a parting smack on the flank with her stetson as he departed.

“So what’cha tell him?” Rainbow Dash flew up and asked from her hover, her forelegs crossed and a grin on her face.

“Ain’t none o’ yer dang business, Rainbow!” Applejack replied jovially with a grin of her own.

At least SOME ponies are okay with whatever happened! Phoenix noted, still feeling incredibly awkward around Twilight, who could barely look at him in return.

Everyone was back in their usual beds that night and slept in long and hard the next day. Unable to remember what happened, by unspoken agreement all concerned simply let the matter drop.

Equestrian 500 Starting Line
June 24, 10:23 AM

Sunday dawned bright and clear as Ponyville once again became a beehive of activity, the day of the Equestrian 500—the very event that initially brought Phoenix to Equestria—finally at hoof.

Ponies crowded into the spectator stands and surrounding grounds as the morning wore on, including a very surprising visitor, which they were only made aware of when a somewhat large and new-looking but otherwise nondescript wagon suddenly exploded into a fireworks and light show, magically deploying itself into a stage as ponies came to see what the commotion was.

“Come ONE! Come ALL!” a male voice on a loudspeaker proclaimed as the stage was suddenly covered in an icy smoke or mist that materialized out of the very air around them. “See the greatest feats of magic ever performed by pony! Be dazzled! Be entertained! And above all, be prepared to witness the impossible, courtesy of your humble hosts!”

With that, there was a flash inside the mist Twilight recognized as a teleport, which was suddenly dispersed by a gust of wind to reveal: “Please welcome… The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie!” The showmare reared up, decked out for the first time since Rainbow’s trial in her trademark cape and hat, “performing together for the first time with her equally illustrious father!”

Her horn flared and there was a poof of pink smoke in which materialized… “The MIGHTY and MAGNIFICENT Mystral!” The earth pony stallion appeared, and then the pair then bowed low as one to the quickly assembling crowd.

Wow—bowing from TRIXIE? Twilight immediately noted, as well as the fact that she was openly using some of her ice and weather magic despite a few uncomfortable reactions from ponies in the crowd. And she’s got a new stage and everything! Guess she put that money to good use! And if her dad’s here, it’s a good guess she’s also going to behave herself a bit better, she decided, settling in with Phoenix and her friends to the front row, Applejack putting Pearl on her back so she could watch from above the crowd, the young human girl clapping wildly as she realized her beloved Mystic Trixie had kept her promise to give her a show.

The pair started off simply, with a few crowd-pleasers, Trixie letting her father take the lead. Though he was not a unicorn, Mystral was clearly an expert at sleight-of-hoof and misdirection tricks, and he knew how to work the crowd, playing to the watching foals and Pearl in particular. He wasn’t completely without magic either, wielding an array of enchanted artifacts that he could use to various effects, some of which even took Twilight by surprise.

Trixie herself had definitely amped up her routine, Twilight noted and even Applejack grudgingly admitted. She used more complicated tricks and illusions than she had before, alternating with and playing off her father’s acts. She also kept her condescension of the crowd to a minimum, though she couldn’t resist a few tweaks of Twilight and her friends, suggesting Spike was a pet dog and then electrifying Rarity’s mane so it stuck straight out from her head before freezing it in position, causing the fashionista to shriek in horror.

Later, she turned her attention on Phoenix and Edgeworth, a gleam in her eyes. “As you can see, nothing is impossible to the Great and Powerful Trixie! Watch as up becomes down! Left becomes right! Summer becomes winter! And defense attorneys become prosecutors!” With that, she grinned like she’d been saving the best for last and flared her horn, causing an odd sensation to wash over Phoenix as the showmare’s aura briefly took hold of him.

Everyone’s attention turned towards him and suddenly several gasps were heard, Pearl putting both hands over her mouth and gaping at him as Maya and Twilight blushed hard while Rarity passed out from shock. Huh? What did she— He had a very sinking feeling in his gut as he looked down and beheld himself… not in his usual attire, but something far worse: he was wearing burgundy slacks and jacket, a black vest and a white cravat. What? But that means… SHE…! BUT…! NO!!!!!

“Wh-WHAT?” he heard an appalled voice to his right and turned to realize that Edgeworth was equally aghast to find himself wearing Phoenix’s blue suit and red tie, stumbling back in horror.

“Me? A DEFENSE ATTORNEY?!!!??” The devout prosecutor recoiled at the very notion as Pinkie, Rainbow, and the rest of the audience around them collapsed in helpless laughter at the suit-swapped pair, both of whom ran back to the library to change, all but tearing off each other’s jacket along the way.

“Wright, let me ask you a question,” Edgeworth said as they changed as quickly as possible—Trixie had announced an intermission just as they left, telling the pair and her increasingly eager audience to ‘get some snacks and hurry back!’ “Must you wear your tie so tightly?”

Phoenix grimaced. “Let’s just say I decided that a little tightness was better than being too loose. One too many ties lost to mischievous classmates at school,” he explained. “And don’t take the knot out!”

“So you would rather be choked to death than replace something so cheap?” Edgeworth deadpanned.

“Not all of us make a High Proseuctor’s salary, Edgeworth,” Phoenix riposted. “Every cent is valuable to someone like me.”

“Regarding that,” Edgeworth said as he re-did his cravat, “Miss Fey mentioned that you’d been having difficulty finding work, prior to… well, this,” he waved his arm around their surroundings. “And that you have only ever received full payment from me. Why have you not pressed previous clients for your due?”

Phoenix sighed as he buttoned up his jacket. I don’t need to because I make enough money on the side playing poker! But he’s about the LAST person short of Maya I want to know about that! “Call me a bleeding heart if you want, Edgeworth, but if they don’t pay me right away, I usually trust that they have good reason. And let’s not forget who my first client was?”

“Ah,” Edgeworth mused as he remembered. “Well, I certainly understand you not getting payment from him…”

Properly dressed, the two returned to the venue in time to witness the resumption of the show. Mystral kicked things off again by building a life-sized ponyquin out of playing cards, much to the amazement of all present, and Trixie was soon playing off of that. To the nervousness of most of the adults, her eyes glowed blue as a patch of ice formed beneath her. Stepping off the ice with all but one hoof, she glanced at her father, who gave her a nod of encouragement, and then closed her eyes.

What’s she doing? Phoenix wondered as snow started to swirl around her, but he got his answer as the patch of ice expanded and grew, forming into a definitive shape. Everypony’s jaw dropped in amazement as Trixie’s magic crafted a larger-than-life ice sculpture of Princess Celestia, along with a slightly smaller alicorn made from darker-hued ice. The sculptures were so realistic, they even had Cutie Marks. Celestia had the sun, while the other alicorn had a crescent moon inside a darkened part of her flank.

That must be Princess Luna! Phoenix thought in some astonishment, recognizing her from official portraits. I haven’t gotten to meet her yet, though. And it looks like I might not get the opportunity.

Regardless of his inner thoughts, he started to applaud. This broke the stupor the crowd had fallen under, and soon the area was roaring with whinnies and hoofstomps at the showmare’s latest feat. Pearl in particular was cheering hard, jumping up and down in her excitement. “You’re amazing, Mystic Trixie!” she called with more enthusiasm than ever.

Trixie’s ear twitched, and she gave Pearl a smile; an honest-to-goodness smile, one not lined with scorn or malice. For the first time since he had known her, she seemed genuinely happy, and Phoenix realized, watching her, that this was Trixie as she was meant to be:

A performer in love with her art, and her audience.

* * * * *

As midday approached, the festivities in the courtyard wound down so the main event could begin; ponies and racers taking their places in the grandstands constructed for just that purpose.

With the National Equestrian Racing Federation (“N.E.R.F.?” Maya smirked when she was told the name) still consumed by scandal in the wake of the corruption revelations, the Equestrian 500 was being run unofficially with only around half the competitors originally scheduled to fly—the ones who had not been implicated in the cheating and bribery scandals uncovered during Sonata’s trial.

Though technically reduced to just an exhibition race, all the competitors were excited and promising their best efforts, now that they weren’t under blackmail threat and could finally have “A real race!” in the words of Cruise Control as he and Lenora gave a pre-race interview.

Phoenix was surprised when the pony/griffon pair sought him out an hour before the race began, bumping hooves and exchanging a forearm clasp with him under the above-ground starting line as cameras flashed. “I just wanted to thank you, Mister Wright, for not holding any grudge against me or pressing further charges after what I did to you. I still feel absolutely awful about it.” His expression became downcast, but Twilight noted quickly that he no longer descended to verbal self-flagellation like before.

Lenora answered before Phoenix could. “Don’t blame yourself, Cruise. All of us were victims of this,” he reminded her pony mate. “But that’s behind us now, thanks to Mister Wright and Twilight Sparkler here. No more holding back this time, right?” she asked with a grin as Twilight bit her lip hard, the smirk with which the line was delivered making her wonder if it was deliberate this time.

Cruise actually smiled, and Twilight’s heart warmed to see it, enough that she let Lenora’s latest mispronunciation of her name pass. “No, not anymore; that heavy burden is gone now. That is, thanks to you, Mister Wright.” He offered his hoof to Phoenix.

“My pleasure, Cruise,” Phoenix told him, bumping his fist back. “Take care of your sister, and consider yourself forgiven.”

“Promise,” he said, the group posing for pictures at the request of the reporters. But Rainbow couldn’t resist butting into the scene, darting in and landing between them, right where the cameras would capture her.

“Yeah, of course he forgives you; he’s really nice like that! I mean, Nix plays with baby toys in public and everything!” She smirked at him as the cameras flashed.

Twilight glanced at Phoenix, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “That ‘baby toy’ is part of what allowed Maya to summon a certain pony to chew you out, Rainbow. Shall we call her again to give you another pep talk?” she suggested mildly as Phoenix and Maya gave equally evil grins.

Rainbow’s demeanor went from smug to nervous in an instant. “Uh… heh-heh! I, uh, think I need to get dressed now. Later!” She flew off in a rainbow streak, trying not to look too panicked about it.

Cruise chuckled, even if he didn’t get the joke. “Thank you as well, Twilight, for knocking some sense into me. Telling me I was a good big brother? I really needed to hear that.” He bowed his head before her.

“You’re welcome. And you are, Cruise,” Twilight bumped her hoof to his, and then gave him a foreleg hug. “Best of luck to both of you.”

“Thanks, Twilight Sparkler! Okay. Let’s stop this moping around and get this show in the air!” Lenora said as they went back with Rainbow to get dressed in their flight suits; Phoenix and Twilight heading up to join their friends in the stands.

* * * * *

Right at noon, the starting gun—or actually, a signal flare fired from the horn of Princess Celestia herself—went off to mark the start of the Equestrian 500, a series of fireworks following as the racers streaked off into the distance, colored trails matching their fur or tails fading in their wake.

It was quite a production, Phoenix had to admit. Though the racers passed out of sight quickly, moving faster than any racecar he’d ever seen, they could still be seen from the grandstands via relayed telepathy and video projection spells similar to what Twilight had used in the trials, but on a far larger scale—he didn’t even want to think how many pegasi and unicorns it took to bring what amounted to a live telecast across a 500-mile race route back to the event viewers in Ponyville, but they pulled it off in fine fashion.

He watched from the stands with his friends and Twilight’s, munching on candy apples and caramel popcorn as they cheered on Rainbow. She was wearing a racesuit nearly as flashy as her mane, bright gold with red highlights, but the normally-cerulean mare was easily identifiable by her rainbow tail trailing out the back.

She shot out to an early lead but found she couldn’t sustain the pace, falling back into the middle of the pack and causing Phoenix to facepalm—dammit, Rainbow, I TOLD you to pace yourself! He shook his head as Pearl cheered enthusiastically for her new hero alongside Scootaloo while Applejack whipped her stetson around, shouting mingled insults and encouragement at Rainbow Dash even though she knew the other mare couldn’t hear her.

The race itself consisted of several legs through different terrain and environments, including several in-race obstacle courses. The one through “Ghastly Gorge” nearly gave him a heart attack as he saw the monstrous creatures they had to dodge, while another through a volcano, dodging fiery lava fountains and showers of cinders made him cringe.

Trixie’s right—why would ANYPONY with a sane mind want to race in a volcano??? Phoenix could only shake his head. For the prize, I guess? I just hope the money and the private lessons with the Wonderbolts are really worth it! he thought as he glanced back up at the royal reviewing booth, where Soarin and Spitfire were sitting at Celestia’s side, decked out in their formal uniforms and watching the racers carefully. Huh. I wonder if they use this race for recruiting?

They passed over mountains and inland seas, braving blizzards and tempests whipped up just for the race by pegasus weather teams. The final leg of the race took them over the Everfree Forest, and Phoenix was stunned to see a very ugly-looking thundercloud materialize right over the race route, causing an equally concerned Twilight to explain that the storm was unplanned—that the Everfree had ‘wild weather’ that pegasi couldn’t always anticipate or control.

Determined to protect their captain and remembering such a storm had resulted in a casualty the year before, the Ponyville weather patrol went to work, Phoenix watching through the projection spells as they braved lightning and ferocious winds to hurriedly corral the wayward supercell, but were not making much headway... until Twilight sensed a teleport into the woods followed by a massive surge of weather magic as Trixie intervened, bringing her elemental abilities to bear.

Mustering all her magic and straining her powers to the limit, Trixie succeeded in shunting the storm aside and giving the racers a path to the finish, the weather patrol cheering loudly for her and then for Rainbow as she passed.

In the end, through power and sheer determination, Rainbow fought through her fatigue and did break the previous race record held by Ace Swift, clocking in at just under two hours. But so did five other racers who finished ahead of her, including the winners, Lenora and Cruise Control, who made it a point to cross the finish line together, hoof in paw, shattering the old record by nearly eight minutes.

* * * * *

An hour later, the press and Ponyville fans gathered around the victor’s circle as the pony and griffon pair were named the official winners of the exhibition event by Princess Celestia, who personally presented them with their trophies and levitated the ceremonial wreaths around their necks.

They stood together in the winner circle as the other racers were awarded special medals just for finishing the grueling race, etched with their own individual cutie marks or griffon family crest. Once all had been given, Celestia called out a surprised Trixie to thank her for ‘ensuring the safety of the racers’, saying she had a ‘rare and remarkable gift’ Luna herself would appreciate.

Stunned silent at the royal recognition and the appreciative applause that followed, all the mare magician could think to do was bow as her beaming father looked on. Finally, the Equestrian and Griffon Kingdom anthems were played; Lenora and Cruise standing proud through them and then later as they were congratulated by Spitfire and Soarin.

“Sure we can’t convince you to join the Wonderbolts, Cruise?” Spitfire asked him after he declined the prize of a private lesson, awarding it instead to the ‘most promising young flyer’ he’d ever seen—a sweaty but stunned Rainbow Dash, who looked like she wanted to kiss him when she heard the news. “I think you’d make a fine one.”

Cruise grinned but shook his head. “Thank you, Captain. But I’m a racer, and my heart belongs to the racetrack—and to her!” With that, he turned to Lenora and raised a hoof to her chin, tilting her head upwards to kiss her deeply to the thunderous applause of all present.

Sweet Apple Acres
June 24th, 9:13 PM

Dinner that night, the final one before their departure, was held at Applejack’s family farm at Sweet Apple Acres; a veritable feast of vegetarian treats served with a heaping helping of Apple Family hospitality.

Phoenix found Granny Smith a little odd but interesting, with some remarkable and occasionally harrowing stories to tell of Timberwolves and Ponyville’s founding, while Applejack did most of the cooking, serving up hearty dishes of baked apples and grits paired with some surprisingly good corn-on-the-cob and roasted vegetables—all of which were eagerly devoured by Rainbow; the famished mare having second, third and even fourth helpings to replenish the energy she’d lost in the race.

Dessert was apple pie, to little surprise of Phoenix, and talk over it soon turned to Rainbow’s trial, which seemed almost impossibly distant even though it had barely been ten days since it ended.

“Have to admit, Ah didn’t think much of you after that first day of trial, Phoenix Wright. Reckon Ah really did wanna rip ya a new one,” Applejack addressed Phoenix, causing Maya to grin and Edgeworth to smirk at his old friend. “But, Ah guess you really showed me! Ah mean, you got Rainbow off the hook ‘n everything. Never seen the likes of what you did in that courthouse!”

Phoenix tensed a bit despite her compliments. “You don’t still want to ‘smack me upside the head’, do you?”

Applejack just shrugged. “After what you did for Rainbow and everypony else? Nah. But one thing, though.”

“And that is?” He held his breath.

She hesitated briefly before explaining. “Well, it’s not so much about you as that Judge o’ yers. He visited the farm a couple days ago, and well… he’s a nice feller ‘n all but can you kindly tell Ol’ Beardy to…” she trailed off again.

“To what?” Phoenix prompted, exchanging glances with Maya and Edgeworth, all of them wondering what issue she could possibly have with The Judge.

“To…” Applejack thought for a minute, only to shake her head. “Dagnabit, how do Ah put this? Help me out, Big Mac?” she asked, turning to her big older brother, who hadn’t said a word all night.

Surprised, Phoenix and the others turned to him. Big Macintosh talking? This should be good!

At her prompting, the large red earth pony raised his head and looked around. “Well, now. Reckon what my sister Applejack is trying to say is, this Judge character is prancing about shoving his love for Equestria in everypony’s faces, and that’s just a tad overbearing to everypony around him,” he began, causing Phoenix and everybody who wasn’t an Apple to drop their jaws open; even Edgeworth had a dumbfounded expression as the normally silent stallion spoke.

“We’re pleased he likes Equestria and enjoys our company, but also reckon there ain’t no need for him to say so each and every time he sees us. It’s okay to take pride in what you like, but that doesn’t mean you should proclaim it as loudly as possible as often as you can. Reckon ya’ll can agree that’s just a tad annoying and ingratiating, to say nothing of just a tiny bit disrespectful to your hosts.

“Sharing opinions and learning more about each other’s differences is where Harmony and understanding come from, but it can’t be a one-sided affair like he’s been making it. So after a couple weeks of being here in Equestria, we’d just appreciate it if he’d be a bit more mindful of how he’s coming across, is all.”

Applejack nodded even as their guests continued to gape. “Yeah! What he said. Thanks, Big Mac!”


Golden Oaks Library
June 25th, 8:02 AM

After a late night at Applejack’s farm, Phoenix had another good night’s sleep, reflecting that he’d gotten good at sleeping on mattresses and other sleeping surfaces that were too short for him. He stayed in the guest room again while Edgeworth took a reading lounge—the same one they’d originally arrived in.

Pearl was spending one last night with the Apples while Maya spent hers with Vinyl. Edgeworth had gone out for a walk and tea in the park as was his morning custom, but promised he would return in time for breakfast, which Twilight’s friends had already gathered for at the Golden Oaks Library. There was a knock at the door that they assumed was Edgeworth returning, but they opened it to see...

“Trixie?” Twilight blinked, then gave her rival a slightly wary look, noting with some surprise she was without her cape and hat, suddenly wondering if she was about to be challenged. “Have you come to see Phoenix before he leaves?”

The showmare gave her a look. “Get serious, Sparkle. Trixie was actually looking for Mister Wrong before he left. Because Trixie is leaving too! Oh, not to say goodbye or anything.”

Perish the thought, Phoenix didn’t say, stepping forward. “So, what can I do for you, Trixie?”

Trixie hesitated. “Well, Trixie wishes you to pass on a message to Miles Edgeworth. Trixie missed the opportunity to see him in court, and would like to see if he could pass along his notes and evidence. For future reference, in the event I reclaim my badge, I would like to see how he did things so I can improve my own courtroom performance.”

Phoenix blinked. Trixie admitting she could improve? Wow! “Very well, I’ll make sure he knows. By the way, Trixie, your pre-race show at the Equestrian 500 was amazing! If you ever did something like that on my world, you could probably play Broadway venues.”

He paused, about to try and correct ‘Broadway’ into something pony-related, but Trixie’s widening eyes interrupted him. She managed to control herself, though. “S-stop teasing Trixie, Wrong. There’s no way something like that would happen.”

Phoenix shook his head. “I’m not teasing, Trixie. Your abilities are something that no one in my world has ever seen before. You’d probably have to get a few props so that the stage owners don’t wonder how you’re doing it, but the fortune and fame you’d earn would probably make a prosecutor’s salary look pale in comparison.”

Trixie opened her mouth a few times before finally speaking. “Trixie will keep that in mind, should she ever deign to set hoof in your world, Wrong."

Rainbow snorted. “Which will probably be never!”

Twilight headed off an argument before it could begin. “You know, since Phoenix is leaving soon, we were planning on taking a commemorative photo. You should join us, Trixie!”

Trixie looked startled for a moment, then schooled her expression. “Trixie supposes it would not be a true commemorative photo without her. She will indulge you just this once, Snarkle.”

“Excellent!” Twilight said, clapping her hooves together. “Does anypony have a camera?”

“I do, but it’s out of power. I can’t recharge it until I get home.” Phoenix gave an apologetic shrug.

Twilight’s expression dropped. “So none of you have one?

“I do, but it’s back at home. I can go get it if you want?” Fluttershy suggested softly.

“That’s fine! Reckon we can wait a bit,” Applejack offered.

“Bah!” Trixie dismissed the suggestion with a single word and wave of her hoof, causing the others to look at her.

In response, Trixie materialized a camera with a flare of her horn: “You can just use the one the investigation team gave Trixie. They never did ask for it back.”

Fluttershy’s eyes lit up. “Oh! Thank you. That’s very kind of you.”

Trixie blinked and looked at the yellow pegasus like she’d just been told she’d been born on another planet. “Kind?”

“Um… yes?” Fluttershy offered tentatively while Trixie seemed surprised and uncertain.

“Trixie?” Twilight prompted, struggling to keep the smile off her face.

The showmare shook her head sharply as if to clear it. “I… it’s… look, just take the stupid camera!” She floated it to Twilight.

Fluttershy cringed slightly. “O-okay…”

Twilight gave a quick chuckle and shared a knowing smile with Phoenix, floating the camera out in front of them and setting the timer as her friends and Phoenix gathered around her. “Alright, everypony! Say cheese!”

Trixie gave her a look, and to Twilight’s surprise, so did the rest of her friends. “Say ‘cheese’? How old are you, Snarkle? Four?” the mare magician asked with a smirk.

Twilight’s expression dropped. “Oh. Well, I—”

“It is kind of cliche,” Fluttershy reluctantly concurred.

Rarity nodded as well. “I have to agree, Twilight. Saying ‘cheese’ is a little, well, cheesy.”

“Yeah, Twilight. You did sound kind of lame.” Spike spoke up for the first time.

Twilight took on a grumpy look. “Okay! I get it! Sheesh! So what do you suggest we say then? And Spike, when did you get here?” she looked down at her scribe.

Spike crossed his arms and put on an indignant air. “I was here the whole—”

“Oh! I know exactly what we should say! Truly, there is only one word that would be appropriate to the occasion!” Rarity broke in.

“Hmm? Ooh, you mean that word!” Phoenix grinned.

Twilight’s eyes lit up. “Ah! I know what word you’re talking about!”

For once, Rainbow wasn’t slow on the uptake, giving a wide grin and to Phoenix’s surprise, draping a foreleg around his shoulders from her hover. “Yeah, and I gotta say, I was totally dying to say it my whole trial!”

“I even got to say it once. It made me feel so strong!” Fluttershy giggled.

“Yeah, me too! Sure is a powerful word!” Applejack agreed. “Let’s use it!”

Trixie put on an insufferable air, but the corners of her mouth betrayed the barest hint of a smile. “The GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie doesn’t see anything special about it. But if we must…” she took her place at the right end of the group, beside Twilight.

Pinkie Pie started jumping up and down to Phoenix’s left. “Oh, this is going to be so much fun! I love saying funny words!”

“Then get ready, everypony!” Twilight triggered the timer as Spike climbed on her back.

They counted down together: “3… 2… 1…”

The camera flashed.

* * * * *

The picture taken, Twilight invited Trixie to breakfast over the distasteful and disapproving looks of her friends, but to their relief, the showmare deferred, saying she was leaving town but did want to speak with “Mister Wrong” one last time, teleporting outside the treehouse to wait for him.

Surprised, Phoenix followed her outside, catching a glimpse of her hurriedly writing something with a quill pen that disappeared with a flare of her horn.

“What did you want, Trixie?” he asked, hands clasped in front of him.

To his surprise, she glared at him. “I want you! To take! All! This! Stupid! Evidence!” She stuffed a series of items he recognized as the evidence from Rainbow Dash’s trial into Gilda’s old satchel. “Trixie doesn’t want it! Keep it all as a souvenir! Frame it on your wall for all Trixie cares! Trixie is leaving Ponyville as well and wishes to purge her mind of this backwater hicktown! Nothing but bad memories here!

“So start by taking out this trash, garbage boy! You said one man’s trash is another’s treasure, so see if you can find any in here!” She magically shoved the bag into his hands, though there was an odd, even impish gleam in her eyes.

You’re not fooling anyone, Trixie! Phoenix suppressed an eyeroll, recognizing that her ill temper was—for once—just a bit too forced, deciding that whatever she was doing, he’d play along. “Fine, I’ll take it. So what are you going to do now?”

She looked away for a moment, then back at him. “I’m going on tour with my father. Our show at the race went well, so we’re going to take our act on the road. Maybe get some good publicity and then see if we can make it in Las Pegasus again.”

So she’ll get some bonding time with her father and maybe learn more about giving shows? Good, Phoenix decided, nodding approvingly. “I know you want to get out of here, but would you at least say goodbye to Pearls? You know how much she admires you.”

That stopped Trixie short. “I… well…” The showmare went nervous and seemed to be groping for words. “I need to leave, but… tell her that… ‘Mystic Trixie’ thanks her for liking her. I don’t get why she likes me or my powers so much, but… it helps that someone does.” With that, she was gone in a flash of light.

“Well, that’s gratitude for ya!” Applejack said with a disgusted look, having watched with the rest of the group from the windows and doorway. “Is a simple ‘thank you’ beyond her? And Ah can’t believe she wouldn’t say goodbye to Pearly! Her one real fan! Celestia knows why!”

Phoenix felt compelled to speak up. “Well, it might be because I’m still fairly new here, but I’m with Pearls on this one. I think Trixie’s magic’s amazing and her show was very entertaining.” Getting my suit switched with Edgeworth’s aside…

Twilight grinned even though the others gave him shocked looks. “I agree, but it wasn’t so much because of her magic as her attitude. She wasn’t doing all the name-calling and boasting this time, or even just now. When she did play pranks or call us names, she was doing it more for audience laughs. Maybe it was her father’s influence, but I honestly think she’s finally on the road to a better lifestyle.”

Rarity was scarcely less angry than Applejack. “What are you talking about, Twilight? That conceited, ill-mannered, unsavory degenerate froze my mane and called me ‘Nag-ity’!” Her cheeks went red. “I’m not a nag!”

“And did you hear what she said to me? She said Ah should lend mahself out as a rodeo clown!” Applejack brought her hoof down hard. “Ah was this close to cleaning her clock two ways into tomorrow! ‘Better lifestyle’ my hoof!”

Twilight spoke for Phoenix. “Baby steps, girls. Baby steps.”

Golden Oaks Library
June 25, 6 PM

Seems like I just arrived... Phoenix thought as the hour of their departure finally drew near. It was a workday, so they had elected to wait until day’s end to make sure everypony who wanted to say goodbye would be able to, and they would in turn be able to spend some quality time with their new friends before leaving. If time flew by, I guess that means I had fun?

For his part, Phoenix made one last visit to the gym and day spa, having greatly enjoyed the attention and efforts of Aloe and Lotus whenever he went to the latter, but he spent the bulk of his day with Twilight, just walking and chatting with her.

He treated her with his last bits to lunch, which seemed to surprise her judging by her suddenly red cheeks—he would later learn because mares were supposed to treat stallions, not the other way around—and they had one more talk about things, agreeing that even if it was possible to stay in touch or visit once he was back home, it would be best to step back from each other for a while and see how they felt after some time and distance. Though they reached the decision jointly, Twilight seemed to Phoenix to be a little disappointed, leaving him the impression that she’d perhaps been half-hoping for an end-of-stay tryst.

The problem is, we might have already had one! Phoenix shifted uncomfortably, remembering how they’d woken up from the party. And I’m still not sure how I feel about that!

The afternoon passed quickly for all. Maya hung out with Pinkie and Vinyl as Edgeworth went off with Rarity for his own talk, the pair finding a secluded area of the park to have a heart-to-heart.

Love to be a fly on that wall! Phoenix thought as he saw them go off to talk things out. But whatever was said between them, they came back together and shared tea as a very prim and proper couple, leaving Phoenix wondering if he’d ever be able to pry the story out of Edgeworth of what was discussed. Pearl was finally delivered by the CMC wagon to the library once again filthy, apparently having had one last romp with her new friends. Phoenix sent her up to bathe and her clothes with Spike to the gym laundromat, noting that the scribe seemed royally sick of clothes washing duties.

At 6 PM, the group gathered in the Golden Oaks Library one last time. It seemed half the town had joined them; the audience consisting of acquaintances and well-wishers as well as new friends. Even Twilight’s brother appeared, though he very carefully kept to the background, just making sure Twilight had seen him, giving Phoenix a brief nod he returned.

The crown itself was represented in the form of Delta Requiem, who was wearing her formal cloak for the occasion and presented both Phoenix and Edgeworth with Royal Certificates of Appreciation. Though glad to see her again, Phoenix found his attention was drawn more to her assistant, a tawny gold earth pony mare with curly green hair, orange eyes and a five-star cutie mark, who he noticed seemed to be giving him strangely appraising looks. She caught his eye and smiled at him, causing a shiver to pass through him.

Who IS that? he suddenly wondered, uncertain why he was getting such an odd feeling from her.

Twilight gave Shining Armor a grateful look as she completed her preparations, drawing a larger version of the circle she’d originally used to summon Phoenix on the ground floor of the library. “Teleportation circle,” she explained as Spike gathered some reagents. “It takes much less energy to send a willing someone out than to summon an unwilling someone here, so I’ll be able to send all four of you home in sequence, one after the other,” she promised. “The triple summon I did earlier left a magical nexus in your office that should still be strong enough to lock on to, so I’ll be sending you back to that point. You don’t have to do anything except stand in the circle.”

“Sounds good, but you’re not gonna lose us to the ‘interdimensional ether’, are you Sparkle?” Maya smirked.

“Give me a little credit, Maya!” Twilight smirked back, though she sensed she was being more teased than anything else. “I have done this before.”

Finally, the time arrived. With everypony gathered, Twilight stepped to the center of the room and announced she had something to share with everypony—her friendship report to Princess Celestia.

Oh, yeah—I remember she mentioned that before. Wonder what a ‘friendship report’ is, exactly? Phoenix pondered as she cleared her throat and began to speak, reciting from an unrolled scroll:

Friendship Report

Dear Princess Celestia,

I learned something these past two weeks from the most unlikely pony: Trixie. I thought about something she said and I think she’s right. Friendship is unnecessary—in the same sense that things like art, poetry, and music are. True, we don’t need it to survive like food and water, but rather, it’s one of those things that gives our lives greater value and meaning.

It gives us a reason to push forward. It allows us to achieve feats of strength and valor we never thought we had in us, in order to protect the ones we care about. It teaches us that by uniting, even the biggest problems can be overcome. And that’s where Trixie was wrong. Ironically, that “word” she mocked ended up saving the day… and Rainbow. And Sonata. And ultimately, even Trixie herself.

That’s the Magic of Friendship, and it should never be underestimated. It can lead to redemption, affords second chances and gives hope when all seems lost. It can save and it can heal; it can bring together the most unlikely of beings… and sometimes turn them into something more.

Your Faithful Student,

—Twilight Sparkle

“It’s perfect,” Phoenix acknowledged, noting she had turned her shining eyes on him as she read her last sentence. “Those are words of wisdom we can all heed.” With that, she passed the scroll to Spike, who nodded and breathed fire on it, sending it along to the Princess.

Edgeworth was the first to return home, but he didn’t leave empty-handed. He was given an exquisite new tea set by Rarity and plenty of high-quality tea to go with it, as well as an Equestrian chess set from Twilight conditional on someday getting a rematch.

“It would be my pleasure, Miss Sparkle,” he acknowledged with a rare grin, giving her his trademark bow. His parting with Rarity was slightly stiff, but he did give her a low bow, publicly thanking her for helping with his investigation, saying he was ‘glad to have met her’.

Wow—I wonder if Rarity realizes how big a compliment that is coming from Edgeworth! Phoenix couldn’t help but think, but judging by her beaming face and the nod of respect they exchanged as Edgeworth took his place in the teleportation circle, he decided that she did.

Twilight’s horn flared, causing an ethereal white bubble to rise up from the edges of the circle and envelop Edgeworth, turning quickly opaque. When it had faded a few seconds later, the prosecutor was gone and Rarity released a pent-up tear.

Next up was Pearl, who was given a calligraphy set by Spike and generally plied with toys, sweets and her favorite apple treats, but she seemed most happy at the burgundy cape with patched-on blue-and-gold pony emblem she was given by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, along with the news that she was now and forever an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader. She hugged her three filly friends hard one last time before taking her place within the circle to be sent back home with another flare of Twilight’s horn.

Maya came third, her smartphone now loaded with new music she’d worked on with Vinyl, and she was given a big container of her favorite rock candy by Pinkie. “Aw, Nick… do we have to go home?” she all but whined, making Phoenix and Twilight glance at each other and chuckle.

Quite a change from a week ago! “You know we can’t stay, Maya,” Phoenix reminded her. “There’s plenty of clients who’ll need us and cases yet to fight.”

“Yeah, I know, it’s just… “ she trailed off, rubbing her hand behind her head. “Well, anyway—I’m waiting, V-Jay!” she turned to Vinyl, calling her by the new nickname she’d come up with.

“Huh? Waiting for what, Miss ‘Mystic’?” Vinyl asked in a bantering tone that suggested to Phoenix she was deliberately playing dumb.

“Aw, come on, Vinyl. You promised!” Maya insisted in a pouting tone, though she seemed to realize the unicorn DJ was just teasing her.

“Okay, okay. You earned it,” Vinyl grinned, then removed her shades to reveal her red eyes and flared her horn. Her aura concentrated around Maya’s head, and when the teenage mystic had likewise removed her shades, Phoenix started to see her irises had taken on Vinyl’s dark red hue!

“Cool!” she admired herself in a floated mirror, delighting in Phoenix’s flinch. “How long will this last?”

“Just a few days, sorry,” Vinyl explained apologetically. “Magical transformations are never permanent.”

“Short of ascending to an alicorn, she’s right, Maya,” Twilight confirmed. “But a small change like that could last you a week!”

“Enough time to enjoy it and show it off to all my friends? This is so going on Facebook soon as I get back!” She hugged Vinyl and Pinkie together for the last time, waving goodbye as she was sent home, leaving Phoenix alone in Equestria once again.

Phoenix was plied with gifts as well. His gym friends gave him a light blue winter cap with ‘PAPA’ stitched in red thread on the side, saying it was inspired by the fact he seemed to be a bit of a father figure to Maya and Pearls, and it was to otherwise ‘keep his mane warm’.

But it never snows in L.A.! Well, it’s the thought that counts, right? Guess I could at least add it to my poker disguise! he decided—while Applejack gave him the red ribbon that tied off her mane and a small cask of her family’s ‘special reserve’ cider—“Fer special occasions only, ya hear?” she admonished him—as well as a bushel of apples to take back.

The Cakes gave him a large bag of his favorite coffee brew while Pinkie added a box of her trademark cupcakes to his rapidly growing gift pile, plus a rock painted pink with her cutie mark, if slightly sloppily. “From my family’s farm! Just a little something to remember me by!” she offered as she jumped up and down in front of him.

Phoenix laughed. “Trust me, Pinkie, I don’t think I could ever forget you!” he told her, but hugged her hard all the same, his face briefly buried in her cotton candy-colored and scented mane.

She hugged him back, her hair falling flat for a moment as her expression went genuinely sad. “I can’t believe it’s over already. But don’t worry! There’s already a sequel in the works! Maybe it’ll be called ‘Justice for Everypony!’ No! No! ‘My Little Investigations!’ No wait! I got it! ‘Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: The Revenge of Wob Niar’!” she said with increasing eagerness, her hair poofing back up.

“It’s going to be super-duper mongo fun! I call top billing!” she announced to everypony as she went back into the crowd, leaving a slightly befuddled Phoenix behind.

Next up was Rarity, who gave him a large boxed package. “Your new suit is ready, Mister Wright! And it’s some of my best work!” she announced proudly. He started to open it, but she stopped him with a hoof on his arm. “Not now, but when the time is right,” she told him with a twinkle. “And when it is? I promise this suit will make you look like a million bits!”

He thanked her as graciously as he could, and then decided to give her one final thrill, kneeling down to kiss her hoof again, causing a fresh eruption of giggles and gasps as Rarity all but swooned.

“Excuse me. Mister Phoenix?” Fluttershy came up to him next, acting even more bashful than usual. “I just wanted to give you…” She took a breath and pulled one of her large and apparently previously shed yellow feathers out of her bag.

Phoenix didn’t understand why there was a stunned reaction from the ponies, none more so from Rainbow, whose jaw fell open. “Fluttershy? Are you sure you want to do that?” a startled Twilight asked as Phoenix looked on in some confusion.

“I do,” she nodded, going up to him and presenting her feather. “Pegasi only give their primary feathers to special someponies, Mister Phoenix. And for saving my friends and doing so much for them, I don’t think there’s any somepony more special than you,” she told him, blushing slightly.

“But that’s not what it—” Rainbow finally overcame her speechlessness, only to fall silent again as Twilight stopped her with a smiling shake of her head.

Phoenix took the feather in his hand and smiled himself, touched beyond measure by the gesture. “Hug?” he asked her, opening his arms; in response she blushed and grinned, rearing up to do so. He embraced her gently, being very careful to not touch her flight muscles and wings. He couldn’t help but be reminded one last time of how truly wonderful and beautiful she was, doubly so when she stretched out her neck to give him a peck on the cheek.

“Be well and visit again soon, Mister Phoenix. My animals will miss you, too!” she told him, leaving Phoenix once again feeling like he’d met an actual angel.

Rainbow remained beside herself, but went up to him anyway. “Well, dude… sorry, but I ain’t givin’ you one of my feathers! I like you, but not like that!” she insisted, still shocked by the gesture. “But I do have something for you.” She passed him a small and rather crudely wrapped box with her hoof. “Go on, open it!”

He did so and found… a large copper-colored medal and attached ribbon. The former was engraved with Rainbow’s cutie mark; it took him only a second to place where he’d seen it before. “Rainbow, this is—”

“It’s my medal for finishing the Equestrian 500,” she confirmed. “I wouldn’t have been able to race in it without you, Nix. Hay, I wouldn’t be here without you.” She looked to Phoenix like she wanted to say or do something more, but settled on offering him her hoof. “So, well, I think you earned this more than me. And I just wanted to say… thanks. For everything.” She rubbed her hoof behind her head after he bumped it, blushing lightly.

“Is that all, Rainbow?” Twilight prompted, recognizing from her growing blush that it wasn’t.

“I’m not the touchy-feely type, okay?” she insisted, her cheeks going from rose to red.

Oh, really? Phoenix smiled, remembering her nearly crushing him in her embrace after the Not Guilty verdict. “How about another ‘victory hug’ then? Just be a bit more gentle this time?”

Rainbow looked surprised. “Oh! Uh… yeah, I guess I could do that,” she offered tentatively, lifting off into a hover and embracing him somewhat stiffly. But lest anypony think she was sentimental, she suddenly reached up and gave his head a hard hoof noogie, trying to mess up his hair to the laughter of the ponies watching.

“Ow! Rainbow!” Phoenix protested but only half-heartedly, sensing it was a show of affection from her, the only one she’d really allow herself in public. “Well, take care of yourself and your friends, okay?” he instructed her, and Rainbow promised she would, giving him one more quick hard hug from behind before retreating.

“I have something for you too, Phoenix,” Twilight approached him last and passed him a small box tied with a violet ribbon that caused some excited whispers to rise from the gallery; Rarity giggling delightedly while Rainbow Dash elbowed Applejack, whispering something in her ear that caused the country mare to smirk and nod in agreement. “It’s not much, but I’m going to ask that you not open it until you get back.” She blushed hard as she realized some ponies, including most of her friends, had already guessed what she was giving him.

“Oh. Okay. Well then… thank you, Twilight. I guess this is it.” He rubbed the back of his head, feeling suddenly sad, looking over the library treehouse and his pony friends for what he feared might be the last time.

“I guess so,” Twilight agreed with the identical gesture, before suddenly blushing again. “Hug?” she echoed his request to Fluttershy.

He smiled and opened his arms, letting her rear up and lean into him, wrapping his arms around her barrel.

“Thank you so much for everything, Phoenix!” she told him, soaking up as much of his presence and warmth as she could. “But I guess it’s time to say goodbye, now...”

“Yeah...” Phoenix replied in an equally subdued voice.

She didn’t break the embrace, and neither did he. “I wish you could stay a bit longer, so we could get to know each other outside of investigating and trials. I’ve learned a lot from you, though!” she told him. More than I could ever have imagined!

“I do have a life and legal career back home, Twilight,” he reminded her, feeling sad himself at the knowledge the moment of their parting was finally at hand. I’m just like Maya—first I couldn’t wait to go home, and now I don’t want to leave! “There are going to be clients who need me. Besides, I can’t let Edgeworth win every case!” he added with a wry grin.

Twilight giggled. “Good luck! Anyone who ends up with you as a lawyer is really lucky. No, anyone who ends up with you as a friend is really lucky!” she quickly amended her statement. “Let’s keep it that way! Even if you’re far away from us, the others and I won’t forget you, and I hope you won’t you forget you have friends over here either. We’ll always be friends in each other’s hearts, and that is the most wonderful thing about friendship! It’s everlasting, and you’re never truly alone, and even if we’re a world apart I think it can transcend—”

Twilight! Stop with the sappy stuff! I think he gets it!” Spike called out.

“I’m just trying to make a meaningful goodbye, Spike!” she shot over her shoulder.

“Then just say goodbye already!” he pleaded, wanting to reclaim the library and Rarity from their guests.

Twilight sighed. “I guess you’re right,” she admitted before turning back to Phoenix. “Well, this is it. Maybe we can see each other again someday?” she asked hopefully.

“I’d like that,” Phoenix replied. “But please don’t pull me back here without warning next time, okay?” he asked, giving her another wry grin.

“Promise,” Twilight said, and then, realizing she was down to her last moments with him, decided to take the chance. “Goodbye, Phoenix Wright,” she hugged him again but raised her head and stretched her neck out a little, her eyes glittering hopefully, leaving Phoenix no doubt what she was inviting him to do. Should I? Could I? he suddenly wondered. Is it really a good idea? I kind of want to, but in the end, I still don’t know if this is real or—.

From the front row of spectators, Delta Requiem read his indecision. Rolling her eyes, she turned away slightly, covering her mouth with a hoof while singing softly under her breath.

Phoenix and Twilight’s eyes went wide as their lips abruptly found each other’s, warmth and tingling blossoming where they met. The barrier of resistance finally broken, they pushed into each other, kissing deeply as the surrounding ponies cheered loudly, Twilight settling deeper into his embrace and Phoenix running his hand through her mane and fur.

When they finally came up for air, Twilight was blushing deeply, surprise and delight on her face. She shot Delta a grateful smile as the other mare gave her a wink back, Phoenix now finding he didn’t ever want to let Twilight go. They held each other tightly for a few seconds more before finally, reluctantly, parting. Steeling herself, Twilight stepped back outside the summoning circle and, with tears in her eyes, cast the spell to send him home.

Goodbye, Phoenix Wright… Twilight sent her thoughts and very heart after him as he disappeared behind the white energy bubble. As Celestia is my witness, I’ll find a way to see you again!

Los Angeles
Wright and Co. Law Office
June 25th, 6:26 PM

The return trip was much easier on him than the one there, and as he watched the library around him dissolve only to be replaced by the familiar confines of his office, Phoenix couldn’t help but exhale loudly. “What an ordeal, but I’m finally back home.”

“Nick!” Maya called out from the sofa where she’d been awaiting his return impatiently; Edgeworth and Pearl were not present though he could hear noises coming from the washroom and private lounge that Pearl often played in.

“Hey, Maya! I see you made it back—”

“Don’t ‘Hey Maya’ me, Nick! Took you a while! So just what were you doing back there?” she said suspiciously, noting a few purple fur strands on his jacket.

“Saying goodbye,” he replied with a perfunctory tone, “to everypony. You can see how much they gave me.” He motioned to the array of boxes and gifts at his feet before stepping over them to plug his phone into the charger on his desk, turning it on for the first time in over a week.

“Yeah,” she conceded, sensing from his warning look that he would not welcome any probing questions about Twilight. Well, whatever happened with Sparkle, it’s not like we’re ever going to see her or any of the other ponies again, she thought, only to realize the thought actually made her sad. Guess I really will miss Pinkie and Vinyl!

“So now that we’re back, where are we going to tell everypony—er, everyone we were?” Maya’s eyes went wide and hand went to her mouth as she realized that the pony manner of speech had infected her as well. Better stop that before I see my friends again!

“Same as I originally told you. We’ll just say we were called out of country on a case.” He shrugged as he turned on and listened to some of the voicemail messages on his phone, frowning as they played. “By the way, about your new slogan for our law office?”

“Oh, yeah! It attracted a lot of business, didn’t it?” she crossed her arms and grinned.

Phoenix shook his head. “No, just telemarketers.” He turned on the speaker to let her hear an advertisement for an onion slicer.

Maya harrumphed. “That’s because you probably said it like an old man! You need to put some oomph into it!” She cleared her throat and pantomimed answering the phone. “Wright and Co. Law Office! Defending you like it’s nuttin’, baby!”

Phoenix gave her a look. “Old Man? I’m still in my twenties!”

At that moment, Edgeworth returned from the washroom, wiping his hands and rolling his eyes. “And this, Wright, is why I work alone.”

Phoenix broke out into a grin. “Not counting Miss Rarity?” he asked, delighting in seeing Edgeworth flush.

“Missing your favorite marshmallow treat already, Edgey-Poo?” Maya added with a lopsided grin of her own as she started looking through the mail. “I’ll bet she’s a lot more lively than Oldbag!”

His flush intensified. “You two are never going to let me live her down, are you?” He rubbed his eyes.

Maya’s grin got wider as Phoenix just smiled and shook his head. “Not in a million years, ‘darling’,” the former mimed Rarity’s intonations surprisingly well before her smile abruptly dropped and her brow furrowed. “Uh… Nick?” she sounded puzzled as she pulled one envelope out of the ten days of accumulated correspondence. “There’s something odd for you here. Something that was just overnighted from Switzerland via certified mail.”

“Switzerland?” he blinked.

“Yeah.” Maya stared at it. At his nod, she opened it and quickly scanned its contents, only to nearly drop them. “N-Nick…” Her voice went unsteady, her tone strangely giddy.

He froze. “What’s wrong?”

In response, she passed it to him with a visibly shaking hand. Confused, he plucked it out of her grasp, looked and nearly dropped it himself:

It was a cashier’s check, drawn on an overseas bank and made out to him, as good as a briefcase full of cash. His hands shook as he looked it over again, certain he’d read it incorrectly. There was an attached letter as well, written on a small piece of very ornate scroll paper tied off with a wax seal, bearing Celestia’s symbol and written in the flawless script of the Sun Princess herself:

“Is this thing real?” Maya glanced between the letter and check, staring at the latter like it might disappear.

“It appears to be.” Edgeworth was equally surprised as he examined the check from multiple angles, searching for and finding its watermark and security strip, but still uncertain. “Though I’m not sure how I feel about knowing there are Equestrian ‘interests’ on Earth.”

Phoenix wasn’t sure either, but coming on the heels of his kiss with Twilight and being so handsomely compensated, he was in too good a mood to care. “Well, we can worry about that later. Guess burgers are on me, as usual?”

“Hell yeah!” Maya said eagerly.

“A burger?” Edgeworth raised an eyebrow. “Really, Wright. For such a princely sum, I would say a steakhouse is in order! After a week or more in Equestria, I think we all have an intense craving for red meat to satisfy.”

“I’ll second that!” Maya rubbed her suddenly-growling belly. “Prime rib, here I come! I’ll make the reservations and call a taxi. Or better yet, a limo!” She started hurriedly punching in information to her tablet as Edgeworth made a few calls on his phone to make sure the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office didn’t think he was dead.

Phoenix left them to it as he went to start organizing his souvenirs. The food went to his office refrigerator while his new toboggan cap and the as-yet unrevealed new suit he placed in his closet, leaving the latter in its box.

Rarity said to only open it when the time is right. But when would that be? He put the question aside for the moment, turning his attention back to sorting his remaining gifts. Fluttershy’s feather went into his pen holder, while Pinkie’s rock he decided to keep on his desk and use as a paperweight. He was still wondering what to do with Applejack’s ribbon, Rainbow’s medal and all the old case evidence Trixie had given him when he suddenly noticed a round blue disk-shaped object in Gilda’s satchel.

Huh? What’s this? I don’t remember finding this during the investigation!

As he studied it, he started when the middle suddenly popped up into a blue top hat. “Ah!” He nearly dropped it, fumbling with it for a moment. His heart slowing back down, he studied it carefully—it was not just a top hat but a brand new silk magician’s hat, and the only pony he ever mentioned wanting one to was—

It was TRIXIE! She must have slipped it to me when she gave me back the trial evidence this MORNING! He shook his head in amazement, genuinely touched at the gesture. Oh, wait—there’s something inside of it? He reached inside the hat’s false bottom to pull out:

Phoenix felt his heart warm again as he held the picture. You know, maybe we did get through to her after all? He smiled. You’re welcome, Trixie. Best of luck with everything. You’re a good pony even if you don’t want anyone else to know it!

All that left was Twilight’s present. He pulled the ribbon on the small, formal-looking box to reveal… a single dark-blue-and-purple iris flower nestled in its satin folds, its stem clipped short and pedal colors brilliant, accompanied by another small rolled-up note:

“Come on, Nick! I’ve made us all reservations at the downtown steakhouse and there’s a limo waiting outside!” Maya stuck her head in, interrupting his suddenly brooding thoughts.

“Isn’t that place semi-formal attire? Are you going to get in there wearing a short skirt and open midriff?” He pointed at the outfit she’d been wearing, but Maya just gave an evil grin.

“Ha! If they complain, I’ll just show them these!” she flipped up her magenta shades to reveal her deep red eyes with an evil grin, delighting in his flinch. “Now put that pony stuff away and let’s get going! I’ve got a massive craving for red meat!”

Phoenix chuckled and realized that after two weeks of a vegetarian diet, he did too. “Let’s go, then,” he said, getting up to leave. He started to head for the door but paused and looked back at the iris Twilight had given him.

The stallion wears the flower to show he’s interested back, he repeated to himself, staring at the bloom as he held and turned it, remembering their kiss and time together with a wistful grin. But was it real, or…?

His heart told him the answer, bringing a smile to his face. Closing his eyes and nodding to himself, he reached his decision, placing the iris in his jacket lapel before leaving to join his friends.


Author's Note:

Chapter updated as part of a major editing pass and story overhaul on December 10, 2018.

From Leo—

Okay, we’re finally done with the story proper! Woo! No more fake-outs, no more splits. All that’s left is the epilogue, and then we’ll see action from Firesight’s end on his side story. Although… ‘side-story’ implies that it takes place at the same time as Turnabout Storm, but it’s in truth a bridge-fic; a fic that serves as a bridge of sorts between two other fics. In this case, his story will bridge Turnabout Storm and the sequel, Ace Attorney: Sonata for Two Worlds.

I’m aware there are some loose ends, such as that ethereal disturbance the Princesses picked up around Ponyville. Rest assured, those issues will be addressed, in time. I’m also aware that multiple people have asked me to elaborate on the bad ending I wrote for the contest NeoArtimus hosted (and if you don’t know who she is, why are you even reading this fanfic?!). After giving it much consideration, I’ve decided that I’ll begin work on that timeline shortly, probably around the same time Firesight begins posting his bridge-fic.

On another note, we have yet to receive any feedback regarding our side-story contest. No one has submitted any stories for consideration. Perhaps I should make an addendum to the rules: the story does not have to be complete at the time of submission. So, if you want us to consider your story, but it’s not finished yet, fear not! Send it in to either Firesight or myself, and we’ll take a look.

From Firesight—

One word—whew! It’s been a two-and-a-half year journey for me that’s coming to an end. When I started work on this, I never dreamed it would consume me as it did, first as editor and then as writer.

Looking back on this enormous project, there are definitely things I would change or do differently if I had to do it all over again. But in the end… no regrets, and no apologies. I set out to write something truly epic, and I believe I succeeded… with no little help from Raven, Leo Archon and TheGoldCrow, and of late prereaders AJ_Aficionado and KeybladePony. I made a promise to myself and to Raven that I would see this all the way through and I did. I’m proud of the results and honored by the popularity this story has gained.

To this point, I have not advertised my works outside of Turnabout Storm. But here at the end, I’m going to. I’m not a one-trick pony. For those of you who like my storytelling and are curious to know what else I’ve written, you are invited to check out Five Star Service. Mature story so I can’t directly link it, but the main character made a cameo appearance here as Delta Requiem’s assistant. :coolphoto: I have also written an adult anthropomorphic novel that was published last year. Information on that is here.

The first three chapters of the side story, tentatively titled The Lawyer and the Unicorn are ready and will be posted when the epilogue is released, hopefully in two weeks. You are hereby warned it will be mature! :pinkiegasp: Oh, and for those of you still looking for a couple scenes or characters… remember that we still have the epilogue to go. Certain things are being saved for last. :raritywink:

And finally, for those of you wondering what actually happened during the party… ain’t saying. :scootangel: It was deliberately written so anything or nothing could have happened, whatever you prefer. But if you really want to know... I promise to eventually tell the tale as a bonus chapter at the end of the side story. :rainbowwild:

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